J nil i i ni ii aaawnw n1 may 1 OFFERED FOR RENT rBED KjtT SALE T n I (Cantlnued.) MU4.,K..Coatlae. AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) 1 ) i : i Want - Ads Aaverttaeaseata tar tae wast aa ctalaaaaa will ha takaa aatll IS as. ft aa evealee; eattlaa aaa aatll SiBO an. far tha aaeralaa: aaa teaaar tloaa. Cash at act miiaMir all aera far waat aaa l aa aTertlaeaat will ae artrplra far laaa taaa SO ecata fa first laarrtlaa. Rates apply ta either Tha Dally aaaar Be. Caaahlaatlaaa af laltlaU ar aaaiaera eaaat aa aaa wareL . Always eul six wards (a a llaa. CAIH RATKS FOR WAWT ADI. REGULAR CLASilFlCATIOlf Oaa laser t lea 1 1-3 reate aer war aaa 1 erat aer war far eaea iimmiI laaertlaa. Back tasartlaa asaae aa ad a aays, 1 1-3 eaata aar war I $1,541 per llaa aer saeata. Waat ada far Tk7ll- ar ka left at aar af tke follewla 4rif atarea aaa la year "eoraer raUt" ther are all kraack affleaa far Tka Baa Ml rear ad will ka iafecrte last aa areas at I r aad aa tka aaaia ratea aa at tka saala afflca la Tka Bea BallaJaaj, Saveateeata aad raraaai atractai Albach, W. C. 4 th and Famam. Beranek, B. A. 1401 a ltlh St. Becht Pharmacy, 720 8. lth St. Benaon Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemis Park Pharmacy. Ud and Cuming. BJaWs Pharmacy, 125 Sherman Ave. Coughlln, C. R. 6th and Pierce 8ta. Clifton Hfll Pharmacy. 221 Military Ave. Conte. J B., Hat Ave. and Farnam bU Crlseey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake Sta. Cermak, Kmil, 1204-41 8. Uth St. Ehlera, P. 001 Leavenworth .St. Foster 4 Arnoldi. 2W N. 26th 8t. Freytsg. John J., U N. 84th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goodman Pharmacy. 30th and Lake Sta. Oreenou-h. O. A. 1024 S. 10th St. Ureenouab. O A., MM & 10th St Hayden, William C. KM Farnam St. Hoist, John, 524 N. 16th St. Hufl A. L. 2924 Leavenworth 8C Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 28th St. King, H. B, 2838 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy. 1601 N. 14th St Lathrop. Charge B.. 1324 N. 24th St Patrick Drue Co., 1602 N. 24th St DEATH AMD FCDEIllL NOTICES. aaHaraJaUaaaMtata . MACMILLAN Miss Maude, after a pro longed Illness, early Monday morning at her home, 213 Norm Twenty-alxth atreet. Funeral will be private, from the home Wednesday afternoon. Interment, Foreat Lawn cemetery. - LAMPHEA'R Mrs. M. L., mother of H. 3. Jnynes, died In St. Paul, Minn., Saturday, May IS. I.- I . I ..... A- J-fm mm at TltamAaV May IS, at 2 p. m. Interment private at r urcst uwn cfmrierjr. LODGE NOTICES. All member of the Danish association are requeeted to attend the funeral of our late memner, Albert Olaen, which will take place Wedneaday at 2 p. m. from Jackson a chapel, L06 Leavenworth St., ta Sprlngwell cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenae have been granted; Name and Residence. Age Anton D. Oerspaner. Council Bluffs til Eliiatieth Baulner, Council Bluiia 40 Pearl H. Holbrook. Nebraska City 22 Frances buiger, Nebrasaa City Is Thomaa Carmen, OmahH..'. 39 laie Cronerneycr, Omaha..'. 22 Kdward L Benaon. Omaha 24 Ellsubeth Snook, Omaha 22 Lee Nelson, South Omaha 24 Mattle Holmes, Omahta 18 Lewis Hurge, Omaha 29 Cura Durkee, Omaha 2k Joseph AY. Zalodek, Omaha 30 Joule Benda, Omaha 12 BIRTHS AX D DEATHS. Births R. S. Scodell, 403 Bancroft street, boy; Harry Uundersen, feast Omaha, boy; Anion Ciirlstotleraen, Fifty-first street and Miliary avenue, girl; C. W. Partridge, lii South I'hlrty-second street, girl. ueaihs Lorenso Crounse, Twenty-fourth and rarnam streets, 76 years; Mrs. Ollle Churtmll, 402 North Fourteenth street, 06 years, Albert M. W. olfen, 1U2 South 'ientn sireet. 61 years; Douglaa Wenune, Zbia Davenport street, 2b years. ANNOUNCEMENTS EIIOKS repaired right, called for and de l.vtred free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., Iv4 Farnam 8U Tel. Douglas 7m)7. U-252 OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makea a specialty of fire aacapea, ahuttars. doors and sales, ii. Andrvsn, Prop., 102 go. llrtb, (l 264 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. U-64 MONEY tvS Pbons Doug, 2suL i.MO.N LOAN COMPANY, (D-2M H1. L8K St R1EPEN, funeral directors, sue ceasuis lo Harry H. Davis, 70S 8. ltith 6t tL-a7 RAl'ILM WATER. NATURE'S REMEDY Try a gallon. 11. It U wonderful. No wata Land A Lot Co., Suite, 424 N y l.lfe Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Phone R.d 18a9. Open ewnlnga. (1) U221 SIGN PAINTING'S. H. Cola. 1302 DouglaaT (U 4 OMAHA Tent St Awning Co., 11 at Harney eta. Tels. f. iC and lnd. A 1883. tlj tUMay 29 LIBEKATi iirrbak. T?ffif Doug. 1141. A-2S2J. U)-M643 Jnell CANINE COLLEGE. I train dogs and l'ruf. . u. Franklin, Ul Jones St., or 'piioiie lnd. A-2301 U-M582 JneU CI. i fclNQ odd filters cheap. 1310 How U Mo31 JU CAREFUL attention during piegnancy and confinement. In private noma. Mra. 8 C Caraon, 1U0 St. Mary's Ave. D. 3141. U M9B1 JunelS I" more ! i recoered and repaired; supplies Western Umbrella Co., 18Ji Farnam. Red 47S. (D-M122 Jel7 AUTOMOBILES RAMBLERS New, 4 and 2-cyllndera M aer cent discount. Kaiubler Aula Co., Mt sroam St. tt lk WHITE STEAMER, with top, tWpaasenaer louring car. Address B 441, care Hee (2l-MiMl'l8 STORAGE, centrally located, opposite library. iUI Uaraay St.. Krlck P. Kuho. (2 Mils 8END for our list of second-hand cara, DERIOHT AUTOMOblLX CU, 1114 Faraara 81. (1J-M8 ALMOST NEW tiM high-wheel auto, for reasonable price. AUdreas H 4JI3. care Bee. (2) UN is vta BAT Vlina T -t rlr. intAmnkil. . inoal new. bargain, J. Ziegier, ' Phone it.l IT JM4. i&t FOR SALE Franklin O. Runabout with Victoria tea, special equipment. 190s Im- provemenls. Cost RObO. Will Uke 11.- euo. Aaareaa av. 4. v, iu jaoward St., umana. w afsao BUICK TOURING CAR. 30-H. P 1 good as ne , just painted. Address W 442, care Sm Mil V ifh ....M V . . . - , - J u. late model: will sell cheap this week Ad di eaa G 422. care Bee. ll MS u M'INTYRE A WALLACE. Oakland autoa also slightly used cars. 24th, near Farnam tt-MCU JeU RAMBLER TOURING CAR, 150. AMrni F 431. care Bee. (2kMM0 IS PAXTON-MITCH ELL CO. storage, auo mnbile repairing. 2218 Harrier. Douglas T2l or A mil. (2 M961 JunelS BARTER AND EXCHANGE HAVE choice land for mdae.; must bear from owners direct. Address C 462, Bee. () M890 21 I.ero-ACRB RANCH IN NEB : large groves and fruit trees, running water; a com plete ranch. Want Improved city prop erty. We have a number of clear farm a In Neb. to trade for Omaha properly. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., Suite 624 N. T. Life Bid. Phone Red IK. OMAHA. NEB. (3I-M916 1 HAVE some cash sod western land. Want a home lu Omaha. Bargain. Address A 460, Bee. (2) MIST 21 IF YOU have a good home clear, I will trade you my 160-acre farm in Saun ders county; well Improved; equity $7,400. Address B 427. Bee. !) Mltl 21 I WANT to exchange my 4-room cot tager equity ll.zou, for clear iana valued at $1,200. Address B 461, Bee. (3) MS88 21 TRADES and exchanges our specialty. H. R. Stringer, U6 Paxton Blk., omana. (-2S2 160-ACRE Improved farm, western Nebraska, for mdse. stock; equity $7,400. Address W 458. Be. (I) MS 21 WB WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT? We have farms, ranches, HOMES IN OMAHA. Wa will trade with you. Come in and sea us. Nowata Land and Lot Co., suite 624. N. Y. Life Bldg.. Phone Red Omaha, Neb Open evenings. () M4 EXCHANGE 4o0 acrea clear for merchan dise. Joseph Blobodny, ureeiey, ien. . (3-Ml T,1 BEMIS ' We handle exchanges for reliable parties no professional trader need list; quick action. BEMIS, BRANDEIS BLDO. (8)-M261 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANQESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. (4) M867 MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN. If you want to buy a farm, secure a home In a thriving and prosperous state, or desire a business location of any kind, or wish to obtain employment, the under signed can place your wants before 6, people who will gladly aid you In every way In securing you what you want; no charges. Address W. C. Gllbreath, Com missioner of Agriculture and Labor. Bis marck. N. D. (4-M487 M29 WANTED Information regarding good business for sale; not particular about character, size or location: prefer to deal with owner. Give price and full descrip tion. Address L. u., box W4 j, riocnes ter. N. Y. (4) M124 lSx FOR BALE-Bakery. Bargain. Phillip Ful ler. Hastings, Neb. (4)-M52C 23x 100 Profit ' Guaranteed If you have $100.00 or $10,000.00 to invest it will pay you to investigate this proposition. YOU WILL BE GUARANTEED UNCONDITIONALLY A PROFIT, OF 100 ON YOUR INVESTMENT IN THREE YEARS. This is a gilt edge, conservative, safe investment for which we court the most thorough investigation. We only need $15,000.00 and when this amount is secured this unusual opportunity will be gone. You will never again have an opportunity like this, so act at once. Best of bank references furnished. Address H. 365 Bee. SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS DOING GOOD BUSINESS and increasing daily; fine opening for right party. NOWATA LAW u at ujj y-w., . Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone. Red 1999. OMAHANEB. FOR SALE-Up-to-data livery slock at a bargain ii ianen ai once, iui and good reason for selling. Address owner. W. M. Wells, Carroll, la. 14-M119 21 x EXCELLENT opportunity for man of energy and good appearance to r pen store In Omaha for aale of made-to-ordcr cloth trg; email capital required for running expenses only; entire display stock fur nished; l&.ono Pr year Income possible. Addresa J 6a Bee. (1)-M032 18x FOR SALE Good paying saloon and lunrh room, nair oioca irom union Omaha: must sell on account of sickness. Apply 722 8. 9th St., Omaha. l4)-64 18x FOR 8ALE Good clean stock of general . . M .1 nw ATm mnse. in a iwu .v,w v. population: doing tha largest business In town; owing to illness owner must selL Address Y 3. cara Bee. (4) V&64 WE8TEROARD can heip you get la ar out of business. 401 Bea Bldg. (form erly Oengealad). Tel. Doug. 1441. (4)M687 SMALL GROCERY STORE. DOING GOOD HI BlHUia. lJ ncm. r.n I CHEAP. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, Suits ii N. Y. Life Biag Phone Red 19M). OMAHA. NEB. (4J-M9U 19 GROCERY LOCATION Vacant etore; supply point for denae population; money spenders; live man and adequate stork can make money. Owner, 1101 N. Ittn St., to 4 o'clock. (4)-Mtt 22 FOR SALE Restaurant and bakery In a town of 1.0OO population, In eaatern Ne braska. Address Y n&. care Bee. (4-MUS Six 600; half down; balance terma. Light man ufacturing business in Omaha, clear over 60 per month, with an Increase last month. Gentleman, or lady with arm. Good opportunity; experience unneces sary. J. W. Dawson, 19 Grand ave., Kansas Ctty. Mo 4 M-ltMx FOR BALE My two drug stores In H. E. Neb. towna lnoice about 12.000 and 13.000 each. Address Y 64, care of Bee. . 14 M1I 20 FOR SALE At a bargain, a weU located bakery atid restaurant in good town of 1.000; fine aoda fountain, good buaineas; poor health cause of selling. For fur ther particulars addreas Lock Box 63. Mound City. V- lit M61 20x 1 KiLtiiLf want-ads sell more real g estate than any medium in BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued,) 1811 CHICAGO; boarding houne for sale; party leaving city. .., I4 Ml 2ix CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT. 1606 Farnam St Douglas m. M2 DENTISTS DR. FICKE8, ISth and Farnam; he'a a good cenusi; pa.n.. f BAILEY A MACK. 2d floor Paxton. D. !M Bf W Dr. H. Gsantner, 18th and Howard. D. Aiva juneiu DETECTIVES Omaha Dot. Agency, 428 Paxton Blk. D. 131. O. M. WARDELL. 2T22 Farnam St Tat Harney 477.. r,r c. -j-j DRESSMAKERS IN FAMILIES Mlaa Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 1220 Kisses Weldler, dressmaking in families. nr. iix 417 MavlHX TY CL'.l.l DREPB pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co.. 20D Douglas Blk. Both phonea 112 McDowell Dressmaking school. 1C23 Farnam, TERRY College, 10th and Farnam Bts. 407 May 27 EDUCATIONAL A SUMMER SCHOOL OF 8 WEEKS WILL BEGIN MONDAY, JUNE 21. at tha OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, (19th and Farnam.) Courses: Business, Shorthand, Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, English, Civil Service and Penmanship. Big discount on tuition rstea. Splendid facilities. Extra teachers. Fine' opportun ity. Telephone Douglas 1283. Call or write write for particulars. (Educ) M349 JuneS ENTER BOYLES COLLEGE (DAY OR NIGHT) For complote training in all commercial branches. Including bookkeeping, short band, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, railway mall and all government grade subjects. Handsome catalogue furnlahed free upon requeat. Addreea H. B. Boyles, crealdent, Omaha, Neb. Both phonea. " CEducj 268 WHEN you write to advertisers, remem ber that it takea but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tha fact that you saw tha ad In The Bea. ( 4) M822 EVERYTHING FOR. WOMEN urvUCOM'tJ Beauty shop, IS08 Doug IHJDOUIN O jag. Entrance through Kern's millinery. Halrdresslng, manicuring massaging, chiropody. Children's hair cut lng. Complete line of new hair goods at loweat prices. awoo-jneu EXPERT milliner, renovating, atternoona. 42U Faxnara MM J si CHINA decorating; order work a specialty treasons iubiqkjv, 4uuruya ana Dnur- days. Firing dally. Children's claaies Saturday mornings. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 894 Brandeia Bldg. Tel. Red 64M. B1 LADIES apparel beautifully dry cleaned. "Tha French Way." 1908 Farnam. Douglas. 4173-A-Z126. 600-June 12. WE RENT, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney Sts. M 612 Jell LEARN halrdresslng; course. U. H. J. McCarthy. Brandeia Stores. 408 May 37 CARPETS, rugs, etc., cleaned. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., 100 Douglas block. Both 'phonos. M971 Jnell CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best; Only one office. 1613 Jones St. THE PANTORIUM. M 611 Jel3 WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prtees. Set of American Beautv roses and foliage trims beautiful hat; free to every customer. Call 1214 Har ney St.. or 'Phone Doug. 2288. 610 May 30 FLORISTS J. H. BATH. 162 Harney. Tel. Doug. 1000. HESS BWOBODA, Florists, 1411 Far nam. -MU2 Jnei URAVniTTQ CUT FLOWERS DEPT. UIV UrlO SOUTH SIDE New store. 439 June! HENDERSON'S, for fresh cut flowers and plants, daily from our hothouses. 'Phone Douglas 1268. 1619 Farnam. M4S8 JunelO FOR GARDEN AND LAWN ORNAMENTAL SHRUBBERY and a com plete line of nursery stock, home grown; grounds, lbth and Harnsy. Red i7o0. -ill WHEN you write to advertisers, rem am tier that It takea but an extra stroks or two of the pen to mention tha fact that you saw the ad la The Bee. HELP VYANTEO-FEMALE Clerical aad Office. MANAGER, branch office, large mercan tile establishment lion. Bookkeeper H0 Stenographer !. Experienced claim clerk, railroad. Collector IfiO. Several retail clerks, different Hnes-40-W. Call or write for a complete list. WESTERN REF. e BOND ABS'N, line ). 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 7 years.) (91-11217 Factor? sal Trade. WANTED, at once, a few girls for ma chine and general factory work; Amer ican Hand 8ewed Shoe Co., 12th and Harney Bts. (7) M7J7 1 PIANO plsyer; out of town. Young lady clerk, IS. Clerk, perfumery dept., 125 to 140. 6 girls, 118 to S2ii; age, 14 to 26 yrs. Steno student will do, ITS. Asa't bkpr., 140. Steno.. AO-fiO. NATIONAL REFERENCE A INV. CO.. 574 Brandels Bldg. (7) M137 19 HeaarlreeBera aad Doaaeetlem. WANTED Experienced and reliable girl for general housework. Apply at 26S Farnam 8t (7)-MU4 WANTED Elderly woman to act as house keeper for family of four. Address F 180. cars Bee. (7 T7 COMPETENT girl for general housework. . 2821 Bristol. Tel. Web. 2414. (7)-M643 19 i i FOR day women, call Douglas 8M. I Mf MAM II lurJi GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. Cowdery. 1326 8. th Bt. (7 M127 24 WANTED A competent girl for general nnu&ewora. rarnam oi. (7)-M100 22 GIRL for general hopusework, I In family. 3624 Lafayette ave. Tel. Harney 296(L 662 A GOOD competent girl; good wages. Ap ply Mrs. T. C. Bryne, 21J3 Caniornrajn. (7)-495 WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Mrs. C. C. Montgomery. Tel. Harney 1726. (7)-717 IT WANTED Good girl for general house work; keep a second girl. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, 129 8. 29th St. (7) 716 17 GOOD girl for small family; good wages. odid juuhw. u; iwani Ulaeeltaaeoae. WANTED Experienced hands for altera tion work on women s suits. Good wages to competent help. Elite Cloak Company, 1517 Farnam St. (7) 187 TWO ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell deslers. Call or address at once Goodrich Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (T)-M371 WANTED Ladies who will work for 21 a day In their own home. No canvassing or publicity. Send self-sddressed stamped envelope. Woman's Exchange, Coldwater, Mich. (7) MSUMSx HELP WANTED MALE Am-eats, Solicitors aad Salesaaea. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see cir culation manager The Bee Publishing Co. - ' -424 SIDE LINE Best; no samples; plenty money. Give permanent addreas. Bog 663, Omaha. ( 172 WANTED General agent for old line life Insurance company; good contract. Reputation must be good. Address Y 61, care Bee. it) M460 20 DRUG stores and Jobs. Knlest, Btte Bldg. , 19J-272 WANTED A first class salesman to locate in outside town; partial trade established ; must give reference and bond. Grand Union Tea Co., 600 Block, Omaha. 9 723 17x WANTED Traveling solicitor and col lector; established Omaha firm. Ad dress F 492. csre Bee. (9) M981 WANTED At once, general agent for Ne braska and South Dakota. James A. Keith, supervisor the Hartford Life In surance .company, 623 Bee building, Omaha, Neb. (9) M116 20x Bays. FOUR trustworthy boys; good wsgea Western Union Telegraph Co.. 212 8. 13th. St () 806 M22 Clerical and Office. BANK cashier, Okla.; investment required. NATIONAL REFERENCE St INV. CO., 674 Brandels Bldg. (9)-M136 19 Factory aad Trades. THE great Union Pacific R- R. guarantees you a telegraphic position after training. Practice on railroad wire. Address for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Omaha. (9)-274 WANED Druggist to locate in Hosklns, Neb. Also good opening for furniture and undertaking. Address Commercial Club Secretary. (9 M817 20x WANTE1 In Denver, ornamental Iron and wire workers, remen finishers, lather!, plasterers, tile and marble pet ters. electrtclans. sheet metal worker. Strike on by Building Trades council, t'loiection, eight hours and union acale. Write for detaila. Master Builders' As sociation, Denver, Colo. t9) 98S 23 M Iscellaaeaaa. FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Ass n; no fees. Call 6 N. Y. Life Bids. ' 9)-27 WANTED SO AMERICAN EXTRA GANG LABORERS FOR C. 4V N. W. IN NE BRASKA. 8HIP DAILY FROM 212 8. I2TH ST. (9-M30 MEN to learn barber trade; practical course by free clinic and careful Instruc tions; few weeks completes; tools given; some money earned while learning; just ths time to begin; term completes at busiest sesson; call or write. Moler Bar ber college, 110 8. 14th St.. (91-M687 20x WANTED Railway mall clerks; post office clerks; mail carrlera; sal ary, I40O to tl.wio; examination in Omaha aoon; 8.000 appointments coming; preparation free; write immediately for schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 337 B, Rochester, N. Y. (9) M688 Jel4x WANTED Men to travel everywhere taking pictures; write immediately. W 520. csre Bee. (9) M981 WANTED Thoroughly reliable and experi enced Janitor; no others need apply; an swer with experience and references Ad dress J -417. care Bee. (9) M644 LEARN TO BE A DRAFTSMAN. Bookkeepers and stenographers have to work at starvation wages because the world Is overcrowded with them. Good structural draftsmsn eaally earn 8150 to 1300 per month. Situation always open for ex perienced men. You can learn evenings or days. Practical personal instruction. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCHOOL. 626 N. Y. Life. 'Phone D-2369. (9 M571 Jel WANTED Man to assist traveling pho tographer, shorn Ing proofs snd collect 1n; experience unnecessary. Address J 496. care Bee. (9) M9S2 WANTED Man experienced in taking care of elevators and motors: alao to do other work. Apply Fleming, People s Store. 19)-M133 Nebraska i HOUSE CLEANING CARPETS, rugs, houses, etc.. clesned by the compressed air and vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO., 200 Douglas Blk. Both Phone. Mia Je7 Wall paper, plastered ceilings, rugs and carpets cleaned with Duntley vaeuum cleaner t.agerstrom. Ill Lesvenworth. Ind. A1217. M 681 jnslj LIVE STOCK ,F0R SALE Haraes aad Vehicles. WAOON UMBRELLAS, now only . John son. Danforth Co.. 10th and Jones (U) M937 J6 FOR SALE Riding horse, slr.gle footer; souna ana cuy oroae. in, i"u. 11D-M590 FOR SALE Stanhope top busjgy, cut under gear. Good condition, 176.00. Phone A. C. Hand, Bennetts Millinery Depot. (1D-M-847-18 MY station wagon, runabout and open car riage, cheap. Address O 4M, csre Bee. (ill M734 19x Doare aad Other Pet Stork. FOX TERRIER Male ; took first prixe at Omaha dog show; has blue ribbons. In qulre at 19 B 17th St. (11 840 x LOST AND FOUND LO&T or strayed, one small brindle bull terrier, with white breast and tors; wears spike collar, with name plote "John Buck, Stori Brewing Co.. Omaha. Neb." Liberal reward If returned to owner. tia-M129 MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. 13)-13 PAVCVR And Tumors Cured without Vyvivijit cutting or burning plasters. A written agreement to cure or no pay. Write for free book. J-. Clement Cancer Co., 906 Main St., KansAs City. 13-M123 lRx BEST nerve brace for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, 1 a box. postpaid. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 13) t.i MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. .. wmuvv Tn rrtiu ttticctti ms ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, ItWtl Ul at the cheapest possible rate In III ttt the ritv. Onen until 6:30 P. m. ItS M Tel. Douglas 2036 Ind. A-2036 ta U11AHA HAl.lAli V.U.. W out erown oik., xitutltl Opposite Brandels. tUUtttl (141-277 A Square Deal or No Deal If you borrow money on your furniture. Llanos, etc., at the OLD RELIABLE OAN HEADQUARTERS, incorporated and licensed for the past SEVENTEEN YEARS. That means a lot of satisfied customers. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2295. Entrance 106 S. 16th 6t. , (14) M984 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 61 principal cities. Tolman, Room 613, New York Lite Bldg. (14) Ml MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven port Sts,, warehouse 2207-9 Isard St. (15) 280 WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tion The Bee. . OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad Hooaas. LARGE modern room, in new private home, to a respectable gentleman; references required; no roomers; meals as wanted. Addreas K 300, care Bee. 16)-M962 ROOM AND BOARD. 2411 Capitol Ava. (16) M&44 Junelx DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and Farnam. (1-2S2 NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board. 2217 Howard St. (15) 720 17x Furnlahed Kooaaa. DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman; select neighborhood, near Farnam car. 131 N. list Ave. (16)-284 Hotel Boquet Formerly Karbach, loth A Howard Sts. (16) M614 Jell FURNISHED rooms or house for summer; cool, fine view, walking distance. 408 N. 22d. (16) M709 LARGE, nicely furnished rooms; private nam, uui . . .... j ul. s iiuiig Harney 3173. (16)-M474 24X FURNISHED ROOM, 1960 S. 10th St. U61-M768 May 23x FURNISHED rooms by the week. Electiio elevator, hot and cold water; rates reasonable. Oma Hotel, Uth and Jack son. - (1)-M40 206 SO. 26th St, Tel. Doug. 6428. (16)-867 Jel NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board. 108 S. 25th Ave (16)-M0 17 THAT nice cool room, on beautiful Park Ave., at 211. (16)-M974 20x DESIRABLE room, private family. 2403 Harney St. (15) M828 19 SOUTH room, with aloove, elegantly fur nlahed, suitable for man and wife, with board; alao two aingle rooms on third floor, in modern home; walking distance. 2704 Farnam 8t. Tel. Harney 3631. (161 M733 II YOUNG MAN to share comfortable fur nished room, 2702 Farnam St. Tel. Hsr ney 2066. (16)-M98l 22 TWO furnished rooms, single or en suite: board lf desired; gentlemen preferred. 201 So. Cential Blvd. (15)-M8t3 22x PLEASANT room: reasonable, call even lnga. 2409 Harney. (15 M986 22x NICE modern front parlor. 130.00. Phone Harney 3173. (15) 104-23 LARGE comfortable front room; modern; close In. 1817 Capitol Ave. (l&l M141 2ox FOUR nicely furnished rooms In modern Dundee home, on car line. 15 minutes from city. 4f36 Chicago St. Phone Har ney 3t2. . (16)-M117 19 Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT Six-room lower fist. 514 N. 22d St.; modern; newly repaired; convenient; lJa.50. Apply at 6W N. 19th St. (15)-M933 THREE and 6-room flats. Scargq Bldg.. 616H N. 24th St., South Omaha, Hall. 33 Kamge Bldg. Both phonea. (15) -406 NO EQUAL 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. U&)-M706 FIVE-ROOM brick flat, new porcelain bath, lavatory, sink; modern, wUh water. 1)4 50. Tel. Douglas 671 or 692. (li) 71 M31 Ol'TSlDB corner. 6 nli-ely flnithed. large. coi. modern ro ni. for people that live nicely, inside bilnda, gaa range, hot water; walking difctence Summer rate, $ Reference required. Bemie. V Bran dels. tl)-MM 22 HeaeekeealWar Raaaaa. EXCELLENT furnished housekeeping rooms In three adjoining houses. Prices moet reasonsole; light, heat, corking gaa and telephone free. Dr. Prlbbenow. 74 Harney St. (16)-M40J TWO nicely furnished rooms, everything modern and convenient. 2o California. (161 M827 19x SUITE of I furnished rooms, housekeep ing, all modern, light, heat, telephone, cooking gas, Ice box privileges. 1011 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3992. 115-M83 li FIRST floor rooms, housekeeping. 1713 Jackson. (16) MKT? 19x TWO handsome front rooms, housekeep ing, modern. 604 8. 28th St. (15) M99 18 EXCELLENT, newlv furnished, house keeping rooms; everything modern snd reasonable; walking distance; new flat. 3H X. 26th St. (15) Ml 24x (.'af arnlshed Rooms, THREE, alcove; good location Tel. Har ney 4265. (15)-M7T2 Jl ALCOVE room. Tel. Red 6816. 2418 Cass. (16)-M487 JunelO Faralahed Heaaes, 6-ROOM furnished Cottsge. all modem. 1918 Clark St. Inquire 1)7 Howard. 05)-MH FURNISHED 6-ronm apartment by .Tune 1. Call after I o'clock. IMvldge Bldg., apartment 1. (16) M9T7 22x BEAUTIFUL 10-room furn'shed house, Kounlse Place, hot water hat, I: largo rooms, very convenient, lnrge porch, with screen for summer. 8e Hastins-s St Hey den. 1704 Fan am St. , (1R)-7 22 SEVEN-ROOM house, furnished, modern, In Bemis Park. Call Harney 41.t I16)-10g 17 Hoases aad Cottaatea. I 1910 WEBSTER, i-room brick, new close In, roomers, 846. 1519 N. 33d, southeast corner Seward, 8 rooms, all modern, screens, shades, on car line near Hem Is Park, 35. 2723 8. 9th, 7 rooms and Hall, new one block east of South 10th line at 10th and Ban croft Sts., 125. o kep:fe real estate co.. Douglas or A-2152. 1001 N. Y. Life BMg. (15)-726 ELEGANT 6-room flat located No. 610 So. 37th. all modern; price 135. Bemis. Bran dels Bldg. (15)-296 13! 60-Strictly modern 8-room brick. IS 8. 2Sth Bt. Tel. Harney 1767. (16) M774 18 4-ROOM apartment. Modern. 816 So. 22J. (16) Mt9 Jejbx TWO three-room cottages at 22d and Ames Ave. O. C. Redick, 1517 Farnam St. (16I-M975 18 6-ROOM house, 1321 8. 28th St., all modern except heat. 822.50. Tel. Hamey 2359. (15)-17 FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 2602 So. 20th Ave. 810 per month. C. M. Bachman, 42G Paxton Block. (15) 908 FOR RENT. Just finished. St. Louis flats, hardwood finish, all modern, combination fixtures, 23d snd Webster Sts. Seven rooms and reception .hall. 840. Five rooms and reception hall, 132. Five rooms and reception hall, lao. Nine-room all modern brick building, 2009 Willis Ave., 126. Three-room apartment. 1917 Clark St., 89. C. M. BACHMAN, tso t-axion uiock. (15) 494 MODERN 6-room brick house, 1101 No. 2.14 St., tab. Phone Harney aw. (.16) 864 FOR RENT rooms, with bam, cottage near 39th and Grand Ave., 1 block from car. Tel. Webster 753. (15) Mf98 18 4 ROOMS and reception hall; all modern, 120. 2230 Poppleton Ave. (15) M990 2967 PACIFIC St., 8-room, thoroughly mod ern house, oak finish, 140. A. G. Elltck, 601 Bea Bldg. (loj 297 FOR RENT 8-room modern bouse. 25U . . . f. . T" 1 T, . . ... 1 .... cnicago oi., ibi, uuuKidi row, (15)-M622 20 FOR RENT 6-room house, modern. Z213 Fowler Ave., pavea street, cement walks, with fruit. 'Phone owner, Web. 6197. (15)-73 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. U6) &i FINE all modern house of II rooms on S. W. corner 27th and Jackson; references required, ItiO. Bemis, Brandeia Bldg. (15)-29B HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 894. (15)-294 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwait, Barker Blk. 06) 295 OMAHA Van and Storage Co. Pack move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th, office lou9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16)-291 Reception hail, parlor, dining room and , J 1. I L. 1 n . . 1 . . 1 I Dearonm. kiiviioii, luiiri, I a u mi I y , in cluding water, 3416 Laf. Ave. Tel. Harney 4730. (16) M565 MAGGARD VAN A STORAGE CO., Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, H. H. goods. (15)-298 trnTTIlT'Q I 'l Prts of the city. UUUOji3 Creigh Sons A Co., Bee Bldg. (15) 299 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (lo)-302 FOR RENT -room and bath, cottas-e. on car line; good location; 118.60. Inquire joo urana Ave. (101 Mil aux FOR RENT OR SALE 7-room, modern Rent 320. 2860 Meredith. (15) M126 Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy comer of 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N Sta New addreaa. (16) M677 tarea. BCARGO blk.. South Omaha, 620 No. 14th. Hall. 438 Ramgo Bldg.; both phones. (16)-456 FOR RENT Second or third floor or both, 24x129, outside entrance, elevator. Very cheap. 1316 Farnam St. (15) M610 27 OFFERED FOR SALE Farnltare. FOR SALE One cherry bed mom set, one secretary and book case combined, one couch, one dining room table and chairs, one oak rocker. Tel. Harney U28. (16)-106-17 Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any mske: all prices, sold and rented, rent applied; easy terma; shipped anywhere for examination. Writs for large bargain list snd offer. B. F. Bwanson Co., 417 8. Uth St., Omaha, b. (11) 812 TYPEWRITERS rebuilt. good iecon hand, guaranteed in every way; Reming ton, J'mlth, Underwood. Oliver and 20 othei'.nakes; Ho up. All makea for rent at low rates. Write for catalogue show ing largest line to be found. Agents wanted in sn.ne unoccupied territory. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Far nam. (14 M3j6 Junes M lacs We HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sal) st 60c each. They are fins for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. (16)-277 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all 310 orders; catalogue free. Sherman a McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (16)-606 FOR BALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool taoiea. V 1U til. orld la cheap bar fixtures; eaay payments. Brunswick Balks Coliender. 407 S. 10th St, (16)-)6 FOR SALE Cash reglater and gcale cheap. Ad4rM. Cl . car Bea. iU ev4 RPTMINOTOX typewriter No. . first clsarn, U0. Teople Loan Co., 163 Farnam St (16) Mu96 DUNTLEY vacuum cleaning machine. till Leavenworth. (16) MI82 Jnel FOR SALE Soma four and five-ton stake draws or would sell whole outfit Address lock box 436. 8loux City, la- 116) M602 SODA fountains, new and seeemd-hand; monthly riaymenta. DerlghL.1818 Farnam. ' (16) luft BEND us your mall order tor drugs; ... . . ... . . . W IM1U rretgni pain nn iv iois. ji-umii Drug Co., Omaha. ' !- 1,500 LIQUOR BARRELS N. Steinberg, 111! Harney. Tel. D.'SrOA (16)-M611 JeU FOR SALE 6Hx8H Improved Seneca View Camera with all latest Improvements. Volgtlaender Dynar. 10-inch focus lense, carrying cam and flash light machine; all practically new. Peoples Losn Co 1623 Farnam St. (16-A61 ONE National cash register. Total adder. one Dayton computing scale, one butchers hanging scale, one Wagner stuffer. on large rocker and block, one I horse poaer automatic electric motor, direct current. ED. B. GIBBS, 1009 8. 20th. Douglas 43. (1)-U7 TWO pool tables for sale. 1017 W. B'way, council Bluffs. (Iff) Ml H S4X .. PATENTS D. O. BARNELU Taxton Blk. Tel. Rod Til J OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INS, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. Wl 5) 608 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolaa, 608 N. Y. L. Blrig. lb) at 9 PERSONAL 8YRINGE8, rubber goods, by mall; cut prlcea. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 313 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at VM N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4ij and wagon will call. (18) 786 MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electric, vibrating and Swed ish massage. So8 Old Boson Ptore. (lSj M649 Jnel3 A'MlTTl, treatment. Mme. Smith, MAUJNH11L. a mh( lhlrd floor (IS) 6i7 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18) 112 DRUNKENNESS, DRUG HABIT cured to stay cured, under positive guarantee. Write the Knnor Remedy Co., Dept. G. South Omaha. Neb (.18) M703 Jnel4 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan PhiiI tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. (lS)-MXi3 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aaaoclatlon, 17th and Howard Sta., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. A deaconess representing the association meets trains at tho Union sta tion aa travelers' aid. (18) 2b8 HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18)-31t DIVORCE LAWS OF NEVADA. Complete Information mailed free by At torney William R. 8hafer, Reno, Nev. , (18) M348 JuneBx POULTRY AND EGGS BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK and Silver Laced Wyandotte egga. 11 for 15 or It per 100. Eli Mock, Lindsay, Neb. (UJ-M984 SOX B. P. ROCKS Rlrglet strain, premium stock. Eggs 11.26 per 2tr; 14.60 per lou Eisie Stannard, Gordon, Neb. (1D-M522 25x WHITE ROCKS Large bone, pure bred, high scoring stock. Eggs for sale, A. L. Selden, Rising City, Neb. (ID M521 Sox 8. C. BROWN LEGHORN EGGS. 13 00 per 100. Good layers. Chas. Gardner, Bloom lngton. Neb. (ll)-M9t3 aox 8. C. R. I. REDS Eggs 11.00, 11.25 per 15; 14, 16 per 100. Mrs. Frank Anderso.i, Pawnee City, Neb (ID M620 "ox REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est., 1866; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam Su (19) 315 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President. (19)-31 GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 1387. (19) M517 PAYNE INV. CO., llrrt floor N. T. Life. 09 317 WALKUP REAL ESTATE CO.. 60 Paxton Block. (19)-M967 Mayll BENJAMIN R. K. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. t . q i3i8 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. BOULEVARD HOUSE,. 2245 North 19th St.. 9 rooms, modern, only 12,500. Thorns Brennan. Room I New York Life Bldg. (19) 3J0 ' MUST SELL . 1438 North 18th St. A good 4-room cottage, all In good condition. Inside and out; city water in yard: large barn in rear. Price 11.500. 4430 Farnam A large 8-room house, suit able for two families; south frrnt on Farnam; only 2 blocks to car. Price 12,500. The owner of the above properties Is leaving tha city and says he must sell. The Byron Reed Co, 'Phone Doug. 297. 212 S. 14th. (19)-11'0 U LOOK HKRE! YOU! RENTER! Have Rent! Buy Home! Bargain! Grand Ave., 2 blocks to car; 7-room. mod ern, hot-water heat; oak and hard pine finish; nice lot. Cash, 11,240; balance nionthlv. Price, 13.400. WALK UP REAL ESTATE CO.. W Paxton Block. Phone Douglaa 9K. (19) M115 19 THREE building lots In Fort Dodg la ; ,-lear. value 11.100; to exchange for 1908 four-cylinder automobile In good condi tion. J. R. Mulroney, Fort Dodge. la. (19I-M128 A FOR SALE HolBman, Model 10, with top, $400. Six cyl. 40 H. P.. with top. $1,000. Wayne. 4 cyl., 30 H. P., new, BRICK V. KITIIN 1812 Harney. (19)-M140 Mr. Renter I have a good 6-room house and barn to aell to a good working man. Large lot with lota of beurtng fruit. This place worth II. W, but the right man or womn can get this for I'JOO. All 1 want Is 1100 don. balxnce to suit you. ('all at 616 Brandels Bldg , or Tel. Red 6326. . U(-105 17x COTTAGE. 2811 Char Us St . 7 iimjuis, city water, gas and aewer. nue yaiii, pavsd street, fut II, 650; terms. PAYNE INVESTMBNT CO., First Floor New York Life Building. Tel. Douglas 17a otyt Uat. flty-MUt 29 I A a c It 1 .V t: 1 ...