Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 18. 1009.
L . , " ' '' ' ' " ' "f T iV Ti 11T1TT 1ITKIm i iiiMMi ifisTisfc ' i ' 1 i - i n- - - II nr arn iiiiiimi I urn W m P
l'jWy"-"",'J"''-",""'J"-""M"MTf '"T'JrM"ri'"-" 1 "'"W '-"rTrT'illliF'T' '" """"WWfTi
Banditi Secure $20,000 from Great
Northern Train Near Spokane.
End Be and Car Taken Dorni Trark
Seat Back ' at lllnh Kpt-cd -Twelve
Passenger. Are
' . " Injured.
8POKAKB3, Wash.... May 17.-In tho
holdup of the Oreat Northern passcnKer
train No. 3. between Colbert and Mead,
ahortlr before midnight- last nlxht, twelve
persons were Injured when the engine and
mall car, running wild down the track
by the bandits aftet they had rifled the
malls, collided with the remaining cars of
the train.
The bandits detached the engine and mall
rar from the train, ran them down tlio
track's considerable dloUrxe, and then,
after the registered mall had been opened,
they sent the engine back to collide with
the cart standing' on the track.
The conductor saw the wild cars coming
down the track at a rate of twenty-five
miles an hour when they were a consider
able distance a-wny and" he and onj of the
trainmen placed a tie on the track In an
effort to stop their wild flight. The engine
and car were rartly stopped by this means,
but plunged trlto the coaches.
There was a loud crash and the pas
senger' were thrown from their scats,
most of the Injured being hurt by glass
from' the broken windows.
' Enslnrmrn' Overpowered.
When the train reached Colbert some
witching had to be done. While the engine
crew waa busy at this work two men sud
denly'.j appeared In . the engine cab and
thrusting a' revolver against the twdy of
the engineer. William filler, ordered him
to do as commanded. . .Tha engineer and
FU.naa) John-He H- obeyed.- -!
The engine was cotlpled onto the train
and pulled out. After the train had gone
a few miles the engineer was ordered to
top and he and his fireman were forced
to leave the cab.
Two of the robbers then went to the door
of the mall car and ordered It opened. Their
Some Men Know
But Forget
And until the aches and ills of the food transgressor attack them, the value of
pure and wisely selected food is forgotten.
., Sometimes it takes a right sharp spell of sickness to prove the close relation
of food and health that Pure Foods mean perfect digestion and pure blood the
, true secret of comfort and good health.
Is a pre-dlgested, scientifically pre
pared food that Is readily absorbed
N by the weakest stomachs, and builds
up body and brains.
It has brought thousands of vol-"
untary testimonials from people who
have gained health from Its daily use.
Grape -
'There's a Reason
. Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
Battle Creek, Michigan.
command was obeyed by Benjamin F.
Stumpf, the mall clerk. Meanwhile two
other bandits were with the engineer and
fireman, who were uncoupling the mall car
and locomotive.
Conductor 1rtven Back.
Soon after the train stopped the con
ductor, C. L. Robertson, Jumped from the
car, but was driven back by a dosen re
volver shots.
Hastily climbing Into the cab, the out
laws sent the engine hurrying down the
track how far Is not known. As soon as
the conductor was aware that there was a
hold-up he ordered a brakeman to the rear
of the train to prevent a collision, and had
another brakeman cut In the telegraph
wire to send word to Spokane. A third
member of the train crew was hurried to
the station with the news.
About a half hour after the engine and
mail car had disappeared they were seen
coming down the track ard hurried prepa
rations were made to ditch the runaways,
but without complete success.
Two special tralnkiads of deputies were
hurried from Spokane when word of
the holdup was received. Doctors were
taken out on the train to care for the
Chief Ryan of Hillyard went out with a
posse and surrounded all the roads lead
ing toward Hinkane. No Tace of the rob
bers was found.
Hla Sam Obtained.
It is reported that the bandits obtained
a large sum of money from the registered
mall, the amount being placed at IJO.ono.
The two bandits who climbed into the cab
are described as follows:
One more than six feet tall, weight 190
pounds, face wrinkled, about 35 years old
or older, evidently an experienced engi
neer; the other man about five feet nine
Inches tall and weighing about 170 pounds.
As they entered the cab the tall man
said to the engineer:
"Vou have heard of us before," - Indicat
ing that they had been Involved In other
similar train holdups In the vicinity v of
Spokane within the last few months.
T. N. Wilson and wife of Spokane were
seriously injured. He suffered fractures
of two ribs. Mrs. Wilson Is badly bruised.
Bis ttiwira ' Afferet, .-
ST. TAUU May 17. At the headquarters
of the Great Northern railway here it was
stated four robbers held up' west bound
passenger train No. 3 June east of Morse,
Wash., early today. The robbers cut off
the postal car, ran It about two miles west,
and rifled the registered mall. The amount
of booty secured Is not known. One of the
"The Road
1 f'::::::::54:?' I
train crew was Injured. The passengers
were not molested.
The Great Northern has offered a reward
of J10.0U0 for each robber captured.
Fete in Honor of
Joan of Arc Ends
Royalist Committee of Paris Gives
Dinner at Which Republic is
Violently Denounced.
PARIS. May 17. The three days fete In
honor of the beatification of Joan of Arc
ended Sunday with Impressive services at
Notre Dame, at which Monsignor Amlette,
archbishop of l'urls presided. The Catholic
societies for some days previous to the
celebration sent out requests that the peo
ple decorate and response was general.
The royalist committee of Paris seised
the occasion to give a dinner of SitO covers
In honor of the duke of Orleans. Senator
Le Breton presided at the dinner. The com
pany sang royalist songs and violent
speeches were made against the republic.
Senator 1-e Breton denounced the ideas
that Joan of Arc, If alive today, would be
Enylhing but a royalist Catholic.
"What Frenchman," he exclaimed, "re
gardless of politics, was unmoved the other
day when the pope, Incarnating the great
est moral authority of the universe, pro
claimed the maid of Orleans blessed?"
Senator LieBreton concluded by saying
that the beatification of Jonn of Arc should
unite all In common action. When he pro
posed a toast to the duke of Orleans those
present shouted: "Long live the king;
down with the republic."
At the conclusion of the banquet a num
ber of the younger section attempted to
form a parade, deiplte the objections of the
police, who finally broke up the procession
and tore down the banners. Fifteen arrests
were made.
Kempei, Hemphill & Buckingham,
All Kinds of Plating.
Building Permits.
E. Purdy, 9M North Twenty-fifth street,
frame dwelling. 3.8W; Mary E. Hayes and
Susan Paxwjn. 2219-21 Cuming street, brick
store. 2,5uo; Dwight Williams 4110 Daven
port street, frame dwelling, 12.500; John A.
Lynch, Thirty-seventh and Cuming streets,
frame dwelling, $2.nin; Nets Anderson, 1327
South Twenty-seventh street, addition to
frame dwelling, 1600.
to Wellville" Pointed the Way.
Down at Hot Springs, Ark, the visitors
have all sorts of complaints, but It Is a sub
ject of remark that the great majority of
thera have some trouble with stomach and
bowels. This may be partly attributed to
the heavy medicines.
Naturally, under the conditions, the ques
tion of food is very prominent,
A young man states that he had suffered
for nine years from stomach and bowel
trouble, had two operations which did not
cure, and was at last threatened with ap
pendicitis. He went to Hot Springs for rheumatism
and his stomach trouble got worse. One
day at breakfast the waiter, knowing his
condition, suggested he try Grape-Nuts and
cream, which he did and found the food
agread with him perfectly.
After the second day ne began to sleep
peacefully at night, different than he had
for years. The perfect digestion of the food
quieted bis nervous system and ma,de sleep
He says: "The next morning I was aston.
Mshed to find my condition of constipation
had disappeared. I could not believe it true
after suffering for so many years, then I
took more interest in the food, read the lit
tle book. "The Road to Wellville," and
started following the simple directions.
"I have met with such results that in the
last five weeks I have gained eight pounds
in spite of hot baths which take away the
flesh from anyone.
A friend of mine has been entirely cured
of a bad case of indigestion and stomach
. trouble by using Grape-Nuts and cream
alone for breakfast.
"There is one thing in particular-1 have
noticed a great change in my mental con
dition, t'ornieny i couiii iiiiii irucuUr
anything and now the mind aems unusual
ly acute and retentive. I can memorize
practically anything I desire.
World'i Stock Doubles Within
Quarter of Century.
Gold fain ow ! tutted States Over
Billion and Halt tioM I sea
In Arts and la
WASHINGTON. May IT. A preliminary
summarization of a series of tables bear
ing on the production of g-oid. prepared by
the bureau of statistics, was mad public
today. According to the figures presented
the world's stock of gold has Increased
about one-half In the last decade and doub
led In the last quarter of a century. Tha
stock of gold money has meantime grown
In even greater proportions, being practi
cally 75 per cent more than a decade ago.
The tables show the gold production of
the world since the dlKcnvery of America
and the amount of gold money In e
world, country by country. "The gold pro
duction from the discovery of America to
the present time," is is stated, aggre
gated ll3,0W.on0.nri0, speaking In round terms,
and the amount of gold now In existence
Is estimated by experts, still speaking In
round terms, at lll.noo.ono.onn value, while
the value of the gold coin In all the coun
tries of the world from which statistics
are available now aggregates t7.ofln.ow.ono."
According to the tables a very rapid In
crease In gold production in recent yesrs Is
shown. As the result of this rapid growth,"
It Is stated further, "the gold output of the
world mines during the ten years ending
with l!Kt aggregsted. according to the fig
ures In question, tMfl.onn.iion, while the
product of the Immediately preceding vears
aggregated 120,000,000, making a t aflat of
nearly IS.ono.noo.nno worth of metal produced
In the last twenty-five years out of a total
production of 13.O0O,0Cni.ii since the dis
covery of America." Meantime, however,
It Is stated, although gold Is more care
fully conserved than any other article of
man's production, some portions of the
$3,ooo,oon.noo have disappeared, and the best
estimates put the total world's supply of
this metal at the present time at about
lll.ono.non.noo, of which one-third Is the
product of the last ten years, one-half the
product of the last twenty-five years, and
three-fourths the product of the last sixty
The summary says that "considering Its
distribution by countries, the United States
has a greater supply of gold money than
any other country, the figures being ac
cording to this table: fnlted States, 11,613.
nno.ono; Germany. tl.044.Orm.oiO; France, tT'26,
ono.ono; Russia, t917.ono.0O0; fnlted Kingdom,
t?65,000,ono; Austria-Hungary, Hoj.ono.nno;
Italy, fJ68.ono.ono; Australia. .lSS.W.n'iO;
Egypt, tV40,00n,nno; Argentine. MO.POO.OOO;
Turkey, tl32.0n0.0n0; India, tU3.Ono.onft; Japan,
ItXS.ono.ono; Canada,; Brnitl, $61,
000,000. Gold Money In I'nlted States.
The stock of gold money In the United
States (Including bullion) has, according to
these figures, Increased at about tho soma
rate as the world's supply, the total quan
tity of gold money reported In the United
States a decade ago (November, ibf) being
$2o.0O0.000, ns against tl, SI 3,000 nno at the
present time, the increase during the de
cade having thus been about 7 per cent,
while the Increase in the world's stock of
gold money during that time was, as al
ready shown, Hlso about 7 per cent.
Of the tl3,000,0no,ono worth of gold pro
duced In the world since the discovery of
America It is stated that fully one-fourth
came from the mines of the United States.
Gold In the, Arts.
As to" what use la being made of that por
tion of the world's gold not utilized as
currency or as a basis for currency, the
abstract quotes a statement from a late re
port of the director of the mint, in which
he estimates the world consumption of gold
In the arts of industries in 1907 at $135,000
000. The table of gold production above re
ferred to Is accompanied by similar state
ments regarding silver production. The ta
ble shows that the coining value of silver
produced from the mines of the world since
1492 Is practically equal to that pf the gold
produced In that period, $13,000,000,000. The
annual production of silver continues
slowly and steadily to Increase as to quan
tity and coining value, the, production in
1307 being 185,000.000 ounces against 160.
000.000 In 1P97, and the coining value in 1907
being $239,000,000, against $207,000,000 in 1S97.
States In commercial values, however, the
figures are materially less, the commercial
value of the silver produced In 1907 being
$122,000,0(0. and that lrtjl907 $26.OnO,00O.
Batter Students Celebrating: Base
Ball Victory Narrowly Escape
INDIANAPOLIS. May 1.-A bell weigh
ing 600 pounds, which had hung In the
tower of Butler college since 1874. was
Jarred from Its belfry last night while it
was being rung in celebration of the defeat
of DePauw university's base ball team and
crashed through the roof of the building
into the chapel, 100 feet below. A group of
students at the bell rope Just missed being
crushed and the chapel was filled with
debris. The night before the chapel was
crowded for an entertainment, in the course
of which the bell was rung.
VALPARAISO, Ind., May 16.-Just as the
janitor started to ring the bell for the morn
ing service today the bell In the Presby
terian church In this city became loosened
from its fastenings and crashed down to
the floor, Mrs. F. J. Westgate, who was
standing In the vestibule, was Injured by a
falling timber and her Infant child was
also slightly Injured.
He Was First Sargeoa to Perform aa
Operation for Appen
dicitis. NEW YORK, May 17. Dr. Oerardus H.
W'ynkoop, an eminent New York surgeon
and one of the first physicians In America,
to perform the liberation for the removal
of the verlform appendix, died today aged
65 years. While the nature of his malady
j puzzled physicians he diagnosed the dis
; ease himself as appendicitis. In the treat
I ment of which he had been a pioneer.
j Two Men Have Narrow Escape,
1 TEt'UMSEH, Neb.. May 17. -(Special.)
, While putting up a windmill for a farmer
! northwest of Cook, two workmen, John
Kuse and Otis Piatt, each had a narrow
escape from death. They were working on
the tower, forty feet in the air, when Mr
Kuse stepped backward and one of his feet
mlxsed the platform. He came near losing
his balance, but succeeded in catching a
rod and saving himself. Mr. Piatt came
near being killed by being struck by the
Switchmen tn Session.
PEORIA. III.. May 17 The fourth blen
I nial convention of tha Switchmen's I'nloi
of North America and iue second bi-nmi
I convention of the ladies' auxiliary opened
I here today. President Frank T. Hawley
of Ruffalo pres.dfii ovrr the Switchman's
meeting and Mrs. Barbara Slang of Duluth
over the auxiliary gathering. This mora
ine's business was rouUus,
Mikado Grants
an Audience to
Admiral Harber
Commander of Aiiatio Squadron and
Hit Captalni Received at
the Palace.
TOKIO, May 17.-Rear Admiral Giles B.
Harber. commanding the Asiatic squadron
of the Pacific fleet, with staff and the cap
tains of the ships composing the squadron,
were granted an audience with the emperor
and empress today. The officers were pre
sented by American Ambassador O'Brien,
and Admiral Harber was engaged In con
versation with the emperor for several
In an interview today. Admiral Harber
"I came to Japan entirely on my own
initiative and had no thought of any special
reception to the squadron, but on my
arrival found that preparations had already
been made to give us a hearty, even enthus
iastic welcome, to all of which my own
feeling naturally and cordially responded."
"It seemed exceedingly opportune thst this
visit should occur Just when Admiral
IJichl's training squadron was being wel
comed at San Francisco, a place, which,
despite the clamor rs!ed by one element,
has proved by the sincere hospitality dis
played by another element that at heart
the good people of both countries have not
only a desire for the continuance of amic
able relations, but alto a sincere respect
and regard for each otner."
Admiral Harber has made an unusually
favorable Impression of all with whom he
has come In contact during the visit of the
squadron and will leave Japan aa one of ths
most popular American officers ever en
tertained here.
VICTORIA, B. C. May 1.-Wlth a re
ception given on board their flagship Aso
by Admiral IJichl this afternoon the round
of festivltfcs In connection with the visit
of the Japanese cruisers Aso and Soya to
Esqulmault ended. The pinnaces and cut
ters were hoisted on board tonight and the
Japanese training squadron will leave for
Vancouver tomorrow.
An entertainment was given today on the
deck of the Aso, consisting of Jlu Jltsu and
fencing competitions, while the flagship's
band gave a concert.
Woman Run Down
by Carriage
Mrs. Martin Ern.t of North Twentv.
First Street Seriously Hurt
Sunday Afternoon.
While rldlnar in Florence. Mr. and Mrs
Martin Ernft. residing at 2029 North Twen
ty-first street, were run down by a horse
and buggy about S;30 Sunday afternoon
and Mrs. Ernest received painful injuries.
The carriage, which contained four young
people, struck the couple, knocking them
off their bicycles.
The horse stepped on Mrs. Ernst's head
and the calk of the shoe cut a hole through
the skull, but did not fracture It. A small
cut on the leg severed a blood vessel, In
flicting a dangerous wound. She was taken
to the office of Dr. Adams and waa uncon
scious for about three hours. Later she
was removed to her home.
The buggy contained Mike flul'fvsn
of M. J. Sullivan. 3223 Larlmore street, and
Joseph B. Erskle. Twenty-fourth and
Ersklne streets, and two girts. They were
going north, driving at a fast pace, when
the accident occurred, and attempted to get
away without revealing their identltv. The
crowd waiting for the car saw the accident
and closed In, forcing them to stop. They
were arrested and will probably be tried
for fast driving. Sullivan's father went to
Florence and balled them out.
"Jack" Philbin
Dies Suddenly
Old Time Ticket Broker is Taken
by a Hemorrhage of the
After an illness of lees than twenty-four
hours, J. J. Phllbln, manager and proprietor
of the Midland hotel and an old resident
of Omaha, died of a hemorrhage of the
lungs in his apartment a the Midland last
USUI. L 1113 B Ui Ul.
Mr. Phllbln, who has been In poor health
for a few years, became 111 at about 3 o clock
yesterday morning and Dr. Dwyer was
called. After a short time he began to Im
prove and by afternoon was apparently
as well as ever. At about 7:46 he was again
taken ill and five minutes later passed
He was a brother of P. H. Phllbln. oro-
prletor of the Schlitz hotel, and was for'
twenty-five years a ticket broker in Omaha,
his office being at the Merchants hotel.
His wife survives him.
The funeral will be held Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock from the Elks' club
Cattle Shortage
in Great Britain
Charge that United States Exporters
Are Holding Back Stock to
Advance Prices.
LIVERPOOL, May 17. Owing to the
shortage of American and Canadian cattle
landed at Birkenhead and allegations that
the United States was withholding .supplies
with a view to raising prices, the Liverpool
Chamber of Commerce is urging the Board
of Agriculture to remove immediately the
embargo on live cattle from the Argentine
Kemper, Hemphill & Tsuctclngham,
All Kinds of Plating.
Best Natural
Laxative Water
This standard and popular aperi
ent water is the beat remedy
) for indigestion and irregulari
ties of the bowels and stomach.
It is so well and favorably known
that it needs no introduction
that it has been uaed so long
and so extensively is its beat
reoomnaendation. It acta quickly
and surely, but withal gently,
and leaves no unpleasant or
bad after effenta. Try it yours If
when you suffer from
Every now and thrn a man dks us atmut our odd prices. By way
of explanation say thst every one of our price stepa has a corres
ponding price level. For Instance our 11. 1.00 ult "plumb up" fxactly
with IS In 1. S. money. No "wobbly'.' values here.
If you like the dresi appearance pf a
Patent Leather Oxford
There Is no reason why you
and yet b on the economical
side of the nuestion.
Burt and Packard's
Durro Japs are
We sell them for tl an't
nf' guarantee protect
1 1 vou from getting a pair
f that w ill brenk throuKh:
another pair free If they
do fair. Isn't It?'
Curious and Remarkable Situation
Arises Respecting Finding.
Two Reasons Advanced ty llnrrl
ntan Lines to Be Considered
Request Will Probably
Aot Be Granted.
WASHINGTON. May IT. A curious and
remarkable situation has arisen respecting
the order of the Interstate Commerce coin
mission in the "Spokane rate cane." The
commission, which yesterday postponed
until July 1 the time when the order shail
become effective, wrestled with that cas
for rriore than a year. It Involved many
Intricate points of law and of railway
freight rate-making, and, as' it almost cer
tainly would reach the courts eventually
for final determination, the commission was
at great pains to render a decision that
might withstand the Inspection of the re
viewing tribunals. The opinion was care
fully written by Commissioner Trouty and,
by lawyers, it Is regarded as one of the
ablest decisions ever handed down by the
Based on the opinion, an order was Issued
directing the railroads doing business be
tween Chicago and St. Paul and the city
of Spokane materially to reduce their rates.
The order was made applicable not only to
the Great Northorn and the Northern Pa
cific routes, but also to the I'nlon Pacific,
the Oregon Short llne and the Oregon
Railroad and Navigation company, the lines.
Reason for Action,
After tho promulgation tf the order the
Harriman lines asked the commission to
be relieved from the effect of the order,
first, because no direct line leading from
Bt. Paul to Omaha was Included In the
order, thus rendtring it Impossible for the
Harriman Hies, even If they desired, to
establish rates from St. Paul, and, second,
because the clstance from Chicago to Spo
kane by way of the Harriman lines was
much greater by about 4n0 miles than from
Chlcajro to Spokane by way of the Great
Northern and Northern Pacific. The Harri
man people urged that while the rates fixed
by the commlst-ion might bo reasonable
over the Northern roads. It would be a
hardship to compel them to haul freight
100 miles further at the same rates. t
The commission, after a hearing, granted
Iet 'em come
- wlille tlie
I The
book of
snf candy
free on
Broadway, Fff th Avenue
Room $1.50
Anfftu, Gordon, Late Mr. of
can't intlulRp votir tastes
icat m
a temporary suspension of the order ns
i's It affects the Hanlii tin lines, but lcav
ing It effective so fai as tlio Great North
ti n und Northern TneHe me concerned.
Commission In Doubt.
Tho commission is In doubt a to t M
ultimate npplli atlon of the order In tin
1 1 i r i m a n lineR, but pr pose l to reopen the
case with a view to nucej -taliting all the
facts. If possible. There is h siring feel
ing In the commission that tho rales tlxod
by lis onlcr niiRht In be miulc to apply to
all of the romls. Irrespective of distance,
because the older affects I he rates at
points on the ssteni which are
not reached by either the. Great Northern
r the Northern Pacific. It has been Inti
mated, however, that there may be some
ulterior motive of the Harriman lines.
Conference at
Lake Mohonk
Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler Will Pre
side at Annual Discussion of
Arbitration Problems.
LA KB MOHONK. N. Y.. May 17. -The fif
teenth annual meeting of the Lake Moll ink
conference! on national arbitration will
convene here on Wedlifsday and c mtlnua
until Friday. President Nicholas Murray
Butler of Columbia university will be tin)
presiding officer and more thftil .TM) iiluia
tors, diplomats, army and navy nun,
clergymen, editors, btiHinexa and profes
sional men will attend.
Among the scsslous will be one devoted
to pan-American affairs and one, t- the
business men's move nr lit for Internallonal
arbitration. Some sixty Chambers of com
merce and similar business., organizations
will be represented.
British Ambassailur Umes-ttfYca! n"t
YVu Ting-Fang, the Chinese minister, ard
to address the confe-ence, ami Count J. H.
Von Kernstnrff, the German ambassador,
will probably do likewise. .
Among the well known men who tire to
participate are Senor lon lgnaeio Calderon.
tho Bolivian minister; Representative nich
ard Barthold of Missouri, ex-Govcrnor
David R. Francis of Missouri, c.-Ambassador
Andrew D. White.
An I si)' tinsli '
should he rovered with cleikn bandages mt
urated with HueMcn'n Arnha Salve. Heals
burns, wounds, sores, piles. 25c. For snla
by Beaton Prug Co.
Bee Want Ails are Business Boosters.
s iisMsaai mi mi m in. i jijm
lasts. You can't set
a limit to a griddle
cake appetite when
Agf is on the table.
syrup for every purpose,
tins: loe. 25c, 50c.
ndpts for cook -
- making sent
New York
and 27th St, NEW YORK.
In toe Ctntrt
of th Shopping
District ,
A Hofero. rirtl Cittft
Complete la til tti ppota
CIH. FufBtthtOgt tv4
detorattoau our!y r
throtj-fhout. fopulu fttk
t4le viftttUi Um city itb
OUl evttart bshAUtt It li
taWtlklsf MtUocal
Shop. as. IhMina.
he rb hi nqutod. MS
lunu JO. roua v4t
tth. Hat ..a cold ran
sn4 lrtphos. Is er
per day and upward.
QCORGC W. SWEENEY, soeeiiToa, .
King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Can,