Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1909, Page 10, Image 11

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niT?7T. AT S -.IIP. rtf
--j'.ifoiri) A ll GIF". sfi-J
- I "UTT I 17 ft II I 11 1 tj" Sm)E I
lg1 SILK REMNANTS 1 1 silks
Newest Pprine anil summer silks, fnncy silk suitings, printed
foulards,1 niessalines, Tuscan silks, check and stripe waists
and dress silks, Natnrnl Tus-' QA Efts
sahs and Shantungs; 50c to JC"DIIC
$l.Ol goous, l, JOIU.
Plain and fancy dress and waist
silks, Bllka for petticoats and linings-Including
some patterns
worth up to 69c a yard 4 7 1 p
basement, at, yard; ' 2
17-inch all Bilk satin striped Mar
aulsatte silks ivory, cham
pagne, 'reseda, coral, wisteria,
maize and black worth iQ
11.60 yard, at, yard
SpeciaJ SaJe Fine Wash Goods floor
High class imported and domestic wash fabrics, fancy mercerized linen
...ui... n,..niiH aiiir nnrf rntton. novelties. DODllns. etc., .from '' y
BUIUUBD) VI "J , ......
to 12 yards, at one-fourth the regular price, 1 In
yard v r. 1v
Yard wide Bordure Banzai Bilks in
navy, lilac, . green, belio, bluest
and blacks with fancy borders
worth S5ctard, at, yard ...20J
60c Tokio and plain Banzai silks
In cream, lilac, pink, blues, nile,
. reseda, leather shades, azure, old
rose, black, etc. main floor
at yard 29
Remnants ,N Basement
. A carload of, new goods shown for the first time In Brandeis new
basement at prices that will more than please every woman who attends.
25c mercerized poplins, soisettes and pongee In all the leading shades
for dresses and coat suits -on bargain square 111
at. yard .-. IaJCT
Fine ginghams in every wanted pattern and color, such as can be found
ren's wear sells everywhere at 12 Vic and 16c yard, ft 1
at. yard , 02 C
Fancy white goods
U.lprd and checked
: dimities, values
up to 26c yd., I IIP
at, yard m.w
Yard wide dreBH pcr-
i.-i. light and dark
tttyles In pretty put
terns, special I
sale, at.- '
Linen finished suiting
remnants that every
' h the regular
price to be 15c fancy
stripes, checks , f"
i pi.iln col- J)f
Soft finished nainsook
yard wide In r
long lengths, J)I
at, yard
' iiil sale of new sum
mer lawns and batistes
mill lengths
uf the 1-Hc
grade, yard .
Forenoon only Full
standard dress prints
In long mill
lengths, at,
Mercerized striped and
plain colored wash
16c yard,
at, yard ......
Various grades of wide
. ,.n, lingerie- . ana
white mulls
worth up to
18c yd., at, yd...
Afternoon begtnlng 1:30
best apron gingham
reiunaniH and lwo drens
RtnMhams, also plain
chambray not over 20
yards to each a 1
customer, at, 5"C
yard vxt
35c Embroideries at 15c yd.
18-inch skirting and flouncing embroideries, also corset
cover widths, .wide insertions and beading all A f '
kinds, also remnants, trial strips, etc. worth up I 3 ST
to 35c a yard, at, yard
Medium Width Embroidery Edgings and Insertions
Thousands of yards of edgings, insertions, also
remnants of all kinds worth up to 12 Vic yard,
at. yard
3 M U K.-TLK
1 .
1 .
Saturday , he Bio Sale
of Women's
Shirt Waist Suits
Bought from a Prominent
Now York Manufacturer
- Th. . BstrfUini Will D Wonderful
Extr&ordta&ry Sale
Next Saturday
Bijjeat BarrfrUrts in Iain Willow
Plumes ever seen in Orna,h.
' '
Val. Laces and Insertions at 2c and 5c yd.
Trench and German vals, fine real linen torchon, platt, vals, imitation
Baby Irish, curtain cluny laceB. Persian colon lace lnser- 9l.Cr
tlons, also remnants-and odd lots, at.'yard i V
Mall Orders Filled From our daily adver
Used sales, as long as goods last.
Remnant Day
Friday is the best day of the wr-k for remnant bargains. We put
prices on short lengths that force them out rapidly.
One immense lot season's best selling silks, some a whole
saler's stock of short lengths, many from our own stock
all $1.25 and $1.00 silks, 3 to 12 yard pieces, on sale at, yard . -49
Silk Remnants -I Vi to 3 yard pieces, hundreds bf patterns, values
to $1.00. at , 19
Wash QoedsRemnants rllmltfra, lawns, batlxtfs for kimonos and children'
wear watata, etc.. values 10c. 16c and 20c at, per yard IViO and Se
Dmbolrderlea Lace and trlmmlnif remnants, large mlacellaneous lot, closing
at, per yard '
Embroidery BdfM, Zasertlons, Sto choice of a large assortment of pieces,
worth to 10c. at. yard Ho
Embroiaartas A tremendous large lot of fine UHo and JOe quality Fri
day, at, per yard t : .So
: : - i
Friday Bargain bay In ,
White Goods, Linens, Domestics
A series of real bargains
have need of now.
idc Checked Ltvni ....
29c Emb'd Batlnte
lSc Dotted Swiss
(4c India Linon for , . .40
26c Linen Finish Suiting ........ ISO
linen Crash Bleached, with red-toor-ders,
our beat 11c quality, Frldav,
per yard . . , . ; .So
rillow Oases Slsea 46x3. very best
grades, selling at 2Bo to JOc. Thev'rei
a little soiled, so we offer thrm
on good desirable goods nuch aa you
Table Damask 04-Inch mercerlied,
beautiful In finish and very servlre
able, 60c quality, yard S3o
Vapklns 200 d(Mnn, .dice block and
hemmed, lt-lnch alxe, specially suit
ed for reetaurants. etc., regularly
60c; special, doien.... 37Ho
Knslln BVmnant--S-lnrh unbleach
ed; lengtha 3 to 16 yards; best IUc
quality, for to
Amerloan PrlntawReat grade all new
patterns (now en sale In domestic
department), yard 6o
Extraordinary Sale Men's
& Women's Sample Shoes
Values $5.00. SiOO. $3.50; on Salt Friday.
Here is a sale full 'of 'astounding? bargains. These shoes are all of
the highest grades and perfect styles. We 'bought all the house sam
ples and drummers' samples from two well known jnraiers. .They go
on sale Friday all at one price two-fifty.
woman's "ample Shoes and
ozroras Tan and black ftftrfX
high shoes, pat. colt, pat. I tjpWBuU
aa -vici Kia low shoes;
also pink, blue, white calf " gmm
sailor lies, values to 15.00. J
Men's Bamplo Shoos Hun
dreds of pairs new nobby
lasts season's beat styles
In tan, gun metal, patent
leather and . vici. Shoes
. regularly selling for $6.
uamwi, asnuais i,uu pairs sandals for children, at
New .tt ' r. i-i .i
Line xiu use ureases r riaay
The best dollar-and-a-quarter dress we have had, made of best print
Th ""k8 1 Drat,bUck check. plain or fancy Cadet blue, blue
and white shepherd check, silver gray and black and white 4 or
strap trimmed cot full width, fine alue . ...i... SI. 25
""v we snail nave on ne--
iT i aera,n- ror bargain - Friday
. . : qummuy wnite lawn
waists, neatly made and trimmed
"hi muix , iiiBcrilon.i 'OO
value, for
riaid rtttiooata Black with whlta
plaldt merceries material'' with' a
wide, showy flounce; garments cut
uoerany run, values 11.00,
t m i . :J i
A Clearing $20 Tailored Suits 9.95
shown this season values to $20.00. i . . , ' 1 VJet7 0
Two xcelle,nt Friday bargains
Heavy ribbed atocki
loc quality, all
Woman's Vests SI
less and lace trimmed
iuc Kinds, at
intial . . . ..
-inn: . I
-. L Ss
fancy decorated china sugars and
v-iii!, wurin -a.pv.' r naay win- go
latewH e a v :
plates that baby oan t upset . .39o
Corsets for 50c
, Three Smart Models
.Corsets for young growing women
and for full and matured fig
ures, girdles, medium, and ex
treme long effects, coutir and
light summer weights,' neatly
trimmed and fitted .
- with hose supporters
Friday at.
Doooratod riatoav Bowls
Tea rots Brown and
for Friday
white, special
......... .10o
Hardware Necessities
Challenge X.awa Mower 14-lnCh, a
regulax 13. SO machine, our price for
Friday, with a grass catcher free,
will be , . . .SS.SS
Bnbbor Xoao Per foot. 10c-12c, 16o,
brans fountain lawp sprinkler, with
60-foot lengths,.
oroan Doors Hardwood, extra qual
ity, natural finish, with hinges il.M
Bread Boses Friday In Ttc slie,
, special ,80e
I Tlour Cans 50-lb , our usual 5c
. cana, for. .. . ....... ,
Oarbag-e Cans Oaivaniied
I1.6U cana, 12 gallon slse
11.76 cans, 1 gallon slse..
Shovels Long handle, also
J6c kind v.
Poultry Wire I ft rolls, sq.
Boreea Wire, sq. foot
Double stamps on wire.
Men's Pants
Men's dark stripe cassimere pants,
strongly made, sires 32, 33 and
84 waist only, but all lengths
Friday, pair .Q7
BOYS' BLOUSES Percale and
Shevlot, attached collar, -1 plain
colors and stripes, sizes 6 to 14
i years Friday V. , 2St
Butter Thousands
of pounds of fresh
country butter,
double stamps with
'every purchase
Friday and Satur
day BOo, 880, 84c,
aso and 88o.
Tan Russia Calf
Dull Platinum Calf v
and-Patent Colt
all new
at tho'
Walk-Over Shoe Store
314 South 15th St.
Four Doors South of Beaton Drag Co.
: Zd. SL Thompson. Walk-OTtr Man.
Vocl Blankets Cleaned
Have your woolen, blankets ,
and comforts cleaned before
laying them away for the sum
mer. It is much better for the
blankets and costs no more now
than Jt will next fall.
We make them look as bright
and fluffy as when new.
Price, S1.60 per pair
Cotton Comforts, $1.00 each.
Silk, each. 1
We clean all kinds of house
furnishings that require care
and skill in handling.. Also dye
portieres and draperies in their
original shade, or any otner
color desired.
Wagon to all parts of the
The Biggest Bargain Day of the Season
In Our Famous Domestic Ifoom
Fridav HAYD
1 i
s Friday
Remnant Day Friday in Our Famous Domestic Room
About 100 cases of all kinds of Mill Ends and Whole Pieces of the best
Wash Goods of the Season, will be on sale Friday, at about one-third their
actual cost.
25c India Linons at 10t
16c India Linons. at 7
1 case of remnants of Muslins, worth
8 He yard, at yard...., 3K
1 case of remnants of Muslins, worth
10c yard, at yard 5
Remnants bf Sc Silk and Mercerized
Jacqnards, at t . 29l
Remnants of 16c White Goods, 7H
Remnants of 25c White Goods.. 10?
Just think, Sc. Apron Checks ... .2H
Merrmack Shirting prints IJHs
Simpson's Shepherd Checks. . . .4
10,000 yards of all kinds of printed
Wash Goods, up to 16c yd., 3
8,000 yards, of Wash Goods, up to
19c yard,-at yard 5
10,000 yards of all kinds of Wash
Goods, up to 36c yard, at yard, 10
46-Inch Persian Lawns, worth 26c,
at 12H
Remnants of Fins Iris!), Scotch
. and German Linens
In lengths from 2 14 -to Vt yards,
that sold from 76c to $1.65 yard,
will go yd. 25S 39S 49S 59t
Half Linen and also Mercerized
Damask, worth up to 21.00 yard, at
yard .... 15S 19. 25 "d 39
A large quantity of Table Cloths,
Napkins, . Bedspreads, etc., slightly
soiled, will go at Half Price
10 dozen Doylies, that sold from - 6c
to 10c each, will go at each .... J
Remnants of High Grade
Dress Go:ds
All kinds of Wool' Drees Henriettas,
Broadcloth, Novelties, Tailor Butt
ings, worth up to. 12.00 yad, will
close at -
25c. 38c, 49c and 59c a yard
One lot of 60o Wool Novelties, from
the. piece by the yard, at 15
One lot of 46-Inch black all wool
Dress Goods, worth $1.00 yard, from
the bolt, at yard.., 25
In Domestic Room
Sc to 15c values, in
Torchons, Vals, Venice
and Cluny Laces, ut
yard- '
2c, 3c and 5c
Embroideries ;
In Domestic Room
5c to 16c quality, Em
broideries and Insert
lngs In Swiss, Nainsook
and Cambrics, at yd.
2c, 3c and 4ic
In Domestic Room
8c to 20c values, in
cluding all kinds of
plain and fancies, on
Sale, at, yard
1c. ?lc. 3icta 7ic
The Pantorium
v "Good Cleaners and Dyers."
1513 Jones Ht., Both Phones.
N. B'. Out-of-town business
receives prompt attention.
"Toliow tha riaa"
Sil Round Trip
Saw Tok City.
Auaatto city
Portland, Ms , ......... $48.35
Bostoa 840.80
Toronta i 830.80
Moutraal 83S.0O
, On sals June 1st, good SO days, return
fna. . . . .
fcouisvUla, Xj . .833.15
. Mold June 6, 6, 7, s, with return limit
Jun 16th. s
CHnolnaatl. O. . . fl&S8
hold June 20, 21, 22, 22. return limit.
to New. England and Canadian points, go
me one. route ana returning anotner, ai
lowing Lake and Ocean trips. Liberal
For, descriptive booklets, ratts and all
Information.' call at Wabah City offloe.
16th and Farnam. or addrera
Not Much Trouble
To Move
if you let us handle It for you. Wa
have roomy vans and expert movers
who relieve you of every uncertainty
and worry.. We have unsurpassed stor
age facilities. .
ft i -
1900 Farnam St
, Doug. 1559 Ind. A-1559.
. . . . 88a
ft.... Ho
Next Monday is the Grand Sale
Bought from the well known catalogue house that retired from
the Drapery business.
Market Days in the Grocery
Trlday and Saturdays teat attractions. All specials, as advertised sala
for kalaaoo of week, fcot us have yon order aulok AeUrery aoonrod.
Bennett's best coffee, three pounds J1.00 and 100 green stamna
Bennett's beat coffee, one pound 8 Bo and SO green atamna
Bennett's Teas, aaeorted kinds, pound .680 and 76 green atainDS
Bennett's Tea Sittings, pound......... He HiniJ 10 geren iUitidi
Diamond Cryatal Table Bait, two sacks 10c and 10 green stamps
rturnnaiii imn nuwaer, jvo- sise . . . . I4ic -
t'ooktng Ralalns, 10c quality, at, pound .60
Veaa- Ulgdonetta Marrowfats, regular lOo quality,
dozen too ,pr can 8c
Dried Orapes, per pound (o
beede Flo-er and Vegetable Seeds, pkg 2 Wo
Poppy Evaporated Milk, three r&jia, ...,24o
And 10 green -stamps.
Newport Catsup, per bottle 10c
And 6 green stamps.
Macaroni, three packages ...35o
And 10 green stamps. :
Pure Honey, pint Jars! 26c ana iO green stamps
Bterllng Olois Starch .t-lb. box tOu and 20 green stamps
Armour's Veal Ham Beef Ixaf 10o and 6 green atampa
Oa 11 lard Imported Olive Oil, large 70o and 60 green stamps
Batavla Salmon, tall can, large 22a
And 20 green stamps.
Cracker Meal, per pound......... ,, Ic
And 6 green atampa.
Jell-O Ice Cream Powder. I packages 25o
And 10 green stanipa.
C. C. C. Aaparagus, per can lla
Horseradish, per bottle to
Mustard, per Jar 60
Capitol Extract, bottle. Uo
And 20 green stamps.
Cottage Cheeset fresh made, lb.; 10c and 10 stamps
- Approveu by Nation and State. Best,
Climate and Medicinal Springe in
America First Class Hotels. Hospi
tals and Bath Houaea. Write ta
Commercial Olaa,
Mot Springs. So. Dak.
Nations of All Kinds, Both Staple and Fancies
In Domstle Room at One-half to One-fifth Regular frices.
2c Pearl Buttons, per 6ot
6c Gold Eye Needles, pkg l
25c Needle Books, at 4H
iuc reari Buttons, doz 3H
15c Corsets Steels, per pair. . . -4H
i Be Horn Dressing Combs, at. . 4.i$
Bhoe Iaces, at pair ,,s..l(t
Darning Cotton, per ball
200 yards Sewing Thread, spool, 1H
Cotton Tapes, all sises, roll 1j
Scores of Other Big Specials in Friday's Sale.
Specials for Friday in
White .lap Silks
Qlac.t Silk
25c White Jap Silks, 20 inches! $1-50 Black Taffeta, oil boiled,
wide, at yard 15c
59c White Jap Silks, 27 inches
wide, at, yard . . . . . . 35c
75c" White Jap Silks, 36 inches
wide, at, yard . ......... .49c
36 inches wide, at, yard. ,08c
$1.05 Black' Taffeta, oil boiled,
36 inches wide, at, yard..79c
$1.00 Black Taffeta, oil boiled,
27 inches wide, at, yard.i59c
59c Black Jap Silk, 26 inches wide, at, yard. .39c
Remnants of plain and f ft f fl On sale in Domestio
fancy Silks, regular I I HI! Room, all kinds, in
values' up to $1 yard, at.
lengths to 20 yards.
Extra Specials for Friday
AT 8 A, M.
1 case of Remnants of 15c Pllsses, as
long as they last, all fine colors and
absolutely fast, at yard 5?
AT 0 A. M.
1 case of Thistledown, yard wide
bleached Muslin, worth 6 He yard,
as long as It 14sts. . ; 4J4
AT 10 A. M. ' ;
1 case of Indigo Blue Prints, regular
6c values, as long as they last, 3?i
AT 2 P. M.
All the remnants of our hlxh grade
Wash Goods, that sold up to 60c
yard Win go at yard 10e
AT 3 P. M. , .
1 case of 36-inch bleached Cambric,
fine for the needle,, sells regularly
for 12 He. as long as they last, at
yard :
10 Other Specials for all day.
Bargains for Friday,..
Rope Portieres, with heavy festooned
drapes, that sold at $6.50 and $7.50,
all go at palp $4.08
Ruffled Swiss Curtains, that sells at
$1.50 and $2.00, in one lot at per
Pal- $1.37 H
Lace Curtains in the heavy Cable Net,
2 hi yards long and 36-inch wide, at
per pair .'. .81.25
Brusselette Curtains, 60-lnch wide, in
elaborate designs, at pair .".'.$2.98
Madras, 36-inch wide, in cream, white
or colored, at yard 150
Striped Scrim Curtains, in all colors,
that sold at $2.60 and $2.98 pair,
all in' one lot at pair . $1.75
Striped Scrim" Curtains, in red. green,
, yellow- or blue, at pair. ..... ..75
Remnants Of Filet Net Madras and
Silk, at exactly half price Friday only.
You'll certainly appreciate the assortments for selection
and Saving Prices in all classes of Millinery thai 'a visit to this
Department will reveal.
Oh sa Full cream
cheesa, rich and
toothsome. Includ
ing 10 atampa, at
pound- B8o
Domaatto Swiss
Cbsaaa, per pound
lnculdlng 10
stamps . . , . , .85o
3 -ft So-
for the graduate Is always a much appreciated gift
(or boy or girl. We have them ranging around f S.OO,
110.00 and 126.00. Ws have hundred of other artlclea
to select from.
rJpeod a few minutes In our store. Look for tho name
1618 BOVaZA83
i uv&omn nur you mxwt
Burling Silver Cut Olaas, Brlc-a-Brac, Clocks. Hand- Painted English or French
China. Lamps. Braaa Oooda. Ws are now ahowlng largo assortments In theao lines,
pedal Out Glass owl, 150 now t ; M-80
lVIawliIriricy' fit Ryan Co.
Fifteenth and Douglas. Streets
5- AnnutJ
ociated AdvertisingQi
Louisville, ,
I A US. 26-26-27.
Nebratka Military Academy
A. UUtary Uoardlng Hcbool lor
boys, now located for the winter at
Fourteenth and U streets. All de
part menu are in full operation.
A goo place for fcojrs who oVoa't
(It la public acta oo la. No oaU-aaeo
examloalloua are given; reguiaf
claas wok Is aupplemeaiod la.
Slvldual Inatrueiloui baoK mik U
eaallr nauo av.
Pupils are received at aaj tm
frona fifth to twelfth grades, laela
slva Write for Catalogue.
m. B. UTWiag, apoHatodeah
Uaoola. a.a.
Don't Forget the Big Jane Grocery
For the Freshest Goods. Highest
Quality and Lowest Prices, Try Hayden's
First. It pays.
Jl-lb. sack best Byov Flour ...,7c
20-lbs. Best Pur Cane Granulated Bugar,
tor HO"
10 bara beet brands Laundry Soap.... ISo
S-lba. Choice Jspan Rice ..26c
7-lbs. Best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal, 26c
S-lbs. best Pearl Tapioca or 8ago....26o
Corn Flakes. Breaktaat Food, pkg., 7 He
The best Crisp Pretzels or dinger Snaps,
per lb c
16-os. can Lu Lu Scouring Soap Be
Bromanglon, Jellycon or Jello, pkg i 7 He
Fancy Oolden Bahtos Coffee, per lb. 16c
Fancy Maracalbo Blend Coffee, lb, 18q
Fancy Porto Rico Blend Coffee, lb., 20c
Fancv Ankola Blend Coffee, per lb,...26o
The best Tea Slftlnga, per lb 16o
Bvrni atrmat - Btmrxmi
obxiui cnim chxbmu
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter.
per lb 26c
Opening Sale. Friday the "4th Day.
Fanoy No. Dairy Tablo Butter, per lb 21c
Fancy No. 1 Country Butter, per lb., 20o
The beat Full Cream Wtilto or Colored
Cheese, per lb 30o
Fancy Fuii Cream Brick or Llmburger
Cheese, per lb ....Ilo
bio rajisK TaaaTajBLB
Cheaper than you can ralao thorn, one
halt the price you pay for them elsewhere.
Fresh Spinach, per peck So
I bunches frean Onlona .....Bo
1 bunches fresh Kailshes t
t bunches fresh Pie Plant...... Bo
2 bunches fresh Asparagus. ....... ,, , .So
Freeh Cauliflower, per head. ......... ,8o
Freeh Peaa, per quart fio
Freeh Wax Beans, per lb .60
2 large Cucumbera for 80
New Cabbage, per lb.,...., BV4o
Freeh Beets or Carrots, per bunch. ... .Jo
2 bunches fresh Paraley So
2 heada fresh Hathouao Lettuce, 80
A Carload of Bxtra Taaoy Tlorlda XMao.
apples for Wednesday Can them Bow.
cash Ac, TVie, SVa, 10c, latto
Praen 800, 800, SOo, 81.10, 1.89
A - Bee' Want Ad
will rent mat vacant lisuse,
fill those vacant rooms, or
cecure boarders n short notice,
ut a very small cost to you
Telephone Douglas 238,
Bee Office. 17th and Farnam