THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAY 20. 1000 Of all mcI worth of teoffue or pen Th addeat are theet it might lave bcca mimm uaiung Powder Sty AvaM tit iiirtar tVi ftitaftfM)int- menu the 'bad luck1 in bakinff, T fw S price Truit brand. They arc unreliable they too often fail Don't truit them. put your faith in Calumet the only itrictly higb-rradt baking powder told at a moderate con. We absolutely guarantee that the retulti will please you. Guaranteed under all pure food law both State and National. Refute substitutes get Calumet. Recairad Highest Award World Pur Food Exposition, Chicago, 1907 Mm HILL CROSS LINE IN WYOMING Burlington is to Build South from Kirby Oyer SUte. SEW B0UTE JUST MAPPED OUT larreaetaa; Trattle , Development ( New lonntr. .t-iuand that Hill Balld llw. Line of Track. Noon. Rumor are rife In rullroad circle that the- Burlington 1 preparing to build at once r new line across the central part of Wyoming. outh from Kirby. This line h been planned for some time, but the financial depression uf two years ago put a atop to the work. In the meanwhile. Arnnu Boysen built his huge dam in the Big Horn gorge, which shut out' the beet practical way or getting south from Kirby and TnerniupoUs. Large force of engineer have been at work nil spring trying i find a new Water grade which the Burlington might ua In getting from the Big Hum Basin to. tha country along the North 'Platte' river.- It is understood that a new route hna been figured out by the engineers arid' that the road Is prepar ing to build at onceW"-v, Hill for three years ha been building a second Une .across Wyoming, but difficul ties have' been Ynet which have delayed the work, until-'now- It Is almost a necessity. Traffic' from the great 'northwest over the Burlington northwest line is becoming heavier and hettvlar all the time and it I now expeoted ' l forge aheid by leaps a'id bounds,- since the gap ha been built con necting ' tha ,i Turlington with the second Hill line 4. he Great Northern. Through passenger train will be run to Seattle from Omaha over both the North ern' Pacific and the Great Northern and extra local trains- have made the single trark between .Omaha and .Billings . alto gether too crowded and It la necessary for Mr. Hill to seek relief In I second line. It is thought the Burllngon will build eouth through" Therraopoll and use the Northwestern track east to Orin Junction where the Colorado A Southern rails will be used to Cheyenne and Denver. BffW .MalUfia In Sunday. Beeomlng erTtlv fcilrtday," Omaha will be somewhat benefited by the railway mall service over the Northwestern be tween Norfolk, northwest and Omaha, and Fremont. Lincoln, Hastings and Superior, west and southwest. Train No. R. a new locab on and after Sunday, will leave Omaha at 215 p. m. Instead of S p. m., aa heretofore. This trMn will arrive at Fremont at S:SX, at Norfolk at 7 P- m. Mali service will be put on this train, which Is exclusively a locsl. thus giving an advantage of one hour and forty minutes for the local malls to Fremont and Norfolk. Lincoln. Hastings and Su perior. Train No. 3. the through mall, known as tha Deadwood train, will leave Omaha at $55, arriving at Fremont 6 25 and Norfolk 8 06. This train will also carry mall, but la not essentially a local train. All Omaha mall going to points between Omaha and Norfolk and Omaha and Superior ahould k. aent out on tha early lecal train. Returning there will be a new train from Long Pine, leaving that point at 13:30 p. m., arriving In Omaha at 10:S0 p. m. Thi new train will pick up the Dallas. S. D.. made, thus giving Omaha the advantnge pf three or four hours earlier mails from South Dakota points served by may of Norfolk Junction. Thirteen dining cars will be needed to equip the Burlington train west of the Missouri river when the change are made In train service Sunday by which Sn.Oofl trains miles a month will be added west of Omaha. The Burlington system now has thirty-three dining cars In operation with five new cars In the shops. Almost ready for delivery. In the commissary depart ment of Its road the Burlington road has o-er 400 men employed to see that patrons of the road get enough to eat. More Tracks at t'nlon Depot. Union Pacific officials are considering the plan of enlarging the trackage facili ties st I'nlon station at once and a meeting of the depot company may be called to order the work to proceed at once. The plan for the new tracks and for the over head aprons were drawn some time ago, but the work has been delayed until It 1 almost an absolute necessity. Not only are the trackage facilities Inadequate, hut the depot Is a so most crowded because so many trains enter and leave the station within such a short space of time. Council Docks Pete Elsasser Takes Ten Dollars Out of His Pay Envelope for Missing One Meeting. Peter E. Elsasser. retiring councilman from the Tenth ward, will receive $115 for his last month's pay Instead of $126. This Is because he was not present at Tuesday evening' meeting of the council, and for the further fact that hi absence was over looked by his colleagues and he was not excused. Under the charter a $10 fine will be assessed. "I'll tell you one thing," said Mr. El sasser the next day when he fouund that hla democratic brethren had failed to have him excused, "and that Is that any absent councilmen at any meeting which I have attended have been excused. I would even imaae a moiion 10 excuee, rmrry .iiiiiiibh, but Harry has never been absent, so I never had the chance.'.' GETS IN ONEJDOOR ALL RIGHT Adolnh Klrrhkoff Kicks In Entrance of Detention Horn and Lands In Jail. Adolph Klrchkoff Is languishing In the county Jail, having been convicted of at tempting to become an Inmate of the new Detention home, Fourth and Bancroft streets. It I asserted by that corraler of criminals, the county attorney, that Klrch koff rammed down a door of the new building laat week, but finding It unfin ished, he put aside his desire to renew his youth In a reformatory, and also decided that reform was not a wise thing, after all. Acting along this line. It is said he walked away with a chest of to ls belong ing to Charles R. Thompson, a carpenter, and was arrested when he tried to sell them. A complaint charging him with breaking and entering was filed, and Klrch koff was bound over to the. district court Wednesday after a hearing. QUARTER MILLION IN PAY1NC Immense Sam to Be Spent on Streets This Year. TWENTY CONTRACTS ARE LET Thirteen Are for n Work and Seven for Repairs, the Whole t ov erlng Eighty Three Blocks, or Sis Miles. Nearly $250,flm will be expended In pav ing in Omaha this year, this amount being represented in one lot of paving contracts let by the cltj council Tuesday evening, j iwpniy contracts were lei, riurieen ior new paving and seven for repaving, the total representing eighty-three blocks, or six n-.lles. I Most of the paving will be brick, though several of the contracts let are for as phalt paving. Hugh Murphy and Charles E. Fanning sectned the bulk of tha con tracts, which total $241 ."45. The contracts for repaving are as fol lows: Eighteenth street, between St. Mary' avenue and Leavenworth street, one block, asphalt paving, Hugh Murphy contractor, $7,925. Sixteenth street, between Farnam and Douglas streets, one block, asphalt pav ing. Bryant. Ford McLaughlin con tractor, $3.W0. Grace street, between Sherman avenue and Twenty-fourth treet, eight block, brick paving, Charles E. Fanning con tractor. $24,950. Fourteenth street, between Howard and Leavenworth streets, four blocks, brick paving, Hugh Murphy contractor, $15,450. Leavenworth street, between Thirty-seventh and Fortieth streets, three blocks, brick paving, Hugh Murphy contractor, $15,950. Jackson street, between Sixteenth and Nineteenth sireets. three blocks, brlrk paving, Charles E. Fanning contractor, J5.925. ' Fifteenth street, between Howard and Davenport streets, eight blocks, asphalt paving, Hugh Murphy contractor, $2,200. The contracts for new paving, all of which provide for curbing and guttering with either natural or Bedford stone, are as follows: Ames avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Thirty-sixth streets, eleven blocks, brick paving, Charles E. Fanning contractor, $41,950. Burdette street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-fourth streets, three blocks, brick paving-, Charles E. Fanning con tractor, $7,275. I Twenty-seventh street, between Ames and Fowler avenues, two blocks, hrick paving, Hugh Murphy contractor. $5,03. Fowler avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Thirtieth streets, five blocks, brick paving. Hugh Murphy contractor. $14.2o. Twenty-eighth street, between Parker and Franklin streets, two blocks, brick paving, Hugh Murphy, contractor, $5.S70. Nineteenth street, between Emmet and rinkney streets, one block, brick paving. Hugh Murphy, contractor, $?,n. Twenty-alntlT street, between Cuming and Hamilton streets, six hlncks. brick paving, Charles E. Fanning, contractor, $11, (W. . Fort street, between Twenty-fourth and Thirtieth street, six blocks, brick paving, Hugh Murphy contractor, $24,0. Meredith avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Thirtieth streets, five blocks, brick paving, Charles E. Fanning, contractor, $14,70. Jones street, between Thlrty-ixth and Thirty-eighth streets, two blocks, asphalt paving, Hugh Murphy, contractor, $5,870. Martha street, between Thirty-second avenue and Thirty-fourth street, two blocks. $7,085. Thirty-eighth avenue, between Dewey avenue and Pacific street, seven blocks, asphalt paving, Hugh Murphy, contractor, $19,050. Twenty-eighth avenue, between Cuming and Indiana streets, three blocks, brick paving, Charles E. Fanning, contractor, Jti.lX. In addition to the paving contracts, one good sized sewer contract was let by tha council. This Is for a main sewer to be laid on Leavenworth street, from Forty second street to Forty-sixth street, at a cost of $13.ono. The contract was let to McKay & Cathroe. Bennett and Baum Object to Referee's Findings Both Filea Exceptions Before Judge Estelle in the District Court. Roth side have filed exceptions to the findings of Referee William Balrd In the Bennett-Baum cae. The plaintiffs ask Jmlge Estelle to ap prove the opinion except hs regards the costs In the case urging that these be as sessed not to the Bennett company bat to J. E. and D. A. Baum. They also ssk that 1 that the court nominate a reasonable sum ! aa attorney fee for plaintiff' lawyer to bo paid by the Baums. These exceptions are signed by E. D. Strode, W. 8. Summers and Hall A Stout, attorneys for the Bennett Interest. The other exceptions ask the decision on the capital stock be set aside and also ob ject to the finding with regard to the merger of the realty holding In the Ben nett company. Baldrlge A Debord signed these exception which number seventy-Seven. 1510 DOUGLAS STREET Weather Gives Corn Good Start Conditions Are Favorable Along the Burlington for Growing and Planting. Weather has been especially favorable for giving the corn crop a good start in Ne braska, according to the Burlington' crop reinrt. Planting Is well along In all parts of the state where corn Is raised and In many places the work of planting corn Is completed. On the ' MeCook division, with seasonable rains from now on there is no reason why there should net be an average crop of corn. On the three eastern divi sions of' the Burlington the chances are fine for a big crop. it Is estimated there will be 6.000 acres of sugar beots In the vicinity of Brush and that the acreage of Nebraska will be about the name as last year. Indications now are for a better fruit crop In Nebraska than has been raised for several years. The present Indications for the winter wheat crop are for about 86 per cent of an aver ige crop. Farmers around Lovcll and Guesnsey are getting their ditches ready for Irrigation. The hlgn winds of the last week have made the soli of most of Wyoming very dry on top, but crops have not suffered and a rain within a short' time will fix everything In splendid shape, especially on the line, Holdrege to Sterling. . All pastures and meadows are greatly in need of rajn. GIFTS FOR CHILDREN" SMALL Additions to Child Saving: Pond Not Large Recently and Time la Growing; Short. Only $33 has been added to the building fjnd for the Child Saving institute since the last report, and the balance to raise is $4,599.82, with less than two weeks left In which to secure the balance. Previously acknowledged $70,3.93 G. D. M'ller 6.00 G. F. Beavers 6.00 Mrs. G. F. Beavers 5.00 W. M. Van Arnan 3.00 P. F. McDonald 2.00 Alex H. Breuel...irtwr...k....r...'.. : 1.00 Pearl Gardner ........... 1.00 V. E. Ames ? 1.00 Laurlce Hanson 1.00 W. M. Condon...... 100 E. E. Boone 100 Cash 100 H. A. M 6.00 Miss Rose Dowe , .50 M. Wilson .60 i Margaret Wilson .50 1 S is 10 GS TmiTrrrrsT IJMvi DOUGLAS BE20S. STREET IkJ SUIT SALE I IP $25.00, $27.50, $29.75, $32.50 and $35.00 Tailored Suits $ On Sale at . . . Every woman in Omaha knows what Orkin Bros.' suit sales mean in the way of bargains, and this being the greatest sale that we have ever held you may know what wonderful values you can expect. There arc hundreds of beautiful new suits for you to select from, and every one is perfectly tailored; the materials are finest all wool serges, prunella cloths, worsteds and fancy suitings in all colors. These Tailored Suits OXJIU all efseJV $29.75, $32.50 and $35.00 Ori Sale of ... . Spccial Sale 0 Beautiful New Shirt Waists In this great collection of Waists you will tmd all the pretty, new styles in charming combinations of tucking. Practical and washable 1 laces and embroidered designs the values are remarkable, and we ask I only your inspection. I CT50 I 1 A DANESIOCELEBRATE FOURTH Americanized Scandinavians Will Have Festival Abroad. TO TAKE PLACE IN ANCIENT CITY Aarhna, Where Exposition la Now On Commemorating- 1.IOO Anniver sary, Scene of Danish American Celebration. NO SALOONS IN MY TOWN Jim Brady of ".charier Pleads Thua When Arralatned for Be ing Tipsy. "There ain't no s loons In my town," said Jim Brady of Schuyler, when he tried to explain to Police Judge Crawford how he came to get Into Jail on a charge of drunkenness. Officer Thornton arrested the man Tues day night. The Judge discharged him with a warning to go home. Totsl Balance to raise $4,599.8$. Time limit, June 1. 170.400.18 BALLOON IS jSAFE IN HOUSE Bis Airship May Sot Be Inflated at Fort Omaha Before Monday. Vnlted Statea dirigible balloon No. 1 ha been safely taken from Its special car that brought It from- Fort Myer to Fort Omaha, and Is now in the big balloon house at Fort Omaha. The big airship arrived in excel lent condition. It has not yet been Inflated and may not be before Monday. It Is not likely that any ballooning experiments will be undertaken during the present week. The detail of officers from Fort Leaven worth aaMgned to Fort Omaha for instruc tion In ballooning has not yet arrived, though they are expected dally. The Danish-American association has completed arrangements for a festival of a novel character to take place in Den mark In-the old city of Aarhus on July 4 In connection with the national Danish ex position now In progress In that city. It Is the first time that an attempt has ever been made to have a Fourth of July cele bration In a foreign country, arranged by naturalized American eitlaens descended from that country. The object la to afford Scandinavians an occasion to larn the truth about the country Jn which many of their nationality have made their home and love as then own country, and where they have availed of the opportunities offered them. The program has Just been approved by cable by the authorities of the Aarhus ex position. The crown prince of Denmark and both the American ambassadors to Denmark and the Danish ambassador to the United Statea and other well known Danes will participate In the exercises. The "Aarhus Day Committee," 327 Fuller ton avenue, Chicago, will be pleased to furnish any further Information to all Danish-American citizens who may apply, and will be pleased to hear from them. Dying Man May Be Burglar Shot Fete Kusder Identified by Police Cap tain Shields of South Omaha. After lying wounded in St. Joseph's hos pital for a week, after telling the police a story which they did not believe, Pela Kusder, a Roumanian, is now reported to be In such condition that he probably cannot recover, and It is said he has been Identified by ' Police Captain Shields of South Omaha as the perpetrator of a burglary in that city. Last Wednesday morning Kusder wont to the police station in Omaha and told the officers that a bad wound he showed In his leg had been sustained in Council Bluffs at the time the negro Taylor shot Officer Horner. Further details he would not tell. It is now thought he may navo been shot In South Omaha In connection with the burglary In which he I up posed to have participated. Ansel Briggs' Body to Be Moved to Andrews, Iowa Firit Governor of Hawkeye State i Buried in Prospect Hill , Cemetery. TRAIN ch;e. The Bubonic riasne destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver and kidney diseases, for which Electric Bitters Is the guaranteed remedy. 50c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Bnrlinitton Hoole, May 2,'td. New train, No. 9. from Omaha 11:50 p. m. for Lincoln, Denver and principal Interme diate points, also for Grand Island, Sheri dan. Billings, Seattle and Great Northern destinations. New train, No. 23. from Omaha 7:25 p. m. for Lincoln and Intermediate points. No. 92 from Omaha at 12 :3o p. m. for PlHtlsmouth and Pacific Junction. Ticket office, 1502 Farnam St. Bee Want Ads stimulate trade moves. Building Permits. C. D. Glover. Hickory street and Georgia avenue, franif dwelling. $:'.5i0; W. F. Nels mann. Twenty-seventh and Iake street, double brick store and dwelling, $2,0(0; Mrs. Kmmn Sick. I.',47 Sont li Twentv-slxth street, frame dwelling. 12.000; Oliver Crandatl, Thirty-third snd Gold streets, addition to dwelling, $1.2co: p. J. FtHum. Fifteenth and Ohio streets, udrtition to dwelling, $500; Al fred Wadum. )S Decatur street, altera tion to dwelling. $.t"0; N. F. Richardson. 4"2S Hamilton street, addition to dwelling, $:i0. J. W. Ellis of Maquoketa, la., arrived In Omaha last evening as chairman of the committee having charge of the disinter ment of the body of the late Governoi Ansel Brlggs, now burled In Prospect Hill cemetery and mill superintend Its transfei to Andrew, la., where the body will be re Interred. Governor Brlggs was the first govemoi of Iowa and a monument Is being erected to hi memory at Andrew, la., which wll.' be unveiled during the latter part pf June, with Imposing ceremonies. Senator Cum mins and Dollver and other notable Inwani will be present to participate In the cere monies. ' The late John B. Brlggs, a pioneer 'of Nebraska, and husband of Mrs. Brlggs, now prominently associated with the Douglas county association pf Nebraska Pioneers, was a son of Governor Briggs. BUD WEATHERF0RD REJOICES THAT HIS BROTHER ESCAPES tiara Ha Has Wife and Children, While He Himself Is More Ac enstomed to Darance. "Well, If somebody' got to go to Jail, I'm glad it la me," said Bud Weatherford, ungrammatically, but fraternally, Weatherford was discussing the verdict of the Jury which found him guilty and freed hi brother, George Weathf - ford. "George Is married and I ain't. Besides I have been In Jail before and he never was up to this time." v- 1 ,aJ iaili only in . f f) J moisture proof packages. v$) It wasn't the name that made the fame of i ITS O It was the goodness of the crackers that made the fame of the name Pod l)ytt NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY r-i t t i : t r - ' 1 ' f . I