"V v. UF'.K: OMAHA. . KKIDAT. MAY s X 3 "6 7 ' ' ,1 Every Day is Remnant Day at Our Remnant Square . , v in Basement. RtifnaJta; oT i$e' fercalcs, a(, per vard . . . lOo ' ReijiaiiU iof 25c Printed Start ras. tut, per yard 14o Remnants -of 16c Qlnghams. at, per yard lOe Remnants of 20c Shirting Madras, at, per yard 11 Remnants of 2Se Foplln Suitings, at. per yard. . . HHe Remnants'-of lSc vand 18c I.tnen Finished Suitings in solid color, at, per yard So Remnant" of Figured Dress Swisses, at, per yard flOe l Smart SMrts to Your Special Measure. They are made by men tailors and have an air of "chic" not easily achieved a home, i, Clioooe any material from our great stocka of col ored and Blank dress goods and we will make it to your special measure. See tijodels in the dress goods section. We also make petticoats to your special measure. Choose any material you like. k Special Price on the Famous Bee, Aviator Faints, ; Machine Drops Italian Lieutenant Severely Injured While Trying to Operate Wright Aeroplane. ROMS. May Lieutenant Caldetara of the. Italian nary' was Injured here today while f lying In a Wright aeroplane. Ax ha was making a- sharp turn the machine fell 40 the ground' and the aviator was picked up unconscious.' It la estimated he , fell a distance of. about forty-five feet. . Th lieutenant, who Is a pupil of Wilbur Wrlght,.:waa revived an d, moved to a mili tary hospital. Speaking; of pie accident . rater he lakl ha -ha ilown 'M..lTifrnirig because three of hlaj uncles i.'Jrtdn'obma-' purposely from Verona to witness his performance. , He said that he felt ill and fainted ana must have slipped froth his seat He thus fell to the ground, first and ' the machine came down after him. , ... The machine was badly damaged. T Million Dollars ZmAqCX p teriir ban j Company Incorporated to Run Line -i from Sioux City to Bjou Hills." S. D. : PIERRE, 8. D May (.Articles of In- corporation were filed here today for the ., South) . Oaketav IntWVbtn iRailway com- ! parur. with headquartera at Centerylile ! and capital of M.OOO.OuO. It is propoaed ' to eeststruct ISO miles of road from 61oux ' City, la.. to Bijou Hllla, 8. D. ! fFINOSvLACK HAND SOCIETY i m - rr ! -i Fon.tr- ,f cabers trawler Arrest at i Pwlaith aa Char see of Black- aaall a4 Harier. DlTlUTH. Minn., May .-Chargd with robbery,.! blackmail and murder, four a!, leged members of the Black Hand koclety, who part, of the time have made their headquarters In Duluth. have been rounded up tgr William H. Dean, immigration office Ins; ctor and it ik peeled the arreat of othera will . follow. , Dean discovered an organUKNl branch of the black hand work ing In' northern Mloneaotat and along the Canadian border. '-' Traveler Make Bl Plane. 'YANKTON. t:,' May .-Bpeclal.)-At an executive aaaalon here of the officers of the State Traveling Men's association final plana were made for the big con- 384 Girls' Coats in Thfe Selling Benson & Thorne Co. Promises Eeal Sensation in Girls' Garments Saturday. Following the custom wherein the East looks to the West to help dispose if a manufactured eurplua. the firm cf A. Portfolio Co., of S E. lUh Pi.. Nt ' Tork City, ha told to Messrs. Benson 4: Thorne of Ull and HIT Dnuglun tt., a lot of aiaclly IH girls'. prin cuats at prices lew enough to go on record as -tn-uinely sensational. The deal was consummated entirely 'oy mall arid tiHgraph no question arose a tothe merchandise,, for Master. Benson Thorn KNEW the garments to be the flneal ever made up for girls It 4il re solved Itself into a question of priie. fttf When Benftm A Thorne r.te: "We williguas 5- rnuebj" the uer closed' and as a i-eeult. Friday u'.i,g papers will contain news of a eatuiuay aala that will be watched with interest by thousands ' l ( Olrls" absolutely, highest class, fault lesaly mjul V it length coals that ahoM balarlfngiug 3 00, t Oi) ai.il IT t will oV marked A J:. Hi the usual S 19. II0.0U and til 5d -riagj at li.00. The wlndowa on . irytay '. will bear out pepaon Thorne a claim: "We never have, lor never will carry .anything . shoddy or worly made even at bargain figures." teu've-aeen valuea and. .values, but there's new'eia-al ,ts,ia' ta si ere for you here Mt Baturdal BFTt. 14. t-lMl Th New Spring .Models it Yo rfct Figure In accordance) with the prertUIng fashions here and sbroad. The flat hip la eorractly and irrarefully emphasized In these new Spring models, but every woman who would have the satisfaction of knowing that her figure and gowns comply with the present mode in every detail, should come to us for one of these "Tapering: Waist" R. & 0. Corseta V.'e have a complete line of shapes and sires for all figures, and can Insure you not only fault less style, but perfect fit and comfort as well. show here one of the most fashionable moa ns, marie with a medium bust, long skirt and extra long back. The -price of this stylish corset in batiste (A45) is $1.00. "Yvette" Hair Goods TMs Week. B-S-'A. " ' ventlon to be held here June 18 and 11. This Is the fifth annual convention and It bids fair to eclipse all the previous gather ings, whlrh have taken rank with the most important gatherings in the history of the state. Governor Vessey will be a guest of honor and parades, drives and big ball games are among the attractions, In addition to the convention sesslona Patten Still at Bartlett Ranch Brothers Deny He Hit Returned to Chicago or that He Direct! Market. CHICAGO, May l-Reporta that James A. Patten, the bull leader' In wheat, had re turned to his home after bis vacation In the west, were denied today by hla brothers. George and Harry Pa'tten. " Mr. Patten has not returned; he haa no private wire to the Bartlett ranch, as re ported and we haven't a word from him for three days," is the way George Pat:en entered bis refutation of the story. TRINIDAD, Colo., May f. Jamet A. Pat ten la soil, on the Bartlett ranch Jn north. VA ?3.-MiSScv . . ; . Apparently Mr. Patten ;, haa .. pa. present Intention of leaving tiet ''happy-, 'hunting grounds " he has fourtd in the foreata and mountains of northern New Mexico -and accordjng to the reluctantly given Informa tion over a long distance telephone he is having the vacation of his life. ASK JUDGES' IMPEACHMENT Continued from First Page.)' Judiciary committee that he would at once formulate formal chargea of Impeachment against the two Judges. KAK8A8 CITT. May .-"r have nothing to say at this time and will make no state ment until Representative Murphy for mally presents . hla charges of Impeach ment." aald Judge Phillpa when shown the Washington dispatch. Judge . McPheraon also declined to make a statement. Later Judge Philips said: "If Impeachment proceedings are inau gurated i shall answer these Imputations agalnat me In a legal manner. I ehall welcome the Investigation of a congres sional committee, should Impeachment chargea be made. But If no such pro ceedings are started I shall reaerve the right to make a public statement later, If I should see fit to do so. answering all the chargea Included In the resolution of Congressman Murphy." LITTLE DAMAQEAT ARDMORE Hla Wlad, bat Ma Lews of Life, aa Waa ait Flrat Be. parted. GUTHRIE, Okl.. May ( -According to In formation received here today there waa no loea of life nor serious damage to prop erty In the etorm that etruek Ardmore. Ok!., last night. A heavy wind demoral ised wire communloatton fer several hours and the report spread that tha town had ' nee a ostroyed. wire facilities were still badly crippled today, but sufficient waa learned to ahow that the wind did not even damage small house. HYMENEAL Jeaee-At water. SEWARD, May tBpeclal. A. T. Jones, until last year president of the Jones National bank of Reward, waa married last evening to Mias Dorothy Atwater. daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. A. Atwater. The. wedding took place at the Jonea real- detue and guests were summoned as to an ! vn.tK company without being Informed that ti.e wedding waa to take place. ' Su perintendent Bln.l of the Burlington brought- a number of Lincoln frleads in a private car to attend tha wedding aod L.oan residents were also In attendance. R ri George Williams performed the ceremony. eiearaer Karaaal laa. ORAKTO.V. Neb.. May . -Special. )-One of the best games ever plavd on the lota) , grounds a a between tha Kearney Normal and the Oiafton team. In whW'h Kearitry I won by a score of I to 1. it waa a plu-h- ! mill iroin me start, jonnsion for Keart.ey striking out ten men and Milea , for Ornfon elgjit men. Oraftoa failed to get a hit In the em. re game but Kearney made four safe one. Kearney still main tains it reputation of having a fast team ana ras a nne schedule for the year. Bat teries: Kearney. Johnston and Drum; OraMon. Miles and Ray. I.atker Plared Wlibaat Brewr. DEC RAH. la.. May l- Special )-Ne-braska lust to Luther. 4.1a a Luther played errorless hall. N'liiMh, for Luther, did not allow Nebraska a hit and iTouty allowed tha locals only four singtea. Two walks and two hits gave tha (scale two Si-ores In the third, rVore by innings: Nebraska: eeS0S0A 00 0 1 Luther ..-..... ! t 1 , Itaitarlea: Prouty and OraanaUt; Nae aeth and Hanson. Umpire: Larson. KIDNAPER BOYLE IS CUILTY Jury Retnrni Verdict After Being Out Fifteen Minntei. BIO CROWD IN COURT ROOM AS Plret Witness la the Faaees Case, Billy Wattla Telle he Hot ef Hie Aklsetlss fi-am the karea aehaal. MBRCER. Pa.. May . -James Boyle waa convicted of th abduction of 'Billy' Whltla Of Sharwn today, the Jury being out fifteen minutes. When the court con vened title afternoon counsel for Boyle entered a plea of nolo contendre or a r fusal to offer any evidenca. t'nder tn clrcumatancee Boylea conviction In the abduction caee waa assured. "Billy" Whltla on the witness stand today pointed hla finger at the defendant aa the latter at In the prisoner's box and said with a poettlveneea that could not be de nied, 'That is the man." Ha had been asked If ha could point out the man whn tfwk htm away from Bharon last March and hla answer waa given without the slightest hesitation Hundreds crowded the frail - building serving for a temporary court house when court convened this morning and the doors were ordered locked to prevent a possible dlaaater from overcrowding. Jamea Boyle entered a formal plea of not guilty, the Jury selected yesterday waa awom and the opening address to the Jury was made by T. C. Cochran. In chsrge of the prose' cutlon. He spoke nearly half an hour, out lining what the atats will attempt to prove, which differs In no material point from accounts of the kidnaping already pub lished. "Billy" Whltla waa th first' witness and before being swom caused a ripple of laughter when he answered the qtietion aa to where boys go who do not tell the truth by saying, "They gn to hll." In hla bov ten way he told the story of tha man. who aald hla name Waa Mr. Jones, calling fnr him with a buggy at the achool and tell In him he had ben sent to take him away on aeeouat of amallpox. that he waa to take othera also, nnd that "Billy would meet hla friends on the train. Addressee Letter te Mother. "Billy" aald "Mr. Jones" gave him a let ter and asked him to write his mothr's name snd addresa on It, that ha did ao with a pencil and the man mailed It in Bharon. When asked to describe the dif ference In the man's appearance them and now "Billy" said that when he first saw the man "lie had his whiskers here." point ing to his upper Hp. He said tha man took tha whiskers off after a whUe. When Abner Hancock, a barber of Nilea. O., waa asked to stand up "Billy" identified him as the man who had shaved Boyle. He told of tha drive to Warren, tha subse quent trip to Nlles and Ashtabula, of visiting a party at Astabula and standing beside a cannon. Then he said he waa taken to Cleveland where he was told he was in a hospital. It contained, he aald. two rooma and a bath. He told of hiding in tha bottom of tha buggy and In the box under the washstand In the "hospital" lest the doctors aheuld see him and put htm In a peethouaw. He aald Mr. and Mra. Jones directed him to do so. demands tariff bill rt , v t i ' . at- ; (Continued from Flrt PafO . Mr. Dolllver. In his attacks upon the pend ing tariff bill, Senator Cummins turned to Mr. Aldrieh and said that the man who challenged the republicanism of senators because they' seek to revise the schedules of duties forty years old, was taking a moat remarkable course. "Have we arrived at that alavlah atate of p J bile opinion." he aeked. "in which It becomes a question 0f poltiical fealty to Insist upon the correctness of schedules made forty years ago when we consider them in relation to conditions existing to day?" Senator Beverldge Joined Mr. Cummins In asking from tha oommlttee on finance an explanation of the fact that the duty on oil clothe had been doubled by making it apply to narrow widths. Mr. Flint of the committee replied that the answer Would bo made in due time and added that If members of the finance com mittee "had the ability of the senators from Indiana they would give the answer off-hand." Mr. Snioot explained that the oil cloth duty had been put up to protect the Ameri can producers but before he had concluded was Interrupted by Mr. Cummins, who said he did not care to give way for a speech. Aa the aenator from Utah resumed his seat Mr. Burrows, rising in his place and apeaklng in low tones, deliberately said he did not think the senator from Iowa "had been qjite courteous ' to the aenator from Utah. Disavowing any Intention to be discour teous. Mr. Cummins returned to the con troversy, aaytng he was not satisfied with Mr. fimoot's explanation. He wanted something less threadbare. He wanted to protect the home manufacture but he Wanted to kno-v why theae dutlea had been raised. Attoraer for Steel roaiaaar. Mr Cummins stated he had had npeclal opportunities for understanding the af fairs of tha American Steel nni Wire company. Mr. Owen Inquired how he had acquired auch apeclal Information. "1 waa attorney for the company," re plied the Iowan. Mr. ".rott inquired whether the jenator had received his fee aa attorney .in money or In jiock. "If 1 hid lled In West Virginia, ' re aponded Mr. Cummin's "and hud ben aurrounded with influences prevalent there. I fear I would be ashamed to answer, but as I live In Iowa, where there is an honest atmosphere. I can re ply that my pay wsi In cash and I had rothlng whatever to do with the capital stock lasued by that company." Futtier replying to Mr. Scott, Mr. Cum mins said t!i. the stock of the t?el cor poration hsd r up so hih becaviae of Itt unlawful profits. "I'nliwful from a nu ral stantitx lnt, 1 niuan." lie said, lie further declared that from a moral standpoint the profits were dishonest, lie said that corpoiatlona could not pro- Those Corpuscles In your blood, red and whit, kp you welt tf they ar healthy, caua you sickness If diseased. To make and keep tLetn abundant and healthy, u to bavu pure blood, free dom (rota disease and vigorous health. The chief parpoae of Hood's Saras parilla ia to do tint, and its aueceae ia attended by thoua&nda of wonderful cures. Cures of all blood diaeasea, scrofula, ecsema, rheumatism, catarrh, flat M today as la minal UaaU form er la aasiislstsS teals torn sailed aanataaa. EVOLUTION m IP HA NO 110 MONEY DOWN. 0I1E DOLLAR A WEEK. As a result of a contract just closed for $50,000 worth of high grade pianos with the largest are able to offer the greatest piano value in the history of the business at terms that mean nothing selling. Here are the unusual terms - These terms bring to the T"T! ' f ----- 4 ' 4 $350 LICHTE &CO. PIANO, $155 duce a single ton of steel more cheaply than could Ita constituent companies or than the so-called Independent companies can. lie denid that it was loonerntve to any extent, caylng that lis tmployea had been allowed to purchase itnck aa anyone else could do. Responding; to a query by Mr. Ippew, Mr. Cummins aald that he had not ven tured to look forward "to that disastrous day In which o l the Industries of the United Ptatea and of the worll are con centrated In a single hand or a sinrfia board of directors , When lie aald the day should dawn that a single man shall r?lrect the energies of the enrth and con trol the fortunes of mankind, so far aa manufacturers are concerned, 'there will still remain the lainp-posta and the com mon people after the law haa failed In order' that the country may be rid of thoae monopolists who coerce the whole world." Armenians Saved from Death Are Like Iiost People Adana Missionary Says 25,000 Sur vivors Have No Homei. No Work and No Way to Live. ADANA, Asiatic Turkey, Wednesday, April 28. Via Constantinople, Ifay 6. Rev. Stephen R. Trowbridge, a missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, estimates the number of Armenians killed In the province of Adana since the outbrak of the anti-Christian rioting at 23.000. The missionary saiti today: "A conservative estimate of th. Chris tians killed In the city of Adana ia 3.0U0. Thia calculation la made up from the lists prepared by the priests and other officials who give permits for burials. Not less than 20,000 perished In the towns and vil lages of the province. This figure Is baaed upon the .full Information aent forward by the British consul. . "Tha surviving Armenians In the entire province are largely women and children. They amount to about 26,000 souls, and are today without homes, shops, tools, clothing or bread. A most pitiable and wretched multitude Is passing up and down the si roots of Adana like a lost people. They throng the big factor' yards, where a dole of flour Is given out by the relief com mittee. Crowds of broken hearted women and children are coming in from the coun try to even greater mieery to the city. BEIRUT. Aslatlo Turkey. Msy .-The altuation at Buadla, where a number of Armenians have been massacred, has been r.M.v.,4 u. . r., ,k A I exertions of the captain of the British bat tleship Triumph and the British consul at Alexandre tta. who went down the coast on board the Triumph. The two officials visited Galadoran and Keesab and found these towns indescrib able charnel houses. . There are more than 1.000 helpless and destitute women In a village on the aea "coast near Kessab. FIRST BISHOP OF WYOMING Rev. !athaa Bermar Thomas Con se rrated la C'hlarrh at Phila delphia. PHILADELPHIA, May s.-In the pres ence of many church dignitaries and hun dreds of clergy and representative laymen, the Rev. Nathan Seymour Thomas was to day consecrated first bishop of the new Protestant Episcopal diocese of Wyoming In the Churrh of the Holy Apostles, of which he was rector. Bishop Tuttle of Missouri was the ronsecrator. MILITARY At'A DRal V WINS MKKT Waa Klcat Firsts aad Elarat SrconiU frosi Kearney High. KEARNEY. Nob. May . (Special. ) The dual Iravk meet between the Keariey High school and the Kearney Military academy track teama waa held Wednrndav afternoon and the Academy hoy a were the I -tors with a score of M to 44. winning eight firsts, eight seconds and tied for one first and two aeennds In the fourteen events. The day was very windy and the track soft but rvrn at that some good race were in evidence. OLIDDF. CA R HERB TOD AT PathSader Will ArrlTe I Omaha This Afteraaaa. Dal H. Iwls. the driver pf the Glidden tour pathflndlng car. sent the following telegram from Jefferson, ia., to II. K. Fredarirkson last etening: "Arrive Omaha tomorrow (Friday af ternoon via Missouri Valley. Leave Oma ha Saturday morning." !,wls waa at Fort Dodge at noon yes terday. Bigger, Better. Busier That's what ad vertising in Tlie Bee jiots for your bustnesa. THIRTY DATS FREE STOOL home of the most humble wage earner, this the most wonderful piano 0 Loghte a This unheard of always sold at $350.00, is now offered to music lovers of this city and tho west at e155. A clear saving of $195. Here is your greatest opportunity to save money vTo se?arethe highest quality and to have immediately and without delay in your home that long de sired piano. Come to our salesrooms tomorrow and have one of these pianos,-the musi cal marvel of the age, sent to your home. Remember no money down, 30 days free trial, freight prepaid, $1.00 a week, free stool, free scarf and free delivery. Out of town buyers may take advantage of this offer by immediately writing for full information and descriptive price lists. - ;.(' SCHMOLLES! "ft MUELLER PIANO CO. The Largest, Oldest and Most Reliable Piano House in the West. Established 1859. Operating Five Stores and a Factory at Omaha, Council Bluffs, South Omaha, Sioux City and Lincoln. " 1311-1313 Farnam Otreet. Phones: Doug. 1625, Ind. A-1625 FUND TO BACK WORLD PEACE Swedish Consul Donates $25,000 to Found Series of Lectures. BANQUET ENDS CONFERENCE Delegate Are Oweata af Cklcagro Aa oclatlosi a-f Commerce, Ballin a-er, Tawaey an Barthelgt Beta gr Speakers. CH1CAOO. May . The firat material fruit of tha National Peace conference, which cloaed here laat night, la a fund of 12&.000 donated to Northweatern unlverelty by John R. L.yndgren, Swedish conaul to Chicago and caahier of the State Bank of Chicago. The fund provided by Mr. Llndgren la tn be utilised for the purpose of founding a permanent aerlea of lectures" and 'to se cure the annual payment of prices for essays upon, the questions of International peace and. Interdenominational religious harmony. Feeling that a real step forward In tha world's peace movement had been taken delegalea to the second national peace con gress brought their three daya' convention to a close with a banquet last night. Ambassador Count von Bernstorff of Germany and Minister Wu Tlngfang In persona appeared for their respective coun tries, and illness In hla family alone pre vented the presence of Herman Da Lager crana. the gwedlah minister. Secretary of the Interior Bellinger represented the United Btatea. Othjera were Alfred Mitch ell lnnes, counsellor of the British em bassy; K. Mataubara, Japaneae conaul at Chicago, and Dr. Halvdan Koht of the Uni versity of Norway. Baasuet ta Delegates. Ist night the delegates were entertained at a banquet given by the Chicago Associa tion of Commerce, Secretary Bellinger and Congressmen Tawney and Bartholdt being among tha apeakers. Tha actlvtttea of the day were led by Amtoaaaador von Bernstorff and Congress man Bartbotdt. Mr. Bartholdt presided at the afternoon session. On one occasion he tangled the respective countries of the Oerman and Chinese diplomats, saying: "I now have the honor of Introducing to you the official representative of a nation where militarism Is spelled with a amall m' and peace with a large "P." " aald ba. "I have the honor to present bia excellency, Wu Ting-fang, minister of the German empire In the United States " The mis take waa soon noticed and tha chairman was stopped by shouts of laughter. Ha then announced that the negotiations which have been dropped for a year or ao for an arbitration treaty between the United Statea and Germany have been resumed. Mr. Bartholdt declared that not one dollar had been expended to fortify thia country agalnat Canada, and that at the last Hague conference America and; Great Britain stood together on a resolution for gradual disarmament of the natlona. For the benefit of Mr. Mataubara. touch ing on the late race troubles In California, the congressman smilingly remarked that wa clouds In the United States have a propensity for darkening the horison just before the matter of appropriations for the army and navy coma up. LEAD STRIKERS TO WORK I Break la Ranks 0ars Wits Tvea j Theasana Decide ta Give I Demands. RONNF. TERRK. Mo . May 6. A break In the l-ad mlnee strike occurred today, whoit j it h. cnine evident that half the niriklng j miners of this place will return to work i Friday without the increase in wages for j Tickles and Pleases the Appetite Delicious Post Toasties A Crisp. Flavory Delicacy. "The Taato Lingers" fepalar pkj. ISc; Large Faally tiu lie FREE TRIAL FREE SCARF. IPoaim value this High-Grade Beautiful Guaranteed Piano,,.. which! has STEINWAY AND WEBER REPRESENTATIVES. which they have bean contending. The remainder of the local strikers and a.11 the men out at Ladwood and Flat River are reported a being determined to prolong tha struggle. About 2.000 men are affected South Dakota Interurban is Incorporated Has Million Dollars Capital and Will Sun from Sioux City to Bijou Hills. PIERRB, 8. D., May -(Special. -Articles of Incorporation ware filed here to day for the South Dakota Interurban Hall way company, with headquartera at Cen terville and a capital of Il.0u0.000. The line proposed Is to extend from Sioux City toBIJou Hills, In Brute county, S. D., a dlet&nce of 1X miles. The directors of tha company are Fred E. Graves. William EI Miller, Ralph W. Thwlng. Charles E. Todd of Bijou Hllla and George A. Miller of Academy. Tha propoaed line la to crosa the coun ties of Union, Clay and Brule. Tha pro moters have already secured subscriptions to a large amount of their capital stock by residents along tha proposed Una, and while it Is a local organisation they claim they are out for business and not aa a promoting plan. Box Cars Are Buffeted by Wind Three Take Long Trips, with Gale as Motire Power No Dam age Done. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., May a (Special Telegram.) Tha high wind laat sight blew bog cars off Union Pacific aide tracks at Loup City, Eddyvllle 'and Amherst, and tha cars were driven twenty-two, thirty five and seventeen milea, respectively, be fore coming to a atop. Only branch lines were affected and tha Hnes are now clear. GIRL STARTS MEXICAN RIOT Btaba Ha a Vera 's rartaer la Bark aaa Fight Coa-tlagr Sevea Lives rii EL PASO. Tex.. May S. Additional re ports received hers of the recent riot on the Sanborn ranch near Vera Cms. Mex ico, are to tbe effect that seven persons were killed during the fight and that Har old Sanborn of Chicago, eon of tha presi dent of tha I .a Junta plantation, waa dan gerously wounded. Toung Sanborn Is atlll being held In jail, the charge agalnat him being the killing of a 11-year-old girl who, it la alleged, atabhed Sanborn'a ranch patt ner, Vicente Espinoao, In the babk. The killing of tha girl took place In the gen eral fight that followed. NEBRASKANS OFF FOR EUROPE Cabin . Paaaeaetera fre Omaha, I.ln ealn and Orand Island mm Board PWsldeat l.laeola. , OHICAOO. May i (Spclel.)-Tha follow ing cabin passengers were among those sailing yesterday on tha steamer President Uncoln. Hamburg-American line, for Lon dsn, Parts and Hamburg: Mra. L. H. Leschlnsky. Mies I.ydla Ischinsky, U H. Ischlnaky, Walter Ieachlnsky, all of Grand Island. Neb.; Mlsa Uiletta Atwood. Mlsa Ruth Holmes af Lincoln, Neb.; Heln lich Ven Ota 1 em of Chapman, Neb., and Mrs. Howard H. Raldrtgs of Omaha, Neb. VTW0 ELEVATORS ARE BURNED Fires Tanses SSO.OOO Loss at Aber deen aad gaO.OOO at Olld dea. la. A BF, RDF.CN. S. D.. May l-(Speelal Tel egram. )- Fire last night destroyed the ele j valor and warehouses of tha Freeman ! Oraln company. The loaa Is SAO.OOe and in i surance lit.. OMDDKN. Is . May -Forty thousand bushels of oata and corn were burnsd up I In s fire hers this morning. Tbs Mere. house elevator, four residences and seven I barna were destroyed. The loaa will reach SSO.060. Kehraeka efea from Capital. ' WASHINGTON. May .-(Speclal Tela ! gram. (-The comptroller of the currency haa atproved tha conversion of tha Cl'iaans' T7 TfPf FREIGHT PREPAID FREE DELIVERY. manufacturer in tlie worla we short of a revolution in piano . value ever offered. ffoir IS bank of Mct'ook, Neh., into the CJtiaefia' National Bank of McCook, with 160,000 capi tal. The secretary of the treasury haa awarded the contract for construction of a public building at Kearney, Neb., to tha Northwestern Construction company of Wahpeton, North Dakota, at their bid of 19,000. Royal Achates. All members take notice Joint class initiation Friday night, May 7. at Barlght'a hall. Tour attendance Is urgently re quested. Refreshments. COMMITTEE. fiOTTLIt at rut mms. Bum Ptit, Mswaaag, THE CALUMET and PLATE DINNERS are synonymous Original at the Calumet and only to be found there. Wats yaw tar Gold Medal Flaws he ssre It la Waahbara-Crsshy's Gold Medal Floar. Tht. s Important. AMISEMENTI. AUDITORIUM SECOHD-ANfiUAL ELECTRICAL SHOW Opens Thursday Even ing, May Bth. Message from President Taft. Fine Musk and Wondeitul Electircal Demonstrations Admission Adults 25c Children 15c BOYD'S fnUBAY, SATTmSAY SAT. XATIHKS cxasiii rmoxKAjr rzssTTfl JOHN DREW IBT mm LATSIT OOKIDT SCCOSSS "JACK STRAW" SUBTDAT ASTD MOSTDAT a wis A. Belkla'a AU Slav Tlddlah Co. 7 it la MME. KENNY LIPZIN Sunday Eve "Her Past" Mon. Eve. "The Power of Love" rnonea: Uoui lfcot. ind. A-ilwt Iflfcta. Tbe Psstoral Drama Tues. I "SX.US1 JSAHn" Tsars. I X.aearhs aad Tears Blended . I Tes "oirl From Oat Tender" May 1T-1-1-Mrs. Flake In Halvatlon Nell May J-::-ll-8hubert's Co. Ths Blue Mouse OmaiosrTosf Ovvwina PHONE , DOUG 4" ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Belly hTstlnaes sua. Every aright Tbe Patriot; At the Sound of the Go, Seldom'a Venus; Agnes Mahr; John Kel ler; The Sisters Milch; Vernon; Km drome. Prioas, 10c, tbe and &0c. Grand Biill sTnUewnk. Van wa v sf Ttie Nonparlel Club S4th aad 9 Streets, Seats Omaha Sal. Eve, May 8lh, tobJ Oleson's Orrheetrs Ticket. i- All are Welcome. ENTAH 1 i V f I