, THE REE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 10; 1D00. -.7 i HRIEF CITY NEWS 909 MAY 1909 sin,Mon tut w thu rm $ , - I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 202122 25 26 27 28 29 Kara Boat Prist . Topazes Edholm, Jler. v Xqattanl Llf PotleUe, sir t m f u at maturity. H. D. Nsely. mnfr. Omaha. AaHUlph r. twbbad, publle accountant ; aahart, photot-rahr. Ilth 4b f arnsm. : V photo, remdved to 1 and Howard. -a;Ct-Dr, Hahn now at 212$ poulaa. ' J-aa Electrical Works rant motor. asfctrai rr stiar now at 50 8. lth. B. . Combs, optical business, 152 Ijouna street - Examination free, your moaey and valuable in tn American ftefe bepnsil vaulu In Th Boa buiM:ne: Boxes rwr.t from II to I If. Wfcer Oaa Yo rt Mettaly Xtposita of -.!' (. earning per cint divtuertua; At tiiB Nebraska Savings and Loan Att n, BoarA ut TraOo Uld. - Hotel jwen to Moat la, Omaha The ex ecutive lmm.tuj, rf tb North-etrn Hotelnwrt assoc. atlon hak decided U hold the annual meeting f the association In Omaha, August l-li.'' Resolutions ffoe- J. J. rhUMa Nebraska and Iowa Hotol Clerks' association at the Rome hotel. Monday evening, adopted res olution1 relative to the death of the late J. J. Phllbln or tlta Midland hotel. May rarty at Chambers Saturday Tlfn Tire .women who organised and present 4 tho Iay pole party have decided to repeat thy festival at Chambers' academy Satur day filgSit tor the benefit of the Child Savins Jnntltut building fund. SUvsrwar la BtolesU Four dosen pieces of silver-plated tableware were stolen from the home of Ralph ii. Blue, KKM Beward street, Sunday night by a burglar who enured the house through the kitchen Snor. "The- tloor had been left open. The '.hief took nothing but the silver and has not ycr been raiiMht by the police. Funeral of Miss KaoMUlaa Vrtvata Miss Maude MacMlllan died Monday at her home at 3i3 North Twenty-elxth street a,t the'nge pf 27 years, death fallowing a lonpr lllru-n. The funeral will be held from the home Wednesday afternoon and Interment will be at Forest Lawn. The funeral will he prtvatr.t "Tut Htm in. Jail," lays Wife, "Put lian In Jull till I cab. get settled In my nw house after moving," said Mr. L. J. Parmlee, 2109 Miami atreet, to Police Judge Crawford In court Tuesday when her hus band was being tried for assault and battery and abusing hts family. The judge acceded to the woman's request and sent pHrmlee to Jail tor ten days, la the Dlverc Coarl Mrs. J oh Annan Hoiden la suing for a divorce front William lloiden on the ground of nnnsupport. The following cases have been dismissed front the docket for want of prosecution: Porter against porter, Chester against Chester, Aldrlch aftalnst A 11 rich. Moor aftainst Moore, Spain against Spain, Newton agalnrt , Newton and Hansen against Hansen. ' Missionary from Africa to teotrare Rov. John M. Springer, for aevral years a missionary to Africa, wilt give an Illus trated lecture on "Africa" Wednesday evening at the Hanaoom Park Methodist chyvch. Dr. Springer has crossed tha con tinent, traversing paths before unknown to white men. The lecture will be full of thrilling Incidents. The B.dmlssl.n 4s free. Fool Sail Man Connoted. J ames 8k re. kss. proprietor of the pool hall at 1X4 Karnam street, paid a fine of 15 and coat In pnl'.c court Tuesday. He was tried and convicted on the charge of allowing minor to play pool In his place of business. Jay Gerard, a runaway boy from Buffalo, N. Y., van the lad whom the probation offl cers took Into custody to testify against the pixjl hall man. rays for Beating Feac Haksl For "beating up" John A. Gentleman, a North Sixteenth street undertaker, when Gentle jtian attempted to make peace among ptrty of negroes who were observing Sun day hy having a free-for-all fight In Ram Cat Alley, George Carter, colored, was find 115 and costs In police court Tuesday Krnnk McAllister, also colored, who was alleged to have helped Carter decorate Gentleman's fuce, waa discharged. X hiows Caysaae la lelf-defenae- -Mrs, Winnie Lynch, It Pierce street, wag dis charged In police court Tuesday morning when she was arraigned for toaalng some pepper In the eyes of Mra. Belgard, who live at the same address. The Lynch woman pleaded that she threw the cayenne In self-defenso and that she waa In delicate ronilltlon f or fighting and ther- fore grabbed the first opportunity to atop the combat, tat tetter Carrier to Meet The an nual meeting of the 8tat Association of Letter Currier will be held In Omaha May 31. beginning at i p. m. A banquet will, .be glvei . the delegate by the local anoflsttler at the' Rome hotel In the even ing. Postmaster Thomas will preside a toaslmasler. Governor Shallenherger, Col lector of Revenue Rnaa Hammond and Victor Roewater. editor of The F.e, will bo the principal speaker at the banquet. Just we gixteei Thirty friend of Mis Mary Hayes gave her a party Monday evening at her home at 2718 South Nine teenth atreet, the occasion being the six teenth anniversary cf the birth of the young woman,. The evening spent In playing games and In dancing, refresh ments being served at the cloee. The Midses Catherliif McCarthy and Mary Cllite were the hostesses of the evening and the party was a aurpria on Mlaa Hayea. ) Tire It sax. to QaeOUu Eighteen hun dred 'galkns"ot gasoline In a barn waa ' within five feet of fire shortly before I ? o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The blaae wa la ) burn ff O. 11. Caoiplin gro cery store, la South Tenth street. Before the flame -could rta.-h the gasoline, a crowd of men in 'the neighboring house and flats turned out and formed volun ttr fire . department, extinguishing the flames. Th gatoilne belonged to the Bee Hive Cleaulng work, next door to the grocery stor.. olden Sva. rial Claaa The Toung 1'eople of ti. rim t'nlted Preebyterian cliurch met Monoa r-enlng at tha home ef Pa, H. W. AU ins and organised a "Golden Rule Bible Clasa". for the purpoae Of bible study, sociability and rvtea. Tb inter national color were adopted, and the pree eiK meraberahlp of thirty-three waa divided fog tha purpoaa of anembershln campaign to end with : bAiquet tb first week in lone The goal for Ike tar wk 1 MM member Thes off leer were elected: Dr. H. W. Allwlne. teacher; Pi. a I Marble, president; E. Smith, vie nreal dent; Mum OcWrman, secretary; B. F. Eii.ri.- treasurer . Mr. Thonnn. editor of The Golden Rule i monthly church rwper): Charlea Neff, buainea manager of the paper; Dr. Allwlne and A. W. Bnhren. bualnaa manager of the rlaaa, aad O- J. Thompson end O. K. Gilllsple, captain of th divUtona, AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Omaha Company Securf Contract for Lighting Streeti. AGREEMENT IS TOE. FIVE TEARS Vete Id Cwanell KimmI Feet ta Tr, and Alreestr at tke Ronth Omaha Vnwmpmnr Wer ' OUsatlaf led. ' By a vote of. four to two ih rVuth Omaha city council awarded th electric light eon tract to theOmaha Electric Light and Power company for a period of five years, rejecting thebjd of the South Omaha Elec tric Light and Power comrany, which of fered to furnish" lights a; the rate -of $70 per lamp Tor a period if ten years. Two democratic and two republican mem ber of the council supported the report of the committee of the whol to award the contract to the former company In accord ance with their bid. Tha affirmative voters were Dworak, Hoffman, Larson and Peterson. John Larsen and John' Hasburgh favored the South Omaha company,, ' The arguments offered by the men who favored the Omaha company were that they favored a five-year contract and that In the contract offered, judging from , the established business of the present' com pany, the royaltle-paW In would more than counterbalance the bid of the new Company, , ; John Larsen opposed the Omaha company nd maintained that the saving to th peo ple on commercial lighting would make the contract of the new company much better without considering th public light con tract. John Hisburrh favored a'readver- tlsement of bids. ' A petition of U0 cltisens was received or the subject asking that the city council favor the South Omaha company,-, but It had no effect In changing th vote of the eouncll. A franohlae ordinance was Intro duced also by each company. Incorporating th teim of their bids, but these were re ferred to the judiciary committee for later action. It Is considered out of the power of the people to protest or to ask that the contracts be submitted to a vote of the people. The time of submitting such a pro test Is expired with the final award and the matter up to the present tlm has been considered simply a contract and not a franchise. Th Omaha Electric Light and Power company claim to hold franchta running yet for fifteen years. ii oeomon or me city council is sure to arouse considerable feeling, but a each party waa equally represented the feeling win have no- pdlltlcal weight except upon the individual councllmen. Councilman John Hasburgh waa Incensed to the point of profanity at th determina tion of the council to Ignore hi ache me of readvertislng. WhI L Want Car. The Northwest Improvement club ' pre sented a petition asking th city council to use Its Influence with th Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to furnish accommodations to ' West L street. The obstacle at present In the way Of an extension of th atreet car service is the poor condition of the I street via duct, which will not support auch traf fic The railroads and the Union Stock yards have shown no disposition to recon struct this viaduct. It la unknown that the city can at present fore these com panies to repair or reconstruct th same. Th structure has been conaemned as un safe for heavy vehicle, but his. not been closed a yet. Th mayor appointed Lar sen, Peterson and Dworak a committee to wait on the' Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to see what could be done toward granting this extension. ' Oeenpatloa Tax Ordinance. On of tha Important resolutions of the meeting was thst th city attorney be In structed to nraft an ordinance imposing an occupation tax on an publle service corporations and defining the method of such an assessment. This is In accord with a recent decision of the supreme court of Nebraska, declaring auch action valid. It 1 not known whether this tax would In any affect th royalties paid un der the charter, but It Is presumed not, since the ordinances cannot supercede the charter. Such a tax would simply be an additional burden to be assumed by the publle service corporation. Water Plpta Franchise. A new franchise ordinance waa Intro duced granting the right to Thomas Geary to lay pipe In the city streets for th purpose of conveying the water of the South Omaha mineral spring to any point In th city. Such franchise' was Intro duced before th former democratic council over two years ago, when It waa discov ered that a prominent democrat of the city desired the franchise. Th council therefore refused th franchise and voted on to Dr. W. J. McCrann. The doctor haa made no use of the privilege. There fore th franchise, has practically lapsed and la again introduced. The springs re ferred ta ar located in Brown 'park. An ordlnanc ws Introduced to compel the Chicago. Rock Island Paolfic railroad ta place a day and night flagman on the crossing at Twenty-fifth and. Madison streets. Th same kind of an ordinance was Introduced to compel the Union Pa cific Jo locate a night flagman at the In tersection OI Washington street wiin me right-of-way. M-jt Peterson Introduced a resolution In structing the city engineer to relocate Polk atreet. east of Thirteenth. John Haaburgh raised a laugh by saying, "Well, where do you mant to put ItT" Lew Etter gave notice of a claim for damages to his proierty to the amount of $KO hy reason of the change of grade at Twentieth and I streets, which caused water to flow over his property. t John McMillan gave notice of a suit for llO.reo for personal Injuries received at Twenty-first and J atreets. He incorporated In the notice that the Injury occurred two weeks ago, but he was himself present at th council meeting. The council passed a resolution ordering th purchase of a atreet sweeping machine to eoet not exceeding The purchase waa dlaousaed In committee and Council man Hasburgh thought that settled It. When It waa brought' up he objected to what he thought waa a reconsideration. The mayor explained and the light, dawned on Hasburgh. who said: "Oh. t see. Tou Just do this little stunt to fix th public." A he laugh feom th lobby followed this Innocent remark. Bald DarlleM HsMss. Edward and Patrick B'pdaHck, two young mvn of South Omaha, were arrested yes terday and booked as suspicious character. The Mission f wrpMielna In yur blood that havo bn 114 "Uttla Solaiara," la to fight for you gainst tho dlaoaao itrmi that constantly ondangor your hoalth. Thoao oornuaaloa aro ma el healthy and atrong by tho uaoof Hoodro Saraaparllla. Tala inealciu It a i-otnblnatlon or mora than twenty different -re ma dia 1 agnU In proportion and by a procea knows only to ouroelveg, and tt has for thirty year boen con stantly proving it worth. No substitute, uona "just as good." It la charged that they, with the assistance f a third young man. robbed a member of the Japanese cnli.ny Sunday at t p. m They made no attempt to ponc'gl their Identity, hut held the J pares hnv up In plain slht of parser. They secured til". The Japanese Iv-y knew one of them well, hevlng worked with him at the Cudahy riant. In fact, this mn laughed at the Japanese hoy and reminded him that they worked together. Th Japanese made his report to the police and gnve the names of the Rrorierlcks. When they were ar rested he positively Identified both a betn the men who had robbed him. Th Brode rlck show no. concern In tha matter, re lying on the fact that there were three of them t swesr to their Innocence against the Japanese, ho waa alone. Good Aadleaee for Mlnatrels. The biggest k! of an audience, con sidering the rainy night. ' attended the minstrel entertalt t-nt by the Men' club of St. Mnrtln's chifrVh. Th entertainment wa given at the high school auditorium and consisted of flfuen or more musical and literary numbers. Thes proved a success In every wsy. The urchins' quartet, an aggtegatlon of newsboy, consisting of Antcn and Karl Branstead, Hubert Mun shaw and Rtilph King, were among the best received of any. They were recalled several times. The Floradora sextet, con sisting of three fat women and three lean men, got many eneorea. The farce, "Why is a Freckle," kept ( the audience convulsed for an hour. The fund raised by the entertainment are to go to the organ fund of the church. The fund wlh have a sub startlnl addition. Ministers and Churchmen Meet ior Conference Fortieth Annual Meeting of Omaha Association of Congregational . Churches Opens Monday. i The fortieth annual meeting of the Omaha Association of Congregational ohurches In Nebraska convened Monday evening ,tn Plymouth Congregational church,, Twentieth and Spencer streets. Th meeting will last two days. - Monday afternoon' session wa devoted to organization and the reception of dele gates, with greeting by the retiring m d- erator, W. S. Hampton. In th evening a praise service wa held, conducted by E. W. Blew. Rev. Frederick T. Rouse of the First Congregational church of Omaha delivered a brief address aa a "Message of the Immanuel Movement." The asso ciation sermon was preached by Rev. Mllo Wlldman. Plymouth church chorus choir rendered a program of special music during the services. Th session was resumed at t o'clock this morning for the transaction of business At 9:30 "Result Getting Methods In Sunday School Work" was the general topic Mis Louise Miller discussed the propo sition, "In the Primary Department;" Mrs. H. S. Culver. "In the Intermediate De partment;" P. P. Perrln In "Organised Class, Work." following which was given a symposium of "Superintendent's Round Table." Devotional service under the direction of W. J. Frost were he'd at 11:30. Out-of-town- delegates wera th guest of the Omaha churches at luncheon at noon at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation and ware shown through i th Young Men' and Young Women' Chris tlan association buildings. At t p. m. a praise service waa held at Plymouth ohurch. followed by a report of th commute on polity. Deacon Pol lock will discuss th question of synt- matlc giving, and Rev. L. O. Balrd of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church will talk upon tha subject of "Church Be nevolence." Addresses were delivered by other delegates, Including one on "The Meanest Man In the World," by John Baptist, former photographer to the sultan of Turkey. N. L. Packard spoke upon th ubject of "Home Missionary Victories nd Opportunities." The woman's hour Is set for 4 p. m. Mr. Beulah Logan Tuttle of Chicago, for many years missionary In the Mlcroneslan Islands, will be the prin cipal speaker. She will also speak In th evening at 7:30. Supper will be served at the church at I p. m. Tuesday, preceding th praise service. Other speakers at the evening meeting will be Mr. Emma f. Byers, gen eral secretary of the Young Women's Christian association, and Edward D. Gep son, attendance officer of the Omaha schools. A special program of music will be given during the evening. Many Lights to Shine for Eagles Council Committee" of Whole Recom mends $1,500 Expenditure to Light Streets. Omaha's street will be brilliantly lighted during the week of the Eagles' convention, September 13 to IS. for the council In com nrttee of the whole Monday afternoon recommended fcr passage a resolution ap propriating Sl.MiO for atreet lighting for that week. The committee alsj recommended for passage the ordinance raiatng th salary of th gas commissioner from 31,800 to 12, MO a year. The Western Clean Streets company asked for an extension of Us franchise to maintain on th street corner boxes ostensibly for wast paper, but used largely for advertising purposes. The re quest was denied. The franchise waa for ten 'year and will soon expire. FRIENDS - CALL NEW LEADER O. M. Fraser of Chicago Cosnaa ta Take Charge af New Chare It Organlsatloa. Th movement which was started some time ago for the organisation of a Friends church In Omaha has resulted In the call of O. M. Fraser, who 1 now In th city and haa charge of tha work. Th first publlo meeting for worship will be held at th Barlght hall, Nineteenth and Faroam atreets, Sunday morning at 10 JO. The meeting Is open for all who desir ti attend and a cordial Invitation Is extended to all In the city who may wish to bacom acquainted with the FTlenda or who may wish to Identify themselves with the move ment. Mr. Fraser Is a gradual of th Friends college at Richmond. Ind., and come her from Chicago, where he ha been studying In th University of Chicago and doing pastoral work In th Friends church' In that elty. He haa been visiting the Friends families her and says he feel encouraged with th outlook. Rev, I. W. WIlisaaiMM'a Letter. Rev. I. W. Williamson. Huntington, W. Vs., writes: "This Is to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy for nervous eg. hauatlon and kidney trouble and ana free to y that it will do all that you claim for It." Foley' Kidney Remedy ha re stored health and strength to thousand of weak, run down people. Contains, na harmful drug and la pleasant to take. For al by all druggist ' At the Theaters Salvation Nell" at th Itarnaod. Mrs Fluke and tamany In "Salvation Neil." a modern clrnma In three acts, by Kriwsrd Pheldon: staged by Mr. and Mrs. Kli.de. The cast: Jim Pint. ....... Ilolbrook Winn ......Henry Wenman W. T. Clirke "Kugene R.-ed ........Walter Henry John Dillon Thomas Carroll K. F. Nsgle ;.. Judge R. Downing Mark Kiwi Jesse Keppler '. Frank Foley ... Herbert Heywood E. C. Howard E. W. Short H. Heywood .... Edwin Brewster .Antrim Phort John Dillon ...Eugene Reed Daniel Burn Frank Johnson ...... Je'se Keppler .y ClArence William T. A. Bird .T; P. Dansilll Major Williams Nd J. McGovern ....... "Squirt" Kelly Kid Cummins . A I Mt Govern .. Chris Johnson Callahan Jerry Gallagher Joe Madden Denny Glffiti Tommy Blake Dlumrnthal O Rourke (policeman) O'Brien (policeman) . Butler (policeman) ... Dr. Benedict Jimmy Banders .: Baxter ,.. Bradley Paddy Bob Pete Packey , Antonio Petroeo Nell ganders Mrs. Fieke Lieutenant O Bulllvsn ("Hallelujah Mag- rte ) 1 Mary Midi son Myrtlo Odell Hope Latham Susie Callahan ...... Grace Shanley Old Mary Mary Maddern Mrs. Flanagan ...vLelia Romer Tyler Mabla Keeney Winifred Voorheea Sal Merle Mnddern Rnele jHubbell May Barton Frau Schmidt Petra Folkman Mame Marsh Winifred Voorheea Mrs. Kprett .Merle Msddern Mrs. Baxter .. Gllda Varesl Mr. Mellen v Margaret Anderson Mrs. Phellen Marlon Bwayne Jennie '..'.;... Corlnne Ford Mamie ..'. '...V. Marlon Davis The realism of "Salvation Nell" la terri ble as truth Itself. It may be aeriouely questioned If any good purpose Is served by showing such sordldness to those who know of it only by .hearsay. That open ing scene In Bid McGovem's tough saloon has been repeated thousands of times perhaps millions, and will be. It may he offered In support of its presentation at all that It la essential to the artistic sym mefry of the story 'as subsequently de veloped. The argument Is the redeeming power of love; "the metery of love Is greater than the mystery of. death." and Nell Sanders clings to Jim Piatt Just as he does to her, because bark of it all la that something that subsists between a man and a woman that Is beyond analysts, that defies reason, that baffles questioning. It Is the something that leads the woman to give up all, everything, on earth, un questioning and without reserve to the man, and that leada the man to come back and back again to claim his own. It Is not a new thought; It permeates everywhere, and whether the scoffer admits It or not, dally proof IS given of Its potency, and womankind and mankind ar very much alike at the bottom. "The colonel' lady and Judy Brady are sisters under their skin," and, by that same token, the colonel and Tommy Atkins are brother when stripped of their uniforms., Admitting the potency of love; It led Nell 6anders down to scrubbing the floor at Sid McGovem's tough saloon although Mrs. Flake suggests rather than actually performa the menial labor ascribed to her position. It also led her to bodily fidel ity to a man who was' about as worthless a loafer as ever spent fne price of a worn an's aaul for drink: And - It redeemed them both; the woman turned to the shel ter offered by the Salvation Army, for It was that or Madame Coquette s place, and she realised that aoon .she would be called on to pay In the pain of motherhood the price of her. love. Perhaps It was some higher motive, but thjs Is the apparent reason that turned her to the meana that wrought In her the change '' which made Salvation Nell out of the scrub- woman. And out of this" gToww-the 'conditions that bring home to Jfrf) 'PWt 'the thought that he wants Nell more than he wants any thing else In the worM',- and to get her he must give over his Ideas of life In any but honest way, and In this wa see the apotheosis of humsn love, with a tinge of th saving grace of divine love. Tet all of this haa been shown us at other times and In other ways, fsr more pleas ant to behold than la this picture from the lowest walks of life. These objections are not the outburst of prudery, nor do they spring from any hypo critical pretense that aurh things Co not exist. The fact of their existence Is only too well known, but many other things are known to exist that are not paraded on the stage. That the theater Is no place for a clinic of any sort haa been urged many time before, and will be again and more' the pity, clinics will still be held on the stage. But what' the use of arguing this point here? Mrs. Flske has taken up the play definitely, and Is giving It her serious at tentlon. She lllumiiii-tei the character of Nell Sanders with the light of her genius for seeking out th soul-nature of whatever woman she strives to' delineate, and the fidelity she brings td her portrayal cf Leah, of Mary, of Rebecca, of any of her many roles, she gives to this. She shows Nell Sanders, a soul wallowing In the lowest of social morasre; nothing could well be below the pcsitlon of scrub woman at a saloon like Sid McGovem's, with the addi tional degredatlon of being mistress to the apparently lowest loafer around the ealoon and she shows us the rise of that soul, till It stands triumphant,, redeemed from the physical and moral squalor of Its earlier surroundings and rejoicing In the. approach of happiness that would ahut out the past. It is In Its way a psychological study as earnest as that of Rclecca West, though not comparing with It Ir Importance. The won an of the Iba.m' drama was a woman worth while, although she brought destruc tlon to herself and her lover; Nell Banders Is also a woman wr-rth while, and she bring salvntlon to herself and to her lover, But Juat as Rebecca West typifies the intellectual, so Nell. Sunders stands tor the physical; Roaruer was a weakling, and could not grasp, his happiness, but Jim Piatt gains strength from the woman he loves and does.. All these and many. kin dred thoughts are suggested by Mrs. Flake's building up of the part. Holbrook Blinn 1 a Jim Piatt worthy of the Nell Sanders of the star. It Is not sure that he dos no: ut times impress- itlr.ieeif more extensively on the picture than she does. It Is perhaps the correct perspective that he should. He la the brute man, with out gloss or refinement. "She's me gill an' I mear.a to have her," is his argument. It Is not fine sense' of chivalry (hat leads him to strike down At McGovern; it Is the brute Instinct of possession, the assertion of property rights, and it is this that leads him to pursue her to the very end, until that last tragic moment, when, humbled In spirit and contrite In heart, unable to aay goodbye to the' woman he loves, he stands before her and In broken words aaks her to meet him after the meeting Inside the barracks, and ahe rewards him by ask ing him to stay, for the want him to go home with her that night. It ta a fine portrayal Mr. Blinn glvea of th character In it moral progression and physical retro gression. The great good natured, bullying hulk of a man who killed another with blows from his fist, comes home from prison, broken In strength, full of bltt-.t resentment, and actuated by on desire to get hi "girl" and flee from the un friendly surroundings of his youth. And shu holds him her aad overcomes his brut nature and leave th (lnal Impression that he is about to enter on - a life of useful endeavor. The whole I finely don. -Another chapter' might be written oo th work of the others In the largo company. Hope Latham's Mrtle Odell. Mary Msdl son s ."Rallelujah Masale.-one hesitate' where to stop In naming the character that deserve Individual mention. And in realMm of an the surroundlnas Is such tha needs no commendation, it Is perfectl to the last shocking detail. In this at least the work of Mr. and Mrs. Flske hss been done with a fidelity that hss been if any thing too faithful. The diama Is lmpres sire, lut the Impression Is not pleasant. The Burwood was filled last nliit b such an audience as only assembles there when Mrs. Flske Is In town. It was a thoroughly satisfied andlence that paid to the star and her company th merited tribute of continued applause, and yet such expressions aa were heard after the fail of the last curtain were of a single ton. Folks would much rather have seen her In something a trifle less somber. No Building for Manual Training, Says Harding Board of Education is Sorry, but , Funds Will Not Stretch . . .. This Tear. Prof. John. E. Wlgman and his class of boys In the manual training department cf the high school were told by President Harding of th Board of Education last night that the entire board relinquished Its hpe of erecting this year a building for the department with reluctance, for It feels, that the manual training department la one of the most Important department? of the school. The condition pf the funds, however, prevents the erection of a sepa rate building this year. President Harding's remarks were called forth by the presentation to him by the class of a cane made In the department. The cane was presented by a committee composed of Herbert Ran, Harry Llnd berg. Emll Wlllrodt and Cherry Wood, with Herbert Ryan as spokesman. He told of the work done by the class, reminded the beard that Omnha secured first prlte at the St. Louis World's fair and expressed th bellefthat better work could be done had the department better facilities. A committee from' the suburb north and east of the Deaf and Dumb Institute ap peared before the board tnH asked that some arrangement be made whereby their children could have schooling. The com mit -e reported that there are over 100 children under 10 years of age In that community who are refused admittance at both the Monmf'uth Park and the bllfton Hill schools on account of Jurisdiction. The complaint was referred to a commute. Cenf.ua enumerators for the various school districts wer apjiolnted as follows: Ban croft, C. W. Cain; Beats, Mrs. J. E. Angl Cass. K. H. Willis; Castellar, Mrs. A Roseswctg; Central, Florence Mead; Cen tral Park, Gertrude Innes; Clifton Hill, Verna Kretschman; Columbian, Mrs. J. K. Hasxard; Comenlus, Julius Jankowsky Druid Hill, Delia Leeper; Dupont, Emma J. Clark; Farnm, Efther Devalorn Forest William Lyons; Franklin, Mrs. C. Chris- tlarson; Kellom, Mabel C. -Solomon; Lake, Ella McCutlough; Leavenworth, Eleanor Michael;. Lincoln, Mary K. Carroll; Long, Jestle C. Christie'; Lothrop, Carolyn Reed Brooks; Mason, ; Monmouth Park, Beulah Hunter; Omaha View, Mary 8plll ett; Pacific, Edith Lake; Park, Cecil Stemm; Saratoga, J. Irene Mills; Saunders, Rose Robinson; Sherman, Nellie P. Wolf; Train, A. F. Ross; VlntfTn, Effla J, Fergu son; Walnut . Hill. Minnie G-t Kendrlck; Webster, Gertrude M. Ellsworth; Windsor, Mrs. FrerT Nestlebush. . Hoarseness, bronchitis and other throat troubles are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, as U soothes and heals th in flamed throat and bronchial tubes and tha most obstinate cough disappear. In sist upon having the genuine ' Foley's Honey and Tar. For sale by all druggists. MAY SALE I'SDKHJirSHSS. Great Event at Brnndels Store Be gins Saturday. We announce the most remarkable sale of muslin underwear ever held In the west. This Is pur annual May sale, for which we have been actively preparing ior monms. The great window displays are now attract ing large crowd of women at all hours of the' day. Not only are the goods of finer quality, and in greater varletlea, but the bargains are. also greater than ever befoie. The finest gowns, chemises, corset covers and skirts will be priced lower than such exceHent goods were ever offered before. Watch for later announcements. BRANDEIS STORES. Nothing can take the place of Gold Dust There's no room about the house more inviting than a snow-white bath room. The tub, the bowl, the wash basin, the metal pipes, fixtures and taps, the tiling and woodwork all need the cleansing, brightening influence of Qold Dust N A heaping tablespoon ful of Gold Dust to a pail of water is all that is. re quired. Gold Dust is the greatest of all sanitary cleansers. It searches out every impurity kills every germ. r ,f lfD Weaat and nerveue aaes IU UR who find their power U jFRIPC work and youthful vtgot a" J gone aa a result of ever, work or mental exertion should tea OKAY'S NEHVK FOuU FILLS. They will make you eat and sleep and be a uaa 1 Boat S boxes 2 M fey saaU. XXMMAjr ft ateCOBT KIJ, OO, . Oar. ltb aad Dodge Street. . - OWt Dtoa COkfWAsIT, C(. Hi aad stausey Ota. Oataaa. Spring Oxfords Consequently we assert that these Oxfords. cannot and. will not be classed wlih any ever offered under $S.R0. " ' " ', The choice of leathera embraces Patents, Gun Metal. Vtcr Kld atfd Tan,' in lace or blucher styles and aliiize. ...V Ask for tha "Nebraska "Special" at ' "na movun or atias Kisrt" - $50 Porcelain Lined Bohn-Syphon Refrigerator Given Away At 4:00 p. m. SATURDAY,? MAY M Mr. W. B. Bohn, Representative for the Celebrated BOHN-SYPHON REFRIGERATORS ' ."" - 11 -a Miller, Stewart & Beaton 413.1517 A SUMMER TRIP ' TO THE ALASKA-YUKOII-PACIFIC EXPOSITION Via UNION PACIFIC Offers an Excellent Opportunity to See the West While Enjoying QirPTV JEleclric Block Signal OHrLI 1 1 Protection. ' ' . - t ., . . .. i' QCQlIPC Dining Car Meals and Service OCnVIUC("Best in the World." CDCCtl S Maximum speed consistent with OrttU.,ij Safety. ..... A combination that commands the attention of ih thoughtful traveler. For1 full information regarding rates or routes, call on or address, .. .. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam St..' Omaha,' m. Phoues Eell Doug. 1828 and lad. A-3231. Our product and reputation are the best advertisement we can offer A. L Reat. Ia ltlO-1211 Haws! St.. Ossaka 11 1D"1 1PF U . sa.V, i U . U ' JJ V- I "I Rupture or men, women and-children can b cured In a few days wlinuui a ur.cl operation, loss of time or psln. Th cost 1 governed by the sis of th ruptured open ing to be closed. Tlie money may be Ofpuslted In some omalia Bank In the name of the patient or fuerdlan. not to be paHd until the ture Is completed. Thousand of ruptured people hv accepted thene term during th past is years and all sre com pletely satisfied. Write or vU for further Information. &JL faVa.aX X. WeVAY. soa ailAia. Oaaaha. For Men and Women In rainy weather, dry " rather, hot weather or most any wpathr, you'll find that our 12. SO Oxfords afford that com llete satisfaction which only results from stylish, perfect-fitting and servkeable foot-s wear. ,- . - Yc have devotd extra effort toward-' securing the very beBt Oxfords evec shown at that price and feel certain that every possible requirement has been fully met. r ". . . I . S3 wiil give a practical demonstration-of their Refrigera tors at our store pn May 20th, 21st and 22d. . All are invited to' attend. At 4 P. M,' Saturday, May 22d there will be one porce-" lain lined Bohn Syphon Re frigerator given' away entire ly free of charge to some per son who has attended this de" monftt ratioi .'duxin-g, "., & three daysof progress. ; S. 16th Street.