Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 7, Image 15

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Mortgagei Offered by City SaYinji
Bank Ar in Much Demand.
Tho Town With a Future to It.
All flvekln Iareatmrat 1st Property
or Good Citr M or t ; Ae
rimtlttn in of I.o.B
Some Ides of the smount of money wait
ing for Investment In Omaha may be
gleaned from the fact that Just a week
ago The Bee announced In a news stor;'
Brown Park Mineral Springs of South
Omaha is the Equal of Any Magnesia
exclusively that In the making of the
"City National bank" from the City Sav
ings bank, the real estate mortgages of the
ineral Water in the E&nown World.
Just Think of This:
Institution would be offered for sale. Within
a few days applications were received from
Omaha a fall Mecca of lfa8i
Rail Mi: Rail
Roads --4------- Roads
I y ' ' I- LJ
The opening sale of lots in this new town will take place on
Thursday, June 3d,
1909, commencing at 1:30 o'clock p. m., when the business and
residence lots of tho townsite will be placed on Bale at public
auction and sold to the highest bidder.
is a new town located at the head of Long Lake, 28 miles
southeast of Bismark, at the junction of the "Soo" and North
ern Pacific railroads, and has a boundless territory to draw
trade from.
If you desire to change your business location or start in
business for yourself in new territory, here is the opportunity
of your life. Don't let it slip from you. Remember the date,
June 3, 1909. For further information address:
Chariton, Iowa. Motfit-on-Long-Laks, N. D.
Send for a copy of Tho Moff it Messenger.
Announcing the arrival of a spec
ial representative from New York,
who will demonstrate and explain
Mme, Yale's famous beauty prep
arations, beginning Nonday. . .
A 1irR souvenir Jar of Mme. Yale's Skin Food will bs pre
sented to nil purclnmers of any of Uie Yale preparations
amounting; to iDc or over.
Every woman who is interested in beauty
culture, should visit this demonstration.
Brandeis Drug Dept.
(South Side, New Store)
Important Change of Timo
o G Mb
Uesfern Baikvay
Beginning. Sunday, May 23rd, through
train to the Black Hills will leave
Omaha at 3:55 P. M.
Additional train leaves Omaha 2:15 P. M. for
Fremont, Lincoln, Hastings, Superior, Nor
folk Jet and intermediate points.
New train for Chadron leaves Norfolk Jet.
7:30 A. M. daily.
Correspondingly improved service eastbound.
NOTE: Three trains daily between Omaha,
Norfolk Jet. and Long Pine; two between
Omaha and Chadron.
Sptciat lot round trip ra1t daily
to 1ht -DtacK. HllU and Wyoming
throughout th rummer month.
14011403 F.rn.m Street
Omahans for more than half the mort
gages held by the Institution. The ban.c
holds ome high-class securities and the
many buyers Is a good Index to the market
In Onif he for ready money to be Invested
In mortgages on city property.
Another showing of the surplus awaiting
Investment is made In the report of one
of the building and loan associations. Only
a little more than a year ago, when the
so-called "panic" squeezed a number of
people. the association had contracted
$200,000 In loans and was applying Its de
posits on thli amount to furnish money
for builders. It had to cut down on new
business and make very few loans for a
few months. In order to supply the cash
to throe loans already contracted. In Its
last report a surplus of something like
$250,000 Is shown and loans are being made
rapidly. Thus In a little more than a year
the $300,000 contracted was handled satis
factorily and $250,000 placed In the surplus
without stopping for a day the number of
loans being applied for to erect new homes.
This means the association has gained
$500,000 In actual deposits, beHldea handling
current business.
"Milton Rogers Place" la the name of
an addition being placed on the market by
the D. V. Sholes company. It Is between
Nineteenth and Twentieth and Leaven
worth and Jones streets. The property
is vacant, but so well improved that no
special taxes of any kind remain to be
paid, while restrictions are being made
which will make the place always desir
able for residences. All houses on cither
side of Jones street must stand back f If
teen feet from the front lot line, while
business houses or stores may be erected
on Leavenworth street frontage only. No
saloons, pool halls or sales of liquor will
be permitted and prohibitory clauses will
be Inserted In each deed. The prices rang
from $1,800 to $2,700, and though the prop
erty has Just been opened, five have bought
lots for residences.
The sale of twenty-two and one-half acres
opposite Falracres for $22,500 to J. A. Lan
gen, who expects to make a fine country
place of the property, sort of completes
tho design which George & Co. had when
they began work on Falracres. Mr. Lan
gen bought the Bolden home In Bemls park
last year for $30,000 and now offers It for
sale, while he expects to erect a homo on
the old IrlBh style on the tract Just se
cured which will cost $16,000. Mr. Langen
Is a former Sioux Cityan, who came to
Omaha because of the opportunity offered
for Investments, and since has started a
real estate firm known as J. A. Langen &
Son, with offices in the New York Life
The Payne Investment company special
train which went out to Scott's Bluff
county Tuesday to show prospective buyers
lands under the TrI-State Land company's
diteli, returned to Omaha Saturday morn
ing, having sold $92,000 worth of the lands
on the trip. The sales last week amounted
to $142,000, making a total of almost $250,000
sold In two weeks.
Hastings & Ileyden are selling an addi
tion known as Vernon Heights, which Is .o-
cajed betweeu Thirty-ninth and Forty-second
streets on Kansas avenue. All the
addition has been divided into garden tracts
and is being sold on easy terms.
III ! ,.
Contracts will be let the coming week
for the sldewaiks and other improvements
which are to be made in Oak Chatham
addition, property owned by the Kedlck
Interests In the. north part of the city,
which is being sold by George & Co.
The McCague Investment company Is put
ting In eight blocks of cement walks and
other Improvements In Lowe's addition at
Thirty-third and Parker streets, where a
large amount of grading has been done,
making a sightly four blocks of lots Just
south of Prospect Hill cemetery.
In the Field club district several unusual
residences are being built.
C. D. Armstrong, the real estate man.
has well under way a $12,000 residence of
Spanish mission design. A feature of this
house Is that part of It Is to be a garage,
the doors, to which are arched, to corre
spond with the main entrance.
Farther west, on Woolworth avenue, Is
the new residence of B. A. Henrichs of the
Omaha Crockery company, In which is used
a striking combination of buff face paving
brick and very dark-stained Bhlngles. A
broad chimney climbs up the corner of the
front wall of the house and massive porch
piers, built of the same brick, give the ap
pearance of great solidity and strength.
This house will cost about J 13,0m).
One of the most sltely building locutions
In the Field club district Is that recently
bought by n. E. Sunderland of Sunderland
Bros, company, at the northwest corner of
Thirty-seventh and Pacific. A fine brick
residence will be. built on this site.
The property adjolnlns- the Kun.winn.i
lots on the west and lying east of the biau-
ttrm new residence of Mrs. E. L. Stone,
is about to become the alia f.,r .nmi.J
$15,000 residence. ThUi block overlooks the
rleia Club from the north and cnmm.n.i.
a view in all directions .of from five to ten
miles. The paving of Thirty-eighth street,
inirty-elgnth avenue and Pacific street,
now under contract, will do much to bring
this district into prominence.
The substantial prosperity 0f Omaha is
in no way bettur indicated than through
the fine residences being built by Its busi
ness men.
Xew York Capitalists Uoy Part of
Fifty Million Iiioe of Ar
aoar Co.
NEW YORK, May a.-The purchase by
Kuhn. Loeb & Co. and the National City
bank of this city of $30,000,000 of bonds of
Armour Co. of Chicago was amounted
today. This is part of an authorised lasue
of $j0.0u0.0u0. The bonds are to run for
thirty years at M per cent Interest and are
secured by a first mortgage upon the real
estate and plant of Armour Co. and Us
subordinate companies. It It understood
the proceeds will be used in paying off the
company's floating debt.
Quick Action for Your Money Ton get
that by usUig Tbt Bee advertising column
These wonderful springs contain Magnesia, Chloride, Mag
nesia Nitrate, Calcium, Sodium, Alumani. Jodiive. Combined
Minerals, 212.1 Grains per Gallon. More wonderful cures
have been effected Right Here in Omaha than some of the
world's Most Famous springs Have Ever Accomplished. We
Can Prove This Without Going Outside of Your Own Circle of
Acquaintances. Your own doctor can tell you of this won
derful water, which as received so little notice from Omaha
people, while strangers from all over the United States have
been coming here and have been Cured after the World's
Best Known Health Resorts Have Failed To Do Them Any
The purpose of this ad is simply to let you know what
a few of Omaha's best known business men have done with
this wonderful spring, in order that the public might reap
the benefits this spring offers in health, and HOW IT IS
This health resort has been incorporated under the
laws of the state of Nebraska and will be known as the
Brown Park Mineral Springs Company
A. J. VIERLING, of tho Paxton and Vierling Iron Company, President
E. L. MYERS, State Senator and Vice-President Luce Land Company, Treasurer.
LOUIS HINRICHSEN, South Omaha, Secretary.
This property is now paying 32 per cent on a $30,000
investment, without one cent spent in advertising, and you
would be surprised to know the number of citizens of
Omaha who never heard of it until within the last year,
although this spring has affected cures that doctors have
given up as hopeless, not simply helped them but ABSO
The articles of incorporation specify that, Article 6,
among other things, says:
'No officer of this company CAN EVER be voted a sal
Article 7 Says Among Other Things
"The highest amount of idebtedness to which said cor
poration SHALL AT ANY TIME subject itself shall not bo
more than 10 per cent of the capital stock; when this com
pany can pay more than 10 per cent dividends a sinking
fund of 3 per cent will be set aside to provide for any nec
essary improvements, that is if the increase is in excess of 3
per cent above 10 per cent dividends; and it shall require
75 per cent of the entire vote of the stockholders to increase
the 3 per cent sinking fund at any time.
In order to amend the articles of incorporation it ahull
requu-e a vote of 90 per cent of the entire stockholders of
said corporation, and this is required before any amend
ment to the charter CAN BE MADE."
Any one desiring to look at the whole article of incor
poration may see a copy at any time in our office.
This company proposes to remodel the present bath
house at Twenty-first and S streets, South Omaha, and put
it in first class condition for the benefit of South Omaha.
They will immediately build a $20,000 bath house in the
business district of Omaha, modern in every detail, equip
ped with every modern appliance known to science that will
assist professional masseurs in helping this wonderful
water to get the best possible results.
The minute this company opens the doors of its new
bath houses its earning power, based on its present busi
ness, will pay 10 per cent on its entire capital stock on
what it does NOW.
We Have Some Stock for Sale
in this company not already spoken for, and will be glad
to give you full information regarding the probable earn
ing power of this stock as an investment.
NO POSSIBLE CHANCE for a stockholder in this
company to fail to get every cent his money earns in div
idends, as every possible guarantee has been embodied in
the articles of incorporation, and it requires 90 per cent
of all the stockholders' votes to change the articles.
All and full information on request at office of
Phone Douglas 1180
Springs Co.
622 Bee Building