THK RKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 15. 1900. 17 GRAIN AND PRODUCE BARKEI Kaniai lUini Deemed lniufficient to Allay Drouth. CASH SITUATION FORTIFIES BULLS OwUrtl Impossible Bar Aetaal Wheat -Offerings Scare a ad Baying Proasatlr Advances Valaaa Qaata4. OMAHA. Fab. 14, The rains throughout Kuini were re grded as local showers and insufficient to overcome the. damage that haa resulted from the long siege of drought. The bull faction la well fortified by the atrong cash situation and the fact that It la impossible o buy the Actjal wheat. Offerings were pare and any buying advanced valuea. corn was dull and unchanged. Higher receipts were quickly disposed of under good demand and all caah offerings brought a ahada better prloes than yesterday. Wheat was higher at the atart and mad advances steadily during tha day on former foreign markets. The late rains were Judged Insufficient In tha drought section . 'i1 1,ck nt gelling pressure that has prevailed during the early half or the week. May wheat opened at 1127 and Hosed 11.28. f:orn waa strong on continued light re ceipts and good cash demand. The market ruieo nun, nowaver. with practically noth ing doing after the rash market cloned Bontlment is bullish and wort weather will ninaer me country deliveries, cutting re ceipia sun lower. May corn opened at iwc ana riosca at 71c. Primary wheat receipts were AM, 000 bush el and Shipments were sn tm hn.h.ia against receipts last year of Its, 000 bushels snipmrms or 4P1.00 bushels. Corn receipts were 8(5.000 bushels and shipments wre SM.onn bushels, minut re. cetr-ta last year of 2J.ono bushels and ahlp- matita torn A AAA I Liverpool closed Sa higher on wheat aim Tin lower cm corn. Local range of options; Artloles l Open. Klgh.l Low. Close.l Yes y WtlMt- Mav . July . Co -May. July 8pt. Sept. 1 57 1 w oy Hi"' 41': 1 1 071 71 ML 41V 1 27 I 1 OtS 70S 1 1 07H 71 ft!, 1 27 1 OS 70H 66'4 41V creams, choice, lSMc; old New York full creams, fat, t0 good, KXIlSVl n, a to quality. i:iv-. Omaha tsuk Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, tl 81 .30; No. 3 ha rd, $1.2K(ei 7S: No. 4 hard, fi.l&gl.SSI; No. spring, $1. 241. 27. CORN-No. 2. 71V: No. I. 71W&71-V; Nn. 4. ;if)71c; No. 2 yellow, 71V; No. Jt yel- 10 w. 71H'!i7lo; No. 2 white. 72c; No. 3 white. 71'iv72o. OATH No. 3 mixed. 54ic, No. 3 yelluw. 6S65'4c; No. 3 white. 55:6tc; No. 4 white, MHiTOc; standard, fioo. RYE No. 2, 78c; No. 3. 76c. Carlo! Receipts. , Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 1M Minneapolis ,....163 v. ... Omaha 2 52 28 Duiuth 1 CHICAGO G liX I A sTl" PROVISIONS t'ealnrre of the Trading and Closing; Prloea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May U. Unexpectedly strong inaiaoiB in Euiope today arew the atten tion 01 wneat tinders temporarily away 1 torn domestic conditions and caused a tirtii market nearly all day. At the close prices were a shade lower to lc higher man the previous final figures. Corn and win closed easy and provisions strong. A.though Kansas ami northern Oklahoma had oetu dienched by a general rain dur ing ine lakt twenty-tour nours, tha effect 011 thi- speculative market for wheat here vas not wnai bad been expected, the wet v.eatnei- nsvlbg apparently been entirely uiscuunied during the previous session. At no time during die day were prices more man c below yesterday's final quotations, wii.ic the July delivery; ttte active option. wj ai one tima a full cent above the pre vious close. During the first half of the tttsion the market d. seated decided s.irpgtn. but In the final hour scnilment became less bullish and the distant fu tirrs developed considerable heaviness. i ne principal Duiiisn lnriuence was the si l ength of tha leading grain markets of Etirone, Rerlln and Budapest up 2jC and ic, respectively, and Liverpool showing a gain . eiijial to VilftSc Unfavorable weatiier In twmany. light Argentine ship ments and small stocks In England and France were given as the reason for the Hdiance abroad. Cash trade here and In Ibe suiithwcsl was slack, but Minneapolis tepoiied a brisk demand for th cash 6,raln and a livelier Inquiry for flour. Dur ing tho day the July delivery ranged be tween $U2Vi and $1.14. Profit-taking in the linsl lir.ur caused a decline of more than He frr.m the be.t marks of the day, hut the close on nearby futures was firm, while the deferred deliveries were barely s end' F'nal quotations on July were at 11 1 IS I 13,. Wot weather caused a rather firm open 'rg in the corn market, bin sentiment soon lKjn:e besrlsh. with the exception of the May delivery. At the close prices were r higher to HV lower. Julv sold be tween c and 6SV. and dosed at 69c. Oata for May deliver touched a new h'gh n-ark for the season when the price touched 5Sc, owing to active buying by shorts The markt-t In general, however, .was rather weak the greater part of the da.v. At the close the May option was 'c higher than the previous close, but other deliveries were MISc lower, final quota tions on. May being at tSc, and on July nt UTe. Provisions were firm all day. Prlcea at ine ciose were uncnangea to iiVbc higher Closing quotations were as follows: wr.ATiirn 1 this graix hrlt fthoieera Probably tarda, When It Will Also Re Cooler. OMAHA. May 14. 1K Bhowers and thunder storms were aeneral throughout the central valleys during Thursday night and rains continue general this morning from the Rocky mountains esst over the Missonrl and Mississippi val leys ann LKe region. The raina were mod erately heavy and were well distributed over esstern Nebraska. IowaKansaa and Missouri. A trough of low pressure extends north and south over the central valleva and southwest, with the greatest depres sion over New Mexico and conditions are favorable for showers In this vicinity to night and probably Saturday. An area of high pressure, over the northwest. Is fol lowing the depression over the central val leys and this high will csuse cooler weather In this vicinity by Saturday. Record of temperature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years. 190 18ng 1907 190H Minimum temperature ..54 67 J M Precipitation 43 .16 .01 .43 Normal temperature for today, 62 degrees. Iefclency in precipitation-since March 1. I M Inehea. Deficiency corresponding period In 190., 1 43 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 4.42 Inches. U A. WELSH. tocal Forecaster. Corn and wheat region bulletin for Omaha, Ne., for the twenty-four hours ending at n a. m.. 75th meridian time, Friday, May V4. ISO: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Raln- Ststlons Mux. Mln fall. Sky. AsMand, Neb 75 (S3 .56 Cloudy Auburn. Neb 76 63 .22 Cloudy flroken Row, Neb. 72 41 .16 Cloudy Columbus, Neb... 7 46 .M Clear Culbertson, Neb.. 77 4 .nj Cloudy Falrbury, Neb.... 76 M .si Pt. cloudy Fairmont. Neb... 74 4S .00 Clear Or. Island. N-b 73 47 . 47 Clear Hartlngton, Ne. 75 45 .SO Pt. cloudy Hastings, Neb.... 72 46 .i Cloudy If ldrege, Neb.... 75 45 .00 Cloud v Oakdsle, Neb 76 47 . 22 Cloudy Omaha, Neb 75 64 . 43 Cloudy Tekamnh, Neb... 75 S3 .62 Clear Alta. la 7 61 .on Clear Carroll, la 73 49 . 54 Cloudy Cla rinds. Ia 76 63 1.88 Cloudy Sibley, la ..... 75 42 . 06 Pt. cloudy Sioux City, la... 72 60 T Pt. cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at t a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp Rain. Central. Stations. Msg. Mln. Inches. Chicago. Ill 26 74 56 .16 Columbus, 0 17 7B 66 .02 Des Moines, la.... 14 74 64 .46 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 72 l .12 Ksnsas City. Mo.. 20 SO 60 ,t6 Ixulsvllle. Ky l H M n Minneapolis. Mil n. 2n s Omaha. Neb 1 74 4S ,M 8t. Louis, Mo 12 7'J ... Moderate rains were general tnrouahrut the corn and wheat region within the Inst twenty-four hours and continue In the northern and western portions this morn ing. L. A. WKUH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. NEW lORlv STOCKS AND BONDS ' -setaxexskM Market Opena Strong and Several New High Levels Are Beached. NEWS GENERALLY FAVORABLE Persistent elllnsi I'nder Coyer to Realise Soon Undermines Yalaes and Weakness Knises Bosli Are Irregular. NKW TORK. May 14,-Prlces were high again at the Stock exchange, but the Sell ing under covering to reslixe profits, whlrli has been a feature nf the market all through the week, even at Its periods of greatest apparent strength, was pushed steadily and persistently. The market was undermined and turned wak. ftr a show of strength In the first hour that was mote consistent nnd comprehensive tlisn et nn time previously this week. The leading speculstlve stork all moved upward In con cert. Prices have been carried to the high est level touched since Jsnuary of lt"7 There are pfomlnfnt examples In the list of stocks that have touched record prices tnls week, notably among these high-priced coalera. Such speculative leaders as Union Pacific. Southern Pacific, Reading and United States Steel are within a few points of the highest prices ever reerhed. The recent speculation has been shaping to the asvimpilon thst this country wss moving to i era of prosperity which would excel all It past history In that respect. The strength of this conviction Is witnessed by Its efficacy In carrying up prices It their present levels at a stage of the business revival which admittedly Is Immature yet. There was something striking In the una nimity with which the leaders In banking, railroada and Industry expressed their hope fulness todsy ever the business prospects. The news of rains In the southwest was regarded aa affording lmiortant relief, and the optimistic estimate of the prop outloxk from Chairman Jkiupj J. Hill of the Great Not them received a good deal of considera tion. Heavy sales of copper were reported. Foreign Influences were favorable to the market. Kven the money outlook gave less concern than for some days past. The time loan market was called somewhat easier and the preliminary estimates of the week's currency movement Indicated the largest balance of receipts over shipments In the Interior for any week of the season. The hardening of time money rates earlier In the week seems to have attracted this In flow. London advices point to some bor rowing there for New York account, in spite of tha command by London of our gold supplies. Strength In foreign exchange pointed to further gold exports. London sold stocks here. The foreign trade state ment for April shows the effect of the continued heavy Imports combined with falling off in exports In the shrinkage of the excess of exports to a value of $2,990,161. compared with 46,K!0,1J In April of last year. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $6,550,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Salei. High erel fund, exclusive of the JlnOOon.ono gold on. I2.- resrrve. shows: Onld coin snd bull! Mf.Si; gold certificates. HK.K2.51. ahle cash balance. Ii20.p94.1n6, avall- REPORT OF THK CI.E4RIXO HOUR Transactions of the Associated Ranks for the Week. NF7W YORK. May 14 Bradstreet a bank clearings report for the week ending May 13 shows sn sggregate r-f $3.1!7.Sn4.oon. as against $3.36.7R.iK last week and $1470.494.. 010 In the corresponding week last year. Following Is a list of the cities: NEW YORK GEXBRAL MARKET Quotations Articles.! Open. I Higji. Low. Close.l Yes y. Wheat May July Spt Dec. scorn May Julv Sept. Deo. Oats May Julv Sept. Dec. Pork Mav July 11 mt! 1 2 1 12; 1 14 il 04V.V.I 1 06eJ I 04', j I 78HI ! 67M i 1 eirr,i ! T3VI 67 V W6 1 59 V 1 27VI 1 1 lavr 13V, 1 flftHi 1 05 1 04 1 04t2,j 73, 734! 6V 69. 1 67 68,i8n 61' 6tfi62! MV MSI 61l 44t,!43SGV43SV 44', 44H ,1 IS 30 I 13 16 I 18 42Aj 18 15 4V, 18 30 18 42-4J a 46 18 15 18 X is nv, 18 17V.I 18 30 Sect. I 18 m 18 46 I 18 27V, Lard- 1 I I Mar I 10 67HI 10 7241 10 6TV,I 10 73W 10 621 16 72SI 10 771 10 TLi 10 76 10 67 4 I 10 2V 10 30 10 80 10 90 10 80 1 27 1 12 1 06 1 044 7314 6H 7H 6S'4 5ri 44 4 July Sept. May July Sept I I 10 15 I ib 15 I 10 17H 10 20 ! 10 224! 10 36 10 15 I 10 IS I 10 1( 10 134! 10 15 I 10 16 I 10 20 I 10 V4l 10 20 Cash nuotatlnns were as follows: FLOUR-Firm; winter patents, $6.30S60; minte- straights. $3 8016 26: spring patents. Init io: soring straights, K70io4.9o; bak er. $3 ff.M. 1i;TTk.R - Steady; creameries, ff2e: ls'rU. l&Ml'2'tV4c. KOOS Stiady ; at mark, cases Included. ltVc: firsts, ic; prime firsts. 21c. CH FES E Firm; daisies. 15fil64f: twins, I'WiVc young Americas, 14,&14c; long 14iUHc. POTATOES Weak: ehoice to fancy, S50 S.c: fair to good, 80g3c. POULTRT-Steadv; turkeys. 16c; chick ins. 16c; springs, 15e. VEAI-Steady: 60 to 60 lbs.. 6fi7c; 60 to U lbs.. 7i, 86 to 110 lbs.. 8V&94c. RYE No. 2, I2Q83C. BARLEY Feed or mixing. 70672c; fair to choice malting. TlHflTSc. SEEDS Flax, No.. 1 southwestern, $1 60; No. J' north west -jm, 31.70. Timothy, MA ICloxer. 9V). PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 1 40. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $I0.7JV. Short ribs sides. Iocs. $ 10.06 Bhort clar sides, boxed. $10.37VC10 60. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to UO.ono bu. Exports for the week. ia shown by HradUeet'a, were equal to 1 230.000 bu. Primary receipts were 654.000 ou.. compared with 133 000 bu. the corre sponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, I cars: corn. cars; oats. 1H4 cars; hogs. I.0M heed. of the Day oar Various Commodities. NEW TORK. May 14. FLOUR Receipts, 12.500 bbls. ; exports, 1,700 bbls; market was more active and firm; Minnesota pat ents, $6.2fe.50; winter straights. $6.00fi.26: Minnesota bakers, $4.80tr5.30; winter extras, $4 46ifi5.20; winter patents. $6.00fW.0; win ter I' w grades, $4.3f&6.00; Kansas straights, $5.806.90. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. $4.6004.70; choice to fancy, 14. 7C 41 5.00. CORNM EAI Steady ; fine white and yellow. 1.661 70; coarse, $1.6091.66; kiln dried. $3.90. RYB-Dull; No. 2 western, Mc, f. o. b. Nw York. BARLEY Quiet ; malting. 78c, c. I f. New York; feeding, 7678c, c. 1. f. New York. WH HAT Receipts, 32,400 bu.; exports. 16.000 bu.; market firm; No. 2 red, $1.46, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red. $1.45. nom inal, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern, Du luth, $1,327. f. o. b., afloat: No. 2 hard winter, t. o. b., afloat. There waa some Irregularity to the wheat market to day, although the undertone showed aver age firmness on strong cables, bull support snd commission house buying. Occasional reactions occurred on reports of good rains In Kansas, but the last prices were Vi c above Thursday. May closed at 31.34; July closed at Jl.J'1; September closed at $1.12H: December closed at $1.11V. CORN Receipts. 1,100 bu. ; spot steady; No. 2, 84c, elevator, and 81Vc, f. o. b., afloat: No. 2 white, M"4c, and No. 2 yel low, 8IV4C, f. o. b., afloat, all nominal. Op tion market was steady with the west, closing net unchanged. May closed at &3c; July closed at 78c; September closed at 7544C OATS Receipts. 87,100 bu: spot market steady: mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., AOVftOlc; natural white, 26 to 33 lbs., 61 V(jv-fVo; clipped white, 84zi2 lbs., 61&7o. HAY Firm: No. I 65'70cj good Q eholre, 7ifi90c. HOPS Steady; 1907. 81916c; Pacific const. 19?8 8411c: 1907. 86 6c. HIDES Firm, Bogota, 21VW2ic; Central America. 22c. LEATHER Steady; acid. 22Hl",'c. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; family, $14 iMffl H fiO; beef hams. $24.00-26.00; city extra India mess. $21.001321. 60. Out meata. firm; pickled bellies. $11.0111.26: pickled hams, $11.60. Iard strong, western, Ill.OOra 11.10; refined firmer; continent, $11.86; South America, $12.00; compound, $7.758.00. Pork, firm; famllv. $l.2Rr22.00; ahort clear, $19.00 '21. 51; mess, $18.602i19 00. TALLOW Quiet; city, 8Hc. BUTTER Steady; state dairy, common to finest. 21'&264c. CHEESE-Colored. easy; whites, steady; new slate full creams, specials, 13&l3Sc; fancy, lZc; common to fair, frolic; skims, full to specials, 2i811c. EQGS Firmer: state. Pennsylvania and nearhv fancy selected white, 26c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fair to choice, HfM'jc; brown and mixed, fancy, 23Hc; brown and m!xed, fair to choice, 22f23c; western storage packed. 22tyc; western firsts, ClHti'ic; seconds, 204&2lc; southern beet, 20vS21c; southern, under grada, 1$ 42c. POULTRY-Allve. Steady: broilers. 25800c; fowls, 17ei7VrC. dull; chickens, 13c; fowls, 1617. Allli-Chslmr pfd 2.500 61S Amaiomiun ( opper H.wn) &4 American Asric'lltural 600 40 Am. Bert Busir 11 8v) 37 H Amtrtcsn Can pfd 0 fli Am. C. r t.ouO 56V Am. Cotton Oil l.tum 4 Am. H L. pfd sn 41 Am. Ics Securities I.eO 4014 American LlnaeM -IK) 1" Amsrlrsn Locomotlrs I.00 (Si Am. S. at R Jl.Tll) W Am. 8. R. pfd 11.710 D4Vi Am. B. A R pfd 3iH 1"9 Am. Rugar Raflnlng l.wo 1414 Am. T. T 4.!M If S Am. Tobarro ptd 4"0 I'll Amsrlran Woolen S'0 Anaronda Mining Co I.30O Atchison 1 Atrhlaon pfd " Atlantlo Coast Lin ' Baltlmor at Ohio 1,300 fetal. aV Ohio pfd Rsthlehem Steel I0 Low. Cloae. 601, 60 Brook I Rapid Tr IO.OOO chickens, Dressed, Philadelphia Prod nee Msrket. ' PH!LADEIJHIA, Msy 14 BUTTER Stesdy: extra weeie-n creamery. 27V; ex tra nearby prints, ytc. EUOS Firm and Wo higher; Pennsylva nia and other nearby firsts, free cas. s. W4c at mark; current receipts. In return able cases, tl Wc at mark; western firsts. lm tss.-s, t.'o at maik. current rect-lptE, X f f ciii-. .'I. 2c at maak. CKEESE wuiol; old Nee- Yo.-k fa.l St. I.ouls General Market. ST. I.OLI8. May 14.-WHBAT Higher; track. No. 2 red, caah. $1.66ia1.66; May, $1.31; No. 2 hard, $1.324jn.8; July, tl.OSTi; Bertember. $1.044. CORN Futures, lower; cash, firm; track. No. 2 cash, 76j'77c; July, oc; September, 6tiWc; No. 2 white, 77Hc. OATS Steady ; track, No. 2 caah, 67c: July. 60c: September, 43c; No. I white, 6c. RYE Nominal, S4c. FIXUR Steady; red winter patents. $6 60 7.00; extra, fancy and straight, 40 ; hard winter clears. 4 otU4.90. riEED Timothy, $2.2ii3.35. UiRN MEvAl-43 50. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. $1.33 431 36. HAY Firm; timothy, $12.fvgl8.0O; prairie, $10.50-1S oa BAX;iNO T l-16c. HBMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing. 818O0. I-srd. higher: prime steam, $10,624 O10 62H- Dry salt meats, atrong: boxed extra ahorts. $11 .; clear rlba. $11.00; short rlesra. $11.1'.'V- Bacon, firm; boxed extra shorts. $12.00; clear ribs, $12.00; short clears. $12 K4 POULTRY Quiet : chickens. 13c: springs, MiSic; turkeys. 133 16 V; ducks. U4c; geese, be. BUTTER Steady; creamery. r26c. EGOS Steady. 18c, case count. Receipt s.Shlpmente. Flour, bbls 4. H0 i.JW) Wheat, bu 4.0iO Sgirio Corn, bu 61 5"0 a40no Oats, bu 40 49.) Minneapolis Orula Market. MINNF.APOLI9. May 14 WHEAT May, $1,274; July. 1 3f.-i : SfPtemher, $1,084. Cash: No. 1 hard, tl 3otil.a4; No. 1 north ern, 41.29iil.la4; No 2 northern. $1.2701.174; No 3 northrrn. $1 35t1 364. FLAX-.'losed at 31 64 BRA N In bulk. $4fiai4W. FLOPS First patents. toloQti.hi; second patents. $timiiH.:; first cleara, $4.7fra-46. second clears, $3 Sfuja Peoria Market. PEORIA. Ms.v M. CORN Firm; yellow. 754c; No. 3 yellow. 7ic; No. No. 4. 74.-. OATS Firm; No. 3 white. 58&6S4c No. I w hlta, 648670. Canadian Pacific S. l"0 Contral Leather 1.1U0 Central Leather pfd 3X) Central of New Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio lO.yW Chicago at Alton no Chicago ot. W 1,000 Chicago dt N. W l.siM C, M. St. P 16 4' i0 C, C. C. St. L 20O Colorado P. A I....' ' !, Colorado a fin 1h) Colo. aV So. let pM .-. t0 Colo, tc 80. id pfd. Consolidated Us nX Corn Products i. 700 Delsware ai Hudson 1.700 Denver Kin ureode 1.104 Ij R. O. pfd 1 Dlatlllera' Securities 1.4'to Krle 14.100 Kris let pfd I D00 Brie td pfd 1.200 General Electric t.700 W Great Northern pfd 4.600 14S oreat Northern or ctfs. Illinois Central Interborough siet , Int. Met. pfd lnternstlons) Harvester . InternatlonalSlartn s pfd International Papor International Pump Iowa Central Manias City Bo K. C. So. pfd Louisville at N Minn. aV at. L M . 8t. P 8. 8. M Missouri Pacific 4.B) M., K. A T 10.400 a't 6.4 l'MH 1274, W "ii" 79' 1814 ! 104 7" 714 1D4 1A24 74 41 4 Hi" 24 :oo (14 67 S.14 44 421, 43-, 3.400 l. l. 1.800 "i.m 6'X 1. too t.ioo I.M0 Iml S00 KiO M.. K. A T. Ptd... National Biscuit National Lead N. R. R. of M. 1st pfd.. New York Central N. T . O. A W i... Norfolk A W North American Northern Pacltls Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., O., C. St. L Presses Steel Car Pullman Palsos Car..., Railway Btsel fprtn... Reading Republic Steel Republic Heel ptd Rack Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd.... St. L. A S. 2d pfd 8t. Louis 8. W St. L. 8. W. pfd 81oss-8hef field 8. A I.. Southern Pacific 80. Taclflc pfd Bout hern Railway So. Railway pfd , Tennessee Copper Teasa A Pacific T-, St. L. A W....V-... T. St. L. A W. pfd..., fnlon Paclflo I Dion Parlflo pfd I'. 8. Realty V. 8 Rubber V. 8. Steel V. Btoel pfd I'leo Copper Va -Carolina Chemical Wabash Wabash pfd , Weetern Maryland Weetlnthous Uectlio . Weetern I'nton Wheeling A L. Wleeonein Central 71 14v 1X4 464 "ii" 1.14 42 '44 74 1S4 4X4 137 7fi 43S 7J"4 1"S4 8St 61 .710 ia:'4 4,7'K) 60 SOO S3 I. im 11,400 14H 100 sot II. 10 1UI4 1,400 114 "ioo 43 " 50) 100 l0 SOO 00 .1M.200 . l."0 401) . U.too . 4,700 . 2.400 100 0 . I.40 . I.I0 . I.OnO too 404 .Ut.ioo IS04 KM 7 . 4.400 . i.soo .(. 600 . 1 400 . 111"! . l.0i . 1.S00 ,. 4 . t."0 . l.iOO 400 M0 10 414 V M SI4 73v 47 254 i II 121 13f.44 4k 7(1 44 44 tit & 14 (.7V 11 fl4 6014 " 14 W4 4 74 114 sat US mt 814 44 664 41 1(14 II 5;', 814 109 m in 4 11 104 a4 48 1"4 l'Ht 127 1144 ,'i4 774 17t 4 l'4 774 704 4 182 1S04 74 194 844 S4 '1424' 234 1844 4t 87 34 83 1 tl 42 lSt 714 14t 1S 4fi4 24 4 404 "if" 734 134 s t 1S64 734 424 734 ins 87 4 M4 laot 44 1 82 1 1444 lt 134 1144 "iiii -43t lit4 ! 84 12 1 70S 454 14 41 80 1214 lt S04 414 134 50 1 48 1874 H 4 88 66', 8:1 1 88 4 814 M th't 41 1 40 14 tit 8S4 KS't vet it" 111.14 art r4 108 104 liiK 114V 4 24 8 Hill ftlt 1W4 28:, 7t 70t i IW'4 li .4 4"S .44 si . t'4 i44 4 1884 "4 87 38 344 61 414 180 14S4 72 1444 4 4ot "t 4 11 414 S24 474 714 13H r.4 13.. 4 .44 43 II l't '4 14 1114 48 1 1 82 1 14tt 28 1344 11 1.4 81 f 4lt 181 4St 34 4 13 1 714 48 4 144 4 80 121't 1244, 114 424 14 to 44 iut Mt 144 at Mt I114 114 Total sales lor the day, 1.418.400 shares. tl 48 184 to 264 814 It 1144 64 nl t 44 l4 SI 5s 81 7t 114 t Boatoa Stork notations. BOBTON. May 14. Money, call loans 4334 per cent; time loans. 'Utti per cent. Atchlsoa sd). 4a Pt Artsnna Com to 4a )a4 Atlantic Atralson R. R !' Butte Coalition do pfd 1044 fal. A An sou Boston A Albany 210 Cal. A Hecla boston A Maine 14s Centennial Boston Blevated 12i c iir Pange riichbur, ptd 1' West Vnloa Pacific 154 Franklin Am. Arge- Chest i! Granby do pfd 41 Greene Oananea ..... Am. Pneu Tub tt Isle Rovsle Amer. Sugar 1'J Mass. Mining do pfd l Mirhlsan Am. T AT ill Mohawk Arner. Woolen lt Mont. C. A C do ptd 1 '14 Nevsda Dominion I A 8 434 Old Dominion Maas. F.lectrtc 1st Psrrnl de ptd '0 , Qulncy Mssa. Gas i:9 Shannon t'nites Fruit U' Trinity l imed 8. M J7S I nl'cd Copper dc pfd r. C 8. Mining.. I . 8. steel MV V. S. OH ds pfd list Victoria Adventure ,.. t W'inona Alloues 0 Wolverine Amaigasiatsd 4 North Butts ... 24 . 14 ll. . S4 10.T 4.M) . ?) . it ! . is .104 . 1''4 24 144 S14 4' . 2o . . M', '4 . 80 154 . it 124 . 4: 314 . i tt .148 14 CITIES. Amount. I Inc. Dec. New No t 3. 76c. MtlwatiVre drain MII.WAl'KEE, May northern, tl Ji '1 1 il. 1.2' 4: J"lv OATS fts: cue I I'AiiLiii-..:,. i 1 ,'IariLet. AKFA7-No 1 lOiLOcrn, 11.2)21 Alice brusawlf-k i'ou. .. Coas. Tunnel stock. de Sonde . Con. I a I. A Hera Silver . Iron Silver . uKcrca. Vs. 4 .... 1: 4: ..ut Leadvllls Coo. I.mle ckiei .. Meilraa Online Orhir Standard Ye, low Jacket . Rank (learlnss. Mav 14 Baik cletrirg for to. cnrr- OM AHA, aiy were $2,19!.f)i f4l and for tie spordlr.g date la&r year. $2,033,810.51. New Tork Chicaro Boston Philadelphia St. Louis , Plttshurs; Ksnsss City Fan Frsnclsco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis New Orleans Cleveland Terolt Omaha Ixiulsvllle Milwaukee Fort Worth lis Angeles Pt. Paul Sesttle Denver Buffalo Indianapolis ,, Pnoksne Providence Portland. Ore Richmond Albany Washington, D C..., St. Joseph , Suit Lake City Columbus Memphis Atlanta Tacoma Ravannah Toledo Rochester Hartford Nashville Drs Moines Pecrla New Haven .-. Sioux City NVrfolk Grand Rapids Syracuse Kvansvllle Blrmlnislinm SptinRfleld. Mass... Portland. Me Augusta, (la Dayton Otikland. Cal Worcester Jacksonville, Fla.... Wichita .- Wheeling: Knoxvllle Little Rock ChattAnoosra Charleston Mobile Wilmington Lincoln, Neb Wllkecbarre Topeka Davenport Oklnhoma City Fall River Kalamazoo Springfield. Ill Helena Fort Wayne Cednr Rapids, Ia... New Bedford Columbia. 8. C Mncon Younsrstown 1exlng'on Fara-o. N. D Akrrn Rockford Erie fcloux Falls Centon, O Qulncy, III... Blnomingrton, Lowell ; TMnphamton ....... Chester. Pa South Bend Decatur. Ill Springfield. O Vlcksbursr Fremont, Neb Mansfield. O Jacks--nvllle. 111.... Jbckson. Miss Hruston Galveston Dukth 37 5 .., 18 8. . J4 7 .. 7.1;.., 7.81.. 7 !.. 77.71.. 7.8 .. 13.2 ... ,. ..I 24.2 .. !$I.V4n.rM.nnoi I S85.ail.onrH , l'.4.0n0 I ,1 9.0001 , 41.R89.fmoi , 4n.M4.m't , I 37 .M9.0nO , I S4. 741.01101 ! 17.8T9fWli, 16S2.nriO! I5.34.ono iR.XKi.mrH 13.080,000 IB 11.0ftl.000i 6.'. l.7i.0CO l2,4t.noii 13.4R40nO 8.3.000 n.77.01f)l 8.9O.00O 93o7,rtlO 8.4M00O1 7.848.00O 8..".1,0no 8 075,000' 8.937.I8IO! 5.101.fHO .Rf6.0O0 5. W3.00OI 6. fvW.00-l .4M,om) 5.1M,000 8,Oi6.000 5.118.0001 3.U10.ts 4.018.0001 3.f3,0il0! 8 7', 14 41.. 8!.. J7.21.. 4.7'.. S7 .. 18.9!.. 9 8.. 1R.3!.. 33 4'.. 30.4.. 84 3 .. 18.7 .. .1 .. 22.8.. 3.8.. 86.5'.. 14... 8.0:i2.0HO urn 34.71... 94.9'.. 30.0,... 116... 4.7... 8.1 ... 22.7.., 15.81.. 32.1 ... 9.4.., 43.81.., 17.71... 49.9'.., 17.1!... 30.9'.., 21. 4i... 29 01.., 17.i'.. 2 .'.., III. I 8.292.0001 3.ift8.00O) 2 fua.oooi 3.127,0001 2.678.91 101 2.50C.fi0' 2.418.0001 2.118.HO0I 2.4S2.OO0I 2.114.O0O 2.291 ,0!Xl 1.807.H 1.5"6 ffWI 1,977.0001 l,t.TO.oriO LfifiLomi l,9t.0XI 2.43O,0O0 l.ff7O.0O0l 1.370.OOOI 1.6S2.00OI 1,430,0001 1.221.000 I. .114.0110! . 1.4H2AOI 1.404.r,tiO l.l4.O0O 1.292,0001 1.164.0001 1.53.0001 1.091.H001 l-.245.00tl 9,oool 1,008,01 0 WS.OHOI 1.035.00O 9TO,0flO 863.0001 671 .now 711.0001 l.onfi.rwi 874,0' 0 934,0001 704.IWI TM.OOol 722.O0O 5X4,0001 S-TT.OOX 107.11 ' 6O5.O00j 82. ! 422.fiOOI 542,0001 45O,0C4)l 429.0OOI 527,00O 431 .000! r 47.0:)0 278 0001 85;.ooo( 357.0001 2.0001 3ftl.ii; 29,158.010! 10.7S7.(, 3,59.000 26.0.. 15.7!.. 11.81.. 23 0 .. 03.41.. 22.3 .. .11.. 36.. 2.6.. 5.4'.. 19 81 . 23.51.. 24.2'.. 1.2'.. W.I1'.. 39 2;.. 51.21.. 21.4!.. 30.21.. 28.2'.. 31.0 . 75.5 .. 8.1'.. 22.6 .. 27. m.. 8.81.. ....1 73.2'. 24.3!.. Si.'.. 17.9!.. 28.4!.. 6.01.. 21.61.. UllAIU LIVE STOCK MARKET No Material Change in Cattle, Values Being- Steady. HOGS STEONO TO FIVE HIGHER Cattle. Hots. Sheep. .. 4.127 8.418 8.470 .. 4 rr 8.623 8.219 .. $.233 t.fWI $ 558 .. 3.964 6.548 3.149 .. 2.091 6,532 1 335 Wonted Lambs oler a necllne of Fifteen to Twenty-Fire Cents, While Trade la Slow on All Grades. SOCTH OMAHA. Neb, Msy 19.19. Recelnts were: Offlcisl Mondsv Official Tuesday Official Wednesday Officio) Thursday , Estimate Friday ., Five days this week. .18,091 13.731 Same dsvs lat week.. . 24. 176 45 920 18 498 Same days 2 weeks ago..17.8JO 52 74 1 9.2"3 Pame days 3 weeks aao..l4.4 47.455 16.74.1 Same days 4 weeks ao..U4 89,551 41.317 Same days lsst year. . . ,1 &8 47.401 24.409 The following table shows the recelpta of cattle, bogs and sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: I9u9. lis. Inc Dec. Cattle 348.735 mf. 10.32 Hons 1.0if..965 1.096.893 W.728 Sheep 584.07? 667,Sf4l 26.732 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 190. 1908.1907.11.104. 11808. Ms 4.... May I.... Msy 6. .. May 7.... May 8.... May .... May 10... Mny 11... May 12... May 13... May 14.,. Sunday. 6 85 6 97 7 0S 5 261 6 251 6 99m 5 3S 6 94! 5 37 1 6 24 6 34 8 Zl 5 34 1 6 25' I B 3t 6 26 6 94 6 Dn'n 7 OOVwl 5 421 7 041,1 6 3a 351 7 08 I 5 241 30, I S 35! 5 41! 6 38 6 21 15 e 6 15 21 6 21 1 24i 6 !:! 6 31! 6 25 t 30 6ea! 5 17 6 15 6 1 6 27 5 28 6 30 4 69 7B 4 ) 6 T3 4 66 4 66 4 8 63 s 4 681 4 691 4 4! 4 65 4 68 64 4 tit e $ 54 6 47 6 42 s I 4 67 6 37 The total number of care . of stock brought In today by earh road was: cattle. Hogs, eneep. nr s s. 3 2 IS 2 1 1 28 1 2 .. 1 20 C, M. & St. P.. Mo. P. Ry. r. t P. R. R 25 C. & N. W. (east!.. .. l & N. W. (west). .V C, St. P.. M. ft O.. 13 C, H. ft Q. (esst)... 1 C, B. ft y. (west).. 8 C.. R. I. ft P. least 1.. 8 C, R. I. ft P. (west). .. 1 Illinois Central Ry 1 Chicago Ot. Westtrn 2 Total recelp's ... 95 77 5 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the numbtr of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 27.0 ...I 8.8!. 3.6 '87 9.7 12.3. 57.81.. 22.9'.. I 31. 3'.. 20.3 .. 64.51.. !.. K9.1!.. 12.4'.. 12.8 Omaha Packing Co 344 857 29 Swift and Company .... 48 1.564 tti Cudaiiy Packing Co 518 1,in2 Armour & Co 2:3 1,484 823 Schwart'd ft Sulberger 22 Vansant. ft Co 23 Carey & Benton 4 Hill & Son 3 F. P. Iewls 19 Huston & Co 58 J. B. Root ft Co 22 J. II. Bulla . 30 L. F. Hjsa 38 McCresry ft Carey 43 Sam Werthimer 26 M. Hagrrty ft Co 86 F. O. Inghram 4 Sullivan Bros 16 Other buyers 67 I nltcd 11. B. Co .1. 202 Kgiir Pkg. Co 31 Huffman 215 Shsffer 116 Krey 4 33 Totals 2.203 5.761 1.336 Not Included In totals because compari sons are Incomplete. "Not included In totals because contain ing other Items than clearings. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 14. MONEY On call, easy at W'a'i per cent: ruling rate. lv per cent; closing bid. i per cent; offered at 17 per cent. Time loans, a shsde easier and fairly active: sixty days. iS-H ier cent: ninety days, 2'vi2 Per cent: six months, 84i3V per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3494 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at $t.t635 (3-4. 840 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8790 tor demand; commercial bills, $4.85'ir4.SH. SILVKR Bar, 52'r; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroads. Irregular. Clot'.ng quotations on bonds were aa follows. Mitt 'do 4',s 10144 do Id series ..VI K. C. 80. let 8a... ..183 L. 8. des. 4a 1831.. ..11 L. V N unl. 4s .. ..lft'teM , K. aV T. In 4s .. 84 io 1st ref. 4a 104W .do sen. 4s.. V B. ref. 3a, reg.. de coupon I'. 8. 8 res , do coupoa I). 8. 4a, res , do coupon Allls-tTisl. 1st 8s., Am. Ac fa Am. T. T. cv. a..lii4i Am. Tobacco 4s do la A tr til son fen. 4s... do 8. L. 1st 4a.... do cv. 4s do cv. fs At. C. L. 1st 4a Us I. aV Ohio 4a. do !H do 8. W. ma Brit. Tr. cv. 4a Canada So. let 4e... Central Of Oa. is. .. rentrsl Leather be... C of N. J. f. fa... t'hes. at Ohio 4te... rhlrago aV A. Ss... f , H (4 . 1 C. M. I f C, R. I. r. c. 4s do col. 5s do rfdg 4s rrv. 8t. L. t. 4a Colo. Ind. fis . folo. Mid. 4s C 8 r. e. 4s L H. cv 4s do 1st ref. 4s ... D. R. 4s Distillers' Is tile p. 1. 4s do sa. 4e do cv. 4s aeries A do series B l.en. Elec. cv. 5s . . 111. (en. lot ref. U Int. Met. 4-, Int M. l 4 5 ... Japan 4s io o. Pacific 4e. . .. 8) . UK . 8 .101 .100 . 8 . tli . a . 8S . 112 8') N. T. C. . ! .,12 do deb. 4a .l')4 N. T. City 4V.B new . 8',H N. T . N. H. a H. 108 cv. 4s H' .11114 N. W. let con. 4a.. K . 'J7 do cv. 4s KCS .IHH No. Pacific 4s H? . 4i do Ss T4', . 81 WO. 8. I. rtd(. 4s .) . MPenn. cv. tvts 1814... bl .ls do con. 4s l,w .110 Reedlni (en. 4s 8' . Vlt. L. s F t(. 4s 1 WiH. L. 8. W. c. 4S ... 79 i .lllf do 1st sold 4s 84s . Ml, Seaboard A. U 4a ... 121, 4e 88o. Paclfle eol. 4s ... 81', g. Iss 8"4 do 1st ref. 4s ," c. 4s.. SIS So. Railway 6a. Ill 8-" do sen 4s 8.' Si, fnlon Pacific 4a 103 t. 4a.. 81 do cv. 4i 10-t, 'i4 do 1st ref 4s.... M V. 8. Rubber le 1011, 8S4 t 8 Steel Id 5s lilt 1'7 UClro. fh.m 4s ... VI luii Wabash 1st is 112', 714 do 1st ei. 4s 1; Western Md. 4s. 81 West. Elee. cv. Is ... t34 ; Wis Csntral 4s 8 U C B. e 4. S- 4a.... 110 7s c. 4V O. r. (a ctfa 1,: u: n. r. a. ref. 6s.. n 1)S St. U 8 F f. As. 1S N. R R. of M 4V,s.. 5 71'o. Pacific cv. ctla...luH, Hollos Stocks and Bonds. Bid. Offered. Local Seuariiies. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, jr., 14 New York. Lite Building York Mlalsag Storks. NEW YORK. May 14. Closing quotations tn m:ning stocas; .. 4-, .. ,. ,4 414 .1 .174 .. i) Trraanry v.i3H!vr:xv , , r..-. :il o.' .he i -til.' ; Statement. Columbus. Neb.. Elec Lis lit ta 1824 lltr of Omaha Bonds. 4 Ha 1838 Cltr of Omaha 6a 1811 Douglae Counlr 4a 18a Oate Cltr Malt Co. ( per sent German Tire Ina. Co Ind. Tel. 6a 1811 (60 per et. pfd sense).. Kanaaa City Hr L. 6s 18 U Nrbraaka Telephone 8tovk 4 per cent ... Omaha Oaa 6a 1811 Omaha Eiec. L. P as 1811 Omaha C. B. St. Kr U 1514 Omaha C. B 8t- R. 6e 16a8 Omaha C. U St. R. pfd 6 per cent.. Omaha C. B. St Rjr. ( ou. 4 per cent. Cm. A c. B St. Rr. B. pfd 4 per et. Omaha Water Co Is 1-44 Omaha Water Co. 1st pfd Omaha Water Co. Id pld Omaha Bd. ot T B. Co. pld I per sent.. Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co. ss 1WT South Omaha Meet 4 We 182s aioui City i. 1. pfd 4 per osnt Trt-Stats L. Co pfd 7 pr ct. com basus Topeka 8t. Rr. 6a Vsiua 8. Y. Ce. Omaha. 4 ser cent Bid Asked. 641, ii 1J8 I'll 1021, 74 7 7 If S4 844 64 86 444 1 W 10 I'D i74 IMI'Sj 4 46 68 M 1US44 iOl'i 10.'- luO 104 44 8 88 8S 1"! u.r iw 61 47 i 68 42 18 I'l 8s im 0 ss i AS Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., May 14 -8EED8-CIovrr, $7 70; October. $o.42t- Decetnbr. $o.4JiHi: Mrch, $65; No. 2. 35 40: No. 3. $i M, re jected. $4 80: no estsbltehed grsde, Timothy, prime, 1.S0. Alslke. prime, $7.',6; August. $7 44). 8sir and Molasses. NEW YORK. May H.-alGAR Raw firm; flir refining. 3 12c; centrifugal. 96 j test. 39.V: molasses sugar. 3.17c. Kaflned, f-9 : crushed. 4.5jc; powdered. s.uc; t...n-:i..J, 4i" CATTLE Receipts or cattle this morn ing, as usual on a Friday, were rather light, only ninety-four cars being reported in. The total for the week to date foots up 18,000 head, a falling off of over .0nD head, as compared with last week, but a slight gain over the previous week and over the same week a year ago. The market on beef steers was devoid of any especially new or Interesting features. Heavy cattle did not move off any too freely, but still pretty much everything changed hands In fair season In the morn ing at Just about steady prices. Qood I' ads of steers sold up as high as $4.80. Toward the close, after the more urgent orders had been filled, the market eased off on beef steers, becoming generally 10c lower than yesterday. The feeling at the. last was both dull and wesk. Cows and heifers also commanded about steady prices, and the trade on that kind of cattle was sufficiently active to effect a reasonably eorly clearance. There were very few stockers or feeders In the yards In first hands. The feeling was abo'it steady on good weighty cattle, but the market on light stockers, aa rv.ted yesterdny. Is very much demoralised and around 5c lower than it waa the middle of last week (Quotations on cattle: Qood to choice cornfed steers, $t.5O44J.90; fair to good corn fed steers, $8(n6.o0; common to fair corn fed steers, $5 OtutVOO; good to choice cows and heifers, 15.wS.25; fair to good cows and heifers, $4.504t50; common to fair cowa and heifers. $2.6ojH.50; good to choice stockers and feeders, t4.SOfl6 50; fair to good stockers and feeders. $4.0034 30; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, $3.00fg4.OO; stock heifers, 3.26(rf4.40; veal calves, $4.00 7.00; bulls, stags, etc., $3 2546.50. Representative sales: HOGS Hogs sold strong to So higher this morning but the advance was uneven. Thus good heavy hogs In many cases sold fully 5c higher while lighter and butcher weight hogs did not show In all cases aa much advance. In fact there were cases where hogs that did not especially appeal to the buyer had to sell at prices that did not look much If any better than steady with yesterday. The trade was not very active at the advance, packers being back ward about putting on while salesmen worked hard to force the market upward. Still the big bulk of the hogs changed hands In good season, gping largely at $6.907.25 and on up as high as $7.35 for the best heavy. Today's top price Is the highest so far this season and the highest of any year since March 194) when $7.40 was paid. SHEEP-The packers had thslr inning this morning In the sheep barn and played their little game In errorless style. Even with light receipts they were able to force a decline of 16"'a'2fo on wooled lambs. Lambs that sold yestorday at $925 moved this morning at $900, a full quarter decline. There were practically no shorn supplies on sale and aa a result prices on clippers aro quntably unchanged. Sheep values In the wooled depsrtment as well suffered no actual decline for the same reason. The trade was slow throughout the session, a number pf cars of stale supplies making it easier for the packer to prune valuea. This morning's developments are in a large measure the logical reault of over InfUted .live mutton valuea. A local sales man sited up the situation In this manner: "The limit waa reached and paased a couple pf days ago. although nobody seemed to realize It at the time. Omaha has been following too close at the heels of Chltss'o to put the market on a per manent baa's. This morning's sis lighter of valuea whs only logical. The sheep market, like water, will eventually flnda Its natural level." Limited receipts today makes It exceed ingly difficult to accurately call the ex tent of the decline, especially on sheep, both clipped and wocled. Qjotatlnns on clipped sheep and lambs: flood to choice lambs. $7 70.ft8.20; Fair to good lambs. 87.Orvg7.70: Oood to choice light viae. $ri 25Ui.7S: Oood to choice heavy ylas. $5 75fr 26; Oood to choice wethers. $5,803 8.40; Fair to good wethers. $5 506 90; Oood to choice ewes. $6.75(3i ?5: Fair to good ewes. J5 1".5 7fi; Culls and bucks. $? ofkge.iin. Quotations on wooled lambs: Good to choice lambs $8 ftrfie 10; Fair to good lambs. $S 0ojS.o. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. J08EPH. May 14. CATTLE Re ceipts. 400 head; market steady: steers. $4.5ta6.8i: rows and heifers, $2.5O'0.7g; calvea. 43 kVn7 26. HOGS Receipts. 4 500 head; market strong: top, $7 :16; bulk of ssles. n 8cff7 1 8HEEP AND LAM B8 'Receipts. 1 200 head; market steady; Iambs, t7.tV&a2C. vr nil fas A Strong Dank is the best place for Savings. You cannot more safely invest your savings than by taking out a 3 Certificate of Deposit in a bank which has Cash and Reserve Funds .... $5,500,000.00. Total Assets of over $13,000,000.00. The latest published statement shows that this bank has interest bearing eertificates of $2,086,687.49. To Chicago You may not be Roing today or tomorrow but when you do go take the Rock Island Lines The best way, and the way of greatest comfort. Five Trains Every Day with every convenience of modern rail way travel. i TICKET OFFICES: OMAHA I OOUHCIZ. BtUTT! 14th Md Tamam Sts. JTo. 16 Vearl Street. G. 8. PENTECOST, I. P. A. The Best Way Without Costing More. Special Excursions East 30 Day Round Trip Fares Ask about the very low 30-day summer tourist fares from Omaha to New York, Boston, Atlantic City and New Jersey re sorts, Portland, Me.; Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Halifax and other prominent Atlantic Coast resorts, which the Burlington will make effective as early in June as can be legally announced under the Interstate Commerce Law. These special summer fares will be attractive for vacation trips and for various conventions; they apply over all standard and differential lines, and many of them include circuit tours of the East. Write or call for general information regarding these eastern excursion fares. f mm k t J. 8. REYNOLDS, C. P. A. 18Q1 Parnam Straat, - - Omaha, Nab. Talaphenaa Douglaa 3500, Ind. A-3323 hl;her; pigs and lights, $4.7Mr'7.20: parsers. $7.10'o7.8O; butchers and best heavy, $7. T.M. SHKEF AND UAMBB-Recetpts, 1.100 head; market steady; native muttons, $4.t,0 W.lli; lambs, JrtKtiS.75; culls and bucks, UMto.OO; stockers, $3.04.00. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Bteadr Hosja Strong. CHICAGO, May 1 4. CATTLE Re ceipts. 700 head; merKet steady; strM, 66.iu7.$0; cows. $4 flH!e 75; heifers, $3 609 4.76; bul.s. 4.3G4j1.7t, calves, UVolJ. stockers and reeders, $3.30lo.60. HUGH Receipts, estimated at lO.OuO head; market s:rong. choice heavy shipping, $7.16 4j7.6u; butchers, $7.)$7.46: light mixeu, $1.10 '.(7. ill; choice light, $7.1&; packing. 7.a 07.4V; pigs, $S.oe.7b; bulk of saies. $7.3lU V.40. SHEEP AND LAMB8-Reclpts, esti mated at b.'fi head; market stesdy; shrep, 64 .'oa4i.i6; lambs. $tS.6t7.00, yearlings, to.jO io ;.. Kaaaaa illy Live took Market. KANSAS CITY, May 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7J head, Including 2W southerns. Market steady. Choice export and dressed beef steers. $!.?6&iS.90; fair to good, th-ibr?' 4 ; western steers. K) 4H57o; stockers and feeders. $4 (j6.7i; southern steers. $4.7a& 50; southern cows. $3.Ktji.26; native cows. $;0fefi.7s: native heifers. 14.0ntiti.&u: bulls. i $3.&?)n.:!&; calves, $4.0c7.25. : HOGS Receipts. g.uOO head. Market I steady. Top, $7.S7Vi; bulk of snles. 7.o(j 7 ; heavy, ..2.g7 ,T,V packers and butch ers. $7.jr(i7.; light,; pigs, $6.60 tj M. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ! 400 head. Market slow, steady. Lambs, $7.iXr .'i6; yearlings. $6 50fc7.78; wethers, $&.!'. Ij 75; ewes, $4.76t'.:$: stockers and feeders, $3.&CK,6.2S; Texas muttons, $6.00tj.tC. St. Letals Live Stwk Market. BT mm May 14 CATTLE Receipts, head, including 230 Texans; mirket steady: native shlnp'ng snd export steers. Iw.-i71i; dressed heef and hijtcher steers. lo.lvjOi: steers und.T l.Ooo'poiinds. $4 40 toi, stockers sn4 feeders. $4fO'rS: rows .n het'fre tlrB.., 8? 2t. . bulls. $4 8036.78; cstvss. limeTl; Texss and Inrltan steers. $4 6iii.50; cows and heif er' I-7:x'6 2fi. t HC3 $.00 held; market l10c gloat City Live) Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Msy 14 -t Special Tele gram.! HOGS Receipt, $.400 head; market strong; rangn of prices, $4.Jr7.2"; bjlk of sales. $"j.KT7.06. CATTi.E Rtteipts, X) head; market slow and 10c lower: beeves. $68.i; fat cows, U-Wtitbl; feeders. $4.50ta.25; yejr llngs, t3.00&4.7a. Stork la kinkt. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha S.okl b.bii l.Uo Sioux City... 00 J oo St. Josevn 400 4.60" 1 ;nu Kansas City 704 000 J 400 -t. Louis 660 6.000 1 1"U Chicago 700 10.000 6 00m $ia2HlJ7H I-ead waa unchanged at a14 its M In London. Locally the market waa steady at $4.!Sxa4.36. tlpelter was un changed at 21 17s id in London, but wss steady and a shade higher at $.ufj4.10 lo cally. 1 he English Iron market was higher at 4fs tor Cleveland warrants. Locally the market was steady, but unchanged. ST. Lol' IS. May 14. M ET ALU Lead, heid at $4.30. Spelter, dull. $4 KV4, Kansas CXtt .rala aad Prorlsloas. KANSAS CITY. May 14.-WHBAT-DU1I ; No. i haxit, $1.3ii.4(i; No. $ hard, $l.ava l.J; No. 3 red, $1.4frj'l.&s; No. red, $1.44 fcl.M. CoR.-Vtjc higher; No. 1 mixed. Tic; No. i mixed, 7oc; No. i white, 7ic; No. t wiiite, 76c. OATS Unchanged to lower; No. 1 white, b'ltibbe; No. Z mixed, 6fuooc. HA Y Unchanged; choic timothy, $12. W yiS.Ki; choice prairie, $11.008211. ft; choice utfalfs, $l.766lf.7. BUTTER Creamery, 25c; firsts. 23c; sec oiiils. llu; packing stock, 17c. EGGS Extrss, 21 V; current receipts, tfc; seconds and dirties, 17- ivecelpls. Shipments. Wheat, bu l.f 24.0n'( Corn, bu ll.ono 2J.0tsj Oats, bu 1,000 $6,004 Options at Kansaa City; Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat July 6tptembr December Corn July September Dcce'nber 1 06 1 00 I 4Sl &3S6 1 sl 1 0O4.I 6 4S US 1 Of 1 MUA 1 00 1 COHA 44A Irt-tkB biH A asked. B bid. Totals .$.841 85.131 11,0$$ Metal Market. NEW TORK. May 14 -The London tin market waa about 2a Id lower, with spot at 131 Us and futures at 112 16. Locally tin wss quiet, with spot at $JS 12W Copper wsa a little higher in London, with spot closing at si 58 10s and futures st 3s M. Locally the rrarket was steady and unchanged, with lake at $13 12'-!3 iJV,. electrolytic at tU.7fryl3.00 and casting at Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 14 COTTON Futures opened steady; May, lO.OOtlO.Olc; Jur.e. lOkOv; July, lu.4oc, August, 10 79 l'i.77c; Bptember, 10.73o; Octoter, 10.7c; Decembei, l'i.;ic; January, 10.77c; March, lo 'i.x- bid. Spot closed quiet, t points higher; mid dling uplands. 11. Joe; middling gulf, ll.tiuc; sales, l.ns baits. Cotton futures closed feverish; Msy, 11. lie; June, lO.fcgc; July, lO.sSc; August, 10 sic; September. !0 ii2c; Cctober, 10 10; Noverr.ij.-r. 10 Mc; December, 10 64c; Janu ary, lrt.soc; March. lO.Tye. ; GALVESTON. May H.-COTTON-Steady I at lOSo. ST. UJL lJt Mo.. May 14 -COTTON-Klrni ; ' mlddl ng. Vi'n ; sales. 842 bales; receipts, I l.n. bales; shipments, 1,1)64 bales; stuck. Dates. 4 otTea Market. NEW YOItk. Msy 11 -COKEEE Futures closed barely sread... net unchanged to 10 rntms lower, dales sveie reported of 21260 sgs lnludlnH Ma. Ht 7 lii'7 20c-, July at 4("i4fcc, K. iiiimber at K'dl r. December at kc and il.nh at 4 Ox-. Spot ruiet, No. 7 Klo. HvftuVst; .So 4 Kantos, t . Mild, quiet; Coidova. SvnUrvsC- Vilatli' 4Vxlsj' Xfi4tj SC.. 1D'''-TM. Msy 14 -AVH'EAt-My7f.k 9