THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. JUNE 3. lPOf. 11 REAL ESTATE CITV PROPERTY KOR SALE. (Continued.) 10-KOOM KOUNTZE PLACE HOME Va Wirt street. TM la an Ideal home for someone with a large fsmlry. Located on the choicest afreet In Kountae Place. The street In paved with asphalt and the lot Mas large shade trees In front and la nicely terraced. There la reception hall, parlor, living room, library, dining room and kitchen on the flrat floor and fine bedrooms and bath en the second floor, alio attic. House la bull! of very heavy lumber throughout, having tx studding Instead of the ordinary 2x4 atuddlng lined nowaday, and mnat of It la white pine lumber. The celllnga are hla-h. There are bay windows on three Idea of the house. It haa the latent style of open plumbing and several years ago one of the beet hot water heating plants was Installed. I. re front porrh was put on last year. The house la In flrst-rla.w repair throughout. The owner of this prop erty la anxious to sell and haa made a very reasonable price for quick sale. It will not be necessary to pay nil cash as the owner w ill take, a mortsage bark for over half the amount. You ran call t our office or no direct to the house and look It over. Possession pan be riven In verv short time. HASTINGS HEY DEN, 1S14 Harney Pt. ll S97 1 FOR FALE Store room. -room house and corner lot: Ames and 31st Ave. . Write owner. Hotel Vendome, Ploux city. la. (19) M70B JeBx IF TOT HAVE city property, farms, ranch lands or mer chandise to sell or trade, list them with mr, It roMs von nothing tinlnes 1 effect a sale W. W. Mitchell, M2 Board of Trade nidg . Il9 AO IT IS AN ASSUKED FACT Yon can make a better living on 10 acres of land close, to a big cltv than working for wage In the cltv Itself. We have for sale several elcsrant tracts of 2 to 10 acres each, partlv set to fruit. cl re to paved roads and only 1 mile from Tlenson. Moderate prices and rea-'onsnl" tci ms. May we show them to you today? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. First Floor N. V Ufo Bldg ' Til., Oougins 17M; Ind . A-11'8 (19 .72 Je3 1,1?T vour pioTttv with Chris .Bn'.'cr. 22d and Cuming Pis. () 8' JEST A "suiJGEST ION We don't want to take you out of Omaha. We do want to give you an op portunity to make tome Rood money to spend In Omaha. Nowata county (Okla homa) land. 110 to $35 per acre, will do It. I'ort't forget that Nowata connty has 4.500 flowing1 oil wells. Natural was Is aold at 2c per 1.000 cubic feet. You may got an oil or gas well, or notn. NOWATA LAND ANH LOT CO., Suite: fcU N.' Y. Life Illdtr. 'Phone, Red lm . Omaha, Neb (13)-M2f.5 HOl'LKVARD IIOl'SE, 2218 North Wh St., 9 rooms, modern, only $2,500. Thomas Brennun, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. : ' . ; j, ' (19) hoa -KOOM HOUSE," !R02 8. 20TH AVE. We want to sell real badly; make offer. NOWATA UNI ANl) LOT CO.. Suite, 424 N. Y. Life Hid. Phone Red 1999. tl-M337 f WHEN you wrlta to advertisers,, remem ber that It taices but an extra stroke or i two of tha pen to mention the fact thai you taw the ad In The Bw. REAL ESTATE FARM AflilV RANCH LAND FOR SALE Colorado. LANP far sale In Colorado within miles of 'Julesburg, nice prairie, $10 per acre; down, balance S years' time. Address ThomasCochrane, ' Lincoln, Neb: (20) MS29 . Canada. FDH " RACE Money making lrbeftrTiorse ranch; sickness cause; part cash; bin opportunity. , M. 41 Whitcomb, Markea "tile. Alberta. (20) S12 10X . . Iowa. FOR SALE 87 acres of land, $ miles south east of Council Bluffs. Telephone iWU-K. (20) M346 ill Mlasoarl. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Stock, fruit and poultry farm.. 97 acres, at Dixon Mo.; Rood residence, two cottages; poul try bouses; feed. Storage houses, barns, etc.: orchard, small fruits, vegetaDH H. A. Koelle, 1000 Clark Ave., 8r- 1-ouis, MO. ' (20) MitiO 8X . Nebraska. WO 8NAP FOR SALE. Fine Improved farm. I0. In central Ne braska; all In cultivation hut few acres ZS acres alfalfa; handy to town and school; price J,ar acre. Rood tt'rma; one of tha best In the state. Address the owner, T 79. care Omaha Bee. (20)-MSa J6 BEND for long -llxt; farms $ to $100 per era. BKMI.1, Brandeis mag. (20) M313 NINE Hl'NDRED acres smooth timber land, grass openings. In eastern Okla homa, Close to town and railroad. Clear Want merchandise or income property, R. Gregory, owner, Hamburg, la. .-. ....... ... (20)-M2O6 Bx FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE I own lfiO acres of level land, one mils from Talmage, Otoe County. Neb. A 5- room bouse, new barn, 32x36, holds 20 tons of bay; 90 acres in corn and pasture Good timber, running water through one corner of the land. Price $100 per sere. mortgage $4 000 at ( per cent. I want from 4.000 to cash and balance merchan dlse stock. Want to get Into business What hava you to offer? P. O. Box 18, Talmage, Neb. (20)-M342 5 GOOD LAND CHEAP. $40 acres In Nebraska. XM per acre. $$Q0 cash, balance In eight years, $10 each year, low rate of interest. P. o. Box 404, Omaha. wi-bjb bi OREGON farms, cltv and suburban homes. Parties coming to Oregon might get some Information that will be a help to them In selecting a home. Thirty vears of continual residence In tha Willamette valley might enable us to give you some Information' that would- save vou some money. Direct your letters to Fverett A McCleod. Room 20$, Rothchlld Bldg Portland, Ore. (30) M4M JelO FOR RALE 10 ono acres of timber land, fin est In Oregon; all In one body and one I ownership. Address E. M. Furman. Co- qullle. Ore. - (20)-MW$ Je3 oath Dakota. FINE farm landa In Hand and adjoining counties. South Dakota. Hustling agents wanted, jay r. Morrill. g)j Palace Bldg Minneapolis, Minn. (20) M747 Jlix FOR SALE acres of Improved Isnd 54 miles from, town in Headie county, South Dakota., o. is. wngnt, tiitchi-ock S D (20)-Ml 1 Ox FOR SALE Choice farm land I '-ule county, 8. D., where crops are -u. mat Is good and your investment ' fe. In lbs corn belt of the Missouri - '-v. for booklet and prices address L. Hagaman, Pukwana, 8. D. . (-MS4!i ar.4x. 10 ACRES. Hand Co., So. Dakota, n'ar Miller; $14 SO per acre, i J. O. Bone, om n-c, Sit Fhus-art Block, Council Bluffs . 'Phone Bell S03-S14. ()-M4(2 7 FOR SALE Choice farm land In Brule county, 8. D., where crops are sure, cli mate la good and your Investment is safe, in the corn belt of the Missouri vallry. For booklet ,snd prices address L. L Hagaman, Pikwana. 8. D - )K)-MSa JsSx BTTY cheap Texas land, II to S3 per acre, balance forty years 'time, S per cent In terest. Ths last cheap land In the south west. 8nd us your name today. Texas Development Publishing Co.. Houston. To. (30)-MM9Je7x " ' REAL ESTATE rtftM tin ha m i,Aif ron ntt f Idaho-Carey-Act-Lands Snake River Valley Twin Falls Country - ID A1I0 1RRI0ATI0N COMPANY'S PROJECT. Engineering and Construction Work by J. G. White & Company, Incorporated. 50,000 Acres Will Be Opened by Drawing Under the Supervision of the Idaho State Land Board. SHOSHONE, IDAHO, JUNE 8, 1909 Registration Will Open June 1st, Closes June 7, 1909 IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME TO SHOSHONE, IDAHO, AND INVESTIGATE. j. WRITE C B. HURTT, Mgr. Land Sales Dept. Kortta fatota. FfR BALJC-fiO.OOO acres best wheat and flax land In the northwest; for further Information rail or writ John J Doyla, W l.hek, N. D. . . ; . O0)-Mii Jlix , Wysaiag. 10,000 Now jOpen to Entry under the .Carey ' Act at Wheatland. Wyo, rue ua lor iuii inrormation, now t gel some it these landa. We will locate you and look after your interims care fully. . This la a splendid eectlon, the soil Is rich; It is a great elfaJfi. wneat, oats, barley, sugar beet atjd potato country. Fruit dot's well. The land Is ready to filow. Building materials are cheap, fuel a abundant. We hays railroad, school and church facilities and the best of neighbors. This Is a dairy country. Ton can get rich farming here. We want you to hava our full, desorlptive Illustrated circular at once, free for the asking. Write; we want to hear from you. In quire of J.' R. Mason, Immigration Ant.. Wheat land, Wyo. (b Mtseellaacoauh A FARM FOR YOU. . . Just opened: 52.0110 acres In Denver stih. urban Irrigation District. Comlna- under Irrigation soon. . . , AT DENVER'S DOOR. Within driving distance of a cltv of 340,000 people; all size farms. BUY NOW While the-prices -ara right Write. . tele phone, call pr telegraph for further Infor mation. HARWOOD & HARWOOD 416 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. t U0J M431 4 FOR complete, accurate information, maps, wio., . oi i no iamous . latneaa Indian reservation and other choice government lands to be opened to settlers soon, write C. B. Locke, Musselshell, Mont, i'rlce .be. (20)-M414 4x REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 TO $10,000 mada promptly. F.' D. Wead, w eaa oiag., ism ana r arnam. (23) 816 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Shefwood, 618 Brandels Bldg. (22) 816 PATNR, BOSTWICK A CO., N. Y. Life. I'rivate money, sjuu . to Sii.uuu; low rate. - (22)-817 $i00 TO 1200.000 on Improved property; no delay, uahvin HKU3., ium arnam .St. (22)-ls M6NET TO BDILD. , $&00 to 10,000 at current, rates. W, ti. THOMAS, 603 First NaClBsuk T-ldg. . . , .(,22) 819 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandels Bldg. (22) 820 $M0 TO 15.000 on homes in Omaha. O'Keefe Heal Fstate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life".' Doug, or A-2161 v (22)-21 ' WANTED City loans. . Peters Trust -Co. (22) 822 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1.120 Farnam St. " . (2).-S2S BECOND MORTGAGE loar;s negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Bell Phone Douglas 2318. (22) 824 FTVT5 PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. ' , ' THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg ' t - (21) SIS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Invesment Co. 22-S14 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS for a s-toom house, a 6-room house and a couple of vacant lota. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY. Suite 24 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Phone Ked 19. Open Evenings. .. .... . (22) 825 STOVE REPAIRS NEW furnaces; hot water and hot air com bination heating, I and 4-hole . laundry thot water heaters, mantle' grates, gas stoves repalrsd, water fronts and flower vases. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1204 120S Douglas St Phones Ind. A-36-'l, Bell Douglas (WO. . ' '-R26 . WANTED-T0 BUY BEST price paid for second-hand furniture, carpets clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. KCL - '.i .(Sf)-27 ' BEST price paid for td-hand furniture, stoves, clothing. Wm. Rosenblatt.' Tel. Douglas 5401. (26) 28 STANDARD upright pianos. Phone Web ster SrW. - ... c) S29 WANTED-T0 RENT WE are getting inquiries for well located houses. Mum have sole agency.. Nowata Lund ard Lot Company, suite (24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 19bS. Omaha. Xsb. Op.n evenings. . (Sb) M0 WANTED SITUATIONS SITl'ATION as assistant bookkeeper; good reference. 1120 E. Washington Ave.. Co. Bluffs. Ind. phone 717 M. (ITrMtU Sdl WANTED Position as bsker by experi enced men; married and steady. W. Fallick, Gibbon, Neb. (27) MUS Sx Acres of Land REAL ESTATE arm am mrii land rem tkt.n BOISE, IDAHO uoK.'tK'-.i ;x amaMaEawBwwLiiiiiwiiiiusw You E(now how bad you need a buggy. We Know how bad we want to sell BUGGIES, Wagons or Harness YOU'RE WELCOME. The Door's Open. DRUM MO (ID REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Shlmer A Chase Co. to H. A. Soott. ' part lots 4 and i, block 11, Boule vard Park . ". $ Boulevard Park Improvement Co. to Shlmer & Chase Co., same George Parks and wife to 6. F. Neble, lot 6, block L Hoctor Tei- 1 race .' Union Stock Yards Co. to South 675 1 700 1.000 4,000 6,322 2,500 Omaha Savings hank, lot L block - 4, 1st add to South Omaha National Land Co. to W. W. Welch, part sublot 1, taxlot 18, 21-15-13 James M. Ham et al. to Henry Neu- haus, 64H acres In d-15-12 Charles Karbach to Fred Armbrust, part lots U and 20, block 6, Shull's 2d Rose A. Hamilton and wife to E. L. Wherry, lot 5, block 4, Marysville. O. C. Moss to R. B. McGregor, lot 16. block 1R, Orchard Hill " OuHsle Moss to same, lot 15, block 18, Orchard Hill 5,500 1 1 Ellsahetii C. Garneau and husband to Gussle Moss, same 130 1 Fiank Thompson, trustee, to G. C. Moss, lot 18, block 18. same John Aldrldge to Eva E. Aldridge, lot 15, block 7, same , Gufsle C. Moss to It B. McGregor, 1 1 1 same Eva. E. Aldrldge to Gussle C. Mwi, same Nebraska Investment and Improve ment Co. to Grace B. Funkhouser, ' part lot 3. block 10. West Omaha . 3 (UA County Treasurer to David Cole, lots 4 and 5, Devrles sub Same to Provident Real Estate Co., lots , 4, , 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 15 to 23, block 1. and other lots, Thornton Place Fannie Morse to Parkway Real Es- ' tate Co., lot 8, block 101, Florence.. 5 H. Lenenberger to D. C. Patterson, , trustee, lot 1, block 4. Central rark Maria E. Hubbard to same. lots 15 to 24, Thornton Place .v., W. F. Burrows and wife to same, lots 7 to 14. block 1. same Swedish . Building . association to Omaha, lot 6. block 142, Omaha James A. Howard and wife to B. P. Stoltenberg, lot 20. block 7, Benson Same to same, lot 21, block 19, Hal cyon Heights George Parks and wife to 8. A. Corneer. lots 4 and 6, block L Hoc tor Terrace 7. Elisabeth Wear et al, executrix, to J. M. Van Buren, lot 14, Lowe's sub David W. Bell and wife et al. to part lot 4. block 5. Jones' add Winifred G. Adams to F. T. Walker lot 28, Stewart Place Millard Langfeld and wife to Annie. 8. Gould, part lot 4, block 21, Vtest Omaha -. Elsie C. DeWolf to Meyer Robinson, part lot 7. block 15, Patrick s 2d ... J. B. Robinson to H. A. Wolf, undlv. s44 trt lot 8, block H, Omaha.. H. A. Wolf to J. B. Rohlnson Bsrr ' 5 26 17 8,500 N. 1,200 1,100 1,400 1,000 1.800 6.000 1 1 1 1 Jessie F. Shepard and husband to C. r, rraver, part lot 5. block 4, Drake's add W. 8. Frank and wife to McCague Investment Co., lot 9, block L Lowe's John McElhatten to J. j. 'O'Con nor, part 14-15-13 Clara M. Goodman and husband to Edward Roe, lot . block S, Dun dee Place Continental Trust Co. to Florence' T. Hull, part lot t, block 10, West Omaha- C2,un,y Treasurer to ' ContVnentai Trust Co., same Louise A. Hunter to Peter Glan groeae, lot (. block 248, Omaha S. E. Rogers to Louise A. Hunter n'W nw-4 24-1S-U Louis A. Hunter to Peter Olan grosse, part lot s. block 24. Omaha Eleanor I. Searson and husband to B!anehe M. McDowsll, lot 9. block 10. Shinn's add Elisabeth Kountse Real Estate Co i?...Kn.?Jt Thompson, lot 18, Forest HIU Park Knudt Thompson and wife "to'j. "j" Dvorsk, same 5,000 1 1 4,000 1,2-6 5,500 Total s-;a,7;i9 TOR ALL THE NEWS THE OMAHA BEE BEST IN TUX WEST U n LEGAL NOTICES olce of aiorkholdera' Meetlaa. T.ihe stiK-kholders of THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY: In conformity with the requirements of (he Constitutions and laws of the states of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska and the by-laws of the Company. YOU ARK HERFHY NOTIFIED that by rrsolutlon of the Board of Directors of The Mi.ouri Pacific Railway Company duly adopted St s meeting of s.ild Board on the th day of tlir, A. D.. 11109, a meeting or the stock holders of The Missouri Tarific Rallwiy Company has been railed to be held at the office of the Company, Room 70 Missouri Pacific Building, In the city of ft. Ixiuls. In the State of Missouri, on the slth day of August, A. D. at nine o'clock in the forenoon. (1) For the purpose of considering a Con tract and Articles of Consolidation hearing date the 2!th day of May, lsU9, heretofore undo and entered into by and on behalf of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company and the following named corporations by order of their respective Boards of Directors: The Kansas and Colorado r'acirtc nau way Company, a consolidated corporation of the State of Kansas The Central Branch Railway Company, a consolidated corporatipn of the State of Kansas; The Rooks County Railroad Company, a corporation of the State of Kansas; The Nevada and Mlnden Railway Com pany, a corporation of the State of Mis souri; , , Nevada and Mlnden Railway Company of Kansas, a corporation of the State of Kansas; Kansas Cltv and Southwestern Railway Company of Missouri, a corporation of the State of Missouri; Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company, a corporation of the State of Kansas; , ,, The Fort Scott Central Railway Com pany, a consolidated corporation of the State of Kansas; Kanopolls and Kansas Central R"" Company, a corporation of the State ol KTheaKansas Southwestern Railway Com pany, a corporation of the State of Kansas; "The LeRoy and Caney Valley Air Line Railroad Company, a corporation of the whereby "or'-ny of said corporations Md The Missouri Pacific Railway Company hive aareed to consolidate In the whole, ind to conso ldate the stock of the re,compan,e. making smnt To" the law of-ih i sT.fe. of Missouri KaansVsand Nebraska, anew . eon.o Id. el corporat or to oe Known Pacific Railway Companv. owning, con FroMlng. possessing and bringing .unflar one management sll and singular the lines or rofd and other properties, real, personal and mixed powers, rights, privileges. Im munities and franchises, belonging to any f the companies making such consoles., tlon. upon the terms and conditions fixed and stated by said Contract and Article 0VCTor1thae Purpose of voting upon the niestlon w-hether such Contract and Ar ?lri? of Consolidation, so made and en tired into, shall be ratified assented to ap proved and adopted and """""cont ra"" endatUo,e".u.ri.e the filing thereof all as reaulred by Section numbered 1059 of ?uch Raised Statutes in the case of con Solldatlon of railway corporations: and m To take anv other action In the pre J4scsTand to transact any other business tlon will be submitted to the meeting o, lion win mn ,nrt 'or exsmlnatlon ami every stockholder atterdlog will with a Printed cony thereof, and St inv time before such mating any-stock-.Hr'AanVXer " ' .i.-b meeting anv atocs snv inn.- i--i" h of lid rr.W office of the Com: panv In be nt ' Dated. May nClV J. OOULD. President of The Missouri Pacific Railway Compsny; Secretary of The Missouri Taclflc Railway Company. jjtoAS GOVERNMENT NOTICES THE CONSTRUCTING i-'V, VtS. S D.. June 1 eTVrops;is:Tn triplicate will i i...i tbi office tmtil 10 a. m., e re -e ",. , 1fy,. and then p'uTn- .ndUspincat.0ns may be seen by i,.-nlnir biddera at the .offices of the chief qunrtermtster. Department of he Missouri. Omaha. Neb.: Department of the rofo?ado7lonver.' Colo; Department of the-S.akes. Chicago III .: -JW;" " which latter place all Information may be obtained upon application. A ,pP" ' $10 to insure return. Is required before Plans are sent on individual application. The T'ntted States reserves the right to re ject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid that may be advantageous to the government. Envelopes containing pro posals should be endorsed "Proposals for tntake T arn and -Pine Line. ' and ad dressed to the CONSTRUCTING QUAR TERMASTER. Fort, Meade. S p. Umph, that Sure is Tough Luck! Hafd Working Colored Man is Touched for $29 by Another Colored Man. John Lewis, a colored man from Mar shall, Mo who has been forking at the Hospe farm on West Dodge street, wishes he had not been so obliging to the two other colored men who ssked him to make change for him Tuesday afternoon on the Tenth street viaduct. They wanted small bills for large ones, so he started to count out some bills of smaller denomination Into the hand of one of the men. Just as he got to "twenty nine dollahs," the gentleman who had charge of the loose bills received a men tal summons to a different locality, so ran away and has not been seen since. Lewis told the police about his troubles and they are looking for the absconder and the 829. CHAUFFEUR ADMITS GOING TOO FAST, BUJJS DISCHARGED Driver for "Henderson aad I.a tenser Doubles Legal Speed and Craw ford Dismisses Case. John Manderson, -Chauffeur for General Manderson and Architect John Latenser, admitted in police court that he had been coasting down Farnam street at the rate of tweny-four miles an hour twice what the law allows but Judge Crawford dis charged him. He was arrested last week by Motorcycle Officers Morgan and Relgelman, who tried their speedometers on his machine when it was running between Thirty-sixth and Twenty-sixth streets. Both found that he was going much faster than .the law allows. Tha Judge In rendering his decision, statel that hills make fast driving necessary, that Manderson had been only coasting, with no power turned on, that Farnam street is wide and nobody's life had been endangered. It was testified by Officer Relgelman that nearly all the complaints against auto speeders come from residents in the .dis trict where Manderson was coasting. The chauffeur has been in police court before for speeding and was on that Instance fined heavily. Quitk Art.. m fur lour Money You ger by using The Bee advertising columns HILL BUYS UP RICBT-OF-WM Burlinjfton Prf pre$ to Build Second Line in Wyoming. H0LDREGE MAKES STATEMENT 44earral Maaaaer of Wester Dlvl. sloa gays Compaay Will start at Oaee on Ike (onatrartloa of Tola Road. "W are now buying the right-of-way for the new line from Klrby to Therm ipolls,V said O. W. Holdrege, general manager of the Burlington. "This announcement means that the Burlington will start at once on the con struction of the second line across Wyom ing, which will mean do much to that rapidly developing state. Money Is pouring Into Wyoming lo assist in the development of the many enterprises which r urtder way. The sheepmen of Wyoming have been getting a price for their wool far beyond their expectations and every Indication points to a rapid growth for Central Wyoming. "Irrigation schemes are being completed both by the government and by private enterprlsea and these are drawing settlers Into Wyoming by the thousands." Several records were broken In the ticket business In Omaha Tuesday when the rail roads were literally swamped In trying to handle the trafflo In every direction. The Burlington train for the west and north west left Omaha with eighteen cars at 4:10 p. m. June 1, was the date when many different rates went into effect and tourists were eager to seise the first opportunity to travel. The big bulk of the business to the west from now on will be attracted by the summer tourist rates which went Into effect Tuesday and will remain effective all summer. The Seattle exposition will attract a world of people this summer and the railroads are Just awakening to the fact that they will have all the business through the Omaha gateway they will be able to handle. One little Iowa town held a town, meeting Monday and 12S indicated their intention of going to Seattle. Railroads are now skirmishing for cars and engines with which to handle the enormous business which Is expected. , , . Effort to Stop Strike on Lake Arbitrators from Six States Meet with Civic Federation Held at -Cleveland. CLEVELAND, June 2.-An effort to bring about a conference between the Lake Carriers', association and representa tives of the various labor organisations employed ' upon the Oreat Lakes, with a view to settling the lake strike, members. of the State Board of Arbitration from six states met here today with 8eth Lowe of New York, president of the National Clvlo federation. Mr. Low 'arrived early gnd soon went into conference with the arbitrators. It is said the striking seamen are ready to confer wtlh their 'employers. The strike of the seamen, which ' began about May 1, has been JaokLng In violence, but is effective to a large degree. -'Quite a number of vessels have been unable to move owing to a lack of a . ere Wi . Cpm paratlvely little ore and coal ' are" bemi handled on the lakes. Last year the car' rlers' association decided to adopt a "wel fare" plan which Included the "open shop'; policy. ' The policy la considered by the seamen to be a blow at unionism and' this la their only grievance. Wages are not being con sidered. CHILD . SAVING SUBSCRIPTIONS Over Hundred Dollars . Turned In Flrat Day on Board of Trus tees Pledge. Subscriptions to the balance of $2,314.01, assumed by the board of trustees, to com plete the $75,000 building fund of the Child Saving institute, are to date: T. F. Stroud S M.00 Cash .. 20.00 reari Memorial aieinoaisi episcopal Sunday school J... B OO S. D. Barkalow 8.00 Congregational Sunday school, Genoa, Neb..... 5 00 Cash 5.00 Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal Sunday school, primary department. 4.17 Welcome Grove, No. 54, Woodmen Circle 2 00 Mrs. George Wilson 2.00 K. W. Malmqulst - 100 Friend of the Children..... Elinor Lloyd ....V I 00 Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal Epworth League Juniors,... ., j.oo ,1.00 l no I oo 1.00 1 00 1.00 1 00 1.00 .1 00 1.00 . 1.00 .o0 .50 .50 ..'0 ' .2n E. 13. Uernett. W. K. Terry W. Thompson E. H. McDougall , L. T. Jensen H. J. Hethage..., J. C. Lane Friend O. W. Nacy M. E. Thompson Carl Bass Bert Thompson Mart Iovell , Ethel Halsebooth , Andrew Johnson w... M. E. Larson Cash Four Friends Total.... Balance to raise. J2.11ii.74. .et-.'.., r-'V .8ft .1117.27 MEMORIAL TO L A. CREIGH Pnblle Testimonial Is Paid Late Vet eran Who Wn Member of Real, Estate Exchange. , The meeting of th ) Omaha Real Estate exchange Wednesday was devoted to aitne inonal to Thomas A. Crelgh, a member of the exchange since its organisation, who died recently. Three addresses were made, G. G. .Wal lace speaking of the events of Mr. Creigb's life before he entered the real estate busi ness in Omaha; W. T. Graham speaking of his career after coming to Omaha, and B. A. Benson giving a summary of the life of the man in whose honor the service was held. Following the addresses resolutions ex pressing the grief of the exchange at tha passing of Thomas Crelgh were passed. All business matters were passed over. OVERCOME IN CHICAGO FIRE Many Garsta Narrowly F.aeaaie la Jury la Bsralos Of Stockholm . Hotel. . . 1 CHICAGO. June 1 Several persons were overcome by smoke and were carried to the street by firemen and police, and many others narrowly escaped Injury today . In fire In the Stockholm hotel, a six-story brick building at Sti Chicago avenue. The fire started In a ftslaurant on the first floor of the building and the whole struc ture wss soon filled with smoke. The frightened guests rushed for the fire es cape, which became blocked, causing sev eral persons to drop from windows on the first floor. The fire was Quickly extinguished. The itomsch is a larger factor In "life, liberty and the ptf suit ol happiness" than most people are aware. Pstriottum csn withstand hunger hut not dyspepsia. The confirmed fyt peptic "is fit for treason, strstsgems and spoils." The man who goes lo the front for his country with weak atomsch will he weak enldier and a fault finder. A sound stomach mskes for good citizenship as well s for beslth and happiness. Diseases of the stomsch and other organs of digestion and nutrition are promptly and permanently cured hy the ns of Pf. PIERCE'S COLDES MEDICAL DISCOVERT, it boil mp f crfy ft govasf fes m4 oiat mosce. The dealer who offers a subititufe for the " Discovery " it only seeking to make the little more profit realised oa the sale of less meritorious preperatinns. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent frit on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing nh. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper covered hook, or 31 sismps for the cloth hound. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. hi "FATHER SHOT ME, I'M COSE" Words of Angus Ziebell Admitted m Evidence in Trial. WOMAN TESTIFIES TO THEM After Loner Debate by Lawyers Co art Lets In This- Testimony Against Father Being Tried for Life of Boy. What August Ziebell said after he had been shot was admitted as evidence In the case by Judge Sutton Wednesday morning aftet long argument by attorneys on both sldos. The question came up at the Tuesday afternoon session when Conrad Ziebell was on the stand, and It went over until the . morning. When Conrad Ziebell was recalled the county attorney did not bring up the question, however, and Ziebell underwent cross-examination. The point did get before the court a minute later, Mrs. Kathlnka Henilngs, a neighbor of the Ziebell family, coming to the stand. When, the court had decided to admit the evidence, Mrs. -Hennlngs declared August Ziebell, jr., had cried, "Father shot me. I'm gone. I. .know It." The wttneatr then described the carrying into the house of the "wounded man and his brother comjng over from the Ziebell horn. T The tate' closed' Its -case yesterday afternoon;' after it had recalled Conrad Xle bell to the stand. He thtn testified that his brother cried: "Why did he do It? Why did he do It?" It was anger on the father's part, the witness said his brother tqld. him, over wood not being carried into the house, that led Ziebell to' shoot his son. j When the' state had rested the case went over until this afternoon. APPEAL INSURANCE CASES Companies 'Barred from Mlasoarl Toy , Big galarlrs to Go to gapreme Coart. ' JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., June S.-Motlons for a, re-heartn were filed In the supreme court 'of Mlssou" : today by the Equitable Life Assurance society, the Metropolitan Life Incuranoe company and tha Pruden tlal Insurance company as a first step in perfecting? an appeal, to the supreme court of the United States of the decision by which , 'they ' Were .recently denied the right to' conduct their business in 'this state be cause -of The' 'statute barring Companies paying any of their officers a salary over S50r00t a yean .The companies sued to com pel the superintendent of Insurance to Is sue ' licenses to them and have been con ducting thetft affairs under sufferance of an agreement ; with the authorities that final action was lo await the decision of the federal tribunals. BANK CLERK UNDER ARREST Mas F. Emerloh Confesses to Embes sllnar $10,000 Belonarinai to Ills Employer. - JACKSONVILLE, Fla., June .-Max F. Emerlch was arrested here today by de tectives and confessed that he had embes sled 110,000 from the Capital National bank of Indianapolis, Ind., where he was em ployed as' a bookkeeper! He was known under, the name of Wilson here. He says he is willing to return without extradition papers. k . SOUTHERN . ROAD WINS JEST Commission Loses . Case Involving; Right" to" Fla ' Keeonsiarnmeat Charge for. Hay. WASHINGTON, June t-The test case of the Southern Railway company against the Interstate Commerce commission In volves '(he right of the commission to fix the charge for the re-connigrrment of hay shipped through East St. Louis, was decided today by the supreme court of the United. 'States against the commission. MICHIGAN EAST ST. JOSEPH. 80 miles from Chicago by rail, 60 miles bjr boat. WXITCOMB BOTE!. AMD MIITEKAZ. BPRI2ta8 Hotel and baths in connection. Finest bath house in the world. Interior blng constructed entirely of sanitary Structural 'glass. The water positively cures rheumatism and nervous diseases. Write for references snd names of peoplu in your neighborhood who have been cured. Hotel rates $14 per week and up. For free illustrated booklet, address Vincent & Blske, Procs. ' BENTON HARBOR, ftl mile from I1STH1H BPKIXQS BEIOBT 40 mm luiuin. piiui sou ii raiiiienis ior an iyraiil diseases. Modern appliances. Skilled attendants. Hatea to S9 per week; special in June and SepL Addreas Last man Springs Company. Jtettsmaa Hotel aad Mineral Baths Only hotel in the city with mineral bathe in connection. Hotel und.-r new management since March 1. Write for free booklet. Oranger rarm Besort, Bluff of lake; Sp'l. rates June & Sept. Mrs. W. Granger, Mgr. r - ' ' 1 1 ii i UARBERT. 70 mlleg from Chicago by rail. 79 miles by boat ant rail. B lroU wood Beach, Cottage resort on plney wooded bluff of lake. Ad. B. W. Sizar. Cottage Bites for Bale On wooded lake shore, H ml. from station. Ad. M. Glavln, IAKESIDE. 68 miles from Chicago by rail, 81 miles by boat and rail. Ptne Bluff Besort Overlooking Lake Michigan. Rates IT up. C. IL Wilkinson, proi.. Bsaoa Xotsl, Prick, Wide verandss, mod. conveniences, Si to $10 wkf E K Geo he g an, UNION PIER. 66 miles from Chicago by rail, .1 miles hy boat and rail. Oak Orove Batch Hotel, on wooded bluff of lake Michigan. Chae. F. Flsk. Jr., Mgr. tVo&if Pull alft ( miles fiom Chicago. On 1-ake Michigan and Gallen River. nCn UUlIalU. Fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. Fishing, bathing, boating, etc. Be sides SO-room hotel, are numerous boarding houses and cottages. New Buffalo Improvement Club, Box 28. SXOIAIi rBATtTBBB BI.BCTB.IO BAXX.WAY BIDE on modem Interurban cars 16 miles along the M. Jo Invert past Tabor Farm. BrbVISB BEACH A MUS 13 afBaTT fisaf at Kt. Juarph, on the best bathing beach In tl. West. The re'sol'ts listed above are of high rlais and their claims are dependable. All are situated on tha shore of Luke Michigan, wlilrli offera an unaui passed bathing; teach throughout this district. PERE MARQUETTE WBSK BBTD BATZB TO AX.X. BAST COAST VOXBTB Patriotism Spokane Officer Identifies Woods and Torgensen Men Now in Jail in Omaha Once Arrested with Burglar Outfit at Everett, Wash. SPOKANE, Wash., June 2, W. D. Woods, now In Jail at Omaha, charged with hold ing up the Overland Limited, was today Irtentlfed by Policeman Chester Edwards,' by means of portraits, as Dan Downer, a man-frequently arrested here.. Edwards states that he assisted In ar resting Iowner and Fred Torgensen at Ev erett last October, and found In their grips nltro-glycerlne, fuse, caps and a com plete safe-blowing outfit. Toigensen la now with Woods In the Omaha Jail. Detective Alexander McDonald has left for Omaha, where he may complete tha Identification. "I don't care to say who I may be or who I know," answered W. D. Woods, one of the hold-up suspects Wednesday noon, when asked if he were really Dan Downer, the notorious police character of" Spokane and vicinity.' . J He had been asked If he fcbew .Chester Edwards of Spokane, and why he did not admit he was Downer. As Woods replied his characteristic eye twinkle and. faint smile showed, and he tried to divert the . conversation to his dinner. "This Is fiflm. turkey you're feeding us," he said to the deputy sheriff who brought him a tin plate containing his food, a cup of black coffee and a large tin spoon with which to tackle the rati er un.tempttng Viands, "Sure," replied the deputy, grinning. "That turkey was raised on the .left flank of an antique pack mule." NeverthcleHS, Woods, Torgensen and Gordort swallowed their dinners, the former between mouthfuls explaining that they had hoped for a real beefsteak dinner at a restaurant after tha morning hearing In court. . .' , They were confined In separate cells, Woods and Torgensen In solitary waiting cells adjacent to the Jailer's" office and Gordon in the general cell with a number of other prisoners. All seemed remarkably ' cheerful for men In their flight. .. ... Lifelong; Baadaare to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney troubles Is needless. Electric Bitters is the guaranteed remedy. BOc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ' . . ' saassaaBs aaaaasaw aBssaeani aaEaasasa aaaj ! Healthy Food-Easy Work! I If It Take Yonr Strength to I Digest Your Meal You Can't Do Much Work. 1 The power to overcome all the aliments of human life, and to meet all the dif ficulties which life presents Is within the province of every individual, says one writer of authority. IT mtirht lilvn ndMeA mllh .in.l truth most of our ailments we bring upon out selves and very often we alone are re- sponsible for our difficulties. Wrong Uv-" ing causes many ailments. Rich, greasy foods at all times, day or night, cause stomach disorders, which must, vitally af fect evrrysrt of the system, becoming qulrkly chronic. ' ' Start the day right with a sensible, breakfast of E-t Corn -Flakes or'Egj-O- ) Seo Wheat Flakes. They are always ready -' to serve crisp and delicious. They sat isfy the hunger and give health and' strength without overloading the digestive powers. Many a chronic stomach has been . i . v ) v. k ,r rt c. v l. fasts of crisp flakes of. corn or wheat served with good milk dr eream and a little fruit of some kind. Remember it Is the original and Justly famous Egg-O-See process that makes the E-C Corn Flakes , and Eig-O-See Wheat, ' Flakes so nice and crisp .and healthful, . COAST RESORTS Chicago by rail, 62 miles bjr boat. arrea of natural woods and springs. Hotel Is the direct rail route to sll or the He sorts of the Michigan East Coant- Trains front Chicago as follows; Laity. 7:40 s. m.; Weak Iays. 12 00 noon; Friday and Saturday Ion and after June II), 13:30 p. ni , (Saturdays (on and after June !7), 1:84 p. m ; Week Days, 4:40 p. m. Ask City Ticket Office, JO S. Clark Bt,. for particulars, phone Harrison 47JS.'