Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 THE HKK:
i iniiuM Miiiiii iiiiMiiaiiiiM iin i i mi uiiiiiiTmrnrTTirir-rTniTrTXTTTffir
""' ' w"J'tt-jMii 'imi imiiiwijwwhwiibimwii 'iii.HiiiiiM'ijiii,niiL.!uniMmi; .x,tmvium eunju-s mnu .Li.iu.miiJii'suimi.M mT,.i .Tni iitt m rriiiinrMisllli i n iiiiiiwnr 'i i
K. Ill
Saiurday-TKe Second Shipment!
i rrcsn new Lots rrom uur uin rurcnase 01
Skirt Waist Suits
Lingerie Dresses and One Piece Wash Dresses
Bought from a Prominent Manufacturer
Scores of charming new styles in these cool and'practical
frocks for midsummer. The values in this new shipment from
New York are wonderful. Dresses and suits made of fine
mulls, lawn, gingham, cambric and chambray. 4 great lots.
n f-
ii r-i..
gfj I
B-vi&cay new
Woman's Bain Coats Up-to-date
styles very serviceable, JJ QJ
.LOT 1
worth up
to $3.50
,L0T 2
worth up
to $5.00
.LOT 3
worth up
to $6.00
.LOT 4
worth up
to $7.50
ifoco! TOWELS
and Bed Spreads
In D&soment
1,000 dozon extra fine quality Iluck Towels
at an extraordinary bargain
worth up to $1.00; in our J?
basement, at, each AmKJr W
$3 Bed Spreads at $1.49
Satin Marseilles Bed Spreads extra fino
quality all new. patterns; worth $J49
$3.00, at, each I
$1.50 Ded Spreads at 95c
Fringed Bed Spreads cut corners, full
size worth $1.50, at, J)3c
Special Women's Wash Jacket Suits at $5
Made of fine reps plain tailored, the new button trimmings j fi? C
white and colored wash fabrics about 20 smart new styles, at $J
Lingerie end Wash Dresses
Daintily made in white and colors
all new styles $ O50 $1 C
Linen Coat Shirts of fine linens, strap trim
mings very fashion
able at. O
Stunning Lingerie and Tailored Waists
Saturday we show the very prettiest, new waist styles shown this season. Ail
the ultra smart new features for 1909 are included the sheer and elaborate
lingerie waists and the strictly tailored waists now in $50 $195 $53
such high favor Dutch neck effects, etc. all new ones, at j nd
SPECIAL IN BASEMENT Women's Shirt Waists at 50c and 69c
Hundreds of pretty shirt waists brought forward for the first time on big
basement bargain squares Saturday many are slightly Cfl- a Cli
JUt a UiV
imperfect but they are all great values, at
White Dresses
Very dainty new styles In
Swisses and Lawns, charm
ingly trimmed with laces
and embroideries, at
Sl.98-J2.98 $7.50
Wash Skirts
These skirts are In very new
est styles and are fitted as
smartly as a tailored skirt,
practical and popular, at
A special sale on our second
floor. Women's white pet
ticoats, prettily made, at
Wfomens' Night Clowns
Dalntly trimmed at 93o.
Special Sale Jewelry
Genuine Metalized Rose Pins
These are genuine roses that have been,
metillizod and made into hat pins the
extreme new fad made expressly for the
Seattle Exposition. No two are alike.
They are worth up to $2.00 (TV
each, but we offer them on jtL
bargain square at, each
A Showing of Royal Belts
Just received, latest novelties in wash elastic belts,
and embroidered belts, 25c tO $5
Five hundred all leather bags, overlapping frarrVs
and all leather lined, with Inside purse, 8, 9, 10
and 12 Inch frames, black, brown, tan,
green, gray, all at one price, Saturday.
New Sheath Bags, in all
leathers, black only,
worth $5.00,
at, each ....
7-inch all leather Car
riage Bags, with inside
purse, ape-
cial, at JUC
5 Big Bargains in Watches
Women's 0 size, engrav
ed hunting cases, with
7 Jewel Elgin or W'al
tham move
ment, at ....
Women's 0 siz Women's
Hunting en
graved 20 yeur
cane with 7
Jewel Swiss
warranted to
be a perfect
time piece
15 Jewel Waltham or
Elgin watches in Ster
ling silver cases, screw
bezel back and CP C98
front, special
0 size
open face, en
graved, 20-year
rase with 1
Jewel move
ment, will go
on Hale, at
Men's 16 Mze
thin model, op
en face or
hunting case
plain or en
graved, fitted
with 7 Jewel
movement, at,
Extra Special!
A Notable Sale of
Pattern Hats
from a well known New York Designer
Hundreds of stunning
mid-summer models,
charmingly trimmed with
wreaths of flowers and
new ribbon bows ; the very
newest and most approved
styles at Eastern summer
This is the most noteworthy
offer of strictly up-to-date, high
cost summer hats ever made in
worth up $ JP
to $15 at . . . J)v
All our misses' summer hats,
?S.r.".98cj $po
Hundreds of untrlmmed shapes,
the very latest AO
models, at . 0.1
Midsummer Footwear women
New arrivals in summer footwear.
Patent colt oxfords in new stage last,
a new lot of two and three-button pat
ent colt oxfords, New York style pat
ent colt, black, gray and brown puedo
and bronez ankle strap pumps. The
newest and best shoe stock west of
Chicago to select from, and always at
lower prices than elsewhere.
Extra Special --Women's $4 Low Shoes at $2.50
Women'! patent colt, Russia Calf, brown vicl kid, suede and brown ox
fords and pumpa, welt and turn, soles, worth up to tT 1 CA
14.00, at, per pair S-.
Positively Unparalleled Bargains
In Our Hair Goods Section Saturday
Our halrdresslng and hair goods sections are considered the model departments of their
kind in Omaha. Hundreds of women have made this assertion after the most careful In
vestigation and comparison. We perform miracles of transformation every day and the
charge Is invariably low.
Hencona Hoor t enter.
Coronet Pnffs 8 la set, made of fine French hair 13 value, at $1.50
Coronet Tuffs Set of y f Coronet Puffs Bet of Cfiy
four, at tJC eight, at JOC
Coronet Puffs Set of SDc Coronett Puf8 Set $149
Transformations For all around the head 6 value, at $3.08
Transformations For all around the head 1 8 value, at.... $5.40
28-lnch natural wavy, 3-oz. switch, made of fine French hair, $12 value, Sat
urday only, at... $0
24-inch net covered
roll, 35c value, at,
for 19
Two large auto nets
for 25
24 inch natural wavy
switch, 2-oz.. $5
value for.. $2.80
24-inch natural wavy
switch, fine FrencB,
hair, $7 value . . .$5
24-Inch straight hair
switch, very fine
convent hair, $8
value, for Saturday
only, at $5
Empress hair color
Restorer, Saturday
only 800
Schemer's Hair
Colorlne, Saturday
only 800
For Our 50c Quality Chocolates.
CNut and Fruit Centeri. 20 Kinds.
Sweetland, East Arcade
25c Dr. Grave's Tooth Powd., 12c
25c Sanitol Tooth Powder. . . .14c
25c Sanitol Cream . ..14c
25c William's Talcum IBe
75c Pompeian Massage 5c
25c Rubifoam 10c
50c Flemming Facial Cream. .30c
11.50 Oriental Cream 81.00
25c Borner's Shampoo Oc
20c Rosaline l9o
25c Satin Skin Cream 19c
50c lime Yale's Almond Blossom
Cream 45c
50c Java Rice Powder 26c
$1 La Treple Powd., (River) .69c
25c Roger & Gollet Rice Powd., 10c
25c Patinett Imported Rice... 14c
60c Locust Blossom Perfume, per
oz 20c
75c Japanese Honey Suckle, per
oz 6(c
25c Lazell Rice Powder. .... .18c
23c Bottle Hydrogen Peroxide,
t Oc
Drug Sale
10c Shlnola 3c
5 Cakes Ivory Koap 10c
Mb. 20 Mule Team Borax -Oc
10c William's Shaving Soap... 5c
3 Cakes Colgates English Process,
at 25c
25c Woodbury's Special 18o
25c Packer's Tar 15c
7 Cakes Cocoanut Oil. for. . . .25c
50c Bromo Seltzer 45c
60c Syrup of Figs 45c
$1.00 Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound 80c
$1.00 'Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey,
at 80c
$1.60 Fellow's Syrup of Hypo-
phosphttes $1.U4
$1.00 8. S. 8 8c
6c Owl, 3 for t. . .10c
5c Capadura, 3 for 10c
6c Hoffmanette, 3 for 10c
1 1 TUFT
1 Love My Wife, But 0. You Kid
A hit that everybody likes to sing. It's clever,
original and irrestible. It's the song you want to
sing over and over again. Greatest ever offered to
lovers of catchy music Special demonstration f Q
all day by Omaha's popular tenor, on 6ale, at. IC
Jungle Moon It's popu
larity increases dally.
or vocal ....
CrmH A Spanish
ercnada lo. Tha Lj-rlo la a
pretty little HpanUh love
stiry, melody In tt
chantcterlstic , 1C
ttpaiilah movement.... v
Always the Latest
Angel Child.
Rp(l School House,
Baby Talk,
While Love and Life Shall Laat,
Bye, Bye Broadway,
Don't You Think It'a Time to Marry.
Now I Love You,
Clock of Life.
Llklnft'a Not Like Loving:,
Oh, Mlea Mallnda. .
If I Only Had a Swsetheart,
Hits on Our Counter
. Mlaty Moonbeams, I step.
Sunaet. 1 atep,
Puddln Tama 2 atep,
Sollta, Mexican Reverie,
To My Lady Love, wall.
Lovellrht Indian Intemrezzo.
Laughing Moon, I step,
Tennesae, rag.
Memories of Love, reverie,
Paprika, hot rag.
Marigold, reverie,
Awakening of Birds, reverie,
Kissing: Bug, rag.
Any Dat in Our Entire Basement
Millinery Pept.-iU'.T p
them hive been selling up to $7 50, at
S5S1 III ill fir :
in id - " 1
I will 1 lm arr M t M, W W
Orrr 20O titles of celebrated novels taken from the writings of the world's great authors.
Regular library size volumes. In these days of advanced prices on everything that enters Into
the manufacture of lxxk painr, cloth, printing, labor, etc., books at this price are wonder
ful examples of bargain giving.
Aeeop's Fablea.
Alkenside Mary J. Holmes.
Alice's Adventuxrs In Won
derland. x-
Ailwurlh Abbey 8outhworth
Anderaon'a Fairy Tals.
Bad Hugh Mary J. Holmes.
Belle of Lynn Braame.
Beside the Bonnie Brier
Bush Ian Mucluren.
Between Two Loves C. M.
Beulah Auguata J Evans.
Black Beauty Anna Kewell.
Black Rock Ralph Connor.
Bride's Kate, The Souih-
Broken Wedding Ring
Capitols. The Madcap
Chanced Brides Bouthworth
Cousin Mauds M. J. Holmes
Cruel as the Orave bouth
worth. Lrkneas and Payllght
Deserted Wife South worth.
Iora Thome C. M. Braenie.
Luke'a Secret Braenie.
Katies Atonement, The
Exllth Lyle'a Secret Mary J.
Elaine Charles Garvlce.
Ungilah Onihans Mary. J.
Ethelyn'a Mistake M. J.
Evangeline H. W. Longfel
low. Evlyn'e Folly Braeme.
Family Pride M. J. Molmes.
Farmer Holt's Daughter
First Violin Jessie Fother-
Flower Fables L. M. Alcott.
For Another's Bins C. M.
Golden Heart C M. Braeme.
Orlmm'a Fairy Tales.
Hardy Norsemen E. Lyall.
Her Heart's Dexlre Garvice.
Her Only Sin C. M. Braeme.
Her Ransom C. (larvloe.
Hidden Hand 8out)iwrth.
Homestead on the Hillside
Hugh Worthlngton M. J.
lnes. A Tale of the Alamo
In Ilia Stepa Chas. M.
lahmael; or. Id the Depths
Ivanhoe Scott.
Jane Eyre Bronte.
John Halifax Mulock.
Lady of the Lake Scott.
Ijamplighter Cummins.
laat of the Mohicans
Last Days of Pompeii Bul
wer. Leigh ton Homestead, The
Lena Rivera M. J. Holmes.
l.elle'a Loyalty Uarvlce
LlHie Mirlnter J. M. Barrle.
Longfellow'e Poems.
Macariu Augusta J. Evans.
Mad Love, A C. M Braeme.
Msndalen's Vow Agnes
Maggie Miller M. J. Holmes.
Marble Faun, The Haw
thorne Marian Grey M J. Holmes.
Meadow Brook Holmes
Mlcah Clarke A Cannon
Mildred Mary J. Holmes.
Mlllbsnk Mary J. Holmes.
Miss McDonald Holmes
Moss Side Marion Harland.
Mystery of Dark Hollow
Ninety-Three Huge.
Not Like Other Girls Carey
Oliver Twist Cbas. Dickens.
Our Besula Rosa N. Carey
Passion Flower C Garvice.
Phanton 'Rickshaw Kipling.
Prince Charlie's Daughter
Queen of the late Agnes
Rector of St. Mark's M. J.
Rival Brothers A Fleming.
Robert Hardy s Seven Day
Roblneon Crusoe De Foe.
Romance of Two Worlds
Rosamond Mary J. Holmes.
Rose Mather M. J. Holmes.
Scarlet Letter, The Haw
thorne. Shadow of a Sin Braeme.
Simple Life Chas. Wagner.
Spy, The J. F. Cooper
Stepping Heavenward
Story of a Wedding Ring
Struggle .for a Ring C M.
Swiss Family Robinson.
Tsle of Two Cities Dickens.
Tempest and Sunshine
Ten Nights In a Bar Room
Thelma Marie Corelll.
Thorns and Orange Blossoms
Charlotte M. Braeme
Thrown on tha , World
splendid cloth bound edition of
this great work, complete la one
vol., large type.
TIOXARY Authentic Edition,
authorized and published by O.
& C. Merriam & Co. Full tan
sheep binding, with thumb in-
TERIES of PARIS, each 49c
Complete 1 vol. editions of Eugene
Sues' famous books, splendid cloth
1ST. ELMO, 2Sc Augusta Evans'
famous 6tory, for over 4 0 years a
favorite, splendid cloth edition.
19 1
IJrriT-i El Pf . --wr-"i .a r .J-..'i ... s r I - 1 . l SB
mum imti Emm mm m
Ttie Greatest Books ol the Day (Formerly $1.08 and $1.18) 49c
mwa.uB v. m.vuaw aj j .mil- i vu os uv jMooa y itooert Hlchens.
Karet i'Hlund, i Tha Bast Ku-.Hv HarnU unr.,k
Tha Dlrlne Tire By May Sinclair. Iha Toiuurer Set By Robt- W. Cham
Teda By Geo. B. McCutcheon.
Treasure of Heaves By Msrle Corelll.
Kebeooa of wanybrook Tarm By Kate
a Ti i s s 1 o.
.The Crossing By Winston Churchill.
Morals of Marcus Ordeyna By Wm. J.
I,lttle Shepherd of Kingdom Come By
John Fox. Jr.
$1.25 and $1.30 COPYRIGHT
' BOOKS That we've picked up
from the large eastern publish
ing houses. Such as Macmlllan,
Century Co., Ltpplncott, Long
mans, John Lane, Appletons,
Houghton, Mifflin & Co.. etc.
Lots of good reading here come
and look them OC
over, at C
Lang-ford of the Three Bars
Boy les.
Empire Builders Francis
Subjection of Isabel Carnaby
IJllen Fowler.
On.ii Good Man Marie
The Car of Destiny C. N. ft
A. M. Williamson.
Running Water A. E. W.
Beth Norvell Randall Par-
Mr. Barnea. American A. C.
The Broken Lance Herbert
Ben Blair Will Lllllbridge.
The Divine Fire May Sin
The Princess Virginia C. N.
A. M. Williamson.
Where the Trail Divides
Will Lllllbridge.
Lady of the Mount Fred! 8.
The Brass Bowl Louis J.
Conquest of Canaan Booth
Fighting Chance W. Cham
bers. Psm Decides Bettlna von
That Printer of Udell's
Harold Bell Wright.
Captured Gen. Chas. King.
When Wilderness was King
nanaau farrlsh.
My Mamie Rose Owen KU
dare. Winston of the Prairie
Harold Blndloss.
Tolanda Charles Major.
Constance Tres rot H. Weir
In Old Bellalre Mary Dillon
Pam Bettlna von Hutten.
Hllma W. T. Eldrldge.
The Battle of the Strong
Gilbert Parker.
Beverly of Uraustark Mc
Cutchen. Doctor Luke of the Labrador
Norman Duncan.
Emmy Lou Geo. M. Martin.
The Yoke By Hubert Wales.
Coast of Chanoe By E. fc U Chamber
A Might's Saehantraent By Harold
The Spoilers By Rex E. Beach.
Bob. Hampton of Plaoer By Randall
The Fair Ood Lew Wallace.
Day's Work R. Kipling
Freckles Gene Stratum
Porter. The Gambler Katherln C.
Garden of Allah R Hlchens
Half a Rogue Harold Mc
Grath. House of Thousand t.'andles
Meredith Nicholson
Lady Rose's Daughter Mrs.
Humphrey Ward
Lavender and Old Lace v
Myrtle Reed.
Lion and the Mouse Klein
Man of the Hour Octave
"OU-Faahloued" Style of Floral Or.
sweat Has Kaoye4 High Fa
vor for Tear.
The bride's bouquet Is another of the Im
portant details of the wedding costume
and In spite of the dictates of fashions
and florists, ' the bride who knows best
what la becoming to her style will dictate
the makeup of her own bouquet.
It is an open secret that florists are
not all arusia han It comes to making up
this particular cluster of flowers and it
behooves the young woman who la to carry
them to conalder Just what the makeup
shall be before she confides her choice to
the groom who, of course, provides the
bouquet. '
For a year or more the "oldfashloned"
bouquet has enjoyed high favor and In nine
oases out of ten It has served to mar the
bridal costume rather than complete it.
Stiffness Is regrettable any place or in any
thing and the stiff paper holder while serv
ing well as a protection to gloves snd
gowo, baa served (go of lea to pyU the
whole effect. This season while the paper
holder has been retained, it has been re
duced to the office originally Intended
for It that of a protection, and the grace
ful shower of small blonomn, feathery
green or soft filmy tulle tells over it,
hiding It and dropping In truly beautiful
profusion ss long as is conslxtent with the
sixe and style of her who shall carry it.
The bunch of long stemmed flowers such
as roses, carnations and the asters that
will so soon be in the market, is Just as
popular as ever and for some brides Is
infinitely belter than the thewtr v( smaller
blossoms. These flowers should be tied
loosely with a bow of tulle or of wide
ribbon corresponding lu color with the
color of the floyers and there should be a
liberal amount of the foliage left on the
stems. Of course such a bunch of flowers
must be carried across the arm with Hie
stems extending down and well across the
front. It la well to remember to dry the
stems as much as possible before hand
ing them to her who Is to carry them else
the gown and gloves and even the veil if
It be worn over the fact, may suffer from
ths mgistuTk
When the shower of smaller blossoms are
used there should be a generous mingling
of feathery fern to hide the paper holder
and form a setting for the blossoms while
mingled with the shower and the means
by which the flowers are draped below the
main cluster are loops of baby ribbon.
Sometimes a few bride's roses are effec
tively pestled among the finer blossoms
of the shower bouquet and a fall of lace
mingling with the shower is another effec
tive addition.
The bridesmaid's bouquet la built after
the eaiuv fccutisi stjle as thai vt the bride
but of course, is much teas pretentious and
if a shower. Its ribbons may be of the color
corresponding or contrasting with the
gown. If It be a bouquet of iongstemmed
flowers the bow of Illusion, ribbon or
whatever la employed to confine them, may
also be of the color.
Orchids combined with lilies of the valley
and a few fine ferns are a favorite cor
sags bouquet fur the bride's mother
though violets, sweet peaa and many other
blossoms are used.
Rent that vacant ryuiu by. a Uee Want ad
Secretary of War Addresses Grata
ales and Presents Them with
WEST POINT. N..V., June ll.-At the
commencement exercises at the United
States Military academy today, Secretary
of War Dickinson, who prexented the mem
bers of the graduates wiili then diplomas
and audi nted lhew, w the guest la