THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 7. 1iU vi .3 POULTRY AND EGGS C. R. T. Red eggs for hatching. II in CmVke. St, nrli First i.rtxe .i..,i Nebraska state fair. 19. hrnrtn my pPn; (i. m.jtt, mymtmi, ."sen. M-M942Mx BARRED n.YM(M:Tir HO 'If anTV.ivTr Lcert Wyandotte ease. 11 foe i& 11 1 1 . 1 I J , . .v. ril jnor.a innSHV. isr tll)-M!V4 20x B. BROWN LEGHORN EGGS. $3 per K Good is vers. I'hu. Gardner. Rloom- Mngton, Neb. Ut-M:3 :x COL W-TANDOTTEsIwon second "m7"p,.7 t stateVshow; first cork Htim show In my first Venr f In Inylng strain; stork for agle. Mr A R. J. Catteraon. Sutton. Neb i . . . 01 M52 Hi B. C. RHODra.iai.AND RED KlOS-For ale et 12 an V per 30; mrk sroie. K,. and pullets latae and even rolor. Mr. BertheMa Nettfirton. Benedict. Nor. MV27 lx BARRED Plymnutri Korku. mnnv makers choice, vigorous etrnk: selected eggs, wo ror M, W) for 12.50; afe delivery arid sat Infection guarantee., Adam A. Weir, day ieo. 1111 MSHI SleX Bl FF ROCKS cockerels. t1 Mammoth Fekln ducks, 13. per trio $f; eggs In ar- en Rocks. $1.60 per II. Pekln. il.2li per 9. Mrs. A. J. 1'oilack. rt. 4. wiener. Neb. (1D-M943 MRS W'HTTK WTANDOTTFSWlnnere at Ne braska state how; iro 4 to by Thompson. Eggs 31. ISO r"'. 32 per 80. Lv T. HUler. Ulysses. Nf ( 11 MIH4 MUX BOOH Barred Rnrk, 8. C. Bron Legharn; winners ahow and laying pen, 20, II. Oncar Hennlng, Wahoo, Neb. (11) M9:3 9x REAL ESTATE . ... DUAL B9TATR DRAt.RR. REED ABSTRACT Cn., Et., lo; promot aerrica; get our prlcei. 1710 Farnem ft. i I. - (1)-S1S REAI ESTATE TTTI-E-TRt'ST CO. CHAS. B. WILiLl AMBON. Preelrtfnt. . (1)-31 OANOESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. r.37. (1)-M517 VATNE INV. CO.. tirat floor N. T. IJfe. (IB) 317 viAIMCUP REALi ESTATE CO . V9 Pajcton Block.- (ID) MM7 MaylS BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 4H Brandfle Bldg. (19) 31S CITV PROPERTY FOR HA I.E. ' A Few Choice Bargz lains 4 raldwerf; -room. all mo.lern except eat; large barn, lot 0).1?a. permanent alda- I bea walks, paving, all spe'-lnl taxes paid price. 12.400; easily worm w.oo". 2881 Rugglea street, 4-room rotlage, neaxly new; price, I1.I00.-- a r C G. Carlberg, ; 8ila Agent, ' 911 N. T. Life Bldg. (19) -971 : $000 . FOR 5 ACRES Located abovt - 24 miles northwest of - Klorenia within one-balf mile of mtcadam road. In a locality where a great many people are growing fruit and are making a .goo4 living off of five acres. , . .... 'ACRES $UW. Ijocated withlri. a mile or. the end of Ihe Florence oar Una and on a maendam road. . The location la very desirable, being close to soma nlca new homes. Will make vers' easy terms on either one of these pieces. Better buy one of these now, as it Is sure to advance In a very short time. v HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 114 Harney St. ' (191 H73 7 B. W. COR. 41st and Jackson Bts., a good r l-ronm. - 2-atory- frame house, all new 1337 "jfch Ave. '"-Voorn house, modern ,' 13.160. ... ' - ' -. 331a-Dewey Av., a new 7-oom. all modern home, must. Je ao4d tola cash, balance monthly. JMVk momn, . II. lots B. E- cor. sutli. anl C alirnrnia, very choice, i Owner will consider trading on room house. SELBY, Itfth and Far nam. m B. of T. Bldg. (19I-9.W 7 CHOICE" HOME REASONABLE S-room. i all modern house, desirably located, near j i4.ounixe ibtk; ioi m'xim, i-iuui paved street; cement basement. exira ' 'good furhace; house nearly new: bargain " at I4.0r. Terms. Let us ahow you. 8TRINOFJR INVESTMENT CO.. 538 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 2il ' (iVl -?70 WANTED . Omaha Property Wa have-bters wailing. DARLING A DARLING. P4 441 Brandels.' A 1922 (19)-M968 8 EXTRAORDINARY Home Bargain New, completely modern and you can move In at once, iirge reception iisji. . rlor. dining-room and kitchen first floor; g bedroom and porcelain bath second floor; large closets; furnace, gas and electric: . full cmente basement;, cement walka; level 4ot 46xlM ft.; near Amea avenue and Mth. etreet oar. - Trice Only $3,250 ; - - aa. johnston co . - Phot,. Doug. 13. , 1814 Frnsm St. . BRAND NEW Eight nla large rooms, finished In birch, mahogany stairs, nice fireplace, full ce ment txieement, dandy furnace, large lot. . Prlca. 16,.,- . . WEST FARNAM i P. O. NIELSEN CO.. " , 70 N. Y. L Bldg. . Both photier 25TH AND PRATT STS. Seven rooms, nearly new. modern, with hot water, heating, full aoutn front lot. which wllL'fiwe the I.ew university. This la a snap at $M0. Will arrange terms. - GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Fir. New York Life. Both 'phones. .. . Ui-W7 T $00.00 Buys 42xlM eaat front on $8th aouth of iMvenworth St. F. D. Wead. 1N01 Fxrnsiu etraat - i1"rM1!L' HERB IS A CHANCE FOR ONE MAN TO QUIT RENTING. Ksw 4-mom eottage. Just completed, full lot $1 lift Small payment. balance monthly. Tou will have lo hurry to get la en this ; UNION INVESTMENT CO. $18 Baa. Tal. D 1904 U)-MbM $ -ROOM HOUSE Tour rent would have bought a home IN OMAHA long ago Tome In Let'e talk It oyer. NOWATA LAND AND IX I CO.. ftulte 8 N. Y. Ufa R'U-. "m"h,"-- . 'Phone Red ltf (l.-M9 - WAS $16,000. NOW $lS.a00 . ' For Ursa residence on Weal Farnam f Rlda-e. It Is vacant and haa 7 bedrooms 1 nd a gt4 alsed lot In nooby neignoornooa. I- fi will ha given on most of the purchase price. F. D. WBVAD.1M Farnam Si. 119) M94I T s rtTV REAL ESTATE city property for sals. (Continued ) MID-CITY ' ADDITION Midway between Omaha and South Omaha, on S. l.lth St. car line, four block aouth of Itlvervlew park. LARGE LOTS with M streets and alleys; all lota on nlca grade; every lot desirable and lightly. PRICES AND TERMS Prices range from $126 to $j00. Term: One- fifth earth, balanca tin prr month. SALESMEN ON GROUND between 1 and 4 p. m. or any other time by -appo'ntment. Phone South SM or Doug lai 415. MoCACiUE INVESTMENT CO., W Dodge Ft. 'Phone Dnuglaa 41S. M100 7 BARGAINS $2.00 1.M2 Madison Ave, 8 roome, modern except heat. born, paving paid. ll.fVKV-On Uth near Bancroft, four roome, hath, fruit treee and berry buahea. $1.500 New 4-room cottage, with bath and tan. 9S0 N. 28th Ave.; paving atart aeon; easy terma. 1.1.000 2Kfl-i805 N. 26th. two -room houeee; rent .n per year; room for two more cottaa'- M BACHRON REALTY CO. ' IW4 lke St. Plione Webster 1H1. (t) M10 LOTS FOR SALE two-Lot 50x150 feet, at 47th and Daven port Ftt. IttiO-l.ot located at SI el and Caetellar Btt., all readv to build on, 47x120 feet. From Jilf'0 to $44)0 each, aeven lots In Orch ard Hill, fine location. tl.860 On 3ftth Hi., facing north, between SMh St. ant 08th Ave.. 93 feet deep. 15001,01 on Mult and Blnndo Sta., 44x127. 7oo Three lots on Fort 8t. .1 1 11 t ... In Parf,ln,1, PI.. ROvltA fet tiijO Dundee lot, 50x1So feet, cement walk ,,r ln he rt0'- THE WORLD INVESTMENT COMPANY, Wl-4 Jf. Y. Life Bldg., Oronha, Neb. TeL Douglas 19i0 or Ind. A 42S. f (1 M108 7 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUY HOME Owner offers, for moderate payment down, balance pract'cally same ns rent, two very choke, brand new. modern cottages. In north part, excellent nclRhborhood ; prices. IL'.i.W and $2,700. Call Webster 1M1 Tor further particulars. (19 M108 7 FOR SALE 7-rnom eottage. modern except furnace. 1420 N. 2fith St.; large corner lot, fcouthwes: cornet- 2&tli and Charles 8ts. Make me an offer. W. U. Griffith, 'Jta Chicago St. Tel. Douglas 4o98. (1 M904 7 IF YOU HAVE city property, farms, ranch lands or mer chandise to sell or trade, list them with me. It costs vou nothing unless I effect a sale. W. W. Mitchell. 3-12 Board of Trade Bldg. (1 321 A CORNER LOT, . SUITABLE FOR 3 HOUSES, $1,100 I III .lUIT Blllllliet l.Jinri . I Brown streets In a very desirable lo v ..a ... ' .1 . m m,yjt cality, within two mocks or tne .n street car line and within one hlock of the Flor ence Boulevard, 'the streets Lave recently tweu araded and leave a nice terrace to thes lots. Who ever buys this will gel a xo too hnruHtn HASTINGS A HEYDEN," 1814 Harney St. (19 972 7 BOl l.lOVARD HOI'BK. 2248 North lth St.. !i rnoiiiH, ipodcrn, only S2.500. Thomas Btennan. Room 1 New York Life Hldg. (1 320 John Morrison House Mr. Morris. in lia removed to. the ranch country and wishes us to urge the sale of his lie.iutitu! home located at Grand Ave. and Florence boulevard, diagonally across from Rome Mklier's I2S,0. residence. Nine laige rooms, excellently built; house loculed In a selling of fine old forest trees; south and east front; outlook fine; large burn. Fori.ier price S?,ub0. present price $.'i.&00. Act quickly. Harrison & Morton (19)-MH OWNER SAYS SELL . Fins six-room residence on Burt St. facing the Boulevard, modern In every way. good batemant and wali s. The owner ta obliged to go on his homestead this week. Price, ,k0u; tuoo cash, balance same as rent. NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. t&2 Brands; Bldg. Omaha, Neb 19)-44 GOOD HOME . . . . 6 ROOMS MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK ' Almost nee dining room In best of order; hall, parlor, and kitchen on flrat floor; 8 bedrooms and modern bath on second floor: lame cellar; outside hatchway; lot 40x130; cement walks; fruit and shade trees; at $438 Spencer St.: In a good neighborhood; owner le moving to Kansas and has re duced his price to $2,800 W. H. GATES, 817 N. Y. Life. Phone. D 1294 (19) 868 7 CREIGHTON'S FIRST ADD. Ws sre Just finishing a new house at S2d and Castellar, J-story and attic, 7 rooms, oak finish, complete for $4. Wo. Let us show vou this bouae. GlOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Flour N. Y. Life. 1). 3-3; A 3A3. ' (!) $38 7 900 Acres $71,500 lea a few miles north of Omaha: sum what rolling, but highly Improved; nes proposed motor line. Harrison & Morton (ll)-MuM $1,750 will buy a new (-room house In West Council Bluffs, on car line, ten minulee' ride, nice home, good location. tul7 Avenue A. Bell 'phone B U04 (19)-Mi78 9x NEW. t rooms, very ciiclrt. Bemls Park district. C M. Rich. 330 N. Y Life. D 302$. A $23$ U, -ISM LARGE, new. mod. $-r. cottage; lorner lot, 110x138; I blocks from car line: imme diate poeaeaalon. Get a home on easy payments from the owner. Doug 1883 or evenings Wro. 41. (19) $23 PFTF.Rg TRUST ro., NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. We went large loana on well located, first clars city property. We can place large amounta at lew rates Petera Trust Company, New York Lite Building. tl)-Ju$ Maya REAL ESTATE LOANS and Insurances List your properly with us for sale or exchange.. Walnut and Orchard Hills Realty Co.. 10 Hamilton St. 'Phones Harney $7ao: lr. B-1M2. . (1 264 LIST your property with Cbrle Bovr. Kd and Cuming Bts. (!) 4S3 100 Profit Guaranteed If you hav $100.00 or $10,000.00 to invest it will pay you to investigate this proposition. YOU WILL BE GUARANTEED UNCONDITIONALLY A PROFIT OF 1007o ON YOUR INVESTMENT IN THREE YEARS. This is a gilt edge, conservative, safe in vestment for which we court the most thorough in vestigation. We only need $15,000.00 and when this amount is secured this unusual opportunity will be gone. You will never again have aa opportunity like this, eo act at once. Best of bank references furn ished. Address II. 365 Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM ARD RANCH LAND FOR AL Canada. May 17 Our Personally Con ducted Excursion to the FAMOUS WHEAT COUNTRY OF CANADA leaves on the above date In spatial Pull man cars, and with a Round Trip Fare of Only $24, which we refund to all purchasers. It cost nothing to write us for full In formation about this region, where one crop often pays for the land. J. A. LANG-AN &S0N, 708 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas IMS. (30)-M4( 7 4Delars4la. COI)RADO IRRIOATED SNAP. 49 acres Joining townslte, twelve miles from Denver; fruit and vegetable land; .lies beautifully; fine view of the moun tains; Ideal for home or Investment. This will ba sold at one-half Its present value If at once. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. U2 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Nab. (20) 2' MalUK V. B. GOVERNMENT. IDAHO-CAREY-ACT-LANDS. ' Bnake River Valley-Twin Falls District to.000 acres open by drawing June (, 1909. Write C. B. HURTT, Boise. Idaho. () M2l-Juna Ix FAMOUS CAMAS PRAIRIE Rich, black sol), abundant rainfall, mild climate; ask for map of northwest. Geo. M. Reed, Grangevllle, Idaho. (20)-M841 Je2 Nebnuika. 40-ACRE hemeateadsr cheap relinquish ments. J. Baraina. Whitman. Nab. X-M401 MaylJx At Less Than Your Own Price In Washington county we have a farm of about 200 acres, fenced but have not first-class im provements, although the build ings are comfortable. Has a good deal of fruit on it. Soil is very productive. Not very far from Omaha. This is so cheap we know you would place a high er valuation on it than we ask. J. A. Langan & Son, Tel. Doug. 1569. 708 N. Y. Life. (20I-M998 7 OrcsTOB. Fruit and Dairy LANDS On the weal riit.l uf Orexon. th home i of the famous Spltxenberg apple: no bet- ter vegetable land anywhere; many Eng lish walnut groves now bearing; beat grass land In the world, especially adapted to ihe clovers, alfalfa, blue grass and tim othy. No Irrlgtalon req-ilred; plenty of vg nfall and living epiingi of purest wa ter: no atumpa; mtld, healthful climate throughout the entire year; unsurpassed for dairying. Meat desirable environment For homes; tnla is your opportunity: can you not sell a fea tracts In vuur locality l tmnk you can; it so write too ay tor my circulars and descriptions, also terms and prices. I am certain they will appeal to you. j. m. -asn, Iowa iity. la. (-M982 13 x Saatk uskets, LAND. LAND. LAND. In EDMUNDS COUNTY. South Dakots. 1,300 acres In one berty; will exchange for live stock or Income proper! v. WEST ERN LAND, CO., Prairie Du Chien, Wis. l)-M83$ 111 LOOK THIS UP. Then "come with ua to Brule county, South Dakota. We control 14.0X0 acrea and can sell In tracts to suit purchssera. Price $.'0 to $.i0 per acre. Wri:e or call. KK1J.EY INVESTMENT CO.. 220-$ Neville Bldg. 20)-M999 7 SOUTH DAKOTA land Is sure Investment; 840 acres choice, level land, black soli, Rosebud reservation; also 7H0 arree im prove,! land, close to plies right, good terms. For Information inquire rr write L. M. Crr. tare Merchsnta Hotel, Omsha. Neb. (20 Mx8 7x Teaaa. WHAT California ould give you twenty yea re ago, Texaa Southern Gulf Coast offers you now. Tvo-year-nld Sitauma Orange Grove sre now being developed. $iH per acre Vegetablea between rows give Immediate income. You hold title. Ws do all work aiass, giing you cash share cropa Dec.. )9ir. 1911. mi. $U acre yearly: 191$. 1914. Ibit. 174 sere ) early; li,i 1917, 1918, $IU0 arre yearly: 1919 te 19W. $3U0 oer ai-re yearly; thereafter half profile annually. Vou can buy one acre or upwards. No finer Investment plsn In existence Only limited amount for sale. Come quick If you want your ahtre. Stirling Improvement .Co., Duluth. Minn (30) Me$7 rx WHEN you write to advertisers, remem ber that tt lakes but sn extra stroke or tws of the pen to mention the fact thai you saw the ad an The Bee. RFAL FSTATE FARM AKD RANCH LAND FOR S ALB (Continued.; NlMeari, M0 ACRES, tinlmprnved, 2S miles Nlangua $.60 acre, p acre dowTi. balance seven years; also Improved farms. L. A. Hud son, Niangua. Webster Co., Mo. (l)-M93o 9x ?LEAL ESTATE FOR RENT M ACRES near Elmwood Park; S miles west of oostofflee; 14 per sere. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. T. Life. Doug, or A 2162. (2D-915 REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans. Petera Trust Co. (22) 323 SraCOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Room 417-18 First Nai l Bank Bldg. Bell 'phone Douglas 2318. (22) 324 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. (22)-325 NO COMMISSION. Special fund to loan In amounts of $T00 to 12.(00 on Improved real estate. See us before the fund Is all loaned. GARVIN BROS., 1W4 Farnam St. (2-')-M766 U PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO., N. Y. Iylfe. Private money, 2600 to tft.OOO; low rate. (22)-327 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, 610 Brandels Bldg. (221326 LOWEST RATES Bemn, Brandels Bldg. (22) S29 1100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. D. Wead, (22) 3HO MONEY TO BUILD. $600 to $300,000 at current rates. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat l Bank Bldg. (22) 328 REAL estate purchase money, mortgages and contracts bought. Antelope Inv. Co., Old Boston Store Bldg. i.. . (22) 827 FIVE PER CENT MONET to loaui on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRBNNAN Room J, New York Lire Bldg (22) 331 $600 to $200,000, loweat rates, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. no delay. (22) 332 $000 TO $6 000 in homes In Omaha. 0Keefa Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. (22) 333 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22) 334 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS for a 6-room house, a 8-room house and a couple of vacant lots. NOWATA LAND AND IOT COMPANY, Mine ail in. y. i,ire Bldg . Omaha. 'Phone Red 1909. Open Evenings. (22) 336 I WANT TO BUY an 8-room atrlctly mod ern house In the southwestern part of the city, on paved street or boulevard. No use to answer unless you have a good - property at a low price for cash. Address B 410. The Omaha Bee. (231-814 9x WANTED To buy or rent, five-room house near car line, preferably with two acres of ground Florence. Benson or West Center St. Address 376, Bee. (23) M980 9x STOVE REPAIRS NEW furnaces; hot water and hot air com bination heating. 2 and 4-hole laundry hot water heaters, mantle grates, gas stoves repaired, water fronts and flower vaaea. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 12( 120 Douglas St. 'Phones Ind. A -3621. Rell Douglas 980. 336 WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpets, clothe and shuee. Tel. Doug. 897L (26) 337 BEST prloe paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Doug. 6401. (261-SS8 The Practical Auctioneer. 843 N. Y. Llf. (36)-339 STANDARD upright pianos, ster $728. Phone Web 126) M636 BEST prices psld for Id-hand furniture, clothea. shoes, etc. Tel. Douglas 4286. (2E)-811 May 2$ WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished room and board for one, where can have barn room for horae and buggy. Address Y 62. care Bee. (26) MS42 6x WANTED To rent. by family of two adulta. furnlahed houae, aix to eight rooms, in good location. Address K 384, Bee. (26)-M110 8x WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Situation as companion and maid to elderly lady, by refined young woman. Addreas A $76 Pee. (27) All 7x BOOKKEEPER or caahler, 16 years ex perience, country banking; beat of refer ences. Address Y 3X1. rare Bee. (27) M904 7x SITUATION aa managing housekeeper or caretaker of ajnimer home by Widow. B-et of city referencea. Addreta C 377 Bee. (271912 7x FOR day women call Douglas 84 15) M903 June4 D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Successor to Dr. H. L. RamacclottL) AaMXaTTAJfT sTTATB TgTiamiamf, Office sM Hospital, g0 Mason Street. Calls Promptly Answered at Aji Hours. Thesis Office BCaraey ST. aVea. BeavgUa 4UO. Gflii.i.Vek, REAJ: ESTATE TRANSFERS W. R. Poul and wife to .1. A. Hcnd- rick. e4rt feet lot . blm k N, Iowe e edd .o 1 R V. Kloke end wife to Josf plilne Relm. lot t. block 11. West Ftid. .. Vnlted Real itie and Trust Co. t" Fmll Sume, lot 8. block 37. Kountif Place Jennie D. Stow and litipbend to M O. Plowman, lot 4. Bohmr I eun ... .ooo County treasurer to Jacob Orolle- mund. lot Z4. block 14. urown vera C. Oeorge Carlberg and wife to Marie L. Bonness. lot Carlberg Place S.6O0 F. W. Cnrmlchael to Oenrgc A. Stol- tenberg. lota It. 14. IS. 17. 19. 2o. block J. Halcyon Helahts l.ano Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co. to Albert IHilets. sU, lot . block X. Kountxe 4th supplementary l.nw) H. F. Dallev anil wife to Andrew Johnson, lot . block 11. Patrick s 2il 2,400 Bridget Powers to Theresa Bledlnger. 822 feet of n44 feet of lot 4, block 9. 8. E. Rogers add 1.S00 Minnie E. Avery et al. to Ellxabeth M Shahan. nart lot . bock 2.S5. Omaha IS1 Central West Investment Co. to Amanda Gilliam, lot 13, block 3, Raker Place 300 Elizabeth A. Colfax to Walter I Selby, lot 8. Fliuk's sub 1 E. C. Kemmerer and wife to Jamea W. Martin. cS feet lots 6 and . block 5. Collier Place .oO0 S.250 1.400 Oeorae W. Oarloch and wife to If. R. Treat, siss feet of lot 47. sun or block A Reservoir add A. H. Bwanson to C, C. Moffet. w87 feet lot 17. Tukey's replat Mary E. Gardner to al. to A. M. Llndnr. lot 23, hlocK A, Saunders Hlmehaugh'a add Ida Fleming et al., same to aame Theophlel Vandenbrouck and wife to 1 Gust Vandenbmck et al., lot 14. hlock 4, Mahoney A Mlnahan's add. Egnalctx Butkua and wife to Theo phlle Vandenbogaerde, lot t. block t. Mahoney & Mlnnhan's add Mary II. Btout to E. C. Flnlay, lot 1? block 141, South Omaha Edward Burke end wife to Fred Brown, lot 4. block 95, South Omaha. Michael Sullivan and wife to Frank Koutsky. lot 2, Goldsmith's aub Rlate National bank to R. II. More house, lot 48, Lenox add Euclid Martin and wife to Sadie Rec tor, lot 11, Washington Square Stella Etclilson and husband to Fred Armbmet. lot 24, block 7, Crelah ton's 1st add E. K. Sleekier and wife to same, lot 1R, block 13. Deere Park James O. Jewell and wife to R T. Peterson, wij lot 3, block 10, Reed's 1st- add Euclid Martin and wife to N. H. lyiomis, ellO feet lot 4, block 1, West 800 200 1,000 7,000 1.S00 ISO poo 2..vy 2.600 3,000 Omaha i,aooo Total ..$74,788 GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha. Nebraska. April 10. 19C9. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here and by the quartermaster at the posts named herein until 10 a. m , central siana ard time. Mar 10. 19o9. for furnishing mln eral oil and gasoline during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910, at omana tj. M. nepot Forts OmaJia and Robinson, Nebraska rFort Des Moines, Iowa; Forts Riley and Leavenworth, Kansas: fort u. A Russell. Wyoming, and Fort Meade. South Dakota. Proposals for delivery at other than the above named stations will not be entertained. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Infor mation furnished on application here or to quartermaster at the stations named. En velopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposala for Mineral OH or Gaa ollne," and addressed to Major D. E. M Uarthy, C. (J. M. A10-12-13-M4-7-8. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Nebraska, April 10, 1909. Sealed prcpoaals. In triplicate, will be received here and by Quartermaster at the post named herein, until 10 a. m., central stand ard time. May 10, 199, tor furnJBhlng oats, hay and straw during the period from June 1 to June 30, 1909, at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming. Proposals for delivery at other places will not be entertained. United Stales reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on applica tion here or to Quartermaster at station named. Envelopes containing proposals ahould be marked "Proposals for Forage." and addressed to Major D. E. MCCARTHY, C. Q M. " - A13-14-15M8-7-8. OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Neb., April 22, 1909. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, sub ject to the usual conditions, will be re ceived here until 11 o'clock a. m., central standard time. May 8. 19i9, for making ex tension of water system at Fort Omaha. Nebraska, consisting of approximately 9U0 feet of tt-lnch main. Full Information fur nished on application, v. n. reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked "Pro- poaals for extension or water system" and addrcaaed lo Capt. C. deF. Chandler. Con structing Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Neb. A24-28 27-M6-7 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HERE by given that the secretary of the Board of Education of the school district of the city of North Platle, will receive bids up to and Including the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. of the 16lh day of May, 1909. for the erection, completion and construction of one eight-room school building In the Sec ond ward, on blook 168, and the erection and completion of one eight-room school building In the Third ward, on block 62, all In the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska; all labor to ba done and ma terial furnished by the contractor. The successful bidder to give bond In the sum of $16,000 for the faithful performance of his contract. Each bidder to accompany his bid with a certified check In the sum of $600 lo assure that he will enter Into the contract should his bid be accepted. All work to be done and material to be fur nished In accordance with the plana and apeclflcatlona now on file In the office of the aecretary of aald board, and such plana and specifications to form a part of the contract. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. E. T. Tramp, Secretary. MtJd&t RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION lOTH AND MASO.f Caloa Paclfla Leave. Arrive. ..a 8:8 am a 9:40 pm ..a 1:60 pm a 6 00 pm a t: J) am ..a 4:10 pm a $ 00 pm Overland Limited .,. Colorado Express ... Atlantic Express ..... Oregon Express Los Angeles Limited. .au .DO pm a B : je pm .a 9:30 am a 6:46 pm Fast Mall China and Japan Mail. .a 4.00 pm a 6:46 pm North Platte Local a 8:16 am a 4'46 pra Colo. Chicago Special... all:le am a 7:06 am Beatrice at Stromaburg Local bll:40 pm b 1:40 pm Valley Local (motor, via Lane Cut-Off). ...alO.OO am a 1:46 pm Valley Local (motor)., a 6:30 pm a 9:00 am Local paaaengers not carried on trains Nos. 1 and 1 Ckicacv term Chicago Dayllgnt a 7.26 am all 43 pm Twin Cllv Express a 1:46 am alil:20 pm Chicago Local all .30 am a l a pm Slcux City Local a 3:46 pm all. 30 am Chicago Local a 4:80 pin a :JU am Chicago feipectal a tou2 prr- x 8:28 am Minnenot.1-Dakota Ex.. a 6:46 pm a 9.80 am Fast Mall a $ 16 pm Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 8:u0 am Loa Angeles Limited. ...a 9:10 pm aU:36 pm Overland Llmlled prr. a s.28 am Nebraska and Wyoming Dl vision-Norfolk- Boneateel a 7:40, am 6 20 pm Lincoln-Long Pine a 7:40 am a 10:34 am Dead wood-Lincoln a 3 00 pin a 1:20 pm Casper-Lander a 3:( pm a 6:39 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm b 1:36 pm Haatlnga-Sup:rlnr b $:0u pre b 6:20 pm Chicago. Keok Islaaal 4t Pacifle . EAST Chicago Limited a 3.00 am all 08 pm Iowa Local 7.00 am a 4 $0 pm Hocky Mountain u.iu ... w mm .u pm Des Moines A Eaa'ern..a 7 0S am a 4 HO pm Dea Molnaa Paaacnger.' a 4:'jo pin a 12 10 pin Iowa Local . bll.00 am b 9:6o pia Chicago (Eaatern Ex.). .a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pm Chicago Flyer ..a 4 08 pra a 8.36 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:13 pm a 1:60 pm Colo. A Cal. Exineaa ...a l.i pm a 4 SO pm Okl. & Texaa Express. . a 4:40 pin a l:0u p:u Ikltaso Ureal W ealeea. St Paul-Minneapolis.... 8 i pm 8 la am St. Paul-Miuneapons.... 7 iW um 120 pm Chicago Limited f:lr pm 8:16 am Mlaaoerl Paelfte K. C. s 8t L Express.. a 9 00 am a T OS am K. C St. L. ltwr.M.,aa U pm a 6 6o p n Wabaskt St. Louis Express a $ 30 pm a 9 26 am St Louis Local (frem Council B uffs) a8:0Cam all 1$ pm Btant.erry Ixx-al (from Council Blufta) b I 00 pm bl9 U am RAILWAY TIME CARD (OXT,vn HIlBola eatrat Chicago Ext'teas s T 15 am Chicago L-mlted . pm a I 4 pm a $ to am Minn.-?!. Paul Kxpress b 7 :1 am Minn. -St Paul Limited. a s-OO pm a 8 80 am Cm a ha-Ft. Dodge Ll a 4 1 pm all t am Ikleaao, Milwaukee SI. Paal Chicago A Colo. Special. a 7:28 are all to pra Cel. aV Oregon Express. a 4 00 prr. ill pm Overland Limited a 9 N8 pm a I to am Perry Local i pm D11:B am BontmoTon ita.itr Morf RarllBBlea Leave. Arrive .a pm a l:4 pm .a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm .a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm . a 12 :1K am a 9:08 am .a ! (." am a 8 10 pm b 1:90 pro al2:ll pm .a 9:16 am a 8:10 pm b : am Denver Callfornti Northwest Special , Black Hills Northwest Express Nebraska points ... Lincoln Fast Mall. Nebraska Bit press , Uncoln Local l4ncoln Local a 7:80 pm Rchiivler-Plattamnuth ..b 8 08 pm bl0:20 am Bellevue-riattsmoum o ;w pm Plattemouth-lowa b 9:18 am Bellevue-Plattamouth ..12:8S pm 1:40 pm Denver Limited . 4:10 pm a 7:08 am Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer . ..a 7:38 am all 46 pm ..a 4:80 pm a IK pm ..a 8:0 pm a 8:80 am ..a 9:15 am all :0 am Iowa Local St. Louis Express .a 4:40 pm all :8 am Karsaa City St. Joe..sl0 48 pm a $ 80 aia Kansaa City St. Joe. a 9:1S am a 8:10 pra Kansaa City & St. joe . a i:w pm WEBSTER STA- 18TH WEB9TBR Cfcleaar. St. Paal. Mlaaeapoll A Oataka. Leave. . h 8 39 am . b 2:00 pm . c 8:48 am ..b t.'Se pm Arrive. Twin City Passenger Sioux City Passenger Bicax City Local ...... b 9:20 pm bll:66 am c 8 20 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local MlMoirl Paelfl Auburn Local b 1:80 pm bll:80 am a Dally, o I'siiy except ssunnsy. a uun day only, d Dally exoapt Saturday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Now Yort to Paris In 6 Day FRENCH LINE Safety, Speed, Comfort via Mavra ta Farlt, In City Beautiful, Fast Trains to All Coatlaental Points. Compagnie Generate Transatlantique Glganrlo twin screw express steamers sail every Tharkdsr. 10 A. II. They are modern won ders, with all conveniences and luxuries of most palatial hotels, on even grander scale. Passen ger elevators, roof cafes, orchestras, famous cuisine, gymnasium, dslly new .paper, elegant snltes. provide grestest comfort. Naval officers, man-o'-war discipline, wireless telegraphy, sub marine bell signal system afford every provision lor absolute safety. Ls La IstoIs . La Touralos Mar MIL Lormln. Jure I Mar loll. Pro.ence June If Mar ITlLa BstoI Juns IV pMlal Oae-alsee aervlee ill tll t)4Q te 80., tASmMyn, m M. Urgs lla Hw Vava-awSeaua Brvt (ou dan cr4a) !, aend asa. H. B. Moons 101 Farnara gtnet. L. Naese 1st Nstlsnal W. . Book 18M raraai W. U. Oa.ld.on S24 So. 15ih Hti CANADIAN PACIFIC SjSSB TaTAJT TOVM DATS AT SBA. Weekly Sailing Between Montreal. Queass sn Uveipooi. f Two da)ra on the beautiful St. Lawrence river and thai shortest ocean route to Kit- r&othtnf oetter on the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wireless on all steamers. First olaa. 990 ; second, 0O eae olaas eabin, $45. Ask your ticket agent, or write far sail ings, rates and booklet. O. X- BBBTJAMXH. O. A, 38 South Claxk St., Chicago. Whea torn 8ay , Ool Medal Flaat fee anr It Is Washbara-Crosbr's Gala) Mesial Floar. This la 1m. porta t. RCHOOtS AND COLLEGES. Nebraska Military Academy UaTCOI.a A Military Koanllug School fur boys, now located (or tho winter ai Fourteenth and U streets. All de partments are In full operation. A good place for boys whs don't fit In public schools. No eutmnce examlnatloua are given; rvgular class work la supplemented by la. dividual lnstrucuuu; back work i. aatly ansae up. Puplle are received at any time from fifth to twelfth grades. Inclu sive Write for Catalogue. B. B. KATWAKS, aperlatedeat Itlaeola, Veto. Juror Dismissed for Being Late Robert Nichols Has Too Good a Time During; the Noon Inter mission. Robert Nichols, accepted provisionally as a Juror In a suit before Judge Day Thurs day morning, failed to show up for the afternoon session until S p. m. When he appeared he waa dismissed from the panel. Nichols had been looking upon the cup which cheers and also Inebriates. He Is a laborer at the Cudahy plant In South Omaha. The case will proceed with eleven Jurors. It Is the second trial of the suit of Robert Stewart against the Omana A Council Bluffs Street Railway company for $16,000 damages. Stewart was Injured five years ago. When the case was first heard a verdict was directed for the defendant, but the supreme court reversed the ruling. MISS JONTZ HELPS LAND DEAD BEATS BEHIND BARS appllea Information on Which Ira posters Are Arrested la At. Joseph. Those who are a-orthy can receive aid of the Associated Charities, but those who are not had better beware. Miss Ida V. Jontx. secretary of the local asaoclatlon. has n-ceUed Information from St. Joseph that John Matthews and a woman claiming to lie his wife, have both been arreated there and aentenced to Jail for begging money from church organlxa tlona, the charge being obtaining money under falae pretenses. The man was given fifty davs and the woman thirty days In Jail. Their actions In the Missouri city were watched snd the arrests were made largely on Information furnlahed by ths Omaha Aeaoclrited Charities, and they wore apprehended within two days after they began work. Matthews and his "wife" came to Omaha early In February, straight from Lincoln, where each served ninety days In Jail. The Uncoln association Informed the Omaha association of the character of the two. and thgre hours sfter they reached Omaha they were arreated for begging money of a local minister and given thirty days In Jail each. Upon the completion of their Jail sentem-a they remained In (nam about a month, but when they left M1as Junta wrote nearby rttles to look out for t hem. with Ihe roeult that they are again in Jail. Bee want ads are business booalers. THEATERS OF HEW TBftK Liad the World in tht Nicmber and Variety of their Prodactions ST, REGIS CONVERIERT TO ALL I n the number, beauty and convenience of Its theaters, New York leads the werld The volume, variety and msgnlfleence of New York's theatrical productions are all magneta that dally attract to the metrop olis a vast army ef stranger a These strangers must be housed and fed; and New York has risen to the occasion and has provided mammoth and palatial hos ted lea that are among the wonders ef rlvtllXHilon. Sonig of these hotels perfect, but mechanical and almost automatic In their service are cold, even depressing In their atmosphere. There la One hotel, the St. Regis, located at Fifth Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street, which has retained "homellkeness" with Ita other advantages. Unequalled In Its appolntmertta and fur tilahlngs. with a culstne unsurpassed by even the famed foreign reetaurateura, th stranger la here surrounded by "home" atmosphere and "home" refinements, and lila stay In New York, whether for a night or "the season," Is thus made Infinitely more enjoyable. With all these advantages the rates ar lea1. A large, sumtuoualy furnlahed single room for It and $4 a lny; the same with private hath fqr $& a day; (or $ for two people);, or an ele gant pnrlor, bedroom and private bath lor $12 a day and upwards. WOMAN FOUND DEAD IN BED Mrs. Ethel Albright's Death Will Be Officially Investigated. CORONER DEEMS IT NECESSARY Patent . Nerve Medicine, rrllh Seltaer Powders Were Used, hat No Doctor Called llaabaad Flada Her Dead. Under circumstances which cause Coronet Heafey to deem a rigid Investigation. neces sary. Mrs. Ethel Albright. 39 years of age and the wife of David" Albright, an employe at the Union Pacific shops, was found desd In bed Thursday morning at 6:40 o'clock. The use of patent nerve medicine and seltxer powders, the drinking of some milk Wednesday evening snd the failure to call a physician during (he-, w.praan's Illness of four or five weeks, lead to the Idea that some If not all of the t,hree, circumstances may be at least partly reaponstble for Mrs. Albright's death. v . . A post mortem examination of the body will be made this afternoon and Conorer Heafey says he will also conduct an in quest. Mrs. Albright lived with' her husband at 1122 North Sixteenth street snd had lived In Omaha for about aeven years. ' They hsd no children. Mrs. JuBa.Murheld also occupied the same houae. According to the. coroner's statement of Mrs. Murheld's account of the case, made Thursday morning, the patent nerve- medi cine has been taken dally by Mrs. Albright for some time. No one saw her take any of the medicine Wednesday, but she took two seltxer powders In the evening.. Some milk that she drank about the same time made her violently sick, but ne doctor was called. " ' At -STIo Thursday morning Albright found her dead In bod. An examination of the body by Coroner Heafey gave possible ln , dlcatlona that consumption Lor dropsy.' or both, may have been the original trouble. IOWA TOWNS DELUGE TRADE TOURISTS WITH INVITATIONS Promise Coatlaaous Roan 4 of Kaiter talamtat for Them as the Baearsloa. . It will be one round of entertainment both -fur the trade excursionists and ths citizens of the towns visited by the west ern Iowa excursion If the Invitations to lunch being reoelved hy the Commercial club from various towns are any Indica tion. Holaleln, la., a hustling town, haa de cided to hold the "Stock day." a feature the business men there have developed, en the date selected by tha Omaha business men for thetr visit. This town also holds ths Iowa rhamplon shtp cup for the best drilled and fastest volunteer fire department In the state. Tt will make a run for the visitors. These two features will be photographed by the moving picture camera, as the farmers for miles around will have their fat stock pres ent lo welcome the visitors. At Fort Dodge the plan for entertain ment and being entertained by the Omahana la even more elaborate. Instead of giving the moving picture show in the railway yards, which Is uauaHyneceeeary, srrangements have been qtads o 1 shew scenes of Omaha on a big screen In the park, while the Omaha military band will furnish the music. Correct ion ville Is a live town, with a live newspaper, edited by Fred W. Colvln, sec retary of the Commercial club. . Though Correctlonville Is In the aame county wHh Sioux City, the cltlxens of the place show their broad-gauge spirit by planning a big reception for the Omahana Mr. Colvln has been boosting the excursion consistently In his paper and at the same time corre sponding with Commissioner Guild about the arrangements the club of that town Is planning. A Krlarbtfal Exaerleace with biliousness, malaria and constipation is quickly overcome by taking Dr. King's New Ufa Pills. 26c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. NEW SORT OFJGRAFT. IS IT? Maa Believed, to Make a Basiaesa of FeJHnsi OsT Street Cars. A grsfter who works street car oonv panles In various cities by ' failing; frem cars, sustaining alight Injuries and then collecting fat sums for damages, Is be lieved to have been apprehended by the Omaha police Wednesday, night. A man who gave his name as John Bradford was arrested by Officers Drlseoll and J. R Wilson on the rharae of drunkenneea, an was later suspected of being such a grafter. He Is being held for further In vestigation. When Bradford waa alighting from a Sixteenth street car Wednesday evening he fell, but was not hurt. As he was thought to he Intoxicated, snd at the re quest of Foreman Beall of tha Ames) ave nue car barn, he was held. Beall says he thinks Bradford haa worked the aeddeot game In other cltlea. The street railway company officials are looking up the eass A Card. This Is lo certify that all druggist are authorised to refund your money If Foley's Honey snd Tar falls to cure your eeugh or cold. It stops ths oough. heals ths lungs and prevents pneumonia and etmsumptloe. Contains no opiates. The genuine Is In a j yellow package. For aals by all druggist