Tiie Omaha" Daily Ite FOUNDED fft IDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omthi postofftc as second clue matter. 're-w vi a no- i-nsr-HtPTtCN. riaiiv tim- i(ikAi timaii nn vear..MA0 ...... ' ' - - r)Aiiw mnA HiiritfiAv tin veer DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Re including Sunday!, per wek..lc Dallv Bee twlthout Hundey). per wk..loe Evening Bee without Sunday I. per week r..in xi-m iHHk uunHftvi. ter week.. 1 c Kunday Bee. One year Saturday Be, on year ,;:,'!, AAAmm an mrnniiinfi nf Irreaularltle in delivery to City Circulation Department. OFPICK8. Omaha-T'io Ree Building. -iuth Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluff 11 Scott Street Lincoln 1 Little Building Chicago IMS Marquette Building. New Torli-Rooma 1101-110$ Ho. U Wrt Thirty-third afreet. . Weahlngton-7$6 Fourteenth Street. N. . CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, pavable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-rent atampe received tn payment or mall account!. Personal check, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION, State of Nebraska. Douglas County. " George B. Ttechuck. treaaurer of TM Pee Publishing Company, aelng duly eworn, aaya that the actual number of run and complete copies of The Dally. Morn- lng th month of May, 1909, wa a fol low; 1.. 44,780 It. 43.000 1. 4B,4M B0. M.0M . SI. 43,860 SI. 40,350 33. .... 40.130 .... 40,130 .... 40,140 .... 40,480 40,1 14 .... 93.800 .... 40.1G0 .... 8440 t 3 4..; s T 40,040 4. ........ 40,450 ts. ........... 37.400 86..... 40,090 io 40,180 , at. . 11..,. 40,410 as.. la 4o,io a.. 13.. i .40.100 ao.. 14 40,370 31.. 1..... 40,810 .... 40.100 .... 40,440 .... 41,070 .... 3S.340 .... 40,350 1 37,300 IT. . 40,340 Returned cople ... Total., l.aos.soo 3,3m Net total l,a4,lS Dally average 4tlS GEORGE B. TZ9CHUCK. TF..,iir., Subscribed In my pretence and sworn to " ue mi list day of May, ISO M. V WALKER. Notary Publio. Sabserlbera leaving; tke city tem porarily should have Ta Be mailed le tkm. Addreaa will changed aa oftea ae reaaeated rr , , lauy one ror the old legend. The Germans have one that June 7, 8 and 9 ara always cold and wet. Mayor Jim's famous backbone seems to have stiffened up a little. Wonder how long before it-will wilt. Count Zeppelin's airship calls to John Bull's mind the old fable of the bald headed man and the turtle. It Is now denied that Betsy Ross made the first American flag. No mat ter who did it, it was a good Job. If, as Bishop Hamilton asserts, war is an antiquated relic, the side that Is defeated certainly looks the part. . a correspondent want tn tnnv 'Bow to be happy. There la' no 'way if your ball team la In the last place. Jt la announced there are 20,000 magicians in ' the count and m. .does not Include the wizards of the stock mrrket. . it iooks aa ir every robbery and holdup pulled off In this section of the 'country lately is to be charged up to those train bandlta. Btrange now men will forget all about a little thing like an automobile costing several thousand dollars when the assessor comes around. There Is some talk that the Denver platform may bring an action against democratic congressmen and senators for desertion and nonsupport. Dr. Money, a prominent English educator, aaya there are no children in, the United States. The ' professor should cope over .on circus day. uovernor omun or ueorgia says there are at least 00 men In the pen itentiary of that; state who should not have been) convicted. All black T .?.' - Senator Aldflch bas been advlaed to go home and hide bis head. It should be kept In mind that Aldrlch Urea In Rhode Island and the state is small. -, A Milwaukee - ordinance prohibits the driving of more than ten cattle on the public streets at one time. But then' Milwaukee haa no cowboy mayor. . . A few more seconds has been clipped off the record for crossing the Atlantic, ocean. It is gettiog it down 'flat when , seconds are counted on a J,000-mlle' trip. 7 Ex-Senator Hopkins is out of the question as' a Chautauqua attraction What be thinks of the Illinois primary law would not stand repeating before a mixed audience. Booker Washington says the dollar draws no color. line, but for all that In the choice of currency the world baa ahown a decided preference for the yellow fellows. me aemo-pop woria-rteraia con tinues to prate about a nonpartiaan Judiciary.- We repeat our question When did the World-Herald ever sup port a republican candidate for au preme Jungs." Please name the man - .Another - state bank converted Into a Nebraska national bank notwith standing the Nebraska deposit guar anty law, which is supposed to giv the state tanks a big advantage over the nationals. Strange how blind those bankers ar to their own loterestaj Traffle on the Rivers. An object lesson for those Inter ested In encouraging river transporta tion ( contained In a statement of Captain Ellison, who has spent years In boating on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, showing that river traffic has been better maintained on the Ohio that on any otter of onr rl?ers. et the Ohio'- Is littles,, f ofy, better adapted to the purpose than the Mis souri. He admit -through traffic has been largely absorbed by the railroad and gives a cogent reason, but main tains boat service In .the local field has been Increased In recent years on tho Ohio and lower Mississippi.. Lack of channel Improvements, he asserts, ha made long haul river traffic so uncertain in time Of delivery hat higher-priced rail transportation has driven wateC routes from the field nd this cannot be changed without the expenditure of large sums under government direction. Improvements extensive enough to meet th condi tions cannot be secured except by a howing of feasibility, and no better method of making the showing can be devised than utilizing the rivers for local traffic. The pertinence of this suggestion can be seen by scanning any river and harbor bill of recent years. The Ohio Iver receives more money than any Imilar length of river and it Is argely because proof is offered that he river is navigable and that the facilities created will be- used. One boat carrying traffic on the Missouri would be worth .more than psges of engineers' reports and theoretical rea sonings. ' Edward Everett Hale. In tbe death of Edward" Everett Hale the Unitarian church loses its best known clergyman, the world of letters one of its. greatest lights and humanity one of Its kindliest and most inspiring figures. Before men now of middle age were born his scholarly attainments and mental virility had attracted wide attention and he bas continued to grow in in fluence and personal esteem until, filled with years and good works, finis Is written to his career. V Edward Everett Hale's genius was not the meteoric kind which flashes across the horizon and as suddenly disappears, bat rather that which en dures. As a theologian he never shirked defense of his faith, but tn his controversies there was a charity for the opinions of others which left no scars. While his literary contribu tions were many and varied, his "Man Without a Country" is the most far- famed and by many good Judges has been selected as the best short story In the English language. It is unique in conception, strongly written . and teaches a lesson In patriotism unex celled by any work of fiction. . The man or woman who has not read It bas missed something of value in life. Naturally a man of his tempera ment and environment was a promi nent figure in the anti-slavery agita tion and be fairly shared with Phillips snd Garrison the honors and burdens of that struggle which culminated in the civil war. He was the last sur vivor of the coterie of brlllant literary men New England gave to the world in the middle and latter part of the last century. Smuggling; in Chinese. What appears to.be trie most ex tensive scheme in recent years to evade the Chinese exclusion laws has been unearthed And culminated in ar rests in Chicago. The plan was an audacious one and required great In genuity to work It out, carrying the Chinamen from the Mexican border to Chicago before they were brought to the surface. The game must neces sarily be a profitable one or men would not take such chances of Im prisonment. ' " The smuggled Chinaman, of course, waa expected to repay the cost and a profit proportioned to tbe risk to the fellow Chluamah who had advanced the price. No greater Object lesson could be drawn of the difference be tween the scale of . living of the ori ental and the 'American laborer, for these smuggled Chinamen are all of the laboring class. Speedy repayment of such a a would be a practical impossibility . with American stand ards of living, but not so with the Chinaman, although his earnings are far below that Of white labor. Tbe saddest picture of all, however, Is contemplating the lot of Chinese labor at home. What must be the condition in China when men are will lng to take such risks and work un der practical slavery for years to re pay the sum represented by steam ship passage, smugglers' fees and the toll of the Chinese go-between? American Capital in' China. American money is to assist In building a great, railroad, in China. With any other country this would mean nothing except mat there was a surplus of capital here seeking In vestment. - Germsn, English and French bankers were all striving to secure the loan, and Jt was only through the Influence of President Taft that Americas bankers were ad roitted to the-syndicate. Custom is an almost insurmountable barrier in China and it has been the rule that the nation furnishing tbe money for railroads and other enterprises to de velop any section of that vast empire should practically monopolise its for eign trade. The loan is made to construct system of roads opening up a large territory hitherto Isolated from for eign commerce; and when It waa an nounced It had been placed In Ger many there was much dissatisfaction in other ' countries. President Taft THK BKF,: and Secretary Knot at once busied themselves in behalf nf the t'nitel States and secured a division of the loan. This is particularly gratifying to cotton goods manufacturers and dealers In foodstuffs, tn both of which lines the Chinese are large customers and In the former Germany Is our most persistent competitor. With the Philippines at the door of ' China, American trade has an excellent base of operations In the orient and rea sonable assurance of protection and this country could not complacently see China's Immense trade drift into other hands. Politically there are powerful rea sons for not wishing to see Germany or any other power secure an unneces sarily strong foothold in China. So long aa the United States holds th Philippines the domination of China by other natlona to our exclusion would be fraught with danger. The balancing of power in China ts essen tial to peace in the orient, Just as It has been necessary In Turkey to keep Eg rope quiet. Spurious Nonpartisanship. , The iiea of a nonpartisan judiciary Is right. The large majority of the peopl believe In It and deelre It. The only ques tion la how to eecurr It In auch a manner aa to defeat the plot of the scheming special intereata and safeguard the popu lar welfare. World-Herald. The idea of a nonpartisan Judiciary Is attractive, but the conclusion that to secure nonpartisanship we have to elect democrats to the bench Is no necessary part of It. It Is a trifle early to commence on the fall campaign, but Inasmuch as the World-Herald has started its- customary dust-throwing we may as well clarify the atmosphere little bit at this time. V It might Just as well be understood now as later that the nonpartisan elec tion act passed, by the late democratic legislature is one of the most partisan pieces of legislation ever put on the statute books. Its purpose Is not to improve our courts or take politics out of our educational institutions, but simply a plot of scheming democratic politicians to regain the foothold which the demo-pops once had 4n these places and which Ihey had forfeited. The rank hypocrisy and Insincerity of the World-Herald la conclusively proven by the indelible record. In 1897 the demo-pops elected Silas A. Holcomb, a Bryan populist, to be supreme Judge, and in that campaign the World-Herald's chief argument was a plea for nonpartisanship and a misrepresentation that a bench made up solidly of three republican Judges would be offensively partisan. In 1899 the demo-pops elected John J. Sullivan; a Bryan democrat, to be supreme Judge, and again in that cam paign one of the World-Herald's chief arguments was a plea for nonpartisan ship, urging that the bench should consist of one republican, one populist and one democrat. In 1901 the opposing candidates for supreme Judge ere Samuel H. Sedg wick,, republican, and Conrad Hollen- beck, . democrat. But among the demo-pops nonpartisanship immedi ately lost all Its glamour. The argu ments previously put forward would have compelled the World-Herald to support the republican in order to pre vent the eourt from becoming solidly demo-pop, but, of course, it did noth ing of the kind. It was not a question of nonpartisan politics then at all. To the World-Herald it was "Hollenbeck the man," whose personality alone should insure i his preference. Ne braska by 'that time had become re publlcan.and a straight-out party plea for democratic success would have been hopeless. On the regents of the State univer sity tbe record of the-demo-pops and World-Herald Is equally .convicting. The Board of University Regents con sists, or six memDers, oi wnicn tour constitute a majority. In . 1897 the demo-pops elected their two candidates Von Forell and Kenower. In 1899 they elected two more Teeters and Rich giving them 'a majority of tbe board. Were they willing to let it stand at that? Not for a moment. In 1901 they nominated Hawksby and Bayston and made a supreme effort to capture all six places. No crocodile tears about a nonpartisan management of the university in the World-Herald then. Tbe two demo-pop candidates were the 'best men because they were the fusion nominees, and if the World Herald bad had its way the republicans would have' had no representation on the board whatever. It happens that tbe whirligig of. time has reversed the situation, so that the Board of Regents is now made up entirely of republican members and the demo-pops naturally would like to get back under cover of spurious nonpartisanship. Confederate veterans object to a statue of southern womanhood belted and armed for physical combat. Tbe southern woman, like other women, doubtless possesses physical courage, but that, is not the quality which a strong man most admires and wants to see perpetuated in bronze. Secretary Wilson delivered the ad dress at the dedication of the greatest agricultural college ball In the world at Ames. The work of the scientific agriculturist is being fittingly recog nlied and the progressive agricultural states are providing needed facilities for prosecuting the work. An Illinois man wanta the govern' ruent of Honduras to pay. him $3 8, POO. Why not add three ciphers to the bill? It would look better and would be Jnst as mty to collect. Governor Shsllsnberger bas em pbaslsed the idea of nonpartisanship In our - educational institutions by shutting out the last remaining repub- OMAHA. Fill DAY. JPNR llcan member of the board of trustee In chsrge of the state schools for the deaf and blind, and making this board unanimously democritlc. The chairman of the democratic county committee of Cedar county writes a protest to the local demo cratic organ against this "nonpartisan torn-foolery." He might as well get ready to be deposed from his position as chairman and bn read out of the party. , Governor Shallenberger has handed out a few more appointive plums to Jobs created or transferred to him by the recent legislature. Those demo cratic law-makers knew, what they were doing when they enlarged the pie counter presided over by the governor. The suit for $30,000,000 damages against tbe Sugar trust for closing down a refinery, In which It secured a controlling interest, has been settled out of court after part of the testi mony wss heard. Was, tbe trail grow ing too warm? The automobiles driven through our crowded thoroughfares by young boys and girls are multiplying. Presuma bly we will have to have a few serious auto accidents In Omaha before we raise the bars against irresponsible drivers. Why should our public school prin cipals have to be re-elected every year any mora- than the teachers? ' There Is no special reason why the principals of our schools should be on a different tenure thah th6 teachers under them. Someone' ought to define- the dead line between a pavement that needs repairs and a pavement that needs re placing. If they are not soon re surfaced some of our asphalt streets will be nothing but patches. Top Level of Optlmlam. r Chicago Record Herald. If President Taft Is still hoping for the best from the United State senate, he will b able to easily qualify as the world's greatest optimist. Waning- Prestige of Royalty. New York World. Alas for the prestige of royalty. An operation on a king's nose, excite hardly a tithe of the Interest felt in the operation on a tenor's vocal cords. I'ntqae Economy. New York Tost. The practice on African railway of let ting distinguished travelers ride on the cow-catcher. Is Intended presumably to save the expense of a headlight t 3V0 Sympathy Called For. Wall Street Journal. Heavy ahlpments of agricultural machin ery to the western farmers, will be followed later In the summer by carloads of auto mobiles. The agriculturists are not asking sympathy from the city dwellers. Limits of Naval Literature. . Boston Herald. The boys In the navy are rightly given wide latltude'ln their reading matter while at sea. 'But-tn drawing the line at litera ture of the.' 1 anarchist order Pecretafy Meyer will Ho f'nd many objector. ' . ' i i Tarn (In Judicial Ltaht, Whlngton Herald. Justice Brewer In quoted as having said that the cost of the recent world tour of our battleship fleet was . "money well waated." "Money well wasted" Is a phrase calling vociferously for judicial Interprets tlon, surely! Coafllctlna; Assertion. . Boston Transcript. If the etnnd-pat senators were trying to convince the country of the ned of a tariff commission to settle quetitions of fact regarding tariff rates, wages and prices, they could not proceed more ef fectively than by the present exhibit of conflicting assertions. Perplealttes ot Fir Time. Chicago Record-Herald. .. public health officials of Iowa and Nebraska are going to form an organic tlon for the purpose of fighting file. It may be that they know how to kill off the file In Iowa and Nebraska, but how are they going to keep fliea from sneaking over the bordera out of adjoining states? A Cheerful Lot. San Francisco Chronicle. united state treasury orridal ar a cheerful lot. They are extracting comfort from the fact that the deficit will fall below the estimate of tU2,AOO,0(W. During tha first eleven months of the fiscal year the Treasury haa run behind t9T.S5J.102, and the final month will bring the amount up to about $106,000,000, but a little thing like that la not calculated to worry the cus todians of funds aggregating over a bil lion. ' Scramble for Kidnaping; Loot. Philadelphia Press. Quite an army of claimants ara squab bling over the reward for tha capture of the Boylea, who kidnaped Willie Whtlla. Mercer county politic la involved. Willie's father Is credited with having contem plated making a claim for the $15,000 on be half of tha boy, on the ground that the lad himself had caused the arrest of the culprits. He bas wisely thought better to drop tha Idea If he ever entertained It. The whole case la a singular mesa of mys teries, contradiction and paradoxes. Mer cer county 1 claiming the reward aa reim bursement for the heavy expense Incurred In the discharge of a plain duty to prose cute the culprits to conviction. This Is on claim which the state authorities ahould absolutely ignore. ADVANCEMENT IN THE AH MY. i . Remarkably Rapid Rise of Present Raskin Officer. Chicago Inter Ocean. Major General Leonard Wood, Is. now head of tha United States army, by the retirement for age of Lieutenant General Arthur MacArthur. General Wood entered the army as an assistant surgeon In 181. In l!'l he was given the rank t captain. May g. at the outbreak of the Spanish American war. he was appointed colonel of tht First . United States Volunteer cav alrythe "Rough Riders," Two months later he was appointed a brigadier general of volunteers; in December, a major gen eral of volunteers; in .February. . 1901, a brigadier general In the regular army; In 1A03, major general of tha regular army. Only elevn years ago. therefore. GenerST Wood waa an army surgeon There are not many, If any, casea In the army of uxh rapid rise And we know of nq oihei army In the world thai has a dwior for It ranking officer. 11. 1P0! Washington Life sort . Bkatohes ot Imci4eate and Xpleode that Stark the rrograaa ef Xvsnt a tha national Capital. A short seeaion with the supply board of the government convinced Washington lea detilers that there ara several trust buster doing business at the old stand. Washington merry monarch ot summer are glad to supply hotels and other large consumers with Ice at ftom M to 28 cents a hundred. A Unci Bam' treasury I nearby and supposed to be ausceptlbl to a cool touch on a hot day, the dealers offered to Ice the drink of government employe at the level rate of 40 cents per hundred pounds of Ice. Your Uncle responded to the deft touch by showing the truH the door. Now the combiner ara falling over each other in their haste to get the Job at current prices, and prevent out-rater com ing In. Evidently the trust buster ar till able to cut some le In Washington. During the present night session of the senate an immense lantern ts lighted in the capltol dome. This light can be een all over Washington. It la a survival of a cus tom when newspaper were Infrequent and telephones were unknown. It waa intended as a -notification to all members of con gress and other interested in legislation that a night session was on. - Like many other quaint customs in the capital of tho nation this one has survived Its original purpose. ' Captain Samuel C. Lemly, judge advocata general of the navy during the Spanish American war and prosecutor of Rear Ad miral Schley in the famous court of in quiry, has been an inmate of St. Elisa beth's hospital for the Insane In Washing ton for nearly a year. Worry over the Sampson-Schley contro versy shattered hia reason. It Is said. It I understood that Captain Lemly never re covered from the hard work performed at the Schley trial. That waa tha most noted work of his naval career. The affliction of Captain Lemly calls at tention once more to the strange fatality that has followed those who were con cerned In the Sampson-Schley, controversy. Admiral Sampson himself, who waa the storm center of the great trial, was af flicted fatally at the time of the agitation. His affection was described as aphasia, nd it was of so serious a nature that he could not appear at the trial. He died shortly afterward. It la certain that brooding over the causes which brought ' about the trial and which divided officers and men in the navy Into violent factions helped materially to pro duce and aggravate Admiral Sampson's trouble. The truth is that the Sampson-Schley controversy never ha been aettled and every now and then it break out In con versation at the Navy department. About a year ago this city and the navy were startled by the suicide of Lieutenant John W. Crawford, confidential secretary of Admiral Dewey, who was president of the board of inquiry. Lieutenant Crawford attended all 'the session of the court and several times was put In as stenographer. Jere Wilson, a famous Washington law yer, who vii one of the attorneys for Rear Admiral Schley, died very suddenly when engaged In the case. Burgeon General Rixey haB been ordered by the secretary of the navy to make an Immediate investigation of the cauae of so many failures of Naval academy students- in the final physical examination. Out of a clan of ISO midshipmen forty three were debarred from graduating be cause of physical disability, most of them because of defective eyesight Or a patho logical condition of the valve of the heart. This subject came to the attention of the secretary through nine of the rejected mid shipmen coming to Washington to apply for examination for commlHsions in the coast defense corps, in which wearing glasses is not forbidden, a it la In the navy. The secretary told Dr. Rixey that In his opinion there must be something radically wrong either with tha examinations held before admitting the young men to the academy or else In the condition which attended their life there, and whatever it was it must be discovered and remedied. On inquiry Mr. Meyer found that last year, with a graduating clan of 200, eighty or more midshipmen were' rejected after the physical test, and this only served to confirm hi view that there waa something defective in the system at the academy. Some members of the faculty at Annapolis have expressed the opinion privately that the course of study is. so hard a seriously to overwork the men, and to constttut a grave menace to their physical well being, and the condition of the graduating classes of the last two year would aeem to bear out tho contention. Tha feat of Senator Oore In reeling off columns of tariff statistics in a recent speech serve to increase public Intereat In the blind senator and hla remarkable Intellectual equipment. The Oktahoman occupies a seat In the back row on the democratic aide, save when he make his speech. Then he moves down to Senator Daniel' seat In the front row. For a blind man, Senator Oore does an awful lot of writing, especially while Aldrlch, Smoot or some other republican I explaining or defending the tariff bill. He scribbles away at a great rate, and everyone wonders what It ia about. At other time he alls bolt upright, paying strict attention. He It the best listener in tbe senate. Oore, In action, la picturesque. He hat a magnificent voice, la a master of ear cum, and Is feared by republicans more than any other democrat, including Bailey. Oore ha trained himself in trick to cover up hi blindness. While speaking he swings regularly from left to right, turning his head so aa to address all hi auditor. He nap out hi word with vigor. To empha slxe them he jerk his head In a way thai would ordinarily bring on Intense headache. Gore's hair Is Iron gray, stiff and plentiful. With each jerk of his head his hair file into disorder, then with many shakings and tremblings It gradually readjusts Itaelf, only o be sent flying ayatn a the speaker drives home another point.'' DOLl.IVER OK IOWA. Leader at Western Taaaght In Tariff Mevlaloa. Kansas City Star (Ind ). -If tha Payne-Aldrtch tariff bill becomes a law in It preaent or similar form, the enactment will not be accomplished without an exposure of lis outrageous favors for tha trust, It repudiation of the promisee of both partlea and its probable effect In maintaining or lalslng the present cost of living. The odium of such a performance will, of course, attach primarily to the dominant party, which, however, haa been aided very largely by protection democrat who have disregarded utterly the traditional policies and specific declaration of their Lparty. The ountry probably win be Indebted for this exposure, to Senator Dolllver of towa. more , than to any other one man Mr. Dolllver h not made an absolutely ckan record in his . voting on the ached ulea, but he haa adhered strongly to tn ' L..L! Field Club" In Two Heights: 2 inch and inch The new ijay - together - in - Corliss-Coon Hand Made Collars ; 2 for 25c. ruU-strenethrriaterials, proper construction and painstaking hand workmanship make these Collars distinctly Better than the ordinary machine made produce worth remembering. Year Furnisher has them or rsn get them for you without delay. Ctrlist, Coon Gf Company Makers' general promise of revision downward. without discrediting the fundamental of protection which fundamental, a he ha pointed cut, hav been obscured by modern practice. On of the strongest statements yet made on protection ' aa practiced, and aa advo rated by Aldrlch and the Interests behind him, is that which appeared In displayed form on the editorial peg of The Star of this morning. It Is a charge that the morals of the proposed tariff legislation ar morals that no honest man would apply to hi private life or to hla common walks as a dtlsen. . In bis speech Monday, Mr. Dolllver charged that the tariff proceedings In the senate are controlled by one man, with the advice and counsel of vested Interests This charge Is made by a man nhose re publicanism cannot be challenged. The country know, so far ss it take sufficient Interest to know' the obvious working of congress, that this charge I true. PERSONAL NOTES. A bachelor of Jourr.allrm tm Just been graduated at the Missouri Stat univer elty. Ah admirable feature of the Alaska-Tukon-Paclfle exposition 1 that after its cloe. ttiOO.OGO worth of fin buildings will be added to the University of Washington Mr. Patten has given 2R,ono to the Chi cago Art Institute. Wall atreet did not know that It was about to benefit art tn Chicago when it started out to beat Mr. Patten's game. San Francisco grafters who had the money coming to them placed In a soap dish were more particular than their kind generally are, and thought the money would be purified in that way Despite the law in France against net tin on races. Var.dfrbilt "stands to win" a million In wagers. It I believed that In th absence of the handicap of hostile leg islation he might have gone ir) deep. Foreign potentate are finding more an.! more th need for seclusion. The.cxar snd the kaiser will have a meeting In the Fin nish gulf, and the former is proposing to Inspect some remrte parts of his domain In the privacy of a heavily fortified rail road train. OUTLOOK FOIt AERIAL TRAVEL. Problem of Alranls) Service Between Distant CHIe. New Tork Tribune. In Germany, France and th United States there haa of late been some talk -of establishing an airship service between cities separated by dlstnnces of J00 or JO) miles., But It Is fantastic to suppose that auch a business can be placed on a com mercial basis, that the world Is to witness th opening of a new era in transportation. In the first place, In order to meet the In terest on the Investment and the operating expenses, an enormous charge for passage would have to be made. The exact cost of one of Zeppelin's dirigible halloons -I not known, but It probably exceed $100,009, and may reach $260,000. Yet th largest of tha airships Is capable of carrying only from fifteen to twenty persons. In cluding at least on engineer and a pilot. A rate of fare blgh enough v to promite a profit would need to be from ten to fifty time th price of a railroad ticket, and after th novelty ot a single trip had worn off, who would be willing to submit to such a demand? Even more absurd la It to think of transporting freight In this manner. In th next place, Zeppelin ha already demonstrated th Impossibility of running airship on schedule time. On many day he ha found a postponement necessary on aoeount of rain or wind. Ha haa repeatedly been unable to ascend when he wished, and, when once aloft,, to com down at will. Passenger grumble If a railway train I delayed In starting or arriving five or ten mlnutei. - Would they submit to a multiplication of this uncertainty and In convenience by $00 or SOOT Furthermore, In the nature of things, there ar endless possibilities ot accident, and of consequent costly Injuries to the airship. A for the military airship, th function of such a vehicle Is not primarily transpor tation. No government In th world ex pact any direct financial return from th money It spend for a balloon or an aero plane, any more than It doe from It In vestment In battleship and fortifications. Beside, the men who will make use of airship In war mar be expected to face the risk they will Incur In the same spirit of devotion to duty that animates a soldier or sailor w hen going into battle. i Our product and reputation are the' bet advertisement we can offer A. L Km. Im.. 1210-1213 ,-1 JUL - . 1 i L S- front collar. LINE3 TO A LAUGH. VeK-trln Think of that vuitian In Ohio who lived to be 100 jears olrf by enilng sn onion twice a 1ay. v- The Other Man Yes. but-r-' It worth it? Chicago Tribune. ' & Knlcker We have achieved .1 h onOuest of the air. t ... Booker EScept the hoi varkt) .New York Sun. v "Truth," remarked the PnHfrrher. in tentional)'. "He! at the bottom of a well " "Tht account." all the .Cynic, dryv, "for the fact that .se inuch,-nf the well water is contaminated." naltlmoi e Ameri can. ( "What book have helped', 'nu most?" asked the serious joung wontan. "I don't remember., their m-mei." an- . .. t .......... l . V . . ' !...'... the government , publication!' I am per mltted lo prrt to rm admiring cun-f stltuents." -Washington' itr.. "What, then." asked the profeoy, "I the exact difference between log.c and sophistry?" ' "Well." replied a 1tlgMt student. if you're engaged In controversy. It's Juit the difference bet wef n 'I ur line of argu ment and the mli.iVirfejlow's." catholic Standard and Time. Weary trave er. a iic Join his family in the dining car next morning: "It Is mlghtv fortuiiHt that Wordsworth never rode In a Pullman. He never would have written that beautiful line- 'Our berth Is but a slep and a forgetting.'" Life. , - r- CJ Tommy Paw. .I've henrd.ypti talk about Easy street Where ls.ll? - Mr. Tucker It'S af the fi-TiMer end of a long, rough and lllv ..thornnjWtfare railed Hard Work afreet.., . rriy Jbov. Chicago Tribune. ... , "Strange things 'happen "n life," re- larked a citizen. "What do you., refer to7 inqulrr-d his " ma nela-hhnr. "Three years a en" t rnrtverf nut of a flat because I couldn't stand th soprano sin ger's voice who lived above ..ma., and here I am tonight paying ij.fo a. seat lo hear her warble." Detroit Free Press. THE OLD HOME ' CALLS. . k L.-M. Montgomery; An Youth Companlon. Come back to me. little dancing feei that roam the wide world o ar. I long for the lilt of your flying step In my silent rooms one more. Com bck to me. little voices gay with laughter and with song. Come back, little hearts beating Men with hopes, I have missed- and mourned you long. My roses bloom In mv satden walks all sweet and wet with new, My light shine down on the. long hill road the waninar twlllchts through; The swallows flutter about my eaves, as In the vears of old. And close about mo. their steadfast arms, the lisping pin trees rom. Rut t wearv for vou at mom' and eve. O m-w rhlldren of mv love. .. I Come back to 'me from your pilgrim way, V from the seas and plains ye rove. Lomi over ine nrrauuw noi uj imv to my door set open wide. And sit ye down where th red light shines from my welcoming, nrssiae. I keep for you all your childhood dream, your gladness and dellaht. Th Joy of day in the sun and rain, the sleep or rare-rre nignts. All the sweet faith ye hav lost and sought again shall be .your own: Darlings, come to my empty, heart. 1 am old and still and alone! Old Eyes see more brightness In life when t!iy look through 'lenses thai suit their special need. Don't ruin your eyes by wearing wrong glassea.. We have made th eye a study, Snd mak a specialty of, testing 4h ys of old and young and i fKtlng - them with suitable glasse. If you hsv th least ausplclon tht your eyes ar wrong, come'jund let u examine tnem now. : - v HUTES0C OPTICAL CO. 'Factory on Premise. 313 Jowth leth aUrt.. Omaha. KwuJ ft., Oatjta . ',-- t r V