Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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TTb ) J'
Every action free perfect fit quality that
wears longest It's the coolest thing you
can wear clean, sanitary, well ventilated
Y r Virv f-l-Ji fc'sms awn
I ' ntjl ! Aef awerA.r
Chaiing- Illicit Liquor and Gay Wo
men Makes Them Hump.
Movement Saaseated by Dr. Beesey
ta Have .Nebraska-Mad Goad
Pat to the Front by Proper
' Labeling;.
Every one who wean genuine PowMknil
Ilka it because it fits ai if it were mads
for you wean a if it coat twioa at
much no better quality at any price.
Made in all standard stylet ana we.
Atk your dealer foe it
rnVQ' Shirt, and OC
Mn' Union Suit $1.00
Boy' Union Saita 80c.
SmJ for our new 3Iubated booklet on
"CooIqcm, Comfort and Economy."
Washing ton, Street,
V Amsterdam, N.Y.
I Sebraaka Scwi Notes.
BEATRICE-H, 8. Barnum and wife yes
terday celebrated the fiftieth anniversary
of their arrival In Gage county.
BEATRICE A light rain visited this
section last evening. While the ground Is
thoroughly aoaked It will do no harm.
BEATRICE Next Friday will be ob
served aa Patriotic day in the Beatrice
choola. will be delivered by
veterans of the civil war.
KEARNEY Mr. Robert A. Moser and
Miss Lottie Haya were married Saturday
evening at the home of the groom'a mother.
Rev. D. F. Hon at cad t officiating.
BEATRICE Jolin Kempf and Miss Ros
etta Cooper were married here yesterday
at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
H. F. Hackman, Rev. U. Ci. Brown offi
ciating. BKA TRICE Mr." and Mrs. W. H. Kll
palrlck, their niece, Miss Augusta Kll
, patrlck, of this city,, and N. K. . Griggs .de
parted yesterday for Europe on an ex
tended trip.
BEATRICE-Louls Oodflrno.. of Wymore
and Mra. Edith Paisley of this city were
married here yesterday. Rev. A. I Folden
of Nebraska City officiating. They will
make their home at Falls City.
BEATRICE The graduating exercises of
the Barneeton schools were held last eve
ning. Prof. Searson of the Peru normal
delivered the address to the graduates, of
which there were two. Miss Edna Plerson
and Miss Jennie Swanson.
DICKENS The southern part of linroln
eountv was visited by a fine rain yester
day and Uet night that will be very
valuable to the growing crops. Almost two
Inches of rain has fallen the last week.
Corn is coming up and looks fine.
BEATRICE A blue rock shoot was held
at Pirkrell yesterday, and out of a possi
ble 136 rocks Roy Mumford broke 130 and
John and Frank Mumford 11 each. There
were fourteen entries and all of the con
testants scored above the 100 mark.
BEATRICE Fred Fletcher, who left
Beatilce sixteen years ago, arrived in
Beatrice yesterday from Forestville, Conn.,
to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Vletcher. He is engaged In the manufac
ture of glass cutters at that place.
' BEATRICE Beatrice Lodge No. 86, An
cient Free and Accepted Masons, met last
night and elected these officers: ,M. W.
Roby, worehlpful master; John A. Kees,
senior warden; F. R. Boers, Junior warden;
J. Li. Anderson, treasurer; Burt L. Spell
tnan. secretary.
SCHUYLER While climbing down from
a car of wheat he had been testing. Rus
sell Blgler slipped and fell to the ground,
Utklng his head on a rail. Hla head was
badly bruised and at last reports he was
till unconscious, but unless complications
ret In It is thought the Injury will not be
erioits. ,
KEAJINBY John N. Costallo of Sioux
are almost human!
Their lives can be shortened
by abuse the same as ours.
With ordinary soap, the
constant rubbing of clothes
over a rigid washboard wears
and tears the life out of them.
With the aid of Gold Dust
most of the work is done with
out your help, and little or no
rubbing is required.
Gold Dust is soap "with its
working clothes on" good,
honest, vegetable oil soap,
ground fine and blended with
other purifying -materials. It
cleanses vigorously and thor-
without tax
ing your
and with no
injury to
bulls, S. Jj., Is iii the city looking- at tor
business interests. Mr. Costello has decided
to move to Kearney and is having built for
him on Central avenue a large brick build
ing, which he will use for a furnltuie
store. He has also purchased a lot and is
building thereon a nice residence.
KEARNEY Bishop W. F. Andersen of
Chattanooga, Tenn., delivered the bau
calaureatte sermon to the Normal sen ion
at the Methodist church on Sunday morning
und while the seniors in their robes oc
cupied a prominent position In the church
the friends and church people filled that
large auditorium to its fullest capacity.
KEARNEY So arduous In the work of
cleaning up the city Is the new city ad
ministration that they have caused the
arrest of several citizens for not obeying
the clean-up order. Among them are ene
or two highly respected citizens, who have
bidden defiance to the mayor's order, and
who have allowed their premises to remain
NEHAWKA Thl morning as the switch
engine was pushing a train of empty cars
up to the quarry the tender struck a de
fective rail and went Into the ditch. There
were two discernible flaws, or old cracks,
In the rail, which was broken Into fine
pieces. The track and ties were torn up
for some distance, and the engine left the
rails, but did not upset. No one was In
jured. BEATRICE At the election of the First
regiment. Nebraska National Guard, which
was held at Lincoln yesterday, Captain
A. H. Holllnrworth of this citv and mm.
mandlng officer of Company C was elected
major of the Third battalion. Captain
Hoillngworth was at the head of Company
C In the Philippines, and he served as com
manding officer with credit to himself
and company.
BEATRICE Work on the new brick
block of Ktlpatrtck Bros, to be built on
North Fifth street will be started this
week. The Stanberry Construction com
pany of Stanberry, Mo., has been awarded
the contract for doing the work. The
building wlH cost about 141.000 and will be
occupied as offices by Ktlpatrirk Bros.
The second floor will be occupied by the
Elks club.
FULLER TON At a special meeting of
the order of Eastern Star last Friday-tilsrht.
County Asse.tor Huff and his wife were
Initiated Into the lodge. The Installation
rf officers followed: Those elected were:
Worthy matron, Mrs. E. B. Penny; as
Klatant matron, Mamie J. H. Kemp; con
ductress, Mra. W. F. Johnson; assistant
conductress, Sara Kraane; secretary, Mra
T. J. Pugh; treasurer, Mrs. Leone Thorpe.
PONCA The graduating exerciaes of the
Ponra High school will be held this week.
There are twelve who will receive diplomas
this year. The graduating class will pre
sent the "Merchant of Venice," up to date,
at the opera house Wednesday evening,
and graduation will take place on Thurs
day evening. Rev. M. Koolen, paator of
the German Lutheran church, preached
the baccalaureate sermon. The service
was held in the opera house Sunday even
ing. FITLLERTON Appropriate memorial sr
vices were held In the large Methodist Epis
copal church of this city Sunday. Rev.
W. H. Cooper of the Presbyterian church
presided and read the scripture. Rev.
I-ohr of the Evangelical church offered
prayer, while the new Methodist Episcopal
pastor. Rev. A. G. McVay, delivered a
brief address.' artving a tribute to the
Grand Army of tho Rerubllc members, who
were assigned prominent seats In the
church. The high school quartet and the
Fullerton band rendered sacred and
patriotic music.
BEATRICE Mrs. Helen Black, widow of
the late C. 8. Black, died last evening at
her home In this city. he rame to
Beatrice in 1873 with her husband, who
was for many years a member of the firm
of Black Bros., millers. At the time of
his death he was president of the First
Naftenal bank, and a heavy property owner
in Beatrice and Gage county. Mrs. Black
had been In falling health for years, and
was brought to her home in this city last
Saturday from Sycamore, III., where she
had been visiting with a sister. She was
7 years of age and leaves three daughters
and a son.
MADISON The case of state of Ne
braska (gainst Frank Tomka for violation
of an Injunction of the court was heard
In court here. Tomka admitted having
violated the injunction alleged and the
court adjudged him guilty and fined him
li) and costs. This trouble grew out
of a line fence between Ms field and a
neighbor and. he. unwilling to exercise
his rights aa provided by law. disobeyed
the restraining order of the court, moved
the fence and made s potato patch of the
disputed territory. Now he must abandon
his potato crop, replace the fence In Its
original position. flary $100 and costs, and
proceed In the manner provided by law for
adjusting such matters.
Wil SitWWw .... ,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May 26. (Special.) The pollca
are making a valient effort to clean up
Lincoln and make of It such a place that
parents will not be afraid te send their
children hare to the State university. Yes
terdsy four drunks were arrested, accord
ing to a local paper, in five minutes, and
last night a resort was raided and two
women and a man were arrested.
Janitors at the stats house have com
plained that the lawn Is so covered with
broken beer and whisky bottles that they
have great difficulty In mowing the grass
without ruining their machines.
The police for a long time have been try
ing to prevent prostitution In the blocks
down town and recently where raids have
been made I nthe business part of town
liquor and ber have been found and the
police have some evidence that In at least
one instance this was being offered ' for
Because of the fact that Lincoln la a
university town where boys and girls are
sent to school from all parts of the state,
the police realise that It Is up to them to
kep it as clean as possible morally, but the
record of arrests shows that the town is
about like it has been for a number of
years. The police force Is small and It Is
having great (difficulty Just now In trying
to prevent the sale of beer and whisky.
Under the rules of the excise board it is
Illegal for a druggist to compound a medi
cine In which whisky Is one of the In
gredients. It Is illegal under these rules
for a physician to give pwhleky to a pa
tient. Preventing the Illegal sale of liquor and
driving prostitution out of blocks and
places where It has flourished for so many
years Is proving a big task for the police,
though they are buckling down to It hard.
Wsata Nebraska Label.
In a letter to Deputy Commissioner of
Labor Maupln, Dr. Charles E. Bessey of
the University of Nebraska makes a sug
gestion that will be of interest to Ne
braskans. Dr. Beesey suggests that nt all
future fairs, state and county, tho ex
hibitors of goods manufactured In Ne
braska make the fact known by attaching
"Made in Nebraska" cards to all such ex
hibits. He says that this custom is fol
lowed at all of the fairs held in the Do
minion of Canada and believes that It
could be followed to great advantage in
Dr. Beesey was lead to make this sug
gestion by learning from the last biennial
report of the bureau of labor and Indus
trial statistics that Nebraska Is not wholly
an agricultural state. The report shows
that Nebraska manufacturing Institutions
turned out $161,000,000 worth of finished
products in 1908, a large proportion of
which was made up from raw material
furnished In Nebraska. Nine million dol
lars were paid In wages to the workers
In these manufacturing institutions, and to
this enormous wage roll should be added
the wsge paid to workers In other than
strictly manufacturing plants fallroad men,
printers, pressmen and other skilled work
men. The total wage roll would doubtless
exceed $20,000,000.
"Nebraska's place in the agricultural
world Is well known and absolutely sure,"
said Deputy Commissioner Maupln today.
"Why ot proceed now to let the world
know that we are progressing along other
lines of productive endeavor?"
gome Peta Peter Oat.
Felix Newton Is booked for slaughter.
The basket is ready for his head Just as
soon as the governor can get around to
apply the ax. Newton Is the bookkeeper
at the Lincoln' Insane asylum. He won
his Job by the sweat of his brow on elec
tion day and before. Though he may
have spent his time working against the
Interest of his state, he certainly was
faithful to democracy and democracy's
candidate. But Felix Newton, the little
Russian who lead his people out of the
beet fields into democracy's camp, has no
longer a standln with the powers that be.
That he worked hard at his Job there Is
no doubt and It was hard work for him.
In keeping his accounts he used beads with
which to add and no mistakes have been
found In his vouchers. --...
Just why Felix Newton Us to be let out
Governor Mullenberger has not announced,
but It was thought at one time, he sym
pathized with Miss McGtnnis, who was the
first to be fired at the Institution. Then
Felix had no account of a car of coal
which the coal company said It had de
livered at the asylum. Felix refused to
sign the voucher so the company could
get Its money. Then Felix had trouble
with the other employes at the asylum
over social functions out there. On one
recent occasion there appeared a sign on
the walls of the main corridor Inviting all
employes to participate In a dance at the
institution "except the bookkeeper."
But Governor Mullenberger is not going
to permit little Felix to have to go back
of all classes, ages and sexes you and your friends and
your friends' friends whenever you're hot, tired, nerve worn,
uiuaLy ui just smipiy crave somecning delicious to
Kemper, Hemphill aV Buckingham,
All Kinds of Plating.
If you deal. a cleat complexion take
Foley's Orlno Laxative for constipation and
liver trouble, as It will stimulate these
organa and thoroughly - cleanse your sys
tem, which la what every ene needs tt;
the spring In order to feel wall. For sale
by all druggists.
The "Chicago Limited, via the Illinois
Central, at t p. m.
Kemper, Hemphill Buckingham.
All Kinds of Plating,
It Pays to Think. About rood.
The unthinking life some people lead
often causes trouble and sickness. Illus
trated in the experience of a lady In Fond
du, Wis.
"About four years ago I suffered dread
fully from Indigestion, always having
eaten whatever I liked, not thinking of the
dicesUble quatitiea. This Indigestion
Wholesome, cooling, refreshes brain, body and nerves;
thirst-quenching and extremely delicious.
The Satisfactory Beverage
5c Everywhere
vou see an
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola.
caused palpitation of the heart so badlv
I could not walk up a flight of stairs with- j in Douglas county this year numbered ,
out silting down once or twice to regain
breath and strength.
"I became alarmed and tried dieting,
wore my clothes very loose, and many
other remedies, but found no relief.
"Hearing of the virtues of Grape-Nuts
and Postum, I commenced using them In
place of my usual breakfast of coffee,
cakea. or hot biscuit, and in one week's
time I was relieved of sour stomach and.
other ills attending indigestion. In a
month's time my heart Waa performing its
functions naturally and I could climb
stalra and hills and walk long diatances.
"I gained ten pounds in this short time,
and my skin became clear and I completely
regained mv health and strength. I con
tinue to use Grape-Nuts and Postum for
I feel that I owe my good health entirely
to their use. "There s a Reason."
"I like the delicious flavor of Grape-Nuts
and by making Postura according to direc
tions. It tastes similar to mild high grade
Read "The Road to Wellvllle." In pkgs.
Erer read the above letter? A new
one appearg fraan time to time. They
are genuine, true and full of human
to regular work If he can help It and he
probably can. He will Irteist that one of
his appointees give Felix a Job In another
field of endeavor.
In the menatlme this discharge of Fcllt
Is in all probability the beginning of a
wholesale re-arrangement-at the institu
tion. Governor Mullenberger Is finding
out that It makes more than ability to get
votes to successfully manage a state In
stitution. For many days stories have
been coming into the state house regard
ing the incompetency of employes and
the action of the governor in getting rid of
hla bookkeeper Indicates that he is looking
into masters there.
Frasler Head of' Ball Team.
Lew Frasler, former secretary of the
State Printing board, now postmaster ."rt
Fairmont, was in Lincoln on business
Tuesday, nl addition to being editor of
the only paper In Fairmont and head of
the postoffioe there, Mr. Frailer has Just
been elected head of the base ball nine
and its general manager. A state league
has been formed with th following towns
represented: Fairmont, Sutton, Exeter, Dor
chester, Shlckley and Geneva. Under the
rules of the new league each team Is to
play two games each week, one on the
home ground a. The season opens June 1
nd closes September 1.
Mr. Frailer Is Just recovering from a
badly sprained right shoulder, which he
got In a peculiar manner though his story
Is plausible. Mr. Frazler Is abdicted to the
nightmare habit. On the flight In question,
some five weeks ago, he was attacked by
nlghtmare which threw him out of bed
onto his shoulder and so twisted his arm
that It was badly sprained'. As he Is draw
ing accident Insurance, It Is understood the
story has been carefully Investigated and
found to be true.
' Lealslature Overlooks One.
' It la very evident the aeroplane buslneaa
Is about to become a real business in Ne
braska. Secretary of tSale Junkln today
received a letter from W. T. Baker of
Farnam asking for copies of the automobile
and aeroplane laws. He signed himself
as an aeroplanlst and automoblllst," giving
the number of his dlplomd. Nebraska's
first democratic legislature overlooked the
aeroplane business and enacted no laws
governing this matter.
Requisition for McCarthy.
Governor Shallenherger has Issued a
requisition on the governor of Washington
for the return to Lincoln of J. H. Mc
Carthy, alias J. H. Storrs, wanted for em
bezzlement. McCarthy said he would re
turn without papers, but fearing a hitch
the police secured the requisition. McCar
thy will be charged with the appropriation
of some $8,6u0 from the Horn estate.
State school Apportion meat.
State Superintendent Bishop la. certifying
out to the various county superintendents
the semi-annual school apportionment.
wmcn amounts to a total or or
$4,732:2 for each pupil, theie being
school children enrolled during the last six
On e year ago the apportionment
amountec to $331,376.68.
The amount allotted to Douglas county
out of this apportionment Is $30,300.71,
against $36,0SS 23 a year ago. The pupils
Colfax 4.0C1 3,219.2
Cuming 6,375 4.'JVi.89
Custer 0.638 .7ti.'-M
Dakota 2.2SJ 19. 79
Dawes 1.8r. 1.479.21
Dawson 5. ITU 4.1KI.14
Duel 83J 63. i3
Dixon 4.074 S.TU.bS
Dodge 7,134 6,6.i8
Douglas 38,47"! 3.S"i.71
Dundy 1.4 1.132.1
Fillmore 4.913 3.8.30
Franklin 3,747 2.970.33
Frontier 3.3:r.! 2.H33.42
Furnas , 4,7rt 3,704.77
(Jag 10,020 7.943.W
Garfield l.KI 921.91
Gosper 1.874 1.46.67
Grant 214 169. w
(Jreeley 2.SH3 2.245.78
Hall 6.842 4.h3l.09
Hamilton 4.4A8 3. 665.66
Harlan S.7.VI 2.979. 03
Ifayes 1,021 809.39
Hitchcock 2154 l.a.2o
Holt 4.90 8.916. C6
Hooker 281 222.76
Howard 4.213 $339.74
Jefferson 6.341 4.233.93
Am't Brought forward. .206,257 $163,604.62
Johnson 3.641 2.8"7."3
Kearney , 3,226 2.67.30
Keith Sra 677.78
Keya Patha 1.172 929.08
Kimball 409 324.23
Knox 638 4.91C.64
Luncaster 20.268 10.066.85
Lincoln 4,139 8.518.89
Logan 374 296.49
lnip ....7 7! 538.2
Madison 4.670 73
Mcpherson 626 416 98
Merrick 8.27 2 2.6S3 79
Nnnce 2 945 2.334.57
Nemaha 4.40 8,635.64
Nuckolls 4,102 3.251.75
(Hoe 6.48S 514.19
Pawnee 3,745 2,968.75
Perkins 645 511.31
Phelps 8.569 2.829.23
I'lerce 3.65 2.921.18
Platte 6.811 6.3P9.23
1'olk 3.5S4 2.801.48
Red Willow 3.768 2.98. 78
Richardson 6.7'i 4.524 07
Kock 1.240 9S2.98
fialine .! 4 868. 11
Barpy 2.6 2.359.14
Saunders 7,301 6,789.67
Scott's Bluff L92S 1,628.37
Seward 5.5 4,038.93
Sheridan 1.979 1.668.80
Hlierman 2,997 2,376.79
Fioux 050 953.09
Rtanton 2.797 2.217.25
Thayer 4.8,18 3.835.19
Thomas 273 216.42
Thurston 1.696 2.137.18
Valley 8.46 2.7HO.OV
Washington i.'.fl 3.489.66
Wayne 3.614 2.8S4.90
Webster .... 4.042 3.24.1S
Wheeler 736 683.45
York 6,777 4.57ft5
369,856 $293,1K.19
Warnlns from Malna.
The sanitary conditions and the methods
of handling crean in a large number of
receiving stations are of such a nature as
to require the sttentlon of the Pure Food
Commission, and an official notice has
been sent out by Commissioner Mains that
wherever conditions exbst that will render
cream or milk unclean or unwholesome,
or where a sample of cream or milk has
been taken before It has been thoroughly
stirred, or where any false or unfair test
has been made, the operator of such sta
tion will be aubject to prosecution under
the Pure Food law and his permit will
be cancelled. All testing apparatus must
be kept clean and In good order so that
accurate tests may be obtained.
Oils, live poultry, or Btrong flavored
merchandise must not be kept where milk
Is handled.
Graduation at Braver City.
BEAVER CITY, Neb.. May 2S.-(Speclal )
The graduation exercises of the Beaver
City high school were he'd this evening
at the court house. The address to the
class was given by Rev. J. W. Pressly.
The rostrum was splendidly decorated and
the court room was crowded. The grad
uates are: Leila Court ugh t, Josephine
Rhodes, Jessie Modlln, Vtllers Smith,
Gerald Blackman, Frank Stolts, Helen
Whitney, Maude Whltsall, Llllle Stewart,
Hattle Leonard, Beth McDonald and Eliza
beth Colllngs. The class-day exercises will
be held tomorrow.
Sterling; Vlllaare Board. Mast Cancel
a License It leaned.
BEATRICE, Neb.. May 2S.(8peclal Tel
egramsThe Sterling saloon case came up
for hearing In district court horo this after
noon before Judge L. M. Fcmberton. The
court granted a peremptory writ of man
damus compelling the Sterling village board
to cancel a saloon license recently issued
there to Henry Secle, on the ground that
the remonstratora were not given sufficient
time for a hearing. The defendants gave
notice of an appeal to the supreme court.
Recently Judge Pemberten granted an
alternative writ of mandamus requiring the
village board of Sterling to meet and re
voke the saloon license granted Henry
Seele and to allow the citizens of that
place an opportunity to present a remon
strance. It being alleged that the board
took snap Judgment in granting said li
cense to Seele. After the writ was granted
Seele's saloon was closed pending the hear
ing of the case. A number of remon
stratora, comprising residents of Adanu
and Sterling, attended the hearing.
A Kbootlaa; Scrape
with both parties wounded, demands Buck
len's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores,
burns or Injuries. 26c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Bee Want Ad. stimulate trade moves.
A Successful Cure for Epilepsy
476. against 39.937 a year ago.
The money to make up the total appor
tionment this year was derived from the
following sources: Slate tax. $2,381.49; in
terest on school and saline lands sold,
$t0.099.3; interest on school and saline
lands leased, $67.30v64; Interest on bonds,
1117.501.43; Interest on state warrants, $12,
fM.66; from the sale of fish and game li
censes, $3,060, district bonds, $134.96; final
dividend from the Buffalo county bank,
Following Is The apportionment of the
money by counties, together with the num
ber of school children in each country:
Adama ....
Banner ....
Hiaine ....
Box Butte
Boyd ,
Brown ....
Buffalo ...
1 6M
Chaae 1.103
Cherry 2.83
Cheyenne Uso
(lay 6,1
S.4M S3
$ .408.36
4.nsS 38
6.268. 92
4t 06
" ; J.
. caajsasavvsv i,'i"-V'
' . in
Dr. Milen is an expert dlagnostlcan of 30 years' experience in the
treatment of nervous and chronic diseases.
He sees all patients personally and outlines their treatment asking
no questions at all of the patient.
He frankly tells those who are incurable that nothing can be dona
for them, and in such cases refuses the treatment and accepts no fee.
Many people who have been suffering
with Epilepsy for years have, been cured
by Austro-American methods. This treat
ment is strictly scientific and invariably
successful, as the Austro-American Doctors
accept no case which they cannot cure.
Following is a letter from J. S, Mewell of
Villisca, la., who bad been suffering with
Epilepsy for years and had tried various
treatments and doctors without gaining re
lief. He commenced taking the Austro
American treatment January 28th and his
Epileptic attacks have ceased entirely.
Villisca. Ia., May 10. 190.
Theodore Milen, M. D., Omaha, Neb.
Dear Sir: Since taking the Austro
American treatment I am feeling fine and
working every day. My Epileptic attacks
have stopped. Very truly,
J. S. MEWELL. Villisca, Ia.
More and more people of Omaha, Ne
braska and surrounding states are learning
that the Austro-American treatment is the
most successful in the world for those suf
fering with Rheumatism, Goitre, Epilepsy,
Gall Stones, Diseases of the Liver. Kidneys,
Stomach, Blood, Chronic and Nervous Dis
eases of Men and Women, etc. Since the
Austro-American Doctors have established
their Omaha office they have treated and
cured hundreds of seemingly hopeless cases,
many of which bad been pronounced incur
able by ordinary physicians' methods.
No Fee Is Asked, Until the Patient Is Cured.
Don't make a mistake ia the address. The only Omaha, offices
Are Permanently Located at Suite 42A Ramge Building,
J 5th and Harney, Just Opposite the Orpheum Theater.