TITTC REE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 1900. GRAIN 15D PROBUCnimiT 5f ft?orable Weather Condi tions Rami Tm..i ir.-.k.. MUCH EXCITXMEjn ON HAEKEI Wars 4 Feasible Ceadltlowa Kal.s i.. Batlr Grawiac Belt, Wfiikrr Mela Cald, Dry aad i OMAHA. Ne.; May . I. a Th nt Snsrket, M1M -nr rvou and ex T.tement wss Intense. The. worse possible conaitlona exist -over . tha., erhttr ' growing be.t, the weather- being - cold, dry and Jindy. ViIum Mymrti . enattnnlly higher, quickly with vt trad. Predic tion of a tew; day owdgar being ma terially realised, enal the; traders ho. pre dieted a week ag-o era' advancing these j m radlctlong 10n a bustle.. ...... T Srn tenet-and aVadtly- advancing !- no wnsmi, aa ww peer growing; and inf condltiana. . Receipts are hght and, with th present eraod . demand, tha light offerlngea era taken an high; bid. , Wheat .; strong.'- f tiie opening on ' higher OblM. and eensaMAnaJ weather fe VIWU frrtm all srfceat gfowlnet-sections 1 Prices advs.ru ed .sharply tot vry trado. h exrlternerrt il general la both tha ..bull and bear faotfotr, making the market hard to follow. Msv wheat opened at turn 1' and closed at tt.Krti. " '' i Corn wa higher -with wheat and ahowed ' mOr Activity born la rb option and the 'aah market. HUtiier prlcea atlll are ex pected unites receipt improve. - .May corn opened1 at 6r and jr-Jnstfl, mj tWAo frlmary wheat receipt wer. 282.00O tu. and ahipnienta were Kff.rifln bu. gfllnat re- relta last year of.SW.nno bil. f shipments i of SM.Oun bu. - . j , - J Corn receipt were 'ul and ship ment were 441,009 bu-,..agifit receipt laat IS 00, rholce prelrie. isirs. 6i ,fri;.7&. RY K WlVa . Wheat. bu Corn, hu Oe'a. bu Ill.JMMl?': choice Si lt e elpts. iiR.nnn . ... 29 met .... 14.WO Bnlpmeni lA.IJtO Option at Kansas City: ArUeU I Open. High. l.ow. j Clone. Wheat Mav . July . Sept . Corn May . July . ' Sept.. A asked .1. ...I 12 1 op 47l 1 10 1 Ol'fc 18 in 1 09 ( I 1 rn 1 onvirt . A fr6 4 MEW B bid - - OR K NEHU. MtHKET rear of 2S,m bikand. ents of r,noo elttnte , y-..- ..- Clearancet we'f 8iAht.''of vcorn, none ? rtd whrt,,al1 flo'gr, equal to Mverpool iloaofir VtrCSa'tfleVr, on wheat nd lower om. "7 "' Local range, o optlona: .j Artlole. Opeiy H5"XW.TclriBe ! Tes y. r rt'hoat I Mav... luly... Corn nt... Gate May.;. Sept... 1 II 1 . 1 ;i ..!.:.'-'..;'; .will. . H'ii. f,eV. IW! 5H WHKATrKo; ? Wd.;'-. tl.gipW; 1 4 NO. ard. H.tALKl; Jd.. 4, iiard. f.3t)il.2e; Np. CORhVNtt. A .ntie-Ka .TAWc: -No.- 4. 9Ht'; No. ? yellow; Tflfcc; Ne, 3 yellow. TOHcs N6. J white, 71ct No. ' white, 70(.9 7ic. ,- '.. .. w,- l.r OATSSo' S anix(t. KHaj-fcio' yellow, Wifl4c; No. a (;. 64'p;. 6ic.' 4 white, awijM'.e; atandard. 644. - . RYE No.. ?, 77e; No. 5. we,.,' r w; . Car KMilnlli' : -; v:w !.'Wnt.' Corn.' Oata Chicago 8 M K Minnaapollg." 13 - Omaha 4 ' M It Juluth (HICAUO UR4M Aft) PROVISIONS l'atrea ef tba Trading and Cloalng I'rtcea on Board of Trade. 5 CHICAGO. May . Continued abseme of tain In Kanaaa created bulllah aentiment 5 in the wheat-1 market 'and oauaed sharp i Hdvancea In g! deliveries, prlcaa at the loe ahowtna; Tie! g.lna or Hie to lHc 9 oat grain alao dlfpjayed remarkable strength, corn and oata each advancing to f new high record marka for the aeaaon. J IToviaiona rloaed firm. The wneat market waa atrong all day Sand the volume of trade waa -large. Con- i slderable excitement prevailed at the atari I owing to the anxiety of many of yrater- rtay ahort aellera to cover, and best prices were recorded rly In the aeaaton. There nil liberal profit taking at llmva, which i Glutted in material aetbaoka, but each re nctlon prompted more vigoroua buying and a comcquent ouick rally. The drouth alt ju&tion in Kanaaa waa the chief reaann for V ; (Crength. although an unexpected ad-' ance of -ijlVl ,(i) lbe prl..of, whjeai at l.ivttpoul ' al no bad conaiderable efiVt-t. Hnorta and conimlalaon liouaea were ac iiv bidders -all 1'ay and aouthweatern . houata were credited with large purchaae. Ttieie waa a.inoet no demand for caah i' L)j,t'at. The reported aale of a round lot of if IHlnola wheat to ho delivered here uly 1 to 2i at a price lc under to "V over the July option, cauned ':onlderabie late Hgaln touched the high mark for the aeaaon, - while July anld between $1.14 nd t1.17?. The mnrket cloned atrong, with July at !.17wU;i ami-May at Jl.atV Corn for May delivery advanced today to ."He-, and the July to ,0c, which are new high meika for the cr.ip. Shoita and mm-iniXklon- houaea were active buyers. The iemand waa- baaed largely on email re clpta. The range for the day on May waa lieiween Jlc and 7Sn and on July be tween W4C and 70c, The market cloned nong at prlcea up HOlWc compared with rea, Hay being at 7sa daotatlooa , of the Day on arloaa 1'ommodltlea. S'KW TORK. Mav . FljOt'R Reelpt. 17.n hbla.t exports. 4. noo hhla. Msrkft dull but firm. Mlnneaota patent a, $S.J"H.5; Minnesota bakers, I4.sfih6.ui; mlnter patents, .(in(fi.40; winter straights, 5f.; winter pxtras, l.:yfnno: winter low a.artfs. 6 TO; Kah s slnilglita Rye flou . illnt; I r to gooi( 4.40U4 W; chnlce ta tancy, ., ai..m. COPA-MKAl-tlrm. tltiM white nd yel low, $l.(K(iljtift; coarse.. U SfaQl.au; kiln drld, .. .' , RTB TJull; No. 2 western, Klc. f. o. b. New York, , HARLRV-hrm; malting. 7fTc, c. I. r. JxVw.York; feeding.. iMritlc., c. 1. f. New York. . . WHEAT Receipt. B,fX) bu ; exports, 7.(Wf) bu. Spot, market firm; No. 2 red. $1.4Va.l.45 elevator; No. red. 11.46 nom inal, f.-o. b. afloat; No. I northern Uu- luth.. 1.3t,'S. . f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. H ii, f. o. b. afloat Wheat ppened atrong and . excited on cables and poor crop news .from fiermany and Russia, broke partially under realizing and bear ish' northwest anonunta. but again turned eaaloi- -usui ckwed irregular at HIHtoc nt ndvitnoe. . May closed $1.35; July closed II.2P: September closed 1.12H. . CORN Spot market firm; No. X 8Ve, e evator. and Mo. f. o. b. afloat; no. white. 8to.afld No. 2 yellow. 81c, f. o. b. afloat. titlons without transaction, c-los Ing flwn a-L-'iac net advance. May closed flic; July closed 7c; aVpiembw closed 76Sc. OAT8 llec'elpts. W.OfiO bu.; epol niajket strong. Mixed. Wfti pounds. fiuVtfMa. na tural white, ; 2Wi pcninila. lifjHxc-; clip ped whlrp, r.iiiii pounds. HIliV. HAY Firm; No. ..3, B5';fJc; good to ohoice,- So-UWc. KOPH rull:' state ." common to choice . 190. . mt'U'-i 1(107.. , Pacific ooast,. US. (til o: IfM7. 3'. : 1IDKS Kirm; . BoKOta. 28fl2c; Central America. SfuftOUfeei , . LEATHtH-Bteadv; acid. Z,frXc. . . PROV'ISIONS-iHeef, quiet; family, $14.f GUM; m-ss. SlO.oOfrll.flO; beof hams. '8.0 4i4.0;. packet. t2.ViiiM:- city extra India mean. 121.6nfi-22.00. -Cut meaui. firnii ptrkled bellies, llO.Kgll. 00; pickled hama, 111.2M1I IU.60. Lrd. firm; western, J10.txai0.Tfl; t fined. steady; continent, xu.lrt; Krutn America. $11. HO; icwnpound. 7.87.U,. Pork, ateady; family., HS.OfKtf'.'O.OO; ahort cleav, gm.60W-21.6ti; mess. im.&.fha.OO. ' TAMX)W-Eii.y; city (12 per pkg.). 6Hc; country (pkgs.- freelf ttttf'!ic. - RICBKlrm; domestic, . fair to extra, 33 6c; Japan, nominal BITTTER Easier; creamery specials, S'-i (fl'JOc; official price, 24n; extras. 2c; held, creamerv, 21W27C POULTRY Alive. steady; chlckena. broilers. &Kf35c; fowls, lTdPlTVK- Dreaaed. firm: chickens. 12c; fowla. lo&Wc CHEKSE Kasler; new state full cream specials, Hf&U'-se; new state colored, large and small, IS1:; new state colored, small white, 13V.C- FXiB Kaaier, western storage packed, 22Vy&'J3c; western firsts. 22(p22Vc; sec onds, . lilfgrJUfcr, WEATHffn IN TUB OR A IN RKI.T '1 esterday a final figur lnnd July tt 7c. Oats alao had a sharp rlae in prices. May advancing to btc, the hlgheat price on the i i op and IHc above the previous close. New crop futurua also diaplayed decided strength, Caalt houses bought May freely all day, which Induced lively covering by shorts. The market closed , strong, with prices up lfil&t(v.My; being at 6B4c and July at 614Q61Tc Provitluna . waqo. qulat . and the market closed moderately firm. 2V0&C to 10c above yesterday's cloaa Tha leading futures ranged as follows: Aiticlea Opi.. Hlgh.l Low. Closo. Tea y. M Wheat I SMay M "Corn I 1 May v t sept. iau alar I stept. 3 ifrk-' 8 ey July I i lirT- a May . I 9 July 1 Sept. fitlba May a July Bept. I 1 28UVI 1 17WI 1 1 04S.I I I I I 2iHe 1 m,, 1 1 3 1 17'i 1 li.l 17tV l li"V. 1 MK,l 1 (M, 1 1 06 1 HM 1 OSii 1 W 1 0CV4 Fair and Warmer for Friday la the Report. OMAJ1A." May 6. 'l0.' A barometric depresalon of conaiderable energy moved over the upper Mlaaouit val ley during the night, and now overlies the extreme upper Mississippi valley and upper lake region, with Ita center over eastern Mlnneaota. This disturbance caused high wlirds throughout the Missouri valley dur ing the night, and la accompanied by high winds and showers In the upper Missis sippi valley and upper Inke region this morning. Light showers occurred In the extreme upper M'M'UT' valley last night. An area of high pressure, over .(.lie wrat, I following the depression over the valleys, and a very decided fall In temperature oc curred during the night In the upper Mla alsslppl. throughout lite Missouri valley and mountain district. The western high will extend over the central valleys within the next twenty-four houra. and will causa continued cool and fair weather In this vicinity tonight, followed by fair and warmer Friday. Light froata are expected to occur in Iowa tonight. Record of temperature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1909. 190ft. 1S07. 190. Minimum teniDerature 44 40 4 fl Preclnltstlon .00 T T .oo Normal temperature for today. 69 degreea. Pendancy In precipitation aince .March 1, 3.0 Inches. Petit 1 ncy corresponding period in 1908, 2.58 Inches. Lieficlency corresponding period in 1907, 1.87 Inches. ' L. A. WBlSH- Tjocal Forecaater. NEWARK STOCKS AND BONDS Strikinf-MoTeruenti in LoVer "Gride Isiuei Featam of Day; PROFESSIONALS .A FUZZLED i i t arertalnty as to Meaalas: of nmerna Adisnrri t aasea i mr tallneat of Deal I age Heads ' Are atroas;.-'- XBW YORK. May . The professional traders in eunc.ks were puxaled to know what was going on In tne market today under covering of the striking movements In a number of stocks of the lower vlaas. It waa this uncertainty that prompted tne curtailment of opvratiune and the shrink age In the volume of the market. Atten tion was focused on the Industrial stocks and sudden advances were mailt- In a great wirlety of theae, some of which have not appeared in the tape records for a long t.ine previously. Diversion of activity to tola grade of atocks usually awakens sus picion of tha exhaustion of possibilities In the more substantial kinds, which have had their previous movement. The general 'int. Including the stocks of the more substantial class, was almost more responsive to t lie rise In specialties and opinion In the board room was that realising sales were going on In those atocka, in continuation of the movement yesterday. The bulk of today's bustnees nevertheless was done at a level of prlcea above last nlgnt. In contrast with the positive depression caused by yesterday's operations. These advances were not marked at any time and there was a con stant wavering In the price level which reflected the uncertain tone of the specu latkin. The sharp rise In a mlscellaneojs lot of low priced stos, most of them non dividend payers, was unexplained by- any authentic newa. although there were ru mors which applied to aome pf the stocks affected. The rise had Ita inception In the arouu of metal industrials, including vari ous companies making secondary use of steel, auch aa the railroad equipment com panlea and the copper, lead and smelting atocks. The definite developmenta of fa vorable character In the metal trades made the backbone of this movement and varloue rumnrs were added. The asking price of copper waa advanced and Botue Targe aalea of refined copper were reported made In the laat few da,ye. The rormcom Ing report Of the Copper Producera' asso ciation, giving the April statistics, is ex pected to show the effects of trade expan sion to an extent, according to rumora of an actual reduction of surplus stocks of copper during the mouth. The rlso In price of light steel rails and the placing of ad ditional orders for heavy raila by- the St. , 1'aul gave color to reports of a coming up lift In prices of various steel producta. Accounts bv. cable of a proledt ' for a world-wide combination of lead producing Interests met with aiMhorttattve denials but had their Influence In the atrengtn of atocka concerned. There were rumora alao of a oominir mraer of the fertiliser com panics and of Intended dividend increases on these atocka. The. violent advance In western Maryland followed h report that the - Pittsburg Terminal company'a' ' coal nronertles had been taken over by that company. The moweniwut In the low grade stocks waa progressive and a prooesslon of them was brought forward one after the other, -Throughout the demonstrative buy ing and bidding of nondivldend payers none of the recent speculative favorites moved over a range as great as a point- London was a seller of stocks here and the labor situation In France engaged some attention for Ita possible financial ef fects. Discounts were easier- -in- Aondon and Paris In spile of the weaker condi tion of the bank of England. Foreign ex change here was unchanged. A condition of great dullneaa exiated In the time money market, owing to tne noioing orr or lenn ere for the higher rates and the unwilling ness pf borrowers to pay them. Warmer weather in the weat encouraaed hopes or rapid growth of the grain crops, for which conditions are reported to oe ripe, in Bpue of the backward season. Bonds were strong. Total sales, par val ue, $7,030,000. I'nlted States bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on atocka were as follows: mm. PAPER-!Sfl4 PTTilnge off Titiditn.' ? mtk fTg for vheefca. Private discount rale, 2 per rent.' Money, 1U per cent. PARIS. Msv Prices on the Bourse tndav recovered slightly, under the leader ship of P.to Tlntcs. " ' Nerr tsrk Meaer Market. NEW YORK, May MONEY O .call. firmer; 11S2 pr cent; ruling rate, f per cent; closing hid. IS per cent; orrered at 2 per cent. Time loans, very dull, but strong; sjxty days. per cent: ninety, rlaya. JVfiS per cent; six month. per cent. prims; Ht;w-AnuiiK per rent. STF.nl.l t tMIISU!', niwy, witn sctiml tnislness In bankers' bills St M.SfKO tf4 tiS0 for slxtv-dsv hills and at 14 1760 for demand; commercial bills. tt.siSQ M. S1LVF.R Har. MV: Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS (Invetnment, steady, railroads. atrong. - - Cloalng quotations or. tmnas were aa lows: '' ..iiStJstMn . 1014 do 4V . lni4 do :4 series . lo K. r. So tt H .... ..It I.. . Set). 4a 131... . lfftt'U N. wit. 4s.... . MS M.. M. T 1st ... . . 1 mi we do 1st rf. 4s. . lMTt do gn iti Jo4 Mo. PmrlflC 4. 1l!N. T. C. . IViS . .. tut se . 4 H N. V. Ctt H new N. T . N H U mn LIVE ST0C1 MARKET t asas.aasa.Mss. Killing- Cattl of All Kindi Actire and Stronger. HOG TRADE SLOW AND LOWER heea fieaerally Tea reals Higher, Weoled limha Reaehlag the High eat Prlee Brer Paid la His tory of the Market. ret. f B. rsf 1 tie coupon . V. S Ss. rt do coupon l 8. 4s, rei do coupon . ... Allls-rtul. 1st is Am. A. 6s. Am. T T. r. Am. Tohscoo 4s do 4s ... Atc-hlson sen. 4s . . do i. U 1st 4S. . do rv. 4o-.. , dO C-T. OS At. C. L.. 1st 4. .. Bsl. Ohio 4... do s do 8 W. IHI . Brit. Tr. c. 4..:. Csn. go. 1st ss ... Ontrsl of IX. i" rentnil liher bt C of N J. . S rhss At Ohio 4V,s f'htcaro & A. 3's C. B At U- . 4s C.. M. . C, R. I 4s. fol. ) . t ?S . 7 . t4, .loo1 .110 4'4 IS . m . 1I2H SOCTH Receipts were: Official Monday- 8.5-" 6.t)l Official Tuesday AM. II.ooa Offirlal Wednesday 7.VK7 11 117 Ketimate Thursday 4.t4 n.ww lent CT. n N At w 1st e 4s 11V4 do r. 4 U No Pneirut 4s... . I do Us 4i o. a. b. rfd. 4 . iMSPtnn. ot. jet ills. :lft;. do ron. 4s s FMdltil xon ss .. 1W4) St. L. At 8 r, t. 106 8t. U 8 W. t 4s . -t4 do 1st ol 4s .. SPs S.bosrA Ai U 4s s P. s. IS "4 So esotrto a ,4s. . . AV T. c. 4s.. " da 1st rf 4s. 4V,t do rel. 6s. . . . do rfds 4s CTC. AV Bt. L Colo. Ind. 6o . Colo Mid. 4s. C. A B r As Dl. A H. r. 4s ... do 1st ref. 4s ... D A R O. 4s Ptstlllors' 6s Krie p. I. 4s do gn. 4s do cv. 4s sorfss A do sertos R Oen. Kloc. OS. no... III. Con. 1st rof. 4a Int. Mot. 4a. . Int M. M 44a Bid. Offorod. 8s . -i4 Bo Rsllwsr is . sj4 do gn. 4a . t. 74i-nion Pu-tflo 4a . -76-1 rlo e. 4s:'.-. . . KS to Is rf. 4 r B. PuBbsr .104141.1. B. Btoel M Is .Wii Vs -Csro., npsm . 2-4 Wabssti 1st to . 7t so 1st It ex. 4s....- . ) Woetorn MA. 4s . 77t,West. Bloc fT. 6s.. , . Ml, wis. rontrol 4a . 71 D. R O. rof K.. 14 r. a- o. t. ctfs As l'fi's N. g R of M. 4Uo . 74 Bo. Poe or. 4s ctfs. MS . o .mi ss MO .. m ... - ... iS ... 3-, . . . IIM ... 4o. 7's . . . TSH . . . 4V4 -... ... 14 ... M'4 . .112 ... 2'4 .Vl .. Iiv, ., . 144) 91 M4 . I5H . 94(0 11 H . .l"fi4 Boston Stocks and Roads. BOSTON. May Money, call loans per cent : time loans. SftJti per cent. Atchison d. 4s M Butto Coalition do dot). 4s .vCsl. Aflaoi do 4s 104, Csl. At ,Hocl Atrhison R. R 107 rontonnlol IVi A H 724,; 7Htrr' It ' I oOHA.; 1 -1 73 I 72ii 73 71 70 ; itV Atf's 6 6m, 67H !''! ' o'?1 Sso'0''.si ' b I ! oAl, . 5.Ai ;8!iii,l o7v, 44' 4SU! 444,140 v 46 ItS'oflSt, 46 43 I - ' I ' 17 77: 17 82W 17 77V' 17 Rm 17 76 18 00 18 06 I 17 VPM 18 )6 1 17 97, I 17 96 I 18 00 I 17 96 18 U0 I 17 I I I.I I it m it) KAei io so i io as 10 10 4:"4' 10 Asl 10 '( 10 4UV- flO 40 i 10 6',i 10 6i 10 i-Ml 10 66 i 10 Jul, . I I ! tn 87H, 871 7S1: 771, I rl ' 97H 97"4j! 97V,, tt NO. t ' : - '- ' ' t'aah qustatlona were as follows:' ; - FLajCR Ktrm; winter - puAenis. 4i.& 4.79: winter etralghts.; spring fuu ents. lAtkSf ; spring- straights, 4.76jutl; bakers, UoOtfti.lO. ' i RYE-veO6o. ,. V. t ". : ,' - .-. BUTTER-Bteatt-yt : -' ii eamerteo.-. XtfSli. dalrlet. lgtsCH.". FJClOa-BasyU st nioek. .esses Iholitded. first, ; -prime, firiiv;glHe. CHltKaK o"dy-, ' dlee(-t4ri5cr twlna, MVtfnMac; tooiw- Amrits. )4'14VoO, (obg horns, 14U0I4V. , .. . fTATORSatsady? rlmk-etb ' fanrr, (il 00; fair 4j good, 61. - . ' - POlTL.THt"-&tady,v larkey. 17c; chick ens. 164jcrprlAgs,-ntr. VDAI-Eatars 60 To 0 MM . oAVk-;-ti to 86 Ht. I.onls (ieaeral Market. ST. IjOL'18. May . WHEAT Futures, hlslier: cash, dull; track. No. 2 red, cash. xi fwv No 1 hard. tl.34&1.40: July. Sl-131 l.li: Heotember. 11.04V; May. $1.234 bid. tlORN Higher: track. No. 2 cash, 75c No. 2 white. 76Wc; July, tV; September, 7407c. OATS Higher: track. No. 2 oaah. 5Hc No. 2 white. 68c; July, 4!ec! September, 43c. RYE Nominal. 84c. FlOfiR tAteady : red Winter patents. 16.a:a6.71; extra fancy and straight, In.dfl feJ 16: hard winter cleara. M26H.80. SKED Timothy. $2.254J.A0. t 'O R N M EA L IS. 40. HRAN Firm: sacked, eaat track, 11.30 Ml 99 HAY Timothy. $12.018.AO; prairie. $10.00 (102 60. .'HoviBIONiS Pork. ateadv. Jobbing 117 26 I.ard. higher: prime eteam, $10.15 in Prv salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra ahorts. $10.75; clear rlba, $10.76; ahort eleara 110.87Vi. Bacon, unchanged: boxed ..in ahorta. 111.76: clear rlba. 111.76; snort cleara, 111 87H. POL'1-TRY Steady : chickens, 13,c aprlnga. 28e2c; turkeys. lUirlOc; ducks, lie geese, 6c. Hl'TTER Steadv; creamery. Zlig'Slc. vxmfi Steady. 19c. case count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls Wheat, bu.. . Corn, bu Oats. bu. 37.000 i Liverpool Oral I' I.1VEJRPOOT 'May .No. 2 red 400 1 4 89.500 So. OXI n Market. . -WHEAT-Spot, winter, nominal; future. stteiioy; May, 9s 3d; July, a id; Reptem Wr. sa tH- " , " . " t-OKN ep't- siroua. mixed, via Ualveston. 6 avvu; rutures. nom inal. " . . . . . ' - reorta. Market. - i "'. May -CORN-Higher; No. 1 No. 3. 76c; No. J. 74Ho; No. 4. lbs., He; r It- rhs;, ivt. V BARUKr r ewUIPit ' or ' mlxWig. 7i4jc; iVwalr to chol re maUirg. tf7flc. f, HBKDS HfKi No. I southein: 11 S71,; No. H i isorther,-l.Ar-tlrootrry. 18.S0-. - clover. 11 $90. - . -.-''. PRnVIRrOKtMea rVrk, tier bbl J171U817.9B. I4-d,. per 1t:bs.',- $10.. Stson r.b aides flooee), ry4: short clear sides Iboxeds. !0.a.'iAJ6' V L ' - Total otoasasre abeat. snd flour ware VquaJ to. 117.009.. : Prtmary recsipts were ait.0u bu., oorti p iced with SCO bu. EWtlmatad receipts f-tr tomorrow: . Wheat, 6 ears; corn, 97, car; oats, 16 car; hogs, 17.ai head. v'.,.,.-. -i - - ' t ; . a ;- V Kaaaa City Orala aad Prevlslea. KANSAS CITY. My' lAWHEATel n ehanged: Jo. J hard. $l WVr40; No. hsrd, n Sfl l6: No. i red. tl eul 62; No J red. SI.44eVl.tt). - J CttKH UlUo hlaher: No.. I mixed. .84 tlT; No.. I mixed. 71Vc; No. 1 white. T4c; V S whl-e. nvtrtc. . . , - . ' ..ATS Cru banged to lc- higher; No. 1 wbite, MusvAei No. a rauett, btpc BUTTKuH-Creerrvery. e. firsts, 24c; aee- enda. 22c; pscktng atoek. tfc.' KGrdS E tree. W-; r-irrent receipts. 19c: second srdj dirties HAY 2 white. bV-tftGlc; No. PEORIA, yellow. 76c; OATS Firm: No 4- white.-66Sie- - ,' ' Philadelphia Prodac , Afarkel. ' ! ' PHIhADKUPHlA.- May 8 BCT'I KR Kirmr extra veMern creamery. 30r: t x tra nearby iirints. -AI. KCKiS Weak and ,o loaer: Pemtgyl anla and other nearby firsts, free cases. ' "1.0 at mark; current rceipts, in . le- T .T-wi.. , OIL-,, ul iik.irU: wt..ril lurnauie . -- ; , flrst4 free case, i;1!'' at murk; . urrent J . tr-m -a sea MU 21c SI inBlk. ' CHFF.SE Firm; New York full creams. t hoL-e. 16A, V 1 : New York full t :eains. fair to good H'iWH f- - MlnsesasHo Gralw Market. ' MINNICAPOl.IS May- WHEAT Mav. fi -sa.: Ju!v, $1 ;"7ft1 27's: September. $l.fS tilttiV.: cash. ."o. t nam. s.ei-. northern. $1.3fi; Nv ' i ?rUrn. J21.; No. 3 luirthern. ii.jj-tTi .;-. rl rt A rM IO nui, S.J v ' -"- FlAll'R Fir-t palems.- $8 3 patents. ll.oOfl ..'; fit st rler 6i5, second clears $141 S6S. : Allls-Chalmsrs pfA Amalgamated Copper American Agricultural Am, Beet Sugar Am, Csn pfd v Am, C. A f Am, Cotton Oli. .1.. . .. .:vu Am. H. U pfd ....".. Am. Ico 8er-urittos American Ltnssed Amertoon locomotlvo ....., Am. B. A R Am. B. R. p'd Am. Sugar Rtflning Am T. d T Am. Tobacco pfd American Woolen Ansconds Mining Co Atchison Atchison p'd Atlsntlo Coast Une Baltimore A Ohio Bsl. Ohio pfd Bsthlshom Bteoi Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Paetfio Control LMthor Control Leather pfd Central ot Now Jersey Chesapeake A) Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago ot. W Chicago A N. W C, M. AV 81. P C, C, C. St. L Colorado P. At I Colorado A) Bo , Colo. So. 1st pfd Colo. AY Bo. 24 pfd Consolidated Out Corn Products lielswsro A Hudoon. . . . . . Honvsr A Rio Grande ..... a . a. fd Itl.ltilsrs sevuntlea Erie Rrlo lat pfd Rrls td pfd General Electric Groat Northern pfd Oroat Northern Ore ctfs .- Illinois Control lntoroorough Mot Int. Mot. pfd International Haneeter ... Inter-Marino pfd International Paper ...... International Pump los Central Kansas City Bo .., K. C. 80. pfd l.ouls.llle A) N Minn. Bt L. V . at. P. A) 9. 8. M Mlsaourl Pacific M , K. A T M . ... T. pfd National Biscuit National leed , N. R. R. of M. 1st pfd Now York Central N. T , O W Norfolk A W North American Northern Pacific Psclflc Mall Pennsylvania People s Us P.. C . C. A Bt. L. Pressed Bteel Csr Pullman Paloc Car Railway Steel Spring Heading Republic Bteel Kspuhllc Bleel ptd Ho- k lsuinA Co Rock Islsnd Co pf Bt. li. A r td pfd Bt. Louis S . W I U t w' pfd . Blnoo-Bheffleld A I Sosahorn Poolflc Pacific pfd, outhern Rollsar Bo. Rallwor Hid ,.s...... 1 .nii.m. -nirwr Teiaa Paclrlo T , 81. L. W T . SI L. A W. pfd ... nnton Pacific tloion Pacific pfd V. S Realty IV B. Rubber 1'. I. Steel V. S. Bteel pfd Via. Copper Vat -Carolina Ctiemtcal . Wabun wens ek p'd . . Western MarrlaoA V. estern l nion Weetinghouao electric' Wheeling A t. K W'e.oiuin Central ..... . Total so:es for the dsy. 90 000 44.t"0 4 l.JOf) VOW) lt.0t"1 SS.410. t.40S . I. ton 7.600 l.ino 111.800 J.l 1.IKK) 6.0110 4.700 t.fioo 14.7U0 6.1 no K) I 100 lofl 6 100 I.4U0 KM) 200 M) 10,4l 1,900 i.otfl I.OiM 7.100 ' 4.S00 100 500 High. Lor. 6044 60 0i 7 40lk ID M'4 -Sd'i 7fHs ,.78i fjlose. 60S so ,e'V4 7'o do pfd N T . N. H Cnlon Pacific Am. Arge. Cliem.. do pfd . Am. Pnou. 'Tube. . , Amer: Sugar do pfd Am. T. A T Amer. Woolen . . , do pfd Edlaon Bloc. lllu. Mass. Electric . . . , Mass. Go. Vnlted Fruit I'nlted B. M do pfd - V 8. Stool do pfd Adventure Alloues Amalgamated .... Arlsona Com. Atlaatlo 1044 Copper Range ... . DeWy west .18 Franklin -. SHiaranby ;... . :... . 4 Crrena Csjianca . lale Royale I J4 Mr.sa. Mining ... . l: Michigan. ........ Ml Mohawk . it Mont C. C... .1011 Nerada ,.W0 Old Dominion ... .14 Parrot .......,.. MtiQulnoy ,..!....-. Bhannon ......... . oitA Tamarack , Sv Trinity i . .. . M v. 8. Mining ... .llBHtt.' B. Oil......... .. V4l'tah . Uhi Victoria ......... . loHWInoaa . tt WolTorlns .101V, North Butts 4 ..lf44 ..416 .. J1H .. 76 ..im .. 104 .. 57S .. 14'4, .. Ik .. tutu .. 6 .. A0- .. 6 .. J4 .. S3 .. lVi .. 14S .. 4614 .. .1 414 .. 6 .. ss ..4 ..41 Loeal aeearltfee.' 63H j:1" 3Mii JUv4 i St (.H6H 42'. 41H " 4J 4"4 - . r4tV 16H W i'-l. .-' Sa', :;h !'', 114 lit M th -4T 107' 104H nt IMS .'4' 17V 61 . S4t 1" 1S44 14S, 100H 6 481 107 1M4 127 116 74 lttos 10! 2J 77 71 I lte 160 if" , eV 14 !4' 74 180 m t4 JAV, 70Uj 1 Hi 160 siui ADa No. 1 S.UT"!' set ond $t.;f.rt 21.410 sno I 4ofl SK) 6.300 4. 400 1.6-10 ' 4011 l.m 700 600 6.800 4.700 400 1 000 40 ll 0 14.4t4 l.fOA Oft 200 100 Dot) 4 Xl 100 100 ISA loO t.UO-1 400 1.000 I. too tot 10 oo 400 1o 1 400 1.4"0 1 too (I 6o0 1 000 1 . I.7'i0 4!"0 W) 600 . 14 1A . Moo . I 7v too . l fl . 1 SOI S0 . ' SOT . 42 4011 . .he 100 . 4 ) . 71,K . 11.300 . T4.700. . - C) . I . It 600 . 44 S .M) . 4. 1V1 too 24 13U 6Ji4 81 11 . 4,. U,i, 14SS, 14t. !' 4U'4 8.1 4 241, 13', - 40 lUfi 48H n 11914 68 13A 7S'4 4'. 53'. 1044, MS ill's 44 ' .9144 1154, 30 ' U6lk 114 1 ' 41 18 - 414 lf.2 2. 4'4.. 3'' 70H. 1114. 1J6V, W' C'-s 114 62 ' m s t-t. .MS' 110S , IIS !8 . 7,s X t2 18.1 61 ITS 18 111, 41 14A am 14S !., .46. n :4S U-'s 40 S3S 44 7S 13 68 13S ' 73H 43 73 1V4 88 iw, 4S 91 ":S 144 1J 114 I 4 18S ' 41 lo'a 'in 84 :4 I2IS 1.1', : 47 . ' ' 31 5-2 ; v -ii:h 17 Wi'a 4S o.'-S 116 4 " 7V IS 4S :t '" ; 6VV) sfaW 7l 800 sharee V 1.'4 440 r, ' M 48"i 107 104 IMS 11-H 6 24 781, ISO a iS m iSt 4S Ul 10 74 66 84 II 137 2H 182 hi i; M 11 4 .11 iii-S 146 8 140 - 1 46 8S ! 13 40 i:S 73 1, 134 8 lot JS 41 71 104 88 604 l.u 14S - IS..-, 114 0 40', 187 41 151 i 64 2S S 46 26 -4 .64, Ui 1--IS 2'S H' 1 33 '4 .sis . - 14.-, ' 8" -i-S 6- 120', 41 49 l-'W 61-s II, 7 i' b8 Quotation rumlshed by' Samuel Burns. lr.. 114 New York Life BuHdkng; Bid. Asked. Columbus L. H. A P 6. 1614 S4 City of Omaha Bonds. 4Vss ll. ......... 104 City of Otnaia 6a 1911 - Doaglag County 4s lttt t.-;-- 191 Gate t uy Malt Company ... .' ... Oormaa Fire Ins. Iu t. ...... ... Ind. Tel. 6s 1917 (6u pM boana)..., Kanaaa City R. A L. 6e 1911 97H K. C. R. A L. pfd 6.... ...i. '.:.-. Nebraska Telephone gteok 4.. 94 Omaha Oas 6s 1117 von- 47 Omaha K L. P. Is. 1M3 .......... 10A Omaha O; B. At. Ry. 6s 1614... Omaha At C. B. It. Ry. 6e 19K.. v. .,.... 44 ' Omaha A C. B. Bt. ky. ptd. 6.,....,., U Omaha C. B. St. Ry. oom.,-" .1... 46 Omaba A C. B. Ry. A Brtdce .-pfd 4,-4t Omaha Water- Co. 6o 1114.... A Omaha Water Co. 6s 1944 A ".?. 90 Omaha Water Co. let pfd 58 Omaha B. of T. Bldg. Co. p4 J Pacltlo T. A T. Co. 6s ll 7.'..."." 476 Sheridan Coal 'As 1131... ;....13..o South Omaha Sewer 4 191...temo. . U lost City Stork Tarts pl 4. SO tate' Insurance Co . . ' 160 Tri-state Land Co. pfd T tcom bobtM'14 ' to Topoka Bt. Ry. 6e .-.,.,.,.. as... m talon Stock Yards Co.. Omaha. 4,... 91 . M .441 Jt 144 MM 10 4 94 II 97 91 101 141 10 14 47 - 4A 11 SI 31 ISA I 16 .16 OMAHA. May A. Cattle. Hogs 190. Sheep. 2.W6 $721 2.492 2 Four clave thla week. . .14.014 1.44 13.599 Sams day last week.... 15.116 42,271 16 627 Same dsys 2 weeks ago.. ROM M.7o9 16 4:6 Same da.va 1 weeks ago. .19 647 S3 70 J". 671 Same (lavs 4 weeks ago. Ud 24. OKI 29 444 Same dava last year 16.023 Jt".,73 X1.9H The following table ahows the receipts of cattle, hog and sheep at South Oman for the year to date, compared with last 19H9. 190A. inn. Dec. 33S.IS3 21A.111 11.M7 978.172 1.021.417 41.046 667.148 6l7.fc 60.063 ever, en this baal was not lrg enough to hardly be worth mentioning. Aa rule racker started out announcing that thev must have a reduction of Hs or leave the hoga alone. Salesmen were not prepared to make any etich concession n that and aa a reault held on. Irving to force buy era 10 raise their blda. ' Thua it happened that a good share of the forenoon had passed before enough business had been transacted to really make a market or es tablish prlcea. The situation did not Improve any as the morning advanced, on the contrary prices from, other prrtn-ta were less enronrsgtng Aa a result Hellers were forced to give in snd a good share of the hogs sold loc lower than yesterday. In aome rae sales men, who happened - to have what a buyer wanted, thought thst he did not take off quite that much on all hie hog, but a rule It was 10c lower. a, tt. Pf. fct As k year: Cattle Hogs Sheep The following table shoes the average price of hoga at South Omaha for th 'ast several daye. with comnarlaon: Date. 11908. tlWn.U9u . 106. UXM. 11901. April April April April April April April April April Ad.'II 29 April II. Msy i.. May 1.. May 1.. May 4.. May 6 . May 1. . 20.. 21.. Jr.. 23.. 24.. V.. DA.. 27.. 28.. 6 93 I 90 99V. 7 01 7 om. 6 641 I $41 421 t 4 i I 49 t S6 A 3 I 6 81; U 38 M 6 40 14 6 6 28 6 34 k 18 r,i I 7 0S 7 01 I 97H 46' B 94; 6 41 84 7vJ 7 0fl4t g 5A 6 99V.I 6 381 I 6 37! 24 ul sa: 14 38 e A 241 !4 28 26 t 281 4 2 : JJ 4 80 I AV e 4 81 1 4 82 29 8 84 86! e 29, M 6 11 $ 1' 27 21 16 7 10 7 11 1 07 7 02 T 06 I 4 7 7 0 t 28: 4 781 $ li 4 76 3 I 10 4 72 , B 6 11 4 AA! "7 , 3, o " e S 6 121 4 67, 76 6 1j 4 66! 6 i 4 69 76 A 90 4 ft 6 72 6 28 4 AI M 8unday. The official number of car of tock brought In today by each rosd was: Cattle. Hoga. enecp. n r s. C, M. A St. P. abash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific C. AV N. W., east C. & N. W., west C, St. P., M. AV O. .. V., R. Q., east:.... C, B. A O., weat C, K. I. i P., east.. C R. I. A P., west.. Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western 27 6 47 9 5 32 3, 2 1 4 loO 10 Total receipt 18t The disposition of the day' receipts was follow, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sh-ep Omaha Packing Co. Swft and Company...... Cudahy Packing Co Armour AV Co Lobman & Rothchlld W. I. (Stephen..., Hill A Son F. P. Lewie J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla H. F. Hamilton F. O. lnghram Sullivan Bros., Lehmer Broa Other buyera Mwarts-Boland Shafer Morrla St. Clair N. Y. Butchers United Dressed Beef Co. 634 1,HX 492 1.29H 46 6 9 in 12 fi 66 8 2 $ 167 3 61 3A 68 1.66S 2.817 2.861 1,990 131 ao2 -.69 1,:47 2SA inn 120 to 90 Pr : s 7 OS 7 00 r so t 40 1 Ml t : t 1 66 OA T 4 f 46 T 8A 7 06 7 06 1 OA 7 10 7 16 T 16 7 1A 7 17 4 T 9 7 rO 1 20 lie. a, th. Pr. fc 10 ....... 44 ... I 16 I 40 114 ... 4 64 i.. 18 II 116 ... I t) 8 170 64 It 40 4 40 961 M Ill . . I aft 1 JM 2J 16 40 4 76 74 Ml 14 14 40 4 76 M ant II fol 1(M I AO II 147 61 VI 80 I 10 r t'A 49 907 90 I SO 66 76A It 904 10 4 to 13 181 71 l ... 4 90 67 240 17 . . 4 IS !47 77 2 180 1 86 84 let 7? 48 ISA 9 64 18 144 II ..909 40 4 rTi 808 76 141 4A 4 40 4" 214 II 114 . . 4 46 1ST 21 117 40 I m 14 174 72 183 . . 4 IS 41 28 17 Ill 140 4 96 64 141 4 180 ) 96 II 167 71 146 ISO 4 96 II 116 44 211 ... 1 00 43 90 r. 116 ... 70 SHEEP All previous record of high lamb sales were broken this morning, two loada of wooled Mexican Bailing at 19.10 One deck of wooled Mexicans Sold at 1000 nd four load were weighed up at 1A.94 Today s top was the highest price on full loada In the history of the market. Prac tically all of the recelDta were wooled. there being only a very acant an p ply of cupped atock. Three decks ot fair quality wooled ewea sold at ls.00. Th total receipt were light, there being only about ten loada In all reported. The demand was active and trade brisk. Prac tlrally everything was sold by 9 o'clock. Values aa a rule were atrong to 10jn&c higher than yesterday. The general mar ket was about a dime higher. It waa the general opinion among salesmen that a real prime lot of wooled Mexican would move right around t li. One load of rllcred lamb Bold at $7.86 but there was not enough clipped atuff on sale to make an actual teat of valuea. Moat of the arrivals In both clipped tr.i wooled stock were lamba. quotations on clipped sheep and lambs Good to choice lamb. 17.861r7.6; fair to good lambs. $A76fj7.36; good to choice "light yesrungs. jt. i'n.it; good to choice heavy yearlings, lo.ftiiezo; good to choice weth ers. $5.90-8V2&; fair to good wether. $6.60f $.86; fair to good ewea. $6.0tg.o0; culla and buck, i::. ntKgti.oo. Representative sales:' NO. 130 Mexican lamb wooled 1077 Colo.-Mex. lamb, wooled 33 Colorado-Mexican lambs. wooled. culla 8M Colo.-Mex. ewea. wooled... 128 Colo.-Mex. lamb, wooled. 6 Colorado-Mexican lambs, wooled, culls 10 Colorado-Mexican ewes ... Ill western lambs, wooled 5"2 Colorado lambs 223 Colorado ewes 140 Colorado lambs 44 Colorado lambs 36 Colorado ewes, cull 11 Colorado lambs 11 Colorado ewes, culls 42 Colorado ewes CHICAGO IMF, 41TOCK A v. Price. 71 8 30 AA 1 96 69 7 79 8 on 73 9 OA 8 8 00 94 8 V) 69 8 80 76 9 10 84 40 AO 8 78 7 7 60 73 6 00 99 8 76 AH 6 ' 76 6 00 MARK BT tr ' ' ! Loaloa Stock MarVfet. UOXDON," Msy 8. American' securities were quiet and without feature during the early tradin gtoday. Prices, were Irregular and ranged from , below to S above yes terday New York closing. lxitirton closing atocka Consols, money.... do socount Anaconda Atchison ..;.t do pfd belli more AV Ohio. Canadian Pacific. . . Chesapeake AO... Chicago O. W Chi,. Mil. Bt P fte Beers Pen-swr A Rlo O. . do pfd Brio - do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Grand Trunk Illinois Central LoulBTllls A N ... m t.v Bin nar 45 1-14 M.. K. A T.. 6 N. T. Central W Norfolk A W. US do pfd........ 104 Ontario A W. . 117 Pennsylvania, 16T Rand Mines... f6 Reading 44 184 94 60 7S Heading 7744 6 Southern Ry... 10 154 do pfd... T0V4 144 Soul kern Pacific 1?J . 69 Union Pacific ..90 do pfd - nthV. .9. steel .. 90 da pfA ....... .110 Wabash ...... ;..! Ao pf. .14014 Spanish 4s... 14JAmsl. Copper Steady at 24d ner ounce. MUjNis.1 it, per cent. ' The rate of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills la lV, l 0-10 per cent. ..193 - .. 47 ..US v 19 .. 61 .. 91 Al Rank of England gtatenaeai. LONDON. May 6. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England ahow tho following changes: Total reserve, ue creased. 1.280.000; circulation; Increased, 141,000; bullion, decreased. 1,019.600; other aecurltlea. decreaaed. 864,000; other deposits lecreased 757,000; public deposits, decreased. 861,000; Votes re sorve. decreaaed. 1,292.000: government securities unchanged.' The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability' thla week Is- 49.66 per cent; last week If was 60.11 per cent. ' Sew York Mlaln Stoeke. NEW YORK. May 6. Closing quoia.iona t n mining stocks: Alice Hrunswtck foil. . . . Com. Tunnel atoik. do bonds Con Cal. A Va Horn Bilror Iron Bllver Offered. too LeedTtlle Con. . l.lttle Chief . . 16 Meilcan ....... . '8 Ontario . v, . 64 Ophir 6 Standard . .... U5 Yellow Jacket 1 6 - 126 .... 176 al Foreign Flaaarlal. IjONDON. May 8. Money waa. No $1 . Urxhat-goa, luu 4 iniothy. Ili-'J") Jlltraakea tiralsj Marker. MILWAUKEE ' May . d. WHEAT 1 northern 11 $2. N ? noitliern. Julv. I1.17f 1 Wk nid. j , tATS Standrl 6o t .,' . BARLEY dample. .. -- Toleda eed Market. Tt aLBTV). O . Mas A - Rr.Dei Casn rioter. $5.5: October." . I St.; fiex-ember. tti 8R:"J1rcli. H i: N'v ".' 42: No. a. . teiceted It 1"': timothy 1 fimr. $l of'; ,'e!ie I 1 filter M' -' ', pleniiful i on the market today. Discounts were I sy. The stock exchange - developed dujl- ness and there was a slightly easier ten dency among British shares, owing to la-jk ,of support and the poor bank statement. I But foreigners. Kaffirs and diamond aheiea met with r better demand In tile, After. 1 noon , and closed firm. South. American I rails wer.- wehk on realisations. American (ecurllle kept above purity on email cov ering orde,ra, principally In the Paclflf I atock. I-ater New York bought, I'nlted I States Steel and Southern Pacific freely, the whole list hardening and the market closed firm.' especially copper shares. Amalgamated Copper and Anaconda were the feat area In the afternoon trading on New York buying. . BERLIN. Mav . Trading nn the Routs t.1y til dull and prices aer e-.-'i, Treaeary Statemeat. WASHINGTON. May 8-Tody'e state ment of the treaaury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000.00 gold r. verve, shows: Available rash balance, $124,633,842: gold coin and bullion. 113,963.362. gold oertlflcatea,- $88,018,690. ... Baak Clearings. OMAHA. May 6 Bank riearinge day were $? 673 434.28 and for the landing date last year $1 88A.308 2I. Totals 4.278 8.934 1.805 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very fair for a Thursday, making the total for the four dava 22,000 .head, which la over 8.000 head larger than for last week and fully 7.000 head larger than a year ago. In spite of the large recelpta the market waa In a very satisfactory condition throughout. Buyers of beef sleera were out In the yards early In the morning and the market opened active snd stronger. Everything of fered met with very ready sale and prac tically everything had changed handa aome time before midday. Several, bunche were good enough to bring 16.63. What has been said sbout beef sieera would apply In a large degree to the mar ket on cows snd heifers, aa the trade on that kind of caAtl waa both active and stronger. The supply waa Boon exhausted and the market came to a atandatill for the want of something to sell. There waa no great change In the market for stockers and feeders as 'the supply In first hands waa very small. Down In the feeder division, horn ever, apeculatora were loaded up with light atockera and feeders, for which the demand waa very amall and the feeling weak. In fact sellers were gen erally quoting it both slow and lower. Quotatlona on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers. W.103A.66: fair to good corn fed steers, $5.76($410; common to fair corn fed Bteera. $4.75?i6.76; good to choice rows and heifers, $5.0000.76; fair to good cows nd heifers, $4.25it.00; common to fair cows and heifers. $2.264.26; stock heifers, $1.0042 4.X; veal calves, $3.61X0 75; bulla, alags, etc., $3 2fa.26; good to choice atockera and feeders. $4.6006.76; fair to good atockera and feedera, 14CK88H.60; common to fair stockers and feeders. $3.264.00. BEEF STEERS. for to-correa- Metal Market NEW YORK. Mav S.-M ETA LS There was an advance In the London tin market toduv. with spot closing at 122 6s and futures at 1?,3 2s 6d. Locally firm and higher In consequence with spot at &:&q. L'9.6n. Copper waa fully 1 higher In the Iondon iiiH4ket. spot at 08 17s 6d arid future at Civ l-i 6d. Locally firm, with an advancing tendency. I.ake, $12.87V'ti'l3 1,; 'ec;rolyilo, S12.of.kji V. 76; casting. $12.tfw 12 Ki,V Ltad 2a 6.1 higher at 13 6a in Iondon. but the local market remained steadv at ft )fi4.ai. Spelter was unchanged at .21 17s d In Ixindon and at $6.oJiri 6.1'7'm. loc.il market. Iron was unchanged, with Cleveland warrants quoted at 48a IVfcd In 1 ondou. The local market was very fcieaily. No. 1 foundry northern la quoted ni 118 OVfriti 50; No. 3 northern fovin lrv al $16 7Sd li;6: No. 1 soutnern and No. 1 aoiithern soft at 115.754516.26". ,. ST. , LOl 13. Mav 6.-MET AJ A- l!ad, nominal. $1.10. Kr-elter. nominal. 11 90, Oils aad Rosin. OIL CITY. May 6. O I L Credit balance: 1173. Runs. 176.146 bbls ; average. ' US.i'82 Ktns : sntpmenia. 1S o4o llM.t bbl. ' SAVANNAH. Ga., May turpentine. W;137c. ROSIN Finn. Ouote: No. At. Pr He. As. Pr i 1U0 4 26 14 1171 4 26 11 1137 16 II 1321 I 96 II 164 I 16 16 1814 4 4 17 414 I ti 19 146 4 44 I 944 A 98 M 1414 40 16 l 16 41 1241 00 4 146 I 40 11 4I 4 00 14 494 6 49 10 Hit 4 '41 ,4 424 I 4 ' 17 1848 4 11 777 4 40 14 mi A -A 134 4 46 T 1174 4 0 ! 404 6 60 40 1144 4 7 17 1010 A 1 19 1171 I '4 14 A64 I 40 81 124 4 16 16 1114 4 66 10 1,117 4 t 11 941 6 64 :l 1311 I to 11 667 6 70 16 1131 I jo 10 ..1041 I so Jl MOT I JO 11 1104 i 10 31 1181 I 98 10 Ml I 46 ' I .1114 4 IS 42 14"4 I 81 3? . ..118 6 'fil 42 1041 6 48 14 1143 4 is 11 1011 I ti to 1375 I If 4.S4 A 86 14 1196 6 ST. 4 182 6 40 AO 126 4 24 90 l6 6 9 ' 4. . ., 1141 4 91 SC I'M 6 so I 1276 4 SO 17 1138 4 46 ' 11 18SI 80 ... 1U4 I 96 11 1211 4 10 14 1186 4 1.. U7I I 38 16 11X3 I 46 14 1411 4 96 7 12l I 00 I I4M 4 40 I 1AM 4 At) 14 1406 4 40 II 1.41 1 r 3? 1401 40 10 1110 4 10 41 1161 6 SV '..127 I 1J " 14 1444 4 60 14 1384 IS 11 1412 4 60 44 Ull I 16 16 1367 4 66 It 1136 4 16 it 147! 4 66 14 1287 20 21 14 A .12 Ills I 24 - tt 1861 4 16 41 1018 4 26 S 1681 I 46 cows. 4 1070 4 14 44.., 116 4 40 1 27 1084 6 l.i 4 10(5 4 70 10 196 6 tn 11 Ml 4 70 J 614 I 16 I 166 4 0 I 10J7 6 4.1 4 170 I 90 I 1670 6 60 10 1106 I 90 6 116 6 6 1'' 1041 6 10 II 633 1 li I 71 ( 16 tr.: 8I 3 I" 1 H7t 40 7 94 4 1 1111 6 46 7 416 4 ts HEIFF.R". I 4V4 1 40 !4 717 6 36 f 781 14 17 US 6 36 6 190 I 76 T AAA 111 11 ' 4 40 I lug i io 15 ......... .130 4 40 . 9 749 6 60 14 161 6 1 6 441 6 46 BULT.S 1 41 1 4t 1 740 4 76 1 HAs) 1 46 1 160 4 76 1 8"0 1 5 1 176 1 4 76 1 1430 4 98 I tiSO 4 41 t 1170 4 26 1 1SI ' I 86 1 16t 4 H 1 : IlkO 4 46 1. 1744 4 6.1 1 :,..t!16 4 60 1 119 4 66 1 '. .149 I 00 1 14'0 t ti 1 1130 I OS 1 162 4 76 1 lit I 00 aad Cattle, Steady Hogs, heep l.anaha Strong to Higher CHICAGO. May 6.- CATTLE Receipts 6.0(8) head: market sleadv: steers. $a.0ta7.2o cows. $4.0(11811. no: heifers. 83.aoni.76: hulls $4 00(ii".-;5: calves, l;VOO(fj-7.00; stockers and feeders. 13.8o'i!o.80. HOGS Recelpis, 17.000 hesd: msrket strong to 6c higher; choice heavy shipping I7.S6-&7.46: butchera. 17.30it7.46: light, mixed I7.0j4i7.15; choice light. $7.16Y$7.20; packing, I7.3.vrt7.an; pigs, $6.i.76; bulk of sales $7.16-7.26. SHEEP AND LAMB8--Tte-c.lptB, 11,000 head: market atrong to 10c lighter;- aherp $:t. 761i 660; lamba, $6.60((je.3S; yearlings. $6.a0 7.00. . Kanaaa City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May AT C ATTLK- R reipt-s, 6.000 head. Including 9uo southerns market steady to 10c lower: choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.15106.76; fair to good, $5.00h6.10: western steers, $5.4KXh-a.t lockers and feeders. $4.1jttT6.75; southein steers. $6.2o(S- 60; southern cows. $3.26(rjAi.26 native cows, $.'1.00(86.75: native he'fers. $4.25 tfifl.ao: bulls. 11. 85.li i. 26; calves, I3.75t7.00. HOGS Receipts, 14.000 head; market 5c td 10c lower; top. $7.36; bulk of sales. $. ta 7.30: heavy. $7.20-37.85; packer and butch era. a85(a-7.25; light, $d.76Cgr7.00; pigs, $5.25if 65. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpls. 3.000 head; market steadv to 15c higher; Colo redo lambs. $8.90; lambs. $7 .60fjf8.U0; year lings. 16 Org i.7S; wethers. $6.6tXfi4t.7o: ewes $6.0O(fti.25; stockers And feeders. $3.2otl-5 25 Texas muttons, lfi.00f6.o0. St. I.oals Live Stock Market ST. IXil'IJ. May 8. CATTL 15 R celots. 1 800 h'td. including 160 Texana market 10c lower: native shlDDlng and export steer.), 95.4 n -lr 8 10. dietsoj beef and butcher steers, $4.260620, stebi under 1.000 pounds. $3.50'u)6.76; stocker-4 and feeders. $4.60(8-5.26: cows avid hell era, $3.60 6.20; canners. $2 00 7) 2. -0 bulla, $4.00i9 5.:6; calves. J4."0'fr 6. 7t Texas and Indian steer. $4.25(fiP6.50; cow and heifer. 82.7605.25 HOGS Receipt. 9.400 head: market ateady; pigs. $4.263-7 15: packets, 17.10J; 7.20; butchera and beat heavy, $7.2d'S' 7.474. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.00 hesd: msrket 10c higher: native muttons 84.6068 60: lamba. 16.0008. 98: culls uu bucka, $J 60 3 4 60; stockers, IS 00B4.2j . St. Joseph Live Stack Market ST. JOSEPH, My 8. CATTLE Receipt l,no head: market ateady; steers, ii.otwne to cows snd heifers, $2.60(18.16: calve, IJS.oO'o" 1. TO. f-fOnS Receints IFOOhesd: market stead to 6c lower; top. $7.30; bulk of aalea. $6.90$- 7.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelp:, iiiO head market ateady; lamo, i'.w8.40. loai City l ive Stuck Market SIOUX CITY, I., May S.-lSpecial Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts. 600 head market atrong; beeves. SOOfi6 76, fat cow and heifers, $4 (s30.60; feeders, U WSi.ib yearling. $3.wtM.t. HOGS Receipt, 4.600 head: market Re lower; range of price, $4.57.15; bulk of ale. S6.otJrr.OO. Slock III Sight.. Receipt of live atock at th lx priu Pols. : average, 8 --OILS Spirit a B 3 1826c: D. S..KS-; K. 8 7(X ; . F. ' 1 S5-63 0c r G. 8 96c; H 41'V: 1. 4-; K. 4 76c: M. 4iV; N, 486c; WtJ, 5.(i; WW. 6 20c. nalalh Uraln Mgrkel, 1 l LL-'TH. Mav $127. - J-tl. $1 ; Nc 1 northern, $ 1 11 S . t A "S - ",..c - WHEAT -- ilav. September. 11 Oj-",. S'4, No. 2 northern. clpal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha 4.004 ll,0n) 2.200 Sioux City 600 4.600 St. Joaeph l.oV.O I ta) f Kanaaa City A. OH H OW 3.000 St. Louis 1.8X8) 9.400 1.000 Chicago U.Ofst l,.i) H.tOO Total 19.404 57.400 17,J hanged price) 10 a derlin if 8 feints ari eveloned no special feaitire or activi'v Tfe French msrket rinsed "C lower ThA local ma'ket rlneed Inactive, net unchanged 6 rolnts lower, esies were reprtrteeJ n' nlc 6 to 7Sr- bage. Including May st 7.lf Ofto; July. i.OAc; September. Anv. and De cember. 5!Cic. Spot, quiet; No ,, X',c. No IStiOc. Mild, sieady; Cordova, VkQ OMAHA t.KMRAL MARKET. laale aad Fancy Predare Prirfl Fe alahed by Barer aad trVhdlenaler. ' BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. rtel vered IS he retail trade In 1-lb. eartona. 2V: No 1 0-lb. tubs. 27Hc: No. 2. In l-ip. carton. : In eo-lb. tubs :4tc: necking 9tnck, 19r. fancy dairy, tubs. astfWe: common tell. esh made. IS 19c. Market changes every ursdsv. EGGS Fresh selling sttvk. candled. StaB 21c. No storsge stock In Omsh market. CHEKSre Finest Wisconsin full onim, svlna, 15c; young America a. 4 In hoop. 10c; favorite, 8 In hoop. HV; delates, ?0 In hoop. 1Me: cream brltk. full rase, ise; piock wis. 16c; full cream llmDurger, isc. POULTRY-Allve. springs. 1: hen llci cocks. Ac; ducks. -11c; geese, lftr; turkey. lie; pigeon, per do., 6c; gttlne firwts. per do.. St. .'si; (qtiabs. per do., S3. Dressed ens. 11c: spring. i.n !; cocas, emu.. ducks, lie; geese, 11c; turkey, tic. FISH Whltef lh. frosen.' Hc; nerrmg. $'4jc; sslmon. 10c; pike. r: pickerel,. 644j3Wo; Irojt. 10c: catfish. )0tt19c: hellbut, 9e; re.1 napper, 12c; black bass, 36c; crapples. MX 9c; perch. 8c; codfiah. lc; smelt, 9o; ele, loc; lotslers. green, 7c; boiled. 40c; rrogs legs. 46c. ' , . , ,. Ribs NO. 1. 17C: NO. S. 160 INO. g, iC. ;. lailn No. 1. 18c; No. 2, 13ic; No. t !". . huck-No. 1. 7i,c; No. I. 84c: NO. 3. He. Round-No. 1. 8,e: No. t. Sc; No. S. 8. Plate No. 1. 5c: No. t. SVe; No. I. Sc. FRESH FRUITS-Apples. western box Doles. 12, 0O42K.60. Banana. B-btinrb Int. - 9o per lb. Oranges. 12 86IW 26. Wflinmi. 99 6A 4.00. Grape rrult. 94 so. Grapes, Malagas: .60 per keg. Florid pineapples, per -crate; $3.00. V EG FIT ABLE Kansas sweet potato. $2.76 per bbl. California celery. Urge.- 9V; . mailer. Anc. New York Holland seed cab bage. 4Wc per lb. Wisconsin Red ob onions. 2c per lb. California cauliflower. $300 rear crate. Tomtoes. Florida, 8-basket rate, IS. 00; Cuba. 8-hasket orate, ss.w. Lettuce, per doa.. 40c. Old vegetables, pt nip, turnip. crrot. $2.26 per bbl. !nar 1 Ida now beet, carrot, partntpa, turnips, etc., per dot . 75c. .... STRA WBERRJES $3.00jJ3.26. HIDES No. 1 green. Sc; No. 1 cured, ,9c. . Tottoa Market. NEW YORK. May 6-COTTON-The market for futurea opened steady; May lO.Afic; July. 10.45c; AttguAt. lO.2W10.27c : October, 10.2c; December. 10.23c; January, 1017c; March. 10.14c. Spot closed aulet: middling uplands, 10.ir; ' middling gulf. 11. lee: sale. 1,S bales. Cotton futures closed eteadys May. loswc: June. 10.38c; Julv 10.S4c; August, lO.JHr; Sep tember, 10.20c; October, 1019c: November. 10.17c; December. 10.17c; Jarruery, 10.12c, March, 10.10c. GALVESTON, Msy $.-COTTON-Ste4fly at in,c. ST. LOUIS. May 8.-COTTON-Qu1el ; middling. 10c: sales, none; receipts, low bales; shipments, 1,200 bales; slock. 38.90.1 bales. .agar Bad Molases. NEW YORK. May . SUGAR lUw. easy; fair refining. J.attc;. centrifugal. test. 3.66c; molaasea sugar. 9.14c; rerintxi. ateady: No. . 4.66c; No. 7, 4.60e; No. S. 4.46c; No. 9. 4.40c; No. 10. 4.3eo: No. 11, 4.8Ae; No. 12. 4.36c; No. 11. 4.10c; No. 14. ,4.20c; confectlonera' A, 4,86c; mould A, S.40c; cut loaf, 5.86c: crushed, 5.75c; powdered, .6.14c;, grsnulated, 6.16c; cubes. 6.80c. MOLAsanjB oieaay ; jsew urieans, open kettle, good to choice, 2t42c. ... - Dry triads Market. NEW YORK. May 6 'The dry good market ahowed a little more Ufa during the day In consequence of warmer . weather. Raw silk la now being hougut for delivery lata in Aujruet from the new crop end prices ar firmer. Clothiers . mohair serge linings are active. ' Cotton llnlnga are quiet. Cotton yarns ar CU- Ing moderetely. Agency to Collect Alimony New Enterprise is Opened in Omaha for Those Who Fail in - . . -Ufcrriage. - - n-- An agency for the collection and , pay-" mnt of alimony, separate maintenance nd money contributed by husband to ward the support of wife' and family with whom he has ceased to live, ha been tarted In Omaha. It. la operated Itv' con nection with a regular collection agency In this city. '. ' . ' Through this matrimonial-financial clear ing house Edward A. Barrett has agreed to pay $15 a month toward th support" Of hi wife, Mary A. Barrett and their tlvu children. Barrett was arrested a few dys ago on the charge of wife and Child aban donment, the complaint having been filed on complaint of Mr. Barred. After being arraigned In police court and pleading not guilty to the charge, Barrett and hi wife have come to an understanding. He will pay the money monthly through the col lection sgency, in return for which she ha agreed not to prosecute the case. He was dlacharged In police court Thursday morn- . Ing A th result of th settlement. Mr. Barrett and her children, who sie S year and 11 month, of age, re-' spectlvely. liv t 1412 North Seventeenth street. She Is employed t the Sherwood pointing establishment, $16 South Eleventh trcet. LIBERIAN CONSUL ARRESTED '. V,' Two ladlrtraeata Retarned A gal ast Official at Boston t hargrtag . . Freed aad La reea y. , j ,., , BOSTON. Msy" 6. On two lrialcVinjsnts,' one charging conspiracy to defraud, -.and one larceny,- CharUa Hall Adams, ' consul ' for IJberla and Nicaragua and vice-consul for Uruguay, well tat commissioner for all the state and territories!, wag ar rested today. .The offense charged are said to have been cjmmltteed sig years ago, Hoarisnesi. bronchlll and other throat trotble are quickly cured by Foley's Honey nd Tar, aa It soothes and heal th In flamed throat and bronchial tubea and the moat obstinate cough disappear. , In sist upon having the genuine Foley Honey and Tar. For sale by all drugflata. CALVES. I 36 4 (-0 4 4 4 to 1 I 60 6 76 I on 4 on 4 ' AND 14 . 14 n 10-1 120 116 140 180 116 166 134 4 .'6 6 36 6 6i 4 61 I 60 4 60 4 64 4 6A 6 6 FEEDERS 144 6 i 9V1 4 91 2 920 460 10 1(10 too 960 IV. lo 246 STOCKErtB 746 4 40 'M 4 .5 7i0 4 15 NEBRASKA HA YF1CDS. 2 Steer... .1144 6 86 HOGS Buyer and eeller war wide part In spirit In their ideaa this aaornlag and aa a result tha market on hoga waa extremely Blow and dull throughout the entire session. A few select hog sold very early to shlppera and a few loada ta packera at prlcea that were not murk lower than etrday. In. fact, in a few In stances, loads changed hand at prices that looked sttady. The amount of trade, how- Wool Market. BOSTON. May . WOOL In'.eresl the wool market centers In the new cup and bidding by local dealers through buy era In the west or directly with growers la very brisk. It Is said that 90 per cent of tiie undipped wool west of th Mississippi has already been purcnat-ed and at least half in the east hs Otrn secured. Price r very firm and tend ing upwards Business locally la con filed to foreign producta. In which ueailnrs have teen heavy. Old wool la practt- ally out of the market. The leadina dtimrs tir prices range a follows: Kentuckv. Indiana and Missouri. S blood. 290 Sue; 't blood. 2S(j29c. Scoured valuea: 'it-xax, fine. 12 months. 604j62: fine. 6 ti. h months. 620 64c; fine, fall, 4o4T4rc. Cal ifornia Northein. ihyituc. middle county 18&60r: fall free, l.t & 4,1c . fall defec tive. .1143 37c. On-got, Eastern N... I staple, 62 4118, eastern ciutiilng s6tjr7c; alley. No. I. 4 8 Q, JOc. Terrhorv f'li.e staple. A3 65c. fine medium staple. iO fi2c; fine detain. .'8s2c; i.m me dium clothing 6t66e; i, blond. AOfcOlv A, b.oori 6c: i4 blond 60fl51i Pulled-Extra. G541 70; fine. 656:u ST LOUIS, Mo. May WOOI Stronz territory oil -scst-ri, nedlunis 204T26Lic; finj mediums. 11422-; fin i!l7ri. LONDON. May 6 WOOL A e.tod as sortment of 11.179 balea was fietcd at the wool sales today. Continental and tioms buyers were eager competitors fi.r Scoureds and the latter alao took cross bred freely at 71, to 1 per cent ad venes. Americana paid from 11 to '.0 per tint advance for medium. greasy croBB-bred and from 10 to li per tent higher prices for fin Merino CeaTee Market. SEW YORK. My S.-COFtVF.K-Mvket quiet si un- for coffee future opened NO LIBRARY can okpand beyond the sphere of the Globe-wernlcke "Elas tic" Bookcases, v rnsi ggts v " Orchard & Wllhcln Herbert E. Gooch Co. Brokers tad Dealers OBAur, Boruxosra, ' stookb. 1 Omaha Of float tlO m. T. X.US SiAg. Sell Tleves. Dowguvs ML laaepeaAea. A-IUl aad At-tlSt. OldMl And Largest House) U to Sun.