THE BEE: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 12. 1900. 19 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKHTY POK SALE. (Continued.) 3311 1) AND nAKNEY In the crMm of the West Farnam dis trict, a splendidly built and nearly new 1-r., ail modern residence. Reception hell, parlor, dining room, kitchen end pantry n flrnt floor; four bed room and bath apstalrs Quartered oak finish; laundry In basement, r.min, one half cash. At the price. I he best home on the hill. Iiyn Investment Company. First Floor N. T. Ufa Bldg.' Tel. Doug. ITKl. A-1KM. 1621 P1NKNEY STKEET I roomn, all modern, with nlc lam lot cxlL'4 feet, newly paved street, furnace, cistern, first-class repair throughout Price. U.7M); I2.ft00 cash, balance one, two ai d three year at per cent Interest. Peesemion within ten days. J ). V. WHO LES COM PAN Y, 111 Hoard Trade Rldg., ltithi and Farnam. Itlephonee: Douglaa 49, Independent A 2013. UKT-yoilr property with Chris -oyer, 22d and Cuming His. DO YOU WANT A lIOMEt Is there any p'ace better than Omaha? We have Homos in Omaha ranging in price fiom 11,200 to 110.000. Tour terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suiie: 2l N. Y. Lite Rldg. phone Kd lJ. Omaha, Neb. BEaIHTfUL CLIFTON HILL A REAL HOME We want to cunvlnce you that you can get a Home in Omaha lust a little bettrr than rent. Now it a Land and Lot t o , (Suite KM N. Y. Life liKlg., Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Hed 19l9. txl2T ft oil i,e boulevard, Just south of I. avenwni'th Ctt. A snap at $676. W. I. Mel by, I. 1..10. DOWN TOWN BARGAIN Corner,. ftlxl-W, with large S-room house -and barn, both In perfect condition $12,500. Kasy terms. Worth fully 115,000. Owner going abroad. Close to High School and only four hloeks from postofflce. Just the place to live while educating children. J. .11. DUMONT & SON, Thone Douglas 690. 1606 Farnam St. 6-Room Cottage At a'.S H. 12th 8t., we offer a -room cot tage, with good sized lot, city water In the yard, for H.tiOO, on easy terms. A. P. Tukey & Son, 444 Hd. of Trade Hid. 'Phone Doug. 21SL ONLY J4,20 for the fine 8-room. modern house, 3144 Chicago St. Rlngwalt Bros., S. Ith St. . LOTS ON PAVED STREET Tou cannot find any better located lota on a paved street anywhere than the south front lots we have pn Locust street, be tween ISth and 19th. Can sell' you a ' 50- , ft. lot for t0, or a 42-fu lot for $826, on terms of one-fourth cash, balance In L 2 Tnd 3 years. Interest 6 per cent. This Is ery desirable property close to car, school and stores of all kinds. Hastings 4k Ileyden, 1S14 Harney St. GOOD LOT CHEAP WEST. FARNAM DISTRICT 47x155 ft. west front on Sftth I St., 187 ft. south of Harney tit., facing C. N. Diets beautiful lawn. Want offer for Immed iate aale. An opportunity to buy this lot at reasonable figure If taken at once. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam St. June 10. 1L 12. 1909. $1,200 LARGE CORNER LOT 8. E. oor. Sherman Ave. and Emmet, 62-ft. on Sherman Ave., 134 ft. on Emmet. Paving all paid; has aewer, water and gas. A good corner to put up two houses. bee ua at once about this. This la a good bargain and will be sold soon. HABT1NG8 HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St NEW 5-R00M COTTAGE At. the southeast corner of 19th and Lake Sts., we offer a full lot and new modern cottage for $3,600. A. P. Tukey & Son, f 444 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Doug. Z18L REAL ESTATE i RANCH LAN f V FOR IALE FARM AND Colorado. LAND for sale In Colorado within miles of Juleeburg. nice prairie. 110 per acre: down, balance I years' time. Address Thomas Cochrane, Lincoln. Neb. . .WATCH US GROW I Routt Co., Colo., Carey act. Irrigated land, t&.&O per acre. Cheap enufT W. 8. Rip ley, US Paxion Block. Omaha, Neb. M ACRES In Sedgwick Co., Colo., sub-lrrl- gatlon, $15 per acre. J. O. Bone, Co. . Uiufle. 3U Shugart Blk.' Phone 114. . losraw .- . FOR SALIC 41 acres of land, I mile south east Of Council Bluffs. Telephone m-K. " (-M34 14 North Dakota. FOR PALE 40.000 acre) best 'wheat" and flax land In tha northwest; for further iiuuimiuon ran- sr writ vnon j. uoyio. Wt.hek. N. D t-Mi JUa Wrosiisg. 10,000 AcresofLand Now Open to Entry nder the Carey Act at Wheatland. Wva. ' Writ lis for full Information, how lo 'get some of these lands. We will locate you and look after your Interests care fully. This Is a splendid section, the soil la rich; it la a great alfalfa, wheat, oats, barley, aucar beet and Dotato country. - Krult does well. The land is ready to 'iiiow. Duuuing materials are cheap, fuel U abundant. We have railroad, school and church facilities and the best of neighbors. This a dairy luytry. Tou can get rich farming here, t.e want you to have our full descriptive Illustrated circular . at onoe, free for the asking. Write, we want to hear from you. In quire of J.fR. Mason, Immigration Agte vi neauand wye. IM) Kaaaaa. FOR SALE 140 acres; first and second bottom; Improved; Joins town on Santa Vt railway; Lyon county, Kansaa; price 410.0UO. Vor further particulars address ner, riox lo. .Neosho riapios, Kan. la, Dakota. Ii0 ACRES In Hand Co; So. Dakota, near Miner. 1J.6 per acre.. J. U, Bone. Co. Umffa. la.. IU Shuart Blk.. .'Phone (14. FINE farm lands in-Hand and adjoining counties. South Dakota. Hustling agents wanted. Jay P. MonUI. till Palace iU1k.. EULueapoju, HUU, t MI47 J las REAL ESTATE FARM AD RANCH I. AMI FOR IALC Nebraska Why Delay Longer? Tou are Interested In Irrigated lands, so why not make up your mind to visit the Famous Scott's Bluff Country It Is the last ot "The Great West" In Nebraska ana no other Irrigated territory Is developing so rapidly. Bear In mind that the Scott's Bluff Irrigated land Is the closest to Missouri Vel ley markets, and for that reason alone the Investment will be profitable. There are no finer lands, there Is nowhere a more abundant and surer water supply. The Scott's Bluff lands will grow anything that la generally grown on the Colorado" lands. It produces big crops of sugar beets. It produces prolific crops Qf potatoes, some .farmers having harvested as high as 40 bushels to the acre. It Is the home of alfalfa, oats easily go over 100 bushels to the acre, wheat will produce over 40 bushels to the acre. ' The climate Is delightful, thrifty little towns, rural mail, telephones, everything that the older communities have Is found In this valley. There Is no frontier or pioneer life. A sugar factory Is to he built In Scott's Bluff to take care of the 1910 crop. It will be one of the biggest In the world and will cost upward of $2 000,000. Lands are rising rapidly In value. Plan to go at your first opportunity. Our next excursion Tuesday, June 15. Call, write or telephone us or our asso elate agents, who are found In all the live towns In Iowa and Nebraska.. IT IS A DELIGHTFUL TRIP. We sold 3,300 acres last trip. We will sell more this time. Payne Investment Company, Colonization Agents, Omaha. New York Life Bldg. Kimball County BARGAIN 640 acres, almost level land, 14 miles N. W. of Kimball, the county seat, fenced and cross-fenced, deep black loam on which anything can be raised that Is grown in Neb.; m acres now In oat, wheat, rye, corn and potatoes, balance fine grass, but all can be cultivated; good four-room house with out-kltchen and cellar; barn for 8 horses; house for chickens, hog pens, yards, etc. On account of the owner's age (he is 72) and sickness ot his wife, this place Is offered for quick sale at 110 per acre, part of which can stand at low In terest. Would take cottage In Omaha or Mouth Omaha, or small Improved country place close to either city at actual cash value up to 12,500. Tills is surely a great bargain and will be worth $20 per acre in less than five years. See or write ua at one about this. ED JOHNSTON A CO., Phone Doug 1235. 1614 Farnam St DOUGLAS CO. 120 ACRES Ten miles west of 'South Omaha. Both old Una and new cut-off of U. P. R. R. touches the land; motor atopa at corner; $126 per acre. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. T. Life. Doug, or A -2151. SEND for long list; farms M to $100 per acre. BEM1S. Urandels Bldg. The Best Land Bar gains in Northeast Nebraska 180-aore farm, extra fine level, rich blaok soil, well Improved, telephone In house, trail and school at corner buildings, well of best water In -abundanoe, orchard, grove, mill, sheds, granaries. Price, $30 per acre. 160, unimproved, adjoining, very choice, ' $22.60 per acre. M acres cornering with No. L equally fine, with M acres in cultivation, at $22.60 per acre. Also the finest business corner In Nellgh, the county seat of Antelope county. This Is improved and will be sold far below value, as I own all the above tracts and am moving to the coast L. II. SUTER, NELIGIL NEB. WRITE me for free Information about western Nebraska. I am not In the real estate business, will give you facta. B. A. Lathrop, Sidney, Neb. GOOD LAND CHEAP. 190 acre In Kimball Co., Neb., four miles south of Dlx, $10 per acre. W acres, Dundy Co., $440. 440 acres In Banner Co.. Neb., R. R. con tract. $3 15 per acre., $1,280 back, $160 each year for eight years. J. G. BONE, Co. Bluffs. Ia. . 112 Shugart Blk. 'Phone 814. LAND BARGAIN. SO aoees three miles from Benson, miles from Omaha, cheap. Ask for description and price. J. H. DUMONT SON, Phone Doug. 94). Iiu6 Farnam Mt, Omaha. Okiakosaa. OKLAHOMA 4M--320. ecres of upland prairie. Mack sandy soil.iear Caney, Kan., price, $20 per acre. 47 700 acres of agricultural land In one body; soma is leased for oil and gaa and some Is not, located S miles southwest of Nowata; prioe, $22 per acre. 479230 acres of extra good fkim land, lo cated near Wann; Okl.; 200 acres of this Is aa rich as you will find, 30 acres has some draws In It; land raised 60 bu. of corn and oata to the acre; 70 acres Is leased for oil and gas and Is paying $1 - per acre advanced royalty; big bargain at $20 per acre. 48 1.040 acres of rich valley land, all ' smooth and part of same is in a high state of cultivation; this land ia located wlililn three miles of Watuva, Okl., and six miles from Nowata, Okl.; 800 acres of It is practically In one body, and 240 acres Is located three milos south; the land la well worth $3 per acre; an exceptionally good bargain at $20 per acre. We have land In Nowata Co. In any tlse tract you may dtsire, from r acres up, at prices ranging from $10 to $J6 per acre. There are 4.600 flowing-oil wells In No wata Co. Natural gas Is sold at 2c per I UtiO t.ibic feet. You might get an ell ll witi. your land. Average rainfall In Nowata county, $4 Inches per annum; average- from March 1 t October 1, 24 inchea, and distributed junt as needed. Good water ia found from 20 to 40 feet Find Nowata county on your map. The Oklahoma A Cherokee Central R. R east and west through this county Is a certainty. Land will probably double In value within two years. You can't afford to miss this opportunity. Ask Mo. Pac ticket agent about low rates to Nowata. Come In and ace us or write. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. - - Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1909. Omaha, Neb. Open evenings. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WevJ, Wead Bldg., 18ih and Farnam. (H) 814 PRIVATE money to loan. J. 11. Sherwood, 414 Brandels Bldg. 122) 814 PAYNE. B3STWICK it CO.. N. Y. Ufa. Private money, luuk to $6,000; low rate. $ii00 TO $204,000 on Improved property; no delay. UARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam St FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. 1HOMAS BHENNAN. Aovm i, Nw Ywa Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND Kl.MH LAN It FOR Al.B REAL ESTATE LOANS Continued.) LOWEST RATES Bemts. Brandela Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. I desire to announce to. home owners and home builders of the cities of Omaha and South Omaha, that 1 am prepared to loan money on residence property at the same rate that the building and loan associa tions pay their depositors for the use of the money they a. e loaning, thereby effect ing a saving to borrowers of the expenses of managing and maintaining building and loan asHociations. No cominlslson Is charged for making loans, only a nominal sum is re quired to cover the expense of recording mortgage and examining abstract of title. Privilege granted borrowers to pay 10 per cent to w per cent ot the principal on any interest date, interest payable semi annually. . W. H. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank Bldg. Telephonea, Douglas 1648. Ind. A 1648. $600 TO $6,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Kstate Co.. 1001 N. X. Life. Doug, or A-216Z. (22)-S21 MONET TO LOAN Payne Invesinent Co. WANTED City loans and warrant W. Farnam Smith ft Co., lXiO Farnam St. WANTED City loans. Peters Truat Co. SECOND MORTGAGE loana negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Bell Phone Douglas 2318. U3 824 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS for a 6-roora house, a 4-room house and a couple ot vacant lota. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, Suite 24 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Phone Red Open Evenings. ti W6 WE have customer waiting for 4, I and 7-room houaes. If you want to sell call us up and a man will Investigate your property at once. Dean-Andrews Co., 421 N. Y. Life Bldg. STOVE REPAIRS NEW furnaces; hot water and hot air com bination heating, 1 and 4-hole laundry hot wator healers, mantle grates, gaa stoves repaired, water fronts and flower vases. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206 1208 Douglaa St Phones Ind. A-3tUl, Bell Douglas Ma. -824 VVANTED-TO BUY BEST price paid for second-hand furniture, carpets clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 1L BEST price paid for Id-hand furniture, stoves, clothing. " Wm. Rosenblatt Tel. Douglas 640L (26) 2i WK buy Joblota of shoes. Address H Marks, 1808 No. 22d St Phone Webster X522. WANTED-TO RENT WE are getting inquiries for well located bouses. Must have sole agency. Nowata Land ard Lot Company, suite 824 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. Omaha, Neb. Open evenings. (24 8M ROOM AND BOARD, gentleman, private family; exchange references. Address K 6t3, care Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG lady wants position aa bookkeeper; thoroughly competent, best references. Address W 661 care Bee. SITUATION wanted aa drug clerk In small town In Neb.; eight years experience; registered; college graduate; good rerer ences. Address Mell Hooper, Paola, Kan. POSITION WANTED Sober, experienced bartender wants position. Can furnish best reference. Address S-66S, care Bee. WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tion The Bee. For h'ffh grsde men, call Omaha Y- M. C. A GOVERNMENT, NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE Omaha, Nebraska, May 16, luw Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here and by quartermasters at the posts named nerem, until iu a. in., central stan dard lime, June 14, 1S-V. for furnishing oau bran, hay and ' straw, during the period from August 1, to September 80, 19uy. st Omaha quartermaster depot, Forts Crook, Omaha and Koblnson, Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth and Rliey, Kansaa; Forts t. A. Russell and Mackensle, Wyo ming; Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort Meaae, aouin uaxoia. troponins (or de livery at other places will not be enter. talned. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or ail proposals oi any part thereof. Information furnished on application here or to quartermasters at stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for rorsge, ana aaaressea to MAJOR D. E. MIAMI it X ClUuI quartermaster. M 15-17-18 J 10-11-11 OFFICE CONSTRUCTINd Hl'AKTEK '"ort Leav- master. U. S. MHIlnrv trim enworih, Kansas, May 17, 14). Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received at this ofllce until 10 a. m.,' central time, Tuesday, June 16, -11W0, and then opened, for furnish ing and installing machinery and furnish ing building material for one power plant at United Statea military ' prison, Fort Leavenworth, Kansaa. plans and specifi cations will be furnished by this office upon ueiKMii ot (10. wnicb amount will be refunded when plana and specif ioallona are reiurnru, or iney may oe seen at the fol lowing nrnces: Depot quartermaster. Kii.-aua, neo. ; iepoi quartermaster, St Louis. Mo.: DeDot Quartermaster. Nb York City, and Chief quartermaster, Chi cago. Information furnished ou applica tion. a.nvelupea containing proposals should be indorsed "Proposals for Power Plant" and addressed to MAJOR THOMAS n. bla ta. l oust rue 1 1 ng quartermas ter, i . & .Military rrnon. r ort Leaven worth Kan. Maj 17-18 l-2ujunt 12-14 GOVERNMENT NOTICES (Continued.) PROPOSALS FDR CAVALRT AND AR tlllery Horse Chief Quartermaster's Office, Omaha. Nebraska, May 12. 19" Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock m , central stnndard time, June 15, IS, and then opened. In the presence ef attend ing bidders, for cavalry horses; 50 artll lery horses, for delivery st Omaha, Neb., or other prominent railroad points. The animals to conform to specif Icstlon for cavalry and artillery horses, t'nlted Btates reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any psrt thereof. Par ticulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. F.nvelopes con taining proposals to be Indorsed "Proposals for" snd addressed to Major D. E. McCarthy, Chief Quartermaster. M13-11-15-J11-12-14 O F FICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. master, Fort Leavenworth, Knnsna. May 24. I. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m. central time, June 11. 1(fc9. and then orene.l In the pres ence of bidders, for the construction, plumb ing, ncating, electric wiring and fixtures of nn addition to hospital at Kort Leaven worth, Kansna. Full Information and blank forms of proposal furnished upon applica tion to this office. Plans and specifica tions may he seen here, alftn in office of the chief quartermasters at Omaha. St. Paul, depot quttrtennaaters st Philadelphia, St. Loirls and Master Builders' Exchange. Kansas Cltv. Missouri. I'nlted Rtntea re. serves the right to rejec any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed "Proposals for an Addition to Hospital" and addressed to- Captain Wm. D. Davis, quartermaster. M25-2B-27-2SJ11-13 LEGALNOTICES Notice of Stockholders' Meetlosj. To the stockholders of THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY: In conformity with the requirements of the Constitutions and laws of the slates of Missouri, K annus and Nebraska and the by-laws of the Company. YOU ARK HEREBY NOTIFIED that by resolution of the Hoard of Directora of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company duly adopted at meeting ot said Board on the iSnh day of May, A. D., 1JV, a meeting of the stock holders of The Missouri Pacific Hallway Company has been called to be held at the office of tiie Company, Room i06 Missouri Pacific Building, in the City ot.St. Louis. In the State of Missouri, on the sixth day of August, A. D. 1904, at nine o'clock In thu forenoon, (1) for the purpose of considering a Con tract and Articles of Consolidation hearing date the 29th day of May, llu., heretofore made and entered Into by and on behalf or The Missouri Pacific Railway Company and the following named corporations by order of their respective Boards of Directors: The Kansas and Colorado Pacific Rail way Company, a consolidated corporation of the State of Kansas; The Central Branch Railway Company, a consolidated corporation of the Stale of Kansas; The Rooks County Railroad Company, a corporation of the State of Kansas; The Nevada and Minden Railway Com pany, a ccrporatlon of the State of Mis souri; Nevada and Minden Railway Company ot Kansas, a corporation of the State of Kansas; Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company of Missouri, a corporation ot the State of Missouri; Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company, a corporation of the State of Kansas; The Fort Scott Central Railway Com pany, a consolidated corporation of the State of Kansas; Kanopolis and Kansas Central Railway Company, a corporation of ihe State of Kansas; The Kansas Southwestern Railway Com pany, a corporation ot the State of Kansaa; and . Th LeRoy and Caney Valley Air Line Railroad Company, a corporation of the State of Kansas, mhereby all or any of said corporations and The Missouri Paoiflc Railway Company nave agreed to consolidate In the whole, and to consolidate the stock of the re spective companies making such consolida tion, and to form and make under and pur suant to the laws of the States of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, a new, consolidated corporation, to be known aa The Missouri Paclfio Railway Company, owning, con trolling, possessing and bringing under one management all and singular the lines of railroad and other properties, real, personal and mixed, powers, rights, privileges, im munities and franehlses, belonging to any of the companies making such consolida tion, upon the terms and conditions fixed and stated by said Contract and Articles of Consolidation; (2) For the purpose of voting upon the question whether itych Contract and Ar ticles of Consolidation, 'so made and en tered Into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap proved and adopted andvauch consolidation consummated or whether such Contract and Articles of Conarlldatlon shall be re jected; (8) To consider and vote upon the adop tlon of a resolution accepting the provis ions of Article II of Chapter 12 of the Re vised Statutes of the State of Missouri, 1K99, and to authorize the filing thereof, all aa required by Section numbered 1069 of such Revised Statutes In the case of con solidation of railway corporations; and (4) To take any other action In the pre mises, and to transact any other business that mav properly come before the meeting. Such Contract and Articles of Consolida tion will be submitted to the meeting of the stockholders so called for examination and every stockholder atterdlng will be fur nished with a printed copy thereof, and at any time before such meeting any stock holder will be furnished with a printed copy of such Contract and Articles of Conso lidation upon application therefor during business hours to the Assistant Secretary of the Company, at the office of the Com pany In the Cltv of St. Loula, Missouri. Dated. May 29th, 1909. GEORGE J. GOULD, President of The Missouri Paclfio Railway Company. A. H. CALKF. Secretary of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company. JitoA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED bids will be received at the Atkinson National bank. Atkinson, Neb., up to ( o'olock p. m.. Mondsy, June 28. 1909, for the erection of a brick school building In Atkinson, Neb., for School District No. 21. Holt county, Neb., according to plans snd specifications now on file at the office of A. H. pve Co., Architects, Fremont, Neb. The right us reserved to reject any and all bids. J12-1M8 DISSOLUTION NOTICE J. R. Btevensvm has purchased the Interest of J. C. Eng lish In the firm of J. R. Stevenson A Co. and will continue the business under the same name, paying all bills and collecting all outstanding accounts. June 10, 1109. Jlld2t REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS James H. Baker et al. to B. N. Phelps. s&O ft of lot 8, block 3, Jet- ter's add .$ 1,000 Wirt Thompson and wire to Fred Armbrust, lot 27, lot 7, Creighton's 1st add 1 Hattie A. Cook and husband to B. F. ' Hutchins. se",4 se',4 neW. 12-18-12 1.400 Frank T. Walker and wife to Jean ette P. Becker, s1 of lota 1 and 2, Hillside Reserve Jeanette P. Becker and husband to M. Mathiesen. e44 ft. of lots 7 and 8. block 2, Becker Frederick's add... 2,800 same to same. e4 ft of W88 ft ot same $.400 J. R. Wells to same, w44 ft. of same.. 3,600 Oeorice L. vv humore to same, lot . block 2, Becker & Frederick's add.... 3,500 Deborah A. r ord to Fannie it. Wake- lev, lot II. block . A 8. Patrick's.... 2.600 H. G. Dacken and wife to Maggie Fillenwarth, lot 6, block 16, Halcyon Heights 2,00 Fannie Dworak and husband to Annie Patack and husband, n4 lot 20, block 2, Morrison's add i George A. Joslyn and wife to Child Saving Institute, lots 1, 4, 4, 8, 10, 12 and 14. Jacobs' add 2 L. J. Nelson and wife to National Lumber, Box and Package Co., part lots 6, 4 and 7, block 7, McCague'a add 6,000 J. R. Crinkling and wife to M J. Tracy, lot 15. block 1. Richmond.... 600 Cora M. Turrell and husband to H M. HiKgins, lot , block "H,", Shlnn's 2d add 1,000 E. F. Hralley. sheriff, to E. A. Ben son, lot 17, block 10, BriKKs' place... 1,875 William H. Turner and wife to Mike Geleskl, lot 28, block 1, Burlington Center 190 William Rocheford and wife to Bessie Levy, lot 6, Hunt's sub 5.000 Peter Weeblckt and wife to Kate Wet. davenlcs. lot 8. block 4, St. Mary's add Anna C. McCague to The Land Title Co., s4 of lots 1 and 2, block 4, Reed's 1st add 10,000 Marie Marx to A. N. Jenaen, lot 23, Marx'a sub 2f0 Sarah M. Pike to W. S. Frank, lot S, Clark place Total RAILWAY TIME CARD CNlOll ITATIOM IOTH AMU MASON tslts Pacific Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a t 3d am ail:4 pre Colorado Kx press a l.SU pin a $ 00 pm Aitantio kxirraa a t am Oregon Kxpie-s a 4.10 pm a $ M) pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all.oe pm a I.M pm Fast Mall a 7.20 am a 4. 46 pro China snd Japan Mail, a 4.V0 pm a 4 44 pm North Platte Local a $.14 am a 4.46 pro Colo. Chicago Special... .all:10 am a1:o6am Beatrice A Ktrumsburg Local bl2:40pm b J :40 pm Valley Local (motor via Lane Cut-Off) aIO:00 am a 1:48 pm Valley Lotal (motor). ...a 4 pm a oo am Hastings-Superior b 1.1 pm b 6.AI pro Local reengare not carried on trains Nos. 1 and 2. t htcaao A North western. Chicago Daylight a 7 40 am all:J6 pm Twin City Express. Chicago Local Sioux City Local... Denver-Chicago Ex. ...a i 45 am ...al2:06 pm ...a 3.45 pm ...a 5:10 pin B10 20 pm a 1 15 pm all 00 am a 8:28 pm a 8 00 am a 8:2 pm Chicago Special. ..a 4:02 pm CAllfornla-rhlcaao Ex a 4 06 rm Minnesota-Dakota Ex.. a 7:00 pm a l:w am Twin -City Limited a 00 pm a 7:06 am ios Angeles Limited. ..a 9:10 pm all:35 pm Overland Limited all .V) pm a 7:15 am NEBRASKA AND WYOMING. DIVISION. Norfolk-Bonesterl a 7.60 am alO.HO pm Lincoln-Long Plrfe a 7:60 am all HO am Norfolk-South Pla'te...b 2:15 pm b 6:20 pm Hastlngs-Piiperlot b 2:15 pm b 6:20 pm Deadwood-Hot Strings a 3 pm a 620 pm Casper-Lander a 3:66 Tim alHWam Fremont-Albion :..b 5:30 pm b liSDptn Chlraao, Hock. lataod racial EAST. Leave. ' Arrive. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 3:10 am alLOi pm Iowa local ,...8:lam a 4 30 pm The Mountaineer a 7:42 am a 2:X am Des Moines Local a 4 00 pm al2:10 pm Iowa Local bl0:35 am . b :bi pm Chicago-Eastern Ex. ...a 4:40 phi a 1;W pm Chicago-Neb. Ltd pm a S:05 am WEST. The Mountaineer a 3:00 am a 7:35 am Chicago-Neb. Limited, (for Lincoln) .....a 3:30 am a 5.47 pm Colo. Cal. Ex a 1:20 pm a 4 30 pm Okla. l Texas Exp.... a 4 40 pm a 1 00 pin Rocky Mountain Ltd..all:12 pm a 3:05 am Illinois Ceatral Chicago Express a 7:15 am a 1:45 pm Chicago Limited a 4:00 pm a 7:16 am Mlnn.-8t. Paul Exp.....b 7:16 am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd. . . .a 6:n0 pm a 7:15 am Omahi-Ft Dode Local. b 4:14 pm bUJO am .Missouri t-acinc K. C. St L. Exp a :00 am a 7:00 am K. C. St L. Kxp all:16 pm a 6:50 pin Chicago Great Western- fit. Paul-Minneapolis 1:30 pro 4:15 am St. Paul-Minneapolis 7:30 am 20 pm Chicago Limited av pm :u am Wabash St. Louis Express St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) 8lanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) .a 4.30 pm a t:2S am .a 8 09 am all:15 pm .b 6:00 pm bl0;16 am Calcaao, UUwaskts 8t. Pant Chicago & Colo. Spec. a 7:35 am all:40 pm Cal He Ore. Express.. .. a 8:00 pm a 3:26 pm Overland Limited aU.4o pm a 7.15 am Perry Local b 6:16 pm bll:65 am WEBSTER 8TA. 161'H WEBSTER Chtcaa-o, St. Paul, Minneapolis Arrive. Town City Passenger.. b .3u am b fco pm Sioux City Passenger... b 2:00 pru bll 66 am Sioux City Local c 8:46 am c 8:20 pm Emerson LocjI b 6:66 pm b 8:W am Missouri Paclfio Auburn Local b 1:60 pm bll:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Sun day only, d Daily exoept Saturday. BURLINGTON ITA-IOTH A MASON Bcrllna-ton Denver California., Puget Sound Exp.... Black, Hills Northwest Exp Nebraska poii.ts ..... Lincoln Fast Mall..., Nebraska Express ... Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Bchuyler-Plattsmouth Plattsmouth-Iowa ... Bellevue-Plattsmouth Colorado IJmited .. Chicago Limited Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local , St. Louis Express... ' Leave. Arrive. ...a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm ... 4:10 pm a 6:lo pin ...a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm ,..all:6u jjit, a 7.06 am ...a 8:45 am a 8:10 pm ...b 1:20 pm a!2:lipiu ...a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm b 8:08 am ...a 7:26 pm a 7:60 pm ..b 8:06 pm b 10 :20 am ...a 9:1 am a t:6 am ..al2 :80 pm a 4:56 pm ...all:50 pm a 7:06 am ...a 7:25 am all :65 pm ...a 4:20 pm a 8:55 pm ...a 4:30 pm a 8:30 am ...a 9:16 am - all:S0 am a 4:40 pm all 80 am Kansas City &. St. Joe. .al0:45 pm a 6:30 am Kansaa City A St. Joe.. a 9:15am a 6:10 pro Kansss City & si. joe..a :u pm Flow York to Havro-Parlo 6 Days FRENCH LINE Comp&jjnie Glner&le Transatlaniique Glfc-anflo Twin Soraw and Exproit Ittamer. Naval officers in command wireless telegraphy, submarine safety bell signal system. La Carols Jans 17L Itvola Jnlr 8 La Lorraine Juna 24! L Touralno Juiy IS La Provanee July 11 La Britain July 21 Spoolal One-Class Cabin Servloo (TI class) $40 to MO slternste Saturdays. $taw York-Bo seaux Servloo (one class cabin) only $40 and $S0. O P. Watt 141 Parnam Rtroat H. . Mooras 101 Parnam Strati L Naaaa lit National Baak W. E. Bock 1614 Parnam Itraat W. O. DsvldaoB 84 Soul lit SU-..I SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN UNI 14lSW Tea Twto-lcrsw Paaaangar Steamers ' Direct te Norway. Sweden and Denmark Unllad Btates ... Juna ). Oaear II July I C. r. Tllen...Juna !7lunit4 States Jul? 21 HtlltC Olav Jona 1410. P. Tlan July 28 All Steamer Xa,alpped With Wireless First cabin. Vi uiolu. aecunS seMo. tolas, A. B. JOHNSON CO., 11 K. KlaM at., Ckleaas. I1L er te Local Agaats. WE'LL HAVE YEARS TO BURN Bostoa Maa Gives Heclpe for Pot ting: Funeral Directors la Iloboland. Dr. John Fair, head of Boston'a newest cult, tho "New Life," Is -certain that . he has discovered the secret of how to laugh at old age, and how to exist pot . only for 100 but for 1,000 years without pain, evil,: or sickness. He says 250,000 people have1 enlisted under his banner1. Here are"hls rules for living to be 1,000 years old:' "Always dress In white.. White Is the prime -principle of life. I believe there should be a universal taw making it a crime for any peraon to go attired In black or dark apparel. , "Do not think of death, do not believe In death. "LJve principally upon vegetables and nuts. Adjure meat, milk, oil and flesh of all kinds, as well as all stimulants. "Sleep eight hours dully, exercise eight hours and work eight hours. "A man'a moat critical hour In the day Is the thirty minutes before and after meals. He should absolutely stop work a half hour before each meal and must not resume work until a half hour after each meal. "Each peraon should be alone for a half hour each day, not necessarily to sleep, but to get his mind In a condition of ratural and perfect repose. "Bleep with your bed room window open every night all your lifetime. Always have a draft In your room. "A daily menu I would suggest would be as follows: "Breakfast Honey, toast, rarely coffee. and at long Intervals an egg. "Dinner A bowl of. soup made from guts or celery or potatoea, preferably nuta; an apple or an orange, with, for variety, lettuce or radishes; brown bread "Supper Apple pie, fruit. "I offer -to every one who accepts my faith not 100 or 200, but even 1.000 more years ot life If It Is desired." Boston Globe. Quick Action for Tour Money Tou get thai by using Tb Bse advertising columns SUPREME COURT SYLLABI Royer against Slate. Error. Cheyenne. Aftirmrd. K.x.t. J. t If the court, In Its Instructions, pur ports to copv a section of the criminal code, the question should lie correct ; hirt if (Mis word only of the statute is omitted, and the court In other Instructlone makes a correct concrete application of the law to the lacla In the case, and It Is apparent thiit ihe Jury could not have been misled by the omission referred to. the error la without prejudulce. 2. If. in a case of homicide, the court In structs the Jury to consider whether defendant "struck the fatil blow unlaw fully." the adjective "fatal" precludes the Idea that the Jury are to consider merely the blow and not It consequence. 1 If a defendant In a homicide case testifies and doea not state that he ap prehended any serious Injury from the de ceased, It Is not error for the court to re fuse to Instruct that apprehension of such Injury need not be well founded In fact, to Justify one assailed or threatened In acting upon appenrances. If all of the facts and circumstances produced a reason able apprehension In defendant's mind of serious bodily Injury from the deceased. Nir will this court In that stHte cVf the rec ord, scruXintx closely Instructions submit ting the law of self-defense to the Jury. It Is not error to refuse an Instruction the proposition of law therein con tained Js .substantially covered in an In struction given by the court on Its own motion., , , State ex rel Oldham against Dean. Original. Relation dismissed. Judgment In favor, of respondent. Reese, C. J. Rose, and Dean, J. J.,, not sitting. 1. Section 4 of the act of 1877 (session lawa 1S77. page !l4H whlle In force, con sidered In connection with section 4, article v of tHe constitution, required the canvass of the vote of the people upon the ques tion of the adoption of proposed amend ments of the constitution to be made by the speaker of the house of representatives in the presence of a majority of each house Of the legislsture. who were required to assemble) In the hall of the house of repre sentatives for that purpose. . 2. Section 4, article v of the constitution, requires the returns of every election for officers of the executive depaartment of the state to be sealed up and transmitted by the returning officers to the secretary of stste, directed to the speaker of the houan of representatives. Section, 4, chap ter ill, compiled statutes OH07). requires the returns of an election upon proposed con stitutional iimendments to be made to the board of state canvassers, directed to the secretary of state. 8. There being no specific provision for the canvassing of the returns of election on constitutional, amendments and no pro vision for such returns to be transmitted to or lodged elsewhere than with the board of state canvassers, held, it was the duty of said hoard to canvass the returns. . 4. "The enrollment, authentication and approval of an act of the legislature are prima ficle evidence of Its duo enactment." Stale ex rel against Frank, 60 Nebraska 327, 83 Northwestern 74. 6. "The silence of the legislative Journals Is not conclusive evidence of the nonexist ence of A fact, which ought to be recorded therein, reaanVng the enactment of a law." 8. Act of April 5 .IRflfi, (session laws 18(, chapter Iv), held to have been legally en acted and "not Invalidated because of sil ence of senate Journal as to concurrency In a formal amendment by the house." State ex rel against ("1tv of Wahoo. 2 Nebraska. 40, 88 Northwestern 93. SiM act repealed section 4 of the act of 1877, supra, and placed the duty of canvassing tha vote on oonBtltutlonal amendments which act was In turn amended and re wlth the board of atate canvassers, and pealed by the act of 1S97 (session laws 1897, chapter v). 7. The canvassing of an election for ex ecutive atate officers Imposed upon the speaker of the house or representatives Is a duty especially enjoined upon him resulting from Ills office as such speaker, and Is a ministerial duty to- be performed by him in the preannce of a majority ot the members of each house. When such votes are duly canvassed by him his duties are at an end. 8. The law does not permit the returna of election on proposed constitutional amendments to be removed from the office of the secretary of state and does not con fer upon the speaker of the house any authority or power to canvass such re turns. 9. A Joint meeting of a majority of the niembeia of each house to witness the canvass of votes by the speaker of the house possesses no legislative authority and can not . create or Impose duties or obli gations upon executive state officers where none existed before, nor can It canvass election returns or declare the result State ex rel Sullivan v. Roes. Appeal, Dakota. Appeal dlsrriased al cpsts of 'ap pellant. Per Curiam. Bothnll v. Soliweltser. Appoa.1. Lancas ter. Affirmed. Root. J. . 1. A written agreement atodlfflng the terms of an accepted bill of exchange and securely glued thereto, Is a -part thereof and cannot be lawfully detached there from without the maker's consent. ' 2. If such contract be unlawfully de tached from the note, an Innocent holder of the bill In due course may, under sec tion N9, Cobbey a Annotated Statutes, re cover according to the Import of the en- lire contract, but no further. Leslur v. Slpherd. Appeal, Sarpy. Re versed and remanded with directions. Dean, J. 1. The county court has Jurisdiction to construe a will for the purpose of Hdvl.-t- ing an executor in the execution of his office under the terms pf the will. i. In the coiiRtri'cUon of a will the In tentlon of the testator as disclosed by tha language used incrcln, considered In con nectlon with surrounding circumstances will govern, provided In so doing no rule or law is violated or sound pulley dis turbed. 8. . A will contained the following pro visions: "2d. I give, devise and beaueath to Tny beloved wife. Harmony C. Sloherd. an oi my real estate ana personal prop erty of whatever kind and nature, to be used by her fully during her lifetime, and at her death the remainder is to be di vided, equally, share and share alike among my three daughters, Mary Jane Hagedorn, Frankle H. Slpherd and Oer trude May Slpherd. 3rd. It Is my request and 1 uereny direct my wire, Harmony C bipnern, tnat in case either pf my daugh ters, Frankie H. Slpherd or CJertrude May Slpherd, should get married, my said wife is to give each of them the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars; cash aa a dowry. the same to be taken out of any money In her hands belonging to the estate. This amount Is not to be charged to them, but Is a donation from their father." Held, the will does not create a trust estate and that the widow takes all of the testator's property without restriction and that such property as remains at her death vests In Mary Jane Hagedorn, Frankle H. Slpherd and Gertrude May Slpherd, share and hare alike. Morrison v. Oosnell. Appeal, Harlan, Af firmed. Root, J. 1. The owner of a farm orally agreed to Convey tp a broken ten acres of land If he would secure a purchaser for the prin cipal's fafm. The broker fully compiled witn tnis contrsct and was given posset slop qf said ten seres., but the vendor re. fused . to .execute s, deed therefor. Held that a court of equity would quiet the broker s title to said land. 1. It, while the broker Is thus In pes session, the principal sells and conveys the real estata to a third person, who has actual ' knowledge that the broker claims an Interest therein, the last vendee will take title charged with all equities exist ing In the broker's favor. Barker v. Hume. Appeal. Douglas. Af- rirmea. names, J. 1. A county treasurer cannot make valid public or private sale of real estate for the non-payment of delinquent taxes due thereon, unless In such sale are In cluded all taxes with Interest and coats then delinquent against Mrh real estate. Adams v. urgood, 42 r.eb. 451. . t. A sale of real estate for delinquent taxes Tor less man the amount of-taxes Interest and costs due thereon. Is not sale of the land. It Is only a sale of the taxes and Its only effect Is to transfer the Hen of the county to the purchaser, who may enforce his Hen by proper foreclosure proceedings. 8. Where the purchaser at a void admin Istratlve sale of real estate for taxes brings an action to foreclose the tax Hen and obtalna a decree under which the land la sold, the sale so made Is a Judicial sle and does not become flnsl and co:,iplete until confirmation thereof by toe court. In auch a case the two years given the owner to redeem dates from such con firmation, and aa action to redeem may te brought at any time within said period. American Freehold Land Mortgage com pany against Smith. Appeal, Custer county. Affirmed. Bsrnes. J. 1. ITpon proceedings to revive a dormant Judgment which is vslld upon the fact of the record, .no objections will he heard which aeek to go behind the original Judg ment. .1 On an appeal to a reviewing court from an order reviving a dormant Judgment where nvlthrr the transcript nor the bill of exceptions contain the pleadings In the case In which the Judgment sought to be reviewed was rendered, It will be presumed that they were sufficient to sustain the original Judgment, and a defense of cover ture Interposed for the first time In the revivor proceedings cannot he considered. 8. Where on the trial of an application to revive a dormant Judgment, the proceed- ng has been treated by the parties and the action tiled as th.nish the matters oi de fense were properly put in Issue by a re ply it will be treated by a reviewing court. Chacpel BKalnet ljncater countv. Ap peal, lancaster count t. Affirmed limn. J. 1. A statute should he construed "In the light of all general Is ws noun the same sub ject in force at the time ef Us enactment " 2. The fees ef a Juror called to serve as Such In an Insanity Inquest In pursuance nf the provisions of sections 4.S4. KM and 8..J of the criminal code, must be paid by the county In which the penitentiary Is located. Pucha attnlnst Hnrecher. Appeal Colfax County. Afirnied. Humes, J. 1. In civil actions for libel the court usu ally decides whether the words are obiec- lonable. per se. but where they are am- ghluous, or are susceptible to two Interpre tations, and mere is any reasonable dount as to their true construction. It Is for the Jury to say what meaning such words would have fairly conveyed to their minds. 1. Where an answer la not attached either by niotton or demurrer, but Is treated by the plaintiff as sufficient, and a trial is had without objection on the issues raised thereby It cannot be successfully attacked for the first time on appeal to the' supreme court. 1 Evidence examined and found sufficient to sustain the Judgment of . the .district court. Powers against HoehuslftV. Appeal," But t. Affirmed. Good. C. commissioners' division L A ftnelng of the .district court beed on ronfllf ting evllence In a, law; action will not be disturbed on hpponl unless' such finding la mAnlfeeHly wrong. I." A rrr.kers contract for ttio sal of land Is not void for uncertainty of deaoriotlon If the contract' contains d'a from which,, the) land may be identified and ascertained with certainty. . . , s , ., S. Where a party arlvea a reason for his onndoet and decision touohlng anything 'In- vmveu in a controversy, ne rannor arter litigation has beerun change his' ground and put his conduct upon another nnd different consideration. He Is not permitted thus to Kineim ins noui. Rohlff against Trice. Appeal; Boyd. Re versed and remanded. Epperson, C. com missioners division.. 1. In an action to recover the prleei of liquor sold tinder a contract, the plaintiff need not allege that he Is a licensed liquor denier. Radii against Sawyer. Appeial. siallne. Affirmed. Epperson, C, commissioners division. 1. Error committed 1n the rendition of a Judgment of the district court In reversing the Judgment of a Justice of the peavce in error proceedings, will not be reviewed on appeal to this court from the Judgment of the district court rendered upon a trial of the merits. 2, A party who challenges the Jurisdic tion of the district court In proceeding In error from a Justice of the pence, and suf fers an adverse Judgment., cannot collater ally attack such Judgment. J. 11. Teasdale Commission company against Keckler. Appeal from Cass. Re versed and remanded. Duffle, C. Commis sioners' division. 1. The defendant. resident of Manlev. sold l.oPO bushels of corn to the plaintiff, the sale being made through a broker re siding In Omaha, communication being had between them hy telephone. On the next day the broker wrote the defendant sttt- Ing the terms of the sale, and that con firmation thereof would he received bv the defendant from the plaintiff. Plaintiff wrote the defendant from St. IOuls, where It was located and where the corn was i t he delivered, confirming the same snd stat ing fully the terms thereof. This letter was headed In bold type as follows: "Re port Immediately, any errors In this con firmation. Pererdant nlil not reply 'o either of these letters, but on a later dnl" shipped one car of corn upon the contract, but failed and refused to ship the re mainder. In an action brought by the plaintiff to recover the damage suffered from a fnllure to deliver all the com. the defendant al leged as one ground of defense, that his contract to furnish the corn was condi tioned on his ability to get cars to make the shipment, and that cars could not be procured. He also pleaded the statute nf frauds as a defense. Held, rirst. mnt me agreement was token out of the statute of frauds by shipping part of the corn. Hi. second, that If the Plaintiff s letter of confirmation did not properly state the terms of th sale, It was the duty of the defendant to observe the direction of the letter and report any error therein relating to the terms of the agreement, and thiit the rule that he who Is silent when It la his duty to speak shall not he heard when he should be silent should be applied. Jones against Vnlon Pacific Railway company. Appeal from IKiugias. Ke- versad In part, affirmed in part, mime, c Commissioners' division. 1. If process In an action Is served upon a person really Intended to be sued, though a wrong name la given mm in me sum mona and return, and he suffers default, oi after appearing omits to plead the mis noT.ier, and Judgment la taken against him, he Is concluded mereny, ana in an ruiure litigation he may be connected with tb I ult or Judgment by proper averments. 2. One who seeks to enjoin me enrorc inent of a Judgment against his property upon the ground that It wss entered agalnut a person bearing another name, must aver and show that he was not me party sufo snd served with process In the action t'l which the Judgment was rendered. fi. The head of a family having neitnei .unda tnwrv lots or houses, which are ex empt under the lews of the) state, mav claim all of the wages due him as part of the JfiCO In personal property exempt to him under section 621 of our civil code. Ress against Shepherd. Appeal. Lan caster. Reversed and remanded. . Root, J ' 1. The unlawful carnal knowledge or a feeble minded or Insane woman by an adult male peraon, constitutes a felony If the man has knowledge of the mental, condition of the woman. . If by virtue of such criminal Intimacy the woman becomes pregnant and a suit In filiation Is Instituted, neither the county attorney nor his deputy is en titled to receive a fee tor repres.nlng the woman therein, and the good faith of the attorney will not Justify he guardian of the woman In paying such fee. Branson against Branaon. Appeal, Lan caster. Reversed and remanded. Dean, J., Reese. C. J., not sitting. 1. Where partition proceedings are not amicable the fos of defendants' counsel are not taxable as costs. 2. The power to sward and tax coats In legal proceedings being unknown at com mon law. statutes providing therefor are to be strictly construed. S. In partition proceeding where fees of defendants' counsel have been allowed as costs In the form of a Judgment a motion for a new trial and not a motion to retax roste Is the proper procedure to obtain a review of such allowance In this court. Criteg against Modern Woodmen of America. Appeal, Merrick. On rehearing, former opinion adhered to. ltton, J. . 1. A party taking a deposition may offer In evldende and read the cross-examination of witnesses examined by him In chief and may use exhibits produced by the witnesses and Identified upon cross-examination. 2. A fraternal beneficiary aaaoclatlon filed In the office of the auditor of state Its original constitution an by-laws In printed form properly cerUfled snd fter each biennial meeting of Its head, organisa tion filed copies of the same'aa amended. The printed hooka were dlvlfleil lnt-o-chap-ters and sections and so indexed as too be easy of reference and comparison. Held A substantial compliance with the statute. Nelson against city of Omarua. Appeal, Douglaa. Affirmed. Good, c., commis sioners' division. 1. A meeting of a city oouqcll held on a day other t nan 'that fixed tor Its regular meetings, although no call for a special meeting has been made, Is a valid special meeting If all the members of the council are present and consent tp such meetings. I. Sections 8107 and 810H, Annotated Statues, 1S3, (Sections 10S and liO of the South Omaha charter for llsil) construed and held to authorize the city council of aaid city to suspend the rules requiring ordinances to be read on three different days. t When an ordinance of a city has been read at three meetings of the city council held on three different days and the second reading was by title only, and when all members of the council were present and voted for the secend reading of the ordi nance by Ha title only, auch action Is equiv alent to a suspension of the rules and ia A sufficient compliance with the statute re aulrlng ordinance to be read In full on three Uliit.-nt days unless auch reading is dispensed with by a two-thirds vcte ot all members of the council. 4. Section 81.19, Annotated Statutes, lftffl, (Subdivision J of section lai at the South Omaha Charier for 1WW) examined and held not to require thu passage of an or dinance for the ordering of paving and curbing. 6. Section HI 59. Annotated Statutes, lr3. (Subdivision 3, Chapter IMS pf the South Omaha Charter foi 1Su3j examined and held not to require the service of notice upon property owners to designate material to be us,'d for paving and curbing. f. The action of a city council In ap proving two or nr.ure sets of plan and specifications in riie motion, while Irreg ular, la not void. 8. Section 15l, Annotated Statutes authorlit-a the rlty council of South Omaha to Issue bords to pay for paving and curbing and to levy a special tax on the properly specially benefited by the Improvement to reimburse Itself.