Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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i -fid 4LX
I $1.00
xu. pot, si iot 'rioni iac aai. Ptrrt. ina. A-iai p
and $1.25 Best Quality Spot-Proof
Foulard Silks 59c a Yard
For th top-notch of dress elegance, no woman hns to be told of the dainty richness, charm
ing designs, superb finish of our spot-proof foulard silks. Monday we are going to close
out nil broken lines, from waist lengths to full dress patterns. They are what are left of
the same silks you have been buying this season. No cheap or trashy silks W
here, simply because they can be sold cheap. Fine choosing for those who Jr C
come early. Your choice, per yard
C. d. D. Call Summons Rascuer Hun
dred and Eighty Mile Away.
Arrival of Ship la Tim Make Pa
IM Removal of all tno r
wagrro roatliart oa
Ita Journey.
PCNTA tEL GADA, Atores, June H
Wireless telegraphy played a prominent
part In tha saving of the crew and pas
sengers of the Cunarder Slavonla, which
today la a total wreck two miles southwest
of Flores leland. The wireless feat of the
teamer Republic waa equalled If not ex
with the butt of revolver until uncon
I'lotia. The robber looted the afe of sev-
eral hundred dollar and rifled the pocket
of the men lying on the floor. The des
perado escaped.
Grave Rebates
Under Orders
of Superiors
W. C. Stith, Fined for Law Violation,
Shows Letter from High
Handsome Tailor-Made Skirts and Petti
coats to Your Special Measure.
Choose any material you like, we can fit you
perfectly and you'll have the height of comfort
and fashionable appearance, and skirt or petticoat
that shows more good taste than any other at any
thing nfar our prices. t
Silk Gloves
The klndi that people want are what we aim to
carry. A beautiful line Of "Niagara Maid" Silk
Gloves with embroidered tops.
Long Silk Qlovea with embroidered tops In
black, white and color. Per pair $2.00 and $3.00.
Short Silk Olovea with embroidered wrist" in
black, white and colors. Per pair $1.60.
Special Sale Linen Dress Patterns
Monday we will place on special sale nil our fine French Imported Linen Dress Pat
terns at just one-half price.
Three $8.50 Linen Dress Patterns, Monday's Sale
Price $3.23.
Three $8.00 Linen Dress Patterns, Monday's Sale
Price $4.00.
Four $10.00 Linen Dress Patterns, Monday's
Sale Price $5.00.
Four $12.00 Linen Dress Patterns, Monday's
Sale Price $6.00.
Special Sale of Crepes
All $1.50 French Crepe, Monday's Sale price
50c Colors pink, blue and lavender.
Special Sale Long Cloth
Economy rtasement.
One esse liVie English Long Cloth, Monday's Sale
Price S'iC per yard.
Novelty Lace Curtains Specially Priced.
See Howard Street Window. -
$3.75 Ecru Battenburg Lace Curtains, at $2.89
a pair.
$4.00 Cream Colored Scrim, at $2.98 a pair.
$8.00 White Cable Net with Battenburg corner,
at $3.00 a pair.
$3.00 White or Ecru Net with plain 3-lnch hem.
at $2.29 a pair.
$4.75 White Cotton Cluny Lace Curtains, at $3.25
a pair. '
$8.00 White Battenburg Lace Curtains, at $4.48
a pair.
Store Your Winter Clothes in a Moth and
Dust Proof Bag.
Our Cedared Wardrobe bags have no disagreeable
odor, yet are an absolute protection against Insects,
dampness or dust. The inside of the bags are pro
vided with hooks, from which clothing hangers allow
the garments to hang naturally, leaving them always
See them In our Howard street window.
BT. LOTI3, Mo., June It A Special from
Little Rock, Ark., says:
"Influential oltliene of St. Loul. headed
by Secretary of Commerce Nagel, have
filed a petition with President Taft asking
The steamer Prlnsees Irene was ISO mile tne remission of the I2-M0 fine assessed
away when the thrilling call "C. Q. D." a-ant Wilbur C. Stith. former general
was picked up. Immediately upon receipt ..1,h. traffic manager of the Mls.aurl
of the messag of dltre the operator p..,.,-., fnr rhi-
fla.hed back hla answer and learned the n Th, fm, wt, lmpolMN, by ju(...e Trl,
lOCBIlun UI me linCMIl amp. 1 u ri.M.WI. . - Wr Qmltl, h.rf .n..ra . !.. r
Irene then hastened at full speed to the I ... . ......
. . ai... guilty on one count of an Indictment
renoue ana every amn on Dora ins sjiv-
. . charging him with giving rebates to T. M.
. . ... . . ij-i.u. Bunch on shipments of grain. Mr. Stith
i wma Biiuriir nnuie iiiiuinpn. yi . i
Wedne.Hav. Ji.n. th.t the wireless dls- claimed that he Was only technically
tre. signal wa. received on board the " h nad ""ructions from hi. Irene. The operator an.wered Vtr officer to grant Mr. Bunch re-
and immediately got a message In reply
saying the Slavonla was ashore and where
and asking the Prltees Irene to oome to
Its assistance.
"This statement was dfnled by the offl
elals of the Iron Mountain, who claimed
that Mr. Stith violated positive Instructions
Trleber, Instructing him to allow the re
bates. These letters, It Is allege-l, will
show that Mr. Stith only acted upon in
structions of superior officers, and for
that reason tha president Is asked to remit
the fine.
Special Sale of Linen Finished Suitings.
White grounds with black or colored stripes, checks and dots, splendid washing material; does not
shrink. Regular 15c value on sale at per yard 10c. See Howard Street Window.
Comfortable rest
ing rooms, third
floor. Manicuring
in connection.
At this time the Primes. Irene was IM ,n '1,owln Mr" S',,h noW
tnllM blatant tmm tha Slavonla Its rlir I 11 1 '
. , . ,. . - i wnicn were recently suDmiiieri 10 juaue
was at once changed and It went ahead .. .. . ,,
full speed, fifteen knots an hour, to the
designated location, two miles southwest
of Flore Island
The Primes Irene arrived alongside the
Slavonla Thursday afternoon. It was ar
ranged that It should take on board the
cabin passengers of the Cunarder and work
to that end was at once begun. All Thurs
day night was taken up with the transfer
and the 110 passengers, men. women and
children, were on board by daylight. The
transfer w-es made without a single acci
dent. Friday morning thePrtnress Irene
left the Slavonla for Gibraltar.
In the meantime the wlre'ees calls for
help sent out by the Slavonla had been
heard by the Hamburg-American line
steamer Batavla. which also hastened to
the scene of the wreck. The Intermediate! PHILADELPHIA, July It The lives of
and steerage passengers of the Slavonla half a hundred girl high school graduates
were transfered without accident to that and a number of other persons were Im
vessel. I nerllled torts v when the nrrn nf the smell
There remained on board the Biavonia
only the members of Its crew, but accord
!.. . " th la..l InfftpmailAn TtU'Atrt1 hr
the shin's rnmnanv left the wreck and ' - "
went ashore on Friday morning. At that ne Delaware river. in. j-niiaueipnia
time the Slavonla was full of water and "re boat Ashbridge went to the rescue,
was a total wreck. taking all the passengers off the disabled
steamer. The Shearwater later sank. In
the excitement a little girl fell into the
river, but was rescued.
The Shearwater was backing out from
a wharf at Arch street for a trip to up
Fifty School Girls
Near Watery Grave
Cargo Shifts as Steamer Leaves Fort
and Fatalities Are Narrowly
A beer juet suited to quaff at home
a night-cap for the sociable evening
a refreshing draught for the late
supper a delightful glass to sip under
the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes
is a foaming, sparkling beverage for
the keen palate for th connoissieur.
Have a case delivered to your home.
Willow Springs Browing Co.
Offloe, 1407 Barney Bt, Brewery, M and BUckery.
raon Doug. isoe. lhons Don. 1S8S.
Trading Stamps
1.(0 ta Stamp H)
Slven with each two
oeen ease of msll
bottles, de- ntr
llvored In J I !)
iheclty for..."
3-00 In Stamps !
Slven with esch
oten ess of rrge
bottles, da- flit nr
livered In Jt-tD
th elty for..""""1'
Out of town cus
tomer add II II for
cas and bottle.
Thai Is Gentle and Cleanly
Painlessness In dentistry Is practicable, but It requires science, equip
nient. carefulne and innate sympathy. Given these, painlessness can he
attained In every case. We not only fill and crown teeth without pain, hut
even remove live nerves so easily and pslnlessly that the patient is frequently
smiling during the entire operation. "Killing s nerve," by the way, now only
occupies a few minutes; while the old methods takes days, always, and some
times weeks. Space Is too valuable to explain th details here, but we shall
be glsd to do so personally, without charge
NOTE Many patients ssk u why we do not appear In the papers dally.
Candidly we cannot afford It; o be unusually careful to not the address.
Sia-917 Board of Trad.
Both Fhonss.
lata and rarnam, 8. W.
United States Attorney Day Says He
Has Clear Case,
steamer -Shearwaters, on which they were
passengers, shifted, causing the vessel to
Victim, a Lawyer, I Arrested, Too,
nd Affair Causes Sensation
Thirty Arrest Are Made by
Mexican Official.
The . Prinzes Irene, which left June S,
Went out of port with a full pasenger list
and while tha aditlon of 110 passengers
from the Slavonla will crowd Its accom
modatlnn. the discomfort will not be for
long, a "it should reach Gibraltar Sunday rlv" J"'r P0,n, whn ,ne c,r becme
night or Monday morning.
displaced by bumping against the wharf.
The Batavla has better accommodations causing the vessel to list. The young
for Intermediate and steerage passengers women became panic-stricken and rushed
than has the Prinzess Irene, and this is for life preservers. To add to the excite
probably why the second and third class ment two carboys of acid broke, the fluid
Maine Villagers .
' Flee from Fire
Flames Continue to Spreads Through
Aroostook County, Destroying
Large Tracts of Timber.
HOl'LTON, Me., juna U fires continue
to sweep through th timber In Aroostook
county and are destroying large tracts of
valuable timber.
The town of Presque Isle, which suffered
a heavy loss by flra on Monday, was again
lertously threatened and th man of the
town worked throughout the night to hold
back the flames from tha village. Early
today the town was cut off from telephone
or telegraphic communication.
The Inhabitants of other threatened vil
lages were alert today to prevent the fues
from attacking outlying mills and houses.
Over a territory of 100 square miles In
northern Aristook oounty there Is a fire
front of twenty miles, extending back in
some places five miles. This area, how
ever, Is considerably broken by large sec
tlona of untouched land which have es
caped the flames.
CAMPBEL.LTON, N. B., June 11. Driven
from their homes by a forest fire, ninety
refugees arrived here tonight, destitute,
footsore and half famished. They made
up tha ntlr population of a vlllag on the
line of the International railway known
as Coulllafd A Oulmont's lumber mills.
Few of the party of tnen, women and chil
dren saved anything except the clothes
they wore.
. . Death from .Blood Poison
was prevented by G. .W. Cloyd, Plunk.
Mo., who healed his dangerous wound with
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 25c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
V Aberdeen Man Cremated.
ABKRDKEN. S. D., June 12. Tom Hes
ter, aged 30. living near here, was burned
to death and his wife and daughter se
riously burned by the explosion of a gaso
line stove this morning.
Quick Action for Your Money You get
that by using The Bee advertising columns.
little necessary comiorts
"Joy producers" for the modern
-kid's vacation
of course, "kid" sounds rather "Slangy," but then what other
word expresses it so thoroughly! Now YOU wouldn't be heart
lesa enough to deprive YOUR kid of a barrel of fun in the shape of
an Indian, rough rider, base ball or romper suit, would you?
Course you wouldn't you were once a "kid" yourself, weren't
you! ,
-boys nd Girls'
at 50c
pasengers were transferred to the Ham
burg-American ilner.
running down Into the engine room, forc
ing the engineer to leave his post without
shutting off the steam, i
Alleged Polrics
Letters Admitted
States Attorney Makes No Objection,
but Will Question Their
Floor Collapses,
Four Are Killed
in Detroit Factory
Five Stories of Big Building Fall and
Fire Has Added to the
DETROIT, Mich., June 12.-A floor at
the plant of the Peninsular Stove works on
West Fort street has caved In and It Is re
ported that several men are killed.
.Later reports are that four persons were to the introduction as evidence of letters
killed and a number Injured. Fire has fol- purporting to have been sent the girl's
lowed tha collapse of th floor. parents shortly after her arrival at the
The storehouse was a six-story building Kaufmann home. However, the state an-
and five of th stories collapsed from the nounctd It would question who composed
weight of the stoves which filled them. them, evidently expecting to claim Mrs,
Th. flra was soon brouaht under control Kaufmann had something to do with the
and a search for victims In the ruins com- wilting of them. In them Anes declared:
. "i could not nave a better place man
Th. 1ww4l. nf thrM wnrkmen have ht.n have HOW,"
a i. .v.-. . i. such a good mistress, dear mother.
. ,k mina lady couldn t be better to me,
Th. hulMIn thlrtv.twn veors aM en ' wer my mother."
u.j , jt u.. .u- She also stated that her
a)U u X- is vt sv4 a J blia m fcv w w win ymmtij w rr
FLANDHEAU, S. n June 12.-(Special
Telegram.) The state caused something of
a surprise In the trial of Mrs. Moses Kauf
mann for the murder of her servant Agnes
Polries today, when It made no objection
combat the claim of the defense that death
With nn lrnfllff .h. Inn
nor sava wav. Each lower floor sank
In l,,.n ,,njLr Ih. hiir.n nt f llln iln... Attorneys TOr Mr!
and debris.
Boll Expert from Agrlenlt aral De
partment Will Attend Yankton
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, June U -(Special Tele
gram.) Senator Oambl today was advised
Suits $1
-va th kids' grandpa's
y wlU brlghtea at th
Snsre maatlon of pisrisf
-Indian." W pUyed It
4 whaa wa war tots, bat ta
S those days w ooalda't get
a aomplat "Xaaian" suit
(or Vow, w sU for f 1
t a akt and troasara of
atoa strong; red amilna,
V anA a war boaaat, all oot-
arad with r (ring tenth-
era and other Indian Ilk
ST t Ulna-a-ma-Jigs. The may
ar he had In stssa to IS and
h will let loo a thonoaad
"whoops I" If bought for
4 your nrgs14 joangstar.
I let s play
I 'Indian;
little "nxnpiri" for
little hoys and girls
of a to 10 year of
age. Mad of aerrloe
abla bin ohanthray
full length so as ta
proteot the an and
stockings. Thn, too,
w hay at th sam
prlo a lln of fin
sarerUd bin cnam
hray romper In th
bloonxar" style.
that Dr. W. J. McOe of th Agricultural from e,ctrocutlon last evening. He
department had aocepteu an invitation ex- WM piyng on the atreet and saw whs
tended to him by tha Missouri River xsavl- h, thought was a rope. He caught hold
gation congress, which will hold its second 0f it and It proved to be a llv electric
annual convention at Yankton, 8. D., July nsnt wre, which had somehow loosened
and . Dr. MoOee Is one of th expert from th pole and sagged to the ground.
of the soil division of the Agricultural de- A neighbor, Mrs. Lou Rpencer, saw the
partment and his add re will deal with re- boy fall and ran to his assistance and sue-
suits of Investigations made by experts of ceeded In getting him away from th wire,
th department, relative to soil conditions but was herself fastened to it. A man
base ball
suits at $1
where la th hoy; who
woaldnt do without a
mal or two to pnrtlol
pata La a beeo ball gam
with tha "teller."
W sell complete has
ball salts of (ry flan
nel for $1. The anit la
dualng a shirt, cap, belt,
and padded bloomer.
Vaes way be had In
rises rs aging from to
IS years ynr sad are of
antra , fin taallty
shoald not ho confuaad
with Incomplete eat! it
sometime offer.
1 1 i-nr
.saw- T1 w wj
Boys' Blouses
at 50c S
ad 4?
- ?
ad V
In W
ths In America's finest and
best known make. A oomprehe:
sir assortment In dark bine
kehambrays. tan Khaki waea an
yln blacks. Agea 4 to IS year la
ansa most saitabi for a romoa
lug kid's" Taoatlon.
r m 1
iia-oi7 Doutflas Street Omaha-Neb.
-rough Rider
Suits at $1
th bring oat tho military"
spirit If anything will. Jaekat
ahonldar straps of rod and trona-
er piped in red down th side,
star b had In age 4 to IS years
and will man
with th hoys.
Kaufmann also
produced evidence to show that M
Kaufmann bought two pairs of shoes for
the girl In ths last year of her life.
Court adjourned at noon until Monday,
It being expected It will require two more
Jays to present the defense and another
day for rebuttal by the state.
Boy Almost Bletrocnted.
HOT SPRINGS, 8. D., Jun 11 (Special.)
The 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs,
Joseph Lessard, jr.. had a very narrow
calculations, It Is said, but the stringent
rules of sanitation forced iy the city ad
ministration. The price of eggs, butter
lard and other Ingredients of bakery good!
has been steadily advancing for years,
without dealers making any corresponding
CLEVELAND, O., June 11 I believe that
we have the right men and that through
them we may be able to break up the so-
called Black Hand society which has been
preying upon the wealthy Italians in the
central states." said Vnlted States Attor
ney William Day today at the close of a
conference with postal Inspectors.
The conference was the result of the
ten arrests that have been made In various
parts of the state this week. The men
taken into custody are believed by the
federal officials to be the leaders of th
blackmailers In Ohio, Pennsylvania, West
Virginia, Indiana and Illinois. The prosecu
tions will be conducted by Attorney Day
The postoffloe Inspectors turned .over 10
Attorney Day scores of letterr found In
the possession of Sam Lima, on of th
Marion, O., suspects.
'These letters," said he today, "lead me
to believe there Is an actual organisation
among Italian blackmailers, with Its head
quarters at Marlon and that It had
branches reaching as tar aa Rochester,
N. T. ; Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg.
Cincinnati, Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus,
Indianapolis and Chicago, with minor
agencies In the smaller Intervening cltlos.
Mr. Day said the letters would lead to
other arrests.
DIark Hand In Mexico.
MONTEREY, Mxlco, Jun 12. Investi
gation by the police of the bomb-throwing
of a few days ago leads them to believe
that the Black Hand was concerned in
the affair and mora than thirty arrests
have been made. Following the arrest of
Juan Ferrlne, who threw th bomb into
the law office of Leon Floras, Flores him
self has been arrested and is held incom
municado in Jail. The affair has created
a sensation.
Mr. Georae W. Fairfield.
P LA TT8 MOUTH. Neb., June 12-tSpe
elal.) The body of Mr. George W. Fair
field, who passed away In the home of her
daughter In Omaha, arrived In this city
Saturday and was burled In Oak Hill ceme
tery. Sarah J. McMaken, was horn near
Mlddleton, O., on December 17, 1K27, and
with her husband came to this city in 1S56,
where they resided for many years. Two
sons and one daughter, Mrs. Susan Tabor
of Omaha, survive her, and two brothers,
A. C. McMaken of Atchison, Kan., and
Colonel II. C. McMaken of this city, and
one sister, Mrs. Laura S. Sprague of Buf
falo Uap, 8. D.
Theodore Williamson.
Theodore Williamson, who lived In
Omaha In the '90s, later returning to his
native state Ohio died at Columbus, O.,
at the age of U. He was well known to a
good many of Omaha's older residents, and
was the father of Charles E. Williamson.
Tha latter went east to attend the funeral.
Chicago Bakers
Boost Up Prices
Bread Stayi at Present Figure, but
Bolls, Cakes and Other
Things Rise.
CHICAGO, June W.-Chlcago bakers, be-
llevlng, they say, tha high price of flour
of th present season has come to stay,
today officially announced an advance In
prices beginning Monday, The price of
bread Is untouched, but rolls, cakes, cook
ies, doughnuts and other products that
have sold at 10 cents will be sold at 11
Not only tha price of flour figurea In the
The Weather.
WASHINGTON', June 12-Forecast ot
the weathor for Sunday and Mondayt
For Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming,
Montana and Kansas Generall fulr run
day and Monday.
For Iowa Loral showers Sunday; Mon
day partly cloudy.
For Missouri Partly cloudy Sunday
warmer In east portion; Monday fair.
Fot South Dakota Local showers Sun
day, Monday fair.
Temperatures at Omaha yesterday:
6 a. m
( a. m
? a. m
( a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
i p. m
4 p. m
6 p. m
6 p. m
1 p. m
HOT .il
Local Record.
OMAHA. June 12 Official record ot tern
peiature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last thr
year: 1009. ISO, 19OT. 1900.
Maximum temperature ..74 HI 80 7A
Minimum temperature ... 60 60 68 M
Mean temperature 67 70 69 66
Precipitation 14 .08 .88 .00
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal at Omaha sine March 1
and compared with th last two year:
Normal temperature Tl
Deficiency for the day . 4
Deficiency sine March 1, 1909 234
Normal precipitation 18 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 S. 64 Inches
Deficiency since March 1. 190. .116 inch
F.acas for oor. period. 1908 8.05 Inohe
Deficiency for cor. period 1907. ...4. 77 Inch
and what has been learned aa to erosion In
th upper Missouri, its causes, effects and
Us possible remedy.
The senate today confirmed th nomina
tion of William S. McLaln of Fresno, g. D.,
to be register of the land offioe at Belle
Fourche, a newly created office.
8. R. Mile of Mason City, la., chair-
jman of the special committee of the Na
tional Retail Hardware Dealer associa
tion, arrived In Washington today, and wlht
number of others of the special commit
e on Monday will call upon President
Taft to protest against the enactment of
any law creating a parcels post.
South Dakota postmasters appointed
Bullhead, Boreman county, George M.
Comstock, vice Jennie Smith, resigned.
Harding Grove. Stanley county, William H.
Crowley, vice A. C. Robinson, resigned.
Rural carriers appointed for South Da
kota:. Bradley, route No. 1, William H.
George, carrier, John W. Lenhart, substi
tute. Ramona, rout No. 2, Herbert Corry,
carrier, no substitute. Tyndall, rout No.
1 Harry L. Brenford, carrier, E. J. Trot
ter, ubtltut.
appeared upon the acone and with an ax
severed the wire before th (hock proved
fatal to her. Both the boy and the woman
mere for a time In rather a serious con
dition, but are recovering.
Steamer MrPherann nt Pierre.
PIKIlRE. S. D., June 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Th government boat, McPherson,
with Captain Schuls as a passenger
stopped here a short time this morning
looking over proposed Improvement at
Pierre and Fort Pierre, and has gone on
down the river examining the different lo
cations at which work will be done. The
river Is yet rising here, having come up
about a foot In the last twenty-four hours.
Always Ready to Sena
Always Delicious and Picas) nf
Post Toast ies
Three Manned Bandit Bent Two
Victims with Bntt of Their
WINONA. Minn., June 11. The Chicago at
Northwestern railroad station at New Ulm
was beld up and robbed today by three
masked men and Conductor A. E. Hutchin
son and Night Operator W. H. Winter
who were alone In th station, falling to
-omply quickly enough with the demand to
turn over th siaUea money, were beaten.
Lead Mnn Commit Salrlde.
LEAD, S. D., Jun 11 I Special.) Emer
son Powers, aged 40, cut hla throat with a
rator and died thirty minute later at
Dead wood. Despondency over business
losses was the cause. He has a family In
ril ME ..
PI YMOt'TH ...
J tlllkM
.St. Paul
, Cincinnati.
. Kroonlan.
. Florida.
. Cadrtc.
. Minnaeaaka.
. Ccluir.bia
. Vanarlu4.
. Arabic.
. St. Lou la
. gottaraam
. Calrdonia
. Mtnnaapolla.
. Saranian
. i'ai4oQ!aa.
. Numidla
. Romanic.
. rarpathia.
Ad KourKbon
Rm t ft
p ,lUutltn 1
A delight and a con
venience for every house
bold. Charms children and
grown-ups morning, noon
and night.
"The Tav.te Liners"
Hold by Grocers.
Popular pkf-. 10c.
Irge Family sine, 15c.
Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd.,
Battle Creek, Mich.