The Omaha Daily Bee The Omaha dee ! the moat powerful buslopga retter In tha wwt, berann It (toe to the home of poor and rich. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska -Showers. For lown Mvcr Kor wrsthi-r report ir Page . VOL. XXXVIII NO." 205. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 1D09-TWELVE FAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SUGAR SCHEDULE BEFORE SENATE Lonjsiana Members Make Strong Speeches in Favor of High Protective Duty. MENERY AGAINST I 'RADE He Says it Hat No Pi 5A . Our Scheme of Governn. SUGAR IS ALWAYS 'D x - Only Bill Omitting it Wa. the Tariff. BEVERIDGE QUOTES FROM TAFT (anipslgn Speeches of President Hend Into nrcord to Shew lie Fa vora Hrvlsion Down. ward. WASHINGTON, May 26. The senate to riiv L-Fgun the formal consideration of the sugar schedule, but did not approach a vote upon It. Instead, the time allotted Ui this schedule was entirely given over ti) spcecliniaklng, and, atrsnge to say, the two speeches on the subject, while made by democrat!, were In strong advocacy of a high tariff on sugar of all grades. The lumber schedule was temporarily put aside In order to permit the committee on finance to make changes In It. Early In the day Senator Beverldge addressed the senate at soma length In support of his contention that President Taft had, pre vious to and after his nomination, been a Consistent advocate of a downward re vision of the tariff. He followed the maiden effort of his dem ocratic colleague, Mr. Bhlvely, who under took to prove that If the tariff bill now before the senate should become a law the rates over which the senate Is wrang ling would constitute the tariff, hut that the country would find Itself operating under the maximum rate, which Is 25 per cent higher than the minimum. Beverldgte Quotes Taft. Defending his view that the pledges of the republican party were for a revision of the tariff downward. Senator Beverldge today quoted extensively from remarks by Mr. Taft it Bath, Me., prior to his nom ination for the presidency. He Insisted that the speech was accepted by the people of the country as a declaration on the part of the conservative forces of the party that there would be a revision of duties In order that they might be low ered. He said that to place, the views of the president correctly before the country he would Introduce Into the records all of the public statements of the president relat ing to th tariff. Mr. Beverldge did not profess to appear as the authorised mouthpiece of the presi dent, but on the contrary was especially careful to say such was not the case. One of the speeches nf Mr. Taft quoted by Mr. Beverldge was that made In Milwaukee September 2 lest. In which the then presi dential candidate was quoted aa saying: "It Is my Judgment that a revision of the tariff In accordance with the pledges of the ' republican platform will be on the whole a substantial revision downward, though there probably will be a few exceptions In this regard." . Mr. Heybum Inquired whether the sen ator from Indiana agreed with the declara tion of a party that demanded an "Imme diate revision of the tariff by a general reduction of duties." Jab at Mlaorltr Party. "I am presenting facts on which anyone onn draw an Inference," replied Mr. Bev erldge. "There was a party that made a campaign upon the declaration of princi ples that are not being kept here," said the Indiana senator, looking over the dem ocratic side In a manner that Indicated his disapproval of the course of the minority. In an Impassioned burst the Indian sen ator declared the worst enemies of a pro tective policy were those who resisted any reduction of the duties to meet changed conditions. "It will not be permitted that anyone shall say here," declared Mr. Beverldge, "when senators def Ire to reduce these rates that thy are less earnest protectionists than others, for we think we are equally as earnest as and more wise than they." 'There was, he declared, no dissension In the republican party on the tariff aa the differences were mall. "Tt has been said thor is free trade on this side." snld the Indiana senator, who contradicted the accusation with emphasis. "No, not a single microbe of It." he al most shouted. "No free trade here, but will anybody deny there Is protection over there?" pointing In dramatic manner to wards the democratic side of the chamber, lie predicted that the protective tariff would make many southern states re publican. J Foster Favors "oarar Da ties. In view of the fact that the senate com mittee on finance Is contemplating further amendments to the lumber schedule the portion of that schedule which has not been acted upon was passed over today by the aenate and the sugar schedule taken up. Senator Pouter spoke In favor of sus taining the duties on raw and refined sucar as passed by the bowse and recom mended by the committee on finance. "If ths revenue provided in this bill from the Importation of sugar," sal I Mr. Foster, "is necessary for the honest and econom ical administration of the government, then It should not be disturbed." A duty, he pointed out. had been Im posed upon sugar by every political party since the foundation of the government and except In th Walker act, a differen tial duly had been Imposed upon the dif ferent grades of sugar. The products of the field and forest, Mr. Foster declared, -had arisen In price 25 to 30 per cent, ivhlla the price of sugar had remained stationary. In reply to a uestlon by Mr. Tillman the Louisiana senator declared his belief that If the duty should be taken off sugar the domestic Industry would be destroyed. "Then we farmers will have to pay to keep this Industry going." suggested Mr. Tillman. "The cotton growers and the corn grow ers." responded Mr. Foster, "will have to help support this government, and I see no reason why they should object to do- Yg it through a tax of this kind." Me Carry Is fur Protection. Closely following his colleague, Mr. Xnery spoke In support of ths ame prin ciples as had been upheld by Mr. Foster. (Osntlnued oa Second FageJ1 Margaret Moran. Home in Omaha, Tired of Life Employe of Government Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Triei to Die. WASHINGTON. May i. (Special Tele gram.) Despondent because of the fear that she would losn her position In th? bureau of engraving anil printing, due to a "shake-up," Miss Margaret Mornn, 32 years of age. who claims Omaha ns her home, attempted Monday nigh tto end her life. Prompt medical attention by physi cians at the Emergency hospital save) her. Miss Moran has been employed In the bureau of engraving and printing as plate printer's assistant since last January. She has. It Is said, been a sufferer from melan-' cholla and this, coupled with the strenu ous work she was called upon to do, evi dently wrecked her nervous system. Miss Moran. It Is said, owes her original appointment to Senator Burkett, though the senator said tolay he knew compara tively little of the young woman and had merely assisted her with his recommenda tion, Just as he has many others who have applied to him. High Water Derails Train Passenger leaves Track, Injuring No One, but is Delayed Until Flood Subsides. MANHATTAN. Kan., May 25.-(Speclal Telegram.) Union Pacific passenger train No. 128, which left Lincoln this morning, was derailed north of here, supposedly be cause of high water and has not reached this point up to a late hour. It was reported here that a large num ber of people had been Injured1, but details of the wreck cannot be learned. BEATRICE, Neb., May 25. (Special Tel egram.) Persistent reports here are that the Union, Pacific passenger, southbound, which went through here this morning, has been wrecked near Manhattan and a num ber Injured. No communication can be se cured with the traJn. Union Pacific officials were notified yes terday afternoon of the derailment of paa senger train No. 126 north of Manhattan, the derailment being caused by high water. The telegraph department at the headquar ters said the reports were to the effect that no one was Injured and the train was replaced within a short time, but could not move for some hours because of the high water. Snow Falls in the Black Hills Ground Covered Three Inches Deep at Portland and Damage to Fruit is Feared. DEAD WOOD, S. D.. May 25. Following a heavy rain for two days snow set In this morning In the northern Black Hills and Is still falling. At Portland It Is now three Inches deep. If the snow reaches the val leys the fruit crops will be heavily dam aged. SCIENTIST MAKES ARMOR AGAINST SNAKES AND INSECia Clothing; is Designed for I'se on Trip After Tarontnlas and Scor pions In Ysntas. NEW YORK, May 25. Prof. Alexander Petrumovitsch of the American Museum of Natural History, will start for Mexico and Yucatan this week to gather speci mens of cplders, scorpions and tarantulas. In preparing hla camp outfit he has made several suits of clothing composed of twa layers of canvas, between which Is a fine wire screen. This is designed to thwart poisonous bites and stings of tha snakes and Insects which he seeks. He Is also taking along a liberal supply of antidotes for such poisons. SISTER-IN-LAW HIS ACCUSER John McKinney In Jail at Boone Af ter Long Chase by the Officers. BOONE, la.. May S. (Special Telegram.) John McKinney la In Jail here under heavy bonds charged with criminal as sault on his sister-in-law, Minnie Whipple, aged 12 years. When the girl's father, Joseph Whipple, leal M of the alleged crime he gave McKinney one hour to leave town or be killed, and McKinney left. Then the father went to officers and reported tha rase. After several days' chase the man was located at Btuart. He was brought back this morning. McKinney is married to Whipple's daughter. The people are wealthy farmers of Cass township and the case has caused a great sensation. Auto Men Quit Machines or Slow Up Since Robbery "No more automobile tours for us until this train robbery business blows over," is the chorus that conies from the Omaha autolals. . This is one of the effects of the Overland Limited robbery. Anbther is to reduce the running time of those few automobiles yet In commission. "It's dangerous to run your machine on a country road at any rate of speed," says Gould Dleti. And that's right, for the police are del uged with reports from all directions to this effect: "An automobile with four men In It Just passed our place, going so fast w couldn't count the men." "We have run down 7tB of these rumors already," sighed Chief of Detectives Sav age, as he leaned his weary head on Patsy Havry'a shoulder. Gould Diets has garaged his machine and Is-now doing his autolng with the Ak-Sar-Ben donkey and sway-back mule. "They may not be quite as fast as tha autoa." remarked Colonel Diets, "but you see I escape being hauled up by postofflcs inspectors or Plnkerton sleuths and ques "GO INTO YOUR 0WNP0CKETS" Dr. Steffen of Dubuque Advises Pres byterian Assembly to Let Rocke feller and Carnegie Alone. MONEY FOR TENNESSEE CHURCH Hundred Thousand Appropriated for New Buildings in that Synod. MILLION FOR MISSION WORK Collections for Year Are the Largest on Record. NEXT SESSION IN ATLANTIC CITY Eastern Point Maa Apparently Tnke the Lead from Chicago In Fight , for Assembly of Xtne 1 teen Ten. DENVER, May 26-"Let Rockefeller and Carneglo alone go Into your own pockets for college endowments." was the advice of Dr. J. C. Steffen of Dubuque, la.. In an address before the general assembly of the Presbyterian church this afternoon. During the day It became apparent that Chicago Instead of Atlantic City was tak ing the lead as the next meeting place, but the subject was not officially before tha asae-nbly. It waa decided that Sioo.ono should be spent In the erection of churches In the synod of Tennessee to replace those taken from the church by the decision of the su preme court of that state, which held the union of the Presbyterian church In the United States of America and the Cumber land Presbyerian church Illegal. Dr. Steffen in his address called -attention to the lack of Bible study In the sectarian schools and urged that a rule requiring at least 144 hours of Bible study In each school year be made compulsory In the case of each regular student. He also said the board had been withdrawing Its aid from secondary schools as much as possible In view of the greatly increased efficiency of high schools. Administrative Report Passed. The report of the committee on adminis trative agencies waa passed substantially as submitted by Dr. J. D. Moffatt of Pitts burg. The principal recommendation Is that each church board obtain legal advice aa to the enlargement of Its powers in order that the consolidation of the boards' may be accomplished gradually. The regular and special reports of the executive commission were accepted after debate. Objection waa mad to the appro priation of only It,fl00 to the temperance board, but It was pointed out that this sum Is $1,000 In excess of the amount usually appropriated. The special report provides for the dlsclmrge of the standing commit tee on finance frafn the consideration of the budget of the- missionary and benevo lent boards and that the policies outlined by the various boards be submitted to the commission for is consideration, later to be referred o the assembly. Million for Missions. Dr. W. L. McEwan offered the report of the board of foreign missions showing that the amount received, 11.073,971, was the largest In the history of the church. He asked for $800,000 for the work of the coming year. Dr. Charles I. Thompson of New York, secretary of the board, made a plea for the Immigrant, saying that within fifty yeara the United States will have a population of 200.000 and that a spe . ffort must be made to ' christianize t... ...-oming foreigners. Congressman Bennett of New York, who is a commissioner to the assembly, denied that the majority of Immigrants are Idlers and criminals. Dr. Thompson referred to the removal of Robert Watchorn, former commissioner of Immigration stationed at Ellis Island. "Politics," he said bitterly, "or what not," was the cause of the removal of a great man. Bennett and Yereanee flash. Congressman Bennett and James Yere anee of New York debated sharply over the effort to close saloons In New York on Sunday. Mr. Bennett said the Idea of the prosecution had been to force the sa loon keepers to obey the law reqmlrlng them to close their places except between the hours of 1 and 11 p. m. "We wished to have the law observed," "said Mr. Bennett. "It was a matter of expediency." "And I don't believe In expediency where the observance of the Sabbath la con cerned," retorted Mr, Yereanee. The report on Sabbath observance, which was submitted by Mr. eYarance and which criticised the action of the New York com mittee of fourteen defended by Mr. Ben nett, was adopted. Fort Dodge Man Found Dead. FORT DODGE, la.. May 25.-8pectal TelegTSjn.) F. M. Reed, aged 35 years, a real estate dealer of this city, was found dead near the Illinois Central station this morning by a woman passing by. Death probably waa due to heart failure and an inquest is being held this afternoon. He leave a wife and child. tioned about where my machine was Sat urday night." Herman Peters nas been able to prove an alibi, as he was scorching south instead of north Saturday night, but he has put his machine In cold storage and will do all his autoing for the next few weeks afoot. H. B. Kredrlckson has put time locks on all his machines and has gone back to the old high-wheeled bicycle In order to get around. But he has tabooed red wheels and Intends to havsr all his red automobile painted khaki color until the holdup storm blows over. "Whether we ever ,.catch ths train rob bers or not. we may be able to enforce the speed limit laws for a few days," observed Paisy Hsvey. 'On the level, I never saw those auu fellows quit as cautious as they have been since these reports began to coma In." "That's all true enough," replied Savage, but even at that I wish tha people who see ajl these flying autoa would either chase them down or quit making us do It. My legs are nearly run off now. J don't believe I could run another mlla" j From the Washington Herald. WINCBELL GUEST JN OMAHA Head of Rock Island Lines Mixes and Shows Get Together Spirit. COMMERCIAL CLUB THE HOST Informal Dinner Lasts Two Honrs, Sir. Wlnrhell Sarins; Railroads and Bnalness Men Mnst Co-Operate to Develop Conn try. "We will never conduct our commerce tight and we will never develop tha re rources of our country as we should, until the business men of the United States stop referring to the railroads, the men who own and manage them, as a menace . to the country," This Is ane rf several statements which President Ben WmcheH -or the Rock Island lines made to 100 members of the Com mercial club at the noonday dinner given in his honor yesterday. Mr. Wlnchel) n.ade a short address to those present and was followed by E. E. Bruce, who spoke of the jobbing Interests Tit the city, ind C. C. Rosewatcr, who spokt of the National Corn exposition. Like E. H. Harriman, President Wlnchell took for his theme "co-operation" In ad dressing Omaha business men, but said the word was used so many times without sincerity and epplled to things which were anything but co-operative. "A man would be less than If he did not feel frateful to the reception you have given n,'" said Mr. Winchcll. "I have nothing ser.out to say today, but only In a general ay cm 'oil y(,u tru I agree with your pros, lnt here, the mor-. we see and know one a.ioim r, the less we dislike each other, and real frit rulaLips nre likely to result. I do not say this as applied to the Rock Island sysfin and the business men tit Omilu, hut tha railv.iv men and busings n en ah over the .ocn try. Lessons Have Been Bitter. "They are not two classes, trios-? nen who run the railways and th'.ise who run the business houses. Wj are in In tiict and must work logj'her to handle Lie country's business. - "In the last few years the railroads have learned some bitter lessons themselves. Under the ireaoure of biui i a :i:nl -a id development, the railroads nvei looked loo long the rights of h? pu'dk-. "We did not realUe In 'ho venre Mat are past what it mea is tr havs it ', fur instance, get a i.urt X' T f or discourte ous treatment from a sla in agent. Whir the farmer turned up on i Juiy snnv! day ha made the stockholder jay and ;iiy heavily for the discourtesy . the ngent. "Discourtesy rn the part of a may cost a railroad company tiviuiands of dollars, and we Insist il'.nt .he cour tesy Is due the public. M than tnat. the railroads have learned to si 'toy me Inter ests about them and lend . 'rig hand whenever possible. The dinner given In honor ( Mr. Win chel! was In -charge of '113 tn'xriaiun.cnt committee of the Commercial i lub, headed (Continued on Second Puge.) One man's meat is another man's poison. You may want what the other man is glad to sell for a song. Under the head of "Offered for Sale" is most everything you can think of. Make it a practice to read these ads. You will find it will be more than worth your time. You will find real bargains every day on the want ad. pages, that will save you money. Have you read th want ads yet today? Burlington Said to Have Designs on Cheyenne Railroad Said to Be Buying Property to Connect with Its Other Line. CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 23.-(Speclal.) It was learned a few days ago that agents of the Burlington railroad have been quietly at work here for some time, secur ing options on property located between the western end of Its Holdrege-Cheyenne line, on Capitol avenue, and the Cheyenne A Northern, due west, and six blocks away. It la said options have been given on the Becker hotel, located on the alley, directly across Capitol avenue west of the Bur Unglon depot: on the Metropolitan hotel on i'erguson street, and other property. This would Indicate that the Burlington Intends to build through the city and con nect Its Cht-yenne-Holdrege line with the Cheyenne & Northern, or the Colorado it Southern property in west Cheyenne. At present the Burlington is compelled to use the Union Pacific tracks between the two lines. The action of the Burlington will surely draw the Union Pacific Into the game, for If the Burlington is left unmolested in Its plans the building of Its line westward through the city would cut off the city frontage of the Union Pacific, which would be compelled to cross the Burlington tracks In getting Into the city, and the Burling ton would have the city frontape from Capitol avenue westward. 'as It now has the frontage from Capitol avenue east ward. Business men and citizens generally are on the tip-toe of expectancy, for the build ing of the Burlington through the city would greatly enhance property values and be of Inestimable benefit to the city. It would also mean the location of large shops here, and other railroad Improvements. It Is not expected, however, that the Union Pacific will sit quietly by and permit a rival to get the inside track, at least not without a fight. New Terminals for Two Cities Syndicate Will Build Double Track Road Between Kansas City and St. Joseph. KANSAS CITY, May 25 .Definite an nouncement was made today of the purpose of the Townsend-Enright syndicate In se curing terminal grounds and rights of way here and In St. Joseph and between the two cities. The project Involves the con struction of a double track railroad for steam and trolley lines between Kansas City and St. Joseph. Government approval has been secured for a bridge across the Missouri river. The project has proceeded so far that construction has been begun on the track upon tha main line of the railroad at a point six miles below Dearborn. The purpose of the new enterprise Is to provide facilities for roads In Kansas City and St. Joseph that now huve no connec tion wtlh the other city. President Taft Services at G GETTYSBURG. . Pa.. May 25.-Arrange-n-ients hae been completed for the dedica tion on the battlefield here next Monday afternoon of the monument erected by con gress to commemorate the services of the regular army of th" United States In the Gettysburg campaign of June and July, 1. f'resident Taft will be the central figure In the ceremonies and will deliver the oration. Miss Helen H. Taft, the presi dent's daughter, will unveil the monument. The president will arrive here Monday morning from Pittsburg and will be met by a committee of citizens of ths historic town and escorted by United States regu lars. Secretary of War Dickinson will deliver an address and transfer the monument to the Gettysburg National Park commission. The memorial will be accepted by Lieu tenant Colonel John P. Nicholson, chair man of tha coramUaton. Following tbs OIL IN STOVE, TWO PERISH Mrs. Alfred E. Kennedy, Beaver City, is Burned to Death. HUSBAND IS FATALLY BURNED Wife t'aed Kerosene In an Attempt to Make ftnlck Fire, Explosion He salted Husband Tried to Save Her. BEAVER CITY. Neb., May 15. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Alferd E. Kennedy Is dead as a result of terrible bums received Tuesday while kindling a fire with kerosene, and her husband is In a critcal condtion rb a result of burns Incurred while endeavoring to rescue hla wife from a. fiery death. Mrs. Kennedy was literally burned from head to foot and suffered un told agony. "-. . ). Her huaband had Just reached home at noon when she undertook to make a quick fire with the aid of the oil can. A terrific explosion resulted and her clothes were saturated with the burning fluid. Mr. Kennedy rushed to her and his clothes were also rsught by the flames. He car ried his burning wife to a bed room and undertook to smother the flames with bed clothing, but by this time he was himself a mass of flameB and rushed outside the house to summon assistance, crazed with agony. Neighbors rushed to the scene and the fire department waa called. The first to arrive wrapped Mrs. Kennedy In a large rug, while others stripped Mr. Kennedy of his burning clothes. The fire in the house which had resulted was extinguished. Mrs. Kennedy was a mass of burns, the flesh dropping from the bones In places and her feet, protected by low shoes, were the only parts of her body that were not touched by the fearful flames. Mr. Ken nedy suffered much Injury about the body, limbs and head. So fierce was the heat that small coins In his vest pocket and a knife which he carried were burned almost beyond recognition. He died tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy moved here from McCook a year ago, immediately after their marriage. Mr. Kennedy is president of the Beaver Valley Automobile company. Six Are Killed in Collision Norfolk Ezpresss Runs Into Freight Train on Siding Many Faasen- I gers Are Injured. WILMINGTON. Del., May 25. The northbound Norfolk express ran Into a freight train on a aiding two miles below Salisbury. Md., on the New York. Phila delphia & Norfolk railroad, at 12:30 this afternoon. Six men were killed and sev eral Injured. MISSISSIPPI ON RETURN TRIP Hills Covered with People to Watch the Bis; Battleship Leave Statrhea. ' NATCHEZ. Miss., May tt.-Early today the big battleship Mississippi swung slowly around In midstream, and started upon its return Journed to 8alt Air. Tha hill.' were covered with people and the whistles sounded a farewell. Will Attend ettysburg Shaft placing of laurel wreaths at the base of the monument by the oldest regimental or battery commander In' the Gettysburg campaign attending the dedication. Presi dent Taft., will review the troops on the field. The monument Is a I'twutlful shaft eighty-five feet high surtvunded at the base by a broad granite terrace. It stands on Hancock avenue, a short distance south of ths high water mark of the battle of Gettysburg. The monument represents all of the forty-two cavalry artillery, Infantry and engineering organizations of th regu lar army that participated In the cam paign. In addition there haa been erected a small monument seven feet high for each of the commands at the location It chutu pied during the battle. The largs central monument and tu forty-to smaller memorials ars ail p. i roprlately Inscribed, ALL ESTIMATES TOBEJ'KUNED President Taft'i Declaration for Economy in Expenditures Takes Practical Shape. CAREFUL SCRUTINY ORDERED All Budgets to Be Placed at Lowest Consistent Minimum. BURDEN PLACED ON CONGRESS Legislators Must Take Responsibility for Any Increases. FINE ARTS COUNCIL ABOLISHED Body t rested by President Roosevelt Dropped Hei-auae t ongre-ss railed to rrovlde for Its Snnport. WASHINGTON. May 25.-Careful scru tiny of s II the estimates for appropriations (or 1911 Is being made In the various de partments as the result of President Taffs demand for economy In public expendi tures. The president will send to con gress these estimates, put at tha lowest figure consistent with what the officials believe Is necessary to maintain the gov vornnient and the responsibility for their Increase Is to be put In congress. "The administration Is to got credit for bringing the expenditures down to tho minimum, and not congress," said a prom inent official today. "Hitherto It has been the practice for chairmen of appropriations committees to proudly say, In reporting appropriation hills, that the committee has reduced the estimates submitted by the treasury very materially. Under the new method the estimates are to be made as small as possible, and If any Incrrsse Is reported In the appropriation bill the re sponsibility will he up to congress. Council of Arts Abolished. One of the smaller appropriation bills waa recently returned to the department from which It originated, and aa a conse quence the estimates have been cut more than a million dollars, which Is 15 per cent of the total amount asked for. The council of fine arts, created by Presi dent Roosevelt and which wss to have charge, of the beautlflcatlnn of Washington. to pass upon the design of government buildings, was abolished by President Taft today In an executive order. This action was required by the last sundry civil bill, which failed to appropriate money for ex penses or salaries of any of the commis sions created by President Roosevelt, with out the consent of congress,- Dhlpp's Arrest Ordered. Upon Major J. M. Wright, marshal of tha supreme court of the United States, will of contempt. The men ars now at liberty fall the duty of bringing before that court Bherlff Shipp' and the other Chattanooga men who were, yesterday pronounced guilty pf contempt." 'The men are now at liberty on their own recognizance, but It Is not apprehended there will be any difficulty In obtaining custody of them. The prevail ing opinion Is that the sentences will not be heavy. Adam God Jokes During His Trial for Capital Crime Lawyers for Kansas City Religious Fanatic Will Plead Insanity in Behalf of Client. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. May 38. flmilea and elation was in the lac of James Sharp, self-styled "Adam God," when his defense was begun today In his trial tor tha murder of Patrolman Michael Mullane. Sharp In affable mood whispered almost continu ously to his attorneys during the session, while at recess he flittered about the room with a friendly word for all. He even at tempted to Joke, taking advantage of the heavy atmosphere outside that made the court room dark and gloomy. Upon a rileee of pper he wrote this note -and sent it to the press table: "It Is written that the Lioro? walks where It is dark, and not light. I must be God, as it Is awful dark In here." Sharp's defense as outlined today by his attorney Is Insanity. The attorney also made the assertion that during ths futuT riot lat fall Sharp fired his revolver in the air after he had been wounded by a policeman's bullet and that none of the bullets from Sharp's revolver took affect. The attorney related how Sharp In re sponse to a "small voice, which told him he was God," had sold hla farm near Woodward, Ok!., and, giving the proceeds to the poor and had "gone Into tha world to save the people." Four Miners Are Killed at Joplin Falling Rock in Shaft Buries Men in Coahuilla Mine One Body Recovered. JOPI.IN. Mo., May 25.-Four miners were killed by falling rock In tha Ooahuilla mine near Porto Rico, a mining camp east of Joplin, this afternoon. Tbs dead: ALBERT BOSS. CHARLES GRBEN. HAYH AN UNKNOWN MAN. Only one of the bodies was recovered. L0RIMER BOOM FALLS FLAT peeled Attempt to F.leet Cssirns man I nltrd States ftrnator Falls to Materialise. SPRINGFIEI.n, 111 . -May, 36 In antici pation of lively scenes when the Joint ses sion convened, the galleries of tha house were crowded today with persons inter ested in the outcome of th election for United States senator. The expectation was that an attempt would he made to elect Ccr.gres smsn Ixirinier. bit this was not fulfilled hen the ballot was taken. On ths r!nny-f Jith jo,nt bailut tha total vols of '.lie Jo.nt smslon was: Hopkins, 8S; Ko, ; Mason. 1; Bhurt Ufi. :f. dun(i V. i Kei!y f Ci iaju. st. x crAimi tutuorWsl. Mujonvy oC thsM. r--& no obCbs. ax Tha Jtutt sxsnisia "r ' V 1