Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16

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Omaha Given a Decisive Beating,
, Score Ending 12 to 3.
Standing of the Teams
luirrr and Rice Wfr In 4e Bos for
Omaha and Roth Were Wild at
Times and Proved Ineffective
All Throaaa.
WICHITA. Kan.. May T.-In a game that
on dragged out for more than two hours
W If hit gave Cnnaha a decisive beating by
the acore of 12 to 8 this afternoon. As they
played today there was no comparison be
tween thn ten ma. Omaha's pitchers were
wild and Ineffective, while Altfhlaon for
WlrhltH. though lacking In perfect ponlrol,
had play In tvnerve when he waa called
upon to uae It. Tl) lot ills stole haaea and
hit at will when the visiting pltchera (jot
the hall close enojgh to them to allow
them to hit It. Pennrll base running, Cole'a
work In1 the out field, and Anderson's work
at ahort ware the features. Westers!!'
home run waa one. of the longest Mta ever
made at Association paik. Three hits,
three errors, two bases on halls and two
batsmen hit by pitcher together with three
stolen bases gave Wichita seven In the
seventh Inning. The score:
AB. R. H. O. A. K
Fettlgrew, cf S , , J 1 J A 0
Anderson, s 4 113 3 1
C ole, rf ft 1 1 4 V 0
Tennell. If 4 t 1 1 0 0
Hughes, 2b 3 1 2 11 0
Roberts. )b 4 1002
Wrutetill. 3b S 2 1 2 0 0
Weaver. c 4 1 2 II 2 1
Aitchlnson, p 3 12 0 10
Totals ts 12 11 27 1 4
AH. H. II. O. A. K.
Fisher. If 4 V 2 2 0 0
Kin, cf 4 0 2 4 1 0
Peimery. 3b 3 0 0 2 1 it
Knitc, lb 8 1 0 K 2 0
Graham. 2b 6 1 2 2 2 2
Welch, rf 6 0 2 1 0 0
Krenck. ss 4 0 1 1.4 2
Gooding", c 4 A O 4 4 2
Lower, p 2 0 0 0 1 0
Kite, p 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 35 3 9 24 15
Wichita 10X00170 12
Omahit 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 03
I Hits: Off Lower, 8 In five and two-thirds
Isinlnaa; off nice, 3 In two and one-third
Innings. Struck out: By Altchlron, S: by
Lower, S. First base on halls: Off Altchl
aoti, : off lower. 2: off Hlce. 2. Hit with
pitched ball: By Rice, 2. Stolen haaei:
Pcttlgrew. Cole, Pennell (3). Hughes.
Franck. Sacrifice hits: Anderson. Hughes.
Altohlson, King;. Kane. Two-base hits:
Fctllgrew, Altchlson. Fisher. King. Homo
run: Westersll. Left on bases: Omaha.
13; Wichita, II. Time: 2:10. 1'mptrc: Has
kell. Attendance, 1.500. ,
Freeman Waa Wild, and Opposing.
Batters Had 4rod Eyes.
DENVER. Colo.. May 7. -Timely hitting;
won for Denver today. Freeman waa wild,
like other Sioux t'ity pitchers, and usually
had a man on bases when Denver got to
hitting. A sroopup by Crulkshank In the
sixth inning waa allowed by Clark as a put
out. Had It been so It would have been a
marvelous catch, aa he fell aa he reached
for. Manager Jones disputed a decision at
first but that he watched moat of the
game from the club house. Score;
, AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Caasldy. rf 4 0 110 0
Jones, cf .'. S 0 1 1 0 0
Plan Ward, cf 10 12 0 0
Relden, If 3 0 0 1 0 0
Hartman, ss 4 0 1 6 6 0
Maag. Ul 2 10 3 6 0
Thompson, 3b 4 1 2 0 l ' 1
Lindsay, lb 3 1 2 H O 1
Zalusky, c 8 0 1 S 2 0
liohsnnan, p ! 1 1 it 1 0
Totals S8 4 10 27 16 2
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Campbell, If 5 0 1 n o o
Crulkshank, cf 4 i t 3 1 1
Hunter, lb ' 1 I ft o n
.iKlrrH, -o t 1 1 6 0 it
Slovall, rf 4 it 2 2 0 (
Smith. 3b 4 3 0 .0 2 2 o
Kopong. as 11114 1
Shea, c 3 0 0 5 4 1
Towne 1 u 0 0 (i o
Freeman, p 3 0 2 0 2 1
Holmes 1 0 1 o 0 o
Totala 34 3 9 24 13 4
Batted for Shea In ninth. '
Batted for Freeman In ninth,
Denver v 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 -4
Sioux City , 0002000 0 13
Two base him: Jones. Znlusky. Hartman,
Kopong. Three base hit: Thompson. Stolen
buses: Jones. Cassidy, Hunter, Andreas.
Sacrifice hit: Smith. Base on balls: Off
Hohannan. I; of f Freeman. 8. Struck out:
By Bohannan, 4: by Freeman. S. Left on
bases: Denver. 9; Sioux City, 6. Hit by
pitched ball: Hunter, Bohannan. Double
play: Hartman to Lindsay. Time: 2:15. Um
pire: Clark.
Game Was Long llrana Oot, bat Knll
f Sensational Fes 4 ores.
Pl'EBIAI. Colo., May 7. In a game
which lasted an hour overtime and
marked by poor pitching und sensational
features. Lincoln got the last of the 1
series' b ya acore of 10 to 8. Jack j
Thumaa featured himself by hitting two I
home runs, the two drives netting five
ti me irn itiiiH tiiiu wen mc gauie. ninr
tin waa wild and retired in the fiftn.
Johnson was wild, but effective until the
clg-lb and ninth. In the final Inning:
after two runs had been scored;.'
mi t r. It, o I u ihrt.kB.aap n..l . ,. .
bases on balls, Hcndrlx was called In. i
llendrlx forced In a run and Hngrlever's
single scored another. Jehl ended the
game by tmpplnir up to Prltchett with
the bases full. Tlie seme;
AB. R. H O. A. F.
Waldrnn. rf 3 :i V 0 0 0
Fox. :'b A S 1 ISA
Jnde. If 8 n l r. 0 A
Thomas, lb 4 2 2 0 0
Oavidsnn.. cf 4 112 0 0
PHgi ler. ss 4 o i t 3 1
T'rllcVtt. Vi 3 0 0 3 1 0
Sullivan, r .1 ( 1 11 0 0
Johnson, p 3 11OI0
Ufndrtx. p o o 0 0 0 0
Totals s: Vt it J7 j
AB R. II. O. A. F.
- .. I V. rt'iY . - nl
fflri, UU 3 ' " i i n
Spci cei . cf 3 1 V 3 0 0
Clark, lb 4 1 3 10 ,i o
Hoarlever. Ib & f- I 5 4 n
Jehl. rf ft 0 A
Mitllck. If 5 1 2 2 0 l !
Corhan. ss 5 1 t 2 5 o '
Mitre, r ft 1 1 3 ? i
Martin, p i 0 ' A o o o i
Nichols, p 2 1 0 l i e
i"ulal. ?A 8 11 27 13 I !
Lincoln r. I l a i a it t id ;
Pueblo 2 U 1 0 0 0 1 4 S J
Two-base hits: Clark. Hogrlever. Thre-
' base hits- Waldren. I"nx. Mine. Double
pU-: I'ore ti Cagnler to Thuinns. Iett
on liisrs: piiei'lii. 15; Lincoln. 5. Homa
iiiuk: Thorn i t: lilt with Mlched bull
Rv Martin, 2: by Johnson, "ac-iflio hits:
Wnklrnii. .ludc Tlion-aa. Spencer. Struck
out: By Martin. 1; by Nichols. ; by John
ion. It. Klrt iw 'm bulla: Off .Mm tin
4; off Nichols, J: off Johnson. 9; off H-?nd-
W. L. Pet I W.UPrt
Wichita .... 8 1 .ami Milwaukee 13 4 .7,
Denver 7 2 .77 Louisville ..13 7 .'
Topeka ( 3 . Indiana polis 11 10 .f..
Pueblo 6 4 fWt Toledo 11 .4V
Iea Molnea. 8 A ..v Minneapolis 10 .444
imiaha 3 .M:I Kan. City.. 7 1 .41'.'
Lincoln 2 A .i Columbus . 8 12 .fio
SIoiit City.. 2 7 . 222 St. Paul.... 6 12 .294
NAT. Lb, A it.' K. 1 AMER. LEAOI B.
W.!,.Pet. W.L.Pct.
Pittsburg ..13 6 .W4, Detroit ....14 6 .W7
Boston 8 S.iiTliNew York. .11 A .A47
Phlda 9 7 fW1 Boston 9 8 .5-'9 !
Chicago ....11 .5o i (lileaEO .... 8 8 .W"'
Brooklyn ..7 8 . 4?7 Philaiia ....7 8 ,467
Cincinnati .10 12 .4! 'levels nd ..7 9 .4:!8
New York.. A 9 .v Waahlngton. fi 10 M
81. Louis.... 7 14 .!3;8t. Louis. ...5 11 .313
Western Ix-ague Omaha at Topeka. IX'S
Moines at Wichita. Lincoln at Denver,
Sioux City at Pueblo.
American AHSicl.ttlmi Columbus at St.
Paul Toledo at Minnenrolis. Indianapolis
at Milwaukee. Louisville nl Kansas City.
National league New York at Boston,
Philadelphia at BrookLn. Cim-innatt at
Chicago, St. l.ouia at Pittsburg.
American LeagueChicago at Cleveland,
Detroit at St. Louis. Washington at Phila
delphia. Boston at New York.
Hagerman Pitches First Shutout
Game for the Cuba.
rlx. 1. Wild pitch: Johnson. Time: 2:35.
Umpire: Wheeler. Attendance. 90o.
V asBHaaaiaBaa
Topeka Went About the Task la
Workmanlike Manner.
TOPEKA, Kan., May 7. (Speclal.)-To-peka
trimmed Des Moines for the third
game of the series, 4 to 2, today. Barnum
held the visitors safe all the way except
In the second, when a walk, an error and
a hit brought In one run. and In the ninth,
when a triple and an error added another.
Belrsdorfrr pitched flue ball until the sev
enth, when he walked three and a hit
scored two men. The other runs were due
to errors. The score:
AB. R. H. O. A K.
Colligan, sa 4 0 0 1 2 0
Ciinia. rf i 3 0 0 2 0 0
Fltzpatrlck, rf ., 2 0 0 A I) 0
Ha.ler. 2b 4 0 0 3 3 0
Mat ticks, cf 4 0 1 :l A 0
Dwycr, lh 4 2 1 10 1 2
Dalton. If 3 0 1 2 0 0
Nelhoff. 3b 4 A 3 0 1 1
Heckinger. c 4 0 0 3 0 0
Belrsdorfer, p 3 0 1 0 3 o
Totals 31 7 24 10 1
... , , AB. R. II. O. A. E.
Wooley. cf 3 1 0 2 0 0
Qelr, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0
Cooley, lb 3 1 1 11 1 0
Fenlon. If 3 0 1 0 0 0
Andrews. 3b 4 0 2 2 4 1
Kunkle. sa 4 0 0 2 3 i 1
Kahl. 2b 4 0 0 3 1 0
Kernes, c 4 1 2 7 0 0
Burnum, p 2 110 4 0
Totals 31 4 7 27 12 2
Des Moines 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Topeka 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 ..4
Three-base hit: Dwycr. Two-base hit:
Kerens. Base on balls. Off Burnum, 1; off
Belrsdorfer, 3. Struck out: Bv Burnum, 7;
by Belrsdorfer, 2. Passed ball: Heckinger.
Ieft on bases: Topeku, 6; Des M.ilnes. 6.
Stolen bases: Cooley. Andrews. Sacrifice
lilts: Fenlon, Burnum. Time:, l:3i. Umpire
Philadelphia Wins Pitchers' Rattle
from Washington In Mnth,
PHILADELPHIA, Mar 7.-Washliif-toi,
waa again defeated here-today In a pitch
ers' battle, the score being 1 to 0. Witli one
out In-the ninth, lowing. Murphy hit for
three bases and scored when 'Freeman
made a wild throw In returning the ball.
B.H.O.A.B. D.H.O.A.E.
lTirlMl. If.... J I 1 II cnly, If-cf. 3 3 A o
fliksr. 3b 3 1 4 1 I MtRriii. ..... 3 A 4 0 1
Collins. 2b... 4 It i 5 ttlnsluh. lb.. 4 0 I 0 0
Murphy, rf... 4 1 A 0 I Ptlehsmy, 2b 4 A 1 0
lb 3 (I 1 (JCIvmer, rt....3 1 t 0 I
"". c' 2 1 4 II Ol onroy, 3b ... 4 3 0 1 0
Hsrrj. 3 1 1 fl Mllsn. cf I 0 0 0 0, (.... A 1 3 1 srhlpk, Sb...O A t 1 A
Loomba, p 3 A 1 1 0 frftmin, jr.. I OA 0 1
Street, c I 0 It I ft
Total! 24 C 21 3Johnon. p...4 A o 2
Gry 1 v A 0 0
Totl 32 7J6 7 3
Batted for Milan In sixth.
one out when winning run scored.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Washington 0000 0 000 00
Two base hit: Conroy. Three base hits:
Hartsel, Murphy. Sacrifice hits: Baker.
Oenley, McBrlde. Stolen baaea: Barr. (Jen
ley. Ift on bases: Philadelphia, 3; Wash
ington. 9. Base on halls: Off Coombs. 2:
off Johnson. 2. First base on errors: Phila
delphia; 1; Washington. 2. Struck nut: Bv
Cooinhs. 4; by Johnson. 9. Time: l:b2. Um
pires: Connolly and Kgan.
New lurk Wlna In Twelfth.
NEW YORK. May 7. -New Yolk won -n
exciting twelve-inning game today from
Boston. 4 to 3. !ke, who relieved Newton
In the fourth, brought In the victory on
his double and frees single. The locals
had the bases filled in the eleventh with
none out, yet failed to score. Elberfeld
disputed with Umpire Hurst In thla inning
over a decision at the plate and shoved
the referee, who retaliated by slapping the
player on the Jaw. By thus placing his
hands on the umpire Elberfeld put him
self out of the game under the rules.
Score :
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.B.
Cre. cl ti S 0 0 OMcConuall, 2b 4 2 3 7 e
Kmlor. rf i 2 t A 0 Lord. 8b 4 0 1 t 0
Kllitrtald. 3b. 4 1 1 4 0 Speaker, rf...l 0 2 0 0
Auatln, SI). ... 0 0 0 U Or.asaler. rf....4 1 3 0
fngla. It 5 1 i 0 ostahl. lb i 1 17 0 0
Chat, lb 6 2 :'il tl 1 N ; lea. If S I 3 1 0
Ward, th I 1 1 4 1 Wagner, aa...t 0 2 11
Knight, as.... a 0 3 6 Spencer, c 3 0 t 1 0
Plalr. c I 0 4 1 lHi,pper 1 0 0 0 0
Klelnow, e...l 0 3 1 0 Donuhue. c... I 0 10 1
Newton, p... 1 1 0 3 0 Chech, p (112 0
Lake, p 4 1 ) 1 0
Totala it TS4 14 3
Totala 44 tl 31 !a 4
One out when winning run scored.
Bitted for Spencer in eigrt4ii.
Boston 0 0110000100 ft-3
New York....O 001200 0 000 1-4
Two-base hits: tiessler. Cree, Keeler,
Itlte. Three-base hits: McOonnell, Stahl.
Home run: Keeler. Sacrlllce hits: Lord,
Elberfeld, McConncll, Uessler. Stolen bise:
Englt. 1-ft on buses: New York, 8; Bos
ton, 7. Baaea on errors: Boston, 3; New
York. 1. Double play: Ntles to Donohue.
Struck out: By Check. I: by Newton. 1;
by Lake, 4. Base on balls: Off Lake, 1
Hit by pitched ball: By Newton, I. Wild
pitch: Newton." Hits: Off Newton, 4 In
three and a third innings; off like, 8 In
and two-thirds Innings. Time: 2:J0. Um
pires: Hurst and Evans.
Hot Auiatenr 4iame Today.
Baker Km., and the faat Diamond team
will clash t'Ut at Florence park Ihls aft-T-nonn
fur the first time tins season. The
Diamonds lu'.ve a bunch of players that
ate recuuuized by amateur fans as being
among the top noiciiers. cntiHeo,uently a
last k-. Hue Is anticipated this ttfternoim
when they go against the fastest Saturday
team in Omaha and vicinity. ' Follow :nq n
f lineup. Oame called ai i p. tv
Came Is Won In Third and sixth on
Hits Ranched with Frrore
Scores of Other atlonal
League tiames.
CHICAGO. Miy 7.-Hagerman today had
the honor of pitching the first shutout game
of tlte season for Chicago. His work was
consistent throughout, especially ao with
men on bases. Bunched hits, with a couple
or errors In the third and sixth, gave Chi
cago the game from Cincinnati. S to 0.
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.K
rer. 2b .'. I I 1 II Cmn. 2b 4 2 3 2 2
!ie, kar., If . 8 1 0 l 0(lake, i f J 0 t 1 1
Uihulte, rf ... 4 3 2 0 1 Lnhert, ah.... 3 1 2. 2 0
Howard, lb... 3 0 14 0 1 Mltrhell, rf... 4 1 3 0 o
StelnfeMt. tb 4 I 0 1 0 nem her. If.,. 4 0 2 1 0
Hnfman. cf... 4 1 1 It OA litre r, lb.... 4 Alio
Tinker, aa I 1 2 4 0 Downey, pa... 4 3 0 1 0
Woran. c 2 1 7 1 1 Mrlnn, C....2 0 I A 0
lleserman, p. 3 A 4 0 Fronime, p...J 0 0 2 0
Kane, cf 0 0 0 A 0
Totala 31 I 24 10 2
Totala 31 27 12 3
Chicago o 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 S
Cinclnt atl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: Stelnfeldt. Sacrifice hits:
Oakes. Tinker, Hagerman. Stolen bases:
Shcckard, Tinker, Downey. Double play:
Bescher to Mclean. Left on bases: Chi
cago, 10; Cincinnati, 7. Bases on balls:
Off Hagerman, 2: off Fromme, 4. Bases
on errors: Chicago, 2. Struck out: Bv
Hagerman, 5: by Fromme, 4. Time:
Umpires: O'Day and Emails.
PlTTSBUItQ. May 7.-Plttsturg won from
St. Louis today, 6 to 3. Rhodes did not
show good form and was relieved In the
fifth by Salle, but the locals continued to
get hits. Willis wss strong at all times.
The fenture of the game was the batting
of Barbeau and Wilson, the former having
a perfect batting average and scoring Wil
son three times. Score:
riTTSBi no. St. Louis.
B.H.O.A.K. B.H O A E
Rarheau. Sb.. 4 4 0 0 2 Bvrne, 3b.... 4 10 3 0
Leach, cf 4 0 3 1 OShaw. cf 5 ' 1 2 A U
Clarke, It 4 1 2 n o rireanahan, c. 4 2 3 3 0
Wanner, aa..,5 2 A i 0 Konetchv, lb. 4 2 11 1 1
Ahiteln, lb. . 4 3 11 0 1 rielchanty, rf. 3 1 I A 0
I Miller, 3b.. 3 12 10 Kills. If 4 0 2 0 1
Wlliion, rf.... 4 3 2 0 o Charles, ;b... 4 0 110
tlbon, c 3 1 A 0 Hiilawltt, as.. 4 A 8 4 0
Willis, p 4 0 1 3 0 Rhodes, p.... 2 0 0 1 0
Aallee. p 1 0 A 0 0
Totals 28 15 27 11 8 Phelps 1 1 0 0 0
Bilker Bros.
. First
Second ...
. U ft
. Center ....
, Light ....
.Catch ....
Diamonds. ',
. . Relnshriver
i.u. i
Caughla n
Mcl dit ,
What's the Score?
"When you want to know the
Douglas 23S
lid., A1Z.8
nU ask The lally Re central.
' Full and detailed Information
1 rheerfully given.
Iain I'rrtents .Nebraska Hissing.
MINNEAPOLIS. May 7. (Special Tel
cgi am. The Nebi aka-Miniiesiila game
was called in the aixtli Inning today on
account of lain OltusSeud was dning the
twirling for Nebraska and I lie Gopher
hud found him for only one single
Wlun the game .was called the CornhuSK
ris were In good khape tu mine Cooke
had led off witli a single and stolen sec
ond, but the raiu came and broke up the
gasne. The same teams Play tomorrow,
batteries: Nebraska. Olnistead and
Oreenslit: Minnesota Phillips and Stock
land Umpire: Brcnnen. formerly wlm
the Westi rn leaaue.
Iloalln'a Hrtars l to Pans.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Mav 7-Mike Donlin.
formerly captain of the New York Giants,
announced that he would return to the
New York ilub at the end of his present
theatrical engagement if the "fans'' so de
sired. Inrlnribles Petajr 4 larks.
The Invtnclbles will meet the Walter G.
Clarks Sunday for a big purse snd the
following Sun. lay they will go to Arlington
for a game. Joe Ha.kik of the Invlm ihler,
telephone Douglas 3ji3. would like to hear
(rum any managers for games.
Totala 34 i 24 11 I
Batted for Sallee In ninth.
Pittsburg 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 -6
St. Louis 21000000 03
Two base hits: Barbeau (2), Konstchy.
Hits: Off Rhondes, 9 in four Innings; off
Sallec, 6 in four Innings. Sacrifice hit:
Glhson. Stolen base: Bresnahan. Double
plas: Leach, Wagner and Miller; Charles
and Konetchy; Hulswltt and Konetchy,
Ift on bases: Pittsburg, 11; St. Louis, 8.
Base on balls: Off Willis, J; off Rhodes,
2; off Sallee. 2. Base on errors: Pittsburg,
2; 81. lxniis. 2. Struck out: By Willis, 8;
by Rhodes, 1. Time: 1:45. Umpires: Kane
and K)e;u.
l'li..iMlelphla stops Brooklyn.
BROOKLYN. May 7-Phlladelphla today
stopped Brooklyn's winning atretk by a
4 to 1 victory. Rtcker was batted out of
the box In the seventh, when the visitors
mad five hits for three, runs. Foxen was
Invincible until the ninth, when a double
by Jordan and Iennojc s single brought In
Brooklyn's only run. Acting Captain Hum
mel waa ordered out of the game for kick
ing. Score:
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.B.
nrant, 3h 4 2 2 0 OBurrh. If 4 1 1 A 0
Knane, 2b.... 3 n 3 J OAlperman, :b. 8 1 1 f '
Tltin. rf 8 1 2 A 0 Hummel, aa..l A A A 0
Masee. If 4 1 I 0 M' Mlllan, as. 8 1 2 3 0
Branafield. lb 2 111 0 OSeurlng. CT...3 0 10 0
Oborne, cf... 4 1 0 0 0 Knttua. rf 4 A A A 1
Poolln. aa...,3 1 A 8 A Jordan, lh ... 4 J II II 0
Pooln, c 4 18 8 OLennm. 3b... 4 2 18 0
Foien, p 4 1 1 1 0 1'ergen, c 3 t 8 1 0
Itucker. p.... 2 0 0 2
Totala 31 8 37 12 0 McRiveen ... 1 A A 0 0
Wllhelm, p . . t 0 0 0 o
Totals 33 8 3i It 1
Batted for Rucker In seventh.
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 04
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Two-base hits: Magee, Branafield. Jor
dan. Hits: Olf Rucker, 7 In seven innings.
Sacrifice hits: Knabe, Branafield. Stolen
bases: Branafield, Osborne, Dooin, Burcli.
Double plays: Ijeimox and Jordan; Alper
man to McMillan to Jordan. lA tt on bases:
Philadelphia. 5: Brooklyn, 8. First base
on balls: Off Rucker, 8; off Foxen, 2. Hit
by pitched hall: By AlH?rman, 1. Struck,
out: By Rucker, ; by Foxen, 8. Wild
pitch: Foxen. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Rig
lcr and Truby.
Boston Wins from Mew fork,
BOSTON, May 7. Boston won today's
game, 2 to 1. The visitors scored In the
eeventh on two bits, following a base on
balls. Marquaid Issued his second pass in
the eighth, and Sweeney's two-base hit. mi
infield out and the "squeere" play gave
Boston two runs. Score:
B.H.O.A.K B.H.O.A.K.
Starr. 2b 3 0 6 3 ITenney. lb... 2 A 7 0 0
Becker, rf....3 12 0 OMrCornVk. rf. 8 3 1 0 0
Bates, If 8 0 0 1 0 Murray, If.... 8 12 0 0
Beaumont, cf. 3 0 1 0 oO'lUra. cf.... 4 0 0 0 0
Peck, lb 3 0 8 I APevlin. 3b.... 2 J 1 1 0
Ilahlen. aa...2 1 4 8 i Hrldwell, aa..2 0 8 1 0
Sweeney, 3b.. 8 2 0 2 1 Srheefer, 2b . 4 0 2 6 0
Bowerman, c. 8 0 6 2 0 Myera. c 8 A 8 2 1
Porner, p I 0 1 1 OUarquard, p.. 4 0 A 1 0
ureham OOOOn
Mattern. p.... A 0 0 0 0 Totala 31 4 24 10 1
Total! 25 4 27 15 4
Batted for Dorner in eighth.
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Two-base hit: Sweeney. Hits: Off Dor
ner 4 In eight irninga. Sacrifice hit:
Graham. Sto'cn base: Murray. Double
play: Brldwell to Tenney. l'ft on bases:
Boston, 2; New York, 11. First base on
bulls: Off Marquard, 2: off Dorner, 7.
First base on errors: New York, 2. Hit.
by pitched ball: By Dorner, I. Struck out:
By Dorner. 4; by Marquard. A. Time: 1:44.
Umpires: Johnstone and Cusack.
Milwaukee Wins One-Sided Contest
from I d is na noils.
MILWAUKEE. May 7.-The leaders won
a one-sided game this afternoon, beating
the Champions by a score of A to 2.
Schrelber was driven from the rubber in
the first Inning. Schnelberg, who made
his first appearance of the season in the
pitching box for Milwaukee, twirled a fine
game, Chadbourne's fielding and Robin
son's butting were tiie features. Score:
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.B.
Robinaon, aa. 6 8 2 3 n Chaitb'rna, If 4 0 8 0 A
Barry, rf 8 2 ! 0 OM t'heaney, cf 8 A 2 0 A
MrOann, lb... 4 18 1 U lUydrn. rf... 4 2 0 0 0
Randall, cf ... 4 1 t 0 Orarr, 1b 4 0 4 0 0
Clark. 3b 2 1 2 1 Burke. 3b 2 1 2 A 0
Md'orm k. 2b 8 A 2 2 0 ( )' Itourke. 2b. 2 1 2 2 0
Hoaleller. c . 4 A 1 OReynolda. c. 1 0 1 e 1
Pouthertr. If 3 2 8 1 1 llopke. ma .. .2 0 111
Sibnetbert. p 3 A 1 4 fHihreiber, p.. 0 A 0 0
Cheney, p.... 8 I 3 2 0
Totala 33 10 37 13 1 How lev. .... 1 0 5 I 0
Pavldeon ... 1 0 o 0 o
Graham 1 0 0 0 0
Tolala 28 8 24 ( 2
Batted for Hopke In ninth.
Batted for Cheney in ninth.
Milwaukee J 0 10 0 10 1
Indianapolis 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 02
Two-base hit: Dougherty. Home run:
Mc( ia nn. Hits: Off Schrelber. 4 In one
lliird Inning; off Cheney, A in eight and
two-thirds innings. Sacrifice hits: Mr
Corrulck. Schnelberg. Stolen bases: Barry
Randall, Robinson, Clark. Dougherty.
Double play: Robinson, McCorniick to Mc
Gann. Left on buses: Milwaukee, ; In
dianapolis. 7. Bases on balls: Off Cheney.
4; off .Schncibeig. 1. Hit by pitched hall:
McChcsney. Burke. Howley. O'Kourke.
StrU' k out: By Schnelberg, 6; by Cheney,
R. Passed ball: Reynolds. Time: 1:55.
Umpires; King and Ecknian.
t olnnibos W ins In Malh,
ST. PAUL. May 7. Arnihruster'a f
of a fly hull in the eighth and Lit.
home run in the ninth gave l'tluiiiu.ii
the third game of the aeries today by
a mole of 8 to 2. Both Hall and Upp
pitched good ball. Scots:
6) H.O.A.E. B 11. O A K
Clarke. If 8 0 3 0 OPmii cf 4 1 2 0 0
(dwell, lb... 4 111 OArmb'aler If. 3 1 2 A 1
Consallon, rl 4 2 0 Ollehnnf. rf... 6 0 8 0 0
Jtniev t . ... 3 8 8 A Or'lMiii. lh.. 1 III M
Kru.r. cf. ... 4 t t 1 SO'Hrten. lb. .. 4 0 A 4 0
Ijrur. M 4 1 3 3 ttarlxk. r ... O'l 0 I
rrtel. Sl 4 U 1 Aiockran. 3h . 3 0 1 1 0
0 Bourke, Ik. I I 1 I See. aa 4 1 A 3 1
1 pp. 4 A i y 11.11 p. 4 2 t 6 0
Yeer 1 A 0 0
Totala 34 itlll I
Totala 14 I 27 12 8
Batted for O Bile it In the ninth.
Columbus 0 n 1 v 0 0 1 1 3
Si. 1-uul 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
Two-base bits: Nee, Davis. Home run;
. 1. - V;L-i
' I -"TW
.1 '
V. U i' '.. Slit. KSi IS . 'iiW' T
1l no inns-li ai III simsi inn aaiaMssisiiiisMnillliiiiniaaaiia-isaal
As Promised! Aiofcr
Suit Seesatioi Tomorrow
Strouse & Bros., Baltimore,
Sample Garments at Prices
Low Beyond Belief.
Contents of Fifteen Drum
mers Sample Trunks Make
Up This Resistless Special
7ol spring suits direct from the sample trunks of the drummers of
Strouse & Bros., Baltimore, Md., go on sale here tomorrow; peerless,
highly tailored products that have made a 'stir wherever shown; gar
ments absolutely perfect, barring a few creases where they have been
folded, into trunks; the very suits one sees advertised in the Omaha pa
pers every once in a while. The prices at retail will be so low that
Strouse & Bros would never permit a sacrifice of this sort nearer to
Baltimore it remained for THE PALACE to buy and offer these stun
ning suits at the unequaled low prices printed here.
places upon ttie
backs o'f Omaha
men and young
m en, suits that
w ere never de
signed or made
up with an idea
of selling for Less
than and
In some localities
for S1S.OO.
is the price we
have set upon the
Very c r e a m of
Strouse & Bros.'
product m en's
and young men's
suits that com
mand $25 to $35
i n' shops where
the "fancy" prices
The 7G1 sample garments portray every new style caper gotten out
this spring. The coats have late "dip" fronts; fancy sleeves; fancy
flapped pockets; fancy lapels and vests are cut low and have two fancy
flapped pockets. Trousers are pegged topped, have flap pockets, welt
seams, and cuffs are as wide as thiee inches. Some conservative styles,
however, are included, too. Scores of nifty fabrics will tempt one
numerous new imported striped w orsteds. some velours in wide stripes
and chalk lino stripes; Washington Mills blue serges and others. Xote
the make up; the sewing; the trimmings; the finishing; the padding;
(he fitting; the lining; the button hole work and seaming; then agree
with us that the ordinary tailor cannot quite EQUAL, much less excel
them. And above all come early see that your choice is unrestricted.
Larue. Stolen bHMrs: Armbruster, Hall.
Klynn, Oilwell. Double plav: KiuKer to
Larue. Hnse on bulls: Off Hall, 2; off
I'pp. 4. Hit by plti-hej ball: Armbruster
Struck out: Hy Hall, S; bv Ipp, 8.
PhhhpiI ball: CarlBcli. Wild pitch: Cpp.
Sacrifice hit: Odwell. left on bHHew:
St. Paul, 13; Columbus, 6. 'lime: 1:40.
I'mpire: Hayes.
Kanaus t'lty Wins from Louisville.
KANSAS CITY, May 7. Two errors lor
Wuinlmi and a bunching: of hits bv Kan-t-ufl
City hatteru, ail In the third 'tnnlnx.
decide I an otherwise featureless game
here today. The home team won the
game early. Score:
,. , . B.H.O.A.K B.H.O.A.K.
rarllale, If... 4 3 8 0 1 lnmlavy, rl.l ii I 0 I
t'roaa. an 1 0 (l 0 u WiMidruff. Jb. 4 1 8 0 0
1.01. a 8 1 3 j 0nlhanty, If. 4 J 2 0 II
berkley, lb. 4 18 1 u Landreili, rf..l 0 I 0 0
Braahear. !b.l I I 0 Sullivan. Ib. .3 1 8 I 0
Nclhlora. cf 8 0 S 0 1 olaen, 2b I ft 3 A 1
Hiillman, rf.. 4 110 OQnlnlan. aa... 4 13 8'
liming, 3b... s i rt o oreu, c t o i a
Hitter, c 4 I) 4 ' (iPulim.nn n n a i a .
Wrlghl, p.. ..41110 J
, Totala 30 8 34 13 4 1
Total! 33 8 J7 10 8 i
Kansas City 0 0300101 5 !
Louixvillc 1 0 U 0 0 0 0 1 0 I
Karned run: Kansas Citv. Twn
lilt: Helling. Keft on bases: Kansas i
'. i. uuuiovuir. i. tiase on errors:
Kanna.1 City. 4; Louisville, 1. -Sacrifice
hit: Neighbors. Sacrifice flv: Sulli
van. Stolen bases: Love. Hallinan, Hit
ter. D'elehunty. Dougherty I2. Double
play: Hraaltear to l.oie to Keckley.
Struck out: Uy Wrlulit, 3: bv Puttmann.
1. Hase on balls: Off Wright. 2; off
Puttmann. .'. Wild pitch: Puttmann
Time: 1:40. L'mplie: Owens.
Toledo Wins from Minneapolis.
MINNKAPOI.IS, May 7.-To!cdo won a
g. i mo cut to seven innings by rain today,
hitting Young opportunely and hard. Minne
apolis bunched hits in onlv one Inning, the
fifth. Score:
B.H O A K. B.H.O.A.B
Mil. aa 3 1 4 3 OOvler. sa 3 8 2 1 0
Hlnrhman, Jb 8 1 3 nouillrn, rf...4 0 3 0 n
fmoat, rf 3 8 t 0 n II,, mil, 2b ...4 1 1 1 1
lllrkuian. If.. 4 110 ii roll I n, ,1b... 3 0 0 3 II
fceybnlci, rf... 8 5 8 0 (Ml Nell. if ... 4 I 0 0
Klrt. "lb ... 4 t 0 I 1 Wheeler, lh..8 1 M 0 li
Haubert. lb .. 8 1 7 0 n Mrrlena. If... 3 0 I u 0
Abbott, c 4 13 0 iiltaup, c 3 A 4 J li
Uct'urdy, p... 3 I il 0 OYnune.. p 3 1 0 1 0
C Olierllll, O....0 0 0 0 tl
Totala i 11 21 8 1
Tntala 30 T il 10
.Minneapolis '. (I O 0 0 3 0 03
Toledo 1 1 1 0 0 3 3-U
Two-lwse hit: Klwert. Three-base hit:
Downs. Sacrifice hits: I llm hiiian, Smoot.
Stolen bases: Hickman. Se bold. Left on
bases: Minneapolis. 7; Toledo. 5. Hits;
Off Young. 10 in six and a t iird Innings:
off Obetlin, 1 in two-thirds innings. Struck
out: Hy Young. 1; by MrCurdv, 3: by
Obt rlln. 1. Rases on balls: Off Young, 3;
off McCutdy, 'i. Passed balls: Abbott.
K.ipp. Time: 1:40. I'mpltra: Sullivan and
Ualah and Ktrrs ltd nala tell.
CINCINNATI. May 7 Chairman Hr
niiitiu of the Nalliiiul Hnse Hall commis
sion anti'itinced this afti iniHin that Pitcher
Wiilsh of the Chicago Americans, and
Second llt'emaii Lveis of the Chican N'
ti, m-ls have lieon rviniituted to gooil stand
ing und again can I lay with their resiiec
the clubs.
It has not yet been decided what amount
of film Is to lie imported upon t lie players.
tarituan soon to Be All Itlgbt.
Cadmsn is rounding Into shape faster
than was expected and he thinks it will
not be long before he will be back In the
game. Ha vlsitdd the Smoke house Fri
day without his crulrliei and with his
foot out of the cast. While his foot Is
still Wetk and tires easily, It Is mending
4 Inclauatl Will Appeal.
CINCINNATI. May '.President Heydler
of the National Hae Ball league hns noti
fied President Hermann of the Cincinnati
team that the game protested by the in
ciiiiuiti club at Pl'tshurg about two weeks
ago would stand. Hermann will appeal
fmm the decision.
Atlantic (iri)a Waal a Gssie,
ATlAN'XIC. Is.. May 7 8pe. lal )-The
Atlantic (irsys havs organized for the sea
son and are ready fur any and all comers.
Th?y would like to have a game Sunday.
Leslie M. Smith Is manager and says he
has a fine bunch of players. The team
linos up as follows: li. Franklin, Daitl
berg, catchers; Sargant. White, Krb, pitch
ers; Marshul!, first; Worthing, second;
Barnhart (captain), third: White, short
stop; Hammond, left field; Ross, center
field; O. Kranklln, right field.
Benson I'ark Opens Snnday,
The Benson park will be, opened Sunday
with a game between the Benson Kngles
and the Swift Packing Company team.
Probst, with Diets last year, will pilch for
Swifts, and Dusty Coons, who beat the
I-ep-Olass-Andrr.esen team Sunday, will
work for the Kagles. Considerable time
and money hits been spent In putting the
park In good shape. For games write C.
F. Ralekln. '.ima South Twenty-second
slreet. Omaha, or telephone Ked 4100. The
tennis will line up as follows:
Rcnson Engles. Swift Packing Co.
Melum Third Pagan
Eyres , Second McNally
t'oc First , P. Kennedy
Barney Short Kucera
Velien. McOowan. Itigt t Krcbs
Taylor Center Pendergast
Reed Left Van Cleave
Hlce, McDonald.,. Catch Kennedy
Riclly, Coons Pitch Probst
Konan, Gordy Pitch Jellen
tlsteen Goes lo Montgomery.
ST. LOCIS, May 7.-"Chsmp'' Osteen
recently shorlsip of the St. Louis Nr
tlonal base ball team, departed toriig it
for Montgomery, Ala. He will nlay with
Montgomery in the Southern league
Pitcher WhIW of the New York Na
tionals, on whom waivers bftd been asked
has been claimed by the local
At Hanover,
mouth. 0.
At PrlncetJn
Imre 1
At Greenca.itle, Ind. Tnnlami, 7; re
paitw, S
At Law.iMi"- Kin. Wnshltig'r n uni
versity, li, Kansas university, 4.
Base Ball Scores.
N. H Tulis. 1; Dart-
-I'rlnceton, 5; Mercers-
Hasllnas II lab Srhool Meets Defrat
In Field Meet art Home.
HAS'l'INGS. Nrb.. May ".(Special)
Kearney Military academy defeated Has
tings High school here today In a dual field
meet. Kesults:
ino Yard Dash Christmas, Kearney; Van
Sickle. Hastings, tie fur first. Groves, Kear
ney, third. Time: 10:(I4.
;.0-Yard DhhIi Christmas, Kearney, first;
Van Sickle, Hastings, second; Smith, Kear
ney, third Time: 'J:4:;.
440-Yard Dash Smith. Kearney, first;
Dunlap. Hastings, second ; Sorrnne, Kear
ne.. third. Time: 6:03
Half Mile Run Briscoe, Kearney, first;
I g, Kearney, second; Cole, Hastings,
third. Time: !:.
One Mile Run Briscoe. Ki arney, first;
Cole, Hastings, second; Hainey, Has:lngs,
third. Time: diixSS-
Shot Put-xjraves. Kearney, first; Nae-,-eri.
Kearney, second; Benedict, Hastings,
thud. Forty feet.
Hammer Throw Long. KiJarucv, first;
Beriecikl, third. 107. feel.
Discus Throw Graves. Kearney, first;
Nelson. Kearuev, second; Benedict, Has
tings, third. 7S feet.
High Hurdles-Dunlap, Hastings, first;
Graves. Kearney, second; Field, Hastings,
third. 17.3.
l-ow Hurdles Grans. Kearney, first;
Brooks. Hastings, second; Field, Hasting,
third. 2s. 2.
Pole Vault Field, Dunlap.
Hastings, second; Smith, Kearney, third.
tS feet.
High Jump Dunlap. Hastings. first;
('Illiniums, Kearney, second; Graves, Kear
ney, third. 5 feet.
Broad Jump Christmas, Kearney, first;
Brooks. Hastings, second; Graves, Kearnev.
third. 20 feel. 11 inches. ,
Half Mile Relay Kearney first.
tiolf at t.araen Cltj.
OAIIDKN CITY. N. J . Msy 7 Match
play was resumed In the annual (olf
tournament of the Garden Oity Ihilt ilub
today. The early program was thai sweond
round at match rfl.iv In the two roefular
and on Bclul divisions. In the first
set. the draw brought together niter J
Travis. Garden City, against Marshall
Whlthuh. New York; W. W. Pell. New
York. agaiiifU Arden M. Kobbins. New
York; Albert Seckcl. Princeton, against
Reginald, Brooks, Newport, and R. C. Wat
son, New York, against L. M. Richmond,
New York. , , .
Travis beat Whillach. 6 up nnd 4 to go.
R. C. Watson beat Richmond 1 up, 19
holes. ...
Albert Seckel beat Brooks. 3 up and 1 to
Bobbins beat Pell. 2 up.
The draw tills Hflermvut brought Robblns
and Seckel nnd Travis and K. C. Watson
Daiir name and Star T&istle Make
Verr Track Records al tl.onlavllle.
IX)L'ISVILLR Ky.. May t -Track rec
ords fell by the wayside , I Jlay. In the
handicap Dainty Dame ran) six fur longs
in 1:11H. which was of a second faster
than the record for Churchill Downs. In
the Ihsi race. Star Thistle ran a mile and
seventy yards In 1:45. The track record
was l:4iiS. Form players again had a bad
dav, second choices and outsiders sweep
ing the card. Weather clear and track
verv fast. Summaries:
First race, tlx furlongs, spiling: Merrl
fleld (112, Steele, straight, ll bo) won,
Tackle tl!'.'. Troxler. place. 8iS.iK) second.
Halbert (Hi Rice, show, .05 third. Time,
l:14'-fc. Select. Ada O.. Walker. Dona H'.,
Paul Rulnart, Cygnet, Marmorean, Tim
Kelly. Rickey. Captain Taylor and Red
Hussar also ran.
Second rare, maiden 2-year-old, fillies,
four furlongs: Louise 8. (115. Heidel,
straight. 2S.Pi) won, Tereno ills. Taplln,
place. JSMvji second, Patsslaga 1116. Trox
ler. ,show. 10.4,'ii third. Time. 0:48. Bou
gainvillaea, Starport, Grace Dixon, Mdna
Here-ford. Lotta Creed and Miss Oway
also ran.
Third race, six furlongs: Karls Court
Won, Gold Pioof, second; Miss Strome,
third. Time: l:)-i. Mutuals paid on winner
straight. U.9:l: Gold Proof, place, 37.15; Miss
Strom, show. $10.31).
Fourth race, six fjrlongs, frea handicap:
Dainty Dante (H. Powers, straight, 317.7',
place, ttf iAi, how, f;.30i won. Colloquy (U3,, place, $18b5, show, second, lr
faneh (Vt. Taplln. show, .55 fhlrd. Time.
Llla- Ray Thompson. Hasty Agnes, Me
lissa. Col. Bob, Wool Sandals and Balbas
also ran.
Fifth race, four and a half furlongs,
purse: Plnkard iM, Martin, rtralght. l-'tt.'.o,
place, t76, show, $5.aOI won, King Olym
pian (W, Warren, place, $t5.-'0. show, 85.201
second, Black Boy (9, Taplln, show, li 30)
third. Time, 0:644. Dick Goodbar also
Sixth rac.i. mile and seventy yards, sell
ing: Star Thistle (lei. Taplln, straight.
"il.!, place. I10.S0, show, J8.I5I won, Mel
lowmirit (110, Rice. plH.e, 310 10, show.
37.75) second. Msrltza (104. Martin, show,
S.75I third. Tim". l;lo. Camel, Home Ran,
Hammetrical, Mliiuc O'Brien and Colonel
Bloue also ran.
PIMLU'O, May 6. Summaries:
First race, five furlongs: Mexoana (102.
Cieevy, 3 li 1) won; Autumn Girl il.', Mc
1 uly fe, t tu il second; Sou (102. Djgan. S
to 1) third. lime: 1:01, Hammon Pass,
Nan-ry, I-rank l'urctll and Kather
iiih Van also tan.
Second race, five furlongs: Tasley (llu.
Goldhlelii, 11 lo 5l won. Mauvhlte (111).
Dugan, 2 to li second. Merry Gift (110, l'p
Inn. 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:00V Pimpante,
Indomitable, Ballet Girl, Dona don. Aunt
Jule, Annotado.i, Lily Pad and Our Mag
gie aim ran.
Third race. New Hoaward handicap, six
furlongs: Takahira t. Re id, 10 to 1) won,
St. Jeanne (W, Deverlch, IX to it aeconi.
Pantoufle (Pis, Bergen, li to 1) third. Time:
1:12V Cloisterer. Chief Hayes, Royal
Oynx. Superstition and Roaimiro also ran.
Fourth race, the lliisieal steeplechaae,
selling, two miles; Prince of Ptlsen ilta,
McAfee. 2 to 1) won; Bell the Cat (Pi3, Mc
clain. 10 lo 1 1 second. Wild Refrain fl40l
third. Time: 4:2Mv My Grace, Dr. Kelles,
Canvas snd Guard, an ran.
Fifth race, fiur furlings: T -H tie. King
(110. Lang, 3 to 1) won. Megantlc (11.1,
Goldstein. 31 o D second. Miss Raffaellrj
(113. McCabe, i to II third. Time: 0
Dresa Parade. Ormeless. Polly I-a. Glop
per. Chilton Queen. Wild Fire. Inspection
and Water Gap also ran.
Sixth rae. selling, mile: Rio Grande (W7,
Dugan, oven) won. My Stlfer (.102, Reid,
12 to l)v second. Gild (102, Russell. 8 to 1.1
L iru. '. n mmpr u nl I a n
palgner. Intervene, Font, Niblick, ' Havre
and Otogo also ran.
Seventh race, selling, mile: Nocskalee.ta
(100, Hinohellffe, i In 1 1 won. Max ima (1' 2,
Russell to 51 second, Hnwk Wing (!2.
Iach. 12 to ll t'.iii.l. lime: 1:40. Ijidy
Karma. King of Bashan. Don Hamilton,
Wilton Lackaye, Wes and Lally also rrn.
Juniper Perry and "hotpnllcr Collins 7
Are Left In Lincoln.
LINCOLN. - May 7. (Special. )-Nebraka
will be lacking two of lis stsr athletea In
the meet with Mornlngsldc college at Sioux
icty Saturday. Perry, broad Jumper, and
C. Collins, snot pi-iter, were left In Lin
coln w hen the Corn buskers departed for
tho Iowa city. Perry Is sick and may not
be In condition for two weeks yet. Collins
failed to report for practice this werek and
Dr. Clapp could not take him on the trip.
He has promised to be) out for work Mon
day, however, and will probably be in
shape for the meet with Minnesota next
Coach Clapp said before he left the city
with the Cornhuskers that he looked for
a very close meet with Mornlugalde. Me
would not state whether he thought ,T
chances of his men were any better nav
than they were a Week ago. He admitted,
however, that the Cornhuskers would have
to depend upon wir nlng points In the field
events In order to gain a victory in the
Inla .lumlutw . . I ..... ,4 ll.,.1
for bis athletes to lose first place In all av
the long runs.
The Nebraska men who made the fflp '
to Sioux City with their entries were: lori
yard dash. WiMman. Campbell and Reed;
2l'0-yard dnsli. Wildmsn. Reed and Camp
bell; 440-yard dnsh. Burke snd Reed; half.-4,
mile run. Amberson and George; mile run;
Asbjry and George: two-mile run. Gable
ind Asbnry: pole vault. Hammond and
Russell: high lump. Hsirwl and Tlummelr:
broad jump. Hummell. Reed and Wildman;
shot put, S. Collins, Chaloupka snd Chain:
hammer throw. 8. Collins, Chaloupka and
Chain: discus throw, 8. Collins, Chalnupga
and Chain.
Peoria Wins from Blonmlngton 1st (ha
Tenth Inning;.
BLOOMING TON, III.. May 7. -Peoria won
an extra Inning game by fast work on the
bases in the tenth today. Score: R.H.K.
Peorls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 14 lO 3
Bloomington..0 00000020 02 It i!
Bstteries: Blitg and Higglns; Clark and
Hprlnaflrld llefrals Drratar.
SPRINGFIELD, May 7.-Deatur lost
through Inability to hit Patrick today.
Score: It. U.K.
Decatur 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 3 g
Springfield 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 4 3 B
Batteries: Cowell snd Fisher ; Patrick and
Hork lalaad A Ins I'llcliers' fight.
.biisn K-r'iitH, May i.-kock island
R H . H. '
Rock Island 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 03 6 I
Cedar Rapids 0 J o o 0 0 0 0 02 (j i
Batteries: Lake and Jacobson;' Spencer
and Kohrer.
Davenport Wins frnui Dubnqas.
DAVENPORT. May 7 Davenport de..
fealed Duburpie todav In a pitchers' buttl-,
going ten Innings. Score: R.Ii K.
Dubuirne 2 0 0 0 ll 0 0 0 0 03 1
Daveriiort....o 002 0 00001-3 7 I
Rutterles: Weakley and Noonacher; Fer
rlll and Smith.
Pierre Wins Field Meet.
PIERRM. S. D.. May 4.-iRieclal.-ln Ui
field meet of schools of Miller. Fort Pierre,
Pierre and Pierre Indian school today.
Pierre won the meet with eighty polni's,' A
Miller, second, thirty-three; Indian sabe
eighteen; Fort Pierre, nine. '
Bnbnalt Wlus Maiden Usee.
KEMPTON PARK. Englsnd. May 7
The maiden 3-year-old plate of tfu sov
ereigns, distsnce cms mile, was won here
today by Submit. Mat-O-The-Mint was
second: and The Malor third. Among the
ten starters was J. R. Keens' WimU 11.