Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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    OMAHA, FRIDAY. MAY 7. 1!00.
o, you haven't called on the Austro-American Doctors
( f
fir. Mflin Is an expert diagostlcian of 30 years' experience In the treat
ment of nervous "and chronic diseases.
le are all patients personally and outlines their treatment, asking no
ions at all of the patient.
He frankly tell those who are Incurable that nothing can be done for
it m. and. In sum refuses the treatment and accepts no fee.
I: kI
Mote and more people of Omaha,' Nebraska,
and surrounding states are learning that the
Austro-Ame rlran treatment is the most uc
teesful In the world for thos suffering with
Rheumatism, Ooltre. Epilepsy, Gall Stones.
Diseasea of the Liver. Kidneys, Stomach.
Flood, Chronic and Nervous Diseases of Men
and Women, etc. Since the Austro-Anierican
Doctors have established thrlr Omaha office
they have treated and cured hundreds of
seemingly hopeless rases, many of which had
been pronounced incurable by ordinary physi
cian's methods. Dr. Milen. the diagnostician
St the head of the Austro-Amerlcan Doctors,
sees all patients personally, and frankly tells
them whether or not they can be cured. If
the patient Is Incurable the doctor frankly
states that nothing ran be done, and the case
Is not accepted. Following Is one of the testi
monials which these1 physicians are constantly
receiving from grateful patients whom they
have treated and cured:
tr MUen. the Austro-American Doctor:
I wmte you noine time as", telling you how
nicely I was improving of my stomach trouble,
bronchial trouble ami my headache. I feel al
most well nnii. Tou remember when 1 time to
you ( M scarcely able to get around because
of the terrible pain In my head and the pain
In my chest. You remember I vomited up
nearly everything I ate but now t feel strong
and almost In perfect health. 1 will be pleased
to tell anyone of your kindness and the great
benefit you have done me, and can say truth
fuly that you have kept your word In every
particular. People who knew me a year ago and
see me now hardly recognise me. I tell them,
when they ssk me what has caused this grcnt
Improvement, that I went to the Austro-American
Doctors. I am aaylng a ood word for you
wherever 1 can, as you certainly deserve It.
Wishing you continued success. I am. yours
truly,' Al'GfPTA LARSON.
"SI 2 Pouth 1th Pi., Council Bluffs, la.
Don't delay but call on them at once, as health
is the most Important thing of all. and It is use
less to suffer science can relieve you. The pa
tient takes no chances at all. as
Mrs. J. B. Stiles Din as Result of a
Street Car Accident.
ftb Foo 9s Asked Until tho Patient Is Cured
Don't mako a mistake in the address. The only Omaha offices of
YheA Doctors
Are Permanently Located at Suite 428 Ramge Ouilding
15th and Harney, Just Opposite the Orpheum Theater.
Deceased W as finest ef Friend
M(lr City When -rldet Hap
pened that Reaalteal In
Her Death.
The coroner's jury held an Inquest over
the body of Mrs. J. P.. Stiles of Mount
Pleasant. In., yesterday aftfrnonn. Mrs.
Stiles did about noon Wednesday hs tli
result of a street car accident on the even
ing of May 1. She was In the city as the
guest of Mr. sntl Mrs. McKlaunn, Twenty
third und O streets, tin that particular
evening she had been to Wet Q street,
where Mr. McElgunn runs a small theater.
Coming back she stepped off the car sud
denly between P and O streets and Is said
to have turned backward In such a manner
that the rapidly moving ctr threw her
violently on the back of her h'-ad. She was
picked up unconscious and was taken to
Dr. J. W. MeOrann's office. After being
treated there for a few days she was taken
home by her friends. Bhe died yesterday
as the result of the fall.
The coroner s Jury brought in a verdict
of accidental death due to her own act and
In a manner that left no fault at the door
of the Omaha Council Btuffs Street Rail
way company.
The body will be sent to her home In
Mount Pleassnt. where the funeral will be
held. Two of her children arrived before
her death and a third arrived lost ntght.
They will accompany the body home.
V. Mi C. A. to Organise.
The board of directors of the South
Omaha Young Men's Christian association
mill meet Friday evening for organization.
The usual officers are to he selected from
the board of directors. tt. D. Wlers has
been president of the board and he la still
a member of the board of directors. It U
possible that he may be asked to serve an
other year, tie has been anxious to have the
board elect J. t. 'Ringer to the position.
The board of directors, after the organisa
tion, win take up the usual order of busi
ness. Mario City finsatp.
Bert Hamilton, who has been in Chicago,
has returned.
John K. OfHern haa gone to Excelsior
Springs, Mo., for a rest.
Miss Alda Mead has gone to Mlnden for
a short visit with relatives.
Jetler's Gold Top Boer delivered to anv
Mnney tltl tomes In t rmlet
the rfclM "atlaa Inatl
tate Feed.
lumilliiu; sllll come for tne building fund
of the Child Savin Institute snd it now
looks as thoimh the entire amount of t76.ono
will be raised long N-fnre June 1. the n-w
limit placed ty fl. A. Jnslyn on his condi
tional subscription f $j".A The fund
raised by the children Is assisting ma
terially in aaelllne; the totals. Additional
subscriptions received Wednesday were:
Previously acknowledged, after de
ducting th Htnount of sums desig
nated for the endowment .fund
t'nion Stork Yards National bank
Swift iind Company
ft lend
1909 MAY
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 II 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
25 26 27 28 29
station asked If he might not retain an
Innocent looking sea shell which had been
taken from his pocket. L'pon Investigating
the shell an officer discovered that it con
tained gum opium, which Is used by "hop
fighters" either as a chew or smoke. Here
after, shells and other possible hiding
places for drugs will be retained at the
jail office when they are found on prison
ers. Adopt the Trobate System Polbe Judge
Crawford and City Prosecutor Daniel have
a new scheme of getting rid of the regu
larly appearing vagrants of the city. In
stead of putting them In jail for from ten
to thirty days, they now sometimes allow
g man to go free on bis promise that if
he Is ever arrested In Omaha again he
will willingly accept a present of ninety
days In the county jail. 'Several men have
already been released on thla arrangement,
one having been arrested again and given
lila nlnety-duy sentence. Marshall' Brown,
a dusky roustabout of the Third ward,
went free Thursday morning In the s,ime
Anti-Saloon Men
Ignore Excise
. Board Elected
Hope Supreme Court Will Reverse
Bedlck Decision and Put
Their Ticket In.
Dynamite Wrecks Buildings
as completely as coughs and colds wreck
lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's
New Discovery. WV and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Have Soot mat It.
14X. Sat lUnew-Edholm, Jeweler.
Badolsa r. Swokeda, Public. Accountant
Blaehart, photographer, IS th A Karna.n.
Walkvp Seal I state Co 109 Pax ton Bin
Kara, photo, removed" t'6 it 'and Howard.
Bemoral Dr. Harm now at 1126 Douglas
Keep poor money and valuables in the
American Safe Deposit vaults Id The Bee
building. Boxes rent, from II to lis.
B. B, Combs, optical btmtnese. 1SJ0
Douglas street., Examination frse.
actable Ufe--FoIlclee. sight drafts at
maturity. H. D Neely. manager. Omaha.
Whs re Can Ton Matt Monthly Deposits
of t to 10 earning 4 per cent dlvluends :
At til Xebrafcka Savings and Loan An n,
Board of Trade Bldg.
Victim of Qun Improves Mike Caaey,
alias William Parnell. the man who was
shot by the police while he was attempt
ing to eacape fram the place where he Is
said to have Iried tn rn'.er Monday night.
Is Improving at Wise hospital.
Comnlnlnt Affhiast Bllky Smith A com
plaint was filed In police cojrt Thursdiy
morning try tire couniy ....... , l8toffk. Ill(l,e,.tor chne. E. Llewellyn
"Bllky" Smith with assault with attempt 1 . i-hictttfo. formerly chM of the Omaha
to rcb Albert. "Krltd.)8n .on the night of j d!vWion of the rural free delivery
March U. Bmlth pleaded not guilty ana
win oe sivco u f-" .u.-.., ,,,.. v.. U;--R Duranil f Alliance. Carl lialladay
case next ruejnay morning,
will either be ditcharged by
ford or beund the district court.
Assistant rnltd States Distr t Attorney
A. W. Lane of Lincoln was a visitor at fed
eral headquartere.
General Charles V. Msndersnn left on
Wednesday niRht for a trip to Philadelphia
and Washington.
U C. Erwln of Hastings. George Ander
son of Kearney. C. 11 Staats of Fremont,
K. W. Young and C. E. Coffin of Lincoln
are at the Murray.
... IV. I'll. ,1.11.
after which he , ()f Falrfux alKj
1 Judge Craw- 1 city are at the
&eoua Caitsri-U .Bound Ofir On the
Charge of larceny frem the p sn. Loons
Caner. a Ti.l:d .ward nrgresa. living at
'l.i."'vrtn and' Cass atiee.s. was bound
Vfi to lr,A diSi.ici au. ; .'ro:n j-nllcc curt
Thu red '. S; e its . 1 iiarged with liking
Fied F. .M. :,"e:,i;i's pscketbook. eon'.ala
lng fiom.his povk.-t oa tue trect
Wedf!:y cUjlit, Nelson lives "at Vii
Suutli " st rest.
T IJHcu" Xeslsts Jilflgaieat-Franci J.
K"l. n ..fUi a jr.. t'": .. : c.i:)iy eoavs
Thurtfii mernlrig n as'de the j iiip.
mni rh!th i:r. Onrrr ! !. f. rrfr fe.
nbuir.d e lr.e-c'.ry . a:'.e: --sin. Et.lsnn
tin lh liiar, t, uuJ . ttn 'p.alni :. t
a, -if'. x. inMV.'h eo-. trllon on" i!-.e
f -.-.f.U. . 'pc:-.aL- )i '. U t 'ttle,r.M ' a
-lta. d!rc rrr:' ":! r. s il l r. ui r . 'u-'.xj
atr.:rd anJ la -at t;.ld ard li au'e
,T Hi rigre. i.--..:-; tt dctviidai.t was not
ar.ire o: sr.u: vbx.iiik. ec. er.
". -. v;.i:.-. 1.- r. S"jet! nev v. ay ' of Vnn'
.i.-ns .Ariv 'in r.n-'n;'
... , ' '-". " , Mu'f c'
1 an fc-vi. V'.lhe p-.ltce. A lr e:' , ,,ni,
-r...-'t i-i c alii s.s ar'cMd' at Ibe p'lce;the Ptxfn
C. A. Cooper ot Kansas
y are ut tne senilis.
deorKe B. Herndon of Fremont. E. W.
nlmarm of Portland, fcthel McMillan,
Mabel McMillan of Kurwell and Ella Me
Cord of Los Angeles are at the Rome.
Dr. U. c. Voung of Ponea. Q. D. Hoar.
V. J. H'Jtlede c?' Si.ajlding. J. H. Bacon
of Kanras 1ty. E. W. Fuller of Syricuse
and J. H. Tnwle of Lincoln are at the
C. H. Munroe of Ksnsas City. Dr. A. J.
Cameron of Herman. Dr. W. C. Keettel of
L"ons Jan.e C. Bin k of Lincoln, C. R.
Bauglm and H. W. rrovoat of Wajthlll are
at the Loyal.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. C. D. Hudsin of Denver.
H. M. fentt of Pia nvlew. E. C. farmon.
T. E. Htr.gan ef lCansas City. Mr. ond
Mrs. H. W. Meyers of Crawford and
Ganrce E. Heston of Friend are at the
Mills :d. '
Vi:iam' Hiswettr ef I.lnwood. P. E.
ra.Mcck "f Wahoo. M. Ct IValker. Nola
V a 1 e of v. -ei)l-r Wafer. 'A.; J Schaar
The Anti-Saloon league ' refuses to con
cede the election of the republican nominees
for the Board of Fire and Police Commis
sion, and Harry A. Stone, secretary, says
the league will push Its case In the su
preme court In the hope that the decision
of Judge Redlck of the district court will be
reversed. ,. . r , m .
The lenaue holds that there were no
vacancies to be filled when the committees
of the two parties chose men as candidates
for the excise board on the ground that
vacancies existed on the tickets and that
they wee filling these vacancies.
"We have consulted a number of lawyer
and they all tell us that the court can not
do otherwise than reverse the decision of
the lower court," said Mr. Stone. "If the
supreme court does do this, then our can
didates will be declared elected, for they
received more votes than-any of the other
petition candidates. Lawyers tell us that
another election would not be necessary In
the event the supreme court rules as we
have every reason to believe It will."
part of the city. Telephone No. 8.
Mrs. Carl Root will entertain the women
of the Methodist church tills afternoon.
Dr. V. H. Slabatigh has returned from
Ohio where he was called by the Illness of
k!s mother.
Success lodge No. ffi. Roval Achates win
meet In Odd F Hows' hall Thursday ev.n ng I Helen Dsrt
August Miller and others are protesting
sgainst the license of John Kelliait, fou
North Thirty-third street. -
Miss Elisabeth M. Nicholson and Charles
M. Miller of Burdette, Minn., were mar
ried Tuesday evening In South Omaha.
The city clerk will put the dog tags on
sale at 1 p. m. today. After Mav t6 the
dogs will be Impounded If the license Is
not paid.
Deptuy Sheriff Peek of! Arkansas City.
Ark., took In custody August Brock, a
prisoner for whnm he came to South Om
aha, arriving yesterday.
The children of the Lincoln school will
have full charge of the program tins even
ing at the Routh Omaha High school audi
torium. The entertainment ts for tho pur
fose of purchasing statuary.
A good crowd of music lovers attended
the program given last night at the South
Mrs. Frank Judsun
Waller T. Prise
The Hi by Show. 1-iulles of South
Umahu ....
Omaha Iron Store company
John A. Mcfhane
R. K. Stewart
Card Puny, four young
South Omaha
St. Humahns church
W. B. Merch
A. R. Aery
Plymouth Congregational
St. John's A. M. K. church
Warner 8. Frank
F. A. tYeswey. South (husha
Ilentv O. Pike. S'Utli OmuliH
Gretna Kensington club. Gretna.
P. H O. society. Gothenburg. Neb..
Cash ...
Frank E. Scott. Florence
A friend. South Omsha
Mrs. llusrh Carpenter. lincoln. .. . . .
.Tames Onr" :
Grace Ullle .-
Mary Scott. Florence
tonecieo ny little captiilns among
the children of the city for the
Brick fund:
Helen Pearce
John Miles
Margretha Grlmmel
Hasel Updike
Churles Horenson
Charles Flnhr
Adelaide Funkhouser
Dundee Children's Brick fund ....
Kachne! Metcnlf
Dorothy Jurison
John Brotherton
Annie Colin
Margaret Mathews
Winifred Ithmp
Thelma Pelllck
Jacy All"n
Mrs. Kohrs
Virginia Reed
Allen and Carlyle Pnrker
Eddie Flint
Francis Hoditln
John Hnnlahen
Roland Jefferson
Gerald Werne
Wilbur Fulloway
Mary MeAdams
Herbert NcRele '.
Helen Noyes
Nora Chae
Eddie Flint
Georsre Inkster
Luclle lAthrop
Donald McVan
Harriet Met
Howard Payne
Charles Weeth
Harold Weeth
Randolph Weeth
Catherine Conrad
Uo (in
1o 01
101. (
liver the entire numh-r to the Messrs
Sliubert. ,
It Is the purpose of the Messrs. Shubert
to each little mouse In a pretty esse
snd distribute them anions- the hotels in
New York as an advertisement for "The
Blue Mouse" now running at their Lyric
theater In that city.
leepy e la
f t InU
ta-ala I p
tla the f.ame
l.a m a.
The feud between Sleepy Hewitt,
man, and Frank Brown, defender
game laws, goes on without ceasing.
Is before the couniy court again
Omaha High school auditorium. J he pro
Colarldence Has GlTen Rise to gome
peenlatlon at the Coart
Duncan Turner, the alleged Incendiary
now on trial In district court, haa red hair.
James Smith, who burned down the Sunder
land Bros, barn, has hair which could be
called red without stretching It much, and
the last previous defendant In an srson
cwse wore hair of almost vermlll'.on hue.
The above Instances sre not quite nu
merous enough scientifically to deduce
that f'- :-s; locks and fiery crimes are
T':r:.;'s case came up before Judge
Button Thursday morning and most of the
day was occupied 1n getting a jury. Turner
(s charged br the last grand Jury with hav-Ina-
set firs to a residence at Seventeenth
and California streets In April last year.
He had seme goods stored In the attic and
had Insured them.
.'.-Ml. LMI.j.lm
il 14IIIIII. I " iiiwiiii . .
. t Cll.&
t3 r l"r .........
Benton Heller
Txirent Rosens'ock .
Dorothy Arter
Dorothv Balbach ...
Helen Belsel
Eleanor Bursts!! ....
Elliabeth Penyman
Eva Bnrstall
Acle Ballard
Carl Palbnch
Mnrv Cleland
Frederick Conn
Mory Grove
Ruth Ilelnriche
Carrie Hlnkley
Frankle Krapp
Esther McVan
fllee Porterfield ...
RHlph Pratt
Inland Potter
Mildred Plcknrd ....
Porothv PosTUe
Helen Strelclit i..:.
Harold Streig-ht ....
.Tohn Pnmlerlnnd ...
Pearl Vest
Virginia Van Court
Dorothy Wilcox
Etlier Wllhelni
Fddle Dowllng
Edith Knapp
Jnmes Kennedy ....
Charles Weston ....
Fr-le Perkins
William Tonne-
Vern Enelish
1 ols Rohhins
Wvman Rohhins ..
Catherine McClure.
44 10
JR. 00
1 sn
7 11
5 30
5 (
A. no
1 no
in a
9 15
1 I26
1 7.
7 46
6. -JO
6 05
4 00
2 70
I. To
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1 "0
1 49
1 no
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1 40
1 SO
of the
on the
charge of fishing with a seine. Meantime
he Is being bound over to keep the peace
on complaint of Brown ahoj s wears that
Hewitt has threatened to tear him Into a
mlllon pieces.
Your complexion at well
at your temper is rendered
miserable by a disordered
liver. By taking Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets you can improve
both. They cleanse and in
vigorate the ' stomach and
improve the digestion.
acatiaf ' , 1
seij. -; yrf
4 May Sale of
(Brandeis Stores S
Wliea ymm ay Oela Meal rioae
he sare It la WasabarwCraaar's Qel4
kfedal Fleer. This la laayartaait.
Straw Hats
We desire to call your atten
tion to tlie first complete show.
iiiK of the new straws, which will
occur at our store tomorrow.'
The assortment contains a com
prehensive variety of the newest,
smartest and handsomest styles,
that will be worn this season.
Sailors in perfectly bleached,
split and Sennett braids, finely
trimmed and finished, at 50c to
$3.50. " ' ' . '
Also an infinite variety of
Panamas at $3.00 to $7.50.
Note the display in 15th street
A 1111 J
gram was presented by the African church
socMlee of Omaha and South Omaha.
The Board of Fire and Polh-e commis
sioners met lost evenlna- to. continue the
hearings in the protested liquor cases pend
ing before the body. No quorum was pres
ent so board took adjournment.
Richard Laverty made the course of nine
holes yesterday afternoon In 42 which Is
bogv play Fch afternoon this week has
seen the golf lovers out on the links. The
course will be very satisfactory this year.
The members of the Men's club of St.
Martin's church are preparing; a minstrel
to be given at the South Omaha High
school auditorium May 17.
The swa'tfest at tho grand opening of
the fsouth Omaha Country club will besrtn
;romptlv at 2 p. m. Friday afternoon.
Floyd Sherwood has a system of handicaps
Court AlleniHiiia No. 3035. Independent
Ordr of Foresters, will hold an lmiortant
meeting this evening. 1418 N" street. Re
freshments will follow the business seaslon. yf)il dMll cIe(lr comp,1on take
The funeral of Mrs Augusta Smith will ' 0 , Laxave for constipation and
tie held at the residence netir Avery at r K r' ' " , .. , . .
2:30 p. m. today. The burial will he In Liver trouble, as It will stlmulats these
Bellevue cemeterj". The funersl is prlvste. I organs and thoroughly cleanse your sys
FTits B. Sandwall and family will start j terTli which Is what everyone needs In the
for Sweden Sunday. Thev will srnd a i , ,n f.-i -..ti For sale bv all
davs vlfltlna- in the east and will take "v "
of the liners the latter part of next druggists.
Total ...
Ttrick fund....
In the
Pslanco to risp. R.132.R2.
Time-limit. June l.
The success which hss followed L. T.
Cooper during the past year with ills new
preparation, Cooper's New Discovery, H
unparalleled. Cooper haa a novel theory.
He believes that the human stomach Is
directly responsible for most disease. To
quote his own words from an Interview
upon his arrival In an eastern city:' " I he
average man or woman cannot be sick If
the stomach Is working properly. To be
sure, there ere diseases of a virulent
nature, such as cancer, tuberculosis, dia
betes, etc., which are org.nic, and are
not traceablo to the stomach, but ten
fevers can, In nine cases out of ten. be
traced to something tsken into the
stomach. All of this half -sick, nervous
exhaustion that is now so common, is
caused by stomachic conditions, and It i
because my remedy will and does regu'ete
the stomach that I am meeting with such
"To sum the matter up a sound diges
tive spparatus that Is doing its full auty,
getting every particle of vitality out of
all food by transferring it to the bowels
In a perfectly digested ststethls jbove
all else brings health."
The following unsolicited endorsement
comes from J. L. Turk, living at 916 Lo
cust street. V'lneennes. Ind. Mr. Turk is
well known throughout the Oho and Mis
sissippi valleys. He Is now sixty-eight
years of age, and claims his general
health is better than for some time paot.
"For several years." ssys Mr. Turk,
"I have suffered from stomach' trouble.
I was In a badly weakened and rtfa-tiown
condition Aftet eating I would bloat, and
be In pain and distress for several hou.'s.
An all-gone feeling would come over ins,
and 1 had no energy nor ambition what
ever. This condition continued for a long
time, although I took treatment from
several good physicians, and tried a num
ber of patent remedies, without rellet.
"On reading of Mr. Cooper's theory. I
became convinced Miat he was right, and
procured several bottles of his New Dis
covery preparation. In order to test hi'
claims. It affoided prompt relief, and
when I had taken three bottles, my
trouble had disappeared and I was feeling
like different, man. To make try restor
ation sure. I took twtf more bottlea of the
New Discovery. It .has now. been several
months since I stopped tsklng the Coaper,
medicine, and I have experienced no pain
or distress In that time, although 1 eat.
anything 1 wish. .
"The medicine also relieved me of
chronic cnnsiipstlun and piles, the latter
having bothered me for many years.
Cooper's New Llecovery Is a wonderful
prepsrstlon and I recommend It to any
one suffering from stomach trouble."
Cooper's New Discovery -Is sold by all
druggists everywhere. A sample bottle
sent free upon request by addressing The
Cooper Medicine Company, Dayton. Ohio, ,
las a Ureal Prospect.
f- lbv.q v. , rc.nMiw.: . . - - - ( jn urni-i'iBSH ui'KPii rriuj.nif over mm-
e M- Kfv'' w"'1 V T'lor ,f ; future, so much so, thst lie will move here j eylvenla Lines, ten-dav stopovers. Including!
LV'r, . Y V i- Mrrc"'lnl- j with his family at onre, to make this their , date of deposit are now allowed, upon I
O. O. 1 rdv ot Ka.'ia.s City. A. P. Flis- . : ., . , , . ,' i
"mr.-.n of T -::meti. n C. Weher of ! non,e- ; notice to conducor, at either Colurgbua. ,
Tvjtnks Omaha II
Mr. R. K. H'tilnies. presldrnt of the ;
Holmes Piano and Music company. Man-
kaio. Minn., believes Cmaha has a great
EverrthlnsT Will Be Ready for the
Opealnar Thorsday Klarht.
Preparations for the opening of the elec
trical show are progressing rapidly and the
! big show will be all ready for the opening
Thursday night.
The wireless telegraph station will be
In working order and president Tafl's
message will be received at the Auditorium
at 7:30 and the lights will be thrown on by
President Jo'ms'.on of the Electrical expo- i
aitlon. Miss Mehaffey, the vocallsi, will 1
I arrive fn.m Cincinnati on Thursday and j
I will sing at thj opening and every after-
l noon and evening during the show. i
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters.
Penaarlvanla Lines' Stopovers.
On first-class tickets reading over penn-
Annoanerments of the Theaters.
Three memb-rs of the Maddern family
of actors will arpear In "Salvation ell," M
which Mrs. Flske and her famous Man
hattan company will present at the Rur
wood theater three nights commencing
Monday. May 17, with a Wednesday mati
nee. Mrs. Flske herself Is the most dis- j
tlnguished of the Madderns, and her pres- j
ent position as the foremost actress of the ,
American stage Is the result of a lifelong j
endeavor. Msry Middern. an aunt of Mrs. t
Flske's. and who has been on the stage I
more than half a ceeury. is me secona
representative- of the Maddern family In
"Salvation Nell." and the third Is Marie
Maddern. cousin of Mrs. Flake's, who Is
!n her third season.
V. ll
V. P. Crawford and io:-.a I Mr.
ve r. Mr. and Mrs R. H. West I Rrrs .
f ive:-. Mr. snd Mrs. Will H. ' L ,
, iii. i a I'll'.. t r. '"
. Harris ef Dosrtwood sre at ' romrletrd nnd the HMmea jlano and muslo
BtrKk has been transferred to Omaha.
T. F. Quinlan, buyer fir Hayden
returned this morning from Mm
Minn., w-'iere arrangements wre
One of the most extraordinary contracts
ever entered Into by a theatrical firm was
arranged last week between the Messrs.
Pittsburg. Washington. Haltimure or Phila- I Shubert and Dr. Dltmns. the soologlcal ex-
delphla. Also eff.-ctlve April 2! at Indisn- f pert of the Pronx park, New York,
npills. , ! By the terms of the agreement Dr. Iit-
mas undertakes to breed fifty genuine
Pee Want Ads Are Business Boosters. i blue mice of unmistakable hue, and to de-
Officers of the Omaha Electrical Exposition
" aoa.r,
j - - ,
" - ' - ' i ii m n i
i v, jtnt.s.-miv
s'r9idut Ji Ihhiuu tileciiit al Cu
II. Ki lt 1 HI KliLS.S.
Vice I'rendi in s-i.l Tieaurvr Wuiat't-
J I! I Kit MLR,
J. M rjlLLAV.
Managei' of Audiluriuin.
Vic I'reaidenl and Treasurer Nebraska
tiscUlc Cu.
to the endless number of cures we have effected. Our success Is
the result of superior knowledge, gained by years ot conscientious
study and experience.
There Is nothing doubtful or experi
mental about our method of treatment.
We know just what can be done by our
modern and advanced methods and we do
not nold out false Inducements and prom
I so more. Our name has been a house
hold synonym throughout the west for
tuuny years owing to our long establish
ment in Omaha and tn our remarkable
success in the treatment and cure of the
class of ailments that constitute our spe
cially. We have Investigated and tested all
kiown methods fur the treatment and cure
of diseases and weaknesses of men, which
fives us the right to Judge between the
else and the true between shallow pre
tensloi' snd solid worth between sub
stance and shadow. Musty and ancient
theories and methods cannot stand out
against our advanced modes of treatment,
SKi'nst progressive medical aclence. ana
Indisputable evidence of hundreds and hun
dreds of esses cured. All that expert skill,
vsst experience and scientific attslnment
can accomplish are now being done for
those who apply to us for the help they
We treet nil ealy, and enre promptly, safely and thoroughly, by tke
latest and best methods, BBOXCHITH. OATAmmat. NEBTOUa ZlMlXTTY,
blood roisoxr, axur diseases, xidbky and blaodeb DiaSAgsa,
and all Special Diseases aad thetr complications tn the shortest time possible
snd st the lowest cost for sklUfal service and suoeessfal treatment,
ges" ew aw mm Consultation Office Hours; 8:00 a. tn. to .90 p. m.
r tt CI EL nd Cgamlnatlon. f1?'1- i ' on"' " ou "
not cull, writ
1303 Famam St.. Between 13th and 14tb Sts.. Omaha. Neb
1 . -jr...".
. , 'Y-.
Our product and reputation are the
best advertisement we can offer
A. L Keel, taa JUO-lIlt HoweH St.. Oateka
n n
ft rt
Rupture of men, women and children can be cured In a few days without a surgteai
operation, loss of time or pain. The cost is governed by the sise of (be ruptured open
ing to be closed The money ina be depoeued in uinaha Hank in the earns of
the patient or guardian, not to be paid until the lure is completed. Thousands of
ruptured people hav a-cepled these teinia during the past 1 years and all aie enrr
pletely satisfied Write or call fur furtner information. DA. lUilg U. VaVAT.
OS Beo BeU141aa-. Oaaaaa. '