10 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1909. We've entirely to .may lie Sutts 1 Sml? 4 5 It FAR NAM ST. Extraordinary Sale of Women's Spring Apparel Saturday we offer the greatest values of the season in our extraordinary June Clearance Sale. Kvery spring garment in stock radically cut in price so as to affect an early clearance. Tailored Suits at Half Price , In our endeavor to rapidly sell all spring suits we offer the most astonishing values for Saturday. These are all new models, beautifully tailored of the best materials procurable and absolutely every one of them worth twice what we ask Saturday. Suits, worth $2".00, Saturday at $10.00 Suits, worth $35.00, Saturday at $15.00 Suits, worth $45.00, Saturday at ....$19.75 Suits, worth $50.00, Saturday at ,...$22.50 Separate Skirts at Half Price Our June Clearance Sale embraces our entire stock of fine Skirts, excepting taffetas and white included are French serges, chiffon panamas, voiles and mannish worsteds, all beautifuly tailored. Skirts, worth $10.00, Saturday at $4.95 Skirts, worth $15.00, Saturday at $7.50 Skirts, worth $17.50, Saturday at .$8.75 $25.00 Pongee Coats, at , ..$15.00 $15.00 Covert Coats, at $10.00 All Silk Dresses Radically Reduced. ENDOWMENT FOR SEMINARY Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars Au thorized by Swedish Conference. UNION OF CHURCHES FAVORED Proposition to Unite Several Bodies Will Be Left to Various Organisa tions (or Final Arbitrament. The Swedish Mission conference, which adjourned last night, at Its morning ses sion decided to raise during the coming year the sum of )2S,000 as an endowment fund for the North Park Theological sem inary, Chicago. A publication committee of twenty mem bers, of which Rev. F. M. Johnson of Chi cago is chairman, was appointed. The sum of 110,500 was appropriated for missionary work In China and a like pro vision for mission work In Alaska was left to the discretion of the board. It was decided to Instruct the board of directors' of the Mission conference to ex tend a call to Rev. E. O. HJerpe of Chi cago, the present ' secretary of the confer ence, to devote his entire time to the work of representing the missionary enterprise In the field. Prof. Justus Hollenbeck was appointed Instructor In Greek and German In the North Park college. Friday afternoon - was devoted to con sideration of the report of the committee upon the ' plan of union of the Swedish evangelical Mission covenant, the Swedish Free church and the Swedish Congrega tional churches. The report of the com mittee is favorably considered by the dele gates and the recommendation will be to refer the matter to the Individual churches during the year for their decision. Special services were held last evening and addressed by Rev. August Gustafson of Los Angeles, Rev. G. D. Hall of Stroma berg and Rev. O. Hogfeldt of Chicago, editor of the Swedish Religious Weekly of Chicago. ESSENTIALS INHIS BUSINESS Three Fundamentals In the Process of Tnralm Out Ripe "Thinks." Within the reach of our hands as we sit here In this editorial den, which Is shut away from the affairs of either workshop or business office, all by our lonesome, there are several well known articles we need in our business. One of them is a simple old cob pipe and an old terbaccer box filled with a very mild and harmless old terbaccer; one is a much tumbled, com plete edition of Bill Shakespeare's works; another is a student's Bible in fair state of preservation. Whenever we have a par ticularly hard nut to crack in taking care of a bit of news or whenever In the still ness here we get to cogitating on the mani fold peculiar, divers and strange things in human nature as It Is mirrored daily be fore us In the goings, comings and doings of people, then we reach for faithful Old Cob, load her up and calmly fill the clr cumanbient atmosphere with filmy dreams. Whenever we want an apt quotation In which not one word of the king's good English is wasted, and which goes light to the heart of a bit of philosophy, we open up Shapespeare and cull a phrase. The philosophy of Shapespeare's is of the es sence of things everlasting, and therefore never grows old. Whenever we want to read a particularly fine lot of literature or take another look at the eternal things which the creeds and dogmas and foolish little Imaginations or superstitions of man do not change the foundation of the sim ple religion we wuerently open the Book of Books, guided by a first class' concord ance, and find it there Kingman, (Kan.) Journal. Rent that vacant room by a Bee Want ad mm n ( J'V mm v nun w To Every Member Make every member of your family keep up their personal appearance. A good appearance enables one to accom plish more in b wines and social potaibilibe. V New Stylish Clothing Men, Women and Children can open an account Here and buy Gothing of the very best quality at the lowest cash price and pay for them in n1 mt!- esch week. We seD everything needed in high grade wearing appaieL OUR CREDIT is for you and your family and with the privilege we allow you of opening an account, you can always be well drcsed without laying out a great amount of cash. OUTFITTING CO. 1315 IT IO.FAmun.5Ti tn rroma tkat-i squ&bvai.x. orxa. NECKTIES OF MANY HUES Novel Color Schemei for Men This Summer. SOME DEMAND TOR WASH TIES Light Weight Brocade Tlea for the Mlddle-Aared Man Striking; Fash ions for Tonth Crepe Pon nlar, hnt Fraarlle. This la assuredly the summer of the perfect matcher. He .may be more harmonious this year than he ever was before. It is possible for him not only to have the color of his shirt, his socks, his handkerchief and his tie matoh. but also to have them Identical in material. For instance, the socks with light stripes on a darker ground which, are in vogue this summer are exactly copied In the silk neckties made to be knotted in a four-in-hand. Thus the perfect matcher may enjoy the pleasure of mak ing the Ignorant believe that he has a piece of his sock tied around his neck. In addition, one of the haberdashers has put on the market waistcoats which are of exactly the same material aa the tiea, and of course look Identical with the sockx. There U a tendency to restrict summer neckwear tc rather conservative tones. There Is none of the tropical sunset ef fects which sometimes seem to be re garded as Indispensable for summer. The knitted silk ties seem to be looked upon now as better suited to winter than to summer wear. Some of them are shown In solid colors and with such novelties In Uie weave as squares and diamonds. Few new designs In the stripes are on the market. Sommer Brocade Tlea. Some of the shops are showing what is a new use of an old material In the summer brocades worn in winter, but they are of very light material. They come In pastel shades most frequently and are to be found in pale graya, blues and hard mauvea. The designs are usually all over and In the conventional patterns of brocade. They are rather better suited to mlddle HKeri m n than n young r". w" "tick to the silk knit ties of very decided colors to lilt) university lieu anu u n.e W.....U1I, which are this summer Imported In espe cially attractive combinations. The smartest of these have the popu lar old sporting diamond on a ground of contracting tint. Sometimes on a pur ple ground the diamond will be In mauve or in green on a dark blue ground or In brown on bright red all making very pretty and sporty combinations. They come In the four-in-hand shape and In the broader scarfs to be tied in the same way and are occasionally made up In the De Jolnvllle or plastron. The last use of them Is rare, however, and they must be ordered in this style, which Is very smart for coaching. There have never been more striking combinations of color than are to be seen this year In the university ties, as they are called. They are not cheap, although they cost less as a rule than the knit silk, and they are never very successfully Imi tated In the cheaper neckwear. Soma of these ties have this year as many as six colors entering Into their patterns and In spite of the brilliancy that such combinations produce there Is nothing loud about them. One of these scarfs was composed of stripes of ma genta, dark blue, black, silver gray, white and dark green. It is a proof of the in nate distinction of those ties that even this combination did not look loud. tome Simple Patterns. There aro much simpler patterns, such as magenta one of the most usual shades and a very pretty and uncommon tint with brown, with dark green and with dark purple, and then there are such combina tions as black, white and purple, which might almost pass for half mourning If such a thing were not of the paat. There axe very effective combinations of such colors as green and brown and brown and red. They come only In the four-in-hand shape and one of their best qualities Is their durability. Crepe ties come In greater variety than ever before and they are destined to be more popular. They are In the hosiery shops lying alongside the socks they ex actly match In tint. Then they are in the haberdashers', not only made up Into four-in-hands, but also in the larger shapes that have perhaps one disadvantage that the others do not possess. They must be tied very tightly to keep la placet and I"!'! WiSW!'.!.:: r m li ra. i.TJ:;Bi k I 1i I li; !','. vX' Ml i'.l J , t'fT'O.:.''? COKJ4a -DOUGLAS y f KffffBfm'W' iWHaMSsJJslaaaES feTl This season witnessed the sale of an UNUSUAL large number of popular priced suits for men and young men, but the tonier higher class garments, ranging from $15 to $25, didn't "move" so well. Now, of course we are "merchants",' and have discovered that suits WILL move if the price is low enough. Therefore, be it Resolved, that on tomorrow we offer you an unrestricted choice of Any of our "up to $25 Suits for Men (flo a and Young Men, at, . . t Including some of our swnggerest Strouse & Bros.' Suits; stunning new "Sophomore" togs, and clothes of the celebrated "Miller make." The juray in cludes scores of dashy new invisible and pin stripes, as well as the staple plain blues and blacks. It's surely a sale worth attending. Immense i Price Sale of Men's Under wear bought from Byrne-Hammer 0. G. Co. Omaha's reprt tentative wholesale dry goods house, The Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Co , found themselves heavily-stoctod on certain lints of men 'a 2-pieee colored summer underwear. This firm believes in keeping its stocks "trimmed" about "right" and made us a proposition to tabs the entire lot off their hands at a reduction aggregating "half" and even mere. Tomorrow we offer you the overstock as follows: Per Garment for Regular $1.50 Underwear sov dozen suits in this lot men's choicest silk lisle and sea island cotton wo-piece underwear, in or salmon shade, summer weight. This is the celebrated "Wright Spr.ng Needle" silk finished Some of these gar- blue kind advertised in every magazine of note in the country. All sizes from 34 to 44. ments worth as much as $1.50 each. Elastic Seam Drawers, Worth 50c, at Pair The Byrne-Hammer purchase includes 125 dozen men's elastic seam drawers. These are made of good qualified plain white jean, and have balbriggan elastic seams. .They are decidedly cool to wear and fit perfect. We will have all sizes from 32 to 40 and as they are each and every one of 50c value, they should go marvelously quick at, pair, First ( ouve our Personal .-assurance and guarantee, that each pi and every garment in this sale is perfect flawless ( well made and seasonable. . . . . . .' - . . . we No Seconds one result of that necessity Is that they wear a very short time. It takes only a few tight pulls to get them into hopeless creases. The four-ln-hands are lined and that makes the strain on the tie less, although even in this form the poor wearing quality of the crepe tie is its worst defect. The ties come in very effective shades, such as dark blue, purple and green. The purples are particularly rich in shades, ranging from mulberry to the deepest pur ple. Aa a proof of their unsatisfactory wear ing qualities it might be said Uiat even a drop of water stains these thin ties. They possess a distinction, however, that makes them well worth the trouble to any per sons who are able to afford them. There Is always a certain demand for wash ties as soon as the summer comes, although it cannot be said that they now Impart any degree of smartness to men's dress. The smartest string ties, aa the haber dashers call them, are made In foulards, following the color schemes described In thie foulard, four-ln-hands. Among the linen ties that possibly hav smartness are the checks In red and white and similar shades. But there Is little of style In the linen neckwear of the day. SPLIT IN CEMENT COMBINE Eastern Dealers Fall Oat Over Di vision of Trade nn FroSts. According to reports received in Wash ington, D. C, by prominent cement men and capitalists, the so-called cement com bine, representing total capital of more than $160,000,000 and composed of the lead ing cement companies of the country, has disbanded. . The combination, which is headed by the Atlas Portland Cement company, with offices at 30 Broad street. New York City, and the Lehigh Portland Cement company of Allentown. Pa., was organised on De cember 27, IMS. Among companies Included were the Alpha Portland Cement company, the Universal Portland Cement company, the Portland Cement company, the Whiter hall Portland Cement company, the Edi son Portland Cement company and the Pennsylvania Cement company. Other and smaller companies also were taken In. Probably the most Interested person in the aggregation is J. Rodgers Maxwell, president of the Atlas company, "and fre quently spoken of as the "cement king." Others prominent In the affairs of the corporation are A. DeNavarro, vice pres ident of Atlas; Harry C. Trexler, president of the Lehigh company and W. M. Me Kelvy, president of the Alpha, with of fices in Pittsburg. The moving spirit in the combination and who organised the various companies under one head la B. E. Jackson, pro moter. 43 William street. New York City. Mr. Jackson gained prominence not long ago by bringing together the warring steel wire manufacturers of the country. According to the report received here, the disruption of the combination Is due to a fight said to be on between the powers controlling the Lehigh and Atlas companies over the division of business and profits. A man high In the affairs of a leading local cement concern, who declined to al low his name to be published, declared last night that the rupture of the combi nation was due to the desire of the Atlas company to restrict the output of cement, the combination was In absolute control of the cement Industry, and was able by reason of such control to regulate prices to suit Itself. At the same time this gen tleman declared the combination is able to laugh at court proceedings, for the rea son that it sells a patented article, and the supreme court has decided that holders of patents have the right to fix the price at which their products shall be sold. The breakup of the combine means much to the building Interests, which for months have been at Its mercy. One of the biggest deals made by the combine was the sale of 4,580.000 barrels of cement to the govern ment. The fact that this sale was made was confirmed yesterday at the office of the Isthmian canal commission. At the purchasing agent's office it was learned that the Atlas company haa the contract, having quoted $119 in barrels and $1.60 in sacks, with a rebate for the return of the sacks. Under this contract, the contract ing company does not have to deliver the goods on the Isthmus, but only in Jersey City. It is then up to the government to ship it to the canal (one. This bid was opened on June 1 last year, and the contract awarded Just prior to the election of Mr. Taft to the presidency. While the bidding was on several English companies, said to turn out a superior product, attempted to obtain the contract,, but found that they were prevented by the Dlngley tariff of 8 cents on each 100 pounds of cement in sacks and 7 cents in bulk. Investigation made among cement men showed that the same cement was sold the government in lots of more than 4,000,000 barrels, can be purchased in small lots at the same price. One dealer. It Is declared, offered to sell the same cement in any quantity for tl in barrels. Prior to the establishing of the combine the cement business of this country was In the hands of the Cement Manufacturers' association, the Cement Users' association and the North American Cement company of Philadelphia. Former District Commis sioner J. B. Wright is president of this company. Washington Post. federal soldiers wore similar badges. Gen eral Johnston and General Beauregard met at Fairfax Courthouse In the latter part of August or early In September and de termined to have a battle flag for every regiment or detached command. "General Johnston's flag was in the shape of an ellipse a red flag with blue St. Andrew's cross and stars on the cross (white) to represent the different southern states. (No white border of any kind was attached to the cross). General Beaure gard's was a rectangular, red, with blue Bt. Andrew's cross and white stars, sim ilar to General Johnston's. After we had dlscused fully the two styles, taking Into consideration the cost of material and the care of making the same, it was decided the elliptical flag would be harder to make; that it would take more cloth and it could not be seen plainly at a distance; that the rectangular flug, drawn by and suggested by Genera! Beauregard, should be adopted. General Johnston yielded at once. ' "No one- was present but us three. No one knew about this flag but us three until an order was Issued adopting the Beaure gard flag, as it was called, and directing me, as chief quartermaster, to have the flag made as soon as it could be done. I immediately issued an address to the good ladies of the south to give me their red and blue silk dresses and' to send thorn to Captain Colin MacRae Selph, quarter master at Richmond, Va. Captain Ht.-lph Ih now living in New Orleans, where he was assisted by two elegant young ladles, the Misses CaVey from Baltimore, and Mm. Hennlngsen of Savannah and Mrs. Hop kins of Alabama. The Misses Carey made battleflags for General Beauregard and General Van Dorn, and, I think, for General J. K. Johnson. They made General Beauregard's out of their own silk dresses. This flag la now in Memorial hall, New Orleans, with a statement of that fact from General Beauregard. General Van Dorn's flag was made of heavier material, but very pretty. "The statement going around that this flag was first designed by federal prison ers is false. "General Beauregard's battle flag Is In Memorial hall at New Orleans. The Wash ington artillery battle flag can be seen at the Washington Artillery hall." Chatta nooga Times. Quick Action for Tour ' Money You get that by using The Bee advertising columns. FAMOUS CONFEDERATE FLAGS A Texas Commander Tells How They Were Designed and What Be came of Them. The preparatldna now being made throughout the south for the reunion of veterans makes of unusual Interest at the present time a statement made a number of years ago by General W. U Cabell of Dallas, In regard to how and where the battle flags of the confederacy were de signed. General Cabell Is commander of the Transmissutsippl department of the United Confederate Veterans. He declares the fol lowing to be a true history of the flag: "When the confederate army, com manded by General Beauregard, and the federal armv confronted each other at Manassas, It was seen that the confederate j flag and the Stars and btrlpes looked at a . distance so much alike that It was hard to distinguish one from another. General , Beauregard, after the battle of July IS, ! at Blackburn Ford, ordered that a small I red badge should be worn on the left shoul der by our troops and as I was chief quar termaster, ordered me to purchase a large quantity of red flannel and to distribute It to each regiment. "Ourlng the battle of Bull Run It was plain to be seen that a laiga number of f . f V OLLME EXPERT CLOTHESTITTEHSK Kohn Bros., Chicago, union made, fine clothes. "We received their last ship ment Monday. They go on sale at once. We are exclusive sellers of their line; we have decided to close them quick, bo have made this small price of Worth up to $30.00. Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats blue serge, and all the late styles and fabrics. Most anything that's new it's here. Don't overlook this sale, it's money-saving. Don't miss coming in to see our line of ready-to-wear N9I322 Absolutely the largest nd best as oned In the city Prices ranging (rom 81. OO to S3.QO Shirts made to measure $3 to $10 Albert Cahn 1322 Farnam