10 Want - Ads Advertisements for tk want a Mlnaiiil will ne takea til IS file events edition aad until SiSO m. for tfce monilii end Sunday dl tloas. Cask mast arcrapaar ''re h arrrplrd for lesa tkaa 20 wata f first Insertion. Rutes apply to either Tk Dally ar oalaf Bee. rotablaatlnna of lalttala ar aambara mat aa aaa ward. Alwan coast ala words to a. llae. CAiH RATES roil WAWT ADS. nEOlI.AIl CLASSIFICATIOH Oa fasertloa 1 1-2 trail per wrd aal 1 rrat per word for each iata laacrtloa. Bark laarrtloa mad oa odd days, 1 I - cents per word fl.BO per llae per aaontk. Want ads for Tfco H may fce left at say of tka followlaa- draar stores one Is roar "roraer drnajlat" tfcey are all branrk offices for Tbe Bee aad roar d will bV Inserted laat as promptly and aa the unt rates as at tke mala office in Tbe Be Building, Seventeenth and Faraam atraetsi Albach, W. C. 4th nnJ Farnam. Beranek, B. A. 1406 S. 16th St. Heeht Pharmacy. r.i 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Hernia Park Phirmacy. 83d and CumlPf. Blake's Pharmacy, 2825 Blierman Ave. Coughlin. C. R. 6th and Pierce Bte. Clifton H01 Pharmacy. 2313 Military Ave. Conte, J. B.. ilsl Ave. and Farnam St. Crtaaey Pharmacy, :4th and Lake Bts, Cermak. Kmll, 121-4-4 s. 13th Bt. F.hlers, P. H.. 2su2 Leavenworth St. Foster A Arncldl. 21S N. -'5th Bt. Freytag. John J , 'J14 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Goodman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sta Oreenough. O. A. It24 a 10th St. , fVreenough. O. A., 1634 8. 10th St. Hayden, William C, 2920 Farnam Bt. Hoist, John, 54 N. 16th Bt. Huff, A. L.. 29-4 Leavenworth Bt. Hanscom I'ark Pharmacy. 1401 8. 29th Bt. King. R. 8., 2638 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 2601 N. S4th BL Lathrop. Charlea E.. 1324 N. 24th St. Patrick Drug Co., 1902 N. 34th St. MARRIAGE L1CEKSKS. The folio Ins: marriage license have been granted: Namn and Residence.- Age Frank J. Wittenberg. Council Bluffs 25 11. Mav Clayton. Mchuvlnr. Neb 23 I,enrtard A. Collin. Tekamah, Neb 47 Mvrtln Oreenawalt, Kansas City, Mo 26 Carl Olson, Omaha 26 Anna Olson, Omaha , a James Sevcnk, Omaha 34 Koae Kemanek, Omaha 24 BIRTHS AN D DEATHS. Blrtha John W. Spraarue. 4016 North Thlr tleth street, boy; Louis Uarellc, 1434 South Thirteenth street, boy; L. L. Mcllvalne. 2118 Grand avenue, girl; Joseph Manoney, wit South Thliteenth atreet. boy. Deaths John Hoyer, Fortieth street and i'opjiieton avenue, ni years; Philip McNauy, Fortieth atreet and Ponnleton avenue, 46 years; Bta M. Starr, 1705 Mouth Seventeenth stteet. 4 years; Slgart Arlna Alstedt. 1814 Willis avenue, 3 years; John J. Phllbln Midland hotel, 67 years; Wllhelmlna Strlf ficr. Fourteenth and Pudge streets, 72 years; Lilian Dittman, Twenty-fifth and Harney streets, 29 years: Anna Kelschei, 17 Atlas street, 10 months; Sydney Murphy, Methodist hospital, 30 years; Kugene C. Finney, 2910 South Seventeenth street, 66 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered fiee. Standard Shoe Kepalr Co 1MM Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7667. (U-263 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sates. i. Andreen, Prop.. la bo. 10th. tU 264 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (1-S4 MONEY I TO LOAN LOW HATE, in sums to suit. 110 Bee Bldg. - iivii. uuiu, Asia, I.NlO.S LOAN COMi-ANV, (D-168 HUL8E A RISPEN, funeral directors, sue. censors to Harry B. Uavla. 709 8. loth St. (JU-267 RADIUM WATER, NATURE'S REMEDY Try a gallon, 1. It la wonderful. No wata I. and & Lot Co., Suite, 624 N Y Life Bldg. Omaha, Nob. Phone Red 19U9. Open evenlnga. (1) MSJ1 eiGN PAINTING-S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. tU tt OMAHA Tent Awning Co., 11 & Harney bis. Tela. I. &a and Ind. A 103. (l)-6UMay 29 LIBER ATI ,Af' l".-L-dle.; Tailoring. no ai men tia. 'Phone: Doug. 1144, A-2622. U M643 Jnell Monuments J. E. Bloom & Co , 115 Farnunt (1 M101 Junen ' CANINE COLLEGE. 1 train dogs and . . "' interested call lrof. . O. Franklin, 1315 Jones St.. or 'phone Ind. A-2J0J. tlj M632 Jnell CLOSING odd filters cheap. 1310 How. UJ-M531 JU CAREFUL attention during piegnancy and luiiiiitejiiriii., in invaie noma. Mrs. a C. Carson, lSlu 8L Mary's Ave. D. 3143. UJ MtH JunelS t AK.MVAI, CO. 8 attention. Firemen's lounmmeni Auguai 4 and 6. Good sur rounding towns and country. Big success ubi yiar. ca. m urdeman. Secy., Leigh B VII .! JU j AUTOMOBILES RAMBI-ERS New, and 2-cyllnders M per cent discount. llfcutbler Auto. Co :v44 F-arnam Bt. 12) 269 STORAGE, centrally located, oppoalte library. 1S12 Harney SU. Brick P. Kuhn. 2 Mlli ' BEND for our Hat of second-hand cars DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE, CO.. Isl4 Farnam fit. (V-260 FOR SALE Fine electric automobile al most new. bargain. I. Ziegler, 'Phone Harney 1931'. (2) 17 M INTYRE & WALLACE. Oakland autoa also slightly used cars. 24th, near Farnam ) M613 Jel3 PAXTON-M ITCH ELI. CO.. atorage. au'o mobtle repairing. 2311 Harney. Douglas TJS1 or A 2011. t2) MS61 Juneli FOR SALE HoUman, model ten, with top, $400. 6-cylinder, 40-H. P., with top, $1,000. Wayne, four-cylinder, 30-H. P., new. . BRICK P. KUUN, 1812 Harney. t2)-.M22 20 BARTER AND EXCHANGE HAVE choice land for mdae.; must hear from owners direct. Address C 462. Bee. (3) M890 21 WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT? We have farma, ranches, HOMES IN OMAHA. We will trade with you. Come In and see us. Nowata Land and Lot Co., auite &.'. N. Y. Ufa Bldg , 'Phone Red i4. Omaha, Neb. Open evenings. tS M4JS HAVE some cash and western land. Want a home tu Omaha. Bargain. Address A 460. Bee. () M8I7 31 EXCHANGE 400 acres clear for merchan diss. Joseph Slobodny, Ureeley, Neb. 13-MUS rx IF YOU have a good home clear, I will trade you my 160-acre farm in Saun ders county; well Improved; equity $7,400. Address B 427, Bee. M) Ml 21 BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.. 10-ACRE Improved farm, western Nebraska, for md. stock: equity $7,400. Address W 469. B. (ll-MJH 11 TRAPES and exchangee our specialty. H. R, Stringer. 536 Paxton Blk.. Omaha. , ($) J I WANT to rxchatigo my 4-room cot tage, equity $1,200, for CLEAR land valued at $1,200. Address B 461, Bee. (3) MS88 21 BEMIS We handle exchanges for reliable parties no professional traders need list; quick action. BEMIS. BRANDE1S BLDG. (I i-Mm will trade for horse dress C-523. care Bee. and nry- Ad- (3) 1M 19 BUSINESS CHANCES MAKE TOl'R WANTS KNOWN. If you want to buy a farm, secure a home In a thriving and prosperous state, or desire a businoss locution of any kind, or wtn to obtain employment, tne under signed can place your wanta before 6,m people who will giadly aid you In every way In securing you what you want; no chargea. Address W. C. Olibieath. Com mlssloner of Agriculture and Labor. Bis marck. N. t)-aaU7 U2 FOlt 8ALK At once, an old eatabiisneo drug atiire, stock ana iiaiuh-b. Write for particulars. Address Y care Bee. 4t-MlS3 3U CNCE8SION8 for sale at Lourtland Beach. Liquor conceesion. oanmn 1 cession, bathing concession, and others. Apply at Room 6. Continental BUr WANTEDA partner to take half Interest in old established law, loan, Insurance and real estate business. A young man that can hustle. Must take financial in terest. G. N. Anderson, Spalding. Neh. H) M192 22 FOR SALE t p-to-date livery stock at a bargain if taken tit once; good buslnesa and good reason for -selling. Address owner, W. M. Wells. Carroll. Ia. () MU9 21x MILWAUKEE PALM GARDEN AND CAFE FOR RALE tine of the largest and best equipped in the city; clearing owner 12.ux to 115.000 annually; will sell cheap to cosh buyer account other busi ness. For full particulars concerning the above or anv other Milwaukee business, call on. or write, JAMES L. WARNES. Business Broker, Alhambra Theater Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. (4 M172 iO Mnvrxrt PICTCRB show for sale cheap on cuay terms If sold this week. Telephone . . ....... ... .,- rm weoster an. hi-- WANTED Information regarding good nntont iL-hirh would be Bond money maker; only inventor who wishes to sell outright or on royalty basis need answer; give price and brier description, b. m. Box 9M K, Rochester, N. Y. (4) MZ1 2fX. RKRTAl'RANT for sale: fine location and good trade, must be sold, $760. Rooming house on 24th Bt., near Douglas St. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 14) M214 WANTED To correspond with carnival pomnanv for dates of August 4 and 6 Firemen's tournament. Good surrounding towna and country. Big success last year. Ed. Wurdeman, Secy., lelgh. Neb, (D-M223 20 FOR RENT Hotel Boquette, Grand Island, Neb. W Mitw sox fiET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS DOING GOOD BUSINESS and increasing dally; fine opening for right party. INOWAJA L.Ai LI B UU1 IU., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone. Red 1999. OMAHA. NEB. 14) M917 23 TO GET In or out of business call on GANUttBTAU, o isee iag. lei. u. ami. (4)-M&67 FOR SALE Bakery. Bargain. Phillip Ful ler. Hastings, Neb. (4)-M520 23x 1813 CHICAGO; boarding house for sale; parly leaving city. (4)-Ml36 20x FOR SALE Good clean stock of general mdae. In a good railroad town of 400 population; doing the largest business in town; owing to uiness owner must sen. Address Y 63, care Bee. (4) M664 WESTERGARD can heip you get la or out of business. 403 Bee Bldg. (form' erly Gungestad). Tel. Doug. 3449. (4)M687 FOR SALE At a bargain, a well located bakery and restaurant in good town of 2.000; fine soda fountain, good business; poor neaitn cause or selling. For ur ther particulars address Lock Box 63, Mound City. Mo. (4) M616 20x FOR SALE Restaurant and bakery In i town of 3.000 population. In eastern Ne braeka. Address Y 66, care Bee. (4I-M11S 31x FOR BALE My two drug stores in N. E, Neb. towns. Invoice about 12.000 and I3,oou each. Addrese x H, car or Ree (4) M817 20 FOR SALR-Bakery and confectionery do ing good business; price two. Addrnaa jc-173, care- nee. (4) M177 21x OROCERY LOCATION-Vaeant store supply point for dense population; money spenders; live man and adequate stock can make money. Owner, 1101 N. 18th Bt.. 9 to 4 o'clock. (4) M902 22 CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1506 Farnam St. Douglas 6407. w DENTISTS DR. FICKE8. 16th and Farnam: he's good dentist; painless extraction, 60 cents, M4ab JunelO BAILEY & MACK. 3d floor Paxton. D. 10i (6)-3j5 Dr. H. Gsantner, 16th and Howard. D. , M486 JunelO DETECTIVES Omaha Det. Agency, 42SPaxton Blk. D. 1319. 1 J7x G M. WARDELL. 272J Farnam St Tel. Harney 4772. rirat class references. -M371 MayCT DRESSMAKERS IN FAMILIES Mlas Sturdy. Tel. Doug. I23 -J67 DREBS pleating, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. Tne Ideal Pleating Co.. Mi Douglas Ulk. Both phones. 211 McDowell Dressmaking school. 1633 Parnam, 266 TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sta, 407-May 27 EDUCATIONAL A SUMMER SCHOOL OF 8 WEEKS WILL BEGIN MONDAY, JUNE 21. at the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. (19th and Farnam.) Courses: Buaineaa. Shorthand. Typewrit ing. Telegraphy, Eugliah, Civil Service and Penmanahip. Big discount on . tult'on rates. Splendid facilities. Extra tecchets. Fine opportun ity. Telephone DoLgias Call or write write for particulars. (Educ) M349 junoS ENTER BOYLES COLLEGE (DAY OR NIGHT) For complete training in all commercial branches, including bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, railway mall and all government grade Bjbjecta. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon request. Addrena H. B. Boy lea. presulsut. Omaha, Neb, Both phones. (liducj 14 EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best; Only ous office. 1511 Jones BU THbl PANTO K1UM M-6U J til TIIE BEE: TjWiLrV'lfflaTmWIII get almost i spend a few cents for "BEE EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) lOBSON'S Beauty shop, 15", Doug las. Entrance through Kern's millinery. Halrdresslng. manicuring, massaging, chiropody. Children's hair cui ng. Complete, line of new hair goods at oweat prices. MSjo-Jne 13 EXPERT milliner, renovating, afternoons. ta Farnaro- Mat jet CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. Lessona Tuesday. Thursdays and Satur days. Firing dully. Children's clasies Rat u May morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, VM Urandela Bldg. Tel. Bed 6186. -851 LADIES apparel beautifully dry cleaned. "The French way." ii tarnam. Douglas. 4173-A-2125. COO-June 12. WE RENT, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing mainines. fenrasKR -yrie Co.. 15th and Harney Sts. M 612 Jel3 CARPETS, rugs, etc.. cleaned. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., 200 Douglas block. wotn 'phonos. M971 Jnel3 WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES t half retail prices. Bet of American Heautv rosea and follaae trims beautiful hat; free to every customer. Call 1214 Hr ney St., c Thone uoug. eio May au 1 '..EARN rairdresslng; course. 15. H. J. McCarthy. Brandels stores. 408 May zi FLORISTS HENDERSON'S, for fresh cut flowers and plants, dally from our hothouses, -pnoae Douglas 1268. 1519 Farnam. M488 JunelO J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. SO00. 673 HESS & SWOBODA, Florists, 1418 Far- M85? Jne 6 nam. RR AMnTTlQ CUT FIXJWERS DEPT. DJX A1 J-'iKlO SOUTH SIDE New store. 9 Jun?9 FOR GARDEN AND LAWN ORNAMENTAL SHRUBBERY and a com plete line of nursery stock, home grown; grounds. 16th and Harney. Red 6750. -411 HELP WANTED-FEMALE Clerical and Office. CLERK, perfumery department, $35. 6 girls, 18 to 26 years of age, Ilh-20 per mo. Stenographer, rire insurance exp., w. Stenographer, wholesale, 140. Young lady office clerk ana casnier, Jt and board and room. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS N., INC. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) -206 19 I WANTET Young lady stenographer for a largo mercantile establishment; experi ence, speed and accuracy essential. Reply In own handwriting, stating experienca, references and salary desired. Address B 622, care Bee. () 195 21 WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tion The Bee. WANTED Good dressmaker at once. 604 8. 16th St., upstairs. (7) 156 19 Hovacbaepcrs and Domestics. WANTED Experienced and reliable girl for general housework. Apply at aai Farnam St. (7)-M614 WANTED Elderly woman to act as house keeper for family of four. Address r 880. csre Bee. Oh-877 FOR day women, call Douglas 8S4. (.) MSCJS GOOD girl for general housework; good wsges. Mrs. cowdery, liCo t. in Bt. ( (7) - M12? 24x. WANTED A competent girl lor general housework. S124 Farnam St. (7)-M100 23 GIRL for general hopusework, 3 In family. 624 Lafayette ave. Tel. Harney oxiu. (7)-5t3 A GOOD competent girl; good wages. Ap- ply Mrs. T. C. Byrne, 2103 California Bt, rnia i (7)-695 Tel. Douglas sot. GIRL for general housework. No wash-(7)-148-20 lng. 1329 S. 31st street. WANTED Cook, 3416 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 1727. () iu Mlscellaaooas. WANTED Experienced hands for altera tion work on women s suits, uooa wages to competent help. Elite Cloak Company, 1617 Farnam St. (7) 167 TWO ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or aaarers at once Goodrich Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. 7-M371 HELP WANTED MALE A areata, Solleltwra aad Salesmen. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see cir culation inanugur The Bee Publishing Co. () 424 SIDE) LINE Beat; no samples, plenty money. Give permanent address. Box 653, Omaha. i9) 272 SALESMEN WANTED For Nebraska and adjoining atatea; references required. Safety Fire Escape Co., Brllt, la. (9)-M182 31X WAN TEI General agent for old line life Insurance company; good contract. Heputatlor must be good. Address Y 61, care Bee. (9) M460 20 DRUG stores and Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. (W 273 CIGAR SALEeiM EN, traveling, salary, ex penses; tying position; secure territory now. Experience not needed. A. Land Mark Co., Denver, Pa. (9) M215 2ox WANTED At once, general agent for Ne braska and South Dakota. James A. Keith, supervlaor the Hartford Ufe In surance company, 523 Bee building, Omaha, Neb. (91 M116 20x AGENTS Something new in self-sharpen ing acuaora; aeua on slant; particulars and sample free. Kansas city, Mo. l9 M18i 23x Boys. FOUR trustworthy boys; good wages. Western Union Telegraph Co.. 212 8. Uth. St () 806 M23 WANTED Two largs boys. Co., East Omaha. Omaha Box C)-150 Clerical and Office. MANAGER for alfalfa feed mill. $200 per month. Traveling aalesman, $100. I Bookkeeper, $75 Stenographer. $60. Collector, $60. Call or write for a complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS X., INC. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9H-207 19 Factory and Trades. THE great Union Pacific R. R, guarantees you a telegraphic position after training. Practice on rallioad wire. Addreas for particulars, H. B. Boylea, Omaha. (9)-274 WANTED In Denver, ornamental Iron and wire workers, cement finishers, lathers, plasterers, tile and marble Bel ters electricians, sheet metal workerx. Kliike on by Building Trades council. rNotectlon, eight houra and union scale. Wiite for details. Master Builders' As sociation. Dener, Colo. 19) 988 21 BLACKSMITH wanted. 2110 Cuming St. 9)-M176 a OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAT anything you HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Trades Contlnaed. WANED Druggist to locate In Honklns, Neb. Also good opening for furniture snd undertaking. Address Commercial Club Hecrotary. ) M817 20x PAINTER, also plumber, who wants to buy a cheap building Int. Will furnish work si that, can buy the lot without making cash payment. Address at once F 6. care of Bee. (9)-M221 30 Mlscellnaeona. WANTED 60 AMERICAN EXTRA GANG LABORERS FOR C. N. W. IN NE. BRASKA. SHIP DAILY FROM 219 S. 12TH BT. ()-M630 FREE Employment Dept.. Business Men'i) Ass n; no fees. Call 66 N. Y. Life Bids. 9)-2;6 MEN to learn barber trade; practical course by free clinic and careful Instruc tions; few weeka eompb-tes; tools given; some money earned while learning; Just the time to begin; term completes at busiest season; call or write. Moler Bar ber college, 110 S. 14thi St., (9I-M687 Mi WANTED Railway mall clerks; post office clerks; mall carriers; sal ary, S600 to 11,600; examination in Omaha Boon; 8,000 appointments coming; preparation free; write immediately for schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. ai B, Rochester, N. , Y. (9) MbS9 Jel4x WANTED A good live wire man who can wrlto health and accident insurance. Must be experienced and capable of doing things. Attractive proposition and liberal comlsxions to right man. Give references and full particulars covering past experi ence and successes In first letter. Address B-525. care Bee. (9) M220 LEARN TO BE A DRAFTSMAN. Bookkeepers and stenographers have to nrk at starvation wages because the world Is overcrowded with them. Good structural draftsmen easily earn $150 to $100 per month. Situations always open for ex perienced men. You can learr. evenings or days. Practical personsl Instruction. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCHOOL. 626 N. Y. Life. 'Phone D-2:9. (9) M678 Jel WANTED Man experienced In taking- care of elevators and motors; also to do other work. Apply Fleming, People's Store. (9)-M133 WANTED Man to assist traveling pho tographer, showing proofB and collect ins; experience unnecessary. Address J 496, care Bee. (9) M982 AMBITIOUS, sober, registered drug clerk, with $2,000, as partner In a well estab lished drug store. Address Y 68. care Bee. - (9) M184 31x WANTED Man who Is well up in the business of blocking hats, cleaning and pressing clothes, etc., to take charge of pantorlum In country town, about 60 miles from Omaha, of 3.000 population. State terms at once. W. 8. Jones, 694 Brandels Bldg. (9) 193 20 WANTED Young man about 30 in exclusive wholesale hnuae, good chance for ad vancement If you are not afraid of work. Must have good references. Address D-524, care Bee. (9) M214 21x HOUSE CLEANING CARPETS, rugs, houses, etc., cleaned by the compressed air and vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO.. 200 Douglas Blk. Both 'Phones. ,i ... M1G2 Je7 Wall paper, plastered ceilings, rugs and carpets cleaned with Duntley vacuum cleaner. Lagerstrom, 8118 Leavenworth. Ind. A1237. M 681Jnel2 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. WAGON ITWBRELLA.S. now only $1. John son, Danforth Co., 10th and Jones. (11) M937 J5 Doajs and Other Pet Stock. FOX TERRIER Male; took first prlxe at Omaha dog show; has blue ribbons, in quire at H9 8. 17th 8t. (ID 840 20x LOST AND FOUND LO&T or strayed, one small brlndle bull terrier, with white breast and toes; wears spike collar, with name plate "John Buck Stors Brewing Co., Omaha, Neb." Liberal reward if returned to owner. (131 Ml 29 LOST 8mall open-face lady's gold wstch: monogram "W. C. D. Return to 628 a. ?oth 8t. and receive liberal reward. Mrs. F. H. Dane. (12I-M231 22x MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college proiessors. f none uoug las 1167. Calls answered day pr night. (13J-123 BEST nerve braes for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pllla, $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co., umana. tuu MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AdO CHATTELS. $J$U$U$ MONEY" TO LOAN tWIHI UUm ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. $ t$m SALARIES. ETC., $$ $i$ at the cheapest possible rate In $i$ $$ the city. Open until 6:30 p. m. 1SJ Ht Tel. Douglas 2036 ind. A-2036 l$ $$$$ OMAHA riAn-lii --., t$ 601 Brown Blk.. tUUH tUUUM Opposite Brandels. $$$$ (14) 277 A Square Deal or No Deal If you borrow money on your furniture, pianos, etc., at- the OLD RELIABLE LOAN HEADQUARTERS, incorporated and licensed for the past SEVENTEEN YEARS. That means a lot of satisfied customers. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2295. Entrance 3o6 & 16tU St. , (14) M984 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without seourly; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, Room 613, New York Life Bldg. (14)-5S1 MOVING AND STORING BXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven port Sta., wart house 2207-9 Izard St. 16)-2S0 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlnc and Rooms, ROOM AND BOARD. 2411 Capltcl Ave. (IS) M644 Junelx DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16) M FOUR nicely furnlahed rooma, cool and well lighted: singly or en suite; board, if desired. Within walking dlKlance. 1'4 N. lKlh Bt. (15) M176 30x tLEGANTLY furnished rooms, with ex cellent table board; private family; on I'ark Ave. Phone Harney 3224. (16) 196 25x Furnlaked Rooma. DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman; select neighborhood, near Faraam car. 131 N. (1st Ave. (15-a FURNISHED rooms by ths week. Electric, elevator, hot and cold water; rales reaaonable, Oiu Hotel, 16th and Jack son. iu Mw 20. 1909. want, Want Ads." OFFERED FOR RENT pd Rooms ContlanesL Hotel BoiUt't Formerly Karbach, loth A Howard Sta. (16) M614 JelS FURNISHED rooms or house for sumrr.rr; cool, fine view, walking distance. 4ns N. 22d. (15) M709 LARGE, nicely furnished rooms; private bath; hot water. 2tW Harney Bt. 'Phone Harney 3173. (16) M474 Z4x FURNISHED ROOM. 1960 8. 10th 6t. (15)-M768 May 23 X 2(6 SO. 26th St. Tel. Doug. 64T8. (lS)-sin Jel THAT nice cool room, Ave., at 211. on beautiful Park (15) M974 30x YOUNG MAN to share comfortable fur nished room, 2702 Farnam St. Tel. Har ney 2065. (15) MMS Zi TJWO furnished rooms; board If desired; fentlemen preferred. Tel. Harney 1 7 12. 1 Bo. Central Blvd. (16) M8I3 .2x PLEASANT room; reasonable, call even ings. 2409 Harney. (16) M986 22x NICE modern front parlor. Harney 3173. $00. Phone (15)-104-23 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, pri vate muse; also board. Tel. Harnev 4.5S. (15)-lf8 20 ROOMS In all parte of the city. P. O. NIELSEN ft CO.. 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Botn Thoncs. tl5l-186 Jel7 LARGE comfortable front room; modern; close in. 1817 Capitol Ave. (15) M 141 20x LARGE and well furnished room In strictly modern private home. Tel. Webster li&O. (15-164-18x Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT Six-room. lower flat, 614' N. !2d St.; modern; newly repaired; convenient; $J8.60. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. (15)-M933 THREE and 6-room flats. Scargo Bldg., oiovi in. 2(tn Bt., eoutn umana, Jriau, 4SJ Kamge Bldg. Both phones. (15) -406 NO EQUAL 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. (16)-M706 FIVE-ROOM brick flat, new porcelain bath. lavatory, sink; modern, with water. $16.60. Tel. Douglas 673 or 683. (15) 715 M31 OUTSIDE corner. 6 nicely finished, large. cool, modern rooms; for people that live nicely. Inside blinds, gas ranges, hot water; walking distance. Summer rate, $28. Reference required. Bemls, 4A0 Bran dels. (15) M901 22 Housekeeping; Rooma. EXCELLENT furnished housekeeping rooms In three adjoining houses. Prices most reason a ole; light, heat, cocking gas end telephone free. Dr. Prlbbenow, 26T4 Harney Bt. (16) M403 EXCELLENT, newly furnished, house keeping rooms; everything modern and reaaonable; walking distance; new flat. 320 N. 25th St. (15) M138 24x SUITE of 2 furnished rooms, housekeep inef, all modern, light, heat, telephone, cooking gas. ice box privilege, lotl Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3992. (16) M191 22 Unfurnished Rooma. THREE, alcove; good location. Tel. Har ney 4265. (15)-M72I Jl ALCOVE room. Tel. Red 6316. 2418 Cass (15)-M4S7 JunelO Furnished Houses. 6-ROOM furnished cottage, all modern. 1916 Clark St. Inquire 1607 Howard. (15I-M691 FURNISHED 6 room apartment by June 1. Call after 3 o'clock. Davldge Bldg., apartment 1. (16) M977 12x BEAUTIFUL 10-room furnished house, Kauntze Place, hot water heat, $T6; largo rooms, very convenient, large porch, with screen for summer. See Hastings 4 Hey den, 1704 Fart am St. (16) 897 22 Houses aad Cottaajes. 1910 WEBSTER. 8-room brick, new close In, roomers, $45. 2723 S. 9th, 7 rooms and hall, new one block east of South 10th line at 10th and Ban croft Sts., $26. O KEF.FB REAL ESTATE CO., Douglas or A-2152. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) 726 ELEGANT 6-room flat located No, 610 So. 27th, all modern; price $36. Bemls, Bran dels Bldg. (161296 4-ROOM apartment. Modern. 816 So. 224. (16) M.9 JeJ5x FOR RENT 2 amall stores suitable for paint and paper or barber shop. S car lines, 40th and Farnam Sts. 2 8-room all modern houses, practically new. 914-918 N. 40tth St. 8 room house, all modern, newly decorated, $i:5 per month. 6 room cottage, all modern, newly dec orated, 46th and LaFayette Ave. 6 room, modern bungalow. Just completed, good location. S. 8. MERCER CO., 222 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1636; A 1536. (16) M 187 21 FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 2502 So. 20th Ave. $10 per month. C. M. Bachman. 436 Paxton Block. (15)-06 FOR RENT. Just finished, St. Louis flats, hardwood finish, all modern, combination fixtures, 23d and Webster Bta. Seven rooms and reception hall. $40. Five rooms and reception hall, $32. Five rooms and reception hall. $30. Nine-room all modern brick building, 2009 Willis Ave., ia. Three-room apartment. 1917 Clark St., $9. C. M. BACHMAN. 436 Paxton Block. (15) 494 MODERN 6-room brick house, 1101 No. 23d St., $25. Phone Harney 960. (16j 864 4 ROOMS and reception hall; all modern, $20. 2230 Poppleton Ave. (15) M990 2967 PACIFIC St.. 8-room. thoroughly mod ern house, oak finish, $40. A. G. Elllck, 5ul Bee Bldg. lloj 297 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. 116) JSU FOR LEASE. 1613 No. 2Kh St.. 8-r. full modern; fresh and clean, tor people that live nicely; large rooms, all new decorations; new furnace. Bee owner, 1101 No. 18th 8t. (16)-M171 26 5-ROOM houae, and barn; city water; 432 Lincoln Ave.; $1060. 10-room. all modern; Charles St., between 26th and 27th; $30 and water. 5-room, second floor. 27i6 Lake St.; mod ern except heat; $15. 6 rooms, second floor, 1106 N. 3oth; city water and toilet; $15. S rooms, second floor, 11"5 N. 21st St.; $6.50. CHRIS BOYEK, 22d and Cuming (15)-M213 FINE all modern houae of It rooma on 8. W. corner 27th and Jacaon; references required, $j0. Bemis, Brandels Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. IH. (15)-294 MAGGARD VAN A STORAGE CO.. Tel. D. 1496. Ws guarantee moving pianos. H. H. goods. (16)-Z98 OMAHA Van and Storage Co. Pack move, lore H. H. goods, atorehouad, 1120-24 N. mh. office loo Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (16)-21 FOR RENT 11-room houae, corner Win and Harney Sta ; beat location for renting rooma. Rent. $42.60. Owner pays for wa ter and removes garbage. Empty June t Apply L Ziegler, tut Ware Block. 115) M166 OFFERED FOR RENT Bowses and Cat tasjeo Coat laaoA. FOR RENT 646 for to right party; ; -room modern house, good repair, finished floors, extra good heating plant. M. J. Kennard Co.. -10 Brown WJ.. FOR RENT. Reception hail, parlor, dining room and bedroom, kitchen, toilet, Isundry, IJO. in cluding water, 8416 Laf. Ave. Tel. Hrny 47 (15)-M5i HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. (15) 29 FOR RENT 6-room and bath, cottnge. on car line; good location; $18 fi. In.iulre 4i65 Grand Ave. (15)-M114 2o FOR RENT OR BALE "-room, modern. Rent $20. 2850 Meredith. (15 MIA tlfllTQVi ,n all parts of the city. IIUUOLO Crelgh Sons A Co., Bee Bldg. (15) 29 FOR RENT S-mom. now. all modern house; cmblnatlon .fixtures; close to Field club. ln 8. 3.th and Poppleton Ave: PVi. C. M. Bachmann, 4.16 Taxtorl block. (151-194 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. (i6)-3o: FOR RENT "Iakclawn," 9-room house, all modern; fruit and shade trees; 21st and Lake Sts. UBI M213 22x ATTRACTIVE 6-room modern house, 816 N. 83d. 30. 'Phone Harney 24HO. (15l-M:i8 22x 8-ROOM modern house, close In. 2512 Chi- cago street. $36. (15) Mti2J 20 NEW 7-room. all modern, 8418 Charles St., $30. C. M. Rich, 3J0 N. Y. Ufe. (16I-M1T4 8IX rooms, modern. 2012 F.hn Bt. $.-5. (15) M181 2Jx Tel. Harney 1510. Offlcea. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts.. South Orr.aha. Call at Bee office, S. O. branch, 24th and N Sts New address. (16) M57' Storea. SCARGO blk.. South Omaha, &V No. 24th Hall. 433 Hamgo Bldg.; both phones. (151658 FOR RENT Second or third floor or both, J.4X129, outside entrance, elevator. Very cheap. 1316 Farnam St. (15I-M610 27 FOR LEASE for a term of years, a fine store room, with full cement floor base ment, on Farnam St., near iOth. Address A 621, care Omaha Bee. , (151154 in OFFERED rOR SALE Furnltare. vK ripti cAsrit SOLID oak cases, made by the Library nureau rurniiure o., one) or drawers and the other having 6. This Is excep tionally well constructed office Turniture and will last a life time. Call Bee office, 17th and Farnam. (161145 FLAT TOP DESKS AND CHAIRS. OFFICE desks, flat tops, not In the best of condition, will be sold st small price We also have two tables for sale. Will sell all old chairs used In Bee office except revolving chairs. If you want 2d hand furniture look at these In court of Bee building. Inquire at Bee office, 17th and Farnam. (16) 144 FOR SALE An Art Loom One Piece Rug, 8 ft., 8 In.xlO ft., 6 In. This rug has been in use for fifteen months and will be sold at a bargain. Can be seen at 3218 Webster St. Telephone Harney ' 4593. (16)-655x Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any make; all prices; sold and rented, rent applied; easy terms; shipped anywhere for examination. Writs for large bargain list and offer. B. F. Bwanson Co., 417 8. 15th St.. Omaha, Neb. (ll)-iiU TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, good second hand, guaranteed In every way; Reming ton, 'mlth. Underwood, Oliver and 20 othei'.nakes; $10 up. All makes for rent at low rates. Write for catalogue show ing largest line to be found. Agents wanted in some unoccupied territory. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Far nam. (16) M356 JunoS Miscellaneous. We HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell st 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. (16)-277 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)-606 FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick Balke Collender, 407 S. 10th St. (16) $06 FOR SALE Cash register and scalo cheap. Address, O 406, care Bee. (16) 654 REMINGTON typewriter No. 6, first class $30. People's Loan Co., 16.3 Farnam St. , (16) M3U6 DUNTLEY vacuum cleaning machine. $118 Leavenworth. (16) M682 Jnel2 FOR SALE Some four and five-ton stake drays or would sell whole outfit. Address lock box 436, Sioux City. la. (16)-M603 SODA fountains, new snd second-hand; monthly payments. Derlgbt, WIS Farnam, (16) 3o9 SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) Soo 1,500 LIQUOR BARRELS N. Steinberg, 1119 Harney. Tel. D. 5166. (16)-M513 Jell FOR SALE 6V4xS4 Improved Seneca View Camera witu all latest Improvements. Voigtlaender Dynsr, 10-lnch focus lenas, carrying case and flash light machine; all practically new. Peoples Loan Co.. 1623 Farnam St. U6)-661 ONE National cash reglater, Total adder, one Dayton computing acale, one butchers hanging scale, one Wagner atuffer. onu large rocker and block, one 3 horae power automatic electric motor, direct current. ED. B. GIBBS, 3009 S. 20th. Douglas 4H:S. t!6)-lo7 TWO pool tables for sale. 1017 W. B'way, Council Bluffs. (16I-MH3 2(x SODA fountain snd gasoline llghttng ays. tern for aale cheap. 410 8). 13th St (1 1-152 24x PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Rod 711! (17)-SU OSTEOPATHY- JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664, (5) 608 Dr. Katheryn Nickolas. 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. (fi) PERSONAL SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send, for free catalogue. Myeis DUlon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 313 THE BALVATION ARMY solicits caat off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th Bt., for coat of collection to ths worthy poor. Call 'phone Dougias 413 and wagon will call. (18-7U MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electric, vibrating and Swed ish massage. 308 Old Boson Ktoie. (Ik; M649 Jnel3 DIVORCE LAWS OF NEVADA. Complete Informstlon mailed free by At torney Wllilam R. Bhafer, Reno. Nev. (18) M348 Juneax OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Kamge Bldg. (18-12 DRUNKENNESS. DRUG HABIT cured t stay cured, under poauive guarantee. Write the Enaor Remedy Co.. Iiepi. G, South Omaha, Neb 118) M7o3 Jnel4 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 741) 1st Ave, Council Bluffs, la. iUj-Mrtt PERSONAL" (Continued.) YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Youu Women s Christian association. 17th anil Howard Sts.. where thry will be dire I 'd tc suitable boardlne; plaiea or otherwise assisted A deac-oneae reptesentlti the association meets trains at tho Unl -n sta tion as travelers' aid. 1IH1 3 HALLS fares, new. 2d-hand. 1SI8 Farnnm, (181-314 VflVPTIP treatment. Mme. Smith, lil.lUillJll v 6J2 B. 16th, third floor tlM v POULTRY AND EGGS BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK and Sliver Laced Wyandotte eggs. $1 for 16 or (I per 100. Ell Mock. l.liHl.irty, Neb. (tl)-M4 20X B. r. ROCKS Rit girt strain, prem.um stock. Eggs $1.25 per j. 14.50 per lo Elsie Stannard, Gordon, Neb. (1D-M622 f.x WHITE ROCKS Large bone, pure br. .1. high scoring stock, l-.ggs for sale. A. I.. Selden, Rising City, Neb. (1H-M5-1 x 8. C. BROWN LEGHORN EGGS. $3.00 pet loo. Good layers. Chas. Gardner, Bloom ington. Neb. U)-M93 fox 8. C. R. I. REOB Eggs $100. $1 2.neV i.i $4. $6 per 100. Mrs. Fumk Anderso.i, rawnee City, Neb. (Il-M520 25 x PRINTING LET YAFFE print it, 4th fl. Boston Kt. r.-. -M19o J is REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT 'TO.. Est.. 1856; pmtnpt service; get dor prices. 1710 Farnam hi. (I9)-315 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHA8. K. WILLIAMSON. President. (19) 310 GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D .?(: (19)-m.k PAYNE 1NV. CO.. tirst floor N. Y Life. (19)-3!7 WALK UP REAL ESTATE CO.. Paxton Block. (19) M967 May 13 BENJAMIN R. E, CO.. 477 Brandels Bldff. (19)-31s CITY PROPERTY FOR SAI.B. SIX-ROOM HOUSE Hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three bed rooms and hath on second floor; cellar under whole hn.ise. iil bricked up; lot 40x130; cement walks; aoo.i nelghrfirhood; close to car, at 2425 Bpeno-v. Owner has left city and anxious to sell, wanting $2.sno. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Ufe. 'Phone Doug '.fl 09 (-107 1 CHOICE LOT On Cuming St.. Just west of 41st Ave . Is the cheapest building lot In the Walnut Hill district today; asphalt paved strict, cement sidewalk, all paid for; sewer, wat -r and gas; block and half from Walnut Hill and Fnrnam St. cars and near new cathe dral. Price only $tfc0; adjoining lot Is held at $1,200. This Is a snap. Payne, Bostwick&Co., Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldfj. (19)-198 19 BENSON SXAIS If you want a place where you can raise chickens, all your own vegetables and fruit, buy one of these: $1.100 6-room cottage, ground 75x128. the. e blocks to car, electric light, well, chh-ken house, fruit. Terms. $1.760 6-room house, full cement basement. well, electric llRrht. three blocks to car, ground 76x128. Terms. $1.900 6-room. one and one-half story cot- tsge. ground j(vxia, two niocas to o.ir. bearing fruit, cistern, well, barn, chicken house, fenced. $S00 cash, balance $12.50 oer month. $,U(io New 6-room house, modern except heat, ground ifcxiao, tun cement oatemeui. ihr.. ltlncka to car. Terms. $2,4255 rooms and reception hall; ground 125x12s, renccd, wen. Darn, rrucacn noose, thre blocks to car. $1,100 cash, balance tin n.r month. $4.600 8-room 2-story square house, ground 200x128, barn, city water, cistern, lurimi-i-heat, bearing fruit, chicken house, on r tine. 12.9)0 cash, balance easy. $2,8606 rooms, attic floored, room for two more rooms; gtounu lmxiji, i"-n" fruit, fenced. eat front; well and cistern, large chicken house, on car line. $1.3 0 cash, balance easy. $2.900 8-room 2-stnry house, ground ijcxi-i. set to fruit ana lenceu; risicio. iuioy kitchen, one block to car. $1,!W cash, balance easy. V. E. YARTOX 22S 8. Orphanage Ave. Tel. Benson 681. 19)-M2Ji V Little Home DOXT PAY REXT Only $750 A nice little 1 ome, on Burdette St., three blocks from car line, deep lot with some fruit trees, grape vines and small barn on allev. Place In oeifect condition, having Just been painted li side and cut and newly papered, mis win go quica, so u you want it, se us nt once. ED JOHNSTON & CO. Thone Douglas 1235. 1614 Farnam St. I (l)--157 20 I John Morrison House Mr. Morrison has removed to the ranch country and wishes us to urge the sale of his besutlful home located at Grand Ave. and Florence boulevard, diagonally acroKS from Rome Miller's $-5,o00 residence. Nine largo rooms; excellently built, house located In a setting f fine old forest trees; south and east front; outlook fine; larije barn. Former price $7,oon; present price, $5,500. Act quickly. Harrison & Morton, (111) 309 1 A SNAP 6-room house mar 24th and Bln nev, modern except heat, good repair; full basement; large lot; permanent walks. Price $2,250. Will make terms. Must B' 8. E. WAIT & CO.. 617 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tela. Douglas 1302. A -2315. (1)-M189 21 KOUNTZE PLACE. DIRECT FROM OWNER. Seven roums, modern, full lot, with plenty of shade and fruit; also barn; Ideal loca tion, near 24th St. car, fronting Koiintzs Place. If sold this week will lake Address the owner no agents. Ind phon B-3016. (19) M 1x6 21 North 38th St. Home This la a practically new 10-room I story brick snd frame house, with a large attic, very substantially built, first floor finished in selected quarter sawed oak. second floor in white enamel with mahoony doors, oak floors throughout; fle fir places. Full cemented basement with com bination hot water and hot air furnace. One of the liest locations in the Weat Farram dittrli, veiy sightly. Prlco $I9.'ki. Terms Jo. 000 eah. balance in five years For further information, rail 011 GEORGE & CO., lsel Farnam Hi. (19J-OI3-21 2502 S. 20tn Ave,. 6 room boms for you. Price snd terms it salt you. Ws want tu sell. NOWATA LAND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Hidg. Omit hi. Neb. Phore Hd ll9)-M-915-2$ LARGE, new. mod -r. cottage: orner lot, pox 12; 2 blocks from cai line; Imme diate possesion Get a home on easy pjyrnenta from the owner. Doug 16L3 or evening Web. 4i6l. (1 322 LIST your property with QtuM ttoyer. i.-4 and CumUif aia. U-42