Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE BEE:. OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 18. 1000.
i mmmmmmmatammmmmmimiim.,, , J tssssss I
I On Soocial Sale Tuosdav
I Thousands of Yards of j
... ... . a
Ihia sale is a world s ronder.
Fine Swiss and nainsook embroideries, flouncings, skirt
ings, corset cover styles, waist frontings, etc. in beautiful
and elaborate designs, 15 to 27 inches wide English eyelet,
Japanese,' floral, blind effects and baby patterns values to
75c and $1.00 a yard three big bargain lots Tuesday, at, yd.
! 10c-25c-49c
Thousands of Yards of Embroideries in new patterns
and various widths worth up to 15c a yard, at, yd..v.-3C
50c SUITINGS at 29c Yard
50c Himalaya Linen. Suitings in 22 different shades full
27 inches wide will launder and make up ' (
right for coat suits; Tuesday on bargain stjuare : . ZjH fl
main floor w . .""
1 SI SILKS at 59c
75 pieces 27-inch Shantungs and natural pongee silks, -so
much. in vogue this season. All weights, semi- :r PA
, rough and heavy plain weaves regular price
$1.00 a yard Silk department, yard. . . . "V
Advance Notice NEXT WEDNESDAY we will sell French
and German Val. Laces also pure linen torchon.
laces match sets; many worth 10c yard, at, yd.. .'. . .
See the Great Window Display of
Prizes in the School Composition Contest
Hundreds of prizes that will delight any school boy or girl.
All you have to do Is write a good, common sense composition
on gas and its uses. It costs nothing to register. You do Hot :
npfd to buy anything. Any school boy can enter. 1447 prices, '
worth $2,500. Ask for particulars.
All but Brucker Want to Be President
of Council.
If Johnson WhouM Vole for Faak
houarr the Opposition Might
Nnmp thf Democrat for
. thr rlni-e.
Th city council will organize next Mon
day with a democrat In all probability for
prettldrnt but which one 1( still uncertain.
Five of the clx democrat In the council
are candidates for the presidency. The odd
man Is Goodlcy K. Brucker, councilman
from the Fifth, who ay he will not have
the place and. also, refuses to say whom
he will vote for. Thu other five all start
with one vote each (his own) with the ex
ception of L. B. Johnson of the Fourth,
the present Incumbent, who may not be
permitted to vote for himself. Mr. John
son's vote, it Is suld, will go to Mr. Funk
houser In the event that candidate de
mands It. This leaves It to the republicans
to make the man.
"You Bee It Is this way," said one pf the
republli'un members of the new council,
Johnson was elected three years ago after
118 ballots were taken. Funkhouser was a
candidate at that time, but finally he cast
tils vote for Johnson and he was
elected. , Now, as turn about, it Is under
stood that Johnson will vote for Funk
houeer. This being the case, Funkhouser
I the only democrat who will go Into the
Content wim two sure votes from his own
party his own and Johnson's."
' ilayor Dahlman aaya he has nothing to
do witn rhooHing a president of the council,
but if there Is a poor man on the council
he might like to see him chosen.
"The president of the council acts as
mayor while I am out of the city," said the
mayor. "If the acting mayor was not a
strong man the people would appreciate
me all the more by way of contrast with
Boss Flynn Back.
Boss Flynn has returned from a week's
outing In Iowa and he, George Rogers and
Colonel Fanning called, on the rmayor to
see about appointments, but the executive
could give them no satisfaction.
"You see, the boys have been reading
the stories in the papers and they wanted
to know where they were at," said Mr.
Dahlman. "I told ythem I would have
nothing to give out in the way of appoint
ments before Monday of next week."
The republican councllmen have held
several conferences with the mayor.
George W. Craig, the newly elected city
engineer, will on his return confer with
the councllmen as to his force which must
be confirmed the same as the mayor's
Harry McVea, city plumbing Inspector,
says that the mayor has promised to re
appoint him,, but with four union men in
the council his confirmation Is doubtful.
Mr., McVea formerly belonged to the
plumbers' union, but broke with lL Boiler
Inspector Wolfe, License Inspector Wag
goner and several others holding appointive
positions,, admit they are "up Jn the air"
and without promise of reappointment.
City Market Master Epstejn is also on
the anxious seat as It is understood that
Albert Kaplan wants that position.
Dave You
Noticed the Ankle
Strap Pump
They are absolutely the
newest cut in a summer shoe
for the young women and
miss There'g no slip at the
heel with these We've done
away with ' this had 'em
tnade go that they fit the foot
Then they don't slip Rus
sia Calf and Patent dolt
Children's Sizes
o it $1.75
Misses' Hizes
11 H to 2 ...... $2.00
Young Women's Sixes
2 to e ........ 82.50
Let us show these, new
ones to you the next time you
are down town.
Write for our new spring cat
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419. Farnam Street
Alt Who
Would Enjoy
good health, with it blessings, must un
derstand, quite dearly, that it involves the
question of right living with all the term
implies. With proper knowledge of what
U beet, each hour of recreation, of enjoy
ment, of contemplation and of effort may
be made to contribute to hvingaright. .
Then the use of medicines may be dis
pensed with to advantage, but under or
dinary conditions in many instances a
simple, wholesome remedy may be invalu
able if taken at the proper time and the
California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it is
alike important to present the subject
truthfully and to supply the one perfect
laxative to thoae desiring it.
Consequently, the Company's Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general
satisfaction. To got its beneficial effect
buy the genuine, manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale
by all laadiug druggist.
Accuses Colored Blaa of Jamplna-
Board BUI and Geta a
Black Ere.
Jess Crowe, negro, was not Involved In
trouble with W. Llpman. a lunch car pro
prietor, on the grounds that oeuse Jim
Crow cars to tie run in the south.
Jess was arrested on a warrant Saturday
afternoon by Officer Morris, the charge
being assault and battery N with XJpman as
the complainant. , . , ,
The latter displayed a gorgeously deco
rated eye as evidence against Crowe, who
admitted having "soaked him' once." ' But
Crowe cawed loudly to the effect that Lip
man had started the trouble soma time
before by threatening to kill him, while as
counter-play, the lUnch man accused Crowe
of "Jumping" his board bill at JUpman's
hamburger sandwich emporium.
The judge thought that Oows would be
a better citlsen after reflecting1 upon his
past history while doing teii days In Jail,
Revised Schedules Will Nat Beaeflt
Omaha aa Msrk aa Waa
First Theaaht.
Omaha Is rot going to benefit so mate
rially by th new mall schedule over the
Burlington to go Into effect May 23, after
all. All mail deposited In the Chicago
poslofflc up to t:30 each ewrnlaa will here
after be dispatched over , the Milwaukee,
and will arrive In Omaha the next morning
at 7: IS. While th residence districts will
be slightly benefited by th change, In
that this mall will be . distributed by th
I a. m. residence deliveries, th mall will
not be distributed la the business districts
until the second morning deliveries at I:a0.
This 1 because of th fact that th first
A Family Medicine Without Alcohol
A Strong TWtc - Without Akohol
A Blood Purifier - Without Alcohol
A Great AftwwUv - Without Alrotiol
A feowtv WkW - Without Alcohol
Ask your doctor if a family medicine, like Ayer Sarsaparilla,ls
not vastly better without alcohol than with It.
in each last of the
tan or black
Correct fitting measurements for
your feet Insures comfort In every
Walk-Over Shoe Store
314 South 15th St.
rout Doors loath of Beaton Drug Co.
Bd. Thompson, Walk-Orsr Man.
Not Much Trouble
To Move
if you let us handle it for you. We
have roomy vans and expert movers
who relieve you of every uncertainty
and worry. We have unsurpassed stor
age facilities.
1609 Farnam St.
Doug. 1559 Ind. A-1559.
Approved by Nation and Stat. Beat
Cllmat and Medicinal Springs In
America. First Class Hotels. llospi.
tals and Bath Houses. Writ to
Secretary Commercial Olae,
Mot Spring, Bo. Dak.
Fr-;u-.9 T. m BT 5;-
nr i i .
Our Mammoth Silk Purchase
29 New Shade, Also Black, White and Cream
' Season's Newest, Most Wanted Silks.
Baldnfi Candy Co. Tin Candle exclusively
frB dally 4a ear Candy Section.
All Silk Pongees
All Silk Rajahs..
All Silk Tussahs
Identical qualities retailing throughout America at
11.25 and $1.35 a yard.
Over 9,000 yards from a Paterson, N. J., silk manufacturer at
lowest ' prices ever heard of. Just the silk for, those smart princess
and, coat suits. Pongees and Rajhas are riding the highest wave of
popularity attained by any silk made this year. Everybody Is buying
tbem, but no one here bought for so little as now. 28 inches wide,
any shade you like best. Just at the right time $1.25 and $1.33
silks for 69c. Think of it.
A Jewelry Sensation
The sale of 940,000 bankrupt stock of Jas. Brown A ,
1 Co. of Chicago, purchased from the receivers the American f
Trust and Ravings Bank, is the most sensational bargain
event of the age.
We have been crowded to the limit ever since the sale opened
Saturday morning with the most enthusiastic crowds of satisfied buyers
that ever attended a like event in this city. The values are unprece
dented, but such an immense stock Is not sold in a day or two," and"
we continue to put out new and fresh lots daily.
Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry of all kinds and Cut Glass
being sold at 50
of Manufacturers' Cost.
Men's Watches; Brown's
price lUin; now
Men's Watches; Brown's
price $14.50; now . . .
Men's Watches; Brown's
. price $20.00;; jiow
Men' Watches; Brown's
price $30.00; now
Womon's Watche; Brown
price $16.00; now
Women' Watches:
Brown's price fjl.00...
Browns' $6.00 Diamond;
Brown's $10.00 Diamond
Brown' $20.00 Diamonds
our price .............
Brown' $90.00 Diamonds;
Brown's $16 00 Dia
monds; our price...
Also diamond rings, brooches, ear
rings,- locket, bracelets, equally as
ns' $6.00 Diamond; CO en
price ipO.OU
t's $10.00 Diamonds; flET QQ
price . pf JO
? Vrice0'.0.0 ?!?a?: $62.00
Brown' $3.60 Bracelets; fl-f Kfk
" K
Brown's $5.00 Bracelets;
, our price
Brown's $6.00 Bracelet
. our price
Solid gold $10.00 and $15.00
Bracelets for
bold filled $3.00 and $5.00
Lockets, for
1J-K 'gold filled Locket
Gold Stick Plna. $2.00 and
$3.00 kinds
Borwn's $20.00 silver
Mesh Bags
Brown's $40.00 silver con tf
Mesh Bags JU.UU
Brown1 $E.0.00 silver 4PORT (f
Mesh Bags
$8.00 fancy cut Tumblers, fl erfi
dozen p.OU
$12.00 fancy cut Tumblers,
$14.00 fancy cut Tumblers,
$17.00 fancy cut CIA AA
Tumblers, dozen iplUiUU
$24.00 fancy cut
Tumblers, dozen
Pick of the Stock
CLOTH r in
SUITS... on,T
Values to 950.
afetclosing out all our higher priced models now
those modish' models you have seen here up until this week
at $35.00, $40.00, $45.00 and $50.00. Not one held back.
These are New York's 'cleverest conceptions, the ultra
stylish modes of the finest materials. Most all the new
shades Kiur one-of-a-kind exclusive styles Early shoppers
are pickings best bargains in years.
Bennett's Big Grocery 1
Taft's Dental Rooms
- If you want to be cured of all physical
and mental ailments by a supreme power,
no matter what your Relief, as sound aa
If you never had an ailment, deposit the
price in the bank payable to me when
cured. Drugs cannot replace destroyed
tissue, restore sight nor cripple. A
supreme power can.
Fhoni lad. A-S378,
ISIS South 85th St., Omaha, Vebraaka.
Mother Graf's Swwt row4en fw Children, a fc-nv
Uln rl!t lor rTrl.haMa, HMdacbe, B4 SioiB
ck. TmuiIb lleordra. move tail nculau u as 4wtror Vina Th.jr bramk u Colds io
It fc.urm. Tfc.r tr. .o plautnt to the last and
karmKaa aa milk. Chlldmi Ilk. th.m. Onr 1 dot
Uatimoatala t cares. Tkay a.r fatL Soil r
all druastata Ma. Aak today, ttoo't aeoapt w
morning deliveries In th business dla
trlct beg-In at 7:15.
; All mall deposited In the Chicago post
office between (:S0 and p. m. will be
dispatched over th Burlington fast mall,
arriving in Omaha at 9:10 a. m. the nest
day and will be delivered In the business
districts on th third deliveries by car
riers In th morning.-
Property Will Be DlTlded Anaa
I hlldrea a ad los Will Act a .
! Application will b mad In county court
Tuesday for th appointment of William
Q. Croun as administrator of th estate
of his father, th tat Governor Uoqenso
Crouns. No will was left and th aetata
will be equally divided among th four
children, who are William Q. Crounae,
Mr Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Mrs. Georg
Mclntyr and Mis Marl Croun. Gov
ernor Crouns did ot have a large for
tune, although he was th owner of sou
orchard property in Florida,
Bennett' Challenge Coffee, lb 180 and
Tetley' Teas' per pound 70o and
Bennett's Tea, assorted, pound Mo and
Plnmond 8 Chilli ftauce , lie and
White Ribbon Raluins, pka;. . 10c and
Pure Honey, Mason pint Jar a So and
Sweet Pickled Peaches, qt. Jar 88o
Mignonette Peas. 3 cans sso
Nutlet Peanut Butter, large 30o and
Hartley's Pure Fruit Jams a so
Stol! wreck's Premium Chocolate, 4-lb. 83o and
Capitol Country Gentleman Corn, can 100
Bonheur Sardines, large can flOo and
Diamond Crystal Salt, two sacks lOo -and
ERR-O-See Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs 9 So and
Iten's Peanut Wafers, pkg. .10o and
Chop Tan Hln Pineapple UOo and
Poppy Evaporated Milk, can Bo
Seeds, Floup and Vegetable, pkg SHo
I'sBTMili WMWiWHtH WM&Wm aJ iilsW BlaWlisl.M.Hislsl MKMa
10 Green Stamps
B0 Green Stamp
50 Green Stamp
10 Green Stamps
10 Green Stamps
10 Green Stamp
20 Green Stamps
10 Green Stamps
10 Green Stamps
6 Green Stamp
10 Green Stamps
6 Green Stamp
10 Green Stamps
Effective SUNDAY, MAY 16, Overland Limited Train
No. 2, will leave Omaha at 11:50 P. M., arrive Chicago 1:50
P. M., and Overland Limited Train No. 1 will leave Chicago
5:00 P. M., arrive Omaha 7:15 A. M.
No changes in time of other trains.
s F.A.NASH, Tickets, 1524 Farnam St.,
Gen. Western' Agent. Omaha, Neb.
Small Lots and Broken Lines From the Great Uanu
fzcturer's Stock Purchase. " v
Most Wonderful IU
Opportunities U li
Ever Offered. the RELIABLE STORE
From 0 to 10 A. M.
Men's Underwear, shirts or
drawers, in summer weights, all
sizes; 39c and 50c values per
garment, -jj
11 A. M. to 12 M.
Ladies' Corset Cov
ers, Gowns, Draw
ers; regular values
to 75c, at .
2 to 3 P. M.
Ladies' Muslin
Gowns; one big lot;
regular values up
to $2.00, at...G9e
Price Represents
'But a Small, '
Fraction of the
From 10 to 11 A'. M.
Men'?, Women's and Children's
Hose; big assortment of 10c,
I2V26 and 15c values; greatest
snaps. ever offered in Cp
Omaha, at, pair y
. 3 to 4 P. M. 1 .
Ladies' Knit Vests;
big assortment of
regular 19c values,
at IOC
High Grade Wash Goods Bargains
18c Batiste, fin printing .... 12 H 4
59c Silk Organdies, beautiful colors,
t 38
69c Silk Jacquards 4SC
60c Pongee 39
60c and $1.00 Imported Silk Ging
hams , 25
25c Scotch Ginghams 18
39c Scotch Madras Ginghams.. 25?.
39c Tartan Tissues 25J
16c Organdies 8H
16c French Percales 10?
Several other specials not advertised.
The Season's Most
Clever Style Ideas
- - -
AccnrtiTionfa iiTianrnaKSPil in I1T)V PstnhllsliTnfJrit
alUk3Ul lilUVai MAar UI ' - V v V m h .v u V
Prices 15 to 25 Less than you'd pay elsewhere.
Extra Specials Tuesday uZn Domestic Room
1 .. From 8 to 8:15 a. m.
Genuine Lonsdale Muslin, 10 yards
limit, yard . . . , 5
From 10 to 10:80 a. m.
6c Wash Bsgs, 6 limit, each 1
8 He Towels, Towels, 4 limit.. 4iV
10c Towels. 4 limit 5
6c Apron Ginghams, 6 yards limit,
at 2W
6c Shirting Prints, best made, 10 yds.
.limit, at 3W
, From 2 to 8:80 a. m.
1 case extra fine unbleached Muslin,
10 yards limit, at, yard.,. ; 5
From 8 to 8:80
12 He Printed Lawns and Organdies,
10 yards limit, at 5
26c India PongeeB, bordered, 10 yanla
limit, at i. .;. 12
25c White Dotted Swiss, 10 yard limit
at 7H4
19c Dotted Swiss . . . . '. 5
12 He Dimity Checks and Stripes J5
15c Towels, Turkish and Linen Husk,
4 limit
85c Sheets, 81x90, 4 limit 58t?
76c Sheets, 72x90, 4 limit ....
15 other specials for all day. ...
Buy Your Fresh Vegetables at Hayden's
We av you one-half on your house
kffnlnft expenHeu.
We have the good, quality and price.
Freh Spinach, per perk "Vic
2 bunche freah Aepsranu or Be
4 bunche freah Rafllshea). . .'. , he
6' bunches Onion 4 ........... . oc
Freeh Peas, per qurt fc
Beet, crrot or turnjf), per bunch... 4c
2' lbe. freh- Pieplant . . .v e
Fancy rip Tomatoes, per lb., .-
Fancy Wax or Green Bean, per lb.. 10c
Fancy freeh Cabbage, per lb. So
2 heada freah Leaf Lettuce for ...... Bo
Fresh Parsley, bunch Ho
Fresh Cauliflower, lb..; ,6c
This will probably b th last wk fat
Put them up now. W have another ca,r
of extra fancy fruit.
Tomorrow, each...THo, 8H1, lee, 13Ho
Per doien 800, Bo lJo (1.35
Monaay'a price on all grooerlea. Butter,
Cheese, Cracker, Teas and Coffee.
Mason Jars for your rinaappl. .
Pint Jar with caps and cavers, per flo.,
1 at : 1 4 . . SBc
Quart' Jar, i' with leaps', and covers, per
doaen lio
IT J'--.
Is taken by the boy or airl graduate In th glfta re
ceived at this time. This Is especially so If they come
from Lindsay's. We've lots of nice things for gradu
ation gifts. Look for the nam.
S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler
la bo
Crawaa, np from
Vartlal IHaU. mp
from 900
nialMi Crtraottkg Mo
X icings, up fro to
roroalala ruling ,
' Bp (root fl.BO
TilVlK ITUXT. 17 yoar
am of 1 too. 'Ihol S. 176.
Biidg Work, par
a) tooth, up from ftfl.M
Kerr rmT4 wlth-
oot pal.
Work giursmt4 ta
The Northwestern Line
New Time Schedule EAST May 16th
New OTerland Limited, 11:50 p. m.
Los Angeles Limited, 0.10 p. m...
Omaha Chicago Special 6 p. m . . . ,
The Chicago Daylight, 7:25 a. m.
. .Arrive Chicago 1:50 p. m.
..Arrive Chicago 11:50 a, m.
, . .Arrive Chicago 8:80 a. tn.
..Arrive Chicago 0:15 p. m.
Two other Chicago trains daily at
11:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. m.
A new electric lit train leaves
Chicago 6 p. m., arrives Omaha 8:23
a. m. The New Overland Limited
leaves Chicago 5 p. m.'and reaches
Omaha 7:15 a.-m.
New Time Schedule WEST May 23rd
Black HlUs-Wyoming Limited Imparts 8:55 p. m.
The New Norfolk Local .Departs 2:15 p. m.
The New Wyoming-Omaha Tassenger Arrive 11:10 a, m.
Th. Km Tinir l.lnvliallaaOinalui Express. .Arrives 10:80 p. m.
Albion branch departing 5:30 p. m.
and Dallas-Long Pine Express 7:40
a. m. remain unchanged.
1401-3 Farnam Street
Low Excursion Rates . Commencing June 1st.
Bee Want Hits Bod h I