Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Oonacll Blatts Offlos of ths
OmUt In It 15 Scott Btrset.
Both 'Faoass 43.
Pa via. drug. .
CORR10AN8. Undertaker! 'Plume lib
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phona 87.
. . !
Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. 339.
Whefi you want reliable want ad adver
tising, us The He.
House-cleaning weather now. Big wall
Twr sale at l rin k yk ell's.
The beat wall nsper cleaner, 15c per can,
W. Nlcholalson, 14 B. -Main.
Undertakers. 'Phone Lfi, J N. Main St.
Dr. "". W. Matarell, optometrist, moved
to JtrZ& City National bank building.
There will be a special meeting of Har
mony chapter. Order of the Eastern Star,
thla everting, for initiation.
A marriage 'license waa Issued yesterday
t Clarence Jones, aged 2, of Loveland,
la., and Lola, M. Hail, aged 22, of Eik
Point, P. V.
The path to your economical piano pur
chHae Irsrts directly to the A. roepe Co. a
atore. W Pearl fft.. and 2 South Main St..
Council Hliif-fs. la. .
A building permit was issued yesterday
1o liana Hunaen for a: two-atory frame cot
tage on Seventh afreet, between Sixth and
Seventh avenuea, to coat ll,00.
The Oahm piano recital In St. John'a Eng
lish Lutheran church will be on Thureday
night. May 13 Admission, (rOc. Keats re
served at Swanaon'a music alore without
extra charge.
The question of the location of ita pro
posed club hous. it la . announced, will be
definitely determined at the meeting of
Council Bluffs aerie. Fraternal Order of
Kagles. tomorrow-night.
M. Stageman of darner township mar
keted eight wolf cubs with County Andltor
Innea yesterday afternoon and received a
n arrant for li. the amount of the bounty
at the rate vl t'l per cub.
The Police mid Klre rommiaslnn
has j
granted Cl.arlca M. Nicholson, chief of the
fire uepartrrieut. ermlsalon to take a tea:n
and crew nt men to the towa State Fire
men a tournament to be held in August In
Tiic Young. People's society of St. John'a
Kngllsu Lutheran church will be enter
tained tula fvenmg at Its monthly business
meeting .ami social at the home of the
Misses l-.thrl .. and hazel Oatrom, lOiU
Seventh avenue.
T. iShiMiari has - brought auit In the
district court to enjoin the city from low
ering the grade on Oould avenue and from
using- a atrip of land for an alley. A tem
porary restraining - order was issued by
Judge Wheeler against the city. .
The fhe department wad Riven a long run
lust evening aliutit o'clock to the resl
ilrni e f Scott Carson ort North Eighth
BtvecT. whew a' quantity of hay In the barn
had started burning' from some unknown
cause-. The Maxe was extinguished by the
chemical- engihe', the1 premises being beyond
the fire hydrant service.
Mrs. Bridget Mclaughlin, aged 40 years,
riled yestcraay afieriioon at' her home, 1129
Eighth avenue, irmi heart failure. Five
eons. Patrick' and Jamea of this city, John
of Soutn (irnaiin. William and Thomas of
Newhotne. N. M.. and one daughter, Mrs.
V. A. Hoffman of 'this city, . survive tier.
Arrangements for the funeral have not
been made.
Mrs. Rosa. Ann "iVmpluion filed salt In
the district court yesterday for divorce
from John V. TempTeton, to whom ahe waa
married September 16. im. 8hn alleges
ci-uei .und Inhuman treatment and aska to
be awarded alimony In the sum of tt.OOu,
either In cash pr property. An attachment
lor d,UoU waa issued by the court against
J'cniii.eioii a property. '
Roy Topping, the young lad wllo con
fessed to inu tlieft of tour birwlea. will
escape going, to the-reform school ao long
s nu ones .tnmfreir. rue boy ua v
teriliiy. orueted placed under toe sure!l-'
latce of Key. Henry Let,ong, probation'
IVtctdur,1 Trye' ST? reau.r;dd to Mi..l.Url.l elation yesterday morn
tepjrt reg-llnrlyKto ttev. -Mr." DelAng. ''
Fred Stone,' the negro who was chatged
with drawing a revolver, on
Patrol Driver ;
dilutee. I .Monday at ternuon. convinced
Jjdge frnydoi In police court yesterday that
the accusation was without foundation and
was discharged. Bob Shields, the negro
wiioro an-esi by .Mlkesell Invoked the at
tack on, the ofllcrr. was held to the grand
Jury on the charge of resisting an otllcer.
Lottie Fadden. who was discharged from
St. Bernard s hos;ctal April 21, at tne direc
tion of the commissioners for the Insane,
has bobbed up ag ilu. 1 he local authoritlca
were notirierj yesterday afternoon that Lot
tie in custody In Omaha und would he
returned here at wnc. t'nder the clrcum- I
stances, rihciiir Met affery ummutlv tllel:
an mtorniation charging the wo. nan wltn
being Inrai.e. and tne commissi. met a will
once moio have to determine what anal!
be dime with her.
Charily Puny Postponed
The card und dancing party to have been
givei Friday
y evening for the benefit of
J Charities Crerhe at the him
the Assoi lit"
of Mi s. J. y. Wilcox on Etst Pierce street I
will be held this evening Instead. The fol-
lowing are the paironcsses: Mrs. J. F. Wll- I
cox, Mrs. F. J. 9. Imoi;-. .Mr. H. A. yulnii. '
Mrs. Charles A. Hcpo, Mrs. A. P. Fair and .
Mrs. Call Hamilton. A large attendance Is i
luokAd fur .mil the pincecd" of the party j
wl'.l Vr Ueytled towards the mortgage d"bt !
on l ho new Cicche building.
To Clean Your
Kit;cKen Floors
You don't have to scour
end scrape and polish add a
heaping tablcspconful of Gold
Dust to a pail of hot water.
It will n:ake your Coors milky
while, and save 3our strength.
Gold Dust cuts grease and
dirt, and asks so little aid from
you th?t it's really a pleasure
to keep your home dirtless and
It searches out dirt, germs
and impurities in every crack
and cranny, cleanses and pur
ifies' wherevier and whatever it
touches and injures nothing.
, An ounce
of Gold
Dust is
worth a
pound of
e lb o w
Lellerls'lBSS Lenses
CfMtaat fsJsrt Mewaie Weann ol CUw.
anTV gT ISM M,
m mi r J
a a. scst uw tVJf m i
ait anM. a
sat Onani
ffras m
msu ssrr i
ssaasa, awteea ia
Ptawat(amle Bar Aaanrlatlan Mill
tte..l F.ner.l a. ..O.
j At the meeting of the Pottawattamie
I County Bar association Tuesday It waa
decided that the members or the asaocls
! tion would attend the funeral of the late
W. E. Balnbrldge In a body. Thev will id-
j aemble at the Elke' club house on First
I Bfani.A .1 . I. - i i. . ,
' T .1 .
oence on Olen avenue, where the services
will le held.
Charles M. Harl, Congressman Walter 1.
Smith and I. N. Flickinger were appointed
a committee to draft resolutions on Mr.
Balnbrldft-e's death. The bar association
will meet mttn Saturday afternoon, at
which time the committee will report to
Judge Wheeler. Members of the bar will
likely speak in eulogy of the deceased at
thla time, following which court will ad
journ for the balance of the day. Judge
Wheeler will also adjourn court during the
time of the funeral this afternoon. The
body of Mr. Ralnbrldge. accompanied by
Mm. Ralnbririge and her son. James F. Mc
Carger. arrived In Council Bluffs at 8
o'clock yesterday morning over the Bur
lington. I hey were met at the nepot ny
Charles M. Harl, Judge O. D Wheeler,
State Senator Charles (i. Saunders and A.
T. Flickinger. the committee representing
the Pottawattamie County Bar association,
who escorted the body to the undertak
ing establishment of Balrd, Longeneeker A
Boland, while Mrs. Balnbrldge went direct
to her home on Olen avenue. The hodv was
taken to the home during the afternoon.
As previously announced, the funeral
services, whloh will be public, will be held
at the family residence, 316 Glen avenue at
2 o'lock thla afternoon, conducted by Rev.
Jamea M. Williams, psstor of the Broad
way Methodist church. Interment, which
will be private, will be In Walnut Hill cem
etery. The family requests that there be no
flowers. Personal friends of the deceased
- in v,e received at the home between the
hours of 9:30 and 10:.K o'clock thla morning.
At the request of the members of the fam
ily the casket will not be opened.
The following have been selected to' act
as pallbearers: Major C1eorge H. Richmond,
Stte Senator C. O. Saunders. Clem F.
Kimball. Judge O. D. Wheeler. Emmet Tin.
ley and C. C. Clifton.
Out-of-town relatives who are here to at
tend the funeral Include four brothers of
Mr. Balnbrldge, George W. Balnbrldge.
Thomas Balnbrldge and John Balnbrldge
of Miflln, Wis., and Charlea C. Balnbrldge
of Plattevllle, AVIs; his sisters. Mrs. Johns
of Platteville, Wis., and Mrs. John Jones
of Atlantic. Ia. Mrs. Jones Is accompanied
by her daughter. Mrs. Hugh McCarger of
Crete, Neb., la also here.
Proposed General Petition of Cosiest
to Be Bitterly Fonajht.
The saloonnen of Council Bluffs. In
seeking to secure a new general petllion
of consent, will meet with opposition
from the combined forres of the Minis
terial association and the Iowa Anti-Saloon
league. At a special meeting of the
Ministerial association Wednesday morn
ing It waa determined that the association
ahould co-operate with the Anti-Saloon
league In an organised fight against the
proposed, new general petition of consent
for saloons In. the city.
The campaign against the xaloons is to
he managed, It Is stated, by R. C. F.
Chamber of this city, district auperin-
tendent of the Antl-Faloon le.n.iue. wlv
was in attendance at the meeting of the
Tlie campaign against me new petition
of consent. It waa stated by Mr. Chambers
following the meeting of the Ministerial
association. Is to be conducted on Ihe
aame general lines as employed In simi
lar contests elsewhere In the atate. In
accordance with the policy adopted elee
where. Mr. Chambers said, the names of
all those vfho sign the petition of con
sent will be published as soon an the
petitions shall be filed and become pail
of the public records. This publicity, it
l helleved by the opponents to the
saloon, will de'er many from signing the
petition who otherwise might be Induced
to do so.
While plans for the campaign were dis
cussed at yesterday's meeting. nothing
definite was decided upon It is likely,
however, that the combined forces of the
j nPP"''t"n " arrange for a number cf
I "f,p1,1 ,,ay"'" to be "Por''y "et Part
for active work. District Suoerlntemient
Chambers of the Iowa Anti-Saloon league
has fourteen counties in southwestern
Iowa under his direct charge.' Of these
lO'.mriet. Mr. Chambers said yesteiday.
all l . 1 1 1 two, Pottawattamie nnd Carroll,
are ''dry."
Real Kstate Transfers.
These lrnpsfe-s were repo'ted to The B.'e
Mny 5 hy the Pottaw itiamle I'on i'y Ab-
i ,
'trnot company of Council Bluffs:
'John Senhck in' wl'e to Clarence F.
I nnl l.oute 3 lock. wV nn of 'J7-
! 77-41. w. l P.W
' kern H. Pch'vaM and wile to Ben
I limin, Fehr Hal rTstaie company, lot
i IS block 1". Bers' subdiv . w. d...... 3W
I (J. F. Bweailngen to Pea'l I.. 8ninil"!a.
I lots t nnd " 2, b'ock 4, Plalnview
; cdd.. -w. d H
Charles N'eff et si to llnrriet 1.. Neff.
I lots 3 and 4, block P). Walnut, q. c. rt. 1
j Cs'ol'.iie M. I.lnliigr to Oeorue W.
' l,ip. lots 3. 4. . 7 Mid hlock It,
t McMalu P. Cooper .TrfferlV add..
I w. d
! J. P. Oreenshielda and v'f.. to H. U
IJinlt. loi 12. block n. Horns' add..
and unrliv'i lot 11. hjock H. Mullen's
i fuiiHtiv.. . c. a -o
V. H. T.eun and nll'e to Cl.ailcs K.
! Prve-. lot I '. block Smt-mrin's !d
' eild.. w. d "iO
1 Fi-sck F. K erist ami 'o K. A.
I Cla-V, lot 17. block '-'1. B uns' add
I w d
Totn!. eleht tranirers.
Mothers' ln- Koitiif illom.
'Tiie :-ecoii4 a niday in May Is known as
Mutters' day.' " remarked IlaTy C.irtis.
Ketninl aeirctary of Ihe Young M" i rnr's
tlan ass.niilhm yeslerday. "A well known
business man of this city, who is a special
frien.1 of young men. offers th following
uigf stions: First, that each one wear a
white carnation on that day In honor of his
I mother, whether she be a ive or d-ad; Bec-
i und. If away from home every young man
I should write his mother. If she b '.'.vlug. a
! letter, tint she may read It. on that day;
third, if the young man Is livln at home
with his mother, let htm show her some
special favor on that day. These sugges
tions appear to me to "he mighty good."
I said Mr. Curtis, "as every one knows that
I a boy's btst friend Is his mother."
Proseeallon Vsnlgst Seed Mnu.
An information charging the Youuk'iman
S.-ed i-iiiipanv of this tltv with violating
! the pure f wd and agrii u'.fj'-al seed hiw by
I the alleged sale of clover s (! containing
' a large percentage of Canada thistle seed
was filed In t'le aupe.l ir m irt yesterday
by Aitint County Attorney Hoss. on in
j structlnne from the ata e frod an. I dairy
! commissioner at Des Milne. Councilman
' Oscur Vounkennan. as be-id of the accused
.In. .i notified '.i piear in court thia
The aeed in which the o'onoious matter
.oniDlatiied f 1 alleged ti have been
found was purchased from the Younker
man company by F. ! Van feb.gert. an
agent of the state foixl and dairy depart
ment. Councilman Younkeiman aild that
he krew absolutely nothing of the matur
beyond the .mere feet that the rompls'nt
had been filed and that he had been
notified to appear before Judge Snyder at
t o'clock Thursday morning.
Order Mar Rallsl Fraternity Head
qnartera tlulldlnar There.
WATERLOO. la.. May .-( Special. I
The sixth ble.nilal meeting -if the au
prrme tstle of Highland Nobles la in
session In this city with a lare repre
sentation piesent and the progr ims ore
of murh Interest. The one feature tout
Is of most Interest to the residents of I
Wsterloo pertains to the probable erec- j
tlon of a fraternity house In thla city I
during the coining summer for the exclu
sive use of the order.
Delegates are here from Kansas, Ne
braska, Colorado, Texas, Michigan. Ken
tucky, Illinois and Minnesota. Former
officers have been re-elected. An auto
mobile ride to Cedar Falls was enjoyed
this fnternoon.
Insanity Expert
in Hains Case
Captain Had Maniac Depreuive In
sanity Which Took Violent Form
When He Shot Annii.
FLVSH1NG, Js. ., May 6 Tnls wa
"hypothetical" day at the Hains trial. For
nearly two hours the jury listened to the
reading of the hypothetical question, taking
more than ten thousand words, aa pro
pounded bf the defense upon which three
alienists are to predicate their opinions of
the mental condition of ' the defendant,
Captain Peter C. Halna, when he shot and
killed William B. Annls at the Bay side
Yacht club.
During the cross-examination of the first
alienist. Dr. Samuel Manson, forms of In
sanity ranging from ordinary melancholia,
to site ravings of a hopeless lunatic were
"Maniac depressive insanity." the alien
ist explained, was a form of "stuporous
melancholia," subject to violent maniacal
outbursts, such as Captain Hains la alleged
to have experienced when he shot Annls,
The period of "Impulsive Insanity." the
witness said, lasted from the time the de
fendant first heard the name of Annla
mentioned on the Bayslde Tacht Club
float, until the last of the eight bullets ha
been discharged Into the body of his victim,
then, according to the alienist, a relieving
quiescence of mind from "the pent up fury"
followed and the defendant lapsed into a
state of "mtintc depressive Insanity." His
mental condition had Improved since that
time, he added. -
Dr. Manson was. on the witness stand
under cross-examination when court ad
journed for the day. Two other alienists
will be called by the defense.
Only once during the reading of the hy
pothetical question of John T. Mclntyre,
counsel for the defense, did Captain Hains
show a flash of Interest. That was
when the lawyer read In dramatic terms
the alleged confession of Claudia Hains.
Then Captain Hains raised himself In his
chair for a moment and with widening
eyes, glanced at -the lawyer. His Interest,
hoewver. was only momentary, for he
quickly aank back Into his usual listless
attitude. It was one of the few times he
has ahown any Intelligent appreciation of
what was going 'on around him since the
trial began,
- A Dsnxerogi Woand -
Is rendered antiseptic by Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns,
plies.' eczemn and salt rheum. J6c. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Covvin to Handle
the Test Case
If Nonpartisan Judiciary law ii to
Be Taken Into Court, Omaha
Man Will Be in Charge.
A conference was held in Omaha Wednes
day by C. O. Whedon of Lincoln,
M. U. learned. General John C. Cowln and
Isadora Zleglcr, constituting the committee
named by the Republican State committee
to consider the non-partisan judiciary law
passed by the !aat legislature. Considera
tion waa given to the question of having
a test suit brought, and If such a auit Is
started General Cowln will have charge of
the ckae. Secretary Hayward of the repub
lican national committee, who la a member
of the committee, was also In town, en
route east, but did not attend the comit
tee meeting.
WasCured by LydiaE.Pink
ham'sVegetable Compound
Adrian. Ga. "I Buffered untold
misery from a female weakness and
disease, ami I could not stand more
than a minute at a
time. My doctor
said an operation
was the only
chance 1 had, and
1 dreaded it almost
as much as death.
One day I was
reading how other
women had been
cured by Lydia .
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound,
and decided to tr
It. Kefore I had taken one bottle
was better, and now I am completely
. '
cured. Lie n a V. UKBY, rloute JNO.
S, Adrian, lia.
Why will women taka chances with
an operation or drag out a sickly,
half-hearted existence, missing three,
fourths of the joy of living, when they
can liud health in Lydia h. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound ?
For thirty years it has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
has cured thousands of women who
hare been troubled with such ail
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregulari
ties, periodic pains, backache, indiges
tion, and nervous prostration.
If you have the Hlterbtest doubt
that Lydia K. Piokham's Ve
table Compound will help you,
write to Mrs. INnkhani jtt Lynn,
Mass., for advice.. Your letter
will be absolutely coaHdentlal,
aud the advice free.
i .. n
g'- VyV-S ..Jr'.t
Iowa Lawyeri Freely Criticise Meth
ods of Jurist in Court.
Jadgmeat m4 Temperamental Itlas
Considered) I nfortwwate, hmt 7ft ''
C.O04 naala' for- F.streme
(From a 9t:iff Correspondent. 1
1K3 MOIXK8. Mav R.-tSpclal.)-The
movement atarted by Congressman Murphf
of Mlssfurl in Introducing a resolution lit
congress to Investigate the official career
of Judge Rinlth McPherson la arousing
much comment throughout -Iowa, especially
among members of the bar. The general
Impression, Is that It will to nought,
for nothing would remove Judge McPhersna
but an Impeachment In congress, and this,
they say. Is doubtful.., though there Is gen
eral criticism of Judge McPherson for his
methods of court procedure and his alleged
corporation tendencies. , ,
lawyers . quite generally , criticise ths
judge for his autocratic methods, his harsh
ness to thsm, his vllverslon from ths usual
lines of evidence and practically Instructing
the jury In some cases what kind, of
verdict they shall return. ; However,, this Is
nothing upon which Impeachment proceed
Ings might be sustained. ...
There Is much criticism of the judge In
Des Moines-because he. touX from the, slats
courts the 'quo quarranto proceedings
against the Des Moines city railway,' which
Involves determining whether the railway
company haa a perpetual franchise. It Is
liberally predicted he will lb reversed In
his opinion In this-matter In the highest
tribunal. Judge McPherson also assumed
charge, -when It - was ' first questioned, of
the Blanchard anti-compact law, passed by
the Iowa - legislature, i providing-that It,
should be Illegal for1 Insurance companies
to combine to fix rates; -He held this law i
was unconstitutional-. : The supreme court j
fk lh. T'nllJ A, . t . , V. I ILI.
. . ,i i, iruvu mam leicii. null ill 11119
and since the operation of ths Maw 'fire
rates In Des Moines' have' fallen off fully
half what they were during the permissible
"compact" days. So In. many Instances his
holdings have given the .Impression that he
leans strongly with the capitalized corpora
tlore. He la liberally criticized for this,
but a, man cannot be Impeached on his
Judgment and It ia not believed this would
be a prevailing question ; In Impeachment
While Judge McPherson . Is not popular
as a judge and is generally criticised by
lawyers for hts methods, It Is quite
universally expressed among his critics
that the effort In congress to bring about
Impeachment proceedings will not ' de
velop. " ' -
FVall Crsg. Be aaall.
The monthly fruit crop report by Wes
ley Oreene. secretary of the State Horti
cultural society, dlsoloses the fruit crop
will be' small this year much smaller
than was predicted a month ago. .The
peach crop Is estimated at but S per cent
of normal. Present estimates on ' other
fruits are: - Apples, (7; pears,' St; Amer
ican plums, 89; domettlo plums, 72; Japa
nese plums, 71; cherries. 80; grapes, S3:
red raspberrleeiT66: blackberrlea. 81;. cur
rants. 89; gooseberries, 87; strawber
ries, 79. . ' '
Plahalag Vacaattetaa.
Inasmuch.' as ths lost leglslatti.-s passed
A law giving employes of the tate In
stitutions vacations at full pay, ths Stale
Board of Control Is now busy preparing
a schedule' of vacations for the hundreds
of employes In the' Institutions. It will
probably be necessary to. begin sorving
out the respites from work ths litter part
of this month. '
Bond tsaae Illea-al.
Corporation Counsel Bailey today In
formed the members of the council under
the Des Moines commission plan of gov
ernment that thelt bond' Issue for the
erection of a market house la Illegal and
that they-had best proceed to buy the
site ai d erect the buildings frjm tha sn
eral and grading funds.
ritlseaahlp for Tana In.llauM.
Government Inspectors, after investigating
conditions on the Tama Indian reserva
tion In Tama county, will report to the
government to grant the Indiana full rights
of citizenship on the grounds that the wards
of the government are full. land ownera and
consequently too troublesome. - County offi
cials could handle them more effectively
and stamp out drunkenness, Inspectors say.
Iowa Xews totes.
CREfiTOX-The wedding of Mr. Frank
Braunberger of this city and Mlas Cather
ine Lowery of Council Bluffs, was solem
nized at the home' of the bride's parents
last night. 'Relatives from ' here attended
the wedding. -
CRESTON A resolution adopted by the
city council lasc night. In regard to the ex
tension of the franchise granted to the pro
posed Dea Moines. Wlnterset and Creston
Intemrban road reserves to the city the
privilege of transferring the franchise to
any other company.
MA8SEXA The funeral of Mrs. Linda
Mil'.en waa hold Monday afternoon. Mra.
Millen died verv suSrtenly Saturday night
from heart failure. She waa 25 years of
age and her dath Is made doubly sad, be
cause two babies are left motherless. On
two years old and one but two weeks old.
IOWA FALUfl-Ber; Bope-. a brakeman
on Ihe Short ljne. sustained a serious In
i.ry to his right harwl while making a the last of the week. - Two fingers
hand weie ballv nlnched. but can be aaved
l The Hccldent ooeurrid while he was making
in coupling a'. Knterprlse.
j M ARSHALLTOtVN The Board of Super
Ivlsois today notified the city ch'ef of po
ll lee that after today the aherlff wojld re
! celve no more city prisoners In the county
Jail. Aa a result -tne -city msy be forced
1 to erect a city Jail. It having- been the
habit for yean for Ihe city to confine its
prisoners In the county Jail.
HjRT IWlMiB-Anton Rank, aed 67. a
picneer bxkblnder of the state, d'ed at
Ills home this afternoon after months' of
agony, caused by gangrene, produced by
blood-poisorlng some montna mo t'.ie re
sult of trimming his corna. Amputation of
one f Kt bel-iw the knee waa found neces
sary sbout a month ago In hopes of reliev
ing his Intense fain.
IOWA FALIJ-Prea'dent 1 F. Meyer of
ths college here hss been Invited to de
liver u'- ooouBi vi'mmrnL-ritiori iQarrii
beforo the graduating class of the Clsrlon
High srliooi in June Rev. A. T. Bishop
of the Methoilst churrh will deliver the
liHccalaureate irrnun for the high school
graduating rlaaa of the high i-rool !n this
t ity on Fundav evening. May ).
cnrcSTOX Last ntglit took place the
I wedding of Miss Edith Holiday of this
j "pd H'Irj' MK!ln'' J"
I I r la nnrrlN nt t haa hrlilaa a f.UMita ir thla
I th home of the bride i-arenta In this
city, Rev. D. J. Elsea. naator of the 'hriat
lan church, performing the wedding cere
mony. A numerous company of relatives
waa present and ihe couple was attended
by Miss Lottie McKay and Sidney Dlnges.
IOWA FALLS An honor hss been con
ferred on Mrs. Anna L. Burd'ck. formerly
superintendent of schools in thia city. In
her appointment by the state auperlmend
ent of public tnatrurtion as a member of
th committee to Inspect the teaching of
Rnglish In the high ae.hoo'.a of the atate.
Mrs KurOick haa hen for several years
employed aa a teacher of English in the
Les Moines schools.
VATKRLO I'nlted Marshals M.
J. Ilealy and W. J. Fhilpot of Dubuque
served warranta on fifteen saloon koepere
'n th's rtty. charging them with salllna
liquor to the Indans from the Tama reser
vation. The cha-ea are claimed to be ihe
rtault of statewide Investigations which
have been carried on by officials. The sa
loon men gave bonds to appear before the
federal court and cla'm Ignorance of vio
lating the Iswa of trie ataie.
FORT nODOB-"Vather" U 8 fYiffln.
ths venerable especially in
I Are theEIite of the Craft iP ..
' ' Theyare produced in dozens m4Mt0m.'l'tf:
i of different models and a large tWW-'
$ range of wearable fabrics and MfePSfe
A . exclusive Dattems. TheSnnncr h-x ti&t?' ihL.A
sryies xeueci me latest rasnion pfjfy$' .. A
achievements of the moment. IV.. v"J
Whether your short,
or slim you'll be admirably
a iHitfjarl &tern Suit
more than pleased at
The Bennett Co.
Tim MichielStern Faih
ion l'orttoho of autkorita-
live Spring MyfM, trtM tn- f
(erfst et-erw vitll- dntsea man
It's FREE on rtqutst. ' , .
1 5v
. : f HI .
r sAia siw us, .inwimji.iiwjii,iiiiiAW,ln iiHi'..iwvnHwpwB.i.ito mn ynei;.1 n
terested In "the railroad bevys" as he puts
It, la to be a apeaker at the opening session
of the biennial International convention of
the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen at
Cblumbua, .. next' Tuesday. He will also
deliver the invocation the following Sunday
at-a meeting of the railroad Young Men's
Christian Association of. Columbus, which
William Jennings Bryan will- address.
FORT DODGE-r-The Fort Dodge council
haa passed a resolution for the re-paving
of Central avenue, the main bualnesa
street., for a distance of seven blocks, from
the park to the Great Western station on
Twelfth street. Creosoted block will be
used Instead of brick paving which .will
be taken up. The mayor and count'!) have
Just returned from an extended trip of
Investigation of varioua k'nds of paving,
visiting 8t. Paul,' Minneapolis and Chlca-sTO.
CRE80X The home of Al McDowell.- a
brakeman, was badly damaged by fire Sun
day afternoon. The fire la supposed ta
have originated from an over-heated fur
nace and aa the family waa away the fire
had mido considerable headway before dis
covered. The proiierty, had but one day
previous, been sold to C. A. Blayney. a
traveling man of this place, and fortun
ately the insurance papers had also been
transferred the evening before, thus pro
tecting Mr. Blaynery In hie purchase.
IOWA FALL-The city water will be.
pumped by electric power in the nrnr fu
ture If a proposition made by the li-jht
company is accepted. It Is proposed ny
the company to repUce the present steam
power with an electric motor. It being pio
posed to install the eoulnment free of ex
pense to the city and furnish the power
for 1100 a month. This Is veiy near the
cost of the coal used at the water virka
plant, that item of expense the last year
reing 11 272. If the electric power is In
stalled It will give the city a duplicate
Jamieson, who hna successfully edited and
carried on the Columbiia Junction Gazette
ever ainee the death of her husband over
a year ago. has sold the paper to H. H.
Bchearer, who has been connected with a
paper at Ida Grove, and will go west to
spend the summer. The paper has been
edited by members of the Junlesm family
for the last twenty-five years nnd wis at
one time under the editorship of congress
man W. D. Jamieson of the Seventh con
greesionsl district.
THATBR The residence property occu
pied bv John Krl'.terbrink and belonging
to C. M. Blakeeley. waa entirely d'-stroyed
by fire Saturday afternoon. As there was
no prompt way of extinguishing the flames,
not much could be done to aave It after
the fire waa discovered. A part of the
household goods waa aaved. and the loss
is thought to bo fully covered bv insur
ance. The little daughter of the family
waa rescued from the building nearly suf
focated. She was the only one of the
family in the houae at tho time.
HCMBOLDT Humboldt countv la soon
to erect a new court hnjse and before doing
so tt will very probably move the county
seat from Dakota City to Humboldt. With
the prospecta of this In the n-ar future
there Is promise of the hrea'-.lng out of
the most bitter co inty sis wa- that ha
ever been wage.' In Iowa. The location o:'
the new county sent wll p.obably be dec-Weil
bv a vote and alrfady nol only Hum
boldt and Dakota C ty are op"nlng Ii t lie
race, but other towns of the county Fode.
Bradgaie. rioneer and r.enwhk are all out
Remember the
ttfta itrnx, GJmr mmmdMtt&
ort. tall, stout
lirably fitted in
it and you 11 be IrjJ . .
the moderate
' V Ml
1 l
for the coveted prlie. . Llverr.'inwv ha-i o"
lerFd to .donate a s'te and J:-6,0 In caso.
art some of th other towns havo evc:i
been more liberal. ' - - -J ' ' .
' MA rtSH ALLTOWN Another eity defrvrt
rr.ent head went eff today, tchen Miyor
Inaledue asked tor. and received the resig
nation of City Engineer ". , A.f Bajghman.
William Stelner w:is itp-x InW to s-i'-i-eed
Mr. Paughman. Bnughman's resUinattiin
was asked for because, he .worked with the
reform element In the recent city ele uion.
which made an unsuccessful effort tn over
throw the present elf., adrolnlstrat'on.
Daughrran's is the third from the. rank of
the opposing fac tion to bt decapitated s-'n'-o
the recent city election. City Clef's L.
Derby was 'he first to be ousted. :hl th
second was M. T. Kereey ch'ef of fire
station No. 1. - .
net, I. W. Vllltainsotfa Letter.
Rev. I. W. Williamson, Jl jnjlr.gtori. W.'
Va.. writes: "This Is to certify that I used
Foley's Kidney ' Remedy for nervous ex
haustion and kidney troub'.e and am free,
to say that it will dj all" 'that you .claim
for it." Foley's Kidney Remedy his re
stored health and strrnifth' 'to - thousands
of wrak, run down people. Contains no
harmful drugs and Is pleasant to take.
For sale by all druggists. - -
More( Evidence
Against Calhoun
Attorney Tells of Drawing $150,000
in Currency from Mint on Order
of Traction Magnate.
SAN FR-n-NCISCO, May S The prosecu
tion haa advanced another, step' -In' pre
senting the case against Patrick Calhsun,
charged with bribery In connection with
the overhead trolley franchise.
William M. Abbott, general attorney for
the United Railroads company, was placed
on the stand to tell of having taken from
the mint In May, J906, $50,(00 In currency,
the money which the prosecution declares
It will show was paid to the sup rvlsors.,
Abbott testified that he went to the mint,
then the general banking place for the
company. He said that on the presentation
of telegraphic orders from Mr. Calhoun,
sent from Cleveland, O.. the money was
done up In two packages und the two at
torneya took- It to the United Railroads
office, where tt was placed nn n table.
Abbott aild that he had no Unowledge of
what became of the money after that.
Again In July, 196. h rail he w?nt with
Ford to. the mint and helped cirry awjy
KOO.000 hi the' same way. Of the final dis
posal of this sum he was ignorant.
- tfllf feS f
Hi.ll - - .V.T-I
ll t , T 1 .
af t
1- . '
if-'' '
i Five Graduates
, :. - ihvTheology
. t i t.
i Close of Commencement Exercises of
,' the Omaha Theological
' ' SemiiAfy'. .. " ...
Th comm in ; ment. sxerolses of ih
Omaha Theological seminary -were he.d
tVedresday night at the First Fr'soy-? rlsn
vhuroh: -Pu'erlwrth 'and Dodge sti-eeUi.
Dr. A. B. Marshall of Minneapolis, Vi'
ideiit of- the' hoard of trdstees of the
seni)nary prosldca. 'The servlees wer.
open' ( ; with inualc .and ..the Invocati in.
after which Dr. -XV. W., Lawrence, pastor
uf the Fjrstf Fresbyteflnn chur-ri Of Lln
iuln." dcllverel a' mo-it 1 acholArly and
tho'tilthtful fonmenegment address.
- Hir rw.H foiltjxveij by Dr... X J. Lnmpe
cf lite seminary, who delivered an ad'l-OFn:
to ihe. ginduptes nn behalf of .tho faculty
and m bciiay, of tho board of truants
prenl'ed them 'with the diplomas, tre
ta'jglbie eviiicnoe of their work,fof lii
Inst three' yearsy '
" The graduating class Is composed of t r
followlnj:;-v James Hamilrntr; Blair, who
tflll lake a charge at Battle Creek. Ia.:
MnuheV- WHlard Lampe, Omaha, aim
goes to- the University of Pennsylvania
for a.' year'. of study; James-Rayborn, F.l-dorado.-'Kan.,;
who, will gj to Marshali
to.wn. . la, ; Elmer Claude Smith, Omah i,
w ho wlll-bsrome pastor of ths church at
Nemaha, ' Neb. ; . Juslih Morton Toting,
Palmyra,' who' goea to Weldoni, Colo.
, Last night's ' 'caslon brought to a clue
the , exercises . connected with the ccri
mehcment .ind marks the tend ol the
school'. year. '.''.
A, E. Harris Inder Arrest for I'slsg
a Knife on Pan I Hill Trltk
Serlons Effect.
"""" 'mm
Psu Hill. 2920 Orant street, was bad!-',
rut in the left temple about t:6 o'cloc.sJr
Wednesday night near the corner of Four- i
teenth and Douglus streets by A. K. Harris,
who was arrested at once.
The cutting was the result of a quarrtl .
which commenced In a pool room at 13-1
Douglas street. Hill's temporal artery
was severed and he sustained a itevtie
loss of blood, but It Is not thought that
his condition is serious. He was taken
to his home after being treated by Drs. -.
8uerman and Bhramek.
A con:plaint charging Harris with dis
turbing the peace by fighting was filed In
police court Thursday morning. The h sav
ing was set for next Tuesday morula.
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