TIIE 'BEE: OMAllA, SATURDAY. JUNE 12. 1900. -12- an Council Bluffs Minor Mention ST OommcU .nffi Offto. of OaU In U at If BOXt mt ta vttui . Davis, drug. CORRIOANS, Undertakers. 'Phones 14 lywii Cutler funeral director. "Phone 57. Wondrlng Undertaking company. Tel. FAUST BEfcR AT ROOER8" BUFFET. When you want reliable want ad adver tising, uae The Bee. Dr. -W. W. Magarell. optometrist moved 16 2M-20 City National bank building. BAIRD. LONOEXEf KKR BOUND, Undertaker. Phon Ul. 14 N. Main Kt. Try a picture for that next wedding pres ent. Alexander's Art more, 133 Broadway. WHERE ARE THEY OOINO? TO Til E Iowa loan co., of course., cor. pearl, and broadway. 2S0 Cramer piano, slightly used. Just Ilka new, IlitTi. A genuine snap. A. Mo pa, 'U an. Main and 29 t'earl 8ta.. Co. bluffs, la. A marriage license wax issued yesterday to Joseph Wldemler and Mrt. Blanche Sharp, both aged AO and both, of Omaha. hey were married by Justice J. K. Cooper. Dr. Will" Green, formerly of this city, arrived last evening from Seattle, Wenh.( vailed here by the serious Illness of Mrs. J'jhn L,inler. which lesulted fatally yes terday afternoon. Mrs. C. Johnson, 1007 West Broadway, died yesterday afternoon from hemorrhage uf the bialn. Besides her husband slie leaves two daughters, Mrs. E. N. Elian and Mrs. C. H. Jones, and one son, J. C. Johnson, all of this city. Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. James Ruber, aged 58 year, died ye- terdav morning at his home, 1214 East ' l'lerce street, after a year's Illness. Be tides his wife ht leaves two daughters and three sons. Mr. Ruherg waa prepar ing to remove with his family to Bryant, Colo., where one daughter and two sons had already located. He was a member of the Danish Brotherhood. The funeral . will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock , from the family reslOnr and burial will be In Walnut IIII1 cemetery. Rev. d. D. Kay, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, will conduct the servloes. PRICE AND QUALITY We want your business. Special today. New beets, two bunches, 6 cents; peuM, one-half pk, 15 . cents; old potatoes. 75 rents bushel; new potatoes, neck, 45 cents; lettuce, four hunches. 6 cents; pineapples, 8 to cents; oranges, 20 to 45 cents; lemon. dozen, 20 cents; salmon, three cans, 25 cents: blackberries, three cans. 25 cents; , 20-cent cookies, pound, 12H cents; pears, two cans, 25 cents; peanut butter, pound 120 cents; quart Jars fruit preserves, IS , rents, etc.; also bananas, berries, fruits and vegetables, etc In our meat depart ment: Boneless rib roasts, pound. 12 Si to 15 oents; calf hearts, two for 5 cents; pot , roasts, pound, 7 to 10 cents; home made bologna, three pounds, 25 cents; pig livers, 10 cents; three-pound pall lard, 42 cents, etc. In our hardware department: Screen door. 7t cents; adjustable window screen 19 cents; lawn mowers, $2.19; hammocks, -G8 cents to $; lawn swing, 15.95, etc. .1. Zoller Mercantile company, 100-102-104-10 Broadway. Phone 320. Omaha Train Robbers on Trial and $25,000 of the Iowa Loan Co. money . must be loaned on furniture, pianos or any security this month In Co. Bluffs. Corner Pearl and Broadway. Both phones. '' Mrs. Wnlker Before Commission. Mrs. Thonrns J. Walker of Graham ave nue, against whom her husband filed nn Information on April 22. charging her with belnfi; Insane, was before the cornmlnslon rrs j-Cftcidav. She had evaded the officers I'titll Thursday evening, when she waa lo- :iitd at Lake ManaAva. where she was attending the picnic of the Lady Macca I cer. The hearing before the commission- cis was continued until next Monday morning nnd Mrs. Walker waa turned over to the rare' of her sister, Mrs. George ," ( obn. On June 1 Mrs. Walker commenced suit In the district court for a divorce, charg ' lisj hrr huxband with Cruel and Inhuman treatment. On two occasions, In IMS und l:i 190T. Mrs. Walker filed Information against her husband, charging him with 1 olng metalty deranged, but on both"occa xlona he was discharged. At that time Mrs. Walker had a divorce auit pending, but they patched up their troubles and the action was never prosecuted. Oxfords and strap pumps In all leathers from $2 to $3.50 at Duncan's, 23 Main St LovvestPrices on Everything I Fancy Home Grown Potatoes, per bushel .. fKj I Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon In strips, per pound . . . .HH I Positively the last day we will sell bacon at this low price. I Diamond C Soap, 10 bars Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen Sugar Corn, f per can Radishes. '6 bunches ........ Onions. '6 bunches Fancy Leaf Lettuce, each ,25c 20c ..5c ..5c .5c .lc f CKKTKAL FLOUR, per sack OILT EDGE FLOUU, per sack - -.Mi CENTRAL GROCERY AND ME At 'MARKET. lioth Phones, 24. 600-602 BROADWAY. S -fjasw'-ajfcwatrtr MONDAY'S JUNE 14 20 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar t $1.00 J-lb. cans hand picked Toma toes, at. can 7H Corn, llhic size, can at 7H Oem Milk, a can 3H? Good Creamery Butter, lb. 25 Fancy Dried Peaches, 4 lbs. for 25 Forest Rose Flour, sack f 1.B5 Kevery sack warranted. We have Jots of other things on sale. Give us a visit and we will show you how to save money on everything. I. A. GILINSKY 3409 West Bell Phone: Black 1835. Coin Early and Council Bluffs ( SALOON MEN ARE SUMMONED Three Publicans t Atoc Cited for Alleged Contempt of Court. VIOLATION OF ORDER IS CHARGED ero Mf Wk Contacted Saloon on Broadway Xenr Brrnnt Mast Make Answer to Similar Areasatlon. Henry Kuhl. A. Wahl and A. C. Wendt, saloonkeepers of Avoca, have been sum moned to appear before Judge Wheeler (n the district court here this morning and show causa why .they should not be adjudged guilty of contempt of court. County Attorney Hess recently secured In the district court at Avoca Injunctions gainst several saloonmen. Including the three defendant. The Injunctions re strained the defendants from selling liquor In violation of the law. Kuhl, Wahl and Wendt continued to do business a before, except that i they tried to conform to the provisions of the mulct law, but It ap pears that they overlooked one essential matter and that la that their saloons are within the orescrlbed distance of 310 feet of church. This Is In violation of the law and the matter was called to the at tention of the county ' attorney, who promptly Instituted contempt proceedings against the three saloonmen. John Erlcksen add James Hansen, who until last Saturday night conducted a xsa lonn on Broadway near Bryant, have also been summoned to appear In court this morning and make anawer to a charge of contempt. An Injunction waa recently returned against them, and It la alleged they violated the law by keeping their saloon open Saturday -night after 10 o'clock. They closed their saloon on Broadway Satujrday night, aa their tenancy of the building had expired. Suit to enjoin the illegal sale of liquor was brought yesterday by County Attor ney Hesa In the name of the state of Iowa against C. F. Davis, the negro pro prietor of a saloon at the corner of Broad way and Eleventh street, and Fred Pabst, reputed owner of the building. FOR MEDICAL, AND FAMILY USE BUY YOUR L1QUOR9 AT L. ROSEN FELD CO.. 519 SO. MAIN. 'PHONE 323. TWO DIVORCE si; its FILED Women Plaintiff Charge Croel Inhuman Treatment. and Alleging that her husband had treated her In a cruel and Inhuman manner and had threatened to take her life with a razor, Mrs. Julia Clow yesterday filed suit for divorce from Homer E. Clow, to whom she was married December 24. 1805, In Omaha, and from whom ahe separated May 27 of this year. She also asks the custody of their child. , Mrs. Uatllda C. Schoenlnk seeks a divorce from William L. Schoenlng, to whom she was married September 6, 1892, In Mlneola. Ia., and $2,000 alimony. Mrs. Schoenlng asks the court to award her the custody of their five minor children. She charges her husband with" treating her In a cruel and Inhuman manner and with being habitual drunkard. Judge Wheeler yesterday Issued an order authorizing M. Flammant, administrator of the estate of the late C. B. Jacquemln, to continue operation of the Jacquemln Jew elry, store In thla city until further order of the court. Appraisement la to be made by F. F. Evereat. O. Mauthe and W. H Marks, who have been, appointed by the court. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. Sperling & Trlplett, 327 Broadway. Mrs. John binder la Dead. Mrs. Johannette Llnder, wife of John Under, died yesterday afternoon at her home, 201 North First street, aged 72 years. She had been an Invalid for the laM twen ty-four years and had been seriously 111 Pot Roast, per pound . . ...7c-9c 12ic .5c ...me 25c Summer Sausage, per pound Beef Liver, per pound Lamb Legs, per pound Salt Spare Ribs. 7 pounds for ' Coney Island Frank furters, per pound ..10c $1.65 $1.55 SPECIAL SALE White Line Washing Powder, a package 3 We also have a freob line of vegetables and fruits, such an: Cucumbers, I for 5 Radishes and Onions, bunch 1 Lettuce, 4 bunches for ... . 5 Large Pineapples, 3 for 25f Large-slie Oranges, dosen 30c Broadway Avoid the Rash. Ind. 1104. u Council Bluffs for the last six months. She waa a native of Germany and had been a resident of Council Bluffs for many years. Besides her husband, the well known wholnsiln liquor dealer, she Is survived by one daughter. Jeanette Lender, and one con. Oscar hinder, both of this city. The fu neral will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the family residence, snd burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of All Saints' Episcopal church, will conduct the services. HAII.HOAI1 KXTKRTAISED Traffic Officials of Northwestern Are Uneats of Commercial t lub. Officials of the trafflo department of the Chicago Northwestern Railroad company to the number of about thirty were guests of the Council Bluffs Commercial club and the officers of the Auditorium company for a short while yesterday morning on their way back to Chicago from a tour of in spection of terminals. The party was gixen an automobile ride about the city and a visit was paid to the Audltorium. where the big fruit show will again be held this fail. The special train containing the party ar rived about 4 o'clock, and after an early breakfast the terminals In this city were Inspected and a hurried trip made to Omaha and South Omaha. The party re turned at 10:30 o'clock to Council Bluffs, where several automobiles were waiting, and were given a flying trip about the city. Those who made up the party of visiting railroad officials were: F.. Ii. Brleham. Chicago, general freight agent; C. A. Cairns, Chicago, general pas sencer and "ticket agent; M. J. Golden, furarn msiiiiAni veneral freight agent r. P. Kvman, cnicago, assimani geiinau ficlKht Rffent: John F. Ferguson. Chicago assistant general passenger and ticket agent; George H. McC'rae, St. Paul, ov slstant renrral passenger agent; R. R. Ritchie, hail Ki-anctaco. Pacific coast agent I. K. Br ttain. general agent at nosun, Mass.; N. M. Breeze, geneial agent at Cincinnati; A. F. Cleveland, general agent at Cleveland. O.: I. H. noops, general agent at Chicago: A. L. Stannard. general agent at Detroit. Mich.; W. D. Campbell, general agent at Los Angeles; Charles Thomoson. ceneral agent at Milwaukee; R M. Johnson, general agent for New York City; A. Q. Tallant. general agent at Pitts burg: A. G. Barker, general agent at port land. Ore.; (i. F. Bripham. Jr., general agent at St. Louis: B. H. Bennett, general agent at Toronto. Canada: B. D. Beardsley, general agent at Spokane, wash.; r. I. Stavner. general agent at Peoria, III. Thomas P. Rattle, general agent at Den- L. F. Berrv. general afrent at Des Moines: C. A. Walker, general agent Salt Lake City; A. C. Johnson, general agent at Winona. Minn.: M. M. Betzner, general agent at Slou City; S. F. Miller, general freight and passenger agent, Omaha; E. C. Orlffln. general agent et Omaha: John A. O'Brien, general agent at Minneapolis: i. E. Benjamin, Deadwoon, S. D. : O. M. Brown, general agent at Phil adelphia: J. A. Doyle, sssistant general superintendent of thla division, with head quarters at Boone; E. H. Lawdhaugh, traveling agent. Sioux City: A. J. Chees- man. general agent at Boone; .Tames J. Livingston. St. Louis: R. W. McOlnnls general agent at Lincoln; A. S. Nash. Ta coma. Wash., traveling agent: George A. Lee. general agent at Winnipeg, Canada and J. c. Mitchell, general agent at Coun ell Bluffs. Those who furnished automobiles for the entertainment of the party were E. W Hart, J. F. Wilcox. Charles T. Stewart Dr. T. B. Laeey. Dr. H. B. Jennings, F. L. Cheesbro, George Van Brunt and J. A. t Bertschy. SATURDAY SPECIALS Feaa, peas home grown, per peck, 80 cents; new po tatoes, per peck, 45 cents; beets,, two bunches. for 5 cents; turnips, two for 5 cents; fresh tomatoes, per pound, li'li cents. In fresh fruits pineapples from fl per dozen up, according to slxe; ba- nanas, 15 cents and 20 cents per doxen large navel oranges, per doxen, S3 cents large lemons, per dozen, 20 cents. Fresh country butter, per pound, 25 cents. We handle all kinds of cooked meats such as boiled ham, corned beef, dry beef, sliced any. thickness, sandwiches made to order, Mixed cookies, any kind, per pound, 15 cents; ginger snaps, per pound. 7 4 cents. We make a delivery to west nd every day. L. Green, 134 Broadway. Telephone 114. 8perllng Trlplett handle the well known Peering mowers and binders. 327 Bread way. SALOON ME.X FIGHT BACK Men Withdrawing Names from Petl tlon Will Be Published. It was stated yesterday that some of the men who had signed the new saloon gen eral petition of consent were raising a fund to defray the expense of publishing In the dallv newspapers a list of those who signed the petition and then withdrew their names at the instance of the Antl-ffaloon league forces. This. It Is said, they propose doing because of the announcement made by R. C. F. Chambers, district superintendent of the Iowa Anti-Saloon league, that th names of all signing the consent petltlo would be published In the organization' official organ, "The Dial of Progreaa.' "Mr. Chambers saya in a published Inter view that this announcement that the names of those signing the saloon petltlo of consent are to be published must not be construed as a threat. If It is not, a threat. then what la it 7" said a well-known busi ness man yesterday. "I signed the petition and I declined to withdraw my name when called upon by a cemmHteee from the antls I, like hundreds of others, signed the petl tlon in good faith, and If they want to pub llsh my name they are at liberty to do so I am not ashamed of it being known tba I signed the petition, far from It. We, however, Intend to come back at the antls by publishing all the names of the "back sliders" who withdrew their names. They w ill not be published in "The ' Dial Progress," but In a daily newspaper, where one can read them. The expense wilt not be very great, aa I do not anticipate th list will be a very long one." Big Chinaman. Did you aee the big Chinaman In the window of P. C. DeVol Hardware 10m pany, he is advertising chl-namel, the new finish for floors, all colors in stock. P. C. DeVol Hardware company. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee June 11 by .the Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Bluffs: Adolph Anderson and wife to Charles B. Tutly, nl5 acrea of out lot C, Bentley. w. d 11,425 Jtsslca J. Sledentopf ct al. to Hattle L. Lindt. lot 13. block 14. Muilin'a subd. In Council Bluffs, q. c. d lxula Smith, widow, to D. E. Grif fith, lot 8, bmck 2, Hancock, w. d D. E Griffith and wife to F.dward R. Hughes and Arthur A. Graham, lots 7. 8 and 1, block 1. and s21 ft. of 1 75 n ft. of lota 12, is. 14. it and 16. block , Hancock, w. d - Iowa Townslte Co. to Clara E. Stroh 1,000 behn. lots 15 and 11. block 6, Mc Clelland, w. d Jerr. ua M. Fee and husband to E. E. Simpson, lots 1 and 1, block S, Huff's add. to Oakland, q. c 4 K7vl Total, six transfer. 1 Wedding- Rings. Pure gold, seamless, all sites, thus no delay or altering, IS to 111. Engraving free. Leffert. Veteran Fire Horse Destroyed.' Blg Jim," oim) of the veteran fire horses at No. 4 engtne house. Is to be killed. Th animal haa been suffering -from fistula In the neck. The committee of the whole uf the cily council examined lue ixurut Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon and decided that It would be best to put it out of Its misery. eterlnary Surgeon Holllngsworth waa di rected to kill the animal. The committee of the whole at Its meet ing yesterday afternoon disposed of a umber of matters of minor Importance. The principal matter before the commit tee was the proposition to re pave Sixth tteet three blocks south of Fifth avenue. The committee will recommend to the council next Monday night that this be one. THEY SAT YOU CAN LOAN MONET WITHOUT YOUR NEIGHBORS KNOW ING YOUR BUSINESS. WHERE? THE IOWA LOAN CO.. COR. PCARL AND BROADWAY. THEY HAVE POSITIVE HOTE.CTION AGAINST PUBLICITY AND PRIVATE OFFICE FOR PARTIC ULAR PEOPLE. BOTH PHONES DRAIXAGR MATTRR GOF.S OVER Conntr Iloard Hears Araramenta and AdJonrna Tntll Today. T1. ... ... nr coumy supervisors, sitting as a drainage board, failed yesterday to reach any decision In the matter of the estab lishment of the Nlshnabotna drainage dis trict and adjourned to this morning, when some action Is looked for. Suoervlsnr Baker expressed the opinion last evening hat the board would decide In favor of he establishment of the drainage district. as he failed to see where the opponents to the proposition had presented any valid argument why the' ditch should not be constructed. A number of landowners who are ' op posed to the ditch were present In person at the meeting or were represented by at torneys. The board spent the entire day listening to the arguments of the ob jectors and In going over the awards for damages recommended by the appraisers. These awards were finally Increased 12,400. Through some error on the part of the engineer, Mrs. Anna B. Stevens had been awarded but $5 and the board decided she would be entitled to 11,200. Other Increases were as follows: James O'Neill, from fliiO to H00; W. A. Scott, from 1:25 to 1400; Wil liam Thels, from tlfM to 1200; A. C. Bates estate, from 1560 to 11,060; T. W. Jefferson from 1200 to 14u0; R. V. Churchill, C. J Stlllwell and J. 11. Mayne. Attorney Frank Shinn of Carson, who represented a .large number of the ob jectors, stated that If the board decided on establishing the ditch that the matter would have to be filially determined by the courts, bb his clients will use every means In their power to prevent It If possible. The proposed ditch will, If constructed be twelve and one-half miles long and according to the present survey, will croas the bed of the old river no less than eighty-one times. VEGETABLES are coming In more freely now. We are selling new peas, 15 cents for one-half peck; beets, two bunches for 5 cents; asparagus, 10 cents bunch; home grown cucumbers, two for 15 cents; new potatoes, 45 cents peck; tur nips, two for 5 cents; extra large pine apples, 15 cents each, or 11.66 per doietn strawberries, two for 25 rrMt We al ways keep dried beef and boiled ham. Try a sack of Golden Jtule flour. 11.60 per sack. In coffee we have, something fine at 26 cents pound. Every afternoon we make a delivery to the west end. Give us a trial order; we know We can please you All your neighbors are trading with us Bartel & Miller. Telephone 359. ODD FELLOWS' MEMORIAL DAY Several Loda-ea Will Hold Union Exercises Sunday. The several lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Rebekahs will hold their annual memorial service Sunday afternoon In Odd Fellows' temple The exercises will begin at 1:30 o'clock and at the close committees will visit the dlf ferent cemeteries and decorate the graves of deceased members. The memorial ad dress will be delivered by Rev. Edgar Price pastor of the First Christian church, and Congressman Walter I. Smith will dellve the eulogy. This ia the program of the exercises: Opening Address Stymest Stevenson. Prayers-Rev. J. M. Williams. Hymn, Nearer My God to Thee Audience. Kesponsive reading. Announcement ov Berretarlea of members deceased during last year. Memorial Address Rev. Edgar Price. Hyntn, Blest Be the Tie Audience. Eulogy Hon. W. I. Smith. Decoration ceremony. Closing ode. Benediction. Concordia and St. Albans' lodges, Knights of Pythtaa, will hold their annual memorial exercises Sunday morning at 10 o'clock in Castle hall. After the exercises committees will vlsft the several cemeteries and deco rate. the graves of the deceased members of the order. Wedding; Gifts. Pictures make ideal wedding gifts, have them in all styles and prlcea. them. ALEXANDER'S ART STORE. 323 Broadway. We Try Our prlcea are the lowest, quality con aldered, in the city. Let us show you Duncan Shoe Co., 23 Main St. Two Arrests Follow Fight. After causing the arrest of H. D. Nelson, a bartender employed at the Manhattan saloon, pn a charge of forgery, P. A Petersen,' representing the Round Jewelry company of Omaha, went to the saloon, where he became Involved In an alterca tlor ' with H. A. Larson, the proprietor Larson had Petersen arrested by the police on a chargo of disturbing the peace, and Petersen retaliated by causing the arrest of Latson on an assault and battery charge, filing the complaint In the court of Justice Cooper.- Petersen put up a cash bond for his appearance In police court this morning, while Larson gave bond for his appearance befcr Justice Cooper on Tufsdcy, June 22. Nelson, the bartender, la accused b Petersen of forging the name of M. Dur of 624 South Third strtet of (his city t mysmE STORE X I COUNCIL I SAUSrS. We are open lor Bids on Cemeo Sidewalks We manufacture the best cement block on the market, the continual air-space cement Mock. The walls Inside never jet wet or damp Put up In cement will 1 last a lire time. atlTX'a CEMEBTT BX.OCX CO.. Offloe, Bloom S, First MaUonal Bank BaUdiag. Phone lad. 840. Vlaat 87ta Street and First Arenas. Lellcrfs '25? Lenses Cmiest Canatrl Kamm u Wawi ef Games rant l 4 .. LEFFtsrrs cr I HMHM esssaa. ewere, at md in,,!- a, V.-" a. SsWMi m a SSST UMS a Imm Si 1 1 Council Bluffs order for certain at tides of Jewelry. He gave bond In the sum of two for his ppearance at the preliminary hearing to be held Thursday of next week before ustlce Cooper. Treat your feet t,o a pair of cool low- cut shoes. Our prices will make It easy. Duncan Shoe Co.. 21 Main St. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, F-1701. Tells Jury Secret, Attempts Suicide Iowa Man Goaded to Seek Death Became He Belated Forbidden Facts. PLYMOUTH. Ia.. June 11. iSpeclaU- Broodlng until he became despondent and temporarily Insane over the fear that he had betrayed secrets of the grand Jury room, which he thought he should have kept Inviolate, William Bonker, a farmer living two miles west of here, attempted to commit suclde last night in a furniture store here by cutting his throat. While in the furniture store Bonker saw team go by. which he imagined was the team belonging to the sheriff of Mason City. Bonker Imagined that the sheriff had come after him. Without a word he turned, went into a small rear room and slashed his throat. His gory body was found upon th floor. He was removed to Mason City and taken to a hospital, where an operation to save his life was per formed. The physicians think that his life may be saved. Bonker recently served on a Jury, and unintentionally he talked about it while it was In progress. The thought that he had committed an awful wrong took possession of him. Des MoinesPeddler Shoots Fruit Man Then Takei Carbolic Acid on Way to the Police Station and Dies. DES MOINES, Ia., June 11. While quar relllng over an account, Moses Raschlo, a peddler, fired two bullets into the body of A. H. Todd, senior member of the whole ale fruit firm of Todd A Kraft of this city. Todd waa taken to the hospital and the peddler to the police station. Before the latter could be searched, he drank the contents of a two-ounce bottle of carbolic acid and died within thirty minutes. An examination revealed that Todd had been shot In the right arm and in the hip. It is believed that he will recover. Dynamite Wrecks Town in Iowa Two Hundred Foundi Explodes at Fredericksburg and Score Are Injured. WATERLOO, la., June 11. Two hundred pounds of dynamite mysteriously exploded last night, wrecking the business district of Fredericksburg and injuring a score of persons. The seriously hurt: H. K. Hawklna of Ottumwa. Lulu Carey, Fredericksburg. Glen Moore, Fredericksburg. The shock was felt at Hampton, twelve miles distant. WAR ON PATENT PAVING Marahalltown Council, Threaten! with Bolts, Changes Speclflca tlons to Admit All Classes. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia., June ll.-(8pe clal.) Threatened with 175 laweults and remonstrances by the score, the city coun cil. In session today, amended the specifica tions of six miles of prospective concrete paving, making it open to competitive bid ding Instead of leaving them so that only a patented process paving could be used. The city haa been in turmoil ever since the council adopted the specifications which made It possible only for contractors who were willing to pay a tribute to the owner of the paving for the patented process to compete in th bidding. Both friends and enemies of the admlnls tratlon were so aroused that the city coun cil was swamped T.-th written threat of Injunctions and lawsuits and remonstrances If they passed the specifications In their original form. When the city council met today every attorney but one In the city was present representing clients who objected to having the patented high-priced paving put down adjacent to their property. Iowa News Notea. trA GROVE The Rebekah district con vantion was held here with some eighty- five delegates present. Mrs. Alia Stryker, president of the state Rebekah assembly waa present. IDA GROVE Charles Obrccht, one of the early settlers of Ida rounty. died at the University hospital at Iowa City as the result of an operation for cancer, and the remains were brought here for interment. OSKALOOSA Josephine Wilson, notorious madams of the red light district of this city, Wis returned to the Anamosa reformatory today to serve out the rest of her five years' sentence. The woman was sent back because she had violated her nnrnle. after beinn sentenced and serving a short time for conducting a house of III fnme. IDA GROVE At the district convention of the Royal Highlanders of northwest Iowa held here. Albert Putxler of Ida Grove was elected delegate to the na tlonal convention to be held In Ienver September 13. Foster G. Iddings of Sioux City waa elected alternate. Ida Grove has a crack drill team that will go to the national meeting In a special car. TRAER The twenty-third annual con vention of the Fifth District Christian Endeavor society. which Includes the counties nf Dallas. Boone. Marshall. Story and Tama, opened here last night. The convention is meeting In the Congre gational church, and there are more than 1( delegates in attendance. Rev. John I Houaer of Ames Is president and ts presld lng. M ANSON Mrs. Charles Adams of this place waa fatally burned in an explosion of gasoline at her home here last night. She died earlv this morning. The gasoline stove exploded while she was filling the tank and the flames caught her dress. She was badly burned about the body and head, and her mother. Mrs. Charles Johnson, who attempted to rescue her was seriously, but not fatally burned. Mra Adams was formerly Miss uiancne asuinn of Montesuma. LEGRAND The following officers were elected today by the thirty-fifth annual Iowa State Christian conference, which Is In session here: Prldent. Rev. D M. Melfensttne, Des Moines: vice president, Rev. A. B. Kendall. LeGrand: secretary. Rev. A. M. Hanson. leGrand; treasurer Rev. E. C. Kerr. LeGrand. secretary of Christian Endeavor. P. II. Howard. Birch dale, Minn.; secretary of Sunday schools, Rev. A. C. Grafton. Orient; secretary of education. Mra. Ida Menaugh. Des Moines, and trustee nf th conference, George llutlon, Madrid, "lloodyar Jiaineoats Jieign Suprtm." RAINCOAT WEATHER. You Need the Raincoat W tt., a Jnrt ie Kind Yonll Ht Have II a a Frlc that's BIOHT. Well fitting and good tailored garments. Th product of expert workmen whose ent're time, experience and energy are put Into them. And all the style that's worth while thrown Into tliem for good measure, and at a Saving to You to the D.tailar' Prnfil w Mannfaetnr KetlllCrS rrOlll .ll th Garments We Sell. Note) the. Remarkable Values: $15.00 Men 'a and Raincoats; our price $20.00 Men's and Raincoats; our jirlce $25.00 Men's and iaotOO Men's and .jlancoats; our irice : $20.00 Women's herlzed Coats;; our price $25 Women's Silk Rub berized Coats; our price. . . $30 00 Women's 811k Rub berised Coats; our price. . . $35.00 Women's Silk Rub berized Coats; our price. . . I i: "Specialists in Raincoat Specialties" GOODYEAR RAINCOAT CO. Order by Mali. 223 No. 16th Street. H I J.r,s, nU-.imnv, 4 . .IHJaVLn,, .aiffmiHI I " f Food Fads may come and go, but IMBED I I goes on forever. It nutriment than meat easilv digested. Trv i owa DES MOINES MERCHANT SHOT Moses Rice Attempts to Kill A. H. Todd and Commits Suicide. STREET FORCE IS REDUCED Laborer and Teamster. Are I. aid Off Because of Difference of Opinion In Council Over Contract Work. v (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Ia.. June 11. (Special Telegram.) Twenty minutes after he had failed to kill A. H. Todd, senior partner of the firm of Todd ft Kraft, commission merchants, In front of the company's build ing, Moses Rice, 27 years old, a peddler, died In the city jail from drinking car bolic acid. Police believe the man took th poison before firing the shots at Mr. Todd. Ills face and chin were' badly burned by the acid. Rice was roughly handled by employes of the company when they wrested the smoking revolver from his (rasp and a rumor was afloat this morn ing that this treatment was contributory to the man's death, but authorities believe It to be without foundation. Todd will recover from the effects of the shooting. Street Force Redaeed. As the result of the refusal of the coun cil to atuhorize the department of streets and public Improvements to complete work whioh haa already been started between 125 and 160 laborers and teamsters went to their homes tonight without Jobs. The wholesale reduction of forces and subse quent tleing up of city work was made compulsory when Mayor Mathis and Councllmen Hantery and Ash refused to vote for a resolution Introduced by Coun cilman ' MacVlcar directing him to finish Jobs already under way. They refused be cause the cost of the work would exceed t-MO and had not been let to contractors as the statute provides. Porteoa Will Referee. Dave Forteous, the well known Kansas City referee, has been decided upon aa referee of, the Gotch-Jenklns bout to take place at the stock pavilion next Monday vening. Poteous has referred, many . im portant matches. Hog Cholera Serum Laboratory. Dr. Paul Koto, state veterinarian, ia lay ing hla laboratory plana, for the establish ment of a slate laboratory near Des Moines this auninmr for th. manufacture of hog" cholera serum, to be distributed free of charge to farmers throughout the state. The law providing for the establishment of this laboratory, passed by the Thirty-third general assembly last winter, bvcornes ef fective July 4. It carries with It an ap propriation of In. OW. All this amount, how ever, cannot be placed In a laboratory, as (a portion will have to be retained to buy animals with which to manufacture ihe serum. The serum, after It Is made, Is tested on guinae pigs to ascertain the strength. The operation of inoculating animals, extract ing the blood, then extracting from It the serum, the testing of the serum on other animals all will go to make an Interesting process, which will probably be Inspected by every stockrsiaer that comes to the capital city. As yet a location for the lab oratory haa not been made. It will be near the city. Saultatlon ta Food. "Pure food agitation is going to eventu ally settle down to the question of sani tation," aaid Htate Food and Dairy Com missioner Wright, In commenting on con ditions. "Th. pur food laws hav. done marvels In bringing about purer food. T'.i Huik of the department is growing smaller all the time with reference to detecting harmful preservatives and th. like In foods. One of the chief developm.nta will be In In specting foods to prevent dirt. We will probably In the future secure more strin gent laws along this line. 1 am sure we will when th. people awaken to a eonsld eiatlon of what they really are eating.. Women's $7.50 Women's $10.00 Women s Women's $15.00 Silk Rub- .$10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $17.50 I contains more real or eggs and is more It for hrralcfat. : i Iowa What we need Is a law covering methods employed In bakeries, meat markets, etc., and the Wagons used to deliver the gools. I hav seen deliverymen wipe the perspira tion from their face on their coataleeves and then load up the same arm with bread that was to be sold and served on the table. New York has some stringent laws on management and operation of such places. Iowa will have them, but the ad vancement cannot all be made at once. People are demanding purer and cleaner food. They will get more stringent laws aa they realize conditions exlxtlng." Contingent Fees. Des Moines lawyers are more Inclined to a law fixing a definite percentage of Judg ment which an attorney may charge as a fee, rather than one permitting the trial court to fix his fee as Is suggested by the law reform committee of the State Bar association, which holds Its annual state convention In Marshalltown, beginning June 24. Local lawyers are not Inclined to believe the fee matter should be left to the Judges, as It would leave opportunity for too'much expansion and contraction ac cording to the Judge's notions. They say a law would be better that would positively say that a lawyer shall receive as his fee not more than 10 or 15 per cent of the Judg ment returned for damages. If a law on fees Is to be asked of the legislature, they say, "let It be a positive one, with oppor tunity for no favoritism, but a rule to which all must conform." Norwegians Discuss Srhools. Th recommendation of President T. H. Dahl of the United Norwelgan church for a radical change In the delegated represen tation of the church will be acted upon tomorrow morning. Today a committee report favored the changes suggested, but submitted Its recommendation to a vote of the convention. The' plan Is to divide the church Into districts with a membership In each of only 1.500 congregations. Each district Is to have i a superintendent end the larger districts are to meet In annual conven tion. The committee on President Dahl'a an nual report recommends that, children should be sent to parochial School In preference to public schools or that religious instruction should be Imparted In the public schools. This question will be voted on tomorrow. Boy Killed lr Train. MASON CITY. Is., June U. (Special.) I.eo Lindsay, aged 14 years, of this etty. war fatally Injured last night when he fell under the wheels of an eastbound Milwaukee passenger and had his leg crushed al the knee. The boy was trying to catch or. the train when he slipped and fell under It. owl CXC )0Vt3VCCQSSCS To CeXs bcucvcAoX CCUWVftC, tACtunro By TMl CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Col 50L0 BY LEAD I NO DRUGGISTS W A BOTTLE m