Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
go to the home Is rad by the
women sells goods for advertisers.
For Nebraska Showers nnd eooW.
For In-shofr.
F.r weather report see psee I.
Senator Sutherland Makes an Ex
tended Speech Against Proposed
Addition to Tariff Bill.
-t -
Utah Man Says Proposed A "A
Cause Double Taxation '
Benators Ask Questions Regarc
This Feature of Speech.
w York Orator Makes an Extended
Address In Favor of the Pass
ns;e of the A Id rich
Payne Bill.
WASHINGTON. May 17. A comprehen
sive discussion of the Income tax bv Sena
tor Sutherland o Ctah and an extended
speech by Senator per" support of
Hie pending turlff consumed most of the
amnion o the senate today. Mr. Suther
land i;vpud ngninst the constitutionality
rf fc 'diil j rome tax law and declared
tint such a tax shculd be left as a means
of ii'i'Miu- f jr the elates.
J'.i'foie adjournment two hours were de
voted to a discussion of the cutlery sched
ule of the tariff bill and at o:36 o'clock the
senate udjournfd.
Fifty-seven aerators answered to tholr
nmnt-s when the senate met at 10 o'clock
today, relieving doubt as to the ability of
that body to obtain a quorum early In the
dny to t-onsldcr the tariff bill. When the
name of Senator Jones of Washington was
called his colleague, Mr. Piles, announced
that he "had gone to the White House and
was not able to be present."
"I am not a protectionist In spots." said
Mr. Sutherland of Utah. In beginning an
address In support of the tariff bill as re
ported by the finance committee and In
opposition to the adoption of an income
tax proUslon. If. he said, there was any
question about the amount of duty to be
levied cn a particular article, he preferred
to solve It by hnvlng the duty a llttX too
Ugh. rather 'than loo low. He could not
advocate taxing the products of his own
state and deny protection to the products
of an;' other slate.
J3peklng of the tnoome tax Mr. Suther
land said the framem of the constitution
had contemplated having the federal gov
ernment ohtsin Its revenues by Imposing
taxes upon'-a class of subjects, which the
ststcs. either under the constitution, or by
common consent, 'did not or could not tux
to the fullest extent that would be posalble.
The federal government, under the con
stitution, he said, was given power to Im-
r-fipsar las cm tmrwrta.. which, power .was
substantially exclusive by common consent.
The Imposition of Internal revenue taxes
tifon Huuor and tobacco has been given
over to the federal government.
I think," said Mr. Sutherland, "except
In cases of necessity the taxee of the fed
eral awernment ahould be confined to
those things which either under the eon
atltution or under the operation of the
common consent power of the general gov
ernment are exclusive."
Any effort, he snld, to Impose taxes upon
obJe''s that states tax is hound to result
tn confusion or double taxation. Taking
th-it view he regarded the Income tax as
notn proper means for raising revenue
for the general government.
1 Mr. Sutheland discussed various ques
t'ons rotating to what he claims were the
u.inTmtltutlonnl features of the Income tax
and was at times Interrupted by Senators
Pallcy. Borah, Cummins. Owen and Hey
burft. Decorations for
Heroic Queen
Kin; Manuel Rscognizes Act of
Amelie in Guarding; Son from
UftBOX, 'May lT.-Klng Manuel has be
stowed up m tjut'tn Amelie, widow of King
Carlos, the lU'corstlnns of three orders for
the lid ii u !l:pluyed by her majesty on
the octnrljn of the assassinations of her
husblml ...r.d ton in February of l'.KlS.
he C;ttee recites that after K.'ng Carlos (txtvn Prince Louise had been shut
tit ad, the queen, with noble courage and
r.i lei nil Instinct, flung herself In front of
I t : (on, Manuel, and endeavored to thruat
u ! e the weapon of Costa, leveled at him.
J..r escape was remarkable. The bullet
L.urk her corsage, was deflected and
L.aied the forearm of the prince. The
c.i'jinet has given its unanimous approval
U these decorations, never before con
ferred upon a woman.
His majesty has decorated also the po
liceman who shot Bulssa, the man who
killed the king, with the order of the
Tower and the Sword. This decoration
gives the recipient thS rank of an officer
and entitles him to a royal pension.
Charged With
Father's Murder
Daughter of Wealthy St. Paul Butcher
Under Arrest Beliered to
Be Insane.
8T. PAL'L. Minn. May 17.-Loulss Arbo
gast, the 19-year-old daughter of the lata
Louis Arbogtst. the wealthy butcher who
was killed in Ms home early Thursday
morning. Is in the Ramsey county Jail un
der commitment from the police court.
She Is formally charged with murder. It
Is believed the girl was Insane.
Hease Asks Attorney General as lo
Progress la Tessew Mer
ger Caeo.
WASHINGTON. Mar IT. The bouse to
lay passed the Burleson resolution catting
tn the attorney gsnaral to inform It what
Jteps If any had been taken 'bv him or
any official of his department to annul
the contract whereby the United States
Steel corporation acquired the lntejests of
the Tsnnessee Coal and Iron company.
"Flying Wedge"
of Policemen
Catches Thief
Force Going: to Work Yesterday Aft
ernoon Keeps Thief from
Making Touchdown.
Paul Drenko Is accused of making the
fatal mistake of robbing a man Just at
4 o'clock In the afternodVi.
If Drenko did the Job, it must be his
first offense in Omaha, as any ordinary
thief knows the police force for the. third
vatch of the day marches to work Just
';. 4 o'clock.
"he result of Drenko- alleged Ignorance
sed 1.000 people to follow twenty police
J into the alley between Dodge and
Douglas streets, and Drenko was caught
like a fox pursued by ten hunters and
fifty hounds.
Just as the force, which goes to work at
4 o'clock, waa marching up Dodge street
yesterday afternoon, William Ksmas, a
Greek, ran up to an officer at Sixteenth
end Dodge streets and said he had been
robbed of ST5. The officer turned and ssw
the allege) thief running toward the alley
between Dodge and Douglas. He shouted
for the man to stop, pulled bis gun and
fired four shots into the air.
The shots didn't stop the thief, but broke
up the line of policemen, and they all
started after the thief. Into the alley the
twenty blue coats plunged, like a foot ball
squad making the fllng .wedge. They
filled the alley with blue. It looked as
though the thief was about to make a
touchdown. The police went into the alley
so fsst that some of the end 'men and a
full back were knocked against the tele
phone poles and brick walls, rolling along
the paved alley as though a quarterback
had got tangled between their legs.
Then the gathering In began. Every
man who ran out of a saloon or restsurant
to see what had happened, or "beat it"
too hard when the shots were fired, was
brought to the patrcfl box.
One by one the police came up while
waiting for the wagon. Each had nailed
his man. Some had traveling men with
grips, others had people who quit work
"This man was running as hard as he
could go," explained a patrolman at the
"You bet I was running," laughed the
"There was some shooting going on and
this man was running," said another blue
"Who wouldn't run?" said the man who
had a roll of bread under his arm.
Then the man who was wanted was led
up. A policeman put Ms hand In Drenko's
pockets. He pulled out a roll of money.
It was $75.
All the men arrested for running on the
streets when a policeman was shooting
were told to move on.
Wants Receiver
for U. S. Express
John L. Dudley, Stockholder of Con-
. cern. Asks .that, ft Be Dia
solved. NEW YORK, May 17. The fact that
John L. Dudley of this city has applied to
the court for the appointment of a receiver
and for the dissolution of the United States
Express - company became known today,
when an argument on the application was
made in court.
Counsel for Mr. Dudley, who asserts he
is a stockholder, today applied to the su
preme court for a writ of mandamus to
compel Edward T. Piatt, the treasurer of
the company, to permit an examination of
Its books. Decision was reserved.
Hexk-aa Babbles Oat Story of Crime
and Clears is Old
ZACATBCA8, Mexico, May 17. Rendered
insane by the appearance of the twin
brother of his victim, whom he believed
was the ghost of the man he had mur
dered, Antonio Agulllar fell to hi knees
pleading for mercy and babbled the story
of his crime. Until that moment the mur
der of Euatacla Agulllar had been veiled
In mystery. Eustacla's twin brother, Juan,
who had been absent from home for yesrs,
returned to the city yesterday and acci
dentally met his uncle Antonio. The latter
did not know of the return of Juan and
when he saw him on the street his re
semblance to the murdered brother waa so
striking that he thought the spirit of the
nephew he had killed had returned to haunt
him.. He waa taken Into cuatody and la
believed to be hopelessly Insane.
Norwegians Celebrate Day
Marking Their Independence
Monday was a big day in Norwegian
communities in Minnesota and the Dakotas,
but the day was passed by In Omaha with
little note, as there are few Norwegians
or descendants of Norwegians in this
The day was a big one to those with an
cestry dating back to the land of the mid
night sun, for It was the anniversary of
the date Norway secured Its freedom from
Denmark and became an independent state,
for the first time since the days of the
Vikings of old. .
On March 17, 1811, ninety-five years go
the treaty of peace waa algned with Den
mark, a three years' war brought to Us
cloe and Norway waa tree. For upwards
of 300 years the country had been ruled by
the Danes, and Norwegians chafed under
the yoke of bondage. Smaller wara were
waged at odd times, but In 191 began the
final war with Denmark, which was ter
minated the same year that America 'de
feated the British for the second time.
Norway enjoyed strict Independence for
only a short time, however, and to pre
serve Its Independence from other countries
and for mutual protection It Joined Sweden
and Karl Johan, a Frenchman, was chosen
king of the two countries, this dual gov
ernment continuing until 106. Four years
ago Norway broke with Sweden and is
agxln an independent sUts, ruled 1 a
Dane King Hakon.
"People In this country call May 17 the
Norwegians' Fourth of July,", said O. Wllg,
tinner at Twenty-seventh and Leavenworth
Slayer of William C. Annis Will Be
Taken to New York Peniten
tiary Today.
Maximum is Sixteen Years and Mini
mum Eight Years.
Court Holds that No Errors of Law
Were Made.
No Application Will Be Made for Cer
tificate of Reasonable Toobt ft -Act
as Stay of Elf
potion. FLUSHING, N. T.. May 17 Unless seme
unlocked for lefral obstacle is Interposed.
Captain Peter C. Halns, Jr., U. 8. A., who
was convicted of manslaughter In the first
degree for killing William E. Annis at the
Bayside Yacht club last August, will be
taken to fling Sing tomorrow and at once
will begin serving the sentence Imposed
today by Justice Oarretson In the supreme
court. The sentence Is an Indeterminate
one, undre which the minimum period of
Imprisonment will be eight years end the
maximum slxten years. His time In prison
must be spent at bard labor.
Counsel for Hains late today practically
agTeed to thler client's Immediate transfer
to Sing Sing when they announced after a
consultation with General Halns. his father,
and Major John P. Halns, a brother, that
no application wculd be made for a certifi
cate of reasonable doubt to act as a stay
of execution. An appeal, based on the
general court record-in the case, will be
taken In regular course, however.
Upon learning the decision of counsel the
sheriff of Queens county said that, acting
t-pon the suggestion of the ccurt, he would
take his prisoner to Sing Sing within
twenty-four hours.
Given Indeterminate Sentence.
Captain Peter C. Halns, Jr., U. S. A.,
who was convicted for manslaughter In the
first degree for killing William E. Annis
at the Bayside Tacht club last August, was
sentenced today by Justice Oarretson in the
supreme court to an indeterminate sen
tence of not less than eight years nor more
than sixteen years, at hard labor In state's
John F. Mclntyre, counsel for the defend
ant, made the usual motions for a new
trial, which were denied. The court clerk
then Instructed Captain Halns to come to
the bar and proceeded to ask him the
questions usually put to a man about to
be sentenced. The wrlsoner seemed daxed
and seemed to have some difficulty In un
derstanding the questions. Lawyers Mc
lntyre and Young of the defense stood on
either side of Captain Halns and assisted
him in answering the questions of the court
clerk. In passing sentence Justice Garret
son said the defendant had a fair trial and
had been defended by experienced lawyers.
A Jury had found a verdict commensurate
with the requirements of the law. He said
he was not aware that any errors of law
had been committed during the trial. Al
though there had been a great deal of
sympathy Injected into the case, the haw
did not allow a man to punish another
for wrong he had suffered or to wreak
vengeance upon the man who wronged him.
After Justice Oarretson had imposed the
sentence, Captain Halns sat down and
dropped his head on the table before him.
He seemed overcome with emotion for a
few momenta, but soon recovered himself
and sat upright staring at the court.
General Halns, the defendant's father,
and Major John Halns, who were in court,
displayed mich emotion when the captain
was sentenced. Immediately after sentence
the prisoner's lawyers asked for a stay of
sentence for a few days In order to take
an appeal. Justice Garret sin said the case
would take the usual course and gave the
defense twenty-four hours in which to file
an appeal. He then remanded Captain
Hains to the custody of the sheriff.
Father ana. Son Killed.
RICHMOND. Ind.. Man. 17. Ech Meek
and his son Raymond, a few miles west of
here, were killed this morning by. Joseph
Rallshack. Rallsback was wounded in .the
leg. Rallsback used a shotgun.
George Meredith III. ,
NEW YORK. May 17 George Meredith,
the English novelist. Is seriously ill. The
octogenarian author was taken ill May 14,
since when he has gradually grown worse.
atreets, "and over In the old country they
celebrate the day much the aame as we
Americana celebrated July 4 here. I say
' Americana" for I am Just as much an
American as anyone else, except I haven't
been here as long as you or your an
centers. "I left Norway when I waa a years of
age, about Xi yeara ago. and at that time
fire crackers and other klnda of fire worka
were not as common as now. The cele
brationa then took the form of parades
and speech making, with dancing In the
evening. Of course all the villages were
decorated with the national colors and
everybody had a big time, as here. I
would like to see a Norwegian celebration
In Omaha, but there are not enough of us,
but five years from now If I am living
and can afford it, I will go back to Nor
way and take part in the one hundredth
anniversary of the Independence ft my
mother country."
Mr. Wllg said it might seem s' range that
Norway chose a Dane for a king when It
separated from Sweden four years ago. but
the Norwegians have forgotten and for
given Denmark for its S00 years of oppres
clon and as there were no Norwegian
princes and a Swede would never do for a
ruler, it was natural that his people should
turn to another Scandinavian country for a
"If I had been there I would have voted
for a republic, you bet." said Mr. Wllg,
"but I guess they are pretty well satisfied
with King Hakon, even though he Is a
I m,,,.,,! hi iiiuuh. I.,u,i,,.,.i,- -.iiLm,.ip i i ,.
' 7 v "
'My! I'm Sorry Henry's Spring Fever and My House Cleaning
From the Clevelsnd Leader.
Captain Marshall Will Protect Inter
ests of This Country.
Armenians Hesitate to Leave Camp
for Fear of Farther Violence
Tarklah Officers He Da;
Slnalnar Hymas.
MERSINA, Astatic Turkey, Sunday, May
1. Captain William A. ' Marshall, com
manding the American (rrmored cruiser.
North Carolina, now in this port., has been
investigating conditions. He had a con
ference with the governor of Adana prov
ince yesterday. As a result full protection
has been promised American Interests at
Adana and guards are pktroling the Amer
ican property there and elsewhere.
The conditions in the refugee camps are
pitiable. Thousands 'of unfortunates are
huddled together and lack food, shelter and
medical aid. The authorities are making
efforts to Improve the situation and send
the refugees back to their farms. Many
Armenians are quartered t the American
missions, and most of them decline- to
leave because of their lack of confidence
in the protection arfered. The greatest
danger is from epidemic In the over
crowded camps and missions. Measles and
typhoid fever already exist. It Is "urgently
necessary that the refugees be dispersed
as soon as possible. Money contributions
are greatly needed. Captain Marshall la
sending a medical relief party up to
The North Carolina will remain here for
the present'
Montana la Port.
ALEXANDRETTA, Asiatic Turkey, May
17. The American cruiser Montana ar
rived here today. Alexandretta is quiet.
The Montana accompanied the North
Carolina from Cuba and came to this port,
while the North Carolina went to Meralna.
Five Officers Are Hanar.
CONSTANTINOPLE, May 17.-F1ve more
men were hanged at half past three
o'clock this morning In front of the build
ings of Parliament, opposite the Mosque of
St. Sophia, in Stainboul. They had been
found guilty by court martial of com
plicity in the murder of their officers In
the revolutionary outbreak of April 13.
Among them was one nin-commlssloned
officer, the pthers were Junior officers.
The five men aang hymns while they were
being conveyed from the war office, where
they had been confined, to the place of
execution. They continued their aongs
while the final preparations for the bang
ing were being completed and up to the
very moment that the stools on which they
were standing with the rupee around their
necks were knocked out from under their
feet. All through the condemned men were
as calm as if saying their prayers In a
Compress at Fort ftmlta Barns.
FORT SMITH, Ark., May 17.-Flre here
early today destroyed the Fort Smith com
press and Its contenta of 5,000 bales of cot
ton. The loss Is estimated at I3u0,000 and Is
covered by insurance. The fire is supposed
to have been started by an incendiary.
Flames broke out simultaneously In a
doun different places In the yard.
Watch the pen
nies and the dollars
will take care of
themselves. The
thrifty watch the
want ads.
Watch the want ads, they make
to pennies that grow to dollars.
When jrou keep things you don't
used thej are worth less every
There are a lot of people
who know this who want to
sell all Boris of things cheap.
They sell them through Bee
want ads. All you have to do
is to keep reading the want
ads. You will find you can
save a lot of money by buying
what is advertised ther
. -V . ,iT 'Sit- "'bj
Gold Key for
for Seattle Show
Given to Taft
Instrument Made frpm Klondike Nug
gets and Alaskan Marble Will
Open Exposition.
WASHINGTON, May 17.-Presldent Taft
Is to open the Yukon-Alaskan exposition
at Seattle, June 1, with the splendid gold
telegraphic key presented to him today by
Secretary Balllnger and the congressional
delegation from Washington. The key Is
mounted on Alaska marble and is orna
mented with - twenty-two handsome gold
nuggets from Alaska. The key will be
connected with the White House telegraph
wires and the president will touch it on
the day of opening, thereby setting In
motion the machinery of the exposition.
Secretary Balllnger, in his speech of pre
sentation, said:
"I present this key to you on behalf of
the donor,. Mr. George W, Carmack, as
well as on behalf of the management of
the - Alaska. ', Yukon-Padfle exposition. . I
am Informed that Mr. Carmack waa the
orlngtnal discoverer of gold in the Klon
dike and that , he had retained from his
discovery claim the nuggets which orna
ment the polished piece of Alaskan marble
upon which this key Is mounted."
President Taft, in responding, said:
"I accept with pleasure this unique tele
graphic Instrument bearing upon it the
substantial evidence of the wealth of the
far northwest. I ahall use It with great
pleasure to discharge the honorable duty
which you Impose upon me of opening the
exposition by telegraph on the first of June
next, and shall preserve the instrument as
a memento of the important atep in the
progress of the northwest, especially that
part of the northwest which we acquired
from Russia and which is even now bring
ing back to the American people many
fold of its original cost and offering to us
for the future sources of wealth that can
hardly be overestimated."
Remains of Old Bank Failure Dis
posed of for Over Five
Hundred Dollars,
CINCINNATI. May 17.-W. H. Stanage
paid f5S today for the assets of E. L.
Harper that remain In court cuatody as a
result of the failure of Harper's Fidelity
National bank, Cincinnati, some twenty
years ago. Chief among the assets ob
tained by Stanage Is a court Judgment by
creditors against Harper for 16,000.000. Har
per, who served a term In the penitentiary
on the charge of wrecking the bank, la
said to be at present the president of a
16,0u0,000 corporation in New York.
Trial of the l.lretenant Smith, Fast
est Vessel Built la l'hila.
drlphla. Beatlna.
PHILADELPHIA, May 17-The fastest
vessel ever built on the Delaware river, the
torpedo boat destroyer Lieutenant Smith,
left Cramps' shipyard today for a three days'
trial trip at sea. The builders have no
doubt the new vesser'wlll develop twenty
eight and a half knots an hour, the gov
ernment requirement. The trial Wttl take
place off the coast of the Delaware penin
sula between Cape Henlopen and Cape
Tax Laws in New England
States Compiled by Smith
WASHINGTON, May 17. A unique and
intereatlng report dealing with state tax
ation of manufacturing, mercantile, trans
portation and transmission corporations
was made publlo today by Herbert Knox
Smith, commissioner of corporations. That
part of the report transmitted to President
Taft concerns particularly the six New
England stales. It is expected that addi
tional parte dealing with other groups of
states will be published later.
A careful investigation into the tax laws
of each state was made by Commissioner
Smtrh and the results of the inquiry are
presented in concise form. The report pre
sents in a popular way a digest of the tax
laws and the methods pf their administra
tion. While In a, li '.; i :c;a1 publi
cation, it was prepared rather tor the
general public tfan for lawyers. It con
tains much of information particularly in
teresting and important to legislators and
all other students of taxation.
Conies at the Same Time..
Big Dirigible Balloon Arrives at Fort
Omaha and Will Sail.
Colonel Glasaford Rays It Is Just Like
Receiving; a Whole Regrlment of
Reinforcements to Get Such
a Bag;.
The United states dirigible balloon No. 1.
otherwise known as the Baldwin air ship,
arrived at Fort Omaha, Monday evening In
a special car by express from Fort Myer,
The air ship will st once be placed in the
big balloon house and Inflated for experi
mental purposes. The big hydrogen gus
tank Is being filled for the purpose, and
experimental flights will be made within a
few days. It will require from thirty-six
to fifty hours to Inflate the balloon.
The gas bag Is spindle shaped, ninety-six
feet In length, with a diameter of nineteen
feet and six inches,' and has a capacity
of 20,000- cubic feet for gas. Inside the big
gm bag Is a malter. balloon for air. with
8.3US cubic feet capacity as a preventative
against undue expansion gas from in the
big balloon.
The material of which the balloon la
composed consists of two layers of Japan
ese silk, with a layer of vulcanised rubber
between. '
The car la built of spruce and Is sixty
six feet long by two and one-half feet
wide, and two and one-half feet high.
The motor is a 20-horse power water
cooled Curtis engine. The propeller Is at
the front of the car and Is connected to
the engine by a steel shaft. The screw
has a diameter of ten feet and eight Inches,
with 4t0 revolutions per minute1.
A vertical plane Is provided at the Vear
end of the car for guiding and to prevent
pitching. A double horizontal plane Is pro
vided at the front end of the car to con
trol the vertical motion and prevent pitch
ing. Airship Lifts Half Ton.
The balloon has a lifting. power of 1.330
pounds and Is capable of a speed of nine
teen snd six-tenths of a mile per hour, and
can run for two hours at thla speed.
The airship has already made several suc
cessful flights at Fort Myer and Is under
full control of 'the operstor. It can easily
carry two men.
A detail of Sixteen officers of the 81gnal
corpa Is under orders to proceed to Fort
Omaha from Fort Leavenworth for instruc
tion in ballooning. The detail will go under
comand of Major Edgar Russell, who is
at present In charge of the signs! school
at Fort Leavenworth. The detail Is ex
pected to arrive In Omaha during the latter
part of this or early next week.
"We are extremely glad that the dirigible
balloon is here," said Colonel Glaasford, j
"and we ahall proceed with the experi
ments aa soon aa things can be made
ready. The experiments will continue all
during the summer. We do not know
yet what other balloon equipment will be
aent US, as we have to depend largely upon
the papers for our Information, until def
inite information la sent us from Washing
ton." '
Fort Omaha a Park.
Fort Omaha la now kit ita prettiest and
lta park-like appearance makes It a pleas
ant resort. The grounds are spacious and
are cared for constantly, surpassing In real
beauty any of the Omaha parks. The offi
cers will at all times be pleased to have
people visit the grounds. There is much to
(Continued on Second Page.)
Commissioner Smith point out that while
the taxation of Individuals throughout New
Englanu is on substantially tha aame basla,
there la a wide diversity among the several
atatea in both the theory and practice of
the taxation of corporations. He notes as
particularly Interesting the Massachusetts
plan of taxation of "corporate excess," on
the market value of stock less property
otherwise taxed. It la pointed out, too.
that Massachusetts alone succeeds appre
ciably In efforts to tax specially the man
ufacturing and mercantile corporations.
Railroads, it is noted, are among the
largest tax payers. Public service corpor
ationa are most often brought under new
systems of taxation. A review of the six
systv,i oJ IaasI.vm !uuikHi iu Commis
sioner Smith that the entire aubjeot matter
Is still in an unfinished condition and will
need yet further careful thought and consideration
True Tale from Denver that Reads
Like the Most Rom&ntio
Quarreled with Father When Sixteen
and Left His Home.
Later Married Des Moines Girl, De
spite All Obstacles.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Trove Hastortl
Are fkow on Way to the Kebraaka
Town tn Claim Hundred
Thousand Inheritance. '
DENVER. Colo., May I7.-(Speclal Tele
gram. )-Made wealthy over night as the
result of finding an old will In a discarded
suitcase, which had been given the couple
four years ago as a wedding present and
which had been forgotten by them. Mr.
and Mrs. Horace Crow Hoaford are Jour
neying to Kulo, Neb., to claim an estate
of 1100.000. The life story of the Hoafords
reads like an Arabian Nlghta romance,
Horace Hosrord was of a nomadlo dispo
sition. When barely 16 he left home after
a stormy meeting with his father, who de
clared he would never give bis son a penny
of hla estate. The elder Hosford .was n
wealthy farmer at Rulo. I
Young Hosford drifted from city to city
and about four years ago landed In Des
Moines, la. There he met Helen Younger
men, daughter of a wealthy tobacco manu
facturer. They wanted to marry, hut her
parents refused, and In despair he left th
city. Hosford later found the mother uni
daughter In Los( Angeles and forced thl
mother's consent to the marriage. Thoi
the senior Hosford learned of the marring
and sent the bride a packet which he toU
her she must not open until after hla death.
And the document waa laid away and for
gotten by the yocng people.
Later they came to Denver to live. Hos
ford'a father, died about a year ago and
when the will waa opened It was discov
ered that he was cut off without a cent.
Recently the Hosfords decided to locate
In California, and Mra. Hosford ran across
the old suitcase. In it she found the pack
age left by her father-in-law, and en
opening it discovered It contained a later
will, than the one probated In Nebraska,
and giving her husband the bulk of his
father's 1100,000 fortune. Instead of going
to California they have gone to Nebraska
to claim their Inheritance.
Lynching Party
Looking for Negro
I ' ' '
Colored Fiend Shoots Man snd Drags
Wife Two Blocks Is Fright
ened Away.
CHEROKEE, Kan,, May 17.-T. H. Hunter
and wife, well known young people of this
city, were attacked by a negro on the
main street here at midnight last night;
both receiving severe Injuries. The negro
stood behind a tree and deliberately shot
Hunter, breaking his collarbone. Tha
negro then grabbed Mrs. Hunter snd
dragged her two blocks, when he became
frightened and ran away. Mrs. Hunter
was unconscious when her assailant ran.
but recovered in a few minutes. The town
Is aroused and If tile negro is caught ho
probably will be lynched. Hunter is em
ployed by the St. Louis & San Francisco
Omaha Laborer
is Badly Hurt
F. G. Spang May Lose Leg at Result
of Accident on Marshall
town Bridge.
MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. May 17. (Spe
cial Telegram.) While working on the
Northwestern bridge which waa washed
out F. G. Spang, a railroad laborer of
Omaha, waa frightfully Injured yesterday.
Spang waa caught between the deck of the
plledrlver and an iron beam.' He was
pinned down for five minutes before he
was released. His left leg was broken and
he sustained a compound comminuted frac
ture of the right leg. Hla left lag prob-
Fifty Specimens
from Roosevelt
Zoologist of Expedition Takes Big
Collection to Nairobi to Be
NAIROBI. British East Africa, May 17.
Edmund Heller, one of the soologtstg of
the Roosevelt expedition, earns into Nairobi
this morning with some fifty specimens of
animal and bird life that are to he cured
and preserved here. They Include One
rhinoceros, six lions, two giraffes, twanly
tmaller klnda of game and A variety of
Supreme Court Dismisses Suit II roe gat
by Des Moines Street Bell
way Company.
DES MOINES, la.. May 17. Word Waa
received tnat the supreme court of the
United Ststts tojay dlsmltsed the action
brought by the Des Moines City Railway
company against the City of lea Moines
to restrain the latter from tearing up Ita
Hacks under the apprehension that the
time limit of the franchise grunted had ex
pired. The street railway franchise has
been In the courts for the lust six years
in one form or another, and there la now
pending in the state courta quo warrants
proceedings. To bjock the progress of this
action a suit was brought In tha federal
court and It waa tn this case thut the Su
preme court has Just rendered Its Opinion.
The dismissal of this action paves the way
to further progress In determining tha
validity of the perpueual franchise claimed
by the street car company.