10 TTTE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAT 19. 1909. ; i I Want Ads A lvHlf f for tk want ad Milan will e takes aatll IS tk tvrla edition ana aatll AiSO . a. for tka saoralac aad Bandar loaa. raah saaet iwaMir all treat ada aad aa advartlsesseot will ka accepted I aaa tkaa 20 eeats for -first lasrttasu Ha tea apply ta eltner Tka Dallr ar liifif Baa. aablaatlons af laltlala ar aaaikara ran at aa aaa word. Alwara casus mt wards ta llaa. CASH RATRI FOR WAST ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION-Oaa laaartloa 1 1-3 eeata aar word sad 1 i-eat per word tor aark sakscaoeat Insertion. Eaek Insertion aaada aa oaa aar, 1 1-8 eaata aa word f1.0O par llaa par aaontk. Waal aaa far Tka Baa mar ka left at aar af tka fallawtac dm sr stores aaa la roar "carver dm ee tat" 4 key ara all kraack affleaa for Tka Baa aaa: raar ad will ka Inserted Jaat aa promptly aaa aa tka a aaa ratea aa at tka aaala office la Tka Boa Ballolaa;, Scveataeata aa Fa aaa atraatai Albaeh, W. C. 4"th ana Famam, Beranek, 8. A. 140 8. lath 81 Beeht Pharmacy, 720 & lath St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 13d and Cuming. Iliske'a Pharmacy, 2826 Sherman Ava. Coughlln. C. R. 8th and Pteroe Sta. Clifton Hfll Pharmacy, mt Military Ava, Conta, J B., Slat Ava. and Farnam St. Crtssey Phermacy. I4th and Laka Sta. Cermak. Emu. lrt-s 8. 13th St. Ehlera, P. 1nu8 Leavenworth 81 Foatar A- Arnoldl, 218 N. 26th 8L Freytag. John J., 'J14 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drue Co., Florence, Neb. Goodman Pharmacy, 20th and Laka Sts. Greenoua-b, G. A. 1C24 8. lOtb St. Oreenough. G. A., 1S34 8. 10th fit. Hayden, William C, 2820 Farnam St. Hoist, John, 6J4 N. lath St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Lea van worth 6U Hsnscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 2Mb 8k Kln. R. 8., 228 Farnam Bu Kounti Place Pharmacy, 2001 N. $4th 81. Lnlhrop, Charles .. 1334 N. 24th Bt. Patrick Drue Co., 1603 N. 24th BU DKATH AND PCNERali NOTICES. FINNEY Eugene C, May 17. 1809. at 11:61 p. m., aged wl years, 1 month and 4 days. Funeral irom me family reaidence, 2lt) South Seventeenth street, Wednesday morning. May it), at 10 o'clock. Interment Bellevue. ZOTZMANN-Julia, beloved wife of Fred VV. Zotxmann.at her home, 24fl6 Leaven wort n street, Tuesday morning of pa ralysis. Besides her husband ane leaves two ons, Fred W., Jr., and August J., and one daughter, Mrs. C. C. Witt. Funeral from reaidence on Thursday at 3 p. m. Friends Invited. MARtUAU- LICENSES. The following marriage license have Dt-en granted: Name and rtesldenoe. Josepn croucn. omana va U. w'atxina, umana Arthur E. Tucker. Omaha... Nina Tearney, Umana Fred U. Nelson, Omaha lla burton, uttumwa, ia : Frank A. Ferster, Omaha Catnerlne Bock, Omana Nathaniel Barnes, Manning, la Hunts naaeldum, Manning, la Laurence E. Ford, Stanford ina w arner, omana Ferrnin Gabelle, Omaha Augustine Dcdonghe, Omaha Charles M. Freeman. Omaha Letta Meyers, Omsha Joseph DeWolf. Omaha Loloa Stroud, Omana Frank T. Snyder. Omaha Annie Smith, Omaha Age. ... t ... -a ... 28 ... Dv ... 24 ... 28 ... JO ... 48 ... 27 ... 28 ... 20 ... 34 ... 28 ... 24 ... 22 .... 21 ... 17 ... 32 ... 21 111HT11S AN D DEATH. Births Tuny Jackaou, 2919 Dupont, girl; Jj.u..iu tiviwiiauii. iui-uiiia ana On tario, alri, italic timrcw, iZli Dewey avenue, au l; .uorrld r unkel, 6 ooutn Thtrteentu, girt; ri beetem, i Mouth Fony-klAiii avenue, airi; a. n. Suiitii, MiA i-'atnam, gin, Uiruaeype Lurmela clrco, 810 doutn tuunu, a, uun Groueva, ' Val ley, girl; Geoige b. xJuncan, b ouiteenth ana capitoi avenue, gin, t.a ward Smith, ii.w bourn Tweniy-setentn, ooy, Harry uunther, Tliirty-iuurm and fori Omana avenue, boy; ir. ueon n. lluiwlta. tnm Norm . rwaiuy-iourtn, boy. Deaths Mis. Barbara Williams, Omaha General hoapltal, m, i nomas a. Crelga, 1U North Tlility-second avenue, 6h; W. H. Thomaa, JMHi Patrick avenue, M; Anton Novak, 1717 South First, 4V; Maud MacMll lan, HXi North Twenty-aUth, fi; Koland . Holland, 3331 Cuming, la. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6HOt.ll rapaliad right, called for and do livrd nee. Standard snoa Kapalr Co 1M4 Famaw Sl Tel. Douglas 7M7. v ll-8 OMAHA 8aie and Iron Works makes a . specialty of tire eacapaa, sbutura. door and aatca. G. Andrean, Prop,. 14 So. 10th. ll-io DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (1 6tt MONEY 1 LOAN LOW n lunii to 13. Did- ..v.. vvrAl , (D-264' UULSB ft R1EPEN. funeral directors sue. ct.jora to Harry B. Davis, 7u 6. lath 8U Uj SI RADIUM WATER. NATURE'S REMFJJY Try a gallon, 1. It Is wonderful. Nv wata Land aV Lot Co.. Suite, 124 N Y Hii BJd- O-1 i,D- Phone Red 19. Opan avanlnga. D M841 8IGN PAINTINO-8. H. Cola. la Douglas. U u OMAHA Tent Awnlt-g Co., 11 & Harnav BU. Tela U aal ami uo. A lUgaT ""rn,y 1 eUMay 2 L1BEKATI lJn,U"?L failoHng. "7 4U karbach Bik. Phone- IXug. 1144. A-te tlJ-M543 Jnei" Monumenta-J. E. Bloom Co., mil Farnam (D-M101 JuneU ' CANINE "nfSi fr dow Md . ... P' anlmala. If interaaiad call Prof. y. o Franklin. U16 Jone. 5?.. or l.une IlJ. A-2.V2. tW-MMl J nail CLOSING odd filters cheap, 1810 K- i ID-MSM JU t AREFl L attention during pregnancy and confinement. In private noma Mrs 8 C caraon. Ulu St. Mary' a Ave. D. 8142 r O) M864 Junel tmbrellas recovered and repaired; aupullea Western Umbrella Co.. 12 Farnam Red (D-MU2 JeU AUTOMOBILES RAMBLERS New, and S-cylindera. at aar cant dlacounc ittmbler Auto. Co." J4 Farnam Bt. STORAGE. centrally located. opnoelte library. 1S12 Haraey St.. Brisk P Kuna! ' 2)-Mlls SEND for eur list of second-hand cars DER1GHT A UTOMOB1LX CO? 114 Farnam Bt. (2-aa FOR SALE Franklin O. Runabout with Victoria top, apocial equipment, uajg ,m. provementa. Coat $2,060. Will take tl . X Address A. I. R.. 12U Howard St. Omaha. (2 mjw 1V1R BALE Fine electric an ti.mr.nii. ... meat new, bargain. 1. Xiegler, 'Phone uarney lau. (ZJ 77 M 1NTYRE WALLACE. Oakland autes: aleo slightly used cars. :'4th, near Farnam , ta-Mtl Jell PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO . store, auto. mobile repairing. 2311 Harney. Douglas is or a u. tji ii junclt WHEN VOU write to' advertleera. remem ber ii .i takas but aa eatra stroke or twa af .the pen ta mention the fact that you aaw the ad in Tba Bea. BARTER AND EXCHANGE HAVE choice land for mdse. ; reunt bear from owners direct. Address C 462, Bee. (8) M890 21 MdO-ACRB RANCH IN NEB ; larg- gravfts nd fruit tree, mnnlna watar; a ronv plete ranch. Want improved city prop erty. We have a number of clear farms In Neb. to trade for Omaha property. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., Suite M N. T. Llfa Pldg. Phone Red 1W9. OMAHA. NEB. (J) urn It HAVE some cash and western land. Want a home iu Omsha. Bargain. Address A 460, Bee. (I) MII7 21 IF YOU have a good home clear, I will trade you ray 160-acre farm In Ban ri ders county; well improved; equity $7,400. Address B 427, Bee. (I) M891 21 I WANT to exchsnge my 4 -room cot tage, equity $1,200, for CLEAR land valued at $1,200. Address B 461, Bee. (3) M888 21 TRADES and exchanges our specialty. H. R. Stringer, 686 Paxton Blk., Omaha. (81262 160-ACRE Improved farm, western Nebraska, for mdse. stock; equity $7,400. Address W 468, Bee. (I) MSIt 21 WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT TOU WANTT We hava farms, ranches, HOMES IN OMAHA. Wa will trade with you. Come In and sea us. Nowata Land and Lot Co.. euite Ot, N. T. Lite Bids, 'Phone Red i30. Omaha, Neb. Open evening. (3) M43S EXCHANGE 400 acres clear for merchan dlee. Joseph Blobodny, Greeley, Neb. (I) M126 17x BEMIS We handle exchanges for reliable partlaa no professional traders need list; quick action. BEMIS, BRANDEI8 BLDO. (8)-M2n I hava a new standard make piano that I will trade for horse and buggy. 3t-MlS8 1 BUSINESS CHANCES MAKE TOUR WANTS KNOWN. If you want to buy a farm, secure a home In a thriving and prosperous state, or desire a business location of any kind, or wish to obtain employment, the under signed can place your wants before t.Out people who wUl gladly aid you In every way In securing you what you want; na charges. Address W. C. Gllbreath. Com mlasloner of Agriculture and Labor, Bis marck. N. D. (4)-M4s7 M2 FOR SALE At once, an old established drug store, stock and fixtures. 16,000. Write for particulars. Address T 7, care Bee. (4)-M188 Six CONCESSIONS for sale at Courtland Beach. Liquor concession, dancing con cession, bathing concession, and other. Apply at Room 6, Continental Blk. 4)-M17 21 WANTED A partner to take half Interest In old established law, loan. Insurance and real estate business. A young man that can hustle. Must take financial in terest. G. N. Anderson, Spalding, Neb. (41-M192 22 FOR SALE Vp-to-date livery stock at a bargain if taken at once; good business and good reason for selling. Address owner, W. M. Wells, Carroll, la. (4 M119 llx 100 Profit Guaranteed If you have $100.00 or $10,000.00 to invest it will pay you to investigate this proposition. YOU WILL BE GUARANTEED UNCONDITIONALLY A PROFIT OF 10096. ON YOUR INVESTMENT IN THREE YEARS. This is a gilt edge, conservative, safe investment for which we court the most thorough investigation. We only need $15,000.00 and when this amount is secured this unusual opportunity will be gone. You will never again have an opportunity like this, so act at once. Best of bank references furnished. Address H. 365 MILWAUKEE PALM GARDEN AND CAFE FOR BALE One of the largest and beat equipped In the city; clearing owner 112.M0 to 115.000 annually: will sell ' cheap to cash buyer account other busi ness. For full particulars concerning- tne above or any other Milwaukee bualneaa call on, or write, JAMES L. WARNE8, Bualneaa Broker, 3tti Alhambra Theater Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. (41-M172 20 FOR RENT Hotel Boquette. Grand Island, Neb. (4) HUU 26k RET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS DOING GOOD BUSINESS and Increasing- dally; tine opening for right party. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., Bulte 624 N. X. Lire HlOg. Phone, Red 1. OMAHA. NEB. (4)-M917 23 TO GET In or out of business eall on uAnuwlAU, m cee iag. lei. u. tun. (4 M867 FOR BALE Bakery. Bargain. Phillip Ful ler. Haatlnga, Neb. (4)-M5M 28X FOR SALE Good paying saloon and lunch room, half block from Union depot in Omaha; must aell on account of aicknaas. Apply 723 8. th Bt., Omaha. (4)-64 Ux FOR BALE Good clean stock of general mdae. in a good railroad town of 406 population; doing the largest bualneaa in town; owing to-Illness owner must selL Address f 63. car Bee. (4.1 M 564 WE8TERGARD can help you get la or out of business. 408 Bee Bldg. form. erly Gangestad). Tel. Doug. M49. (4)M537 SMALL GROCERY STORE. DOING GOOD BUSINESS. LOW RENT. VERY CHEAP. NOWATA LAND AND lVT CO.. Bulte :4 N. Y. Life Biag. 'Phone Red l!w. OMAHA. NEB. (4I-M9U ID FOR BALE At a bargain, a well located bakery and restaurant in good town of luQO; fine aoda fountain, good business; poor health cauae of Belling. For fur ther particulars addreaa Lock Bos 63, Mound City. Mo. t4 M61I 20a 1H1 CHICAGO; boarding house for aale; party leaving city. (I-M1 JOx FOR SALE Restaurant and bakery In a town of 3,nu0 population. In eastern Ne braska. Addreaa Y 66. care Hee. 7 (4J-M11I Tlx FOR BALE My two dru atorea la U. E. Neb towns. Invoice about 32.000 and 13.000 each. Addreaa Y 64, rare of Bee. 441 Mfil 30 FOR BALE Bakery nd confectionary do ing good buMness; price Addreaa Y-173, care Bee 441 M177 21 Don't imepely pot your acl In Uhe "BEE" keep It tlere BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) GROCERY LOCATION-Vacant store upply point for dense population: money apendera: live man and adequate stock rsn maka money. Owner, 1101 N. IRth St., S to 4 o'clock. (4 M902 22 WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tion The Bee. DENTISTS DR. FICKE8, 16th and Farnam; he's a good dentist; painless extraction, 60 rants. M4M JunelO BAILEY at MACK, td floor Paxten. D. rwt. (6) S64 Dr. H. Osantner, ISth and Howard. D. 29. M4 JunelO DETECTIVES Omaha Del Agency, 428Paxton Blk. D. 131. 16&-J7X O. M. WARDELL, 7721 Farnam 8U Tel. Harney 4773. first ciaas references. M371 May27 DRESSMAKERS IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Dong. COS mi Hisses Wei flier, dressmaking In families. wtwwr two. l DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co.. m Doug-las Blk. Both phonea 212 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1(23 Farnam. 266 TERRY Co 11 ere, 20th and Farnam Bta 407 May 27 EDUCATIONAL A SUMMER SCHOOL OF 8 WEEKS WILL BEGIN MONDAY, JUNE 21. at the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, (19th and Farnam.) Couraee: Buslneaa. Shorthand. Typewrit ing. Telegraphy, English, Civil Service and Penmanship. Big discount on tuition rates. Splendid facilities. Extra teachers. Fine opportun ity. Telephone Douglaa 1289. Call or writs writs for particulars. (Edue) M849 JuneS ENTER BOYLES COLLEGE (DAY OR NIGHT) For complete training In all commercial branches, Including bookkeeping, short band, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, railway mail and all government grade subjects. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon request. Address 11. B. Boylea, president. Omaha. Neb. Both phonea. (Educ 2K8 CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT. 1605 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. Bee. -.Ha: (4) M822 EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN HOBSON'S Beauty ahop, 160S Doug laa. Entrance throuah Kern's millinery. Hairdresalng, manicuring, maaeaaing, chiropody. Children's hair cut lug. Complete line of new hair goods at lowest prices. M666-Jne 13 EXPERT milliner, renovating, afternoona 4S&B Farnan. Mooa J el CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. Lessons Tuesdays, Thursdaya and Satur days Firing dally. Children a claaaes Saturday mornlnga Mrs. C. C. Hungate, S4 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red (41)6. -651 LADIES apparel beautifully dry cleaned. "The French Way." 1 Farnam. Douglas. 41 72-A-2126. 0-June 12. WE RENT, repair, aell needlea and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney Sta. M 612 Jel3 LEARN hairdresalng; course. It. H. J. McCarthy. Brandela Stores. 4ua May 27 CARPETS, ruga, etc., cleaned. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., 200 Douglaa block. Both 'phonea MUTl Jnell CLEANING and dyeing: biggest and best; Only one office. 1513 Jones St. THE PANTOH1UM M-611 Jel3 WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prtcea. Set of American Beauty roaea and foliage trims beautiful bat; free to every customer. Call 1214 Har ney St., or 'Phone Doug. 2288. 610 May 30 FLORISTS J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. -673 HESS at 8WOBODA, Florists 1413 Far nam. M863 Jna & KTtANDETS CUT blowers dept. DHAiNftilO SOUTH SIDE New store. 43 JuneS HENDERSON'S, for fresh cut flowers and plants, dally from our hothouses. 'Phoua uougiaa Ubg. 1&19 Farnam. M4M JunelO FOR GARDEN AND LAWfj ORNAMENTAL SHRUBBERY and a com plete line of nursery stock, home grown; groMnda, 16th and Harney, Red 6760. -614 WHEN you write to advertisers, remem ber mat it takes but an eatra stroke or two of the pan to mention the fct thai you saw the ad la The Boa HELP WANTED FEMALE Areata and Saleeladlea. WANTED HIOH-CLAPS SUBSCRIPTION BOOK SALESWOMAN. OLD ESTAB LISH KD EASTERN PUBLISHING HOUSE 18 READY TO PI T ON THE MARKET A NEW 8 LB SCRIPT I ON WORK. 35000, WHICH WILL ECLIPSE ANYTHING ON THE MARKET FOR THE IaAST 26 YEARS WANT ONE A-l SOLICITOR FOR THIS STATE TO ASSIST IN ORGANIZATION. BIG SAL ARY, EXPENSK8 PAID. MAGNIFI CENT OPPORTUNITY FOR STRICTLY HIGH-CLASS SALESWOMAN. MUST HAVE AVERAGED 150.00 PER WEEK OR BETTER STATE FULLY EX PERIENCE AND REFERENCES. CON FIDENTIAL SALESWOMAN. 713 MAR QUETTE BLDG., Chlcaajo. (7) Mlfl9 19 Clerical and Office. TV T T . - -u Stenographer at leaat two years exp., S5&. ttooKKeeper and stenograpner, . CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE; to., 676-677 Brandels Bldg. (7) 15&-1J Factory aaa Trada. WANTED, at once, a few girls for ma chine and general factory work; Amer ican Hand Sewed Shoe Co, 12th and Harney Sta. (7) M737 19 PIANO player; out of town. inung iaay clerk, . Clerk, perfumery dept., 325 to 140. 6 glrla, 118 to 120: age. IS to 2o yrs. Steno., student will do, 326. Ass't bknr., 340. Steno.. InO-tAO. NATIONAL REFERENCE A INV. CO., 674 Brandels Bldg. (7) M137 U WANTED Good dressmaker at once. 606 S. 16th St.. upstairs. (7)-156 1 Hoaaekeepera aad Dosneatlea. WANTED Experienced and reliable girl for general housework. Apply at 3526 Farnam 8L C7)-MU4 WANTED Elderly woman to act as house keeper for family of four. Address F 30. care Bee. (7 77 COMPETENT girl for general housework. 2h2l Bristol. Tel. web. 2414. to " FOR day women, call Douglas S84. 171-M90J GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. cowaery, iszt B. 9ttn ai. (7) M127 24X WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 3424 Farnam St. (7)-M100 23 GIRL for general hopusework, 8 In family. 8624 Lafayette sve. Tel. Harney 396a (7)-668 A GOOD competent girl ; good wages. Ap ply Mrs. T. C. Byrne, 2103 California St. Tel. Douglaa 304. (7)-495 GOOD girl for small family; good wagwa. 2616 Dodge. (7) M987 GIRL for general housework. No wash ing. 1329 8. Slat street. (7) 148-20 WANTED Cook, 3416 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney i?ZJ. (7) 14 Mlseellaaaoaua. WANTED Experienced hands for altera tion work on women's suits. Good wages to competent help. Elite Cloak Company, 1517 Farnam Bt, (7)-l7 TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sen oeaiera . call or address at one Goodrich Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. T)-M871 HELP WANTED MALE Aseats, Solicitors aad Salesmea. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see cir culation manager The Bee Publishing Co. (91124 SIDE LINE Best; no aamplea; plenty money. Give permanent address. Box 663, Omaha. i9 Xll SALESMEN WANTED For Nebraska ana adjoining; states: references required. Safety Fire Escape Co., Brltt, la. (6)-M183 31 x WANTED General agent for old line 1 1 i i . . Reputation must be good! Address Y 61, care Bee. (9) M460 20 DRUG stores and jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg-. IW ili WANTED Traveling solicitor and col lector; established Omaha firm. Ad dress F 492, care Bee. (9) M981 WANTED At once, general agent for Ne- orssKa ana noutn L'aKota. James A. Keith, aupervlaor the Hartford Life In aurance company, 623 Bee building, Omaha, Neb. (9) M116 20x AGENTS Something new In self-sharpen ing scissors; sens on siajnt; particulars and sample free. Lock Box 667. Kansaa City, Mo. M185 23x Boys. FOUR trustworthy boys; good wages. Western Union Telegraph Co.. 212 S. 13th. Bt (9) 806 M23 WANTED Two large boys. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. (9) 160 W ANT BD Flo y with bicycle to deliver. Specialty Pressing Co., Room 303, Boston Store Bldg. (9) M178 19 Clerical aad Orflea. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer for a bank out of city. 8S0-ft2. Stenographer, wholeaale houae, H6. Bookkeeper and stenographer, some exp., 645. Two clerks, quick at figures. 350. Two office boys, salary depends. Experienced billing clerk. 350. We can also make use of five or six first-class salesmen in different lines. Call or write. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 676-677 Brandels Bldg. (9-160-18 TRAVELING salesmen for established ter ritory. 3100 00 WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Eat. 7 yeara.) t9 162-18 BANK cashier. Okla.; Investment required. NATIONAL REFERENCE A INV. CO.. 574 Brandels Bldg. (9I-M138 19 BOOKKEEPER. VW. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N.. INC. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Est. 7 years.) () 161-18 ASSISTANT Bookkeeper, young man, oO. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N.. INC. 722 N. T. Life. (Est. 7 years.) (91-1S3-18 Faetary aad Trades. THE great Union Pacific R. & guarantees you a telegraphic poaltion after training. Practice on railroad wire. Addreaa for particulars, H. B. Boylea. Omaha. (9) 274 WANED Drugglat to locate in Hosklns, Neb. Also good opening for furniture and undertaking. Address Commercial Club Secretary. (8) M817 20x WANTED In Denver, ornamental Iron and wire workers, cement finishers, lathers, plasterer, tile and marble pet ters. electricians, sheet metal worker-. Strike on by Building Tradea council, piolectlnn, eight bours and union acala. Write for detalla. Maater Builders' As sociation. Denver, Colo. (9) 986 23 BLACKSMITH wanted. 2110 Cumin Bt. (9)-M176 21 M Mllaaessa, WANTED 69 AMERICAN EXTRA GANG LABORERS FOR C. A N. W. IN NE BRASKA. 8HU DALLY FROM 218 8. UTH BT. . (9J-MS30 HELP WANTED MALE Mlacellaaeoaa (oattaaed. FREE Employment Dept., Bualneas Men's Aes'n; no lees. Call 64 N. Y. Life Pldg. 9) 276 MEN to learn barber trade; practical course by free clinic and careful Instruc tions; fw weeks completes; tools given; some money earned while learning: Just the time to begin; term completes at busiest seaaon; call or write. Moler Bar ber college, 110 8. 14th 8L, (9)-Mfl7 20x WANTED Railway mall clerks; post office clerks; mail carriers; sal ary, 3oo to 31,900; examination in Omaha soon; 8.000 appointments coming; preparation free; write Immediately for schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 237 B, Rochester, N. Y. (8) M689 Jells WANTED Men to travel everywhere taking pictures; write Immediately. -W 620, care Bee. (9) M988 WANTED Two laborers for handling lum ber. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. (9-M ' LEARN TO BE A DRAFTSMAN. Bookkeepers and stenographers have ta work at starvation wages because the world is overcrowded with them. Good structural draftsmen easily earn 8160 to 82O0 per month. Situations alwaya open for ex perlenced men. You can learn evenings or days, tracttcai personal instruction. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCHOOL, 626 N. Y. Life. 'Phone D-3K9. (8)-M678 Jel WANTED Man experienced In taking care of elevators and motors; also to do other work. Apply Fleming, People s Store. (9) M133 WANTED Man to assist traveling pho tographer, showing proofs and collect ing; experience unnecessary. Address J 496, care Bee. (9) M982 WANTED Newspaper reporter. A reel dent newspaper representative for the New York Mercantile and Financial Times to write up merchants, biographi cal sketches, business housea, etc., for this paper. This la a first class proposi tion. Add re C. A. BWIGERT. 64 Murray St.. New York. v ()-M173 19 AMBITIOUS, sober, registered drug clerk, with 82.000, as partner in a well estab lished drug store. Address Y W. care Bee. (9) M1M 31x HOUSE CLEANING CARPETS, rugs, houses, etc., cleaned by the compressed air and vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO., 200 Douglaa Blk. Both 'Phonea M1S2 JeT Wall paper, plastered ceilings, rugs and rarpeta cleaned with Duntley vacuum cleaner. Lsgerstrom, 8118 Leavenworth. Ind. A3287. M 681 Jnel2 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. WAGON UMBRELLAS, now only tL John son, Danforth Co., 10th and Jones. (11) M937 JS MY station wagon, runabout and open car riage, cheap. Address O VA, care Bee. (ID M784 19x Doga and Other Pet Stock. FOX TERRIER Male; took first prize at Omaha dog show; has blue ribbons, in quire at 108 8. 17th St. (ID 840 20x LOST AND FOUND LOST or strayed, one small brindls bull terrier, with white breast and toes; wears spike collar, with name plate "John Buck, Store Brewing Co., Omaha, Neb." Liberal reward if returned to owner. ia Mia MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sla ; apecial attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug laa 1167- Calls answered day or night. 03)-12 BEST nerve brace for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, 31 a box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 276 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. 833$St3 MONEY TO LOAN 1KSUU! imttt ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, 8Ut3 Km SALARIES, ETC., 3Ut lit at the cheapest possible rate In 313 813 the city. Open until 6:30 p. m. 313 til Tel. Douglaa 2036 Ind, A-2036 313 838S3 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. 3SUI UMii 6ul Brown Blk., UWli 6WUI3t3 Opposite Brandels. 313MU6 (141-277 A Square Deal or No Deal If you borrow money on your furniture, pianos, etc., at the OLD RELIABLE LOAN HEADQUARTERS. Incorporated and licensed for the past SEVENTEEN YEARS. That means a lot of satisfied customers. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2296. Entrance 306 S. 16th St. . (14) M984 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; eaay paymenta. Offices in 68 principal cities. Tolman, Room 613, New York Life Bldg. U4J-6S1 MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven port 8ts warehouso 2207-9 Izard St. (15) 280 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Hoosas. LARGE modern room. In new private home, to a respectable gentleman; references required; no roomers; meals as wanted. Addreaa K 300, cara Baa (IS) M362 ROOM AND BOARD. 2411 Capitol Ave. net i.e., i DEWEY European Hotel, uth and Farnam. (i6i FOUR nicely furnished rooms, cool and well lighted; singly or en suite; board, if desired. Within walking distance. 624 N. 19th St. (16) M176 30x Fnralshed Hooma. DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman; select neighborhood, near Farnam car. 131 N. 31st Ave. (16) 4 Hotel Boquet Formerly Karbach, lath A Howard 8ta. (15) M614 Jel3 FURNISHED rooms or house for sumrr.r; cool, fine view, walking distance 406 N. 22d. (16) M709 LARGE, nicely furnlahed rooms; private bath; hot water. 2608 Harney St. 'Phone Harney 3173. (1)-M474 24x FURNISHED ROOM. 1960 8. 10th St. '() M768 May 23x FURNISHED rooms by the week. Electiio elevator, hot and cold water; rates reasonabls. Otna Hotel, Uth and Jack son. ' (15) Ms- ita 8a 26th St. Tel. Doug. H2t. ( 67 Jet THAT nice cool room, on beautiful Park Ave., at tU. (1)-M!74 30x DESIRABLE room, private family. leot Harney 8t, 05)-MS 18 YOUNG MAN to share eomsortable fur nished room, 1703 Farnam St. Tel. Har ney &, (U)-M6ta OFFERED FOR RENT Res aa a Con tinned. TWO furnlahed rooms; board If desired; gentlemen preferred. Tel. Hsrnev I7ij. 201 So. Central Blvd. (16I-M843 22 PLEASANT room: reaaonable. fsll sven Inga 3409 Harney. (16 Ms6 22x NICE modern front parlor. Harney 8173. tjnno. Phone (151-104-33 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, pri vate rKTise; also board. Tel. Harney 476. (U)-158 1 FOUR nicely furnished rooms In mcylern Dundee home, on car line, 16 minutes from city. 4826 Chicago St. Phone Har ney 3tf2. (16i MllT 19 ROOMS In all parts of the city. P. O NIELSEN A CO.. 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both 'Phones. ll6)-156Jel7 LARGE comfortable front room; modern; close In. 1817 Capitol Ave. (16) M141 20x LARGE and well furnished room In strictly modern private home. Tel. Webster 3250. (16)-194-1SX 8UITE of 3 furnished room, housekeep ing, all modern, light, heat, telephone, cooking gss. Ice box privileges. 1011 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3982. (15)-M191 21 Apartments aad riata. FOR RENT Six-room lower flat, 614 N. 22d St.; modsrn; newly repaired; convenient; 3-.S0. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. (16) M933 THREE and ft-room flats. Scargo Bldg., 616H N. 24th t.. South Omaha. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg-. Both phonea. (tf-406 NO EQUAL 4-room flat, 220 N. 23d. (1&)-M708 FIVD-ROOM brick flat, new porcelain bath, lavatory, sink: modern, with water. 316 60. Tel. Douglaa S78 or S92. (15) 715 M31 OUTSIDE corner, S nicely finished, large. cooL modern rooms; for people that live nicely, Inside blinds, gas ranges, hot water; walking distance. Bummer rate, 838. Reference required. Bemls, 4n Bran dels. (16) M901 22 Hoaaekeeplasj Roams. EXCELLENT furnished housekeeping rooms In three adjoining houaes. Prices most reasonaole; light, heat, corking gas and telephone is free. Dr. Prlbbenow. ai Harney Bt. (15)-M4o3 TWO nicely furnlsned rooms, everything modern and convenient. 2026 Csllfornia. (IB) M827 19x FIRST floor rooms, housekeeping. 1712 Jackson. (16) M937 19x EXCELLENT, newly furnished, house keeping rooms; everything modern and reasonable; walking distance; new flat. 320 N. 26th St. 15Mi38 24 x Tafaralshed Rssma. THREE, alcove; good location. Tel Har ney 425. (15)-M723 Jl ALCOVE room. Tel. Red 631S. 3418 Cass. (16) -M 487 JunelO Fnrnlsked Honaee. -ROOM furnished eottagre, all modern. 1916 Clark Bt. Inquire 1607 Howard. (15)-M1 FURNISHED 8 -room apartment by June 1. Call after t o'clock. Davidg Bldg., apartment 1. (16) M977 22x BEAUTIFUL 10-room furnished house, Kountse Place, hot water heat. i"f ; large rooms, very convenient, lsrjre porch, with screen for summer. 8te Hastings A Hey den, 1704 Fart am St. (16) 897 22 Hoaaea and Cottages. We are sole ag-ents for the following; 6-r., mod. ex. heat, N. 37ih St $18. -r., mod. ex. heat, 8207 N. 2Sth Ave. 120. 6- r., mod. ex. heat. 524 S. 24th Ava. 326. 7- r., mod., 624 S. 37th St. 327.60. 7- r., 623 N. 82d 8t.-27.K. 8- r., mod. ex. heat. 620 S. 18th St $30. FI.ATB. 6- r., mod., 2608 Sherman Ave 830. 7- r., nvd., 2203 N. 21st St.-321 60. 7-r.. mod. ex. heat, 2621 N. 24th St.-25. HASTINGS ds HEYDEN, 1614 Hsrnev St. (15) 153 18 1910 WEBSTER. 8-room brick, new close In, roomers, 84fi. 1619 N. 33d, southeast corner Seward, 8 rooms, all modern, acreens. shades, on car Una near Bern la Park, 835. 2723 8. 9th, 7 rooms and hall, new one block east of South 10th line at 10th and Ban croft Sta, 326. O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Douglas or A -2152. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) 726 ELEGANT 6-room flat located No. 610 So. 27th, all modern; price 835. Bemls, Bran dels Bldg. (16)-26 4-ROOM apartment. Modern. 816 So. 2M. (13) MM9 Jel5x FOR RENT I small stores suitable for 223 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1536; A 1536. fialnt and paper or barber shop. 3 car Ines. 40th and Farnam Sts. 3 8-room all modern houses, practically new. 914-918 N. 40tth St. 8 room house, all modern, newly decorated, $25 per month. 6 room cottage, all modern, newly dec orated, 46th and LaFayette Ave. ( room, - modern bungalow. Just completed, good location. S. 8. MERCER CO.. (15)-M187 21 FOR RENT 6-rrmm oottage, 2502 Bo. 20th Ave. $10 per month. C. M. Bachman. 430 Paxton Block. (15) 00 FOR RENT. Just finished. Bt. Louis flats, hardwood finish, all modern, combination fixtures. 23d and Webster Sts. Seven rooms and reception hall, $40. Five rooms and reception hall, 332. Five rooms and reception hall, $a0. Nine-room all modern brick building, 2009 Willis Ave., $25. Three-room apartment. 1917 Clark St., 33. C. M. BACHMAN, 436 Paxton Block. (18)-494 MODERN 6-room brick house, 1101 No. 23d St., 45. Phone Harney 8N0. (16) 664 4 ROOM9 and reception hall; all modern, $20. 2230 Poppleton Ave. (16) M990 2967 PACIFIC St., 8-room. thoroughly mod ern houae, oak finish, 340. A. O. ElHck. 502 Bee Bldg. (15J 397 FOR RENT 6-room house, modern, l.'nlu A rm MVM atriwt r.munt wrallra with fruit. 'Phone owner, Web. 6197. (15) 673 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1S04 Farnam. (16) 2)1 FOR LEASE. 1513 No. 3fth St., 8-r. full modern; fresh and clean, for pecple that live nicely; large rooms, all new decorations; new furnace. See owner, llol No. lMh St. (16)-.M171 26 FINE all modem house of 13 rooms on 8. W. corner 27th and Jackson; references required. V&- Bemls, Brandala Bldg. (15) -d HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight ratea; moving and atortng. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. I;4. (15) 294 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 29J OMAHA Van and Storage Co. Pack move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 18th, office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1459. (.16) 291 FOR RENT. Reception hall, parlor, dining room and bedroom, kitchen, toilet, laundry, 120. in cluding water, 8416 Laf. Ave. Tel. Harney 4730. (15) M666 MAGGARD VAN A STORAGE CO.. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianoa, H. H. goods. ()-29 FOR RENT 11-room house, comer 26th and Harney Sis.; best location for renting rooms. Rent. $C 50. Owner pays for wa ter and removea garbage. Empty June 1. Apply I. Zlssler. 409 Ware Block. (16M18 FOR RENT 6-room and bath, cottage, on car line; good location; $18 60. Inquire 4ub$ Grand Ave. (16, M114 ax FOR RENT OR BALE 7-room. modern. Rant $20. 20 Sfsrdiih- (ioi iaijs TTiTTCjXfQ In all parts of the elty. Crelgh Boos st Co., Bee Bldg. -2 OFFERED FOR RENT rtoases aad Cotfaaes jeatlaned. HOCSES-reters Trust Co.. NV V L Bldg (U)-jiu V. - NEW 6 room modern brlrk house. Parlor dining room and kitcnen or mm mn,. Two bedrooms snd bsth on thp second floor. Oak finish and floors. Easy walk ing dlstsnoe. 24th and Dewey. $VC. Ernest Sweet, 613 N. Y. L. lug H72- (16)-147-18 8-ROOM modern house, close In, 2512 Ch. cago street. $36. 15r MtJI 0 NEW 7-room, all modern, 3418 Charles St., $10. C. M. Rich. 330 N. Y. Life. (lfi)-M174 BIX rooms, modern. 12 Elm St. $26. Tel. Harney 1510. (15) M1M J2x Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an offlca located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts, South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24tn and N Bta New address. (16)-M77 Stores. SCAROO blk . South Omaha. 620 No. 34th. Hall. 433 Ramgo Bldg.; both phones (15-o8 FOR RENT Second or third floor or both, 24x129, outside entrance, elevator. Very cheap. 1316 Farnam St. (15 M610 37 FOR LEASE for a term of years, a fine store room, with full cement floor base, ment, on Farnam M.. near 20th. Address A 621, care Omaha Bee. (15) 154 20 OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. FLAT TOP DESKS AND CHAIRS. OFFICE desks, flat tops, not In the best of condition, will be sold at small price We also have two tables for sale. Will sell all old chairs used In Bee offtrr except revolving chairs. If you want 2d hand furniture look at these In court of Bee building. Inquire at Be offlcf, 17th and Farnam. (161144 3x5 CARD CASES. SOLID oak cases, made by the Library t Bureau Furniture Co., one of 8 drawers and the other having . This Is excep tionally well constructed office furnltura and will last a life time. . Call Bee office. lith and Farnam. (161145 Typo rrltere. TYPEWRITERS Any make: all prices; sold and rented, rent applied: easy terms; shipped anywhere for examination. Write for large bargain Hat and offer. B. F. Bwanaon Co., 417 8. 16th St.. Omaha. Neb. . (ll)-Oi y TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, good second- hand, guaranteed In every way; Reming ton, mlth, Underwood. Oliver and 2fi othermakes; 310 up. All makes for rent at low ratea. Writs for catalogue shew ing largest line to be found. Agents wanted In aome unoccuptod territory. Central Typewriter Exchange. l07 Far nam. (16)-M3-4 June Mlacella aeons. We HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell at 60e each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. (16-Z77 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 810 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (l)-46 FOR BALEJ-New am) 2d-hand billiard and rool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; essy payments. Brunswick Balke Collender. 407 8. 10th St. (16) 306 J FOR SALE) Cash register and scale cheap. Addrees, O 406, oare Bee. (16) 654 REMINGTON typewriter No. 6, first claas. $30. People's Loan Co.. 163 Farnam St. (16-M38 DUNTLEY vacuum cleaning machln machlno. 3118 Leavenworth. (16) M682 Jnel2 FOR BALE Some four snd five-ton stake draiys or would sell whole outfit. Address lock box 436, Sioux City. Ia. U&) MS02 SODA fuuntslns, nsw and second-hand; monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Fsmani. (16) 3 SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 3a 1,500 LIQUOR BARRELS N. Steinberg, 1119 Harney. Tel. D. 516. (16) M513 Jell FOR 8ALEv-6HxSVi Improved Seneca View Camera with all Latest Improvement. Volgtlaender Dynar, 10-inch focus lensi carrying case and (lash light machine; alt practically new. Peoplea Loan to. 1623 Farnam St. (lti)-6-;i ONE National cash register. Total adder, one Dayton computing scale, one butcher.i hanging scale, one Wagner stuffer. cn.u large rocker and block, one 8 horse power t'" - jrrent. i s 4SJS I automatic electric motor, direct current ED. B. GIBBS, 3009 S. 20th. Dougla lllij TWO pool tahles for sale. 1017 W. B'Way, Council Bluffs. (16) M143 24x SODA fountain and gasoline lighting sys tem for sale cheap. 410 So. 13th Bt. (!) 1S2 24x PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7111 (17)-33l OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. t. L. Tel. D. 1664. (6)-608 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, 608 X. T. L. Bldg. (6)-609 PERSONAL SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut pricea. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (IS) 413 THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast off clothing; in fact, anything you da not need. We collect, repair and aell at 1M N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 413j and wagon will call. (18) 786 MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral batha, electric, vibrating and Swed ish massage. 308 Old Boson Store. (16)-M649 Jnel3 M AriMFTin treatment. Mme. Smith, (la) 67 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (161-813 DRUNKENNESS, DRUG HABIT cured la stay cured, under positive guarantee. Write tne Knsor Remedy Co., lwt. G, South Omaha. Neb (18jM7u3 Jnel4 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia. (181-MM3 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women'a Christian arsoctatton. 17th and Howard Sts., where tiey will be dlrectt-4 to suitable boarding places or olhsrwtse assisted A deacon representing the aaaoclatlon meeta trains at VM Union, sta tion as travelers' aid. (18) 2rts IALL'8 safes, new, 2d-hand. 1318 Far nam. (Uj-814 DIVORCE LAWS OF NEVADA. Complete Information mailed free fey At torney William R. Shafer, Reno, Nev. , 118) M346 Jun8x POULTRY AND EGGS BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK and Stiver Laced Wandoite taaa. $1 (or 14 or $4 per 100. Kli Mock. Lindsay, Neb. (ID M964 30x B. P. ROCKS Rlrglet strain, premium stock. Kggs 31.25 per 3fi; $4.60 par luu. Lisle Etannsrd, Gordon, Neb. (U)-t62J 8x WHITE ROCKS-Lsrge bona, .pure bred high scoring stock. Eggs for u. r Maiden, xising city, Nsb. (llMa 26s 8. C. BROWN LEGHORN EGG 8, $3 00 oer 100. Good layers. Caa. Oardner, Bloora. lagtoa, ISsb, Mrtl V vM 4 4 i I I- ; ? f tWWlrts