Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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I 15
909 JUNE
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27.28 2930
Kara Soot rrtat It.
Budolph T. woboaa, Ptibllo Accountant.
ainaaart, photographer, llth Farnam.
era, photo, removed to lth at Howard.
. S. Combe, expert optician. 1S20 Douf.
r quite bl Life Policies, sight draft at
maturity. II. D. Neely. manager, Omaha.
Oaorja M. Moor la now with the
Union Outfitting- Co., 1315-17-18 Farnam Bt.
IdlewUd Batter la churned from pasteur
ized cream and sold only In carton. lavlj
Cole Creamery company.
Checks oaahed from 1 to p. m., on
Baturdayaat tha American Safe Deposit
Vaults, 21 Vs. 17th fct.. Bee Building.
Joalyn aa for 10O George Jcalyn Is
suing Joseph Crow for 1100 In county court.
Tha Indebtedneaa alleged la due on note.
Where Can Ten Start Monthly Oepolta
of IS to f 10 earning t per cent dividends?
At tha Nebraska Savings and Lioan Ass'n,
board of Trade Bid.
OaUantry Caaa Battled A Jury will not
pass upon tha gallantry of Solon Walker,
who was Injured while giving bla teat to a
woman passenger on a atreet car, for the
cane has been settled out of court.
Bod Kan Will Baace A card party and
dance will be given Saturday evening by
Minnehaha council No. X Degree of
Pocahontas. Improved Order of Red Men,
at Woodman hall. Fifteenth and Douglas
Mrs. Sahlman Oatbowla Mayor Mrs.
James C. Dahlman la a better bowler than
the mayor and won first prise, a china
dish, at tha German home Thursday even
ing, when aha scored 103 points, against 97
for tba mayor. Rev. Father Since waa
awarded tha booby prize.
imonnauon Ag-alnst Al Xeenan In
formations were lodged in dlatrlct court
Friday by County Attorney English
against Al Xeenan, Homer Fayna and
Samuel Cobb. The three men have been
bound var fey tba county court to dis
trict court. a perjury charge rests
against Cobb and Payne.
xeipea Carry Barrel of Bullion Joe
White, who obliged a atranger, he savs. b
helping to carry keg of bullion near the
smelter one dark, but not atormy night, Is
on trial in district court on a breaking and
entering charge. Tha prosecution saya tha
atranger is as real a person as a gnome,
a nixie or a banshee."
oo varas nil Bepllee The Union
Stock Yards company filed repllea Friday
In dltitrlct court to suits brought against
it ny ueorge Bowden and Edward Web
irr. cacn piainurr alleged that cattle
suffered by delay In unloading. The de
lenuam replies that the delay was due
solely to the late arrival of trains on the
i nicago & Northwestern.
Wanta Wife Kept Clear Away from Kim
v imam p. Mettlen. yardmaster for the
Burlington In South Omaha, la suing Mrs.
MIII roettien ror a divorce In district
court. He has secured a temporary re
iraining order against Mrs. Mettlea's
visiting his residence. D07 South Twentieth
street. South Omaha or the yards of the
Burlington. The petition for divorce was
withdrawn as soon as it was filed.
took Out for Bogus Bank Botes Three
new counterfeit treasury and national
hank notes have been put In circulation
within the last few daya and handlers of
money are cautioned by the secret serJre
department of the government to be on
tha lookout for them. Ths counterfeit
comprise 114 national bank notes on the
Central National bank of New Tork City,
a U sliver certificate and a II silver cer
Stephens Catehes Stephen "Set a th'-f
to catch a thief Isn't In It with setting
Stephen to catch Stephen. Watchman
Clarence Stephens, whose post of duty Is
tho neighborhood around Twelfth and
Douglas street, caught Stephen Ride try
ing the doors of the building at lit South
Twelfth street late Thflrsday night. He
called Detective Mitchell, who took Ridge
to Jail. Tha latter was fined $5 and costs
in police court Friday.
Kept X,aw for Thirty-Eight Tears 9.
Jorgensen of Jn03 Burdette street, who has
been manufacturing cigars In Omaha for
thirty-eight years, being the oldnst to
bacconist In Nebraska In point of service,
has surrendered his license and gone out
of business. Ills factory Is No. 111. Mr.
Jorgensen is now closing up his business
with the Internal revenue office and has a
record of never coming In conflict with the
revenue laws during his long term of busi
ness. He does' not know Just how many
cigars he has manufactured In the thirty
eight years, but thinks they will go over
the million mark.
rrrt' "" "JL JV """"" -ru-u - J J L' l'5 '"""'as"" ' "r' J " r ' J i " ' B
These Extremely Rich
and Dressy Pumps, Ribbon
Ties and Button and Lace
All of the season's ap
proved styles and leathers,
made by the world's best
shoemakers. They're the
regular $4.00 and 93.00
Oxfords. See for yourself.
Particular Men
You'll never see or wear
a smarter Oxford than
those found at Alexan
der's. They have all the
style possible to put into
Oxfords and the Quality
and finish Is of the $4.00
and $3.00 variety
6th Floor Paxton Block
Police Praised
After Inspection
Mayor and Commissioner! Be view
Force Drawn Up in Serried
With their shoes, brass buttons and sllvsr
badges shining from many polishlngs,
their blue uniforms spotless and pressed
Into razor-edge creases, and regulation pa
rade smiles qn their faces, 100 officers and
men of the police department, under Chief
Donahue, took part In the annual drill and
inspection Thursday1 afternoon.
Mayor Dahlman, and W. F. Wappich, W.
J. Hunter and Charles Karbach of the
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners,
reviewed tha men in front of the police
station at Eleventh and Dodge streets.
Aside from a few insignificant hitches,
tha maneuvers went off with precision. A
small, but decidedly active, colored boy al
most upset the official photographer's
camera just as he was snapping a bunch
of smiles on the faces of the men In lno;
a fly tried Its best to remain in one cf
"Lieutenant" Thomas Hayes' ears while
he was In command of the patrolmen dur
ing the drill; some of the spectators pot
tha clean-up fever from looking at the
spick and span "cops" and stampeded to
the shoe shining box in the Jail hallway,
and one of the commissioners was almost
overcome by standing too near the chief's
diamond set gold badge.
Mayor Dahlman complimented the of
ficers and men for their drilling and on
the condition of the Jail building, police dis
pensary, auto patrol, motorcycles, patrol
wagon and horses, all of w.hlch were In
spected. He also praised the officers for
the creditable stand they had taken In le
gard to the aalary increase question.
"The legislature," he said, "waa highly
considerate of your value to tha com
munity, and so raised your salaries. But
It failed to attend to the most Important
thing, the 'appropriation which had to be
Increased to meet the salary increases. Tou
deserve great credit for agreeing to aerve
the city at the old scale of pay when by
law more Is due you."
Commissioners Wappich and Hunter and
Chief Donahue also made brief speeches to
the men. The officers of the department
who participated In the review and Inspec
tion were: Chief Donahue, Police Captains
Patrick, Moatyn and Henry W. Dunn, rnd
Chief of Detectives John H. Savage, Ser
geants Thomaa Hayes, Henry C. Cook, A.
W. Sigwart, Tony Vanous. Al Samuelson,
Court Sergeant Michael Whelan, Detective
Sergeant Dempsey, Desk Sergeants W. K.
Marshall and Patrick Havey.
Assistant Police Surgeon Barbour held
a reception In his sanctum, the police dis
pensary, while Mrs. Bessie Gibbons, the
matron, also took part In the Inspection.
Fred J. Hoye, the fifth member of the
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners,
did not attend the Inspection on account of
You'll Save Nearly One-Half
the Price of Your New
Spring Suit Saturday
Men's Straw Hats
There la but one hat store In the
city of Omaha big enough to offer Its
patrons 10,000 straw hats from which
to make a selection and the Nebraska
Clothing Co. enjoys the distinction of
being that store. Just name the braid
or style you like best and it will be
forthcoming here.
Hallor Straws $1 to $3
Soft Straw $1 to $5
John B. Stetson Straws. .$3.50
Panamas.. $3. 50. $5. 87.50
Here's the Reason
All the small lots of our men's
and young men's spring suits which
have been so deservedly popular at
,$20 and $25, have been reduced to
one price to close them out quickly.
You will find a plenty of styles,
colors, fabrics and patterns, in sizes
from 34 to 42, some of which will
be sure to exactly suit your taste.
These suits are actually
Worth $20 to $25,
Dr. Wright's genuine mesh under
wear with coat rut shirts and knee,
length drawers recommended by all
physicians and sold usually at $1.25
. and $1.00.
On sale here Saturday at
Combination Suits
We offer an exceptional value in
fine lisle finished combination suits
for menat only
Ask for a coupon
from our Boys' de
partment and have
your boy send us a
name for our new
Boy's Suit.
He might be the
one to win the
prize of $25.00 and
one of these suits.
We've also taken all the small lots of
regular $15 and $18 suits for men and young
great values at their original prices, too
reduced the price to $9.75.
Your choice Saturday of suits
Worth $15
to $18, at.
Men's Oxfords
The smart styles and hand
some shapes of "Nebraska" Ox
fords are but two, among heir
many good points. Their easy,
comfortable fit makes it unnec
essary to "break them in" and
their first-class materials make
them wear a great deal better
than any ordinary Oxfords.
We've all the newest styles
and shapes, in all leathers, all
sizes and all widths.
our JhiiX.
ssssssssssssssasssMissssssswssi H
"The House of High Merit"
IV ew Arrivals at 91-00.
A brand new assortment of men's
classy shirts awaits your selection Sat
urday. The new "London Smokes"
will make their first appearance In
Omaha Saturday at this store. See
our display in 16th street windows.
New Arrivals In Wilson Bros,
White Pleated Shirts at one
popular price . . . . ... . .... . .
dEii" " ' ' 11111 " " uj popular price. .............. .sJlsW i
Mayor Solves
Tramp Problem
Zuelow of Schuyler Tells Omaha How
His City Seals with Always
Mayor Otto Zuelow of Schuyler thinks
h has solved the tramp problem, which
In cities of Schuyler's slz Is a serious
His solution Is simple and may be spoiled
with Just four letters W-O-K-K.
"When a tramp comes along he Is taken
before our magistrate, fined $10 and as
sessed the costs, which amount to $4.50."
says Mayor Zuelow, who spent Thursday
In Omaha, "and then he Is permitted to
work out this fine at $1.60 a day. The
method has proved very successful and
Schuyler has one tramp today where It
had ten when I went Into office."
But the mayor Is a diligent man. He is
not content to leave the details of his
scheme entirely to others. He U also a
studious man. He goes Into the situation
personally, he studies the tramps, their
characteristics, tricks and turns, and gives
the closest attention to the application of
his principle. And he is 'learning a whole
lot about human nature, and tramp nature
In particular that he didn't know before
The other day," sal.1 the mayor, "one
traniD fainted right before my eyes. He
Just shut his eyes and keeled over. I
called the doctor. 'Take this man out,' I
told him, 'he's a sick man. Give him some
medicine and then give, him something- to
eat and let me know how much he eata.'
"I a-ot hold of the man. I told him he
was a very sick man and had better be
careful. After he had eaten the doctor told
me he had eaten like a horse. I went In
where he was lying. 'And how are vou
nowf I asked him. No answer. He lay
there with his eyes shut and pretended
not to hear or see me. I got him up. told
him he had eaten a big meal and would
have to go to work, and If he didn't work
well I'd make him stay longer, but If lie
did work well he could get away two or
three days sooner than he expected.
"You never saw a man work as he did.
I asked him when he got through If he
would come back to Schuyler, and he said,
I'd rather go to h II.'
"I consider we have solved the problem
when we can make tramps prefer to go
"This work which they do Is on our
ttreets and our streets are In better condi
tion today than they ever were. I war
rant you we won't have such a thing as a
tramp In our town In another six months
Schuyler will be well advertised as a good
place for tramps to pass up."
Firit Grass Fed Cattle of Season
Reach Stock Yards.
Grade Schools Hold Graduating; Exer
cises M las Tramble of Chicago
Dies Suddenly at Home of
John Colvln.
Quick Action for -ur Money Tou get
your business on the run.
The season for grass-fed cattle has ar
rived In South Omaha. During the present
week the first shipments arrived. From
this time on each day will show a large
percentage of gain In this class of stock.
Along with these grass-fed cattle will come
a few summer beeves on a long feed of
corn. Last year there were iew summer-
fed cattle for the reason that the panic of
1907 came at a time when feeders would
naturally have bought these cattle. The
only trouble this season has been the high
price of corn prevailing. However, the
stockmen are looking for a much larger
number of summer-fed cattle than last
year. The combination or me iwo classes
of cattle will probably keep up the steady
Increase In receipts over the figures of
last year from this time on.
Beeves well fattened on graoa bring a
price not far below the corn-fed cattle.
They are killed largely by the packers.
The element of loss In grass-fed cattle
arises because the animals dress away
much more than the animals fattened on
concentrated food.
The hog market of South Omaha remains
steadily in the race with other centers.
Prices held up fairly well yesterday, a top
of $7.65 being paid. Larger receipts have
been coming In of lates The comparative
statements will show a slight decrease
over last year's figures.
Mies Anna V. Trsmblt Dead.
Miss Anna F. Trumble of Chicago, aged
41, died suddenly yesterday morning at the
residence of John Colvln. Bhe came but a
day or two ago and was passing a short
visit with the Colvlns. Not feeling quite
well, she sat down in a chair, and when
the relatives next noticed her she was dead.
She Is survived by her mother, three sisters
and three brothers. These relatives are
expected to arrive n South Omaha today.
No arrangement for the funeral has been
made. It la probable that the body will be
sent to Mollne, 111.
Graduating; Exercises.
The South Omaha grades held most of
their graduating exercises yesterday. The
Lincoln school celebrated the occasion by
dedicating several pieces of statuary. The
program consisted of several musical num
bers and readings by the children of the
Lincoln grades, . and addresses by Rev.
James Wise and Dr. R. L. Wheeler. Not
all the statues have been mounted as yet,
but enough progress had been made to
make the program in every way appro
priate. A largH class was passed from the
eighth grade Into the high school.
Kew Ward BoaaAarlea.
The city co-ncll recently held a commit
tee meeting on the boundaries of the new
wards of the city of South Omaha. It U
provided In the new charter that the city
shall have at least seven wards. Much dis
cussion has resulted over the probable
boundaries. The plan which U said to be
most popular with the city council Is con
tained In the data prepared for the new
redisricting ordinance. Tha districts are
proposed as follows:
First Ward G street on the north,
Twenty-second street on the east, U street
on the south and Union Pacific tracks on
the west.
Second Ward O street on the south, city
limits on the east, L' street on the south
and Twenty-second street on the west.
Third Ward V street on the north, city
limits on the east and south and Twenty
seventh street on the west.
Fourth Ward L street to Eighth street
and from the I'nlon Pacific tracks to the
west limits of the city. ,
Fifth Ward City limits on the north,
boulevard and railroad tracks on the east.
L street on the south and the city limits on
the west.
Sixth Ward Citv limits on the north, city
limits on the west, O street on the south
and the Union Pacific tracks on the west.
Seventh Ward T street on the north,
Twenty-seventh street on the east and the
city limits on the south and west.
Maalc City Gossip.
- H. C. Bostwtck has gone on a business
trip to Chicago.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to ajy
part of the city. Telephone No. S.
Miss Minnie Haas has returned from a
visit to St. Louis, where she went to see
her sister, Miss Anna Haas.
It was reported at the Jail that a soldier
was held up near Twenty-seventh and J
streets last evening and about $8.60 se
cured. The three men who did the Job
were said to be negroes.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Blessing are entertain
ing Mrs. J. M. Sleberg of Fremont, who is
to spend several days In the city.
If you wish to buy a fine suit at less
money than you pay anywhere else go to
the Nebraska Shoe and Clothing House.
Cox. 26th and N fits., South Omaha.
We are agents In South Omaha for Mon
arch and Manhattan chlrts. Nebraska Shoe
and Clothing House, Cor. 25th and N Sis.,
bourn umana.
James Owens has returned from a busi
ness trip out of the city, and has resumed
his duties In the South Omaha National
The Live Stock National bank of South
Omaha pledges Itself to cerve faithfully
the interests of Its customers.
The death of Jacob F. Hoffman, aged B8,
occurred yesterday at his home, 277 South
Twenty-second street. The funeral will be
held at 2 p. m. today.
Hats that hatters and other clothing
stores sell for $2.50 we sell t $2. Nebraska
Shoe and Clothing House, Cor. 25th and N
Sis., South Omaha.
The Women's Missionary society of the
United Presbyterian church will meet Fri
day afternoon with Mrs. H. W. Vore, ICS
North Twenty-first street.
J. C. "French Is expected home from
Washington today or tomorrow. He has
been In Washington In the Interests of
the South Omaha banks, and has bet try
Ing to secure the concession which will
make South Omaha a reserve city.
Special Men's underwear In blue mesh,
extra good balbrlxgan and also salmon
color every one of these are a regulation
00c article xale price S5c a garment. Ne
braska Shoe and Clothing House, Cor. 25tli
and N Sts., South Omaha.
The funeral services over the body of
Chaunoey I. Wilson were held at 7 p. m.
Dr. H. L. Wheeler was In charge. Music
was furnished by Mrs. Fred Towl, Mlas
Clta Huntxberger. C. E. Campbell and I.
A. Kellogg. The burial will be today at
For Sale 7-room modern house, double
corner, fruit and shade trees, one blocu
from street car. Will be sold very cheap
and on easy terms. O'Nell's Real Estate
Rev. T. J. Markay Entertains "mail
Company at Clergymen at the
Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of All Saints'
church gave a farewell dinner for Rev.
Addison E. Knickerbocker at the Henshaw
Thursday evening. Rev. Knickerbocker has
resigned his rectorship of St. Mathias'
church to accept a call from Red Wing,
Minn., and twelve clergymen of Omaha
and vicinity met last night over the din
ner table to bid him farewell. . After a
delightful menu had been enjoyed In the
dining room the party repaired to a pri
vate committee room and there spent two
hours In friendly Intercourse.
Those present were: Rt. Rev. Arthur L.
Williams, bishop of the Episcopal dloceae
of Nebraska; Rev. A. E. Knickerbocker,
Rev. John Williams, Rev. J. W. Jones of
Council Bluffs, Rev. E. G. B. Brown, Uev.
T. J. Collar, Rev. F. D. Turner, Rev. R.
R. Dlggs, Rev. 8. J. Hedllund, Joseph
Barker and Alexander E. Miller.
Rev. George A. Beecher, dean of tho
cathedral, and Rev. James W. Wise of
South Omaha were out of the city.
Rev. Mr. Wise of St. Martin's church of
South Omaha has accepted a call from the
Church of the Holy Communion of St.
Louis. Before accepting the call Rev. M. .
Wise made the vestry of the church
promise to raise a $100,000 endowment fund
for the chilrch.
Boosters Plan
Night at Den
Discuss Recent Trade Trip and Pros
pective Visit to Throne of
Good fellowship ruled at the dinner given
by the trade excursion committee of the
Omaha Commercial club Thursday, the last
trade excursion was gone over remlnis
cently and plans were laid for boosters
night st the den next Monday night
Among the members of the trade excur
sion committee present were: D. B. Fuller,
chairman; J. Clarke Colt, T. B. Coleman,
Leroy Corliss, O. W. Dunn, G. J. Ingwer
son, C. E. Johannes, Joe Kelly, F. T. B.
Martin, D. J. O'Brien, W. B. Tagg, J. H.
Taylor, Will L. Tetter and Commissioner
J. M. Guild.
After the dinner at the Commercial club
the committee adjourned to Mr. Martin's
rooms to see the moving pictures mads of
the trip. These pictures will be shown at
the den next Monday night.
, "The success of this trip Is the culmina
tion of a change of sentiment in Omaha,"
said J. C. Colt. "A few years ago it was
a hard task to get out as many boosters
as this for any sort of an occasion, but
now it seems as though the whole popula
tion of Omaha were boosters. This ex
cursion is the first given by Omaha, for
which applications for reservations had to
be turned down. Heretofore tha com
mittee has had to hustle for representa
tives to accompany the trip, but It Was
some pleasure to turn down lata comers
this time."
W. B. Tagg of South Omaha used "an
nexation" as his text, although he said rm
did not like the word and preferred "con
solidation" or "co-operation."
"It sounds better to the smaller fellow,"
said Mr. Tagg. "The people of South Om
aha have found out that Omaha does not
want to be the dictator and are becoming
willing to consolidate."
"Omaha Is the top notch city In the trade
excursion business." said Will L. Yetter.
"We heard on all sides that the Omaha
boosters had more life than those of any
other city. When boosting for Omaha we
should always boost for Nebraska, for that
will help Omaha more than any other one
Dan Fuller claimed he went on the first
trade excursion which ever crossed Ne
braska, for he went on the first train the
Burlington ever ran in the state when he
rode on a freight train from Plattsmouth
to Lincoln In the 80 s. ,
Commissioner Guild thought ths wonder
ful reputation Omaha was enjoying all
over the country was due more to the
trde excursion committee than to any
other one factor. He said that if all the
committees would hustle as does the trade
extension ths influence of Omaha would
Increase most surprisingly.
Driver of Motor Car Asserts Occa.
pants of Other Vehicle Were on
Wrong Bide of Street.
While driving north on Eleventh .tri
a buggy containing Fred Svoboda of 14U
South Eleventh street, his 10 months' old
baby and John Namcstek, 1402 Martha
street, was struck by an automobile driven
by F. A. Bixby, a salesman for the Lln
Inger Implement company, who was going
south. Both vehicles were on the west
side of the street. According to Blxby he
was on the right side of the street. He
says he signaled to the occupants of the
buggy to turn out and get on the other
side of ths street where they belonged.
When they seemingly showed no inten
tion or doing so he started to turn. So
did they and the collision resulted.
The occupants of ths buggy were thrown
to the ground and the baby received some
slight Injuries about' ths head. Both ve
hicles were badly demolished. The acci
dent occurred about t p. m. Thursday.
Beginning Monday
June Clearing Sale
Matchless Bargains
Mlseellaneoas Rapplles for Postofllce
Balldlna Approved by Treasury
Contracts for the fiscal year for the mis
cellaneous supplies of the Omaha federal
building have Just been approved by the
Treasury department through the office of
Custodian Barrows.
The matter of supplying 1.700 tons of coal
for the year has been taken under advlne
ment by the department. The proposal'
were received and opened by Custodian
Barrows May 23, and forwarded, but the
department has not yet announced the suc
cessful blddsr.
The plans and specifications for ths re
arrangements and remodeling of the stamp
department f the postofflc were for
warded several weeks ago- and are being
considered by the department. It is prob
able that all of the prospective change
will be accepted by the department, but
nothing will be none until after July 1, the
beginning of the next fiscal year.
The new location of the stamp room will
be at the southeast corner of the postofflce
workroom, familiar to the public as the
point where the twelve carrier windows
are located.
The old stamp room will be rearranged
and turned over to the money order di
vision for enlarged Quarters.
Some changes may be made In ths de
livery of the Sunday noon mail to the pub.
lie, this being a problem which will be
worked out by Custodian Barrows and
Postmaster B. F. Thomas when mors of
the details are reached.
Great Seml-Aaaoal Sal.
Orkln Bros, announce their semi-annual
clearance . sale on page 11. It's a great
bargain event that every Omaha woman
should take advantage of. Their entire
stock of hlnh class tailored suits axe of
fered at Just half price. See page U for
Orkln Bros.' advertisemr at.
J. W. Stewart of Dallas, S. D. ; L. R.
Wentllng. A. R. Kline of Lincoln and Mr.
ind Mrs. C. A. Jackson of Dallas are at
(he Henshaw.
You would regard the difference that you must pay when buying the
Piano of standard make as small when compared with the real value it
brings to the home.
Have You Given This Any Thought?
Chiekering & Sons (America's oldest and most renowned piano),
Packard, Ivers & Pond, Kurtzmann, Henry and 8. O. Lindeman, Kroeger,
Sterling, Huntington, Kohler & Campbell, Harvard and others, represent
the best in piano construction in their respective grades. Sold on Easy
Largest Dealers of High Grade Pianos in the West.
Upright New Pianos, $125.00. Second-Hand Pianos, $35.00 and Up.