Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Bell Don. IltBOTI riOlEI
1 ,1 ' H 1
-Daily Visits
To this stors would meai a graatVaTing to yoa wham ready to bay.,
Many tf otjr baa bargains are not a4Tertlsi .In the) paper- Coma
Wednesday sad 1st na demonstrate It to yoa.
".. ' ,W, omen's Union 8aits, 50c Each.
Whjta lisle, low nex-.k, alere1aa and knae length, nock and shoul
der hart fioa arochai and tapa finish. Suita ara made with wide knee
and lace trimmed. Tbla la a big ralua at 60c All stsea.
Children's Rompers and Jackets
'' y hire a few odd sis in chlldren'a bine and white check wash
rompers. St sea and 4 only, regular 60c quality, pectal price Wed
nesday,.? fc each.
Children's blue chambray gingham Rompers, well made, all sizes,
1 to 6 years, special Talnes at 35c and 60c each.
Children's spring Jackets, sizes 1 to 6 .years, golf, red and other;
-colors specially priced for Wednesday's selling.
For June Brides and
' Thompson, Balden A Co. are Jteadauartera for the most exquisite
and complete line of white goods, laces, embroideries and trimmings.
Laces ranging In prices from 6e to ft 6. 00 per yard. Real Lace Yokes
and, Berthas. . Bugle and pearl Trimmings in bands, allovers, fringes
and omamenta. '
Citbroldeny financings, Insertions and galloons to
i ' f-r.-rr--- "
ntng at . M.- 'Pw', iHf: Judge Boyd Is
here upon.'ls,l -Inw'IneW before the Interior
aVpartrnint Slid titteeiVVM "remain during
(he remainder ef tns Wi
t "f i,. a. .i -
fep6rted Better
Wife.. o President. Suffers Nervous
Breakdown, bat Passes Good
..... ... Nig-ht. .1
WASHINOTOK. May U.-Mrs. Taft, who
suffered ,a nervous breakdown yesterday,
' was much Improved today. After the call
of Dr. Ielaney, the attending physician, at
the Whlta House this morning It was an
. pounced;. lUiSl th president's wife had
rested somfortsbly and was much better.
'Although' Mrs. Taft was much Improved
today, It waa' said ' at the White House
that she would not' undertake 'to go to
Petersburg and Charlotte with President
Taft tomorrow morning. . Charlie Taft, the
i"1 youngest' son of the president, whose ton
' alls-wer' removed yesterday, has returned
to the White House from the hospital and
' )m getting along nicely:
' 'President Taft will make an address be
fore the faculty and pupils of Hampton In
stitute, an Institution tor negroes and In
'dlans, at Hampton, Va., neat Sunday. The
president, accompanied by Mrs. Taft, will
Washlsgtbit Saturday ' afternoon, on
the Tacht Ixilphln. arid reach Hampton
.-. .Sunday. morning. r.Th party will sail from
there Sunday afternoon and get back to
Washington Monday morning.
(Continued from First rags )
mtnta allesed made to him by Keenan.
These, ,hs -declared,, were three in number,
two of $10 and one of $
vTble last payment, he asserted, .was given
turn Monday morning of laat week In tiia
offlcr of the clerk of the district court.
He was sitting at the time at one end of
a bench which hae Its back to the north
Wall" of" the'' room and" Henry Murphy at
the other end.
Barrett on receiving the money gave It
to Murphy "to carry for him," he aaid.
Barrett's cross-examination waa con
ducted by' A. W. Jefferls, who, with J. J.
VTConn(lf.,: Vtnan bondsman, appeared
for him", - ., ?
, Jl.e creM'txamlnatlon developed the con
nection of Henry Murphy with Bartett as
tending to show that Keenan approached
Barrett in the way of his regular warrant
buying iibastnese. Questions and answers
wrnt. t Slw that. Murphy had advised
Uarrettvlhal he might be approached by
Kreran with a view to Influencing his ver
dict. "When. did you flrat talk with Murphy?"
. "", .
''In ilia office."
"Did he tell you about the suit of Ander
son sgMn't the lallway oompany?"
;He aaid he got a dirty deal."
"Pid he tell you the case waa coming on
.again?" , i .
, ' He said H might be up later." .
. With, regard to being Influenced Barrett
aald that Murphy told hlra 'These fellows
weuki approach me." v
'IMd hw say whom?'
v; 'Al Keeran. He said If he did to
let him know."
Another affedavlt has been filed by At
torney Brome In the Stewart case. It is by
J. V. Van' Cleve. the other Juror, and It la
slrc.fl .r to Barrett's affidavit, except n
the last paragraph, which reads that when
Keenan 'had given Barrett and Van Cleve
$10 each he said': "This ia on that aae."
Rartkaaaka Shocks of Vansaal Vle
leaee Are ladieatee at
', HEIDELBERG. May ls.-An earthquake
was recorded here, on the local Instrument
at t W ,0 clock this morning. The shocks
'were ot uhasual- violence, and apparently
St S distance ofVW miles. Minor shock
'continued" until nearly '11 o'clock.
" 1 r
laBlara4loai. C'oaemlMlooer Jfaaod.
. WASHINGTON, May ll-Wllllam Wil
liams c "New York waa today aelected to
succeed Rrfoerf Watrhorn aa commissioner
oi Immigration at. New York.-
Stomach Trouble.
Your tongue U coated.
Your breath U fouL
Headache come and go.
These symptom ahow that
- four stomach ia Ihe broubla. To
rtmsrs tK cau U th first Uiinf,
and Chatthcrlain'a Stomach and
lives' Tablets wi3 do that Easy
to4akeaad tnoai eiectivev -
(10 Lt DlfTt-Int. A-1HI
ill i
Graduation Gowns
Stoessel Out,
Health is Bad
Russian General Imprisoned for Sur
rendering: Fort Arthur Released
by Order of Emperor.
BT. PETERflBCRQ. May 18. Lieutenant
General Anatol M. Stoeasel and Rear Ad
miral Nebegatoff have been released from
confinement In the fortress of St. Peter
and 6t Paul by order of Emperor Nicholas.
The health of both men has been gravely
affected by their confinement.
General Stoessel was found guilty by
court-martial of surrendering the fortress
of Port Arthur to. the Japanese and was
serving a sentence of ten years' .Imprison
ment. General Nebegatoff was sentenced
to be Interned in a fortress for the same
length of time for surrendering to the
enemy at the battle of the Sea of Japan.
Stoessel began his sentenoe March 20, 190D.
while Nebegatoff took up his quarters in
the fortress April IS, 1907.
Rear Adlmrel Oregorieff end Lieutenant
Bmyrnoff, subordinate officers under Nebe
gatoff In the Russo-Japanese war, were
pardoned and released from the fortress of
St.. Peter and St Paul a month ago. These
officers had been sentenced to death for
having surrendered their commands, but In
view of extenustlng circumstances then
sentences were commuted. ' 11
L Trains Crash,
Several Are Hurt
Collision in Chicago Supposed to Be
Due to Failure of Airbrakes
to Work.
CHICAGO, May 18.-Several peraona were
Injured, one seriously, in a collision be
tween two south-bound trains on ' the
Northwestern Elevated road . today.. Wil
liam O. Schroeder, eaahler for the Con
tinental National bank, waa the moat se
riously Injured, both legs being- broken.
One of the cars of the rear train left the
rails, but remained on the structure. The
collision la supposed to have been caused
by the failure of an airbrake to work.
CooTleted raptaiw Is'Takea to Prlaoa
to Begla Servlagr Loag
NEW YORK. May ll-CaptaJn Peter C.
Halna, jr., who was sentenced yesterday
on conviction of manslaughter for killing
of William Ev Annis, left the Queens county
jail today for Sing glng prison to begin
serving bis tana of from sight to sixteen
Eugene N. L. Toung, one of Captain
Ha Ins' attorneys aald no application would
be made for a certificate of reasonable
doubt, but that an appeal In the captain's
behalf would be taken to the higher courts
la the regular way.
Captain Halna left the jail tn custody of
a keeper. His bearing was not materially
changed from his first appearance in the
court room. He walked beside the keeper
In a dased manner and showed no evidence
Of emotion. On the way to the Grand Cen
tral station he neither recognised nor spoke
to anyone. None of his relatives waa at the
8S1NINO, N. T., May 1 1 -Cap tain
Peter C. Halns Jr., Is now a prisoner, No.
MOS, In Sing Sing. Arriving at the Osslnlng
railroad station unexpectedly he waa
spared the gase of the curious. Although
he manifested Interest In the prlaSn build
ings aa ha walked from the railroad station
to the gate he preserved absolute alienee.
He waa equipped with a suit of prison
clothing, shaved and later sent to his celL
Tomorrow he will be assigned work.
Prealdeat Makes Wllltasa S. Waah.
hara Civil Servlee Coaaaataeioaer
1 to rill Vsrsatr,
WASHINGTON. May !A President Taft
today announced the nomination of Wil
liam 8. Washburn, as elvll v service com
missioner, vice James T. Williams, ( re
signed. He was for. ; years a civil service
commission employe here and served as civil
service commissioner In the Philippines
under Mr. aTaft. Today's nomination is
based on his Philippine records.
President Tart also sent, to, the 'senate
the nomination of Walter E. Clark, a
Washington newspaper maa ' fttached te
the New York gun bureau, sa governor of
Alaska to succeed Governor Hongatt, re
signed. Mr. Clark also has for years been
the Washington correspondent for the
Seattle Poat-Intelllgencer. and ia unususlly
well Informed on Alaakan affairs. ' The
president also sent the following nomina
tions to the senate:
Collector af customs for. Mnntana and
Idaho, John O. fair of Montana; receiver
of putlic moneys at Woodward, Okl..
Charles Ci Hoag of Oklahoma.
Return Compliment Iowa State Col
lege Has, Done for Corn Show.
Prise Horses aad Cattle Led Oat for
Inspection F.lahteen Towas
Visited Darin the Day
AMES, la.. May 18. (Special Telegram.)
Both the Iowa State college and the
Omaha business men "showed off" here
Tuesday afternoon when the trade excur
sionists visited the Agricultural college
and witnessed a live stock and .cadet
batalllon parade, headed by two banda.
The train arrived at the college at 11:30
and stopped three miles out of Ames. All
the business men marched up to the col
lege headed by their own band. On the
campus they watched the parade, headed
by the college band and the band from
Before the Omahans marched the stu
dents, followed by a long line of rlse ani
mals from the department of animal hus
bandry. Among these, animals were the
animals used by the United States govern
ment In Its experiments in cattle and horse
breeding. The horses made up a long line
and were cheered by the vlsltore aa they
went by, doing everything from two-stepa
to cake walks to the music of the two
bands. '
"Tho moving pictures which the Omahans
promised to take of the paraade were a
success, according to T. B. F. Martin, the
operator, as the weather has been Ideal.
Around the campus the moving picture
machine caught the parade and the trip
about the buildings..
Chase Makes Addreea.
After the parade the entire party as
sembled before the Central building, where
President. Storms introduced Clement
Chase, editor of the Western Banker, who
made a short address, assuring the col
lege authorities and students of the ap
preciation which Omaha felt Tor the work
done by the college In promoting the Na
tional Corn exposition. He was followed
by John Spyker of Omaha, who dwelt at
length on. the prosperity, history and fu
ture outlook of such magnificent states as
Iowa atid Nebraska.
' The ' visit at "the ' college completed, the
OmahanS were taken 'to Ames by electric
lnterurban, where they gave another pa
rade and spent one hour visiting the busi
ness men, leaving at 1:30. The party will
spend the night at Lake City.
Thla Is the route of the trade excursion
Arrive. Depart.
Jefferson "T. ... 7:00 a. m.
Grand Junction 7:20 a. m 8:00 a. m.
Beaver 8:10 a. m. 8:16 a. m.
Ogden 8:28 a. m. :JS a, m.
Bonne ., .. 9:32 a. m. 10:22 a. m.
Jordan ' 11:03 a. m. 11:08 a. m.
Ontario 11:17 a.m. 11:22 a. in.
Ames 11:32 a. m. 1:32 p. m.
Gilbert 1:4E p. m. 3:00 p. in.
Story City 2:12 p. m. 2:42 p. m.
Randall 2:49 p. m. 2 60 p. m.
Jewell Junction , 3:9 p. m. 3:39 p.m.
Stanhope - 3:64 p. m. 4:08 p. m.
Stratford 4:20 p. m. 4:40 p. m.
Dayton 4:59 p. m. t :2t p. m.
Harcourt 5 S4 p. ro. 5:49 p.m.
Gow rle 6:00 p. m. 25 p. m.
Farnhamvllla 8:38 n. m. 6:80 n. m.
Lohivllle 7:09 p. m. 7.34 p. m.
Lake City 7:49 p. m
More Balloon Men
for Fort Omaha
Three Army Lieutenants Start West
and Two More Will
.. .. Follow.
WASHINGTON. May 18.-Deta'led ac
count of the explosion which destroyed the
signal service bullooti No. 12 near Jackson,
Neb., on May 10, which necessitates the
placing of an order within a few days for
a new spherical balloon to replace No. 12,
was received today by Chief Signal
Officer Allen. The report was from
Captain C. De F. Chandler. He says he
believes the gas bag became charged with
statlo electricity when at a height of 3,000
feet, or that electricity, was acquired by
the friction of the air In making the rapid
descent and that when the bag came in
contact with the earth, a spark Ignited
the gas.
' Lieutenants Winter, Bamberger and
Dickenson will leave for Fort Omaha to
morrow, to be joined later by Lieutenants
I.ahm and Foulers for the experiments
Leroy Ware of Seymonr Is Paroled
aad Immediately Takea oa
New Charge.
DES MOINES, Ia.. May 18.-Leroy Wars
at Seymore, this state, convicted of fraud
ulent banking In' connection with the
Farmers and Drovers bank at Seymour,
of which ha was cashier, was re-arrested
today after having been paroled by the
state board and served eighteen months In
the state penitentiary. The parole was
granted on Saturday and kept secret until
today. Evidence was submitted to the
state board to show that Ware was made
a acapegoat for the failure of the bank to
the extent of 1360,000 and that he waa not
responsible for the heavy shortage. The
arrest was mads at Corydon.
Ware's re-arrest waa b8ed upon an un
tried count of the Indictment for making
false entries.
Kemper, Hemphill & MitKinghara.
All Kinds rt Plating.
Two Haadred Bakeries Closed.
NEW YORK, May 18. The hardships
which residents of the lower east side dis
trict have suffered because of a strike of
union bekers were increased today by the
cloaing of 300 bakeriea owned by members
af the Master Bakers' association.
Midwest Life Items
The man who Is juat going to take out
Insurance has good Intentions, but good
Intentions cannot be cashed after death
like an Insurance Policy. The Midwest Life
sells Life Insurance.
Often life agents ars confronted with the
argument that life companies make their
money out of lapses. There Is no company
of repute that doea not go to all reason
able lengths to prevent a Ispse. After the
Agent has done all he can to save the
business the horns office uses every means
In It porwer to get tho policyholder to
keep up hie Insurance. Even after the
policy has lapsed, effort Is made to restore
the business.
The lapses of The Midwest Life, have
been tmall compared with moat companlea
doing business in Nebraska
April was the best month The Midwest
Life has had thla year in vaIh. of
business. In premium receipts and In gain
tn lnaurance In farce. The Ofpany will
undoubtedly close the-year with 32.000.000 of
'business in force. If yeu ara Interested In
i selling Life Insurance write N. Z. gnell,
I President. Lincoln, for an agency,
Tunnel Over
Tennessee Pass
Breaks Away
Five Hundred Feet of Eio Grande
Track is Buried Under Mass'
'-of Dirt. '
DENVER... Colo., May 1.-Nearly 800 feet
of the famous tunnel'over Tennessee pass;
on the Denver A R'r Grande railway, lo
cated about five miles west of LeadvlUe.
caved In last night. There were no casual
ties. The cave-In occurred about l.ono feet from
the portal of the tunnel, probably at one of
three air shafts that lead up through the
tunnel roof, and was undoubtedly caused
by the melting of the unprecedented heavy
snows. Although heavily timbered
throughout, the tunnel la always carefully
watched and ' precautions have been
doubled during the last few weeks.
The discovery of the cave-m was mads
by i track walker. Believing that the vast
mass of dirt and rock had burled a train,
he hurried back to the flrat station and
gave warning. A train, bearing engineers
and officials of the road, was rushed to
the scene, but In the meantime the wires
had been at work and It was found that
there had been no loss of life or any one
At tha offtcea of the Denver A Rio
Grande railway It waa stated today that
the cave-In was probably less serious than
first reports had indicated. ' It Is confi
dently expected that traffic through the
tunnel will be restored within forty-eight
hours. . . - ,
(Continued from First Page.)
Oklahoma land fraud cases, to Senator
Curtis of Kansas, forwarded by tha latter
to the Department of Justice, Attorney
General Wlckershsm today decided to sus
pend further riroceedlngs in those cases
pending the receipt 'of' testimony in sup
port of charges alleging Improper conduct
on the art of tha government attorneys.
The attorney general also decided that It
would not' be for-the best Inlet-ante of tha
government to substitute other counsel for
those now conducting the casea
In commenting upon" the matter Mr.
Wlckersham stated that It was his firm
conviction that the government attorneys
were performing their duties faithfully
and efficiently and that at thio long range
he certainly would not Interfere with their
efforts. He recognised that the government
attorneys were conducting these casea
under adverse circumstances and no doubt
were doing their full duty and doing U
well and ahould be sustained.
Aap'a Telesjram to Cartla.
Mr. Asp's telegram to Senator Curtla
who In forwarding- It to- the department
stated that It was. his especial desire that
Mr. Gregg, who formerly resided In Kan
sas, should be afforded every opportunity
to explain his course before sny action waa
taken, makes charges against District At
torney Gregg, Mr., Rush, special prosecutor
of the government; and Mr. Mott, special
attorney for the Creek Indiana. The tele
gram Is aa follows: , '
"In the conspiracy cases I discussed wtlh
you, the grand jury, on Saturday,--after a
four days' session, refused to Indict Hutch
Ings snd Turner, which the district sttor
ney In open court claimed as the strongest
case. The district attorney moved the dis
charge of the Jury and the drawing of a
new Jury, aa he thought It usoless to pre
sent othpr cases to the same Jury. The
motion reflected on the honesty and In
tegrity of the Jury and also charged Im
proper Influence. The Judge held that the
charges of Improper Influence were too
Indefinite for consideration, but granted
the motion as a matter of right to the
government, regardless of the charge of
Improper conduct. All the Jurors present
today, nine In number have prepared for
submission to the court a report denying
the charges of the district attorney and in
convincing details charging Rush and
Gregg wtlh highly Improper conduct during
their, sessions and a request to file the
same will be made tomorrow when court
convenea. A new grand Jury '.onvenes to
morrow afternoon.
Says Proof Is Ready.
"We prepared with positive documentary
evidence showing various purposes on the
part of Rush, Gregg, and Mott, including
their determined effort to Involve parti
sanship In this investigation. These, pos
itive proofs, letters, affidavits and papers
In the defendant'a possession will clearly
show that Rush, Gregg and Mott ars im
proper persons to be entrusted to repre
sent the government in the sdmtnlstratlon
of justice in these cases. I mail, you by
first mall a copy of the motion of the
district attorney, a copy of the statement
of the grand Jurora a copy of the state
ment with exhibits which clearly disclose
Improper conduct of the government agents
and Mott, Gregg and Rush In thesa
We ars ready to verify everything In
theie papers and ask that proceedings be
stayed until we can present to the attor
ney general the proofs to verify our state
ments. Please see the president and at
torney general and ask a stay and wire
me at ths earliest moment possible.
"I personally feel tha if the attorney
general knew ths methods adopted by
publio prosecutors and the facta surround
ing the investigation he substitute some
reports of the government who would
conduct ths Investigation impartially and
fairly without personal malice or partuan
Korth western Appointments.
WASHINGTON. May 18.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Postmasters appointed: Nebraska,
Spragg, Rock county, George R. Sage, vice
G. Spragg, resigned; Spring Ranch. Clay
county, David M. Roush, vies J. D. Mor
house. resigned. Iowa. Mallard, Palo Alto
county. Irvln C. Sands, vice A. D. John
son, removed; Palmer. Pocahontas county,
Martin A. Hansen, vice R. 11. Bsrrey, re
signed; Charles H. James appointed
regular. J. O. Gust In. substitute, rural
carrier route 1 at Adair, Iowa.
Martin F. Anderaon of.Decorah. Iowa,
has been appointed fourth assistant exam
iner in ths patent office st 11,600.
Herbert T. McCaba of Dubuque, la.,
has been appointed copyist In the patent
Major Win. F. Blauvelt. paymaster, will
proceed to Omaha tor temporary duty- in
eharge of ths office of chief paymaster,
department of Missouri.
Daylight Seaedale Diecaaaesd.
WASHINGTON, May U-The cabinet to
day discussed ths proposition for more
it:Mst n th work day of government
departmenta but it was decided that So
executive sctlon should be taken. It will
be left to congress.
Kempei, Hemphill 4 Buckingham,
All. lOnds.of Plane .
fT,ilrLn-ri.n.nni'iin-ii - -- -- -- -- - - ' - - -
New Scare for
Timid Londoners
Members of Commons Say Germans
Have Store of Ammunition and
Soldieri in City.
LONDON, May 18. The "German scare"
grows apace, and no aooner la one wild
rumor at rest than another arises to try
the nerves of the English "people. Laat
week there was the story of a big German
liner filled with troops, which. It was
alleged, had entered the Humber, surveyed
the possibilities of making a landing, and
departed without being sighted by the
British warships with which the ' North
sea Is supposed to be closely dotted. -
Today Sir John Barlow, a liberal member
of the house of commons and a well known
merchant, started the country with the
sensational suggestion that . the Germans
have established a depot of arms, . con-
ta Inlng bO.Ouo Mauser rifles in the center
of London, together with 7,510.000 rounds of
ammunition for the use of 86,000 trained
German soldiers now employed in various
capacities In England aa an evidence that
Sir John attaches some credence ts this
remarkable story, he has notified War
Secretary Haldane of his intention to
question him concerning It In Parliament.
White Cloud in
Divorce Scandal
London Husband Says Indian Chief
Captured the Heart of
His Wife.
IONDON, May IS. A divorce was
granted in this city today in which White
Cloud, an American Indian, waa cited as
co-respondent. This Is the. first time an
American Indian has ao appeared In Eng
land and a big crowd flocked to the court
room In the hope of aeetng ths co-respondent,
but he did not put tn an appearance.
The ault waa brought by a Mr. Green,
who alleged that while White Cloud was
playing In this city wtth a wild west-show
he captivated the affectiona of Mrs. Green
and induced her to leave her husband.
The court found In favor of Mr. Green
and granted him a decree.
Mother Testifies ' She Received Let
ter Sarin Boa Was Killed for
Telling Secrets.
. HAMILTON, O., Msy 18. At ths inquest
today on. the death of Arthur Ketterllng,
the Cincinnati student at Miami University
N ormal school In Oxford. O., whose
mutilated body was found along ths rail
road tracks last Wednesday, ths boy's
mother testified that last Friday - she
received a letter signed "Black hand." and
"Your son tipped ths Black Hand off to
ths police and hs was a member. For that
ha lost his Ufa."
Nantlaattoas Coaflrroed.
WASHINGTON. Msy 18. In executive
session today the senatet confirmed the
nomination of Wm. M. Lannlng of - New
Jersey, to be United States circuit Judge in
the third circuit, in place of George M.
Dallas, who resigned.
The nominations of district Judges were
confirmed as follows:
William I. Grubb, district of Alabama,
John Rellstabb for the district of New
Jersey; Charles A. WlHard, for ths dlatrlct
of Minnesota and George Donworth for
the western district of Washington.
Ths nomination of Edward Cushman of
Washington to be United States .district
Judge for the third division of ths district
of Alaska and also the nominations of
Edward M. Doe snd Ernest W. Lewis to
b associate Justices of the supreme court
of Arisona also were confirmed as was
that of Lieutenant Commander Hutch J.
Cone to be chief of the bureau of st,eam
engineering to the navy department.
Jag, Ship ta Bearing Sea.
ST. PETERSBURG. May 18. A local
newspaper today publishes a dispatch from
Tokio, saying Japan hs decided to send
a warship to the Behring aea oa account
of the repealed aelzurea there of Japanese
vessels by American and Russian ships, i
Sale of Women's Suits
Season's Newest
son. I ne collection is one
of the largest we have ever shqwru j
No matter what you have in mind.i
you are sure to find it in this divers-!
ity of newest models, materials vand
Snits up to $25,
' Suits up to $35, on sale at SIS
Suits up to $40, on sale at $19.75
Suits up to $45, on sale at $22.50
In addition we have added to this
sale all our cloth dresses.
i - -
Fear: of Kidnapers
Unbalances Mind
Julius Seifert of Pleasanton Adjudged
Insane and is Sent to
. ' V .'. Lincoln. '
KEARNEY.- Neb., May 18.-(gpeclal.)
Julius Belted of Pleasanton was adjudged
Insane by the Insanity bosrd snd will be
taken to Lincoln immediately. Seifert ac
quired the dtlutiion someone was trying to
kidnap -his children. He would suddenly
start from the field snd run to the house
and find all his children to see If they were
all right.' If he, found them he would calm
down again. At one time lately he tried
to assault bis' wife-. wHh a .brickbat 'and
his -violence- began to show on him more
clearly, though at-most times hs was per
fectly, -rational. .
Iowa Woman
Cremates Self
Miss Sadler of Toledo Makes Her
Own Funeral Pyre with
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia, My 18.-A victim
of ill health for many years, Miss Maiy
Sadler, near Toledo, chose a sensational
method of suicide. - Making an excuse that
she was 'going to the homo of her brother.
Miss Sadlef lefuhome and went to a amall
ravine, where ahe raked together a pile of
leaves, saturated them and herself with
three - quarts of kerosene- and applied a
match. When found ' the woman's body
was burned to a crisp. -
Distance. Walkers
End Their Trip
Tecumseh Men: Cover Hundred and
Fifty Miles in Three and a .
Half Days.
GRAND "ISLAND", "Neb.. May 18 -tSpeclal
Ttlegram.)-J- B. Douglas and G. W. Haa
sett, who walked from Tecumseh to Grand
Island to attend the state "meeting of the
Building and Loan association, arrived here
today, covering the distance tt 160 miles In
three and a half days. They walked forty
two miles ' Saturday Snd forty-three yes
terday. Jcaasaa Heir ta Throne.
Jesssau, the lS-year-old grandson of King
Meneltk, was today publicly proclaimed
heir to ths Ahysalnlan throne.
KOTBsonrrg or oobast TaAJcaxirs.
part, - Jirnv.a.
DEW YORg Sionl
NEW YORK.,.-.,
::tTwiii.::i . v.u.
a OTTER DAM -'' 21r"?f'n- .
HAVSt v Jff1.,
gREM EN rriD' OKr-
M O NTS e A L . . . - II ati A
PHlLAliEUTHlA HrtoiH, ,..
IXVVBR..: t.l .
pi.YMOi;TH.'.ft.K T. Wllh.lm...
The Laundry . wjth the
red -wagon has grown
every minute since It
was born.
GenUtmen by the thous.
and can tell you why.
It's letting a whole Jot, for your
money and getting It good, if you
order -PLATE
Styles at Hall Price '
E are offering bigger bar-i;
gains in Tailored Wool ;
Suits than were ever given ;
before so early in the sea-
ii . ..' k
- ;':. ;-i
on sale at SIO
Ye men who frequent those
places where your attire is on.
parade and under inspection.
Listen: Our earnest desire to be iden
tified as foremost in the pro
duction of distinctive . apparel
for men has proved' its gfncJertty "?
in our unremitting effort in
the maintenance of our fixed
standards in the originality of
our garment-fashioning.
Our designers and tailors
know by long experience that
nothing short of their very best
will satisfy us.
Possibly you had better ex
amine what we have to offer
before you order your Summery
suit. .
Two-Piece Suits to Measure,
Tailoring Co.
304-306 So. 16th St. Corner '
16th and Farnam St a.
Toothache Gum
8tOAS IBV ttrMna r..-
ther decay. Does not pielt lo the
mouth. Its whole strength is rctsiacd
sad goes right to the .pot.
TImts sxs imitation. In that yoa set
aMt. iMkatka tlu, .
At all Snitsms, it esnts, er by Ball.
Dent's Corn Gum
C. S. OtNT g CO., D.troll. Mich.
Phones: Doug. Hot: lad. A.-UVS
Mon., Tues.. Wed.. Msy 17-18-1K. Mat. Wed.
"A Dlvln Comsdvol IheSlums"
Harrison Prey Fisks presents
IVIrs. Flske
and the Manhattan Company in .
Salvation Nell"
Thursday, Frlduy Haturday, May 20, 21, 22,
ani Saturday Matinee.
Sara 8. and Lee Hhubert ( Inc ) Present
The Season's geasattoa. -
Seats Now Belling.
Week of May 21 (except 28) Flock fn'S.
Tuas. May 25. Mat., Night. lmai
MAY 16, 17, 18 "and 19
This Afurnoon. Tonight and All Weak
Matinee Thursday ana-Haturday
a X. M-J a mmtmvmr m.vm ml VOW.
jvexl weea -ia wuiaag WIDOW.11