Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Sabacrlbars leavlag the elty teas,
storarlly, skoals) . have Ike , Baa
nailed ta, them. Addr'rea will ka
ekaaaied aa oft as .rvaarated.
Hag tha new Maxim explosion muf
fler been placed on Castro?
In the language ,of the prize fight
editor, the blows of .thai French strik
ers lacked steam. ?'"-
The old council has closed its ac
counts and made ready for the open
ing of a new set, of books.
According to Mr. Bryan three
fourths of the people are democrats at
heart. ' StIU. it's votes; that count.
The. tariff bUl provides for. a reduced
duty on nails. Keeping in mind the
necessity of patching political fences?
A Kansas Judge haa decided that a
charivari is a disorderly assemblage.
The name Itself la enough to start a
disturbance, v '
a' United States naval vessel fired
Into a school of black fish. The navy
should be admonished against drawing
the color Hoe?
A phonograph ha been Invented
which can be heard for a distance of
four miles. What a pity the -inventor
did not die young.
The consuming desire of Governor
Haskell of Oklahoma to meet the issue
without hiding behind technicalities Is
becoming overpowering.
It la to be hoped Governor Bhallen
berger played no favorltea among tho
railroads when he bought all those
mileage books at state expense.
Tbo world's supply of gold has
reached $11,000,000,000. We are not
particular, and If express charges aro
too high we would just as soon have
our share sent along in bills.
A city statistician is tho latest pro
posal for enlarging the pay joba In the
city hall. What's the matter with the
city comptroller compiling all the nec
essary statistics for the conduct of city
affairs? '
Nebraska now has a state board to
examine and license professional
nurses. According to best legal au
thority, however, the new law does
not Include tho nursing of political
That Bayou Sara reception commit
tee deserves a medal tor Its frankness.
Its diction waa hardly np to the Bar
gent S. Prentiss standard but the
number took no. chances on initiation
Into the Anaaia rlub.
. . It Is still snowing up In Canada and
Montana. If we can pull through tho
mayor's Inauguration without any seri
ous atmospheric disturbances every
thing will be set for summer, oven If
the northern' section does continue to
how off.
Every truly loyal resident of Great
Britain now looks under his bed before
retiring for the night to make sure no
German spy la concealed there. This
scare may be amusing to outsiders,
but John Bull threatens to suffer from
nervous colls pso 'unless Some remedy
is soon found." r " . . ;
Mr; Bryan scored congressmen
whoso votes on the tariff bill aro so
placed as to foetet-' Industries in their
own sections. Mr. Bryan remembers
that whta h was la congress the only
"pork" ha tot tor.'bls dfetrtcf was an
appropriation for an elevator in. the
Lincoln poitoffioo,
The Bleached Flour , Rujinf.
By an arrangement, with the at
torney general a speedy legal determ
ination of the bleached flouf ruling of
Secretary Wilson Is promised. The
question involved is a . vital one to
Nebraska millers snd wheat raisers.
Nebraska winter wheat, while making
flour of the best quality, unless bleach
ing or some other process is reBorted
to. Is larking In that quality of white
ness desired by the housewife, and
consequently must sell at a less price.
The point of the litigation is two
fold whether the Introduction of the
small quantity of nitrate in the electric
bleaching process Is harmful to health
and also whether the ' bleaching la
such a deception as to come under the
inhibition of the pure food law. From
obtainable evidence it would scarcely
seem as though much hinges on the
first proposition. In fact, even Chemist
Wiley, a stickler , and extremist, does
not insist on It strenuously. Whether
the bleaching Is such a deception of
the purchaser as to bring it under the
misbranding ban of the law Is a sub
ject on which people may differ.
The pur food act was passed with
the laudable purpose of protecting the
public from harmful adulterations and
to prevent substitutions from being
palmed off on the ignorant. The pur
pose of the law la laudable and no
one questions the sincerity of Mr.
Wilson and Mr. Wiley. " Some of the
orders Issued Tor its enforcement, how
ever,' are regarded by those affected
as both unreasonable and unjust. The
Nebraska and other millers in the
winter wheat belt complain that the
enforcement of the bleached flour rul
ing will cause a depreciation each year
of several cents per bushel in the
market value of the state's 40,000,000
bushels of winter wheat without bene
fit to the consumer.
Whatever the equities of the case,
a speedy settlement is desirable. 'If
the secretary Is right as to the ap
plication of the law because the law
itself is too broad It can' be; changed.
If its Justico Is apparent, on a full
Inquiry the Nebraska and' other winter
wheat growers must perforce submit
as gracefully as they can. ' ' V, V
Worrying About Rooseyelt..: ;
Ever since Mr. Roosevelt' announced
his determination to go on his hunt
ing trip to Africa well meaning friends
and others whose business it, is to
worry for his personal safety have
been exercised lest something un
toward should happen to -him. -The
sleeping sickness, malaria, the attacks
Of wild beasts and numerous other
calamities have in turn, served their'
day.. But Mr. Roosevelt went ahead
with his preparations just the same
and Is simply having a "bully" time.
Everybody is "delighted." except the
Hons and tho croakers. . .
The latest cause of worry' vls.-that
the Mad Mullah' or. the Somali natives
may fall upon" the 'illustrious hunter
and exterminate him. With all due
respect to the anxious onesVtBC'reccird,
of. the ex-president Indicates that he
Is thoroughly well equipped to take
caro of himself. As a hunter he knows
the dangers of the pursuit of large
game and has never been guilty of
neglecting the precautions experience
would dictate. Those who are fearful
that ho will charge single handed and
alone into the band of fanatical na
tives fall - to credit, him with the
common sense which has always char
acterized his actions. It would be in
teresting and pictureaque, of course,
if he should give the Africans an il
lustration of how Corporal Peck put
down the rebellion, but it is far more
likely that If the Mad Mullah or the
Somali natives run amuck Mr. Roose
velt would leavo that job to the British
army and go over Into the other pas
ture to hunt Hons. ' ' ' -
It Is retl kind, of course, for all
these good people to take the entire
worry of this African trip off the mind
of Mr. Roosevelt, but It is barely possi
ble after all It may all be misdirected
and wasted effort
The German Bugaboo.
It is barely possible that our British
friends and the alarmists in this and
other countries aa well have over
looked some vital facts In conjuring
up a German bugaboo.' That Germany
has a powerful and efficient army is
not to be denied. That it is building
up a strong and potential navy is also
evident, but facts easily within the
reach of all demonstrate that It is Im
possible for Germany to go to the
lengtha credited to it by the British.
Germany, like pthcr nations, has its
limitations, and in the matter of war
and preparations for war in these
modern days the financial one is not
to bo overlooked. The German empire
came Into being In 1871, free from
debt and with tho immense indemnity
paid by France as an asset. Today It
has' a national debt pf fl, 050,000,000,
which Is constantly Increasing. This
la the debt of the Imperial government ,
and does not Include that of its vari
ous states and municipalities. Further
more, its revenues have fallen short
of expenditures In every year since
1897, and It has been forced to make
good the deficit by means of loana.
The result of this has been to force
up the Interest rate from 3 to 4 per
cent on government loans and the
price of Imperial S per cent securities
haa fallen to from 85 to 95.
To meet these financial burdens the
government hss been compelled to re
sort to new sources of revenue, but
has not "been able to make the annual
budget balance even then. - The limit
of taxation,- of course, haa not been
reached, but It la inconceivable that
facing such fiscal problema a people
aa Intelligent and 4ar-eelng as the
German should--be -deliberately-planning
to undertake a war of aggression
against any country, It la far more
believable that the geographical loca
tion of Germany is forcing upon It a
military and naval expenditure from
which both its people and its govern
ment would gladly escape if they
Will another feature points to the
improbability of any deliberate inten
tion on the part of Germany to pro
voke or engage in a war with a first
class power. Germany's manufactures
snd trade are expanding at an enor
mous rate, Its foreign commerce ex
ceeding that of any other country In
Europe except Great Britain. This
commerce has practically all of It been
created since 1871 and not yet firmly
enough established to maintain itself
In the face of a destructive war.
Those who are worried about Ger
man aggression would seem to be
needlessly alarmed. The United States
and Great Britain might with far more
reason wake up to the danger of Ger
man trade dominance than of its mili
tary and naval supremacy. i
Nine Yean of Service.
The council meeting just held has
marked the close of nine years of serv
ice in that body of its one republican
member. In the spring of 1900 Harry
B. Zlmman went Into the council.
chosen from' the Third ward, without
experience of any kind In city affairs
and with little to commend him be
sides the vigor of youth and a reputa
tion for square dealing. He closes his
councilmanic career without doubt the
best posted man on the practical work
ings of our city government and with
a record of intelligently directed serv
ice for the people and successfully
withstanding the blandishments of self
ish Interests.
During the last three of his nine
years Mr. Zlmman found himself the
only republican In the council, and as
the lone minority charged with the re
sponsibility of keeping the democratic
majority In the straight path by ex
posing their different schemes and
deals as they came up. How success
ful he was In this difficult role Is
proved by the fact that he came to be
satirically referred to aa the "custo
dian of the democratic platform." We
shudder to think what the record of
the democratic council would have
been without the constant vigil of this
one republican councilman.
Since his entrance Into the council
chamber Mr. Zlmman has led the fight
for tax reform, for street lighting con
cessions, for universal street car trans
fers, for lower telephone rates, gaining
him the uncompromising enmity of the
public service corporations that could
not buy him off. He served accept
ably as mayor during the Interval from
the death of Mayor Moores to the ad
vent of Mayor Dahlman, and while he
has been denied promotion to the
mayor's chair in his own right he will
leave the council chamber with a rec
ord matched by no one else who haa
ever served Omaha as councilman a
record entitling him, at least, to grate
ful remembrance.
Reading the reference in Collier's
Weekly to the World-Herald as one of
the few dallies "that calls Itself demo
cratic," the Lincoln Journal declares
that the World-Herald as "an Inde
pendent paper" has been found out.
Aa If It had not been found out long
ago. The World-Herald labels Itself
in Its own columns "an Independent
paper," but when It advertises In Mr.
Bryan's Commoner, for example, It
changes the label to "a democratic
paper." This "independent" pretense
must be very like the fusion game as
it is played here in Nebraska, by which
Mr. Bryan's presidential electors are
put on the official ballot as both dem
ocrats and populists. The World-Herald
is either "independent" or "demo
cratic" as it serves its purpose best,
and it has even been known to sell
editorial page space to republican can
didates of the corporation brand.
"Billy" Thompson denies that he is
bitching up with Bryan and Shallen
berger In a political triumvirate. The
last experience Mr. Thompson bad
with the other triumvirs when he
wanted to go to the Denver convention
last year, as delegate-at-large, resulted
disastrously to him. No wonder that
be Is becoming more particular about
picking his political company.
The World-Herald's fear that the
franchise corporations might control
the new council through the six re
publican members should now be al
layed. Five of the six hold-over demo
crats have taken occasion to go on rec
ord, again exactly as the franchise cor
porations would like to have them.
One advantage the trade boosters
have in going into Iowa is that they
are not compelled to bump up against
the prejudice against Omaha stimu
lated by Douglas county's representa
tives In the late legislature.
Eastern' newspapers are having a
whole lot of fun over tbo statement
that the governor of Iowa wears eel
lulold collars. Even if true they are
BUDerlor to the corporation brand
which some governors wear.
A prominent physician advises
mothers instead of spanking naughty
children to play the piano for them.
By what process of reaaonlng does he
justify transferring punishment from
the child to the neighbors?
8o to Speak.
Washington Herald.
Eighteen democrata voting for a tariff
on Iron ore waa something in tha way of
ironical democracy, so to speak.
gplklaw Uaaa of lata Mia.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Recent improvementa In the mechanlem
for aiming big guna make It possible for
aj officer ta an obearvatkm tower to have
complete control of the battery of a war
ship. Tha disappearance of tha man be-
hind the gun will result In a hardship for
the poets when the next big war comes on.
Kmphfialae the It."
Boston Herald.
Bryan is reported aa writing to a friend
In Washington that If he had to choose
between Gov. Johnson of Minnesota and
Gov. Harmon of Ohio for 1912 he would
take Harmon. More luck for the north
west. Prophecies tkat Will Fail.
Springfield Republican.
One of the vice-presidents of the Tenn-i-lvania
railroad la nredlrtlna that the in
terstate Commerce commission wilt either
have Its powers reduced or bo abolished
altogether. A safer prediction Is that Its
powers are more llkelv to be Increased than
diminished, and that ita abolition. If that
ever comes, will follow the substitution
a public ministry of railroads In direct
charge Of their operation.
Araerlcanltlnat Overdone.
Boston Transcript.
Soma army officers In the Philippines say
that In "Americanising" the Philippine
acouts, the government la beginning at the
wrong end by compelling them to wear
woolen stocking, a in a country where 70
degrees Is a normal temperature. Iveft to
themselves, tha scouts would prefer to
go barefoot, with grass sandals In reserve
for use over very rough ground. Why Amer
icanise them at all, if their efficiency !
greater under conditions to which they
have been accustomed from childhood?
Amaslna; erve of (irafter.
Philadelphia Record.
One of the convicted members of Pitts
burgh bribed city council, who la out on
126,000 ball, ha Invited the Allegheny Bar
Association, Including the Judge who tried
him, to take a Junketing trip on hla ateam
yacht. The invitation la amaslng, and the
Invited association waa duly amazed there
by, of courae. But In what other com
munity thla side of the Rockies could such
thing have occurred? Tha unabashed
Impudence necessary to tha making of
such a proposal could not have developed
In a morally healthy atmosphere.
Prison Sentence f oi Violation of
Sherman Anti-Trust Law.
New York World.
At last "the one responsible man" has
been sentenced to Jail for a violation of
the Bherman anti-trust law. Of the five
officera of the American Naval Store com
pany convicted In the United States court
at Savannah of conspiracy in restraint of
trade, three escaped with a fine, but In
the cases of the chairman of the board of
directors and of the vice president. Judge
Sheppard Imposed a fine and three months'
imprisonment. As Justice Holmes said In
his dissenting opinion In tha Northern Se
curities case, tha Bherman law la "a crimi
nal statute." Mr. Roosevelt refused to rec
ognise Its criminal provisions, but under
the Taft administration the country now
has proof that the criminal clause of the
law can be enforced if the government la
willing to enforce It.
Tom Watson's Motion Revived and
Charleston Newa and Courier tdem.).
We cannot sympathise with the Hon.
(Tom) Wataon, edltorlaliat of the Jeffer
sonlan. In hla fierce objurgations against
the United Btates senators because they
have provided themselves with bath tubs.
one whole, undivided, and exclusive tub
for each senator. The Hon. Watson inti
mates that he can .tolerate a, man's preju
dices against sharing his bed with a fel
low man, though he -does not participate
in them, but st, ur? .tbat tha adoption of
separate senatorial) tuba smacks of tyranny
and Imperial extravagances in which our
brother editor la In error. To the separate
eenatorlal bath tub there Is no genuine
democratic or Jefferaonlan objection, as
tha usa of the bath tub makes altogether
for simplicity, but the oath that a senator
takes should be so amended so that he
would swear not only to support the con
stitution and obey the lawa, but to utilise
the bath tub not less than twice a week.
Proposed Memorial to the American
Philadelphia Record.
It la a rather curious fact that nowhere
in thla country has historical thought
ahaped Itself In giving adequate commem
orative expression to the ass delation of tha
American Indian with the early life of our
nation. The Indian the original proprietor
of the lordly domnln out of which has been
carved the greatest republic of the earth
haa unquestionably played a more prom
inent part In the pages of American his
tory than any of the Influences that we
have signalised In enduring bronze. It la
needless to argue his fitnesa as a subject
for sculptural treatment tf national im
port and magnitude. It suffices to note the
appropriateness of the suggestion, which
originated at the dinner given by Mr. Rod
man Wanamaker to Colonel William P.
Cody In New York the other day, that a
heroic bronse figure of the American In
dian should be erected at the country's
Eastern gateway In New Yurk harbor, aa
part payment of the tribute the whito
man owea to the fast-vanishing copper
colored brother upon wlione empire, won
by three centuries of conquest, he haa
It is well understood that Mr. Wana
maker atanda ready to foot the cost of
the project of which he la the sponeor.
It is not so clear that he should be allowed
to do so. The undertaking Is one In which
the people should at least be given the
opportunity to share. The aentiment which
prompted the proposal is not pereonal to
Mr. Wanamaker, nor la It In any sense
kical. It is nation-wide in It scope. -It
would be fitting if the government should
recognize this and blaze the pathway
pointed out by private initiative. The fed
eral government Is tlie owner of the ob
vious site for the contemplated statue. It
ahould dedicate the ground required for
thla national memorial and pave the way
for the people to take part in its erection.
This .matter is one which the New York
delegation In congress might well take up
and present to both houses f'r their im
mediate consideration. The Indian may be
Immortalised without government co-operation,
but the 'government, a trustee for
the surviving remnant pf tha race that
once over-ran these shores, haa a atrong
claim to admittance to participation In
the movement.
Stomach Trouble.
Your tongue is coated. ,
Your breath is fouL
Headccbes come and go.
Thee symptoms show that
four atom&ch is the trouble. To
remove the cause is the first thing,
and Chamber Iain's Stomach and
liver Tablets vrill do that Easy
to take and most effective.
Washington Life
Fhort aTketchee of taeidsaSs and
Upteodee that Mark tb rroyraee
of Bvaata at the "atloa's OaptsaL
in a resent magazine article Lyman
Beerher fttowe describes and discuasea the
JiiRtly cel.-brated Smile of President Taft
and h's manner of disposing of White
House callers "At Ifi o'clock." he says,
"the eliding doors rolled back and the
great man stepped forth. Kvery one rose,
and a thrill went round the room. The
president smiled, and every One smiled
bark. It Is safe to say that the president s
mlle I more Infectious than that of any
other member of the Optimists- club of
America. It Is a big, wholeeouled smile,
altogether Irresistible. It is surprising bow
little Mr. Taft'a photraptis prepare one
for the man himself. Although weighing
over 300 pounds, he does not look like a
fat man. While he la good natured and
Jovial, those terms give an entirely false
Idea of him. The Impression of strength
and keenness Is much more dominant than
these characteristics. He has a clear,
ruddy complexion, and a face that la not
too heavy to be handsome.
"Unlike most men, the nearer you come
to him the better he looks. His eyes are
his most remarkable feature. Were he
Insignificant In every other respect, his
eyes would mark him as no ordinary man.
They are a red brown In shade, with cur
iously slanted lids, and they Indicate kind
ness. Shrewdness. Inflexible determination.
Their expression la constantly changing
with ltghtning like rapidity from mirthful-
ness to Intense seriousness. There Is dis
aster ahead of the Individual who mis
takes thla big. smiling man's good nature
for easygolngness.
"One thing Mr. Taft's smile does is to
banish embarrassment.
"In spite of our vaunted equality and
'I'm as good aa you' assertion, the ordi
nary unofficial, undistinguished American
citizen Is rather nervoua when he meets
the .president of . the United States. The
way Mr. Taft dispels this embarrassment
with a glance and a smile is one of hi
small achievements, which muat loom
large In the aggregate. The smile Is genu
ine, because the man back of It Is genuine."
When Secretary of Slate P. C. Knox waa
attorney general the pardon clerk brought
to hi attention the application for pardon
of a fnun who had been sentenced to a
five-year term in prison for conducting a
rrtse fight In Arizona. It seems the terri
torial authorities had determined to break
up prise fighting within their Jurisdiction
and had made an example of this man.
After reading the papers through the at
torney general waa convinced that It was
a case for executive clemency, but know
ing the president's fondness for athletics
he determined to advise against a pardon
and see what would happen. V
"I am going to recommend that tnis
plea be refused," said Mr. Knox to one
of his assistants, "but I know the presi
dent will grant it in spite of that recom
mendation." "Oh, no," said the assistant, "he haa
always followed your recommendation and
I'm aure he will In this case."
"I'll bet you a box of cigars he grants
the pardon." said Mr. Knox, and ithe
wager was made.
The next cabinet day Mr. Knox took
with him to tha cabinet meeting the papers
In this case and laid them at the presi
dent's place, at the head of the table. He
told Becretary Root of the circumstances
and asked him to watch developments.
The president came Into the room and as
he sat down hla attention was attracted by
the papers. Glancing at them he noted the
charge upon which conviction had been
secured and. Instantly ' becoming Interested,
read them through. Messrs Root and Knox
were watching him closely. When he had
finished he graaped a pen and scratching
out the recommendation of Mr. Knox
wrote, "Pardon granted" across the fees
of the document. Glancing up he met the
smiling eyes of Mr. Knox and Mr. Root.
"Mr. Attorney General, I have Juat re
versed you In this pardon case," ha said.
"Thank you. Mr. President," replied Mr.
Knox. "You have won a box of cigars
for ma."
Whenever the president and Senator Till
man meet which la often there la a claah
of wits. The two attended the banquet
given by the cltlsens of Washington Sat
urday night, when the president "Jumped
on" the proposition to give suffrage and
a delegate in congreaa to the people of the
"What are you doing here?" good
naturedly demanded the president, of Sen
ator Tillman. "Trying to pans yourself off
as a AvashlngtonlanT"
"1 came here," retorted Tillman, "to aee
how you act when you are among the
common people."
' After the banquet the president and the
South Carolinian went down In the same
elevator and left the building together.
The president's big automobile was at the
"Come and ride with me," aald the presi
dent, thumping Tillman on the back. "Thla
car cost yid more than It did me."
If he tells a story at all In debate. Sena
tor Reyner of Maryland chooaea one in
which the Joke is on him.
"In one of m v h'tlv contested songrea
slonal campaigns," said the Maryland sen
ator. In course of his sj.eech attacking the
Aldrich bill, "a well Intentlnned Triend of
mine approached me and said he thought
I knew all about the tariff and that I
certainly would be successful If I wrotj a
hook upon It and distributed the book
through my district. I wri te the book and
It waa well distributed. It waa a fin
work. There whs a great demand for this
book. It was a work of ISO pages. I waa
defeated by Just 160 votes, and I hava al
ways thought that if the book had bc?n a
thousand pages I might have been de
feated by a thousand votes."
Washington abounds In pleasant mention
of President Taft's good qualltlea aa a
White Housa host. He and Mrs. Taft are
giving dinners and lawn parties every few
days, and assuring congressional and offi
cial guest a very pleasant time. He greets
the senators and representatives by their
nicknames, allows everybody concerned the
Utmost freedom of the big house, and Is
Intrenching himself strongly in th con
gressional heart.
The other evening, after dinner, when
the men had come down from the library
and rejoined the women, several of the
party strolled Into the East room. Ths
orchestra was playing a lively two-step.
A matron of the congressional circle could
not restrain herself from waltzing, all
alone, out upon the polished floor.
"HI, there!'' exclaimed the president.
"We don't allow that here. No lady shall
waits alone In thla room. Permit ma"
And the two went whirling up the clear
apace like a pair enjoying their first sea
son. George W. Harvey, the celebrated oyater
house keeper of Washington, died recently.
All the newspaper speak well of him.
He waa th inventor of steamed oysters,
"ona of th most delicious dish knows te
Baa's from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Royal Baking Powder is
the greatest of time and
labor savers to the pastry
cook. It economizes flour, but
ter and eggs, and makes the
food digestible and healthful.
H n i
man," and was on terms of srod fellowship
with many of th most noted men of the
country, whom he had entertained at hla
pi'. A great deal more has been said
about him, and rightly, than could have
been said about many of the men who have
filled a more Important place In the public
eye; for under his direction things were
cooked which men could eat without ruin
ing their digestion.
A New Jersey congressman discusses ths
"leave to print" privilege of the house.
He declares it a consolation prise not
without Its advantages, sine "tremendous
applause" may be Inserted wherever the
author desires.
Chief of Police Kohler, of Cleveland, O..
has told the men under him that they must
use great care In making arrest to see
that they have a person who has violated
the law. He aays that people should have
an opportunity to explain before being put
behind prison bars as well as afterward.
Mrs. Frank B. Vrcoiran. daughter of
General John C Black cf the Civil Service
commission, has paid (3.000 for the pew next
to that occupied by Mrs. William H. Taft
In St. John's Episcopal church. Washing
ton. Th church officers say this Is the
highest price ever paid for a pew In that
William P. Sylla has Juat commenced
hla thirty-fifth consecutive year as elty
clerk at Elgin, 111. His success In politics
1 attributed to his peculiar method of
campaigning. Hs Is said to know more
people than anybody else In Elgin and In
the elections of recent years he has had
practically no opposition.
Mr. Wattereon Is, perhaps, the greatest
living authority In the democratic party
on what constitutes the democratic doc
trine of a tariff for revenue only, and Mr.
Watterson's comment on the action of sev
enteen democratic senator In voting to
keep a duty on Iron or for "revenue pur
pose" Is simply "Disgusting!"
Herr Hager, a rich and Influential Ber
lin banker, frequently had watches picked
from his pocket. At first he had re
course to all kinds of safety chains; then
one morning he took no precaution what
ever, and quietly allowed hlmaeif to be
robbed. At night, on returning from his
business, he took up the evening paper;
be uttered an exclamation of delight. A
watch had exploded in a man's hands.
Ths victim's hands were shattered and
the left eye destroyed. Th crafty
banker had filled the watch case with dy
namite, which exploded In th operation
of winding. ... ... .
Mlllloa ol Passengers Carried to the
Oae Ialsred.
Chicago Tribune.
The sinking of an ocean steamer with
ita accompanying loa of life attracts the
attention of the world. The wrecking of
a railway train, where, perhaps, death of
many come In harrowing form, startle
everybody. But no one thinks of th
steamer that make their regular run on
schedule time delivering passengers and
cargoes In safety month in and month
out. No one notices th thousands of rail
way train that reach their destination
dally throughout the year, bringing their
annual aggregate of millions of passenger.
There Is plenty of blame In time of acci
dent. There la a minimum of praise when
things go well. In fact, this latter condi
tion Is taken sa a matter of course.
Th safety of modern travel la Indicated
by the report of the Pennsylvania railroad
system for 1901. The figures tell their own
story. There were 141,859,(43 passengers
handled. Not on waa killed. There were
109 people injured enough to require med
ical or aurglcal attention. Out of each
1,38. 819 passengers carried there waa on
injured In a train accident. The same
general fact of safety I ahown by th
Pullman report of ll.n3,07 passenger
carried In standard Pullman sleeping cart,
of which great number ona only was killed.
Other statistics. If at hand, would add
their testimony. The accident In travel
I the exception. A a rule there la no
safer place for th Individual than on a
modern railroad train or steamboat.
The Clothes for You
So far as we know, there is no cloth
ing better fitting than ours.
As to styles, we know that both the
vogue and good taste find their fullest ex
pression here.
Our fabrics are tested and guaran
teed. Everything is made in our own Work- ,
rooms. .
With a range of prices from $15 to
$35, we strongly advise a selection at from
$20 to $25.
The style is the same at whatever
price. The difference is in the costlier goods
and linings.
'Brewning.King & Cq
R S.
Blnks I have no use for artists. I would
kill all the tribe If I could.
Jinks Well, the execution of a go-d
picture by one Is a hanging matter, you
know. Baltimore American.
"Tou have no majmlflcent ruina In thla
country." said the visitor from abroad.
"No." answered Senator Porahum; "not
unle.s you count some of oir mosa-covered
political booma." Washington Star.
"He careful what you say to papa. I'm
afraid he s sore."
"Well. I've got plenty of salve for him."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"I understand your father hi enormously
Wealthy," the young man aald, casually.
The proud beauty drew herself to her full
height (above her natural height) as she
replied: "Oh, well, we get a piece of len
that lasts until the Ice man come again."
Buffalo Express.
"I forgot something." aald the husband.
"Yes," pouted the wife, "you forgot to
kiss me."
"That may he. hut what T came bark
for waa my overshoes." Kansas City Jour
nal. "The new girl you have employed, mv
dear. 1 eminently qualified by nature to
be a waiter."
"How eof"
"She haa such a taking personality and
such fetching ways." Baltimore American.
Elderly Relative Mortimer. what are
your Intentions In regard to Miss Bullion?
Scapegrace Nephew Strictly honorable
and praiseworthy, unrle.
Elderly Relative I am glad to hear that.
Mortimer. I waa afraid vou were going to
try to persuade her to marry you. Chicago
"Don't you want to live In the minds of
"Yea," answered Senator Sorghum; 'al
though It la a little discouraging to see
how much more Interest poaterlty aems
to take In a great man's weaknesses and
pecullsrlt'es than In hla national achieve
ments." Washington Star.
Fair was the day at dawning.
Blue was the sky at noon:
Sweet waa the air with clover,
With bird-song all atune;
The blossoms fragrant drifted.
On grasses at my feet;
All nature seemed uplifted.
With Joy complete
But a blur upon my landscape.
A shadow crossed my way.
And in the voice of the pessimist
"It's goln' ter storm today."
The little brooklet sauntered
Thro' the meadow at Its ease;
The daisies danced and nodded
And gnsalned with the hrM ;
Tt waa a feast for tired eyes
Such treasure to behold;
Where the dandelions strewed thi
With all their wealth of gold
Rut suddenly I felt a Jar
From mv lira waa daahed the cup
Of Joy. whe". a voice at my elbow
Snarled. "Nuisance dig 'em up."
100 Years Hence
No More Drudgery Juat
Live to Enjoy Yourselves.
Ella Wheeler Wlleox believes in a hund
red years all drudgery will be don by ma-
chinery. We will fly through th air on
the wing of thewind and hava tlm to
e and enjoy all th wonder of the world
and perhaps of the heaven which are now
sealed book to the majority because of
the eternal grind of every day life.
Look back 100 years and the change
made seam Jut as great. What wa wear,
how we travel, how we communicate, what
we eat, sensible clothes, vehicle speedy
and comfortable, wireless telegraphs, tele
phones, fsat trains and mall steamers, and
healthful food.
Today lnatead of loading our stomacha
with heavy, greasy breakfasts, that dull
the brain and retard our morntng'e work,
we eat delicious E-C Corn Flakea or Egg-O-Be
Wheat Flakes, made by the famous
Egg-O-See process that Insures perfect di
gestion, high nutrition and greater strength.
Always ready to serve, good for babies,
best for invalids th sensible breakfast for
the business man or tha busy, energetic
housewife. Remember It's th Egg-O-See
procesa that makea the flake so crisp snd
and Doug-la Sts. .
WILCOX. Mgr. "