Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
to th homa la irad br tho
omn Belli goods for advertlaera.
J"T Nebraska-- Phowers.
T'-T 1" it-Showers snd pooler.
For weather report 1'aar 3-
Senator from Nebraska Make. Ex
tended Argument for Eemoral
of All Duty.
Minister Talks
in Butte Saloon
on Invitation
Sheriff Shipp and Five Other from
Tennesee Found Guilty by Fed
eral Tribunal.
Here They Come!
All Officers Agree Machine Was Used
and Returned to Omaha, Where
Bandits Hide.
Rev. A. T. Edwards Accept Challenge
of Nebraska Saloon Keeper
and Make Good.
' 7 '
X'.. ct
Nothing But StumpagV
Iowa Senator Come Out in Favor V
Tariff on Lumber.
Proposal to Pat l.inbrr on Free List
and Another to Place Duty at
50 Cent a Thonmud
Voted Down.
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. May U.-lPpeclal Tele
gram ) Senator Purkett today delivered a
speech In favor of free lumber mhkh
called out spirited colloquies from Senator
ISoiah, Nelaon and Elklns.
He aaid the republican party had made
the free Hat. He mentioned a number of
artlcloa are on the free list, auch aa
binding twine, fence posts and a variety
of articles, and that they were put there
UecaTjs congress at aome time believed It
wns for the best Interests of the greater
number r.tthrr than to protect a factory
or two here and there which might be in
terested in manufacturing thnt particular
article. Continuing. Senator Burkett aald:
"In my ojln!n It Is of more Importance
to tho fcinl1. It will build up and auataln
more Industries, If they can have lumber
on the free list. I am one of thoe who
believe that by putting lumber on the free
lit It will reduce the price to consumers
In thla country; and If It does not, I am
here to ask the question which I asked
the senutor from Washington several days
ago. 'Why are the people representing
theee states wherein lumber Is located so
much concerned about the proposition to re
du e the tariff?" "
Henator Burkett sld that It was too late
In the debate to undertake any very ex
haustive discussion of the lumber Ques
tion; that h-id he spoken earlier he should
have kiiiw more Into dPtall upon the ad
visability -f putting lumber on the ' free
Met. He anld he ws going to npeak upon
some phases of the question that had been
suggested by remarks of senatora who
had spoken today. He thought that In
making the tariff bill In 19 It ought to
be brought down to date. He reminded
the senate that when he asked a question
the other day with reference to a certain
schedule he had been answered that It
was In 'he Dlngley act.
"But," aald Senator Burkett. "that Is not
answer enough. We . ought to consider
conditions aa they exist todiy." Ha anld
that logs fr on ihe free list now but
that, was not of any-practical benefit to
. the people for the reason that while logs
could formerly be floated down- rivers,
forest were cleared riff far enough back
now to make that iort of transportation
Impotslble. and hence we have to deal
now with manufactured lumber.
Why I. amber la nreaard.
"We hnve gotten beyond rough lumber
now," be said. "And reducing the rate on
tough lumber Is not sufficient for It is
Impossible to buy a atlck of rough lumber
any morn in Nebraska: The lumber men
have learned that It la more profitable
to tires lumber on one or more sides
than to leave It In rough, on account of
freight they can ave."
lie stated tnal In his opinion It waa a
nutnnug to piace dirrerentlal or II. W on
rii eased lumber over and above rough
'lumber, when lumber waa dressed for
benefit of the lumber manufacturer him
self. It was a Uaveaty on entire proposition,
he aald, and that If we were going to
reduce tariff on any sort of lumber It
should e reduced on kind of lumber tftat
Is being consumed In this country.
He called attention to the two bugaboos
thfit the senator from Washington had
ialej against free lumber, vix: that vaat
amount of cheap lumber would go to
waste, ajid ulao that I'nlted States could
not compete with oriental labor of Canada.
Ho aald, however, that evidence disputta
the . contention. For we are sending
lumlxr now to every country In the
The senator Insisted that the protective
afllf policy should only reach thlnga that
n:en piodjied. That In his opinion It
a as never intended lo protect other than
pioductlori of man.
Hut." ha aald. "Ood made trees and
ttumpage, and because a few men have
railed them It Is no part of the protective
0iicy to protect them In tfielr Selfish
ness.' Wonld Affect Slumps are Only,
He denied strongly that It would atop
lumber mills of "thle country or drive ny
body nut of employment He said It might
reduce the price of etumpage, which had
raised abnormally within the last few
years, but he was certain that ttumpage
Dwr.cra would rather sell at reduced price,
is they would have to when they came
Into competition with atumpaga of Canada.
For the next three days the senate will
listen to speeches on the lumber schedule,
Senator Aldrleh s plan being to take a vote
un tha lumber parugraphs on Wednesday
and contlnu until the schedule Is
completed. A close canvass of the senate
shows that but twenty senators will vote
In favor of free lumber.
Willi It la expected that tha duty on
rough lumber will be Increased CO cents a
thousand over the house bill, tha house
voting a tariff of II a thousand on unfin
ished lumber, it seems safe to predict
that Senator Aldrh h and the finance com
mittee will report an amendment to tn
house lumber schedule fixing the tariff
un finished lumber at 60 cents a thousand
more than rough lumber, which will 1 a
decided reduction from the house bill. The
prairie statea are much more Interested In
tha finished product, that is to say. In
lumber which Is planed, tongued and
grooved, than In the rough atate, and
therefor any concession made on thla par
agraph will Inure to the benefit of con
sumers In tha aecttona named.
McCosaher Amendment Defeated.
No single plec of lumber waa ever uard
more effectually as a seesaw by children
than waa the great lumber induatry today
toy tha I'nlted Statea eenat. Th lumber
schedule of the tariff bill waa under con
slderatlit") almost tha entire day, with Sen
ator Root. Heyburn, Borah and Dnllivar
contending on tha ona band for a protec-
(Continued on Second Page.)
He Say It Removal Wo
BUTTE. Neb., May 84. (Special.) Re'.
A. T. Edwards, who for the lostt wo week
hit been holding successful meetings In the
Free Methodist church, preached a very
powerful and impressive aermon In one of
the aaloona in town. Hubert Hafuer," pro-
rletor of the place, half Jestingly offered
room for services and the minister ae-
ed the challenge. The building whb
ilnhed with chalra for the occaalon and
business suspended during the services. The
minister mounted a table and for aome
thirty minute gave a good Bound talk to
a crowd of some 2.V men and women. Bet
ter order and more strict attention could
not have been given anywhere.
Must Take Pledge
or Stay Single
Michigan Porters Refuse to Officiate
Where Liquor is Served at
MUSKEGON. Mich.. May 24 At all six
- . . , . , , . . . . ...
of the Holland American churches In thia I
city, where there la a large population of
former Hollander!
terday that the
arrangement not
unleaa there was
, It was announced yes
pastors had made an
to officiate at weddings
a pledge that no liquor
would be aerved during or after the cere
mony. The combined action of the min
isters follows several scandals which have
grown out of drinking at weddings here.
The ministers further announced that
men affiliated with clubs which serve beer
on Bunday would be cut off from the
church unless they cancelled their mem
bership. McCarthy Coming
Back in Custody
Lincoln Police Say Administrator of
Horn Estate Took Nearly
' $10,000.
LINCOLN, May 24. The police of Lin
coln say the amout of money taken by
Joseph H. Stores, known here aa J. H.
McCarthy, administrator of the Helen
Horn estate, la close to $10,000. McCar
thy la under arrest at Seattle, and ad
vices from that place say he has less
than $100 of the money left. The police
today received word from Detective
Morse, who captured McCarthy, aaylng he
alao had In custody Ethel Molina, a Lin
coln girl, who left Lincoln with McCar
thy last month, and It Is alleged has been
his traveling companion since." Detective
Morse left Seattle for Lincoln with his
prisoners tonight.
Cartoon of Taft
Basis of Arrest
Porto Rico Editor Charged with
Sending Improper Matter
Through Mails.
SAN JUAN, P. R.. May . Joaquin
Beirrelero. editor of a weekly paper given
over to the publication of caricatures, and
called El Carnival, waa arrested here to
day by the federal authorities for sending
improper matter through the malls. The
charge is baaed on a cartoon of President
Taft and a reference to hit recent message
to Porto Rico.
I.oaea Main Reqaeat, hot Gains
Freedom front Serotlnr of
Detect I Tea.
NEW YORK, May !4. An appeal of
counsel for Mrs. Charles T. Yerkea for a
stay In the 'receivership In the Terkes
estate waa denied today by th United
Statea circuit court of appeals. Mrs.
Yerkes. however, gained one point that
she sought, relief from the scrutiny to
which she claims to hava been subjected
from detectives whom the receiver has
kept stationed In the Writ mansion
The court directed that Mrs. Terkes bo
allowed to leave th reaidence and return
at her pleasure.
aerretarr Dickinson Rats All Doubts
Hare Been Removed by Visit
to Panama.
WASHINGTON. May 24. Secretary of
War Dickinson, who has Just returned
from a twenty days Inspection of the
Panama canal, today aald all the engineer
ing problems advanced In the construc
tion of a lock type of canal will be auc
ceasfully worked out by the canal com
mission. Mr. Dickinson said that what
ever doubta he may have had as to the
lock system being better than the sea
level type were dissipated by his visit
to th isthmus.
Class for Millionaires is
Newest Thing in Corn Show
A millionaire's class is to appear In th
next edition of the catalogue of the Na
tional Corn exposition.
This Is to be arranged for th wealthy
men who at farmer and the prises tn it
will be furnished by soma of the big manu
facturer of th country.
Th decision to offer a prlte for tha
"country gentlemen' claa" waa reached
becaus of a demand. Prealdent L. W. Hill
of th Great Northern railway will be th
first to enter.
In a long letter about the plana he haa
for growing prise corn written to th ex
position. Mr. Hill a h will produce
some corn from prize seed on his farm
twelv mile north of St. Paul and la
securing some varieties which will be
adapted to th climate of th state. .
In Montana th Great Northern Railway
company maintains several experiment sta
Grow Out of Lynching of Negro by
Mob in Chattanooga.
Officer Regarded Action of Court a
an Intrusion.
lipreme Justice Fuller Quotes from
Interrlew In Which Officer Crit
icised Political Effect ol
Granting; of Appeal.
WASHINGTON, May 24,-For tha first
time In so ecrlcua a case, th supreme
court of the United States will, on next
Tueeday, undertake to mete out punishment
for the crime of contempt tf the court it
aelf, and the importance of the occasion
will be enhanced by the number of defend
ants Tha nrneeedinr will take tlace In
' " , aMnn
connection wh.ii me 1 -
. ... ,, ,, - u.u,
and Deputy . Sheriff Glbaon of Hamilton
county, Tennessee, and of four other resi
dents of that county, named respectively,
Williams, Nolan, Padgett and May. Theee
men were today declared by the court to
be guilty of an act of contempt In com
bining In 1906 In a conaplracy to lynch a
negro named Johnson, who had been sen
tenced to death by the local court on
the charge of criminal assault, and In
whpse case the supremo court had Inter
fered to tha extent of granting an ap
peal, which had the effect of a supersedeas.
On the night following the announcement
of the court' action, Johnson waa taken
out of the Jail In Chattanooga by a mob
and lynched. There was no resistance cn
the part of the Jail authorities, and Shtpp
and a number of his deputies and about
twenty citizens were proceeded against on
the charge of contempt of the federal
Caae Pending; Losg Time
The case haa been pending ever alnee
and the number of defendants waa from
time to time reduced to nine. Of theee
nine three were today found guiltless,
while the other six were ordered to be
brought Into court next Tuesday for en
tence. They will be taken Into custody
Immediately and will appear In court in
charge of Marahal Wright The sentence
may be either fine or imprisonment or
The caaa 1 regarded as of exceptional
Interest because It Is practically the first
time that th highest court in the United
State haa aver undertaken to assert its
dignity or to rsent act or words re
flecting upon 1U In on previous cafe
some year ago a defendant was fined for
some expression of contempt, but the
case wn so comparatively Insignificant
aa to practically leave the present pro
ceeding standing alone.
In th caaes of Sheriff Shlpp and Dep
uty Glbaon the court In effect declares
that there may be contempt in a failure
of officers of the law to prevent a crime
in contempt of the court and In taking
cognisance of an offenae at ao great
distance the court for the first time a
serts by action ita right to compel the
proper respect for and treatment of It
verdicts In all parta of the union.
Opinion of Chief Joatlce.
itevlewlrig the proceedings in the case
of Johnson, the negro, who waa lynched,
toe enter justice pointed out that even
before the case was brought to the supreme
court there had been many threat of
lynching became of the serious character
of the negro's offense. Continuing, he aald
of the proceeding on tha night of th
lynching: "Tha assertions that mob vio
lence waa not expected and that there was
no occasion for providing mora than the
usual guard of one man for the Jail In
Chattanooga are quite unreasonable and
Inconsistent with statements . made by
Sheriff Shipp and his deputies that they
were looylng for a mob on the next day.
The chief Justice pointed out that th
Jail had been left entirely unguarded and
In charge of Deputy Gibson, when every
precaution to guard th prisoner should
have been taken.
Sheriff Blamed Conrt.
The chler Juirtlc quoted liberally from
an interview given out by Shipp aome days
after the lynching, in which Shlpp said
that he "did not attempt to hurt any of
tne mob." and In which he charged the
supreme court with the responsibility for
th lynching because of It Interference
In the case. Commenting on this utter
ance the chief Justice aaid: "H evidently
resemted the necessary ordr of thla court
as an alien Intrusion, and declared that
the court waa responsible for the lynching
According to him 'the people of Hamilton
county were willing to let the law take It
course until it became known that the case
would probably not be disposed of for four
or five year by the supreme court of the
United States.'
" "But," he added, 'the people would not
aubmlt to thla, and I do not wonder at It
In other word his view was that because
this court, in the discharge of Its duty
(Continued on Second Page.)
tions at its own expense, and under the
direction of experts corn will b produced
for the exposition In Omaha, aa well aa to
demonstrate that th soils of the wonderful
stats irt adapted to producing certain
varieties of corn.
With the entrance of Mr. Hill Into th
contest, th exposition management pro
poses to invite other millionaire to par
ticipate. Including W. C. Brown, prealdent
of the New York Central lines, who haa
a big farm tn Iowa: 1. T. Harahan, presi
dent of the Illinois Central lines; Paul
Morton, president of the Equitable Life
Assurance society; Patrick Ryan of New
York City, and ether.
Prise for these millionaires will be
solicited at one and something big of
fered. It is aald th on condition will be
that th corn must not be plowed or cul
tivated by th owner-of th farms.
News Item: The United States signal corps is experimenting with
army purposes.
From tha Spokane Bpokesman'sBevlew.
Four Days' Rain in Oklahoma End
in Cloudburst.
Woman and Three Children In Bnlld-
ingr Are Drowned and Many
Other Flee to the
GUTHRIE. Okl, May34.-At least four
live have been lost, othertMve are endan
gered, and thousand of dollar' damage
ha been done to railway and farm prop
erty by the flood that prevail .today In
th northwestern part of Oklahoma, the
result of four days' continuous fall of rain,
which last night In place culminated In a
The known dead are Mr. W. W. Brown
and her three little children, who were
carried down stream with their farm house
from near Foraker. Thevlr bodies have not
been recovered.
Near Foraker aeveral other persons were
forced to seek safety on top of their houses.
All streams are bankfull and atlll rising
rapidly. Three or four bridge, the Mis
souri. Kansas & Texaa railway, have been
damaged, demoralising train service on that
line, and crops have been washed out.
Railroad Bridges Ont.
VINITA. Okl., May at-One of the
heaviest rainfalls In northeastern Oklahoma
in recent years has awollen Grand river
and other streams to the flood stage, caus
ing much damage to railroad property and
farms, and partially submerging th town
of Afton, twelve milea east of Vlnlta. At
Catale, fifteen miles wet of here, a por
tion of the trestle work of the 8u Louis &
San Francisco railway bridge has been
carried away. Other bridges are in danger
and train service is demorallred.
MUSKOGEE. Okl., May 24. A terrific
downpour In this vicinity last night fol-
lowelng a continuous rain of four daya
caused the Canadian and Arkanaas rivers
and their tributaries to rise rapidly. The
streets and many house here were flooded
by laat night' fall, which amounted al
most to a cloudburst. The rain continued
WELLINGTON. Kan.. May 24 Six inches
of rain fell 'n three hours laat night In
a territory fifteen miles in length, extend
ing from South Haven, a few miles south
of Wellington, Into Oklahoma. The rain
waa accompanied by sheets of hall that
beat the gtain into the ground.
TULSA, Okl.. May 24. The Arkanaas
river which had risen seven feet sine Sat
urday Is now .within six feet from the
danger line, a ad ia rising at the rate of an
Inch an hour. Polecat, Bird Creek, Flat
Rock and rther streams are rushing tor
rents. Trees, portions of fences, small
bridges and other debris are being swept
tContlnued on Second Page.)
Why do you pay
rent when you can
buy a home in Om
aha with only a
small payment
down and balance
same as rent?
Read the Real Estate col
umn from day to day and you
will find a home offered for
sale within your means. The
Bee lias found homes for hun
dreds of otherB and can find
a home for you.
Have you read th want ads. yet
Alberta Strike
Has Been Settled
by Compromise
Miners Yield on Open Shop Question
and Operators on Discrimination
Against Union.
WINNIPEG, Man., May 24,-It 1 an
nounced thla morning that the strike of
the coal miner which had beet affecting
nearly all the mine of southern Albnrta
and. eastern British Columbia for three
month ha been settle.) by the board of
concllation, appointed by the aoverhment
under the Lemleux ct. assisted by board
members of the United Mine Wo.-kcts of
America, sent from Idaho, Washinnton and
Oregon. The term arrived at are those
agreed to at the first conference to which
District President Sherman objciod, al
though approved by the. votes of the min
ers' lodges and against whlcn Sherman
ordered the strike. The miners yielded on
the open shop contention and the mine
operator yielded as to the dlac.-iirinati.n
against union membeia. The tertn.i of the
agreement are binding on both partita fcr
three year. The agreement will be algned
Wednesday and work resumed th follow
ing day.
Cannot Bar Out
, Liquor Shipments
Supreme Court of United States, in
Test Case, Rules Against
WASHINGTON. May 24.-The supreme
court of the United Statea today decided
the caae of the Adams Express company
versus the Commonmealth of Kentucky,
involving the right of the expreaa company
to ship liquor Into a local option county
contrary to the law of the state. In favor
of the company. The opinion reversed the
verdict of the Hart county court on the
ground that the transaction was interstate
commerce and therefore not aubject to in
terference by the Kentucky authorities.
Vote to Meet
at Jacksonville,
BOSTON, Mass., May 24. In closing their
convention thla afternoon the Order of
Railway Conduetora chose Jacksonville,
Fla., aa the place for the next biennial
convention. Officers elected were:
F. J. Bradford of Bomervllle, grand Insldo
sentinel and B. H. Harbin of Monterey,
Mexico, grand outside sentinel.
Hundreds of Cattle Drtna; tn Vera
Cms and People Are
Lea vine
VERA CRUZ. Mexilco, May 24.-The
drouth Is an serious In some sections of
this stat that many people are leaving.
Hundreda of rattle are dying. Wolves and
dogs have gone mad and natlvea In a
number of vtllnges have been bitten by
the erased animals.
Fifteen Million Salute the
British Flag Empire Day
LONDON. Msy !4 Empire day, which
cornea nn the anniversary of tha birth of
the lata Queen Victoria, waa more gen
erally observed today than sine It in
auguration. Th day haa bttn selected as
th occasion upon which the children of
th empire shall honor the flag, and It
waa celebrated In every part of Great
Britain. It Is estimated that all told not
fewer than li,000,0u0 saluted th national
dirigible balloons and aeroplanes for
President Taft Put Quietus on Rumor
of Wilson's Retirement.
Postmaster Thomas of Omaha and
Slaer of Lincoln Want Post
master tieneral Hitchcock
to Talk In Jnne.
. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, May 24.-Senator Bur
kett was advised today by the chief of
the drainage bureau of the Department of
Agriculture that W. J. McCathron, auper
vlalng drainage engineer, who I now In
iNeDrasKa, naa Deen ordered to make a
report on the contemplated drainage dia
trict for the Nemaha bottom lands from
Sterling to the county line.
Recently there has appeared In Nebraska
papers a story from Washington to the
effect that Taft had about decided to make
a change in his aecreary of agriculture.
Secretary Wilson haa occupied that poal
tlon longer than any other man sinco the
establishment of the department. The ar
ticle In question, written by a well-known
Washington correspondent, looked very
plausible on its face, and in consequence
not only the Nebraska aenators, but the
senators of . several western atates have
quietly gone to work to land the secre
taryship for one of their own constituents.
Today, however, the direct question waa
put up to President Taft by the senators
from a western state, who thought they
saw a fine chance to land a luscious plum
for aome willing republican worker, but
the way President Taft answered the sen
ators loft but one impression, that "Uncle
Jamie" Wilson Will remain In the cabinet
for quite a bit longer, and maybe until
the rlose Of President Taft'a term. The
president It not the kind of a man to dis
turb pleaaant relations when conditions
are so eminently satisfactory.
Postmaster Want Hitchcock.
Postmasters Thomas of Omaha and Slzer
of Lincoln arrived In Washington today as
representatives of the Nebraska Postmas
ters' association to extend an Invitation to
Postmaser eneral Hlchcock to be present
at and participate In the next convention
of the association, to be held at Lincoln.
June 8. t and 10. Messrs. Slzer and Thomas
were greatly disappointed In not finding
Mr. Hitchcock In Washington, and In the
event they cannot secure the presence of
the postmsster general they will make the
trongest kind of an effort to secure the
presence of First Asistant Postmsster
General Granfield. Nebraska has the best
postmasters' association In the union, and
between "HI and ! postmasters, It Is ex
pected, will be present at the next conven
tion. Postmaster Benjamin Thomas is greatly
chagrined over the robbery of the mall
In the outskirts of Omaha last Saturday
night. He said every effort would le
made not only on the part of the govern
ment, but by the city and county au
thorities as well to locate the bandits
and, if possible, secure the registered pack
agea Mr. Thomas, while In Washington,
mill take up with the offlciala of the Post
ofic department a number of matters In
relation to the Omaha poslofflce.
Representatives Burke of South Dakota
and Hanna of North Dakota thla morning
railed upon Prealdent Taft and presented
to him a formal Invitation from the Com
mercial club of Aberdeen. S. I)., to attend
the home coming week celebration which
(Ontlnued on Becond Page )
emblem, and in the United Kingdom alone
clfe to 4,0"O.(X children took part In the
demonstration. For the first time London
had an organized celebration Five thous
nd uniformed school b ys marched through
th main streets of the capital ti Hyde
park. Here all the children gathered and
taluted the national flag as well as the
mblem of fifty-six dominion and colonies.
Fifteen Minutes After Holdup Rob
bers Could Be Making Alibi.
Chauffeur in Crooked Deal Before is
Wanted for Explanation.
Plnkertons Join In Search Xnvr He
Ilia t'ondneted by Local, State,
Krdernl and Railroad Author
ities to Catch Kobbrrs.
Union Paclflo offsrs 930,000, 8,0O0 fot
th apprehension of aoh bandit.
Government offers 4,0O0, $1,000 foi
ach man.
Section 90 of th United States Postal
Berries Quid tnakss this provlslont In
case of loss th ssnder or owner of regis
tered nrtlol prepaid at th latter rat of
postage, mailed at and addrssd to a
Units! Stat postoffios, 1 Indemnified
for it valu up to 935.
Robbing a train at Lane Cut-off at 11 20
p. m. Saturday; doing business somewhere
In Omaha at 11:35 (fifteen minutes luter)
before ofirials could be notified of the
Overland robliery, thus framing an olibl
bcciiUKe of the advantHgea of using nn
automobile, seems to bu the time achedulo
of the train robbers.
After a careful search of the nelphlvir
hood where the robbery occurred Saturday
night, going over every foot of tha around
for hundreds of yards around, AV. T.
CjjLnadft, special agent of the Union Paclllo
rlrlroad, said:
"Forty tlmcn as easy to trace a tram as
an automobile. I am satisfied no team
was tied near where the robbery wa com
mitted. We have always found tracks of
a team, the hacking, the pawing ond tracks
of horses tied, even for a few minutes, al
ways helps In starting on a iraln robbery
case. The tracing of a team that was out
during the night, getting a on four
men In a wagon, u much easier than a
flitting automobile. ,
"This Is what we have to deal with: No
tracks of any kind either of team or e uto
mobtle. The mall sack were not carried
In bulk without some sort of a vehicle and
not carried very far In that. An automo
bile practically covers its own track, doe
not paw up the earth nor leave the trace
ot the wagon."
Another Chauffeur In It.
Thus the Union Pacific official credit tha
automobile theory and th South Omaha "
police suggest another chauffeur beside
the on being Investigated by the railway
officials, who has run hi machine to aid
South Omaha police state positively they
have trarea of an automobile which was
rim ont on the Forty-second street brldica
at dusk Saturday night. They bolleve it
might have gone there early because thu
Overland Limited recently changed time
and was due later than might hav bean
Tim South Omaha police have all of their
nineteen men at work and at 2 o'clock
Monday afternoon expressed the belief that
thu robbers were not In South Omaha, but
they had uswt an automobile, secured tlio
registered mail and were In Omaha coming
by the good road furnished by Center afreet
and Forty-second street Into the city at a
clip which would put them safely Into tlio
heart of the city, where they could go and
transact business with some house and
thus establish an alibi In the event of cap
ture by being in the city within a few min
utes after the robbery and able to produce
men who knew they were present tn th
Not a Roseate Future.
With the federal government, the Union
Pacific railroad, the sheriff and police de
partments looking for the robbers they face
the additional fact that no man who par
ticipated In any Union Paclflo railroad rob
bery Is now alive or outside the peniten
tiary. This also faces the robbers: If any one
of them ever worked for the federal gov
ernment his record la kept up almost daily
and if he held a trusted position where he
would know about registered mall the In
spectors know what lie is doing dally.
The successful removal of two sacks of
registered mall from a mall wagon between
the Omaha poatotflce and Union station
lust winter and the fart that not a tram
of the sacka whs ever found leads postal
authortU.-o to bilieve local talent is suffi
ciently ingenious to have pulled off both
What the robbers secured 1 still an un
certainty. It la hinted that they might
have been after thu Washington sacks,
which might contain not only bank notes
being forwardeil to the Treasury depart
ment, but valuable papers going to depart
ments of the government
Five 1'lnkertona Her.
jl detachment of five Plnkcrton men ar
rived in Omaha from Chicago Monday fore
noon and went on the case at once. These
men will work independently of the poat
uffica Inspector. Poslofflc Inspector C.
M. IVrklns of Chicago will lisve charge of
the work here and will be assisted by four
special men from Washington, who tira
regarded uinong the best men In the gov
ernment service. Two of these are already
here and the others will srrlv In Omaha
Monday evening.
H. K. Randall and H. 8. Orogan, post
office in-ctors from Uncoln, are among
the new arrivals in Omaha to woik on th
hold-up of the Union Pacific mall train.
Nothing new has developed at federal head
quarters relative to the robbery, and thu
officials are very reticent regarding thalr
None of the federal officer credit th
theory that the Jreut Northern train rob
bers have had anything Id do with the
Omaha affair. Neither are they dlfpoaed
to advance any theories regarding the ob
ject tif the robbery, ether than that It was
a plain hold-up for the purpose of obtain
ing at' ar-li s from the registered pouches
o f.reut talur In Reno Mark.
The portion of the Reno, Nev., pouch
that waa recovered, shows that It whs
destined to thu Northwestern terminal in
Chicago. This pou h was n.ade up at
Reno, and could not hav obtained any
great amount ot valuable, aa U that It