Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha
F-r Nebraska - -tieneiallv f!r.
For 1oiMtUnl jliowers
For weather iTp'tl see pase -
Radium and Sago Flour, Too, Are
Placed in Undatable Li it
by Aldrich.
Overman of North Carolina Says Bill
it Work of Iniquity.
"Progressives" Make Stand for One
Duty Against Committee.
ftrnntor Monrr Saye Ha Haa Them
Kree Art tmriliiifit la Opposed,
liut I Adopted Storjr of
the Dir.
WASHINGTON. Juna It Having com
pleted consideration of Items of the tariff
hill that hart been passed over under ob
jections by senator during Its second read
Ing, the adjournment of the senate today
marked an Important period In the progress
of the measure through the senate. When
the bill Is again taken up It will be upon
Its third reading for the final disposition
of Items upon which the most pronounced
objections have been made.
On completing; the second reading of the
bill today, a number of Items In the free
list were disposed of. Works of art over
twenty years old and collections Illustrating
the progress of the arta over 100 years old
which were placed In the free list by the
committee on finance, were retained there
after an int resting; debate by a vote of
53 to IB.
Art Cornea In Free.
A fight was made on this amendment on
the ground that It would allow wealthy
men to decorate their homes with European
oil paintings and other artistic products of
the aid world without payment of duty and
that It would permit the entry Into this
country of many art collections now stored
abroad without any benefit to the revenues
of the government. The amendment was
defended by both republicans and demo
crats on the ground that Its result would
be both educational and refining, and that
the works of art of the age Indicated could
not come Into competition with the products
of American painters and sculptors. This
will permit the great art collection made
by J. Pierpont Morgan at an expenditure
of many millions of dollars and now stored
In London to bo brought here.
Consideration of the free list of the tariff
bill was resumed by the senate after a speech
by Senator Overman, who characterised the
Payne-Aldrlch bill as one of the moat
Iniquitous tariff bills ever passed by con
gress, if It is passed. Mr. Overman favored
Senator Bailey's Income tax amendment
and declared he would offer an amendment
for a head tax on Immigrants and an
amendment empowering the president to
abrogate the collection of duties on articles
e'frTlar To those manufactured by a cor
potation which controls 60 per cent of the
American output and which offers Ita goods
for aile In foreign countries at lower prices
than In the United States.
After Senator Overman had concluded
his speech the senate resumed its considera
tlon of the free list of the tariff bill. The
paragraph relating to crude potash, potash
.ai Donate and caustic potash was agreed
to, Senator Clark of Wyoming reserving
peimUston to offer further amendment
to the paragraph if he should desire to
do so.
Itndtam u Free List.
fpon motion of Mr. Aldrich, radium was
placed upon the free list. A committee
amendment placing yarns on the free list
was also adopted.
Senator Nelson led an effort on the part
of ome of the progressive" republicans
iiiiiv nn uin rinur. which la now on
' the free list. Their purpose waa to protect
the potato Industries. Senator Nelson de
clared that sago flour comes Into competi
tion with starch made from potatoes and
lrom corn.
This attempt to revise the tariff up
ward is not Justified." said Mr. Aldrich
who added that It had been shown that
there was a combination in the starch In
Whether there Is a starch truet or not
1 do not know," aald Mr. Nelaon, who
proceeded to tell of a aactlon of Minnesota
which was productive of fine potatoea and
not productive of much else.
Senator Cummins defended the plan for
a duty on this product and Mr. Nelson
declared that It waa another case In which
the New England cotton manufacturers
cams In contact with the farmer In their
desire for a free material to use In their
Tha tide of events waa turned when
Senatora Frye and Burrowa. who have
starch Industries In their states, met the
objection of Mr. Aldrich that thla article
was used for feed, by offering an amend
ment pluctng tapioca and sago flour on
trie free list, "when used for food," so
thut when used In competition with starch
It would pay a duty of 1 cent a pound
or of 20 per cent ad valorem. The com
promise waa accepted by tha finance com
"Sheep dip, not Including compounds or
preparations that can be used for other
purposes," now on the free Hat waa
amended by the addition of tha words
"than that of a disinfectant, antiseptic or
Ckamri Agreed Vpon.
Tha republican members of the senate
committee on finance met today and
heard a number of paragrapha In the
tariff bill, on which no agreement had
been reached before the bill waa reported.
It waa agreed that a rata of three-eighths
of a vent should be recommended on
beams and structural ateel valued at less
than 111 a ton, and four-tenths of a cant
when valued at mora than 111; S cents
a pound Instead of t centa on boraclc
acid. 11.10 a -ton on barytee, the same
aa fixed by tha house, and that no change
from tha house rata would be made In
sulphate of ammonia.
Many other paragrapha were consld
arad. and an agreement reached to make
no 'change from tha form In which
tha bill waa reported. It waa decided to
plaoe a duty of 16 per cent ad valorem
On hides, tha same as la now collected
under tha Dlngley law. Tha glass ached
ula was considered and no change was
mad 01 plate glass, but tha McCumber
amendment, materially reducing tha ratea
t on common window glass, probably will
be adopted. Thla question will be eon
sldered further by Senatora "moot and
McCumber tomorrow.
Another meeting of the committee will
be held at I o'clock tomorrow. Coal, oil,
lumber, wood pulp, and print paper will
s taken up at these sessions.
Earth Fill at
Pathfinder Dam
Source of Danger
If Pile of Dirt Gbes Out Floods Might
Sweep Down Platte River
DOUGLAS, Wyo., June 12. (Special.) It
haa been learned that although the mas
onry dam at the Pathfinder reservoir on
tha Sweetwater river Is In no danger and
will probably stand until the end of time,
there la an earth fill on one side of the
great pile of maaonry that may go out,
and If It doea, then the Platte valley will
be flooded and the towns of Casper, Doug-
i and many valuable ranches will be In
This earth fill Is at the mouth of a canon
running out from the big reservoir. Eighty
feet of water twenty miles long Is pressing
against this earth barrier and the water
Is rising at the rate of eighteen inches
per day. Should the earth bank go out
this large volume of water will be emp
tied Into the canon, which In turn empties
Into the Platte river, and this big stream
already overflowing Its banks In many
places, could not carry the flood. The
valley In many places Is narrow and at
these placea the flood would be deep and
aufftclently ewlft to carry everything be
fore It. Casper and Douglas lie directly In
the path of this threatened danger, and
warned, as they are now, the people would
not have time to get to places of safety
should this earth embankment give way.
Prof. F. H. Newell, head of the reclama
tion service, and a number of celebrated
engineers have Just returned from
visit to the big Irrigation pro
ject and report a harrowing ex
perience, being nearly drowned In the
great inland lake. Prof Newell, with sev
eral companions, set out In a naphtha
launch on a trip from the dam to the In
take, a distance of twenty mllns, and
while near the center of the lake they
were overtaken by a storm. They were
pelted with hall and their frail craft all
but capslsed by the heavy "seas" which
beat against it. To make matters worse
the engine failed at the critical moment,
and, to repeat Prof. Newell's statement,
the were "marooned" on the lake.
The engineers found the big dam to be
In first class shape, and the huge lake
rapidly filling with water. They had noth
ing to say regarding the earth fill at the
mouth of the gorge to one side of the big
CASPER, Wyo., June 12. (Special.)
Reports from the Bates' Hole country state
that Irrigation works have been washed
away, meadows inundated ah . ranch prop
erty damaged. No lives have been lost.
Many small dams, bridges and headgates
were' carried awafy and the loss cannot
be estimated.
Union Pacific
Will Use Hill
Line on Coast
Will Run Over Northern Pacific to
Tacoma and Then Over St.
Paul to Seattle.
ST. PAUL, June 12. It was officially an
nounced today that arrangements have
been completed by the officers of the
Northern Pacific and the Union Pacific
railroads under which the Union Pacific
will use the property of the Northern Pa
cific from the south bank of tha Columbia
river to Tacoma, Wash., at which point a
connection will be made by the Union Par
ciflc with the new line built by tha Chi
cago, Milwaukee it St. Paul railroad be
tween Tacoma and Seattle. The arrange
ments were made by President Howard
Elliott of tha Northern Pacific with E. H.
Harrlman just before the latter sailed for
Under this arrangement tha Union Pacific
will be enabled to run through trains be
tween Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.
Similar arrangements have been made by
the Great Northern will have the same
rights between Seattle and Portland and
will be enabled to run Its own trains be
tween those point.
Tha Union Pacific and Northern Pacific
also Jointly will use the line from Grange
ville, Ida., via Lewlston to Rlparla, Wash.
Bloax City Man Choeea President of
Iowa Division of the Order at
Fort Dodge.
FORT DODGE, la., June 11 (Special
Telegram.) A. A. Lutxe of Sioux City waa
elected grand president of the Sons of
Herman thla morning. W. Wlets of Maple
ton a! sumee tha office of past grand presi
dent, exchanging titles with Luts. Other
officers are: Vice grand prealdent, Isa
Kramer, Council Bluffs; second vice grand
president. T. J. Thompson, Davenport;
grand secretary and organiser, Carl Meyer,
Sioux City; grand treasurer, Frank Naaron,
Sioux City; delegate to Denver to national
grand lodge, A. A. Lutse and William
Wlets. Tha next meeting place Is undecided.
Sailors May Be Smothering
in Russian Submarine Boat
6EBA8TOPOL. June IS. Hope, although
It is slight, is entertained that the twenty
men who went down in the Russian sub
marine Kambala, which was sunk in col
lision with the battleship Koatlslav during
maneuvers last night, are still alive. Des
perate efforts arc being made by the offi
cers and men of the Black See fleet, with
tha assistance of divers and salvage work
men from Sebaalol, to raise the subma
rine before the Imprisoned men auccumb
to the vitiated air.
Admiral Host rem, commander of the
naval forces In the Black aea, haa taken
charge of tha pontoons, one of which Is
equipped with a powerful hoisting crane,
assembled at tha acene of the catastrophe.
All through the afternoon divers and tech
nlchlans were buay In an endeavor to
faaten chalna around tha hull, which Ilea
In an awkward position about twenty
eight fathoma down. In order to haul it
ta the surface. So far their efforts have
not been successful, but reports reaching
shore Indicate that there is a good chance
of raising lue boat. Apparently the sub
15 U. ail ENDS
Baron Takahira Delivers Address on
"Commercial Invasion'' of
Situation as it is, He Declares, Cannot
Be Avoided.
Sent Perry Expedition There', and
Opened Ports to the World.
Speech Is Delivered at t'nlverelty of
Mlchlsran Mlsrhlevoaa Stories,
He Saya No Longer Deceive
or Do Any Harm.
ANN ARBOR. June 12. Baron Kogoro
Takahira. Japanese ambassador, In an ad
dress at the University of Michigan today
discussed the so-called commercial inva
sion of America, declaring It Impossible
to avoid commercial rivalry, which, he
said, Is simply an outcome of the develop
ment of International relations.
"The only way to meet such a situation
Is, as it seems to me, to conduct such
rivalry In a friendly and right spirit," said
"While our trade has been so rapidly
Increasing," suld Ambassador Takahira. "I
hear some times rather harsh complaint
against Japan for starting cotton mills and
cigarette manufacturing establishments,
and no longer Importing piece goods or
manufactured tobacco, which we used to
buy from this country; but It must be
borne In mind that In making cotton goods
and cigarettes In our own establishments
we are buying raw cotton and tobacco
leavea from the United States.
Rivalry Is t'na voidable.
"I also hear some heartrending reports to
the effect that since Japanese merchants
bciame energetic certain American houses
have been losing their business in the far
et stern trade. Painful aa Is that report, I
cannot help conceding that In this age of
rapid communication and transportation,
v hlch Is no doubt a great agency to facili
tate the progress of civilization. It Is Im
possible to avoid commercial rivalry, which
le simply an outcome of the development
of International relations."
"The total amount of Japanese trade has
been steadily and largely Increasing," said
the speaker. "When there Is such a large
increase In the total I venture to think wa
have to satisfy ourselves with It, In view
of the national Importance Involved tn It,
even If there are a few articles or some
houses that have to lose their business
from the changed conditions. - .
"The United Statea opened Japan to for
eign commerce by sending there tha fam
ous Perry expedition some half century
ago and helped her rise to the less mod
est position of the present day. The Un
ited States organised the Philippine
Islands, In late years, by Introducing an
Improved system of government and se
curing a permanent peace for the Inhab
itants. These friendly and humane
achievements, together with many other
noble and generous actions taken towards
the far eastern countries by your govern
ment, have most unreservedly endeared
the Americans to the peoples of these
New Era la Comlag.
"All these circumstances taken together
Into consideration, I doubt not your parti
cipation in the coming exposition of the
arts of peace In Japan will tend to create
a new era for the commercial development
of the two borders of the Pacific and to
form the strongest ties between the Amer
ican and the Asiatic people for their
mutual friendship and common lntereat
with every prospect of beneficial results
to the general welfare of mankind at
The ambassador said the unpleasant, un
thinkable stories, which were propagated
In some quartan In recent years enlarging
upon unfortunate conditions in tha west,
have entirely disappeared before making
much mischief.
"There can be no stronger evidence to
prove the genuine friendship of the Un
ited States and Japan than the several
compacts existing between the two coun
tries In the course of the last two years."
In the course of hla addresB the speaker
"There haa been nothing which proved
to have more effectively contributed to
tha progress of Japan than the sympathetic
efforts and conscientious services rendered
by the American educators In introducing
Into my country the modern method of
education and also In Instructing my coun
trymen who came to this country to study
In your schools. I am only echoing the
sentiment of the Japanese nation when
I say that we owe a great debt of grati
tude to the University of Michigan for the
education of our young men."
marine waa not crushed, aa had been
The submarine flotilla was conducting a
series of night maneuvera against tha bat
tleship squadron with tha Idea of forcing
an entrance Into the harbor. During the
operations the Kambala, upon which was
Captain Bielekoft, tha commander of the
flotilla and in charge of tha maneuvera,
unaccountably left its course and awung
acrosa tha bowa of the battleship Roatlalav.
The two vessels collided and the sub
marine sank Instantly In twenty-eight
fathoms of water. The commander of the
submarine, Lieutenant Aqullonoff, was on
deck at the time of the accident He swam
away and was saved, but Csptaln Blele
koff. Midshipman Tusckoff, a warrant of
ficer and seventeen members of tha crew
The Kambala tha word in English
means Flouuder waa of IBS tons and con
structed on the German type- The flotilla
In the Black sea consisted of four Ger
man and one Holland submarines. An
attempt will be made to raise the Kara
half '
News Note: The Latest Millinery Fad la to Trim Hats with Flowers
From the Washington Sunday Star.
Mrs. Ruiz's Suicide Attributed to In
fatuation for A. Q. Vanderbilt.
Papers Ventilate Allenced Details and
Vanderbilt Dlsappeara Belated
Report Given of Testimony
Brought Oat at Inquest.
LONDON, June 12. Several Sunday
papers print long accounts of what they
call the mysterious case of Mary Agnes
Hull, who committed suicide In the city
on May IS. They lay particular stress on
the suppression of news of the Inquest and
her relations with an American multi
millionaire. Lloyds Weekly News at
tributes tha woman's suicide to her "made
infatuation for A. G. Vanderbilt" and
charges that the English reporters present
at the Inquest were bribed to refrain from
mentioning the case.
The verdict of the coroner's Jury was:
"Suicide, while of unsound mind."
Charles F. Williamson of Paris, who
settled the affairs and paid a large staff
at Mrs. Rulx's Grosvenor street estab
lishment was the first witness at the In
quest. He Identified the body and testi
fied that he had acted as her agent. She
was the wife of a wealthy Cuban from
whom she had separated. Lately, he said,
she had been in ill-health and depressed
and had declared that she was tired of
Her Companion's Story.
MIhb Elisabeth Caney, who was the
companion of Mrs. Ruls since last Janu
ary, testified that .Mrs. Ruiz had been
very depressed at times and took the
tabloids for Insomnia. She kept a re
volver, according to the witness, who
further stated that her mistress was
looking very ill on the evening of May
16. Mls3 Caney declared that she had
no Idea that Mrs. Ruiz had shot herself
until the doctor, whom she summoned,
Dr. J. B. Sutton, who was the physi
cian called, testified that he found that
Mrs. Ruts had been shot in the breast.
A revolver, with one empty chamber,
waa lying on the bed. Servants testi
fied that they they heard no shot. There
waa no doubt whatever that the case one
of suicide.
Mr. Vanderbilt Dlsappeara.
Alfred O. Vanderbilt cannot be found
In London. He has not appeared at the
horseshow since the evening papers .first
mentioned the suicide on Thursday.
Brother Leaves for London.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. June 12. Charles L.
O'Brien, brother of Mrs. Mary Agnes
O'Brien Ruia. Is In New York and will
go on to London to Inquire into her
death. He has been In consultation In
New York with Edward Hymen, attor
ney for Mrs. Ruiz. To Edward Lynch,
a' fireman, O'Brien said his sister had
committed suicide in London and would
be buried there.
Auto Misses Bridge,
Two Are Drowned
Man and Woman Are Pinioned
Under Machine in Deep
8T. LOUIS, June 12 A special to the
Poet-DUpatch from Blcomirgton, HI., says
that Miss Abbel Leavltt and Oscar Wahl
were drowned tarly today when an auto
mobile In which they were tiding fell from
a bridge into a creek near San Jose, Maon
county. Thvy wrt pinioned under the
Government at Colon ghats Down aa
Three Drawlati a Night.
NEW ORLEANS, La.. Juna 11. A spe
cial from Colon says: A body blow has
been delivered to the Chinese lottery. An
official decree has been Issued limiting Its
operations to one drawing a week and
that on Sundays. At the present there are
three drawings nightly. The fact that the
government haa finally taken a hand In
tha matter ia considered by many to pre
sage tha ultimata abolition of the lottery.
Senator Dietrich
Will Wed with
Daughter's Chum
Miss Margaretta Shaw Stewart
Philadelphia to Be the
HASTINGS, Neb., June 12 (Special Tele
gram.) MrB. William Shaw Stewart, of
Philadelphia, has announced the engage
ment of her daughter. Miss Margaretta
Shaw Stewart, and former Senator C. H.
Dietrich. Mias Stewart and the senator's
daughter, now Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith,
were classmates at Bryn Mawr. Since her
graduation, Miss Stewart has been artlve
In charity and literary work in Philadel
phia. Kansan Finds
Harvester Trust
Special Commissioner in Ouster Case
Holds Merger Controls Retail
and Wholesale Prices.
TOPEKA, Kan., June 12 State Sen
ator H. W. Gauze, who was appointed by
the supreme court as special commis
sioner to hear evidence in the case of the
state to oust the International Harvester
company from the state, filed his report
today. He reports that the harvester
company Is a trust. He holds that the
effect of the harvester merger has been
to regulate and control the retail and
wholesale prices of harvesting machines
in Kansas.
Senator Gauze holds that the com
pany is not liable for the $60,000 charter
fees claimed by the state.
Harriman's Illness
is Not Critical
Railroad Magnate's Physician Says
Only Trouble is Muscular
NEW YORK, 'June 12.-Dr. W. O. Lyl.
who Is E. H. Haariman's physician, said,
today that Mr. Harrlman wrs not criti
cally 111 In Europe with an organic trouble,
as has been reported. Mr. Harriman's only
Illness was muscular rheumatism, the phy
stclan said. He had advised Mr. Harrlman
to consult an eminent Vienna specialist.
Dr. Lyle said, and Mr. Harrlman might
afterwards take the baths at some German
resort. Mr. Harrlman is, at present visiting
James Still man In Paris.
Japanese Strikers Will Be
Tried for Inciting Trouble
HONOLULU. July 12. Seventeen Japan
ese leaders in the strike of tha Japanese
plantation laborers, of whom about 8.000
are out were indicted by the grand Jury
today, on charges of having conspired to
incite disorder in the Hawaiian Islands.
Thla action followed' disclosures yester
day, when an official search of offices of
the "Higher Wage association" and the
Japanese newspaper " J I Jl" revealed al
leged Incendiary letters and other corres
pondence apparently tending to show that
a conspiracy was In prospective forma
tion among certain Japanese to wrest con
trol of the Island' affairs from the whites.
So Important did the authorities regard
the discovery of what appeared to be a
plot that the grand Jury was summoned
hastily and documentary evidence seised in
tha raids was laid before the body. This
resulted In the Indlctmenta
The investigation and hearing of evi
dence was not completed and the grand
Jury decided to resume Ita Inquiry tomor
row (Sunday). Among the correspondence
between strikers and soma of their lead
era seised by tha officers ia their search
Fresh from the Garden.
Mike Maloney Admits Killing W. D,
Toney and J. Gooden.
Bodies round In Well on Ranch Near
Kadoka, S. D. Robbery Is Mo-'
live of the Double
KADOKA, S. D.. June 12. Mike Maloney,
who was arrested Friday evening at Cot
tonwood by Marshal Wlltfang of Kadoka,
confessed today to having murdered W. D.
Toney and J. Gooden of Sioux City,
whore bodies were found in a well on the
McNally lanch Friday morning. Maloney
said he killed one man with an ax and
the other with a club, and the condition
of the skulls of the murdered men bears
out thla statement. Robbery was the
motive for the crime. The prisoner will
be taken to Fort Pierre and placed in the
county Jail.
Maloney registered at the hotel at Sioux
City, May 28, aa Mike McCann of Kansas
City. He was tn the employ off Toney
and Gooden, who were running a break
ina outfit.
Maloney raised the bank book of Gooden
which showed a balance of $fiOO to S,000.
On the strength of this he succeeded in
doing a land office . business at Cotton
wood before his capture Issuing "bogus"
checks In payment. He bought 240 acres
of land, a store building and a harness
shop, besides making many minor pur
Whole City Rejoices Over Re-Kstab-llahment
of Service After
Klfty Yeare.
NEW ORLEANS, La., June IX In cele
bration of a direct steamship servloe be
tween the ports of Philadelphia and New
Orleans, after a lapse of almost fifty
years a yacht bearing representatives of
all the commercial organisations of this
city today gave escort to the steamer J.
L. Luckenbarh, when is started down the
Mississippi river on the return trip to
Philadelphia. At a banquet last night In
honor of the visitors from Philadelphia,
Mayor Behrman and several thousand
merchants and business men of New
Orleans pledged their support to the line
and toasts were drunk expressing the good
will borne each other by the common
wealths of Louisiana and Pennsylvania.
The steamer brought down a full cargo
and was unable to take back on this trip
all of the freight which the New Orleans
merchants piled on the wharf and con
signed to Philadelphia and other north
eastern points.
of which translations were submitted to
the grand Jury Is the following:
"The Japanese strikers are facing the
planters with enough powder, lead and
food, to make victory sure in the end.
Now is the time to exalt the name of your
nation. Against those who oppose our
action we must be ready with hammer of
t'on and rain of blood to make the ob
si!i:fc'e rnd blind planters reflect, and to
exterminate Sometaro Sheoa, the traitor
editor of ti e "ShUnuo" and his follow
ers. We ni'Mt prepare.
"If higher wages arc not obtained the
sword may vnslt Sheba at any time and
ha should provide for the livelihood of his
family which will be left."
The "Nlppu," the organ of the strikers,
denounces the arrest of the leaders and
declares thai should any extraordinary
thing happen it will not be the fault of
the peaceful strikers, but that the whole
blame will rest upon the capitalists and
authorities who have resorted to oppres
sion. Dunn's for the appearance of the arrested
leaders were quickly furnished and the
fifteen men were released
Booms of Sullivan, Oldham and Hoi-
lenbeck for Supreme Bench to
Be Launched at Banquet.
Number of Prominent Men Are Not
Invited to Make Addresses.
E. B. Quackenbush Ready to Push
Candidacy of Editor.
Executive Declines to Make Koorta
of July Address In Tammany
Hall Itrranae of Other
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. June 12 (Special.)
Durng the last few days the democratic
dinner at Kearney has been discussed In
Lincoln as a real live Issue and tn gen
eral Impression Is prevalent that at that
meeting booms will be launched for John
J. Sullivan. W. D. Oldham and Conrad
llollenbeck as democratic candidates for
supreme Judges. In this way It la the
hope of those who are getting up the
dinner to be able to control the demo
cratic machinery in the campaign of one
year from now.
Some democrats who were particularly
conspicuous during the campaign of one
year bro were not Invited to the meet
ing and not placed on the toast list which
has occasioned some surprise.
The printed list of speakers which
have been received here do not contain
the name of Richard L. Metcalfe and
neither does the name W. B. Price of
Lincoln, who waa the party's candidate
for auditor a year ago, appear among
those Invited to speak.
This omission of some of the most
prominent members of the party and Ita
hardest workers Is being talked about in
the hotels, and In this connection the fol
lowing statement by E. B. Quackenbush,
a member of the 1S07 legislature, Is sig
nificant of breakers ahead for those who
are planning on managing the democratlu
party In the next campaign:
"I notice Richard L. Metcalfe has been
mentioned for United States senator on
the democratic ticket," said Mr. Quackeu
bush. "That suits me and It will suit a
lot of democrats. I shall be glad to sup
port Metcalfe If he runs. I believe he la
the strongest man the democrats can nomi
nate. A lot of democrats are under obliga
tions to Metcalfe and as he has not asked
for any office heretofore I believe he la
entitled to the nomination "
Mr. Quackenbush expressed the opinion
that Mr. Bryan would not accept the nomi
nation even thuugh it were urged upon him.
Vhalleaberaer Invited to New Vork.
Governor Sl.allenhergcr has received an
Invitation to attend the Fourth of July
celebralljn under the auspices of the Tam
many society, or Columbian Order, and
deliver an address. The meeting will be
hi Id In Tammany hall, New York, July S.
The Invitation was signed by Daniel F.
Cohalan, C. F. Murphy, Timothy D. Sulli
van and others.
Inasmuch as Governor Shallenberger haa
already accepted an invitation to be at
Crawford on July 6 with his staff ha had
to decline the Tammany Invitation.
Temperance Maaa Meeting.
The executive committee of tha alllod
temperance forces of the state met In Lin
coln yesterday and issued a call for a masa
meeting of temperance people at York,
July 5. At the meeting of tha commute
Jasper L. McBtien made the statement that
he had Just returned from a trip through
out the northwest and it was his opinion
that unless the temperance forces of tha
state got busy and organised for the com
ing campaign against Mayor Dahlman of
Omaha that the mayor would secure '.ha
democratic nomination. Mr. McBrlen made
the further statement that, in hla opinion,
the republicans would have to nominate a
mighty strong man to defeat the Omaha
W. B. Price took Issue with Mr. McBrlen
and Insisted that the latter did not rightly
Interpret sentiment In the democratic party
and he doubted -that the temperance forces
had anything to fear from the announce
ment of the Dahlman candidacy.
At the York meeting speakers will urga
upon those In attendance who favor tem
perance legislation tb get busy to tha and
that all political parties shall nominate
candidates for state offices and tha sen
ate who are in sympathy with county op
tion or prohibition.
Woodmen Will
Erect Building
in This City
Sovereign! Camp at Detroit ApproprtV
ates $750,000 for New Head
quarters in Omaha,
DKTROIT, Mich.. June 12 (Special Tela,
gram.) The Soveielgn camp Woodmen of
the World this morning by unanimous vote
appropriated IfiAOOi) for a new building in
Omaha. The action waa forecasted yester
day by a report of tha committee and tha
proposition had little opposition this morn
ing. The building will be fmm twelve to fif
teen stories lush, but detailed plans have
not been agreed on yet.
The requet of the Pacific Jurisdiction
that the territory of 'Arnona and New
Mexico be added to that Jurisdiction waa
Kuahvllle Man Instantly Killed.
A LL1ANCK. Neb., June 12 (Special
Telegram.) I urln a severe electrical
atorm. which passed northeast of thla city,
this afternoon. Oeoige Carter, aged 20
years, whose residence Is In Itushvllle,
Neb., was struck and Instantly killed by a
bolt of lightning. The body was brought
to Alliance and relatives notified of tha
Man Drunnril .Near Lead.
LEAD. S. P., June 12. Charles Snyder,
aged STi. m drowned while attempting
to crura a swollen stream at Whltewood
thla morning. He Waves vita mat sev
eral children,