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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1909)
niF. I1K.K: OMAHA, THURSDAY. MAT (i. 1909. CRAlS JISD PRODUCE H1UEI Kw from All Over World Eat Bull ish Tendency. RAIN MTJCH NEEfiED IN SOUTH cara Qalet a4 Lees Active, bat ,al. Are Well gastalaed, , I nsatTlcleat Receipts aSd to -treagtb of Wheat. ' i i . OMA1a4. Neh., Hiv 5. 1k-9 Top news (he wnrld over I very billlleh. snd there Is sortie foundation or the gr.-at-t crop scars the trade, aa known In Vera. Weather In the northwest is improving, bul ! romplilmi arf aclll coming In. Rain la badly needed lrr-th aouth and unices relief from these, conditions cornea Immediately prices will advance abova all former rec ords for thli crop Oom quiet and. less active, but valuta ra well sustained, due- perhep. to the strength In wheat and the iack of suf ficient receipt tva.ipply the demand Wheat opened-strans- and showed a gain during the esrty -trading ti responsive rames ana further b-illsti teports from all crop localities. Front taking sales and sell ing pressure, later Weakened values and th close wa tinder yesterday. Msy wheat opened at $1.27 and closed at $l.274 Com waa strong at the start and ad vanced on rood cseh- demand - and the bulge In wheat Tuesday. The country movement continues, light and farmer show no disposition to sell thrlr reserve stocks. May corn -opened at Via and closed at fiftc Primary wheat receipt! were 23B..OQO huah ela and shipments were 7B3.0m bu whets. Mnt receipt a laat year of jni.000 bushels and hlpmenta of 4(.000 bushels. - Corn receipt a wero 2U6.0MD bushels and shipments wera 464,000 bushel, against re ceipts laat year of IsW.OuS bushels and ship ments r 44M.0OO tnwhals. - Clearance wero tn.fjng bushel of corn. l.WO bushel a of oats and wheat and flour equal to 116,000 bushels. . Liverpool closed l.42d higher on wheat ana H" higher on oorn, Local range of options: Artlclss-I Open. High Low. I Cloae.j Yes y Whest May... July... J May... Julv... Kept... Oats May... Sept... 13 1 17V, 1 m 7i 64 I I 4 68 44.4 M,i 40 (; ;ir i 00 l 4! 1 x 1 OKSi I 4A 40 1 27 t 10 4V, 64 39', Oaaaha Ca Prloae. CORN-No. t hard. 11.80451 1: No. I hard. ll.JSHtl.3D: No. 4 hard; 1.18$'1.Z5; Su. S aprtng, I.J7ft'.M. CORN-Xo. t No- "': No. 4. g9i : No. 2 yellow, ffH,e; No.. 3 yellow. flV; No. 1 wht, Vp'O'iic ; No. 8 wh'te. TtiflCOr. OATS No. mixed. H2' ifiW-.c-: No 1 vul ow. M?t',r: No. "while, bic; No. 4 wiilie (eMfMV: atanda.nd, HSc. RVE-No. 2, T7o; No. it, 7K4?fc. -laf tiOt Rerelati. Wheat. Corn. Oat ....... 4 121 14ft .. I XI 10 rr et inaik. a!orn r . free raert .' at i"rk. ctinent .--i t fre-- r-e. JlniiS': 'It Ki-M.-I- li i4: Nt- Vor. 1 nh' . i ,n. choice, liiiil&i, ' Ht t . "t ",uc 1K ttlltK (KKlttl, MtRkKT Haoutlom of the tlay on arloaa 4 ommnrilf lea. NfcW V'lRK. May 6 FIUl ' R R-H-elpta. Jh u bhla.: .ajiiwirtji 1J.7 hbln. Mirket dull but firm Mlnneaotn natenta. Iiati.&u; Minr-eota bakria, 4lu U; wlniei patents. WOi ki; winter atralgiitft, i)i1t t ii; winter extiae,, winter 4. iw giailea. UVAi 1 Of! Kantaa atralghijt, P k. Ry. flour. Steady! fetr to good, 'tJLiaVu4 ; choice to fanr v. M.T'ft I'ORN M FA1 Mrn flue white and yel low. Il.fjfiW1.6a; c.arae, tl.hrtfl.M; kiln dried. $S.S. H V ril)ull , No. 1 weetern. 9c. f. o. b. New York. RAR1.KY Wendy;, malting. 7VifT-. c. I f New York; feedjn. 14f!7Sc. c I f. N" York. ' WH EAT Recelple.'.ann hii fipot market ateady. No. 2 red, 11.431. to. ieatir: No. 2 red, l.4f.. nnmlnnl. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 rmrtliern Duluth, II :is'. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, fl aVcil.','. f o. b afloat. Opt lone opened at an advance of r to lc on strong cable and higher caeh euppllea In 4ha weat. Increased to IV to SHo on active covering of May and July, eeeed off partially undar generally fine weather for aptlng wheat for aeodlngWwd closed Irregu lar lc. net advance on Mhf and Sf to He loea on other months. May closed at tl.&Ht July at tl 2n"a and September at tl.12. CXIRN Spot market steady. No. 2, We. elevator, and HV&c, f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 white. Ke: No. I yellow. S0H f. o. b. aflont. Option market opened "Vic higher with wheat and held the advance through out nn small country offering and small atocka. closing at 4iWc net advance. May closed at Kr, July at TSc and flptembr at 78ic. OA TO Receipt a, 27.4W1 bu. : exporta, l.flilO bu. Knot mnrket firmer. Mixed. 24 to 88 lbs., WVflW ; natural white, 29 to tt His., ttnrai.vk-; clipped white, 24 to 42 lt.a , iCWo. HAY yulet; No. S, 66.p;iR-; good to cholca, HOPS Dull; state, common lo choice. 1BM, Hii14c; 1907, ."Viic; Pacific coast, "lie; lUirr Mi tic. H1DK8-Firm; Bogota. 2SWc: Cettral America. 2)tfr'.8Hc. I.EATH KK etteadv 1 acid. 2242c. PROVISIONS -Beef, steady; family. $14 00 f 14.60; mess. 110 fiOS11 X; beef hams. I2S.00 26 00: racket. 12.l 1MS.fl0: city extra India mom, la ofrpca OU. Cut raaata. firm; pickled belllca. $10.5"ijH.on; pickled hama. 11.2fy 1I M1. Lard, firm: waatarn. ro.6o(; re fined, oulet: continent. 11 10: South Amer ica til r: enmnound. 7 7V?J 1 Pork firm: family, 119 OOaOVnO; short clear. $1 BO mil M: mesa. 118 Soiin.00. TALU.)W-Eaay; city (23 per pkg ), tc; couotrv fnkas. free). fVVfa4isC. RlCl-Flrm; domestic, fair to extra, 3-H Ac- Ja.oHn. nominal. RUTTER Firm: creamery eprfulals. tMi Ih30-; official price. 2SV4c; extras, 4r-': thlrrt to first, 22BffiVc; held. 2'Jfjj'27c; atale datrv. cotnmon to cnoice, ji'fl'JK' t'HEKSE-Kasler: new state full cream specials, 14'fjM'ic; new statu colored, large and small. lSVtc: new state colored, small Bfii'in Easier: western storaia ca ked, 1Wi'&e: western firsts, Kitt''ici seconds, 91 (ft 1 1 u... POULTRY Alive. ateady; chlckena. bmilers. SutiSSc; fowls. 17a17Vic; dressed firm; chlckena, fdwla, l&cijWijo. XEW10RR STOCKS AND BONDS Market it Much Lest ActWe and Tone of Speculation it Mixed. LATE RISE IN SOUTHEBN PACIHC I'hlcatnl" Minneapolis f.imaha , . Uuluth IHirtOO CiRAIIM AND PROVIIO9 Featares of the Trading; mn4 Closing Prloea oat Rvtril of Trade. CHICAGO. Vay B. Wheat Tor May de livery aold hare todnw at tl.JS'i per bu.. a new high record marit for the season. The market turned weak lte In the seaelon and eloaed unchanged to lalHc lower, com pared with the prevloua cloae. Corn closed steady, oata firm and provisions eaay. The wheat market experienced a aharp advance in prlcea early In the day. owing to a acramblt among shorta to cover, due to continued dry weather In Kanaaa and Nebraska; but the bulge brought out liberal realizing salea. which resulted In a lose of all the early gVna. Although the May de livery advanced beyond the previous beat mark for .the year, trade In. that option waa not on such a liberal acale aa during the last two previous sessions. Iir all the new crop months, however, there waa an active general market nearly all day. Reporte from the northwest told of the reaumptlon of seeding operatlona following the return of milder weather and predicted a large area seeded to wheat In western Canada, and In Minnesota and the Ixtkotas. These advices caused fre selling late In the eea slon, whloh waa largely reepons1bl for the heavy tone- at the close. There waa on y a medium cash demand for the cash grain by mlllera. who are said to be buying In a general way only, aa thty afll the flour, during? tne day May ranged between Jl.W and and July between II.16S and 11.17V. tinal quotations on May were at tl.2 and on July at l1.!(V-,in 1.16V The coin market was strong earlv i... niioh of Its firmness eato In the . to ' nrofll-taMng - Hhnrta freely during the first hour wheat was a weaKeniug but !', covered I'he break In Influence. The close wa only a trifle aeose the low point. July eol'l between Kirv and WWc and closed at tfttjWMav. v ' , . . mil dLanlavetf'.-tnoiw minuet ent either :heat or. Parlflc Tre- tora . strength There was a c.inslderablw fiaying or uimn- '"v ,i owing to report- shrinking of W to 18 per cent In h acreage In Iowa. Tlie mar. Set eloat girong at of V, ..... v.. I..-. . i t-l.f- mrttl Jtl v at lM4ajwri; Provisions were dull and heavy all day. .losing to. be lower than yeaterdsy a final Quotations. Tne leading futures ranged as follows. ArtTcTe"i cTporTTHrgh r LoW. ! Close.i Tea y Wheat May Julv ftept luir. Corn May afluly -oept. Deo Oata May July flept. Dec. Pork -May July Sept. lard My Ju'y Bept. Ribs -Msv J uly Bepr. I - - ' 1 K4i i : i is i 'St,. J 71 V CHI i Ms ,4strl I 2e! 1 V" i nsr. 'l Wi ab'. .!. 44W I I 1 I 1 2 I 1 ltss i H 1 04', 1 I I 1 (Kftt 1 28 1 16 1 0& 1 09', WBATHKR l TUB GRAIN BELT Fair aad Cooler for Tk a radar la the Oatlook. OMAHA. Mav 5. 1909 Light showers occurred In the Ohio and low.r MlssleslDpl vallys and southern .lut-a withiM the last twenty-four hours. and continue In the extreme upper Ohio t-sllev and middle Atlantic states Ihl morning. The weather continues generally clear throughout the central valleys and unuthwest. An area of high pressure, tic companies by unsettled and colder wea,iher Is moving in over me extreme norinei and the continued eaatward movement o this hls-h will brine- cooler weather over thta vlolnltv tonight and Thursday, with continued fair tonight and probably Thurs Record of temperature and precipitation cumpared witn tne corresponaing usy u th lust thtee veers: 1909. 190. 1907. 1906. Minimum temperature ... 6 41 42 44 Pi-rniMtfUliin j .00 .1 .1 W Normal temperature for today. 69 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since saarca 2 IM Inches. Detlclency corresponding period in iwj, tn. Inches. Deficiency corresponding penoa in iisji, 3 4. Inches. 1,. A. WELBH. Local rorecaater. t. I.odIs General Market. ST. IXH'le. May 6. WHEAT Weak ; track, No. 2 red- oaah. $1.28 1.60; No. 'i hard. l.S3i&l.S; July. $1.12; September, CORN Firm: track, No. 2 cfceh, 7a874c; No. 2 white, 74HI67V-; July, sc; Septem ber. OA'I'j Higher; track, No. 2 cash. 6c; No. 2 while, fistic; July, 4c; September, 4ac. RY K Nominal. 84c. FlJt'R Higher; red winter patenta, ti36 (U.JO; extra fancy and atralghta, i&.aOti.lB; hnrd winter clears. 14 2fjiM.w. bUKU Timothy. i.DHNMKAL 3.40. BRAN Bteady; sacked, east track, 2L20 1.32. HA V Firm; timothy. $12.XKir'17.i; prairie, 11.0U(ua2.60. IRON COTTON TIES 80c, BAlKUNQ 7 1-10. - . HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISION Pork, jobbing, 17.26. iAird lower: prime steam. . lo.LVya10.JV. Ivy salt meats, quiet; boxed extra shorta, $10.70; cer ribs. $10.75, short clears, $lO.B"7Vi. Bacon dull;' boxed extra shorts. $11.76; clear ribs, $11. 7i; short clears, ,$11.7. ItJl LTRY-Flrm: ebicV6iiM. llPc; springs uZlc; turkeys. Uulic: ducks. Uc; gea.i, (x:. Hi TTfc.H rtteailv; creamery. LTlfJic. KOUS Lower. 19c. case count. Recelpta. Shipments. Flour, bbls S.duO 7.a0 Wheat, bu 19.000 22.0IK Corn, bu 46.000 lo4.(M0 Oata. bu ffl.OOU (j&.OOO Orders for ellln of I alon and Reading EtTecttely venta Any Hrssrt These Issaes. NKW YORK. May S.-Tiie stock market ndav showed the waning Influence of the commodities clause decision in omo sub- sldenre of activity In a mixed tone In the apeculatlon. There were elements of .tei:gin In the day a price movement of stocks, but they were diverted to tne ess influential quartern of the list except for a late advance In Southorn Pacific, in the usual market leaders. Reading and I'nlon Pacific, the fact soon amred effective selling orflera were placed In the market to meet any further advance In prices. The effect wae to dampen the en thusiasm rf the bull party and to prompt greater caution In the extenalon of their oiieratlons Thle selling seenned to be In vited bv the extent or tne rise wnicn n occurred and reeultlng prorita accrued, isther than by any development of an un favorable nature In the condition or arrajn. Natursllv more attent on wan given to unfavorable possibilities with the check to an upward tendency In prices established. The crop outlook came In for renewed conalderatlon. although the lmraeaiaie news of the state of the wentner gave promise of correction of the retarding fac tors at wrrk In the grain fields. Advice from various source continued tof show the delav In seeding and In growth C'te' by the unHeasonable weather, and while the chances for making good the delay were kept In mind, tne point was ""; that account should be taken or ine r.i that crops are several weeks later man ioe normal In developing. inot ortiy a'" crops, but cotton planting is nn;iru ifchese con anions. uenn - - ,rfi nmnmtt stock market opeirainre to see the complexion of the government report of crop conditions to ne limui Friday to holp in eetlmatlng the prospect. Bankers are coming to reel mat inj entitled to better Internet rates ror mmr mono.-, and time money brokers repoit that the supply of funds for that purpose haa been 'diminished In the last few days bv- the practical withdrawal from the mar- i. t r Mnmm or tne nnnmtuH vmntn wv. tnut companlee. This action Is based on the asitumptlon that any effective revive of trade such as 1 now h'ff f?r-nV Improve the demand for banking llf": The dlwpoeltlon to hold funds in hand for this purpose warrants a hoperful view or the trade outlook. It la commonly vrwd. however,, that any grwwth of artWlty in the demand for money aside from, specu lative uses will modify the Pllvf)r'- tlon and hamper tne Bounaani whloh have been enjoyed for that P"""" for manv months. Not only at home, but abroad. eepeol"y Berlin. there ,.,notd some hanlenlna- of Interest rates The re vived pollov of gold accumulHtlon by tne bank f France la still studied by flnonolers and the repots "f prerwu m ernment of Franc to contest the ; claim- or thS labor union, la believed to throw light on that potloy. Trie reault of the day a operations waa praloally a drav battle botwesn the contending forces in the spec- UBonde were firm. Total sales, par value, ia gas oon , United Statea bonds were unchanged on "Number of aales and leading quotations stocks were as roiiown. $i;A.S71.417: gold coin and bullion. $42.Rfft.042; irolu cert if hates. $:9.o.2.-Wo. tpe York Money Market. NRW YORK. May . MONEY -On call, easy at I1jS per cnt; ruling rate, 3 per cent: closing bid. ! per cent: offered at per cert I . Tl M K IjOANH Somewhat stronger: slTt gavs. 2H per cent, ninety days. ZW'ifS pef cent; six months. 3v,4 per.'cent PRIMK Mfe.KCANTIt.r5 PAPER-S'f&4 per rent RTK.RLINO FJs.t:HANOE-Steady, with actual business In bankers' hills st 14 asiS ft4.2S for slxiv-dsv bills and at $4 STMi for demand; commeeclal Wlla. $4 W'S'ftH . SILV'F.R Har. UV; Mexican dollars. 44c. HONDft Uovernment, steady; railroad, ftrtn. Cleslng quotations of. bonds were aa Iowa: .Wit Jsran 4s . 101 n W M aerlas Il K C. v IK K .... lit L S ilah m 1M1 lti'Vfj I. A N. tint 4. .. . . BiSVa M . K AT 4, .HKiVt n HI A rf. 4 . .1 tofte An sn tv . IH Mnt rcirir 4 .it n. r. e. t svs lflfl'4 o db 4p . MV4K t. Cltr aa..112v, lo N T , h' M H. .1iif e It 1H . 7V N. A W. lit r. 4s.... f"4t 1K1S o re. 4 . 44 No. rscfflo 4 1H '4 . 31 4 1i In :. 144 . MS o. P. I. rt 4a K lShn. l1t ... "I 10 Ho con. 4 If . tN Retfling ses 4 K 1H 8i. L. t. F. f(. 4t. n ri 4l. r S r.f u do coupon . f S. S. ref do rounon 1. S. 4. r... . on rotison Ullt.fh.l. 1st t Am As. Su . . . . ,tn T T. r.r. Am. Johncoo 4t. . . no Afhtfon sen 4s.. do I. I.. IK 4s . a r 4s.. do ft. is At. C. I.. 1st 4s... Ail. Ohio 4. no JH do W. li ... B'X. Tr ct. 4 Cm. So. lit tl Centnl of Os. M f'antril Leathir Kb i:. ot N. J. f tm. ( tin. A Ohio 4i. ruieiso A A. C . B A Q J f. N. I I P. C. R. I. P. do rul. F.,. do rMs. 4s . rrv. A Sf. t, t'oev. Ind. fti. Colo MI4. 4s c. A e r l. A H r - do lit ref. 4i TV A R. o. s rwitiiiini' r Bri p i. ts do sen. 4e do ct, 4i strles A. do mtIsi B - f)n. FIloc. c. hi.... 111. On. lit rf. Int. Mit. 4m Int. M. M. 4S Bid "Offst-ed. fol. . U . . :' . 7 lot . H . W . 1H . 13 0MAH1 LIVE STOCl MIRKET Very Heary Receipt of Cattle for Two Dayt. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Another Light Ree of Sheep aad Lambs. While Prlcea Are All the Way from trad to Tea feats Higher. 4s 44 K gl It. t. W e. 4s.., 7 71 S n tat sold 41 t4 7H Seibosrd A. L. 41 ... 7 SHI lv,So. riclfln et1. 4s . . 1 4s. . "4 do lit rsf. 4s 7 .... Mvi'Ro. Rillvir U 11IH . n da gin. 4i n4 . 7H Union Psiins 4s. lfvif . n do sr. 4s 1WH . Mvj do 1st. A est. 4s..... H . tovtr, 8. Rubber U 104V, .1041,1'.' Ate.) td Its 1044 .10J4 Vi -Osro. Oiira. (a . . rM4 . NftWitaih lit ts I1I4 . 74 do lit A ex. 4s 74 . n Weitsrn M 4s MV4 . TTH West. Clot. ct. ( . . . IIH . 7v,Wls Cmtral 4 54 .71 P. A .. O. rsf. ... 4M 141 C A O. T. etrs. 4i...tniti .10044 N. H. R et M. 4V4I .. M 71 V4 So. US Pselfle ft 4i otfs H April April April April April April April April April April 2 April it. May May May May May nostoa Co peer Market. Furnished bv Logan A Bryan, members of New York and Boston Stock a changea, 112 Board of Trade: Adventure t Mil oil If Arlmn Comma rclil. . 44 Mohawk It Allouat 41 NeradartTtah : l Arradlan 44Nllaalng Io4 Atlantla 1014 Naaida Osnsnllditod.' 10 H Boftoa Onnulldated . 14S4 North Butie Mil Tlk' MHs:.. ra oi 'Mt S 42S 43 (tf's 4.1 I 4t TIM 71S 1Wi7A'S fits I 4i-, 4, 4;v 1 l-T eoiii 1: TR I 17 72W 17 76 I I-Wrg 17 97! 17 j JTWVg :,n th " it 17 86 1 ;:io so .10 40 r 0 m' 18 (at 17 97H 10 20 10 27ii 10 27V 1 I 10 40 I 10 40 I 10 44i I 10 42V, ' 10 bil 10 60 10 62v4)! 10 60 1 I I 1 am, '' "t ' In 96 I9CV 9 96 I 9TH g Pt- 14.7.-O.U0; fi!-ia7c; fair $1 &R: $3 80. $17 76 tvis'h'quotallons were aa follows: c'f nienner: winter tatents. :0:' winter alralgnta. $6 7IVfl S; spi Ing pat enta. $6ia ; spring alralgnta, bakere. M40.10. , RYR-MW4c- 7 ' ' . BA RLE Y Feed or nilamg, to choice malting. a7i-- -8EEUS-Fla... 1 southwestern. No 1 northweetern. $1. Timothy. Clover. I W- -- onovmii'AII-lVlMi nork. Der nnl , 417 Lard ter 100 lbs.. wo.'. nnon ...i. Ooosei. $V70tl; hort clesr aidea (boxedi, $ rr4io-- . ' w V . . i .. . at...... uar. eoual to 114.01)0 bti. Primary receipts - were xkoM bo.convpiired w-Hh ao,0(iu bu. the oorrespoading day-A f4X ago. i . EstlrrAied receHAU for tomorrow . W heat. 1 carsvrrn. 66 cjilsj 6u. m cars. MitaarapoH Urala Market. MINNEAPOLIS i:MAr EAT-Msy.' llC-July $1-IM4; fk-ptember, $1 07V $ T6(4 I; geeond jcleara. tl Miles iiakea. . Market. vi Tl u'al'KKB . a, k: Kansas City (irala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 5. WHEAT--Steady; No. 2 hard. $1-3-140; No. J hard, $l.ani 3h; No. 2 redi $14otrl-62; No. $ red, II.4Ztrl.ljo. t OKN tit'.o lower; No. 2 mixed, 78c; No. S nilxtM. i-c, No- 2 while, tie; No. ahite. ;;;.-. OAl'8-l'nchunged; No. 2 white, &i&8c; Np. mixed. 6.i'iinl( KYE S"H3. HAY I'n choice tlmotby, $12.60 a 13.00; choiiitt pralrlf. ' $11.2&i'll.iaL Choice 34c; sec- receipts alfalfa. Jio.Tj.'U 17.75 - ' c Ml 1 TKR Creamery, 26c: fjrat ondn. 21'c; packing stix-k, 17c. KUliK-F.xiias. Jlifjc;'- current IDt:: setouds and dimes, 1KW1. Ret-eipts. Shipments V. heal. huaheU . .' l"l : HH (-rn. hoahels i '.'70) Oils, bushels a.J'io '."Ctw Options. at Kansas City: Articles. Open. ! High. Low. Close. Wheat May Jjly .: September Corn May .....I.. July ...... September T. i. i 1 Jls stsa: tH'a i 1 SO I 1 01 V. tilt ' 64i 1 2tlJ 1 30 1 08 1 O'B 71 7'4B 4sn No. 1 north II tt!T1.2:.. J WAR LET an pie ' '4 May 6 WHKAT I II; re. I nonnrn. pevrtaa. Mas-kef. 111. May ---roRN-8,ra4J rrwivis- '. . ia. k.v. Ne 1 white. -7c; Jo. wo.... . . vj'?wv; no- JmZZ: - ".; I t A I HH aTBVri Jt Bra. W Tl ' - nita4atA4v ratca Market.' HIIAIEXPHIA. May I--B'- n ER flrm; extr. vrestarn creamery. 3x . neeruj prfnis. Oc. BOOS Mrnt: Pennav'vunla and other nearby flr.ta. free r.a.. 2c at mark; nrrent receipts, in r- turnabe i.a4is. Bi. 'A asked. B bid. l.tveroool Urala Market.-' UVkltPOOL, May B.-WHKAT-Spot. No, 2 red . wesLeiu winter, nominal; futurea. steady: May, ts ;M: Ju1y..! .".tl, Septem ber, Ha (t'rd. : CORN Spof. strong;- new American mixed, via Oslyesion.- Jd: -futures, steady; Mav, nominal;' Julja, Be 6Sd KIXV'R Winter patents, strong, ' Ualalb. aT.rala ' Market. Irt'Ll'TH, May 6 -W 11 KAT-May. $1X1,; July. $1.26'i; SvutembtT. $1.0. "No. 1 north ern. $1 lo; No. i northern. r. OATH Mc MetalMarkel. NEW YORK.' May 6 -MfcTAlA-The Iindon tin market waa higher today, with pit closing hi aim 6a and futures at A1SJ 6s. The local mai kM was unlet and higher als. with Spot closing at $at KflC 30. Cop- advanced 6a In lyndou. Ith swot clos- til lis d and futures at 6 12s td. flie market - was stead) -and un changed, hike beln quoted st Ul nTVS'U A electrolytic at (U.MglttaS'A Aid casting at $12 7V(1- 60- Lead was bigOisr at A13 2a (M In lxndon. LK'aIly ke niatket waa dull and unchanged at $4. 2' A 36 Spelter ad vanced to tJJ ins gri tn ljondon, but re mained duH and -tire hanged at $6 (Sb'.07's l locaily. The Euglleh Iron market waa higher, with Cleveland aarranla quoted at 4Ka IStd. Inaily the market waa un changed No. 1 foundry, northern, la quoted at $l.iri.!jo; Ni. 3 northern at $15,763 16 26.. No 1 aoutjiaru and No.-1. southern, of I. at 115 76(jli.26. BT Ml lia May .- M KTAI J Lead, dull nominal at v on Allla-ChalmaTS jfd .' Amalgamsts rlotrpor Amorlcsn AgHoultorsI Am. Boot Buxsr Am. 0n trfd Am. C. A r Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. A L. pea Am. loo Securities American Unaeed American Looomollve Am. B. H Am. A A R. eta Am. Hugar Ratlnlng Am. T. A T Am. Tobaceo pfd American Woolen Anaoondt Mining Co. ..... Atchlion - Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Mm Baltimore A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd tlathlaham Steal Brooklra Rapid Tr Canadian Paclflo Central. Leslbar Central Losfhor pM Central of New Jersey rheaapeaSe A Ohio Ohlcaso Altoo l lil. a.o OU W Chlosio A N. W C. M. A at. r... C. C C. A St. l Colorado T. A I Colorado A Bo Colo. A So lat ptd Colo. A So d pM Uensolldatad 0 Com Products Delaware A Hudson Panvor A Rio Orsnd P. A R. O pfd Dlstlllera' Seourltles Brio Brie 1 pM Brio Id p'd General fclactrlo Orast Norlharn ptd Ureal Northorn Ore ctfa Illinois Cantral Intarborou(h MM. Int. Mat. ptd International Harvouar ... Inler-Maflna pld Intomationsl Paper International Puma Iowa Control Kaneai C1(r Bo. K C. So. ptd boutarllle A I Minn A St. L M . It. P A 8. S- M Mlaaourt Pacific ,- M.. K. A T at.. K. A T. pfd National Btacult National Load ' N R. R. ol at lat pfd .. New York Contrml N. Y. . O. A W Norfolk A W North Amirtcos Norfhom Pacltte Parlflc Mall PanoirWanla, oi-dir People' a Oaa P . C. C A St l Proaaad ! far Pullman Palace Car Railway Stool Spring Heading Rapuhilo S'acl Republic pf Rock Iiland Co Rock laland Co. pfd at. l. A a r td pfd ... St Louli S W St. L. S. W pf Sloaa-SUafflald S. A I ... Soulharn Pacific So. Paclfle pfd Southam Railway So. Railway pfd Tenncweo Cop par Total A Piclfic T . St. L. A W T.. St. 1.. A W pfd t'nlon Pulflc t'qlca Paclfle pf tJ. I Raaily I. Rubber I. S Stall I. 8. SfMl Pf flab Copper Va -Carolina Chamlcal Wabaah Wabaah pfd Weatorn Maryland Waeflnshouaa Blacfrle ... Weatarn I'nlon WbMlInt A L. B Wlacooun Conlral . Toial sslss lor the day Raloa. inn I5.J00 t.oo I oo IW 7.0tl SOO .t"0 900 'Mni 2S.S00 U10 7iKl OOO 4110 l.imo in. son jwe i.too 1.400 dOO 1.JO0 1 ' l,rK 100 too 46.100 too MO Hlsh. 7i 11174 7Hl !S ! 4l' 41 M P24 lfw P41 14 V4' n 444t lolVi. l"4li 17V4 lltH '$4 7 lnt4 101 SM 77, TOV, t Low. Close, 4044 W 7 ItH (f-H 7M4 t4 on 41 404. 'fiii. HI1 lot US 141 "4 44 197 V. 104 4 m 1144. '4 74H V MV4 10 14 n 70 4' lA.tVOO) 1MH 14'! t.600 400 400 700 1.600 1.JO0 500 I.KOO M0 4.000 !.00 ' ' Vi 4, ' 400 600 3. tOO S.ooO too 4-10 00 1.100 ' IV1 1.400 100 4i0 l0 , 1.fc . .toe 400 W0 . 4.400 100 . I.IViO . 1.700 . 1.4O0 . ! ii!o . 1,400 H . I 500 3944 7 MS 137, 21 1W 17 m, S2Vi 4S ib'- 1(5 H S4 144 1714 4"i K, 24. 13 ' 40 46 71 ns4- DlV 117 ?34 44 7V 1041, Ul 40 H -V ' 14544 iifiH lit IVs 41V, 0 SOS 100 . 1.0OO . I. too . 9 400 . 1 000 00 400 800 4'X . 11 fl ;a . 4 SOO 00 loo So 10ll ." 400 .1M.P 10 MO . l.ioa 113. 400 . II 400 . 1 too . :.i"o 400 .. tflO.W', . l.PiO v 400 al'i .. lew 74 a po lovt . . t.600 M 144.100 aharoa. tevt rt4 H 4 V, H 7". 46 4j 14 S (Va 71 122 vi 12.'. 2f" Mw 4I asH -it 4"4 19"V 7t4 K "V MV4 lit', 41 4S li M'4 "4 14 H lti4 K U2a SI 7 39 tin 44 iiti" 146 tv, IK 1V ;?5 14, i:v4 31 M 441s 71 lit 67 ll Tt 41 71 104 MS ( 110 44 41, 1 144 134 114" l 40 '4(1 li0 24 2 4i 24 0 7 IMS 124 lt 1 41 11 (1 Wt l7 7 to 13 ti 111 47 47 1 4 12 71 1 M butts Coalition Black Mountain ... calumet A Arlaorti ( alumot A Hacis.. Cantanalil Coppar Banso Cumberland Elr .. rialr-Woat rall Paly Haat Ralto Plrat National Oranbr Coppar .... Olebe Conaolldatsd flraene Cananoa ... Hanoock Hclyofla fate' Royals Kiewoanaw Laka La Sallo Massachusetts Mlrhlsaa 34 ,. 1 101 .to 10 O areola coer . Old Dominion .. Parrntt Mining Qttlooy Coeoor . Shaanon Ooppor . 71 Shoo Machinery . 7 Superior A PKtsbsrg Superior Coppar ..... . Superior A BootaaVa. , . 14 Tiraarack ., . 4 Trinity .100 I'nrtvd Pruft . 4 t nltao Copper . VHV. S. S. A R . 10 do pfd . 1 TTtak CXmsolldited . . M t:ta Copper . 1 Victoria . 11 Wlsona . 14 Wolverine .. 1S Yukon .... .lis M U Sa 1 4 U 40 . 14ti . s T1S . lt . 46 44 - 40 . 47 - . a . - 4 Hoaton Stocks and Honda. BOSTON. May 6. Money, call loans, 03v, per cent; time loans. 3tft per cent. 7 S 7 !! i 41 40 II 67 IS 104 U! 141 ltf S 107$ 104 in 114 Pn 14 7S 1W a 10 M6 . 4 m lifl 71 'i 44 4 11 11.' 1I . .11 41 4i . 166 14a l 14S lt 44 U 4 1 1 II 44 11 11 1 U4 1. 43 11 104 40 110 41 91 Ki 144 0 116 114 1 40 116 40 14 4 14 as. 14 0 .1 1S, li3 41 41 4J 61 14 7 31 f4 llt 4'.' 47 11 4 2J 74 51 Atcblaon adj. do 4a A' .-Maori R. R do pfd Pltchburs pfd . . . N. Y., It 4 t I'nlon Paeino Am. Aria. Ctiem. . da pfd Am. Pnou. Tube. . Amir. Sugar ..... do pfd Am. T. A T Amir. Woolen ... do pfd Pominlon I. A S. Edteon Blao. Illu. Maaa. Bloc trio ... Mui Oaa I'm tad Prult I'nltcd 8. M do pfd U. S. Stool do pfd Adrantura Allouoa Amalaamatid .... Arlxona Com Allautlo ! Butts Coalition ...10044 Cat. A Arizona.. .. A Hacla.... ... .04 Centennial ...111 Copper Rang! ... ...170 Pair Weat .. .14 Franklin ... Oranhr ... H oreena Canavnos ... 1 lal Royal .111 Mast. Mining ... . 1211 VI u Mian ........ ...11! Mohsok ... 14 Mont. C. A C ... ...101 Norada ... 18 Old Dominion ... . . lafl Oocoola ...14 parrot ... UQornet .. .114 Shan boo ... 64 Trinity ... v4U. . Mining..... ... WV. g. Oil ...ll Utah .... t'iyictoVta ...' ... 0H Winona ... 11 Wotvortue ... 41 Bortk Buna .. . ioi, . London Stock Market. ljondon closing atocka:, : Coniola. motioy M.( K. A T 4 7-ilN. w. (antral.. .. 1 Norfolk A W, . ..110 do pfd .104 Ontario A W... Penaaylvioia .. ..114 Rand Ninas. ... do acoount. ...... Anaconda Atcblaon do pfS... Belli mare A Ohio. Canadian PacilV.. rheaapetka AO... Chlcaso 0. W chl.. Mil. A St. P Pe Bern nenrer A Rio O. . do pfd Kris do lat pfd do 2d pfd Grind Trunk . llllaoll Central Loulrvllla AN... SILVER Bar TU Rutins . 1 Southern Ry .164 do pfd . 11 Southam Pacific . 11 t'ntoa Pacific ... .10 do pfd . II tl. S Stool . 61 da pfd ........ . 41 Wabaah . 11 do pfd .160 Spanish 4s ,1414a Amal. Cooeer . steady at 24d per ounce, per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills is 19-13 lH per cent 16 .100 ...416 ... ... Tt ... ... tH ... K) ... 10 ... H ... 14 ... 11 ... 63 ... 65 ... .. . W .. .110 ...II ... M ... 16 ... 11 ... 41 . . . 11 ... 40 ... 6 ... ,.J4 ... .. 44 ..144 .. S4 .. It .. 10 . . Tl .. s .. 71 .. 10 .. 11 ..114 ..144 .. 61 ...11 .. m .. 61 .. M . 10 OITK OMAHA. May , 1W Receipts wars: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Official Monday $.6 6.0R1 $.( Official Tuesday - U.OOA $711 Estimated Wednesday .. .400 11.000 $.400 Three days this Week..l7.1 IT.Mwt HOT Sams days laat week. .. .12.601 81.874 11 Ml Same daya 2 weeks ago.. ll.lWg .1i) Same davs I -eeks ao .l.11 25 411 XXt Same days 4 weeks ago.. 10.297 16 476 32.776 earns daya last year.... 10.643 71, "11 11. 14 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha ror tne year to oate. compared witn last year: 190S 11. Inc. Dec. Cattle $28,362 J12.4 10.773 Hogs 967.064 1.014.17 67.0W Sheep 6o4,M B14.r$ 60,o7 The following table the average price of hogs at South Omaha tor the 'est several daya, with comparisons: Data. I 1909. lM.l"7.lfl.1W.1o4.n0 20.. 11.. 22.. .. 24.. 26.. US. . 27.. 28.. I 98 6 fS 7 01 T 08 o 9174 (ft, 7 US T 01 t7VA 1 .... 1 f 4 i I.. s.. T tra, T 03 $ M B 4 6 AS B 11 6 4 .$81 ( 28 6 4 4:TTi; $ 2$; 4 S2 7 10 It 43 B SOI 4 7 11 Ml 16 $3 111 7 07 $ M 11 Mi $ m 1 as. T CfJ 7 1 4 71)106 4 TBI 4 T6 4 4 73' 63 4 Ml ( 77 4 CI: I M $111 I 4 S3 6 12 4 BTi 76 6 19 4 661 6 2ti 4 691 78 III I I 15! B X 4 W 4 Ta ll B 6 46' 23 B 41 24 B $4 16 4 I Ml 4 27 E Ml 9B B 21 4 34 4 2 B 34 5 261 B Ml B Ml 6 i 4 141 B 161 4 361 B 10 B 11 4 28 27' Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cattle Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. At St. P B 5 Wabash 2 2 Missouri Pacific 1 2 1 Vnion Pacific 103 66 7 C. AV N. W., east 1 .. 1 C. A N. W.. west 104 44 3 C St. P., M. A O ... 12 C, B. At Q., east 2 7 .. 2 C, B. AV Q , west 38 1 3 O., R. I. 4r P., east . $ 1 1 C. R. I. A p.. weet.. 11 3 1.. Illinois Central 4 1 1 Chicago Qt. Western.- 1 1 Total receipts 312 2 11 11. The disposition of the day's receipts was ss follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle Hogs, gheep. The First National Bank ot Omaha maintains a working force of more than sixty people in order that its customers may (without cost to them) receive the best of banking services. Year stvlng s eaneit be mare safely Invests rhaa la 9 per sent ertlflsato of Deposit I this bsnk. Capital, Surplus and Undi vided Profits $1,200,000.00 1 lit? market furnished nn eioeptlon to the gen. era! rule. The trade at this point waa rather slow with hogs selling Be lower and In some eaaee 10c lower than yeeterday. The decline sesmsd to be the moat pro nounced on the common light loads which were hard to move. On the other hand good heavy and butcher weight hogs showed the least decline. However, the market was very uneven, aa had been the case for some days back and there was a very considerable variation In prices on hogs ot the same quality and weight. A good share of all the hogs sold at tAtorit T.10 and en up as high $7 3n for prima heavy. The market did net Improve any aa the morning progressed, but. on the contrary, became less active, aa some of the buyers filled their orders and dropped out. The close waa slow and weak at a decline of tVfflOc. For the three davs receipts foot up 27.000 head, showing a falling off of a little over l.ono head, as compared wtlh the aame days last week, hut A gain of over 6.000 head as compared w.lii the Same period last year. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company...... cuaany packing Co Armour & Co 8. A 8 Morris A Co Vansant AV Co Carey AV Benton Lnbman AV Rothchlld.... W. I. Stephen Hill & Son F. P. Lewis Huston AV Co J. B. Root Co J. H. Bulla McCreary A Carey H. F. Hamilton Rothschild Sullivan Bros Lehmer Bros Sinclair . Other buyers Krey Packing Co B warts , Bodden Shafer Union Dressed Beef Co. 7tt 1.6h4 1.660 s73 Alt 83 1 4 1H 23 n4 64 IB ' 60 32 8 at 22 16 2 1 U8 340 1.849 2.848 2,7 1.838 1(74 ' 638 48 249 123 MONhlY VMk New York Mlntaar Stoeka. NEW YORK. May 6. Closing quotations on mining stocks: Jb Ltadvllll Con. I l.lltlo Chief .. 16 Mexican 16 Ontario Ophtr at standard . .. 116 Yellow Jacket . Alice Brunawlrk fou. . Com. Tunpsl atock da bunda Den. Cl. A Horn Surer Iron Silver Offered. Va., . 4 , PO 416 IU lit . 11 I.aeal Beearttlee. Quotations furnished by Samuel Jr., (14 New 10:1 ui nuuuni. Burns. Bid Alke. It BadvM at A ally t $4 10. Bpltr, . rlumlMia t,. H A P City ot Omaha Bondi. 4l IMS City of Omaha 6a lilt Douslas Cousiy 4a It...-. Oata City Man 1 omDass tf Gee nan giro Irk Co Ud Til to IVil Pf SosaD kanaaa City R. A L Va 1111 K C R. A L. ptd iy . .. Habraaka Talapbons Bteck Omaha Oaa a Hit Ornaba SLAP aa. ISM Omaha A C. B. St. Rf. ia i14 Omaha A C. B. St. By- 6a '. .: Omaha A C. B St. hy ptd 6J Omaha A C. B St. Ry esav. 4"J ... Omaha A C. B Rr. A Briota pfd 4... Caiaba Wilar Co. to till Omaas Water Co 6s 1S4S , Omaha Water Co. lat pfd.... Omaha B. ol T. Bldg Co pfd Paclflo T. A T. Ce 6s Sf Shoiidaa Coal 4 ltl S'juth Omaha Sowar 4141 lt!4 Sioua City Stock yards pld ft, Slots loaorajlco Co - - Trl-S'ala Land Co. pfd 1 (com boo oat Tepoks St By 6a Vsloa Stock Yards Co., Oavaka. 4 ... 14 SI 104 101 101 101 las ... 14 at 7 Sd 1 II M 91 1 St 100 ii 1 161 r lud U 64 ti 7 4 M 1. 40 II 24 32 lis lis rr 4 H 1'" 100 iai 64 to lis 4 SS IM Sl M Traaaary Btatesneat. WASHINGTON. May .-Today's sfate rr 11 ' the t i.'tury balance In the gen i'i.1 lunrl 4xcliicive of 1 he llnl-MMOii gold reserve etmaa: Available cash balanvt:, Rank 4'learlngs. OMAHA. May 6-Bink clearings for to day were $2730,667.99 and for the correspond ing date laat year $1,842,867.66. Wool Market. BOSTON. May 6. WOOLi Interest in the wool market centers In the new clip and bidding by local deaiera through buy ers In the west or directly with growers la very brisk. It is said that 90 per cent of the undipped wool west of the Mississippi has already been purchased and at least half in the east haa been aecured. Prices are very firm and tend ing upwards. Business locally Is confn.ed to foreign products. In which ltaulnin have been heavy. Old wool la practically out of the market. The leading domes tic prlcea range as follows: Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri. blood, J9if?S0c, '4 blood. 28lff29c. Scoured values: 1'exus. fine, 12 mouths, 60 It 42; fine 6 to 8 months. 5:'j64c: fine. fall. 4 5 47c. Cal ifornia Northein. BStJtlOe: middle county, 4 JJ ")('(-. fall. free. 1 3 45c, fall, defec tive. 3337c Oiegoti Kaatern. No. 1 staple. 2tttJ; eastern clothing. 66ft ',70; va.ley, No. I. 41S60i'. Territory Fine staple. B 3 Ct 6 a t-: fine medium aiupie. id M62c; fine clcthln. 08 '.';: ne- diuni clothing B(R68c; H blood. 60'l8c; s blood. 64fj68c: blood. 60o3c. Pulled Extra. C64T70; fine. 65(fl63c ST LOUIH. Mo. May 6 WuOI. Sfn.tii' territory and vtst-m ni-diuiiis. ;,i2o'-,c; fin mediums. lB'ti'J'.'"; fine j2rl7e LONDON. May 8 WOOL A better e lutlon. amounting to 12.951 bales, was offered at the wool auction asles today, (.' pel It Ion was strong and cross-bieuo ver tirmlv enfubllshed at the opening advance. Merlnoa ailvaiuei from 3 to 10 per cent. Americans secured the best areattv Merinos and medium fine cn liri'il4. taking 1.600 hale in all. t'oltoa Market. NEW YORK. May 5 COTTON Market for spot ro'ton closed quiet to B nolnls higher: middling uplsnds. 1090c: middling gulf. 1116c. Sales. 300 bales. Cotton future opened eietrlv; M.'y. 10 56c; Julv. lo36c: August. lOiac: September, 1023c: October, 10. 19c: Iiecemhei, 10.14c: Ji"iMHrv. u'liV: March IfilaWIO.nv-. Cotton futures closed steadv: May. 1069c; June. 10.43c: July. 10 40c, August. 10 $'Jc; September. 10 76; October, 10 4c; Novem ber. in?ic; December, 10.21c; January, 1016c; March. 10 14c. O M.VF.STON. May 6 COTTON Steady at 10V-. ST. IjOI'IS Mav lXyTTON Un r'liinged; middling, lc.c; sales, Sn baiea; teceipts. 1 268 bales; shipments, 2,440 bales; stock, S9 620 li4.1es. tills and.Roala. OIL CITY. Pa. Msv R -OIL Credit balances $1.73; runs, 263 196 bbls ; a.ei ae. 98 061 bbls ; shipments. 217.213 bbla ; versae 196 924 bbls SAVANNAH Ga . Mar S OIL Spirits terpentine, firm st $t16c. ROSIN Finn : sales, 1.68T bbls.' re ceipis. t 99t bbls : shipments. 702 bbls.: stock 104 868 hMs Ouote P $2i: P 3 47 V4; K $3 7S;. v. 13afo.s6: fl S O"' H 14 05: 1. 4 6; K $4 76: M. S f 0; N $190. WU. $5 00: WW 16 10. Totals 6.703 10.125 1,784 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very large again this morning, making an un usually heavy run tor the three days. To day's receipts, however, were not ss heavy as they really looked on paper, for the reason that Included In the number was a train or two -of southern stock cattle headed for the northern range, which were not offered for sale. There was also t train of still cattle direct to a packer. Al lowing for, this thers was probably not to exceed 270 cars on sals. Aa waa the rase yesterday and the dsy before, a very large proportion or the cuttle orrered consisted of beef steers, snd there waa a right good sprinkling of very aeaaanable killers among them. L'ow stuff was only In mods rats supply and there wera only a few stockcrs and feeders The buyers of Blockers and feeders were out In the yard early In the morning, as has been the case of late, and cattle of that description were the first te change hands. Although there waa a pretty da cent showing, prices remained about sta tionary, the market a rule being quoted aa fully steady with yesterday. pretty much even'thlng In the way of Blockers and feeders changed handa early In the morning. As high aa $6.60 was paid for good yearlings. The market on beef steers waa a little slow at the opening, but when buyers and sellers finally got together It waa on a basis of prices that were steadv to 10c lower than yesterday. While the trade waa not especially active, the big bulk of the csttle changed hands In fair aeason tn the morning. As high as $6 70 was paid for one very prime losd of hesvy cattle. Cows and heifers wre In moderate sup ply and the demand at tha same time being good, the trade was active at steady prices, everything selling early. Quotations on cattle: Good tn choirs corn-fed ateera. $A10045.tj6: fair to good corn fed ateers. $6.76Qi.lO: common to f.ilr corn fed steers, B4.7tVSo.76; good to choice rows and heifers, $60Otf6 76; fair to good rows and heifers, $4.250(1; common to fair cows and haifars. $2.26t4.26: stock heifers. H.Oftf 416; vesl calves. $1,6093 76; bulls, stags, etc., B3.2643ti.3B; good to choice stockers snd feeders. $4.60$e 76: fair to good stockers and feeders. pt.OO.oO; common to fair Nv. 11.... r . . . ii... 64.... 61 ... . sn. ... It ... 17.... 71.... 71 ... . 6t .. 41 ... . 17... . If..... 17... y 77. ... 70... !.... It.... 41 ... 40 ... 70... i:.... ti ... 71. ... tl . . . 77..., 44 .. 71..., n. ... M ... n .. TS... 1... 71... 7t . .. tr... 77... t7... 14 .. 41-.. tl... 41. .. 11... 44... 74... 74... 44 Ar. ..Hi . Ill .170 . Ill ..101 ..! .114 .10 ..117 ..til .111 , tot ..lis .204 ..1M . J10 . .11 .111 ..1H9 ..111 . 10 . tot .tat , 111 .11! .. IM ...13 ...Ml 111 ...ll . . 114 ...mi ...MO ...tit ...141 ..Ml .. 614 ...a) ...ttt ...til ...tot ...110 ...Ml ...'.44 ..171 Pt 6 40 4 10 to 4 II 10 4 tv 16 M W t 11 t M so l to ao so 10 t 10 so M te ff 4 60 to tn 4 i SI t M M tl 4 44 4 HI 4 t6 st ' M t M 9t sr. 4 6 5 IS M 16 7 00 t 00 7 00 1 00 t 00 ho. it... .... 70 .. 7. . 4t ... 71... 10 . . W .. Sb .. 1 . . tl JO .. $!.'.. 17... 77. .. I . . 11... 40 . 7 . . . 7... TO... 70 .. 41... 41 It.. 64 M M . J4.. 4 . l. . II. . It It.. Ml. . 47. . St.. 40. . an 40.. 114 . 44 . IT.. 41 . 4f . A?. ..IAI ..HI .tit . M lev ..126 ..til .1.14 . 116 ..114 .at ...44 til . t0 ..! . ..J17 . . SSn ...141 . . lot . . ; .141 ...1 . . 141 . . iW . ..112 ...11 ...Ml . . .'.41 . . . til ..148 ...Ml .. M4 ...n ...! ...Ml . ,.li4 ...144 ...IS1 ...371 .. t:i ...!71 ..oil . . 14 ...101 ...174 ...Ml Sh. 130 40 im 140 140 Pr 7 oo T 0 7 oo 7 00 7 00 1 00 1 OS 7 OA 7 04 1 0 t 06 1 06 7 W, 1 on 7 06 1 111 1 0 1 04 7 04 7 ' 7 07 1 07 7 07 7 IS 1 10 1 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 1 to 7 10 7 1o 7 10 7 10 7 in 1 lt 7 11 1 15 7 It 7 It 7 IS 7 l 7 U 7 30 7 10 1 16 ners, $2 tyvtJ2.M; bulls. $4 nfJT ; calves. 14 M iff 76; Texas and Indian steers. $4 2f"4e Ml ; oows and heifers. $i.7TWn.lV MOOS-Reclpls. 9.600 head; market IVTflor lower: pigs and lights. $4 26BJ 16; packers, $7.10(, butchers snd best heavy, 17.8fp T.46. SHBFJP AND IAkfRS - ReosnpLs. IJaOO head: market 10c. higher; nstlve muttons. $4 Sfff.60; Is tubs. HOf-a 76: noils and bucks, $.'.6(44.60; stockers, 4U.004J4 26- Bloos City Lire 'fttut-k Market, SlOl'X C1TT. Msy B -(Special Telegram 1 HOGS Recelpta 7,000 hesd; market nloc lower; range or prices. HUbWi-W. bulk or SSles, iil7 0Q. . . CATTLE Receipts, 2.500 head: market Weak and 10c lower; beeves, $6.Kr.76; fat cows and heifers. $4.0:16.76; feeders, $4 607J 6 26, yearlings, $3.aiTA.50, lock In ilght. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yeeterday: , . Cattle. Hogs, Sheep. South Omaha (1.400 ll.OOu 3,400 Slous ntv 3.600 7.000 St. Joseph 2.000 7,600 1,600 Kansas Cltv 8 Oio IT.Ofio S.00i 81. Louis S.i0 .9.600 . L6O0 Chicago .17.01)0 . 27.(100 13,00" Total 40,160 77.S00 2L40Ti stockers and feeders. $8.2tVeM.0O. BEEF STEERS. Ks. A. Pr No. A. Pr tl lOlt 4 X li U(, 4 II J4 6 11 It) 14 tt ! 6 10 II... 11U 6 11 41 ll M lilt u 1! 1006 I 16 lilt t lb t IS lw 10 147 ( 16 10 1146 i 70 11 1174 It t 1014 6 7S It 111! ,0 It 1144 I 71 1 1401 10 14 'I "' U 'Ill 1 lltd 1 1 to mi u 10 H M 14S t l 10 !' I 06 41 1417 la IS 1114 41 ...1421 16 17 ll'O 0.V 1471 in II 1112 04 H 140t t IS l ISM 04 16 1110 t At ( 1U0 t 10 57 1441 t 41 14 1.41 1 10 It ltf.l t 11 11 464 4 10 tt 1411 (46 4t 1160 4 10 It J44I t 70 il 1144 4 10 COW 8. 1; IM 4 OS t 1044 i 0(1 I 741 4 00 I l o 4 10u6 4 OS 11 1171 11 14 ., 9 f 4 40 11 , 0M i td If 160$ 4 IS 14 .'....1144 6 10 toon 4 40 I lOM 6 60 1010 4 SO . 1$.... WIT I 64 1 9M 4 T4 10 1100 U HEIFER, I. 414 I 40 !1 694 4 T I 710 t 0 7 ri 4 to It t'24 I SO 1 ISO I no I 8.14 4 ti I tt 6 tO I 470 111 13 tof) I Si 4 LIS t 75 10 117 77S 4 61 1 1010 40 i lit 4 l It Ml I 60 4 441 4 60 4 tit I 60 BULI.S. 1 1M0 1 0 1 140 4 IS I 110 4 IS 1 1470 4 10 1 970 4 IS 1 ISSA 4 M It 1414 4 M 1 i;oo 4 44 1 ins 4 a 1 111s so I. .1040 4 60 1 110 to 1 ., 17K 4 l 1 : ...147J 6 4 1 , 1160 4 61 CALVES. I 4 4 U 1 100 0 1 0 on 1 no t on 1 J40 6 6 1 1 4 IS 1 .. 146 IS 1 11 t 10 I IM 6 tl 1 HI IB 1 lit 1 60 . 1 ItO I 44 1 IB 4 11 1 IB I M 8TOKERS AND FEEDERS,. II 711 4 44 r in 4 16 4M 4 40 tl Ssl 640 4 444 4 11 14 1004 I k 4 16 4W II 646 IM 4 W0 4 64 SHEEP Packers mav well regard the fu ture of the sheep market with some feeling of alarm If the present values continue to swell for sny lengtn of time. Demand slnoe a week age Moiday has been excep ftonally active and pncee each aucceedlng day have been booming. While at no time have trading flgurea shown record-breaking advances, still the trend of the market haa been constantly upward until the pres ent Isvsl compares very favorably with that of June. 1907. which waa the high month In the history of this market. This morning receipts were light, which fact naturally proved an added Incentive to active demand. Prlcea ruled generally strong, although in spots valuea might be called a dims higher. Still, there were a few sales that looked to tie but little bet ter than ateady, but the bulk of ahep were sold on a strong basis. The qusllty was reasonably good on an average. Practi cally all of the receipts were shorn, the best band or wetsern wooiea ismus going at I8 60. This lot waa only of a fair to good quality and It was the general opinion that prime Iambs would sell around $8.76. Incidentally $8.60 la 16c higher than the highest price paid on thla market thle season. The highest price paid in rne history of the market waa In June. 1907. when a carlot moved at $8.76. The best shorn lambs here today sold at $7.75; a dims higher than yesterday's top, and the highest price paid for some time. There wss nothing of any consequence In either wooled or clipped ewes Or wethers, a bunch of mixed yearlings and wsthers, shorn, selling st $6 46. Quotstlons on clipped sheen and lambs: Good to choice lambs, $7.3tVO'i.76; fair tn good lamb, $6.76(017.16; good to choice light yearlings, , $A 76; good to choice heavy yearlings. $6 76fiA2S; good to choice weth ers, $6.90tl.36; fair to good wethera. 15 fy7f 6 86: fair to good ewea, $6 00434 60; culls snd bucks. $3.00t3.(jO. Representative ssles: No. 272 Mexlcsn lambs 437 western yrlgs. and wethers. 6 western yesrllngs 261 Mexican wethera llO.wealern lambs, shorn 181 western lambs, shorn 84 western lambs, shorn 311 western lamb, shorn 22 wooled lambs 11 western wethers, wooled 6$ western ewes, wooled 4 spring lambs HAHA.aKlfBRAV MAtKST. tale ss4 reaey PreAaea Prtea lake kg Bartis aaal Wkolaaalssa. BUTTKR-Cteantery. No. I. delivered te the retail trade la 1-lb. eavrtoos. Hot No. 6 In 40-lb tubs, totfcc; No. 2. In 1-lb. cartons, bc; la AO-lb. tuba, (7Vc; packing stock, Uc fancy dairy, tubs. Ironic; common roil, fresh made. 1842 uc Market ohtvogea evarr Tveeday. KQO-rroh aelllng atock. candied, jot) Be No euarage atock In Omana market. C H BEAU fe' meat Wisconsin full eraeia, twins, lo; yeung Auisrtcaa. 4 la hoop, uc; favorite, I la hoop. 16o; dalsisa, W la hoot, IMsc; crsam brick, full case. l6o; Mack . iwuaS, 16c: full cream llmburgor. Ma. 1HJULTKY Alive, sprlngi. 13c; bens, 114 , cocks, 4u ducka. lie; gesso, lOo; rar kys. Uc; plgsone, per dus., afcoi .ruinate fowls, per tfos., $2.50; sou a 6s, per do., AA Lrsss4l. hsns, lie; springs. lilVio; cooks, He; ducka, lie; gesso, Uc; turkeys. Bio. FISH Whitefteb, f roaea, - IMC, ' herring, $Uc; salmon. 10o; pike. Be; prcksrel, 6jJVc; ta-sut. Its;; catilso, lotklla; halibut. An; raj snapper. 12c; black bass. ae, crapplas, A te: perco. K; oodflab. ISo; amstvs. do; eels, lac; lobstsra. reoa, lie; avoltod. 0o; frogs' leas. 4ao. jrtlkis No. L ITci No. 3. llo; No. B, & Lotus No. L llo; No. I Uye Mo. 1. UHtjC thuck-No. I, 7c; No. 2. (4e; No. I, two. Round-No. l, lie: Ne. i. !:-Na . ic. Plate No. 1, 4c; No. X. ec; No. B. 6c. PRESH KKUITS-Apples, western bog apples, $2.00442.60. Bannnas, B-buncn lots. $14C per lb. Oranges, IS kftU.2e. Lemons. B3 6B (14. 00; Orape fruit, $4.60. Urepea, Malagas. $7.60 per keg Florida pineapples, per crate. ' $$.00 VEGETABLES Kansas sweet potatoes; $2.76 per bbl. California csliry, large, 0c 1 smaller, too. New York Holland seed cab bage, 4Vio per lb. Wisconsin Red Globe onions. 2c per lb. California cavuhflowor, tl per crate. Tomatoes, Florida, 6-baaktt4 crate, $9; Cuba, 4-basket crate, S3. Lettuce, per dos., 40c. Old vegetables parsnips, turnips, esrrots II. at par bbl. Florin new bests, carrots, peranlps. turnips, ale, per del , 76c. STRAWBERRIES $3.00413 28, HlDEkNo. 1 given. Aa; No. 1 cured, ao, . Av. ..170 ..10O .. 70 .. 73 .. 88 .. M .. 89 .. 72 . 86 . 118 . 118 . 38 Price. 1 60 4 46 B 00 6 8s 7 66 7 60 T 66 7 76 I 26 7 26 4 40 $ 60 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hogs Loner-Sheep and Lam ha Stead? to Higher. CHICAOO. May B CATTLE Receipts. 17.000 head: market stesdv: stet-rs. $6 01x3 7.16; rows. $4.0Oit75: heifers, $30Bi.26; bulls. 14.Ai426.iS; calves, 13 007.00; stockers and feeders. $3 HOOD-Hecelpts, 27.000 head; market, 6fif 10c lower; . holer heavy shipping, $7 SiKp 7 .40: butchers, $7 30(17.40; light mixed. $7 05 ff7.l6. choice l.ght. $7.lo4j.i.2l'S; packing, $7.264ir;.10; olri. 8i.261.7&; bulk of sales. IT.ltVST.SO. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpl. 11,000 head; market steady to 26c higher; aheep, t.i:64T0, 'imh', ki.0O(UwlO; yearlings, $4.00 04.110. taair aatl Molt NEW YORK. May 6 Sl'OAR-Ravr, easy; fslr refining. s.SRc; centrifugal, as test. 2.86c; molasses sugar. 3.14c; refined, steady; No. ft, 4.66c; No. 7. 4 60c; No. 8. 4 46c; No. 9. 4 40c: No. 10, 4.36c; No. 11, 4.30c; No. 12. 4c; No. IS. 4 20c; No.' 14. 4.20o; confectioners' A, 4.86c; mould A, 6.40c; cut loaf, 6.86c; crushed, 676c; powdered, 6.16c; granulated, 6.06c; cubes, t.BOe. . , MOLAS8KB Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 28tfH-'c. MEXICAN FOURTH OF JULY Baslness Saspended While Popslsre Celebratea Ne-Rstabltshsseat of Repobllc. BL PASO, Tex., nlversary of the Mexican republic of Maximilian, la May B Today, th an- re-eatabllshment of Ih.i following the overthrow being generally observed as s holiday throughout the republic. Busi ness Is prsctlcslly suspended, and patriotic exercises art being held In many cities and towns. . , . , ... , Stock Market. I atv 6 CATTLE WESTERNS MONTANA, tl feeders.. 963 t IB 28 feeders. .1061 44 6t feeders.. 974 t 36 81 feeders.. 7 B 17 steers.... ltliT B 40 10 steers. ...IBs 4 64 T steers ... 980 $09 30 steers. ...1124 I 7 HOOS There wss a decline alt slong the line this morning, receipts st sll points being liberal, while prices were lower. This KaaSas City Live KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Receipts. 8.000 he(J. including 1.000 southerns; mirket siVsdy; top. $6,911; choirs export ml dressed beef Rieo- It) 26 71 6 90 fair to good. $5 26 (1. 1 ', ; aestern steers. $5 2541 6 60; stockers snd feeders. 14 101) 6 80: southern sleets. $0 204-1 6 60: southern cows, 13 254; 5.2T; nstlve coas. $1,760 6 40; native helltn, 14 0O-B6 26; hulls. $3 86ft$6A; cslves. $J 80 7.0(1. HOiW Receipt. 1 Tflffi besii. mnrket ic lower: top, $7.86: bulk of ssles. $6.86(1 7 80; heavy. $7 204, 7. .15; packers at. 1 butchers, 7.0ICl.;t, light, VI76TI0; 3.0'id 3.7$; la.Bjy nil feed VO0 4V pigs. $6 60(p b 60. SHEEP AND l.AMBS Tt. elple. head: market steady; latnt.a, $.,U0 T.66; wethera, ; 4.6; slorker Texas muttons, yearlinse. $4,001 6.T6; ewes. 13.261 ers. $3 604&:6; 00 St. Joseph Lire Block Market. ST. JOSEPH. Msy 6. CATTLE Receipts. 3,000 hesd: market ateady to 10c lower; Steers. $4 60oje60: cows snd heifers, t! Vtt B.B6; cslves. $3.00e7.0 HOCKS -Receipts, 7.600 head; market IVfllOc lower; top. $7 26. bulk of salea. $ "1J7 io. SHEEP AND LAMBS Rsoelpts. . 1 500 head: market atrong ts 10c higher; lambs, KS yjrff 60. - Ball l ies I t Water Plant. THBRMOPOLIS. Wyo.. May C.-(Srcla ) The Havemeyer Construction comtAtiv, which built the $50.0( system of munioip&I water work recently completed here, fits ued out in the I'niteal Statea court an Injunction reatialning the town from using the system until the contract price has been paid. This act results rum the ijixirae of the city council, which, despite a warning In writing from the. contractors, turned water Into the system before, the pipes had been covered.- Three blocks of pipes frose and burst stid the council ordered the contractors tc replace st their own expense. This tho Construction company refused to do, whsts- upon the council refused to toy for the latter part of the const runt loo work. The contracting company sued our the Injunc tion and the town Is without wnttr. ' fight Over I ossly -Dlrlalis. . BASIN, Wyo., May B (Hp join I. The temporary Injunction secured by the tenta tive commissioners of the proposed county of Park to restrain the comm'.sstoners of Big Horn coufi'y from employing special counsel to fight the organization of Park county, has lieen dissolved hy the dlslrl.t court, snd the commissioners of Big Horn county hsve empowered iresoullnir At torney Percy 8. Mets to retain counsel tq make the fight contempla?d. Metg ha retained his father. Judge W. S. Met of Sheridan, and Judge Samuel . T. Coin' of Ogden. I 'tab. The people of Prk -county say they will organise the new' epunlv from a portion of B e ilurn tourw.XCsiiarrt less of the oppoaltlon-nf ths ijittr,'; boot On the Ha age, I. CHETEN.NE.Wyd.. .May i. f ftru0H4.'l. A temperature of- nearly eight degrees wa-4 registered here today a lid snow )a etttlroly gone from tlie range. t. Loale Lira Stork Market. .'. ST. Inaj, Ma 64sy 4 CATTLE Re ceipts. $.260 head.- tndudlng 1,109 head Tex ana; market tt-'Mc lower; native shipping and export steers. 16.4O0A9O; dressed beef and butcher steers. $-4?-Vn5; steers under 1 Ofo lbs. MOijr76; stockers and feeders, $4ao46.36, cos's and kslfars, B3.ksu4; oaa- Herbert E. Gooch Co. Broken and Dealers BAXBT, PaVOTIBIOaTS, STOOaTB. Omaha Office 1 Bit) AT. T. life JglAg. ' Beli relephoas. Soatflas 411. - iBdepeaAeas, AV-tUl and lit, Oldsgt sod Largest Ueuss t tng Slats,