THE UKK: OMAHA. ITEShAY. MAY 11. 1!n0. :rain AND PRODUCE MARlvEl 'irerpool Cablet Weak, Bears Ham mer Prices Down. WO&LDS SUPPLY CUTS FIGURE sel learlna Wrtihrr In ike orh. Vyhlch Ik Rnrt I mr a a Weapon ta Knock the Prices. OMAHA. May lit. 1. 1 Ivtipoi.l cable cam weak and th- bear were imfriring pikes, ror dei line oh the riort of rain In the outh and west, t.learing weathor in lha nr-rtti was used a a bearish feature, but was offset bv tlf decrease in th world visible supply or i.ot.noo bushels. Recslpt of corn were- more liberal and offering frt on improved weather condi ilon a. Cash tales were- shad lower anl toward th clos selling pressuro resulted in a declln. Wlwt waa steady at tti start, hut weak, 'able and prs1tent aalea on reported fa-voi-abl weather oondltlon aoon worked Inio a declining-marker Values were dull at trie close and ruled on the tow point. May wheat opened At tl ZT and clnaed at' IJ.M'i. ' - . Corn held ateady against the weak wheat market, with the exception Of 'ash corn, which slumped off slightly, due to some free Offering. Very little rhangwcan be looked for iinttl after torn planting la over. May corn opened a I, 70Ue and cloaed at Ti'Sc - - . Primary Wheat receipts were, 639,on bu. and ahtpmenta were bu., agalnat re ceipt last year of 459,000 bu. and ahlpments i f 719,000 h. Cirri receipt' wer $53,000 bu. and ahtp menta were 23, noo bu., . against receipt '"L?'r ot bu. and ahlpmenta of 5.(2. OnfJ bu. Cleatancs were 44.000 bu'. of corn, none f nd- wheat and Hour equal to 333.- ""0 bu. Liverpool closed- W4d lower on wheat and d lower on torn, lycal rang-of option' Artlcla, Open. Hlgh. Low. CloTe. gat y. Wheat-! I I . . I i May... 1 27V 1 278,1 i ja.t4 i hi, , i 2:a, July...! 1 0 I (V 1 (kit,! 1 08S1 1 t Corn l A May...: ? ulv;..f ' ept...j Oats- i Mav,..l 8epi...l 74 . SI. '. 40SJ. 7fl'4j OtiS; 5Sl ! 7H 55'i i, I Omaha Cash Prices. W HEA P-No. t hard.; No. 3 hard. $1.281 .: No. 4 hard, $1.1531.18; No. II Spring. S1.234J1 3. .'OHN No. 2. 70'afTOi4r; No. 3. 70c; No. 4. V'; No. 2 yellow, nc; No. 3 vellow, 7ft 704e: No. 2 white 7fl'c: No. 3 white, 704c. ATII No. 3 mixed, 84c; No. 3 yellow ..4iflWc; No. 3 white, 65c; No. 4 white! n4.l54Sc; standard. fc. RYE No. I, 78?; No. 3, 78r. Car Lot Receliata. Wheat. Corn. Oats. ... 17 171 245 4 91 26 v Chicago Mlnneapolia Omaha Duluth CHICAGO GltAIS Al 'PROVISIONS I'eatarei of tke TraHng aad Cloalnaj Trletar ow Board of Trade. t-HICAOO. May M.-Tha wheat market weakened today under paraiatent hammer ing by the heaia, prices at the cloaa allow ing net loasea of iQl to ISc compared with Baturday'a final quotation. Corn and oHta alio cloaed weak, but provision were taady., The wheat market waa weak all day with the exception of a brief period at the atart when a moderately firm tone pre vailed owing to covering by ehorta. Offer ing were liberal all day and the market lacked aubatantial aupport xuept nn 4he eevere breaka. New a of the day was largely of a bearlah nature, advice re garding the condition of growing wheat tn thia country being more optlmlatio than or late and atatlstics also being unfavor able .10 Jha nulla, iteporta from the aouth wesl Indicated that Saturday reduction waa quite Several It) Jtanaaa and Okla homa, Wlrlle advices from the northwest, where seeding ia In progress claimed that weather conditions there were favorable to a apeedy completion of the work. A ma terial let up in demand for the cash grain here and at Kaneaa City alai worked agatnat the market. One of the leading rash concerna here aaid that they had re ceived orders from the Interior to sell cash wheat previously purchased by the latter and Kansaa City reported that a large 1 timber of rare of wheat had been left un sold. At the aatne time primary receipts were In excess of these of the correspond ing day a year ago. Foreign markets were weak due to large extent to great ly Increased shipments of wheat from Russia and India.. At th opening prlcea were unchanged to So higher, with Julv at $114 S. to IDS and September at $1' to 10S. After the first quarter of an hour a heavy ton developed and prices began a decline which continued Intermittently the remainder of the day. the opening figures being the highest of the session. The low point for July was touched at $1124 and for September at ll.0fi. Final quo tation on these dliverli'S were 11.12'a t.US and 11.06 '4 5(1. 0&S Although offerings of corn from the country failed to show any material In crease the market waa weak th entire day. During the day the July delivery sold between (77, and MS The close waa weak, with prlcea Stf4 to He below Sat urday final figures, with July at inc. Reported frosts laat night had little ef fect on the oala market, the opening being uuita general that little damage had been don. At the close prices were Vtc lower than the previous close, with July at tl4C- "Vnvlsitiis were quiet and steady all tT&y. At the cloe prices were unchanged to Jo higher. The leading futures tanged a follows: Articles. ; Open. I High. tIw. Close. igat'y. Weat May July Hept. . Oer. 'orn May J uly Sept. lire Oats May luly Sept. Dec. Pork Ma v July I'eiit. 1. aid Ma v July li'Pt. Rir.s- Msv' Julv Sept: I 1 gn.1 1 iv l-4a,; 1 ut I ! I 1 jsv 1 M 1 r. 1 ,1t 1 l-Vi 1 141, 1 V.V I Ua', 1 mi 1 U44 1 04'S 1 u5a1 1 rsi 1 141 ,( 1 Sl t 7172l , '7'4rH ?! I I ilSSV ,40Sf44 7? i 7Sj I 6s! il's1 44 I 4tSI 74; 714 1 72 SSlt4lS I 7' i8 ! M'sl U4 I I STTs M 1 o' &. , 5I Dl'i 4aS4V6Tl 4;l -, 4 44V.U-V 445, I 44S' I 17 95 11 07 V IS 0& I t 17 IS 10 II 05 17 let 17 ft) I 17 W IS OS 18 us MS (lit 18 06 II (16 I 18 00 10 10 ; I 10 10 37T, 10 S7'V 10 T7'i 10 SO 10 W J 10 60 7 17141 I 96 f I S ) I 9 HO 'V ti 97 H 10 J!1 j : 10 44) ! 10 fjll 1 10 Si 10 C"i 10 u I 1 7V M) on 1 No. t Cash quutatlons were as follows; FlyOfH Firm; winter patents. Win ; Winter straighta. S3 101M.2s; spring pat- 111s. liSr'410. straights, 4 T'a , bukers U 40a.(. KYK-NO. 2. !4jiKic. to choice malting, IHtVUTuc. hKF.t'S Klax. No. 1 aouthwestern, l rL,, No. I northwestern, SI.)". Timothy, 3 tit Moer, 19.60. I KOV1SION8 Meaa poik. per bbl., SIT 30 H. I-arl. per li lha., S10.32S. Short ribs sides (looee). 19 S7H10 Sliort clear Mos ihoxd. 110 0010 26. Total clvarancea o' wheal and flour were to WAP bu. Primarv rcelpta were Miii bu.. toaiparod -lth 4o9.0n& the corrc- snopdlng day a year ago. Th visible supply 01 w heat (n. lha I'mted Slates decreaacj '-.SHa.tO hti. trtr ihe' week. The amount of tnndstuff on ocean passage deoreasrd ..2Hg.ia b. e 1. ICaUmauJ ifc eipti tor Airaorrow : Wheat, H csr-, 001 iv lit aiej oaiav $3b cars; hog ! head ht TTF.H-tasy; . creameci. 6J5li: iaina. 1924c. . KiKIS Kasy. at nia-k. caaea Included, nrt lc: prime firsts. 30V-. CHKrJSE-Sieady. daiaira. 15l.S,c; twins, f r"l . lV,4"rAm,r,U" "'i4'c; lon . -' V1' fok-a to fancy. POI'I.TRT S-eadv; lutkevs 17 chick- . ... i g,ih. at, , .Vvht " n 8.1-Ih wte.. K'jfit; Si to un-lb. wis,' W:1HKR l THK iRt BHI.T i r'air aad Warmer Is tke .la4 Tldlnaa fur Tarada). UM AHA. Msy pi. A a t o itf l oulrr Wfsther rir'S'J oer be Mianurl valley SaMrJy night and ex lended ras'.ward otrr tlie Mlksinsippi and uniu vsllcys and lake region during Sun day. Klllltg frosta occurred Sunday morn ing In northern Nebraska, throughout the "i per valleys and mountain district, an l killing ftost occurred last night In lh mountains, and light 10 heavy frosta wre general 111 the vlieye e far south as Mis souri and Kantue. and were also general Hirojgiiout the upper lako region. Rains occuired within the last taenty-four hours In the Inner Missouri valley, the lake re gion. Olilu and lower MiiniHslppl valleys and mutherii slste. and continued this morning in the dhlu valley and lower lake region. The weather is warmer In the wext and northwest, and It will he wanner i:i this vicinity tonight and TucsilHy, with probably continued tnlr. Record of temperature and precipitation compared with th corresponding day of the lust thiee years: 1W. 190R. lpr.T. 190S. Minimum temperature 41 53 37 4 Precipitation 10 .41 .00 .00 ' Normal temperature for todsy. 01 degrees. Deficiency In prec.pltatlon sine March 1, 3.69 Inches. lefktency corresponding period In 19"S. 3.10 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In Ii7, 3 8 Inches. -l. A. WE1JH. Local Forecaetat. Corn and wheal region bulletin for Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at S a m.. 75th meridian time, Monday, May 10. limd: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Rein stations Max. Mln fall. Sky. Asuiand, -Nen as ;i .m Auburn, Neb f8 2 .00 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear t'lsr Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Broken Row. Neb. 80 21 .nn Columbus. Neb... R1 2R rti Culhertson. Neb.. x 4A .mi Falrbury, Neb.... 2 31' .110 Fairmont, Neb... fin M .no (ir. Island. Neb., til 31 .'in Hastings, Neb. . .1 m ."3 .00 lloldrege, Neb.j.. 64 34 Oakdale, Neb... 59 24 .no Omaha. Neb 65 41 .00 Tekamah, Neb... 59 77 i) Alta. la 65 32 . t'Hrroll, ls....f,.,M B7 .(41 Slhley, la ..a ah ZA . Sioux City. la...i 3' ' .00 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. or -Temn'. R.ln. Central. Chicago. Ill 25 f.4 38 .08 Columbus. 0 12 7S 4H I.08 Des Moines. Ja . .. 1:1 5(i 32 T Indianapolis. Intl.. 12 02 42 .88 Kansas City. Mo.. 21 fit 34 .02 lulavllle. Ky 17 90 48 ,S4 Minneapolis. Minn. 24 Hi .on Omaha, Neb 17 80 .00 St. Louis, Mo 11 62 36 . Rain occurred within the last twenty four hours In all portions of the corn and wheat region execept the Omaha and Minneapolis districts. IJght to heavy frosts occurred last night In the northern and western portions of the corn and wheat region. Note The corn and wheat region serv ice, temporarily discontinued on April 30, Is resumed with thla bulletin. U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. NEW VOHK GE1EHA1. MARKET Qaotatlons of Ike Day on Varlooa Commodities. NEW YORK. May 10 FLOUR Re ceipts, 18.018 bbl.; exports. 19.706 bbl. Market quiet and unchanged; Minneso'4 patents, 6.20i.50: winter straights, 15.906 6.20: Minnesota bakers, 4 80 5.30; winter extras, 14.456.20; winter patents. Ifi.00ru6.40; winter low grades. I4.3&5.00; Kansas straights, Jr. 80 to 6.95. Kye flour, quiet; fair to good, 4.46Sj' 4.65; choice to fancy. S4.70i4.hs. CORNM KKAIj Steady; fine white and yellow. I1.85Q1.70; coarse, fl. 6001.66; kiln dried. $3. SO J. 90. 1 RVE Kasy; No. 2 western. 4c, f, o. b. New York. BAKLKY Steady: malting. 7678c, r. I. t New York; feeding, . 75S?76c. c. J- f. New York. W'HKAT Receipts. 182. 469--bu. Spot market easy; No. 2 red, II. 4341. 45, ele vator; No. 2 red. 11.45, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. I1.334, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 11 32H. f. o. b. afloat. Traders who expected help from the bull leaders In Chicago were disappointed today and wheat prices In consequence had a severe decline, closing 1c to l'4c net lower. The southwest rains and rapid progress with spring wheat seeding also had an effect on sentiment. May closed 1134; Julv. 91. 19 H 1.21 ; rinsed. S1.19H; September, 1.12 4 tf 1 1 J ; closed, 11 12 V CORN Receipts, 660 bu. Spot market easy; No. 2 yellow. 80r, t. o. b. afloat, nominal. Option market waa weak and lower, owlni to liquidation of May con tracts, closing (ge below Saturday. May, 80's81c: closed, 81 "sc; July closed 777c; September closed 75c. OATS Receipts, 354.500 bu. Spot mar ket easy, mixed. 26 to 32 lb.: 0ff80Vic; natural white, 28 to 32 Iba., 6n4fr83i4c; clipped white, 34 to 42 lh.. 60H7c. HAY Firm: No. 3. 65T7flc; good to choice. 79W90C. HOPS Dull; 1907, 36c; Pacific roast, 19(18. 811c: 1907, 36r. HIDES Firm; Rogota. 0mf21Hc; Central America. 21c. LEATHER Steady ; acid. "2 ?',. PROVISIONS Beef. quiet: family, $14 0n 14.60; beef hams 123 00926 00; city extra India mess. I2l.6022 00. Cut meets, firm; pickled bellies, 111.00; pick led ham. IU.60. Lard, steady; western. 110. 80 10.70; refined, ateady; continent. 111 10: South America. 111.80: compound. I7.124. Pork, steady; famllv. $19 00 20 00: short clear, 119.6021.50; mess, 18 60 19 00. TALLOW Quiet; city. 5c. RICE Domestic, fair to extra. 39ttc; Janan nominal. BUTTER Easier; creamery special. !7J! 274c: official price. 27c; extras, 2fi1c: third to firsts, 222c; held, third to first. 21ig 26c; state dairy, common to first. HC2c: process, common to special. 17fi'23He'. west em factory firsts. 20c; western Imitation creamery, firsts. 214r22e. CHEESE Weak and lower; new state full creams, speclsls. lSISHc; fancv. 12c; common to fair. 9-iTllc;-skims, full to spe clsls. 2illc-. EOGS Weak; slate, Pennsylvania and nearbv fancy, selected, white, 284c: fair to choice. 22Vo'23c: brown and mixed fancy. 224,c; fHir to choice. 2&2c: weatern stor age, packed. 22c; western firsts. 213Hc; Second. 204i2ftc; southern first. STrtJc; Kecomls 20c. roi 'LTRY Alive, dull: chickens, hroll eis. 2&,u3c: fowls. 17i617Vc. Dressed firm; chickens. Jt,c; fowls. lo'ytJ'l'eV; 'roxen turkeys. 15-15. '5c. Kaasas Cily t.rala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May In. WHEAT Un changed, No. hard, II 34j'1.4; No. 8 hard. SI Mldjl Sh; No. 2 red. II 466 1.52; No. 3 red, 11.42.01 ao. CORN c lower; No. 2 mixed, 72H 72cj No. X mixed. 72MyT2c: No. 2 white, 72S'72c: No. 3 white. 724i(72Vo. OATS Unchanged: No. J: wnll4k, 6&a68c; No. 3 mixed, a4fj!jc. ' it Y E Niraeic. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, S12.50 ti'll.CO: choice prairie, lll.Msg41.26;. choice alfalfa. IK.75lil7.76. BL'TTEK Creamery. 26c; first. 24c; sec onds 22c; packing stock, liy. KUOS Extra. . 31V; currenr rrecrtpt, 19c; seconds and dirties. 17c. - - Receipts Shipments Wheat, bu.: si.tov Corn, bis.,,u.v l-i".- . .. , 32.0O Oats, bu 15.0ut 19.U1O Option at Kansaa City: Articles. , Open. : High. I Low. I Close. Wheat- I J - I I Jurv :.l 107i,j iUTi,, 1 OM,. J 6Vs Stpteniber ,,h)iS101, 1 01 I 90 9!', December ...I I 1 0V 7s HSS Corn - I I ! i Mav .'. i. .71 I 72 I 714' 7I4 Julis SH ' C i September ... 4 4t (il 6i,B A. aked: B. bid. Mllssaake Orals Market. MILWAUKEE. May 10 WHEAT No 1 northern. II II : No. ! northern. 11.29; July tl.12V4it.12V DATS Standard. 6H4e. BARLEY samples. Si'4jc Toleda Se MsLet. TOLEDO. O. May Hr-F.EDSr-Clover, rash 15 0: Octottei. 8 5ii: December. I4B2V,; March. ti.S; No', t. li.lO; No. J. liSO; rejected 15 00 - Prime llmothr, $1 80; prime alsike. SJ.9S: u-ust, 7 70 Pesrls Market. - - PEORtA. III. Mav lfl-CORN-Steadr: No. 2 yellow. Tc; No 4 yellow. 72: N. 2. 74. ; No -n.c. N.r 4 72-. OATS-lmll: No. I white .- We - - --. NEW 0Rli STOCKS AND BONDS Speculative Interest in the Market Falls Off Considerably. PRICES REACT NEAR THE CLOSE Harriraiiia la Money Hates Has Tratleae to lllader omnitt '( Bssl Market Is rrn, SEW YuRK, May lo.-There was c uisltl etsuic tailing utr tn speculate micini more poxiuvnv m me nual ueaiing". 1 4 , 1 r hestiiation lounu its explanation in tne speculative position In tne nmrKel itself raiher man in any ue eiopmenis in Ane I1FKS. The lniproement In the copper trade was undeniably proved bv the April sta lisiks ot the Copper Producers association, wnicn were given out for publication dur ing the stoi a exchange session, but the cippper Industry waa rather heavier limn the general list. The great growth in subtlety of reasoning lit the general specu lative public, which I one ot the features of the period, lias driven the better In formed Inside speculators to advance a step beyond the old process of selling on good new to that of selling In anticipation or good newa an don rumors or good new. The process Is facilitated when the pre liminary rumors exsggerate the good news, aa in the present instance, fur the unde niable Improvement shown In tile copper trade does not come up to last week's positive assertions that consumption had in fact passed production during the month of April. The official statement of today shows a further increase of surplus slocks, although the amount is small, less than a million pounds, and much of the smallest increase for any month for a long time past. Efforts were made to correct the bad effect of the short coming of the ststement compared with the prediction by reports of the very heavy sales made since the first of the month and by explanations of rtelsy in deliveries which had been ex pected to figure In the month by obstruc tions to lake shipments. The heavy tone of the copper persisted In spite of these explanations. The small vibration in prices of former speculative leaders while new storks are being advanced is cited aa evidence of this process going on In the market. This condition waa corrected to some extent by the diversion of straength lo some of the granger railroad stocks. This movement waa baaed o nthe improving chance believed to be resulting for the grain crop from the favoring weather. The fresh return from Europe of a capi talist of large Influence In them was sup- fiosed lo be associated with the mnvemrnt n the Rock Island stock and certain In dustrial. Lending ratea for fixed periods were marked up today again In the money market. Foreign exchange rates also were firm and still nesr the gold export level. The hardening of the money market la an tnriikentlal factor in tempering the ardor with which the market commitments In stocks are embarked on. In connection with the hardening pros pect ror money ra'es, the bond market was narrowed too. although prices did not suffer from the diminished demand. Totsl sales, par value. I5.35S.0U0. United States bonds were unchanged on cull. Number ot sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: si lligh. Iw tl'.w. Allll-flislmert pf1 too w r."' M Amnlsmtwt Copper il.Vn T Ki '-'H Amcncsn A trlrultursl 10 a 39 Ss Am. net 8ur 3. aH Wi ' Am. fin Ml ' I--1 7KH Aa C. Mr r 7..W1 MS 58 Am. Cotton 01! ,in ' 7V ' Am. H. & b. pfs " 41!s 42S 44 Am. Irs 8ecurlli J.0"0 40 41 AnMriean Uasesd ' Amerirsn Locomotive .S"0 Ml M' ti7v Am. S. R 17.iO 4 S3', Kf, Am. 8. K. M l.S"0 1 Hi's 19 lo'. Am. Sugar Refining 14's IMS S Am. T. T 1."" 11 1'S i' Am. Tobscrn prd .2"i IK- J"1', American Wools fc aS 3H Ansconds Mintn Ce 8.100 61 14 4!t 4S,, Atchison 42.'iO 11'iH IWS Atchison pM ' W4' ln4S l4'i Atlsntlc Co"' bin "0 127V lit t.s Dslttmore Ohio 8.400 116(4 114 1I4H Bsl. Ohio pttf 4i Bethleltsm 8tel 27V, ! 2" Brooklrn Rapid Tr is.ion sn :s tsh ranadiaa Ptctflo l.0 11S V: liS ( snirsl Isiilwr "0 ,V' 3d m . Central Ijeither ptd MW) 104 ntfii lr.trsl of New Jersey..... fx !M 18(14 2M rheupaak V Ohio I.IKI tH 7"S "S Chicago Alton ! 7" ; ti Chlcaso Oreat Western. ... ; J."0 .I'i 4", 4' Chtrato at N. W .0i 1', 142 ,l" c. 11. a m. p , .? vai li:S WW. C. C. C. A 81. b.V. !e,' -74S ' T4S Colorado r. A I ' 4. sail 41 Jit's Colsrado A Be too , tt . 6', i Colo. A Ro. 1st pd 1H 84 S4' M, Colo. 80 Sd pfd " Cenaolldatad Gas 8.AA0 1.1814 137', 1.IS Corn Producm I.7'0 !4t4 2W 2:114 Delawsrs A Hudaos l.niio li i4 14 Dsnrer A Bio Orands 2.5"0 Rl i i"."la sn D. A R. O. pfd S'"l .' S 7, rtnllr' Sscurlllea 40 S', i' Erls 1S.KI 3t J." 32 Kris 1st pM 1,1') H 4 441, Erla 2d pfd l 10 i Mtv (ienarsl Klsctrle l.(H 1"S l9 l'' Ursat Norlharn pfd .1M 1U 146' l(o', Ursat Northern Or ctfa 6,ono 1-, TH, . Illinola Cantral I"") 14S 14S Ki'i Iniarborough Mat 5.70 17 lH .104 lni. Mat. pfd I V'O t 44 4i International Harreatar .... v !, 1114 hi y. International Marin pfd ... 2'0 tl ih -4 Intarnatlonal Paper no US I I'i' International Pump I SHU 4! ti 41 ' Iowa central Iim i: S24 j: Kanua Cliy 80 1.700 4t 4 S K. C. Bo. ptd I'M 7:S 72S 7;i l.ouHlllle A N UK) 13l l.lS 13"1 Minn. A 81. L 1 en HI. St. P. A 8. 8. M U ISt 137 IMS Mlaaourl Paoiflo S.IWI 75 74 .(', M., K. A T 11.800 41'i 4.'S 4:S M . K. A T. pfd I 7JS ' n 7I'4 Nsl tonal Qlscult ") 107 1" l"6v, National bead l.l0 ' 1'4 t N. R. R. of M. 1st pfd . aO's Saw York Central 11 4mi lz l.ll', i:mt N. Y . O. A W 2.') 49 4S 4)S Norfolk A W 400 T4 91 id North American 1.4ij0 3 hi'j '4 Northern Pacific 7.S'iO lk 14..V, 14.Mj Pacific Mall i4 30 jo', Pennarlvanl 6 I"" lte's 14', !.(4S Heopl. a Uaa I im) li:-W 114', 111-, P., C. C. A 8t. b l' 1 81 I Prsoaed SI eel Car tm) 4:', 4 J '4 . 414, Pullman Palaca Car IK,"', 1; lni Railway Steal Spring "0 4C, 4i 4.', Kaadln 15IS in 1-'H Republic 8teel 1.7'U 27a - Hapubllc Steal pfd 87 lid', ' MC, Rock laland Co M.l" "4 SU4 Rock liland Co. pfd 7 S'I 72 71 1 81. b. A 8. F. id pfd l.HHI 4t,, 45', 4(4 Bt. louia W (wl 3n 14S K4S St. b. 8. W. pfd 7"0 S b9, 1, Bloaa-ghstfleld 8. A 1 1 70 !', hiiv, Southern Pacific 17.0 X 1.1", 121', 80. Pacific ptd ! l.y, 12n 1J4, Southern Railway 1 too S o. Railway pfd ;(" t' 7'4 u, Tenneaaee Copper i. 2"0 44S 44 4, Tsaaa A Pacific M I4S 34 if, T , St. U A W ) MS IS l T , tt. b. A W. pfd 7' 70', -Hi ', I'sim Pscifia H um ins l'', "', 1'nlun Pacific pfd i '.:, ihi, im V. 8. Raaltjr tM ", 7S K", f. 8. Rubber ". t.i 4"S 39'4 it V. 8. Stwel 79.ll'i 67', 67 ..1 I'. 8. 8(asl pfd t.70 1IS ll', 11. 1'iaS Ooppar I.i 6:S M's i V a -Carolina Chamiosl 7 MS 6" 4s Wahaah 6 " :u In', Wabaah pfd li.7(l (,:, k! .. Weatarn Maryland i 100 27S -, ' Weatlnshoua Electric 7i (', :, i', Weatern I nlos 1 H) 77 7o 1.1, W hoalln A b. C 1.0"" 12 1M, 1 1 -, Wlaaonaln Cantral S 69 Total sals for th dar. 780.6UO aharea. . - Local Serarlties. . Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, if., I4 -New Yoik Lif Building: Bid Aakad. Colnnbus L H. A P. f 118 H1, 6 Cliy of timaha Booda. 4 Ha 193 l't hits Clir ot Omaha 6a 111 Wf !' Deuglas County 4s SS. .' '.. I;4 U : Vats City Malt Co. 4 per cent ' . . c Carman. Firs lha. Co...... . t... Ida Ind Tel. ta 197 per ct pf bonuij.. . - 4.i - Kasasa City Ur A b.' as 11I : 7S Nabraaks Talephooa gtotk per cant., as . ; Ostana Gaa.oa 11J .. . ; . u fmaha giao. U A P . as l3V lsn - im Omaha A C. R. Bi. Ry. a 1914. 1 t4 ill Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. 6i 192 99, . iia) Omsba A C. B. St. Ry. pfd i pr cant ' St Osiaba A c B. Bi R. Cots. 4 par cant. 46 97 OS. A C. B. St. Ry. A B pfd par at 4;3 ' :, - Omaha Water Cs ia IM...... ..!..9 M Omaha Waiar Co. 1st pfd rv 1. OsMha Water Co - M pM. 1 - tt Omaha Bd ot T B Co. pfd par cent.. l'' 12 ' Pacida Tel. A Tal. 1C0 6a I917l 7S Sa ouik Omaha Bewsr 4, 193 ... lm", l'l 8ioui City 8. Y. pfd 8 par cent la 90 TH State b. Co. pfd. 7 pr ct. rwat. ben us 9o m Topaas Bt. Ry. 6a 9, ,o laion 8 T c., Omaha. par cent Vi A New lark Mlalagr gtoeka. NEW YORK. May 10. Ooging quotation cut mining stoeks: Alice J4 ' Isdriiis Con. "7.".."..'." ,'4 Hrusaw4rS Cm. ...... 8 Maalcsn f Casi. Tunnel-Keek... 2t Lilt la (wi4 1 So konda 17 Oslarto ,. st fa. sl A VS . ....: Optjir . . i,, Mara ilw at' Siaotard 1:4 I-sb Bilr XA : Yallow Jacket m Ottered , ., aak-CJrartaaa. flMAHA Mar hi bank clearing for tn day wera 81. Mb. 802 44 and for the correspond ing dats laat year SlU'wOs:. - Traatsrr Blateaaaal. WA8H1NOTOM. May 1 TodaVa stat. aient tf the treasury balance lu the gen eral fund rxc lusty of the 1 i'i ( gold lesetve, allows: liolil coin nnd bul lion. $14 "81. H.':: gold l ertlfl. ate. 119. " aaildhl (Stiu haian.e. I1U4U14 -3 I'i. r s I iirk Mnaea Market. NEW VOHK. Mav lo.-MdXKV-im call, siedily : (ier cent: ruling tat, t pr cent: offered at in-r ccrti ; time loans, stronger: sixty dsys. I's per cent; ninety days. JV't-S per cent, six months, 3 per cent. FRIME MEKCANTHJC PAKKR-atll per cent. STEItLINt KXCH A NUE Vlrm. with actual business In bankers bills at H ;i.S'(t 4 Sojo for sixty day bill and at 14 87HH for demand Commercial bills. l4.ViVf4 8. SILVER Hnr. Mr; Mexican dt.llars. 44c. BONDS Uoverrrcent, steady; railroad", steady. Closing quotation or. bonds wers a fol low: I' 8. rat. Ia. re .. .10114 do 4 ,s . 'S do coupon 101S dtt 2d e-tes J.1, V. f 8s. reg l"tK. ('. n. 1st 49 .... 74 do coupon lni 1.. 8 dah. 4s Ifol.. 99 V. 8. 4a. re I" S tint 4 . 1"! tt coupon IKO'i M . K. A T 1st 4a . '4 Allla-( hal. 1st 6a .... H..S do lat A ref 4a S1, Am. A. 69 !''S do sen. 4Sa 9'', Am. T A T. r. 4a in.'. Mo Paelftr 4a MS Am Tobacco 4a M'4 X. Y C. :(', do tn 111S do see. 4a ...... 9..S At. hlnon gen. 4 1'1'N. Y City 4'a new . .I12S do 8 L lat 4a 9..V, N. Y N. HAH do cv. 4a teas c. 4s M7S do cv. .ia Ill N A W. lat con. 4a . !', At C b. 1ft 4a 74 do cv 4 "4 Pal. Ohio 4a 1"1 No Pa. Itlc 4a ls to I', 44 do 8a 5IS do 8 w. Ji,a 91', o 9. b. rfd la . . S Btk Tr. ct. 4a TS Penn. cv. 3, 115 .. I. ', ( an. 8a. lat a 1.S de eon 4 I'V. central of (ia. Sa ... 10S Reading San 4a ... l'i CVntral Leather a, ... 99 St. b. A S F. fg 4a 6 C. of N. J. g. is IMS St. b. S. W c. (a ... 78S Chea. A Ohio 4',a... l"'t do lat geld 4 4' Chuago A A. !,a 7S 'Seaboard A. b. 4. . . ' (' . R. A- Q J. 4a 1S o. Pacific col. 4. .. el1, C. M. ASP 8',a 9tu, do lat ref 4a ". C . R I. A P. c. 4a.. IN 'On. Railway 6a. IliS do rfdg 4 .' d. gen. 4a :s ccc. a St. b. . 4a. ss Inlon Pa.iflc 4a 1UV, Colo. ind. oa 7(tt, do cv. 4a.. 107S coin. Mid. 4 S do lat A ref. 4a . . 99'a C. A 8 r. A s. 4,a.. MSI, 3. Rubber I04' D A H. t v 4a I04S ". 8. Steal It 6a ... ll''4 do lat ref. 4a . . . 1"2S Va -Caro. Chem. i.a. . . 7 D A R O. 4a S Wshsah In Cs 1U' rtlllllera- ta 7S do 1st A I 4s 7S Kris p I. 4a. 8S Wsstent Md 4a 88 s do gen 4a 77', Wait. Elec cv. Si MS do cv. 4i aenea A.. 79'a Wla. Central 4a ... 9,.' do aeries B 2s It. A R. G. ref. 8a... 4S On. Klet- cv. 6a KISC. 4 O. r. lie ctli . l"ij III. t en. It ret. Ii ,I'S N. R R of M. 4',s . ..."4 Int. Mel 4S "S 80. Pirltlc cv. rlfs Int. M. M. 4Ss :Sf.. B. A Q g. 4a ISA 14 Japan 4a 8 b. A 9. 9-. g. 6a ca 91 Bid. Ofrertd. Boston toeks arid Bonds. BOSTON. Mny 10-Money. call loans 03S per cent; time loans. 3'o'."' Per cent. Atchison dj. 4a 93 est. A Arltons do 4s IMS Csl. Heels Ao-hlann R. R iOPH centennial do pfd . .104S Copper Range Post on Klevated 12 tialv Weal I'nlon Pi. ltlc 17'4 Franklin. .. Am. Arge. Chem . . . .(9 Oranby do pfd 97 Greens Cananea Am Pneu. Tuba Isle Royale A mer. Sugar Mae. Milling do pfd ltS Michigan Am. T. A T 14H'4 Mohawk Amer. Woolen an Mont. C. A C do pfd 104V4 Nevada Dominion 1. A 8.... S2S old t'amiolon Edison Elec III. I and Oscenli Vasa. Electrle pfd ... 11 Parrot Mass. Gaa :(S Qulnoy . t nlted Fruit 19 is Shannon I nltsd 8. M M Trinity do pfd I'4 t otted Copper I" 8. Steel S I'. . Mining do pfd 1I8'4 t'. 8. Oil Adventure Ctlh AmntRimated 2S Vtrtoria Artrona com 44 Winona Atlantic JH'4 Wolverine Butts Coalition 2 North Butt . 2H P4 tso iS 60S KS 102 IIS 27 14'4 i l;t it . 2!S 64', .12 M 3 t.tS . 14 us 46', . 2 ,?s !S -s 160 , H'4 London Stork Market. LONDON, May 10. American securities opened from H to H blow Saturday's New York cloalng. During the early trading the tone was heavy and there was no improve ment in prices , Ixindon do ng stocks: Consols, money M , K. T 44 s do socount 8415-I6N. Y. J Central. ...... .18. s Anaconda 10S Norfolk A W 84 Atchison 116 do prd J" do pfd 10V Ontario A W ...60S Raltlmnre A Ohio....ilH Pennsylvania 70 Canadian Pacifr IMS Rind Mines tS Chesapeake A O ...... 90 Reading ".', Chicago U. W 6 '4 Southern Hj aO Chi., Mil. A St. P. ..!'. do pfd 71) De Bears UH Southern Pacific. ... . 125S Denver A Rio O ij', !(, Pacific ;:s do ptd 0'4 do pfd Js Erie 18 St. 8. tai 84 s do 1st pfd M 80 pld .24 do 2d pfd 41 Wihaih .'OS Grand Trunk 21 do rW 6I"4 Illinola Central 160- Spasiatt 4a 9 Louisville A N IBS AioaJ. Copper :S SILVER Bar, stearlv arrtt4!'sd per ounce. MONKVas-stil per cent, tl ' t., .The rata ot discount In the' open market, for abort and three munthn', bill la lH 1 6-18 per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON, May 10. Money waa la better demand on the market today for .settle ment rcquirementa and discounts wore rtesdy. Austria bought the bulk of $2,"0,rt In gold at a reduction of '. On the Stock exchange dealers yvere husy with arrange ments for a large carry-over In mines. In whU h th rates are a sharle harder. The market displayed some irregularity. Gilt edged ecttrltles were affected by the new Issues. Including' the' county council's lrmn of S1L'Jo0,O00. Foreigners were good. Kaffirs ar.d Mexican rail were active and strong, but copper shares closed weak. American sectiritlea opened uncertain. They rallied arourrd noon under the lend of the Pacific. Atchison -Topeka A Santa Fe and United States Steel, but thry ytejded again on realisations on the New York opening. Wall street, however, supported in the late trade and caused a steady close nt prices well above the h.west. BERLIN. May 10 -Price on the Bourse today opened weak, but improved later. PARIS, May 10.-Pr1ces on the Bourse today opened uncertain and became firm toward the close. 9t. I. oala Cienernl Market. ST. LOUIS. May 10 WHEAT Iiwer: No. 2 red track, cash. SI. Hotel 62; 'No. 2 hard, S1.XV61.38; May, J1.3JS; July, l.0',: September, Sl.(HV CORN Lower; track. No. cash, 74'g' 7BV; No. 2 white, 7&9 76V; July, 681e; September. Wtv OATS Firm; No. 2 cash. 6Hc; No. 2' white, axv: July, aoc; September. 4o1c. RYE Nominal. 84c. VlJOVR Steady: red winter patenta. SH V 167.00; extra fancy and straight, S5.7Mrti.4i); hard winter clears, St 50fJ4.90. SEED Timothv. $2 26'avl.35, CORN MEA L S3 40. BHAN Strong; sacked, east trnok, $1.34 St.36. . t HAY Firm; timothy. $12 aOJlg.00; prairie, I1O.5hbIS.O0. IRON COTTON TIES-8'ic, B ti441NO T'l-loV. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS - Pork, steady: lobbing. $17.7f ljid. steady: prime steam, I10.12SW 10.22'n. Dry salt meata ( boxed i. steady: extra shorts, S10.75; clear ribs, SlO.Tn; short i clears, jin.,5. Bacon iboxed). steady; extra shorts. 111.7a; clear ribs, SILTS; short clean, $11 P4. POULTRY Steadv: chickens. He; springs. r8,-i:jc; turkeys, HVrrlOc; d icks, lie; geese, &c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 21i6iiic. EUGS Lower; 18Sc. case count. Receipts. Shipment!. Flour, bbia. 7.1(a) . i.wai Wheal, bu 49 Mo ,. !6.ii !ut . taia. bu sa.Oa) . Bl,'j - - Waaol Market. - LONDON. Mav 10.-WOfITb 13 .nil Kales offered w.1 the wool auction Sales today- brought out strong . coihpetltion and prices ruled firm" -and ' agwlnst ; b.lvers. Hootind' merino realised S kl and lower grades were dormant opeiiklg- - sales. Americans were active and paid is 2dt(ils 4',d for greasy merinos ana. croslreds. American purchases . have avejagwd l.trnj bales a day since the opening. Today s aalea follow: New flouth Waltav, LJP halea; acquired, la Iti'rj2a I'd; greaay Irlej l. Queensland. 7ui bale.s; s.ojred, 1 kdil'.'s greasy, luditls i. Vk-torta, . balt-a: scouted. 4d2s.v.j; greasy. ;7ld'oJs 4',il. South Auatralia. so bales, grcfv, 8,1 'n Is 4.t. West Australia. 3ii bales; greasy, od id Tasnianla. 1.2t hales; greasy, fidlils 4d. New Zealand. 8.7'0 Pales; scoured, lldtr Is 1oi,d: greasy. Tdild 4d. ' Cape of Good Hope, and Natal. Sl hales; st-ojred, ll'idtl la 8d: greasy, 7i;tcj',.l. lore Market. NEW YORK. May IO.-4'OFFEK Msrket opened dull at unchaaged prices. Tlsere were no sales whatever on the call, but later, tnere sal scntterinc liquidation an. prices eased (f a partial ,t point m svmpatliy alth the French market, which closed ma-hanged lo l4c lower, while aome wliat s i gr , BraalUaa receipts and light ' York aarehouae deVlveriea also seemed lo work agalnat quotations. The market closed dull, net unchanged tn S points lower. Bales were reported of 12.t bsga. Including May at Ttjuc; July, S.66c: September. S.Oic. Spot, q.det: Rio Xo. 7. 8SSo; No. 4 Ranioa. rtc. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 9VS512c Elala Ratter Market. F.IJJN.. III... Mav 10 Burter. -firm 5c ale foe the week, s79.0 lbs. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Very Little Change in Values on De sirable Cattle. BULK OF HOGS ABOUT STEADY 9hrep Iterelpls Moderate. While ttoorl Demand tlalaeh Price and Market I tlaoteil atrong to Ten to Fifteen Ulster. SOUTH OMAHA. May 10. 1?.. Receipts were: L'stt e Hogs Sheep Estimsie Mondav 3 .) btrti J ,V) Same ilav last week S.e" 6 081 i.i Same .lay 2 wreks ago.. S. B.7M 3.289 Sme day 3 weeks sgo.. S 878 4 971 4 foil Same day 4 weeks ago.. 8 043 8,i77 8.7i. Same day last year S."' 4,3(59 469 The following table show the receipts of rattle, hog and sheep at South timaha for the year lo date, compared with last Veer: iu9 nam. nc Deo. Uattle SK4.444 S22.6IS 11.928 Dogs 990.2f.l l.(J,li;S 07,724 Sheep ,573.847 632. H9 41.148 ...... Ths following table snuevs th average price of hogs at South Omana tor ths .'at seversl days, with comparison: Date. 190. l9t.I7. 11990. l.t04.rlSOS. April 8;H: I 45. t S8 $ 2 I .' 2! S 84 ( 94'Ai 6 41, (I Ml 8 I'X, S 111 I 88 I 6 341 6 21 ( 7 S 12 1 4 67; 7S May i. Mav '. May May Mav May May May Mav Mav 3.... 4.... 6 ... 7 or4 .' ) 6 28! 2l & l?i Ml I V.1--4 n -n o jo 6 26 1 4 691 76 72 8 8 88 6 64 6 2 8 94 1 S 38 5 30 4 6 28, 4 A I 4 6 8 t s di.v.4 a a-, a t....' 86 ft 3-. 27 S 16 8 1 6 97 16 34i 8 26! 8 2V! 6 17! I 9-.-.)' 6 38 art! 8 21 6 is': 4 B8 iv... i o ., v i ; l ) I N Sunday. . The official number of car of slock brought In today by each road was: Horsen- Ca'lle. Hogs Sheep Mules. t nion pacific 43 C. A N. W.. east 8 C N. W.. west til C, St. P.. M. A: O ... 14 B. v . east 1 C. B, A west 4S U, R. L A P.. east . .. Illinois Central ' 1 Chicago Ot. Western 8 Total receipts 179 13 i:l 2 'i 8 4 si 'i i .. l 69 18 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 424 7: 610 .. S28 1,(ii 9i:l .. 744 1.2 1,412 .. 79! 861 819 9 ..- n .... .... 37 82 .. 9 ....'.... .. 81 .... .... 9 .... I... 5 ; 3 12 .. Hn IS ' IS . . Zi Omaha Packing To.... Swift and I' Cudahy Parking t'j Armour & t o S. A 8 Van san t & Co Lobnian & Rotlichild W. I. Stephen 1 1 111 & Sun.. F. P. Iwis Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co....,i J. H. Bulla U F. Hues.... Sam Werthimer H. F Hamilton F. O. Iiifrhram Mu.nvsn Bros Other buyers Swartz-Boland Hoffman Parking Co St. t lair T'acklng Co.... United Dressed Beef Co. Rothschild ... 123 218 49 74 Totals.. 4.1bi 4. '.. 3,474 CATTLE There was a decent run of cat tle this morning. 174 cars being reported In. as against l,n cars one week ago and li6 cars two weeks ago. Reports rroni Chicago and other market points were not very reassuring this morn ing, advices generally indicating a lower range of prices. While the market here opened about steady, the good cattlo sell ing pretty nearly where they did laat week, still there was an undercurrent of weak ness which made Itself apparent wheneyer the cattle would not especially please Ihe buyer. t. . Cow and heifers did not show any ma terial change, there being a fair demand and a reasonably active trade at Inat week's prices. The most of the offerings changed hands In pretty good season In the morning. The supply! of stockers and feeders-was small and as theri was' a 'gortfl fleniand-the' few in, sight, sold, fully as high a laat-wenk. In fact, the feeder situation has been un ( hanged' for the last two or three werka Prices have been very, high as compured with fst cattle, but receipts have been so I ght that it ha been Impossible to break tliein down. Quotations on esttlei Good to choice corn fed steers, $i 80fi. 75 ; fair to good cornfod steers, $6.753Ti.3t;. common to fair cornfed steer, $6.0ta6.78; good to choice cow and heifers, So.pia'tiii.gS; fair to good cows and heifers, $4.26'f6.ii0; common to. fair cows and heifers. $2 2694.2S: stock heifers, $3.0n?r 4 26; veal calves. S3.6ia4wi.76; bulls, stags, etc., S3.25CiD.26: good to choice stockers and feed er. S4.5"i;6.75; fair to good atockers and feeder, $4.00Q4.50; common to fair itockera, and feedera, $3.26(5.4.00. HOGS Some one blundered thla morning and as a result the Chicago market was quoted a opening 15c lower. With report of that kind in hnnd It was not surprising that sellers In some Instances cut loose at prices that w era 6c, or possibly 10c lower than last Saturday, and II looked ns 1f they were doing the wiso thing at the time. A little later It -was known that the first message was an irror and that the Chi cago market waa really only weak to 5c lower. Hence, after eight or ten load had chang-ed hnnd at the decline, the market fumed up, being fully steady on good heavy and butcher weights. The trade on that kind was active and the of ferings soon changed hands On Hip, other hand, trashy light wero slow and lower, due to the fact that no one seemed to want that kind. --Aw receipts of light hogs increased, while heavy hogs became career, there i naturally a atronger in clination on the part of buyers to discrimi nate more closely as to welghta and qual ity. Hence, with trashy or light hogs. It was not so much a question of prlcea as finding some lone who Had an order for that kind. Representative sales: No A. Eh. Pr. So. Av 8h. Pr 85 - 'l 74 2.i2 J0 ( 96 " l-'8 ... I"! tl Jh 21 c, . S-" 21 18U 4 84 85 21 S4-.I 7 On H I'I - 4 90 .; 2,. i) t on 88 la ... M 7.i .;t . . J isl ft" in 90 t 8" 7 2.7 . ; , 8 MS 14U I 8tS 74 229 ... Tn ' 81 .18 ... 8S3S 77 ... a i 79 l t (S) 81 S'4 iiO t 96 ; Ji6 . . T 00 48 8JI . 4 ei 71' it $00 1 78.... -....2:7 40 8 K'X 36 ;4 ... 7 1 l 4 ITS 71 21 190 7 06 "I 1 8 971, s- ;50 ,w , m 84. 18 110 87 S 8 -m . 7 06 24 J ) 76 3 MO T 7" 21 1 Wl Jt 24 . 7 14 76 21 .ISO 8 9(1 it 277 Its 7 I (' 2' 24 8 9 T4 268 ... 7 06 ?'! 5-' 90 9" 9 ;0 .) T l 72 21J hit t 9ti 71 !il) 13 7 07 w 29 SJ ') 8 2 246 ... J p. 7" 196 ( IK ? .., 2tt 120 7 10 71 W-4 10 4 10 7? i.y IM 7 to 74 2:i 120 4 J" 42 2k.', 80 7 Id 19 241 HO I If i 7i, t to ' 8 5 . . 82S 1 ' .14 290 7 1 77 ilt Sio t J., 8" 2t ., 7 m 78 2!" 1 ti, 92. 2 40 T Its 71 204 . iStl'i : 2t 1X1 7 16 7 1.2 120 8 S 64 .: 29S 10 7 IS H ! ... 96- 24 277 . J 15 82 24 2a0 8 9.'. 74 Jl l 15 f" 144 1 40 f 95 49.' 3k 7 16 r. i'.t 18" 8 t i t7 8 7 I7i 70 128 r.O 8 96 so m j j,, 71 221 4 96 Mi :..Ji ... j , W tit 2"0 8 H., t MO , 7 n 7? 141 40 4 96 41 .- 10 7 20 SHEEP Lamba and aheep, both wooled and shorn, commanded prices strong to lift loo higher than last week on this morning market. The reported number of arrivals totaled around fifteen cars, about half wooled and half clipped. hlle there were ome pretty good lots of clipped Mexican lambs, the quality on an aveiage waa not extra good. As a result an actual test of top at the advance was Impossible. Sewral loads of wooled lambs told at $900. and even though tula price 1 relatiyely high, the limit to which value might ha vat aoared with extra choice aup plies is partially indicated in the fact that a good portion of this morning s $9.00 lamb were broken fleece. Wooled ewea aold a high a $8 86. This la the highest price paid for ewe in the history of th market and a dime, higher than any price previously paid. In March of War yrar and April of Lw7, $6.75 waa paid, the record price 'until today. - Clipped lamb established another revor'd tills morning, a couple of loads moving at $4.20. Clipped ewes were good enough to malts $8 18 There was nothing of any con sequent, in wether or yearlings. The de mand was active and the trad brisk, everything ohanging hands before 9 o'clock. The concensus of opinion among talent U that prteea will go still higher this week, but how mum hlguer appears doubtful, fin salesman said this morning that the FUR STORAGE You can storo away your vgluablt furs, silverware, etc., and obtain abso lute protection by niacins, them In our Fire Proof Vaults At it cost ol tr om flOe to 1.50 per month, Po not leave your valuableg In the, house while you are away tin your va cation. Entrance to Vaults 307 South Thirteenth attract market would not have held up thus rr had It not been ror the late spring. He credits cool weather to the packers' will ingness to pay fancy prices for live mut ton, since warmer , weather has g tendency to cause supplies to dress out In poorer shape, especially on wooled stuff. Quotation on clipped sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs. S7.nWS.S0; fair to good lambs. $7.nAf)7.8G; g-ood to choice light yearling. $. StoW .96 ; good to choice heavy yearlings. $6 75m.36; good to choice weth ers, S6.9Or0g.4(i; fair to good wether. $6.6"T 5 9i; god to choice ewes. $3.75j 2$: fair to good ewes, $r.26jy.76; cull and bucks, $2.00 aji.OO. Quotations on wooled lambs: Good to choice lambs. . $; fair lo good lamba. tX15jj.75. Representative sales: Av. prme; 8 western lambs ro .8.50 393 western lambs, wooled 90 " 1 9 00" 8 western lambs, wooled 91 9 On ' 23 western fwes. wooled 113 8 6t 23 spring lambs .. 98 8 60 230 western lambs sj 7 fi 175 western lamb S3 7 85 36 western lambs, culls 84 5 5n 218 Mexican lambs, wooled (W 8 75 49 Mexican lambs, wooled 03 9 00 144 Mexican lambs, wooled 81 9 On 277 Western lambs S 8 20 249 western ewes .1..'.: -93 800 410 western ewes, wooled 101 6 85 212 western wether 101 6 28 248 western lambs ; s an T western' lamb 80 8 24) 168 spring lamb ,. o 10 OU' CIIKAt.O ,E STOCK MAHKET tattle and Hogs l.oner -Sheep and l.anh Higher. CHICAGO. May 10. CATTLE Receipts, estimated at KrOfto head; market Kit" lower; steers, $5.25H7.15; cows, $4.009vV75: heifers, $.'!.6ufMt.26; bulls. $4.26j6.75; calves. $3.0oa 7.00: stockers and feeders, $3.tff.VfsS. HOGS Receipts estimated at 40,0110 head; market 6c lower; choice heavy shipping. $7.3(Vrr7.M; butchers. S7.30i4iT.Xt; light mixed, $7.0v(tJ7.O; .choice light. $7.1(17.20; packing, $7. 1617 7.2.i; pigs, $0.26i.76; bulk of sales. $7.1iVrt7.30. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts estimated at 1.1.000 head: market loc higher; sheep, $:ir.'tf6 90; lambs, $.S0j9.a0; yearlings, $6.S() (87.00. Kansas 4II Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, May 10. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 9,500 heady including 1,100. southerns; teady to strong: choice export and dressed href ateer. .$8.2.'i4?6.8i: fair to good. $5,264? 6 15; -western steers, $T.26(fi4i.50; stockier and fffders. $4.00tg5.S.'; snuthern steers, $4.fi6ia 8.35; southern (tows. S3.0fi75.25: native cows, $3 3iV(i6.7&; native heifets. $1.206.50; bulla, $3. 9Kfcfi.S5; calves. $4.00(97.00, ' HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head: steady: top, S7.27H: bulk of sales, $t.8Difi7.26: heavy. S7.4u6'7-.2THr packers and butclieis, SftSOt? 7.25f llglrt, 6.oO7.06; pigs. $o.766.&0. - - fJIEBP. AND- .LAM Bii Receipts, j'kta) head; psff-lSc higher; Cqlorgdo lumbs. $9.25; lambs. $7.(yKg0.25; yearlings, K OOS.TJ. weth ers, ti.oOC'f -TSr ewes, S5.2(Vfii).?5; atockers and ferders, SS.SOgt.SO; Texas muttons, SVimW 6.50. . v St. I.oals Live Stork Market. ST. I.OUIS. May 10.-C.VTTI.E-Recelpts. 3.900 liead. lnchidihg 2.300 head Texans; market steady: native shipping and ex port steers. $5.4ey(j 7.00. dressed beef and butchor steers, $4 2i.j.K; steer 'under l.ono lbs.. 3.Wq.$; stockers and feeders, . 6.25; cow ai d heifers, $3.5fKnfl 60; canneis, $2.00tr2.50; bulls. $4.00er6.S5; calves. t"i.iv(;.25; Texas and Indian steers, $4.2B4t.6U; cows and heiffts, $2.7.Vn.26., HOGS Receipts. 7,20f head; market teady; pigs and lights. $4 26'&7.I5; packers. . H"ii7.20; butcher and best heavy, $7. 25(0 7.35. . ., . . .SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.UU0 head; market irona; native muttons, $t.50 (ft'eso; lambs. $.5(79.25; cull and bucks. $J.5di6.0ll;, 3.i'(i4.2fi. At. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 10. CATTLK-Re-celpts. 1,500 head. Market steady: sleets. $4.5(sii.Bi: cows and heifers. ti.hm4.w. calves. $9.50(77 7.00. HOGS Receipts. 5.000 head. Market weak to 5c lower; top, $7.36; bulk of sales, $h9Mf ' 7.10. ... SHEEP AND I.AMKS-Reeelpis. 4 head. Market 10c to 15c higher, lambs. $7.50.tU5, . , along City Live Stork Market. ' SIOUX CITY. Ia.. May R-iSpeelal Tele grani.l CATTLE Receipts. 2.000 head. Market lower: beeves. $.i.iva7.00; fat cow and heifers. $4 Ofsfg.uu; feeders, $l.50ti5.2a; yearlings, $3.t'oo.). HOGS-Reoeipts, " 2.SU) head. 5farket 5'a I'n: lower; range ol- prices, 6.70(57.10; bulk of sales, $6.SC 96. Stock In lht. Receipt of live e;nek at the six principal western markets yesterday- Cattle. Hogs Sheep ........ 3 800 A4( if) 3.500 :4'i 2 ) .5"0 It'.triO H.dtKi- I .Soi 6 (Mi 4,m- 8) 7.200 8.000 ! .Ki.iiKI ' 40,0110 13.000 .45.7(10 70,4(10 34.&HU, South Omahi Sioux Cltv... Kanaa City. St. Joseph St. lxxiis Chicago Total ....... Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 10 M ETA 1.8 The London tin market waa higher today, with spot quoted at i;l33 5t and futures at 134 2 M. The local market was quiet and higher at S29.37S. Copper advanced to 69 10s for spot and 80 6 for futures In the Ixwidon market. The local market was firm and a shade higher also, with Lake quoted at S13.l'fT13 37V4: electroly tic ut $12.75113.00; casting. $12.82112. S7S-. Lead was higher at 13 7s 6d in the Ixindon market. The local market, was firm with an a.l- J vanclng tendency, spot being quoted at 84 394. JO. spelter was lower at 21 lim in Ijondon. The local market was quiet but unchanged at $ti.O2Vat3.07S. The English Iron market was higher at 48s 9d for Cleve land warrants. The local market for Iron continue quiet. No. 1 foundrv northern, tlV.0utrlii.5o: No. 2,; No. 1 outh trn sofl. t15 25. ST. IXUlfl. May 10. M ETALS lad. firm; $4.20. Spelter, dull, $4 J. Kvaporatrd Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. 4y-10.-EVAPORATED APPLES Market is steady, with fancy quoted at fcS49ci clqlce. 7'q7V'; prime, S ti4S'-'; common to fair, 6'aoac. DRIED FUUlTflThere .is a moderate lobbing demand for spot prunes, with quo tations ranging rroni fif ln 12 for new crop Califprnju fruit an from 'c to 9c for Oregon, 40-6"s 10 ai-3ia. Apilcot are firmly held, oaTtig to ilght supplies, snh choice quoted' at 10W10',c: extra choice loi, t?104r; fancy;. 71 13c. feactna are quiet, but there seems - to be- Lttle pressure to ell and the spot market ia eteadv, attli choice quoted, gt pierirtSci extra choice. 10 (H.c. Raisin are attracting a somewhat better demand with loose MuH.a.el at 3-i S'jc; choloe- to-fancy seeded. 4S.iiic; seed less. 3SM'1icj Ixndon layeis, $1.20fel 3n. Drg, 4ds:- Market. NEW YORK. May W.-DRY GOD8-Tlie American Printing company has reduce.! lis 'liitr of printed Wash goods Sc a Yard to 4Sc and oilier printers have followed. Cutters ar-duplicating orders for dress goods for,r;.i. flayers are trying to pur rhahe atsple dress goods for ihe spring of l:10. Prices are fluctuating in the raw silk market. - The general lobbing- 'trad was belter at Ihe oaacoing than It waa a week : a i s mm ngo. more favorable' We'atiirr colidltloni belns a'aslgncd as a itime. ' UMAHA .E EB.Cl 1 A RIVKT. , , (Maple and Fancy Frudqce frlceaj Far. ulshed by ilaier and Wholesalers. BUTTER CreameryV No f. deiiverfcj ti rhe retail trade In cgrtnnP. "c; No. . in' 60-lb. tubs, 27'4c; No. '2. iir 1-H). eai tons' 2ji-: ,0 TSi-lh, tubs, :4c: uacking stock, ,19.' falncy dairy, tubs. 19'(fiy.; common roll fresh made. ISc. MarVef nahge 'eNcr) Tiiesdity. .-- s EGGS -Fresh selling slqck, candled, H: No stoinge siork in Omaha market. CHEESE Finest Wlgrhtistn 'firtl cream twin, tic; young Amedcas, 4 In hoop, HVsc favorite, 8 in hoop. Pic; dulales.. 20 in hoop InSc; cream brick, full case. 15c! blocs bwias. 16c; full cream. llnibiirgj'. 16c-i . POULTRY Broiler. Sk-; alive, springs 13V: hens, 12fc; cbek. 8c:'- ducks." 11c; geese. ,10o; turkeys, 18c; plgoru. per do.,. One; guinea fowl, per d.x. $2 50; sqiiHhs, per do., $2. Dressed hens,' lie", springs, l.'(h19Sc; cocks, Ac; tJucHs.'Hc; ge,'llc; turkeys. 21ci - . .. FISH Fresh caught; almost . .all ar dressed: Halibut, 8c;. buffalo. 9c: trnui 12c; bullheads, 14c, 'catfish. 17Cf Ct'Spplrs, stinflsh, 8c to Sc; black- la, 25o; white, rjsh, 13c; pike, 12c; salmon, 14c; jilckprel, 10c; rrog legs, S5c. Fresh frhen: WHlte fh. No. 1, 10c; Wimd. "89c;" pickerel, dressed and headless, 7c; rtHmd.i 4k- plk. dressed. 10c; round. Sc; -red,. snapper.. J2e; Spanlah mackerel, ISc; native mackerel, ,li. each. ' '' " " " BEEF CUTS-Rlba:.' No.' 1,' W ; No. 2. 12"4c; No., 3. 10c. 1 xUii : No. 1, 17c; No. 2... I3Hc; No. 3, 11c. Chuck: No. 1. 7'.;c; No ?.' 7c; No. 3. 6c. Roiind. No. 1, 9c; No. 2. 8Sc; No. .V V. Plate: No. 1, 5c; No. 2.' 5Sc; No. 3. Sr. -. 4 r -. ' : " FRESH FRUITS-vAppIO. weatern ,box apples, l2.OVtj2.50. KutiHriss, t-tjunch lot. 3c per lb. Oranges, tt WtiS 26." Lemons, $3.50 434.00. Grape fruit. $4.60.- Grapes, Malagas. $7 50 per keg. Florida pineapple, per rials, $3.00. . . VEGETABLES-Kaneas sweet potatoes. $2.75 per bbl. California Celery, large, Soc; smaller. 60c. New York Holland seed cab bage, 4VtC per lb. . Wisconsin Red Globe onions, 2c per lb. California cauliflower. $3.00 per crate.- Tomatoes. Florida, t-basket cvate, $3.00; Cuba. -basker. crate, $3.00. Lettuce, per do., sPc.iOld vegetables, par snips, turnips, carrot. $2.25 per bbl. Flor ida new beets, carrot, parsnips, turnips, etc., per dor, 75c. , 1 8TRAWBERRIKS-S3.00Ca26. . . HIDES No. 1 green, Sc; Ko. 1 curod. Sc i Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 10. Tha cotton mar ket opened steady at a uVcllne of 4 points on May, but generally 1 to t oin(g higliet and during ths first few minutes sold at. a net advance of Sn points oh covering and, fresh buylngi encouraged by- steady cablesj coiitlnutxl raponut ot. alt iinproyied getieial trade, bullish-p rival k. tiop adv4ors. particularly, from Mlaslsalltvl. -and the Id. a that ralna over 8unday in Ttjtaa had been too light to do much - good m drbiilhy sec tions. At the advance, selling became heavier as a result of- realising hy old longs, and price eased off to about Un closing rigurra or last week. Spot cotton closed "Quiet: middling up lands, loic; middling gulf, lLlae; sales. 2,700 bales. Cotton future opened sleady; Mav, 10.5Kc; July. 10.39c: August. 1031c bid; Sefi temher, K.2kc; October, , 10 36c;. December, 10,23c; January, 10.1c.. Cotton futures closed ateady; May, lo"t ; June, 10.13c; July, 10.39c; August, 10.33c:' September, 10.29c; tictober. lO.ascy .Nirvetn ber. 10.25c; December, 10.25c; January, lO'.Vc; March. lii.LOc. GALVESTON, May 10.-COTTON-Sttadv ; Wac. -.!.'. NEW ORLEANS. Mgy 10-tXT'TON-Spbt n.aikel quiet; low ordinary, tj'c, nominal; ordinary, 7 5-1;c. nnrriinal; aoo ordinary, KV; low miiitlling. 14,0; middling. 10 3-lRc; good middling. . p K-ldo;. middling 1 1" Ir. 10 5-Hic; fair, 11 ll-lric, nominal. Re ceipts, 4.798 bales; slocki 191 hales. ST. leOUIS. Miy 10 OOTTON--8tadA . middling, liii4o; KuJea. 92 bales; reielpts. laifi halts; shipments, 1,684 bales; slock, 37,71)1 bale. . . Condition of t'opne rTrad NEW YORK. May 1Q,-Tl.t monthly atatement of the Copper Producers' asso ciation "for April 1, made public, today. Is as fol low a: - ' Stock of marketable copper of all kinds on hand at all points In the United Stales April 1. 18-2,279.902 lbs. ' ' Production of market able, copper- lir the United States from all dgoiestla and for eign source during April, 1 13.574,292 lu. Deliveries of marketable rrfpprr for rom ' sumption snd txport during Aprl!, 1 12, ;.8.12I ih. , . , Stock of marketable copper of 'all kinds "ii hand a' n 1. iut 1n th United States May 1. 183.198.075 lbs. ... According 10 this report he, stock of surplus copper was increased during the last inont h by 91 8.1 7' Ins,, as ottmpared with an Increase of surplus copper if 8 995 654 lha. at the end of the previous month. , ' 1 Philadelphia r rod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 10.-RUTTER-Qulet; extra weiem creamery, Mc; nearbv Irhus. 29c. ..- IGS-Weak: Vic Iirwer; ' Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free rases. 22c at mark; current receipts, t turnable taws, 21c at mark; western receipt, free enses SDU'q mark; current receipts, free rase, 20'i'T SISy. at mark. . - CHEESE Quiet, but firm, New York full creams, choice. 1584igltk;; fair to good. 14trl5sc; new. l."Wil3aC. as to quality. Visible uipli, of Orala. NEW YORK, .May 19.,-The visible sup ply of grain In th,. United Slate May 8 a complied by the Nw York Produce ex change, waa aa folio,1: Wheat. Z8.6J7 fltii bu.: decrease. 2.9V9.0no. ., rCorn, 3,17i.O0O-bu , decreaae, 1.427,. CMta. 7.897,l bu.; de crease. pye. 3i.A Jju- decrease. .m)0 bu. Karlev. 2.033.0uu bu. decrease ti.0i) bu. The visible supply nt Wheat lu Canada last Saturday waa 10.4iJ.0NU bu., an Increase o-t -445.000 hu.. 1, tills and Hosi'n. NEW YORK, Mav 1 0 f I LS-r-fcttlon-seed.- s-tesdy-; prime -rrtitle. $ I 54 V 4 6"0 prime yellow. t6.68: July. 15 77$r5 85 Pe troleum. Hteaily; refined New York M 50; Philadelphia and Raltlmoxe. ti-4 0: pbtlM delpiila and Baltimore, in pufk $4 St VUr pentine. firm at 41c. 41ID CITY. Pa.. Mar? 0 Ol LK--Credlt balances. $178 Runs, 2t 030 bbl av erage. 1 49.697 hi Is : shipments,. fU,259 buls : erage, 189 055 bbls. . ... . !. -w ' t Mlaaeapolls tirala Market. ' MINNKAPOLIH. Minn..- MaV'in WHEAT Close: Mav tl "a: Jatty tl 24 September tl 07 Cusb- tVo I hard ti-2i1I.:'84: No. 1 northern. tl.274,3 L27 : No. 2 norfhsrn, t12S l-2 : No. 3 noi thei n 1 1.23 8a 45t l 24i FLAX Closed at $1 CS ., , FLOUR - Fli si patents. $ 10.4)8 30 oini patetiis. I(i0i20: fir clears t 75'o 4 95; sei t.nd 1 leu in. t lb tt 3. 66. Italalb lira In "Market. DI I.UTII Minn . Mav 10 WHEAT Close.. Msy. tl 2S. July. tL234; Sep. tenibi-r. $1 07'T Wesioa Moirs tin at Mldalght. TOPEKA. Kan . Mav 10 - Edward -Pay aon Westr n. Ihe pedstrlsry, .. who .laft Topeka at midnight laat nigni reached St. Marys at 7:26 this morning He stopped twenty minutes for hieakfaat and then left for th west St. Mar 1 lwntjr-fouf mile wel of Topeka.