Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 19

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    THK HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. .TUXE ."), 1009.
riTv property for lf..
FOR ".ALB T. W. Rlackburn offers hts
homf, 413 N. 3m St.. a new well built
handsome dwelling, modern In every
particular, lot toxin), all specials paid,
extra good value and fine, high, heajth
ful neighborhood, close In. Price. $.',nmv.
$1,000 rash, balance three years, do and
see this If you want a good property.
Will give Immediate possession or pay
rent for house until fall, as purchaser
may select. (19) MVi4 6
$.moo DOWN
Palanre practically like rent, buve choice
brand new, modern cottage, thoroughly
hiillt; splendidly arranged Inalde; lame at
tic; nice r.asenient; Rood slxed lot; cement
walks; surrounded by nice homes; conve
nient to car. f'rice 12,700 00. Located at
1707 Laird Ht. See owner on premises or
call Webster 1341. (191 M47S
BOULEVARD HOT'HB. 238 North 13th St.,
t rooms, modern, only 12.500. Thomas
Hrennan, Room 1 New York Life Hldg.
To'i don't need It for these bargains.
Neat 6-room cottage, beet condition, partly
mod , full lot, near 28th and Dodge; only
2.UiO; ITS Cash; balance same aa tent.
Also a similar proposition on 24th St.,
near Leavenworth, 11,8.10.
(lood 7-room modern house and lot 60x127
fronting on paved street, near Z2& and
Maple; a bargain at $2.(00; very easy
Attractive -room cottage and lot 44ai30,
large barn, fruit, etc., near 22d and Mere
dith Ave., for $l,af; rental terms.
Very desirable 8-room, modern residence,
full lot, large shade trees, concrete walks;
a choice home place In best location; near
;d and Davenport. Offered at 13,750 for
quick hale; small cash payment; balance
same as rent,
Attrsctlve 6-room cottage, entirely mod
ern; new hot water heating plant; choice
lot; permanent walks; paved street; largo
hade trees, etc.; best location; close In;
near Jlth and Davenport; only $3,750 for
quick sale. Easy terms.
FOR EXCHANOE-73 lot. Belvldere Ad
dition. Rapid City. 5 acres, St. Peters
burg, Klla. ; 2 lots. Fowler Place, South
Omaha. 8 lots, Pullman Place, South
Omaha. $40 acres. Mcl'herson county.
Neb. It. H. Contract. Owner 401 Paxton
Hlk Alt clear. Want acreage. Will as
sume. (19) M53S
This afternoon or tomorrow. 23 good lots
with city water, $200-$2M. Nicely located
lay well. Start a new home.
7-room, bungalow style, oak floora, furnace,
electric lights, near car. with walka all In.
$600 cash, balance monthly.
Tel. Benaon IX!. 115 8. Halcyon Ave.
19)-M542 t
We don't want to take you out of
Omaha. We do want to give you an op
portunity to make some good money to
apend In omana. Nowuta county (Okla
homa) land. $10 to $35 per acre, will do It.
Don't forget that Nowata county has
4,ro0 flowing- oil wells. Natural gas Is
sold at la per 1,000 cubic feet. You may
get nn on or gas well, or both.
Suite: S24 N. V. Life UTilg.
Phone, Red 1DS9. Omaha. Neb.
ll.t)-M2G6 6
8-room. new modern house. Yates district,
Fight good lots, South Omaha, Pullman
Place. $1,000.
Two lots near Cudahy plant. South
Omaha. $000.
Six lots near Kruar Park, facing paved
road. tM.
Four acrm adjoining South Omaha Country
Club. $1,000.
One and one-half acres with $ room house,
4.12 Ramge Rldg. Ifith and Harney.
tl9 467 4
r70? FLORENCE boulevard, six-room mod
em house; new furnace and plumbing;
lot S2xl.10; (urge shade and fruit trees;
nice lann. with thirty feet parking In
ftont; beautiful view. Price. 13,400. 'Phone
Webster 2703. (191 M478 10X
$2,000 Cash
Balance same as rent, 4.:d and Charles
Sta., 7 rooms, modern; hardwood finish
throughout; furnace heat; full cemented
basement; close to parochial, public schools
and church , one block to car. Price $4,000.
kT A T ITTDReal Estate
YV AlJYUr Company,
877 Brandeis Bldg. 'Phone Douglas :'!&.
(19) Wi 4
Juat listed with us at a low price for
3 nick sale. A fine lot in a very rapidly
nveloping neighborhood. Will ba worth
$1,100 In two year. If you want thla lot,
buy It today.
HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St.
(19)-4 4
Benaon, $1,600.
ftB acres', Keith county, $ per acre.
f.tO acre. Mcpherson county, $6 per aore.
Five acres near Krug Park. $2,500.
One share Reduncion Plantation stock $500.
Owner. 409 Paxton Blk.
'Phones Douglas HW, A-21M.
(19)-Mi133 8
LIST your property with Cbrta Boyer, 22d
and Cuming Sta, (IV) 808
$400 EACH.
We have Just listed two lots fronting
south nn Grand avenue that are very fine
lying lots; hav city water and brick side
walks; they are only $400 each and can be
sold separately. Act Quickly If you want
one of these.
HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St.
(U)-fiOO 4
FOR 8ALE Extra good section .n-17-r,
McPherson county, $5 per acre. Owner
9 Paxton Rlk. 19-M5.17
Make an Offer
On southeast corner SMh and Grant SU.,
60xUl ft., permanent walks, sewec city
water; one block from Dodge St. car Una.
Harrison & Morton,
$1$ N. Y. Life Bldg.
Both Phones.
(ld)-61 4
city property, farms, rancti lands or mer
chandise to sell or trade, list them with me.
It coxta you nothing unless I effect a sale.
V. W. Mitchell. SSJ Board of Trade Bldg.
FOR SALE Section 13-l-3. Ketth county-
best land In northern Keith. vallev,
all smooth, covered with grass, sandv
loam, 15 miles north of Paxton, $6 per
acre. K. n. Contract. ii,v buck, ba.
anoe cash. Agents note numbers. Ad
dress owner, 1t Paxton Blk. (1J) MS3H
$7.&00 for l-room I-story
frame house, with finished at
tic, strictly . modern, quarter
sawed oak floors and. finish
first floor, pine finish second
floor, full basement, with fur
nace room, storage room and
laundry, beautiful laying lot,
with shade trees and fruit,
fronting east on $7th St., near
Karnara 81. This Is one of the
cheapest buys In the Weal
Karnam district.
For further information call
en or address
OfeORQH 4k CO., Uul Farnam St.
(l)-4 I
city moriRTT roa half.
4 room and reception lia.ll finished In oak
on first floor; 4 rooms and bath on 2d
floor; finished In hard pine; combination
fixtures, mantel and fireplace, full ce
ment basement, laundry., vegetable cel
lar, good furnace, cedar closet, cement
sidewalks, paved streets; corner lot w;x
134 feet. Price, $,M0.
703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both 'Phones.
(19) 482
6-ROOM HOCSE, 2502 S. 20TH AVE.
We want to sell real badly; make offer.
Suite; (24 N. Y. Life Bldg.
rhone Red im (19)-MSJ7 $
To start on for a new home In the finest
residence tract anywhere to be found at
these prices $4"0 to $5TS for the lots, and
neat houses from (1,100 up. These lots
are situated just two blocks south of
Military avenue, on Lynn Ave.; are all
high and sightly; practically level. $10
cash and $5 per month buya a lot, and
we can build for you whenever you are
ready. See us today, or phone Douglas
8f7, and we'll show these lots at your
432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney (Us.
tl9 458 4
$4,800 each for $ new strictly
modern, up-to-date, 6-room
houses, miction finish, located
at the N. W. corner of Mth
and Marcy Sta., very attrac
tive and desirable, ready to
move Into Immediately; keys
at our office. Reasonable
OEOROE ft CO., lflOI Farnam St.
(1 40 4
LAND for sale In Colorado within 6 miles
of Julesburg. nice prairie, $10 per acre
V down, balance 6 years' time. Address
Thomas Cochrane, Lincoln, Men.
IX) M92
FOR PALE Money making Alberta horse
ranch; sickness cause; part cash; big
opportunity. M. J. Whltcomb, Market
vllle, Alberta. (20) 31$ Wx
FOR SALE 7 acres of land, S mllea south
east of Couacll Bluff. Telephone 93S1-K.
(20)-M344 14z
t.buu acres Joining Nebraska county seat
town, on main tine railroad. This Is rarm,
hay and oatUure land: cuts 1.200 tons iiwl,
lent hay; large, well built hav barn for
1.000 tons; Kood horse barn, residence, nnrt
other outbuildings; wells, windmill, etc.:
an lencea ana cross-renced. Price for ten
days. $20 an acre. You can sell half of It
ana get your money back Inside of thirty
days and have the balance clear. It will
require about one-half cash, balance lime
Don't wait until the other fellow gets this
ana men hick yourself ior Deltig so slow.
Wire, write, 'phone or call on me. v
Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Fine Improved farm. 160, In central Ne.
hraska: all in cultivation hut '..
25 acres alfalfa: handy to town irnt
school! price $76 acre, good terms; one
or ine nexi in tne state. Address the
uwiier, i io, cextf um&m isee.
(20)-M8 JBx
BEND for long list; farms $6 to $100 Der
Alia. oi',pjio, oraiiueis mag.
NINE Hl'NPRED acres smooth timber
land, gran openings, In eastern Okla
homa, i. lose io town ana railroad. Clear.
want mercnunaise or income property,
x. uresvry, owner, namourg. la.
(M)-MSOS 6x
OREOON farms. City and suburban homes
Parties coming to Oregon might get some
Information that will be a help to them
In selecting a home. Thirty veara of
continual residence In the Willamette
valley might enable iia, to give you some
Information that would rave you some
money, uiroct your letters to Everett it
McCleod. Room 208, Kothchlld Bldg.,
t'oruana, urt. , izuj utln JelO
$40 acre In Nebraska, $.126 per acre. $800
cash, balance in eight years, $liH each
year. low rate of Interest. I. O. Box 404,
Omaha. (20) MM2 &x
4S S2 acres of upland prairie, black candy
soil near Caney, Kan., price $20 per acre.
487700 acres of agricultural land In one
body: some Is leased for otl and gas and
some Is not; located f miles southwest
of Nowata: prise $22 per acre.
479 10 acres of extra good farm land. Io
cated near Wann, Okl.; 200 acres of this
Is aa rich as you will find, SO acres has
some draws In It; land raised 60 bu. of
corn and oats to the acre; 70 acres Is
leased for oil and gas and Is paying $1
per acre advanced royalty; big bargain
at $20 per acre.
4S 1.040 acres of rich valley land, all
smooth ana part or same is In a high
stale of cultivation; this land Is located
within three miles of Watova. Okl., and
six miles from Nowata, Okl.; 800 acrea of
it Is practically In one body, and 240 acres
Is located three miles south; the land Is
well worth $36 per acre; an exceptionally
good bargain at $20 per acre.
Ws have land in Nowata Co In any else
tract you may aesire rrom S acrea up at
prices ranging from $10 to $3K ner acre.
There are 4..i00 flowing oil wells In No
wata Co. Natural gas Is sold at 2o per
i.i'iu cuoic reet. iou might get an oil
wen wun your lana.
Average rainfall In Nowata county.
Inches per annum; average from Maroh
1 to October 1. 24 inches and distributed
just as neeaea.
Rood water Is found from 20 to 40 feet.
Find Nowata county on your man.
The Oklahoma & Cherokee Central R. R,
east and west through this county Is a
certainty, ijtnd will probably double In
value within two years. You can't afford
to miss this opportunity. Ask Mo. Pae.
ticket agent about low rates to Nowata.
Come in and nee us or write.
Suite S24 N. Y. Life Bldg.
'Phone Ked 1SV). Omaha, Neb.
upen evenings. (20) M540 $
Showing each Indian allotment In Cherok
strip It is a curiosity. Come In and a
It. We will explain why this land la so
Suite (24 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Red 1909.
($) MMl v
oath Dakota.
FINE farm lands in Hand and adiolnln
counties. South Dakota. Hustling agent
named. Jay P. Morrill. (12 Palate Hldg
Minneapolis. Minn. (X-M747 Jib
FOR SALE 480 acrea of Improved land $4
nines from town in rusaaie county, Mouth
Dakota. O. E. Wright, Hitchcock, 8. D
(201-M441 x
im ACRES. Hand Co, So. Dakota, near
Miller; I4W per acre. f . ti. none, owner
3iz PhuKart mock, council Hlurrs 1,
'Phone Bell $0$-kl4. (20) M442 7x
Merth Dakeitaw
FOR SALE 60.00" acres best wheat aits
flax land In the northwest; for further
inrormation rail or writs John J. Doyls,
Wlebek, N. D (2Mtia J lis
WHEN you write to sdvertlsers. remenv
ber thit n lakes but sa extra stroke er
two of the pea to mention the laot, that
Idaho - Carey
Snake River Valley
Engineering and Coostmotion Work by
J. G. White & Company, Incorporated.
50,000 Acres Will Be
Under the buperv.sion of the Idaho
State Land Board
JUNE 8, 1909
Registration Will Open June 1st
Closes June 7, 1909
Ur. Land Sales Dept.
BUY cheap Texas land, $1 to $3 per acre,
naiance rorty years time, 3 per cent In
terest. The last cheap land in the south
west. Send us your name today. Texas
Development Publishing Co., Houston,
Tex. (20)-M649 Je7x
Acres of Land
Now Open to Entry
under the Csrey Act at Wheatland. Wyo.
write us tor full Information, how to
get some of these lands. We will locate
you and look after your Interests care
fully. This Is a splendid section, the soil
is rich; it Is a great alfalfa, wheat, oats,
barley, sugar beet and potato country.
Fruit does well. The land is ready to
fuow. Building materials are cheap, fuel
s abundant. We have railroad, school
and church facilities and the best of
neighbors. This a dairy country. You
ran get rich farming here. We want you
to have our full descriptive illustrated
circular at once, free for the asking.
Write, we want to hear from you. In
quire ot j. K. Mason, immigration Agt.,
Wheatland wyo. (ZU)
$100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
weaa tllag., una ana r arnam. (Si) eifc
PRIVATE money to loan. J, H. Sherwood,
i isranoeis uiag. .a
Private money, $ouo to $6,000; low rate.
tWD TO $200,000 on Improved property; no
delay. UAKVlN tmoo., lt)04 Farnam 8t
(22) 1$
$00 to $200,000 at current rates.
W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
LOWEST RATES Bemla, . Brandels Bldg.
$600 TO $8,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe
Heal EstatS CO., 1(1 N. I . Life. Doug,
or A-Jlii. (J2)-e21
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
WANTED City loans end warrants. W.
Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam et.
SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated.
Apply Rooms 417-18 First Nat I Bank Bldg.
Bell Phone Douglas $31$. (22) 824
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Invesment Co.
to loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room 1, New York Life Bldg.
WE HAVE BUYERS for a -room house, a
8-room house and a couple ot vacant lots.
Suite 824 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
Phone Red 1999. Open Evenings.
WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men
tion The Bo. ,
NEW furnaces; hot water and hot air com
bination heating. 3 and 4-hole laundry
hot water healers, mantle grates, gas
stoves repaired, water fronts and flower
vases. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206
1A Douglas St. Phones Ind. A-3621, Bell
Douglas 960. -82ti
WHEN you write to advertisers, remem
ber that It takes but an extra stroke or
two of the pen to mention the fact thai
you saw the ad In The pee.
You Know
how bad you nd a
IfJe (now
how bad wo want to
Wagons or Harness
The Door'a Open.
- Act - Lands
Twin Falls Country
Opened by Drawing
tltip-2tk.-.l lx
WE are getting Inquiries for well located
houses. Must have sole agency. Nowata
Land ard Lot Company, aulte fi24 N. Y.
Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. Omaha. Neb.
Open evenings. (26) 830
HIGH school teacher, married, wishes to
bourd with private family. Addroiss A
MM, care Bee. (3M 448 4x
BEST price paid for second-hand furniture,
carpets clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3971.
BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture,
stoves, clothing. Wm. Rosenblatt. Tel.
Douglas 6401. (25)-2S
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting;.
To the stockholders of THE MISSOURI
In conformity with the requirements of
the Constitutions and lawa of the states of
Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska and the
by-laws of the Company, YOU ARK
HEREBY NOTIFIED that by resolution of
the Board of Directors of The Missouri
Pacific Railway Company duly adopted at
a meeting of said Board on the 29th day of
May, A. D., 19U9, a meeting of the stock
holders of The Missouri Pacific Railway
Company has been called to be held at the
office of the Company, Room 706 Missouri
Pacific Building, in the City of St. Louis,
in the State of Missouri, on the sixth day
of August, A. D. 1909, at nine o'clock In the
(1) For the purpose of considering a Con
tract and Articles of Consolidation bearing
date the 29th day of May, 1909, heretofore
made and entered into by and on behalf of
The Missouri Pacific Railway Company and
the following named corporations by order
of their respective Boards of Directors:
The Kansas snd Colorado Paclftc Rail
way Company, a consolidated corporation
of the State of Kansas;
The Central Branch Railway Company, a
consolidated corporation of the State of
The Rooks County Railroad Company, a
corporation of the Ptate of Kansas;
The Nevada and Mlnden Railway Com
pany, a corporation of the Stale of Mis
souri; Nevada and Mlnden Railway Company of
Kansas, a corporation of the 8tate of
Kansas City and Southwestern Railway
Company of Missouri, a corporation of the
State of Missouri;
Kansas City and Southwestern Railway
Company, a corporation of the State of
The Fort Scott Central Railway Com
pany, a consolidated corporation of the
State of Kansas; . ,.
k-a nnnji. mtA lCftneHS Central Railway
Company, a corporation of the State of
Kansas; .,
The Kansas Southwestern Railway Com
pany, a corporation of the State of Kansas;
"The LeRoy and Caney Valley Air Line
Ball road Company, a corporation or tne
3tate of Kansas, ,
thereby all or any of said corporations
and The M'esouri Pacific Railway Company
nave agreed to consolidate in tne wnoie,
and to consolidate the stock of the re
spective companies making such consolida
tion, and to form and make under snd pur
suant to the laws of the 6tatea of Missouri,
wnmnm m rM Nebraska, a new. consolidated
corporation, to be known as The Missouri
Pacific Railway company. mni, v-i.-trolling,
possessing and bringing under on
management all and singular the lines of
railroad and other properties, real, personal
and mixed, powers, rights, privileges. Im
munities and rrancnises, oeiongins l" ""r
of the companies making such consolida
tion, upon the terms and conditions fixed
and stated by said Contract and Articles
of Consolidation; v
2) For the purpose of voting upon the
question whether such Contract and Ar
ticles of Consolidation, so made and en
tered into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted and such consolidation
consummated or whether such Contract
and Articles of Consolidation shall bp re
jected; (2l To consider and vote upon the adop
tlon of a resolution accepting the provls
Ions of Article II of Chapter 12 of the Re
vised Statute of the State of Missouri
tttA and to authorise the filing thereof.
all as required by Section numbered 10C9 ot
such Revised Statutes in the case of con
solldstlon of rallwav corporations: and
(4) To take any other action In the pre
mlses, and to transact any other business
thst mav properly cots before the meeting.
Such Contract and Articles of Consollda
tlon will he submitted to the meeting of
the stockholders so called 'or examination
and everr stockholder stterdl'ig will be fur
nished with a printed copy thereof, and at
,inr time before such meeting anv stock
holder will be furnished with a printed copy
of such Contract and Artlrles of Conso
lids tlon upon application therefor during
business hours to the Assistant Secretary
of the Company, at the office of the Com
pany in the Cltv of St. Louts. Missouri.
Dated, May 29th. I.
President of The Missouri Pacific Railway
A. H. CAT.F.F,
Secretary of The Missouri Parlfta Railway
Quartermf ster. Fort Meade, S D.. June
t, 19(19. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will
be received at this office until 10 a. m..
mountain tlms. July 2, 19. and then
onened for cons.ructlng Intake dam and
nine line for water svstem at Fort Meads.
Plans and srteclticatlons mav be seeu hy
Intending bidders at the offlcea of the
chief quortermiiter. Department of the
Missouri, Omaha, Neb : Department of the
Colorado. Iienver. Colo; Denartment of
the I-ake. Chlcaeo. Ill ; Department of
Dakota. St Paul. Minn., and this office, at
which latter place all Information mav be
obtained upon application. A denostt of
i to insure return Is renulred before
ntans are sent on Individual annllratlon.
The t'nlted States reserves the right to re
1eet anv or all bids or to acrept anv part
of a bid that mav be advantageous to the
government Envelopes containing pro
TMwals sbould be endorsed "Proposals for
'ntske ram and rtn L,lne " snd ad
rlreaaed to the CONTRT'CTTNfl QHAR
TERM ASTER, Fort. Meade. S D
A. C. N'orsham and wif to Charles
M. Nve, lots 1 and 2. Mock 20. Wal
nut Hill
Rev. John Baltjer to Mmnnret Rush
frrd. lot 24. block $. Brown Park.. 1
Cltv of Omaha to J. Callahan, wll
feet of allev block W0. Omaha V
Charle. H ls.trd and wife to Thomas
W. Itaxen, eto feet lots 1 and 2.
Mock I. Clarendon I
John C. Cowin to Lenota H. Rey
nolds, lots HO and 3.'. Niel s add ... ?n
W 8. Frank to W E. Efner, lot i,
block . Omaha View IM)
W. A. Redlt k et si. to Frank L. Mc
Coy, lots 1 and 3, block U2, Flor
ence 1
Nebraska National bank to O C.
Hedlck, lots 9, 10. bhck 16, West
End I
A. K Reed and wife to Charles P.
Traver. wl foot, lot 4, block 4,
Drake's add 1
J. J. Anderson and wife to C. N.
Bull, wH neV 27-H-U H0 acres).... 6.000
A. 8. Rockwell and wife to C. P.
Traver, lot 8. Falrmount place.... S.ono
Cassel Realty Co. to city of Omaha,
strip of land 14 feet wide adjacent
to outlot 1, and lot 1, block 3, re
plat Hherman's add 1
E. F. Bralley, sheriff, to Ellery R.
Hume, lots 1 to $. block ft, Car
thage ?2S
R. K. Krebs to Nellie M. Oarland,
part nH block 1 Perkins' sub 1,250
Minnie C. Callahan and husband et
al. to Mary Achats, part nVs lot
F, Hascall s add t
C. L. Thomas to David Howell, lots
24 and IS, block 14, Omaha Heights. 117
Tukey Ind Co. to J. A. Crelghton
Real Estate and Trust Co., lots
10 and 11, block 6, Clifton Hill 1
Crcsten Sorensen and wife et al. to
Andrew 8orensen, lot 6, block 57,
Florence 75
Charles Doll to Louis Doll, s60 acres
of se'4 22-15-12 t
Bridget Hlggins and husband to Ed
wtrd Llnowskl, ejj lot 10, block 367,
South Omaha 2.000
George Parks and wife to Charles -C.
Sorenson, lot 7, block L Hoe
tor Terrace 700
Alonxo O. Tukey and wife to J.
Blosburg, sr., lot 3, Tukey's replat. 1
Ida A. Jones and wife to same, same S.S00
Sylvia Klper to M. J. 8alvito. s4
lot 17, block 3, Plainvlew 1
M. J. Salvito to Sylvia Klrer, same.. 1
Florena Farls .to J. H. Karln, lots
3, 4. 7, 8, block 222, Florence 2
H. M. Soennlchsen et al.' to Frank
Hubatka, lot 8. block 4. Mayne'a.. 400
Kathorlne Allen and husband to Kat
erlna Velechovsky, e4 lot 2, block
6. Improvement asun. add 2,200
C. P. Traver to Kdna F. Rockwell,
part lots 4 and 6, block 1, Summit
James P. Slater to Daisy Htroble, lot
12, block C, Prospect Place
Caia E. Curtis et al. to Charles
Ixtftman, lot 8, block 1, Curtis &
Stone'B add
George W. Hotbrook and wife to C.
F. Knaack and wife, lots 1 to 12,
blook 6, Saunders & Hlmebaugh's..
..$:, 678
WHEN you write to advertisers, remem
ber that It takes but an extra stroke or
two of tne pen to mention the tact that
you saw the ad In The Be.
nERTtPIPiTP! rsv Pitnr in a tiom
Mate ot Nebraska, Office of Auditor of
Public Accounts. Lincoln. Feb. 1. 1!K It
is hereby certified that the Prudental In
surance fnmnanv of A m.ri.. f M.a...l,
In the stale of New Jersev. has comnlleij
tilth the Insurance law of this state in.
pllcable to such companies and Is therefore
authorized to continue the business of life
Insurance In this state for the current year
enaing January ai, mil), nummary of report
iiiea ior ine year enaing l'ecemoer M. 1908
Premiums $i3.2::0.281 S3
All other sources.. 7,lW,7b2.7$ '
$ 60,837,084.42
Paid policy holders$lH.49'i. 113.52
All other payments
Total $ 28.828 340 ft
Aamiitea assets Il74.Uis.Sl8. 62
Net reserve $135,620,308.00
Net Policy claims. 703.693.58
All other liabilities 155.345.128.48
capital siock paia
up 3,000,000.00
Surplus beyond
capital stock and
other liabilities.. 18,693.890.14 18.893,690.14
Total ...$174,038,818 62
W i 1 1 1 M mv hnnri anA th. anal nf . V.
auditor of public accounts the day and year
nrsi anove writtefi. eiias it. Barton, Audi
tor of Public Accounts. C. E. Pierce, 1 ep
uty. (Seal.) J5d1t
I'Blon Pacific
.a 7:30 am
.a 8:60 pm
all no pm
a 6 U0 pm
a 9 20 am
a 8:00 pm
a 8:60 pm
a 6:46 pm
a 6:46 pm
a 4:46 pro
a 7:u6 am
b 1:40 pm
a 2:4o pm
a :G0 am
b 6:20 pen
on trains
Overland Limited.
Colorado Express..
Altanllc Express
Oregon Exprses a 4:10 pm
Los Angeles Limited.... al2:66 pm
Fast Mall a 7:20 am
China and Japan Mall.. a 4:00 pm
North Plutte Local a 8:15 am
Colo. Chicago Spec)al... .al2:10 am
Beatrice & Stroinaburg
Local b!2:40 pm
Valley Local (motor via
Lane Cut-Off) a!0:00 am
Valley Lotal (motor).. ..a 6 80 pm
Hastings-Superior b 2:16 pm
Local pssengors not can led
Nos. 1 and 2.
Chicago A Northwestern.
Chicago Daylight a 7:40 am all :36 pm
Twin City Express a 7:46 am al0:20 pm
Chicago Local al2:0t pm a 3:36 pm
Sioux City Local a 3:46 pm all:00 am
Denver-Chicago Ex a :10 pm a 3:28 pro
Chicago Special a :U2 pm a 8:00 am
California-Chicago Ex a 6:06 pm a 3:28 pm
Minnesota-Dakota Ex.. a 7:00 pm a 9:30 am
Twln-Ctty Limited a 9 00 pm a 7:05 am
IxwAngeles Limited. ..a 1:10 pm al2:36 pm
Overland Limited all:50 pm a 7:16 am
Norfolk-Ronesieel '.....a 7:60 am alO.30 pm
Lincoln-Long Pine a 7:60 am alloc am
Norfolk-South Plate...b 2:15 pm b 6:20 pm
Hustings-Superior b 2:16 pm b 6:20 pm
Dead wood Hot Springs a 3:56 pm a 6 20 pm
Casper-Lander a 8:66 pm all:00 am
Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm b 1:85pm
Chicago, Rock Islanel A Paolflo
Chicago Limited a V ot am allroS pm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4 30 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd.. ..a $:00 am all:06 pro
Des Moines A Eastern. .a 7:00 am a 4:80 pm
Des Molnea Passenger. .a 4:00 pm al2:30 pm
Iowa Local bll:00 am b 9:56 pm
Chicago (Kan tern Ex)., .a 4:40 pm a 1:10 Dm
Chicago Flyir a :M pm a $:& am
Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:13 pm a 3:60 pm
Colo. A Cal. Express... a 1:20 pm a 4:30 pm
Okl. A Texas Express. .a 4:40 pm a 1:00 pro
Illinois Central-
Chicago Express a 7:16 am a 3:46 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a J:16 am
Mlnn.-St. Paul isxp u t:io am
Minn.-Kt I'aul Ltd a 6:00 Dm a 7:16 am
Oman i-Ft. Dode Local, b 1 11 pm bUJO am
MlMosrl I'at-inc
K. C. A St. L. Exp a 00 am a 7:00 am
K. C. & St. L. Exp all: 16 pm a (.6$ pm
Calraato Great Western
St. Paul-Minneapolis 8:30 pre :15 am
St. Paul-Minneapolis 7:10 am 120 pm
Chicago Limited 6.10 pm $:li am
W basn
et. Louis Express a 6.30 pm a 9:25 am
(it. Louis Local ttrom
Council Biutts) a 3:00 am all :U pro
Stanberry LoeI (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bl0:l am
Chicago, Mllwanke A St, Panl.
Chicago A Colo. SpecaT 7:J6 am all:60 pnj
Cal. A Ore Express.... a u0 pin a t:& pm
Overland Limited ajl:48 pm a 7.15 am
Perry Local b 6:15 pro bll:2S am
Leave. Arrlva
Denver A California a 410 pm a 3.46 pm
futFot fio'ilul Exb a 4:lu wu a k ill nm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm a :lo pm
Nuruiwem -p an pin a;tau
K.l,r,,lik nollilM a 8:4ii Mm a R m ...
Lincoln Fast Mall bl .Oprn al2.1Spio
JSt-Oraas.4 lii.H ,.iaajn a 0. lupin
Lincoln Local b 8 0s am
llllCOin 4vl l.-w mi s i . JO lili!
Schuyler-Plaltsmoutn ..D J 06 pin bl0.2oam
Plaitamoulh-Iowa a 9 it am a a m an)
Believuu-Plalismouth ..l-"'Jpra a 4:66 pm
loiorauv imuom w yiu a t .'JU atn
Chlcuso Limited a 7 25 a m all 36 pm
Chicago Express a 4:30 pm a 166 pm
Chicago Flyer a$.$i)pm a $ 30 am
Iowa Local a 8 16 am all :30 am
St. Louis Express a4.4)pm sllsuam
Kansas City i SL Joe. .alO 45 pm a 6 SO am
IViniaa V ojr m. 0i. .m in am a a. 19 pnl
kanaa City A bt. Joe. .a 4 0 pin
t. Pesl, Mlnaeasella
Omsk a
Leave. Arrive
b 4 f am b t 2n pm
,b t 00 pnj bll M am
Town City rassenter
Sioux City Passenger.
Sioux City Local..
,.( am -c o pm
. ..b I 66 pm b 1 am
Emerson Local ... .
Mteeoarl racl Mr-
Auburn Local b $ 60 pm bll V am
a lai.y. D t'siiy excrnt Sunday, o gun-
day only, d Dally except Baturday.
If. Vet Tea Twta-Serew Passenger gtaamera
Direct i
Norway, Sweden aa4 Deaiaark
I'sltce statu ... June Otcar II July t
r, r. Tttn...Juna It I nurd Shim Julr "
Hllll "! Juna 14 C. r. Tlt.n . Jl t
All Steamers Equipped With Wireless
first cabin, $7 upwitoi. tat-oud eaMs, Ml at
C JOHNSON s) -(.. lit B. Klnt SU, Cataase,
111. er to Loral Afaets.
Advance . Thresher Company against
Vlnrkol. Appeal from Cedar. Affirmed.
iHsn. J.
1. A contract prepared by a vendor for
his own protection will be construed most
strongly against such vendor.
8. The fact that notice of failure or a
machine to fulfill the requirements of
printed warranty Is not given In the man
ner provided by the contract, la no defense
against an alleged breach of warranty
where the vendor under such notice as It'
given him by the vendee undertakes to
remedy the defects complained of by the
3. Where a contract for the sale of ma
chinery provides that s retention of such
machinery by the vendee beyond a given
period will operate as a waiver of defects
therein; held, to be Inapplicable where the
vendor Induced the vendee to retain the
machinery under a promise that the de
fects would be remedied
4. The verdict of a ,1ury rendered ur- n
conflicting evidence will not be dlstut ed
where there la sufficient evidence to sup
port it.
Hair against Chicago, Burlington &
Qulncy Railroad company. Appeal from
Lancaster. Affirmed. Root. J.
1. A railway company that maintains Its
station In a public highway in the center
of Its switch yards and for years has per
mitted the public to use said yarns aa a
footway. Is bound to exercise reasonable
care to avoid Injuries to persons who are
known or reasonably may be expected to
be within these yards In the vicinity oi
said station.
2. Questions of negligence and contribu
tory negligence, where the facts are such
that, from them different minds may rea
sonably draw diverse conclusions, are for
the Jury, and not the court to determine.
$. If a trial court fairly Instructs the
Jury concerning the lnw of a case, Its
Judgment will not be reversed because of
some slight ambiguity in the Instructlfns,
nor because they might lawfully have been
stated more favorably to defendant.
Chapman against Meyers. Appeal from
Otoe. Reversed and remanded. Bnrnes, J.
I. In an action to recover money alleged
to have been obtained by misrepresenta
tions, fraud, duress and deceit, the petition
must set forth the facts showing such
fraud, and a mere allegation of fraud or
misrepresentation Is not sufficient.
2. Evidence examined, Its substance set
forth in the opinion, and held not sufficient
to sustain the Judgment of the district
3. A court will not lend Its aid to one
who founds his cause of action upen an
Immorfll or Ulesral transaction
Nebraska Hitullthlc Company against
City of Omaha. Appeal from Douglas.
Affirmed. Barnes, J.
1. A municipal corporation, by contract,
obtained the use of wi asphalt plant for
the nnrnose of repairing Its paved streets
In making the contract the provisions of
the cltv charter were not comwiea wun,
and the contract waa therefore void. Held,
notwithstanding that fact, that the city
was liable for the value of the plant while
making such repairs.
I. Evidence examined, and found suffl
clent to sustain the Judgment of the dis
trict court.
Nebraska Plumblrfg Supply Company
asalnst Payne. Appeal, Douglas. Affirmed.
Itton. J.
t. In an action to recover the contract
price of a steam heating plant where the
defense is Lfifll tne apparatus is wuriiiit-aa
and not according to contract, hearsay tes
timony of an opinion expressed by a work
man on the Job, arter tne completion ot
the plant and he surrender to the de
fendant: held, to he inadmissible.
1 In such an action the rule as to sub
stantial performance applies, and the in
structlon set forth In the opinion is a cor
rect statement of the law.
Nlmlc against Security Mutual Hail In
surance Company. Appeal, Boyd. Revorsed
and remanded. Root. J.
1. A bylaw of a mutual hall Insurance
company organized by virtue of the laws
of Nebraska providing that if a member
does not pay the premium on his policy by
November 1 ot the year In which he Is In
sured he will not be entitled to participate
In the fund provided that year for the pay
ment of losses is a reasonable provision
and will be enforced.
8. With such a bylaw In force. If a mem
ber executes a promissory note for his
premium, and before It becomes due the
crops described In his pulley are damaged
by hall he will not be permitted to with
hold payment of his premium, even though
his loss exceeds tne amount or hla note,
and If he fails during the entire year for
which ne la Insured to pay said premium
the company will be released from all ob
ligation on said policy, and he cannot two
years later by tendering payment of the
note create a iianiuty on tne policy, i
O'Connor against Witts. Appeal, Sa
line. Afllrmed. Moot. J.
1. Where evidence Is conflicting, but
fairly submitted to the Jury, a new trial
will not be granted If there Is sufficient
evidence to sustain the verdict, even though
this court may differ with the Jury as to
tne weignt oi mat evidence.
2. If the evidence of a witness Is errone
ously excluded, but subsequently admitted,
the cause will not be reversed because of
said error.
McCollum sgalnst City of South Omaha
Appeal, Douglas. Affirmed. Rose, J. Faw-
cett, J., dissenting.
1. A dangerous accumulation of snow and
Ice on a sidewalk was a defect therein
within the meaning of section 107. article II
chapter 13. compiled Statutes or 19U6, ex
empting' South Omaha from liability for
damages arising rrom a defective sidewalk
unless notice of the accident was filed with
the city clerk wlthttv, twenty days.
2. The charter of South Omaha, aa It
existed In 19. exempted the city from
liability for damages arising from a d
fectlve sidewalk, unless notice of the ac
cident was filed with the city clerk within
twenty days, and the fact that an Injury
deprived a person of consciousness during
that time did not create an exception to
the provisions of the statute or excuse him
for noncompliance with its terms. Schmidt
against City of Fremont. 70 Nub. 677.
Lincoln Traction Company against City
of Lincoln. Appeal from Ianraster. Af-
nrmea. iteese, c. J. Root and Letton, J
concurring separately.
1. The decision of the supreme court In
the case of Nebraska Telephone Com
pany against tne city of Lincoln, re
ported in 83 Neb.. 59. 117 N. W.. 284. in
volvlng principles similar to those Involved
in this case, approved and followed.
Rlggs against Bute. Error from Lan
easier. Affirmed. Reese, C. J. Rose, J.
not sitting.
1. Sections 20, ti and 22. chapter I. Com
Plied Statutes. 19U7. urovldo for two aenar
ate lines of prosecution In the same case
one a criminal action for the keeping ot
Intoxicating liquors for the purpose of
unlawfully selling the same, and the other
for the destruction of liquors found to
Have tieen kept for such unlawful purpose
. When the examining magistrate Is
satisfied that the person charged Is guilty
of the offense of keeping liquors for the
wi ii umaniui ettie, ne aiiau nuia wit
accused to tne district court to answer
said charge and enter an order for the
destruction of the liquors, If any have been
seised In order to prevent such destruc
tlon It la necessary for the accused tu an
peal from thst order, which may be don
wunoui giving ootid, although a recog
nizance is necessary to secure derendant
UDerty pending the final disposition of
said case.
8. On the trial rf said esse In the district
coun. tne verdict or the Jury should, ordi
naniy. oe -guilty or "not guilty " as th
finding may be. If. however, the lurv Aitn
not find from the evidenre that all of the
liquor seised wss held tv defendant fo
such unlawful purpose, they may state lu
tneir verdict or 'guilty ' the llouor unlaw
fully held by the defendant and onlv aurh
liquors will be subject to destruction Upon
me nioer oi ine aainni court.
"""r'"lon for keeping Intoxi
cating nouors ior ins purpbes of sellln
- ! . , I '
the same in violation of Isw, liquors of the
value of about $.'.'l were seised, some of
which were In barrels and some In smaller
vessels down to half pint bottles, there
being 141 r-f such bottles The Jury found
defendant guilty as he was rhsrgei In the
second count In the Information 'except at
to the bulk liquors" The court ordered
that the liquor In the half pint bottles an$
Kodav fountain bottles stamped 'Don't
Care," should be destroved. snd the re
mainder In pint and quart bottles and In
larger vessels should be returned to the
owner, the prorf as to all the liquor kept
in the smaller vessels being the same.
Held, that the error. If any. wss without
prejudice to defendant and the Judgment
nouiit ne affirmed.
6. On the trial, the defense sought to
rove that the llouors contained in the
barrels snd larger receptacles were kept
for purposes of manufacture and not for
sale, but no evidence of the kind was of
fered aa to the liquors In the small vesselg
and bottles. Held, that, as aided by the
legal presumption contained In the statute
tils was sufficient to sustain a verdict of
6. The criminal prosecution waa Insti
tuted against R. The proof showed that
the business and stork helonsv-d to the
R. pharmacy company of which R. was
the principal and majority stockholder,
president and general manager, and that
he had charge of the business both In
buying snd selling, the remainder of tha
common stock being held bv hla wife and
ner sister. iteid. that tne rvroeecutlon
gainst htm could be maintained and that
there was no fatal variance between tha
negations and the proofs.
Wllklns axalnst Wllklna. Anneal f ram
Johnson. Judgment of district court modi,
fled and affirmed. Calkins. C. Commla-
loner's opinion.
I. Where a wife brings a uH for di
vorce on the ground of cruelty, and such
tilt is finally determined against hn on
he merits, she cannot afterwards, in a
suit for divorce brought bv her husband
harglng her with desertion. Bleed the
facts upon which she depended to est sh
un tne charge or cruelty as an excuse for
neh desertion.
I. Where a wife wss the recipient of
n Income sufficient for her support and
much lsrger than could be derived from
he property of the husband, and the hus
band shortly before their separation, ac
counted, and paid to her the rntlre amount
of the Income derived from her property
unng the existence of the mnrrlsge rela
tion, a Judgment of the district court
ranting a divorce to the husband for the
ife's desertion will not be reversed nor
modified because auch court refuses to
How the wife alimony.
x. An award of the custody of an Infant
child made upon granting a divorce, where
either parent Is shown to bo disqualified.
hould be made subject to the further
order of the court.
4. The amount of money to be allowed
wife to pny the expenses of defending a
uit for divorce, is largely within the dis
cretion of the district court: and its action
will not he reviewed where it doen not
appear that the wife has been hampered
in making her defense, or Is financially
nable to pay expenses necessarily In-
William Krntter tt Co. against Norton.
Appeal from Holt. Reversed and re
manded. Epperson. C.
I. The service 'of a summons upon a
wife at her home Is personal service, if the
copy intended for her Is actually dellverrd
to her husband for her. In her presence.
nd at the same time Is read to her by
the officer, and she understands that the
copy waa Intended for her.
2. An unnecessary endorsement upon A
summons, which has no tendency to inl-
lead or prejudice the defendants, will not
render the service void.
3. A court acquires Jurisdiction over a
defendant by personal sarvlra of process,
even though she be defectively described
Hols against Burling. Appeal from Gage.
Reversed and plaintiffs action dismissed.
Calkins, C. Commissioners' department
1. A purchaser at an administrator's said
who assumes a prior mortgage on the land
does not thereby incur any obligations to
an heir who repudiates the sale on the
ground that the property was tha home
stead of the deceased.
2. A party who sustains no fiduciary
relation to nor privity of estate with a
remainder man, may lawfully purchase a
mortgage which is a paramount lien upon
the property and have the same foreclosed
with the purpose of obtaining a title good
as against such remainder man.
Strong against Thurston county. Appeal
from Thurston. Affirmed. Rose, J.
1. A former county attorney who baa
been deprived of hla salary and office rent
for a number of years through misman
agement of eounty affairs er misapplica
tion of county funds, may sue the county
In the district eourt to recorer the amount
due him on claims allowed by the county
board, where there Is no fund available for
their payment.
2. Failure of a county attomer to in
stitute proceedings to abolish fiscal sys
tem through which county business wss
mismanaged and payment of hli allowed
claims for salary delayed, does not estop
him from asserting his rright to Judgment
for the amount due.
Exchange Bank of Wilcox against Un
derwriters Insurance company. Appeal,
Kearney. Reversed and remanded. Duffle,
. commissioners division.
1. In a suit on fire Insurance policies
covering certain personal property, and
conditioned that a change In the title ot
the property should avoid the policy, notlca
to the oompiny of a bill of sale made by
the Insured to a bank was attempted to n
shown from the knowledge of such bill of
sale possessed hy the agent of the com
pany, who at the time, was also assistant
cashier of the bank. Held, that whit
notice to sn agent will generally be Im
puted to his prtnolnal. the rule does not
apply where the ag-ent's duty to his prin
cipal Is opposed to his own Interest, or con
flicts with trie Interest or another party.
for whom he acta. In tha transaction where
knowledge Is ohtain-d.
Application for Writ of Habeas Cor
pus Is Denied by New '
v Tork Conrt.
NEW TORK, June 4 Albert T. Patrick's
ppllcatlon for a writ of habeas corpus.
releasing him from Sing Sing prison, where
he Is under Ufa sentence for murdering
William Marsh Rice, was denied by the
appellate division of ths supreme eourt in
Brooklyn today.
(I.wnba lATt)
An Inhalation tor
Whoonlna-Couah, Croup.
Coughs, Colds, Catarrh,
Bronchitis, Dlphtharia.
m Boon e AstnmaMa.
Does It set earn aiora aOaouvate knmiaa la a
nnady lor dUaaias ot tta braatatng efanaa taaa
to taaa the moodr lale the atnaaaal
IVaiallBl nm heaanaa taa air.
tvonalv anttAMrtlA. la oarrlaS ever abe ell
aarfaoa wlia evary breath, (tries Bfoiaaaa sad
ooaataas Inatnaai. It Is fraltasle e stothara
with mall shildraa.
For Irrtiataa threat
Itnera It soloing bacwr
man I'raaoieaa XDJiaastie
Thoat lablaia.
Basil la 1
for aampla bottle.
ttal noaial (aa Aa.
eoripur Souklt.
asa-Croae:eoe Oa
uu raito mrasv
i Block from KesaM sHnnsaV
Ob Uis Bloek Between
Offers select accommodations to 4Ua
criminating people.
ABbOLUlh.LV hllUufHOOF, aa4
sffurus every facility for tne eon.
tort ot guaala blluatad ia toe very
gsart of ths city, ia a very quiet
neighborhood, convenient to all sur
face, bubway and eievatad railway
Unas, and In the midst of the shus
hing and theater district
Rooms With Hath 93 and Cp.
Cpsclai rales by Lbs mouth or season,
Restaurant a la Carte.
m m. BtosBiT. aa,
Formerly of
$lew Haven bouse. Mew Haven. Cens.