Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Omaha Again Defeats Des Moines; Cubs Shut Out the Giants
Omaha Repeat Yesterday Score oi
Dy Before.
Velther aide's I Bill Last Man WBa
Ont for Visitors, tvha Will
Mulch llolleaheck Against
U( Today.
Orr.iha. 3, Ies Moines, 2.
Omihi walloped It ancient enemies from
D Moines Thursday by the same score
i the (lay before and attain put a crimp
In the wise ones who thought Wednesday
a sort of accident. Those printers who
work for Mr. Higglns, the big Chicago
printer who runs the Pes Moines team
for amusement had to take their medicine
and although they put up a game fight,
could not bring home the bacon.
t'mp. Haskell pronounced the two games
as the best he has seen this year and
most of the fans agree with him. It was
a battle royal from the start to the finish
and nMther side had won until the very
last man was out In the ninth Inning, for
!es Moines had a couple on bases when
Collta-an hit a fly which Welch gobbled.
The i o'clock closing law does not go
Into effect until after July 1, so the Rourke
family thought It advisable to administer
the Keeley cure to Des Moines, the same
s has been done to all teams as they
:ame along. It had been reported that
'..ang was to oppose Keeley, but that was
changed and Lang was reserved for today
nd Miller sent to the hill.
Miller pitched a magnificent game and
Ou'led out of several most uncomfortable
loles. In one Inr.lng he had the bases full
with one out. when he struck out Slugger
Rill and Perrlne grounded to Kane. Miller
truck out eight men and allowed but six
hits. His wlldnees, however cost the win
ning run.
Heeler Uteady .Throughout.
Kfeley wss steady from start to finish,
ilihougi) two doubles and a triple were
made off his delivery. The first Inning
was one, two, three for Des Moines, but
Otr.fiha started as though a million runs
were to be made: Plsher beat out a bunt.
He also did the- rame thing later In the
game. Fisher then stole second and went
to third on a passed ball. King walked and
Fisher scored on Welch's single, Kane
executed a neat sacrifice and King scored
on Schlpke'a grounder to Dwyer.
Des. Moines tied the score In the second
Inning. With one out Kane dropped
Franck's throw of Dalton's grounder and
he went to second on N'lehoff's single. Wil
liam scored them both by a two-base
drive against the left field fence.
The honors were even until the sixth
when Omaha made the winning run. Cap.
tain r rancK drew a pass and went to
second on a passed hall. Gondlng sacrl
flced him to third. Keeley struck out and
Flhher gave him the chance to score by
beating out a grounder to abort, which
was handled without a bobble. Fisher heat
out two of those Infield balls Wednesday
and two yesterday.
les Moines made several bids to tie the
came, but did not aucceed, aa Keeley re
fused to weaken.
Today will be ladles day and the women
probably will be treated to a battle be
tween Hollenbeck and Lang.
The score: ., . ...
An. r.
Fisher. If........
Kinr. cf
Welch, rf
Kane, lb
Scr.lpke. .lb
Perrlne. 2b
Fianrk, ss t
Gondlng, c 2
Keeley, p ...... 4
Totals 27 3
5 27 12
AB. R.
ColllRan. ss..
Hader. If
Mattlck. cf...
Dwyer, lb
Dulton. rf....
Nlrhoff. 3b...
Williams, !b.
Shea. c........
Miller, p
24 8
Batted for Shea In tha ninth.
Batted for Miller in the ninth.
Omaha Runs 2 0 0 0 0 1
Hits 2 0 110 1
Des Molnea Runs. 9 2 0 0 0 0
Hlta .. 0 1X110
0 0 -
0 0 - 6
0 0 0- I
0 1 0 s
Two-base hits: Schlpke. Colllgan. Wil
liams. Three-base hie Nlehoff. Passed
ball: Shea (2). First base on halls: Off
Keeley. 4; off Miller, 6. Hit with pitched
ball: By Miller, 1. Struck out- By Keeley,
4: by Miller, ft. Left on bases: Omaha, 9:
Des Moines. V. Double play: Schlpke, to
Parrlne. Stolen bases: Fisher 2, Oond
Ing. Sacrifice hlta: Kane, perrlne, Gond
lng Time: 1:45. I'mplre: Haskell. At
tendance, too.
Mates of the Came. -
Fisher Is getting te be the wonder of the
league on the bases. He Is stealing bases
every day. aa kail,. as beating out short
hit. '
Perrlne is all over the field and his
double play could only have been made
by fast and heady work. Schlpke caught
a short bunted popup and Perrlne was on
first to complete the double.
Kane's error was the only one of the
three msde by Omaha which wai. costly.
It started the trouble In the aecond Inning.
Perrlne Juggled a fast grounder and Cap
tain Francs, failed to hold a grounder right
in his hands.
Perrlne1 drive in the fifth inning would
have scared three runs If Dwyer had not
been playing deep for Just such a hit. If
hu had been playing In a little closer the
ball would have sailed over his head and
three riuin would have scored.
Des Moines started a ninth Inning rally
which was short lived. Nlehoff had made
two hits and the fans looked for him to
do something, but he only hit to Keeley.
Williams drew a pass and Kerner, who
batted for Shea, reached first on Franck's
error. Mertens was sent to bat for Miller
and ha -looked big enough to knock the
ball out' i.f the lot, but Instead he only hit
to Keeley. It was all up to Colltgan. and
re eimoo ine tension ry ntttlng a fly to
n eicn, ana tne game was over.
Stateea Safe Hits Off Wrlht Resnlt
la Poar Haas.
TOPEKA, Kan., June 10. The Orlxxllra
tsrt their Hatting eyes opened today and
with sixteen a fa hlta. Including three
noi.iuee inn a triple, trimmed Topeka. 4
i.i 1. Twice Denver had the basea loaded
end then Wright tightened uo and stnnrwwt
the scoring. Considerable credit belongs to
a rnp iimvn iiiinniea.a, w no v as stingy
i 'ri j rune, i nr .-.rT .
AB. R. H. O. A. E
( sssldy, rf 2 4 2 0 0
Belden, If 3 1 3 0 0 0
.tones, of 4 0 2 7 0 0
Lindsay, lb 4 118 0 1
Mail 8b 4 2 1 3 S
Siankard. 3b 6 0 0 0 4 0
Hartman. ss (01410
Thompson, c. .......... 5 0 1 6 10
Dlmstead. P 4 0 3
Totala 3 4 W IT U 1
AB. R. H. O. A. B.
Wooley.' cf 8 0 0 3 0 0
Oeler. 3b 4 12 114)
Kunkle, lb 4 0 t 11 t S
Fenlon. rf , 4 0 1 1 0
Tomasson, If 3 0 0 1 1 0
Kahl. 2b 2 0 0 8 4 0
Downle. ss t 1 8 0
Standing of the Teams
W.L.Pc! W.L Pet.
Wichita I!4 15 61S Milwaukee 23 .5M
Omaha 24 14 .t0 Indian lis ... .31 24 .b4
Sioux City.. .21 15 5M, Columbus ...WK4 647
I Moines. 21 19 .SiA Louisville ...a a .S
lenver 19 IS .514 Mlnnlls l 25 .MO
Topeka 17 1 .472, Toledo 23 27 .4i
Lincoln 13 24 .3M' St. Paul 18 27 .tl.l
Pueblo IS 2 .333 1 Kansas City. 20 29 .4'J
WLPct.l W.L.Pct
Pittsburg 32 12 . 727 Detroit 14 6.4
Chicago a 17 WlNfw York. ...21 li .&M
New Vork...21 U .5381 Philadelphia. .23 !R .611
Cincinnati. ...26 Zi .hit Boston 24 is .fvfi
Philadelphia 17 23 .425 Cleveland ....IS 22 .4'i3
Ft. Louli 19 28 , 4 Chlcagi 17 21 .4:
Brooklyn ...17 2S .lOG St. Louis 17 24 .4ir.
Doston 12 29 .2H21 Washington. .12 27 . 80S
Western League Des Moines at Omaha,
Sioux City at Lincoln, Denver at Topeka,
Pueblo at Wichita.
Nations League Boston at Cincinnati.
New York at Chicago, Philadelphia at
American Leesrue Ch pasro at bashing-
ton. St. Louis at Boston. Detroit at New
York. Cleveland at Philadelphia.
American Association Milwaukee at In
dianapolis. Kansas City at Toledo, St. Paul
i Louisville. Minneapolis at loiumous.
McManu". c......
Wright, p
Totals 29 1 I 27 15 0
Denver 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 14
Topeka 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Three-base hit: Belden. Two-base hits:
. I r...l,lu , n . U... Ha un nn hnllM-
Off Wright, 4; off Olmstead, 2. Struck out:
ny Wright. 4: by Olmstead. 6. L.ert on
bases: Topeka, 3: Denver. 10. Double
play: Oeler to Kahl to Kunkle. Sacrifice
hit- MiM..u UlnUn faa.Mlrlv. Bel
den (2;, Lindsay, Maag, Hartman, Thomp
son. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Ulenalvm.
Mountain Indiana Are I noble to Hit
Brennaa. I
SVICIIITA, Kas., June 10. After going
badly for ten days or more. Brennsn re
turned to form today and held Pubblo to
five hits, two of which were gathered In
the last inning. The final Vore was 5 to i.
Hatch was hit harder than the score shows,
as was Oalgano. The outfielders and Cor
han at short cut off several hard drives.
Westerxll scored the first run for Wichita
with a drive over the left field fence. The
next came on singles by Brennan, Ander
son and Hughes, and Mlddleton'e sacrifice.
Hits by Westerxll and Weaver scored one
In 'the fourth, and Pennell's homer came in
the sixth. The last came on hits by Pen
ned and Pettigrew and Malgano's bad
throw to first. Mlddleton's error and Cor
han's hit gave Pueblo Its only count. Dur
ing the third Inning the Pueblo team re
ceived a telegram from home, saying that
there was $100 cash for a victory. The
AB. R. H. O. A. K.
Middleton, rf 8 0 110 1
Anderson, ss 2 0 1 2 3 0
Hughes. 2b 3 0 114 0
Pennell. If 4 2 2 3 0 0
Holland, lb 3 0 0 9 0 0
Westerxll, 3b 4 2 2 2 0 0
Pettigrew, cf 3 0 1 0 0 1
Weaver, c 4 0 1 8 0 0
Brennan, p 3 1 1 1 2 0
Totals 29 5 10 27 9 2
AB. R. 11. O. A. E.
Hogrlever, 8b 4 0 0 1 3 0
Curtis. If 4 0 0' 1 0 0
Clark, lb 4 0 17 10
Spencer, cf 4 0 2 1 0 0
Waltera. 2b 4 0 0 8 3 0
Miller, rf 4 0 15 10
Corhan. ss 4 117 2 1
Mltse c 2 0 0 0 2 0
Hatch, n 1 0 0 0 0 0
Jehl 1 0 0 0 0 0
Oalgano, p I 0 , 0 0 0 Tl
Totals S3 1 6 !4 11 2
Batted for Hatch In fifth.
Wichita 01110101 '-5
Pueblo 0.0 I 0.0 0 Q 0 01
Struck out: Bj Brennan, Bases on
haiia nrr Hatch. 1: off Oalgano. l. Hits:
nff Hatch. In four Innings; off Oalgano,
i in fnur innlnes. Two-base hit: Spencer.
Home runs: Westerxll, Pennell. Sacrifice
hits: Middleton, Hughes, Mitze. Left on
bases: Wichita. 6; Pueblo, 8. Double play:
Walters to Corhan to Clark. Time: 1:60.
Umpire: Clarke. Attendance: 460.
Johnsoa Has Better of Pitchers'
Battle with Alderman.
LINCOLN. June 10 The Sioux City
Champions Won another game from the
Greenbackers today by the tight margin of
1 to 1. Wlnnebaao Johnson outpltched Al-
Oiderman, but was deprived of a shutout by
01 Prltchett's blunder on an easy grounder,
0 followed by the failure of the same plaver
to cover third on a force play. A pinch
single by Welch drove two Btoux City
runners across the plate. Thomas' three
sacker and a double steal netted the
Greenbackers their only tally In the eighth.
Some spectacular fielding was done by
Davidson, liagnler, Thomas and Johnson.
AB. R,
Waldron, rf 4
Fox, 2b 4
Davidson, cf..
.. 4
.. 8
.. 8
.. a
.. 8
.. 3
.. 1
.. 3
Thomas, lb...
Jude, If
Gagnler, ss....
Sullivan, c...
Prltchett, 8b..
Johnson, p....
29 1
6 27 13
AB. R. II. O. A. E.
Campbell, If 3 1 0 1 1 0
Andreas, 2b 3 1 0 4 4 0
Smith, sa 4 0.1 3 2 0
Edtuondson, cf 4 0 1 2 0 0
Welch. 3b 4 0 2 1 1 0
Ctovall, rf 3 0 110 0
Hunter, lb 4 0 18 10
Towns, e 8 0 0 7 8 0
Alderman, p 2 0.0 0 2 1
Totala 80 t ' 27 IS 1
Batted for Prltchett In ninth.
Lincoln ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0--1
0 0-2
Sioux City 0 0 0 0 2 0
Three-base hit: Thomas. Double plays:
Thomas to Gagnler; Andreas to Smith to
Hunter; Campbell to Andreas. i-tolen
bases: Waldron, Thomas, Gagnler, Ed
mondson. Sacrifice hits: Judo, PrltchU.
Andreas. Stovall, Towns. Struck out: By
Johnson, 3: by Alderman, 4. Bases on
balls: Off Johnson, 8; orr Alderman, 6. Hit
wtl. pitched ball: Wy Alderman. 1. Left
on bases: Lincoln. S; Sioux City, 6. Um
pire: Mullen. Time: 2:05. Attendance: 600.
I'aap. TIaakell Sara Westers Is Draw,
lac Better Than Ever.
"The managers of the Western league
teams have been forced to strengthen their
clubs to keep In the race at all. said
Jack Haskell, head of the umpiring staff
of the Western league, who made his first
appearance of tha year In Omaha Wednes
day. "These teams have strengthened up
until we have the fastest minor league In
the country.
"Fans In Western league towns realise
the clasa of ball being put up and are
patronizing the game aa never before and
every city around the clroult has been
having fine crowds In spite of the rainy
season, which has been holding on fur
some time."
Denver Geta New Mrs.
The Denver management has been mak
ing some radical changes In the makeup
of Its team, three players being released
or suspended. Pitcher Glllen and Catcher
Zalusky are suspended and Pitcher Jack
son released. A new youth named Has
aon. from the University of Chicago, has
been added to the pitching staff, which
now consists of Bohannun, Olmstead, Ford,
Adams and Wasson. Hallman and Thomp
son will divide honors behind the bat and
Maag will be assigned to third.
Poaea la Formlagr Tram.
PONCA, Neb. June 10 Special. ) The
amount subscribed by the business men for
a baseball team has readied neavrly $e)
The new grand stand has Just been com
pleted and the grounds put, in fine condi
tion for the opening gsme of the season,
which It Is hoped . will take place next
week some time.
The directors met last night' and elected
Oliver Newton manager for the season.
The name, the Ponca Cauarys, will be
continued " '
Only One Reaches. Third and He is
Promptly Tagged Oat.
Rain In the Fast Pout pones Several
Games la the National I.eaa-ae
story of Games Over the
CHICAGO, June 10 Only one of the
visitors reached third today and he was
tagged out when he overran the bag.
Bunched hitting off both Marquard and
Ames, with a wild pitch and a passed ball,
scored five runs for Chicago. Score:
B H.O.A.E.
Evam, lb I
She. klrd. It. .
a 1 I OTmnay. lb... S
1 1 0 Slioyle. Jb.... 4 0 1 1
1 I 1 flHrrros. If . 4 0 1
I I 1 0 Murrx, rf... 4 1 1 0 4
3 0 on' Harm, cf... 4 0 3 0 0
0 1 0 Drvlln, lb ... 4 1114
1 t 1 41014
llofmsn, cf. . 4
Htelnfetdl. So 4
Howard, lb... 4
Brhulta. rf 4
Ztmrman. aa 4
Mnran, c S 1
I'lelster, p 4 1
8 0 0Mr, c 4 1 7 I O
4 1 0Maruar4, p.. 3 0 1 t 0
Amxa. p 0 0 0 0
Totala M 11 2? 11 2 Merkle 1 1 0
Totala 14 1 14 1 0
Batted for Marqunrd In seventh.
Chicago 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 -5
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
I - i . i . . CL. 1. . jt vr , . . Ui.ln.
feldt. Three-base hit: Hofman. Hits: Off
i vu-unr, nun. piiavnaiii,
Marquard. 8 in six Innings; off Ames, 3 In
two Inn lias. Stolen bases: levers
Herzoa, Howard. Double play: Evers to
Zimmerman to Howard. Left on bases:
Clilcnun H: New York, ft Bases on balls:
Off Pfelster, 1; off Marquard, 8; off Ames,
1.' Bases on errors: New i orK. i. niruea
out: By Pfelster, 7; 'by Marquard, 5; by
Ames. 3. Passed ball: Mver. Wild pitch:
Marquard. Time: 1:63. Umpires: f.msno
and O Day.
. Postponed Games.
Al Cincinnati Boston-Cincinnati, both
games nnslooned: rain.
At Plttsnurc j-nnaaeipnia-r-iiieuura smur
postponed; rain.
At St. LiOiils St. ijouis-nruoaij n sie
postponed; rain.
Kansas City Loses Throsfth Inability
to Find the Ball.
TOLEDO. June 10 Kansas City's ina
bllltv to hit Robinson frequently or col
lectlvely was responsible for the shut-out
of the visitors. Two hits, a base on balls,
a wild throw by Love and some wily base
running by Abbott contributed to make
Ttledoa three runs In the sixth, while
Elwerts two-bagger brought In the run
In the second. Score:
B.H.6.A.E. B.H.O.A.E
McCarthy. . I 0 4 1 1 Hallman, rf .l 1 1 0 0
Hinrhman. 2b 1 1 1 1 0$hannon. ct.,4 10 0 0
Pmool. cf I 0 4 4 OBeckler, lb... I 0 14 4 0
Hlikman. If.. 4 0 10 OHatllna. lb . .4 0 0 1 0
Frwman, lb.. 4 0 10 UBraahear, lb.. 4 1110
Abbott, e 4 3 1 0 0 Lots, m 4 1 1 I 1
I .and. rf 4 110 ACarllala. If... 1 0 I 0 0
Rlwert, 3b. .. 1 1 0 0 OSulllran, 0...1 0 110
Roblnaon. .. 1 1 0 1 ODorner, p 0 0 1 0
'Uolaa 1 0 0 0
Totali 80 4 17 41
Totala 11 I 14 11 1
Batted for Dorner In ninth
Toledo 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 4
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: Elwert. Base on balls: Off
Robinson, 3; off Dorner, 3. Sacrifice hits
McCarthy. Sullivan. Stolen base; Abbott
Struck out: By Robinson, 2; by Dorner, 3.
Wild pitch: Dorner. Time: 1:40. Umpire
St. Pan! la Shat Oat.
LOUISVILLE, June 10. Louisville shut
out St. Paul today In the opening game of
the series. Score;
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E
Dunlravy, rf. 4 3 0 0 onarla. cf 4 0 0 0 0
Woodruff. 3b. 4 0 1 1 OWrlaley, lb.. 4 14 10
Dichanty, rf. 4
0 2 0 OFIynn. If 4 1 I 0 0
0 11 0 Armb'ator, rf 4 1 0 0 0
Olson, as 4
TMalman. If. 4
1 4 0 OO'Brlan. aa... 4 I 1 4 1
Tat, lb...
Hushes, lb
Telts, a....
Halls, p...
. 1 1 IS 0 ODtnilx. lb... 4 1 1 0 1
.101 OTovkman. lb.. 10010
.till Orartsrh, e....'. 1 4 0
.110 1 OLaroy. p 1 0 0 1
Totala 11 4 11 14 0 Totals II 7 14 10 1
Louisville 0 1004000 3
St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hit: Armttruster: Struck out:
By Halla, 4; by Leroy, 6. Base on balls:
Off Leroy, 1. Umpire Sullivan.
Indianapolis Is first.
INDIANAPOLIS, June 10 Indianapolis,
by winning today's game, Jumps to first
place. Timely hitting won. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E
Chsdb'roa. If. I 8 10 0 Roblnaon, as. 4 0 1 6 1
Cross, sa 1
Hayden. rf... 1
Wskoflfld, lb 4
Davtdaon, cf.. I
Buika. lb 1
llowlay, c. ... 4
Wllllama. lb. 4
Jones, p
Totals 37
0 111 Barry, rf 4 1 0
111 ORins.U. cf... 414
30 OMctiann, lb.. 4 1 It
1 1 0 OCIark. lb 4 0 1
110 lMcCorm'k. lb 3 1 1
0 10 0 Hostallar, C. . 1 0 1
0 0 4 OColllna, If.... 10 0
til 0 Curt la, p 1 0 0
Mrulynn. p... 10 0
7 27 1 Dousharty ..100
Jsoran 1 0 0
Totals 11 712 14
Cross and Howley out for Interference
Batted for Collins In ninth.
Batted for McGlynn In ninth.
Indianapolis 3 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 7
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12
Two-base hits: Wakefield. Barry. Three
base hits: Hayden, Davidson. Struck out
By Jones. 4; by McUlynn, 1; by Curtis, 1.
Base on balls: Off Jones, 2; off Curtis, 3;
off McUlynn, 2. Umpires: Owen and Con
ahan. Postponed Game.
Columbus Columbua-Mlnneapolls game
postponed; rain.
Mnllln Pitches Ills Eleventh Straight
Winnings Game.
NEW TORK. June 10. Pitcher Mullln of
Detroit won his eleventh straight game to
day, New York being defeated, 2 to 1. The
visiting twlrler was effective with men on
bases and his double In the second, scoring
Schaefer, was responsible for Detroit's sec
ond and winning run. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A E.
Mrlntrre. If . 14
it ODrmraUt, cf..
I tksalar. rf. ...
4 0 Elbartslil. lb.
0 OEntle, ir
1 OChasa, lk
Bush, ...,. 4 0 4
Crawford, cf.. 4 10
Cobb, rf I 1 1
Mnrtarltr. lb 1 0 10
1 I
0 1
1 u
O'Leary, Ik... 4 0 1 0 OLaporte. lb
1 I
gchaofar, Sb . 4 3 11 0 Austin, as..
Schmidt, .... 0 0 0
fitsnage, a I 0 4
Mulllu, p 110
1 om.mphlll .
0 OKnlsht. sa..
1 08wsnajr ..
KlelottW, e.
Totals U 1 27 11 0 ra
Blair, e
MiConnall, p. 0
atanninf , p. .. I
Totala M 7 17 II 0
Batted for Austin In seventh.
Halted for Knight In ninth.
Batted for Klslnow In seventh.
Detroit 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 02
New York 1 OOOtOOOO 1
Two-base hits: Schaefer. Mullln, Cobb.
I .a port. Sacrifice hits: Keeler, Laporte.
Stolen bases: Cobb. Moriariiy. Left on
bases: Detroit, 6; New York, 6. Double
play: Bush to Schaefer. Struck out: By
Mullln, 3; by McConnell, 1; by Manning, 3.
Basea on balls: Off Mullln. 2; off McCon
nell, 2; off Manning. 1. Wild pitch: Mc
Connell. Hits: Off McConnell. 2 In one
Inning; nff Manning, li in eight Innings.
Time: 2:02. Umpires: Evans and Perrlne.
Postponed Games.
At Boston Boston-SL Louis game post
poned: rain.
At Washington Washington - Chicago
game postponed; rain.
At Philadelphia Cleveland - Philadelphia
game postponed, rain.
Beatrice Halters Wla.
BEATRICE, Neb., June la Spcial.) In
the City league last evening Harden s Hal
ters won their first game of the season,
defeating the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation ball team by the acore of 4 to 2.
"Parson" Hall was In tha box for the
Chrlstlons. and while he held his oppo
nents to four scattered hlta. he waa unbal
to win because of errors behind him at
critical times. The score:
Hatters 4 4 8
Y. M. C. A t S (
Batteries: Hatters. Dearlng and Whil
comb; Y. M. C. A., Hall and Dobba.
Central t Itr Defeats ( larks.
CENTRAL CITY, "Neb , June 10 -( Spe
cial I Central City defeated Clarks yes
terday by a score of 7 to 0. It was the
first rame of the season here, but the play
ing was exceptionally faxt. Hansen fur
the local allowed only on hit, while ten
were feathered off of Douglas, his oppo-
Patterson. Porter and I'nderwood,
Is. hit out tw-o-baggers.
led to i-atch the rame for
Central City, received the first ba!i pitched
on tne end of one of his flncere. wnich w-
plit and forcel him to retire His place
was taken by Patterson, who caught a
good kerne.
l.K4.Gt E
Sprlnsjfleld Claims Pltrhrr anil Plays
I nder Protest.
SPRINGFIELD, III. June 10 -Hardin
pitched an excellent game and won, 4 to
2. although his support was poor. The
gsme wss played under protest. Manager
Smith claiming Pitcher Hardm. Score-
Springfield 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 02 3 2
Rock Island ...0 1080000 0-4 7 4
Batteries: Steiger and Donovan, Hardin
and Eng.
L'lA All K. June in. iecatur got three
hits off Weakley and two off ttilmes In
the first Inning. Olson kept his hits well
scattered and pulled himself out uf every
bad hole. Score: R.H.E.
Decstur 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 -h 12 1
Dubuque 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 0
Batteries: Olson and Fisher: Weakley.
Grimes and Nunamaker.
Tnelve-lnnlni Tie at Wisner.
STANTON. Neb.. June 10-(Speclal Tele
gram. ) Stanton baj-e ball team went to
Wisner this afternoon and there played
as good a game with as good a team aa
we have In north western Nebraska. Twelve
Innings were played and the game had to
be called so a to let Stanton make the
train. Score: 1 to 1. Batteries: Stanton,
Hartman and Hopper: Wisner, Schwarz
and Zacek.
Red ('load Hlanka Grand Island.
RED CLOUD. Neh.. June in. (Special
Telegram.) Red Cloud shut out Uraml
Island Business college here today. Both
catchers caught brilliant ball, but the
visitors' errors were costly. Score: RH.E.
Red Cloud 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 04 6 1
Grand Island... 0 0 000000 0-0 44
Batteries: Fuaate and Carroll; Ford and
Ilertrand Defeata Holdreae.
BERTRAND. Neb.. June 10 (Special
Telegram.) The Bertrand base ball team
defeated the Holilrege team today In a
well-played game by a score of 4 to 2.
Both teams played well, but Furry out-
pitched McClellan. Batteries: Bettrand,
Furry and McWhorter; Holdrege, McClel
lan and Hilsabeck.
Games In Southern Leaa;ne.
At Atlanta Atlanta-New Orleans game
postponed; rain.
At Montgomery Mobile, in; Montgom
ery, .
At Memphis Birmingham, 4; Memphis, o.
At Nashville Little Rock, 6; Nashville, 1.
Gibbon Defeats Orrrton.
fll UUl: Tun If) (Mnlol Tola.
gram.) The local base ball team this aft
ernoon was defeated by Overton by the
score of H to 3. Batteries: Jones and
Mercer; Kennedy and Fields.
t alon Pacific Wants Games.
The Union Pacific headquarters team
would like games for Saturdays only. Call
George Hope, general auditor's office.
Frank GUI, Favorite, Drops Dead at
GKAVESEND, N. Y., June 10. Frank
GUI, a chestnut horse, fell dead, probauiy
from the bursting of a blood vessel, at
Gravesend today. He was a heavily played
favorite at 1 to 2. He ran second place all
the way of the mile and furlong Journey.
When Scovllle, his rider, pulled up on the
lower turn he felt the horse giving way
under him and Jumped off Just as Frank
Gill fell dead. Frank Gill was In the stud
at a Kentucky farm for a season and was
brought east this year to race, but has
shown nothing like the form he displayed
aa a 3-year-old, when he defeated Peter
Pan. He was G years old, by Cullar
Ravello II. Royal Onyx, a 12 to 1 shut,
won the Patchogue stakes. The track vas
heavy and the .Ittendance fairly good. It
waa announced tVday that there would be
an extra day of Nlng on Wednesday of
next week. Summaries:
First race, handicap, mxres, all ages,
about six furlongs, 35U0 added: Notasulga
110S, Ural, 15 to U won, Mauriette 1104,
Creevy, 1 to 2) second, Twilight Queen
(108, Butler, 6 to 2) third. Time: 1:11. Af
fliction, Desirous, Sundance, Sententious
and Grace Cameron also ran.
Second race, 2-year-olds, selling, five and
a half furlongs: Pretend (105, Scovllle, 6 'o
1) won, Zacatecaa (102, Creevy, 8 to 5) sec
ond, Elizabethan (105, Dugan, 11 to 6) third.
Time: Eddie Dugan, Good Intent,
Creuse, Katherlne Van, Semicolon and
Bedmlnster also ran.
Third race, handicap, 3-year-olds and up,
one mile and an eighth, SiiOO added: The
Squire (106, Dugan, ltl to 6) won, Frank
QUI (117, Scovllle, 1 to 2) second, Kllll
crankle (87, A. Smith, 20 to 1) third. Time:
1:55. Sandpiper, Home Again and Rye
also ran.
Fourth race, tha Patchogue, 3-year-olds
and upwards, about six furlongs, Sl.fjK)
added: Royal Onyx (106, Bulwell. 12 to 1)
won, McCarter (105, Dungan. 7 to 6) sec
Ind. Dreamer (109, Smith, 4 to 1) third.
Time: 1:1(H. Chapultepec. Sir John John
son. Roslmiro. Hoffman, Casque and
Racquet also ran.
Fifth race, maiden 3-year-olds and up
wards, one mile and a sixteenth, 34O0
added: Judge Ermentrout (105, Grand 50
to 1) won, Choir Master of Chesterbrook
(108, McDanlel, 2 to 1) second, Dandy Dixon
(10S. Rayner. 20 to 1) third. Time: 1:52.
Nedllm, Oaracontle, Cliff Edge, Costello,
Bigot. Obadlah. Markham. Henlev T.-,,n.
less, Harlem Maid and Gatlen Lass also
Sixth race, fillies and gelding. 2-v.r.
olds, five furlongs, Sf0 added: Greenvsle
iius, uugan, even) won. Radium Star (115
Creevy, 8 to 1) second, Follle Levy (1f
Scovllle. 5 to 1) third Time- 1 oiu n.,..
Hannah. Cindy, Christina and Hibernlca
aiso ran.
Crystal Maid Wins l.atimls Oaks.
CINCINNATI, June 10-The Latonla
Oaks for 3-year-old fillies at a mile and
a quarter was the feature at Latonla to
day. Only three horses started. Crystal
Maid, the favorite, took the lead at the
start and was never headed. The net value
of the stake to the winner was 2,1'j0.
Track muddy. Summaries:
First race, five furlongs: Donav (10H,
Kennedy, 9 to 1) won. Prince Imperial lfK,
Lee. 6 to 1) second, Sallsn (109, Powers 9
to 21 third. Time: 1:034, Short Order
The Fad. Uncle Tom and My Henry ran.
Second race, mile and one-sixteenth:
Meadow Grass (S9, Paul, 5 to 1) won. Nettle
Traver C87. Brannnn. 30 to D second, Win
ning Star (1U2. Burns. 30 to 1) third. Time:
1:52. Wuagga. Katie Powers. Grenade.
Landlord Gerrymander. Flirting, Frank
Stagg. Lafayette and Joe McCarthy also
Third race, six furlongs: Dainty Dame
(114, Page, 3 to 1) won, Marse Abe 101,
TapUn, 8 to 5) second, Halket (112, Ken
nedy, 15 to 1) third. Time: 1:15. Pulo
Alto. Bud Hill. Melissa, Dark Night, and
Tackle also ran.
Fourth race, the Latonla Oaks, 11 rvm
added, mile and a quarter: Crystal M.ild
1117. Page, 11 to 101 won. Gliding Helle (Ud.
Powers, 2 to 1) second. Floreal (122, Moun
tain. 14 to 5) third. Time: 2:14. Three
Fifth raoe. five and one-half furlongs:
Mae Hamilton (117, Hetdel, 15 to li won.
Snake Mary (117, Page, to 1) second Or
Isndot (119. Burton. 10 to 1) third. Time:
1:10V Kiddy. Alnlla. Clot-Is. Xarcu. Camel,
Deuce. Tom Holland, Font and Caaowary
also ran.
Sixth race, mile s"d seventy yards:
Warner Orlswell (100. Troxler. 8 to 11 won.
Llllle Turner (106, McGee, 6 to 1) second.
Ketchemlke (Pte. Powers. 11 to 5 third.
Time: 150H- OlUeadcar. Colonel Blue,
King Thistle. Red Shawl and Pink Wings
also ran.
samniarlea at Montss-al.
MONTP.KAL, June 111 Summaries :
First race. 8400 added, seven furlongs:
Tremargo (4 to 1) won, Sally Cohen i&) to
1) second, Armle (even) third, 'rime:
Second race, 3400 added, six furlonys.
Smoker 8 to 6) won. Youthful CiO tu 1) sec
end, Many Colors li to 1) third. Time:
Third race, 'Jl0 added, seven furlong:':
Chief Hayes (5 to 1) won. Stanley Fav in
lo 5) second, Light Wool Uo to 1) third.
Time: 1:24.
Fourth i ace, 81.200 added. Prince of Wales
steeplechase, about two and one-half miles:
Kara (8 to 5) won, Reginald (K to 5i won.
Wuersburger (21 to 1) third. Time: 5:31V
Fifth race, 4 added, four and one-half
furlongs: Amelia Jenks 2 to li won.
Autumn Girl i2 to 5) second, Etta May ilO
to 1) third. Time: 0 4V
Gilbert W las Sleas City Shoot.
SIOUX CITY, la. June 10 (Special Tel
egram.) -The interstate trap shoot of thn
Sioux Gun club wss brought to a i lore
todav. Champion Fred Gilbert carried oft
the bono: a In the proffsslonal class with
a record of 578 Gates was high run among
the amateura, breaking 564 targets out uf
n possible "'-on Ouv Tsvlor of Sioux City
won the Interstate trophy cup ill a flf
ticn target event
II Ktlll
Folly Three Thoasand Players Are
Expected In Mllwsskee,
MILWAUKEE. June 10 tSperial -Three
thousand skat plu.vers will be heading for
Milwaukee with a vengeance next week.
Their presence here Is to be construed as
an acme Indication of the fast that the
f;ttie uf skat, almost wholly unknown In
the United States ten years ago. Is today
rapidly usurping the prerogative of time
honored forms f card pastimes, and that
Its vogue n also becoming a teal fashion
among Americans, who once were dis
posed to view It as a Gorman Idlosvncracy.
The twelfth national congress of the North
American league, which convenes In Mil
waukee on June 19. 10 and 21. will consti
tute a most I'pmarkahe demonstrstlon of
the prevailing popularity of the game. The
big trunk lines have conceded a rat of
one and one half, fare.
One hundred cash prizes and lf0 trophies
have been aurred upon definitely, although
11 Is proposed to issue a prize for every
eighth player contesting The chief prises
are: First, congress prize Sl.OOO cash; sec
ond, Milwaukee prize. .'vl cash; third,
Chicago prize, chest of Fllverware, Mr;
fourth, Sentinel prize, hall clock, 375; fifth,
::0 cash; sixth, l-ft) cash; seventh, 1160
Valuable trophies have been donated by
the Milwaukee newspapers and the Skat
clubs of Detroit. Indianapolis. St Louis,
Cleveland. Buffalo. New York City and
Philadelphia. The aggregate value of the
cash purses and trophies to be awarded
totals lln.OKX
Baltimore Man llns Good Day ta
Horse Exhibition.
LONDON, June 10. At the International
Morse show today C. W. Watson of Balti
more took first honors In the Berkeley
challenge cup In class 41', four-ln-hands,
with lour spunking hays. William H.
Moore of New York received fifth prize In
this event,
Mr. Watson was again first In the Judg
ing of twenty-two single harness horses,
over fourteen and not exceeding fifteen
nanus, snown to a two-wheeled carriage,
with ringing hells. Mr. Moore was alven
three awards In this claps.
Class 44, Judging of twelve tandems, ex
ceeding 15.2 hands, brought together some
handsome turnouts, w. 11 Moore's Sena
tor and Diplomat took third orlze In this
class, while C. W. Watson's Moonshine
and Virginia were fourth and lxuis
Winari's High Ufe and Beau Brummel
ftflh. Judge Moore's Hlnocker and PaDs-
burg were awarded sixth prize.
C. W. Watson's Lord Baltimore was sec
ond in class f,K for single harness horses,
shown to a phaeton with rumble and
driven by women. Judge Moore's Lady
Beaton unit third.
The Canad an cud. presented hv Adam
Ilreke. In a class of Ida. a competition for
officers only, was won by Lieutenant Caf
farattl with Genga.
SeTen Hundred Entries In Big; Tonr
niniient In Chicago.
CHICAGO. June 9. Over 700 entries, renre-
sentlng high school teams from all sections
of the country from the Alleghenles to the
Pacific coast, nave already been received
hi' I'onrh Ktflia for hiu nnnnal ITnivoralt v
of Chicago Irilerscholastic track meet, to
He held on .Marshall rieifl next Saturday.
K.ach mail Is bringing In large Increases In
the number of entries, and the record of
lust year's meet, which made the high
water mark In the number of athletes
taking part, has already been reached.
Practically all tne point winners In the
high school meets given by the other big
western universities have entered In the
Maroon affair. Coach Stagg's Interscholas
tlc, as the last and most far-reaching, be
ing considered the climax of the season In
the high school athletic world. The team
that will travel farthest- In the attempt
to carry off first honors In preparatory
school athletics will come from Broadway
High school, Seattle, Wash.' The east will
he represented by the team from the
Mercersburg academy, which comes from
Mercersburg, Pa, Ten other states Michi
gan, Wisconsin. Missouri, Minnesota, Ne
braska. Indiana. Iowa and Ohio will each
be represented by a large number of teams.
Fifty Thoasand Targets Will Be
Broken by Marksmen.
IOWA FALLS. la., June 10 (Special.)
One of the biggest amateur shooting tour
naments ever held In Iowa is scheduled ,o
be held in this city on July 6, 7 and 8. The
shoot will be held under the auspice of
the gun clubs of Iowa Falls, Eldora and
Steamboat Rock, and will be open to the
amateurs of the world. Fifty thousand tar
gets have been ordered, and In addition to
the regular premiums, 1500 will be offered
In special prizes, this purse being made up
by the three clubs holding the shoot. Many
of the best amateur and professional shots
of this part of the country are expected
at this tournament.
L. Hezzelwood and J. T. Brown leave
here Sunday night for Chicago to erinr
the Grand American handicap, one of the
big shooting events of the sporting world
each year. They are considered among the
best shots In this part of the state, and
while they will be In fast company In this
big event, they yet have hopes of making
a good record and getting a piece of the
Seattle Cars Are Making; Poor Time
Across Kansas.
FLT.S WORTH, Kan., .Tune 10 After re
maining here several hours ihe New Yotk-to-Seattle
automobiles departed for the
west early today. The Shawmut car left
at 12:15 o'clock this morning, the Acme at
12:20. while the two Ford cars denarted at
3 and 4:10 o'clock respectively. The roads
are rrarilcnllv a sea of mud and poor time
Is being made.
ST. LOUIS, June 10 After a long delay
here due to an accident near Litchfield,
III., the Italia car In the New York-to-Seattle
automobile rnc, left St. Louis early
today for Kansas City.
Comlakey and Pa Hoarke Plan Games
at Vinton Park.
Pa Ronrke has received word from
Charles Comlskey. owner of the Chicago
American base ball cl-j. that he would
like to Join hands with Papa Bill and put
on a big Marathon as the premier sporting
event or tne year at Vinton street park.
Comlskey will send over a bunch of long
distance runners and all local runners will
be Invited to compete for the prizes. It is
piannea to nave tne lace on July 4, wnen
the Omaha team Is away and when other
sporting events In Omaha are nil.
1'aft Loses at Golf.
WASIIlNfiTON. June 10,-Defeat was
player, this afternoon. Taklnx General
t . 1 .. . , ...... t . LI. . .
i.iniir ni'm iui ma iailllCt , lilt.
president attempted to avenue the defeat
... I ..... I..-. .1 ,,, ,,,a.n ....... t n . . K.. I.I...
Iluys Hammond and Senator Hourne. The
iwo inner jjitter ui'Min tnumpneo, now
ever, much to the chagrin of Mr. Taft.
The score was 2 up
ItaeloaT Autos at Kills, Kaa.
ICLLIS. Kan., June 10 All four cars In
the ccean-to-ocean race passed through
here lain today. Tne Acme car did not
stop, hut the two Kord cars were delayed
fortv-flve minutes for repairs and aot away
an hour behind the Acme. The Shawmut
ear was twentv minutes behind the Acme.
bavins: left while the Kord cars were belnir
repaired. The roads are heavy and the
cais progress slow.
Poor Track Men Get I's.
IOWA CITY. la.. June 10 (Special. )
Four members only of the I'nlverslty of
(una track team earned iheir "I's" accord
InK to the vote of the Hoard of Control of
Athletes here last tilKht. The honor letter
i4 Kivit to Cuptuiu Stutsman. Hyland,
Kohl and F.nirstrom. This breaks the rec
ord for the pst elaht years In the small
number of "I's" granted
Killer Defeats llolniesvllle.
HKATRICE. Neb.. June 10 (Special Tele
piam ) In a one-sided ball Hume lodav at
Klllf-v. the Klllev team . defeated Holines
vllle 12 to 2. A lnt'tre crowd was In attend
ance. Chalmers Captain lies Molne.
IFS MOINES. June 10-"Andy" Chal
mers fnrnter Iowa university star and
1 -a fa vet m college foot ball captain, was to
day rlecti d coai h of the foot ball team
of res Moines college.
Junior Cadets Win Meet.
WKST POINT. N Y.. June 10,-The class
of ron nun fist place In 'lie lnterc)g
field sanies today ("treble, '. set a new
i ai ademy pule vault record of 10 feel ll
The Clothes
Of a Gentleman
STYLE is an easy matter to the men and
women of wealth who in their leisure
order it by the exercise of their good taste
and open purses.
To us to you who must spend at leat
the major portion of our time earning a living
it is a much more important matter.
It is a genuine necessity that vou should
be a fashionably, if conservatively, dressed
man, as men of the world view style.
Stein-Bloch have always taken the profes
sional and business man's style requirements
They meet them. For the Spring of
1909 they show you clothes to fit the measure
of each individual type of American man
in taste, in size, in pocketbook.
Stein-Bloch clothes are the clothes of a
gentleman. Look at them at your leading
clothier's and look for the label :
'Smmrlnrntt" avnt frm is
Office and Shop i
Rochester, N. Y.
London Agsnoy, ftelfrldg Company,, Oxford aUreet. W.
(Continued from Third Page.)
school has exceeded all expectations, there
having; been between (00 and tiOO teachers
and principals throughout the state enter
for instruction.
BEATRICE The barn of Mrs. Charles
Rorabaugh, living southeast of Jansen, was
truck by lightning Tuesday night and
burned to the ground. Three head of
horses perished. Three head of horses be
longing to Mr. Stotts, living in the same
neighborhood, were killed by lightning In
the field.
KEARNEY Petitions have been circu
lated and have received the required num
ber of signer for the placing of ten mile
of cement curbing through the residence
district of this city. The new city admin
istration I encouraging every project -hat
will beautify Kearney and ere long many
treets will be paved and boulevard ed.
LYONS At meeting of the Lyons busi
ness men last evening It was agreed upon
that Lyons would oelebrate the Fourth of
July, and various committees were ap
pointed and $600 In cash han been raised
to further the project. The Lyon base
ball team has scheduled two games of ball
for that day with Tekamah and Walthill.
PONCA Ground ha Just been broken for
the new Presbyterian church In Ponca. The
sketches of the new building furnished by
Alexander Shields, architect of Omaha,
have pleased the congregation best, and he
will probably be employed to furnish the
plans and specification for the new build
ing. The church Is to cost somewhere in
the neighborhood of 25,000.
KEARNEY Miss Jeanette Gottschalk of
Hanover, Germany. Is visiting In this city
with Miss Alma Hoslc. Miss Gottschalk
has spent several month at the home of
Mr. and Mr. W. J. Bryan In Lincoln pre
vious to coming here. While Miss Hoslc
wa In Germany two years ago she formed
the acquaintance of Miss Gottschalk, and
has since persuaded her to visit America.
AVRL'RN A. E. Souder ha purchased
the old Phlpplney blacksmith shop and lots
from the Southeastern Nebraska Hulldlng
and Loan association for a consideration
of I1.8O0. This site Is one of the best build
ing sites In the city of Auburn. The old
building Is to be torn down and a two
story brick structure will take Its place,
which will be occuplde by Wheeldon ft
WEST POINT The annual picnic and re
union Of the local camp of the Deutsche
Landwehr Vereln, which was scheduled for
yesterday at the Riverside park at West
Point, has been postponed until Tuesday,
June 15. This was caused by the rainy,
threatening weather and the muddy condi
tion of the park caused by the late phe
nomenal rains. Hundred of people visited
the city to attend this gathering, but were
unavoidably disappointed.
VEST POINT An almost Incessant rain
for the last four day ha had the result
of flooding the field In all low lying sec
tlons of the country and completely stop
ping cultivation of the corn. Some of the
time the rain poured down In torrents.
The weather Is cold, too cool for corn, and
fears of dsmage are entertained. Small
grain, so far. has suffered no material
Injurv from the abnormally wet weather,
hut needs the sun to develop. Pasture ar
the only thine which seem to have been
Improved by tha rain.
Ron of Wealthy Mealcao Rnaca
Owner Shot at Front Poor
of Home.
ZACATECAS, Mex., June 10-Alberto
Areohaga, son of Jeaua Arechaga, a
wealthy ranch owner, waa assasinated at
the front door ot hi home last night. He
had previously received a threatening let
ter demanding that he leave A large sum
of money at a designated place. He Ignored
the letter.
oldler Killed by Motor Car.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., June lO.-iSpeclal.)-t'p
to a late hour today no charge had
been filed against Robert Brlckett, the
motorman of a Cheyenne street car, whi
last evening ran down Frank M. Wolf,
sergeant Company M, Eleventh I'nlted
States Infantry, at Fort U. A. Russell.
Brlckett was late last night transferred to
the Laramie county Jail, but unless charges
are filed against htm soon by the military
authorities he will probably be released.
As near a can be ascertained both ihe
motorman and the dead man were equally
responsible for the deplorable accident, but
an Investigation might throw a different
light upon the tragedy.
Wife Marderer ea Trial.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. June 10 (Special. )
Posey Ryan, who shot and killed hi wife
and her daughter In Palmer's restaurant
last March, was to hav been arralgnel
today in the district court, but a demurrer
was filed by General fmnxelman, hi at
torney, who probably has found an error
In the complaint. The demurrer will be
argued tomorrow and Ryan may plead at
the conclusion of the argument
Ml ot feaAren eAeretrraaAs
for Men
New York i
Th Filth Ave. Bldg.
L. W. Hill Denies
Story of Merger
Denies Way Has Been Found to Join
Hill Roads Under One
ST. PAI'L, Minn., June lO.-Loul
Hill, president of the Great Northern Rail
way company, today emphatically denied
the report from New York that J. J. Hill,
chairman of the Great Northern board of
directors, had found a way to merge In a
single corporation the Great Northern,
Northern Pacific, Burlington and the Col
orado & Southern railroads under the broad
charter provisions of the latter road.
NEW YORK, June 10. Directors of tha
Colorado & Southern railroad, at a meet
ing In this city today, took no action In
relation to the dividend on the common
stock. George F. Baker, Jr., of New York,
was elected a director to succeed the late
Joseph W. Blythe; B. P. James of Denver
was elected secretary arid treasurer, suc
ceeding K. T. Nichols of New York, re
signed; L. E. Kataenbach of New York
was elected assistant secretary and assist
ant treasurer, succeeding Mr. James, and
J. M. Walker was chosen transfer agent.
A Life Problem Solved
by that great health tonic. Electric Bitter,
Is the enrichment of poor, thin blood, and
strengthening the weak. 60c, ' For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Hayes in Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., June 10 -John
Hayes, who Is to meet John Svanberg In a
twenty-mile race here Sunday,- ' arrived
today from New York. ' Bvanberg la ex
pected tonight. Both -will . train, at tha
Kansas City Athletic club park-.-.,
i'Mii -'-ifht "WTJir
rytm .fpn m
W holesale IH-aler.
80 Douglas St., Oor. 8th St.
men Douglas meu.
Beginning Monday
June Clearing Sale
Matchless Bargains