6 HARMS CIIARCETO BEPROBED Meat Inspection Syvtem tt St. Lonii Will Be InTeitigateiL SAYS FILTHY MEAT IS PASSED Official la Service Rlihtrrn Months Declares KitTrrinril stamp on Prod net llaa tarlal Valne. WASHINGTON. June U. The Depart ment of Agriculture today accepted tha challenge of J. F. Harms, a government maat Inspector at St. Louis, who, In tender ing his resignation to Secretary Wilson, made serious charges against the meat In spection system at the National Stock yard In East St. Louis and demanded an Investigation relative to hl allegations. An Immediate and thorough Investigation Into the Harms charges concerning the Eatt St. Louis packing houses n to day ordered and to that end two govern ment inspectors have been ordered there. When they have completed their Investiga tions, the facts developed will be reported to Secretary Wilson, who is at his home In Traer, la., hut will return here next Tut i day. The letter of Inspector Harma to the secretary making the charges and demand ing the Investigation, has been received, but the resignation haa not yet reached bent. It was stated, however, that It would be arrepted Immediately upon Ita receipt. Dr. Alonso D. Melvln, chief of the bureau of animal Industry, under whose Immediate sup. r vision the meat Inspection service comes, will today prepare a statement (honing the conditions In the East St. Louis Stock yards, particularly with reference- n the number of animals slaughtered and condemned. I liable to Hrk Wilms. Di:S MOINES. June 11. Secretary Wilson Is on his son's farm three miles out from Traer and the telephone lines were unable to leach him today. He came to Iowa for a rest and to enjoy a few days' visit with his children. COURT REBUKES MRS. GOULD (Continued from First Page.) were at Castle Oould It was Impossible for you to have any provisions sent to the house. What period do you speak of?" r.he was asked. "From the time when Mr. Oould left oh July 16 up to August of the next year, when I left for the last time when 1 was really forced to leave," was the reply. "Are you prepared to swear that within this period you were not supplied with all the necessaries?" "J am prepared to swear. I was refused every day," was the firm answer. Tells Abont Dnatln Ftrsin, Mr. Nlcoll next questioned Mrs. Gould about her residence In the St. Regis hotel In New York in August, 1906. Mm. Oould aid she often had company in her rooms for luncheon and dinner, and that Duattn Farnum, the actor, had dined with her there. On a motor trip In September she aald she met Farnum and dined with him in the restaurant of a hotel In Hartford, Conn. She said she saw Farnum next In Philadelphia on October 12. Mrs. Oould said she met Mr. Farnum at Castle Oould In the fall of 1906. This hap pened when a, conveyance In which Mrs. Gould was riding collided with a truck somewhere between New York and Ja maica. Replying to questions, Mrs. Oould aald she did not go to a roadhouse and sup with Mr. Farnum after that collision, but after visiting Castle Oould they stopped a ' a roadhouse on the Vanderbllt course and had some refreshments brought out to them, but did not enter the house. Mrs. Oould said she could not recall whether she had anything to drink then, but declared that It would not have been unusual. With Mr. Farnum, Mrs. Oould raid, she returned to the St. Regis hotel about 11 o'clock that night, and Mr. Far num accompanied her to her apartments for few minutes, and then went to his own rooms. Sapper nt Hotel. Mrs. Oould said she had Mr. Farnum to supper at the Hotel Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia, on Ootober 12, and that he supped with her the following day, and with some friends a day later. A few days later she went with him as far aa Jersey City In an automobile. Mrs. Oould stated that she saw Farnum In Washington on October 20, and that she afterward visited tha Blue Oap farm In November. A letter written by Mrs. Oould to Manager Malloy of the Castle Oould estate was put In evidence. In It she In structed him to prepare an elaborate dinner to be held there, but Mrs. Oould said the dinner was never held as the guests did not come and that she never went to .he Castle after November, 1106. The witness then Identified bills for Jew elry which she had purchased in New York In the fall of 190S. Including one bill for $.".7,000. one for $13,000 for a diamond pend ant; $22,000 for a diamond chain and $2,700 for a string of pearls, which she wore In court today. Mis. Oould said she made Orchard & WHhelm 4I416'IS South Sixteenth Street SHTURDHY SPBeiHLS These itern9 for Saturday selling only and should be very interesting to those who would save about one-half on their purchase. ijcjjaMuaMMiH. ML J 1 urday them, nt Wa hare 36 odd Porch Shade In different sties, 4 feet, feet and 10 feet wide, odd colora. In bamboo and vudora. We will sell them Saturday aa follows: 4 toot wide, regular price SI. 35, special toot wide, regular prlca 18.00, special 10 feet wide, regular price $6.50, special..., 10 toot Bamboo shades, price $2.25, special. SPECiaL IN Mrt. Van Dupsen'a Cake Tins. These pans have never before been sold for leas than the manufacturers flied prices. We have a full assort ment of the different sixes, square, round and oblong. Round layer pans, each Square loaf pans, each 20 Oblong loaf pans, each and 20c These price ara for Saturday only. " purchases without asking the price, having the articles sent home and the price charged to her account. She was then questioned about the purchase of fourteen hats and eight blouses, In September, VK 'Bnffaln Bill" Mentioned. Mrs. Catherine Clemmons Oould contin ued her testimony today In her suit for rt separation from Howard Oould. Delanoey Nlcoll. defendsnt's lawyer, questioned Mrs. Oould about the Blue nap farm, netr i Lynchburg, and witness said she paid $2.0on for It. Mrs. Oould said the farm was con trolled by a corporation In which she had put the most money. After Mrs. Oould had told what she had taken from Castle Oould to the Lynchburg farm. Mr. Nlcoll asked the witness her age, but the court excused her from answering that. or from telling where she was bom. Before her marrlace, Mrs. Oould said she was known as Viola Kathetlne Clemmons and aa Viola Pay, the latter being the name of her step father. Mr. Nlcoll asked the witness If sh had ever traveled with a wild west show, Mrs. Gould replied that she had traveled once with Miss Ada Cody and had accom panied the show to Naples, Rome and other European cities. She had seen a good deal of Colonel Cody, as he was her jnanager and she had frequently to con sult him, she said. Ltaves Throttle, Accepts Pulpit Former Massachusetts Engineer Be comes Pastor of Church at Belle Plaine. MARSHALLTOWN. la., June 11. -(Special. ) C. W. McClure, the engineer-evangelist, who was formerly one of the brut known of the Iowa Central engineers, who made their headquarters In this city, has accepted the pastorate of the Evangelical church of Belle Plaine, la. Mr. McClttre has been running an engine on the Sante Fe, out of Emporia, Kan., for years, but In addition to his duties as an engine driver he has done much evangelistic work. For a time he was secretary of the Rail road Young Men's Christian association In St. Ionls. and his work among railroad men so impressed Miss Helen Oould that she employed hlni to make an evangelistic tour of the Oould system, which he did, converting many of the railroad's em ployes. He was one of the founders of the local Young Men's Christian, association. Man Near Ninety Commits Murder Mark Van Dusen, Aged 86, Kills George Baker, Aged 87, and Takes Own Life. SCRANTON, Pa., June 11. On a farm In Derry township, near Honesdale.- today George Baker, a farmer, aged 87, was shot and killed by his brother-in-law, Mark- Van Dusen, aged S6. After leaving Baker dead In the barn, Van Dusen re turned to the farm house and Informed Mrs. Baker of his deed. Van Dusen then hurried out of the house and committed suicide. The cause of the trouble Is not known. SONS OF HERMAN AT FORT DODGE State Convention Opens with Parade and Banquet. FORT DODO E, la., June 11. (Special Telegram.) Three hundred Sons of Her man are In the city today attending the state convention. The parade this after noon was headed by the Fifty-sixth reg imental band 'and included German's Sons with sashes and banners and women of Edelweiss auxiliary In automobiles. Eleven men were initiated today. Tonight there was an elaborate banquet, William Welse of Mapleton, grand president, responding to the mayor's welcome. The speakers were: A. C. Lutz, editor of the Sioux City Courier; M. F. Healy, secretary; J. Dalton, Mason City, and Carl Meyers. Lenox toller Commencement. HOPKINTON, la., June 11. (Special.) Lennx co'.lege yesterday graduated a class of twenty-eight. Incidental to the com mencement a new department of agricul ture was established, with Prof. C. M. Evans in charge. Mr. Evans recently graduated from Iowa State college at Amu. Of the graduating class the degree of doctor of divinity was conferred upon Rev. E. C. Keeve of Clearfield, Rev. Arthur p. Vaughn of Mascow, Idr.ho, and Rev. Uarrltt Snyder of Flttuburg, Kan. Goggruhrliu Case Goes Over, CHICAOO, June 11. Hearing on the alle gation that the divorce of Grace B. Gug genheim and William B. Guggenheim In this city eight years ago was obtained by fraud will be begun by Judge Honore Oo tober 4. Absence of counsel during the summer was given as the reason for the delay. KOeKER (Like Cut) Made of excellent oak, comes in a verv pretty brown fumed finish or weath ered finish. Seat is upholstered in imitation Spanish leather. Has broad arms built on mission lines. Is sub stantial and comfortable. Just 100 in this lot. Our special selling price on this rocker is $4.85, but for Sat and Saturday only we will sell choice of finish, $2.85 PORCH SHADE 81.35 -$1.25 BASEMENT T"j f l ' i tt' 1 r ihA- 8 S:soa,y CHINA CLOSETS Made of solid golden oak, beau tifully polished, of the hand somest bent end design; have large French bevel mirrors In top, extra well nulla thrmie-h. SI295 H out. Sale price Combination Kitchen Table Two large flour and meal bins, two roomy cutlery drawers, two slldng bread and meat boards. Made of mane or S3-89 wnue mapie. Excep tionally hygienic. Special for Saturday CATALOG FREE TO OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE n 9x12 Royal Axminster Rugs Of firm weave and most durable quality. Has high pile and are of the season's newest pat terns, iney are rugs of exceptional char scter thoroughly high grsde. fa lin You can't enual thit value taJ 1 U anywhere In Omaha It's ut- j DUX'S REVIEW OF TRADE Tariff Delay and Crop Statement Fail to Check Activity. DEMAND FOR COTTON GOODS tireater Interest and Larger Volume of Actuul Transactions Observ able Than for Long; Time I'ast. NEW YORK, June 11. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of TraJe tomorrow will say: Further progress Is making toward busl nesa confidence and activity, and even the vexatious delay in the treatment of ;he lunff and the somewhat dlHappolntlug June crop statement have not nerved to check the Improvement. Statistics ot pig iron production during May furnished evidence of the betterment of Iron and steel. A significant develop ment Is the urgency with which many buy ers requext prompt deliveries, epectaiiy transporting companies. Greater interest and large volume of ac tual transactions are observable In the pri mary cotton goods market than for a long time past. Jobbers are Vie principal .oper ators, although the market aa a whole stl'.l continues to be somewhat uneven. There Is an advance on the majority of heavy goods, which will probably curtail foreign demand for some time. In the print cloth division narrow clothe show Increased firmness as a result of operations, com prising between 2OU.000 and aOO.OOO pieces, extending on delivery into September. This has stiffened all odd counts, while wide convertibles have alao advanced In price. A fair distribution of prints from first handa has occurred during the last month and stocks are suld to be materially de pleted. Bleached goods are moving mod erately and have advanced In price, while ginghams are strong and napped goods for fall are In excellent condition. The woolen goods division interest at present centers In the opening of staples by the leading producers. Demand, as a whole, shows an Improve ment In shoe conditions, perhaps more marked at the present time than for any period since the dullness set In. In the packer hide market the movement has been fairly active at firm prices, with some Ad vances due to Improved quality on la'er receipts. There Is an active leather mar ket, leading Pt. Louis shoe manufacturers having made heavy purchases of sole leather In Boston. Demand has also been good from other buyers with numenu.i sales of from 10.000 to 15,000 sides and bends of sola leather in all tannage reported. Prices are firmly established at the od vanre and In some Instances higher prices are again quoted. BR ADSTREET'S REVIEW OF TRADE Reports from I.radlna; Isidnstrles Are Favorable, It Says. NEW YORK. June Jl. Bradstreefs to morrow will say: Reports from leading Industries are, on the whole, fnvorable, so far as booking of future orders Is concerned. Iron and steel are active In finished lins, though output is still belou normal In some districts. Home wage advances are reported and resumptions of blast furnaces are reducing the floating labor supply. There Is reported a widening demand for cotton goods. I'rint cloths have regained the loss of a few weeks ago. Woolen goods trade reports are of good business booked or pending and wool, thougli less active than of late, is strong at level prices. Trade is active with higher prices ruling. In sympathy with hides and skins, which are apparently scarce. Eastern shoe orders are fair. Ship ments are 24 per cent larger than a year ago. but smaller than In any previous year hack to 1!03. Building trade reports con firm earlier predictions of a record spring construction in an enormous total far sur passing ail previous monthly records ever ! complied. Reports as to collections share the iregularlty noted In general distributive ' trade, varying from slow to good In dlf ' ferent sections. Reports from the north west are that merchants are discounting bills more freely. I Biulnes-s fallurfca for the week ended with I June 10 in the I'nlted States were !, a 1 asalnut 11 last week, 181 In 1907, 170 In 1306 : and 175 In 1V06 Failures In t'ansda for the week number I t eiit v-two. which compares with twenty I nine last week and twenty-four in the like i eek of 1H. ! Wheat Including floor exports from the .Fnlisd States and Canada for the week end I Ing June 10 aggregated 1n.S7.1M bu . against 2.12VUO bu last week and 3.064,000 bu. thH Wf k last vear. For the fifty weeks ending June 10. this vr. exports are ir4 7.f.iiH bu , acalnst 15.- Slf B7 bu. In the corresponding period !! : "T. Cjjii ojvii fur t tic week are 14.311 bu HERE'S FOOD FOR THOUGHT in ticso special offerings. loolc them over and aslc yourself If you think it possible to cqtin thorn In nny other store in all Omaha, They're enough to start you thinking. Give them due consideration iioav, anil when you have done sofjust drop Into Folding Go-Cfxrt A superior one-motion all-steel fo-cart. folds up very compact y with one motion. Strong and durable, yet very light. Haa rubber tires and la complete a complete $6-75 witn leatherette hood. In black or colors, s Denial mm Solid Oak These dressers are of expert workmanship and finish, made of selected solid oak. The top drawer nas serpentine Tront, the mirrors are AlASd turn ' nH have lt"l"JiiU SI2 deep beveled edges. Price . . Dreaaer r s i mm 1414-1618 DOUGLAS against 36,193 bu. last week and 128,138 bu. In IMS. For the fifty weeks ending June 10 com exports are 28.990,70a bu., against 6 183, 767 bu. last year. Omaha Cadets Defeat Ashland Athletic Meet is Followed by Evening of Hilarity at Camp Davidson. ASHLAND, Neb., June 11. (Special Tele gram.) Friday In Camp Davldaon was held the athletic meet with the Ashland High school, which had been planned, resulting In a victory for the Omaha lads by a large majority, Omaha taking 78 points to Ash land's 26. From the start it could be seen that Omaha's athletes were far superior to those of the home team and would walk away witn them. Thompson of Omaha distin guished himself by winning both the high hurdles and the high jump. Summaries: 100-yard dash: Wood (O.) and Walde myer (A.) tied for first and second. Time: 0:10fc. Half mile run: Kulakofsky (O), first; Kennedy (O.), second. Time: 2:17H- Shot put: Burdick 0., tirst; Bloedhorn (A.), second. Distance: 40 feet 7Mi inches. 130-yard hurdles: Thompson (O.), first; Rayley (O.). second. Time: 0:17S- 2-yard dash: Waldentyer (A.), first; Welrk-h (O.). second. Time: 0:2JH. Discus throw: Bloedhorn (A.), first; Bur dick (O.), second. Distance: 96 feet 11 Inches , Running broad Jump: McKinney lO.), first; Warner (O.), second. Distance: 20 feet 4 inches. 440-yard dash: Fraser (O.), first; Tukey (O ). second. Time: 0:B44. High Jump: Thompson (O.), first", Warner tO. ). second. Height: 5 feet 6 Inches. 220-yard hurdles: Rowley, first; Service, second. Time: 0:28V. Mile run: Kennedy (O.), first. Time: 5:1!. Pole vault: Rector (O). first; Weirlch (O.). second Height: feet. Relay: Omaha team won, composed of Fraser, Payne, Weirlch and Wood. Time: 1:39. Friday evening after dark In camp will be a memorable time in the camper's mind. It was designated as "stunt" night for the purpose of furnishing fun for the boys. Funny contests were arranged and each company competed against the others. Fol lowing is a program of the evening's events: Tug-of-war: First battalion preliminaries, C against H. D against G. Finals. Second battalion preliminaries. K against A, B against F. Finals. Regimental finals. Two blindfold boxing matches. Three chariot races, forty yards, second oauanon stunt Rooster fight among captains. Battalion pillow right. Shoe race. Mock military funeral, burial of Ashland. Funeral march by rtouaa s band. Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Shakespeare, D D.. of Company A. i Taps by Musician Ryley of "Sousa's band." SEYMOUR NAMED BY BOARD Bookkeeper In Auditor's ORIce Sac. eeeds Chris Irkulli, Killed by .into. (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, June 11. (Special Telegram.) Henry Seymour, who has been a book keeper In the auditor's office under Weston and fcearle, was this morning appointed secretary of the State Board of Equaliza tion and Assessment at a salary of 1,W0 a year. He succeeds Chris Schavltn, who was killed by an automobile a few weeks ago as he was leaving the state house. Mr. Seymour has been assisting In the work of the board for some time. He cam to Lincoln fiom York county. RURAL MAIL ( tnniEB HIIIT T. C. Torrenee of I.ynon Has Both Legs f at Off h- Train. LYNCH, Neb., June 11 (Special Tele gram.) T. C. Torrenee, a rural ma!l car rier of this place, was run over by a train and had both legs cut off below the knees at Anoka this evening. He had been to j Dulte on tusines ani returned tj Anoka. the store and S1S1S UUVDS; you'll Una every-' thing just as hlg a bargain as it Is oluimcd. ggjg Solid 0 ak Chiffonier Have you ever seen a value to equal this one? Chiffonier Is msde of solid oak. of expert mansmp throughout and thoroughly guaranteed. rive large, roomy drawers, tirasa drawer pullers, well polished and finished It's a world beater at the price 22 GREAT STORES THROUGHOUT V Seeing a train of empty gravel cars coming east he attempted to board it, losing his hold and went under the train. He Is 62 years old and has a family here. HYMENEAL. Cowan-Lasjlnblll. HUMBOLDT. Neb., June 11. (Special.) The home of Peter Luginbtll, one of the leading and wealthy farmers of this sec tion, was the scene of a pretty wedding, In which his. daughter Rosa was married to Mr. Charles Cowan of Bern, Kan. The offtrlatlng minister was Rev. Mr. Plettman of Bern and about seventy-five relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony. After wards a bountiful wedding dinner was served. The couple will take up their residence at Bern, where the groom is a telegraph operator In the employ of the Rock Island. gobota-Hnpka. TKCt'MSKH, Neb.. June 11. (Special.) Joseph Sobota and Mlsa Mary Hupka, well known young people who live northwest of Tecumseh, were married at the Catholic church at St. Mary, Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Charles Cwiklinskl offici ated, In the presence of a good sized com pany of relatives and friends. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobota and he will go to farming his father's place. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hupka. The young peo ple have the best wishes of their many- friends. Robertson-Chittenden. TECUMSEH, Neb., June 11. (Special.) Herbert M. Robertson of Seward and Miss Helen Edna Chittenden of this city, were married at the home of the bride's parents ex-Mayor and Mrs. L. S. Chittenden, In this city, last evening. A company of some forty or more relatives and friends wit nessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. W. W. Barnes of Nebraska City. Mr. Robertson is employed by the electric light and water departments of Seward and himself and wife have gone there and will go to housekeeping at once. 11 out In arton-Winter. CRESTON. ' Ia June 11. (Special. ) Thursday, evening, at the home of the bride's father, P. C. Winter, one of '.he oldest and ablest members of the bar In this city, took place the wedding of his daughter, Olive, to Dr. Bert 11. Huntingdon of Delevan, Minn. Some sixty guests eio r sLJi 'ffiiTJCaTiaTfTfliT--i'Jl)IJMr'-Ull &' I" 'MlflfP""'-" B!'frlBL1L-11 4-,l'l,' A'i'JP-?tl'i!f.i',lli'.B J- - -! '"L"-!l!"lT,'S'il r' -,''i'i'i'IVIILS.'J.,.Jiiil'A' T i. rTar"'1 ,J ",-"e f" "" I I I "- -- T1 , . , ' j mi , I 111 j rXISSV:,, ft Sl is .; f fA'vJ ooj ' I vA a. -we J 1 1 tu-oi1' I I U Till szss Snamel Xlned Kafrlfferator Of superior construction, new scientific principle of cold air circulation, heavy enamel lin enamel nn- SO 95 ing, thoroughly sanitary, fully guaranteed priced only ; Solid Oa.k Sideboard Of very massive design, elab orate canopy top. Hoe serpen tine front, lined drawer for silverware, magnificent carv ings. French beveled mirrors; This work- special for this sale only, at $4-75 $15-85 THE U. 8, seams STREET and are for this present at the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Huntington will be at home to their friends at Delevan In the near future. Calktus-Sherwood. BEATRICE, Neb., June 11. (Special.) Chester H. Calkins, Jr., of this otty and Miss Llllle B. Sherwood of Barneston were united In marriage at Lincoln Wednesday, Rev. Mr. Jones officiating. The young couple will make their home at Wlohlta, Kan., where the groom Is engaged In busi ness. DEATH RECORD. Funeral of W. IV. TVIms. HUMBOLDT, Neh.. June 11.-(Special.) Funeral services were held this afternoon over the body of the late William N. Kims, who died in Seattle. The services were at the Methodist church, conducted by the Christian minister, Rev. George C. Ayde lott, and the Masons were In charge of the arrangements. Mr. Nime was a charter member of the local Masonic lodge and had always retained his membership here, althcugh he had lived at various points along the Pacific coast for a dozen years. Together with his brother Ruel deceased embarked in business here In 1869. The body was accompanied here by the only living son of the deceased, Joy Nlms of Seattle. Worthy Lore. TECUMSEH, Neb., June 11 (Special.) Worthy Luco, a pioneer resident, died at his home here at S o'clock this morning. He had been in falling health for some time and the cause of death was Bright s dlstase. Mr. Luce was born near Syracuse, N. Y., August 30, 187. He was a veteran of the civil war. Mr. Luce had resided in Johnson county for a great many years. Hit- wife died several ' years ago and he leaves a daughter and a son. The funeral will be held at the home Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock James M. Gordon. NEW YORK, June 11. James M. Gordon, a well known writer of Hebrew plays, died of cancer today In his home In Brooklyn. He was a native of Russia, where, as sn editor of various publications, he cham pioned the rights of the Jewish people. After coming to this city fifteen years ago he wrote a great number of plays, soma of which achieved treat success in the Eaa). Sldo theaters. ""usu-tsois""' 1 mm yi)iIiimiiiMl Li-viC" ,1 f'. BOOKCASES They are made of selected solid oak and thoroughly guar anteed. Pouhle strength glass In door. They hay neat carved ornamentation and carved claw feet. On sale all Saturday at only SI035 Solid Oak Extension Tvxble A maaslve table, thoroughly well nade, large round top and heavy baa. top fitted with Hartman a smooth. running extension slide a superior table special. $13-75 "CREDIT" WITH NO INTEREST CHARGED 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs These are rugs of exceptional quality, priced at an amaalngly low figure. They are mado of best all worsted materials, made without and thorcughly guaranteed, ( gOC m moat beautiful. Special week Corey and Wife Hurt in Auto Car One Occupant is Badly Injured, bat the Steel Magnate " is Lucky. PALAISEAU, France, June It William" E. Corey, president of the United States Steel corporation and his wife, who suf fered injuries In an automobile aocldent near here yesterday, were seem today at their home, the Chateau Vllgenls. ' Mr. Corey Is confined to his room. His head was bandaged and he waa suffering from slight pains in the chest. Mrs. Corey had been bruised, but she had sufficiently re covered from the shock to be at her hus band's bedside. Accompanied by M. Godllleau, manager of Mr. Corey's French estate, they left here In an automobile for Paris, where they had an engagement to take luncheon with Prince Von Radoltn, the German ambassador. After emerging from the forest surrounding the chateau, the chaffeur, a man of limited experience, suddenly lost control of tha machine, which was going at a rapid pace. The car struck a tree and turned a somersault and the entire party was burled beneath a mass' of wreckage. Mrs. Corey managed to extricate herself unaided. She saw her husband beneath tha car. He was covered with blood from wounds Inflicted by the shattered glass. M. Oodllleau was crushed and unconscious and the chauffeur was pinned down. She ran across a field anA secured the aid of three peasants, who at once set to work to clear away the wreck age. Then the wounded were removed In .a wagon to the chateau. Great Event. The great semi-annual half price sale nf tailored suits, that all Omaha women have been watting for, opens Saturday morning, promptly at 8 o'clock. See our advertise ment on page 1L ORKIN BROS.- Toledo Tailor t-onvlcted. TOLEDO,. O.. June 11. Michael Sobo leskl. a tailor, who was charged with the murder of Ludwlg and Augusta Krueger, was convicted today of murder in the first degree, with a recommendation of mercy. The peralty Is life Imprisonment. ttt -it--