Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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i j . . ..
1 RATER Bemls, BrandHi nfg"
(22) k20
Always on hand nnd for Bale In
Amounts from fJOO to 13,000.
(Z!)-M5J 7
MONET TO LOAN Payne Invesment Co.
. U2)-814
$600 TO eS.Ono on homes In Omaha. O Kwt
Keel Kstate Co., 10M N. Y. Life. Pong
r A-Zlol. C3)-821
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
(zd to
WANTED City loan and warrant. W.
Farnara Smith 4k Co., 1320 Farnam St.
'SECOND MORTCiAOR loans negotiated.
Apply Room 417-18 Flint Nat l Bank RM.
Hell Douglas JJl. (22) Ut
WE HAVE BITTERS for a (-room house, a
6-room home and a couple of varant lots.
Butt 824 N. T. Life Bid., Omaha,
rhon Red M Open Evenings.
(22) 83i
NEW furnaces: hot water and hot air com.
btnatlon heating. 1 and 4-hole laundry
hot water heatera, mantle grates, gas
stores repaired, water fronts and flower
vase. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 120V
uua Douglas at. rhories lnd. A-3621, Hell
iur'as two. ma
BF.8T price paid for second-hand furniture,
carpets clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 8971.
BEST price paid for Id-hand furniture
stoves, clothing. Wm. Rosenblatt. Tel
Douglas 6401. (2TO-S2S
WE ar getting Inquiries for well located
houses. Must have sol agency. Nowata
Ijind ard Lot Company, suite 24 N. V.
Life Bldg. Thone Red 1399. Omaha. Neb,
Open evenings. (K) 630
COMPETENT (lady) bookkeeper and
stenographer desires to make a change;
t years experience; am good business
woman and could handle correspondence.
Can Invest small amount of money; will
turn part of salary Into stock. Prefer
dry roods or general merchandise, but
would go Into other business. Must be
In good locality. Address, Y W, care
Omaha Bee. (27) M649 8x
EXPERIENCED jnan and family want
steady work on a farm. Address N 43d,
Bee. , (27) M794 7x
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting
To the stockholders of THE MISSOURI
In conformity with the requirements of
the Constitutions and laws of the slates of
Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska and the
by-laws of the Company, YOU ARbl
HEREBY NOTIFIED that by resolution of
the Hoard of Directora of Ths Missouri
PaoJflo Railway Company duly adopted at
a meeting of said Board on the Jvth day of
May, A. D., 11W, a meeting of the stock
holders of The Missouri Pacific Railway
Company has been called to be held at the
office of the Company, Room 70 Missouri
Pacific Building, in the City of St. Louis,
In the State of Missouri, on the sixth day
of August,. A. D. VMJ, at nine" o'clock In the
(I) For the purpose of considering 4 Con
tract and Artlclea of Consolidation hearing
date the 20th day of May, l'.KM, heretofore
made and entered Into by and on behalf of
The Missouri Pacific Railway Company and
the fallowing named corporations by order
ot their respective Boards or Directors:
The Kansas and Colorado Pacific Rail
way Company, a consolidated corpwation
of the Slate of Kansas;
The Central Branch Railway Company, a
consolidated corporation of the State of
The Rooks County Railroad Company," a
corporation of the Slate of Kansa;
The Nevada and Mlnden Railway Com
pany, a corporation of the Stata of Mis
souri; Nevada and Mlnden Railway Company of
KnriKus, a corporation of the State of
Ka'nsa's City and Southwestern Railway
Company of Missouri, a corporation of the
State of Missouri; r
Kansas City and Southwestern Railway
Company, : a corporation of . ths Stat of
Kansas; '
The Fort Scott Central Railway Com
pany, a consolidated corporation of ths
fctate of "Kansas; .
Kanopolls and Kansas Central Railway
Company, a corporation of the State of
Kansas; .
The Kansas Southwestern Railway Com
pany, a corporation of the State of Kansas;
" he LeRoy and Caney Vallsy Air Line
Kail road Company, a corporation of the
State of Kansas,
whereby all or: eny of said corporations
nd The M saouri Pnnlfle Railway Company
nave ngreed to consolidate In the whole,
and to consolidate the stock of the re
wctlve companies making such consolida
tion, and to form and make under' and pur
suant to the laws of the States of Missouri,
Kansas snd Nebrsska, a new, consolidated
corporation, to be known as The Missouri
Pacific Railway Company, owning, con
. Ml.... ulna ayA hrlnBrinff under Oil
management all and singular the lines of
railroad and other properties, real, persoi.f.i
and mixed, powera, rights, privileges, im
munities and franchises, belonging to any
r.t the cnnumnles maklna: such consolida
tion, upon ths terms and conditions fixed
and stated by said Contract and Articles
Af Cnnnoliriatlon :
(I) For the purpose of voting upon ths
question whether surn contract and Ar.
tides of Consolidation, so made and m-
t.rt into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted and such consolidation
consummated or whether such Contract
' and Articles of Consolidation snail ix re
(S) To consider and vote upon the adop
, tlon of a resolution accepting the provle
; tons of Article II of Chspter 12 of the Re-
vised Statutes of the Stats of Missouri.
I igms mnA tn author! the flllne: thereof.
1 all aa required bv Section numbered 1059 ot
j such Revised Statutes in the case of con
' solldstlon of rsllwsv corporations;- and
(4) To take any other action In the pre
mlses, and to transact any other business
that mav properly con before the meeting
Such Contract and Artlclea of Consolida
tion will be submitted to the meeting of
' the stockholder so called or examination
' and every stockholder attending will be fur
( nlshed with a printed copy thereof, and at
L anv time before such meeting any stock
t holder will be furnished with a printed copy
tof such Contract and Artlclea of Cenao-
lldatlon upon application therefor during
c-tisiness noiira iu in. A"miini rpcreiarj
or me ioiripor. uum ui in. vom
panv In the Cltr of St. Louis, Missouri.
Dated. May th. 1
President of Tha Missouri Paclflo Railway
Secretary of Ths Missouri Taclfto Railway
Qnsrtermas'er. Fort Crook, Neb. Mnv
Jl. 1. Sesled pronols. In tVlnl'cate, will
b recelv.d at this office until 11 s. m
i June . ln, and then publlfly opened for
Installation of steam besting system. In
f eluding reconstruction of brick chlmnev,
! etc.. In Post hospital at Fort Crook. Ne-
' braska. A guarantee of 10 per cent of
mount of propoetl must accompany each
bid Pls" ini sneclflcat'ons can be seen
.v. rffli nt rh' qusrtermsster. Army
bulldlnf. Omaha. Neb. and this o'fee.
P'snk fo""s and Infornjistlo fu'nlshed
t"wn ap"llrsl'np here: intend'ng bidders
will be furnlsh'd plans and sieciflctlone
upon neposit or a certified check ror is.
psviihle t the undi'rstcned. which check
win t returned Twn return of plns. etc
i tt's office. P-onoen In should be In-
oorsed 'Pronoesls for Stesm Heating Sys
tem" a"d s'ti'-eed Canta'n J-jseph F.
Constructing Quarter aster.
Ojinrtermc ster. Fort Meade, S 1) . June
i rVnled proposals. In triplicate, will
be receive at this ofrice tintl! 19 a. m.,
mountain tlm. ,'uly 2. 1W. and then
opened for c ns:rurtlng Intake dam and
Pipe line ror waier ejieiii si rrai nninf.
plans and specifications msy be seen by
Intending bidders at the offices of the
chief quartern-inter. Iiepsrtmept of the
Missouri. Omaha, Neb.; lepartment of the
Colorado. Ivnver. Colo ; Department of
the Lakes. Chicago, in.; Department of
Dakota, St. Paul. Minn., and this office, at
which latter place all Information may be
obtained upon application. A deposit of
110 to Insure return. Is required before
plans are sent on Individual application.
The I'nltfd States reserves the right to re
ject any or nil bids or to accept any part
of a bid that may be advantageous to the
government. Envelope containing pro
posals should be endorsed "Proposals for
Intake Ism and Pipe IJne," and ad
dressed to the CONSTRtCTINO QUAR
TERMASTER. Fort. Meade. 8 D.
talon Pacific
Overland Limited.
- Leave. Arrive,
.a 1 .: am ail:40 pm
.a 1:60 pm a t:00 pm
a 9:20 am
Colorado Exuree...
Altanlic Ext res.....
Oregon Expr.s
4:10 pm a 6 00 pm
Lo Angeles Limited. .. .a!2:o6 pra t I.HI urn
Fast Mall .' a 7:20 am a 6:46 pm
China and Japan Mail. .a 4:o0 pin a 1:46 pm
North Platte Local a 8 16 am a 4.46 pm
Colo. Chicago Special 012:10 am a 7:06 am
Beatrice t tstromsburg
Local b!2:40 pm b 1:40 pm
Valley Local (motor via
Lane Cut-OfD a:0:00 am a 1:46 pm
Valley Lotsl (motor). ...a 6. HP pm a S:U0 am
Hastings-Superior b 2:15 pm b 6:3) pm
Local rntsencars not can led on train
No. 1 and 2.
Chicago A Northwestern.
Chicago Daylight...
a 7:40 am all 35 pm
.a 7:45 am al0:29 pm
.al2:06 pm a 3 35 pm
.a 3:4T pm all:00 am
Twin City Express.
Chicago Local..
Sioux City Local...
I enver-Chlcago Ex.
6:10 pm a 3 2 pm
Chicago Special a 6:02 ptn
a 8 00 am
California-Chicago Ex a 6:05 pm a S:L'8 pm
Minnesota-Dakota ,Ex..a 7 00 pm a 9:30 am
Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 7:05 am
I-os Angeles Limited. ..a 9:10 pm al2:35 pm
Overland Limited a11:n0 pm a 7:15 am
Norfolk-Ronestefi a 7:60 am al0;80 pm
Lincoln-Long Pine a7:.",0am all :0 am
Norfolk-South plate...b 2:15 pm b 6:20 pm
Hastlngs-Stiperloi b 2:l" pm b 6:20 pm
Deadwood-Hot Springs a 8:' pm a 6:20 pm
Casper-Lander n. 3:65 pm all:00 am
Fremont-Albion jU 6:30 pm b l:3Tpm
Chicago, nock Island at Pacific
Leave. Arrive.
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 3:10 am all Oo pm
Iowa Local
, 4:40 am a 4:30 pm
The Mountaineer
Des Moines Local.
a 7:42 am a 2:55 am
... .a 4-m pm 12:30 pm
Iowa Local
,.hl0:36 am b 9:65 pm
Chicago-Eastern Ex. ...a 4:4() pin a 1:10 pm
Chicago-Neb. Ltd a, 6.06 pm a 3:05 am
The Mountaineer a 3:00 am a 7:35 am
Chlcaso-Neb. Limited,
(for Lincoln) a S:30 am a 5:47 pm
Colo. & Cat. Ex a 1:20 pm a 4 30 pm
Okla. & Texas Exp a 4'40 pm a 1 no pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd.. all :12 pm a 8:05 am
Illinois wsiri.
Chlcaso Express a 7:15 am a 3:45 pm
Chicago Limited ....... .a 6:00 pin a 7:16 am
Minn. -SI. Paul Exp b 7:16 am
Minn -Hi Paul Ltd... .u 8:00 pm a 7:15 am
Omah-Ft. Dodge Local. b 106 pin bll.10 am
ailsaoarl menu
K C. A St. It. Exp a 9:00 am a 7:W) am
K. C. A 8L L. Exp all:16 pm a 6:60 pm
Chicaaro Grant Western
St. Paul-Minneapolis..... 1:30 pm 1:15 am
St. Paul-Minneapolis 7:30 am 8:20 pm
Chicago Limited 6:10 pm 8:16 am
fit. Louis Express. .....a 6:30 pm a 9:25 am
tit Louis 1-ocal (from
Council Uluffs) a :00 am all:16 pm
Rtnnberrv Local (from .
Council Bluffs) b 5:00 pm bl0:15 am
Chicago, Ullwsnke St. rani,
Chicago & Colo. Gpec.a 7:a am all:50 pm
Cal. He Ore Express..., a 6:00 pm a 2:25 pm
Overland l.inniea iu:h pm
7:16 am
Perry Local b 6:15 pm bll:2S am
Bnrllngton .
Denver & California
Leave. Arrive.
,. a 4:10 pm a 1:46 pm
Puget Bound tip...
Black Hills
...... a. pin a s:iu pm
4:10 pm a 6:10 pm
.....Mll:iiu pi?, a 7:06 am
Northwvsl t.xp.
Nebraska points a 8:4d am a 6:10 pm
Lincoln Fast Moll.......b l:;o pm alM3 pin
Ncorasga wiirtM
.a 9:15 am a 8:10 pin
b 9:08 am
.a 7::'h pm a 7:io pm
,.bS:06pm blO:20mn
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
plattsmonth-lowa ..,
Colorado limited ..
Chicago Limited
...a :in am a t:M am
..al2:80pm a 6:66 pm
...mi. pin a i;u am
....a 7:25 am all:36 pm
Chicago Express t.
Chicago Flyer ....
....a f :ni pm a 3:65 pm
....a 6:30 pm a 1:30 am
....a 9:15 am all:30ain
....a 4:40 Dm all lOem
Iowa Local
St. Louie Express
Kansas City & St. Joe..al0:45 pm a 4:30 am
Kansas City A St. Joe..a9:15am a 6:10 Dm
Kansas City & St Joe. .a 4:40 pm
Chicago, St. - Paul, . Minneapolis Jt
1 Leave.' Arrive.
Town City Passenger.. b :J0 am b 9:20 pm
Sloua City Passenger. ..b 2:00 pm bll:66am
Sioux City Local c 8:46 am c 6:20 pm
Emerson Local b 5:66 pm b 9:10 am
Missouri Paclflo
Auburn Local b 8:60 pm bll:30 am
a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, o Sun
day only, d Daily except Saturday.
Wssaijr ftalUng Between Msairssi, tiusbss
1 wu days on tha beuuiltui Su Liwr.i...
river snd lb shortest ocean routs to i
Nothing oetter on ths Atlantlo than etu
Emirsi- Wlrele on all steamers.
rirst claaa. SSOj gsooad. t&Qi oaa alaas
wblu, S4S.
At your ticket agent, or writs for salt,
trtgs, taies and booklet.
a x. BXNjAirnr. a. a.,
3 Bonis, Clark .. Obtoago.
and other Live Stock Insured against
accident and disease."
Address The Live. Stock Reciprocal
Underwriters, 410 United Bank Bldg.,
Sioux City, la, .
Cattle, Hogra, Sheen anal Lamb Are
. CHICAGO, June 6 CATTLK Reoetpt
etimaiei at 7(iu nead; market steady:
beeves, tS.lO-gT.M; Texas steers, K-doyd ii,
western steers, t4.twjtt.26; Blockers and
feeders,- 33.tUj(i.60; cows and heifers, 84.60
culves. s.0O4j7. 75.
IIOUS Keceipu estimated at 13.000 head
market steady; light, $7 107.67; mixed.
17. 205':. 76: heavy, 37.307.80; rough, 87.3Uil
, 4o; good to cnoice heavy, (4hiji.BU; pigs,
I6.1IHH7 10. bulk of sales, 17. 407.70.
SHEEP AND LAMUS Heceipts estimated
at 16.VUU head; market steady; native. 84 00
(Ml.60;' western, 84.2.4-,00: yearlings. 86 25'
7 60; lambs, native, 8ti.0Od8.40; western, 84.2S
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts 300 head Including 200 southerns; mar
ket steady; native steer. 86 0ii7.00; southern
leer,. 14 16ai60: southern cows. l3mit6 2o:
native cows and heifers, 82.7;t6.d6; stockeri
and feeders. u.Wabtt): bulla. :(H'ii3 0u
calves. 8J-6Oct7.0O; western steers, 86 266.75;
western cows, 8J.2&B 26.
HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head; market
steady to strong; bulk of sales. 7.luru7.5;
neavy, sf.wiff.w: packers ana outchers,
87 2007 66; light, 60i.r7.36; pig. 8u.60ia6.9u.
eliEEP AND LAMBS No sales.
Everyone would be benentcs by taking
Foley's Orlno Laxative for constipation.
stomach! and liver trouble, as It sweetens
The stomach and breath, gently stimulates
the liver and regulates the bowels and I
much superior to pill and ordinary lax
atlvea. Why not try Foley's Orino Laxa
tive today T Sold by all druggist.
Wheat Dull and Little News it
' Available.
Improved Conditions Ex gee ted by
Some nnd Decline' In Price Will
Resnlt Corn Easier, bnt
Prise Holds I" p.
OMAHA. June 5. im
Dullness characterlxed the wheat market
todav. Values remained practically un
changed, holding steady In a nnrrow ranee.
No decisive ntw a from the Ilelos was oo-
Coin was a shade easier on liberal re
ceipts, which hnve Increased with the ad
vance In cash values. Sentiment Is uni
versally bullish on corn and hlglier prices
heat was nulet and Inactive, juiy op
tion showing the most strength. News was
lacking snd the trado became Indifferent
T he government report will be Issued next
Tuesday, giving acreage of spring wheat.
A decline In prlc may result, as an im
provement of conditions Is looked for.
Corn was slightly easier put steady,
against altecks of aggressive gears.
Weather conditions created a bearish senti
ment. Cash values were lower ana mere
vas a sl.tckneas in the demand. The un
dertone holds strong, however, and ad
vances are expected.
Primary wheat receipts were nu.
and shipments were 122. loo bu., oualnsl rt-
relpts lust year of 2Su,vKin bu. ana snipmonis
oi 20,(Xi0 bu.
Corn reoeiptr were 611.000 bu. and ship
ments were 12.000 Tm.. aualnst receipts last
) ar of 426,00(1 bu. and shipments of 458,000
Clenrsnces were S.O00 bu. of corn. 650 bu
of oats and wheat and flour equal to 217,000
Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd lower
for wheat and l lower on corn.
Locai range oi options:
Article. Open. High.1 Low. Close. Yes y.
Wheat I
Julv.. Ill 111 111 111 1 11
Sept.. 1 02 1 02?i 1 02 1 02 1 0.'
Corn ...
July.. 69-4 fc" B'H
Sept.. 66V...-. iVi H
Oats ...
July.. f0 60 60 60 60
Stipt.. 41 41 41 41 41
Oiuahn h Prices
WHKAT-No. 1 hsrd. 91. 3061.82: No.
hard. 8l.26ft1.!9: No. 4 hard, ft.2031.26; No.
spring. I1.26V481.29.
CtJltN Nn. 2. 7ll'ic: No. 8. 70o: NO. 4,
69c; No. 2 yellow, 70c; No. 8 yellow, 703
7oc; No. 2 white, 71us71c; No. 8 white,
OATS-No. 9 mixed. B6c: No. 8 white.
5iVsc; No. 4 white, 66B60c; standard, Die.
It x bi N 0. 2, 7;&(0c; NO. 3. 7ai.
Car i.ot Receipts
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 0 828 120
MlnneaDolis 141 ...
Omaha 6 146 12
Uuluth 4
Features of the Trading; and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. June 6. Continued light re
ceipts and a brisk demand for the cash
grain caused an advance of nearly lo in
July wheat. The more distant deliveries.
however, were weak, owing to ideal
weather conditions now prevailing for the
new crop. At the close prices were c
lower to ic higher, comparer with yes
terday's figures. Corn and oats closed
weak and provisions steady.
The wheat market was weak early owing
to quite general selling brought out by
weather In this country and Canada and
by the heaviness of the Liverpool grain
market. During the last half of the day.
unowever, the July delivery developed con
siderable strength, but the market con
ing In the corn market, which resulted In
greater part of the day was of small vol
ume. Corn reports were generally of a
bearish nature. The government report is
sued was expected to ahow a considerable
Improvement in the condition of. the crop
and there was liberal selling of the Decem
ber delivery by commission houses on this
theory late in the day. There was an ac
tive demand tat the cash grain and the
market was strong, No. 2 red being quoted
at 81.60. During the day the July delivery
sold between and 81.19. The
market closed Irregular with July at 81.1U
Increased offerings of corn in the cnun
try and a decline of c in the price of the
cash grain caused considerable nroflt-tak-
tlnued weak the entire session. Trade the
a neavy tone all day. Weather conditions
continued favorable for the growing grain
The market closed weak at almost the bot.
torn, final quotations showing net losses
of So to iiO.
Oats were weak because of favorable
weather in this country and because of the
heaviness of corn. Prices closed o to
o below yesterday's final fiaures.
-rovioions were quiet ana steady, closing
lower to 2fi'2o higher.
ine Board or Trade will be cinaeH Mnn
day on account of election.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Yesy.
Wheat III
July 1 18 1 19 1 iHS 1 19 I
Sept. 1 0tt 1 08 1 0911 09
Dec, 1 08 1 0S 1 071 1 071
Corn j I
July 72S- 79 7272fil
Sept. 6Dfi 691 691
Dec. .68 .68 68 68
Oats .
July 53 63 63 63'
Sept. 444, 44 44 44
Dec. 45 46 44 44
July 19 85 19 96 19 82 19 R5
Sept. 20 00 20 06 19 92 19 97
Lard I 1 i
July U 30 11 37 U SO .1132
Sept, 11 45 11 47 11 40 11 46
.July 10 62 10 67 10 62 10 62
Kept. 10 67 10 72 10 66 10 67
1 18",;
19 87
19 96
11 30
U 42
10 62
10 66
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Firm; winter patents. 8S.3fr96.7S:
straights, l.604rti 86; spring patents. 8ti.o
7.00; straights, 34.8tX$6.15; bakers, 83.40e.2&.
itirj ino. x, sic
BUTTER Firm; creameries, 2226c; dair
ies, 20Mr(524c;
EGGS Steady; receipts. 17,960 cases; at
mark, cases included, 19c; firsts, liic,
prime firsts, 21a
CHEESK-Steady; daisies. 1213e;
twins, 12&l2c; young Americas, Ui13c;
longs horn. 13i&1So.
POTATOES Steady ; choice to fancy, 903
rac; xair 10 gooa scMd-fta.
POULTRY-Esy; turkeys, 14c; chickens,
13c; springs. 20c to 30c.
VEAL Steady; 60 to 60-pound weights, 6
(31c; 60 to 85-pound weights, 7fe8c, 85 to
110-pound weights, 8lr9o.
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 7879c; fair to
choice malting, 79$lo.
SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, tl.52;
No. l nor'.nwestern, ii.os. Timothy, 38.90.
Clover. 310 25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 819 8.V8 Lard, per iuo lbs , 311.32. Short ribs.
sides (loose), 810 67iblO 67. Short clear
sides (boxed), 8110011.12.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 217.000 bu. Primary receipts were
212.000 bu., compared with 288,000 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat.
I car; corn, i-a cars; oeia, lu cars; hogs,
4S.U0U peao.
. St. Loots General Market.
CT TYIT'ta Tuna K-VHriT Finn.
tursa. higher'; track. No. t red, rash, il.63;
.no. 2 naro, ii.jto.ii, nominal; juiy, 91.14;
fcient ember. 81. 0a.
CORN Lower; track. No. t cash, 74'
75c; No. 1 whits, 76tf76c; July, ,72c; Sep
tember, 09o.
OATS Lower;- track. No. 2 cash, 580,
nominal; No. 8 white, 52c; July, 61c; Sep
tember. 43c.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 8t.V)
4)7 00; extra fancy and straights, lo. 759
.; nara winier clears, t4.icxg3.iv.
SEED Timothy. 11.603.86.
CORN MEAL 83.50.
BKAN Dull; sacked, east track, 11.26
HAT Firm; timothy, fl4.00$l8.03; prairie,
(10 004; 12 50.
PROVISIONS Pork steady: lobblnr.
119.87. I-ard higher; prime ateam, til 12
p 11.20. Dry , salt nit-ats film; boxed extra
shorts, 11160; clear ribs, 311.50; short clear,
111 -. Bacon strong; extra ihort. 112 60,
clear ribs, 312.60; short clears. 812.61.
Liverpool Uraln Market.
No. 1 red western winter, nominal. Futures,
firm; July, s., lld.; September, 8s., 6d.;
December, 8s., 3d.
CORN Spot, new American mixed, via
News and Gossip from
. What the Neighbors Are Doing .nd What They
Chroniclers for the Edification of Others Who
Penson public schools closed on Fri
VI f red Tlndell Is on a vscatlon in the
F-enson plays the Sobotker team today
at this place.
fls Jennie Ryan Is a guest at the John
Uleason home.
Prof. John Speedle spent lost Sunday
in Gtttna, Neh.
Miss Carrie Seahark is visiting In Mis
souri Valley, la.
Nu nerous school picnics have been held
during thj week.
Fletch McCall of Blair visited In Ben
son on Wednesday.
Mrs. David Finlayson of Omaha visited
here on Wednesday.
The H. L. S. club meets with Mrs. P.
I'srkins Wednesday.
Mlsti Ednn Snell returned from Peru,
Neb., on Wednesday.
Mrs. J. A. Rea entertained informally at
cards Tunsday evening.
Mrs. Henrv Baker entertained the Jolly
Thirteen club Tuesday,
Mrs. H. O. Wulff entertained a local club
on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Florence Maon spent the last
week visiting In Omaha.
Living rooms havo been constructed over
the P.aker Melslnger store.
Mrs. Fred Schneider and daughter have
returned from a visit In Blair.
Mr.i. W. H. Loechner has returned from
a short visit In Ashland. Neh.
N. H. Jury and family of Topeka, Kan.,
have become Benson residents.
Snndy Morrlnon Is entertaining his
mother from Springfield. Neb.
Mrs. Strelti Is aulte sick at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. O. C. Ager.
J. A. Snyder is building four houses In
the new Mornlngslde addition.
Mii Josie Davis of Kansas City has been
a guest at the Morrison home.
The Ladles' circle of the Baptist church
meets Thursday with Mrs. Kolf.
Miss Mettle Nnrskov Is In sn Omaha
sanitarium, having gone Monday.
A. 8. Ruth and family, recently of Omaha
became local residents Wednesday.
Mrs. Frsnk Llnder entertained Sunday
for Mrs. A. J. Coates of Montana.
A. C. Steele has returned after two
months' visit with parents In Ohio.
Mr., and Mrs. I-oe Hull are visiting the
latter'a relatives In Hot Springs, Ark.
Mrs. Stewart of Council Bluffs Is a
visitor at the A. C. Christensen home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Orove returned Mon
day from a short visit In Ashland, Neb.
The M. W. A. memorial service takes
place this evening at the Lutheran church.
Mrs. C. S. McMlchael Is entertaining her
sister and family from Valley Junction, la.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McArdle entertained re
cently In hwnor of their wedding anniver
sary. H. Hornung and family, formerly of
Omaha, are now residents In Keystone
Miss Jessie Rorander is In Red Oak, la.,
where she went Wednesday to visit rela
tives. Mrs. J. Snyder and Mrs. Donley of
Omaha were guests at the Llpps home
Dr. Claude Barron of Haaerman. N.
M., visited at the Srvt-ll home the first of
the week.
The Degree of Honor met In regular ses
sion Wednesday evening, Initiating one
candidate. .: " .
Mesdames Peters arid Combs of Omaha
were visitors at the Burmester home
Eggert Otta has returned from Paola,
Kan., where he visited his daughter. Mrs.
Jesse Cornwall.
Mrs. A. J. Coates ..has returned to her
home In nledtne, Mont., after a local visit
or two months.
A school election -will be held next Sat-
urday - to- votei bond" for an additional
school building. 1
The Epworth league held a business
and social session at the .Congdon home
Friday evening.
The. Joseph McGuIre family took posses.
slon of their new horns on McKlnley street
during the week. , .
Miss Stlger entertained t--luncheon Mon
day for Dr. Claude Barron, recently r'
turned from Mexico.!,
Mrs. Bert Simpson left for her home
in Florence, having visited her daughter,
Mrs. J. L. Corbaley.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union held a regular meeting Tuesday at
the Chadweu home.
Charles A. Tracy, James Howard ' and
Alfred Twldell left yeeterday tor Louis.
ville, Ky., to attend the Shrlners' conven
Sidewalks will soon be laid on both
sides of Military road to Krug park from
their putent terminus at Orphanage ave
Mr. and Mrs. Iew W. Raber and Mr. and
Mrs. William Zimmerman atttended the
christening of the Infant daughter of Rev,
Galveston, 6s., 7d. Futures, quiet; .July, 6s.,
6d.; September, 5s., 6d.
notations of tho Day on Varloas
NEW YORK, June 6.FLOUR-Receipts
12.102 bbls. ; exports, 3,007 bills. Quiet with
prices lower to sell. Minnesota patents.
8d.254i6.60; winter straights, 36.66$4).86; Min
nesota bakers. xd.30ttio.bO: winter extras,
l4.S6ft6.70; winter patents, I6.60&6.85; winter
low grades, n.iigo.WJ. riye nour iirm; iair
to good, 14.5041 4. 70; choice to fancy,
CORNMEAL steady; fine white and
yellow, l.66frl.70; coarse, 61651.60; kiln
dried, 33.tit3.95.
RYE Dull; No. S western, 940 f. o. b.
New York.
BARLEY Firm; feeding 8285o e. 1. t.,
New York.
WHEAT Receipts, 8,709 bushels; exports,
115.372 bushels; spot market firm; No. 2
red, 11.60 sales elevator; No. X red, 31.60
nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern
Duluth, $1.37 f. o. b. afloat; No. I hard
winter. 11.87 f. o. b. afloat. It required
strong support from ths leaders to hold
wheat this morning as room traders were
bearish over ths favorabls western weather
outlook. At best, prices- wore only about
c higher, closing c up on July and c
on late months. July 1.26&1.2S; Sep
tember, 11.1661.14; closed, II. Ill; Decem
ber, ll.14-V2jl.14; closed, $1.14.
CORN Receipts 16,676 bushels; spot mar
ket steady; No. t, 860; elevator and 62
f. o. b. afloat; No. 8 white, 840 and No.
2 yellow, 540 f. o. b. afloat. The market
without transactions, closing net un
changed. July closed 82c; September
closed 78c; December closed 68e.
OATS Receipts 62,400 bushels; exports,
600 bushels; spot market quiet; mixed, 264?
32 pounds, 62c. nominal; natural white.
2632 pounds, 265e; clipped white, 3442
pounds, 64ft64c.
HAY Steady; No. 8, 800860; good to
eholce, $10 65.
HOPS Firm; state common to choice
1908. UW15c; 1907, 3tfc; Paclflo coast Wi.
ISC 12c; 1W7. 34 c.
HIDErf Steady: Bogota, Bi&Ec; Cen
tral America. 22c.
PROVISIONS-Beef steady; family, 81350
14 00: mess. $10 60hll .00; beef hams, 824 00
ft 26.00; packet, 818.00 12.60; city extra India
mens, $20.6021.00. Cut meats firm; pickled
bellies, $13 .00; pickled hams. 12.iS-'3 12.50. I Ard
firm; continent $12.00; South America, $1840;
compound. $8.0O8.u0. ' Pork firm. Family,
$2O0n21OO; short clear. $19.75621.76; mess.
$20 2ai 20.75.
TALLOW Steady; city 6c; country, 1
RICE Steady ; domestic fair to extra,
8fctc; Japan nominal.
BUTTER Firm; unchanged; receipts 8
678 packages.
CHEKbE Firm; unchanged; receipts $.239
pkgs. Weekly exports, 1.23 boxes.
EGGS Firmer, receipts, 17,620 rases; stata,
Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected
while, S&o; state, Pennsylvania and nearby
fancy fair to choice, 23v324c: brown and
mixed, fancy, 2:vj323c; brown and mixed,
fair to choice, 22a22c; western extra first,
2222c; first, 21'ij21c; seconds, 20ac;
southern first, 2oal': econd. 20c.
POULTRY Alive, dull; chicken, broil
ers. 22j26c; fowls. lHc. Dressed, firm;
western broilers, ts-gjoc; fowls, 154?16e.
Minneapolis Grnln Market.
II 2W.1 2; September. $1.106 1.1; Decem
ber. $107. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1 8t
1.83; No. I northern, $1.321.12; No. .
and Mrs. J. M. Leldy at Lytins, Neb.,
laM Sunday,
Stanislaus Letovsky recently returned
from Berlin, Is visiting his uncle, M. B.
Letovsky of this place.
MiV Percy White, who has been the
fuest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A
.one. Is now visiting in the western part
of the state.
Mis Florence Weeks left yesterday for
her home In Newport. Neb., having spent
the last school term with her aunt. Sirs.
E A. Mnson.
The Council Bluffs Women's Christian
Temperance union will be entertained by
the loral society at the Benson Presby.
tei-lan church on June 16.
The local eighth4 grade graduates held
class day exercise Tuesday and a gradua
tion program on Thursday evening. There
were twenty-nine members of the class.
Invitations have been received for the
marriage of Mr. Ellesmere E. Morgan,
formerly of this place, to Miss Rna
Waton at ltrdiands, Cal., June 15. at Grace
Methodist church.
George Gamble is laid up with the rheum
The city council will meet Monday even
ing ot the city hall.
O. R. Potter returned W'ednesday from a
two weeks' business trip.
Mrs. liaker of Dundee was ths vnest of
Miss Alio Houston Monday.
Mrs. Rose, who Is very 111. was taken to
an Omaha hospital Saturday.
Miss Gladys Warller was the mast of
Miss Helen Nichols Saturday.
The city is laving cement sidewalks In
front of the park on State street.
Mrs. Charles Creiehton visited wlih
Florence friends Friday evening.
.fudge B. S. Anderson of Omaha snent
Sunday with his son In Florence.
A tally-ho nartv of Brow-nell Hull drla
of Omnha was in Florence Saturday.
Stanley Letovsky Is visiting with his
parents, north of town, during vacation.
The Crane and Woodmen of the WnrM
ball teams will play at the ball park today.
Charles Frost snent last week the num
of Lyman, Griffith at Mandy Lee poultry
lai ill.
E. L. Plats and son. John Ash Plats
spent Tuesday In Lincoln with Mr. Plats'
Miss Mabel and Mr. Harry Brown visited
at the home of Agnes Shipley lost Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Lumery. formerly of Flor-
ence. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomp
son Sunday.
The Ladles' guild Of the Episcopal church
was entertained by Mrs. Griffin last
Mr. Marcla Blrkhauser. who has been
ylsitldg Mrs. R. H. Olmsted, left Tuesday
mi ntrw lorn,
The stork paid a visit to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Thornton Saturday and left
a little baby.
Miss Florence Olmsted was the guest of
minn n.uvene uouecker at luncheon in
Omaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs.' J. M. Beatty were visitors
' tnt nome or Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Shipley
uuuuajr But-rnuun,
A number of the young people of Florence
gave a largely attended dance at Pascale's
hall Friday night.
J. A. Scott of the Mlnne Lusa Lumber
compony left for Lincoln Saturday night
and returned Monday.
Miss Katherlne Evans and Mrs. Smith
of Omaha were guests of Mrj Pettlt on
Wednesday evening.
Harold Reynolds spent two days this
week In Benson surveying for ths new pav
ing to be done there.
Miss Florence Olmsted and Robert Olm
sted left Tuesday for Chllo, O., where they
will visit their grandmother.
Dr. Smith and father of Long Pine. Neb.,
formerly of Florence, spent last, week with
friends and returned home Monday.
Dr. Simon of Oakland, Neb., came to
Omaha Monday to buy an automobile,
afterward visiting with Florence friends.
The Florence Social Whirl met at the
home of Mr. Wilbur Nichols Wednesday
cenlng and enjoyed a pleasant evening.
Harry T. Brlsbln returned Sunday from
an extended trip to California and brought
with him many of the products of that
Miss Mabel Perry and Miss Mae Harris
of Harlan, la., spent Saturday and Sun
day, the guests of Mrs. Pettlt at Mandy
Lee poultry farm.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cain of Omaha and
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cain of Kansas City
were guests at the home of Sarah E. Tracy
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson entertained
Sunday In honor of Mr. and Mrs. George
Bock and son. Arthur, who leave shortly
for a trip to Europe.
William Anderson, who Is hauling the
cement blocks for Cole's new building,
lost his team Wednesday by being struck
by a Missouri Pacific train.
Fred Hart man acted as checker and John
Lupoid as timer for the automobile race
northern, $1.3O1.30; No. t northern,
SEEDS Flax closed St $1.78,
BRAN In bulk, $23KKd'24.00.
FLOUR First patents, $6.4006.60; second
patents, $6.3060; first clears, $6.0&6.25;
second clears, $3.65(03.85
Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions.
KANSAS ClTYi, June 5.-WHEAT-Un-changed
to lc higher; No. 1 hard. 31.3W?i1.42;
No. 3 hard, $1.34til.ll; No. S red, $L40l.i,
No. 8 red, $1.4815S.
CORN Unchanged to o lower; No. 1
mixed, 7273c; No. J mixed, 7273o;. No.
8 white, 73c; No. 8 white, 73o.
HAY Unchanged to $1 lower: choice tim
othy, $13.0013.50; choice prairie, $1200(3)12.25;
choice alfalfa, I14.75&15.76.
RYE 83o. .
BUTTER Creamery, 23e; firsts, 21o;
seconds, 19c; packing stock, 17ViC.
EGGS Extras, 22o; firsts, 20c; current
receipts, Uc; seconds and dirties, 17c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 6,600 10,000
Corn, bu 80,000 15,000
Oats, bu 11,000 7,000
Options at Kansas City:
I Open. j High. I Low. Close.
July September
December .
July September
December ,
I 101
1 03
1 02
1 101
1 03
1 02
1 101 1 10
1 01l 03B
1 0211 0Jli
Tl T1B
531 63A
A asked. B bid.
Blllwnnkca Grnln Market.
northern, $1.86; No. t northern. U-.tS
1.14; July, $118&1 .19, bid.
OATS Standard, 68oo.
BARLEY Samples, 74JSOo.
Peorla Grain Mnrket.
PEORIA, June 6 CORN Higher; No. $
yellow, 7o; No. $ yellow, 75c; No. $ 76e;
No. 8. 75e; No. 4. 74o.
OATS Dull; standard, 69c) No. t white,
58c, bid. -
Local Soonrttloa.
Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns.
jr., 614 New YorkJLife Bldg.:
. n r
. 4 M
. 104 1M4
. im iwi
. lt 101 v
. ... 14
. 17 H
. at 14
. n m
. 7 M
. M )
. MVt 11
. M 1U
. U M
CmUhy Packing Co. Is, 114
CeluWhu. N'b.. g L. U. UK
Cltr of unulit boodt iht. UK?
Cltr of Oman is. ltll
louglat county 41. ltft
ou citr Halt Co 4
Kidui CUT Rr- i"
Kinul Cll Rr A I- P'4
Nabruka Tolapbone stock
Omlh liu It 1117
Ooih CLAP. Is, 13I...-
Onuhl A C. B. St. Ky. M, 114
Cauh A C. S. Bt. Br. Is. IM
Oman A C. B. it. r- r. 1
Osute C B. t. Rr. wn.
Ooub C. B. St. Rr A B. '. 4.
Omaha Water Co. I 1M4
Uinaba Water Co. 1st I6
Oman B. el T. B Co. I4- 1
Omaha B . P. A T. Co la 111 .,...
Pacina T. A T. Is. 1!7 .
tmltt A Co
oerlaan Coal la, liu
Souik Omaha Sawor 4 Ha. 1M
loss Cltr glork Yaroa !4
bman stack Yaraa 'Jo . Oiaaba. ...
r n
to lot
in ul
la W
. M
Cotton Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS.. June 5 COTTON Market
unchanged; middling. 10c; sales, none; re
ceipts. 2D bales; shipments, 204 bales, stock,
the Suburbs of Omaha
Propose to Do Entertainingly Bet Down by the
Are Interested in the Doings of Their Fellows.
that pswd through Florence Monday.
They Were stationed at Coffman.
The fourth and fifth grades of the Flor
ence school picnicked at Hsnscom park
Saturday. They were cnar"ronei ny ine
Misses Carr, Wright and Meyer.
A number of the vminaer girls of Flor
ence hsd a surprise partv for Miss Mshe4
Cole Frldny evening. After playing many
games refreshments were served.
Sunday the Royal Neighbors of America
will hold lolnt memorial services at the
Ancient Order of fntted Workmen hall
In Omaha. Eight in the evening Is the hour
and many Florence people are planning to
Rev. Mr. Primrose conducted the morning
services at the Presbyterian church Sun
flay nd Rev. Mr. Lamps In the evening.
The new paster Is expected to conduct the
services Sunday.
Mr. Weber. Mrs. J. H. tlrlsbln, Mr.
Hsrry Hrlsbln and Mr. Nichols wer
guests of Mrs. James of Omaha, who enter
tained Saturday In honor of her niece. Mis-
Mills of Fremont.
Mr. snd Mr. Myron L. Learned enter
tained Saturday evening In honor of Mr
and Mrs. Chllds of Bellevtie. Those present
were Mr, snd Mrs. Chllds, Miss Louise
Mcpherson. Mr. James Houston, jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. Learned.
Mrs. F, B. Nichols, Mrs. Nelson and Miss
Margaret Gordon were the Florence repre
sentative of the promotion committee of
the Roval Neighbor of America that met
In Omnha. Tuesday, to arrange for the
memorial services Sunday.
The graduation exercises of the Flor
ence High school will take place Wednes
day evening nt Pascale's hall with Pro
fessor Graft of Omaha delivering the ad
dress. The graduates this year are Clif
ford Klerle, Irving Allison. Maude Grebe,
Sara Crnlg and Viola Van Syckel.
Hugh Williams, R-yar-old son of John
Williams, playing around the camp of the
fratlers, who had moved the day previous,
tiund a dynamite cap. He tried to prlcrf
It with 'a pin and It exploded, blowing off
his thumb and forefinger. Further search
disclosed a full box of the caps among the
Wednesday evening Mr. snd Mrs. Buttle
sntertalned Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds. Mr.
and Mrs. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas,
Mr. and Mr. Lubold. Messrs. Dan Kelly,
J. A. Scott. Edward Berryman. W. J. Bar
bour, R. H. Olmsted, Charles Thompson,
Jay Goldlng. After a pleasant evening re
freshments wars served.
The - senior class of the Omaha High
school breakfasted as a class In a grove
north of Florence Monday morning. The
voung people, over loO In number, went to
Florence In a couple of chartered cars and
ate breakfast at the early hour ot 7:30.
They returned In time for the Memorial
day exercises, many ofthe boys belonging
to the cadet battalion, which had a part
In the parade.
West Amhler.
Walter McGulre left for Lincoln the first
of the week, where he goes to seek a
Miss Mary Griffin Is at home after a
long Illness at the hospital. She Is recover
ing slowly. -
Messrs. Richard Shandy and Carl Long
have returned from their prospecting trip
to Cheyenne.
Mrs. Ola Cnrlsen was the guest of her
son, Fred, and wife Saturday on Seven
teenth and Canton street.
Mis Alberta Smith has been ths guest
of her grandmother, Mr. L. Pitman, on
Forty-sixth avenue the past week.
Earl Henderson came up from the State
university on Thursday and will be the
guest of his grandparent here over Sun
day. Miss Myrtle Blake Is making arrange
ments to leave for an extended visit with
her sister, Mrs. Alfred Oleeen, at Seattle
on Monday, June 14.
Miss Ines Dally was taken suddenly 111
with heart trouble Sunday evening at
church and was removed to the home of
her cousin, J.' H. Grits.
., Mr. and Mrs. P. Jensan have completed
their new addition to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Johnson on Forty-ninth and Wal
nut, where they will reside.
Mr. ' Olive Hickman and Mrs. Beulsh
Carbury have been the guests of the for
mer's daughter, Mrs. Fred Leeder, and hus
band on Twenty-fifth and Seward.
R. Haynes has secured a position at
Bennett's since the burning of the M. C.
Peters' alfalfa mill at South Omaha,
where he had been so long employed.
The Gants, Rider and Hensman families
held a family Dlcnlo at Hanscom park on
Monday In honor of Miss Annie Oanta
Rider, who Is a guest from Lander, wyo.
Otto Weath and Miss Gerturde Arnold of
West Omaha were united In marriage on
Thursday by Rev. W. R. Wetherell. Tiev
are at home to tneir rriends on r uiy-nrst
and Mason streets. '.
The young people of Mr. Frank Davie's
Sunday school class gave a musical and
literary entertainment at Woodmen hall
on Saturday evening for the benefit of
Southwest church.
J. E. Aughe and wife attended union
services at the First Baptist church, South
Omaha, together with Phil Kearney post,
Dun's Report of
Bank leartags, altkougk falling off allghtlv toward the end of the raoitb, bold no
remarkably wU. The figures for May are far above those of last year sad are slightly
larger than the roaord year 1906. Total exchanges for the montlx, according to the tate
toant lasned kv & G. Don 4 Co., for all eltles reporting In the United Btatea, embracing 110
leading center, were 12,960,90, 085, aa lnersaa of 19.5 per esnl earn pared with last year.
On Ut business day in Msy, 1906, affects unfavorably the comparison with that year; the
vera dalQy Agar for Msy, In whleh this difference U ellnUsated, show a gain of 1 per
coat and uehangee In that year were at the record tor that month. The increase
error last year is shared by all section, hat In' the eomparlsoa with 1906 the
depression this .year In the Iron and steal trades reduosd the total at Phila
delphia and Pittsburg and In tarn that of the Kiddle Atlantis division, bat a number
of other eltiea, notably Seranton and Beading, show considerable laereasos ever both years,
teres gains appear at New England ever last year, but there are ssaaU loess at Boston and ether
hMdlag New England cities, in ths comparison with May, 1006, Springfield and Worcester
heiag notable exception. In the West Improvement 1 well maintained, eapeoiany at Chi
cage and Kansas City, where the exchanges wsre the largest aver reported for May. Con
aldnrabh) istreeses were also made by Detroit, Milwaukee, SL PaaL Omaha, Hi Joseph,
Deavor and many ef the imaUer eltles. The majority of the leading enters of the South
nd Southwest report (alas, Bt Louts, Msmphla, Baltimore. Richmond, Atlanta and ether
eiUM eentribuMng te the toerease, wail Ksw Orleans and Louisville tUl report deereasee.
XI Paeine eeest points exchanges are very much larger than In silhsr preceding year. Com
parison is made below of bank exehas ge by sections severing three years ; " also the verage
dally igaree for each month for the year to date 1
Sew Ksguag
Bau tk Attaane
ful Watl
8tW lark Oily.
17 ansa Mates ,
Average satin
l.leileli'l -
iA6.96 0.04)8
lloUusry ...........
iaaaary. ...... ......
466 .617,000
isi.l:4 t
At the Far West most el lie report considerable Increases In the eomparison with both
yean, among them, Kansas City. St Paul, Omaha, Bt Joseph and Denver in the eom
erlsen with 190A The Igaros la detail follow 1
a rwur .T......
Im Hmmm
BMt tAy .....
far kMlaW ...
St. Jwh.,,.
UaoMa .......
wwania, .
BiaaK Falla
The Bbb for RU
tX.0 .8 601
It S027
,' .1 i
84, lira
Grand Armv of the Republic, and Women's
Relief corps Thev were guests of Mrs. 1
Crawford for dinner.
Mrs. Georg Driver,' formerly of West
Amhler. srrlrd from her recent home In
Denver with her two children June 1. She
will pes.d some time with relatives her
before she Joins her husband In California,
their future home. '
Mrs. Lulu tllltirs died verv suddenly
Mondsv evening at sunset at the home of
her father, adlolnlng IVsl's school Forty
ninth and Walnut streets. The funeral
took place Thursdny at 10 a. m. Interment
was at Forest Lawn. .
Th Indies' Aid society held an all day
meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert Gauts
In Fekern'hn. Thursday when a qulft was
completed for Mrs. Thomas Harvey. A din
ner was provided by the hostess and her
commutes of five. Fifteen were present.
The gucs of honor were Rev. W. U.
Wetherell, Mr. Bower, .Mrs. Gleasct, Mrs.
Johnson. Mrs. Jennings and Mis Out
Long. The next meeting will be held at
Mrs. Cogllser's, Forty sixth avenue and Pa
cific etreeta, on Thursday, June 17,
Mrs. W. E. Ithoades U making a visit In
Lincoln at present.
Mr. 1. J. Marr returned on Thursday
from a visit to Chicago.
W. R Llghton of l-'ayettevllle. Ark , was
a Dundee visitor last week.
Miss Carmellta t'luise returned on Mon
day from Biyn Mawr college.
Madame Hathaway, who spent the winter
In Kantas City, 1 at home again.
Philip Johnson Is recovering slowly from
a serious attack oi typhoid fever.
Randall Curtis is at home from Ms
year's work at the Lincoln university.
Miss Murray's room of the Dundee school
had a picnic at Elmwood park Frid-vy.
Mrs. T. L. Combs and two children have
gone to Detroit and Milwaukee for a visit
wilh friends.
Mr. W. K. Hurlbut and Miss Helen Hurl
but of Sedalla. O, were the guests during
the week of Mrs. Noah Perry.
The Dundee Woman's club held a busi
ness meeting, following a luncheon at the
Happy Hollow club, .Thursday.
On Saturday Miss Edna Bennett gave a
shower for Miss Wlllard, whose marriage
to Austin Dodds occurs this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmelts of Dun
dee, III., are visiting their cousins, Mr. nd
Mrs. C. O. Talinadge of Dundee.
Carl Potts has returned from the hos
pital, whdre he underwent an operation
for appendicitis, and Is Improving rapidly.
J. W.' Hilton of Cotner university was
the guest on Monday . of Mrs. BrlKoow,
mother of Mrs. Samuel Cotner, the occasion
being her 92d birthday.
Dundee people dining at Happy Hollow
club last Saturday evening were. 'Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Bhoades and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Dundee
Presbyterian church held a social after
noon on Friday at the home of Mrs. Henry
Simpson. About, thirty women were pres
ent. The members of the Les HIboux club of
the Omaha High school gave a hayrack
party Saturday afternoon, riding to Flor
ence and winding up at the home of Rich
ard Payne In Dundee,
For Mis Cordelia Wlllard, whose wed
ding takes place this week. Mrs. J. E.
Dodds and Mrs. J. J. Dodds gave a matri
monial party and miscellaneous shower
Friday evening at the home of Mrs. J. .1.
Dodds. The prospective bride received ell
sorts of useful and beautiful articles from
the guests assembled. .
Ralph Hall Is III with the measles.
Harry Harris spent Sunday in Iowa.
Mrs. D. C. Krats spent Thursday '
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent are the parents of
another son.
Mrs. Hendrtckson left Monday to spend
a few lays In Lincoln. .
The C. W. B. M. met at the Christian
church last Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Cady of Omaha has been spending
a few days with the Misses Noyce.
Misses Ella and Cora Richards spent Sun
day at the home of D. C. Kratz.
The Christian church will have Chil
dren's day exercises Sunday morning.
Miss Bertha Wilson of Benson spent one
day last week with Miss Ruth Noyce.
Miss Clara Hendrlcksljn returned from
Auburn, Neb., where she has been visiting
a few weeks.
Miss Charlotte Anderson, formerly of this
filace, was married to Mr. Fisher of Omaha
ast Tuesday evening.
The Royal Neighbors will have their me
morial services at the Modern Woodmen
of America hall Sunday evening.
The Christian ' Endeavor . society of the
Congregational church had a business
meeting and social last Friday evening. .
The friends of Mrs. Prlddy, who recently "
moved from here to South Dakota, will be
pleased tiT--)earn that she la enjoying her
new home very much. - -
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