Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1909, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily Bee
rwi to the homea It read by tli
omra ielli good for advertiser.
For Nehrsnks Generally fair. '
Fer Iowa Fair.
For weather report see par S.
Dolliver Leadi Forlorn Hope in All
Day Tight for Reduction in
Senator Good-Na tared, Y-' Majority
Stick Togt i
Wan-en Sayi Thii it Main v of
Mrs. Gould Rids
Herself of Many
Thousands a Year
President Taft Decorate Wright
brother in Presence of Dis
tinguished Quests.
St. Louis Meat Official Resigns and
Writes Letter that Government
System is Botten.
Telli Court Nonchalantly How She
Laviihed Bucket of Money in
Living Expense.
e-V 'S N
Mrf.aarin Tartly Infttnaa Warrd
He Has Wa "Personal Interest"
la Pendlns; Legislation
Details of Debate.
WASHINGTON. June 10. --Time and time
again today Senator DoUiver and eight or
nine others of the no-railed "progressive"
republican went down to defeat In tlielr
efforta to break the ranks of the Aldrirh
forces on the wool sctfedule of the tariff
bill. Henator Dolliver occupied the floor
Jh greater part of. the day and offered
numerous amendments looking- to the re
duction of the finance committee rates,
but In each Instance the amendments were
voted down and the ccrrmtttee sustained.
The first of Mr. Dolllver's suggestions
haA for Its' object the confining- to the
wool In them or the duty on o-called
yarns which are only part wool, and after
considerable spirited discussion. In which
Messrs. Dolliver and Warren were the
principal participants, the amendment wan
defeated by a vote of tl to 43. (in ths
course of the debate Mr. Warren con
tended that the object of this provision
van to prevont the Importation of cheap
rlothH, but this was met by a suggestion
from Mr.- Dolliver that there might be
some per pie who would be benefited by
having cheap cloths brought In from
abroad. '
One Democrat for Hlak fotr.
On this vote Mr. Dolliver was supported
by Senators Beverldge, Brtstow, Brown
Burkett, Clapp, Cummins, LaFollette and
Nelson, while Senator McBnery of Louis
iana was the only democratic senator wh
voted with the republican against the pro
vision. '
Many of Mr. Dolllver's amendments were
along the same llnea as the first and were
Intended to carry out the principle that In
fixing a duty on mixed cloths It should be
applicable only to the wools In the cloths
Senator Aldrlch objected on the ground
that It would be Impossible t determine
the prqportion of the constituents In such
article and that therefore the provision
wan Itjipiactlrahl. On; J the entire aeries
the vote was prhWtewlly the same and In no
tnatunce did any of the republican senator
0e of Mr. Dulliver' amendments 1
Identical In terms with a provision sug-1
Vested by Mr. Aldrlch as a part of the Mc
Klnley tariff bill of 18S8, but the Rhode
Island .senator refused to accept It, saying
the conditions were entirely different now
from what thev were In those days.
Ia the course of a discussion between
Henators Aldrlcrr and Owen on the duty
on blankets, the fact was brought out that
blankets paid at the rate of 180 per rent
ad valorem, Ir. this connection the chair
man of the finance committee was given
an opportunity to accept a general pro
vision, prohibiting any rates In the schedule
above 100 per cent, but he declined to do so
because, as he said, It might let In foreign
woolen manufacturers.
"o Personal laterest." ,
A r. erry chaae of causes for the low
prices of wool tyer Indulged In by Senators
McLaurln. Warren and Heyburn.
"I have no personal Interest In this legis
lation," declared Mr. McLaurln, during a
colloquy with Mr. Warren.
The debate throughout the day was good
natured and Mr. Dolliver discussed polka
dots, corn plasters, home mottoes and
kindred subjects with much humor. He
seemed to have real feeling over the pos
sible tears In the eyes of the Irish potato.
The wool schedule occupied the attention
of the sonata throughout the. entire day
enA on thli account consideration of the
proposed Income tax. which had been set
for today, was postponed until tomorrow.
At t:N p. m, the senate took a rscess
until I o'clock.
Ihe night session was begun with a
statement by Mr. McCumber, a member
of the finance committee, by which he
sought to show that the loner cost of
manufacturing woolen cloth abroad as com
pared with. the cost In this country Just
about equals the Import duties.
Gore Satirises Seas tors.
Mr. Oore delivered a satire upon explana
tions, by Mestrs. Warren, Carter and
Sn.out In defense of the senate woolen
tchrdule, greatly to the amusement of his
Twenty-eight amendment making ad
x sin em rat ss' for the various classes of
wi-ol and woolen goods were Introduced
by Mr. LaFollette. They were In harmony
with views expressed by him In his speocn
ytsterday and he asked that all be. voted
upon at one time. Mr. LaFollette explained
that his amendments were Intended to
combine the present classes one and two
Into on class and to fix the rate upon this
e I at 46 per cent ad valorem and to
make what Is now clars three dutiable at
S per cent ad valorem. Works Elevea Atlanta.
WASHINGTON. June 10. -After 'being In
session eleven minutes the house of rep--sentattve
today adjourned until Monday.
Although there was a good representation
f members there seemed to be no dispo
sition to transact any business and little
was undertaken.
Fearta Asatstaat Paatataater Oeaeral
Makes Brief VUlt to
the City.
Peter V. DeGraw, fourth assistant post
master general, wa in Omaha a few hours
yesterday afternoon and evening, coming
from Lincoln, where he had apoken at the
. Postmaster' convention. Mr. IeGraw wa
then a ride about the city, and waa a
guest at dinner at the Omaha club, whet
he wee entertained ay Mr. Victor Ro
water. A few friend mot Mr. DeOrew at
High Rates.
KEW YORK. June 10 It was a smaller
and slighter Katherlne Cleramons Gould
who took the stand today In her suit fir
separation from her husband. Howard
Gould, than the public remembered; and
her loss In weight was becoming. Mrs.
Gould were mourning for her father.
She seemed nervous at times under the
strain of cross-examination, when the
questions led her to the early days of her
married life, but so far as the presence
of her husband was concerned she seemed
not to know he was In the same room, al
though he sat but a few feet fiom her
throughout the days' session.
The hearing before justice Dowllng Is
the culmination of a case that began In
May, 1307. Mrs. Gould slleges that her
husband deserted her without Just cause on
July Ifl, 190S. Howard Gould answers that
his Justification was the habits of the
plaintiff; that since he left her he has
made her an allowance of $25,000 a year,
but that she Is extravagant, intemperate
and has been guilty of misconduct. The
wife denies the charges and asks for an
allowance of $120,000 a year to enable her
to live In the manner to which her hus
band had accustomed her.'
"During the years that you were living
at Castle Gould," asked Clarence Shearn,
Mra. Gould's counsel, "how large an estab
lishment did you have?"
"From fifteen to eighteen servants In the
house, from ten to twelve around the estate
and eighteen or twenty gardeners," an
swered Mrs. Gould.
In answer to questions she rattled off the
amounts her husband had allowed her
month by month. They averaged about
110.000. She kept two bank account one
a Mrs. Gould account and one a Katherlne
Gould account.
"In the eight years of the Howard Gould
account I find," said Delancey Nlnoll, coun
sel for the husband, "that It totals S77i,
S0. Is that correct?"
"I think so."
' Mr. Gould -says that all those years he
paid you $776,000."
"I gave him credit for ,more," was the
lmperturbed comment.
Mrs. Gould varied her answers when
asked If her expenditures at Castle Gould
Included any liquors.
"Yes," she said, "everything."
Testimony to show the manner of life
In which the witness was accustomed to
live was further adduced by counsel. She
showed even eagerness to co-operate, and
told with evident relish of the magnificent
yacht Niagara, with its crew of eighty
men. It saloon With seats for sixty guests
and decorations that in one room alone
cost S52.000. .
More recent event, touched on later In
the day, she could not recall. She eould
m.t recall seeing Dusttn Farnum, the actor,
whose name figures in an affWa1t Intro
duced aa evidence In 1908 or 1409, but she
was positive she had not seen him within a
month. The .day closed, however; with
her still on the stand and smiling sweetly.
Heney is Named
for District Attorney
Present Prosecutor Take Democratic
Club's Nomination, Though Pro
fessing Republican Principles.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 10. Francis J.
Heney was today nominated for district
attorney by the 8an Franolsco Democratic
club, representing one taction of the local
democracy. In expressing hi appreciation
of the honor conferred", Mr. Heney stated
that he would accept the nomination,
though in politics he was a Roosevelt re
publican. The nomination of Heney for
the same office is now under consideration
by the Municipal League of Independent
Republican clubs.
Angered Woman
Stabs Her Son
Wrath Was Roused by Boy' Plead
ing to Enter Sunday School
' NEW YORK, June 10. Because he
nMi for nermtsslon to take part In a
Sunday school parade and thus angered
her. Mrs. George Day, a widow, .today
stabbed her 7-year-old ' son, Henry, to
death. She then inflicted a dangeroua
wound In her own abdomen. Mra. Day
will probably die.
Oradaatlen at West Polat.
nr.cutMnTnK: .Tune 10. Secretary of
War and Mra. Dickinson left here today
for West Point. IN. 1., wnere tomorrow ne
will address the graduating class of the
United States Military academy and pre
sent the diplomas. He will review a
1. 1 K. ... Vnrlr I'M ! V Katiirdav In CelS-
IW.UV ... - ...... - - - . --- -
bint Ion of the opening of the Queeneboro
bridge across e-asi river.
Scenes in History of English
Church Reacted in Pageant
t.ONDON. June W. The English church
pageant, which will conil of the rendering
in outdoor Betting of a eerlea of spectacular
ropreaentatlen ol episode of church his
tory, was opeueu on tne gi ounua ui r uuu
palace, overlooking the Thame at putney,
ihl afternoon. The pageant, which is
,...d.r the oatronage of the archbishop of
Canterbury and the archbishop of York,
was organised with the Idea or popularising
me history of the church, affording In
tructlon to the mass and incidentally to
bring financial assistant to various state
charities. The presentation will be given
twice a day, at o'clock and I p. m., tor
tlx days.
The history . of the church from the
earliest time to the present w ill be depicted
by a body of about t.OuO amateur actors
and actresses. The palace grounds are
splendidly adapted to this purpose and the
rendering of scenes with the old palec a
a background and the iaracter dressed in
the costumes of the period are expected to
be most realistic ,. The flril perfurmanc
Diplomats, Scientists and Prominent
Official Join in Acclaim.
Brother Announce that Flight Will
Be Resumed June 21.
Machine I sed Will Be Prertteallv
Identical with that feed Last
Year, r-lth Addition of
New Improvements.
WASHINGTON. June 10. The apprecia
tion, good will and congratulations of the
Amerlran people were today extended to
Wilbur and Orvllle Wright, the American
aviators, by the president of the United
The occasion was the presentation of tht
gold medal awarded to the Wright
brothers by the Aero club of America to
commemorate the conquest of the air. In
the presence of distinguished statesmen,
foreign diplomats, members of the cabinet,
noted scientists and prominent aeronauts
and aviators, the two inventor of the first
successful flying machine,' heavier than
air. received the first public 'recognition
of their achievements from their fellow
countrymen. ' 1 .
President Taft, In handing the medal to
the brothers, expressed keen admiration
for their work. He ventured the belief
that their flying machine will be the basis
for the future aerial craft and made the
piophesy (hat the dawn of the age of flight
Is here. The Wrights were Introduced to
the president by Representative Herbert
Parsons of New York, who paid a glowing
tribute to their personal qualification. A.
Holland Forbes, winner of the recent na
tional balloon race, and acting president
of the Aero club of America, turned the
medals over to the president on behalf of
the aero club.
President Taft Speaks.
In presenting the medals to the Wright
brother President Taft said in part: "1
esteem it a great honor and an opportunity
to present these medals to you as an evi
dence of what you have done. I am glad,
perhaps at a delayed hour, to show that
In America it is not true that a 'prophet
Is not without honor save In hi own coun
try.' It 1 especially gratifying thus to
note a great discovery in human economy
by paying honor to men who bear it as
modestly. You made this discovery by a
course that we of America, litte to fee Is
distinctly American, ny keeping your nose
right at the Job until you had accomplished
what you had determined to do.
"It has been said that this is the first
presidential recognition of aeronautics since
President Washington.' Well, all I have
to say is hat I had a predecessor, who, if
aeronautic had proceeded aa far when he
left office a they have today, would not
only have gone down under the water In
a submarine boat, but would have gone up
into the air in a flying machine. No one
had a more earnest Interest and a greater
desire to see into the thing that make for
progress than my predecessor.
"There may be some reason why some
president have not figured in aeronautic.
I see that these gentlemen who have flown
in the air are constructed more on the
plan of the brida than some of u.
"I don't like to think, and I decline to
think, that these Instrumentalities that you
have Invented for human use are to be
confined In their utility to war. I presume
thaf they wlIK have great value In war,
aad I suppose that all of us representatives
of the various government ought to look
at this matter, following the rule of gov
ernments of today, from the standpoint
of their utility In war, but I sincerely hope
that these machines will be Increased In
usefulness to such a point that even those
of us who now look at them aa not for us
may oount on their ability to carry more
than 'thin' passengers in time of peaoe.
Many great discoveries have com by
accident. Men working in one direction
have happened on a truth that developed
ltsrlf Into a great discovery, but you gen
tlemen have Illustrated the other and on
' the whole much more commendable
"I. congratulate you on the result. I con
gratulate you on the recognition you have
received from all the crowned heads of
Europe, and I congratulate you that In
receiving It you maintained the modest
and dignified demeanor worthy of Ameri
can cittxenship."
Miss Catherine WHght, slater of the
aeroplanlsts, accompanied her , brothers,
and was quite a much lionised. After
President Taft had congratulated the
brother Individually, he turned to Miss
Wright and said: "And I want to oongrat-
(Contlnued on Second Page.)
this afternoon, which was marred by rain,
opened with a prelude showing the founder
of the church. This wa followed by
twenty srenes portraying outstanding
events In the life of the church, such as
the publication of the edict of Constantine
in SIX the arrival in Great Britain of Au
gustine in 67. the annointlng of William I
in 1068, the granting of the great charter In
1214, the trial of Wyccllffe In 1377. the con
secration of Parker In 1569. and the acquit
tal of the seven bishops In 1688. The per
formance closed with a tableaux represent
ing the spread of the church's missions
throughout the world.
The 4.000 puartlclpants have been drilled
for aix month. The follower of John
Kenslt, of the Antl-Rltuallatlc league, put
In an appearance at St. Eldreaa' church,
at which the inaugural service wa held
by the Right Rev. Arthur Ingram, bishop
of London. They protested against th
bishop participating In a "popish pageantry"
and denounced him a a traitor. They
were, however, quickly dispersed by the
From the Washington Evening Star.
President Makes Earnest Speech to
Catholic Mission Conference.
Forty Years Ago, He Deelarea, Sock
a Thin a- Would Have Sank Any
Administration Responsible
for It.
-WA.SHINOTOW, June je. Thet romehste
church emulation "is a Kood thing and that
there should be In this country no Invidious
distinctions In elections because of re
ligious beliefs" were the keynotes of an
address made tonight by President Taft
before the congress of Roman Catholio
missionaries, now In session In this city.
After being Introduced by Father Doyle,
who referred to the president, quoting an
other, "the great harmonlser," Mr. Taft,
who had been applauded loudly as he en
tered the hall, was greeted by an outburst
of applause.
He spoke principally of the work of set
tling In the Philippines the difficulties
caused by the close relationship there of
ohurch and government. He expressed the
opinion that In the end the church would
be strengthened by the change there, "as
freedom and toleration and the separation
of church and state have strengthened the
church In this country."
His Visit to Rome.
Referring to the final settlement of the
church problems In the Philippines, he de
clared that a few extremists In this coun
try had found any exception thereto.
"But I venture to say," added the presi
dent, referring to his visit to Pope Leo
XIII and the settlement of the ohurch
problem, "that forty year ago it would
have sunk any administration 'responsible
for it, which only goes to show that thl
country is, broad enough for all denomina
tion to work together for the fatherhood
of God and the brotherhood of man and
for all of us to live here a American
citizen and that we should make no in
vidious distinctions in election because of
religious belief."
He said that there is now no question
to be settled in the Philippine concerning
the relation of church and government. He
said It is a good thing for the Roman Cath
olic church that there are other denomina
tion In the Philippine the complete church
emulation. Competition, if I may use that
term, is a good thing In religion, as well
as in other thing in life." -
Prevlou to the arrival fcf the president
there were brief speeches on the mission-
(Continued on Second Page.)
The servant
problem" having
the' girl quit sud
denly, leaving you
without a' cook or
a girl for general
housework fret
ting over what you
arc going to do
asking all your friends if
they know of a good girl do
ing your own housework and
ruining your temper, your
husband taking his meals
down town.
How easy you can stop all thli
and find the right kind of a girl by
Imply telephoning Douglas 238 and
putting a want ad In The Bee.
'Try it now.
Doctors Plan
Fund for Aged
and Disabled
They Will Establish Special Sanita
rium for Physician Afflicted
, . with Tuberculosis.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., June 10,-The
house of delegates of the American Medi
cal association Voted Its support today of
a project for setting "aside a fund for. dis
abled and aged physicians and the estab
lishment of a special sanitarium for doc
tors attacked with tuberculosis. Officials
of the state associations were instructed
to hold public meetings for the Instruction
it the public In scientific hygiene.
The following officers were elected: Pres
ident,, William H. Welsh, Baltimore; vice
presidents, Robert Wilson, Jr., Charleston,
S. C; Charles J. Klpp, New Jersey-, Alex
nnder Lambert, New York; Stanley-Black,
Pajadona, Cal.; general secretary, George
H. Ftmmons, Chicago; treasurer, Frank
Billings, New York.
The next convention will be held In St.
Louis. '
Medals were awarded by the association
today to the Indiana Medical society for
the best tuberculosis exhibit and to the
society of the lying-in hospital of New
York for exhibitions of scientific research.
Taft to Address
Civic Conterence
President Promises to Attend Im
portant Civic Gathering" to Be
Held in Washington.
WASHINGTON. June 10,-Presldent Taft,
after a conference today with John
Mitchell, Samuel Gompers, John Hammond,
Prof. J. W. Jenk and R. M. Easley, rep
resenting various Interest, accepted an In
vitation to addres the national conference
to be held here in January to aid uniform
legislation by the states on pure food,
child labor, railway regulations, divorce,
taxation and other subjects.
Governor Comer of Alabama wa with
President Taft today discussing southern
matter. The president referred to the re
cent Impeachment of an Alabama sheriff
for not defending a negro agalnt a mob
and the action of Alabama troop In do
fending a negro against a mob.
He told the governor he wa pleased to
see Alabama and other southern atates
leading the way in breaking up mob law.
Old Confederates Wildly ,
Cheer Son of General Grant
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. June 10. A frenxied
demonstration of welcome by the men In
gray for the son of the man who defeated
them marked the final cene of the nine
teenth annual reunion of the L'nlted Con
federate Veteran today. It took place
during the parade. In the reviewing stand
st.xd General Frederick Dent Grant of the
United States army. A cavalry division
approached and Its commanding officer,
old and grizzled, peered steadily at General
Grant a moment. Then he turned in his
cuddle and yelled: Come on, you klda,
here's General Grant come to life again in
his son."
With one of the old-time rebel yells the
division charged upon the stand and
Jostled one another for an opporunlty to
hake the hand of the son of their old-time
enemy. From that moment every gray
clad veteran who could reach the stand
rushed up to shake hands with General
Grant. The stocky army officer' cold
gray eye filled with tear and hi (boul
der shook with emotion a he murmured:
God bles you all, boy. God bles you."
Clad in rough gray homespun, such
Board Report to Congress Project
Would Cost $128,000,000 to Build.
Believed that the Action of Board
Will Pnt Qolrtna on the Foar-teen-Foot
Channel Plan for
the Present.
WASHINGTON, June 10 The proposed
fourteen feet deep water project from St.
Lout to the gulf received a blow today when
the board engineer reported to congress
that uch a waterway Is not desirable.
The waterway would cost $128,000,000 for
construction - and $6,000,000 annually for
maintenance, the engineers say. '
The report was based on a survey of
the Mississippi river by a special board
of engineers, created by act of congress.
The conclusions reached by both the spe
cial board and the regular board of engi
neer are practically the same.
It is claimed that the present demands of
commerce between St. Louis and the gulf
will be adequately met by an eight-foot
channel, from St. Louts to the mouth of
the Ohio and a channel of not less than
nine feet below the mouth of the Ohio.
The board' belief I that an eight-foot
channel from Chicago to St. Louis cor
responding with the present eight-foot pro
ject from St. Louis to Cairo Is the least
that would adequately meet the demands
of commerce. It adds that such water
ways would be desirable provided the cost
were 'reasonable. Present and prospective
demands -of commeroe betwen Chicago and
the gulf would be adequately served, the
board reports, by a through nine-foot chan
nel to the gulf, Estimates for these chan
nels have not been completed, but are
promised by congress by next December.
General Marshall, chief of engineer, In
formed congress In transmitting the report
that he could not state definitely whether
either of those channel wa desirable until
after accurate estimate were made.
The special board found that, by mean
of constant dredging, a depth of eight feet
la now practically maintained In the chan
nel from St. Loula to Cairo, and of nine
feet from Ca,lro to the gulf. River regular
Ixatlon Is counted on by the board 'to
make permanent an eight-foot channel
from St. Louis to Cairo. By dredging a
fourteen-foot channel may be obtained.
This board rejected a opposed to all rea
son all propositions requiring the abandon
ment of the already good river navigation
or the substitution of a lateral canal for
any part of the river belbw Cairo. Dredg
ing and bank protection, with the addition
at certain localities of contraction work
(Continued on Second Page.)
uch a they wore In the 60s, and
carrying the ancient rifles with which
they defended what they believed
to be right, 10.000 United Confederate Vet
erans today marched in what was prob
ably the last big parade In which they will
ever participate. The heat was Intense
the culmination of three day of the warm
est weather Memphis has had in year.
At the suggestion of the parade commit
tee, the line of march was cut down to
about one mile and the countermarch wa
Bands from all over the south, twenty
five of them, were Interspersed here and
there through the parade, and when step
lagged stirring notes of "Dixie" or "My
Maryland" were sufficient to send the
blood coursing a it did fifty year ago.
Everywhere were flags the atari and bars
of the lost cause, tho tattered battle flags
of the dates that chose Davis as presi
dent, the guidons of decimated batteries
of artillery, and the pennants that For
rest's cavalrymen had often followed Into
Alleges Gross Lenieniy Toward Pack
ers Characterises Their Work.
Secretary Wilson Called on to Inves
tigate His Charges.
(Sires Many aperitif Details la l.ettei
to Aa-rtrnltnral Department Ac
rased Offlriala my t'harae Are
Without Any Foundation.
ST. IXMYS. June 10 After eighteen
morths' service as a United States meat
Inspector In East St. Louis packing houses,
J. F. Harm has resigned and has wrltter
a letter to Secretary of Agriculture J. F.
Wilson, demanding an Investigation of th
meat Inspection system at the National
stock J-firds.
Harms declares ne resigned because he
could not tolerate the conditions. Inspect
ors In Charge of the bureau of animal In
dustry are too lenient wUh the packers, he
ays, and asserts that no animus prompted
his letter.
After asserting that the words "United
States Inspected and passed." as It ap
pears on products of all the packing
houses, la meaningless because of the in
adequacy of the inspection, Harms says,
In part. In the later; f
Inspection Is Worthless.
"The inspection at the National stock
yard. Illinois, is costing 'the people ap
proximately 1100,000 a year and It la not
actually worth $1 to them. I have seen
rrum 1.200 to 1.600 pounds of lard spilled on
the floor, and which ran down Into an
open sewer In the floor, the sewer outlet
being quickly blocked and said lard taken
up from the floor and out of the sewer,
both of which were unclean and unsanitary
from walking over and the sputum and
filth which naturally find Ha way Into
any sewer.
"And your doctor, Clancy and Meadora,
passed same to the packers over the pro
test of the Inspector an that floor and It
went to the public markets 'U. 8. In
spected and passed.1 "
"On the morning of April I I was In a
cooler and a packing company superin
tendent came In when hi attention wa
called to the eleven carcasses, he said:
'Ye, they are a bad lot and had I been on
the floor last evening I would not have let
them come down, but would have sent
them to the tank.'
"Men holdlpg good position with the
packers see and know "these things and
acknowledge they are 'wrong.- I have seen
animals in a dying condition dragged Into
the killing beds and marked 'U. 8. In
spected and passed.'
Describes FUthr Srenes.
"Home of the filthiest thing Imaginable
are practiced In the sausage department,
such as using bladder for casing with
out thorough washing or cleaning, the use
of filthy tripe In sausage, the us of
slimy hog stomachs for casing or contain
ers, the using of meats that have fallen
on the floor and are taken up and used
without any pretense of cleaning.
"These are all permitted by those In
charge. If an Inspector calls their atten
tion to any of the wrongs, he say people
who eat this are too laxy to prepare any
thing for themselves and ought to have
such stuff. '
"I will give you another instance that
happened elsewhere. The meat Inspector
In the department held some 6,000 or 7,000
pounds of cured meats for being sour and,
mind you, four or five other Inspector
were called in and they all pronounced
the meat sour. Your Dr. Meadow re
leased It to the packer." .
Chief Inspector Clancey, dtacusalng the
charges, asserted that such case were not
unoommon because the duties of the chief
Inspector called for decision In matter of
"The condition cited by Harm would
not be tolerated for an Instant," said Dr.
Clancy. "He hu not complained to me
about my decision nor to my Aaslttant,
Dr. William H. Meadors."
Refused to Aid
Smuggling Plot
Dining Car Cooks Testify They Were
Offered $100 Per Chinaman
by Corporation.
CHICAGO, June 10. August Mueller and
Gustav Weir, dining car cooks employed
on the Golden Slate Limited train of the
Rock Island railroad, told on the witness
stand today before Judge La ad is how they
had refused offers of money to aid In
smuggling Chinamen Into the United
States. The men ' were witnesses for the
prosecution In the trial of Bob Leung, a
well-to-do Chinese merchant of El Paso,
Tex., and Jose Parra and Jos Savereda,
Mueller told of meeting, In August, 190S,
Robert W. Stephenon, W. H. Clark and
John Heltiell, member of the "conspiracy
gang," who already have pleaded guilty
In El Paso. Weir wa with him t the
time, he ,aid. Stephenson outlined the
whole scheme and said lie would give them
125 for each Chinaman brought to Chicago.
Upon refusal of this offer, the price wa
raised to 1100, which offer, Mueller stated,
was also refused.
Mae Prominent t'ltlaens Are Arrested
oa Warrants t'kirglii
' Kraad.
MUSKOGEE. Okl.. June 10. -Charging
wholesale election fraud and illegal vot
ing, warrants were Issued today at the In
stance of County Attorney Crump for the
arre of nine prominent cillxen of Has
kell. Okl.
The men for whom the warrant were
Issued are: Sam Turvey, banker and cap
italist; J. C. Glakenshlp and G. Y. Berry
hill, stockmen; Will Ssrtln. town marshal;
Joe Howard. H. Moody, Jake Beam,
merchants; J. A. Cullop eua WU1U Brown.