Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Great Bargains in
r -
Friday's Big Sale of
$550 $00 ;
$1 Pongee Silks at 59c Yard
50 pieces of natural pongee, the most wanted silk of the
season for dresses, waists and suits, 27 inches C
wide, worth $1.00, Friday, at, yard J
$1 Cashmere dc Soie 59c Yd.
Extra speoialAfine French cashmere de soie, in every pos
sible shade, including cream and black, C
on sale Friday, at, yard
$2 Black Cashmere de Soie at $1 Yd.
Full yard wide and guaranteed to wear, on sale ti
Friday, at, yard S1
Bargain Specials in Basement
A fortunate purchase of 285 pieces of sheer lawns and. batistes. In all
the newest colorings, on sal for the first time, 16o would ft-L-
be a low price, Friday, at, yard - 02
Trlnted Indian Head Suiting Remnants, worth 15c a yard, "--Xf
special price Friday, at, yard 2
chert mm lengths,
S25c French Olng
arns. 32 Inches
wide, many to
match, FTlday. at,
per yard .. -10
40 Inch wide white
lawns and batistes,
mill lengths of the
. 18c grade, at 7H
Thonsands of yards
of figured silkoline
Yemnants, yard
- wide, worth 10c a
yard, at, yd. 3H
Good grade light and
dark patterns dress
percale, long rem
nants, at,, yd Q
Short mill lengths
Toile de Nord Ging
hams, at, yard 5
45 Inch wide floral
pattern sateens
worth 19c a yard, at,
per, yard 7t
12 Vic German blue
prints, sold from
the bolt, at, per
yard (JW
Fancy white goods
and striped dimit
ies, for children's
wear, at yd. 7H
Extra heavy, yard
wide bleached and
unbleached muslin,
at, yard 50
Mercerized poplin and
pongee, very desir
able for summer
wear, worth 25c a
yard, at, 12 Hi
Short lengths dress
calicoes, percales
and summer Jawns,
a great mixed lot of
remnants, worth up
to 10c yard, fore
noon only, at, per
yard 1.V4
Friday afternoon be
ginning at 1:30
mercerized crepe,
white only, from
the bolt, worth 15o
yard, at, yard 4 .
Remnants of Linens- Basement
Remnants of " full
bleached table dam
. ask, worth up to
50c, at, eacti. .19
Best quality $1 Red
Cross cotton diaper
cloth, full 27 inches
wide, bolt .-60
Remnants of cotton
toweling, regular
6c quality, yd. 2J
Remnants" of all lin
.i en crash, worth 15o
yard, at, d, 7H
Stamped linen scarfs and squares, worth 50c, at, each
25c Hemstitched sets, .
an , 8-10 table cloth
and one dozen nap
klni, worth $3.50,
at, set . . . .$1.49
All linen dollies, 9-9
and 12-12, worth
up to 15c, at ea. 3
See the $25,000 Painting on Third Floor
A. D. M. Cooper's Famous Masterpiece.
thousands of Omaha People Tlitt This Tree exhibition Daily.
A Dainty Watch
forVthe girl graduate would be Just the thin. We have
some beauties open faced or closed case ranging;
around $12.00 to $25.00. We have leas-expensive ones
also. .Look for the name.
is. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler
1 . .i .
Agreement on Appointeei Not Hoped
' for Now by Mayor.
t'oanrtlmaii Johmaoa Believes the
. FlitM. Kor Outers o Healthy
OJIIccr Coaaell and Boss P1lrB
, for Commissioner.
Mayor Dslilman and Councilman John
son, "traitor" democrat, say they think a
compromise on appointments to city posi
tions can not now be effected; Councilman
Hummel, republican, says tie hopes yet
for att' amicable settlement; and Council
man Hrldes." "friendly" democrat. Is of the
opinion that the mayor rac eventually
force confirmation of Ma appointees.
According -to Councilman Johnson the
fhht now centers on Tom Flynn, street
commissioner, and Dr. Connell, health com
missioner but the mayor says that .the
city prosecutor position la the etumblinn
block, and 'that the republican councllmen
and the "traitors" 'are holding out for
Walter P. Thomas, a Jack, for that posi
tion when he has told them he absolutely
would not appoint him. The mayor says
that Thomas Is Just as objectionable to him
as Daniel, the present Incumbent, and that
he and the council tan get together on a
hundred other men equally efficient.
Told Thomas He Woeld Not
'"I told .Thomas In the presence of the
republican councllmen that I would not
appoint him and, gave my reasons." says
the mayor. "I to'ld him that after we had
elected htm to the legislature he went
down to Lincoln and worked against us
and helped fix up the charter so it would
oplpnlej tne-' mueli as possible. Thomaa
'Is, therefore, one man I will not appoint."
And the mayor laid considerable empha
sis on the word "not." -
."The 'council and I can get together on
these appointments, but I do not look for
anything of the sort," continued the
mayor, ' and I wtU tell you right here and
now that 'I will keep my charter officers
In office and they can't atop me. -
"It la correct that the council can abol
ish the ordinance offices and H can do
thla If it so elects, but It will be done over
my veto. Put the charter office cannot
bo touched br any. council, and I promise
yon that I will ho here right on the Job
si-y mlnuu and the council will never
get a chance to appoint to these offices
men that I do not want."
The mayor says there Is no danger qf
his being out of town on a Tuesday until
his appointees are confirmed, and a spar
ring match between Mr. Bryan, Colonel
Guffey and Roger Sullivan would not be
sufficient Inducement to make him leave
his watch. '
health commissioner, atreet commissioner,
There are six charter offices: health com
missioner, atreet commissioner, plumbing
Inspector, boiler inspector, ' city prosecutor
and city electrician. These offices can not
be abolished by the council. The ordinance
offlcea which might be abolished, Include
the license inspector. Inspector of weights
and measures, gas commissioner, market
master, meat Inspector, milk Inspector,
veterinarian, custodian of the city hall, and
the several Janitors, engineers and elevator
men In the city hall.
"If this business, runs along too long,
these offices can be abolished and after
the officials have been thrown out, the
offlcea can be recreated," declares Council
man Johnson, but he declined to say
whether he favors such a move.
Jim Throws a Bin.
"I mould like to see the council try to
abolish these offices, even though It ho?
the power to do so." said Councilman
Bridges. "It would be a nice how-do-you-do
to abolish the office of inspector of
weights and measures, for Instance, and
then get only 1.500 pounds of coal for a ton.
Of course, the offices would be created
again, but If the council then refused to
confirm the mayor's appointees what
would be gained?' This sort of a move
would never go and the people would pound
the councllmen on the back so hard that
they would wish they had never tried It."
. Eo?y l'l.r.n ti.y o 1m Becure, because
the office ot sueet commissioner Is now
provided for by charter amendment, but
Councilman Johbson read - the riot act to
Flynn and Connell and told them that the
council would "get" them yet. According
to Johnson, everything would have been
all right had the conference slate gone
through last Tuesday, but when the mayor
flunked and sent In Ms phony list "It was
all up with Flynn and Connell." '
Everyone would be beiieTTtecj by taking
Foiey'a Orlno Laxative (or constipation,
tornach and liver trouble, as It sweetens
the Vtomach and breath, gently stimulates
the liver and regulates the bowels and Is
much superior to pills and ordinary lax
atives. Why not try Foley's Orlno Laxa
tive today? - Sold by all druggists.
Quick Action for lour itooey Toti ga)
that by using The Bee advertising columns.
will buy the) very
Walk -Over
You feet fitted comfortably
at the
Walk-Over Shoe Store
314 South 15th St.
-Four Doors Booth of Bsaton Drag Co.
Ed. B. Thomrjson. Walk-Over Mas.
v J
m&MIM 11 )
f SHOD SKIHIlra, 60. Biz shlnee for 95c. Iid'les I W
f wlll find this a handy place and not too public. jAgr
Bulletin From the Auction!
The following souvenirs were
given out yesterday, Wednesday,
June 9, at Fred Brodegaard & Co.'s
Jewelry Auction
109 N.rth Sixteenth Street
(Opposite the Postofflee)
W. M. Anderson, 2332 8. 20th
street, city. Large silver water
Paul C. Heinrlch, Roma hotel,
berry spoon.
Ernest R. Perry, 113 East
Pierce St., Council Bluffs. Smok
ing set.
Helen Doran, 17th and Canton,
city. Fruit stand.
Auction commences every day,
10:30, 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Beginning Monday
June Clearing Sale
Matchless Bargains
thc mliaslk roM
Van or Wagon
When You Want It
We attend to your moving orders
net at our convenience, i but yours.
For quick action call us. Our facili
ties for moving or storing household
goods are unsurpassed.
1609 Farnam St.
, Doug. 1559 Ind. A 1559
Approved by Nation and State. Best
Climate and Medicinal Springs in
America. First Claas Hotels. Uospl
tsla and Bath Houses. Write to
Secretary Commercial Clan,
Mot springs. So. Dak.
Biggest Bargain Remnant Day of the season Friday. Silks, F.iu
broideries. Wash tioods, etc., at Incredibly low prices.
SILKS Nef Foulards and others, in a hundred or more new patterns,
1V4 to 34 yard pieces; worth to 75c a yard, at, yard 19t
SIIjK REMNANTS 3 to 8 yard pieces Pongees, Foulards, Messa
ines, Satins, some 3 6-lnch silks, that never sell for less than
$1.00 in the piece; choice, yard V 28
AVASrf GOODS KKMXANTS Batistes, Mulls, Dress Ginghams. Per
cales, 32-inch German Prints," Madras, Linens wonderful range of
patterns and colors mostly all 15c goods; closing at, yard.... 5
Another lot Mill Ends, sheer fabrlrs, yard 2HC
EMBKOUK,nY REMNANTS Wide widths, also Insertions included
are Valenciennes and Torchon Laces; values up to 15c; Friday, at,
yard 2
EMBROIDERY REMNANTS Another great lot, every kind, worth
up to 15c; Friday clearing . 5
Just for Friday 4&
Lingerie Dresses.
Values up to S12.00.
Direct from a New York maker two hundred bpautlful -summer
dresses, In white, pink, blue, elaborate lace and Insertion trimmed
styles in season's smartest designs some have folds in skirt. Our
buyer bought maker's entire stock on hand of several lines at a low
price. Gives you chance to get handsome dresses, worth n"
to $12.00, for O.ltO
OIH LOT DRESS SKIRTS Light checkered worsteds, some Sicil
ians and a few plain fabrics, good styles; were $5.00 and IOC
$7.50; Friday closing, at ....I, J J
LIGHT COLORED WOOL SUITS A carried over lot of all wool suits
from last season probably 40 In all; suits that. were $20.00 and
$25.00 and one or two were $35.00; Friday bargain day, T'OC
pick any of them for J, J J
WRAPPERS, DICK SKIRTS Last of a big line to go Friday alf
suitable summer garments; worth $1.25 and $1.50 dark wrappers
and white duck skirts. Not over two to a .customer
clearing at ' 3C
WHITE LAWN WAISTS Made for regular 75c selling lace or
embroidery insertion trimmed. Another lot. all sizes, y P
in Friday's sale tCDC
Great clearing of Trimmed Hats
Friday and Saturday
600 pretty trimmed hats, all new and fresh, best colors and newest
shapes. It's our first big clearing special and the best hat 'proposition
in Omaha this season. Summer styles are plentiful
in the line; choice $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00
i hats, now ' ,
A Friday offering of Children's trimmed and untrimmed hats, spe-
'cial. at 50 75 and $1.00
There's a fine new line of Women's Panama Hals ready 'at popular
Friday, Chlnaware
Japan China ' Salt and Pepper
Shakers, each 2
English Flow Blue Jugs, three
pint size, 75c value, at . . . .25
Odds and Ends Dinnerware, Plates
odd cups, bawls, etc., at . . .
This discount continues all week
and applies 'on entire stock.
Our Library Books
In accordance with our custom of
keeping new. fresh volumes in
our circulating library of late
fiction, we will, on Friday close
out all volumes before replacing
with new ones. Titles such as
these: 54-40 or Fight, Little
Brother of the Rich, Peter and
scores of others.
Very latest
fiction, choice
Just for this one day we will sell a fine,
new model batiste corset that regularly
retails at $1.25. It's the new long Direc
toire style with hose supporters and pret
ty trimmed, stayed with non- RQ
rustable boning, Friday, for OaC
50c CORSETS three style girdles, med
ium and extreme long lengths for Misses
and women of all figures, batiste or cou
til, with hose supporters, CA
special, at.
III BeThere
soci cited AdvertisingQuhs
Louisville. .
I AuO.2S-26-.27. OS
Call Us
by 'Phone
Wbanavar you want some
thing, call 'Phons Douglas
M and mass It lyiowa
through a Baa Want Ad. j
Ffinn FOR va and nervous msa
EKXJU IUR wbo find power ts
NFR VFC work and youthful vigor
11 t-lv- gona as a result of over,
work or msnul exertion should take
wake you eat and sleep eotl be a waa
91 Boss 1 aoxes aa.BO by mall.
Qpr. lets and XoO Streets,
Cor. ltk Jaaraey Sis. Wataka. aTefc,
SHIRTS t)9t'
Friday we offer for quick selling, a
quantity of men s summer shirts at
rare bargain. They are good, fancy
materials and good patterns, and all
sires, a tew are a little soiled from displaying. Values 75c and $1.00,
jj at, each oUc
b In the Grocery and Market
' Bennett's Best Coffee, three pounds for S1.00 and 100 green stamps
B Bennett's Best Coffee, one pound for 35o and SO green stamps
s Bennett's Teas, ssHorted, pound 680 and 75 green stamps
B Bennett's Tea Sittings, pound 15o and 10 green stamps
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, 6-ltt. csn 1.) and 100 green stamps
Bennett's Capitol Kxtraet, bottle 18o and 20 green stamps
N Mignonette Marrowfat Peas, 10c quality, per can 80 per dozen Oo
A. B. C. Catsup, per Bottle B3o and 20 green stamp
j Yacht Club balad Dressing, bottle SSo and 10 green stamps
PJ I -sundry Queen Soap, eight for B5o
gi Pickles, assorted. Mason quart Jar SSo and 10. green stamps
Nutlet Peanut Butter, two Jars 800 and 10 green stamps
Bj Tea Garden Preserves, large Jar 4O0 and 20 green stamps
Galllard Olive Oil. large bottle 700 and bo green stamps
Armour's Corned Beef, No. 1 tin
Veal, Ham Beef loaf. ran
Potted Tongue, small can
Safety Matches, dozen boxes
BOc cana California Ripe Olives....
lMtimnnd C Soap; 10 bars for
Kddy'a Dome Mustard. French; Jar.
Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack
Olnger Snaps, package
Olives. Mason quart Jars
Snlder's Tomato Soup, lsrge can .
Beauty Asparagus, can
Pried fSrspes, per pound
,16o and 10 green stamps
...lOo and S green stamps
. . . . 4o
... .80
. ..30o
, . . aao
.13 H and 10 green stamps
, .$1.70 and 50 green stamps
...lOo and 10 green stamps
. . .300 and 10 green stamps
...8O0 and 10 green stamps
...aOo and 10 green stamps
BUTTEBMIX.K TREE Ic cold Buttermilk served free to customers Satur
day In Butter Department.
BIBB D : mtf BLOT h;
iiVUEUs ssr
Don't miss fl Jl
tnese ji
Friday, is Remnant Day
In Our Famous Domestic Room
Our variety of remnant and mill endi for Friday was never so plentiful,
o good and so cheap a thry will be for this sale.
Remnants of 12 He Wash Goods 3H
Remnants of 7 4c Bleached Muslin.
"l 3W
Remnants of Swisses, sold at 16c to
2oc yard 3?4
Remnants of 15c Batiste. ...... .7H
Reninnnts of 12 c Organdies JJ
Remnants of 25c Madrasses lOtf
Remnants of 75c silk mixed Wash
Goods 2S
Remnants of'loc India Llnon. . .7H
Remnants of 75c Broidcrd Metalic
Wash Goods 23
Remnants of 15c English lxng Clotfi.
! 8
Remnants of 4 0-Inch lawns 5
Remnants of Kino WaRh Goods at,
yard, 10c, 8tc, 7 He lie and. .3y
Remnants of Fine White Goods at,
yard, la.", 10c, 8Hc, 7c, flc, 4$
10,000 yards of other remnants not
advertised. -
Bargains in
Curtain Department
$3.98 Irish Point Lnce Cur
tains, at, per pair $1.98
Rarnett Curtains, 52 ins. wide,
that sold at $3.50, pair .$1.89
Lace Curtains, in il to 3 pairs of
patterns that sold at $(5.50 and
$5.00, go in one lot, pair $2.89
Cable Net Curtains, 62 Inches wide, 3
yards long, worth $2.75 pair; go at,
pa,r 81.70
Striped Madras Portieres, in dark red
or green at, pair.. $1.98
All remnants of Filet Net, Madras and
Silk, while they last, go at. yd-39
60-inch Couch, Covers, In Bagdad
stripes go at, each $2.98
Remnants off
Wool Dress Goods
10,000 yards of all kinds of wool
dress goods to close out, in
lengths from 3l,2 to 7 yards, all
the spring remnants at tho fol
lowing . prices 15c, 19c,
25c, 39c and 49c yard.
Also 35 pieces of wool dress
goods, 59c quality, 36-inch
good colors from the bolt, at,
per yard 15c
High grade Linen Kemnants
21", 3, 3Ys yards, worth from
75c to $1 yard, in lots, 25c,
39c, 49c and 59c yard.
Mercerized Linens, 15ci 19c
and 25c yard.
Rousing Silk Specials for Friday
Remnants of all kinds of fancy silks check and stripe taffetas,
27-inch Wash Silks plain taffetas, messalines, in
etc. values to $1.00 yard, at 4 uC"LuC
$1.75 Natural Pongee, 36 inches
wide, per yard 75c
$1.75 Black Satin" Messaline, 36
inches wide, at, yard.. $1.10
$1.50 Oil Boiled Taffeta, 36
inches wide, on sale 0C
35c Embroideries on Sale Friday for 15c
Greatest Embroidery Sale Day of the Season
Insertings, headings, galloons, bands, flouncings, skirtings and
corset cover embroideries in fine swiss, cambric and nainsook,
together with a big lot of handsome goods, odd pieces of edges,
insertings and baby sets regular values 25c, 30c f rj
and 35c yard all at one price, per yard ID C
In Homes tic Room
$1.00 Oil Boiled Taffeta, 27
inches wide, at, yard . . . .65c
59c White Jap Habutai, 27
inches wide, at, yard . . , .35c
75c White. Jap Habutai, 27
inches wide, at, yard 49c
Ribbon Remnants
In Domestic Room.
A great line of odd
lengths of Ribbons, In
all colors, kinds and
widths all at one
price, per yard. .3H
In Domestic Room.
A big assortment of 5
and 6-yard strips of
fancy embroideries and
insertings, to 20c yard
values on sale Friday
7Hc, 4c, 3c, 2H
Graduation Presents
You can maka graduation presents this
season for half price by setting- them here.
Is It sensible to pay high prices?
Weddlna; Presents, or any kind of pres
ents at half price. Beautiful new stock to
seltct from. Diamonds, watches, brooches.
1401 Donfflaa Street.
W BrodkeyX
Jewelry j
(Successor te Dr. H. Lftamacctottl)
AJLSTSTXJrr nui mma
Off toe aad Hoeplkal. 881 0
Call Promptly Answered at All Honrs.
Taeae Orru Karney t. ftiriht Dak
x. wu mju, HEIDI, lit,
Matting Suit Cases 2 and Up
These are light, roomy and dur
able. Just the thing for your vaca
tion. Don't buy before Inspecting ours.
We can show you the largest and best
line of Trunks and Suit Cases In the
city mostly our own make.. We
charge you less than Inferior grades
will cost you, elsewhere.
OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Firnim. Ooo. 1058
A splendid showing
of all kinds of fancy
and plain W as h
Laces, values to 15fc
- yard; on sale Fri
day, 2 He, 8)c, 5k
Save 50 Per Cent by buying switches puffs and all kinds of hair
goods in our new department New stock.
In the Busy Suit Department Friday
$7.50 Wash Suits Plain colors and
stripes, all the newest styles. . $3.05
$5.00 and $6.00 Lingerie Dresses
Pinks, blues and white, lace and in
sertion trimmed $2.95
Women's Long Crepe and Lawn Ki
monos Regular 2.00 values; on
ale 98
$3.00 Silk Underskirts. ..... .32.95
$5.00 Jumper Dresses Small sizes,
great snap; to close at, choice 3 1.95
$5.00 Panama Dress Skirts All col
ors, great snap at sale price, Friday
Bt $2.95
French Voile Dress Skirts' Values to
110.00, trimmed with folds and"bandn
at 35.95
Lawn Dressing Sacquea 15
Hour Sales
At 8:30 A. M. 1 case of 8c Bleached
Muslin (10-yard limit), at, yd. 494
At 0:30 A. M. 1 case of Shirting
Prints, best made, worth 6c at, per
yard 2i
At 10:30 A. M. 1 case of 72x90
Sheets, worth 59c emh (four sheet
limit), at, each 38
At 2 P. M. 1 case of 30-inch Fine
Muslin, worth 7c (10-yard limit),
at, yard 2t
At 2 P. M. All the remnants of the
high grade Wash Goods that accumu
lated during the week all at one
price, yard
At 8 P. M. 1 case of 19c Towels,
at H
At 4 P. M. 1 case of Sheets, 81x90,
the regular 76c grade (four sheets
limit), at. each 46
3 Special Shoe Bargains
From the D. J. Allen Bankrupt Stock.
Women's $1.00 3-Strap and 3 Point
Slippers Biggest- snap at, sale
price 5Q
Women's 1.00 and $.1.50 Oxfords
Tans, black and wine, a grand lot or
values -81.98
Women's $1.50 and $2.00 Oxfords In dongola or white, pink or gray canvas,
never before equaled at, sale price .?....... $1,00
The Largest Stock, Freshest Goods,
Highest Quality and Lowest Prices
20 lbs. Best Pure Csne Granulated
Sugar tor H-O'
1(1 lun hoat brands I.iundrv 80SD ...Sc
6 lbs. choice Japan Rice
Oallon cans Apples
7 lbs. best Rolled Oatmeal
Bromsngelon, Jellycon or Jeflo,
1-lb, cans assorted Soups
The best Domestic Vacsrnnl. ukgj
Large cans Condensed Milk
Small cans Condensed Milk
OH or Mustard Sardine 1. per can
J-lb, cans Solid Packed Toms toes.
2-lb. cans First Quality Sweet Sugar
Corn Hie
Corn Flakes, per package 7 He
Choice Ualry Butler, per lb 2c
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, per !b ....21c
Fancy Country Creamery, very fine,
per pound 2c
. ..c
When Ton Can Buy Them at These Prloes
Fresh Spinach, per peck s,
S bunches fresh unions ba
10 bunches rexh radishes 6c
2 bunches fresh turnips so
Ijirge Cauliflower, per head , 6o
Fancy Wax Heans. per lb So
( bunches fresh l'ln I'lant . 6o
Two large Cucumbers ..So
( heeds -esh leaf lrttuce ba
'I hunches fresh parsley to
i bunches fresh ai-pai a-us 6o
New cahbsge, per pound SHo
Fresh Beeis. per bunch 4c
a ciaxoAo or eztjia tamot ixob.
The Florldas. are tiie richest flavored
Pineapples that grow. KiMay v.e will
open this csr snd plax-e thorn on sale at
the following prices:
Kaclr fc. 7Hc, 8V,c, 10c.
per dosen.. ... 85-. 5c, f 1.10. $1.15
I'er crate, sny slse t? 60