8 1 KEEPING THE NATION'S TIME Wonderful Cloclu Keep Buiy at the , Washington Obierratory. DONE BY DELICATE DTSTRTnUENTS $50,000 Worth of ak. The Car Spran a I, Silks sold Saturday lower Haw tn. Sla-wal Marking- !o.n Is Fluked Orcr 900,000 Mile Wires mm Onlea Seat r The express company paid for the damage, than ever. Sale starts promptly at 10 a. m. L3 Wli-clena, All. (siyinr UlitJ vci u. s. Seized by the Customs House Officers Thty were sold at Auction by U. S. Marshal HENKEL, of New York bought the Choicest Lots at LESS THAN COST TO IMPORT Purchase Includes: Women's Gowns, Costumes, Suits, Evening Coats, Lace Summer Coats, Lingerie Dresses, Linen Suits, (All Beautifully Hand Made) Unmade Dress Robes, (Both Silk and Wool) French Muslin Underwear, Lace Robes, Embroidered Robes, Unmade Waist Patterns, Exquisite Laces, Fine Embroid eries, Dress Trimmings, High Class Silks, Dress Fabrics, (In Single Patterns) Fine Linen Suitings, French Model Hals, Silk Hosiery, French Corsets, High Class Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Imported Belts, Parasols, Hand Bags, French Jewelry, Wash Fabrics, Linens,. Rich Persian Rugs, Etc. ON SALE, BEGINNING f mm B . AH June 14 an m. m 7. H I4 ss to the j irm CALUMET Baking Powder Katdrei Highest Aware1 WerU's Para Feed Eipesitk Caicsie, 1907. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tn. Farm Pa a a that Reaches All of the toe It Men. Oae Dollar a Year. Wo m an Wades Out and Defies Deputy Mrs. Brideet Hurlev Once TooV Refuge from Subpoena Serrer a Pond. in HOTELS. 'MmU a Blaak Iraa ltni( aaaxa. HOTEL COLLING WOOD WEST M On Ujs allocs Between 5th Ave. &B 'way NEW YOSK C1TK Offers select aooommodatlona la aia rtmloaung people. ABSOLUTION rlKaU'KOOF. an. fforoa every faailuy for lae coin, fori of gusetn bttualad la ICe very heart or the city, la a very aui.i neighborhood, convenient ta all sur face, bus way and elevated railway tlaea, and la the midst of the ahoa Bins aitd theater district. Rooms With Batit $3 and Co. (aeclal ratea by the month ar aeaaoa Heatauraat a la Carte. IITI X. KOIUIT, tD, -Formerly of Kaw Karen atouae. New Haven. Coaa, With seventeen witnesses present, the hearing; of Mrs. Bridget Hurley of 8outh Omaha, on a charts of Inebriety, was re sumed before the board of Insane Com mlsHloners Friday afternoon. In connection with this hearing, there Is related a tale of how, some time ag-o, Mrs. Hurley sue cessfully defied a subpoena server when she did not want to be served. There was a pond near her house and thither she fled. Warding out to tha middle where the water was about four feet deep, she exclaimed, "Arrah come on now and take me If yes can." The deputy sheriff thought ha could not The witnesses called for tha hearing. In clude Joe Muiphy, Thomas Hoctor, Mrs. Peter Brock, Mrs. H. Van Zant, Mrs. Pat bhea, Nellie Henneay, Henry Murphy, Patrick Castle, A. Broderson, Charlea Vals, Patrick Hannigan, Thomas Hannigan, Mrs. Michael rUsset. Captain Nelson Turnqulst, Chief Brlggs and J. J. Dtepman. Bee Want Ads stimulate business moves. A Reasonable Translnti.n. The teacher was telling the class in fourth grace geography about the great aeals of tne different states, using the pictures la me dictionary as tne basis of the lesson. Pointing to the aeal of Virginia, aha asked: "Now, who can tell ma. from this m.-t.ir. what ahould be the meaning of theee Latin wurus, oic semper lyranjuer Bobby's hand went up. All right. Bobby; you may tall tia." leae your xooc an mv nirk wa WASHINGTON, May 29. A few minutes before 1$ o'clock noon avery day in the year a young man walks Into a certain room of tha main building at tha naval observatory, which Is set up, on a hill In tha northwestern part of the District of Columbia. He glances at the various clocks In tha room and then goes over to a table covered with electric appar atus. He watches the clocks to his left closely and waits for the hands to reach five minutes of 12. As the second hand ap proaches the 60 on the dial he prepares to shift a switch. The clock Is so finely adjusted that when the second hand points to 00 It exactly marks the beginning of a new minute and the end of tha old. As It touches the 60 the switches are thrown on. That starts a signal that goes out Instantaneously over 900,000 miles of telegraph lines. In Washington, New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, Newport, Baltimore, Newport News, Koy West, Galveston, Chi cago and elsewhere the time balls go up on their poles. People know that It Is five minutes before noon, Washington time. The clock .which keeps the time In the observatory ticks on. With each tick there Is a contact of electric points. A circuit Is closed and an Instrument on the table similar to a telegraph sounder ticks away loudly. It goes on to the twenty-ninth second, then skips one tick, then resumes Its steady sounding until the last five seconds, then there Is another gap- These gaps are for tha purpose of giving listeners at other ends of tha great system of wires a chance to know what part of the minute the clock Is on. And so It goes up to the last minute. At the twenty-ninth second there Is again the skipping of one second. Finally the clock gets around to the fiftieth sec ond. Then the circuit remains open for ten seconds. There Is silence all along the telegraph wires. At the other ends, where there are time balls, or merely train operators, the long pause Indicates that noon Is almost there. The second hand makes on toward sixty and finally reaohes the mark. Then there Is another click, about a second the sounder Is down and that tells hundreds of thousands of people that it Is noon in Washington, that the naval observatory Is now one of the best time-keeping Insti tutions in the United States. It is a wonderful operation, this getting the time, and highly technical. Finely ad justed clocks, chronographs and other In struments of great value are used, and the taking and recording of the time has now reached such a point that the human aqua tlon la practically eliminated. The results obtained are of great mlue. particularly to mariners. The time Is not only flashed to hundreds of points In the United States, but It Is sent far out to sea by wireless. A cable carries the flash to Havanna, another sends It down to Panama and as far as Callao, Peru. The observatory here does not send the time much further west than the Rockies. but they have an observatory at tha Mars Island eavy yard, and from there the time is sent up and down the Pacific coast, Just as it Is from here to the eastern part of the United States. In the cities where the central time- Is used the flash marks 11 o'clock. An hour later the local operators drop the time twills. Timing; the Star Movement. The mean time Is determined by astro nomical observations. When certain start pass the seventy-fifth merldan, called the meridian of Washington, it is a certain time. The operator watches for the stars through a telescope, the field of which U covered with fine wires. As the stars reach a certain point in transit tha operator presses a key In hit hand. A contact Is made and recorded on a chronograph. The chronograph consists of a cylinder covered with paper. It Is held by. an arm attached to the mechanism. The cylinder revolves once a minute and the pen moves along the surface of the paper, making a spiral line. A sidereal clock of the finest make Is running In a vault underneath the observa tory. With each tick of the clock there is a contact of two points. These two points are attached to wires that lead to an elec tromagnet attachment to the arm that holds the pen of the chronograph. The clocjc Is so adjusted that each minute the pea Is made to jump to one side. Consequently mere is a DreaK in the line. rr-i- . . incre are otner breaks, too, when the observer watches the stars cross the lines in tne field of the telescope. The mean time thus recorded for each star after be ing corrected for errors is the clock time of the star's transit. Whatever different there Is between this clock time and the sidereal time marked by the transit of tho stars Is the error of the clock. From these astronomical observations the sidereal time la obtained. The error amounts to but lit tle, rarely being more than from five one hundredths to ten one-hundredtha of a second. The sidereal clocks are wonderful niece of work. They were made In Berlin by a man named Rlefler. There are two of the clocks In the observatory building here, and a third Rlefler clock Is in the room from which the time is sent out to the world. The sidereal clocks In the observatory are beneath the ground, in the basement of the building. The room hirh tains tbem Is small. There are three walls surrounding It, with spaces between them. The effort Is made to keep the tempera ture jwitnin tne room always the same. tvt mis purpose there Is a thermostat so delicately made that the Increase in heat caused by the presence of a human being in the room, if only for a minute will be Indicated. The clocks are In large class cylinders four or five feet high and hermetically ext. lne cylinders are fastened to stone pillars which reach down Into the iiooring. Thus there la no chance of vibra- tiona affecting the clock except from earth quakes, and such happenings are beyond the control of the scientists. The clock winds Itself every thirty sec onds by meana of a small weight. Th fall of the weight moves the clock. When the weight reaches a certain point a small elec tromagnet becomes operative, and the weight Is picked up, to start on Its down ward course again, giving enough power to keep the clock going. There are two clocks which may be used In automatically sending out the time, so if ons should break down the other would "dy for the emergency. These clocks are made accurate by comparison with the sidereal clocks. The time of sending a flash over the wire U practically nothing. At one time tha obeervatory got a flash to Greenwich, England, la three-tenth of a ascond. I At KILPATRICE'S No goods which were injured will be offered for sale. Ten days ago we made an offer on a big lot of new silks, made"for. this season's trade. We secured the lot-; and ordered the goods shipped by express. The terrific rain last Monday night wet a portion of the goods in transit. Loss was adjusted immediately. You get the benefit. Silks worth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, will go at 49c a yard. With the purchase we include, for variety sake, a selection from our own stock of choice silks which were never before sold at such a low price. The total quantity offered is immense and, yet,' some of the lots are limited. Come early-tell everybody, that from 10 in the morning till 9:30 at night there will be constant excitement at Kilpatrick's. No silks will be offered for sale which were in any wise injured by water. Silks for waists, petticoats, suits, dresses in widths ranging from 19 inches to 36 inches wide. Plenty of room and a large additional force to wait on you. THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO. Additional and Important FOR MEN ONLY Closing out sale of broken lines of Men's Underwear, all day Saturday, if the goods last. Numbers. Quantity. Description. Formerly. Saturday. No. 462101-6 dozen fancy balbriggan 50c 35c No. CX-8 3 dozen ribbed lisle 50c 35c 3 dozen porous knit 50c 35c No. H-75 1 dozen bleached muslin $1.00 .35c No name 1 dozen nainsook shirts 50c 35c No. 203 dozen Egyptian yarn 50c. 35c No. 367 6Vfe dozen plain balbriggan 50c. 350 CR-7A Vz dozen white lisle drawers 50o. 35c 368 Garments all told, to to said Saturday at 35a The great sale of Undermulsin is still causing com ment everywhere where women congregate. "The June Sale of Muslin Underwear at Kilpatrick's is so differ ent," people say. Saturday night, to draw a crowd, at 8 P. M., Battenburg and Cluny Pieces, Scarfs, Centers and Doilies, new and desirable eold up to $1.50; at 8 P. M., Saturday, 59c THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO. . nssrjrjiyrrrfjjjfTr n .rui n n nr n ir" i - "' PICTURE DF THE WHEAT KING Peculiarities and Physical Traits of Jsunes A. Patten. Grain Trader. He has a little, round, hard eye like a hog's and a Jaw of steel and concrete. Whenever Jim Patten speaks and he can shout In a whisper everyone tn hearing Jumps. His voice has the rasp of the buss saw striking a hardwood knot. It Isn't loud It never is loud but the volt age Is high. To that voice a good deal of his success In life may be attributed. Certainly It got him his first real Job,, and furnished htm a toehold on the steep hill he has set out to climb. . He was hardly 20 years old and had llvod all his lfe upon the ll-.tle farm Just outside Sandwich, III., upon which he was born. The country storekeeper nea'Isd a man to colleot hard bill, and some kind spirit sent young Patten his way. Patten made a record that la yet untouched. Kvery debtor that he approached paid up. James Alexander Patten used to lay that pun ishing Jaw alongside the unfortunate's ear and growl In a tone that suggested murder that he must pay. Some of the debtors had to go out to the grape arbor and dig up the stocking hidden against hard times bat they always paid. Now he's 68 years old.Vnd haa cornored the world's wheat market He used pre cisely the same means that he did In forcing the farmers of Do Kalb county, Illinois, to pay their grocery bills. Pat ten never coaxes. He always threatens. The bearshave learned that a chemical analysis of his character would probably result: Determlntlon. four parts; Intelli gence, four parts; decision, two parts; mercy, a trace. If Patten catches a man short of a market he Is running, he trims that man down to the ultlmato nickel. Or, at least, he did until some of the men he had chased up a tree refused to take their punishment In a sportssiaallke way and resorted to the courts. That was In 1903, when Patten had bought all the oats In the world and then a crop or two that had not been grown. The bears who had been selling him contracts to deliver oats finally came to htm wearing yellow smiles. "We're beat, Jim," said they. How much wll It cost to quit?" "It'll cost you osts," said Patten. "I don't want your money. I want oats. " He couldn't get oats, for there were no more. But he would havo had the finest collection of bear pelts In the world deco rating the rear fence of that architectural freak he lives in. In Kvanston, 111 If the courts hadn't Interfered. This Is plain gambling," said the courts, "and these contracts are not to be enforced by U busy stacking your chips that you can't watch the other fellow shuffle." He might have applied the same advice to young Mr. tdvermore, who was a bear for a few mo ments In 1908. Livermore was his partner In this wheat deal-any trme that Liver more hears Patten's name, he will baok you up In a corner and tell you how Pat ten sold out on htm. "Of course, I did," said Patten. "He'd have sold out on me if I hadn't. That's the game." That's the market side of Patten. His most endearing trait Is his fad for putting book agents In jail. One stung Mrs. Pat ten once on a $22,000 edition of 1 Theodore Roosevelt's works, and Patten spent 118,000 more In landing the enterprising salesman in the pen. His coachman got drunk In Bvanston, and Patten led a reform cam paign. He was elected, and closed the town so tight the citizens couldn't have a tooth pulled on Sunday. Elijah Dowle ran counter to Mayor Patten. Dowle said Pat ten couldn't legal'y make him leave town. So Patten didn't try. He just ordered the fire department to turn the hose on Dowle every time he was caught on the street, and Dowle left town all by himself, with ouj: further hint. Patten never drinks, and confines hi dissipation to lighting a punk pantaletto cigar "early In the morning, let ting It go out, and wearing it draped from a corner of his mouth until he goes to sleep In the tent near his barn that night He always plays a lone hand. "I can han dle my enemies all right," said he, "but they keep me so busy I have no time to spare In watching friends." St Louis Re public. JUDGE CAN'T BEAR TO SEE SCHOOL FUND LOSE MONEY Crawford Fines Greek Wie Gets License After Being; Baled . Before Him. Fleeing from the wrath to coma when the racial riots occurred An South Omaha last February, A. B. Cokorls, a Greek baker, abandoned his shop tn the packing city and established his business at 1424 South Sixteenth street In Omaha. But he failed to procure a license wherewith to bake his little loaves and buna and thereby ran Into some more wrath,! this time from the office of the commissioner of health. It was discovered recently by 8anitary Inspector Ed J. Daemon, while Inspecting the bakeries of the city, that Cokorls was kneading his dough and framing up his doughnuts and other edibles without hav ing tha necessary permit from tha city to do so. A complaint against tha Greek was filed In police court at the instance of Daemon and Cokorls was Instructed to appear for trial. But in the meantime ho hied him self to the city hall with the profits from tha sale of a few hundred coffee cakes In his Jeans, . secured a license and presented himself smilingly before tha person of the police Judge. But the latter refused to see the court exchequer cheated out of some cash by such means, so assessed Cnkorls SJ.M Fri day morning. Our semi-annual half price sale opens Saturday morning, promptly at o'clock. See paper for advertisement ORKIN BROS. IMPROVEMENT IN STEEL RAILS Solntion of a Problem that Haa Per plexed. Railroad Man agers. How the New York Central company has succeeded In solving a problem that has perplexed many railroad managers Is told In a recent Issue of the Iron Age. The com pany made a search for a rail which would not be so brittle as to break In cold weather and yet be hard enough to with stand the wear of traffic. The end has been attained by 'the adoption of new regu lations In regard to rolling and by the ad dition of a minute quantity of titanium to the molten seel just before the metal Is cast Into Ingots. Only about one-twentieth of 1 pr cent of titanium was em ployed. To b more precise, seventy-five pounds of ar. alloy, one-tenth of which was titanium, were added to 8.8 tons of steel. Of rails of this composition many thou sand tons were laid by the Central last It enraged Patten, even if he did come I spring and sumirer and only four rails out of the corner $2,000,000 to the good. I broke during the enduing winter. Moreover, Sbmejoeqp&cn9f feieve in ztaeafions? Cflwpfiave never eenmeoof(Pooraco. Railway journeys are usually tiresome. They always are when they end in disappointment. Colorado never disappoints, and if you use the Rock Island to the Rockies, your vacation begins when you board the train. Colorado holds more joys, more sun shine, more of everything to make an ideal vacation than any place on earth. The de luxe trains of the "Of course. It was gambling," he used to growl. "That's all I am a gambler. That's all they were who played with nie-gamb-lers. And now the courts hold that when they lose they needn't pay." Slnqs) then Patten always settles with the man he catches for just a little less than the man has. "I leave 'em seed now," he growls, "to grow me a new crop of dollars." That's a characteristic bit of Patten humor. Oh, yes, he's funny funny as a broken leg. Two years ago he bad the wheat market by the ear, and the bears came to him whining. "I'll not touch a razor to my face until wheat touches $1.(0," said Patten. The market Jumped a point at a time. Then the bears found that Patten never did touch a rasor to his face, any howa barber always shaved him. The price settled back, but Patten had un loaded. Last year he had ona of his duels with the Armours. Ha tried to break their bull hold on wheat, and lost a million dol lars. They said he was down and out, but when they got through counting their prof Its In the wheat deal they found ha had penned them In a corner on the corn situ ation, and he took back all his losses and a lot more. "It don't pay to be one-eyed on the mar ket," be growled to them. "Don't be so at a cross-over Insk'e the metropolitan limits, where the track 's subjected to ex ceptionally hard usage, the. new rails showed less wear In six months than the ordinary steel rails did in four. It is evi dent therefore, that a remarkable com bination of safety and durability has been secured at an Increase in cost which is said to be only $2 a ton. Other railroads are making experiments of the same kind, but the Central is credited with having taken more pains than any of there. The Improvement thus effected empha sizes the fact that steel which Is well suited to one class of service Is not neces sarily fit for all others. Special study is apparently needed to secure the most perfect adaptation to each use to which the metal is put. The highest degree of success, moreover, depends on both com plicated mechanical operations and elab orate chemical analysis. For Instance, the Central seemi to have discovered faults in the older methods of rolling rails and also to have found that the addition of tita nium renders a change in the usual per centage of carbon desirable a modifica tion the more curious because titanium doea tot seera to remain in the finished product but Is eliminated with the slag. New York Tribune. are like Colorado. They are all and more than you expect. Pullman sleepers and that means all that's best in modern railway equipments dining cars, luxurious chair cars and coaches. Splendid one-night trains daily at convenient hours. Round trip tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo from Peoria, $26.75 ; Omaia, $17.50: Twin Cities, $27.40: Dcs Moines, $21.75. On sale daily iune 1st to September 30th : final return mit October 31st. Send today for our illustrated book "Under the Turquoise Sky" and our beautifully illustrated folder Thro Scenic Colorado and Yellowstone Park to the Alaika-Yukon-Pacific Exposition." You will find thrm of real value in planning, your summer vacation. Free on request GEO. S. PENTECOST, Di. PM'r At. v. 14th an. rarneas Sn,' Oaua.J4aa JJMWA.SUSuaga's library.