V The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL PAGES. U TO 10. The omaiia dee goes to the tiomra U read by the women dells goods for advertisers. voi. xxxvmxo. 2m OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKX1NO, MAY 8, 1909. S1NHLK COPY TWO CKN'TS. CT H ssssssa. TWf - 75c Corsets 50c Three disiloci m!eb -special lor Saturday W offer Saturday a large asaortment of Coutll and Batiste Corsets for Women and Misses, at fifty cents. There are girdle top and long hip styles, high bunt and long hip models, othera have medium bunt and extreme long r f flattening backs, all have support- SllP rs; Saturday, 76c Coraeta for wUw cut Prices, Drugs, Toilets 75c Beef. Iron and Wine. for B8 javnea Vcrmlfugs . .320 Nature's Remedy, Mo, 43a and SSo Walnutta Mo 7 Sutherland Bisters hair grower, . . Bee, 40 Parisian Page 1 1 n I r Preslng 48o Sulphur Candles So Sulphur per lb Bo Licorice, per lb 880. Liquid Green Pnnp fthampon too Newport sea salt, 10 pounds loo Pond's extract talriim, per pound 18c Palm Olive Snap o Peterman'a liquid li--covery . . . .8So and lBo TTTTr,H,injr OSA TOWTAIlf Saturday specials Oisngo In, Ptoaapple Ice, Bennett's lundu, 1ft Monday grand Dress Goods , Clearance Our entire stork wtlhout reserve. In a aweeplng mark-down. Saturday's Greatest Waist Event THREE THOUSAND WAISTS in a monstrous Pale Saturday. Thank the long continued cold weather for this greatest of all May Day waist sales. A manufacturer was "stuck" his house was packed with waists waiting for orders that didn't corner unload he must. Bennett's had been buying 'his waists for years. Naturally he gave us the preference. He was forced to take the loss that now results in your gain. In the above sketch seven of these beautiful waists are shown. (ft 4 rtf There are twenty styles in all, equally as good. Never saw better waists at $2.00. I r There are also Dutch necks and tailored styles choice yAUV Thousands of very fine waists $1.00 to $1.75 Underprice We aleo bought an immense lot of the finer qualities. WTe know these goods to be perfect, they are made right and fit right and rarely are they forced put at such prices as these. White Lingerie Waists, actual values to 4 PA $2.50, at... ! WW Waists worth $3.00 Buy them here Saturday for 2.00 Lingerie and Linen Waists, made to sell for 41 FA $3.50,up....et)U Waists worth $4.50 Hand embroid- e anu ft next lingerie, for 2.75 i'.OOO WHITE WAISTS AT 25f White Lingerie and Tailored Walata at a price oot of all proportion to act ual value. Moat of them are lawn wltb lace or emnroiaerta yuacs, new ana ciean, ?ac values 25c MEN'S CLOTHING 7- Neckwear Two groaa ratify nnw four-in-hand ties to newest abadee. all are J So quality, at lo Maa'a Pads! wees Vnlua Suits, wblt or ecru, lung or aliurt sleav, knee or ankle lengths 11.00 Unloa alts .White, ecru and light . blue, regular, abort and a tout sizes, at l-80 Balbrlggan ahtrta and drawers, n-iin-sook ooat ahirts and kneo drawer, each 50o birts Odd 'lot men's ahtrta. soiled. war II; now lo Nothing in clothing circle of Omaha merits the attention of men ao much as our great $7.60 ault proposition for Saturday. We have aome 300 new, nobby models In men's suits all wool velour casslmerea and pure worsted aulti the season's newest fHaj50 colors, patterns ana cut beet 110.00 suits made i n 1 Men's Suits $15.00 Values up to $20.00 It'a the man who cares about hia clothes, who likes style and quality and Insists on It, who will be interested in this offering. No suits made are more fashionably correct and ao distinctive in character. Fine worsted materials. In all the Choicest colorings, equal to any $20.00 suits shown about town YOUNG MEN'S SUITS of all wool cassl merea and pure worsteds, nobby cut coata, -peg top trousers, very special offering 910.00 VESTS Men's fancy Waahable Vesta, In plain, figured and stripes; also flan nel effect, worth to $2.50, for.. ROYS' HITTS of all wool blue serge, knickerbocker styles; also fancy cassl merea our $4 and $5 sulta. . .82.98 Hoys' High Grade Knickerbocker Pants Big assortment of patterna, sites 4 to 15, regular $1.60 kind 75 New Spring Shirts We are displaying one of tbe beat as sortments of now patterns aren In town this yesr. Kvery atyle a man wants, specally good value, too at 91 ul 91.BO Nobby Hats The season's dres.lest hats either in stiff or soft shapes all colore, loo. greena, modes, pearls, mnuso and Mark, of course i (2.50 UTS Special lot aoft hats In med ium and llM shades, aome are guaranteed II 50 hata 91.75 $15 S4.00 $500 J50 Shoes for Men at $3.39 A Saturday sale of shoes you know to be all we claim for them; regular $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 value Kirken dall's Electric Sole, J. & W., O. & K., Packards, etc. patent Z39 leather, vici, gun metal p all sizes Men's Tan and Oxblood Lace Shoea. every pair Goodyear or hand sewed,' $4, $5 and $6 shoea $2.50 Women's Old Tyroe Comfort Oxfords, patent tip. kid tip or plain toe; alao McKay sewed oxfords. In patent kid or vld 81.98 Bronze Kid Ankle Strap Pumps, regular $5 values 83.69 Women's $3.50 and $5 Tan Oxfords and Pumps, special 82.50 &jKNavaae aM Kayser and Fownes Silk Gloves World's most trustworthy silk gloves. You'll find all the hard-to-get shades here, too. Each pair has double tip ped fingers that are guaranteed to outwear the glove or a new pair free. Two-Clasp Gloves, either above makes, best colors. 50 75 81.00 Twelve-button Silk Gloves, all beat colors, pair, .754 Sl.OO 81.25 Sixteen-button Silk Gloves, all beat colore, pair.Sl.OO $1.50 81.75 HOSIERY DeetdeJy Interesting under price tales Saturday half price and less la the rule. Women's Black Seamless Hose, double sole, regular 20c line at 12H Women'a Imported Lisle Hose, all over lace and lace boot, finest 60c quality, pair 25J Women'a Imported Lisle Hose, fancy embroidered effects, ex quisite 75c hosiery, at 27 Boys' Heavy School Stockings, fine rib our third lot 20c stock ings for 12 H UNDERWEAR ' Time to slip into lighter under garments. Don't these fine sav ings strike home. Women'a Sleeveless Veeta, taped arm and neck. 20c kind. 12 H Women'a Sleeveless Vests, lace trimmed, 25c kind 15 Women'a Pine Lisle Sleeveless Vesta, regularly 35c, for. . .25 Women's 35c Union Suits. . .25 Women'a 76c Union Suits, wide knee, lace trimmed 50 Umbrella Knee Panta, wide lace trimmed knee, 75c, 60c and 25 HANDKERCHIEFS Women'a Linen, 8 quality : 5 Women's embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs,, Z5c Kind.... Women'a embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs, 35c kind Double Stamps on all purchases in above departments. 10 .120 500StunningSuits Most representative showing of high class styles at popular prices Our remarkably successful purT chase from New York makers bring $40.00 and $43.00 suits to you as low as $19.50 and $25.00, all ultra fashionable modes. One immense lot smart tailored suits of hard finished worsteds are shown in all the new shades, in styles exactly as the drawing here shows; long 36-ineh coats actually worth $40.00 and $45.00. for $19.50 and $25.00 Here's another line just as fetch ing in style, also shown in wide range of new colors, full silk lined, excellent worsted mater ials, at $15.00 Gray tailored Suits, all wool, 'M inch hipless coats, beautifully tailored actual $20.00 value at $12.95 Miwaes Little Girls Dreeaea of plain and checked gingham and percale, neatly made of beat materials at .'-SO Children's Mnslin Drawers, 2 to 12-year sizes, nicely flnlaTied, correctly ahaped, good service able muslin... 15 20 25 Junior Sulta, a big (lean up of entire line, about fifty In all. Exclusive stylea to please most exacting tastes. We now offer choice of any $25.00 suit in stock $15.00 Trimmed Hats Dig line, new arrivals S5 We will show Saturday aeveral hundred superb new hata at five dollars that are conceded to be the biggest and moat Important values in Omaha thla season. All the beautiful new drooping shapes are shown, each exquisitely trim med with ostrich tips, stick ups, flowers, etc., on sale Saturday, first time, Five Dollars Also big line of very beautiful New York patterns will get their first showing. May Sale J Musi in Underwear Saturday more new lots fresh, crisp, dainty undermuslins replace those sold in the early part of the week. Our May sale this year certainly has never had a counterpart. The values are simply surprising and women are quick to realize it. Comb jaaatlona 35c Corset Covers 10 styles Corset Covers l.ace insertion trimming, some with narrow embroid ery, others hemstitching down front. All have Jig, 1-plere French baeka . 10 styles corset covers trimmed dainty deep lace yokes, others are bedecked with embroidery rlbbona; values clearly 60c for Gowns I styles cambric and naln aook gowna, high and V neck, alao slip-over styles, trimmed with dainty Kng llsh embroidery and fine lace, extra site (owns. CI Included values to $1.50. Skirts Muslin Petticoats, showy styles, with several rows lace Insertion, others have 18-Inch ombroldi-ry flounce undrlay and dust ruine full width, values to 11.75 Six styles combination ('over and Drawers and Skirts, lace edge and inser tion or embroidery and me dallion itrlmmlng; CI 1C valuea to $1.75 t.AJ Drawers 12 styles cambric and nain sook drawers, lace and hemstitched trim- TJ. med, 59c garmenta. . . V 10 styles drawers, muslin trimmed with lace Inser tion, others have hemstitch ed cambric ruffle, 25 Sc values Children's Garment 100 doien drawers, 1 to 12 years, greatest value ever, at . . .lSo, 80c, 300 and 40o Misses' drawers, sixes 13 to 18 years, embroidery and hemstitching trimming special SOo and 50o This 26 Piece Chest Rogers Silver $6.98 Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers $3.85 Challenge" Mower with high wheels bearing, selling in almost every : $6.00 ff-t OP vP.UJ At tan tic Kail Btwrlc Mower four apeelal temperad steel knives, beat $8.00 mower made, special 85 1'hiljulHphia Mowers A few more left of high grade standard makea; we offer them at 'M per rent off. Watering Tof Galvanised, all alsea. up from o And SO ataropa. Scrub Brushes. . .lOe and IS at&mps Hemp Clothes Lines , ...aoe snd 10 stamps Cotton Clothes Lines toe end 10 stsnips. BFOmTIMO GOODS Dm, Bolls r ftkatee ilest quality steel rollers 96o He)l-btrtng roller skatea, very litrlit running (3 TS H' s' Itase Hall Suits, each T6a Men's Mase Hall Suits, eu.-h . . . .tl.eo Hoys' Fielder's Oloves. esch S5 We have a big lino or KpUIng' Tennis Oooda. CgS-XS Thla ia the " and full ball other place i iX We offer it at Hardware Z!?5Np? Basement. r tifSaclvw Liei Xese, to foot l"'h" p'- ! ,t ' ioj, Uo and l&o HoVs Reel Free with each lonulh. creea Doore Many styles. up from . Hinges and douhle stamps with each. roultry Wire In full mils, sq ft.Wa ImuIiId ytainps on all vilre. Carpet Beaters . . 10c. lfo, SOo, go, lOo una 10 clii'l" acre a Wire, best quality. ft. Ss Uoubi atatnpi on all wlrea. Carter's White l.ad, l lb. T-St loible stampa on all paints. Broom Covers 10 aad 0o and It stain pa. Extraordinary . Saturday Sale $12.50 Worth Finest Table Silver for $6.98 :00 Silver Bets of Wm. A. Rogers' Hiandaid A 1 elate silver in the net grape design. Chests are of solid oak. handsomely finished and silk Hnd (see cut) each contains 'Mix fancy liandle knives, tlx forks, l talilw spoons. alx tea spoon, one butter anirf. un tusr shell. Actual value of these auperb aets. Is II! oO. Saturday, while they last, at, par eat .98 1 Nothing so ap propriate tor wedding gifts. Silver will wear for many years. K " 4 fa yHiSSZi - - - -J K "Broadside" from the China Store A simultaneous discharge of five great bargain guns that will create unbounded excitement and most enthusiastic china selling in Omaha's history. 10,000 PiecesHigh Grade China from N. Y. Importer. Entire Surplus Stock German, French and Aus trian China IN 5 BIG LOTS China worth to $5.003,000 pieces finest qual ity; choice of any. $1 China Worth up Every kind of piece made, for to $3.00 69c China worth to 50c I num erable bargains of fA fine table china . . '. . " C China worth to $1.00 Rare and artistic deco rated china for. . . 25c China worth up to $2.00 Chance of a life- t2f time Saturday . . . . 3 U C Rag Rugs for Porch and Bungalow We are showing four patterns made from new rags; clean and durable rugs for summer use Ideal fur bed roomi and bath rooms as well. 36x24 inch for 59 84x48 inch for. -82.48 10 f for...$6.00 60x30 inch for. -81.15 9x6 feet for $4.25 12x9 feet for. . .$8.25 New Rag Carpet clean, bright colors a full yard wide at, per yard, 50S ITKTAINS Third Hour. A few special lots Saturday, each showing generous under price quotations. Nottingham t'urtalna. In white and two-toned effects, 54-inth, three yards long, ittului , Jo.uO cur tains, per pair $3.08 IrlMh I'oiat furtains, 40 iuchea wide. 2 Va yards long, four ex cellent patterna, pair, ...81.50 (THIRD KL4MJK.) VOTKX.TY CVaVTAXaa Pretty novelty scrim curtains, fine imported scrim with cluny lace insertion and edge. They come in ZH yards long and 40 Inches wide. Three lots special pieces. H 75 curtains. .. .f3.8 $3 75 curtains. .. .ta.SS 13.00 curtains Sl.M Tapsstry Table Covers Entire line 1 u. - and 2 yard slues floral and oriental patlema. value to 14 75.ac, So, $LM 1 1 nira r ioor. These are without a doubt the most remarkable bargains Bennett's famous China department has to its credit. . On account of our immense outlet we scored a decided victory over a score of other buyers when we landed this purchase. Thousands of Omahans are going to carry away the bargains of their lives Saturday. Thirty big tables flanking the broad aisles on the Second floor are crowded with these richly decorated pieces. It's the most comprehensive exhibit of matchless china values ever witnessed in the West. Included in this immense lot are high grade Fancy China Plates. Hand Painted Chocolate Pota. Hand Painted Sugars and Creams. Hand Painted Comb and Brush Trays. Fine Cupa and Saucera. Cracker Jars. Chop Dishes. Salads. Spoon and Celery Trays. Syrup Jugs. Comports. Fruits. Oatmeals. Salts and PepperB. Cake Plates, Ktc, Etc. For Si y, Dinner Prime Rib Roast, rolled, all bones out....l2tt (liolce porterhouse btck, per pound 15? Choice Hi r loin Hteak, per pound 15 Choice riteer Steak, per pound 10 Mutton Htew, per lb. . . Good S&H Pcrri, per pound. Ilg pork Roast (fresh), per pound Spare Kibe (freahj. threo pounda 25 Pot RoaM, Tery choice lb lOr, 8r and Mntton CTiooe Special per pound 10t Mutton Shoulder Roast, per pound -125a? 6 to 8 94 CTidaby's Sex Bacon, pound Gudaij's Rex California Hams, angar cored, pound average, gnaranteeid; ' lb Kklnaed Hams No. 1 quality, skla and fat removed. guaranteed Fruits and Vegetables Oraaceai Another carload for Satnrday per Sunklst dozen , Iemona, dos. .15c and XOc Pineapples, for canning - each.. .7c, iOc and 15c Dozen. . -83c, $1.00, $1 Green Oniona, 4 bunches for 5c Radishes, large bunches 5c 15r, 20c, S5r, SOr 40c Peanuta, fresh roasted, quart 5c Olery, per atalk. ..... .5c Cucumbers, each 10c Cauliflower, head. . 10t-15c Cabbage, lb 4c Pie PJant. bunch 5c Green Peppers, 2 for. , . ,5c Greatest Grocery West Uore important even than our low prices is the purity of our goods and tho cleaulineaa of the surroundings. You can always depend upon wholesome appetizing table delicacies at Bennett's. Ueunette Best Coffee, I pounds fur.. $1.00 and Uaanett' Beet Coffee, per pound., Mo and Htnnett's Tees, aeswrted, pound Mo and Bennett's Tea Sifting, pound 16e end Hrnnelt's f"lrl Baklns Huwijir, s-lu. oan gl and iwwl v e Jlav fork and Ueans, large can Itto end nd nd nd nd .loo and . 18o und .100 and , .SOo end .8&o mi .auo and -Sue Hex I.y. thrs cans for. Helns dour alixsd Picklaa, quart.. Njvort Catsup. pr bottle......... lvpry tYmdensed Jdilk. Urgw can... i'hocolaxiua, per ran Bennett's Capitol Kxtnuts, par bottle 1'uarl Tapiu;a, pr pound Uarshail's Preserved III oat era Pure Honey, Mason pint jar Nutlet Peanut Butlr, two Jars liamond C Moap. ten bars for Hnautr AxraJ-ajrua. per can Buttor. iinuiptra Capitol Creamery, full nn pound brtcka. rini-st flavor aoo Hartley's Pure Kruit Jams loo Flower Seeds, per package Io- PrnJum Buttenne. 2 lbs. ISO stamps) . .47o Bumhaxn's Clara Chowder, caa.... SOo and tyaier Crackers. I pairs Uo and Mixed Candy, per pound Chocolate Osama, per pound Halted Peanuts, per pound loo i V5 10 luo 10 10 .i i 10 6 SO 10 10 ro 10 utaiups stamps stamp stumps stamps stumps atamps alainpa slaniiMt stamps stamps stumps sta.ni pa stamp., atampa a lamps 10 stamps 10 tauir lOe lOe lOe 5