Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Ehelton Insists He Did Not Help Hob
Overland Train.
canm nm m Just Map.
sened to Into Bad TiMr
and Hot In tkat Auta
"I was not a mmbr ff the lint that
held up the Overland A while no." de
clared Jack Fhelton, the Denver captive,
alleged to be the fourth holdup man.
Ha seen In the office of the county
Jail while1 waiting to be locked up. after
having been measured by the Hertlllon sys
tem at the city jail and photographed on
South Sixteenth atreet for the rogues' gal
lery. "I'm not a desperate , bandit, like they
are trying to make me out to be," Shelton
Me seemed willing to talk and ipoke with
out being questioned.
'I lust happened to be In bad company
out at Denver when that auto picture waa
taken. It may be a fact that the other
men In the picture hava bad police records,
but I did not know It then and don't now.
either. - .
"They have been trying their best to
Identify me as one of the men who held
up the train," he said with a smile, "but
they haven't done It although about twenty
men have tried. They can t Identify me,
either. I wasn't there to be seen, so there
Isn't any use for the witnesses to try to
make out that I was."
na 7T6t Look Like Bandit.
It has been remarked by a number of
persona who have seen him, Including some
of the officers, that he does not look Vke
a bandit Only a pair of keen eyes dispel
the Idea given by the rest of his appear
ance that he Is a young farmer.
Shelton has not seen the other three men
who the police say are his partners In
crime. The Stephenson woman has not
been seen by any of them to speak to. All
five of the party are' closely watched and
confined In separate cells, except the
woman, who Is kept, In, the matron's de
partment,. According to Mrs. McPherson, the matron,
Lillian Stephenson does not talk at all,
about the holdup case, the four men, their
trial or 'he part she la to play in It.
"She seems to be comfortable and makes
the best of her situation," says Mrs. Mc
pherson. '"So far, as her presence here Is
concerned, she seems -quite -an agreeable
woman. I think she Is several years older
than she claims to be."
After Shelton was measured by the
police Thursday morning, "he was shown
to August Papei, his wife and friend, who
live on a farm two miles south of South
Omaha. Tepee thought the three might be
able to Identify Shelton as a suspicious
looking man who asked for work and was
hired at their farm the Sunday following
the arrest of the other three suspeots. They
failed to do so however.
Shelton In Not the Man.
"The man who came to our place," said
Papes to a deputy marshal who accom
panied them, "wore hla blaok soft hat so
far down over his face that at first glance
we could only see hfs chin. He said he
was out of money" and wanted to go to
"That was oh Sunday and he refused to
work on that day. He told us he would
come back Monday morning, but we never
saw hlm,.agaln. While at our place he ate
an awful lot and we thought afterws.ids
that-.maybe tie (was. one of the holdup men
who hart been hiding for a few days. This
man Shelton Is not the man."
When Shelton was being seen by Papes
Thursday, morning, he looked him squarely
In the face, made no effort to hide or dis
tort his features and smiled when be heard
that they thought he might be the man
they had In mind.
The Cost
Cleaners and
Dyers la the
It's Inter
. eating and
It's Free.
Bend for a
1521 Howard St., Omaha
Beginning f:
June Clearing Sale
Matchless Bargains
You Have Heard of Persons
Poisoned by Drinking Watr.
. Keep You WU
Tom Avoid klak.
Delivered la Bottles,
to cents per gallon;
omu tea t
lath ha
Coward Ste.
eof. 415.
Played With
Abraham Lincoln
When Little Boy
Ex-Slave, Hundred and Three Years
Old, Visit! Son in Omaha and
Telia of Marse Abe.
A playmate of Abraham Lincoln Is tn
The weight of 10 years makes no dif
ference with some men and Robert Stearns
of Topeka. Kan., Is one of these men.
Mr. Stearns Is 103 years of age and he has
come from Topeka alone to make a visit
to his Son, Tib, proprietor of the Newport
restaurant on Dodge street. Though he
has lived a score more years than most
men, Mr. Stearns Is able to get around
alone, take care of himself, and reads the
dally paper without the use of classes.
Robert Stearns Is a negro and was In
slavery sixty years, and the son with whom
he Is visiting was born In slavery.
The older Stearns was born and raised In
Kentucky, near Hodgensvllle. the birth
place, of Abraham Lincoln, and he savs
he and the president were playmates when
they were boya. He did not see Mr. Lin
coln after the family moved to Illinois.
Twice he was sold Into Missouri, but both
times waa bought back by his old mas
ter. Ha saw relatives bought and sold, and
the last time he aaw hla mother was when
sha walked seventy-five mites from Louis
ville at the age of 110 years to see him be
fore she went south to enter the service
of a new master.
The last ' year of the war Mr. Stearns
ran away from hla master and Joined the
union forces, fighting In a corps under
General Grant until the close of the war.
Mr. Stearns has certificates to prove his
age In the event It should be questioned.
Horse Arrested
and Goes to Jail
Old Dobbin Actually Walks Into S.ta
tion and Proceeds to Eat Offi- '
cial Document!. ,
A horse was arrested and taken to Jail
early Thursday morning.
A amall truck gardener who took the an
Imal to the police station because It wai
at large and trampling on his garden, was
so anxious to Introduce It into police Juris
diction that he actually led It through the
south door of the building down the hall
way to the office of Desk Sergeant Mar.
shall, through the Iron gate and right Into
Captain Mostyn'a private office.
By the time the surprised officers real
ised what was going on the horse, a, big
bay brute, was familiarly nibbling at a
bunch of reports on top of the desk, - and
when he was hastily ejected from the
captain's office, he almost starocteded a
couple of score of bluecoats who were
lined up for roll call.
The owner of the animal arrived at the
Jail and took the horse away soon after
Makes an Appropriation of Two Thon.
and Dollars for the State
rlone, -
The Masonic grand lodge- of Nebraska
concluded its work Thursday morning by
the Installation of these officers;
M. Dowllng of Omaha, grand master.
Harry A. Cheney of Creighton, deputy
grand master.
Henry Gibbon of Kearney, grand senior
James R. Cain of Stella, grand Junior
J. B. Dlnsmore of Sutton, grand treas
Francis E. White of Omaha, grand sec
Robert W. French of Kearney,
Rev. G. A. Beecher of Omaha,
A. C. Epperson of Clay Center,
Alpha Morgan of Broken Bow,
T. M. Davis of Beaver City, grand senior
S. 8. Whiting of Lincoln, grand Junior
Jacob King of Omaha, grand tyler.
Resolutions and eulogies were passed
Wednesday evening upon the fraternal
dead ot the year, which include Henry
Brown of Omaha, deputy grand master,
and Major B. D. Slaughter, past grand
An appropriation of l!,000 was mad by
the grand lodge for the Masonlo home.
The reports of . the- general secretary
showed that the order now had a member
ship In the state of 17,11. - ,
Trip on Vessel They Made Will
Taken by Three Omaha
Three Omaha boys. William Rose, Robert
Sundberg and Carl Torsen, will leave next
Wednesday on a flatboat of their ow
construction for a trip down the Missouri
and Mississippi rivers to New Orleans. The
boat has been fully . equipped with all the
appurtenances for a six weeks or tw
months' outing, floating languidly dow
the great river ways. The young men will
dispose of their boat at New Orleans an
will go from there to Mobile by rail, an
after a tour of the cotton states will re
turn to Omaha.
Coat and Pants
to Order
Ye vacationers!
Dress the part. Be cool. Look
cool, too.
Whether 'tis seashore, moun
tain, lake or country you're going
to "vacate" at, we've fabrics that
will just suit your purpose, just
flawlessly fit your person and just
please you right down to the
Flannels, serges, and crashes ga
lore. .- ,
TWo-Plece Suits to order, fSO.OO
Perfect fit and style guaranteed.
Tailoring Co.
304.800 So. JOtti St.. Sear
16th and Karnam Hfs.
Contenti of MaiLPouch Tucked Away
in Unique Place.
Bandit's lea. It Shoald Be stated,
Mas of Wood -Ins pee tors Tell
How They Canght Their
Tostofflce Inspectors H. 8. Orogan of
Lincoln and Frank Frayeer of Kansas City,
who have been assisting In the Overland
mall robbery case, are In Omaha as wit
nesses before the federal grand Jury. Both
Inspectors work In this territory and Kan-
as. Since the Overland mall robbery In
Omaha May 22 Inspectors Grosan and Fray-
er have made an Important capture .of
registered mall robbers at Topeka and
landed their men In tail after a chase all
over Iowa and South Dakota.
The ringleader of the robbers was Otto
Battles, a one-legged fellow who was form-
rty driver of a mall wagon betweenthe
Topeka general office and the depots.
The case Is an Interesting one," said In
spector Groran. "and has kept us pretty
busy. The Topeka postoffice occupies the
same general relation to Kansaa that
maha does to Nebraska, all monthly re
mittances being made from the Kansas
postofflces through the Topeka office and
II rural carriers of the state are paid from
that office. Since January 1 there has
been a systematic disappearance of val
uable registered mall from the pouches on
their way from the Topeka depot to the
postoffice. This occurred only on the first
f each month when the outsiae remittances
came In. We became satisfied that it was
case of someone having Illegal possession
of a registered mall pouch key. But no
eys were missing, as every key Is num
bered and Its location known.
Battles Under Suspicion.
Suspicion finally pointed to Otto Bat
ties, who had formerly been a driver of
the mall wagon, but who had lost a leg a
few years ago by falling off the wagon
and being run over. A mall wagon driver
was also suspected, but nothing could be
secured against the latter, so we kept on
the trail of Battles. He disappeared from
Topeka. We traced him to Council Bluffs,
Omaha, Perry. Ia.: Chadron, Iveb., and
Rapid City, and finally to Wall, S. D,
'He kept low during April and finally
re-appeared In Topeka In May with a part
ner. Merlin Reed. June 1 the loss of sev
eral valuable registered 'packages waa re
ported from the x mail wagon and Frayser
and I being In Topeka at the time, went
right to work. We followed Battles to his
home, a squallld place in North Topeka,
and reached the house about ten minutes
after he did.
"As we approached the shanty we de
tected the odor of burning coal oil and
guessed at once that Battles was burning
the evidences of his robbery. We cor
nered him In the shanty, extinguished the
fire and found fragments of burned regis
tered envelopes and a part of a registered
receipt. Reed was also at the house, as
was Battle's brother-in-law, a man named
Stroud, and Battle's mother. They were
all placed under arrest, as was the regu
lar driver of the screened mail wagon.
Tarried Money I Hla Leg.
We searched Battles, but found noth-
tng until we examined the stump of his
leg and there found a cushion pocket In
which was a registered mail pouch key
nd over $200 In money packed away neatly
In the pocket. About the house we found
all the evidence of a thieves' den. frag
ments of articles evidently stolen from
the mails during the spring and winter
The money, being marked, was easily Iden
tified as a part of the remittances from
postofflces out In the state of Kansas.
An aged blacksmith by the name of
Clark, hearing of the arrest of Battles, re
ported tc vs that he had at one time made
key for Battles, not knowing that he
waa committing a crime. It appears that
Battles had stolen a registered mall lock
and disfigured it In such a way that Clark
could not tell what It was, took the lock
apart and had the key fitted. The rest
was easy. The key would open any mall
'Battles' plan was to lie In wait for the
mall ! wagon and get aboard of It. The
driver, we will call him Smith, being In
collusion, would leave the wagon for a
while, letting Battles drive It alone,
around through the warehouses In a round
about way, and by placing the desired mall
aack between his knees, would open the
sack and take out the packages he wanted,
rifle them at his pleasure, and then, meet
ing Smith at some appointed spot, would
turn the wagon, over to him, relock the
pouch,1 and then disappear, later dividing
the profits with Smith and Reed.
'The amount of money secured by Bat
tles and Reed since January 1 Is over
Gallantry is
Origin of Suit
Man Who Gives Seat to Woman is
Struck and Sues Street Car
In Solon Walker's gallantry lies the ori
gin of a suit against the Omaha & Council
Bluffs Street Railway company which Is
being heard by Judge Kennedy In district
Walker waa riding on a northbound Six
teenth street car when he rose to give his
seat to a woman. The new Hanson cats
was being built at the time and a high
board fence had been put In near the car
tracks and parallel with them. Walker
struck his shoulder against the fence as
he ruse to let the girl have the seat and
he asserts that In the hurls burly which re
sulted trim his being bounced about, he
suffered serious and permanent injuries
for which he would like J5.000.
tout Man Caught la Wrong Place
at the Puhlle Library Ueta
a Term.
As a suspicious character in connection
with the alleged attempt to ateal soma
valuable coins from the Byron Reed col
lection In the city library, Norman Bate
man, a young man who says he Is from
Kingston, Canada, was sent to Jail for
twenty days by Police Judge Crawford.
Bateman was arreteT near the coin case
when found with a rasp or file In his
pocket at the time the burglar alarm
was automatically aet off by some one
springing the lock. Nothing was stolen.
Believing that Ed Crumley, another
young man. was a partner of Bateman In
the alleged attempt to rob the coin case,
the police arrested htm Wednesday after
noon and are holding him. Crumley says
his home Is in Memphis, Tenn. Detectives
Murphy and Ring, who made the arrest,
assert Crumley was In the Byron Reed
room of the library building In which Bate
man aa found, a hen the alarm went off.
Bv Waut Ada. aie business boosters.
Father Hurley's
First Mass Will
Be Made Notable
Omaha Boy Will Enter Actively on
Priesthood Sunday at Sa
cred Heart
A big religious ceremony Is planned for
the celebration of the first mass of Rev.
D. J. Hurley In Sacred Heart church, next
Sunday. There will be a solemn high mass
at 10:30 a. m., of which Father Hurley will
be celebrant; Rev. P. J. Judge, high priest;
Rev. Charles Mugan of South Omaha,
deacon; Rev. John Q. McNamara of Bloom-
field. Neb., subdeacon; Rev. Thomas Byrne
of Kenrlck seminary, St. Louis, master
of ceremonies. The sermon will be
preached by Very Rev. D. M. Moriarty of
Benson. After mass Father Hurley will
give his priestly blessing to the congre
gation Individually at the altar rail of
the sanctuary.
As Is generally known In this city, where
he has hosts of friends, Father Dan Hur
ley Is a young man of great promise In
the priesthood. He had an Interesting
career Irt this city and went through a
distinguished course In Creighton Vnt
versity, where he was valedictorian ot his
class at his graduation. Hi Is popular
among his friends and was a personal
friend of the late Count Creighton, who
took a fatherly Interest In him. During his
career In Omaha he was distinguished as
an accomplished entertainer In literary,
dramatic and musical programs and no
Catholic church entertainment waa con
sidered complete that did not have an
Hem from D. J. Hurley. And It was his
Invariable rule never to accept remunera
tion for his contributions.
Besides his association with Creighton
university, Father Hurley haa been closely
Identified with Sacred Heart parish and
is a close personal friend of the pastor,
Father Judge. After his ordination In Ken
rlck seminary, St. Louis, on Friday by
Archbishop Olennon, he will come direct
to Omaha as a guest of Father Judge.
Archbishop Olennon, considering him a
very desirable aspirant to the priesthood.
adopted him into his diocese two years ago,
After giving him a few months' vacation
to recuperate and rest the archbishop will
assign him to special work In St. Louis.
Father Hurley's friends have planned to
surprise him with a complimentary test!
monial In the form of a purse. This feature
Is In charge of thla committee: P. C,
Heafey, John Halplne and Paul C. Martin,
For the occasion an Interesting program
will be rendered In Sacred Heart .parish
hall on Sunday evening. I
Wedding Outfit
is Missing
Clothes in Which Tekamah Man
Was to Marry Taken by His
Dick Houston's wedding will have to be
postponed, or else he will have to be mar
rled In borrowed clothes, or some bunoh
of tailors will have to work all night, for
Dick's clothes are missing and this Is the
way it happened.
Richard Houston of Tekamah , left that
thriving village Thursday morning to go to
Indianapolis to be married.' Many kind
friends accompanied, him,, to, the station.
wow ttt wishes they had not done so,
Knowing they could not be present at the
wedding or at the feast afterward, these
youthful friends removed the contents of
Houston's two grips and filled ibe grips
with kindling wood and brick bats. Hous
ton noticed the substitution Just as he was
leaving' the Merchants hotel for his train.
He Is up a stump.
Did Pretty Ankle
Sway the Jury?
That is a Question that Has Arisen in
District Court Since Certain
1 Criminal Trial.
Whether a pretty young woman's ankle
or a young woman's pretty ankle might
have an undue effect In influencing a Jury
Is a burning theme in the Douglas county
court house. v
During a comparatively recent criminal
trial there sat by the defendant throughout
a young woman who, by crossing her
knees, carelessly showed an Inch or two
of ankle, clad In a bright silken stocking.
Since several Jurors kept their eyes glued
en the said ankle, though perhaps devoting
their ears to the witnesses, the question
has arisen whether this had an influenee
on the verdict.
The question will not, however, be of
ficially discussed, for the ankle was not
an official "exhibit.".
Tarner Brothers of Iowa Will Be
Gaests of Some Fifty
Omaha Men.
Turner Brothers, Iowa grain dealers who
operate a long Una of elevators in that
state, were guests of some fifty Omaha
grain dealers at the Field club last night.
While the grain dealers of Omaha have
had a "sort" of annual dinner at one of
the country clubs ect year, the Tumor
Brothers are special guests at the dinner
this evening, connldered as also the annual
Ed Feck or the Feavey company was
acting toastmaster and the toasts were In
Incidentally the Iowa grain firm ts look
ing over Omaha with an Idea of establish
tng headquarters In this city, which would
mean the erection of another large terminal
elevator at once. The only other elty con
eldored Is Red Oak, la., and the advantage
of being located at a primary market with
some 21,700 miles -of railroad serving it di
rectly. Is said to' overbalance anything any
olty In Iuwa could offer, a Iowa has no
primary grain market within the borders
of the state except such as are created by
the Omaha market In Council Bluffs and
Mlsrourl Valley.
Men Fast Fifty la Danger.
Men past middle life have found comfort
and relief In Foley's Kidney Remedy, es
pecially for enlarged prostate gland, wnlch
la very common among elderly men. U. E.
Morris. Dexter, Ky.. writes: "Up to
year ago my father suffered from kidney
and bladder trouble and several physicians
pronounced it enlargement of the prostate
gland and advised an operation. On ac
count of his age we were afraid he could
not stand It and I recommended Foley's
Kidney Remedy, and the first bottle re
Ueved htm. and after taking the second
bottle he was no longer troubled with this
complaint." Bold by all druggist-
Never before in the history of our piano business have we been in a position to offer such bar
gains as at the present time. All pianos returned from rental from Schools, Music Conservatories,
Hotels, Private Homes, iu fact every slightly usetl piano on our floor will be placod on sale this
morning and must be closed out regardless of cost. "VVe need the room for our daily increasing
wholesale business and will reduce our present enormous retail stock if prices and terms are any
inducements. We carry a complete line of STEINWAY, WEBER, HARDMAN, MEHLIN, A. B.
sold from factory to home, at one smell profit. We guarantee to save the purchaser from $o0 to
$150 on a high graie piano from
any reliable Piano House.
a All Pianos
1 Mahogany upright, only
1 Rosewood upright, only
1 Walnut case upright, only
1 Golden Oak upright, only
Howard Agnew Johnston Ad
dresses Graduating Class.
Colorado Cleraryman Speaks on "The
Scientific Character of Christian
Faith" President's Recep
tion Final Event,
The graduating class of Bellevue college
Viere honored In the commencement ex
ercises at the Presbyterian church of Belle
vue. Thursday morning by an elaborate
program consisting of musical numbers,
orations by honor graduatra and an ad
dress by Rev. Howard Agnew Johnston of
Colorado Springs, was pronounced the most
remarkable in many ways. Dr. Johnston
spoke on "The Scientific Character of the
Christian Faith."
The graduates are:
Bachelor of Arts Mlloslav Flltpl, Omaha;
I.ulu Klssenger, Osmond; Bertha Hatfield,
Pawnee; William Vernon McCormack,
Omaha; Lena Alberta O'Kane, Ithaca.
Bachelor of Science Leon Rex Carey,
Bancroft; Pearl Klssenger, Osmond; Lelgii
Duncan Ohman, Pllger. '
Bachelor of Philosophy Charles Grover
Oraves, Fort Crook; Hartwell Hastings
Hamblin, Tekamah; Myrtle Elisabeth
Hunter, Lebanon; James Ouy Phelps, Bel
mont; Abble May Robertson, Atkinson.
Honor Students Myrtle Elisabeth Hun
ter, Lena Alberta O'Kane. James Guy
Phelps, Bertha Hatfield, Lulu Klssenger,
Leigh Duncan Ohman.
"In every object of human experience,"
said he "there is a scientific method of
observation. Unscientific experimentation
leads to wrong conclusions. It Is necessary
to consider , first the fact and then the
mystery, which Is Inseparably connected
with every fact of experience. All sclent
Ists keep close to the fact In their research
and they never think of denying the fact
of experience, because they cannot under
stand the mystery."
Christ and the Mystery.
Following this Introduction, the doctor
gave a scholarly address of forty minutes.
showing that the most stupendous fact of
history was Christ, and that the mystery
of the spiritual was not greater than the
commonly accepted mysteries of science.
"We have implicit faith In the atom, tho
molecule, in electricity, light and sound
theories, but It is simply faith, nothing
more. They cannot be demonstrated in
their innate qualities. It is Just as scien
tific to believe in the great fact and mys
tery of Christ as in the great facts and
mysteries of science."
Leigh Duncan Ohman's oration on the
'Changing Vision" had to do with the
present day conception of greatness as op
posed to the earlier conquerers of men the
later aggrandisement of nations or the re
cent amassing of fortune. The conception
of greatness for the future must include
the greatest service.
The oration of Mls Myrtle Elizabeth
Hunter expreased a hopeful outlook for the
future of women. She aald that the divis
ion of labor which modern machinery has
brought about has given women more lib
erty to engage in duties not Included In
the home.
Hartwell Hastings Hamblln's solo, "Song
of The Torreador," by Bixet, was much
After the program the degrees were con
ferred. A number of honorary degrees
were Issued as follows: Melvln V. Hlgby,
D. D.; J. H. Clark, New York, L. L. D. ;
Leon D. Young, Beatrice, D. D.; N. P.
McClure, Council Bluffs, D. D.; Thomas
G. Sykes, Des Moines, D. D. ; Harry Aus
tin Carnahan, Anaconda, Mont.. D. D. ;
H. F. Clarke, founder of the institution,
L. L. D.
All the graduates with the exception of
Messrs. Fllipl and Ohman, received teach
er's certificates. '
An Anterlcaa Kins;
Is the great king of cures. Dr. King's New
Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and
cold remedy. 60c and 11.00. For sale
Beaton Drug Co.
Will Be Laid at Hest In Forest Lawn
Cemetery with Episcopal
Thomas J. Rogers, who died suddenly
Wednesday morning, Is to be buried In
Forest Lawn cemetery this afternoon.
The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock at the
residence, 1130 Park avenue.
Rev. T. J. Maekay of All Saints' church
will conduct the service and these men
have been chosen to act as pallbearers:
John 8. Brady, Harry Burkley. Victor
Caldwell, J. D. foster. C Wtll Hamilton.
Ralph Kitchen, Arthur Bemington and C.
N. Robinson.
At the cemetery the services will be pri
vate. The store of Milton Rogers & Sons
wtll be closed for the day.
u u
Eastern prices and give the strongest guarantee ever offered by
Sold on Easy Payments if Desired
Jj 60
Steinway Concert Grand, big bargain.
Every piano guaranteed to ftv satisfaction or money
Out ot town customers furnished Free Catalogues, and
complete Information on request. Write today or. pay ua a
visit of Inspection. We can make it profitable for you.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Go,
13111313 farnim St. Phones: Doug. 1625; Ind. A-1625
The largest the oldest and most reliable Piano House
in th West Establshed 1859. Operating 6 stores 1 Factory
and 40 distributing agencies.
Mother Accused
by Husband and
Her Children
Arraigned for Inebriety, but One Son
Stands by Her, Contradicting
the Others.
'1 take my oath up to God. I nlvlr In
all me life had more than wan or two,
maybe, glasses lv beer in wan day. Faith
and 'tis the property they be afther."
Mrs. Bridget Hurley, an elderly Irish
woman was before the Board of Insane
Commissioners of Douglas county on a
charge of inebriety. The complaining wit
nesses are her husband, a son and
daughter. Another son is aligned squarely
with his mother gnd he denies all their
And so does Mrs. Hurley.
"Don't you ever take a little whisky,"
asked Dr. George Tllden, who appears in
the role of Relentless Inquisitor.
"Oh, well, maybe a little sthlck in me
tay wance in a while," answered Mrs.
"Did you ever lie down on the floor be
cause intoxicated?" asked Dr. Tllden.
"I nlver did 1 take my oath up to God,
I niver did." replied Mrs. Hurley with
"Didn't you ever stagger on the street?"
At this the witness hesitated a minute
and came back with:
"I used maybe to stagger a little bit to
make 'em think I was droonk. Just for
a bit av fun, ye know."
The examination developed that the
house of Hurley is sadly divided against
l'self. Mrs. Hurley and her husband have
not spoken in five years, and the son, who
stands with her, and his father have in
terchanged no conversation in sixteen
years, according to a statement on the
The case will be continued Friday after
noon. Quick Action for -jur Money Tou get
your business on the run.
Balldlnsr Permits.
S. M. Brancho, 3314 Charles street, frame
dwelling. 2,000; S. M. Brancho. XI18 Charles
strnet, frame dwelling, 12,000; George S.
riternberg. Twentieth and Bancroft streets.
frame dwelling, 1,600; M. Grluett, Seven
teenth ana Arbor streets, frame cottage.
"My Gloves Cost the Same
As Yours"
Silk gloves that don't wear without finish or fit cost
i the same price as the Kaysers.
To protect yourself, look In the hem. See that the
gloves are marked "Kayser."
Then you get the gloves which, for 25 years, have been
the standard silk gloves of the world.
You get the Kayser fabric, fit and finish, and the
Kay&er double tips.
You get a guarantee In each pair.
Don't accept gloves of
inferior makes. See that
your gloves areKaysers.
Short 811k Gloves
Mc, 7c. $1.04, 11.28
Loag Silk Cloves
7c, tlJM. $iM
$300 Ivers & Pond upright, only $125
$350 Fischer, walnut case, only. 150
$400 Knabe, rosewood cafe, only ....... 175
$550 Steinway Concert Grand '300
Brown Park School Children Flock to
Grand Jury Room.
Should Indictments Be Returned
Against the Alleged Bandits
Vncle Sam Will Pnsh Their
Trial with Haste.
The corridors of the federal building sua
gest a holiday vacation for Brown Park
school,' owing to the presence of the dosen
or more pupils of that school summoned as
witnesses In the big mall robbery case, the
youngsters being the parties whose discov
eries ot the pistols, masks, ammunition
and other paraphernalia ot the robbers
brought about tbelr arrest.
Several of the boys were before the
grand Jjry Thuisday morning giving their
evidence. The accused men, Gordon, Woods
and Torgensen, were taken to the federal
building Wednesday afternoon under guard
to be identified by a number of the out-of-town
witnesses prior to their testimony
before the grand Jury..
About twenty witnesses have thua : far
been examined. It Is believed by the fed
eral authorities that the hearing will be
finished by Saturday evening. Should in
dictments be returned it is the determina
tion ot the government to push the eases
to a speedy trial.
The preliminary hearing of Jack Shelton,
the Denver suspect, will be held before
United States Commissioner Anderson
There Is still a strong conviction with the
federal authorities that there la a fifth
man connected with the holdup ot the
Overland Limited and they are relaxing no
efforts to land htm It possible.
Disposes of Residence at Twenty
Fourth and Laagdoa Court
for 14,OUO.
Elizabeth McKeen, formerly the wife ot
W. R. McKeen, president of the McKeen
Motor Car works, has sold her property
at Twenty-fourth street and . Langdon
court, near St. Mary's avenue, to A. D.
Abbott for $14,000. Mrs. McKeen is now in
the east and ia said to have held this
property personally, as an Investment made
with money which was frum her share ot
the New estate, the wealthy Indianapolis
family, of which she is a member.
Patent Finger-Tipped
Silk Gloves