t THE BEE: OMATIA. THURSDAY. MAY 7 ,iroo. - .1 i j ''REAL ESTATE - city" PRprmTi ron hai.b, ' tcorrtinud i ' r r , Tukey & Son, We -Want-to Buv 12 House. W wIslrtn.Turchsse foe an Investor," ten of twelve, bouses and Iota In groups of three or fWt; .impeach,' ivtfri ground suffi cient V' strb-tftvldo snd rfiak : arood ' com fortable homes'.'. Kied net t In first class oondlttofl. but Tuuet be at the right price for essh, . Ve snotcsrs for small equities li new houses, 'but would prefer larger equities In otver booses.' ; ' Writs us 'a latter stating what you have, and .your 'fash price... We do not expert 8ny-eon mission on the al. ''' A. R. Tukey & Son, 444 J'ard.'or.tralelrii.l, Phone b ilM. ... . ... .-. 'HiM 6-R; Cottage, $2,250 : Lot. HQ feet' front ' 6n "Fowler Ave, near Florence boulevard; sewer, weter anil ftoK street paved .an1 paid for; very homelike )iet place; Hnear .two cara). , Harrison & Morton, ;; 14 rnvestmerit Ootid '8-room'cotiag; mbderri except "fur nace, on large corner lot. plenty room for two more cottages; at front., fine shade, one block to Iake street car. By- building two more 'rtntitrgni. thin will pay It per cent on Investment; price 12.860. k Beautiful BristoJ St. Ktw 6-roora cottage, .thoroughly modern, i one block to 24th 6t. car. This ' Is extra j I ova ppor nas in on seno, t d apprrciaicii. paving psiO'l-rlce $3,100; .reasonable terms, " Phippen- Edwards; SnSH.Bpatoil't'fnre' irfdi ' 'PHOne rmug. tt . (IS) MS17 SI 'v r ,; If toCViv rv : city property, farma. ranch lends or mer chandise to 811 or tradn, list them with roe. It coKta you notBrfng unless l eftdct a sale; W. WV Mitchell, m Board ot Trade Bide KOUNTZE. PLACE W.150-8trtetly irodern" -ioom houae !n a-ood ronditk n; ttrautlful lot and shade trees. lth Ave and Licuat St. McEacbror Realty Co. 'Ptione Wnbate.r ltUL Kako (Ht. ' - - jW f I ir. !.... . , -J ;40 :'Acrfe;$6,500. . High and sightly, -highly Improved, near Arthur Brandets' ccuntry home. Harrison & Morton '''.(ia)-M5i"- NICE'rHEAP HOME. -r, bouse, moderM splendid urt4ce block to ear; 462 Capitol Ave. -Only U.Sto. J. ' H. i'rrotre.. Boad, ot Trade. . . t .. , . , lt)ela21,2.. r t:rhot, Ho.tat. jzua 'a., xm, avx. .'. Look ..a, ft. 'M.ake' .olfer. -: f . i . , NOWATA . LAND. AND IAT'.CO;rf-' v rtuiie (C4 N,. Y, Life RlrigV- v. Thone ' Red- Ihift. .. ,, . .Omahai . Vt . , ! &MJ9 1 J aOODyNvTS3TMENT. .' ' T Tl 6-r., iwid. -tKnise., nearly tcm-4T.-SoCM7" North etrfh. Rents 11 S a mo. ' Easy terms. J. H. garrotte. (19)-M22 29. j( West Farn'arii Home A new, 8-.room. all'itodern home, near IE th arid FUrnim;' I tiMroomt rfnd attic; oak finish oo tlrst "floor;, east front lot; 10 ft on paved street. Only I6.7W. .SELBY, 16th nd rarngm. 4M Board of Trade. Bldg. Business. Lot, $3,600 Corntr,' yea Heart of neyir,. live, improving; dln.tHoi: available at once.for; lmpjove- - menti-1 afe as. corn land). . . Harrison &TMorton, rH ACRBB IS OMAHA. If sold within the next few daya will sell at eeeyifloe "jar will trde for modern house in Omaha. Nowata Land and Lot Co., H New York Lite Bid. Phone Red Vm. - (19i-Mia3 t ... V . LOT-OOxlJu. Best part Sherman Ave. At price that Will surprlsej.you v - NOWATA LAMJ 'AND LOT CO., " v.. Suitor. 2 N. T. Life Bldg. .'Phona . Us. -. Omaha. -Neb. 1 .- .'. ' (ij-u2a S2.2SA. I win build you a a-r. mod. cottage, lot KxtfO, on easy payments. J. H. Parrot te. Board of TTrade. ." (18) M530 S 2iVs" rt;6n .Farnar, $16,000 , Midway tiMwaen Mth and 24th, t-storV,' brick improve meat. . "f - Harrison & Morton. () 701 . REAL ESTATE . FARM Aftl) HANCU LAND FOR SAI.B Colorado Irrigated kap". - acres Jolaiiig townatte, . twl, mile from Panver: fruit and vegetable land; Ilea beautifully; flue view of Ute moun lame, ideai lor home or investment.. Tlua U1 mtiA atoce-baXf 1U reevat value EATIOHAX. IKVESTal CNT CO-" ' I IaiMleM tlldg l ma-he. Neb. ta Ja " ' - ReU Dakota. - . rOR'SA,LB-WOO acres beat wheat and flax land In. the northwt-et ; . for further ' information Vail or write Juhn J. Doyle. W lahek, N. V. t-M JUr 1 v .VAoaraaaua. SE'D for long JIV; farms. . U to CM oar acre. BMia, irandei Bldg. a.- .... ... t MSiS. BAiiUAJNS IN NEBRASKA. Mvacre, farnr near- Pllgev and :Wianer, Neb.; two sets of Improvements; acres In cultivation. acres of farm land; only tS!.m per acre. THINK OF IT. Write quick, dcm't 'dblay for price has been re duoed marly tie to close) estate by June S. t ABBOT RBALTT CO.. - ' 41&. Brajideif Bid. Omaha. 414 BraadeU Bldg. (JO-M71S GOOD LAND CHEAP. acres to western Neb.. HU per acre re' csh." balance in eight lears; ti) each jfr.'.. - '' ". . . . . , M avr' miles anurh of Dix. Ken.;. 110 f"-.'01? JSrt'y-acTe can be cultuated, 10 ffW , 1J Shugarl Blotk. CouoCU bluffs, la. Pbonee M and HL (4 ACRJCa BedgwlekiCo.,' Cblo.; sub-lrdga-Uon: tla per acre. Kine. truck farm. J. O. Bone, omnvr, U Bliugart Block. Coun cil 6lui fa, la. Phones 8uj and 814. t-altT 31 1 j . , EAL ESTATE - . rRM An hax m lamd rn tti Idaho-Carey-Act-Lands Snake River Valley Twin Falls Country " ID AllO IRRIGATION COMPANY'S PROJECT. ... .. Engineering and Construction "Work by ' .J. O, "White.. & Company Incorporated. . v ' .1- , 50,000, Acres Will Be Opened by Drawing . Under the Supervision of the Idaho . . State Land Board SHOSHONE, IDAHO, JUNE 8, 1909 , , . a - . . ' - Registration Will ' Open June 1st ; " Cioses June 7, 1909 IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME TO SHOSHONE, IDAHO, . m "AND INVESTIGATE. ' ' WRITE ' C.; B- HURTT, Mgr. Land Salea Dept. . ' -. ' ,- . BOISE, IDAHO ebrajika- onttnaed. . HOln . Cflt NTY rtA"kOAIvV to a:r;'S, will ih-proved; W.oori liouse; 101 acroH or timber. 30 acres In timothy and clover; Jtl aeico under plow, balnnce hay and pn.Mure; school section a'ljottilin can be haiidW'd In cvnnertlon. Irlve on iWacies, $io; a 'KTuip foT pomeone. - v HAKWcKjD A HARVCX)f. " 41 Bee Kldg. . OmaliH. Neb. .... W)-M71i S .1 bTg snap kqr sale; Fine, Improved farm. li'. In central Ne braska; all In cultivation but few acres; 25 acres alfalfa.;, handy to town . and school; price. ib acre. Hood." lerm; one of the beat In the state. 'Address' the owner, Y 7S, care Orpalja Bee. 1 t-i MW2 Jeix Oklahoma. .' . ' ,i " ',, ';-" ' : V OKLAHOMA t; r 48S-S20 acres of upland prairie, black sandy eoll. near Caney. Kan., nrlce $:0 Der ecre. 487-TU0 acres ot agruvultaral land, til one - oouy; suiiin is itHiseu iur on ana gae ana nonie is not; located miles aputhwest of Nowata; price l-J per acre. 47 230 acrea ot extra- good farm land, lo cated near War.n, Okl.; 2C4 acres of this is as rich aa you will findi m .acres bom some -draws In -It; land rarted-60 bu. of corn and oats to the acre; 71) acres is .leased foi oil and gas and ta paying U per aafe advanced- royalty? Lag tiargija at't'Jtrtier at'rot . .:. ..;-; 1,040 acrea, eof. -rich'- valley land. "Ml s moot If "a'ld part. of si. me is in a, lilt; a atate-of cultivattrmr this land- 1s located within -three , miles -Of Wataya,- ykl., and six milts from Nowata,- Okl, at re of it Is practically in one body and 240 acres la located three miles south; the land ii well worth fc per acre; an exceptionally good bargain AC t-V per acre.'. We have land in NVwata Oo. In. any ilxe travC you mar desire from acres up at prkt-es, ranglaaT (rorn-, tlu to per m. Thiw te4iii fhtwiirg.nil- wolla in No wata -t'e-r.NUturat Ttayrlk itlst tie per I.jOS cubic feet. You rfllgtlt get an -a.1 well wtth your land. AvtrAge' rainfall, in -Nowata county, . 36 hiehcB ppr ojihu'm; "Average "fram.. Marcli 1 to OrtobMK.l; 31 incites, -and-distributed just - as needfti- -. v . v- Good wtr a (Ouud frons-gmo-40 feet. . Knid 'Nirwaia county on your map v The- Uklahoaia - At Cherokee Central R. R. eatt and west throuch' this county is a " certainly. Land aiil probably double In value, wiuun tap, yeara. xeu can t afford Mi .misa tliut ' eppwluuuy. Atk U(k,l'u, ticket agent aboVl'd'iw rates, to -Nowata. Come iu -ttnd-sea us; or writer . N'OWAtALAND AXDjLOT CCK.-1 ' - Suite J4 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Ked lfc'i Omalia. Neb. Open - evenings., - ' : (itl) Mi3t 23 r . " i, - t i OKLAHOMA- . ORIOIKAL .11i1XI1MNT MAP Showing ecti-lntilan-allotment In Cherokee atrljl. ltyis a -curtumty. Cvme in aid see it. We- U1 explain why the lahd la su cheap. N. . . . " NOWATA IAND & LOT CO., Suite O N. Y. Lite. 'Phone Red 1S9. - - , UOJ-rllVJ 2 . Oreawsu.. FAMOUS CAMAS. PUAIRIB-Rlcb.- black bo:1, -abundant rainfall, mild clunate: aak for map of noithweal. Oeo.t M. Reed. Uraiiguvllle, Idaho. KB) Ma41 Jei OREGON farms, city and suburban bomeX Partiea coming to Oregon, might gel sum Information Uiat-will toe. .a help to them In selecting a home. ' Thirty years of continual resldtmce in- the Willamette Valley tnlgrbt enable ua .to. give you oine Information, that.-woujd aave you soma money. Direct 'your letters- to Everett At McCleod.' Room t0 Kothcblld ' Bldg Portland, Ore. : MJ Jei oatk Daaota." ' -" ' .- -. - 4.. - - FINE farm lands'1 in Hand and adjoining counties. South Dakota, llusillng agents wanteds Jay P. Mocriil 1J Palace Bldg., Mianeapohs, lHna. . A tAy Mt47 Jlia . 100 acres. Hand Co., So. Dakota, near Mil ler; 114.50- per acre. - J. G. bone; on tier. 12-8hugart Block,-'Council- Bluffs, la. Phone Hell auMM. . e ' J Alt2& Six 1 ' - . i . FOR 'BALE 14 sections land. Grsy ' and Wheeler counties. In ' the rainhelt nf ih. Panhandle, will be eold at auction, high est bidder, ceurt houae door. L Fore I Texas. June 1. 1S. to satiify Indebted- i -ness secure a dv aeea or trust, if you sre luokirui fiy bargains. COiiK W. R Pat terson, Irustee, McLean, Tex. ) M590 17 - BUT cheap Texas land.,tl. te UHr acre, balanc fbrty years', time.. 8 per cent In-ten-eC ' The'last cheap Ian.d in (he south west. Send us your name today. Texas Ivekipment, Publishing Co., Houston, Tea. - -,. . (JOe-M648 Je7x" .H'rosalasj. 10,000 Now Open to;Eiitry. nder the Carey Art -at Wheatland. Wya. Write ua for full Information, hew to get some 'of these Lands. We will locate ?ou and look after your Interests care ully. This la a splendid aectlon. the soil la rich; tt. Is a gees e!'a:fa. wnat. oats; barley,-augar beef and ''potato ' rountryi . Pcuil dove well. The land U ready to plow. Building mateeiaia -are cheap,- fuel la abundant. We hate railroad, school and church fcWt;ee and the beat of neighbors Thle la'a dairy country. You cm get rick farming htv. We wn.t you to. have our full descriptive illustrate circular at once, free for the asking. -Write; we want to hear from you. Ia quire of J. R. Mi son,' Immigration Agt, Wheatland. Win. . ... REAL ESfATE(.0ANS " REAL .estate purchase jaoney, mortgages and contracte b.ush Antelope Inv. Co.. Old oatoa fttoro Stldg. U-Jil Acres of Land REAL ESTATE farm asd rach land ron a a lb REAL ESTATE LOANS , tContlnued FIVE PER CENT MONET to- loan on Omiiha Business Property. . THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life Bldg. . (22-a MON&Y TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. 22-4 tl00 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bldg.', 1Mb and Farnam. ti2 130 PRIVATE money to loan. 1. H. Sherwood. (14 Brandele Bldg. - (7? I tit PAYNE. BOSTWIfK CO.. N. T. Life. Private money, fcOO to tS.OOO; low rate. IfiOo TO '200.iXiO on Improved property: no delay. GARVIN BROS.. ltXH Farnam 8u (23) U3t,3 Mortgage Loans ;1 am prepaieu to .iccummudate partiea oesirfng lower Interest rates and more convenient terms for payment of loans on residency properties in Omaha and South Omaha. No commission is charged for making loans, only a nominal sum required to cover record In mortgage and examining abstracts -Interest payable semi-annually and privilege granted of paying from 10 to 20 per cent if the loan on any Interest date. Phone Douglas 1648, Independent AlbtS. ' . We H. Thomas, ' 503' First. National Bank Bldg. 02)M 27 MONET TO BUILD. " $6n0 to Ui,ouo at current rates W.-M. THOMAS, Hut Vint. Nat 1 Bank Bldg, " t22)-Ms LOWEST RATE8 Bemn, Brandeia Bldg. .. - a-a $500 iTO $8,000 In homes In Omaha. O'Keefa Real Estate Co.. W01 N. Y. Life. Doug or A-21S2. (22 SH WANTED CI tjr loana Peters Trust Co. jL (22) 43 SECOND MORTGAGE loana negotiated! Apply Room 41T-U Flret Nat l Bank Bldg. Bell phono Dougrlaa 2418. . - Ci)iii . WANTED City loana and warranto. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. mi Farnam St 2 $2i REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS for a t-room house, a -room house and a couple of vacant lota NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. 'Phone Red ISM. Opar Evening 42y 23a WILL PAY SPOT CASH for strictly modern 7-roora house in west ern part of cityif price la right. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite: 824 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red HUM., ' Omaha. Neb. 'STOVE REPAIRS NEW furnaces; bot water and bot air com bination heating, 2 and 4-hole laundry hot water heaters, mantle grates, gaa stoves, repaired, water fronts and flower vaaea. Omaha Stove Repair Worse, im. LX Douglaa St. Phones lad. A-il. Bell Douglia MO. m WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel Doug. W71 iya BEST price paid frfr Jd-hand furniture, stoves clothing. Wm. Rosenblatt. Tel Doug. 8401. (25) $18 BT.AN2.iRD WDrtBl Plonoo. Phone WebZ teJr - 2-MUi WANTED To buy small-sl.d refrigerator: must be cheap. Tel A-3S71 or addrees J 6-. care Bee. . . (24)-l WANTED TO'RENT. WE are getting Inquiries for welt located bousea Muat have sole agency., Nowata Land A Lot Co., suite 624 N. Y. Life Bld. Phone Ited li Omaha, Nai. Pn evenmga t) M7UV -ROOM all modern house 'by June 1 Tel . V- . . t2Sl M7i9 2S ' LEGAL NOTICES DRA I X AG B NOTICE SEALED PRfV posala will be received at the office of the County Auditor of Minnehaha County In the City of Sioux Falls. South Dakota until two o'clock P. M.. June 4. 1809. for the construction of Drainage Ditch No. 2. and appurtenancea or Items thereof, aa con talned in the specifications. Involving about atO.Ouo cubic yards of excavation. The work ia located north of Bloux Palle and extends to a' point west of Baltic, 8. D. Specifications may be obtained from and I-Jina may be' Inspected at -the office of the County Auditor. Sioux Kails. South Dakota; the office of J. H Galea, attor ney. Sloux Falls. South Dakota: the of fice of Samuel H. Ia. Ftate Engineer Pierre. South Dakota, and apeclfkatlons may.be examined at the office of the periodical In which this notice is pub lished. .- Each bid must be accompanied by a certified, check for W, payable to the orde of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners - of Minnehslia County. South Dakota, as a guaranty that the bidder will, if aucceeeful. promptly ex ecute a satisfactory contract and furnist a bond in the aura of 10 per cent of the estimated contract price for the faithful performance of the contract The right la reaened to reject any or all bids Dated Bloux Falls. South Dakota. May 1 lw ' THOS. M KINNON. Chairman Couniy Commissioners Attest: HL.NRY HOWE. County Auditor tSeaU -kCT " LEGAL NOTICES KOTICK TO CONTRACTORS NOTICK Is hereby (Iren that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Crnnmlaeionera of the Bouth Dakota Slate Soldiers' Home at Hot Fprlna-a. Houth Dakota, at the office of the commandant of said home on or before the let day of June. I, at t o'clock In the afternoon, for the erection of a atone and brick emokeetatk for the State BoMlera' Home, accord n to plana and specifications prepred by Joeepa Bwarta, architect. Stoux Kalla, 8. D. auo For the furnlahlnas and settings of three new boliera and Mgh. pressure woik for the Bouth Dakota State R.. Idlers' Home at Hot Springs, South Dakota, according te plana and specifications prepared by Ben Cowler. chief engineer. Bids will be re ceived for steel stark according to specifi cations separately. Blda can be made la lump sum for the whole amount of . the work except for the brick or steel amoke- stack, which mu.t be a separate bid. All Bias must oe accompanied by a certified check equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. The board reserves the rlaht to reject any and all bids. Plans and specifications csn be seen and examined st this office of the commandant or at the office of The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.; Bioux City Journal, Bloux City, la.; Bloux Falls Argus Leader, Bloux Falls. o. u. uBiea tnts 7tn oay or Hay, By order of the Board of Commissioners. 1. B. GEDD18, Commandant. MlldlSl GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, run leaven worm, Kan sas. May 13, 1W. Sealed proposals. In trip licate, will be received here until 11 a. m. May -H. 19. "'I then opened for construct ing W4 lineal feet water mains 4 snd S-inch, 1,11 lineal fet sewers and N-lnch. IM Uutol feet drains 4, and 12-mch. and for two fire hydrants. Full Informs Hon and blank forms of proposals furnished on ap plication. Plans and specifications may be seen here, also tn office of Chief Quarter master, Omaha, and Master Builders' Ex change, Kansas City, Missouri. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any parts thereof. Knvelopes to he marked "Proposals for Wener Mains, Sewers, etc' ' and addreaned to Captain Win. D. Davis. Quartermaster. M19-16-17-18-26-27 O F F1CE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER msster. Fort Leavenworth. Kansaa, May 24. 1!9. Sealed proposala. In triplicate, will be received1 here until 11 a. m. central tune, June 14. ll09. and then opened In the pres ence of bidders, for the construction, plumb ing, heating, electric wiring and fixtures of an addition to hospital at Fort Leaven worth, Kansua. Full Information and blank forma of proposal furnished upon applica tion to this office. Plans and specifica tions may be seen here, also In offlcesof the chief quartermasters at Omaha. St. Paul, depot quartermasters at Philadelphia, 8t. Louis and Master Builders' F.xchange, Kansaa CMy. Missouri. United Stales re serves the right to reject-any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes to he endorsed "Protiosala for an Addition to Hosnltsl". and addressed to Captain Wtn. D. Davis, Quartermaster. M25-8-27-MJU-U RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION 1TH AND MA8QN CsUs Pacific Leave. "Arrlva, Overiand Limited a 7: im; all :40 pro Colorado Expreaa a :50 pra a 6:00 pm Altanlic Exrress a :"M am Oregon Expreaa a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm Los Angeles Limited.. ..al2:ee pm a U.U pm Fast Mail a 7:20 am a 6:46 pro China and Japan Mall. .a 4:00 pm a 6:46 pm North Platte Local a 8:16 am a 4 46 pm Colo. Chicago Special... ,al2.10 am a 7:06 am Beatrice & Stromaburg Local bI2:40 pm b 1:40 pro Valley Local (motor via Lane Cut-Oft).... al0:00 am a 2:46 pm Valley Lota! (motor). ...a 6:30 pm a 9:00 am Hastings-Superior b 1:16 pm b 6:20 pm Local rseng;ra not can led on trains Noa. 1 and 2. Cfclcaa-o, Reck Islsao at Pacific EAST. Norfolk A 8o. Platte... pm 6:20 pm Chicago Limited a 8 :00 am all 06 pm Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a $:f am all :06 pm Dea Molnea A Eastern. .a 7:00am a 4:30 pm Dea Molnea Paasenger...a 4:00 pm al3 30 pm Iowa Local . ...i-.bll:00 am b 8:66 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex)... a 4:40 pm A 1:10 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:08 pm a 8:36 am WEST. Rocky Mountain. Ltd. ..all :13,,pm a 2:5ft pm Colo. A Cal. Express.. . a 1:20 tn a 4:30 pm Okl. A Texas Express.. a 4:40pm A 1:00 pm Ckicaaro 4k Nortvester r. Chicago Daylight. .... .-..a 7: am all:48pm Twin City Expreaa a 7:46 am alO JO pm Chicago Local a 4:30 pm a 3:31 pm Bioux City Local i 1:4. (im all 00 am Chicago LMal a 4:30 pm a 8 23 am Chicago Special a 6:02 pm a 8:23 am Minnesota-Dakota Exp. a 7:v0 pm a 3:30 am Faat Mall a I 36 pm Twin City Limited a : pm a 76 am Loa Angeles Limited. ...a 9:10 pm S12 36 pm Overland Limited. all 60 pm a 7:16 am Nebraska and Wyoming Division Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:60 am al0:S0 pm Lincoln-Long Pine 7:60 am all no am Dead wood-Lincoln a 1:65 pm a 6:20 pm Casper-Lander a 8:55 pm all 00 am Fremont-Albion b 6:10 pm b 1:86 pm Illinois Ceatral Chicago Expreaa a 7:11 am a 1:46 pm Chicago Limited ...a 8:0ft pm a 7:15 am Minn.-St. Paul Exp k-7:15 am " Minn. -St. Paul Ltd. . . .a t:W pm a 7:15 am Omah i-Ft. Dode Local. b 4:15 pm bll 80 am Mlaaoart Pacific K. C. A 8t. L. Exp a I: "0 am a 7:00 am K. C. A St. L. Exp all:li pm a 6:50 pm Chicago Great Weatersv St. Paul-Minneapolis 8:30 pm 8:16 am St. Paul-Minneapolis 7:30 am 8:20 pm Chicago Limited pro - 8:16 am U abash r 8t. Louis Express a 8:30 pm a 6:25 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am all:15 pm 8lanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bl0:15 am thlcaa-o, Mllwaakes et St. Paal. Chicago A Colo. Bpec.a T:25 am all. 50 pm Cal. A Ore Express.... a .. pm a 8:25 pm Overland Limited aU:4 pm a 7:16 am ferry Local b 6:16 pm bll.Jo am tolRLlXGTON STA. lOTH A MASON BarllagrtoB Denver A California.. Puget Sound Exp..... Black Hills Northwest Exp Leave. Arrive, a 4:10 pm . a 1:45 pm Vf. pm ....... iv nm ao:jopm ...ail:oo pm u 1 :vo am ,:4? m 610 Pin ....blpm gl2:16pin ... a 9.14 am ati.lOpm b8:uSam '' 'J-iPtn a ,:m pm ..b 1.06 pm bl0:20aun ...a V:lk urn a S.Jo am ..al2:30pm a 6:55 pin ...all :m pin a 7 :ui uiu ...a 7:5 am all 36 pm ....a 4:20 pm a 3:ao pm ....a 6:30 pin a 8:30 am ...a 9:16 am all. 11 am Nebraska points Lincoln Faat Mail... Nebiaaka Express .. Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Schuyler-Plaltamoath Plattsmouth-lowa ... Believue-Platlsmoutb Colorado Limited .. Chicago Limited Chicago Express .... Chicago Flyer Iowa Local St. Louis Express... a 4:40 pm all 30 am Kansas City A St. Joe. .alo es pm Kansaa Ciiy A St. Joe. .a 9:15 em Kansas City A St. Joe. .a 4:40 Dm a :3u am A 6 10 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Daily except Saturday. WEBSTER STA 1STH A WEBSTER Chicago, Una a ha- St. Paal, MtsxAeasolls A Leave.' " Arrive. City Passenger. .b 4 80 am b 9:20 pm Town bioux iny raaaenger...o z uu pm oil u am Sioux City Local e 8:46 am c 6.20 pm Sioux ......' -.v -, ... w ym v s-iv am Mieaoarl Pacific r Auburn Local " .b 169 pm bU SOara OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Maw York to HavrePrl 6 Day FRENCH LINE Compalnie Gnerale TrantAtl&ntique llgAhtig Twas ioraw sM (xaraas ttaantrs. Naval oncers in eomsiand wireteea telearapby, sab marine saiety bell sigual system. Ls Laersiae Jane t Ls Lonalne 3ne U Ij Pronre Jm 11 La Pra.mce J.J I Ls Sa.ols June 17, La an July I ooial Owo-Clsea Cobio ttewvioo OI clsss) 840 to 8S0 slieiastc aaturdaye. Hoes Yora-8tordoaux Berviee (one class cabin) oaly )40 and 460. O F w lt nrnaai StreM H Hooras leoi raraaai SiraM L Sew la National Bus W Bark UM Fuue SifaM W. a. DsTidsaa li StMllS Uck Slft AFFAIRS AT SOUTH 0&1AUA Boy on Black Horse on an Innocent Errand Starts a Trail. WA3 OUT AFTER MUSHROOMS Detective Shields Still tadelded aa to Taklagt Poaltloa Offered. Hiaa at l.lnrola iMarktsa to W lnchell. ' ' The Interest of the public In the Union Pacific robbery of Saturday night 'and the care -with which every possible due Is ruff down by the officers Is well Illustrated by the solving of the Identity of a young man on a black horse, who was seen by J. J. Hurt riding up and down the Union Pa cific right-of-way Friday morning. Mr. Hurt grew suspicious and drove the. boy off the right-of-way. After the robbery ho remembered the case and the tine black horse and sent word to Detective Elsf elder. The latter thought the clue worth following and worked for a day or two on that line. Superintendent J. 8. Walter of .the' Union Stock Yard company furnlahed the final Solution. Manager Buckingham wanted some real fresh mushrooms for a dinner party and, to oblige him, Walters sent ore of the hoys at the yards. Joe Miller, out on the black horse In the direction wf Hurt's ranch. He did not give him an Introduction to Hurt, who has plenty of mushrooms, eo the suspicions of the latter were aroused. Walters sent Miller to a place he had In mind, but the boy discovered that some young women of the Field club had been there ahead and picked the - dellrAcy earlier In the morning. So the boy rode up and down the Union Pacific tracks snd even over the Northweatern railroad right-of-way until Hurt met him and told him to leave. Eisfelder has vlHted - the scene of. the robbery at night since the robbery and watched the Overland Limited come In to get an idea of the ordinary circumstances. He eaya anyone acquainted with the cut off need not have boarded the train at Fremont, which was the last regular stop of the Overland Limited. At the bridge over the Little Papplo, which la met by a hlgTt grade, the frost haa heaved the grede and It has required some new ballasting. In coming onto the bridge the Overland Limited slowed down to not more than five or ten miles an hour at the moat. At that point two men could very easily have boarded the train without being seen by the men in the cab. They could have hidden behind the beams of the trestlework hand ily until the engine had passed. Shields Undecided. Detective P. H. Shields said last night that about the only thing In the way of his accepting the position of chief of police In Lincoln seemed to be the action of the recent democratic legislature In hold ing up the Lincoln charter. He said this kept the salary of the chief at the old figure, while the new charter had provided for a salary of $1,800. He said ho did not know whether the old salary would please htm, and that. In fact. Is the point yet to be decided before he promises to accepL He appeared before the excise board Mon day to discuss this and other phases of ths offer. Judging from the usual activities ot ths Lincoln police, Detective Shields would find It pretty tame there compared to the duty he Is uaed to In South Omaha. He said he told the board he had more to do In thirty days In 8outh Omaha than would be required of him in a year in Lincoln, Two More Saloow Llceaeea, -,-3 v The board of . fire . and-pulic 'aTofnrruA aioners of Bouth Omaha met In a brief session last night In the police court room. The business consisted In' passing oh number of belated saloon licenses. Thomas Hogan was granted a license st the north east corner of Railroad avenue and Mad ison streets and Thomas Lukowski at 406 North Thirty-third street. The board " will Issue aa .order, to -tbo chief of police soon making a change In the night patrol service which is not to be snnounced, but- which Is thought for the best. The chief of the fine department and the board and the members of the- fire com mittee of the city cobncil .will meet this morning at -9 o'clock to examine a new fire team. Magic ttty Gossip. . Jetter'a Gold Top Beer delivered" to any part of the city. Telephone No. 6. The funeral of Frances Uvlck was con ducted yesterday morning from- St. An thony's church. The tuner! service over the body of Joseph Mayfield waa held at 10 a. m. Tues day at St. Cleirent'e mission. The South Omaha High School Alumni association held a meeting last evening- tit arrange for the spring commencement func tions. Mrs. O. J. Ames will entertain the Pres byterian Missionary societies Thursday aft ernoon at her home 8J6 North Twenty-third street. Prices paid for hogs are up again, and yesterday's receipts were among the best of the year. The beat grades went as high aa $7.35 per hundred. Nasturtium, ramp. Royal Neighbors of South Omaha, will entertain the camps of Omaha, Fort Crook. Bellevue, Florence and Benson this evening. The Willing Workers of the Christian church are to grve a musical thia evening at the home of Mrs. Frank E. Jones, 6u8 North Nineteenth street. Many Inqjlries have come to the police station In South Omaha concerning the progress of the trial of John Masauredls A large atterdaree from South Omaha ia predicted as the trial advances. COMPANIES READY FOR CAMP High School Cadets Plaa to Have Good Drills This Year, An enthusiastic mass meeting of the companies of the Omaha High School reg iment w as held during drill erlod Tues day afternoon. Claude Neavles. captain and ' adjutant, presented the regiment with a handsome loving cup, which was purchased with ths money left from camp laat year. The cup la a new trophy to be won In connection with the flag at competitive drill and Is to have the name of the com pany engraved upon the bowl. Lieutenant Haskell, who Is now In charge at the high school, made a short talk on camp. It la his Intention to make this year's camp surpass all previous ones In military discipline. FATAL WHIRL ON A SHAFT Polish Laborer at Cadahr'e Dies as Reswlt of Harlsg Clothlag Caaght. While at work Tuesday In the glue da partment at the Cudahy Parking company, Victor Kuklnskl. a Polish laborer, met with Injuries which resulted In his death. His clothes became entangled In some ma. rhlnery and he was dragged around a re volving shaft, crushing his shoulder snd Inflicting other Injuries. The accident hap pened at about 9:10 and he was Immediately removed to the Bouth Omshs hoaplfal, where he died at 11 o'clock. He was 49 years old and leavea a wife and four chil dren. Ths body was taken In charge by Coroner Hesfey and an inquest will be held. . Bee Wsnt Ads stimulate trade moves. rSl TTTVTTTw pain of maternity; this hour, dreaded as woman's severest trial, is not only-fnade less painful, but danger is avoided by its use.-' Those tcho us this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and Other distressing condition, arc nverrnmfv und thi vtim 1. I e. .t . is Drcparcu lor ine coining TT event. "Itis worthitsweicht I in gokl,"saysmanywhohave It V USed It I'-W S bottle at di stores. II uotu "' Bnok of value to all expectant i , eseiasrs naiieq rree. X tlRADFJaXT) REGULATOR CO. . Adaota. Ca. .Current Literature "Servitude." by Irene Osgood, is a his torical novcJ .founded on thuse troublous times following the wer of 1S12. when the Mediterranean wss given over to the cor sairs. Th hrro Is qne "William Brown." an English naval Ita'itenant on secret ser vice, who Is captured by an Algerian pirate ship and Sold Into slavery In the expecta tion of a handsome, ransom. His love for a sweet Virginia girl alone sustains him through sU the horror , and degradation of those swful days. Christian slavery In sll Its hldeous'ness Is portrayed with fidelity and detail The capture of Miss Hetty, her brief experience In the ,dey's harem, her rescue byV detail from Commodore De catur's Ouerrlere. sre thrilling Incidents In a story -of absorbing- Interest, which ends with- Brown's escape snd the bombardment of Algiers "by tbe'. British squadron. Pub lished by Dsns, Estes A Co. ' , hasssBBBBssBsat V "Coe's School Rosders" for the third and fourth grades, by Fanny E. Coe, offer much new, frrwh and Interesting material, Including stories of adventure, of humor, of child life,, of animal Jlfe. of chivalry, etc. They will appeal to the teacher as well as to the pupil. The selections are of literary value, the. teaching sound and wholesome.- with Ideals high and yet com pelling The books are carefully graded and suited. .for supplementary, reading, with any-standard series of readers. The Amer ican Book' company is the publisher. In "Steps Along the Peth," by Katherlne H. Newcomb, author of "Helps to Right Living." are stated a few prlnclples.whlch sre. .practical to. those who desire to change from the emotional life to one that ls sane and heihfuL This book Is arranged under the. following -genersl heads, with appropriate sirbdtvislona of each section nto short discussions,' wth well chosen and forceful captions:. "General Metaphys ical Principles." 'Thought Power,'' "Love." "Service," "Tone, arid Atmosphere," "Will and .-Character,". . "Doubt and Faith," . nvuruins, i-etce. - jov. roioiisnen nv Lentil OP. lye Jc. Bhepard company. "Valtl of. the Island's.- bv Beatrice Grim. ahaw. Is the tale of the halt-caste daughter or . a derelict .Englishmen, once of the queen's navy, and. a Maori princess, and She bet about the South seas with him In his trading schooner, herself navigating It in -full command when he Is too drunk to be on deck She la 'as daring, as reckless and as conselenseteeo as any pirate that ever eatled the high seas and ss lovely as any flower of the Polynesian Isles that evair Won .'whltcv man's- heart, snd her soul ktngx" for besatlful clothes as srdently as d$es that or any Crtslenru3. This tale of her doings is Just a series p(- adventures strunjg together with "only the connection of sequence. And they are adventures unique and perilous. Published by the A. Weasels Company. I'The Glory of the Conquered," by Susan Glasrieil. is a story of 'two' -lives that win final victory',. pver, wkst Seems to bo the anlmosity-ef blind fate. The husband ls a man of eclence, a famous bacteriologist, on Ihe threshold of s great discovery; the wife is-all artt a painter of international repute. Each, without understanding It, Is proud of the. others work; both are obliged in turn to give up -their own. The man, with his discovery yet unachieved, becomes blind; the"' wife for his sake secretly gives up. .her career In,. -order to learn the rudi ments of her-huaband's science a"nd fit her self to help-' him carry oh his task. And when she has succeeded In remaking her own nature, ia putting art aside and grasp ing the hard, cbld facts of science, when she has finished her studies st the medical college and won many laurels in her new vocation ths huaband whom she would have helped has died. Published by the Fred erick A. Stokes Company. . "Self-Control, and How To Secure It," la the title of ' the English translation of L'Edutatlon. de Sol-Meme, by the famous neurologist,- Prof. Paul Dubois of the Uni versity pf Berne. Prof. Dubois' first book, "Ths Psychic Treatment of Nervous. Dis orders," has been very widely read by tho medlcsl profession, as ' well as by the lay public. In this country; and. he la generally recognised1" as one of the most successful writers and practitioners of mental therapeutics. ' In the present volume ' he provides a. phllosophlrsl and charmingly direct dlacuaaion aa to what self-control may accomplish, and" shows how It may be secured. Published by Funk A Wagnalls. ' "Our Benny." by Mary E. Waller, author of "The Wood 'Carver of Lytnpus," "A Daughter ot the Rich," etc.. Is a narrative poem, founded, .on historical fact and dedicated t. the people of Illinois and Ken tucky In" memory ( of Abraham Lincoln. Published by Lit Ue,' Brown A Co. "The Girl and trie Bill." by Bannlsfer Merwln, ia a story of thrills and doings. A girl d.riylrtg ber automobile through s Chicago- streot unintentionally violates a traffic regulation. A young man who helps her out pf her predicament spoils his hat and buys another. From auch Insignificant beginnings, starts a series of ss thrillng. mystifying and sustsinedjy exciting adven tures ss ran- well be crammed Into one story.. Such a horde of people from the under-world are.. rnjjtrd up. In' the plot: Japsnese . jlu jHsu man, burglars, clairvoy ant, thugs, such' distinguished people from high society sre Implicated; two foreign ministers Snd s secretary of stste. Things hsppen snd. keep happening with a ruali. whirl 'and, go which would, carry .you. along by themselves, evep If the mystery which csuses the whole turmoil were not kept secret until the very laat pa get of the last chapter. Published by bodd. Mead A Co.' "A brjda on Trust." by Csptain Henry' Curties. author ot "The 4dol of-4 he King," "The Queep'a Gate Mystery," etc.." Is a romance of today, ihe theme ot which Is the undaunted love of a lieutenant In his A Tonic or a Simulant? Ayers SarsaparillJ ls a tonic. It does not stimulate. It does not nuke you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. Theve is not a drop of Alcohol in it. that comes from strong tonic. 1 rusr Mm fully, and always do as " - Becomirtga mofl! snouJdre a source of joy, but the suffer ing incident to the ordeal O O makes its anriciparon one of r S dread. Mother'a Friend U the only remedy which re- lirve. u-nmftl much if h . t i-L.'. , as majesty's Imperial guards, for a besutlfui woman whoee acquaintance hp makes undet peculiar ctrcumrtsnces.. paring death and other dangers this hrsve youth, claims her as his wife truly a bride on, trust, for ne takes her knowing nothing ot her . past, fearing nothing for. the future. Such per feet love waa rewarded, put, the denoue ment Is quite a unexpected as It is excit ing. It Is a tale which the action nevei lags. Published by Dana Estes.A Oo "The Federal Civil Service aa a Career S Manual of Information for Applicants for Positions snd for-. Those In -the Civil Service of the Natron,', by F.I Ble Kean; Foltx. is a bbok of practleal Ihformatlon on the workings bf the governmental ma chinery. It Is designed for. the' applicant for federal positions, the office-holder, the economlnt and the busy cltlsen. The author, who Is an office-holder, h' the U. S. treasury department, . writes from l an actual knowledge bf -fwctk -gnthered at first hand.' , . ., . In "The ttomance if s Plain Man," Mfss Ellen Glasgow, the author, remains in' the field that she has made peculiarly her own. the Richmond of the1-dead years that followed the w ar, but she, , views .the life of the city from a new ancle. The "plain man" of w hom she w rites Is nob a member of t,he ruined aristocracy; Indeed he begins life aa that despised .thins;, "poor white trash," and only his force, -pluck and ability keep him ftom ending where he be gan. Instead he wins his way upwsrd, not only In 'business butwhat was far harder In the period of Which Miss Glasgow Writes socially as well. The theme affords Miss Glasgow ample opportunity, not only for the exercise of her fine art, but for her observant knowledge of the South, as well. The humor of tb, aocnes, thst Intro duce us to the humble childhood .of the hero ls sn sllurlng prelude to the more j serious problems with which' he grapples in later me. ruDiisnea oy me Macmlllan company; "... Abovs books at lowest retail price. Mat thews, 123 South Fifteenth street. All of ths books reviewed hers are on aala la Brandeia' book department, . Bennett's Late Fiction, Library Book Dt.pt. enables you to road the newest hooks at UHle cost. A Bloody ; Affair, .A . ,' Is lung hemorrhsge. Stop It snd cure wesk lungs, coughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60c snd $1.00. ' For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Bigger, Better. Busler-That's what ad vertising In The Bee does for your business. ' ECZEMA CURE A MIRACLE? -NO, JUST SOUND SCIENCE Physicians now admit the superior vslue. of simple medicines for all diseases. For eczema and other 'skin diseases cer tainly nothing In the world could'be sim pler than oil of wintergreen. carefully com bined with such well known healing and antiseptic substances as thymol, glycerine etc. Read thla letter: - - - . - a ' iik f,w''"rs ago ecxema covered my ouron'my' facT b0dy "rn breaking will bf?an V"'" " of wintergreen mlx"ed with thymol and glycerine In D D D Prescription. Used five bottles a'n.1., cured sound and well My drug!u m it looked almost Uks a mlraLli .1 but he explained to m" th?7h? 'IViwi "T0hfaWlhn..rKrn Wa" o'nd'Vc'lenct That haa been almost a year sko inTi "My0 skm" u lh. d'""' n1 1 ever wm JU8t "r0" "d nice M ever was. u MILLER, . " ' ' ' --ir flmithvlll. Mo. Buch wonderrul experlencs we-feei speaks for Itself. Sherman A McConnell Drug Cb '.-Mth a Dodge .tree,.; ow, Drug 'l' Harney streets. . Mountain Breezes HOT springs . ARKANSAS If ost DsUghtftU Month of ths Teat U ths Pine Woods. . Summer Bates at Motels sre Mow la Xffect. GO NOW The-baths w ill maka of you a nsw person and fit -u. for ths busy summer months to come. Ask for literature and Information THOK. F. (sOUFRKY.V' , Pass, snd Ticket Afeat, 142:$ FAltXAM T., OMAHA. You have the steady, even gain Ask your doctor all about this. ne says. " O. ayerOe., l ow, t at... aae mm mm