The Omaha Daily Bee NEWS SECTION WEATHER FORECAST PACES l TO 10. For Nehra'ss Partlv cloudy. For Iowa- Tartly cloudy. For weather report see p"e vol. xxxvi ii-xo. im OMAHA, SATURDAY MOP' MAY 1900 TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. FIRST VOTE ON LEAD SCHEDULE ' Senate Decides to Make No Change in Rate on Lead Contained in ' Lead Orei. I OWEN SPEAKS ON INCOME TAX Officials Have Narrow Escape from Car Fire LAW AGAINST POSTAL M0, J UDGE DEAN MOLDSIIIS SEAT v Union Organization of Employes in French Service Said to Be Clearly Illegal. PUBLIC SYMPATHY AGAINST IT State Supreme Court Decides that Governor Sheldon Had Power to Appoint. Awakening to Find Special Car in Flames, They Signal Crew with Difficulty. SHALLENBERGER'S ACT ILLEGAL 1, MAY 8, 1 a. ? of REAL REVISION IS CLAPP S PLEA Grant Relief or Democrats Will Change Tariff, Says Minnesotan. TARCE TO RE-ENACT OLD RATE Senator Bacon Discusses Effect Protective Tariff on Prices. He Declares Dominant Party I'rnm lard l,owrr Dot- and Moat Krrp Word or Risk Defeat at Poll. WASHINGTON. May 7.-Just before ad journment today the senate voted to flz th? duty on lead contained In load ore at I'.s cents prr pound, which la the rate of the Dngley law andf the pending bill an It '" pasted by the house of representative, -fifty-three oenators. Including all repub . llcana present and Senator Hughes of Colo f V'do, Mc Ferry of Louisiana, voted In favor tf the duty and nineteen democratic sena tors voted against It. This particular para graph ha' not been opposed by the low tariff republican and the vote was not significant. During the day Senator Clapp and Senator Owen of Oklahoma upheld the constitution ality of an Income tax. Speech or Senator Clapp. The session of the sante was begun to day with a speech by Senator Clapp of Minnesota, who commented upon the policy of protection and referred to distinctions be tween a protective tariff and a tariff for revenue only,. Mr. Clapp declared that Instead of con gress taking tip the work of a complete revision of the custo mdutles It should Tiave taken one schedule at a time, In which ev ent I here would not have been the great excitement and the opposition' that existed when all the tariff schedules were taken up for consideration. The effective Klklns law, he cited, as having been passed with little1 popular attention, while the last railroad rate legislation, he declared, had met opposition because agitation had ex cited the pubflc mind and caused wide spread opposition and predictions of danger . to the Interests affected. So the present tariff opposition, he said, had been pro voked by widespread agitation, whereas had the schedules been taken uu separately revision could more easily have been ac complished. The promise of Jhe republican partr. Mr, Clspp declared, was that the tariff should be revlaed downward, and he a aerted that this promise had been made In response to a positive demand. - He Bald the poHltlon on the part of the' pro tective Interests . was that "we should let well enotlgh alone and on the part of the consumers that the tariff should be revised." Revision Downnnfl la Demanded. ' ."You can't tell me," he said, "that the ilutter demand did not mean that tho tariff should be revised downward. To take any other position ls mere boy's play, nothing less thsn a Xarce, and If I did not believe tho duties were to be lowered In response to this exaction I would pack my grip and go home, for as a senator 1 am not required to partici pate In such a farce as the mere re enactment of the JMngley rates. "If this promise" he said., "was for a revision that would mean the mainte nance of the IHngley rates then we are confronted by tho ridiculousness of the chief executive calling congress together to revise something that should stn id unchanged until the end of time. When the people made the demand for a tariff revision downward there was no sugges tion that these industries were not suf ficiently protected." 'Meciaring that . If . congress should fall now to lower the tariff rates, the demo cratic party ,would be put In' position to so revise It two years hence, Mr. Clapp s hi. Ho did not wish to .uae threats, but inerely to tell tho truth. "It may be In your power." he aatd as he faced the republican senators, "to act T contrary to the' wishes of the people, but so sure as you do that, two years from now this tariff will be rev-iced not b ythe friends of protection, but by the enemies' of protection." Stone oa Lead Doty. When the lead scdedule. was agiln taken up tor consideration Senator Stone took Ihsuo with lila republican collcuuue, Mr. Warner, on the duties provided In the bill, declaring that the rates of the house bill w?re sufficient to protect the great lead Industry of his state and that the Increases made by the senate com mittee tn finance were unneiessary for tat tndurtry In n r opinion." continued Mr. Stone, m col. is a pound pn lead re is mors than It ought to be even from the stand point of the protectionist, and I will vote tja put It down to 1 cent." Mr. Stone refused tu coincide with a View expressed by M Hutherland that If the 11 waa cut down tuj 1 cent a poimd nearly one-hald f the l aU mines would close and thousands of inair be thrown out of em ployment. Referring to remarks by Mr. Bristow yes terday. Mr. Bto-ie declared there were more reoplo using white load, than making It, s.nd they were) entitled to equal considera tion. Bristol fttarta Hornet hlaa". Resuming his uri'1!" to levying any ik "duty pn pig lead In addition to the,, duty of lli centa a-pound provided for the lead tn ore by Ihc tariff bill as passed by the i Louse. Mr. BrlstoW declared mat it costs i no more to make pig lead in ibis country flian abroad. Mr. Bristow was Interrupted by Senators AMrlch. Bora, onioot. Suth erland and lleybw", aJl coulendltig hat v the labor oust In pioduoing lead waa enough greater than abroad to Justify the dlffrr- entlal of H of 1 ceht per pound. proposed by the committee on finance. Mr. Bristow aid tie would, offer no reoolJtlon to the proposed duty on lead pre because of con ditions, but prottalcd against any additional duty on pig ieu, m Fi"uu.fc tiriit ii Froteltaw it There a as a fair prospect of reaching a ft . vcte on the lead schedule when Senator ry. bacon took the floor and proceeded to dls ' cuss the, general principles of the protec J Bv tariff S)Stin. He declared that by a conservative eatlmate for every dollar col lected at the custom houses of the county (Continued oa Second Page.) CHICAGO. May ".-High officials of the Pennsylvania lines experienced a thrilling scape today from fire which destroyed the special car on which they were travel ing from Pittsburg to Chicago. The of ficials were- First Vice President Joseph Wood. Becond Vice President J. J. Turner and Chief EngUat cr Thomas Rodd. Mr. Turner rsrsped through a window. The Pennsylvania special, to which aper clal ear No. 7.606 i attached, wss bowl ing along at a merry clip between Hanna and Davis Station, Ind , when the fire was discovered by Mr. Wood at a. m. He signaled the train to stop, shouting an alarnt to Messrs. Turner and Rodd. The latter and Mrs. Wood were near the doors and escaped In the extreme negligee as the train came to a stop. Meanwhile Mr. Turner, occupying a compartment near the center of the car, aroused by the hert and the shouts of his companions, opened toe. corridor door, only to find his exit blocked by the flame. He promptly turned to the window and smashed the glass with his fist, no other instrument being at hand, but the sash refused to budge. The train, obeying Mr.'Wood'a signal with prodigious Jerks which alarmed the entire passenger Hat, presently came to a standstill. Then the train crew from the outside succeeded raising the sash and Mr. Turner was as sisted to safety, with no Injury more serious than a slightly cut hand. The burning car was then shunted onto a siding and left to Its fate. The fire Is believed to have been due to crossed electric wires. Wheat Condition is Reported Low Average Estimated by Government i Two and a Half Per Cent Be low Year Ago. WASHINGTON, May 1. An average con dition of 8S.6 per cent for winter wheat and S8.V for rye on May 1 last, against a ten year average on that date of 88 and 89.1, respectively, waa announced In today's crop report of the Department of Agriculture. Area of winter wheat to be harvestsd waa about 2T.8T1.O0O acres. The area of winter wheat to be harvested was about 2,478.000 acres less, or 8.1 per cent lavs than the area harvested In 108, and 2.163,000 acres, or 7.2 per cent less than the area sown last fall. The average condUlon of winter wheat a month ago waa (2.2 and a year ago 89 per ceat. Rye averaged 87.2 a month ago and 90.2 on May 1, 1918. The average condition on May 1 last and ton-year average on. May 1, respectivefy, of certain atatea for winter wheat and the same, respectively, for rye: . Kansas: Winter wheat, 84 and W; rye, 88 and 80. Nebraska: Wlntef wheat, S3 and 88; rye. 90 and 91. Missouri: Winter wheat, 82 and 89; rye, 87 and 9V. Illinois: Winter wheat, 78 and 88; rye, 87 and 90. Oklahoma: Winter wheat, 81 and 87; rye, SB and SS. The average condition of meadow (hay) lands on May 1 was 84.6. compared with 93.5 on May J. 1908. and a ten-year average on May 1 of 895. ' ' The average condition of pastures on May 1 was 80.1, compared with 92.6 on May 1, 1908, and a ton-year average on May t of 88: 64.1 per cent of npring plowing was completed up to May 1. compared with A6 per cent on May. , 1908, and a , ten-year average on May 1 of 66.4 per cent; 61.7 per cent of spring planting was completed up to May 1, compared with 64 7 per cent and 47 per cent on May 1, 1908 and 1B07. respectively. The percentage of winter wheat aban doned was 7.2. . SESSION ON C0UNTRY , LIFE tVeatera Mrs Discnaa Matters of In terest to Farmers at Gntbrle Meeting. v Gl'THRIE. Okl.. May 7.-Testerday hav ing witnessed the forming of a permanent body, today's session of the Southwest Interstate Commission on Country Ufe waa given over ta further patters and speeches. Among the speakers, all of whom are west ern men, was R. B. Cousin of Austin, Tex., whose theme was "The Mission of Schools in Improving Oiuntry Life Conditions." Good roads. Irrigation and the parcels post were other subjects discussed. GERMAN AMBASSADOR SPEAKS C'oaat on BernstortT Addressee the Deatarher ('! of, Fnllowlna I.oncheoo. . MIL.WAVK EE. Wis., May 7. Count Johann Von Bernstorff, the German am bassador, was the. guest of hqnor st lunch eon today at the Deutscher club, an aris tocratic German organisation. At the luncheon the count spoke in a happy vein. Woman Caught by Rope on Wagon and Dragged a Ways While crossing Karnam street on the west side of Sixteenth at 9 o'clock Friday mrrnlng. Misa Agnes Riley of the Klley Sisters, milliners at 317 South Sixteenth rtreet. who Uvea at 4&S Chicago street. In Dundee, was caught by one foot in a loop of rope' that was dragging from a delivery wagon driven by Frank Blake of North Twenty-third street. She waa thrown to the ground and dragged cast fiom the foot crossing almost to the car tracks. She escaped with only a bad scare, gener.d ahaking up and a number of minor brulsea. The wagon waa going at an ordinary gait. About twenty feet of light rope, looped at the dragging end. was trailing from the rear of the vehicle, and It was into the loop that Mtas Riley unconsciously stepped. A piercing scream, audible for blocks, at Government is Urged to Take Steps to Crush Rebellion. ONLY PART OF GENERAL PLAN Federation of Labor Intends to Organize All State Employes. PROVISIONS OF THE STATUTE Law of 1ft4 I lmlta the Orgraalsatloa t of "radicates to Professions and. Trades In Competitive Indastry. PARI9. May 7. Both public sympathy and the law seem today to be clearly against the posts, - telegraphs and tele phones employes' association, which yes terday threw down the gage of battle to the government by .transforming Itself Into a syndicate or union under the laws Of 1884. This action placed the union on the same footing as the workingme.n's unions and was calculated to give It the right to strike against lte employer, the state. The newspapers this morning, with the excep tion of the extreme socialist organs, are unsparing In their denunciation of the stand taken by the association as an act of rebellion, an4 they urge the government tosproceed with energy and crush the In surrection before the movement engulfs the other categories of state employes. Evidence accumulates today that the formation of this union yesterday waa only the first step In a far-reaching plan of the General Federation of Iibor to, place the entire machinery of the government at Its mercy. The law of 18S4 limits unions to profes sions and trades engaged In ''competitive Industry" and the attorney general of the republic Is expected to decide summarily that the syndicate Is illegal and order Its dissolution. As soon as 'this Is done the organizers of the movement will be subject to heavy fines and Imprisonment if they persist in meeting. The congress of railroad men, at a secret session today, decided to submit the ques tion of a general strike to a referendum and appointed a permanent strike com mittee. Dispatches from Havre. Lyons ind other cities say the posts, telegraphs and tele phone employes' association has voted In principle for a. general strike. , v The Postmen's syndicate today refwsed to five any further communications to the rr". having decided to keep their plans secret. t The attorney general began proceedings today. In the tribunal pf the Seine, for the dissolution of the postmen's Syndicate. AJACCIO, Corsica. May 7. The railroad employes on tho Corsican lines today voted to commence a general strike Sunday. Horses Trample Man to Death Josiah Carmean, a Wealthy Farmer of Furnas County, is Victim of Vicious Animals. BEAVER CITY. Neb.. May 7.-(8peclal.) The almost lifeless body of Josiah Car mean waa found early this morning - In the horse barn at his farm, three miles south of eHaver City. . Mr. Carmean waa horribly margled and bruised, evidently by kicks from a horse. The base of the nose near the left eye was torn loose and the forehead mashed In. Eight pieces of bone were removed, leaving the brain exposed. There waa alao a cut on the right cheek and the chest of the Injured man waa bruised. It la thought he. waa tramped on by a horse's hoofs. Mr. Carmean waa ' lying across the manger when found by Mrs. Carmean at 7 o'clock. Trie stall Is occupied by two horses, which were known to be vicious. The pole between them was smeared with blood. Mr., Carmean has but one arm. What occurred with never be known, as the doctors give no hope for his recovery. He la one of the wealthiest farmers of Furnas county and a bmther-ln-law of Judge Harlln of York.- EVELYN .THAW PAYS FINE Threats of Her Jail Sentence C'aasea to Kettle Part of Bill. NEW YORK, May ,7. Evelyn Nasblt Thaw did not go to Ludlow Street Jail to day. Instead, her counsel paid over to George B. Hayes, the receiver appointed to take charge of Mrs. Thaw's affairs, the amount of $250, the fine Imposed upon her for contempt in failure to appear In sup plementary proceedings. This sum Is to be applied to the extinction of the Judg ment for $253 obtained by Elsie Hart wig. a milliner. There still remains to be paid nearly $100 made up of coats in various courts and the receiver's fees, before Mrs. Thaw ran have her affairs taken out of the hands of the receiver. tracted the attention of pasersby ss she was Jerked from her feet. A number of men caubed the driver to -stop his team, while others helped Miss Riley to her feet and removed the rope. She was able to walk with slight assistance to her place of business, a block away. It Is thought no serious results will arise from the accident, as Mlsa Riley's condi tion promises to be normal, aside from her bruises, as soon as she regains nervous balance. Several policemen, including Sergeant Samuelson, Emergency Officer Nellsen, I'atrolman Jensen and Detectives McDonald and Walker, were at the scene almost Im mediately after It occurred. They secured the name and address of Blake, the driver of the wagon, also that of Mlas Riley. A large number of people, on their way .to work, witnessed the affair. WW :SSkJ: ' '''' From the New Tork Herald. MRS. BOYLE IS IDENTIFIED Billy Whitla Points Her Out as the Woman Who Held Him, CALLED HER MRS. "JONESEY" Kidnaped Lad Repeats Testimony of the Day Before in Presence ot a Large Tnrongr Caaa Ready. MBRCKR. Pa.s May 7. The atate today completed in . c against Mis.' James Boyle, chirked with aiding and Abrttlnn the kidnaping of Willie Whitla. After a conference lasting "i little over half an hour Mrs. Boyle and her counsel deter mined not to offer any testimony In her behalf and" announced tHaf "the defense rested. Th court fixed tomorrowlmorfiirig for 'hearing of arguments. ' ' ' ' .'. '. Tlie court room was packed this morning when the trial of Mrs. Boyle, as an acces sory to the kidnaping of "Billy" Whitla, was resumed. To avoid any repetition of Inst evening's demonstration of hostility toward the woman, when the women of Mercer had applied opprobrious epithets to her, the prisoner was driven to the court houae In a rlosei carriage. The Issue raised before the adjournment of court yesterday, regarding the testi mony of Miss Ella Boyle, apparently In tended to connect Mrs. James Boyle with the formation of the kidnaping plot whlla visiting in Sharon, was qulckyTlhpensed with today by the prosecution withdrawing the witness. "Billy" Whitla, the kidnaped boy, was the first witness. He repeated substan tially his testimony of yesterday, given In the case against James H. Boyle. In re ferring to Boyle the boy called him "Jonesey," having been told at the time of the abduction the man's name was Jones. He testified that when he arrived at the house in Cleveland with "Jonesey" they met a woman. He said: "Jonesey told me she was another Jones. Mrs. Jones said she had eaten supper, but told me to eat. 'Jonesey' told me the woman was a cousin of his." Boyle Woman Identified. The boy witness Identified Mrs. Boyle ss the woman who had cared for him In Cleveland and whom he had known as Mrs. Jones. He Identified a nurse's outfit as the clothing Mrs. Jones had worn and said she had red spots on her face, which she said were the result of having recently had smallpox. He said the woman told him to tell his parents she was 44 years old and very large. ' The prosecution offered In evidence the note written for "Billy" to carry on the street car on his way to ths Hellenden house when he was returned to his father. The defense objected, claiming It did not concern Mrs. Uoyle. "Billy" stated, how ever, that It was given to him In Mrs. Boyle's presence and It was admitted. On crosa-examlnatlon "Billy" was asked but one question, as to whether Jones alone went with him to the street car when ha (Continued on Second Page.) Have you started to make your gar" den? Now is the time to get things into the ground. Under the head of "Every thing for the Garden" you will find just the information i you want as to where to get plants, needs and garden tools. You will find these things ad vertised among the want ads. Have you read the want ads yet today? ,A LOOSE WIRE Big Battleship Lies at Anchor at New Orleans Mississippi Inspected by Many In terested Visitors No Fear of . Jeff Davis Picture. NEW ORLEANS. La.. May 7. Lying at anchor In the great stream whose name It bears, after having Journeyed through the passes and up the river without untoward happening the battleship Mississippi ' was boarded and Inspected by a throng of In terested visitors today. Among those who went on the big ship were a hundred or more Louisiana editors passing through New.Orleana.on'.thelr. way, to;their- respective homes from, the annual meet Ing 'of . the Louisiana "Pressi association. ' Numerous tenders .aof hospltaj1ty have been extended , to. the -.of fleers ( and 'crew of the vessel during Its stay In this-port. The principal feature ;of t entertainment will be a banquet next Tuesday night. Prominent officials of several southern states and of the Lakes-to-th-Qulf . Deep Water association are expected to be pres ent At the several places where the Mis sissippi will stop, on Its Journty up . the river elaborate preparations have been made for the reception of the officers and men. Little Interest waa taken among the offi cers of the battleship in the resolution of Congressman Holllngsworth of Ohio, ques tioning the placing of the picture of Jef ferson Davis on the silver service to be presented to the Mississippi at Horn Isl and next month. While the officers were adverse to making statements for publica tion they left the Inference that they were not at all In accord with the terms of the resolution. All endorsed the generally expressed sentiment: "Sectional feeling among the officers of the navy has entirely disappeared." J. GUERNEY CANNON, ALIAS UNCLE JOE, OBSERVES BIRTH Speaker Kevent r-Three Years Old and Is Presented with tronrd Hipper by Friends. WASHINGTON, May 7. Joseph Ouerney Cannon, speaker of the house, more fa miliarly known as "Uncle Joe," Is 73 years old today. Reminiscent and epigrammatic as usual Mr. Cannon received the congrat ulations and good wishes of his friends and political enemies in his office at the capltol. The republican members from North Car olina, where the speaker was born, pre sented him with an unusually large dip per made pf a gourd from that state. This brought recollections of "Uncle Joe's" boy hood days, when he said they used a dip per of the same character In making maple sugar. Every visitor today remarked upon tho good health and spirits of the speaker, who waa recently referred to on the floor of the houae aa "the iron duke of American politics." Airships Will Not Be Great Danger to Fleet Says Fremont NEW ORLEANS, La.. May 7. -Captain John C Fremont of toe United Statea bat tleahlp Mississippi, now In New Orleans harbor, la not a believer In the theory that the battleship la to be relegated by he adoption of aerial navigation. In dis cussing the matter be said: "Did you ever try to drop a marble from the second story of a building Into a hat on the ground. Well, that la Just about aa easy to do as It Is to drop a lyddite shell from an ulrahlp upon a battleship or a Dreadnaught. The currents of the air will cause the shell to fall In aome place other than that designed. Invariably. There Is nothing of sufficient carrying power yet to bring about the navigation of the air by any sort of a ship which will carry a gua or instrument whlcti would direct the fir accurately of a downward projectile. ABUSED MOTHER RESCUED Rich Kansas City Man Finds Her in an Iowa Poorhouse. CHEATED OF F'ARM AND CHILD Repentant aiater-tn-l.atr, on Death Bed, Clears I'p Mystery of "Crasy Mac," Who Will End Days In Comfort. CRBSTON, U., May 7.-SpeciaU-About fortv yearn ago. up tn Madison county, there, lived a woman, Mrs. Blythe, who, while not actually Insane, yet wna weak minded, and at times quite "flighty." She waa poeseanad of soma property and owned an eighty-acre farm. Relatives of her husband got control of this In some way and a"lo took from her her little son. Charles. who was then a lad of about S years, old. and led her to believe he was dead. Dazed and grieving, the mother wondered away, coming later to this place, where she. earned the name of "Crazy Mag," and finally became a county charge. Her husband married again and the son. It seems, waa brought up without ever knowing had became of his mother. He prospered and became wealthy, and finally married and went to Kansas City to livo. Here rumors reached Him that caused him to Henri his wife hore twenty two years ago, to the county farm, to learn If possible whether "(razy Mag" was his mother. A staler-In-law of Mrs. Blythe, who waa interested In getting hold of the property which would, go to Mag and her aon. If the truth were known at that time, made the young wife bellevtt that the woman In the county Infirmary was the second Mrs. Blythe, whose name was also Margaret, and not her husband's mother; that she was dead. Returning to Kansas City with this story, the young wife and her husband. Charles Blythe, abandoned the search for the lost mother as Jiopless and believed her dead. A few weeka ago this sister-in-law who deceived the young wife, on her deathbed save out a confession that she had lied about the story of Mag and her death to the Kansas City woman and asked that the son he notified of the true state of affairs. As soon- as he could verify the story the son rame here and went out to the county farm to nee his old mother, who Is now almost SO years of age. He no tified the authorities at the inflrniury to get her ready as soon as possible and send her to Kansas City, where he pro poses to care for her In his own beauti ful home. He brought with lilin pictures of the room which she will occupy, and with an attendant especially for he he will endeavor to partly atone for the neglect and Borrow of years which his mother has suffered. Two Pardons Urnnled. TIERRK. S. 1J., May 7. (Special Tele gram.) The State Pardon board today recommended pardons In the rases of Joseph Hnrncaa, sentenced from Custer county on a charge of forgery, and KMward Tobin, sentenced from Minnehaha county on a charge of burftlary. "It would be many year before aerial navigation becomea a source of extreme danger to the navies of the world, and It will never be until there Is some better propelling power than a gn engine. In stead of a force which generated one-horsepower to the pound, there must be some thing which will be able to generate a horsepower to dn ounce of combustible gas. There must be something which will sustain weight In the air and which cannot be found and shot to pieces by guns from the earth. At present, from recent perlmetits. It has been shown that en aerial vessel Is helpless and can be shot to pieces at an altitude of several thousand feet, mora than two miles, bvfore It can reach a position anything like directly over the object It seeks to attack." State Canvassing Board Acted Within Its Rights Last Fall. LEGISLATIVE CANVASS NO GOOD Joint Convention Possessed No Power to Canvass Vote. OCCUPATION TAX ACT GOOD Supreme Conrt I'pholds Action of the Lincoln City I'onnrll tn l.T)lna Bach n Taa on the Fnhltc Corporations. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 7. I Special.) The su preme court Friday afternoon filed a de cision In the suit of Oldham hgnlnat fVsn, holding that the appointees of former Gov ernor Sheldon on the supreme bench ar legally entitled to their seats; that the ap pointments of Oovcrnor Shallenberser to the same positions am illegal; that the State Board of Canvassers had power to canvoss the vote on the constitutional amendment Increasing the number of su premo court Judges from three to seven, and that the canvass attempted by the legislature was without effect because the Joint convention has no power to canvam. and that the acta of the legislature relatliuf, to tho canvassing of votes cost for con stitutional amendments were legally adopted. Tho present law relating to can vassing this vote is upheld. As there Is no specific provision for the canvassing of tho vote on amendments and no provisions for such returns to be trans mitted to OT lodged elsewhere than With the State Board of Canvassers, tha couit holds that it was the duty of this board to canvass the returns Inst fall. The court also holds that the Joint convention did not hfcve before U the returns on amendments anid that the law does not permit the re moval of the returns of this kind from tho office of the secretary of state. The court says any one who reads will concede the truth of the statement of Rc resentatlve Taylor of Cuxter when casting his vote that the canvasa by the Joint con vention mas not In accordance with the constitution. The opinion was written by Chief Justice Reese. Judges Dean and Roso not sitting. Governor Sheldon named Jesse L. Root, J. 8. Fawcett, W. B. Koe and J. R. Demi as Judges. The legislature challenged this right, claiming that the Statu Cnnvaaslng board had no right to declare the amend ment carried, and that It nlone had the. power to canvass and declare the result. It proceeded to do an, and Governor Shal lenbcrger named Kawcett, Root, W. V. Old ham and J. J. Sullivan as Judges. Kx Uovernor SifaH A. Holcomb was offered one of the places, but he refused to niako a fight for the place and Oldham, Vho was willing to scrap, waa named In his stead. Boy Fears Rebuke, Hangs Himself Sixteen-Year-Old Youth of Gowrie Commits Suicide After a Slight Runaway. FORT DonUF, Ta,. May 7. (Special Tele gram.) Fearing hie father would KCold him because he had allowed the horses he wn driving to run away, Elmer Soderbecli. 16 years old, son of Hetor Boderbeck of Oowrle hung himself to a rafter In the granary lust night. His father was In town when tho runaway happened and the hoy waa afraid he would be, angry when he returned. His mother was in MurUock, Minn., and the lad was alone with the younger brother. The, brother found him hanging to the rafter. The dead boy hud not been In good health for some time. BURKETT T0TACKLE TARIFF IXeliraaka Kruaior Will I'lenil for Frro 1. u in tier llclraatrs to Neotfa lff. (From a Staff Correspondent. ) WASHINGTON. May 7.-(Spcclal.)- Sen ator Burkett, JuhI so soon aa he may lie able to, gain the flor, has a sptech which he will deliver in reply to Senator Tiles on the lumber schedules of the pending tariff bill. Senator llurkett Is one of the stronc advocates of free lumber throughout rough and dressed pt.Hluets, but may also touch upon lion nnd steel schcdulns and lay before the senate In advocacy of a further reduction of the duty on bath wire. I'lans for the location of the new agri cultural experiment station at Scott'a Bluff, Neb., have been perfected so far as pos sible. Tho secretary of agriculture told Senator Burkett this looming- that the tien who are to meet with the panics lo cally interested have been selected ami or dered t'j go to Scott's Bluff about May Is. The representatives of the Agricultural d purlmont are I)r. Chllcott, who Is head of Investigations rclattng to dry farming, and Mr. Kcoflcld, who has charge of western agricultural work. A representative of the. recliiinul ion serstce has also been appointed. Mr. Meuna .engineer of the Truckee-carnon project. Thine thiee. men are to nuet with I H rector Burnett of Lincoln agricultural experiment station rn the day selected. DEATH RECORD John IlKjfr. NORTH FI.ATTK, Neb., Mj.v 7.--i Special Telegram I John Uwyer. a prominent mu chliUt of this city, mas found dead In his room at Wichita, Kan., last niht. He was acting ss temporary roundhouse fore man of the Missouri Pacific there. He leaves a wife and five children hore. The body Is on the way hero Uwyer waa a member of the Knights i.f Columbus. snpertlaor Fred Oils. - BKATRJCB. Neb., May 7 -(Hpcclal Tele gtam.)--Hupervlsor Fred Oils dli d suddenly this afternoon at his home at KI11? Springs of peritonitis. Ho waa elected last fall to succeed It. J. Harris. He waa about iH years of ie and was manager of the Wymore Concrete company, 11a laavc a widow and two daiwrh' -