Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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Acres, $760
Flnrerra rnulevsnl. this Miner park.
"Very rlKhtly bulldlne sites. SumMt lim
its. -
Harrison & Morton
A lma nn Tort St.. 120 each. bal. weekly.
'f lot i blocks to car-tin 77th St:. I?! each.
fcfl-ft lot on Aini Ave. rar line,
A lot Kith and Rvana. 1KJ cash, bal. weekly.
1 2 loi Mth n1 Plnkney. IK) cash, bai.
.' weekly.
Lots on Martha St. near school. 1150.
One on Walnut Hill rar line,
'East front- lots on Bo. 1th Ht , 14nfl
Lota In Caetghtoii Height 117& to $271.
441 Brendele Bldg.. Omaha.
Look' at This Cottage
New strictly modern 1-room cottage;
floored attic; fine location; 1 block to carl
line; good lot; easy term. fl.lue.
stitmv.r'a-. niASF.'m
Farnam St. , Phonea D. 3M7 A 341
LIST ymrr-pro jwrty -with' Chrt"8oyer, tit
and Cuming Hts. (18) ao
40 Acres, $6,500
High andsight'ly. 'highly Improved, nei
rthur Brandels' country home.
.Harrison & Morton
' i there any plaae -better- than Omaha?
we have
Homes in Omaha
tanging In prtca fiom ll.lut to $10,000. Tour
terms. ..-;--,
Suite; s24 M. T. Life Bldg.
'Phone Red WM. Omaha, Neb.
19 M737 11
We want to convince you that you
get a v
Home in Omaha
Just rlttl better than rent. Nowata
Ijind -nd Lot Co., Pulte 624 N. Y. Life
ttlflg.. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Red 191.
46x126 ft on ths boulevard. Just aouth of
ijcaveqwortn t, A snap at W7&, w. L.
7- A. Eitukey & ,Spji;
MautirwL.CIif ton Hiil '
We offer lota , and 10. In block . with
CHy.wAter. jjcwer and permanent sidewalks
all paid, fcr IXi) 4-ach. all cash. Lota are
M fe-t -,fcft;otft -aiKf 60-fetef deep to alley,
n He on' " the sduVh aide of Patrick
A Venue' between' 41d"and '43d, orie block
from the street car.
Also lots ltr" and" -la, "cln '. block 4, running
through from Putrlck. Ave: to Burdette St.,
Immediately west of the Belt- Una. These
are both Ui lota aod we will make price
icr caan, : w -each
r cLnn, - tw eacn. : 1
We siUo tiffer' about 20-lots adltaWe for
trackagn and cottage homos, east of the I
- Brt 4m, -extending north nearly 40 Grant
cu., hi excecoingiy low priuea for canto.
1 neso lots also nave sewer and water.
.A: P.'Tukcy & Son,
. n', ' ,. 440Rid of Trade Bltjg. ,
'Phone,- JJwugUs ami. . . ... .
- Jv IOrKOOM '
X2 Wirt t. Thla Is an ideal home for
tome one with a large family. Located on
.the choices street In Kountze Place. Tna
.- street Is paved with anphalt and the lot
- - has large shade trees In frortt and la nicely
. terraced.-'
Those' Is reception hall, parlor, living
room, library, dining room and kitchen on
the first floor and line bedrooms and bath
on the "second f luor, alho attio. House Is
built of "Very- heavy lumber throughout,
' having-ixti studding 'Instead of the ordinary
24 twining used nowadays, and moat of
It Is white piue lumber. The ceilings are,
high. There are bay windows on three
sides of the house. It has the latest style
Qf open piumoing ana several years ago
, one of the-best hot. water hsatlng plants
ws -installed. Largo front porch was-put
on Jnir-ynr. The house is In first-class
' repair- througliou.' The owner of thla prop
erty Is anxious to aell and has; made a
vary reasonable- price for fiuick sale.
K will not be necessary to pay all cash
m m , Vl . nu'iifel will I.I,. J W 1,
for ovr half thi" amout . You "an call
i uui uiuis vi ,u u 1 1 n i m wie iiouse ana
look it ovejr t-onsessipD can Da given In a
very short time.
,HA8TlNqij.dt, HSYDEK, 1014 Harney St.
; i . . : : ' ' . ' ' - -
" Tl '. . T at . if O at. rr
.r business i-ox, 4oo,uuu
" Cbrhir, rlear htart ot heW, 11, Improving
aitirioi, avsiiaoi at onca tor improvement.
tAs.sala as coin, land.)
Harrison & Morton
. rU...'. ttA.i'u . ..... l. a 1 : i .
v r-Tooin nous
ana earn, both in perfect condltlon-12,5p0.
a.asy terma.' norm' tuny iio.uoo. owner
gouui gDiuaa, Close to High school and
only four blocks from poatotflcit. Juat the
place- to live wlklleeduca.Ung cWldren
:'J Ill bUMONT & SON,
Ph one Douglas dm.
109 Farnam 8t
Snap $2,350
1 good 6-rootn cottages, renting for 120
BT.d six 6ls 10x128 each, good well and
' ' cistern, 1H blocks to ci
car, in Benson.
$5,250 Close In
, S, room,, all modern house, nearly ne.
, oak (lujah,.. To aliow .you thla la the bast
way mi aescriha same..
5., . ,:BirHetr& Tebbins', '
421 Bca'Bldg.
.Thonei Dovglas 4"M. A-1764.
- ' You doa t need ' It far ' these bargains.
Neat s-rooin cottage, beat condition, partly
modem full lot,' near ItoiH and Dodga; only
12, Ux); 171 cash: balance sme as rent.
Also a similar- preposition on 24th It.,
or uravenworm, si.smi. . .
froiuli.g on paved street, near 22d and
Aisple; a bargain at K.cuo; very easy terms.
Attractive (-room oottaga and lot 44ilSo.
large barn, fruil. elc, hear l2d And Usre
ottri Ave., for m.x. rental terms.
Very desirable t-room. modern residence;
full lot. larse ahade trees, contrste walks:
a choice home place, tn best location. ,iear
Ud and IivnnorL Offered at U.7&A fur
quick sals; small cash paymeut, balance
. ;aame as rant.. . . .
Attractive s-room cottkge. entirely mod
ern; new hot water hcaung plans: ehaica
. lot, perinaiient walks;, paved street; large
shad tree, etc; best location; elose In.
Bear Kin And Davenport; only ti.7j for
quica aata. easy terms
4M Ramga Bliig., 3th and Harney.
. 6-Room Cottage)
At )K3 8. Wh Bt. w Offr t-room cot
mwA at A a . ' I
0 mm, im f i,fw, vst mmmf A9 .
A. & Tukey& Son,-
444 Bd. af Trade Bid,. ' - JPnoii Dviui. uu.'
CITY morKRTT p-or HIR.
ONLTMvi for the fin -rom. modern
house, HM Chicago tit. RtngwAit Bnn.,
30 8. 1Mb St
You fannot find any better located tote on
a paved itreet anywhere than the South
front lota we nave on iocust sirrx, oe
tween lth and lth. Can aell yon a 6-
ft lot for r0. or a 4J-ft. lot ror K25. on
Until of one-fourth cash, balance In 1, I
and I yaara. IntArest 1 par cent. This la
verv nea rapt oroiwriy cioib m enr,
achool and atnrea of all kinds. Haattnga
Heyflen. ftl4 Harney Bl.
47x166 ft. weet front On 1st h
St., 17 ft. south or Harney ft.,
facing C. N. Diet beautiful
lawn. Want offer for Immed
iate sele. An opportunity to
rm this lot at reasonable
figure If taken at onca.
O BO ROB A CO.. 1901 Farnam St.
Jane It). 11. 13. 130. I
$1 200
S. E. cor. Sherman Ave.- and Emmet,
62-ft. on Sherman Ave.. 124 ft. on Emmet.
Paving all paid; haa sewer, water, and
an. A good corner to cut un two house
tfee n at once about thla. This la a good
bargain and will be sold soon.
At the southeast corner of HUh and Lake
Sta, ma offer a full lot and new modern
cottage for 2,60U.
A. P. Tukey & Son,
444 Board of Trade Bldg.
Phone Doug. 2181. v
WHEN you writs to advertisers, remem
ber that It takea but an extra stroke or
two of tna pen to mention the fact thai
you saw tna aa in me
LAND for ..I. In Colorado within mile.
of Julesbura. nice prairie. 110 per acre;
down, balanoa I years' time. Address
Thomas toenrane, unwn, nru,
Routt Co., Colo., Carey act, Irrigated land
per acre, cneap enurr- w. a. nip-
ley, lis Pax ion Block, Omaha, Neb.
. ' ofiv.inj
V AM I fl MM
&3.000 acres In the Denver Suburban Irrlga
tion district Is being thrown on the mar
ket in tracts of all sixes. This district Is
coming under Irrigation soon. This Is
sure. Plenty of wafer.
Thla district lays within 5 miles of Denver,
city of 240.000' people, iHu affording an
: excellent market at your very door. In
. ' VOna !rt7,C'ye1-
ft ' AR r?V. n-k
H , 1 Of"' Nab
14 ACRES In Sedgwick Co.. Colo.r eab-lrrl
gallon, li per acre. J. O. Bone, Co.
Bluffa. Ia., 312 Shugart Blk..' Phone 114.
1 '
JTOR SALE-Money making Albert fcors
ranch; alcknesa cause; part cash; big
opportunity. J. Whltcomb: Market
villa,. Alberta. (20) 311 lOx
low. ...
FOR SALR At acrea of land, 1 miles sooth
east of council uiuns. -leiepnone Ml-K
- i.Mi MH46 Us
END for long- rlst; farms 'W to 1100 per
The Best vLand Bar
gains in Northeast
160-acre farfn, extra fine level, rich blaok
soli, well Improved, telephone in house,
trail and achool at earner buildings, well
of beat water In Abundance, orchard.
grove, mill, sheds, granaries. Price, 1M
ter acre.
ItiO. unimproved, adjoining, very choice.
122.50 per acre.
240 acrea cornering with No.' V equall
fine, with 10 acrea In cultivation, at (22.60
per acre.
Alro the flneat business corner In Neligh,
tna. county seat or Antelope county. Thii
Is Improved and will ba sold far below
value, aa I own ell the above tracts and
am moving, to the coast.
, t:.. ,.nnh ninin. u....,
county seat of Hock cuunty, Improved and
l mirw, cun iuhb vi ny & m ut i p h i
t n acr.- c an divide ana K
at 1M an acre.- Can divide and get money
back and have one-hair or -tna ranch left.
Board of Trade bldg., Omaha, Neb.
German Farmers
We have for aala a" - well-Improved 160-
acre farm In a German .' neighborhood. LI
mile from Omaha, 1 miles from town on
U. P. R. R. Price 117,000. Terms 11,000 cash
xt.Ww March 1, imu, balance five years a
6Vi per cent. Good land, extra good im
5 D.r cent. Good land, extr
provements Price cheapo but owner will
I consider offer. WAnts to sail thla month
J. 11. DUMONT & SON,
lhOt Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb.
Phone. Douglas 630. '
WRITE: me for free Information about
KAstrn Kehrssks. I am not in the rul
I estate bUsln'eas, will giv you facta. B. A,
tthrop. Sidney, Neb.
160 Acrea In Kimball Co., Neb., four miles
south of lnx. tie per acre.
10 acrea. Dundy Co.. (440.
If) acres In Banner c.. Neb.. R. R con
tract, xj per acre , (i.2tn back, 1M
year for eight years.
J. O. BONE. Co. Bluffs, la,
, 112 Shugart. Blk.. 'Phone 114.
10 acrea three miles from Benson. S'- miles
from itniana, cheap. . asa lor aescripllon
ana pnc.
Phone Doug. H1 1405 Farnam MM Omaha.
About 10) - acres of bottom
land 4 miles north ot Flor
ence, never overflowed by
tha river; 12 acrea of It la
fin corn land and It Is all
fenoed. The other lmpreve
. menis arc pnly fair, but tha
' place la a bargain at tha
price and tcrma
We have farms In every
. part of the state and in
Iowa and Aouth . Dakota at .
- low prices and on easy terms.
Douglas 110.
TOO W. T. Llfa Bldg.
Merth Dakota.
FOR BALE-AO Mrw nest wheat and la the nirtcwat; for further
Inf irmltoo caU or arita Jobs J- Doylcw
Wlstefc, 14. Xi, UU)-Mi.l J Via
4tti ZM acres of upland prairie, Mak sandy
soil, near Caney. Kan., price, 120 per aor.
417700 acres of agricultural land In one
body; aome la leased for oil and gaa and
iom la not, located I miles southwest
of Nowata: r'lce. 121 per acre.
471 230 acres of extra good farm land, lo
cated neat vtann, Okl.; auo acrea of this
la aa rich as you will find, 20 acres has
some draws In It; land raised 80 bu. of
corn and oata to the acre; 70 acres Is
leased fur oil and gas and la paying 11
per acre advanced royally; big bargain
at 120 por acre.
om acrea or rich valley land, an
smooth and pert of same Is In a high
ststa of cultivation; this land la located
within three miles of Watova, Okl., and
alx m'laa from Nowata, Okl.; 800 acraa of
It Is practically In one body, and 140 acrea
Is loceted three miles south: the land Is
well worth IJ6 per acre; an exceptionally
good bargain at no per acre.
We have land In Nowata Co. In any alas
tract you may desire, from 5 acres up.
prices ranging from lit) to J.16 per acre.
There ara 4.5U0 flowing oil veils In No
wata Co. Natural gas Is sold at 2c per
10W cubic feet. You might get an oil
mii with your land.
Average rainfall In Nowata county, 38
Inches per annum; average from March
1 to October 1, 24 Inches, and distributed
lust as needed.
Good water la found from 10 to 40 feet.
Find Nowata county on your niaD.
The Oklahoma ft Cherokee Central R. H.
east and west through this county Is a
certainty. Land will probably double In
value within two years. You can't afford
to mlas this opportunity. Ask Mo. Pac.
ticket agent about low rates to Nowata.
Come In and sea us or write.
Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Phone Red 19ns. Omaha, Neb.
Open evenings.
tit Dakota.
100 ACRES In Hand Co., So. Dakota, near
Miller, 11 60-per acre. J. O. Bone, Co.
Bluffs, la.. 112 Shugart Blk., 'Phone 114.
FINE farm landa In Hand and adjoining
countlea, South Dakota. Hustling agents
wanted. Jay P. Morrill, 612 Palace Bldg.,
Minneapolis. Minn. (20) M747 JU.X
100 TO 110.000 made promptly, F.
D. Wead.
22 14
weed Bldg., nth ana rarnam.
PRIVATE money o loan. J. II. Sherwood,
tit ttranaela Bldg. is
Private money, Mfc to ,t0; low rate.
taij 17
1000 TO SiOO.OOO on Improved property; na
delay. UAKYIN tttiOa-, 1M4 rarnam St.
I desire to announce to home owners and
home builders of the cltiAs of Omaha and
bouth Omaha, that I am 'prepared to loan
money on residence property at the same
rate that the building and loan associa
tions) pay their depositors for the use of
the money they a.e loaning, thereby effect
ing a saving to borrowers of the expenses
of managing and maintaining building and
loan associations. 10 cominlslson Is charged
tor making loans,' only a nominal sum Is re
quired to covert the expoime or recording
mortgsge and examining abstract to title.
Privilege Kranted borrowers to pay 10
per cent to 20 per cent ot the principal on
any Interest date. Interest payable semi
annually. VV. II. THOMAS.
103 First National Bant Bldg
Telephones, Douglas 1648. lnd.'.A 1H8.
to loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room 1, Now York Life Bldg.
LOWEST RAXES Bemis. Brandels Bldg.
tSOO TO 15,000 on home In Omaha. O'Keefe
Heal Estate Co., loot is. x. iiie. ioug.
or A-2152. (22)-2l
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Invesinent Co.
M 814 j
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
rarnam bmlth 4fc Co., 120 rarnam at,
122) 823
WANTED City loans.
Peters Trust Co.
(22) 822
SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated.
Apply Rooms 417-11 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Bell Phone Douglas 2.118; (23 124
WH HAVE BUYKUS for a 6-room house, a
fi-room house and- a Couple of vacant lots.
Suits 824 N. Y. Lite Bldg., Omaha.
Phone Red 1VJV. Open Evenings.
(22 26
WE have customers waiting for 4, S and
T-room bouses. If you want to sell call
us up and a man will Investigate your
property at once. Dcan-Andrewa Co.,
vti rv. x. ivitc Bldg.
NEW furnaces: hot water and hot air com
bination heating, 2 and 4-hole laundry
hot water heaters, muntle grates, gas
- stoves repaired, water fronts and flower
vases. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 120S
120 Dougiaa St. PhomW-Jnd. A-1621. Bell
Douglas Sma -82
BEST price paid for second-hand furniture,
earpets clothes and shoes. Tel. Doutf. y.'7L
BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture.
stoves, clothing. Wm. Rosenblatt. Tel.
Douglas U0L (26) 88
WANTED Light driving buggy or run
about. Address. tu08 Farnam St. Tel.
Harney H. (26 Ml 10
WK buy Joblotg
Marks. 1808 No.
of shoes. Address H.
22d St. Phone Webstar
WE are getting inquiries for well located
houses. Must have aolc agency. Nowata
I-aj.a ard Lot Company, suite 24 N. Y.
Lite Bldg. Phone Red um. Omaha, Neb.
Opan evenings. (StO-eaO
ROOM AND BOARD, gentleman, private
family; exchange refereucea. Address K
668, car Bea. ,
BT MAN AND WIFE, cool room In prl
vate family where there are no other
roomers; breakfast and evening meal;
west or north districts; state weekly
rate. Address N ixA. Bee.
Don't See-Saw
all over town looking ut.
Buggle and Harneas.
(or the best ot everything la
our line.
All kinds Buggies and
Carrlagea. All ityleg Toy
and Open Delivery Wagona.
"Harneia lor Either."
Prloea ao low you'll have,
to dig. '
18th tii Harney '
FOR HlOli grade men. call Omaha young
Bnrn m nrisiian
!OirfO lady wsnts position a bookkeeper;
thoroughly competent, rest- reterenceA
Address W M. cure Bee.
POSITION WANTFD Sober, experienced
hsrtender wants position. Can furnish
best reference. Address 8-W. car Bee.
For high grade rdn, call Omaha T. M C A n
Notice ( gtockkoldere' Meetlag.
To the stockholders of THE MISSOURI
In conformity with the requirements ot
the Constitutions and caws of the states ol
Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska and the
by-laws of the Company. YOU ARhl
HEREBY NOTIFIED that by reaoluUon of
the Board of Directors of Tha Missouri
Pacific Railway Company duly adopted at
a meeting of said Board on-the ftth day of
May, ' A. D., a meeting of the stock
holders of Tha Missouri Paciflo Railway
Company has been called to be held at the
oinre or me company, noom ive Missouri
Pacific Building. In the City ot St. Louis
In the State of Missouri, on the sixth day
f August, A. I). IBM, at nine o'clock In the
(11 For the purpose of considering a Con
tract and Artiotee ot CorMolldatlon hearing
date the 2th day of May, 19U,- heretofore
made and entered Into by and on behalf of
The Missouri Paclflo Railway Company and
the following named corporations by order
of their respective Boards of Directors:
The Kansas and Colorado Pacific Rail
way Company, a consolidated corpjiTttlon
of the State of Kansas;
Tha Central Branch Railway Company, a
consolidated corporation ot the State of
Kansas: -
The Rooks Countr Railroad Cdmpany, a
corporation of the Stale of Kansas;
The Nevada and Mlnden Railway Com
pany, a ccrporatten of the State of Mis
Nevada and Mlnden Railway Company of
Kansas, a corporation of the SUte of
Kansas City and Southwestern Railway
Company of Missouri, a corporation of the
State ot Missouri;
Kansas City and Southwestern Railway
Company, a .corporation of the State ot
. a r, m m m
Th. Cnri Central Railway Com
pany,' a consolidated corporation of the
State of Kansas;
Kanopolls and Kansas Central Railway
Company, a corporation of the State ot
The Kansas Southwestern Railway Com
pany, a corporation or tne otaie oi rwwn
.i 1
ti.. r a nA rnat Valley Air Line
Railroad Company, a corporation of the
State of Kansas, .,
,.r.kv tn nr onv of said corporations
and The Mlesouri Pacific Railway Company
nave agreed to consoiiaate in me wnum,
and to consolidate the stock of the re
spective companies making eucn consono
. rA a fnmi mnA make under and pur
nant tn the laws of the States of Missouri
Kansas and Nebraska, a new, consolidated
corporation, to be known aa The Missouri
Pacific Railway Company, owning, con
...iun im and brtmrinc under one
tnsnagement an ana singular in, im
railroad and other propenies, roai. inmnai
anri mia.rl now era. rights, privileges. Im
munities and franchises, belonging to Any
i.t h ramniniH making such conaolma
Hon, upon the terms and conditions fixed
and stated by .s,nld Contract and Articles
of Consolidation;
(2) For the purpose of voting upon thA
question whether sucn . t oniraci na nr
ti. i nr Cnnanlldatlon.' so made And en'
tmA intn sliall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted and suqn consonaaiion
consummated or whether such Contract
and Articles of Consolidation shall be re
(3) TO consioer anu iwf i' in- .,.-k
iin r.t raaolntlnn sccebtlnc the Drovis
Ions of Article II of Chapter 12 of the Re
vised Statutes or the- rttata or Missouri
lino, and in authorise the filing thereof
all. as required by section, numnerea i' or
such Revised Statutes in ine rane i. con
solidation of rsllway corporations; and
i..Tn take any diner action in me pre-
mni tn transsct any other business
that mav properly come netore tne meeting,
Rnrh r-ontract ana Articles oi Loimuiiua-
tlon will be submitted to the meeting ot
fw atnr-VTiriiders so csiten 'nr examination
gnd cverv stockholder atterdlng will be fur-
nlahed with a printed ropy tnereor, ana ai
anv time before mirh meeting any stock
holder will be furnished srbth a printed -copy
of such contract ana Aiciea or uoneo
lldatlon upon application threfor durlna
(Miaineas hours to tne Assistani oecrerarj
ot the Company, at tne -ernre or tne com
pan v in the .cttv or Ht.oeuis, Missouri.
Dated, May tstV, ix (
OEORnj f, flOrLD;
President of The Missouri Paclflo Railway
a 11 CAT.FF. -
Becretary of The Missouri Pacific Railway
. , T2toA
Oustave Benson to Antonle Benson,
lots 11. 12 and IS. block 7. Oram-
mercv Park T5
Joseuh Barker, trustee, to. E. C. Red
ding, lot 147. Roanoke..; 1B0
rharlea Stark and wife to Fritg
Stark. nndivA lot 13.. block I, Mc-
Cormlck's 2d add SM
Alexander Grant and wife to Antonle
Benson, lot- 12. block 7;- Orammercy
Park 900
Qustnve Denson and wife to Alex
ander Grant, same v.;
Charles Stark and wife to Joseflne
Voeelsanc. undlvV. lot'-t, block i, '
Kirk wood -' TOO
Pioneer Town Site company to
diaries' Grsu. lot 1. subdlv. of out
lot A. Bennington 138
f R RiannM to F. R.. .Stephenson.
tot 5. WWttlesev's subdlv.. ....... ... . ., 200
HVannla Thelna and wlfp to EllXsbeth
Nct.o. lo't 2. block 18. Bedford Place
Jeanette T. Kane to.Francisca Noll
man, lota 25 and 21 W. A. Redlck'g
add................ 630
Gertrude D. McDowell to Hunter
Raltv company, part lots 1 and I,
hlock S. Perkins'' subdlv, 150
8. D. Bangs and wife to City of
Omaha, lot 19; block 1. 'Summit add.
H. J. Cathroe to A. E. Cooper, lot ,
Fort View Annex , 550
Margaret Ssndnr to Annie Duquld.
lot 100. Nelson's add.....
14a.iir-.ira a Hevrien to A. A. Haxa.
lot 22. reolat block 1. Collier Place.. 360
Guy D. Thomaa to Charlea L.
lhomas. lots 17, 18 and 19, Mock 1,
' Donnekln's add., gtid other rota
EUxA Dohse'to John Dnhse, lots t, 1.
1 tnd 11, Muller AY Blumlc's add
T. C. Rich el kl to R.' H. Grenelec,
mUU feet lot and c3 feet lot 4.
block 11. Kountae Place 3.400
United Real Estate and Trust eom
nanv to T. C. Rich et al. lot t-block
81. Kountse Place 700
Geora-a P. Hulat to Eva ?. F. Del-
ford, lot 4. block 4. Hulst Add 400
F T. Parker to John P. Flnley. ae4
neU 6-18-13.. J,00
Charles E. Hvde to John D. BAlrd
ard wife, lot S, block 1, Lake's add. 1540
C. E. Ady to Carrla L. Ady, lots II
and S2, Stewart Placet
Total amoimt of transfers
.214. mi
n.'. i:
. Omaha. Nebf aska. May lo, 190w-Sealed
proposals, In .triplicate, will ba received
here and fcy quartermasters at the posts
named herein,- until 10 a,, m., central stan
dard time, June 14, lBuO. for furnishing oats,
bran, hay and straw, during ths period
from August 1, 10, to September SO, l&oft,
at Omaha quartermaster depot, Forts
frook, Omaha and Fxblnson, Nebraaka;
Forts Leavenworth s-nd Riley, . Kansas;
Forts D A. Russc'.'i and Mackenxle, Wyo
ming; Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort
Meade, Bouth Dakota. Proposala for de
livery at other placea will not be enter
tallied. United StaUs reserves ths right
to reject or accept any or all proposals oi
any part thereof. Information furnished
on application here or to quartermasters
at stations named. Envelopes containing
proposals should bs marked "Proposatls for
Forage," and addressed to MAJOR D. E.
M'CARTHY, Chief Quartermaster.
. M16-17-U J10-U-11
tlllery Horses Chief Quartermaster's
Office, Omaha, Nebraska, May 12. 1"
Scaled proposala. In ' triplicate, will be
received at this- office until- 13 o'clock
m., ' central standard time, June 16. 14.
and then opened. In the presence of attend
ing bidders, for 200 csvalry horaes; 60 artil
lery horaea. for delivery at Omaha. Neb.,
or other prominent railroad points. Ths
animals to conform to specifications for
cavalry and artillery horses. United Slates
reserves the rlhl to eecept or reject any
or all proposals or' any part thereof, par
ticulars and blanks for proposals will be
furplahed on application. Envelopes con
taining proposals to be Indorsed "Proposals
fof Horaes," and addressed to Major D..E.
McCarthy, Chits Quartermaster.
JXi-J 1 .' l-JL.i-.l-l
master. Fort Lesvenwort h, Kansas. May
14, 1HW. -Sealed propossls, lo trlplh ate, will
be received here until 11 a. m. irmm nm-.
1,,n. la iA mH than nnene.1 In the prrs-
ence of bidders, for the construction, plnmb-
n. hratlns. electric wit ing and i'tur"
of an aildltlon to hospital at Fort l.eavea-
worth, Kanaiis. Full Infnrmalion inn nana
forms of proposal rurntsneo upon n"i
tlon to this office. Plans and spcclflcs-
lona mey be soen here, also in omces oi
ha fhfaf Aua rt armaa tra Mi Oltliht. SL
Paul, ilepot quartermasters at Philadelphia.
St Louis and Msstr Builders' Kxehange,
Kansas City. Missouri. United Ktatea re
serves the right to rejnet any or all pro
posa's or any port thereof. Envelopes to
he emmrsetl Fronosais tor sn ainiiwh to
Hosnltsl'' snd sddrssed to Captain Wm.
i. Davis. Quartermaster. . v.
Caloai raclfle
...a 7 JO am
...a 1:60 nm
...a 4:10 pm
Overland Limited...
Colorado Express....
all:40 pra
a sruu pm
Altantio fextress
a : am
a 100 pm
Oregon Express
lvos Angeles laimitea
..all pra a 8.60 pm
Viu Xlall .
.a I .iM am a . pat
China and Japan Mall.. a t:'V pm a s:w pm
hianrtn Platia I vral a 1:18 am a 4.46 pra
Colo. Chicago Special... ,all:10 am a .KB Am
Beatrice At Btromsourg
Local ...b:o pm o i:w pm
Valley Local (motor via
Lana Cut-Off) a!0:00 am a 1:46 pm
Valley Lotal (motor). ...a 180 pm a :00 am
HasUngs-auperlor i i""
Local r-e-ssenears not came u u
Noa. 1 and 1 -
Chicago at ortiieters. s
Chicago Daylight a 7:40 am all: pm
Twin City Express a 7:45 am al0:20 pm
Chicago Local al2:05 pm a I 16 pm
Bloux City Liocai a : pm saw mm
Denver-Chicago Ex a 8:10 pm a 1:28 pm
Chlnaa-o KoerlB.1 A 4:02 Dm a 100 am
California-Chicago Ex a 06 pm -l:28 pra
Minnesota-Dakota Ex. -a 7:W pin a :.w am
Twln-Clty Limited a 1:00 pm a 7:06 am
Los Angeles Limited. ..a 9:10 pm all:85 pm
Overland Limited .all:60 pm a 7:15 am
Norfolk-Bonesteel a ? 60 am aiv ai pin
t.inxnin-1 jina Pine a 7:50 am all.UO am
Norfolk-6outh platc...b 2:15 pm b 6:20 pm
Hastlngs-Buperlot b 215 pm b 6 20 pm
Deadwood-Mot Btrings a oo pm iui
Casper-Lander a 166 pm aU;00 am
Fremont-Albion b 6 30 pm b 1:15pm
Chicago, Rock lale-ad A raclc
Leave. Arrive.
Rocky Mountain Ltd... a 3:10 am all 05 pm
Iowa Docal a m:v am .. fh-
The Mountaineer a 7:4! am a 2: am
Des Moines Local a 4 w pm au to pm
Iowa I.oral bl0:36 am b 1:65 pm
Chicago-Eastern Ex. ..a 4.40 pm "4 1:10 pm
Chicago-Neb. Ltd a o:w pm a j;im am
The Mountaineer a S.00 am a 7:86 am
rhlrairo.N'ab. Limited
(for Llncolnl a :u am a o: pm
Colo. & Cel. Ex a pm a 4 i pm
Okla. A Texas EXJ....a t:w pm aitnpm
Rocky Mountain Ltd..all:l2 pm a 3:05 am
Illinois Central-
Chicago Express a T:15 am A 3:41 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a ,7 :15 am
Mlnn.-sit. Paul ,xp u :io am .v...
M,nn -at , aul Ltd a 6:00 pm. 7 )1 am
OnaahJ-Ft. Dode Local. b 4:11 pm
Miaaonrl 1'aclflc
K. C. ft St. L. Exp a 1:00 am a 7;00 am
K. C. ft St. L. Exp all:16 pm al:60 pm
t hlcage Great Weaterat i
et. Paul-Minneapolis 1:30 pm 1:15 am
Rt. Vaul-Mlnneapolta 7:30 amr ' 1:20 pra
Chicago 'Limited , bow pm . : :u am
W abaab-
Bt. Louia Express Ua 1:10 pm a 9:25 am
nr i.oula Local lirom
Council Bluffs; a 8:00 am al:JS pm
Blanberry Local (Irom .
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bl0:l6 am
Chicago, Milwaukee 8t. I'aal
Chicago ft Colo. 'Spec.. a 7:i5 am a;i;Eo pm
rat. & Ore. Expicss....a 6.00 pm- 4 3:25 Dm
Overland Limited ...... all ;4 pm a 7:l6m
Perry Local o a. as pm du;jo am
Chlccg. t. v Paal, Minneapolis,, ft
v-. ''Leave. Arrive.
Town City Passenger. . b :0 gra b 1:20 pm
6ioux City PassKiuter...b 2.00 pm .ifaU:61 am
Bloux City Local o h:ii am .o f :D0 pm
Emerson Locl b (:6a pm . b lUo an
Mlaauurl PolU
Auburn Local b 1:60 pm blKSO am
a Dally, b Dally exoept Sunaay. a.8un-
day erlTy. d Dally except Saturday,
Leave. Arrive.
Penver ft California..
Puget Sound Exp
Black Hills
Northwest Exp
Nebraska points
Lincoln Fast Mail....
Nebraska Express ...
..a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm
. 4:10 put a 6:iti nm
..a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm
.au:ou un. a 7:06 am
.a 3:46 am a 1:10 nm
..b 1::0 pm al2:16 pm
..a 1.16 am a10pm
b 1:08 am
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local -
.a 7 : J& pm a 7:.k pm
.0 I 0pm b 10: Warn
Plattamouth-Iowa ......a :1S am a a:6o am
Believue-Plattsmoutb ,.al2:10pra a 65 pra
Coioraao unmn
Chicago Limited .
Chicago Express
Chicago Flyer ...
Iowa Local
..kll:50 pm a 7:06 am
..a 7:26 am all:3J nm
..a 4:20 pm a 1:66 pm
,.. a 6:30 pm a 1:50 am
.a 1:15 am .all:0 am
St. Louis Express a 4:40 pm AU :30 am
Kansas City A St. , Joe..alO:46 pm a 6:30 am
Kansaa City ft Bt. Jos. .a 1:16 am -a 6:10 pra
Hensaa t-iiy at ut- joe..a:upm
laXgg txak rovi VAT at sba.
Weekly BelUnf Betweea MeawcaL tiuebee
aa Xalverpoei.
Two days on the bemutKut St. Lawrence
fiver ana toe snoricsi oceaa ryute te
sod. .. .
Nothing eetter oa the Atlantic thaa our
Emorcaaos. Wireless on all steamara.
First olaae. S0i acceaa, aooi sum elaee
eahtia, fee.
Atk your ticket agent, er write fee aalW
Itias, rates ana noomel. .
8 39 Bouth OlArk BU Okioage.
Pesalmlatlc Ahaervatlons 'en .
Flight of Trntk front the
"Have you ever noticed what a bad In
fluence the telephone haa bad on the mor
als of the people?" queried a clubman of
some friends. Being given a little en
couragement, he went on: "It Is strange,
but true, that some people, who ctherwise
are scrupulously truthful become absolute
liars when they take the telephone re
celver Into their hands and as yet I haven
been able to study out a good reason fo
It. Listen to your friends, your family,
or youreelf, when conversing over the wire.
and see how fluently everything but the
truth Is told. How easy it Is to announce
that you are Just going out to luncheon
when the fact Is you have Just returned.
And again how many headaches, tooth
achea and faceachea that never existed
are reported In such conversations. To- He
fluently, -readily, and without compunction
Is a trait of the habitual telephone user,
and I, for cne, distrust most ot the mes
sages 1 receive that way. Now, the point
of Investigation should be, 'How much
does suoh Inexactudo affect the morals
of a community V Anyhow, the telephone la
to blame, and when I get married there
won't be any In my house, no matter how
much I need to explain why I can't come
home to dinner. I want to know ray wife's
telling me the truth when she ' says
she's coming down town to lunch with me,
I don't want to feel my pocketbook and
wonder If It'a a. Shopping trip - she 'Is
thinking about." Philadelphia Record,,!,
- i'ii i 'i
Aa laly Gash v.
should be covered with clean -bandah-eg
saturated with Bueklen'e- Arnica PatfV
Heals burns, wounds, aorta, piles F.$t
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
. "Dave Poster end Ills Classmates." b 1
Eds ard' Btratemeyer, Is the fifth volume
of thla aeries Dave la bark at Oak Hall
aftfr. hts traveling trip to find the father
he hes never aeen.. His .chums are leadrrs
la the activities ef the school, and Dave
continues to be the best type of an Ameri
can schoolboy. "For the Honor of Oak
Hall" he brings about the. complete r
formatlon of a former bully, who we
rapidly going to the hsd- Athletic events
and Jolly fun are constantly mingled, and
AS evidence that the boy are not at school
entirely for that, many 'take high honor"
At the clnse ot the year. Pave being prise
essayist, to the great delight ef his friends.
Lothrop. Lee A Shepard company Is the
publisher. ' i
"The Cyclopedia of American Agricul
ture," edited by L H. Bailey, author of
"The Principles of Vegetable Gardening,"
etc., unqitesttonably Is far the most Impor
tant agricultural cyclopedic work yet under-
ahen in thla country. The leading experts
In the Vnlfed Ptatea and Canada, both In
vestigators and practical farmers, con
tribute to Its chapters, which are arranged
not alphabetically, but topically: each sub
ject being treated In Its various aspects
by men especially familiar with It. It con
tains advice for the city man who Is seek
ing a nome la the country, as well as for
the professional farmer. Nearly every agri
cultural writer of approved reputation In
North 'America will be found on the lists.
The book le strictly new and up to date In
Its method, and advice, and it Is designed
that it shall be thoroughly readable, ns
well as a standard book for reference. It
Is profusely Illustrated, anout one-third of
the total- space being assigned to Illustra
tions all original. The cyclopedia Is ar
ranged In four volumes and Is attractively
bound and printed on a splendid quality of
paper, making-It an attractive set of refer
ence, book. Published by the MacmlUan
My Lady's Kiss," by Norman Innes. Is
concerned with a feud between two Ger
man towns ' In the seventeenth century,
when men fought for hire, for their over
lord's benefit, for religion, and for the love
of fighting, as well as for various other
reasons. It tells how the lord of one town
caught the lord of another unawares and
demanded ransom, ' and how the free-rld-
Ing captain of the first, the officer who
had taken the town, moved by a soldier's
whim, offered to release his prize for a
kiss from the lips of the lovely niece and
heiress pf the town's ruler, tihe bought
tha town back for her uncle, but there were
many and grave consequences for every
body concerned," which are set forth In a
well-told and Interesting story. Published
by. Rand, McNally A Co.
'The. ,Qot of Cfeanness," by Ellen H.
Richards, V the, expressive title of a little
treatise m the eubjeet of cleanliness. 71
ls',arrngd''lrl Ave chapters, entitled "The
Clean, '4JitiBe!,1' ' i'Pers.onal Cleanness and
the DJsposa) of Personal WaHte," The
Clean City," "The Cost of I'ncleanness"
an(F"The Way to Future Cleanness."- Pub
lished- by John i .Wiley &. bona.
"A Canyon'- Voyage" l the title of "the
Tterratlv -of - the -second Powell expedition
down-the Green-Colorado river from Wyo-
inmg and the' explorations on land In the
years 1871 and -IA',2," by Frederick fj. Del-
lenbaugh, artist and assistant topographer
of the expedition. - This was an Important
government expedition and the story of the
experien'cee' encountered are very Interest
ing. Many and. very attractive Illustrations
add. to the reader's pleasure. Published by
O. P: Putnam's Sons.
"At Large" la the title of a volume of
fafnflla-r essays By 'Arthur Christopher
Benson, author of "From a College ,Wln
dow,", "Beside. fitill Waters," etc. Mr. Ben
son's booka have neen called "mtnieterlug
books;" They present to the' reader a great
-number of Ideas, wise thoughts and sug
gestions which can. successfully be put into
practice In the dally round and common
task of every men's life. A number of
these essays have, previously appeared in
Putnam's Magazine. Published by G. P.
Putnam's Sons.
'The Comet: A Play of Our Times,"' a
little comedy by Edward Doyle; "A Little
Volume of Verses," by Lualna Strong Mills
and Jessie. Mills., and a collection of verses
entitled, "Children 6f Christmas, ' and Oth
ers," by Edith M.- Thomas, are all from
the press of1 Richard O. JIadger.
James Montgomery FlAgg's ..clever book
of ' laughable pictures and verse, entitled
All In the Same Boat," Is a parting gift
for frienda sailing for. Europe. Published
by Life Publishing company.
,"The Truth About Appendicitis and Blend
Polsonlhg!" :1s a' small volume of the' "Sur
geon and .Patient Series," by Charles C.
Miller, M, D. It gives an 'explanation In
simple language of appendicitis and germ
Infections. Intended to make clear to the
general reader the truth about these Im
portant conditions and to give to the pub
lic' th knowledge needed to enable them
to understand the true attitude of the sur
geon! .Distribution by the author, 70 State
street.' Chicago..
"Wild Life in the Rockies." by Enos A.
Mills, Is the bonk Of a man a ho haa seen
and done things on his own account. His
home la Estes Park. Colo., where he con
ducts ths -Long's Peak Inn at the foot
of on) M the , hlgheet mountains of the
Rookies and where for more than twenty
years he was the Long's Peak guide. At
one time he made observations for the gov
ernment there and was known as the Col
orado Snow Observer. He Is now United
States forest 'agent. He tells of exciting
adventures .with snow'slldes, wild beasts
and wild weather; of the .forests and the
animal life ef the Rockies; of the beauties
of the mountaina themselves and the de
lights of camping among them. One of
the chapters gives the authentlo and In
teresting bUigrsphy of a 1. 000-year-old pine
which Mr. Mills deciphered from a careful
dissection of Its fallen trunk; another tells
of the habits of the beaver end hts use
fulness In - regulating the flow of rivers,
and a third Is a particularly good bear
stpry. , There. ere fourteen papers In all,
of -which- two or three have appeared In
magaslne. The book Is fully Illustrated
from photographs by Mr. Mills himself.
Published by Houghton, Mifflin ft Com
"The Wiles of Sexton Maginnls," hy
Maurice Franels Egan, is a. Jolly story
of' Irish-American life and adventure.
Maginnls is a .Kerry lad, , with a brogue
and a smile that make friends of everyone
but his mother-in-law. Herself, who lives,
and moves, nd has her being In a state
of ohronlo disapproval. His wiles are all
on the surface, Innocent- enough, always
humorous; and the etory ot Maginnls, his
adoring wife, Mary Xnn, their five thll
dren, Herself, and all the folk, grand and
humble, with whom Maginnl has to do
operjf a new. and delightful vein in Amerl
aau liVeretura r .Published by the Cejituty
Company. ' ' .
" "'Lpve' Privilege,': by Stella M. During.
aLUjio.ef.'"lJiluherited," reecenlly aon a
tt.OM prise In, a leading Chicago newspa
Mr a - curnpeUUon and was pronounced, as
perhaps the moat baf fling mystery stoiy
of ret'int t ar -out ot futrn J.f-flO solution!
received there were only 10H correct
proximately coriect. The p'pt Is cortC'ried
with a murder which defies solution. .The
"falsa scents'' are numerous and, one Is
led hither and thither In the nutd race e
place the reaikmsiMllty of the crime. Un
usual attention Is given to c.luvr acter die
Ing. and the attained situation hetween the
husband, who is suspected of -the murder,
end the wife, eho holtevee hint guilty from
the first, Is splendidly done. It Is a clean,
aell written bit of fiction. The scene are
laid on an English estate near London.
Published by the J. B. LlpplnCott Com
pany. ' ' "
- ."-I--.
"The People at Play," y Rnllfn' Lynde
Herts, Is a little book' "which' pictures' us
"as others see ua" at times.' The author
is well known as an essayist, and brilliant -Journalist
and has been; for many yeac
a curious student ef the life of the peopl.
He has spent many days and plghts. in, the
close and genial atudy of their amusements
the melodrama, the skatlag rink, tne
amusement park, the base bau game, the
ball, the moving picture show,,- ete. , He
writes of the. results of hla ebservaikm
with a wit and humor and a human u-deratandlna-
of the minds and heart' of
the people that make the book as deHght
ful as II Is instructive. It Is Illustrated
by the author In a very attractive manner.
Published by Houghton,' Mifflin ft Com
pany. "Fraternity." by John Galeeworthy,
author of "The Country House," 1 a -tale
of London life. A sel of well-bred, welt-to-o,
cultivated people on the eunny side of
middle age people of social, artistic,", and
literary tastes, leading a tranquil and
rather conventional life, form the back
ground of the story. An artiste hWlei
with wistful face like a flower, and full,
aupple, rounded beauty hf form, ta toy. force
of circumstances brought Into this weh
regulated world which her strange mag
netism ( throws Into disharmony. Through
this model, respectable, pleasantly circum
stanced and segment pf the London" world
Is brought Into touch with- the 'London
under world of poverty and struggle, Tub
lished by G. P. Putnam's Sons. '
' Inler of the Cavalry," by General
Charles King,' author of "The Oolnuel s
Daughter," is another story df the .-army.
General King stands sponsor for many
fine, army stories, but It Is doubtful If ha
has ever penned a more stirring one than
this, his latest romance. The plot la laid
at a frontier fort where 'witty, women and
brave men are snowed In for months. Lieu
tenant Robert Lanier incurs the enmity of
the post commander, 'and la by him accused
of dire misdeeds though It Is only fair
to the aforesaid commanding officer to
say that circumstances do point . to- the
young of floer'a guilt. Thete. are many en
tanglements to be etj-alghtetje. out before
Lanier Is fully exonerated .slid -wins, the
prize which Is to htra the greatest In-Yhe
world said prize being? a) klrl.' Published
by the J. B. LlpplriceU company. .'"
The illustrations 'in Freavlnt ' Rider's
"Are the Dead -Allver -Just published by
B. W.. Dodge . ft Co,; are so' compete ; and,
unusual as to be in laereselve wqrtby of
special note. Bes'desV photographs of all
the more Important 'Investigators . of psych
ical phenomena and the- most; noted medi
ums. Ml-. Rider bos' secured a pfMure
of the levitatlon of the ' human' body and
several of table Invitation.- revere photo
grarhB of alleged 'rtafeWalixAtlbh'"', and
a number ot Interesting . examples of
"spirit" writing; a series illustrating' the
'famous Bourne, case or. duet' pcMooAllty,
pictures of the "Wgtscka Wonder'' caae of
alleged angello "possession" und' the noted
Bertha H use case ot clairvoy ance, , ' '
"Love Letters of Famous Toefs and nov
elists," ' edited by Lionel Strachey and
Walter Llttlefi'eld, contains some 170 let
ters selected from the ' authenttd '-correspondence
ot seventeen literary celebrities
with their spouses, sweethearts, or p Ara-.
mours. ... ' -
In order to enhance' the reader's Interest,,
the editors have prefaced each set of let
ters with a page or two of explanatory
information concerning the' circumstances
of the correspondence and tha participants.
Another distinctive feature Is the consid
erable amount of special . translation , em
bodied. Including thet of some of. Goethe's
dainty, dally little billets doux to 'Free, von
Stein, wife to the Duke of einlVs hea
ter of the Horse, ':: V x
This volume is to be succeeded," at iln
tervals, by three more' (now lu- preparation),-
viz: "Love Letters of Famous., B,oy
'altles and Commanders,'! "Love Letter of
Famous Statesmen and' Fashionables' and
"Love Letters of Various Ce(ebivltlea,7. the
whole series forming 'the first, genuinely
comprehensive colleotlon of authentic" love
letters ever Issued. Published, by ttie John
McBride Co. . . . - f
"Daughters of the Rich," by Edgar Bal
tus, is a pageant of delire 'aqd destiny Id
thla strange novel Mr, Saltua has given a
revelation of the possibilities ; of modern
life and the complexify of modern char
acter. The story deall, essentially, with a
roan, and two women. One of the .wotnen
he loved; both loved , him. . .The deception
which separated him from the woman he
worshiped, paganly, and bound Jilra Jo the
one horn he inertly, tolerated,'! was
avenged with appalling ruthlessness. From
New York to Paris, Deauvllle and, Chan
tilly; from Chantllly to' Santa Barbara in
southern California; from Santa Barbara
to New York again such Is tha ' clrole of
life and death, of paeai6h knd Its fruition.
Aristocrats Jostle one another,' and the eb
scure and fottuneleea. In this world-panorama,
this revel of princesses and 'pLuto
crattt, dukes and daughter pf the rich,
men of the world and women of the demi
monde. Published by Mitchell Kennerley.
"The Biography of a Sliver FoaC" or
"Domino Reynard of Ooldur Town," is the
lates book by . Erneet Thompson pSetOn,
author of'Vtld Animal I Have Knowo,"
"The Biography of a Orlssly," etc. The
foreword tells ua, "The purpose la to show
the man-world how tha fox-world rivee
and, above all to advertise and 'emphaetje
the beautiful monogamy of the better class
The author tells th story from fits cub
hood to hi splendid prime of that aristo
crat of foxes, Domino Reynard, a silver
fox, and of his wild,... free,- happy . Ufa
among -the Ooldur hills. Domino had ood
need of all his cunning, and his life was an
adventurous one. The atery of bladven
luies and hla cm.. ; is one to hold and
thrill from the film page. It ta. tpl s(ory
of Snowyruff as well as of Do mine, .The
telling and the 'Illustrations are Thomp
son he ton best. There are over 100 daw
ings by the author. The cover design,
title page and general makeup, are by Grace
Gallatin heioo. Published by .Uie Century
company. i
AUive books at lowest retail prloa. Alaw
tbaws. lii aWuth Fifteenth street.
-Ail of the books .reviewed here are eat sale
Id Brandels book department. - - s
Benoetr Late rvctlcn tibrfiy- BcoH
Dept. enables yea ta read the sswat hook
t ui tie eat, ' ; " . ' .4 . i ,; ';....