12 THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAT 1000. WEDNESDAY'S SPECIAL BARGAIN BULLETIN MANY AT CKEICI1 FUNERAL Large Number of Citiieni Pay Trib ute to Veteran. GRAND ARMY LEADS IN SEEVICE President l.mwrle of Omikt Theo- loBlral Seminar? rreacheo Ber ninn at Horn and O. A. It. Holds (irmrr Berries, All th.it was mortal of the late Thomaa A. Creish whk lal'1 to rest In Forest Uwn remetery TumilMV. Tlit esteem tn which Mr. Crrtsh wm re XHr'lirt was mii!ilfsted In the large attend ance at the ftinernl services at his home, 112 North Ttilrly-HFoonrt avenue, at 11 a. m. Tuefdiy. which Inrlmled many of the beat known citizens of Omwha and Nebraska, Oraml Army mrn flsiired most conspicu ously In the ceremonies because of the rnmilnenre of Mr. Crelgh In Grand Army rlrrlea and tlie deep regard with which he ai hrld by his comrades .of the civil war. Of the sjxteen llvinpt tat department cummondprs of Nebraska, all were present but five. The devotional services were conducted by Rev. M. B. Jowrle, president of the Omaha Theological seminary. In the ab sencs of Rev. E. H. Jpnks. rstor of the First Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Crelgli has been for over thirty-five years a member." Rcprrsentatlves of the church, and xif the "Women's Relief Corps and ladles of the Orsnd Army of the Republic were present Inside the hnuee, while a host of Orand Army men from Grant, Crook, Custer and Phil Kearney posts, Grand Army, were grouped on the porch and lawn. The fin a of Grant post, draped, hung over I he balustrade of the porch and all of the Grand Army men wore memorial badges. Many Floral Tributes. Numerous floral tributes from the several organizations to which Mr. Crelgli be longed were In evidence. The active pallbearers were: Csptnln H. K. Palmer, George Thummel, Jonathan Edwards, C. K. Coutant and Ma.lor R.R Wilcox, Francis E. White. Honorary pallbearers: J. M . HxMrtgf, J. C. Wharton. Cnsner K. Yost, Frank. Crawford. C. F. Harrison, George W. Wallace. An , tin casket was removed from the house the members of the Grand Army, Including the past department commanders, formed In line on each side of the walk and remained with uncovered heads aa the' casket whs borne to the hearse. The funeral cortege wae very long, leav Ing the home at 12 o'clock for Forest Lawn cemetery. The services at the grave were conducted In accordance . with the ritual of the Grnd Army, under the direct aus pices of Grant Post, of which Mr. Crelgh whs a piiKt commander. Many weK. nervous women have been restored to htalth by Foley's Kidney Rem edy. 't.i It stimulates the kidneys so they will eliminate tne waste matter from the blood. Impurities depress the nerves, caus ing nervous exhaustion and other ailment. Commence today and yau will soon be well. pleasant to take. For taw by all druggists. $1 and $1.25 UMBRELLAS at 49c Asks for Term in Penitentiary "Sport" Hendricks Returns from . Jaunt on Employer'. Money and Confesses. Leaving Omaha last February with $17 iit'longlni to hia employers, the taslie Commission company, going to southern i nllf .ii r.iti and later returning to this city I y "bun ming " his way and walking part of tlio instance and then being arrested as nn embezzler us soon as he reached CmiiliH. Clifford R. Hendricks, alias "S"irt" Hendricks, the police say, has con fcssnl . to the charge and Is asking for a shoit pcnitcntlury sentence because "It will d him good," The man was placed under arrest early Tu sday morning by Detectives Ferris and Punt:. Ho gives his Omaha address as 629 South Klglitetnth street. The commission .company fur which he worked, and whoso money he Is said to have embezzled, Is lo cated at , 1iJ1 Howard street. A check given him to be cashed furnished the mom y he Is supposed to have taken. Ilcndtlcks was artalfied In police court 8noii al.iv being arrested. The charge in the lomplaint was embezzlement and the (as v. in sit ftir Thurslay'mornUig.' when It w.ll br luurd by Judge Crawford. A Frlvhtful K.s perlenee of bi)lout-msr malaria and constipation Is quickly overcome by taking Dr. King's New Life Pills. 12c. For rale by Beaton Plug Co. OVERLAND TO LEAVENWORTH Company II. Klanal Corps. I'nder Cap tain Ouray. Makes the Trip on Horseback. Company D, Vnlteo Btates signsl corps fmm Omaha, under command of Captain W. II. Ouray, left that poet Tuesday morn ing on an overland march to Fort Leav enworth. The command, consisting of bk'venty-three men, has with it a full sig nal corps equipment for field service. The company expects tu reach Fort Leaven worth by June 1 and will march on Its return to Fort Omaha In time to reach here by July 1. jMpW GET I lt OordTime u Here. 2 Th Men's Russet Calf Oxford, sbown abor, is made with stylish sarf ora tions and oblong oyolata. A most pleasing shoe for summer wear. Tho leather Is that rich tan, made possible by tho special Cotxian Hannag a.' Ask your dealer for rio. 7819. EIL. c ootzian ea ST. PAUL, U. S. A. Hie Shoe FITS UKE YOUR FOOTPRINT 1 :-lr2rK ik. iuai .t -,-' WmmmM. "VI " ' tiv .V k , 4 Xui. xfc r . 1 Hundreds of American Taffeta Rainroof Umbrellas in 'women '8 and men's sizes natural box wood handles, fir, wetsel and fancy handles all fitted with paragon frames. " . These Umbrellas are Worth I (Hc up to $1.25 Wednesday . . . ,l 10c LACES at 2c Yard The Display in the Window Attracted Great Attention Fine French and Gerlnan Val'. Laces and Insertions fine Plat Val. and Point de Paris; also pure linen Torchon Laces in various kinds and widths sL 'Vv ' many to match worth up to -1 SY 10c yard extra special, li I yard... 1 25c WASH FABRICS at 5c Yard 0i Sale m Our Basement White and colored Mercerized Poplins, Srtisettes, Pon gees, etc. They are mill lengths, but very fine grade, for waists and children's wear many pieces to match an unusual bar gain at, yard 5c Wednesday. Our Notion Day Notion Day at Bennett'a Is always fraught with rare conomles not only these special Items that get the place of honor on the tables In the main aisle, but scattered throughout the whol notion stock are innumerable offerings all less than like goods are sold for In any other store anywhere. WALL PAPER SALE . Wednesday we are placing on sale remnant lots of paper left from our big two carload purchase. Beautiful Gilt Papers, the kind that others ask 15c and 18c roll 25,000 rolls of odd celling paper, In dark and light colors, with borders to match, good for walls and ceilings Wednes day, per roll 2,000 rolls in full combination, suitable for any room, in all col ors and designs Wednes day per roll lie 4ic -Wednesday, iper roll. lit Special two-tones, all new spring stock, worth up to 30c per roll Wednesday, per roll 12ic 1 BRANDEIS STORES 1 I BAILEY (EL MACff DENTISTS. Beet equipped Dental office Id the middle wst "WLfr"50 tnt?try at Reasonable Prices" Per. oeiain iiuings, jusx use me tooth. All Instrument carefully sterilised after each patient i THIRD FLOOR. PAXTON BLOCK Ooaar letli ad Fanuua BtM. Thompson Shy of Triumvirates on Principle "Little Giant" Pleads Not Guilty to Being in Three-Cornered Toga Deal. V,'. H. Thompson of Orand Island, the "Little Giant" of Nebraska democracy. Is In Omaha on business before the federal courts. "I must plead absolute Innocence of any Intentional connection with the alleged Nebraska democratic triumvirate as promulgated ' by some of the eastern papers," said Mr. Thompson. "I had not thought recently of becoming- Vnlted States senator. I have Just returned from the east and have not been In active touch with political affairs. "Then, again, I am a tittle Inclined to fight shy of triumvirates. You will re member a good many years ago John Sher man, Charley Foster and James A. Gar field of Ohio went Into the I triumvirate business and It did nut pun out Just as had been planned. The cards got mixed, so to spesk. Sherman lost the presidency, Foster the senatorshlp and Garfield the governorship. In the wind-up Garfield be came president, Sherman senator and Fos ter governor. Hence I do not know Just where I would land In a Shallenberger- Bryan-Thompson triumvir, and the prob lem Is too deep to think about and Is too far away to worry about It now." LEAGUE OF HOME MAKERS Kit teenth Annual Meetlag of Build in Association I.eaarne at Grand Island. The eighteenth annual meeting of thu Nebraska State League of Local Loan and Uulldlng associations wlft be held at Grand Island Thursday afternoon and evening, May W A varied program of papers have been prepared and several addresses will be delivered of interest to the active pro moters of home ownership. Jn the call for the meeetlng Rimer K. Bryson of Omaha, secretary of the league, reports considerable growth In the buslnes of associations of the state, but notes the fact that the growth Is not as substantial as It should be and does not equal the percei t.-s '. n.n i i f. other savings In stitutions tf the stale. Greater enterprise and more energy Is -needed on the part of association managers to keep up with the procession, and one of the means to that end la o get together at Grand Island and by united action make things move. Papers will be read by W. M. Cornelius of Columbus, Q. F, GUmore of Omaha, E. Boyse, secretsry of the State Banking board; Charles U. Ryan of Grand Island. J. O. Rohrer - of Hastings, T. C. Patterson of Nrtli Platte. H. A. Graff of Seward and Trenmore Cones of C. W. Brtnlnger of Grand Island Is presi dent of the league, George T. Gilmore vice president and Elmer E. Bryson secretary-treasurer. n Man nr H'fiMQ n'. AV'o rA rnho JN I will be complete this Summer, without a pair of Low Cut Shoes. With our Low Cut Footwear. there's no slipping or gaping, for the Shoes are shaped correctly. Sl'PKKlOlt MOIIKLN Our Oxfords were chosen from among the best Maker's best. Our men's $3.50, $1.00 or $.Y0 Ox fords and our Women's $3.oo, $3.50 or $4.00 Oxfords cannot be duplicated for these prices, elsewhere. But do not Judge of our Shoe values by our prices, for all Shoe prices sound alike. Look at our Oxfords and then Judge. FRY SHOE CO., "T H K HHOER 8" 10th and Douglas 8ts. 3. SO Special Our customers remark, "Why I have paid $5.00 for glasses not so good as these you are selling for $3.50." We aim to please. Globe Optical Co. 818 Bo. 16th St. Hsst Door to Peoples Store. Quick Action for (our Money Tou get that by using The Bee advertising columns "THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESORT" HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nstlon and 6tate. Best Climate and Medicinal Springs la America. First Class Hotels, Hospi tals and Bath Houses. Write to Secretary Commercial Clue, Hot springs. So. Dak. Kenl HalrSwlK he 18-inch, reg ular price $1, Wednesday, GO Real Hnlr Switches 18-lnch, natural wavy, $2.00 kind, Wednesday $1.25 Hose StipKHers Women's ' and Children's, all colors and sires, fr 10 Stay Tape assorted widths, 25c packages for 10 I)res Shields Featherweight, special, jalr 10 Shopping TtMgs Shoe string wove, special at 10 Skirt Brnld Black mercerized, 5 yard balls, regular 10c kind, for 5 Sewing Silk 100 yard spools, all colors and black, 2 spools for 5 Wire Hair Pins Assorted sizes, special Wednesday, 2 boxes 5 Razor Steel Shears All sizes, worth to 60c, Wednesday' 15 An Important Wednesday Event Dressing Sacques and Kimonos One of the most noted New York Manufacturers a concern famous for Its many origlnar and novel designs Antonius Arlda 29 West 17 th St., N. Y. has given Bennett's the ex clusive control of his line in Omaha. Most of these gar ments are fol-elen inspira tions and totally different from the usual styles shown. We have bought heavily and secured price advantages that are plainly distin guishable in these offerings. Special Displays and Sale Wednesday LAWN SACQUES I LONG KIMONOS LlKht and dark colors, sacques with blt. round collar with ruffle, but tonhole stitch edges, white, black and navy grounds at 69o lawn Saoques Htfht colors, stripes and figures with belt, self strap or lace trimming, at 89o White Liwn Saoques, with fancy blue, pink and lavender border trimming; also all white and floral lawns, nt. each 91.00 Ziawn Saoques, lli;ht colors with Dutch neikB, half length kimono sleeves and three-quarter sleeves, with tight or bell cuff, at ....$1.83 Short Silk Kimonos, plain red and blue Jap silk, trimmed In contrast ing colors, In oriental designs, val ues $3.96, one to a customer onlv, at, each $1.00 Xionr Liwn Kimonos of light figured lawn, plain hand trimming front col lar and cuffs, rare value, at, 91.00 Ziong Kimonos, of lawn and challle, 3 styles, floral and Grecian border and combination band trimming, at, each .. .81.85 Liwn Klinonos, several styles ' with lace, or plain band trimming. Three quarter or full length sleeves, $3.75, $.1.00, $2.50 and ............. .91.78 Crepe Kimonos, full length, plain red, blue, pink, lavender and gray, with border trimming, at . . '. 91.88 Plain and fanoy Orepa Klmoaos, with satin hand borders, at, each ..88.83 Kovelty Crepe Kimonos, in new orien tal effects, manv new. features In cut and design, $4.95. $4', $3.60. 93-78 Ziong 811k Kimonos new Empire and shirred back, choicest patterns. Jao and floral designs, $12, $10 and 80.60 Corsets for Summer These -ffrBt varm days of approaching summer remind us of the necessary change to the light weight, cool, comfortable batiste corsets, with the non-rustable boning. We have arranged two attractive specials for Wednesday, one 'model with medium bust and hip fitted with two f AA pairs supporters, at vp lav 9 Another model, and very new, has extreme high bust and extra long hip, with sup porters and embroidery trim- tf CA miug, at t)ljU Dainty bust ruffles in variety of styles, at, 25c to 98c Wednesday for Candies We offer two fine specials in Balduff Candy Co.'s daintiest confections. In Basement Candy Section. lUIiDlFK'S OPKKA CREAM CARAMELS A delicious morsel that always sells at 40c pound special. . , 20c In Our Balcony Candy Section. BALIH'FF'S MAPLE GEMS Highest 40c quality order or take a pound home with A ybu ZUC Screen Doors A special lot at a special low prioe while thej Ustt noor size 7-feet by 2 feet 8-ln., choice, at 85c TAKCT XiBD WOOD (OSEEg DOORS Any size Wednesday only $1.39 ADJUSTABLE SCREEN r RAMUS 15c . .-it LAWK MOWERS, 9'4-inclv wheHs guaranteed, Wednesday, at 8 8-SO Ball bearing Mowers, at 93.50 tUrass Catchers Free.) Special Announcement Couch Covers 48 c Worth $1.75. 11.50 and $1.00. from our big purchase, sample strips Draperies and Tapestries. Brocaded Tapestries t'p to 3 yards long, worth $1.50 a yard, at per piece 95 Bordered, Fringed Portieres and Figured Tapestries, up to 3tt yard pieces, very rich effects, per Pec 81.45 Sample Portlere--Rich qualities and effects, values to $11.00 pair, choice, each. $1.08 Short Lengths Rep Tapestry, all colors for pillow -tops 5 25 Off Pastel "Firelight" Pictures .These are genuine hand paintings, original in design and artistically colored, representing Campfire and Moon light effects, something new and appealing to most refined tastes $2.50 to $15.00 ART DEPARTMENT, 21) FLOOR. Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, t lb. can for .. Bennett's Assorted Teas, per pound Upton s Tea. pound can Pie Preparation, for pies, assorted kinds, 3 TMamond C toap, 10 tars for Helns Small hweet 1'tckles, quart Heins Sour Mixed Pickles, quart Hiini Kwert Mixed 'Pickles, quart Mfdiurn Sour Plcklrs. quart Honheur Kardinra. large can .., "rWi P'i" Krult Jams. Jar Stollaerck's Premium Chocolate, H-lb. for Charm Table Syrup, bottle Rxt We Have. Pork and Boe-ns. large can Beauty Asparagus, per can Poppy Condens Milk, large can Eddy's Salad Mustard, for apltol Baking Powder, id Franco-American Soups, large can pkgs. 8 So ai 48o and 4So and Oo and 8 So and 8 So ,80o and . 8 So and ,SOo nd .ISo and . SOo and ,ese .83 and . 1 Soand .ISo and . SOo .10 and .10a and .84o and .96 and B0 green stamps 60 green stamps 20 green stamps 20 green stamps 10 green stamps 10 . green stamps 10 green stamps 1 1 green stamps 10 green ' stamps 10 , green stamps 19 'green stsmps 10 green stamps S green stamps 10 green stamps a . - . 20 green stamps we fill n r MAIL ORDERS FROM DAILY j ADS. U Ha ft BY PHONE !lll lit) BELL 2600, Hi 1 THE RELIAOLK STORE PP' A1131 Sin housing Suit Oep'm't. Bargains, $15.00 and $18.00 Tailor Suits, $6.95 Pana mas and fancy suitings, in newest styles and colorings, over 159 in this lot to select from regular $15 to $16 values, 100 Pretty Wash Suits All colors, splendid new styles, actual values to $10, Covert and Silk Braided 'Jackets Worth to $10, just 75 of them in the lot, ; CQ. QC to close, choice vUsuiJ 1 Silk and Net Waists Regular values up to $5, while they last Qjj French Voile Dress Skirts Trbimed with folds and hands values to A QR $10 at - .UJ SAVE 15 TO 25 PER CENT ON YOUR MILLINERY. MOST CLEVER STYLE CREATIONS. UNSURPASSED ASSORTMENTS. Extra Specials in High Grade Wash Gsods Egyptian Tissue, fin assortment 25 Alberta Satin, splendid assortment, t 21 Arnold's Printed Swisses, regular 26c, our price . , 18 French Batiste Side Bands. ... 12 H 69c Silk Organdies 3f) 60c Silk Organdies 21) Groat assortment of Dress Ginghams, per yard... T'12s to 25 Extra Specials for Wednesday From H to 8:15 A. M. Genuine Fruit of the Loom (10-yard limit) at. yard ; FYom 0 to 10 A. M. One case of 7V4c Apron Checks -(10-yard limit) ..4tt One case 4 2-inch Pillow Tubing, the ' 16c grade (S yard limit), yard. . 9 One case of 12 He White Goods.'. .5 One case of 12 V4c all Linen Toweling (6-yard limit) at, yard 7i From 2 to 2.80 P. M. One case of $1.26 Quilts, large, fine and heary, (4-qullt limit) at, each 7G One case of Damask Towels, worth 1 Do each (4-towel limit) at, each.H From 8 to 8:80 P. M. One case of 72x90 Dreamland Sheet, .worth 76c (4-sheet limit), each 50 One case of 8190 Sheets, worfh 86c (4 -sheet limit)1 at,. each . .... .59 One case of Hunter's ' Choice 36-tnch Muslin, worth 12 He (10-yard limit) at. yard t.....Qttt Try Hayden's Big Grocery Department First Xt will ssts you as to 60 per eont on your houssksspluff- szpsnsss. 20 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Suirnr for X.OO 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap... 8 Bo The best Cornmesl, per sack 10 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice. ". . . SSo 7 lbs. best Rolled Oatmeal 8 So Peanut Butter, per lb. 20c 1 lb. ran best brands Lye Sc. Rromsnaelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg 7 He 16-os. can evaporated Milk 7 Vic 8 os. can evaporated Milk 4c 1 lb. pkff. cold water Ntarch 3c The best domestic Macaroni, pks IVjc IS os. rsn I'U Lu Srourinar Snap 6C Oil or Mustsrd Sardines, per can 4c 3 In. cans first quality solid parked To matoes RMic S lb. cans first qusHty Sweet Sugar Corn at .......4...... 7Hc The best Tea Slftlnss, lb. ... lie The best Oolden, Santos Coffe. lb...- IBc The best Soda ,or Oyster Crackers,' per lb. c Choice No. 1 Dairy Butter, per lb 20c Fancy No. 1 Table Butter, per lb 23c Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb. 26c Vtvah VarstmMs a Z.SSS ThSB Wfcoltsal We save you ons-half on your housekeeping- expenses. VVe hsve the foods, quality and price. Fresh Spinach, per peck 7 Ho 2 bunchen fresh Aspsrsaus for he 4 bunchus fresh Radlshe c 5 bunches Onions on Fresh Peas, per quart Bo Beets, carrots or tilings, per bunch... 4o i lbs fresh Pleplsnt s Fancy rips Tomatoes, per lb 7 He Fancy Was or Green Beans, per lb. 10c Fancy fresh Cabbage, per lb So t heads fresh Leaf Lettuce for ...... oo Fresh Parsley, bunch 2'4o Fresh Cauliflower, lb oo This will probably ba tho last wssk for riasapplos. Put them up now. We have another car of eitra fancy fruit. Tomorrow, each.. THo, 8'4, loo, lHo Per dosen .......... 8So, tBo 91.10 (1.35 Mcnasy's prices on all g rorerles. Kutter, Cheese, Crackers. Tess and Coffees. " Mason Jars for your Plnsapples. Pint Jara with caps and covers, per do., at 35o Quart Jars, m'lth caps and covers, Pr dozen 6c OOH'T FORGBT TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO .5 r. -7 99 Not "Too Expensive Why do you not advertise to the Consumer through daily newspapers! ; v That question put to almost any manufacturer who has not tried it will. frequently be met with the statement that "it's too expensive." This idea is incorrec. I y VTiiy not try it! A campaign through newspapers, with all the auxiliary work planned for you by us, will sell more 'goods for general consumption than can possibly be sold in any other way. Tell us the places where you know 3our distrt '"' bution is complete and yet where the goods are' 'Kb t -Roving as they should. Try the effect of newspaper space in selling a particular article in any one city. If your goods are of general consumption and . you have never tried such a newspaper campaign, why not test it for results! a - Information and suggestions may be had from . .. - i '. " THE DAILY NEWSPAPER CLUB 80 J World Bulldlni.". New York City. t 7 t The Bbst Value Ever Ws will offfer for one' "weekflna Cut Glass .Berry Bowl, i-lneK. regular f SO for 14 0. Wa have only a limited number and advise you to make selection at cues. Mawhinrioy . Ryan Co., , 1IT kXU OOUaiaJI STKUTsV