THE REE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY IP, 1909. ".RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Reports Show Decided Decrease ia World". Visible Supply. SASH OFFERINGS WERE LIGHI rVheat aa Strong;, hnt Holdera of Leag Rfaae4 All Bids orn la Decidedly In active. , t . .OMAHA, May 17. 19"9. Yheat was- strong and higher aiir an r.-tsler ' npnln, The market waa hare of ffferinga from the aiart. Every holder of long atuff stood pat and refuted all fold a ns prices advanced. Light cath offerings and a decWId decrease 1n the wet k.y world's visible upply became the day a feature. Corn la decidedly Inactive. The eVuntry movement la vpry alack and with no active demand values ruled very narrow. Wheat advanced after the first offerings were absorbed at the opening. With no cash wheat for aale and a d-clded decrease In the visible aupply price gained strengtn Kieadlly during the day. Mav wheat opened at tl.i.H and cloaed at $1.2V Corn waa Unchanged and ruled dull, with nu action. Receipts are not increasing and the demand la alnck. Cash corn waa lower, offerings being alow May corn opened at 71c and cloaed at Vic. Primary wheat receipts' were tftS.OiM bushels and shipments were 445.01 bufhela. against receipts last year of K'l.iO) buflhuls and ahlpnienia of 1.174. i0 bushels. Corn rerelpta were 84.0"O bushels and shipments' were H44.0O0 bushels, against re ceipts last year of StiJ.fW) bushels and ship ments of fTO.oriM bushels. Clearance of wheal and flour, were ritual to 176.ij bushels.. .t- ' Liver mol rinsed "id higher to VI lower on wheat anl unchanged on corn. Loral range of opltone; Article, Open. Hlgh!. Iotv ; Close. 1 Eat y. V heat I ' I- Mai . I 2 1 27V, 1 07 1 & " 1 l m, 1 07 71 Kt; fiiVs Ks 4"- July... I 107 i o I ,.tn May... Ju y...! 71 .. M l 6 4",; BtPl.,.- Cat rV 1 Mav Sept fcS'4 H! 4" IV, Oman rash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hmd, 1. 27H 1.30; No. 3 hard. $1.25fl 1.5;' No. 4 liBrd, fl.175jl.23; No. 3 spring. $1 3iH.'M. CoKN-No. 2. 7eVf70c.; No. 3. 7VHc; No. 4. ii'Jc, .No; 2 yellow. ,g'Vs it. i ; No. 3 yel low. 7iiic; No. -i white. ;1'U'1'1 No. 3 White. 7IV.M iiATS-Nu. 3 mixed, 6iVefciac; No. 3 yel low. IMftWtr; No. 8 wirrt.-; onHilwtsc; No. 4 white, 64fe64c. H T hi No. .'. 7.H ,flc; Nn. 3. 76-l77c. Carlo! Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oat Chicago ,.... 7S 19b Minneapolis 175 Omaha 7 t2 6 luluth i 7 C HICAGO GRAIN AM) PHO ISltl.N S Feat area of the Trading and Closing Prices oit Hoard of Trinle. CHICAGO. May 17. Wheat prices made an txpuctcd advance toda despite bearish statistics, the market closing strong at net g.t.ns ol MfSC to lH'hle. Coin and oats ciosid easy and provisions steady. The tendency of wheat prices today was a great aurprww many pit traders, a number of whom mild short on the previous Htttstoii on tloi theory unit the weenly sta tistics would be of it bearish nature. Th toncHst on the week htmlstics proved c-tilect, but tne niarnel failed, except al the lmmcd.itj tirnilng. to foe affected by libetnl Worm tnlpments and a decrease in i.ii.l,H fou lit amount ol bieadKtulf on ocean (aeSuKc Stiio eakueas was luan-llc-tv.d at ti. start and Initial guotal.ons k m a niiadti higher to Sac lower than S ituiuay s close, but In tue tirst fewmln u.l of the loss was retained and pi. era advanced to a point le above the l.nal flKure of- the previous sVrMton. July manlfeaieil the gteatest buoyunry and was In active demand. The butng was based In pan on crop damage reports from the southwest. During the day the July option tanked 'between (1.12V4 ' Trie market closed strung, with Juiy at i 14'- '" ' by commission nouses based on p;opee,a of Increased reclpts caused a hejvy tune In the corn murket nearly all day. . Tha bulge In wheat had a tendency to check tle sc. ling. The July d-llverj dlsplayfd active firninaKs and orost d at a gain of ic compared with Saturday's ciose. but the other options were Vi'tSc lower than the pieVHius close. Oats . w.'re to heavy selling pleasure all day. Tl.e. close was weak, with prices unchanged to Vc lower than Katuruay s close. July ranged 5oCjc and 51V tj-tlV and close. at 5ii'o. Provisions were ratlmr weak at the start, owing to ilneral receipts of live hogs, hut became firmer on covering by shoria Trude was ouiet nearly all day. At the close piice were 2V"7Vjc higher.. CKiklnu guotdiiotis were as follows; Ariiclis. j Open. High. I lyiw. Close. Bafy. Wheat Moo July Dec. corn May July Dec. t )at Afav July Sept. Dm. I'ork May July 8it. Lri ' May July.. 8vt. It lbs Mo - . July 1 i Km l UNii 1 04? i a i 1 U4 1 tMi I 1 S7 1 2'-". 1 12-i 1 14', 1 C4".l J 0S 1 U4i 1 -7 I' 12fl I, 1 t'4H 1 01 I I 72 72-Si itVili, 67Hi ,r'wi4.r 72s.l 7S irt' S74i RSNi M4 13 Ji4 4.", 18 40 1H 474 ,t7'ff(RS'''il liTVoVil 67T' I I WSi fiO i8 I 6v I 43 4m.fH42Ttj-43 43M' I43H 43'si iJVsl ti I 18 474' Id 47V! ! 18 1 ih 5.' I ! 1 42W! IS n5 IS 4741 18 4741 l-i 374 IK S-4 18 4-Vsi 1 I ; 1 IS 50 10 70 10 70 10 824 I in S7V1 10 I to 7ft 10 7S 10 2s! ID 7fi 10 U4I 10 75 10 75 I 10 85 I W SO 10 in 10 10 7lj! f 10 10 10 IS i I 19 i5 10 21' V Hi C74! 10 OS I 10 124! 174! 10 16 : 10 2241 lo 10 10 10 10 17U C.-h quotations were as follows: FOL'R Btrong; winter patents, fti.? C.mi; winter straights, fl spring pat- iita. f6.iV5 .hi; spring straights. U 7tw6 90; Lakers. 13. 4ufp 6.00 RYK No. 2 s?(8Sc. BAftUY--reed or mixing. 7t?j'71c; fair to choice malting. Wfyilc. 6KKD3 Klaa, No- 1 south weatern. $1.62; No. I n rthwestarn. $1.73. Timothy. f3 no. Clover. f9 Vi. PROVISIONS Meat pork, p.T bM . llS.Mf M.4W. Ird. per 100 lb, fia.724. Short rl) sldfs (loose), fin.Htfcio 20. Bhort clear sides (nosed 1. rt).374810.50. HITTER Steady; creameries, 20424c; dairies. 18f7t3c. EOJ9 Steady; . at mark, cases Included. 19'ti. . firsts. c; prime firsts. 21c. CHEESE-Firm; daisies 1-,T154c: twins, l41il4Vi Yt.ung- Americas, 144'al4c; long horns. 14411440. POTATOES Weak ; choice to fancy. 2)S 3c; fair to gicd. 7L.tttic. POILTRT -Steady; turkeys, 15c; chick ens. IV; springs, lftc VEAl Steady; Hi to -Ib. weights, R'dc; 0 to tt-lb. weights. 7jf84c; 85 to 110-lb. weiajhta, 4i4c. Total cleaiances of wheat and fe ur were eoual t 178.tW bu. Primary receipts were 36. bu.. compared with 71,i bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the I'nlted Htates de creased S.4S7.000 bu. for the week. Ths hirount of breadstuff on rcen passage in crea,sed l.V0,0U0 bu. Estimated reci lpts for tomorrow; Wheat. cers; corn, 125 ears; cats. 227 cars; hogs, 16,on head. St. Loots nraeral Market. 8T. DOlIfl. May 17. - WH EAT-hitures. h gher; cash, dull; track, No. 2 rd, eah. :2jk.n; No i hard, tl S8.-a1.3: Mav, flo2. July, fl ll)"4J'l.lft; September, fl 06 t)l t'ORX Eutuies. weak; cash, lower; track. No. I cash. 754c; No. t white, 744U 7i4c; Julv, aS.c; September, Sac. OATft Steadv; track. No. J cash 57c; No. wbitt. 6N4''gt!n.'; July, 4!c; geptem tier 42e. RTE-Nominal. Me KDOl'R Steady : red winter patents W 50 4V7.ri; extra fan. y and straight, f5 7o4u h.ird wtntei clears. f4 5,'S4. PFFTV-Tlmothv, f 2. 2'n 1 .15. CiRNMFt 50. BRAN Firm; sacked east track, fl M m . I4A Y- ''n hana-ed; timothy. $12 501100; prairie. flv4jll BAOOINO 1 l-ISc. -HEMP 'f W I N K !2c. PROVISION?-! ard. l her; prime steam. fVS.yil' L(! Kylt Wr.l, lll't .l. lU Jil) , extra shorts, fil l; clear rib. Ill i. short clirs. tU.r.4. Hacon, steady; rxtis sf-orta. lu (i; clear rll. tl2.oi; shott clenrs. $;2.124 P I' 9. T K V-yulet; chickens liijr; 2Si:i.c; turkevt. 13'ql.V; ducks, lor; gers-, 4c. MI'TTEIt Rt-adv; creamerv. 21flCV. IXKiS Steady,' ic tae count. Receipts Phlpments. Flour, lifola 6m 4,n) Vhat. bu .oi 25nnii Corn, bu l.TO.O'io 7o.ftf Oats, bu M.OUo i7,iO. SKW IORK (IKVKH t L M ARKET Qaotations nt the Dar nn Varloos Commodities. NEW YORK. May 17 - Fl jOCR-Recelpts. 10.4i bbls.' exports. I.S01 bbls.j market qulctj firm: Minnesota patents, in .jmu.Sn; winter straights. Minnesota bakers. 4.8il 1i5 3e; w inter extras. S4 46i In; winter pst ents. fiioTi 4"; winter low grades, ft 9 500; Kansas straights. fiM U 1.9i. Rye fioui. firm; fair to good, f., O1416..W. CORN M EA L Steady ; floe white and yel low, f 1.6.-U I.711; coarse,"j4.53; kiln dried. 13 j. KTKDull; No. 2 western, 'M nominal, f. o. b.. New Yoik. RAH LEY Steady; feeding. 7c. c. I. f., New York. W'H EAT Receipt a, ioXM) bushels; exports, KX.iik) bushels, spot market firm: No. 2 red, fl.4lMl.4a. nominal, elevator; tl 44rftl.4fi. nom inal, f. o. b., aflont; No. 1 northern Duluth. fl 33i4, f. o. h., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, II f. o. b.. afloat. Lied by May. wheat Jumped 240 on the otienlng to new high levels and remained strong and active all day on offerings "of July, firm rabies, a strong cash situation, recovering nf shorts and a heavy visible supply decrease. May closed 240 net higher and othr months lc to IV higher. May. fl.371iT.38, closed. II ,; Julv closed, tl.il1.; September closed, I1.1UV.; la'ceniher closed. 11.11 7-lfi. CORN Receipts, 1.100 bushels; spot mar ket steady; o. 2, 84c elevator and 814c, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 white. M40 ind No. 2 yellow, 8:!4, f. o. b.. afloat. fptlon mar ket was without transaction, closing; party V lower. May closed. R44c; July cloned, 7t ; geptemlier closed. 734c. OATS Receipts, Bfi.tjfiO bushels; snot mar ket steady; mixed oats. 2fi and 32 pounds, o4VHc: ralural white, 2 and 32 pounds, 61'a' iVl3.! ; clipped white. 32 and 40 ounds, 61 a 1 t7c HAY Quiet; No. 3, d'TOc; good to choice. S,Vfiii Hol'S Steady; state, common to choice, ::. 1 1 op. PKoUi ; 1 crop. 31(.6c: Pacific const, im cr p. Millc; lsto-, crop, JCfidc. HinilS Film: Ropota, :14224:; Central America, '. l.t-lATHER Steadv; acid. 2d2!V. PROVISIONS-Heef. easy; famllv. I13.50W ll-'; mess. tln.5olil.(K; beef hams. tJ4.00 K!6.0n; packet, fl2.omiil2.Si): city, extra India mesa, fl .t" 'tj Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, fll.Kpfill.2fi: pickled hams. til. 00. lard, firm; western. Sll.Anfrll.lfl; refined, linn; continent, tll.on; South America, tl2.: compound. 17. f51f8.124. Pork, firm; family. l!t. 2,r.4i fsi ; short clear. tl.5n5j.21.50; mess. flv7.V(i 19.26. TAl.KOW-Dull; city U pr pks 54c; country tpkgs. ftree'K 4H,1ifTsc. RICK Steady: domestic, fair to extra. tiiiS4e; J.ipan, non inal. lil'TTER The market was steady, creamery specials. L'tili-Jt4c; official price, 2c; extras, 25 4c; thirds to firsts. .11' ..: state dairy, common to finest. ;Hr2f4c; process, common to special, 171 2;:V; western factory, firsts, 2iV-; western imitation creamery, firsts, 21 iff 22c CHEESE Steady; new state full cream specials. I.'mi34c; new state full cream small, colored or white, fancy. 124c; new state full cream farge, colored, fancy, 124c; new stale full cream common to fair, ftaillc; skims, full to special, 21illc Bins- Steady, stnte, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, .selected white. 261jC54c; slate. Pennsylvania arid nearby fair to choice, ;co244c; brown mid mixed, fanoy, 234'rTj4o; brown and mixed, fair to choice, 2-"o::;c; western storage packed, 224T('224c; western firsts. 211j22i'; seconds, 20vj2u4c; southern best. 2li4iUilo; seconds, 2iX'. PoCLTRY Alive, dull; chickens, broilers. L."li.T0c; fowls, 17il74'; dressed, easv; chickens, lile; . fowls, 154lS4c; turkeys, fri'xin. Ii'?i2jc. WKTTIEH IV THe'gBAIV BELT Kbonera Tuesday, with a I.lttle More ( That nellHhtfol Cooluess. OMAHA, NeU. May 17. 1909. A barometric. ucLo'cssion has deveioi4 over the mniiiie aim lower districts of the Rocky Mo j mains, with its greatest depres sion overiymg the iVxaa paniiandle. An meu. of hign pressure is moving in over Jiie western Canadian proviiicea' and north, -ac.tic coast, add' une tied weatHeV pre vails thtvujtuoui.xile noiihwc'St. Kalna are falling in .North Dakota, Montuna, and IC.'Nt tn th,, Puiifk.i i'iiuii u.ilh Bnr..a In the provinces. . Cool weattitr prevajled In'1 me upper Aiissisaippi and Missouri valleys during Sunday, ana freeg.nsl temperatures occurred lit tne extreme. Upper valleys Sat urday night.' It is s.jmewnat warmer in Hie upper valleys this morning but- cooler weather prevails In the mountains and frosts are reported In Colorado, Wyoming, I'tah, and Idaho. The Indications are for showers In this vicinity tonight and pos sibly Tuesday, with slightly cooler tonight and cooler Tuesday. Record of temperature and precipitation compared with trie corresponding day of the past three years. . W9 1908 1907 19H6 Minimum temperature ....W do 5H 62 ITeclpttatinn 0 4H '01 T Normal temperature for today, 3 degrees. Excess deficiency In precipitation since March 1st, 2.49 Inches. Excess deficiency corresponding period in llKlS. l.fio Inches. Excess deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 4. inches. ....... U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Com and wheat region buHetin for Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at N a. in., 71th marldlan. tiroe, Monday, May 17, 1S09: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Rain Stations. Max. Mln fall. Sky. Ashland. Ne b 73 06 - T Cloudy Auburn. Neb 77 . 41 . ..00 Cloudy Broken Bcw. Nub. 77 5o .00 ' Clear Columbus, Neb... 7t 62 .01 . Pt. cloudy Culbertaon. Neb.. M 62 .v .' Clear Fairbury. Neh.. 7 -66 .02 Cloudy Fairmont. Neb... 74 61. ,0i 1 . Cloudy Or. Island, Neb.. 7- M . Cloudy Hartlngton. Neb. 74 62 Pt. cloudy Hastings, Neb 76 64 .0 Cloudv Hnldroge, Nc-b.... 81 63 . .00 Clear' (Kikdale. Neb 70 6: ' M Clear Omaha. Neb 73 SI .0c'1 Cloudy Tekamah, Neb... 73 53 . 00 . floudy Alta. la W ' 50 T Cloudy Carroll, la 70 45' .00 Clear Clarinda. Ia 76 JjO .00 Pt. cloudy Sibley. In W ' 43 .11 Cloudv Sioux City. la... 70 , 64 ;no Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DI8TRICT AVERAGES. No: of Temp. Rain. Central. Btdti ns. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, 111 2H 64 ' 44 .10 Columbus, O It! 70 ' 44 .00 lies Moines. Ia ... 14 68 '48 .00 Indianapolis. Ind.. 13 72 .1K1 Kansas City. Mo.. 2. " 7S 62 T Minneapolis. Minn. 28 64 44 .08 Omaha. Neb 19 74 . 60 .01 St. Uiuls, Mo 12 76 ' 50 .lu Very light showers were scattered throughout the extreme western portion of the coin and wheal region within the last twenty-four lo urs. The temperature la slightly hier-er In the western and slightly lower In tiie eastern portion. I A WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather bureau. Kaasaa City (.rata aael ProTisanas. KANSAS CITY. May-17. yH BAT Un changed; No. 2 hard, f1o1.3S; No. 1 hard, tl il M; No. 2 red, tl 4.'4jla6; No. t red. tl4;'vls4. CiJUN I'nchanged to 4 higher; No. I mixed 74.!tr?.-c; No. I mixed. 744fl74c; No. 2 white, 7rx-; No. 3 while, 74i(c OATS rnchaiiged; No. "2 w hite, 570c; No. 2 mix d. aJjC6c. KYK-WiW. 11 AY I'nchanged; choice timothy. $1276fJ 13 25; choice piaiiiB, fll.usjill ; choke al falfa. 116 7V(j 17.7 j. Hl'TTEK-Creaniery. iac; firsts, 23c; sec onds. 2ic; lacking slock. 17c. EOOS Extras. 214c. current receipts. 19c; seconds and dirties. 174c. ..ecelpis Shlj'menta Wheat, bu 22 1 u (u.O'4 Coi n, b , 2s. om . Oats, bu lo.Ouu 3a.0uo Option at Kansas City: Articles. Wheat July , September 1 December , Coin- July beptembtr December . I Open. I High. I Ixw. 1 Close I 1 064 1 OiA "i l 4i 4R I 7 H'4j 14 3B 1 i4! 1 7 ti 1 tH. 994A I :s 1 6 I 52 e.4 S3 A arked. H bid Klala Bailer Market. EIIV 111 . Mav 17 - tl'TTER Firm; 2( , aaltk fut 1. 1 i.iu,; tii,tuj j-euue. NEW IORK STOCKS AND BONDS Trading it Dull to the Point of Stagnation. PRICE MOVEMENT SLUGGISH alaes Are Taraed Downward To ward the (lose by Isrresst 1st Kastaatesaeals of Uold for tslpmest Abroad. NEW TORE, May 17 The stock market gave signal evidence today that the large operations which have caused the show of animation for some time past has been dis continued. The trading was dull to the point of lethargy and the movement of prices sluggish to the point of stagnation. Persons of authority and Influence In finance continued to be quoted In confi dent opinions of the prospect tor renewal of prosperity and there was a marked unanimity in looking for active revival with the completion of the tariff legisla tion. The price level of stocks gives abundant testimony that speculation has not waited on the passage of the tariff legislation to see Ita advantage coming from the revival. The stress laid on the crop prospects In the hopeful views ex pressed by the trade Improvements keep the Speculative sentiment sensitive to the crop news. That from the southwest to osy counteracted the beneficial effect of the reports of the rains last week. Not only winter wheat, but cotton comes within the calculation. News of Industrial conditions was favor able. Reports of heavy orders for railroad eiiulpment and supplies had an effect on the electrical Industrials, hut not so much on the steel group. An advance In wire prices also waa without much Influence on that group. The engagement of fJ.ono.OnO gold for export and prospects of future outgo to South America revealed the con tinued demand of the New York supply for foreign markets. Th was known to be destined for Europe, but the proportion for Paris and that for Holland was not stated, lxindon's gold supply In the open market was taken for Austria. The gold outgo is clearly called for by the state of the International exchanges, the recent small excess in value of our mer chandise exports over Imports being more than overbalanced by the persistent llnul dation of foreign holdings of American securities. The relative state of the money markets here and abroad, however, wuulil prompt the retention of funds here, since Interest rates obtainable In New York are somewhat better than those abroad. Bor rowing abroad has been going on, as a matter of fact, to a considerable extent and has restricted the gold export In pro portion. That foreigners should continue to aell American securities without the pres sure of any money exigency to push them makes an effective impression of the Idea held abroad of our price level for securities as excessive. The free selling of this sort coming from Holland is of special effect on sentiment owing to the reinvestment Judg ment of the Dutch. The Increased gold shipments from 2.0ii0,0oo In the morning to f3,isi0,000 th the afternoon was the deter mining factor In turning prices downward to the closing. ' Bonds were steady. Total sales, H.016,000. I'nited tSatee 4s, coupons, advanced 4 per cent on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Siln High. Lnw. ('Inns. Allls-ChalmerN pfd Amalgamated Copper American Agricultural .... Am. Beet Sugar Am. Can pfd .. Am. r. A F Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. ft L. pfd Am Ire gerurllles American Linseed American Lneomuttvs Am. 8. A R Am. g. ti R.. pfd Am. fumr Refining Am. Sugar Refining Am. T T Am. Toba.'ro pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchiaon .-. .. Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Line Bnlilmore Onto nl Ohio pfd Retolehem 8leei Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific, Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jerae Chesapeake a Ohio Chicago Alton Chicago fit. W Chicago A N. W C, M. a 8t. P C C. c. st. L Colorado F. A I Colorado it So Colo. So. lt pfd Colo, tk So. 2d pfd Conaolldated Gas Corn Producta Ieiarare Hudson Denver 6 Rln Grande D. R. ). pfd Dlatlllera' Sscurltlea Erie Erie lit pfd Krle 2d pld '. General Electric Oreat Northern pfd Great Northern Ors etfa. .. Illinois Central Interborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Harveeter ... International Marine pfd.. International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kansas City 80 K. C. So. pfd Louiavllle A N Minn. A St. L M.. St. P. A S. i. at Missouri Pacific .. K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Biscuit N. R. R. of M let pfd New York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A w North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mail .,... Pennsylvania People's Gaa P . C, C A St. L Preeied 8teel Car Pullman Palace Car Rallwajr Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel Republic gteel pfd Rock liland Co Rock I. land Co. pfd St. L. 8 K 14 pfd St. Louie 8 W St. L. S. W pfd 8loee-8heffleld 9 A I Southern Pacific So. Pacific ptd Southern Rallwar So. Hallway pfd Tenneaeee Copper Teiaa A Paclllr T , St. L. A W T , St. L. A W. pfd I'nloa Pacific laion Pacific pfd I S. Really I'. S Rubber C S. Steel I S. Steel pfd flak Copper Va -Carolina Chemical .... Wabeak Wabaah pfd Weatern Maryland W'Mtitighouae Electric Weetern I nlon W heeling A L. T. 6.60O b2 il 61', u m 194. SI Ill's 81 S! '.' 56 t.(S w ti Hk t SUV, U'l 'S' ; ms 9:0, 1.2 itui Pi', 10s l"'t im 13.11, u3, U 1S 1J'.) l"li Ml p. 36 Mil f0 !, M9S l'W ltfl 1"44 l4t 104k 127 127 121 113 1144 111), 4 r7 n i 7 7fc'i leOH ISO 173", 30S n 29 liM'e 103 T, tuats .. ...... 2tk 7V 7S4. PH, 70 ' 69 I9 I ' 41 t IS ' 12 lS2-ti 161 IM lnll'4, 74 "4 Vi 41V 4'S 4U 64 64 lti M 14 HO 14's 145 H5" -3T 234 111, m 1M f'"n 4K i R71 17 tfit) 3' J9 In 34 3, Tt '4 SIS ..', KK 42 41 4' V HIH 110 lo 144. US Its 72S 71S .1 147 144 14 II1 I04 4.'V . 44 44 eUH 10 'i 2" II 4'"'S 40 ' 40 2 32 12 47 1 4S 4S 7S'4, 7:S 7JS 131 13 13 f4ii .mi 13S lea 134 74V, 73 42' 42", 42t 3t4j 73H 73 106ti H 131 V HO14 1304 41 41 41 111 It 91 l. Mi ins 14.1 H 14474 44 lS.. list 2W 134S 134 134 lli 114 114V, 14 14 VI 4."4 41S 4114 1S8 its in; 43 14 41 43 U7'a lht 26 . 24 M M Mi, 33V. 12 12V, TIC, ' 704 ' 7uv, 4iV4 4t 4.i"4 ti 2.1 24 14 61V, fii "S 10(4 f'S 122V, 1:11, 111 14 ? 1K4I4 J"', SO 14 M 19V, 61 V, 43', 4i 4-v, 144 14 V. 114-4 61V, 61 6"V, ! S l"4 44k 14 l"7- 1M II 17 Mv, a", t4 II S104 rs S74 lv, tv, III 11S UV iiv, 5" VS 6'", 4HV, 41- Ii"4 )' ilv, ' 49V, 4W 2(, ,:, 15V, i tl 74 76V, 7k HV ft4 M elo, j 10. WO 40. 3b 2.3U4 l.l'O on : 1.4 fl g.50,1 17,1'w I.0O0) 100 1S."0 tun !.3 l.f"M SlK) 6.01V) 1.W0 !0 600 00 1.810 4.100 300 l..V oo 4,000 I'M) 1.0OI) Ik) 110 1.4' 10 400 1 0 tfi.lO 10 17.100 I. too 10 100 400 ' 4.0O & 4"0 4'") Sl 11. IK 300 l.7' kl M.400 1,X l.tl0 J.7 400 1.7'M il 2'"i0 T.l'O l.lwi Wlaronain Central I. 'too Total sales fur the dar. e,w ahante. I.ondoa lleck Market. LONDOiN. Mty 17. American aecurita were heavy and Inclined lo sell off during the esrly trading today. At noun todav the market was quiet and from Va1 lower I than Saturday s New York closing. j London closing stocks: Cnnaola. money .15 7-U Mo . Kan A Te its: ' da actount aiv, New York Central .134 , Anaconda l4,4a Norfolk A Weetern.. 14, Auhleon 111T4 do pfd jo do pfd i"I Ontario A Weatern.. lov, Baltimore A Ohio 11 'S Penntylvanis . .. 4v Canadian Pacific .. 1144 fund Miuca t C heaapeake A Oklo . twv, Reading m- Chl. Oreat Weatern . I Bo ul hern Railway . . 31 w Chi. Mil. A St. P.. 144 do pfd 71 re Beers li4 Southern Pacific ... 124T, PenTor A Rio O kt t'nlon Pacific 1:. ,v, do pfd i04 do pfd sev, 4S l' 8. Steel i, do let ptd 12V, do pfd l' V, do :d ptd 42.4Wabe.l1 '. .v, Trunk lit do pfd y llllnoia Central lovSfaniao 4e m Loulivllle A Naah .. IMS Anal Cosptr ti SILVER Bar. quiet at US er ounce. MONEY- per cent The rate of discount In the open market for ahort and three months' bills Is 1 6-16 per cent. New Turk Mlalag Harks. NEW YORK. May 17 Closing quotations on mining stocks: Alice . hat Lead rl lie Can 4 tu unstick Cob I Little Chief , Cost Tunsel stock .. . V7 S'ikii 74 da bonds li Ontario 426 Cos. Cal A Vs 4 tipk.r w Horn Silver Stat.dard ; Iron l0 V.liow Jacket 4; Offered. Treatari lialesaest. WtHIflTiiX. May 17.-T..4aVs sttte ment ul i.'i lisasury fcalunces in the ten- ersl fund, exclusive of the llSn.flonnm gold reserve, shows: Oold bullion. f-W.OHA ,;2S; gold certlflt ates. f.1.W.7Jo; available cash bull nee. fl2o.9Ka.z4R. iew Vsrk Money Market. NEW YORK. Msy lT.MONEY-On call, easv, ltij ( r cent; ruling rate. 1: rsr cent; closing! md, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent: time loans, easier: sixty days. .vft.,L per cent; ninety days, 2WS" per cent; six months. StiS'a per cent. I'itlMK MEKCA.VIlL.cC PAPKR-w4jfl4 per rent. 61 LV KR Bar, 5.V: Mexican dollars. 44c. 8TERUNC4 EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at f4 Mti 4 for sixty-day bills and at 4 R71S for demand: commercial bills, M W1!- HONK8 Government, firm; railroad, steady. Clok'.ni quotation on bonds were as fob lews. C S. ref Is. reg ....lH Japan 4a do coupon tH4a do 4Sa 1141 V. 8 Sr ret li7e do Id eertee M do rsMpon lul L. 8. deb. le l41 ... T I'. 8. 4a. reg Ill L. A 8. unl. 4a ... 1"14 do coupon 121 M . K A T. lei 4a .. K Allis-CHal. let be 7 do let A ref. 4s.... Am. Ag 6e 1""" do gen. 4va II1 Am. T A T ct. 4a. 1"3'4 Mo. Pacific 4e ...'... U4 Am. Tobacco 4a W N. T C g v,a '4 do a U24 do deh 4e IS Atchlaon gen. 4a Ifll N. Y Cite 4141 oew 11!'4 do 8. L. let 4a J'H fj. Y , N. H. A H. do c 4s l'H e. as IM'4 do n. nt ...111S4N A W. let t. 4a . . . Atlantic t L. let 4a.. 17 ds con 4a "4 Bal. A Ohio 4a I'll No Pacific 4s. do l'- I44 do la "14 do S. W. v,a II r 8 U rfdg. 4e .... nr. '4 Rrk. T. R c,. 4a.... Mv, Penn. re. I4S 1015... TH Can. 80 lit la 1MV, ds eon. 4a Ita Cen or Ge. Se lit Reading gen. 4i St)1 Central Leather Is.. s'4 84. L. A S P. fg 4s. 7'4 C. nf N. J g ee UK tt. L. 8 W e. 4s. .. TIC, Chee. A Ohio 4V,. ...K4 egg ln enld 4s W Chlram A A. IVs.. 14, Seaboard A. L. 4s ... ?', C. B. A Q. 1. 4s ... K'4 So. Psctne eel. 4s ... 1' C M. A 8. P. g l4S. 1144 do 1st ref. 44 MI4 C. R. I. A P. e. 4s.. M tta. Railway ts lll'4 do col 6e I3S do gen. 4a 2H do rfdg 4a :S fnlon sclflcP 4a im CCC. A St. L. j. 4s. I7V do ct. 4a 1074 Colo. Ind. la 77 do let A ret. 4s.... n Colo Mid. 4e M'4 r. I. Rubber e 1044, C. A 8 r. A e. 4Le . 99V. C Steel Id Is 10' 4 D. A H. CT. 4a ltt Vs Cam. Cheat. Is.. T do let ref. 4e 103"4 Waba.h let 8a lltv r A R. O. 4a 17 do let A ex. 4a 7 Plstlllera' 6t 77V, Weetern Md. 4a Il Erie p. I. 4a SI Went. Elec. ct. It ... S414 do gen. 4a 7v, W la. Central 4a do ct. aerlce A 84 C, B. A Q. g. 4s 100V4 do aerlea B 76 C. A O. ref. lie ctfa lnjv. Gen. Klrr. cr. le 142V, D A R. G. ref. le. ... 94', 111. Cen. lit ref. 4s..lwH N. R. R. of M 4V,a . H Int. Met 4W ' SI L S. F. g. 6a. 1 !nt. M. M. 44 .344 80. pacific ct. ctfe...lOU K. C. 80 1t .". 744, Hid. "Offeted. Boston tock Qnotatlons. BOSTON, May 17. Money, ca'l loans. Ivj 34 per cent; time loans, 365 per cent. Official closing: Atchlaon sdj 4t 13 Butte Coalition 2644 do 4a VK Cal. A Arlaons 14 Atchlaon R. R W Centennial 10 do pfd 1 04 4 copper Range wo, Boston A Albany M0 Pair West IV, Hmton A Maine 144 Franklin II FltrhUffig rfd 131 Oranhr lot t'nlon Pacific i87v,oreene Cananea. I'll, Am Arge. Chem 31 lile Rnrala !7 do ptd Mie Mining 14 v, Am. Pneu. Tubs I Michigan il4 Amer. Sugar 133 Mohawk do pfd 12" Mont: C. A C Il Am. T. A T lSMkNereda 114 Amer. Woolen 64 Old thimlnlos v. 64 '4 do pfd 1064Oaeeola 114 Dominion I. A 8 34-4 Parrot 11414 Edleon Blec. Ills 241 Qulnry S0V, Mats. Klectrtc U'i Shannon do pfd "ov. Tamarack CI Maes Gaa 44 Trinity )t, fnlied Fruit 1S74 t'nlted Copper .'. 124 I'nlted S. M 57'4 V. 8 Mining 4744 do pfd I" V. 8. Oil Il4 f. S. Steel Mvk t'tah 41 do pld 1IS4 Victoria 1 14 Adventure Winona IV, Allouei 40 Wolverine 144 Amalgamated I'4 North Butts II Arlaons Com. 42Va Local Securities. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, jr., 614 New York Life Building: Bid. Asked. Beatrice Creamery Common Stock 14 kt Cnlumbua. Neb.. Electric Light Is 1131.. 94 "4 H City of Omaha Benda. 44s IIS Ids 144 City of Omaha la 1111 101 .02 VJ Douglas County 4a 1138 lOtVa I0244 Gate City Malt Co. per cent too Oerman Firs Ina Co lot Ind. Tel. ia 1137 (SO per ct pfd bonua) 41 Kanaaa City Ry. A L. la llil nv, eg Nebraaka Telephone Hiock per cant.... HV s Omaha Gaa Is 1117 17 II Omahk Elec. L I P. s 1131 100 101 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. is 1914 n joi Omaha A C. B. 81, Rr. ia it'll SI 100 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. pU i per cent. . Sty, II Omaha A C. B. St. Ry Com. 4 per coot. 47 On. A c. B St. Ry. A B. Bid 4 per ee. 44 v, j Omaha Water Co. is 1I4 .4214 ss Omaha Water Co. 1st pfd.....'.....'. tl u Omaha Dd. of T B. Co. pfd per cent., 100 !! Pacific Tel. A Tel.' Co Is 1 ;...'; 17V, M Sheridan Coal la 1121..; '.-.,.. n 100 South Omaha Sswer 4V, a 1924 loov, lut Sloui City s. V. ptd f per cent. .. M ss Topeks St. Ry. is '.. M JOS Union Stock Tarda Co. Omahs I per can. Si slv, Forrlarn Flaanela. LONDON. May 17. Money Is plentiful, but In small demand, on 'the market today, and discount!. Were stead,'. Austria secured the bulk "of the ff.600,000 in sold offered on the open market. The week on the stock market opened quiet, speculators were not disposed materially to Increase the large bull account already built up. and the prices of Kaffirs and copper shares occa sionally were easier. But gilt-edged securi ties continued firm and foreigners Improted on continental buying. American securities were neglected In the forenoon. Values rarely exceeded parity and ruled lifeless until the New York opening waa received, when Canadian Pacific, 1'nlon Pacific and I'nlted States Steel hardened fractionally. The market closed quietly steady. bank Clrartaars. OMAHA. May 17. Bank clearings fpr to day were f 2,640.718. 42 and for the corres ponding date laat year fl.(6,087.88. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 17. M67TALS The Lor don tin market wag lower today, with spot quoted at 13 Is 8d and futures at 132 7s d. Locally tin was weak, with spot fct tX.Tb&M.fO. Copper was 3s lower in London, with spot at 45 Rs 9d and futures at 80 2s 6d. Locally cxipper was steady and unchanged, with lake at ii.Y2Wir3.21',t, electrolytic at fl2.7Bifiiia.00 and casting at 12."v;12'CH. -Lead was a shade higher at 13 ts 6d In London, while Iccally the natket was steady and unchanged. Spelter waa unchanged at 12 17s M In the London market, while locally It was steRdy and unchanged at fS.n&uo. 10. The English Iron market was lower, with standard foundry quoted at 47s d. Lot ally th iron market was unchanged, with No. 1' northern foundry quoted at flfS.26 and No 1 southern and No. 1 southern s ft at tlS 7591f.25. ST. I.ori3, May 17 M ETAL& Leal, easier. f4.274i. Spelter, higher, li Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. May 17.-COTTON-Mar-ket for futures opened steady; May sold 11 JiVtjll.JOc; July, lO.Wtc: September. 10.72c; October. 10.74c; December, 10.78c; January, 10.75c; March. 10 7&c. Spot cotton closed quiet to 30 points higher: middling uplsnds. 1186c; middling gulf. 11.90c. Sales. 4.M bales. Futures closed steady: May. 11.30c; June. 1098c: July, lO.&oc; August, lO.ftOr; Septem ber, 1084c; October, lOMc; November, 10.7c; liecember, 10.87c, January, 10.83c; March, 10.81c. OALVE8TON. May 17.-COTTON-8teady at nii-ihc . ST. LOI'IS. May 17.-COTTON-Flrm ; middling. 10c. Sales. 1.264 bales: receipts. 411 bales; shipments, 524 bales; stock, io.7 bales. Visible gapply of Grain. NEW YORK. May 17.-The visible supply t t grain In the I niled States on Saturdav, May la. as complied by the New York 1 "reduce exchange, waa as follows: Wheat, I4.1'.'i bu.. decreased 47,000 bu. Corn. 1 .H8.k4i bu , decreased in '(A bu. Oats, 7. 373.f bu.. decreased 624.W bu. RVe. ItlStrtfi bu.. decreased 43(i0 bu. Barley. l.kul.OiC bu., decressed S2.i)0 bu. The visible Supply of wheat In Canada Saturday, May 15, was S.itw.OnO bu., a decrease of 3.757.0 bu. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 17.-BITTER-Pull and weak: extra western 4?reamery, J7c; extra nearby prints. 2ac. KGOS Firm; Pennsylvania and other iiearby firsts, free cases. 2c at mark; Pennesylvania and other nearby current re ceipts, returnable cases. 21V- at -mark: weatern firsts, free cases. 22c at mark; western current receipts, free cases, 2J4J 21V at mark. lagar aa4 Molasses. NEW YORK. May lT.-SUQAR Raw. firm; fair refining, 1.42c; centrifugal. M test. SS.r; molasses sugar. J.17o. Refined. stcaJy; N i. 7. 4.4h?; Nn s. 4 2tc; No. . 41c , No. 10, 4 25c; No. 11. 4 20c; No. 12. 4.15c; No. 13. 4 10c: confectioners' A, 4.75c; mould A, iJir: cut loaf. 6.75c: crushed, ftfcc; pow dered, f 'ec; granulated. 4.7ac. MOLA8B E8 -Stead) ; New Or!ear. epen kettle, gKxJ to choice, 28'rr42c. Mlllasvakea lirala Market. MILWAl'KEE. May II. WH EAT No. 1 northern. 11 J2V91 J3; No. I nortbera, fl.30 til 31; July. fl.l44 bid. OATS Standi-id. fceH-wtT'O. UAKLt V banii'le. ss-tfUi'v' OMAHA LIVE STOCli MARKET Week Start! with a Moderate Ban of Cattle. TRADE SLOW AT THE HOG PEKS Bayer Biol Five to Tea Tenia Lower, hot lalrisiea A re Slow to Aceesjt It hees aad Laatba Steady. SOUTH, OMAHA, May 17. 99. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Mondav !.( 6.aJ 2.0 Same dav last week 4.127 6 415 S T.o Same ilav 2 weeks ago.. f.f9 5.01 f.1 Same lav 1 weeks ago.. 3-13 6 T-4 !.:"!( Same day 4 weeks ago.. 1 .7t 4i7l 4..1 Same day last year 2:443 4.24S s,'6 The following table shows the receipts Of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: ims. lOnS. Inc. Dec. Cattle 361.714 JS9.249 13,4no Hogs 1.037 62 l.lo5.74 W4.152 Sheep 6Mi,H7S 659,3 17,313 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 190. lM.lOT.lfi.lM.l.le. My t. ... May T.... May I ... May .... May 10... May 11... May 12... May 13... Mav 14... May 15... May 1... May 17... Sunday. 4 t 371 141 I 6 281 4 (Ml ( M I 63 M 12 6 34 17 16 14 6 97 6 84 ( 361 ( 211 I 171 Hi . 5 41) i ( 261 til 6 151 4 Its III t M 6 19, 4 48 3K 6 29, 5 271 4 041 S M 5 26; 4 5 47 7 00t4jl 6 42 30, 7 04 5 35; 6 35! i 7 08 6 24 101 6 31' 7 l'"j I 22' tt 24' 6 0 i 5 241 6 li 8 29 7 OTV, 6 21! S 331 6 Mi 4 e t VI 4 7 6 3i 34 35 6 ln 6 2 6 2Ki 4 Hi; 4 631 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.ll'r'e. C , M. & St. P. Wabash 1 fnlon Pacific 35 17 1 C. & N. W., east 2 1 C. A N. V.. west 68 82 1 C, St. P., M. & O.... 17 3 C. P. & U , east ... 3 1 C, It. A Q . west.. 39 23 3 C, R. I. ft P., east.. 1 .. .. .. C , R. I. P.. west 2 1 Illinois Central 3 3 Chicago Gt. Weetern 2 Total receipts 159 t?4 11 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hons. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 75 7S2 8" Swift and Company 94 1.374 424 Cudahy Packing Co 6f4 1.KS9 1.344 Armour & Co 791 1.69ft 650 Cudahy. from Ft. Worth 1SS S. & 8 19 Vansant ft Co 20 Catey & Benton 4 Lohman & Rothchlld.... Ill W. I. Stephen 2 Hill & Son 3fi F. P. Lewis 117 J. B. Ro. t & Co U3 J. H Bulla 1 L. Wolf 1 McCreary A Carey 7 F. O. Inghram r. 7 Sullivan Bros 29 fnlon Dressed Beef Co.. 49 Evansville 2S2 Rothchlld 12 Other buyers 19S .... 1 Totals 1.939 6.931 2.tM CATTLE The week starts out wlih a rather moderate run and about the best quality that has been seen here this year. Advices from eastern markets were not ery bullish owing to liberal receipts, and neither local dreesed beef men nor eastern shippers seemed to be particularly anxious to take hold. Bids we.e generally steady with the close of iast week on the light and handy weight cattle, but the tendency was to bid lower on tho heavier beeves and the general market was alow from start to finish.- It was well along toward lUe middle of the forenoon before much trading had been done and prices ranged from very nearly steady to aa mucn as lic lower In some cases. Supplies of cows and heifers were very moderate, only about thirty loads, and with both local packers and outs de butchers taking hold freely It did not take long to clean up the offerings at prices that com pared very favorably with the close of last week. As usual the light grades were the best sellers and 'brought the tup figures, while common ami Inferior grades were slow sale at bottom price. Supplies of stock. rs and feeders were not yery extensive. Buyers, wanted the offer ings, and everything sold in good season at prices a shade stronger than last week. The volume of business, however, was not vefy large, and It did not take a great many cattle to meet the requirements of, the trade. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfed steers. fS.&Kfl 90; fair to good corn fed steers, f80i2j415O; common to fair corn fed steers, to.U&OO; good to choice cows and heifers, 16 .504fi.25; fair to good cows and heifers, f4.60((j.50; common to fair cows and heifers, I2.5inB4.5iI; good lu choice stockers and feeders, t4.KKg6.b4; fair to good stockers and feeders, J4.0tyf4 3i; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, f3.(J4 W; stock heifers, f3.25ft-4.40, veal calves, MOO 7.00; bulls, stags, etc, !3.2i!j0.. HOGS Buyers and sellers were wide apart In their Ideas this morning and as a result the trade was very slow nt the open ing. Shippers and order buyers picked up a few selected loads on the early market that looked to be about steady with Satur day, but the amount of trading done on this basis was of little consequence. Buy ers for packers started out bidding 6fil'ie lower. Salesmen were backward In allow ing any conression and tt was well along In the morning before they could get to gether on a trading basis. The bulk of the earlier sales showed a decline of about a nickel. In a few instances the break ap peared to be as great as a dime, but the extent of the decline on the bulk was not that great. A big nickel would, perhaps, j cover the decline on moat of. the sales. The receipts were fairly liberal, totaling right around 6,400. 1 he situation did not improve any, as the morning advanced and the trade con tinued slow throughout. Tne bulk moved around f6.9m&7.:H). with the best hogs sell ing at, a dime below Saturday's top. SHEEP Sheep and lambs commanded about ateady prices this morning, although in spots the feeling seemed to be a shude easier. Receipts were comparatively light, consisting mostly of clipped lamhs. The trade was reasonably activo and everything was weighed up In good season. There was nothing extra cnolce among clippers to test tops, five loads of the best lambs selling at fe. One double deck of clipped ewes moved at 16 (m. There were hardly enough supplies In the wooed department to make much of a market. Two loads of lamhs headed to day s price llBt at 19 00. There were no wuoled ewes or wethers of any oonsequence on sale. One of the noticeable features of the market lately is the partiality of the pack ers for clipped supplies. Gent-rally, If valuea are on the decline, the break has been less apparent nn shorn stuff. This, of course, is only logical with live mutton values at their present levels. The mutton eater has become more fickle In his habita and retail demand as a result Is of a ingniy nniuii'. i ne nerase pm'Htr realizes this and does not care to tie up any more money than he ran help In snet-p, espe cially at current va;uea of wuoled stork. Quotations on clipped sneep and lambs: Good to choice lamhs, f7.7iyj.a; Fair to nod lambs. S7.ullc2i 7.70: Ootid t,. ,l,in I'ui.r ylgs. i 6jji 76; Good to choice heavy ylgs, ! fS. 7&4j 6. 26 ; Good to choice wethers, to Soti I o.4; Fair to gpod wethers, f6.6rvii6.9n; Good to choice ewes, f6 7f5j6.UA; Fair to good ewes. t5 2566.75; Culls and bucks, t - Oo'rrC 00. Quotations on wnold lamlis: Good to choirs lamhs f8619.10; Fair to good lambs. t.0u4js0. . t CHICAGO LIVK TO( K M ARKET ( allle Steady Hogs l.o er Sheep Measly lo Lower. CHICAGO. May !7 4'ATTl.E-H eipis. head, steady to strong; steers, fi tfi 7. Hi; cows, ft i-ii4 27V4 . heifers. t3.tnotv76; lulls, fa.76: caltva, t(7.oiU; sttxkt-rs and feeders. f3.30i6 HOGS-Kt-ctlpis. 44 .0U I head; market V luwer; choic e heavy shipping f7 4i&7.oO: butchers. f7.4'tl7 f; light, t7.uf7.15; light mixed. f71"4i7 .16, packers. F VWM); pigs. fn.XfiH Ki; bulk of sales. t7.J.Va7.i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Hecelpts. 14 heed; steady to PV P aer; sheep, fs 6(ii6i.75; lambs, to. 5 ""p 6 lei, ye-rlings. 9 64i7 40. Kaasaa City l ive Hark Market. KANSAS CITY. May 17. CATTLE Re ceipts. 16!0 head. Including " southerns. Market steady to I0r lower Choice export and dressed beef steers, mg Sat ; fair to good. fS otfj .3ft; western eterrs. f4 S5ati.l; Blockers snd feeders. ' t4 0vSi5 fl ; eouthern steers, H b'u-i.UJ. southern cows, f3 4oai.o0; OUR PRINCIPLES: To secure the absolute safety of every dollar entrusted to our care. To anticipate the requirements of our depositors and give them prompt, faithful, and obliging service. To develop resources and assist our clients in every way consistent with sound and prudent banking. In vast Tour Savings In a f per cent Certificate of Deposit. Economy is the Road to Wealth" Take the UUIOfl PACIFIC'S tlevv Daylight Train to Denver VIA JULESBURG. "Th Overland Llmitcdr' Leaves Omaha, at Arrives Denver at SAME DAY For full information call on or address, CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. 'Phones: Bell, Douglas 1828, and Independent, A-3231. 1 iff llV-MfjrrMlViSV ISA expresses' in a limited degree only, the magnificence of tba , . scenery in the Canadian Rockies viewed, enroute to the ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSTION Stopover without extra charge at the famous resorts: Banff Lake Xtoulss risld Olaolsr. This "Land of Enchantment" is reached only by- the , , Canadian Pacific Railway Throuah unlna to s-eattie. from Kl. Paul daily at HJ;fO a m. Low Bxouraloo Fares from all places to Seattle and all Puget Sound cities ami return. Alaska and return from Vancouver ts. by Can. Pacific steamers. Tickets for sale l.y scents of all railways , Hend for "Challenge of the Mountains" and Alaska folder. A. C. Shaw, General Agent, Chicago. native cows, 63.2600.76; native heifers. $1.00 41. 40; bulls, f3.6vao.. calves. f4..-.0'fi ,.2a. HOGS Receipts. 13.0m head. Market 6c to loo lower. Top. f7.40; bulk of mica. ffi.So 7.3i; heavy, $7.26'&'7.40; packers and but 'li ers, f7.tO(7.35; Ught. tA.7i7.16; pigs, f5.1S tni.70. SHEKP AND LAMBS-Recclpls, lS.oon head. Market for- best steady, others 10c tt, 27tc lower. Lambs, fH.IViru9.oii; yearlings, fo.75t'i,7.76. wethers, ti.6iiBt.i: ewes, f4.7f'o 5.00, stockers and feeders, 13 -,r( 5. Si; Texas muttons, f4.75 .00. t. Louis l.lve Stork Market. ST. L017IS. Mty 17.-CATTLK Receipts. 3.200 hQad. including 1,'JOO Texans. Mirket steady. Native shipping and export steers, f64ofn7.15; dressed beef and butcher steers. t5.60iij.$D steers under 1,000 lbs., f4 SiK-afi.oO; stockers and feeders, $4.5015 26; rows and heifers, $4 2"'n.!o; canners, t2.2M73.25; bulls. 14.5i'o6.76; calves, fS.0nfa7.25. Texas and Indian steers, f, cows and heifers, f2.7.V(i5.25. HOGS Receipts. 5.ti0 head. Market 6c lower Pigs and lights. f4.6i7.2'.; packers. t7.o:.g'7.; butchers and best heavy, $7.30 4T7.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Hecelpts. J.2"0 head. Market steady. Native muttons, ft rVifiH.261 lam lis, ft.6'tiF.75; ulls and bucks, $3.&08nuo; stockers. t3.W'(4 0o. Rt. 'Joseph Live Htork Market. ST. JtiSEPH. Mo.. May 17.-CATTLE Receipts. l.S head; market steady to weak : st. i-rs. St.&tegtc fiS; cows and heifers. 42 5tfcfi.00; calves. f3 HOGS Rectlpis. 5.&00 head, market 6c to 10t- lower; top, t7.36; bulk of sales, $ t..1fj 7.28 SHEEP Receipts. 2.WD head; market slow; lambs, tT6v&9 00. loaa Clljr Uti Stock Market. SIOl'X CITY. May 17-tBpeclal Tele gram. ) HOGS Receipt, !. head; market weak; range of prices, t6.70i7.26; bulk of sales. KOtyfM 06. CATTLE Receipts, 1.610 head; market slow and weak; beeea, f6.aii47.o0; fat enws and heifers. f4 OWHi.Qn; feeders, t4.tf6.00; yearlings, ft 00454.76. , , Mtork la slgbl. Receipts of live tiikk at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. SouthOmaha 3 ttm .2r) j.fcm Floux City l,6oti 2.2HO St. Joseph l.KO' 6.600 2,'i KansRs City .....18.(n0 130t .Oyi St. Louis Sit . .MM 3.2'l Chicago 44,'i 14 ( Total. .4S.3HO 77.700 24. sun Mlaaepolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 17 WH EAT Mav. fl.:K4; July. tl.iMH W4; Hepiember. fi.(M,. cash, No. 1 hard, t! &V1-3H; No. 1 north ern, tl 29Ul.3o1,; No. 2 northern, ti.ZI 12',; No. t northern. $1.26 Vfrl.S7V ' FLA X tl 17tj. PKAN In hulK. f24((f24 60. FLOL'R First, ft. li9 .30; second patents, f.jit W; ' first clears. $4.7S4.9o. second clears, eS.J63.W. - Llrerpanl Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, May 17. Closing: WHEAT Spot; No. 1 red western, winter, nom inal; futures, steady; July, 6s.. 11V1 ; Sep tember, ts., 44d ; recember, ss., 2'd. CORN Spot strong, new American mixed, via Galveston, s., fd.; futures, steady: May, nominal; July, 6a. IHd FLOI'R Winter patents, strong, Sea. PEAS CanaJlan. firm, 7a., 9d. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 17-COFFEE-Fut ires closed sttadv, net unchanged to 6 points higher. Sales were reported of S,1'm bags, im lulling ly Sl t $7 iu . io ; Jun-'.. $.'?,-; July, thw'l September. f6 10; Tecemher. 66 so. Spot quiet; Rio No. 7. etc; No. t Pantos. ! tic. Mild, dull; Cordova, 12c. Wool Market. IiGNDOJC, Mav T?. WOOLe-AI the wool sslt-s today 11 4rt bules were brought f.r ward. Tbe eoleetton waa fine and in spite is .........7:30 A. M. 9:30 P. M. of the heacv offerinsa huvera wttre keen comi etilors and iwi.l full rates for all de scriptions. Americans bought fine cross breds at Is Vjuuls id, and Merlnoa ei 7Wd At the close the tone was firm. OMAHA (IBlHltUl MAOKCT, 1 " ':jV.f''tv4' Staple and Fancy Prodncr Prices Pm nlshed by Bayers and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 28c: No. 1 In 0-lb. tubs. 274c; No, 2j,ln 1-lb, dartons, 25c; in 60-lb. tubs. Uc; packing Mack, le"; faincy dairy, tuba. Waunc common roll, fresh made, lie. Market change every Tuesday, EGGS Fresh selling - atockv cgndled, JOo. No storage stock in Omaha market. CI1EESE Finest Wisconsin full cream, twins, 16c: young Americas. 4 in hoop, lntc; favorite, 8 In hoop, ltir; daisies. 20 In hoop, lsVtc; cream brick., full case, 16c; block Swiss, 16c: full cream llmburger, ltG. POULTRY Broilers. ic; alive, spring. 13t;c; hens, lihc; corks, 6c; ducks, 11c; geese, 10c; turkeys, 19c; pigeons, per dox.. fete; guinea fowls. er dos.,$2.60; squabs, per dux., 12. Dressed hens,. 11c; Springs. Kiil'-tV-; cocks, Vsc; ducks,' He; geese, 11c; tui keys. 2lc. , FISH Fresh caught; . almost all. are dressed: Halibut, 6c; buffalo, tc; "trout, 12c; bullheads, 14c; catfish. )7c; crapples. sunflsh, 6c 10 9c; black bass, 26c; white fish, 13c, pike, 12c. ; ealmosi, 14c; pickerel, 10c; frog legs. 36c. . Fresh t rosea.; White fish. No. 1, 10c; -round,. 9q; 'plCkerel, dressed and headless, 7c; round, 6c; pike, dressed, 10c; round, tc;" red snapper, 12c; Spanish mackerel, 18c: native mackerel, 3oo each. BEEF CUTS iRibg: No. 1. 16Hc; No. 2, 13c; .n. 3. 12c. I)ln: No. 1 17c;. No. 2, 14c; No. t, 13c. Chuck: Nn 1, 7 Vic; No. 2, 7',4c; No. t, 7hic. Round: No. 1, 9'4c; No. 2. 9c; No. 8, 8tsc. Plut; No.- i, bvi No. 2, 6Hc; No. $, 5V.C A FRESH FRVIT8 Apples, western bo apples, 62 002 60. Bananas, 6-bunch lota. Vo per lb. Oranges, t2.sOJJ3.26.- Lmon, fl 60 ti-l.OO. Grspe fruit, 14.60. Grapes, Malagas, 17.60 pet keg. Florid pineapple, per erits, 18.00. - ; .' h .- VEGETABLES Ksnssr sweat pottvlees, $2.76 per bbl. California celery, large, 90c; amatler. 0t. New York Holland seed cab bage, i'ic per lb. Vlsconsln Red Ghjbe onions. 2c per lb. California ' cauliflower. $3.00 per crate. Tomatoes, Florida, e-baeket crate, 12 uo; Cuba, fr-basket crate, " $'.. Lettuce, per dos., 40c. old vegetables, par snips, turnips, carrots. $2.26 per tibl. F,or Ida new beets, carrots, parsnips, lumipa, etc.. ctr dns., 76c. . - STRA WiERKIES-fS 0663 26. U1LES No. I green, ac; No. 1 cured. 9a. Ilalath lirain Market. Dl'LI'TH, Minn. May U-WilF-AT-Muy, ll.Jtt'. July, tl.ifcV St-pieniber,!; No. 1 northern, $1.1; No. 2 northern. 1 2V . . OATB-67C I eorla Market. PEORIA. Ill . May 17. -CORN Lower : ! Nn 2 yellow. 741.r'! Nn. 3 yetlow, 74c; No, j 4. 73!c; r,f grstle. (jtic OAT8-Iull; No. 4 wh.te. S7V. I Bloa Uttlelal Killed by Miner. CLAKKSVILLE. Ark.. Mn 16.-Tnm 'urr, president of the Mine Workers' union Nn. 23, who recently move' here from Illinois, was shot and Inatamly killed today by a n iner. The men are said to have tjuarrch-1 over a new contract. Qukk Action for Your Money Toil et that by using The Bee advertising cojumns. - - - Uerber! E Gooch 'Cd Brokers and Dealers ' s OBaVZV, rB.OTlTOtfg. . BTOCbS. Omaha Of fleet tl at. T. iaf BUg. ell Telephone. Doagtaa 4MI. '. Xadepeadeat, A-1191 aad A-SltX. Oldest and Largeat atouaai lav (ha tatv