11 THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY 20. 1909. REAL ESTATE t- CITY I'HOI RRir rOH SALB (ConHoued.) Business Men, Attention! . BUY A HOME ' Here's Couple Good Ones - $5,000 th sml California streets, on Harney line, 3 block to another, 7-roiMns, i trior could .be finished In sttlr. quartered oak finish and fior.rs on f Irs-Sfflnor. hard p'ne on aecond. hot water Heat, combination figrure. lirg haem"nt. nlre lot 5x1'K'. raved strerr. cement walks, private drive way, good barn, clone to schools and churches. An Unusual Bargain. Terms. ? $5,750 REAL ESTATE ... " REAL ESTATE FARM A.llANlt I.AKIt FOR, FARM ASD HANOI LAND f OH lALa" (Continued.) (Continued ) i r tei he re ' Mnroln ' Blvd , near 3Mh, Vt blocks to ir. besutluil surroundings, s room. nur red oak and hard nine finish, furnace eat, combination fixtures, full basement, r merit walks, terraced lot WrxllT, Shruh- bc-ry. only 2 years old, convenient to pa rochial, public schools nu cnurcnes. TVe Have Others. WA'LKUPS Real Estate ompany, Paxton Block. rtione Douglas 2K9 i 20 NEAR BEMIS PARK Two fifty-foot Iota, aouth front on Ham ilton St.. Just east of 33d. running througn to Charles- St.,. giving liiO feet frontage on either atreet. Will sell separate If desired Price 2.9n0 for both loU. or $1,400 for west lot and SU&iO for east lot. Tha ground Is level and -on a nice terrace, ready for building. Payne, Bostwick&Co., : Sola Agents, N. Y. Ufa fllrtg. ! (19119(1 19 r : VMust Be Sold, $3,200 " aMUM a . am i i v .. sro -n- vsjiii iimjffr, v jirmiw inn, uuiu if.v tha owner for home, all modern, reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen first floor; S bedrooms and bath second floor! fine ccmentid cellar under whole house, good, furnace.' paved street, all paid for; high and sightly location; good car line. Bee ua about this at once if you want a bargain. .... , 10 Acres In Florence Heights, most lightly loca tion on hill, -located on county road, with 6 acres level-and I acres rolling) has house, barn, chicken house and other buildings, lota of frultt It'a fenced and cross-fenced; Pon t let this slip by. Price. C.SOO. Birkett & Tebbens, , 423 Bee Bldg. ' 'Phonos; Doug. 4764; A-i754. I (19.1204 19 Idaho-Carey-Act-Lands Snake River Valley- Twin Falls Country IDAHO IRRIOATIOX COMPANY'S PROJECT. Engineering and Construction Work by J. G. White & Company, Incorporated. 50,000 Acres Will Be Opened by Drawing Under the Supervision of the Idaho State Land Board SHOSHONE, IDAHO, JUNE 8, 1909 Registration Will Open June 1st, v Closes June 7, 1909 IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME TO SHOSHONE, IDAHO, GOVERNMENT NOTICES RAILWAY TIME CARD-"0""4 Bt'RLIMGTO! ST A IOTH M01 Barliagtoa- leavs. Arrive. Denver and California.. 4 I pm a I 4 pm Northwest Bneclal a 4 10 pm a I 46 pm lug building material for one power plant mark Hills ...a 4.10 pm a Sio pm at United fttatea military prisen. Fort Northwest Express al2 16 am a OS am Leavenworth, Kansas. Plans and speclfl- Nebraska points a 1.46 am a S:lrt pm cations will be furnished by thla office tincoln Fast Mall bl:Mpm aU 11 pm upon aetwsu oi . which smmiiii win ..tt Nebraska Express a 9. 15 am a hi pm unoeo OFFICE CONSTRUCTING UU A RTER master. U. 8. Military Prison, t ort v-esv- nworih. Kinm Mav IT. 1 Sealed pro- Dosala. In triplicate, win De receives at mis ortlce until 10 a. m.. central time, mesuny, June 1 ll. and then opened, for furnlsn- Ing and Installing machinery and itirmsn- retunoeo wnen pians ann iprriin-iui pit lancoln Ucal b :oa am returned, or they may be seen at toe rd- , .nroi Local a 160 cm r?m.ha. NebC',:DeDIotiur?;rm..,;er",8r KM f.t.mouthT.b i pm bio 3. U go. tln. Envelopes should be Indorsed I'lant H. SLAVENR. Constructing Quartermss-I Chicago Flyer. ter, T:. B. Military rnson. rort ieaven- I Iowa Ixcal. worth Kan. Mavli-18 l-20Junel2-14 Bt. louls Kxpress ... containing proposals Denver Limited -Proposals for Power Chicago Fpeclal.... and addressed to MAJOR THOMAS Chicago Kxpreea.. ..a 4 10 pm a 7:06 am .a 7 24 am all 46 pm .a 4 iO pm a I 66 pm .a :S0 pm a :3o am .a 9 1 am sli m am .a 4 40 pm all 30 am K ! niv A Bt. Joe..alO-46 nm a 6 30 am OFFICE OF THE CON3TRI CTINtJ I Kansas City & Bt. Joe. .a :16 am a 10 pm Quartermaster, ron iimana. iNenrssaa, Kannaa City & Bt. Joe.. .a 4:40 pm Ai.rll SO. le. Sealed proposals. In trlpll- . cate. suMect to the usual conditions, will I WEBSTRR gTA IBTH A WEBSTER be received at this office until u o clock m.. central iiiu . j " thi,.... a,, pi.i. M I .! i a ana men uwitcu i. i' .. ..... n niacins in nosltlnn three sheet steel I ,ininr on roof of bulloon house at Fort I Leave. Arrive. neh. Kohrsaka. Full Information fur- Town City Passenger. .b :& am b t 3fi pm ntehrd on application, t . reserves tne i hioux i iiy rRMjrr.,. ;m rm on no m ttaht to reje t any or all bids. Envelopes Sioux City Local c 46 am c : pm fntinlna oronosals to be marked pro- Emerson Loc.O b 6 pm t) f-.io am (nr ventllatora." and addressed to Mlaaowrl faelfie constructing Auburn Icai pm oii:au am a Dally, b I'aiiy except eunaay. o Bun- day only, a Dally except Saturday, rioaal CantaJn Oeorke 8. Glbbs, Quartermaster, ron uir.sjia, irnrum. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS AND INVESTIGATE. WHITE " C. B. HURTT, Mgr. Land Sales Dept :. ' BOISE, IDAHO t2 MAio-,1 Tx riRiTWifiE NOTICE SEALED FKU posals will be received at ma orrice oi the County Auditor or Minnenana .oimty In the City of Slonx Falls. South Dakota. until two oclocK F. M., June , ijw-. ior the construction of Drainage Ditch No. 2. md appurtenances or items tnereoi. as con ainaul in the SDecIf icatlons. Involving about Koftoon ciihlo varria of excavation. The work Is located north of Sioux raiis ana exienan to a point west of Baltic. u. Uneclflnatlnns mav ne ootaineo irom ana una mav be lnsoected at tha Office of I k.i. Wm. D. Or.. Mar A Kronprlns Wm. ..Juns I the County Auditor, ioux rans, ooum Dakota; the office of J .n ttaies. anor- ney. Sioux Falla. South Dakota; tna of fir. rt flamuel H. Lea. State Engineer, Pierre, South Dakota, and specifications mav be examined at tha office of the periodical In which thla notice la pub lished. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 10. payable to tha $10,000 tux 132. adjoining Y. W. C. A., three amall cottages thrown -In; -vacant property in th heart of the city getting scarce. Look Into thla. GALLAGHER & NELSON, m Brandel lildg., Omaha, Neb. (1 M:"24 30 Near Hanscom Park On h x-room house and one three-room h'imse, full lot, fine ahada and lota tf fruit; our-half blink to car, south tront. .We can avll this proptrty for tl.9(0. Here's a bar- ire1! OWI.IT-.,,, t. X. u ,u .11. Ul.u hnuea and rent the. other. Payne, Bostwick&Co., Malu Floor, N. Y. Ufa BlriR. tia)-2no 19 Nebrama. OlDOD CHEAP LAND. J3 ) per acre; 640 acres Banner County, Neb.. 27-1763: fl.2i6.ta) caah. balance 8 years, 1160.00 eah year, per cent interest. J. O. in INC 3l Slnit,-art mag., counru biuiib. Bell i-honta 814-813. () M714 2U . SEND for lorn? list. Farms $6 to $100 per acre. BEMIS, iirandels Bldg. . . t2ivrMssi il REAL ESTATE LOANS . (Continued. MONEY TO BUILD. $500 to fc'Ou.oiiO at current rates. W: H. THOMAS. 60S Ftrat Nat l Bank Bldg, T (22) 328 OPEN YOl'B. EYES. . Eastern hetis olHlgea. to- sell .4.210 acres near Minamre, Scott's Rlnf .cojnty, Ne braaka; 8.6(l acres tlllabla; About J.000 acres very fine, smooth taole ino; i acres under irrlftatiDn; ftf) cres - can . do placed under Irrigation,' 1.000. acres In Pumpkin Creek valley; W0 acres 6f alfalfa, runnlnK water nil Improved,. 50 miles fence. Price li per acre. Call, evrite or wire. at once. . KKt.LEY INVESTMENT CO., ' SX-i Neville Bldg, Omaha. MM6 li Nortb Dakota. FOR SALE 50,000 acres best whest and flax land In the northwest; for further Information rail or write John J. Doyle, Wlshek. N. D (20)-MSl J13x OreaTOB. . FAMOUS CAMAS PRAIRIE-rRkh. black soil, abundant rainfall, mild climate; , auk (or. map of .northwest. Ooo. il. Ueed, Orangvvilla. Idaho. , U Mill Jei OREGON farms. "city and suburban homes, parties coming to Oregon might get some Information that will be sr help to them In selecting a home. Thirty years of continual residnce. In the Willamette valley might enable us te glVe you some Information that would save you some money. Direct your letters Iq Evjirett & "Metflond, .Room ZDb Bothchlld BUlg.. Portland, Ore. .(i0) M4t JelO $500 TO tt.ono In homes In Omaha. O'Keefa Real F.ttata Co., lwi is. z. Lire. imug. of A-2162. it2)-t3 rlVE PER CffNT MONET ; . ' to loan on Omnha Bualnee Property. TuriUiannrvviM " Rodnt t New York Life Bldg - r IK (22) Sll LOWEST RATES BemTS, Brandels Bldg. 100 TO JlO.OOO made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and arnam. im wo MONEY TO LOAJiI Payne Investment Ca REAL ESTATE WANTED VVE'HAVFJ BUYERS for a 6-room house, a 6-room house ana a eoupie oi vacani NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY. Suit 624 N. Y. Ufa Bldg., Omaha. Phone Red 1999. . Open Evening STOVE REPAIRS PETERS TRUST 'TO NEW YORK LIFE BLDO. YVe want largu loans on Wi-U located, first cla city p operiy. 'tVa can place laic amounts at low ratee, Peters Trust Company, New York Ufa Building. a 106 Maya COTTAGE. Jill Charles Bt , 7 ruoin!, city wntjer, gas and sower, nice yard, paved street; price, 11,860; terms. - PAYSE INVESTMENT CO.. First Floor New York Lite Building. Tal. Douxlas ITsi or A 1188. iuk mui 20 THREE building lots In Fort Dodgt-, la.; clear; value ll.li ; to exchange lor 1 four-cylinder automobile In good condi tion. J. R. Mulroney, Fort Dodge, la. ' (19)-M18 20 Brand New Cottage 4) Southeast corner of iDth and Ames Ave., just completed, with five rooms and bath; Bice plumbing, hot and cold water, good cellar, on (South Omaha car line. Price U,tf60: easy .terms. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sola Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. - U) Ml W Acres, $760 Florence In ulevaiu. thla side Mil'.-r ruirk Very sightly , building sites. Number limited. Harrison & Morton, soata Dakota. FINE farm lands In Hand and adjoining countlcsj South uaKotu. Hustling agenta wanted. Jay P. Moirill. 612 Pflace Bldg., Minneapolis. Altnn. tao) M747 J15x V Texas. WHAT California could give you twenty years ago, Texas Southern Ouir Coast offers you now. Two-year-old S&tsuma Orange Groves are now being developed. 60 per acie. Vegetables between row give Immediate Income. You hold title. We do all work always, giving you cash ahare crops Deo., 1910. mi, 1912, 850 acre yeaily; U13. 1914, 1915, 75 acre yearly; 1914, 1917, 1918, lluo acre yearly; 1919 to 19-J8, H) ner acre yearly; thereafter halt profits annually. Yeik can buy one acre or upwards. No finer Investment plan la existence. Only limited amount for aala. Come quick if you wunt your inure. Stirling Improvement Co.. Duluth. Minn. 120) Mh37 20X NEW furnaces;' hot water and hot air com bination heating, tt and 4-hole laundry hot water heaters, mantle grates, gaa stoves repaired, water fronts and flower vases. Omaha Stove Repair Worka, 1206 1208 Douglas St. 'Phones Ind. A-8621, Bell Douglas K0. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpets; clothea and shoes. Tel. Doug. S97L BEST price rald for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Doug. 6401. ca u STANDARD upright pianos. Prune Web ster 3,i. () UW BEST prices paid for Id-hand furniture. ciotnea. snoea, etc. tel. uougiaa m. (2E)-1 May 23 HOUSES and vacant lots. Western Real Estate Co., Room 411 Karbach Blk. Red IW, A -8645. ) CM 3UX WANTED TO RENT WE are getting inqulriea for well located housea. Must have aole agency. Nowata Land A Lot Co.. .suite 624 N. Y. Life Bid. 'Phone Red 1999. Omaha, Neb. Open evenings. (M) M71 FOIl SALE Land, 18.440 ' acres; every square foot fine level prairie farming land; 10ft-per cent: agricultural; located In the Midland c'oantry, on the southern plains of west- Texss; 6K GO per acre, 3.50 per acre cash payment, the balance 8 an nual payments. 6 per cent Interest. Write us for full description. W. J. MArnn & Co., Midland. Texas. (2 M121 2'x Wyoming. (i9) -. SEVEN-Rt HIM house, two lots, fruit trees, at a barti4ia. Apply JfT-U Fort St. Mrs. Fannie L. Edea. tl9) 20o-2ox if YOU HAVE city property, (arms, ranch lands or mr cbanoisa tu tall i.r uade, ni tnem with uia, ll coala )'uu Homing unloas 1 elfecl a aala. W. W. Miicluil, tiourd of iiatie BMg. (19) Ji BOULEVARD HOUSt.. north 19th St.. rooms, mudern, unly tXauu. 'ihoinai . Breiinan. Rooiu 1 N ior a Lifa bidg. STRICTLY rnolern ti-room house, steam heat, large barn, 63 feet eust front, lot. For V'Ia nd terns Tel. beu. in bx. tl9)-M.'27 23 FUR SALE Very choice lot nn X'd Ave.. Hanscom park, dlairlit. Jem Li, paed street, peiinunent walk, alley, thade treea, sodded; price. l.u. if sold at once. Call owner, 'phone Douglaa t.3 (Ut M210 2-) REAL ESTATE WARM AN U HAM" t.ASJU FOR ALB Catlatfmaau COLORADO IRRIOATED SNAP. 60 acres Jolniog towaslte, i waive miles from Denvvr; trull and vegetable land; Ilea beautifully; fine via of the nieun talua, Ideal for Dome or tnveitmenL Ta'it wtil be auid at aoe-balf Ita aeaui value it at once NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO, " UK BrauaWla Bldg- Omaha, Nab. (ja-M 10,000 Acres of Land Now Open to Entry under the Carey Act' at Wheatland.' Wyo, Write us for full Information, how to get some f these, lands. We will locate you and look after your Interests care fully. Thla Is a splendid section, the soil Is rich; It is a great "'Tfs. wneat. oats, barley, sugar beet and potato country. Fruit does well. The land la ready to filow. Building materials are cheap, fuel s abundant. We have railroad, school and church facllltlea and the beat of neighbors This la a dairy country. You can get rich farming here. We want you to have our full descriptive Illustrated circular at once, fre for the aaking. Write- we want to hear' from you. In quire of J. R Mason. Immigration Agt., Wheatland. Wyo. (20) W A NTKD Furnished house for summer, Best references given. Phone after 8 p, m., Douglas 5tlf. Ind. A-4080. ' ' ' (26) M230 20x WANTED SITUATIONS FAMILY washing wanted; all work guar anteed. Call w. 44iS. (iii) miuji EXPERIENCED clerk of ten years In gen , eral store, destrea position; references reasonable wages; a worker. Box Auo, PUger, Neb. (27) M170 zox LEGAL NOTICES MlMtlUsMU. GET ; A SURE CROP FARM Nothing sure but Irrigated Land. We . have U Colorado, , . western Nebraska. Wyoming. Take your choice. See our Hand at Denver's door; one of the great Irrigated tracts. Special rates every day'. Write us. THE WORLD IN VESTMENT COMPANY, 001-4 N. Y- Ufa Bldg. Omaha Neb. (2o) M7 23 REAL ESTATE LOANS t'tlcoRN and alfalfa land In Dickinson Co. v Kan. Write for prices. James Sneeran, 1 SKiiomon. Kan. tJo Ml ttx A'HEN you write to advertiser, remain ' bar tbaf it takes but an fxtra stroke or two f tha pen to menttoa the fact that gwa saw tha ad ia Tha Baa. WANTED City loana Peters Trust Co. . (221823 SECOND MORTGAGE loana negotiated. Apply Room 417-18 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Bell 'phone Douglas 2318. (22 824 North German IJoyd Larue, Fast and Luxurious Twin-Screw F.xpresa and Fasnger Steamships tsslaaed wltk Wireless and taksMrlM Slfails nTMOVTK-'-CHSBBOTma SXM Riprra Stlllni. TutdTi it in A. 94. Vm. D. Or.. Uar -t Kronprlm Wm. ... Kalmr Wm. II., ..Juna lirecllle June IS .TKOTJTH CXXKBOXTka BBXMZaT Tln-8craw Salllnai Thurlilara at 10 A M. Prlnans Allca Mar 971 Prim Fried. Wm.. J una ) Bremen Juna rj Prledrlch D. Or., June IT Oeorre Washington Bails July 147, TO tona. Nnreat and lareit uurman Rhls afloat. Erary In- noatlon known to tha ah Ipnullaer art. OD3BAX.TAB SfAri-XS OXVOA taaiHiarraaaan ftaiiinaa Satureavs at 11 A. M K. Luiae Mar U K. Albert June J order Of the Chairman cf the Board of I prinia Irene ....Juna JlBarlln (naw) Juna 14 County Commissioner ' of Minnenana I Ooanaotioaa Bnolrollng tha Olobe r as,,, rv.Lni aa a anarantv that I ra v.im' Chpeks a-riotl all over the world u. wiV.. in it aiinaaafiil. nromntlv ex- I Annlv OBI.laIOI B CO.. Oeneral Agenta, ecute a satisfactory contract and furnish 1 B Broadway Hiw Yorko X. Olausseaiua B CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Ordinance! Afectinu Street Railway Art Voted Down. DEMOCRATS FINALLY ON RECORD Oertjwatlo) Taa aag Other Measures Lal Orer p Releeted by the Majority Wkea Forced la Vote. a bond in the sum of to per cent of the estimated contract price for the faithful Derformance of the contract. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. Dated Sioux Falla, Bouth Dakota. May i. ii. THOU M KliMNUfN. Chairman County Commissioners Attest: HENRY HOWE. County Auditor. (Seal.) ii-is-i Co., B Dearborn t, Ohtoago, III. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS BVanV niniiiu, anil wife to W. J. Wi ley, lot la, block 7. Benita Park......! a,7 Haatlnga at Heyden to William Hey- aen, lot , diock i, naaungs cs n den s add M. Y. Greeley to H. P. Greeley, lot 21, block 3. Clarendon Edward Keater to May D. King, lot "4. block 1. South Omaha View John A. Creiglilon Heal Estate and Trust company to r . t Bnomaaer, lot 28. block 8. Crelahton's Ut Charles G. Larson and wife to Frank Dewey, lots 8, 9, 10, ll, block 6, Lake-view S. L. Winters to J. J. and J. F. Mur phy, lot 16. block . Llpton Place... Margaret A. Mattlngly and huaband 600 8,200 2,000 830 ALL-STAR CAMBOL OF LAMBS Uemberi of Club Fleece Themselves at Auction of Boxes. TWENTY THOUSAND REALIZED William t'ourtlelgh Para 91, 109 for No. 13 Will lain Colliers Gets No. ,23 for 850 Society Matrons : la Charity Ballet. to NEW YORK, May 19.-A representative crowd of spring "lamba" met In the Gaiety 2.8O0 1 theater In Broadway this afternoon and fleeced themselves and others for more than $20,000. The occasion was the auction 300 L. Winters, same ................ 200 gale of ,eaU Ior tne Lambs club all star 1,100 John A. Bmith to Lltzle Smith, e31 reel lot 7, i roup s suooiv Mary H. Upjohn and husband to R. J. uentieman. iw feet of wtrt feet lot a, block 842. Omaha Daniel Llnahan et al. to J. A. Ll na ns n', trustee, undivided four-fifths lot 8. and e22 feet lot 4, K block 193, Omaha . W. Pace to Thomas Rocnford. lot A.'Rosenbery and wife to' wliuani R. r-aui. lot 10. block N, Lowe's Margaret Jones to John Oeohirer, M0 reet rot it and sao reet lot 17. block , Bhull's 2d '.'.rV.. Swan Johnson to. H. B Boles, lot 7. uioi-K , miiBine rMO. x F. P. Doolittle and wife to feter Nel- n, ioi o. oiock i, isaac HeMen add Charles W. Haller and wlf to v.mm'a Sick, lot 14. block 10. Bhull's Jd 1,100 ....... .. v "niwi ..r . . . 4. V.UIR1H inn wife. iW lot I. block 42. Benson Cora A. Rood to Midway Investment romljn,v. ioi IB, DIOCK 1, Potter ft Cobb's 2d H. A. Van Kirk and wife to NettU Rock, lots IB. 16 and 17, block 1, C. E .favn'a 1af George Brooks and wife' to' 'w.' ' w! lm " ana 18 block 4 C. E. Mavne's 1st George R. Lnahury to Marv J. " Haal kins, lot t. Olenwood Heights P- nd wife to Jennie Oaks! 126 SOO n.,cV, P itterson.' trustee, and Wife to H. C. Fox. same The Prairie Trust companv to Richard T,. Kent, lot 10. block S. Prairie Park t ' vn Aernam and wife to naries L. Thomas, lot M, block 8. Hawthorne Total TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Payer that frodaeea Resnlta fu A4lTrtlsera. RAILWAY TIME CARD IN ION STATION IOTH AND MASON i'nlon Pact fie NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS NOTICB Is lieieny given inai seaiea oias win oa reoeived by the Board of Commissioners or ihe South Dakota State Soldiers' Home at Hot Springs. South Dakota, at the offico of the commandant of said home on or before the tlrat day ot June. . lyuw. ! o'clock In the afternoon, for the erection nt a atone and oricK smoaestacK ror tna State Soldiers' Home, accoid.ng to plans and spuclflcationa prepurea oy Joseph Swans, arciutect, etoux van, a. u, ALSO . For the furnishings and settings of three new botiers and high pressure work for the Bouth Dakota State Soldiers' Horn at Hot Kurinaa. South Dakota. According to plans anu xpet if Rations prepared by Ben Cowler, cliltt engineer. Bids will be re ceived for steel siark according to specifi cations separately. Bids can le made In lump sum for the whole amount of tha work except for the bilck or steel smoke stack, which must be a separate bid. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check eqal to 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. The board reserves te right to reject any and all bids. PUis and specifications can be seen and examined at tins office of the commandant or at the of i Ice of The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.; Sioux City Journal, Sioux City, la.; Sioux Falls Argus Leader, Sioux Falla, S D. Dated this 7th day of May, UuB, by order of the Board of Commissioners. J. B. GEDD1R, Commandant.- MUdlat Overland Limited..., Colorado Expreae Altantic Exrress Oregon Express.. Los Angeles Limited Fast Mall China and Japan Mail. .a 4:00 pm a I 41 numi r-iaue uocai a 8:10 am a 4:46 Leave. Arrive. a 8:66 am a 9:40 pm .a 8:60 pm a 6:00 pm a 8.20 am .a 4:10 pm a 6:dt pm .al2:66 pm a 8.60 pm a i.ri am a 6:46 ran pm pm WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnain Smith 6 Co.. iXM Faroam Bt. t21 42 PRIVATE money to loan,-. J. H. Sherwood, 1 Brandels Bldg. (22 A PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO.. N, Y. Life, private money, tauO ta 6,0u0; low rate. REAL estate purchase money, mortgages and coutracta bouahl. AotakMev.lnv. Co., Old Boa;ou Store Bldg. ' . -..4-a t&od TO 2l.t on ImrroverT property; no delay. GARVIN BUoS.. lut'4 Fsrnam 8u t22-MJi? NOTICB TO CONTRACTORS EXTEN- sion of time has been granted for slon of time has ben granted for the opening of bids on the 'allowing work. Notice Is hereby given tha? the secretary of the Board of Education of the school district of the city of North Platte, will receive btda up to and Including the hour of (:0 p-. m., of tha 27th day of May. 1, for the erection, completion and c. instruc tion of one eight room achool building In the aecond ward of block 1M and the erection and .completion of one eight room school building in the third ward on block 62. all In the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, all labor to be done and material furnished by the contractor. The aucceasful bidder to give bond in tha sum of 815.000 for the faithful perform ance of hla contract. Each bidder to accompany his bid with a certified check in the sum of 610 to assure ttiavt he will enter Into a contract, should his bid be accepted. All work to be don and material to be furnished in accordance with the plana and specifications now on file in the office of the secretary of said board and at the office of the architect. J. H. Craddock, Wead bldg.. Omaha, Neb., and such plans and specifications ' to form a part of the contract. ' . The- Board, reserves the right to reject any and all btda ' E. T. TRAMP. 8-oretarv. M-aOd 8t Colo. Chicago Special... ,al2:10 am a T:uJ am uratnee at Htromaburg ..'"l , bll: pm b 1:40 pm Valley Local (motor via Lane Cut-Offi alO OO am a 2:45 pm Valley Lotal tmotor)....a 6:30 pm a :00 am "local passengers not carried on trains Nos. 1 and 2. Chicago ft North weatvra Chicago Daylight a 7:26 am all:4 pm 1 win city Expreaa a 7:46 am al0 20 pm Chicago Local all 80 am 1:28 pm Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm all :00 am Chicago Local a 4 30 pm a 8 23 am Chicago Special a 8:02 pm a 8.23' am Mlnnecota-Dakota Ex... a :46 nm a :0 am Fast Mail... , 3:36 pm Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 8 00 am Los Angeles Limited. ...a :10 pm al2 36 um Overland Limited all BOpm a i:16 am Nebraska and Wyoming Division Norfolk-Boneateel a 7:40 am a 6 JO pm l.lncoln-lxing Pine a 7:40 am alr: am Deadwood-Llncoln a 3:00 pm a 8 20 pm Caaper-Lander a 3:00 pm a 8 30 pm Fremont-Albion b t:80 pm b I K pm Hastings-Superior b 3:00 nm b (.20 pm I'hlrasto, Rock lata ad ft Paelflo EAST. Chlcaao Limited a 3 00 am all 05 pm Locl--.. t: am a 4 30 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a :00 am all:06 pm De Mo nee ft Eastern. .a 7:00 am a 4 30 pm pes Moines Passenger.. a 4:00 pm all 30 pm Iowa Loca ...... bU:00am b I 66 prn Ch cago (Eastern Ex)...a 4 40 pm a 1 10 pm Chicago Flyer. . . . : a 8:08 pm a I 36 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd...aU:13 pm a 3 80 pm .ra1' Express... a 1:20 pm a 4 80 pm Okl. ft Texaa Express. . a 4.40 pm a 1:00 pm llllauls t'eatral Chicago Express a 7.15 am a 8 46 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8 .30 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Exp b 7:15 am Mlnn.-Bt. Paul Ltd a 3:60 pm a 8 80 am Omaha-Fl. D'dge Local. a 4:15 pm all:30 am Chirac Great Westera wt. Faul-Mlnneapolis 8:30 pm 8 15 am Bt . Paul-Mlnneapolla 7 80 am 8 20 pm inicago i-imltd 8 10 pm 3:16 am atlaaoarl Pari fie K C. ft Bt. L. Exp a 3:00 am a 7:00 a . mp au:w pm a :M pm r il V? a 8 30 pm a 8 26 am Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am aU;16 pm Sianberry Local (from ' Council Bluffs) b t.OO pm bl0:18 am Chlraco, Milwaukee ft Bt. Pa at . i nicago eoio. Bp l... a 7:26 am. aU Mpm Cal. ft Oregon Exp a 6.00 pm a 3 35 pm Overland Umlted a b pm a I 7 . Ptrry Local b 0 pm bu . am gambol to be given at the Metropolitan opera house on Monday night. May 24, and later in other cities. Among the well known "lambs," who acted as auctioneers and announced that they would positively appear on the bill Monday night, were Augustus Thomas, De Wolf Hopper, Wilton 2,450 Lachaye, William Collier, Robert HUllard, 1 ore Jefferson De Angells, Raymond Hitchcock, William Hodge, inomai a. wise, uougiaa S-.lrh.nUa and Maclvn Arbuckle." The amount mentioned above was realised from l.ono tha sale of boxes and orchestra Beats alone. Mr. Thomas, the first man up at the 1.300 auction block, knocked down parterre bo No. 13, the first choice, for 51.100, to Wil liam Courtlelgh, the actor. Mr. Thomas bid In the aecond choice himself at 360U, Other parterre boxes aold for prices rang' lng from 8600 to $150. The grand tier boxes old mostly at a $50 premium and orchestra eats went at 326. De Wolf Hopper followed Augustus Thomaa as auctioneer and knocked down several boxee at 3300. , When thing began to get quiet he called William Collier, the comedian, to his assistance, who began oy taking box No. 22 at 1260 for himself. Society Matrons la Ballet. The ballet from "The Bartered Bride with some of the most prominent young society matrons of New York acting as ballerinas, wai the chief feature of garden fete given here today for the bene' fit of "Hope farm," a protectory for Protestant chlldien situated at Verbs nk N. Y. The vacant plot of ground fronting upon Madison avenue from Seventieth to seventy-first street had been transformed for the occasion Into a Roman garden with pergolas, fountain and winding paths hedged with bay tree, Chief among those who participated In the ballet were Mr. Austin Grey, Mrs Arthur B. Burden, Mrs. J. B. Eustls, Mrs. Arthur Iselln, Mrs. J. Gordon Douglaa, Mr. Lydlg Hoyt and Mrs. Thomaa Clarke, Jr. Aside from the costume dances, visitor were entertained at various fortune tellers, tiny millinery and flower booth In charge of well known oclety women, The feU Will bo continued tomorrow and Thurday No announcement was made of the amount realised on the flrat night of tha fete, but the hope of collecting $160,000 dur lng the three day ha been expressed. Naval Y. M. C, A. Opened. The addition to the naval branch Young Men Christian association building near the Brooklyn navy yards. Mrs. Rui Sage's $5(10,000 gift to the men of the navy was opened today with appropriate cere monies. Mrs. Sage was unable to be pre ent, but she wa represented, by a brother and nephew. The gueat of honor at the ceremonies was Miss Helen Gould donor of the original building, which wa opened seven year agoi Other present were Loyall Farragut, son of Admiral Farragtit, Rear Admiral W. 8. Cowle and Rear Ad mlral Beaton Schrlder. Letter from Preel dent Taft, Secretary of the Navy Myer and Admiral Dewey were read. The new gymnasium, on of the finest in the United Slates, wa formally opened In the evening with a vaudeville show and gymnastic exhibition, which more tha 1,000 naval employe and Jackie attended, Mr. Aaals la Vaadevllle. The stage of the sensational murder trial which has come to be familiar tha vaude ville stage, was reached In tha Halna-Annl tragedy today when tha announcement was-made that Mra. William F. Annia, wife of tha man for whoa death Peter C. Hains began serving a Sing Sing sentence thla morning, had signed a contract with the United Booking Office to play piano ac companiments In a sketch. Mra Annls Is quoted a saying that since he ha been thrown on her own resources It waa neceaaary for her to adopt some mean of a livelihood. Refusing to pas the occupstlon tax ordi nance drawn by tha democratic city legal department, the democratic city council last night alio refused to have anything to do with resolution looking towards th collection of money due from the Omaha ft Council Bluff Street Railway company for use of the viaduct and to compel the company to pavs and repair pavement ad jacent to it track.. Tha resolutions and ordinances were In troduced by Councilman Zlmman. In the vote taken on the various report, reso lution and amendment the councilman so tangled themselves up that om of them voted for amendment to lay a motion on tha table, and then turned around and vote1 tor the passage of the original mo tion. The first fight was brought about when President Johnon. chairman ot the com mittee on Judiciary, which has held the oc cupation tax ordinances since January (while the charter provide that a commit tee can hold a document only thirty days), reported adversely to their pasaage. The original report said that the ordinance wers not Introduced in good faith. Mr. Zlmman objected to this clause, said that they were In conformity with law, were drawn up by tha city' own legal depart ment and that the principle had been up held hy the tate supreme court. Council man Funkhouier then dated that he had signed the report against his wishes and moved that the objectionable clause be stricken out, and the motion carried. ' Report a Rejected. Thl left the report In the following con dition which explains the committee' ac tion: During the period your committee has held these ordinances It haa made diligent Inquiry and found that although similar taxea are levied In other citlea that the ordinance now In our hands do not con form to the conditions existing in our city and that In their present form are neither Justly nor equitably drawn, particularly insomuch a tne several steam railway corporations which occupy the streets and alleva wltn tracks were not taaen Into" conMderatlon. for taxation for such pacific use. The report closed 'with the recommenda tion that the ordinance be referred to the Incoming council. Councilman Zlmmafe asked for a roll call on the adoption of the, report, but tt wa lost, by the votes cast by himself and Councllmen Rrldges, Davis, Hansen, Jack son and McGovern. Mr. Zlmman then moved that the ordi nances ba placed on their third reading, but Councllmen Hansen and Bridges alone voted with him. He then mads a motion that' they be recommitted to the committee on Judiciary with Instruction that the com mittee report favorably. On this he gained the votes of Hansen and Johnson, who voted adversely before. This motion being lost, a motion prevailed that the ordinances be recommitted to the committee without instruction. Rent for the Viaducts. Upon the disposition of this matter. Councilman Zlmman Introduced a resolu tion directing the city attorney to prepare an ordinance to compel the Omaha ft Council Bluff Street Railway company to pay annual rental for the use of the vari ous viaducts In the city In accordance with the . franchises and ordinances by which the company agrees to ry annually for tha use of the viaducts a certain amount. to be fixed by the council, but which ltv has not paid since 1887. Councilman Brucker moved to refer the resolution to the committee of the whole, but it was tost by the adverse votes of Councllmen Bridges, Davis, Hansen. John son and Zlmman. The original motion on tha adoption of the resolution was then put, but Councilman Davis changed his mind In tha meantime and voted against It. The other resolution, which tended to put the democrats on record, was one intro duced by Councilman Zlmman directing the city attorney to prepare an ordinance com pelling tha traction company to lay and maintain pavement two feet outside alt Its tracks on paved streets. Councilman tracks on paved streets. Councllmen with him on this, but It lacked one vote of carrying. Overloading; Bridges. City Engineer Aycrlgg reported on. the strength of the viaducts and the notice from the Union Paelflo and Burlington railroads that the companies would not repair the viaducts in case of accident caused by overloading on the part of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company. The city engineer reported that the viaducts were built to withstand a pressure of 100 pounds to a iqunre foot and that the floor beams were intended to maintain a fifteen-ton road roller. The street railway company Is using a twenty ton moter, but, according to the city engi neer, the strain from a fifteen-ton road roller Is greater than from a twenty-ton motor and therefore, there is no danger of the viaducts breaking under fie strain. However, he advised the council that the street car company be prohibited from loading Its cars with a weight In excess of twenty-five tons. In an opinion given tha council last No vember, City Attorney Burnam advised that the railroad companlea could not re fuse to maintain the viaducts. The via duots whloh the two companies claim are being overloaded are those over Sixteenth and Twenty-fourth streets. City Comptroller Lobeck was voted $100 expense money to attend the national con vention of city comptrollers and account ants to ba held in Detroit June 8, 1, and S. that tha attendance will reach ISO before the close pf thesconventlon. The mornlna clon i devoted to the reception of delegates and general conven tion arrangements. , Papeis were read In the elet-tro-thera-peutUs e tlon hy- It Ahhey V Holmes of Omaha on "The Field of li t'llnnt Ught." by Dr. l.lna M. Hoel of Lincoln on "High Fieiiueni v Current ' arid Their Therapeutic Ues," and by Dr. F.. N. fnke of Fremont on "Clinical Cases." In the bureau of gynecology paper were read by Dr. D A. Foote Of Omaha. Dr. A. P. Hanrhett cf Council lUurfs and Dr. May L. Flanagan of Lincoln. , In the bureau of npthnlmnlngy, otology and rhynology, papers were read by Dr. E. R Woodward of Lincoln. W. K. Foot of Omaha ami Dr. F. A. Marsh of Seward. The afternoon sension was devoted to tha bureaus of mntcru medica, clinical medi cine and pathology and pcdiatilcs. Last evening a banquet wsa given the attending physicians at the Rome hotel. The sessions will resume .at 9 o'clock Thursday, with ".Mental and Nervous Dis eases." "Surgery and Obstetrics" as the topics fur miscellaneous paper. The election of officers -will lake plsce at the close of the meeting Thursday afternoon. DR. STEFFIN WILL PUT FURNACEJNNEW CHURCH Promises This tn Rrr. J. II. Schwar of German I'rmbyterlan for the nailrilug, Rev. C. M. Pfcfln. pr sldent of the Ger man Presbyterian Theological sernlnary ol Dubuque, 1., was n visitor In Orrwha Tuesday, being the special guest of Rev. Julius H. Schwartx of, the German Presby terian church. . Dr. Steffin Is on his way to the Presby terian geneinl assembly," which convene In Denver Thursday. - He wa much im pressed with the work of. Rev. -J. H. Schwatti In the election of the new $18.0fK) German rresbyterlnn church at Twentieth street and Willis avenue, and gratified Rev. Mr. Schwarti tvlth the promise 'of a fur nace for the new church. Dr. Bteffln was visited by a number of the Presbyterian clergy of Omaha while In the city. The Presbyterian general assembly excur sion train from Cincinnati, Chicago and other eastern points arrived in Omaha over the Northwestern at" 1:30 o'clock Wednes day afternoon, and was met at Union sta tion by a large number of the Nebraska presbytery. The train remained ' at the station about an hour. The atay was tod brief for the Visitors to be enabled to visit any 'part 'of the rity, but their wel come by the Omaha pastors was none the' less cordial ffoni that fact. "The delegation of eastern Presbyterian 'ministers, and oom m!sslonrn numbered about 200, with their families. The party Is-enroute to the Pres byttrlau genera f assembly at Denver. Hev. M. V. Hlgbee, He v. Jesse C. Wilson of Benson, J. J. Dodda of Omaha and President II. B. Lowrla of the Omaha Theological seminary left Tuesday evening for the Presbyterian general assembly at Denver. Rev. D. E. Jenkins, D. D., and Rev. Nathaniel McGiffln, D., D., also will attend the assembly., The Burlington had a special train filled with people from Chicago and' points to the east. The Rock Island had a- special train from Pittsburg and points around that city. The Rock Island also had a special car .Wednesday., filled with Presby terian from Minneapolis . and southern Minnesota. " Bigger, Better. Busier Tligfs what sd vertlslng In The - Bee does for your business. 1 ' v . (Katabllahed 187) Aa Inhalation for Whooping-cough, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Diphtheria C resole ne Is a oon to Aathmalles. Dnea It But aeaBi mora aSai-itTa to braatha lu a ramadr for dlaaawa of tha breathing orgaaa laaa to taka tha remedy Into tba lomwk? (..resolene cures becanae cne air, maeraa trongij antierptlo, is cajrleo orsr th 4laeaad urfaoe with rrry breath, (i'tof BroluDgra ana oonetaat treatment. It is lnTaluabl to mother with mail children. Tor irritated throat there If nuiliina- better man rreuitne Antueptlo Throat Tablata. 8eni go In postage tor aauiple toiilc. ALL DRUaailTft. Kend Doetal lor aai atsrlptlri. Sookiet, V BBo-Creeoi ens Ca itw r uitun Htraat, K.'W Vora. ECZEMA A GERM DISEASE Myriads of lfleroscopio Animals Zafesl the Skin of ths Sufferer. Jap Strikers Losing; Groaad. HONOLULU. May 19 1 he strike rf the Japaneae plantation laborers la apparently losing ground. More strike-breakers than could be used at the plantations offered themselves today and ths employers have decided to order the strikers either to re turn to work or to leave the Honolulu ami Oahua plantations. At the Ewa plantation three-fourths of the Japanese crew is still at work, awaiting tba answer to demands for mors pay, HOMEOPATHS HOLD MEETING OF STATE SOCIETY IN OMAHA Several Promlneat Members of the Profesatoa from Other titles Arc Attradlag. The thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Nebraska State Homeopathic Medical so ciety convened at -the Rome hotel Wed nesday morning for a two days' session. Among the out of the state visitors at tending the meeting are Dr. W. D. Foater of Kansas City, president of the National Homeopathic association; Dr. W, E. Cra mer of Kansas City, desn of ths Hanne- man Medical college of the University of Kansaa, and Dr. Lynne B. Greene of Kan sas City, general secretary of the Mis souri Homeopathic Medlcsl society. About fifty members and delegates are present at the meeting, and it Is expected When the akin of an eczema sufferer Itches and burna In untold agony, do you know what Is going on within ths pores of that skin? -. . ' Myriads of microgoplo .animals art gnawing at the flesh, breaking down the fine cells and causing festers, thick Scales and that terlrle Itch, The germ multiply faster than Nature can throw them off. Now, there la only pne way to get . rid of theae germs they muat ba killed in their lodging places. Dosing the stomach or trying to cure tho blood will- not, of course, kill the germs, and that is why all the blood remediea fail in ecxema; that Is also why salves which do not penetrate can do no permanent good. Ordinary oil of wlntergreen properly compounded in liquid form will penatrat the pore of the skin and kill the ecsems germs If properly mixed with thymol, glycerine and other ingredients (as In D. D. D. Prescription), This wailt will build up the tissues of the akin and pro mote Its healthy growth, giving Nature a chance, while killing the germs faster than they can multiply. Sherman ft McConntUl Drug Co., lth and Harney, and Owl Drug Co., 18th and Dodge recommend D.- D. D. Prescription, also D. V. D. soap. Have your eyes tested and glasses made to fit you by W urn A life-long fcxuerlnced optician Wurn Optical Co. right on the B. W. corner Blxteentn ana Fa mam. Tel. Deug. 3t63. -A rJ.a'' L C TT 1 sn 111 g STOPS PALLING HAIR Ayers Hair Vigor Is compoted of sulphur, glycerin, qulnln, sodium chlortd, apL cum, sage, alcohol, water, and perfume. Not a single injurious ingredient In this list. Ask your doctor if this is not so. Follow his advice. A hair food, a hah- tonic, a hafar dressing. Promptly checks falling hair. Completely destroys all dandruff. DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR jt C Ta Comp(t tr.w-11 Mm