12 THE BEE: OMATTA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 5. 1009. tirrnt fwwwwwwpiM i Sntur- Wednesday Specials! 18-inch Fine Embroidered Flouncings, Skirt ings and Corset Cover Widths 15c Yard 15c 12ic Val. Laces at 5c Yd. Also insertions and galloon headings all choice new designs values actually worth up to 35c a yard big bargain square, yard , Fine French and German Val. laces and insertions; dainty new designs many to match worth up to l-'so a yard special bargain square, yard 5c SPECIAL SALE JEWELRY Manufacturers' Samples, Made by the Well Known Houses of Riley French, Ford & Car penter, and the Attelboro Manufacturing Co. Men's and Women's Tie Pin and Cuff Button Sets (JA Finest imitation cut coral worth up to $2.00, at. . . tC Five Hundred Bracelets Positively worth up to $10.00,each a written guarantee with each bracelet to wear SSO ten years your choice Hand painted porcelain large jabot pins; jewel- $75 era' price $5.00, at 10!) genuine, diamond rings nt half the jewelers' $yf 69 price, at Cloisonne pins 25 styles to select from $169 at 1. Jet belt pins large size fine cut worth Cfl $1.00, at ; JUC Belt pins, hand carved in green gold, rose gold and French gray worth $189 to $8.00, at , I All the LaVallieres that sold up to $.'3.50 your Cfl0 choice JUC 1,000 pairs one-piece cuff links, worth to 75c; choice. . .19c On front bargain square 5,000 pairs women's, men's and boys' cuff links from the AtteJbro Mfg. Co. in plain gold etched and stone sets positively worth 25c, 50c I P and 75c your choice JC A new pair for any that don't prove satisfactory. Great Demonstrations of Dress Shields Greatest showing; of Dregs Shield! ever known In Omaha. 1 The celebrated Omo Non-Rubber Dress Shields. The famous Klelnert rubber lined Dress Shields. Two special demonstrators to explain the merits of these best shields made. Special prices to dress makers and by the dozen. GAe KING Tailored Waists The smartest and certainly the . most practical tailored waists ever shotvh here. It will be necessary for you to have several tailored waists this summer, and you will find that King Tailored Waists are the best, in qual ity and style as well. In every feature the King Waists are the best of their class. 1.98. 2.50. $2.98, 3.50 .j 3.S8 Wall Paper Sale Now is the time for spring papering. A visit to us will prove that we are offering the best paper values ever known in the city. 'Wednesday our prices are cut almost in half. The bpst line of light and dark papers in the city, reg ular 6c and 8c papers at, roll 200 combinations In 9 and 18-Inch borders suitable for most any room all th best pat terns and colors Wednes day at. roll 2k 8-inch it any 5c Beautiful gilt papers the kind everybody asks lBc and 20c for our price this sale, roll We are showing the best line of two-tone papers all the newest colors. These are regular 30c and 50c papers as long as they last at, roll. 9c line of newest 15c Don't fail to see our Demonstration In Wall Paper department third floor. Free sample can of the famous Japanese Surfacing Lacquer to every woman all this week. BRANDEIS STORES SPECIAL NOTICE Next Monday lL Great ' EUG SALE Thousands of high class rugs from an eastern manufacturer. $30.00 AXMINSTER RUGS GO AT $15.98 $15.00 ROOM SIZE, BRUSSELS RUGS GO AT. . . .$6.98 $3.50 AXMINSTER RUGS GO AT .$1.59 $5.00 AXMINSTER RUGS GO AT $2.98 $4.50 WILTON RUGS 27x55 GO AT $1.98 All on Sale Monday, May 10th, at Brandeis. WE HAVE HELD BIG RUG SALES BEFORE, BUT WE NEVER OFFERED SUCH GRAND BARGAINS. DRANDEIS STORES: H a p n an n a Bee Waul Ads Boost Your Business DRKSH FOOTWKAR Our display of Woman's Dress foot- I wear la nothing- ahort of a "Beauty snow," OirOBDS, RIBBON TIES, TTaCPS. Colonials In the new Rl'.jhou and I Buckle effects. Handsome slippers, Extreme or j Alodium heels, every shoe a choice! creation. All sizes and widths In I a'l the varlHttons. I We earnestly tequest evey vomanl to come and see our Heauty Snow oil Uress hoot wear. $3 83.50 $4 t 35 FRY SHOE CO., THE IIOI11 16th and Souflaa Eta. MAY SALE WAISTS Saturday. May 8. Brandeis Stores Hovel Advertising Idea. The Hub ClitMna; Co, that recently started at 1316 Farnam street, are lhK exceptional values to get their share of the retail trade. This store Is making an offer that bids fair to outd) nny competition. The Hub Clothing Co. iir selling a crack-a-Juck suit for the od.i price of 49.99, and giving the following goods with It free of cost. A $3.00 soft or derby hat, a $2.00 suit case, a dollar ahlrt, 2 pairs hose worth 26 cents, a 60c tie, $1.00 suit Porosknit undiru tar, a 75o lare silk hindkerchlef. and a 60c pair of suspenders. All for $.9. but Well worth double. An offer that Is hard to bent. These prices are not exg?rateu. and are sold with a "money back" guar antee. Being out of the high rnt dis trict. The Hub can easily oiitdj conipe tltlon. The Hub owners are Omaha peo ple. If you want good bargains call and see them. Mail orders filled. "THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESORT" HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nation and State. Best Climate and Medicinal Springs in America. First Class Hotels. Hospi tals and Bath Houses. Write lo Saoretary Commercial Club, Hot Springs, Bo. Dak. 3.50 Our gold filled spectacles or ece glasses are the hicgent value, ever of fered In the optical line. Frames nre guaranteed and fitted with the het-t periscoplc lenses. Try us when In need of eye aid. Globe Optical Co. ai8 so. ieth st. Next Door to People's Btora. B H c b in B n - n N i H B Vfiti Wea ana nervous met IUUU IUt who find their power to NFR VF work and youthful vigor llIVa gone as a result of over work or mental exertion should take OKAY'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will make you eat and sleep and be a man again. 91 Box; 3 boxes $3.50 by mall. IHIBMAI ft MoCOSNDLL DBDU CO. Cor. 16th and Dodge Btreete, OWL SftUO OObSPABTT, Cor. 16th and Harney Bts. Omaha. STab. Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you want something call 'Pbon Douglas 23S and make It Known through a Dee Want Ad. When yon bay Cold Medal Floor be aare It la Waehbom-Croabr's Gold Medal Flour. Tbla la tmportaut. SCHOOLS AMD (Ol.l.FGES. Nebraska Military Academy XUMCOXJ A Ullltary lUutrUiug School for boyi, now located lor Uie winter at Fourteenth and U streets. All de parliuents are in full operation. A good place for boys who don' I fit In publio achoola. No entrance ciamlnaitona are given; regular clasa work la auppUmented by in dividual Inatruciluo; tack woik u easily made up. Puptte are received at any time front fifth to twelfth grade Inclu sive Write (or Catalogue. 8. D. UTWiBO, aaperlatedenl -'""') Web. COMMERCIAL COURSES At Tabor College Include Shorthand, Type, writing, bookkeeping and all ether aub. teote taught in high class Commercial De cartmenta. Actual baalueaa methoda are need whenever applicable, and accuracy, nMtass and flnlab Insisted on In all work Ask for the Commercial World. Aduiea. Tabof Collage, Xeoer. Iowa. in TYFTXT k r n n n ' "TTa srm ris .... aa av i 1 Surprising Values Wednesday From Our Great Manufacturer's Stock Purchases' St'MMKU STYLK IHKK wnd any 15c lilies' Home Journal Pattern, for SO Have You Been to Our Great May Sale , Oniiilia's host lmrains on all kinds of Spring and Smn nior apparel are here. Bennett's big purchases specially for this occasion makes most phenomenal undcrpriee sales. GREAT MAY SALE UNDER MUSLINS GOWNS . MEN'S SUITS $18.00, $J0,U0 and $22.50. val--ties, at 911.95 Ul n i i i it nar as THE RELIABLE STORE MEN'S SUITS $12.."i) $i:?..")0 anil $ir.0() val ues, at 98.75 Klght stylos cambric and Nainsook (towns. Mull and V-neck, also sllp nvpr Hylvs, trimmed with dttlnty Knglinh embrolilery and fine line, rxtl'il KlZf ioups " CI ff 1'hirtnd values tn tl.fiO. .. 4 Five styles downs of nmslln. also' chemise, sllp-nvcrs. lare Insertion Hiid rlhbon trimmed; CO ues 76c and 8fic. for -J -. SKIRTS Muslin rcttlcosts. showy styles, with several rows lace Insertion, others have IS-lnch embroidery flounce underlnv and dust ruffle, full width, values CI (1(1 to $1.7R. for 3I,UU DRAWERS Twelve styles fambrlc and Nain sook Orawers. lare anil hemstitch ed trimmed, &9o gur- "cl- ments. for Ten styles 1'rawers. muslin trlm meil with lHce Insertions, others Iihv hemstitched csmbrlc O c:-, ruffle. 3'Jc values, for w CORSET COVERS Twenty styles Corset Covers, lace Insertion trimming, some with nar row embroidery, others hemstitch ing down front. All hnve -y tjc one-piece French backs Ten stvles Corset Covers, trimmed with dainty deep luce yokes, others are bedecked with embroidery rib bons; values cieariy 60 cents, for COMBINATIONS Six ste-les combination Cover and Drawers, and Cover and Skirts, lace edge and Insertion or embroidery and medallion trimming; C1 25 values to $1.75. at iJJl.J Silks The Purcha,ting Power of Bennett Forcibly Demonstrated in this Lot Our capacity for buying big lots induced a jobber to accept our low price proposition. Nothing like these silk sales in Omaha before. Thousands of yards of fancy silks of all kinds, plain taffetas, messalines, peau de cygne, plain and fancy, wash silks or stripes, values actually to 85c, choice, yard. . . . 28c s IB xtra.ordiiary mbroidery vent Our May sale offers the most timely bargains. We secured em broideries enough to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific The following quotations on some of the lines will convince you the values are extraordinary. New lots Wednesday and each day following S4-XXCK SMBJIOIOEBIXS, run of the mill lengths 3 to & yard pieces; also Includes heautlru! ul lovers for waists and dresses, worth to 69 IQ cents. at ner vnrd . . Mil. I. EKD EMBROIDERIES, 2'4 to u yard pieces, all kinds, val- C0 tics to 1 i ',c for . EMBROIDEKT EDOIWOS. Insertions. wiillhK up to b Inches, Sir cents, at, per yard SWISS ABD HAINSOOK EMBROID- ER.IES, ,flne In quality, up to 15 inchua .wjde; also Insertions, bands. Rnl,gHlnons, 16c i 71r ' values, at 10c values, at VALENCIENNES LACES On large table we show hunilreds of dozens of choice new French and German Val. Laces. In all w idths, exquisite patterns In match sets , laces worth 10e and 12jc, at, per Hrd a $19 .50 More Small Lots of $35.00 and $30.00 Tailored Suits to be Closed Out Thrsp are part of our big purchase of suits a Now York makPr was forced to take a loss on to niopt a pressing need of rash. They were big values at $30.00 and 35.00. The lines of several of the beat sell ing numbers have been broken, sizes are induing. We now close out the remaining sizes at still lower figure, best styles and colors, including white serge suits, at, each MISSES' JUNIOR SUITS TXXntt ""ftc nn white and black checks, and solid colors f nil kinds. Some e5lDIU three-piece models In the line, values to V-'V choice of any v MTATC're White lingerie Waists with Imtch necks, and length sleeve "ftiol and turned cuffs. Made with duster pin links. 7C and llcht blue piping, very dainty, nt Vi.f id em- $1.25 19.50 Truly Wonderful Garment Bargains In Wednesdays' Great Sale $35 TO $45 TAILOR SUITS AT $24.90 A magnificent lino of Samples secured at a big bargain, no two alike, 'all bewitching new stvles, in all colors und $f)M flf sizes, choice, of lot . . ... ... ...... VVTi WU $20 and $22.50 TAILOR SUITS $12.50 Fine chiffon Panama and Serges und fancy Suitings, all sizes, newest styles. You'll vote them worth twice, the - C10 Rfl sale price, Thursday," at ..I.::. V J" FREE FREE FREE A $5.00 SILK UNDERSKIRT with every sale .of one of our famous French Voile . Dress Skirts, Wednes- 07 QC day, at pltJ3 The two are well worth $15.00. NEW DUTCH NECK WAISTS Complete assortments in Silks, Nets, Lin ens and Lingeries, at $1.00 to $5.00 WHITE SERGE AND PONGEE JACK ETS AND COATS, all the rage this sea son, shown at ...... . .$5.00. to $25.00 ig Corset Sale Wednesday All the High Grade Corsets From the Irwin Phillips Stock Royal Woreesters, .Jewels, and other standard makes, worth regularly to $.'.0(, go Wednes day in two big lots 69c and $1.15 All the "La Greque" belt and lattice ribbon Corsets, all sizes and styles, regular val ues to $5, at, choice. . , Seldom, if ever before, have such bargain opportunities been offered in Omaha. Come earlv. $1.98 High Grade Wash Goods KOKKXOOX OXLY 100 pieces of Wni. Anderson's genuine Scotch Ginghams that sell at 25c. and 35c yard, one pattern of 12 yards or less to a customer, at, yard 14C AFTKKXOOX OXLY One case of 15c sideband Batista, all new designs, 12 yards limit, at, jard 8s? Several other specials here. ALL THE CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' WEAR FROM THE IRWIN PHILLIP'S STOCK On Sale Thursday. See 16th Street Windows WATCH PAPERS FOR PRICES. Be Sure And Attend Our Time Sales nrtlTTl1 T IMfirOTP XXfATCSTC! Kxqulsltely trimmed, lace and em niiliu uiHumuu broidery. Including Iutch neck effects, complete new line Just In. ai;aln, at. An Ideal Corset for 98c Light weight hatiste models with non-rustible boning for summer, high bust, Ions hip style, embroidery trimmed, sizes q IS to 30. You'll not see their equal under $1.50 anywhere else, at, each a B H 1 mm 8:l to fl:lft a. in. One case of Lonsdale Muslin, worth 12VsC yard. 10 yard limit, at, yd. 5 Krom 8:45 to 0.15 One case of SM-e unbleached Muslin, 10 yards limit, at, yard.... 3 From 10:00 to IO:.'lO in. One case of American and Merrimac Shirting Prints, worth 5 He 10 yard limit, at. yard , . . 2t0 Krom 2:00 to 2;SO p. m. One cane 12'4e percales, dark or light colors, 10 yard limit, at, yard 4?c From 3 to 3.15 p. ru. One case of Bleached 10c Bath Jowelg, 4 to a customer, at, each. . . 3? 10 other special or fill day. Wednesday a Two-fifty Shoe Sale for Women Three big tables loaded down with high and low Shoes, all worth $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50; choice of tans, patents and gun metals, button and laced high shoes and laced low shoes and pumps; any pair, at , Screen Doors Juvt unpacked, a complete new line, all Hi.es. 1 '-lnch thick, any hi.", at. each $1.25 Hard nil finished .Screen Imors. anv size. 1 Inch, at l.SO Kxtra fancy Screen Hoors. all sizes. each ...f l-75 Hinges free with any dour Vednes day. Screen Wire, douhle selvidge, per S'iiare foot 3o Special full roll price. Challenge Xawn Mower, hall bearing:. at. each $3.85 Rubber Hose. f0 feet lengths, nt per foot 10, ISO, 15c and inn stamps. Klue Stops, each 10c and Hi xluinps. Carpet Peaters. each. ...... .100 to 85e and ID stamps. Oalvanleed Watering I'ots 8o up and 30 stamps. Notions Washable Trimming; RrsMs, In all colors. 1 nc proods. j,ard 3c Dress Shields, Featherweight, lnc and jr.o quality, pair 100 Boa Support era for women and chil dren, all colors, at pair 10c Spool 811k, black and all colors, two spools for Re, or dozen 39o Biaa Lawn Tape, all widths. 12 yards to bolt, at, per holt 100 Skirt Braid, black mercerized.. 6 yard pieces, special 6o Machine Cotton, 200 yard spools, spe cial, - spools for So Rjs, Curtains Axmlnster Hue xl2 feet, new ir"9 patterns, $.ii 0 kinds $23.75 Velvet Hurs. 2'xM-lncli, six floral patterns, each 98o 1:5c Straw Mattings, at IJ'iO Nottingham Curtains, white and Ara bian. l.Vi'O values, pair $3.98 Brass Kxtensinn Hods, worth 15c to ic; Wedncsduy special, at Bo luaperles. fancy scrim, rt amine, case ment cloth, fine variety colors, z.'c to 3.ic Igoods, at 310 FAKLOS SUITIiS, every suite on our floor, three pieces. H5 to IT'i ;it oiie-fourtli. or 35 FEB CIHT OFr KITCHEW CABIWET8, carload, just In. Kami walnut, nickel zinc top kp cial. at $13.00 DON'T MISS THE BIO SALE OF RUGS NEXT MONDAY From the ALEXANDER SMITH & SON AUCTION. This Is Pineapple Week u a s 6! 9 to ! B a H B PI T TI1KM IT NOW Willi. K T11K WKATHKK IS COOU We have Just received, a carload of extra fancv, fine, large fruit for tins sale. They Hre cheaper now ttian tl.ey will be when Ihe hlK demand for thorn come. These are all exira large sizes which we will sell at tlie following prices. Large sle, each per doten Extra large size, each per dozen Jumbo size, euch . . . per dozen The very largest size Ter crate, any size $3.60 Big- Out In rrean efataoiea Fresh l'eas, per ipiai 1 6o Kancv 'ax Beans, per lb loo r-r'Hh Pieplant, per lb 30 each . 7o . . Bbo . 10c $1.10 la'.o $1.5 1!0 $1.65 S luge hunchea Radishes fia Kre."h Cubbuge, per lb ao Kresh Asparagus, por bunch 'Hi0 3 Imiio Ii"s frt mIi 1'iu nley , g I'aiiry ripe Tomatoes, per lb TUo I.Hige Cucumbers, each 7i0 Large Head Lettuce, eai'h So Lare l.ad Kresh Leaf Lettuce..., fa Kresh Heels. Carrot or Turnips, bunch ICj A bunches fresh Onions oo .1 heiuls fresh Celery loo tiuart boxes fancy' Ftrawherriei . . 12',o New Honey, per rack 18'jO ( resh Koasted Peanuts, quart 60 Large, Jutcy Lemons, per dozen 1 5c MASON JAMS FOR YQl'R PINKAI'PLKS pint Mason Jars, with caps and rubbers. per dozen c guart Mason Jars, with caps and rubbers, ler dozen 4fe. Si lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar for $!. DON'T.'. FORGET TRY MYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO ( Beautify Your Lawns With Our Wire and Iron Fences and Trellises lor Vines, Tree Guard t. , lawn Vases. k Tactory 15th h Jaokaon 017 So. 18th fcl llltcli I'osta, Window (iuarda, ClothfH Toata, Chltkeu Fence. II Send for Catalogue. CHAMPION FENCE CO. Cates II 1 Bennett's Big Grocery Itennetfs Hreakfast Coffee. 2 lb. can for ... Henii' ti'a Teas, assorted, pound Henetfs Tea Slftlngs. pound Henneit'a Capitol Pure pepper, can Crackers; large assortment, package Poppy Couuvnsed Mlk- larKe ,t'M" Jell-O 1 Cream Powder, package Nutlet Peanut Putter, two Jara for IManiond Crystal Table Salt, package Walkrra Chill Con Carnl Stollwre. k's Ch .colate, I, pound for Heiineit'a Capitol Maple Syrup. S gallon .. Jap Hlce. 10c uuallty. four pounds for Hlue Horaa Staich. package Htshop'e Kruiiate. plain. Jar .... Hutch Hand Soap, three cakes for K.conomv Clothes Cleaner, bottle Hennett'a Capitol Oats, package .480 and .48c -ami . 16o and . lOo and . lOo and . lOo and . lOo and ,80o and .10c and . lOo and .830 and . 100 and .400 and . 36i and . 86o and lie and 40 irreen staolos 50 green stamps 1 0 green stamps 5 green otampa 10 Kicen stamps 10 green stamps f greell MttUlps 10 green stamps 10 green stamps 5 green stamps 10 green stamps . 60o Quart 3oo 85o 10 green stamps green stamps 10 green stamps 30 green stamps 10 green stamps ' I DT 1 ONION SETS i stamps 10c) BAILEY (El MACH DENTISTS Beat equipped Dental office In the middle el Highest grade Lxsntl.try at Reasonable Prlcea Pom celaJn fllllnga, Juat Ilka U luoth. All Inatrumantai carefully eternised after aaoH patient. TH1HD FliOOK. PAX.TO.M EtOCK. Oonaar 10 tit tad Varaua BU. ' FOR MAY BRIDES . j .. f., t.lrw.u A. rtvein Pn vnur I llvil nt li,n A..M,...H I ( r 1 1 e r I uw ul .'in " iiinnv , . . - - - -, , ..unuuin f-fiieoi or "rtla. Careful, high grade work In thlg line m none by us. WKIUHMJ FKKMKNTH OIK KI'WIAIiTV. U It tomes from Mawhlnney & Kyan Co., It must be) good, ' Fifteenth and Douglas Streets