Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Bj Bell Pong-
Important News from the
Millinery Department
SATURDAY we will place on special sale a limited quantity
Porto-Rican Hats, at, each
These hats havo been in our lGth street windows for the
have caused widespread interest. Sale commences at 9 A. M.
Women's Vests 20c and
50c Each.
Women'i plain cotton gauze
vsts, low neck, short sleeves;
fine value, at, each 20c. .
Women's mercerised lisle
vests, low neck and sleeveless,
with plain or crocheted tops;
good value, at, each 50c. '
At the Infants' and Children's Wear Dept.
Several new lines arrived this week. Some you no
doubt have been waiting for.
Children's rompers for boys and girls in white and
colors, sizes one to five years.
Children's gingham aprons, sizes one to four years,
at, each 50c and 25c:
Children's straw bonnets, the 11.50, 12.00, $2.50
and $2.75 qualities at reduced prices.
Children's wash bonnets, regular 50e, 75c and $1.00
qualities, Saturday, each 49c. Main floor.
Women's Fine Tailored Princess Slips
The Indispensable foundation of every close fitting
Plain lawn princess slip, with 8 Inch flounce trim
med with lace, at 12.00.
Princess slip, perfect fitting- tailored garment,
with 14 Inch tucked flounce trimmed with double
rows of lace Insertion and edge, at 13 and $3 40.
Princess slip trimmed with Valenciennes insertion
and edge made of the finest quality of nainsook, 5.76 up.
June Sale of Women's Handkerchiefs
Main Floor. ,
Women's embroidered linen handkerchiefs,
regular 50c quality, in Saturday's sale at,
each 25c
Special Sale of
"Yvette" Hair
Goods Saturday.
Defense in
Kaufmann Case
Former ' States Attorney ' Produces
Letters Said to Have Been
Written by Dead Girl.
FLANDREAU. S. D., June ll.-(Speclal
IVlegram.) W. J. Hooper, attorney, now
of Ronesteel, but formerly of Parkston,
testified for the defense In the trial of
Mrs. Rose Kaufmann for the murder of
Agnes Pol r els. her servant girl today, that
It was he who obtained from Mrs. Theresa
Polrels, letters purporting to have been
written to her from the Kaufmann home
by Agnes and which declare Mrs. Kauf
mann treated her kindly. .. . - c . . ..
. These letters, he said, were given to him
while he was prosecuting attorney In the
first trial and after carrying them two
years, he turned them over to Attorney
Alkens for the defense on May J9, last,
without saying anything to counsel for
the state about them. Elisabeth Polrels,
the dead girl's slater, stated on the stand a
few days ago that these letters were not
written by her sister. Defense has sent to
St. Paul for a handwriting expert and will
attempt to get thsm Into evidence.
Attorney Aiken made his statement to
the Jury this afternoon without disclosing
what would be the defense. , He read a
-number f depositions from parties who
went tp the Kaufmann home during the
three months preceding the girl's death
and who declared they found nothing out
of the ordinary either In the girl's condi
tion In Mrs. Kaufmann's treatment of her.
manufacturer's 'Clean Up
Sale of dainty wash dresses
a New York maker found himself late in the season with thousands of yards of (THIS
summer's wash materials on hand. He didn't care to chance the style uncertainties of
another year; offered to put the cloth into s mart wash dresses if we would pay only for '
the materials and making. So what we bought he made up without profit, to be offered
YOU at following sensational prices:
. Selling
BOTM riOltl ltACM ALL DtPTi -
Sale of Women's Dutch
Collars and Jabots, Sat
urday at the Bargain
The vogue of wearing Dutch
Collars and Jabota la too pro
nounced to let this announcement
go unheeded
Saturday we will offer a spick
and span new assortment of
Dutch Collars and Jabots, values
up to 35c, Saturday at the Bar
gnin Hquare, al, each 16c.
Kayser Gloves
To say they are Kayser's is enough for every wo
man knows that the name Kayser, goes with perfect
workmanship. Correctly proportioned and exactly bal
anced sizes, finger tips that are guaranteed. In fact
the fullness of beauty and satisfaction In silk gloves.
Long silk gloves, in black, white and colors, per
pair $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00.
Short' silk gloves. In black, white and colors, per
pair 50c, 75c and $1.00.
Saturday Candy Specials
Balduff's delicious Mexican Penochto, regular price
50c pound; Saturday at, pound, only 25c.
Thompson Belden & Co.'s Special Chocolates, reg
ular price 60c a pound; Saturday, 25c a pound.
One of these, Mrs. Johanna Thorson of
Minneapolis, howeyer, stated at one time
she saw a black and blue spots over the
girls eye and another time tiw her weep
ing while Mrs. Kaufmann was talking to
Omahan Takes Change of Venae In
It Brought by City of Pierre.
PIERRE, S. D., June ll.-Speclal.) One
of the cases In the United States court
here, which Is attracting a great deal of
local Interest Is that of the city of Pierre
against Walker. In this case Walker,
who is a resident of Omaha, and owns
a livery barn here is asking damages on
account of the grade In the lower part
of the city, which has for its purpose the
bringing of that portion of the city to a
Sufficient height to give practical sewer
age, i All the other property owners have
complied, leaving a hole In the street be
fore' the. Walker property. The local
feeling Is so strong iri the matter that
Walker declined to submit his case In the
state court; but took It to the United
States court, and the outcome of the suit
Is being watched with Interest by the
people of the city.
Sis to Graduate at Yankton.
YANKTON, 8. I).. June 11. (Special.)
The degree of bachelor of arts will be con
ferred by Yankton college upon a class of
six next week and the rush of commence
ment Is already on, in class work and In
social way. The members of this class,
with these are Miss Ruth Grant Iroquois,
"The Evolution of Society as revealed By
the History of the Ancient Hebrews;" Miss
Maud . Mathews, Yankton, "Teaching
Mathematics In the Secondary Schools;"
George Oilman, Yankton, "A Modern
$LH G?ft fr small women's positive
W i.OU $10,00 ana $12.00 dresses
this "clean up" lot in French linen or Madras, in rose, buff, light blue
or cadet solid. colors, or plaids in pink and white, blue and white, green
and white, black and white, or helio and white. "Some with length
6leeves and Dutch necks, and trimmed with embroidery, insertions or
Grecian bands. In sizes 32, 34, 36 and 38. They fit sma'll women ideally
and they'reVorth to $12.00.
for small women's dresses worth
$12.75, $15.00 to $18.00
this is a comparatively trifling price for dresses in imported linen, rep
or fine figured lawn. In light blue, cadet, rose, pink, amethyst, green or
helio, in solid colors, figures and stripes. Some with Dutch necks, and
34 length sleeves, others in pretty high neck styles with long sleeves. All
in new banded effects and embroidery trimmings. In sizes 32, 3-t, 3G
and 33 finely adapted for "small women's wear.
girl's charmingly made wash
dresses worth all of $7.50, are
4he ma
taker from whom w obtains these wondsrfnl Tata ss In wash Cresses, made
is of whioh he had too many, line of chlo, sew wash dresses for girls of
aollar bit)
ityle 01 f enay trimmed models.
elore, ehoeks or stripes. All halm, oatohy stylos, at a a age reduetloa,
Bend for
Ind A-H4I
of untrimmed
past week and
Saturday at the Bargain
Square Basement
Another shipment of wo
men's wrappers, In pretty blue
and black and white cffecta,
also long kimonos made of
polka dot lawns, regular $1.25
value, Saturday, each 89c
Toilet Goods Specially Priced Saturday
Ideal Hair Brushes, Saturday, each 67c.
Aluminum Soap Box, containing a cake of fine
vegetable toilet soap, complete,' Saturday, at
French perfume, very fine, regular $3.00 an
ounce, Saturday, an ounce $1.50.
Tooth Brushes, Saturday, each, only 5c.
McCall's Mag
azine for July
now ready.
Study of Heredity;", Ray Volln. Mission
Hill, "Studies in the Nervous Systems of
Vertebrates;" Oswald A. Alseth, Lake
Preston, "Johnson as a Critic;" Albert A.
Coulson, Erwln, "The Distribution of
Wealth as a Factor In Social Progress."
Woodmen Delay
Vote on Building
Action May Be Taken Saturday on
Proposal to Build Headquar
ters in Omaha.
. DETROIT, Mich., June 11. Sovereign
camp, Woodmen of the World, now 1H
session here, today continued the transac
tion of routine business. As yet no action,
has been taken on the proposed erection
of a headquarters building at Omaha, Neb.
This matter, it Is said, will be reached to
One llan Injured and Several Have
Narrow Escape In Wnrehonse
CLEVELAND, O., June 11. One fire
man was Injured and several others had
a narrow escape late today, when the
walls of F. Sllberman & Co.'s rag ware
house and the factory building of the
Ohio Sash and Door company fell, as the
result of a fire, which destroyed the
Forty-five girls on the second and third
floors of the rag warehouse, escaped
safely, but In a panic. The total loss Is
estimated at $50,00,
Materials i&olude t be finest madras, striata lawns and ginghams, la solid
Dou.ias vJireei umahd-Ntb
Prominent Boston Lawyer Falls Off
Vessel While Abroad.
v '
Believed that He May Hare Fallea
Victim to Members ef Secret
Italian Assassination Society
Seeking; Revenge.
NAPLES. June 11 -On the arrival here
today from Genoa of the North German
Lloyd steamer Berlin It was ascertained
that Holland Bennett of Boston, Mass.,
who was traveling with his wife, was
missing from the vessel, and the belief
prevailed among the passengers that he
either committed suicide or fell overboard
and was drowned.
Mr. Bennett disappeared Thursday night
while the steamer was making the run
from .Genoa to this port, and while his
wife was with a number of friends In the
salcon. A thorough search of the vessel
was made for the missing man and the
commander of the steamer swept the sea
with a search light in a futile effort to
find him.
Mas on HI Honeymoon.
BOSTON, June 11. Holland Bennett, who
was lost off the steamship Berlin, which
arrived at Naples today, was on an ex
tended honeymoon trip through Europe
nilt. his bride, who was Miss Lucetta
Avein Uphatn of Cambridge. Their wetd
ilng on May 12 of this year was one of the
spring society functions.
Bennett was t" years old and a member
of the law firm of Fergus A Bennett, with
offices In the Exchange building. He was
the son of Joslah Q. Bennett, president of
the Cambridge Electrlo Light company,
and was 'a graduate of Harvard, '04, and
the Harvard law school, '06. Friends here
are emphatic In expressing their belief that
It v as not a case' of suicide.
May Have' Been 11 ordered.
LONDON, June 12. Telegraphing from
Milan, the correspondent of the Dally
Chronicle says It Is feared that Mr. Ben
nett has fallen a victim of the Neapolitan
Camorra and been murdered or kidnaped
for the sake of his ready cash or Jewelry
or In revenge for the arrest In Ohio of
members of the black hand.
Norwegians to
Fill Vacancies
Prinoipal Work at Des Moines Con
ference Centers Around Nom
inating Committee.
DES MOINES, la., June 11. Chief Inter
est In the Norwegian Lutheran Church of
America convention, which Is In session In
this city, today centered around the action
of Its nominating committee. This com
mittee has in charge half a iK mi colleges
which are under the church's Jurisdiction
and recommends Instructors for filling the
vacancies which are found In the various
faculties. The committee selected for this
work Is composed of the following:
A. L. Hutting of North Dakota, H. E.
Rasmussen of Minnesota, M. Q. Peterson
of Minnesota, Olaf Nysleff of Kansas, 8.
Gunderson of Wisconsin, Prof. L. A. Vlgnas
of Illinois and A. Anderson and O. K.
Olsen. '.
Treasurer. Erik Waldeman made his an
nual report and stated the value of the
church property now amounted to $1,161,
418.33. The receipts for the , year wera
$812,025.60. The expenditures for the year
were $306,719.90.
Scheme to Unite Chicago Elevated
Companies Is ' Officially An
' nonnred as Flssle.
' CHICAGO, June . 11 Of filial announce
ment was . made today by Ira M. Cobe,
Samuel W. Insull and Emtle K. Bolsot
that the plan to merge the four elevated
railroads of Chicago had failed. It Is
stated that the positive refusal of the
South Side "L" to enter Into the plan, and
a reluctant attitude on the part of the
Metropolitan road caused cessation of ef
forts to form a single company to operate
the lines.
- as we have
stated before,
"we wouldn't
offer it at any
price i f we
couldrit main,
tain the qual'
JJje r(
op to our speolal order from the
to 14 rears of age. IT.w Date
by Mail.
m VvrV
Americans at
Last Court of
London Session
Ambassador Reid and Other Promi
nent People of This Country
Oreet King Edward.
LONDON. June 11. The hM court of the
season was held at Buckingham palace
tonight and was largely attended bv diplo
mats end officials. In the diplomatic circle
were Mrs. Field, wife of the ambassador:
the members of tie embarsy staff and
their wlvfs, and Robert Woods Bliss, secre
tary of the Amertcsn legation at Brussels,
and Mrs. Pllss. Mr. Reld was suffering
from a slight cold and did not attend the
function. Mrs. Reld presented to King
Fdoard and Qxieen Alexandra Mrs. Joseph
Btlckney and the Msjses Ruth Adsms.
Anita Stewart and Julia Calhoun of New
York, Mrs. Walter Farwell of Chicago and
Mrs. Townsend of Washington.
Prior to the assembling of the court
Commander John H. Olbbons. the return
ing American naval attache, was presented
and bade farewell to King Edward and
Commander Kdward Simpson, his succes
sor, was presented to his ina.lestv.
Commander and Mrs. Gibbons will leave
for the far east by way of Siberia on June
18 where he will take command' of the
cruiser Charleston of, the Astatic squadron,
last Mght the naval attaches of the for
eign embassies tendered Commander Olb
bons a farewell dinner.
Think Income
Tax Will Pass
Progressives Believe They Have a
Majority of Senate in Favor
of dea.
WASHINGTON, June 11. Senators be
lieving they have a majority In favor of
an Income tax amendment to the tariff
bill went to the capltol this morning filled
with hope that some substantial progress
would be made toward the enactment of
such a provision before the day was over.
Senator Cummins of Iowa has proposed an
amendment that will be received with fa
vor by "progressive" republicans, while
Senator Bailey has introduced such a
measure that will appeal to democrats.
If a majority can eventually bs obtained
for this legislation, it will be made up of
republican and democrats. In the senate
yesterday It was agreed that the considera
tion of this subject would follow the dis
position of the wool schedule. It Is likely
that the first bout over the Income tgx
will result In a postponement of Its con
sideration until the schedule of the bill
have been fully determined upon, as Sen
ator Aldrlch has Insisted that until this Is
done the need for additional reveune from
any other source csnnot be known.
(Continued from First Pags.)
not taitt to himself any anxiety about the
report that c i.ators of . the middle west
Will make when they return to their states
and dlseuss these questions wtih their con
stituents. He cannot by any legislative
trick argue any amendments that have
been voted upon.' oonfuslng th minds of
senator here, who have been exercising
some Independence, by molting terror or
Is Called to Order.
No sooner had these words been uttered
than there was a hasty protest by Sen
ator Oallinger, who called upon Vloe Pres
ident Sherman to invoke paragraph 3 of
rule (. . .
"In my experience In this body," said Mr.
Oallinger, "1 have never heard so oft-re-peatsd
accusations that legislative trick
were being practiced, and I ask that this
rule be laid before the senate that every
one may know what it Is."
Rule xlx, which relates to the necessity
for avoiding personal allusions, was then
read and. th vice president declared that
ha thought the senator from Wisconsin
had violated It
Mr. La Follette, who had 'taken his soat,
arose, saying that he had noticed that this
rule had not been equally applied to all
senators on the floor. He said he had
noticed that some senators could say things
without attention being called to them,
and that it was generally understood that
he had In mind Senator Penrose's recent
criticism of himself, which was not le
buked. Vice President Sherman said he would
see that the rule was uniformly applied to
which Mr. La Follettee replied that hedld
not blame the vice president, as he under
stood that the rule was only applied when
the attention of the chair wa directed
to It.
Cummins Warns Party Leaders.
Mr. Cummin declared that he marveled
at the "blindness of the leaders of the
republican party that they wer willing to
commit their party to suJh a woolen
"Senators." he said, "you are almply
courting th destruction of your party by
allowing such a schedule to go out to
the country."
The Aldrlch-LaFollette Incident then
came to a closa and Senator Beacon took
the floor.
Explaining that the duty levied by the
pending bill upon blankets used by the poor
was a high as ItiO pr cent ad valorem,
although but 71 per cent was placed upon
the finest blankets used by the rich,
Senator Oore off ore J an amendment limit
ing to 76 per cent, any duty upon a woolen
blanket. This amendment teceived the
support of Senators Brlstow, Brown,
Burkett, Clapp, Dolllver. LaFollette and
Nelson. but Senator Cummins voted
against It. The amendment waa rejected
by 29 to 43. Just before the senate took
recess, a motion by Mr. Cummins to re
commit the woolen schedule to the finance
committee was defeated, 8 to S9.
Those voting In the afftimatlve were
Beverldge, Brlstow. Brown, Burkett, Clapp,
Cummins, Dolllver and Nelson, all
progressive republicans. This vote con
cluded the consideration of the' wool
Syndicate Headed by Adolphns Busch
nnd O. H. Walker Pays
ST. IIUS, June 11 According to ad
vices from New Tork the North American
company, a holding corporation, today sold
th La Clede Oaa Light company of this
ctty to a syndicate of t. Louis capitalists,
headed by Adolphus Bosch and a. H.
Walker. The consideration was 7,WO,000.
Bigger, Better, Busier That what ad
vertising In Th Bs does for your business.
Patsenger Killed and Several
Hart on Texas Railroad.
Hamlin Practically Destroyed nnd
Foar Persons Killed at l.endera
M ire Are Leveled hr Ter
ride Storm.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June ll.-Durlng a
terrific windstorm last night a Kansas
City, Mexico A Orient passenger train was
blown from the bridge across the Brasos
river, between Knox City and " Benjamin,
Tex. J. E. Stafford of -Crowell, Tex., a
passenger, was killed. Several person
were Injured, none fatally. .
Details teceived here by E. Dickinson,
vice president and general manager of the
Orient road, are meager. All wires to
Texas points are down,
There were few passengers on the
train, which was mnnlng about twenty
miles sn hour when the accident occurred.
A terrific rain and windstorm had been
encountered by the crew all night. As
the train psssed upon the bridge a udden
blow, sent It rolling Into the almost dry
bed of the river below. The baggage car
and three coaches toppled over, but the
weight of the engine prevented It from
leaving the rails.
That more persons were not Injured was
du to the fact that at the point where
the train left the rails the fall la but ten
A further dispatch to the Orient offices
here from Deepwater,. Tex., reports the
complete destruction of a section camp
at South Wichita.
' Town Destroyed.
EL PASO, Tex., June 11. A tornado last
night almost destroyed the little town of
Hanjjln, In central western Texas, on the
Una of ths "Kansas City, Mexico & Orient
railroad, seventy-five miles northeast of
Big Springs. Three 'persons were seriously
EL PASO, Tex.. June 11. In a tornado
at Leuders, Tex., last night, A. Oolurp and
three children were killed. Mr. Oolurp
and A- Andersen were seriously hurt,
thirteen houses were wrecked and scores
of cattle killed. A heavy hall accompanied
the wind.
Merkel, ' Tex., ' and Haskell, Tex., were
also struck, by the storm and much dam
age done, but no further loss of life Is re
ported. Three Dead at Haskell.
HASKELL, Tex., June ll.-Three dwell
ings were destroyed by a storm here last
night. A man, his wife and one child,
names unknown, are reported killed. Wire
are down in all directions.
Postcard Vote May Deprive St., Loot
of Convention for Next
ROCHESTER, N. Y.. June ll.-Today
efforts were made to deprive St. Louis
of the American Association of Nursery
men's convention next year, although the
delegates had selected that city. J. W.
Hill of Des Moines, la., moved to re
consider and substitute Denver. The con
vention "decided to make a postcard can
vass later.
Note our specials for Saturday
and telephone your wants. We
deliver FREE to all parts of the
25c cake Juvenile Soap, Of,
Saturday, per cake "v
20c Pears' Unaeented Oly- Q
cerine Soap, Saturday. . . , . .
26o Sanitol Tooth Paste qrf A
Powder, Saturday only.. XvC
50c Beaton's Cold Cream. OC
- Saturday only SDC
25c Colgate's and Mennen's Tal
cra Powder, every IC
day 15C
10c Williams' 8havin ' j
Soap DL
75c Tivoli Powder,
Saturday TC
(Plnaud's Finest R'ca Powder.)
60c 4711 June Rose Extract, Sat
urday, per dQ
ounce M.vt
60c Daggett's and Ramsdell's Cold
Cream, with a 25c cake 90m
of soap Saturday vOC
60c Genuine Allegrettl Chocolates,
Saturday, per 9.Qf
pound OtfC
Summer Garden
Oonasotlng with Boms' Vineyard
Only 4 TJlore Weeks of
the Big Alteration Sale
Your chance to secure the biggest values in Suits,
Dresses, Skirts, Underskirts, Pongee Coats, Linen Suits and
English Wrap Frock Coats.
Remember, we will not reserve a dollar's worth of
goods. We must sell every garment in the house and we
will do 60 regardless of COST.
800 Huita Values up to f 2 5 during this sale, only SS.90
fiOO Linen Suit In all colors, values up to $8.50, your choice. $3. )0
200 Panama, Skirls Originally sold from $5 to $6. your choice . $1.98
8AO Skirt In all this season's materials, values up to 112.50; your
cholco S3.00 and 35.75
oOPnogee Coat 62 Inches in length; these coats sell from $15 to $2S
younr choice in this sale $10.00
60 Linen FrocksValues up to $10; your choice $5.00
IMail Or.
dera prmpU
eva avvav sv v
Let Me Tell Vou Something
It mean Just a little time about! a
week but It's worth while when you
take into consideration the difference
between wesrlng clothes made espe
cially for you and the ready-made
kind that are put together for any
body a slick salesman can palm them
off on.
Don't he a resdy-mnde man.
Buy your clothes with the same fore
sight ymi use in your other business
Clothes made to order' by us. from
cloth of your own selection any
style you fancy cost no more than
hand-me-down. .:
For $15, $17.50. $20. $25 or $30
We'll build you as good a suit s any
man need wear a suit that'll fit.
keep Its shape and look good as -long
as you wear It.
We make them right here in our
own workrooms and when you get
your try-on you may auKgest any
changes you fancy and we'll make
them for you at no extra cost.
We want your bimlnei-s and If you'll
give us a trial order we'll please you
so well that you'll never look a ready
made hand-me-down In the fane again.
Qlve tie a chance to prov oua
statement by making you a suit for
the Fourth.
Tour truly,
Ilcrzofl Tailoring Co.,
Day Hersog, Kgr.
219 NORTH 16tli STREET.
TMg manaia arena
Beginning Monday
June Clearing Sale
Matchless Bargains
Tsw iilmsu st oaa
3- Arwu$J
ociatcd AdvcrtjsingCfcbsy
Louisville. .
I Aua. 25-26-27. OS
BO YDS 4th Big Week
Presenting ..
'BBOwir or xAjtTAmo"
June 9,10, 11,12-
iVM .11TK, T.A.OZXai1 BAY.
I Bong-. 1BO0) Znd A-lfiOS.
The Big
sia I Movnro fictv
IB I 1 8 T 11 1
t 5,000
oaes. l m
.T. I 1 to at T to 11 p. m.
Bw Frogram Bandar ana Thursday.
The Miller's Daughter
a arts
ji.irn. 10a and 800.
V. i.
1 , Those
Si -fWJJ. m JSHPS- OiM-n Till
9:80 I. M.
1 ,